"Rider". Artistic painting

"Rider". Artistic painting

One of the ingenious artists of the 19th century is Karl Pavlovich Bullelov. His work with a high degree of skill cause admiration due to the riot of paints, a combination of contrasts. Karl Brullov, since 1822, lives in Italy to collect money for the existence of a society for the promotion of artists. Here he created a lot of his creations.

History of creation

Special attention deserves the picture of the artist "Horseman". The canvas was created in 1832 by order of the Countess Yulia Samoilova. It depicts a young girl on horseback on horseback, just returned from a walk. A little girl who observed with an enthusiastic look after his sister ran to the balcony. Today it is known that the artist depicted on the canvas two pupils of the Countess: senior Jovanin and small amalization. The fact that the work was created for the Countess is evidenced by the inscription on the collar of the Samoilov dog.

Picture composition

The painting "Horseman" amazes with its vitality, naturalness. Everything breathes spiritualized in it: the rider who returned from the horse's walk; Little girl enthusiastically looking for what is happening; Heated raven horse; The shaggy dog, which is about to rush under the feet of the horse. The joy of events is present in the picture due to the short parting. But conquers the viewer Other - this is a look of a little girl, her big, full of dreams of the eye. She admires her sister. In her glance, the share of excitement is slipping. But more in it is read on how the girl sees himself on the place of the champs after a while.

Technique execution

The artist uses contrast tones, each of which has been worked out to the smallest detail. Light pink, iscin-black, white shade are combined in the picture harmoniously, there is no place overloaded by the colors. Brullov deliberately chose a combination of incompatible tones. Thanks to the skill of the artist, it turned out a magnificent picture, and dark shades on the background of light colors enhance the total emotional impact on the viewer.

After writing, the picture was presented at the exhibition in Milan in 1832 in the Brera Gallery. All the rest of the schedule Samoilova kept the canvas. When Samoyov was ruined, the picture had to sell. Only in 1893 she was in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Many admired the work, its dynamics and liveliness. Some critics talked about the lack of emotions of the Horseman. Unnaturalness of the posture and tranquility of the girl with such anarchism of the horse looks implausible - so considered critics. Despite this, the picture was recognized as a brilliant masterpiece.

"The Russian painter Karl Brullov wrote a portrait of a real magnitude depicting a girl on a horse and a girl who looks at her. How much I remember, we still have not seen an equestrian portrait, conceived and filled with such art ... This portrait shows us a painter who speaks immediately, and more importantly - a brilliant painter. "

Such and other, not less flattering, the reviews appeared in Italian newspapers in 1832. Interest and admiration of art lovers caused a picture "Horseman. Portrait of Amacilia and Jovanna Pacini, pupils of the Countess Yu. P. Samoilova. "

Now the canvas is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery and still collects spectators. In the artist's plan, the magty of the parade portrait and simplicity, poetic spirituality of the living, direct characters of two heroines were happily connected.

Few know the history of the creation and fate of the work. "Horseman" was written in 1832, when Karl Pavlovich Bullelov lived in Milan, in the north of Italy. A close friend of the artist, the wealthy aristocrat Julia Samoilova ordered the portrait of his pupils to the young master. It was a daughter and young relative of the deceased composer Giuseppe Pacini. Of that very pachini, whose opera "Last Day Pompeii" broke the bullov on the theme of the picture famous in the future. The painter wrote two sisters at the villa near Milan.

In the center of the picture on the hot hill, Jovaanina Pachini is depicted. The horse is hot, but the rider sits straight and proudly, confident. To the left of the young Amazon balcony, which ran out her younger sister, in the depths - shady park.

The overall silhouette of the horse and the horse forms the likeness of the triangle - stable, has long been a favorite form of building a parade portrait. So they solved many compositions Titian, Velasquez, Rubens, Wang Diq. Under the brush brush, the old composite scheme is interpreted in a new way. The artist introduces a child figure in the picture. A little girl, having heard the horse's hitch, rapidly ran to the balcony and stretched her hand through the grille. And delight, and fear for a rider expresses her face. The notch of the living, direct feeling dares the cold magnifier of the portrait, gives him the immediacy and humanity.

The shaggy dog \u200b\u200bdepicted on canvas helps to create the impression that in the picture the space is deployed not only in the depth, but exists before the characters.

The picture was exhibited in Milan, and then it could be seen among other works of art Guests Yu. P. Samoilova. In 1838, he admired the portrait of the famous Russian poet and translator V. A. Zhukovsky.

In the future, traces of the web are lost for a long time. Yu. P. Samoilova left, from Italy moved to Paris and took a portrait of pupils with him. She broke up with him at the very end of life, in 1875. Repin, being in the summer of 1874 in Paris, wrote P. M. Tretyakov that "some Countess Samoilova sells several things to K. P. Bryullov ...". But he did not have time to buy a picture.

The work of the Russian gatherers at the end of the XIX century. The French trader paintings put "Horseman", or "Amazon", as she was also called, at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. In 1893, P. M. Tretyakov acquired it for his famous meeting of Russian painting. Since then, "Horseman" decorates gallery halls.

Today, looking at this work, you understand how the Italian art connoisseur was right, called the young Karl Bryullov ingenious artist only for one portrait. Master boldly combines pink dress of girls, velvety-black wool color hill and white robe robe. Brullov gives a complex harmony of pink-red, bluish-black and white shades. The painter, as if deliberately choosing not coming closer, and contrasting, especially complex in painting, combinations. But each tone is developed by the master virtuoso, in a variety of finest gradations. The picturesque layer is not overloaded anywhere, and it enhances the sound of paint on bright soil. Bryullov achieved special tonal harmony here. Careless, sluggishly written places in the portrait.

When the "Horseman" was created, Carlo Brullov turned thirty-three years. Ahead was triumph "Pompeii", a series of famous portraits of contemporaries, friendship with Pushkin, Glinka. There was a whole life ahead ...

During his stay in Italy Karl Brullov Posted by one of the most mysterious portraits. "Rider" Called many disputes about who actually portrayed the artist is his beloved Countess Y. Samoilov or her pupils of Jovanin and Amacylia.

The little girl ordered his beloved, the Countess Julia Pavlovna Samoilova is one of the most beautiful and rich women in early XIX century. Count Y. Litta - the second husband of her grandmother, Countess E. Skavron, - left her a huge state. Due to the divorce, scandalous reputation and daring behavior in a conversation with Emperor Samoilova had to leave Russia and move to Italy. There she lived on a wide leg, bought villas and palaces, arranged techniques. She had gathered the whole color of Italian society: composers, artists, artists, diplomats. Frequent guests of the Countess were Verdi, Rossini, Bellini, Paper.

For his Villa Samoilova often ordered sculptures and paintings. One of them became a parade portrait made by Bruner. The collection of the Countess used in Italy is very popular: Often connoisseurs of art specially came to Milan for the time to see her collection of paintings and sculptures.

K. Brylov wrote "Horseman" in 1832, at the same time the picture was exhibited at the exhibition in Milan. "Horseman" had a great success in Italy. The newspapers wrote: "The excellent painter this year appeared with a large painting written by oil paints, and exceeded all expectations. The manner, which is filled with this portrait, makes remember the wonderful works of Wang Dequean and Rubens. "

Disagreements about the one who was depicted in the portrait, the artist himself gave rise to himself. Samoylova in 1832 was about 30 years old, and the girl shown in the portrait looks much younger. But it is not similar to the young pupils of the Countess depicted on other portraits of the time, in particular, in the portrait Y. Samoilova with the pupil of Jovanina Pacini and the Arapchonk, created in 1834

40 years old Picture was in the collection of self-signed. Shortly before death, completely waking up, the Countess was forced to sell it. In 1893, the "Horseman" was acquired for the Tretyakov Gallery as a portrait of the Countess Y. Samoilova. For a long time it was believed that it was she depicted in the form of a horse. However, later, art historians still managed to prove that in the picture - not the Countess itself, and her pupils of Jovanin and Amacilia, and what exactly this work is mentioned in the personal records of the artist called "Zhovanin on Horses". In favor of this version, the portrait similarity depicted in other paintings by Yulia Samoilova and its pupils is also served.

Brullov wrote portraits of the Countess Self repeatedly, and in all the paintings it felt his warm attitude towards positive. A. Benua wrote: "Probably, thanks to his special attitude to the depicted person, he managed to express so much fire and passion that when looking at them immediately becomes clear the very satanic charm of his model ...".

Jovanina and Amacilia were the adopted daughters of Samoilova, although they were not officially adolent. There is a version that Jovanin is a niece of the second husband Samoilova, Opera singer Perry, born out of marriage. According to another version, both girls were the daughters of the composer of Pachini. The Countess had no of their children, and she took on the upbringing of Jovanin and Amacylia.

Secrets of the life and death of an ancient city: for which the gods shook Pompeii

Great masterpieces of art always make in themselves great riddles. Even, it would seem that the most ordinary portrait of a famous person, but keeps so many secrets and mysteries, which gives food to reflections to no one generation of art historians. Pictures of the famous Russian artist Karl Bryullov "Horseman" belongs to the number of such cloths.

At first glance, the picture does not represent anything special. By genre is a portrait of a young girl, riding a horse returning from walking, and a little girl enthusiastically meeting a senior sister. The scene unfolds in the estate of the Countess in the vicinity of Milan. The canvas is full of life and joy. The dynamics creates a horse that a young girl barely restrains reins. The cheeks painted it and give the liveliness of the figure. Little girl looks at her with genuine interest. Next jumps from the joy of a shaggy dog. On the collar, it is possible to see the inscription "Samoilova", which in his time misled lovers of art that believes that the portrait of the rider was written from the Countess itself.

However, researchers, comparing the parade portraits of the Countess and the features of the girl's face in the portrait, came to the conclusion that it is still a portrait of a senior pupil, Jovaanina Pachchini. In favor of this fact, he says that in his records, Brullov calls this portrait "Zhovanin on the horse". This canvas was written by an artist for ordering his girlfriend and the beloved Music Countess Yulia Samoilova for her gallery. It is believed that these are portraits of young pupils of Samilova Jovanina and Amacil Pachchini. However, meticulous lovers of art, comparing the features of the girls in this portrait and others, where they are depicted with their receiving mother, came to the conclusion that they differ.

This may seem incredible, but for such an assumption there is grounds. At about the same time, engravings of this painting appeared in Italy and were considered a portrait of one of the most famous and favorite singers of the time of Mary Malibran, who accounted for sister Polina Viardo.

So, what is this mysterious figure, Maria Malibran?

The girl was born in a musical family, which determined her further fate. Her father was a famous Spanish composer, a singer and teacher; Mother, sister and brother sang leading parties on the main opera scenes of Europe. Since six years old, Maria has studied music and singing, the career of the opera singer has become her life. Beautiful, fragile, tender, possessing a magical strong voice, she was a loved one. Speaking on the scene, she alone alone gave art without sorry her own life. Sang as lived. This was subsequently the cause of her tragic death. Maria Malibran died at the age of 28 almost on stage.

Shortly before the tragedy, Maria received serious injuries, falling into a horse: a young woman loved horse riding and different dangerous tricks. After just a few days after the fall, she stood on stage, barely holding his feet from unbearable pain, and sang so desperate and penetrating that the public applauded standing and many times had caused a favorite for the bis. After speaking. As soon as reached the dressing room, Malibran practically fell without feelings and died. This story gave rise to many romantic ballads about the singer who lived with his art and died at the peak of Glory under the applause of the public.

So, if so many vital coincidences, can be the heroine of Bryullov really was an exalted Spanish Prima, the favorite of the public, and the Great Artist retained her image for us.


When you consider the canvas of the great painter of Bhulov, immediately looks at the figure of an excellent horse, which stops the horse. And then only notice the girl who stands on the balcony and does not hide his admiration for the horseman. Dogs who have paid their attention to the horse and nourish him also have great interest, the feeling that all nature drew attention to this bold girl. There are big clouds across the sky, and the trees bend down to be better to see the horseman. Even the rays of the Almighty Sun, and those descended to the ground to see the beauty and audacity of the girl.

The peculiarity of this painting is mainly that the painter wrote a portrait of an ordinary girl in the style of portrait of the great commander. If you pay attention to the silhouette of a girl and horse, you can easily notice a triangle. Previously, Titian, Rubens and other great artists resorted to such a reception. But that the image of the girl does not seem to be warlike, the brings adds a child to the canvas. Little girl heard a hitch hoofs and went to the balcony to look at him. Her face expresses delighted with a beautiful horseman. But you can also see the experience of the young leaning, the girl is surprised that the rider looks so arrogantly when rides on horseback. A small child gives this picture a stability, realistic, the canvas ceases to be magnificent.

Also you should pay attention to the Big Shaggy Psa, which is located closer to the horse. This dog also plays a special role on the canvas. When you look at it, it seems that the picture is written not on the plane, but in three-dimensional space.

Who at least once in life saw this canvas in the Tretyakov Gallery, he immediately seems that it is not a picture at all, but a window to life.

Writing Description Painting Horseman Bryullov

Brouse Carl Pavlovich is one of the most famous artists of the XIX century, the author of many beautiful portraits. The main directions of his grand formation were panoramic fabrics on historical events, and he also had a great interest in small works, in which the masterfully combined the relaxed simplicity and skillful possession of the brush. However, the most revealed Bruges in writing portraits, mainly, a portrait of a luxurious beauties of his century.

One of the most famous feet written by the painter is considered the canvas "Horseman". It was created in 1832 in Italy. In the portrait, the author perfectly conveyed all the beauty of the youth and grace of the young pupil of the Samoylovaya Countess - Jovanina Pachchini.

The contrast reigns throughout the picture - and only a simple running surrounding with his plan, and after some time, visiting all the little things depicted by a truly master of their business.

At first glance, the strength and power of the beautiful black hill is striking and the power of a beautiful black horse. Against the background of his temperament, the innocence of the girl, which he firmly and reliably holds in his saddle, seems even more vulnerable. The girl gracefully stops the rush of the horse to the jerk, inhibits the fire and the pressure of its temperament.

She meets a little girl on the balcony, the same sweet, with curls on the head and in an elegant bright platish. Mastery in managing a capricious animal is surprised by the baby, and he inspires a sense of respect for the elder friend.
A small dog at the legs of the stallion fiercely barks on him. The strength and pressure of the picture also gives the state of the weather - the approach of thunderstorm is felt, and even a storm.

Amazes an unusual combination of colors in the portrait created by the Pullet. The author combines red shades with brown, almost black colors - with gentle blue and almost white. Such combinations affected the perception of this picture - its strength and tenderness.

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