Good literary characters. Favorite literary characters of our contemporaries

Good literary characters. Favorite literary characters of our contemporaries
Good literary characters. Favorite literary characters of our contemporaries

Each book, which became a masterpiece, has its heroes (bad and good). Today we want to talk about characters who even after 100 years remain relevant and famous. Many of these books were shielded, in this many heroes sometimes we learn from movies. Let's start from Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes

The literary character created by Arthur Conan Doyle. His works devoted to the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the famous London private detective, are considered classic detective genre. The prototype of Holmes is the doctor Joseph Bell, the colleague Conan Doyle, who worked in the Edinburgh Royal Hospital and famous for small detail Guess the nature and past of man.

The first work about the famous detective, the story "Etude in bagric Tones"Arthur Conan Doyle is written in 1887. The last collection, "Archive of Sherlock Holmes", published in 1927. By the formation of Sherlock Holmes, apparently, biochemist. At the time of dating Watson worked as a laboratory assistant in one of London hospitals.

Hercule Poirot

Literary character of the famous English writer Agatha Christie, Belgian detective, the main character 33 Romanov, 54 stories and 1 plays written between 1920 and 1975, and films, television serials, theater and radio stations.

Poiro - Belgian emigrant, a former policeman. Poiro himself in the book "The tragedy in three acts" says that "... In his youth, I was poor and had many brothers and sisters ... For some time I worked in the police in Belgium ... The war began, I was wounded ... I was sent to England for treatment, Where I stayed ... "

Robin the Hood

Popular hero of medieval English folk ballad, noble leader of forest robbers. According to legend, acted with his whip in the Sherwood Forest near Nottingham - robbed rich, giving extracted to the poor.

The personality of the prototype of these ballads and legends is not installed. Presumably, he lived at the beginning of the XIV century, during the reign of King Eduard II. However, the most popular artistic version of Walter Scott is most popular, according to which Robin lived in the second half of the XII century (that is, there was a contemporary of Richard Lion's heart and John the landless). In favor of the first version and against the version of Scott, a number of historical details say: so, the archery competitions began to be held in England no earlier than the XIII century.

E Rast Fandorin

Hero of a series of historical detectives russian writer Boris Akunin "The Adventures of Erast Fandorin". In this series, the writer set himself a task to write one detective different styles: Conspirological detective, spy detective, guinea detective, ethnographic detective, etc.

The reviewers expressed the opinion that the name Fandorin is allusia on the journalist Germa Fandor, the hero of a series of detective novels french writers Marseille Allen and Pierre Suventra about Fantômas (1911-1913) and French film chirodics of the 1960s, filmed based on these novels.

EAST PETROVICH FANDORIN Born 8 (20) January 1856 in the old nobility family. Boy's mother died during childbirth. Therefore, either from the annoyance, or in a mockery over bitter fate, father, Peter Isaakievich, mourning his wife Elizabeth, called the boy airstrike.

To Issisar Megre

Commissaire Jules Maigret.

Commissioner Jules Megre - the hero of the popular series of detective novels and the stories of George Siemeon, a wise policeman.

Jules Joseph Anselm Megre was born in 1884 in the village of Saint-Fi-Fiakre under Mantignon in the family of the estate of Count Saint-Fihacra. His childhood and youth passed there. Siemenion repeatedly mentions the peasant roots of Megre. The mother of the Commissioner died in childbirth. When he was 8 years old, he spent several months in a lyceum, where he had very hard, and, in the end, his father sent him to his sister, which was married to the aback in Nante. Having arrived in Paris, Megre began to study the doctor, but for a number of reasons and circumstances left student and decided to go to the police.

Megre his talent and perseverance was served from the ordinary inspector to the position of the Divisional Commissioner, the head of the brigade to investigate especially grave crimes.

Megre is impossible to imagine without a smoking tube, they have them a whole collection.

S orro.

Fictional character, variation on Robin Hood, "Hero in Mask", which comes to the aid of the disadvantaged residents of New Spain. Initially, Zorro was a character of Johnston McCally adventure books.

Initially, Zorro was a character of Johnston McCally adventure books. For the first time appeared in the story "Curse of Caparkano", published in 1919. According to one of the versions, when creating the image McCally, it was repeated from the stories about some William Lamport. The next year, the first film about the fox, "Sign Zorro", with Douglas Fairbanks in leading role. Subsequently, a lot of films were shot about Zorro both in America and beyond.

T Arzan

A fictional character created by the writer Edgar Rice Burrowz and first appeared in the book "Tarzan, Prachsam Monkey." The magazine publication of the novel took place in 1912, in 1914 he came out with a separate book, followed by twenty-three sequel. Tarzan is called the most recognizable literary character in the world. Besides huge number Books written by the Berrouz himself and other authors, the character also appeared in many films, television gears, on radio, comics and parodies.

D Rakula

Vampire, the title character and the main antagonist of the Roman Bram Stoker "Dracula". As an archetypic vampire, Dracula appeared in a variety of works mass culture, not even directly related to the novel by Bram Stoker.

B wound soldier Sew

Satyric character invented by the Czech writer Yaroslav Gashekom; The protagonist of the unfinished novel "Adventures of the Brave Soldier Schweik during World War", written in 1921-1923, a cycle of 5 stories "Brave soldier Schweik. Fascinating the adventures of the honest servants "and the story" Brave Soldier Shvekek in captivity. "

According to the literary critic S. V. Nikolsky prototypes of the brave soldier, Schwejka was two people with whom he was familiar to Hashek: Efreitor Josef Schweik and Frantishek Strashlipka - Rodner of the real lieutenant Lukas, the Rotta commander of Gashek during the First World War.


Fictional character, superhero, comic character DC Comics publishing house, first appeared in Detective Comics No. 27 in May 1939. Along with Superman, Batman is one of the most popular and famous heroes comics. It was created by the artist Bob Kane in co-authorship with the writer Bill Finger. Until recently, Bob Kane was considered the chief creator of the character, but after many studies, in 2015 the authorship was transferred to Bill Finger, since the current contribution of Kane into the creation of the hero was very insignificant.

Tom Sawyer

One of the main characters of the novels Mark Tweed: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Tom Sawyer abroad" and "Tom Sawyer is a detective"; Also the character of the novel "Adventures Geclberry Finn". Tom Sawyer is present at least in three more unfinished works by Mark Twain - "on a school hill", "Conspiracy of Tom Sawyer" and "Gek and Tom among the Indians."

The name of the fictional character could be taken from real man By behalf of Tom Sawyer, with whom Twain met in San Francisco, California, where Mark Twain worked as a San Francisco Call reporter. Mark Twain reports in the preface that the character of the character was written off from three boys with whom he was familiar in childhood.

Literary heroes are usually the artistic fiction of the author. But some of them still have real prototypes who lived during the author times, or famous historical personality. We will tell you who were these unfamiliar in a wide circle Figure readers.

1. Sherlock Holmes.

Even the author himself admitted that Sherlock Holmes has a lot general damn With his mentor Joe Bella. On the pages of autobiography, it was possible to read that the writer often recalled his teacher, spoke of his Orlin profile, an inquisitive mind and amazing intuition. According to him, the doctor could turn any business into an accurate systematized scientific discipline.

Often Dr. Bell enjoyed deductive methods of inquiry. Only in one type of man, he could tell about his habits, about the biography and even sometimes put the diagnosis. After the release of the novel Conan Doyle He kept the correspondence with the "prototype" of Holmes, and he told him that it would be possible that his career would have formed, choose him another way.

2. James Bond

Literary story James Bond began with a series of books that were written by the explosion of Jan Fleming. The first book of the series - "Casino Royal" - went into circulation in 1953, a few years after Fleming was asked to follow Mercenary from the German service to English intelligence Prince Bernard. After a long mutual suspicion, exponents began good friends. Bond adopted from Prince Bernard to order "Vodka Martini", while adding legendary "shake, and not stir."

3. Ostap Bender

The person who became a prototype of the great combinator from "12 chairs" Ilf and Petrov in its 80 years also worked as a conductor on railway In the train in Moscow-Tashkent. Neborn Ostap Shore from delicate nails was inclined to adventures. He appeared by the artist, then the grandmaster of chess and even performed as a member of one of the anti-Soviet parties.

Just because of its non-real fancy, Ostama Shore managed to return from Moscow to Odessa, where he served in the criminal wanted list and led the fight against local banditry. It is probably from here and the respectful attitude of the Osta Bender to the Criminal Code.

4. Professor Preobrazhensky

At Professor Preobrazhensky from the famous Bulgakovsky novel " Dog heart"I was too real prototype - French surgeon of Russian origin Samuel Abramovich Voronov. This man at the beginning of the 20th century produced a real extension in Europe, transplanting the glands of monkeys to a person to rejuvenate the body. The first operations effect demonstrated simply striking: the elderly patients had a resumption of sexual life, improving memory and vision, ease of movement, and children lagging behind in mental development acquired the liveliness of the mind.

Treatment in Voronov passed thousands of people, and the doctor opened his own monkey nursery in the French Riviera. But a very little time passed patients a wonderful doctor began to feel worse. Rumors appeared that the result of treatment is only self-sustaining, and Voronov called charlatan.

5. Peter Pen

The boy with the beautiful Fae Din-Din Mira and James Barry himself - the author of the written work presented Cet Davis (Artur and Silvia). Michael is one of their sons with the prototype for Peter Foam. Fabulous hero Received from the real boy not only age and character, but also nightmares. And the Roman himself is a dedication to the author's brother - David, who died over the day before his 14th anniversary during skating.

6. Dorian Gray

An annoying, but the protagonist of the novel "The portrait of Dorian Gray" significantly spoiled his life original reputation. John Gray, who in the youth was a protege and a close friend of Oscar Wilde, was beautiful, durable and possessed the appearance of a 15-year-old boy. But they happy Union An end came when they became known to journalists about their connection. The angry Gray appealed to the court, achieved apologies from the editorial office of the newspaper, but after that his friendship with Wilder ended. Soon, John Gray met Andre Raffalovich - a poet and a leaving from Russia. They accepted Catholicism, and after a while Gray became a priest in the Church of St. Patrick in Edinburgh.

7. Alice

The history of Alice in Wonderland began on Lewis Carolla's Day with the daughters of the Rector of Oxford University Henry Lodella, including Alice Lodelle. Carrolol invented the story on the go at the request of children, but in the next time I did not forget about it, but began to compose a continuation. Two years later, the author presented Alice a manuscript, consisting of four chapters, to which the photograph of Alice himself was attached at a seven-year-old. He was entitled "Christmas gift to an expensive girl in memory of the summer day."

8. Karabas Barabas

As you know, Alexey Tolstoy, planned only to set out "Pinocchio" Carlo Collodio by the Russian language, and it turned out that he wrote independent storyin which analogies are clearly conducted with the cultural figures of the time. Since Tolstoy did not drink weakness to theater Meyerhold and his biomechanic, it was the director of this theater and got the role of Karabas-Barabas. The parody can be guess even in the name: Karabas is the Marquis Karabas from the Fairy Tale of Perra, and the Barabas - from the Italian word a fraudster - Baraba. But not less speaking role Durraar's believes got the assistant to Meyerhold, who was working under the pseudonym Voldemar Lyticinius.

9. Lolita

According to the memories of Brian Boyd, Biograph Vladimir Nabokova, when the writer worked on his scandalous novel "Lolita", he regularly looked through the newspaper headings, which published messages about murders and violence. His attention was attracted by the noise of Sally Horner and Frank Lasalla, which occurred in 1948: a middle-aged man kidnapped 12-year-old Sally Horner and held her with him for almost 2 years, until the police found it in some of California hotels. Lasalle, as well as the Hero Nabokov, gave out a girl for his daughter. Nabokov even casually mentions this case in the book with the words of Humbert: "Did I have done the same thing that Frank Lasalle, a 50-year-old mechanic, did with the eleven-year-old Sally Horner in the 48th?"

10. Carlson

The history of Karlson's creation is mythologized and incredible. Literary critches assure that Herman Geering was the possible prototype of this funny character. And although the relatives of Astrid Lindgren denied this version, such rumors and today have a place to be.

Astrid Lindgren got acquainted with Goering in the 1920s, when he organized an airsow in Sweden. At that time, Gering was just "in the heyday", a famous pilot-as a, a man with charisma and an excellent appetite. Motor behind Carlson's back - interpretation on the topic of the experiment of Geering.

The adherents of this version note that for some time Astrid Lindgren was an awesome fan of the National Socialist Party of Sweden. The book about Carlson was published in 1955, so it could not be about the direct analogy. However, it is possible that the charismatic image of young Geering influenced the appearance of charming carlson.

11. Single-legged John Silver

Robert Lewis Stevenson in the Roman "Treasury Island" portrayed his friend Williams Hansley not at all critic and the poet, who he was in essence, and the most real villain. In childhood, William suffered tuberculosis, and he was amputated to the leg before the knee. Before the book appeared on the shelves of Stivenson stores, said to a friend: "I have to confess you, angry with the appearance, but good in the depths of the soul, John Silver was written off with you. You are not offended? "

12. Bear Winnie Pooh

According to one of the versions, the teddy bear known for the whole world got his name in honor of the favorite toy of the Son of the writer Milna Christopher Robin. However, like all other heroes of the book. But in fact, this is the name from the watchpick Winnipeg - so called the Medveditsa, who lived in the London Zoo from 1915 to 1934. This bear had many fan guys, among whom Christopher Robin.

13. Dean Moriarty and Sel Paradise

Despite the fact that the main characters in the book name Sal and Dean, the novel "On the road" Jack Keroaca is purely autobiographical. It remains only to guess why Keruac refused his name in the most famous book For hipsters.

14. Deii Buchenen

In the novel "Great Getsby", his author Francis Scott Fitzgerald deeply and phonedly described Jinender King - his first love. Their novel lasted from 1915 to 1917. But because of different social statuses They broke up, after which Fitzgerald wrote that "poor boys should not even think about marrying rich girls." This phrase entered not only in the book, but also to the movie of the same name. Jinerty King became the prototype of Isabelle Burge in the "one way of paradise" and Judy Jones in the "Winter Dreams".

Especially for lovers to stay at reading. By choosing these books, they definitely be disappointed.

I continue once the series "Literary heroes" ...

Heroes of Russian literature

Almost every literary character has its own prototype - a really existed person. Sometimes it is the author (Ostrovsky and Drop Korchagin, Bulgakov and Master), sometimes - historical person, Sometimes - a familiar or relative of the author.
This story is about the prototypes of Chatsky and Taras Bulba, the Osta Bender, Timur and other heers of books ...

1. Pachatsky "Mount from Wit"

The main character of Comedy Griboyedov - Chatsky- most often associated with the name Chaadayev (In the first version of the comedy, Griboedov wrote "Chadsky"), although the image of the Chatsky is largely a social type of era, "time hero".
Peter Yakovlevich Chaaadaev(1796-1856) - participant Patriotic War 1812, was in an overseas campaign. In 1814 he entered the Masonic Life, and in 1821 he agreed to join the secret society.

From 1823 to 1826 Chaadaev traveled in Europe, compiled the latest philosophical teachings. After returning to Russia in 1828-1830, he wrote and published the historical and philosophical treatise: "Philosophical letters". Views, ideas, the judgments of the thirty-sest philosopher were so unacceptable for the Nikolaev Russia, that the author of "philosophical letters" suffered an unprecedented punishment: he was declared the highest decree crazy. It so happened that the literary character did not repeat the fate of his prototype, but predicted her ...

2.Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba is discharged so organically and brightly that the reader does not leave the feeling of his reality.
But there was a person whose fate is similar to the fate of Hogol's hero. And this man also wore the name Gogol!
Ostap Gogolwas born in beginning of XVII century. On the eve of 1648, he was a Rotmistrome of "Panzer" Cossacks in Polish troops, deployed in Uman under the command of S. Kalinovsky. With the beginning of the uprising, Gogol, together with his heavy cavalry, switched to the side of the Cossacks.

In October 1657, Hetman Vyhovsky with General Stashina, whose member was left Gogol, concluded the Korsun Agreement of Ukraine with Sweden.

In the summer of 1660, the regiment of Ostap took part in a wonderful campaign, after which the Slobodishchey Treaty was signed. Gogol became on the side of the autonomy inside the commitor speech, they made a gentry.
In 1664, an uprising against Poles and Hetman broke out on the right bank of UkraineTetteri. Gogol first supported the rebels. However, he again switched to the side of the enemy. The reason for this was his sons, which Hetman Pototsky held hostages in Lviv. When Hetman became Doroshenko, Gogol moved to his beolava and helped him a lot. When he fought with Turks under Ochakov, Doroshenko at the Rada suggested recognizing the supremacy turkish SultanaAnd it was accepted.
At the end of 1671, the Crown Hetman sorely took Mogilev, the residence of Gogol. In the defense of the fortress, one of the sons of Ostap died. The colonel himself fled to Moldova and from there sent companion about his desire to obey.
In a reward for this, Ostap received the village of Wildhovets. A diploma of the wisest of the estate was the grandfather of the writer Nikolai Gogol as a testimony of his nobility.
Colonel Gogol became the hetman of the Right Bank of Ukraine on behalf of King Yana III Sobykoye. He died in 1679 in his residence in Diffront, was buried in the Kiev-Mezhigorian monastery near Kiev.
Analogy with taleobvious: both heroes - Zaporizhia Colonels, both had sons, one of which died on the hands of the Poles, the other turned to the side of the enemy. In this way, the distant ancestor of the writer and was the prototype of Taras Bulba.

Orlovsky landowner Spiridon Matsnevit was up to the extremes of a stingy, walked in a fearful bathrobe and dirty clothes, so few people could identify a rich barin in it.
The landowner had 8000 souls of peasants, but Moril's famous not only them, but also himself.

Of this missing landowner N.V.Gogol and brought to " Dead souls"In the form of a plush. "If Chichikov met him, so unfolded, somewhere among church doors, then probably would give him a copper penny" ...
"This landowner had a thousand with a blind souls, and would try to find someone else with a grain, fluff and simply in the bedding, who would have pantry, barns and dried were cluttered with such many canvases, Sukon, sheepskin isolated and raw ..." .
The image of Plushkin became a nominal.

4. Silvio.
"Shot" A.S. Pushkin

Prototype Silvio - Ivan Petrovich Liprandi.
Friend of Pushkin, prototype Silvio in the "Shot".
The author of the best memories of the South Link Pushkin.
Son of the russian Spanish Grand. Participant napoleonic Wars Since 1807 (from 17 years). Collector and buddy of the Decembrist Raevsky, a member of the Union of Benencies. Arrested in the Decembrist case in January 1826, sat in the chamber with Griboedov.

"... the personality of him was undoubted interest in his dating, fate and an original lifestyle. He was gloomy and sullen, but he loved to collect officers and a widely treat them. Sources of its income were covered for all mystery. Thank youth and a book, he was famous for his brare, and a rare duel was held without his participation. "
Pushkin "Shot"

At the same time, Liprandi, as it turned out, was a military intelligence officer and a secret police.
Since 1813, the head of the secret political police under the Army of Vorontsov in France. Closely communicated with the famous Voc. Together with the French gendarmerie, he participated in the disclosure of the anti-government "society" Pins ". Since 1820, the main military intelligence officer at the headquarters of Russian troops in Bessarabia. At the same time, it becomes the main theorist and practice of military and political espionage.
Since 1828, the head of the highest secret passage police. Since 1820 - in the immediate submission of Benkendorf. Provocation organizer in the circle of Butashevich-Petrashevsky. Organizer Arrest Ogarev in 1850. The author of the project on the establishment of the universities of the School of Spies ...

5. Andrey Bolkonsky

Prototypes Andrei Bolkonskythere were several. His tragic deathwas "written off" lion thick with the biography of the real prince Dmitry Golitsyn.
Prince Dmitry Golitsyn He was recorded for the service in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Justice. Soon, Emperor Alexander I complained him to the chamber-junkers, and then in real chambers, which was equal to the general rank.

In 1805, Prince Golitsyn entered military service And together with the army, I did the campaign of 1805-1807.
In 1812, he filed a report with a request to enroll him to the army
, became Akhtyr Gusar, in the same shelf served and Denis Davydov. Golitsin participated in border battles in the 2nd Russian army of General Bagration, fought on Shevardinsky, and then he was on the left flank of Russian orders on the Borodino field.
In one of the skimps, Major Golitsyn was heavily injured by a fragment of grenadesHe was taken from the battlefield. After the operation in the wildlife of the wounded, it was decided to carry further to the east.
"Bolkonsky House" in Vladimir.

In Vladimir, they made a stop, Major Golitsyn was placed in one of the merchant houses on a steep hill on Klyazma. But, almost a month after the Borodino battle, Dmitry Golitsyn died in Vladimir ...

Soviet literature

6. Assol
The Slean Dreamer Assol was not one prototype.
The first prototype - Maria Sergeevna Alonkin, Secretary of the House of Arts, almost all living and extinguishing in this house were in love with her.
Once, climbing the stairs to his service, Green saw a low dark-skinned girl, who was talking to the corner of Chukovsky.
It was in her appearance something unearthly: flying gait, radiant look, ringing happy laugh. It seemed to him that she was similar to Assol from the story " Scarlet Sails", Over which he worked at this time.
The image of a 17-year-old Masha alonkin occupied the imagination of the Green, reflected in the stakeholder.

"I don't know how much will passed years, Only in Capern, one fairy tale will bloom, memorable for a long time. You will be big, Assol. Once in the morning in the sea gave, the scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining romance of scarlet sails of a white ship will move, cutting waves, right to you ... "

And in 1921, Green meets with Nina Nikolaevna Mironovawhich worked in the newspaper Petrograd Ekho. He, gloomy, lonely, was easy with her, he was amused by her coquetry, he admired her in love. Soon they played a wedding.

The door is closed, the lamp is lit.
In the evening she will come to me
There are no more aimless, dull days -
I sit and think about her ...

On this day she will give my hand,
Trust quietly and quite.
The terrible world is rapid around,
Come, beautiful, dear friend.

Come, I'm waiting for you for a long time.
It was so sad and dark
But winter spring has come,
Light knock ... my wife came.

She, his "winter spring", Green dedicated to the enjoyment of "Scarlet Sails" and the Roman "Shine World".

7. Ostap Bender and Children of Lieutenant Schmidt

A person who has become a prototype of Bender's Ostap.
It - Osip (Ostap) Veniaminovich Shore(1899 -1979). Shore was born in Odessa, there was an employee of the throat, a football player, a traveler .... Was a friend E.Bagritsky, Yu. Oleshi, Ilf and Petrov. His brother was a poet Futurist Nathan Violet.

The appearance, nature and speech of Bender are taken from Osipa Shira.
Almost all the famous "Bender" phrases - "Ice started, gentlemen jurors!", I will "command the parade!", "My dad was Turkish ..." And many others were asked by the authors from the vocabulary of Shor.
In 1917, Shor arrived at the first course of the Petrograd Institute of Technology, and in 1919 he went to his homeland. He got home to home almost two years, with a lot of adventureI told about authors "Twelve Chairs".
Telted historyabout how he, without knowing how to draw, settled on the agitation steamer by the artist, or how he gave a session of the simultaneous game in some deaf town, introducing himself to an international grandmaster, reflected in the "12 chairs" practically unchanged.
By the way, the famous leader of Odessa bandits, Bear japanesewith whom the employee of the Ugro Shor fought, became a prototype Benie Cryfrom " Odessa story stories"I. Babel.

But the episode that has given the soil to create an image "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt."
In August 1925, a man with an Eastern appearance appeared to Gomel's Gubspolk, decently dressed in American glasses and introduced himself chairman of the CEC of the Uzbek SSRFile Khojaev. The Chairman of the Gubspolcom Egorov said that he was riding from the Crimea to Moscow, but his money and documents were stolen on his train. Instead of a passport, there was a certificate that he is really Khodzhaev, signed by the Chairman of the CEC of the Crimean Republic Ibrahimov.
His warmly accepted, gave money, began to carry into theaters and banquets. But one of the police chiefs decided to compare the identity of Uzbek with portraits of the CEC chairmen who found in the old magazine. Thus was amused Lzhahodzhaev, who turned out to be a native of Kokanda, who followed from Tbilisi, where he served the term ...
In the same way, issuing himself for high-ranking official, former zek Having fun in Yalta, Simferopol, Novorossiysk, Kharkov, Poltava, Minsk ...
It was a fun time - nEP time and such desperate people, adventurers, like Shor and Lzhodzhaev.
Later I will write separately about Bender ...

Timur - Hero of the Kinoscena and Tale A.Gaidar Timur and his team.
One of the most famous and popular heroes Soviet children's literature of the 30s - 40s
Under the influence of the story of A.P. Gaidar "Timur and his team" in the USSR arose among the pioneers and schoolchildren in the beginning. 1940s "Timur Movement". Timurovtsy assisted the families of military personnel, the elderly ...
It is believed that the "prototype" of the Timurov team for A. Gaidar served skautov group, operating in the 10th year in the country's suburb of St. Petersburg. At "Timurovtsev" with "scouts" really much in common (especially in the ideology and practice of the Knight's concern for children about people around people, the ideas of performing good actions "secret").
The story told by Gaidar turned out to be an amazingly consonant mood of the whole generation of the guys: the struggle for justice, the underground headquarters, a specific alarm, the ability to rapidly assemble "chain", etc.

Interestingly, in the early editors the story was called "Duncan and his team" or "Duncan rushes to the aid" - the hero of the story was - Vovka Duncan. Obviously the effect of the work Jules Verna: yacht "Duncan»On the first alarm, went to help captain grant.

In the spring of 1940, while working on the film on another afflicted story, the name "Duncan" was rejected. In the Cinematography Committee expressed bewilderment: "Good Soviet boy. Pioneer. I came up with such useful game And suddenly - "Duncan". We consulted here with comrades - you need to change the name "
And then Gaidar gave a hero name own son.which in life called the "small commander." According to another version - Timur- Name of a neighbor boy. But the girl Zhenyareceived the name OT reception daughter Gaidar from the second marriage.
The image of Timur embodies the perfect type of adolescent leader with his desire for noble actions, secrets, clean ideals.
Concept "Timurovets" firmly entered everyday use. Until the end of the 80s, Timurovs called children who have disinterested help in need.

9. Captain Lunnershel
From the story Andrei Nekrasov "Adventures of Captain Lunned".
The book on the incredible marine adventures of the resourceful and nonsense captain of Lunner, his senior assistant scrap and sailor Fuchs.

Christopher Boniffatyevich Lunner- The protagonist and the narrator, on behalf of whose narration is conducted. An old experienced sailor, with a solid and reasonable character, is not deprived of ingenuity.
The first part of the last name uses the word "lies". Lunner, whose name has become a nominal - marine analog baron Münhhausen, telling non-residents about their adventures in swimming.
According to Nekrasov's stories, the prototype of Lunned was his friend with the name Vronsky, A amateur telling the marine stories of non-residents with their participation. His last name was so suitable for the main character that the original book was originally called " Adventures captain Vronsky"However, from fear of offending a friend, the author chose another name for the main character.

In the literature, the Male ball rule: writers, heroes, villains. But is women no less interesting and talented? We chose several heroines, which inspire the mind, ingenuity, strong character and kindness.

Women and goddess from ancient literature

Sharerazada challenge "toxic masculinity" even before this term appeared. The Persian king Shahriyar collided with the infidelity of the first wife and his brother's wife and decided that all women were vicious libertines. Since without women, he could not do without anything, he decided to take innocent girls in his wife and after the first marriage night to execute them. Smart I. beautiful daughter A Vizier of Sheherzade decided to save the country from the tyranny of such a misinism. She appeared to the king as new Bride. And then you know: she began to tell interesting story and broke her on the intriguing moment. Curiosity was mastered by Shahryar, and he kept the girl life until the next night. So it lasted a thousand days (almost three years!), During this time, Shahryzada gave birth to three children. When finally she fell into his feet and asked to save life for their sake common sons, then Shakhriyar replied that he had pardoned her for a long time. That's so courage, the mind and skill of the storytess saved many innocent lives.

Elizabeth. "Pride and Prejudice "

Wick and observant, Elizabeth conquered not only the impregnable and proud Mr. Darcy, but also millions of readers around the world. She loves her family very much, especially sisters who tried to protect. Especially she is insulting to see the shortcomings of their parents, but she does not try to remove people close to her or rebel: she only wants to find an acceptable place for himself in modern society.

Scarlett O'Hara. "Gone With the Wind "

Bright, wayward and wrinkled, Scarlett causes contradictory feelings from readers. Many believe that she herself is to blame for their misfortunes and was generally a loose woman. The writer Margaret Mitchell itself was ambiguously related to his heroine. But beautiful I. strong womenwho are not accustomed to play, often cause other rabies. Unlike men: they are praised them for the same quality. Yet it is necessary to admire the strength of the spirit of green-eyed Irish: she survived civil War, the death of parents and deprivation, coping with all the adversities herself.

Margarita. "Master and Margarita "

Beautiful woman who preferred love with a poor artist favorable. For the sake of him, she went to humiliation, concluded a deal with the devil and dismissed the offenders of his narrowed. Some see the sacrifice in Margarita, but we know that she understood well for whom she risked everyone. She raises admiration for the power of her love and courage.

Peppy long-range. Cycle stories

Astrid Lindgren was still a lesson and did not hesitate to break the controversial rules of decency. For example, she took a bold attempt to take a walk from his native Vimmerby to the Lake vetere (a distance of 300 kilometers) in the company of five women and completely without male help. Believe me, for Sweden of that time it was a challenge! It is not surprising that her heroines also cause boring towns of itching. Peppi Longs Easily Violates social norms And adults adults: goes to bed when he wants, holds a horse on the balcony, beats the thieves and generally lives without supervision of his parents. Real moms And the dads she is also annoying: even there were complaints that because of Peppi in children, "there is an opportunity to find a socially acceptable removal for aggression against parents." But she likes the children, because he can do everything that they would like, but will not be out of fear of "big". The fact that Peppi has become so popular, speaks only about longing for the immediate, bright heroes, and well-funny.

Hermione. Cycle of books about Harry Potter

How not to love Hermione? With her, we spend all our (and her) childhood. We meet her little girl who is very smart and wants to be no worse than others in the classroom. After all, she immediately understood that she would have harder, because she did not know those things that the children of wizards know the slices. She starts friends, falls in love, becomes stronger in our eyes. Hermione is studying on their mistakes: after history with the bundling Lockhart, she believes not everyone, but only those who deserve her respect. She brave and knows how to sympathize with the weak, and here has an emotional range is clearly wider than that of the toothpicks.