Beautiful Ingush boys names. What do Chechen names mean: interpretation and history of origin

Beautiful Ingush boys names. What do Chechen names mean: interpretation and history of origin
Beautiful Ingush boys names. What do Chechen names mean: interpretation and history of origin

b) the most popular women's names today:

c) "Full" dictionary of modern Chechen names:seven thousand names and options

2,200 male names (along with options 4700), 1200 women's names (with options 2500)

Most significant books and scientific publications about Chechen names:

1) The mystery of names. Vainakhi, Arabs and Islam (Bagaev M.Kh.)

// The book with this title was written in 1994 and in the same year came out with a small circulation. Only a few copies came to this day. In 2015. chief Editor popular magazine "Nana" Lula Zhumalaeva decided to publish on the pages of the journal (in printed and electronic version, No. 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / 2015) Abbreviated version of the book.

2) The history of Chechnya in a mirror reflection of its own names (Ibrahimov K.Kh.)

3) Arabic names in Chechen language (Almurzayev P.Kh.)// Article "Name-Arabisms in Chechen language" published in the magazine "Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. Tambov, Publishing House" Gramota ", 2016, No. 9 (63), Part 2, p. 63-66, ISSN 1997-2911 // Author of the article - Deputy. Dean of the Faculty foreign languages Chechen state University, Candidate philological Sciences, Associate Professor Almurzaeva Petimat Halidovna.

Names eastern Origin. Etymology (Bibulatov N.S.)// We offer your excerpt from the book " Chechen names", published in 1991. Author of this book Candidate of Philological Sciences Bibulatov Nurdin Sipudinovich. In it you will find nearly 40 names, popular among the peoples professing Islam.

4) Gender Research in Chechen Linguistics(Bahaeva L.M.)

// Article Published in the journal "Vestnik Stavropol State University: Philological Sciences. - 2007. - № 53, p. 111-117). On this site it is placed in abbreviated form (only part I and IV). Author Bahaeva Leila Muharbekovna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian and Chechen language of the Grozny State Oil Institute.

5) Reflection of anthroponymics in the life of the Chechen people(from the dissertation of TM Shavlaeva)

// Shavlaeva Tamara Magamedovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies of the Chechen State. University, Candidate historical sciences // Several fragments from her doctoral dissertation are given on the topic: "From the history of cultural development economic activity Chechen people (XIX-early XX centuries). " Specialty 07.00.07 Ethnography, Ethnology, Anthropology, 2017

6) Chechen and Ingush national traditions Names of names(Hasbulatova Z.I.)

// Hasbulatova Zulay Imranovna - Professor of Chechen State University, leading researcher Department of Ethnology Institute of Humanitarian Studies An Chechen Republic // Here are a few passages from her doctoral dissertation: " Traditional culture Raising children from Chechens (XIX - early XX century). " Specialty 07.00.07 - Ethnography, Ethnology, Anthropology, 2015

7) Large actual material According to the original Chechen names and surnames concentrated in the monograph "Chechens in the Mirror of Tsarist Statistics (1860-1900)". // Her author of Ibrahimova Zarema Hasanovna. The book was published in 2000, reissued in 2006, Moscow, "Space" publishing house, 244 pp., ISBN 5-98604-066. .

Selection of original Chechen names you will also find in the book "Chechen weapon" // The author of Isabov, PDF, 66 pp. // on page 49-57 shows the names of Chechen masters-gunsmiths of the XVIII-XX centuries, and on page 15-16 it is said about the names of the bouten steel, which became male names (Hazbolat, Jambolat et al.)

8) Structural grammatical types of personal names Iepon Foundation Chechen Language

// Article "Structural and grammatical types of personal names of the original Fund of the Chechen language", published in the journal Bulletin Institute for the Education of the Chechen Republic, issued. 7, 2009, Grozny// Author Aldeyev Zura Abueyevna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language of the Chechen State Pedagogical University.

9) Section "Names of nuclear languages: Chechen and Ingush names" (p. 364-382) in the "Directory of Personal Names of the Peoples of the RSFSR"// Ed. A.V. Superanskaya, Moscow, Russian language publishing house, 1987, first edition, 1979, authors of the section Y.D. Davayev and H. Oshaev, based on the materials of the Chechen-Ingush Research Institute).

10) Collection "Common dictionary of personal names of the peoples of the North Caucasus." Moscow, Publisher "Science" / "Flinta", 2012// The author of the project and the head of the author's team of Rosa Yusufovna Namitokova, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Adygei State. University. // The largest interest is submitted to us. "Wainki: Ingush and Chechen names" (p. 133-157) as well section "Personal names of the eastern origin of the peoples of the North Caucasus"(p. 399-484). Book whole -.

11) Self large collection Chechen personal names - 5000 names and options gathered Bibulatov Nurdin Sipudinovich (Philologist, grammar specialist and anthroponymics of the Chechen language). The book "Chechen names" It was completed by him in 1990, and the next year was printed. For quite understandable reasons, studied copies reached our days. Today it is possible to get acquainted with the book only here on the "Thousand Naming" site. We only have in mind that many of the names are "outdated" and today practically do not meet. To read a book.

Be sure to go to the "Muslim Names" section of this site - you will find a lot of useful information.

Everything chechen namesAccording to them history of origincan be divided into three main groups.

Folk Chechen names.
The most ancient of them are invalidly Chechen names arising from the beliefs, traditions and ideas of the Chechen people. They are easily pronounced and differ in that they usually consist of one or two syllables. Value These chechen names Reflects the connection of the Chechen people with nature, a subtle perception of the surrounding world. Most of them are formed from animal names, birds and plants. In male names, masculinity is most often emphasized, the speed of the reaction, the power - Borz (Wolf), Bula (bison), Cha (Bear), cash (boar), a baby (eagle), McChal (Korshun). Women's names are associated with names beautiful plants and animals, precious metals - Lou (roe), Zezag (flower), KeMSa (grapes), Bigland (diamond), Zhovhar (pearls).

Borrowed names.
The names of the Turkic, Arab and Persian origin constitute the largest group of Chechen names. In XIV - XVIII centuries In the go there were names borrowed from turkic languages - Albek, Ahmatkhan, Mansur, Raslabek, Hasbulat. From the middle XIX century The influence of Islam in Chechnya has become so strong that muslim names With Arabic and Persian roots, they took a major situation in the Chechen named. Basically, these are the names of the prophets and caliphs - Ibrahim, Muhammad, Magomed, Ismail, Suleiman, Ali, Osman, Umar. Many parents began to seek boys chechen names S. religious meaning - Abdurrahman (Slav Milostic), Abdumalik (Slave of Lord), Saifulla (Sword of Allah), Shamsuddin (Sun faith).

Among women's names, melodic Arabic names are firmly strengthened, emphasizing the beauty and virtues of Chechen women - Malia (Angel), Yasmin (Jasmine), Azaza (dear), Zuhra (flower), Camila (perfection). And, of course, the names from the Quran are traditionally popular with all Muslim peoples - Maryam, Zulech, Aisha, Zeynab, Madina.

The names of modern Chechens.
Nowadays, the vast majority of Chechens in choosing a name for a child are trying to adhere to established traditions. 90% of modern Chechen names have Arabic origins. At the same time, the borrowed Russian and Western names will sometimes "penetrate" the Chechen names, are mostly female. Some of them are even brief form Names - Lisa, Sasha, Zhenya, Raisa, Tamara, Rosa, Louise, Zhanna.

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At birth, a person acquires what remains with him for life - a name. Loving parents, choosing him with their child, take into account many factors: nationality, traditions, personal preference, tribute to relatives, meaning, birth time. In this article, we will consider the most common men's Chechen names.

List and their meaning

The Chechen people are particularly reverent about how to call a newborn, especially the boy. Each name for this nation has any meaning, mainly it is associated with the culture of the people and religious affiliation or means human qualities.

Chechen male names They are distinguished by the beauty and grace of sound.

They are simple in pronunciation, diverse, some are pretty exotic. There are several dialects in the residents of the Chechen Republic, so the same name most often has different variants Pronunciations.

Below is a list of the most popular and modern Chechen names for men:

  • Abduurrakd - the driver of the guide on true Path;
  • Abbas - Lion, sullen;
  • Abu - Father;
  • Akram is very generous;
  • Ali - senior, sublime, proud;
  • Alchazore - Eagle, prone to movement;
  • Amir - Prince, Ruler;
  • Arza is a desire, desire;
  • Askhab - friendly;
  • Ahmat - one who is worthy of praise;
  • Anzor is the most responsible;
  • Bashir is the one who brings joy;
  • Beckhan - Chapter, Prince;
  • Bishr - delight, fun;
  • Borz - Wolf;
  • Bulat - Steel;
  • Vadud - Bogolyubets;
  • Valid - descendant;
  • Daud - elected, beloved (comes on behalf of David, the Prophet of the True God);
  • Denis is the god of wine;
  • Jabrail - approached God;
  • Jamal - perfect;
  • Zaman - reliable;
  • Zahid is a modest, progressive;
  • Zelimkhan is a long-lived;
  • Zukhair - shine;
  • Ibrahim - ancestor;
  • Idris - dedicated to God;
  • Izaddin - the strength of belief;
  • Icram - awe, honors;
  • Ismail - let the true God hear;
  • ISHAK - laughing (derived from the name of Isaac);
  • Issan is sincere serving God;
  • Cura - Falcon;
  • Magomed - praising;
  • Majid - the Great, noble;
  • Malik - King;
  • Mansur - the one who grants victory;
  • Murad - hardworking;
  • Musa - taken from the water;
  • Mustafa is the best, reliable;
  • Mukhsin - loving goodworthy;
  • Nazir - watching;
  • Nochcho - Chechen;
  • Ovwur - Lamb;
  • Olkhazar - Bird;
  • Rajab - Seventh Month in Muslim Calendar;
  • Ramazan is a sacred month of fasting Muslims (ninth calendar);
  • Rahman is sympathetic, compassionate;
  • Rahim is kind;
  • Rashid - the one who goes right way (one who does not turn);
  • Ruslan - from the word "Arslan" - Lion;
  • Said - Failure;
  • Salman - peaceful, friendly;
  • Sultan - dominant;
  • Tagir - immaculate;
  • Umar - living;
  • Hamid - the famous God;
  • Haris - Worker;
  • Sharif - disinterested, selfless;
  • Emin - fast, smart;
  • Yunus - Pigeon;
  • Yusup - sublime;
  • Yakub - pursuing, annoying.

Detailed analysis of the name Ramazan

Male name Ramazan (in the Arabic pronunciation - Ramadan) comes from the name of one of the Muslim months, the ninth in a row, in which orthodox Muslims celebrate sacred post. At this time, believers limit themselves in food, refuse intimate intimacyand also exclude all sorts of bad habits And sinful inclinations.

The name Ramazan is considered the most common male Chechen name. It has several values \u200b\u200b- "hot", "dusty", "hot", "crewing", which brightly describes the features of the month itself. In more early century The Chechen people had the custom of calling babies by this name, if they were born a month Ramadan.

It was considered a great responsibility to give the boys such a name, as it in itself was estimated as sacred.

Psychotype by name

As it is believed, people who bear the name Ramazan are distinguished by the abilities of character and independence. Already in childhood, the boys show pronouncedity, curiosity, leadership.

Men with this name - romantic nature. Thanks to his love, Ramazan can be a gallant worker. But, despite the great popularity among female, for marriage, such a type of man relates to all seriousness.

Family for any Chechen man is holy. In his house there is always order, cleanliness. Perhaps he is unnecessarily demanding to his relatives, but fair. Attitude towards children is trembling, sometimes the Father is shown increased attention To his kids, which speaks of his hot love.

Ramazan is a very welcoming owner, thanks to this quality, his house is always full of guests. As caring I. loving husband Ramazan creates ideal conditions for its second half. Although jealousy, the inalienable quality of this type of men can spoil the family idyll. In spite of everything, the support of family members is very important for Ramadan. Only in a caring family, like any other person, he feels necessary.

Many successful businessmen and politicians are the name of Ramazan. This indicates the features of this type of personality. Diligence and the desire to achieve more help Ramazan to achieve considerable success in their career. They can be attributed to the mathematical warehouse of the mind and the ability to calculate some situations in advance. Increased sense of responsibility, restraint in emotions, patience also helps to quickly move on the service staircase.

Ramazan always seeks to be ahead of all. They are trying to equal to those surrounding than in the end he acquires universal respect. Often, these qualities help Ramazan to become well known in the sports field.

Name and hidden talents

Speaking about a number of excellent qualities of the owners of Ramazan, we must not forget that everything is not so unequivocally. Each name implies hidden talents, active potential. Understanding personal motivation will help to strive for the future that corresponds to mental state.

The carrier of Ramazan will be able to show himself in affairs related to the salvation of people. The desire to bring considerable benefits to people will ram Ramazan for the development of professions such as a surgeon, pediatrician, psychotherapist, teacher. Sacrifice to their forces and means will help to awaken the organizational abilities, thanks to which the creation of charitable foundations is possible.

In addition, the owner of an excellent name can invest in the construction of schools, hospitals, boarding schools and nursing homes or use other ways to use money to help people need.

Vintage Chechen names

Chechen names came to us from a long time. Mixing cultures, religions made it possible for many centuries to enrich their list. Some were borrowed from Persian or arabicSome of the Russian.

Name of everyone's name. Some of them denoted animal world, any wishes or human qualities. There were also such that included the names of countries or nationalities, luxury or precious metals.

Unfortunately, over time, many names are already subsidized, retreat in the past and are not used in modern world. Nevertheless, in some villages, occasionally you can still meet people wearing vintage male names.

Names that occurred from the name of wild animals and birds:

  • Kuyra - Hawk;
  • Bream - Falcon;
  • Bulb - bison;
  • Cha - Bear;
  • Wear - denotes the power of the beast.

Nickname names characterizing a person:

  • Kig - Crow;
  • Alkhantcha - Skzorets;
  • Zingat - like ants;
  • Cesis is a little taddastic.

There are Chechen names for boys who sound like a request.

Children wearing them were born in poor families, where there were high mortality among newborns:

  • Waha, Vakhyta - let him live;
  • Dukhavaha - Live for a long time;
  • Viziaite - Stay to live.

The names that were formed during the introduction of Islam denoted the names of the eastern prophets, their associates:

  • Abdullah - the slave of Allah or the Most High;
  • Abdurrahman - the slave of benefactor;
  • Jabrail - Archangel.

Several vintage names of residents of Aules, popular few centuries ago:

  • Algurg;
  • Aydimir;
  • Bul;
  • Gagai;
  • Missarkhan;
  • Navzak;
  • OSMA;
  • Saadula;
  • Savnak;
  • Ullubi.

The men's names of the Chechen people are undoubtedly the historical heritage.

Unfortunately, many of them are undeservedly indulge in oblivion. Nevertheless, there are a lot of harmonious Chechen men's names, which with honor reflect the traditions of the beautiful nation.

Chechen men's names: a list of modern beautiful names for boys and their meanings

The name is the first, the main event in the life of a newborn baby. Many people believed and believe that the name plays an unimportant role in the fate of a person. Therefore, Chechens, like many representatives of other nationalities, belonged to this event with great seriousness and attention. But the times pass, and the legacy is lost, as well as many traditions of Islam's concept. Nowadays, the name is sometimes the only sign that we can assume what confession and sometimes the nationality is one or another person.
Names are the historical heritage of the people. Unfortunately, many original Chechen names are not forgotten, go into the past. Names carry part of the history, culture, faith of their people.

Name classifications by origin

Some traditional Chechen names that arose on the basis of his original lexical fund, reflect the attitude towards the surrounding life. There are also specific names associated with plant and animal worlds or being attributed by the names. There are still names borrowed from other languages.

The next part of the names today is the most common, these are the names of Eastern Origin. They were rooted on the territory of the Chechen people for the most part during the spread of Islam. Basically, these are the names of the prophets and envoys, the Prophet Muhammad. His companions, disciples, followers. Also, on the basis of many Hadiths, we learn that best names - consisting of the prefix "ADD" - slave and one of the epithets of Allah. For example, Abdullah - the slave of Allah, Abduurrahman - the slave of merciful.

The most common names.

Modern Chechen names include as invariating Chechen anthroponyms and borrowed from Persian, Arab and Russian languages. Original names are often indicated by birds and animals: a sin ("falcon"), Kokha ("Pigeon"), Kuir ("Hawk"), Tskhogal ("Lisa"), Cha ("Bear").

But more often in them reflected a specific verb form: Waha - "Livi", Yahide - "Let Love Live." There are often beautiful Chechen names formed from communion and adjectives: Dick - "good." These anthroponyms reflect the attitude of people to life, a vegetable and animal world: Zelimzan ("Healthy, Real"), Lu ("Kosil"), Maersolt ("Brave"), Nohcho ("Chechen"), Suli (Dagestana). Such names today are not as popular as borrowed from the neighbors.

Names borrowed from other crops

A lot of Chechen names were borrowed from Arabic and Persian languages: Ali, Umar, Yakub, Magomed, Ahmat, ShamSuddin, Saifulla, Mukhsin, Incen, Zaman - common Chechen names for men. And female: Jamil, Zuhra, Maimuna, Nazira, Savda, Leila, Amanat, Rebait, Safia, Fazil, Khalima, Yasmin. Names can also be composite in which such elements such as "Beck" or Soltan are joined to the main part. This part can stand at the beginning or at the end.

Many Chechen women's names were borrowed from Russian: Lisa, Raua, Rosa, Louise, Zinaida, Jeanne, Tamara, Dasha and others. Often as the official write the smallest form of the name. For example, Sasha or Zhenya, which is quite common in the mountain peoples.

Depending on which dialect, Chechnya residents say, pronunciation varies and even writing the same name: Ahimad - Akhmat, Yunus - Junas, Abyazid - Abuazit.

IN lately Highlanders are becoming increasingly popular with the names of Arabic origin.

Factors of the formation of Chechen names

Ordinal nuclear names reflect the attitude towards the surrounding life. The Chechen language presents a certain number of personal names that have arisen on the basis of its original lexical fund. These names are very specific and associated with Flora and fauna and attribute names. Orphonic names are the most ancient layer in Chechen anthroponymics, are the property of Chechen language and rarely penetrate into other languages.
A significant reflection in personal Chechen names receives the animal world:

Bohor (caring) - goat;

Bula (Bul) - bison;

Borz (Borz) - Wolf;

Ovwur - lamb of winter livestock;

Other types of predatory animals are used as nicknames, reflecting one or another line of man:

Cha - Bear;

Piil - Elephant;

Cash - boar;

Wear - emphasizes strength;

Tskhogal - Fox, stresses trick, flattery, pleasing;

Dhaka - Mouse, emphasizes the ability to visit everywhere and avoid trouble;

Tsizign - Cat;

Lou (Lou) - Koslya;

Sai - deer, emphasizes the grace, beauty, graziness;

Often the names of domestic and wild birds are found in Chechen names:

Khokha - dove;

MOMA (Moom) - Partridge;

Khovka - Grac;

Kuyra - Hawk;

Durgali - Bellorchy Streach;

McChal - Korshun;

Olkhazar - Bird;

Hyoz - Sparrow;

Bream - Falcon;

Ayrza - Eagle;

As name-nicknames expressing evaluation characteristics, the following bird names are used:

cats (cats) - chicken;

bad duck;

kig - Crow;

atiokh - Udod;

alkhantcha - Skzorets;

The names of the nicknames use the names of insects and reptiles:

Chukrk - Mosquito;

Mosa - Muha;

Zingat - ant;

Cesse - Golovastic;

Canypzalg - Grasshopper;

Education of personal names from the names vegetable world The usual phenomenon in each language:

Zhol - small shrub;

Dushta (Duushto) - ash;

Zezag - Flowers;

ZAZ - bloom;

Datt - Rowan;

There are in Chechen language and names formed from names precious metals and stones:

Deshi - gold;

Children - silver;

Bigland - diamond;

Jovhar - Pearls;

Mokhaz - flint;

In Chechen language, there are also names reflecting the phenomena of nature, cosmic bodies:

March - cloud, cloud;

Seda (Sied) - Star;

Batt - Moon;

Maglh - Ayzny - Sunny Beauty;

Camet - Camet;

Kilba - South;

In Chechen anthroponimik, the names-spells formed from verbs occupy a great place. Male names:

Waha - Live;

Dukhavaha - long live;

Vakhide - let him live;

Visa - Stay;

Vizia - let it remain;

Women's names:

Yakha - alive;

Yahuta - let him live;

Yisa - Stay;

Such names were given in families where children did not survive. Heavy economic situationThe need and hunger led to high child mortality. And then the desperate mountainous family appealed to spell names. When girls in the family were born a lot, they gave the names-spells:

Satita, Tita is enough, let him stop;

Chechens gave the name great value. The name treated carefully. Chechens say that "the name is the glory of a strong one, the name is a shame and the misfortune of weak."

There are names for adjectives in Chechen language:

Dick - good;

Masa is a quick frisky, Mayra, Myrbek;

MAYSOLT - brave (Beck);

Sartarbi - greedy;
Haza is beautiful, (hazabic);

Kurbika - proud (beak);

More about naughty names

The semantics of many names on the material of nasty languages \u200b\u200bis incomprehensible today. Unfortunately, many original and traditionally nuclear names are not forgotten, go into the past. Yes, life changes and, reflecting these changes, change the names, not just the words used as names, but what was meant under these names. Many in the Chechen language borrowed names from other languages. It is believed that among the peoples of Islam adopted, mostly Arabic names are distributed. This is not entirely true. In fact, these peoples have survived several tens of names who wore Arabs in the first century after the adoption of Islam. Of the actual Arabic names, only those who were in one way or another were associated with the name of the Prophet Mohammad, and bless him Allah and welcomes. And the names of his associates and students.

Many names that are worn by Chechens are oriental names, there are names borrowed from the Russian language and through it from other languages. Consider these etymology of some names:

Lyla (Laila) - the name means Lily.

Malik-value name - owning, ruling.

Malika-value name - Queen.

Mansur-value name - victorious.

Muhammad (Mokhmad, Makhmud, Mukhammad) - the meaning of the name is glorious, nice.

Chechen names include various optionswho came to this region together with cultural influence different sides. Below will briefly discuss this process and give a list of the most characteristic for of this region Names.

Chechen names and surnames: composition

The entire variety of Chechen names is mainly of the original Chechen options, which remained with even additional associated time, abundantly diluted with Arabic and Persian borrowings, brought together with the arabization of the culture and the spread of Islam. In addition, the republic is also present, albeit noticeably smaller quantities, names from other traditions, introduced mainly through the influence of the Russian neighborhood.

Origin of names

A large number of names in Chechnya comes from the names of animals and birds. Names Men's Chechen traditions often issue predators. For example, Borz means "Wolf". Kuyra is the name of the hawk, but the name of the word correlates with the falcon. In addition, verbs in various inclinations can be used to form a name. It can be both female names and men's names.

Chechen traditions of the Child Call are generally pretty flexible - they use adjectives, communion and other parts of speech, as well as various verbal structures. But most of the names that Chechens use today is still not their original heritage, but introduced together with new religion. Thus, being Muslims, they most often resort to the Arabic and Persian variants than to their native, original.

Of particular popularity of Chechens, as, probably, all Muslims have such options like Ali, Ahmed, Magomed, Umar and others. Men's Chechen names, therefore, have their own support in the Quran and Islamic history. It is not customary to call a child with non-Muslim variants in this traditional conservative society. Names Men's Chechen can also be composite, which reflects the local, Gorsky flavor. For example, the elements "Beck", Soltan and some others are added to many names.

As for the Russian language, he enriched Chechen lexicon with such options for name, as Raisa, Louise, Rosa and some other, mainly female names. Especially often, Russian options are found in official documents, and in decreasing and abbreviated versions. For example, it is often possible to meet the name of Zhenya or Sasha on the pages of business papers. But usually they still have Chechen names and surnames. Male and women's options for Chechens always have an emphasis on the first syllable. This, as well as the features of local pronunciation, sometimes modify ingenic names, so to speak, nationalizing them. For example, the names of men's Chechen are often pronounced with the replacement of "y" on "A" and "D" on "T".

Chechen men's names and their meanings

  • Ruslan. This is an ancient Turkic name, which means lion.
  • Shamil. This option You can translate into Russian the word "inclusive".
  • Abu. Very popular in Islam name belonging to one of the associates Mohammed.
  • Rashid. This name speaks of consciousness and prudence of his carrier. At least in theory.
  • Said. Arab name meaning "happy."
  • Hasan. Highly popular name Among the followers of Mohammed. It means "kind", "good."
  • Ibrahim. This is an Arabity form of the Head of the Prophet Abraham. Translated into Russian as a "father of many nations".
  • Hamid. So called a person worthy of praise. Another meaning is the praising (in the sense of God).
  • Murat. Translated as "desired goal" or " cepete dream" Comes from Arabic.
  • Isa. The same as Jesus. From ancient Hebrew translates most often as "Help Yahweh."
  • Denis. Strangely preserved among the Chechens name belonging to ancient Greece God of wine Dionysus.
  • Mustafa. From the Arabic language, this name is translated as "elected."
  • Mousse. The same as Moses. Literally from the Hebrew means "taken from the water."
  • Rahman. Beautiful arab name. The meaning of it is close to the Russian word "mercy". That is, it will mean a merciful person.
  • Mansour. From Arabic, this name is translated as "the one who is protected" or simply "protected".
  • Umar. Tatar name. Means "life".
  • Suleiman. The name that seems to say is that you are a person who lives in health and well-being that flourishes.
  • Ramazan. The name given in honor of the sacred month of the Arab calendar.


There are many other names common in Chechnya. But the options presented here are the most common in the medium of modern residents of the republic.