Horoscope for year and month of birth. Origin of Eastern Horoscope

Horoscope for year and month of birth. Origin of Eastern Horoscope
Horoscope for year and month of birth. Origin of Eastern Horoscope

I always want to find my soul mate, a person who is 100% suited to you. With him in life you can reach harmony, and in love and marriage you will be happy. This is not just a dream, but the reality that anyone can get. The Chinese calendar gives a description of 12 zodiac signs, they are replaced every year. In some animals from the horoscope, very good compatibility, others have natural intolerance to each other.

You have a great opportunity to learn everything about yourself and your partner. This is one and features of a compatibility horoscope for years - it gives accurate recommendations absolutely for everyone.

A simple compatibility table will open your secrets - life in love is possible for any person. If you are not lucky, the relationship does not work, you can find out - why so. Wise Chinese (Japanese) Horoscope gives answers to all questions. It is easier to live if the right person goes next to you.

Eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope does not use traditional signs of the zodiac by months, but each person receives Zodiac this year. Total 12, so the next time your sign will appear every 12 years. Such a system is very convenient. This is a wise horoscope in which every year passes under the auspices of animals or mythical creatures.

A man born in a certain year adopts many features of his sign. On the calendar it is easy to find out who you are a snake, monkey, dragon horse, etc. Knowing your horoscope helps in many cases:

  • you can find everything about your character.
  • determine the tendency to different activities
  • find a person with whom love compatibility will be perfect.

Today, East (it is also called Chinese or Japanese) the calendar is very popular. Many people build their lives according to the advice from it. You can also do it. In order for the calendar to help you plan your life not necessarily contact a professional. You can make everyone, completely free.

It is very useful to know who you are on the sign of the Chinese zodiac. Be sure to buy an image of the sign, keep it at home in a prominent place. This will bring good luck. When it comes until your symbol comes, he again comes to the world after 12 years of rest, it swears around the world. Where he will see respect for himself and worship - the next 12 years will be held in prosperity, prosperity and love.

Compatibility of zodiac signs

Among the birthmarks there are those that are literally attracted to each other. Their compatibility in love is great, and in marriage such people are easy and pleasant. It is not always possible to determine this at a glance, because the signs of the Eastern calendar attracts no exterior beauty to the sky. It's all about the energy that binds some signs.

At the moment of the birth of a person, stars and planets in space are built up in a certain way. Any astrologer can tell you that this position is very important to determine the fate of a person. This position of the planets creates a special system of energy, which forms the main features of the person. It is called zodiac energy.

Eastern, or Chinese horoscope is based on these concepts. Each of the signs metaphorically carries its energy to the world. By the calendar you can plan not only the day, but also all my life. Previously, in Japan, no affairs began without predictions for a certain mark. Almanac served as one of the main books of the Japanese up to the 20th century, but now is often used to determine important dates of events:

  • weddings;
  • discovery of business;
  • buying a property;
  • investing money.

Your life is also subordinate to the rule of energy constellations. To find your only one, do not have to look for all my life. This person can be quite near.

Compatibility table

Considering the Chinese calendar, you can find a degree of compatibility of different signs of the zodiac. It is interesting, because many of your familiar couples are ideal for such a description. Married is easier with those who sent the stars.

Eastern Horoscope Compatibility Compatibility Table

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit The Dragon Snake Horse Sheep A monkey Cock Dog Pig
Rat 0 2 0 1 3 0 4 5 3 6 0 0
Bull 2 0 0 0 6 3 5 4 0 3 1 0
Tiger 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 4 0 3 2
Rabbit 1 0 0 0 5 0 6 3 0 4 2 3
The Dragon 3 6 0 5 1 0 0 0 3 2 4 0
Snake 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 4
Horse 4 5 3 6 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 0
Sheep 5 4 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3
A monkey 3 0 4 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 5
Cock 6 3 0 4 2 3 0 0 0 1 5 0
Dog 0 1 3 2 4 0 3 1 0 5 0 0
Pig 0 0 2 3 0 4 0 3 5 0 0 1

The first thing to be done is to determine your sign on the eastern horoscope. After that, look for the corresponding partner sign in the horizontal part. On the transfer you will find a figure from 0 to 6. This is the degree of energy conformity. A month of birth does not matter in this case, only years.

Change your life, build it in the Chinese calendar

Some people living in unfortunate marriage changed their lives. With an unsuccessful partner you are waiting for only quarrels, misunderstanding, contradictions. This simple table clearly makes it clear with whom it is better not to build a relationship at all. The point is not that a person is good or bad, just your energetics are completely incompatible.

How to use a compatibility table

To properly decipher the predictions, read all the values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the degrees of increasing compatibility. Here is complete harmony in love, marriage, sex or just friendship. Although, and in the latter case, friendship will grow quickly into something more, and then they are very happy in marriage.

0 - good compatibility. The Chinese calendar determines this type as neutral. Usually, the relationship is well. People can be familiar with birth, so this is a predetermined meeting. It all folds smoothly, without friction, unpleasant quarrels and change. In such a union, it is pleasant to be, this is a comfortable relationship of two adults.

1 - Problem Union. These signs of the zodiac are not a lot of calm days. They are tuned to quarrels, friction. In marriage, they have a lot of problems, so it is better to think about several times before choosing such a partner to yourself in life satellites. This compatibility is not very well reflected on the relationship, because to build a really durable, the long-term union will not succeed.

2 - equilibrium. This union is simply. On the eastern calendar, signs of opposite in their energy often get a two. This means that there is an equilibrium in their life. If one partner is very active, active, then the second must balance it calm, wise temper. So the wonderful unions are married for life.

3 - Higher harmony. From birth, man seeks to be in a state of complete harmony. For many characters, it is unattainable because of fondness, reluctance to pay attention to the truly worthy partner. If in your pair Troika - you are waiting for many years of happy life together. Without a change, criticism, discontent. What else can I want?

4 - confrontation. People together are very difficult. The Chinese horoscope says that they most often remain enemies. This is a difficult partnership, sometimes forced. They are not at all interesting to be together, they do not understand each other. This is a bad union that is better to avoid.

5 - Situation of conflict. These people cannot be together, and if forced for some reason, it makes them unhappy. This is a uncomfortable steam. For the signs of the zodiac with the top five, it is best to stay at a distance, from afar to greet. Try to build family life - a big mistake. It happens that it is from mercantile motivations that they want to be together. Bad finals in any case.

6 - uneven union. It can exist. Yes, the signs of the zodiac in it are not so easy, because the black stripes are present. Yes, they are replaced by white, but it is not easier. Only very big love is able to overcome the confrontation in this pair. This year of birth, people are better to be about one age in order for everything to be successful.

We are not always easy to build good, high-quality relationships, but this does not mean that the partner needs to refuse. The Chinese horoscope gives people a chance to build their lives correctly, harmoniously. But, everything is in your hands and you have a heart.

In the East to determine the nature of a person, depending on the date of birth, it is customary to use animal symbols. There are 12 characters of the oriental calendar, for each year of the 12-year cycle of our planet around the sun. In the West, a symbolism of 12 constellations located in the course of the annual Sunway path in the sky, many of which also symbolize animals are used. Hence the name of the zodiac, from Greek Zodiakos - animals. To determine what kind of eastern
You treat the zodiac sign table by year of birth. Find the year of your birth and compare the year with your zodiac sign.

Zodiac signs by the years of the oriental calendar

Thus, it is possible to determine the full compliance of a person not only in a month, but also a year of birth.

The table shows the 12-year-old cycles of the Eastern Horoscope. Select your year in the table to determine what sign of chinese horoscope You treat.

And now simply compare the characteristics of the person in the West and Eastern Horoscope. This will help you more accurately determine the nature and inclinations of a person and will allow you to determine compatibility on the Chinese Eastern calendar of the zodiac signs, depending on year of birth.

Zodiac signs per year rat

Aries - careful neat rat;

Taurus - an exquisite rat, prone to creativity and art;

Twins - rat with fantasy. Capable for any actions, but sometimes makes nonsense ...

Cancer - Punching assembly rat;

Lion is a seductive rat;

Virgo is an experienced rat. Such just not catch;

Scales - rat rat. Not always to stop on time;

Scorpio is an unpredictable rat. Itself is not able to understand yourself;

Sagittarius - Rat Explorer. Twisted at any scenario;

Capricorn - peacemaker rat. Prefers a dialogue to any conflict;

Aquarius - rat aggressor. Often ruins, what was not going to;

Fish - Domosted Rat. It is capable even to compliant, but in moderation.

Zodiac signs per year bull

Aries - sometimes it happens dangerous. Humor understands not always;

Taurus - Bull Estet. Affects people without increasing the voice;

Gemini - bull without brakes. It is difficult to manage;

Cancer - bull careerist. Be care about it on the way;

Lion is affectionate bull. Calf tenderness, sometimes without measure;

Virgo - bull-humorist. Capable of feats;

Scales - uncharacteristic, very gentle bull. Often tries to the back;

Scorpio - Bull Warrior. Caution! Stop it may not work;

Sagittarius is a calm bull. Inclined to calm occupations;

Capricorn - Communicable Bull. Tell about everything;

Aquarius - militant bull. Pretty, aggressive, purposeful;

Fish is a harmonious bull.

Zodiac signs per year Tiger

Aries - Tiger sage. Avoids sharp corners;

Taurus - wise tiger. Carefully plans its actions;

Gemini - a bungless tiger. Pleasant in communication, but slightly unpredictable;

Cancer is a rapid tiger. This is sometimes dangerous!

Lion is a calm tiger. But sometimes too comprehensive;

Virgo - Tigr-merry. Capable of great achievements;

Scales - Tiger Domosted. Calm homemade kisa;

Scorpio is a real tiger. Although not the lion, but looks like the king of animals;

Sagittarius - Tiger Pragmatik. Puts himself a goal and reaches it;

Capricorn is a civilized tiger. Excellent partner in affairs and business;

Aquarius is not an easy tiger. Interesting, but not always predict;

Fish - true tiger. Capable of incredible;

Zodiac signs per year of rabbit (cat)

Aries is a pensive rabbit. Avoid communication. Able to be a good mentor;

Taurus - skillful rabbit. Talent for creativity. Will not leave a friend in trouble;

Gemini - True rabbit. Sole of company;

Cancer - rabbit savage. Calculated and accurate;

Lev - home bunny. Do not snatch, only gently rubs on hand;

Virgo - Rabbit Domosted. Adores the comfort, this is his weakness;

Scales - rabbit in the sun. Able to enjoy life;

Scorpio - Rabbit Tigrenok. Ssesses and sometimes bites, but gently!

Sagittarius - a rabbit sage. Does not drag sour cream from the table, asks others;

Capricorn - a gentle and gentle rabbit, it is so nice to scratch behind the ear;

Aquarius - Rabbit Cudesman! Inclined to secret sciences;

Fish - rabbit intellectual. Calm, thoughtful, discreet.

Zodiac signs in the year of the dragon

Aries is a real dragon. Tries to hold onto the side of the fight;

Taurus - dragon-providers. Able to see their own and other disadvantages;

Gemini - Materia Dragon. His wisdom and pragmatism will lead to success;

Cancer - True Dragon. Always strives for his goal;

Lion is a cute dragon. Family and children for him the main thing in life;

Virgo - dragon rainbow color. Exotic;

Scales - Dreamy Dragon. Does not always compells to the end;

Scorpio is a classic dragon. Sometimes tired of his kind;

Sagittarius - thoughtful dragon. Pleasant and reliable;

Capricorn - Dragon Chameleon. There is no always one who wants to seem;

Aquarius - Wild Dragon. Sometimes bite;

Fish - home dragon. Family favorite;

Zodiac signs in the year of the snake

Aries is a thinker snake. Smart, no dispute, but prone to fantasies;

Taurus - Snake-Provider. Prone to mysterious, capable of predicting the future;

Gemini - Snake Water Element. Cool sober pragmatist;

Cancer - snake-boa. May unexpectedly sweep;

Leo is a poisonous snake. A faithful girlfriend (or friend), her charm can enchant.

Virgo is a change of snake. A little bitmatic, windy, but pleasant in communication;

Scales - snake in meditation. If you wake up - it is capable of much;

Scorpio - Point Snake. Loves decorations, has a subtle taste;

Sagittarius is a mysterious snake. Cusar, beautiful, sophisticated ...

Capricorn is a snake surprisingly true and sincere. Is it possible?

Aquarius is a passionate snake. Perfect partner in love.

Fish is a targeted snake. Achieves his.

Zodiac signs per year horse

Aries - Pedant horse. Serious attitude to everything, because of this and the problem;

Taurus - riding horse. He is too passionate about the work. Sometimes forgets everything;

Gemini - a dreamer horse. Leisurely, but knows what he wants;

Cancer is a hot horse. Passionate, dusty, sometimes excessively;

Leo is an English horse. Leisure, but always caring;

Virgo is a piston horse. Loves wanderings;

Scales - circus horse. Gentle, susceptible, walks circles;

Scorpio - Centaur. Will embody all your fantasies;

Sagittarius - True Rysak! Bright, but somewhat windy;

Capricorn is a pioneer horse. Spectacles and vivid impressions

Aquarius - Discark Horse. Able to captivate before selflessness;

Fish - horse-hard horse. Capably monotonously go, but does not always know wherever.

Zodiac signs in the year of the goat

Aries - a nose-thinker. Everything will make the best way, with a fantasy;

Taurus is a mysterious goat. Should not follow her conclusions to the end;

Gemini - the goat is creative. It pulls on art, but slightly caprip;

Cancer - goat-warrior. That says it all;

Lion - goat-charming. Mila, but prone to idle pastime;

Virgo - goat with frills. Do not go to her whims;

Scales - goat-cutie. Kind, pretty, caring;

Scorpio - Mountain goat. How hard it happens to understand it;

Sagittarius - Surface Goat. Able to help a little, but does not allow close;

Capricorn - a goat-winner. It is not easy with her;

Aquarius is a bright goat. Passionate and active. May come out of control;

Fish - goat with character. Strong, volitional, always ready to help.

Zodiac signs per year Monkey

Aries - Pedantic Monkey. Sometimes inconsistent, contrary to intentions;

Taurus is a smart monkey. Knows how to hide true intentions;

Gemini - a seamless monkey. Perfectly adjusts to external circumstances;

Cancer is a strict monkey. It is not easy with her.

Leo is a cute monkey. Mila, good, needs care;

Virgo is a hot monkey. Can flare due to trifle;

Scales - a positive monkey. Maybe a cute with one, but others do not appear closely;

Scorpio is a passionate monkey. Loves to play with fire;

Sagittarius is a monkey-conqueror. He loves attention to himself, from this all problems;

Capricorn - Monkey - Juggler. Especially to keep the balance always;

Aquarius is an oriental monkey. Schitra, Retrost, Did;

Fish is a merchant monkey. Talented, loves risk, but not always in moderation

Zodiac signs in the year of the rooster

Aries - exotic rooster. Interesting deep nature;

Taurus - Rooster - Egoist. Interested only by your affairs;

Gemini - a rooster on the fluger. Large-scale ideas, but does not find out for the rest;

Cancer - battle cock. Conflicts - his element;

Lion - rooster broiler. Moderate in everything, the household;

Virgo is a rooster. Especially in the thick of the events, even if they can hang out there;

Scales - sincere rooster. Too trusting, often becomes a victim of deception;

Scorpio is a bold rooster. Ready to rush into battle. The reason is not important;

Sagittarius - Home Rooster. Pragmatic, calm, verified;

Capricorn - Rooster Gourmet. Looking for compromises, hates quarrels;

Aquarius - a sophisticated rooster. An interesting option for partnership. Will not let down;

Fish - Celtic rooster. Permanent, loyal, reliable

Zodiac signs in the year of the dog

Aries - dog-guard. Reliable, but somewhat nois;

Taurus - wise dog. Smart and interesting;

Gemini - the original dog. Loves traveling;

Cancer - a warrior dog. Reliable and true. Not afraid of difficulties;

Leo is a dog-friend. Just sincerely looks at the world. Does not shove;

Virgo - dog-wanderer. Kind, but not always reacts on time;

Scales - tender dog. Sincere, but needs care;

Scorpio is a loud dog. Loves to noise, the reason for the role does not play;

Sagittarius - a consistent dog. Such is hard to deceive;

Capricorn - a real dog. Tender, kind, diplomatic;

Aquarius is a hot dog. Ready to rush into battle. At least, so says;

Fish - active dog. Not afraid of obstacles.

Zodiac signs per year of pig

Aries - an uncharacteristic pig. Too serious;

Taurus - a consistent pig. Calm, knows what he wants;

Gemini - Creative Pig. Good, but sometimes selfish;

Cancer - Toy pig. Kind, caring and cute;

Leo is a cute pig. Charming and loved;

Virgo is a hasty pig. Capable of much if the environment does not stop;

Scales - Gourmet Pig. Palustive is the main drawback;

Scorpio - House Pig. Consistent, but not capable of betraying;

Sagittarius is a classic pig. It's not easy with her.

Capricorn - staging pig. Traction for accumulating in her blood;

Aquarius is a strict pig. Sometimes prone to egoism;

Fish - reasonable pig. Too often hesitate when choosing.

Legends say that about ten centuries ago in the distant past, Buddha sent an invitation to all animals to promise them to reward, with the condition that they will come to him on time. It is known that animals are usually busy not by human affairs, and in Eastern culture it is believed that the essence of the animal is how he sleeps, breeds or is looking for food, and follows self-preservation instincts.

According to this legend, twelve animals came to the invitation. All animals came in the following order: from the beginning of a rat, bull (ox), tiger, rabbit (hare), then dragon, snake, horse sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig (boar). According to other sources, a rabbit or a cat came instead of a hare, and instead of a boar - a pig came, instead of the rat - the mouse came, and the goat came instead of the sheep.
As a sign of loyalty, the Great God of the Buddha rewarded them to immortality, and appointed them for the same year reign. And now people born in a certain year will be endowed with features and qualities inherent in this animal.

Annual table matching signs of the zodiac on the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope

Eastern Horoscope Sign - This is a single microcosm, which has its own laws that are not connected with any other signs. Here you do not need to try to look for regularities, the structure in the trends of all signs. Chinese astrology many centuries sent and inspired the behavior of millions of eastern culture people, have such a huge power, it is difficult to even imagine.
It is worth noting that each animal of the eastern calendar corresponds to the Western signs of the zodiac horoscope.
Therefore, the rat, associated with December, is always depicted by Square, Ox (bull), patronizing January, finds a second essence in Capricorn, energetic tiger is similar to Aquarius, etc. Anyone who is familiar with the Chinese lunar cycle, always listens to the wiser of the Soviets A person - snakes will seek success in cooperation with the meek shes and will begin a new business with a turning monkey. It is best to amused with a carefree horse and you can always count on a hare (rabbit) and an incrementable dragon. In addition, Eastern people know that the critical rooster can only be tamed by a calm temper, a dog - persuasion, an optimistic tiger - only a struggle, and rat - direct belief.
In order to understand how residents of Eastern countries linked astrological practice with their daily activities, it is necessary to note the main principles. First of all, they wanted to know what could have a person in a particular period: material benefits, honors, power, fame, good luck, success in love, prestige, profession, home, friends, attitude towards others, erudition. It is quite natural that a person sets himself the question of whom I can become in a certain year and what to do. Despite the banquality of such issues, it gives the key to understand the entire Eastern culture, which is trying to find their inner path of liberation of the person and acquiring quite real knowledge. Eastern Astrological School may seem to see a little encouraging. And it is correct, because the inhabitants of the East express their thoughts otherwise. They do not seek to see the shortcomings and flaws of the horoscope sign, but reflect on how to become a tigrome, sheep or a dog with certain life circumstances. Rather, we are talking about directions that imply a flexible rhythmic movement forward, because any animal has its own rhythm and a guide. And everyone who wants to develop and progress must listen to the advice of the eastern wise men.

The first mentions about the eastern horoscope were four thousand years ago. Chinese or oriental horoscope this year of birth will help to figure out your personality and know yourself, revealing previously unknown talents and opportunities. As Chinese wisdom says, "a person who knew himself can manage his fate independently, attracting good luck, success, well-being in his life." According to an ancient legend, which says that Buddha, leaving this world, called for goodbye to all animals.

Of all the invited animals, only twelve came, in gratitude, he gave each of them a year of government on earth, making a full cycle at twelve years. Since that time, animals "come" to people in a strict sequence, watching their destinies. Each representative of the year, gives people who were born on their year defined by talents and dating. The signs of the Eastern calendar are always depicted in a circle where all animals are located in a certain order opposite each other. It is believed that opposite signs are complete opposites, they are not compatible with each other.

The countdown of the new Eastern Year is conducted from the second noving, which comes after the winter solstice - December 22. The entire countdown of the eastern year is conducted along the lunar calendar, and every new month, in the eastern calendar, begins with new moon.

Chinese astrologers divide all the signs of the zodiac into four groups (triads), they believe that people who were born in one triad can find a common language among themselves. For many observations, it is noted that partnerships and marriages concluded between representatives of the same group are most successful.

Birthday dependence table and zodiac sign

* Chinese horoscope by year of birth Table

The Dragon
A monkey

Signs of the Zodiac on the Chinese Horoscope

  1. The first group - rat, monkey, dragon. Energetic, are active, they have to go into extremes. Love decisive actions and rivalry. Rats need the decisiveness and self-confidence of the Dragon, in turn he lacks the cunning mind of monkey and the resourcefulness of the rat. Monkeys appreciate the rats of high intelligence and the enthusiasm of the dragon.
  2. The second group is a snake, cock, bull. Hardworking, calculating, possess high intellectual, self-confident, purposeful. Confident bull and diplomatic snake, help balance the hot spirits of the rooster. On a balanced bull has a safe effect of the brightness of the rooster and the dexterity of the snake, and the snake in turn helps to achieve large heights of the bull and the rooster, thanks to their positive qualities.
  3. Third group - horse, dog, tiger. Impulsive, friendly, can easily build friendly relationships. For the embodiment of its strategic plans, the horse's decisiveness and the tiger's restlessness will help. The dog in turn will keep the tiger from excessive rudeness and rigidity.
  4. Fourth group - rabbit (cat), goat (sheep), boar. Modest, responsive, smell, gentle and caring. The rabbit gives a goat sensation of security and balances its generosity. Kabana complements the goat with his meek sensitive character, and rabbit with its strategic thinking.

Elements of the signs of the zodiac on the Chinese horoscope

Each sign of the Eastern Horoscope is characterized not only by the animal, which corresponds to the year, but also one of five elements - water, metal, fire, wood, earth. Chinese philosophy believes that each of these elements is under the control of its planet: Water - Mercury, Metal - Venus, Fire - Mars, Tree - Jupiter, land - Saturn.

Each of these elements has its own positive and negative qualities that a person has under their influence. The strength of the influence of each element is affected differently at different times of the year. The strongest influence of water - in winter, metal - in the fall, fire - in summer, tree - in the spring, the land also retains its influence within the course of the year.

  • Element of water. Softness, generosity, insight, understanding, sympathy, mood swings, depressiveness, windiness. Infallible intuition, calm - distinctive features of this element. Representatives of this element are intended to have big hands, wavy hair, chubby lips, worth paying attention to their weight, obesity can lead to infertility. This element controls the kidneys and ears. People who are in the power of this element most often are businessmen, artists, poets. Water elements colors - dark blue, white, blue, turquoise, black.
  • Element of metal. Demanding, stability, romanticism, success, determination, straightness, rigidity. Calm and stubborn representatives of this element excellent show themselves as doctors, accountants, engineers, designers. Fair lovers are always distinguished by a balanced temper and natural kindness. Element of metal controls light and skin. Typical features of representatives of the metal element are - narrow cheekbones, thin straight nose, thin lips. Colors of metal elements - white, gray, black.
  • Element of fire. Devotion, passionality, determination and activity in achieving their goals, optimism, quick temper, stubbornness, perseverance. The struggle for justice is a distinctive feature of representatives of signs under the influence of this element. Representatives of this element are brightly pronounced cheekbones and nose, thick hair and a wide figure. Element of fire controls blood and heart. Representatives of this element perfectly show themselves as lawyers, politicians, speakers, teachers. Colors of fire elements - red, white, orange, yellow.
  • Element of a tree. Sociability, resourcefulness, tolerance, forgetfulness, pessimism, compassion, good nature. This is the most elegant, strong, hardy of all elements. Representatives of this element have a very developed imagination. In people who are under the influence of the element of the tree, there may be a thin body, expressive eyes, thin brushes of the hands. The tree is the most fruitful of elements, signs that are under his influence, always achieve their goals. Representatives of the elements of the tree feel perfectly in the role of farmers, artists, writers, guides. Element tree controls liver and eyes. The colors of the element tree - brown, green.
  • Earth elements. Peacefulness, practicality, sustainability, endurance, logicality, closure, stubbornness, conservatism. People who are under the influence of this element are able to implement their ideas, have strategic thinking and diligence. People of high moral values \u200b\u200band views. From representatives of this element, brilliant architects, designers, businessmen, lawyers are obtained. Representatives of the elements of the Earth pronounced broad eyebrows, flat belly, high forehead. Element of the Earth manages a spleen and mouth. The color of the elements of the earth - yellow, brown, black.

Each element complements the characteristics of the sign, giving it an individuality and originality. Also, Chinese philosophers allocate six pairs of signs, in which the development of astrological conflict is always observed. The reason for these conflicts is manifested in how representatives of these signs react differently to the world around. These are these couples:

Rat (water) - horse (fire)

Bull (Earth) - Goat (Earth)

Tiger (Tree) - Monkey (Metal)

Dragon (Earth) - Dog (Earth)

Snake (Fire) - Caban (Water)

However, it is not necessary to despair if the results of the analysis, along the eastern horoscope turned out to be disappointing. Chinese philosophers argue that human fate and good luck are in the hands of the person himself.

Influence of Enerius Yin and Yan on the characteristic of the sign

It is also believed that energy affects the characteristics of the sign. According to the ancient Chinese philosophy, this is expressed through the energies of the two opposites, two began, which are always in continuous interaction - Yin and Yang. These two energies are opposite, always complement each other, and do not exist without each other. In order to understand what type of energy prevails in a person, you need to pay attention to what signs of energy appears more.

  • Yin - woman symbol. Lucky physique, not high growth, responsiveness, not material warehouse of mind, individualism, contemplation, melancholicity.
  • Yan - a symbol of a man. Strong physique, medium and high growth, sociability, optimism, material warehouse of mind, self-confidence, energy.

Yin and Yang are two different energies, harmoniously combined in any person, regardless of gender.

The characteristic of each sign is given in accordance with the year of birth, the date and time in which a person appeared. A person gets the qualities of his sign, corresponding to character traits, his fate. The Eastern Horoscope talks about the characteristics of the character of a person, its special talents, opportunities, specificity in communicating with other people. Also, with the help of the characteristic, along the Eastern Horoscope, it may be possible to find out what areas it is better to deal with a person. The characteristic of the horoscope displays the main milestones of the fate of a person, to which it is worth paying attention and what to avoid.

In the eastern horoscope, there are not human life events, but its character and relationships of people. The characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, offers us a high-precision tool, with which each of us can understand your potential, put life priorities and directions for yourself.

With this tool, each of us will be able to understand which relationships can be useful, and which should be adjusted or completely refused. On the Eastern Horoscope, you can also understand the nature and relationship with other people, in order to understand what approach and communication style will be the most productive.

Rat is the first sign in the eastern horoscope. Representatives of this sign - have high hard work, practical and sociable temper. Rats are charming and friendly, always leaves the indelible impressions of those surrounding, although they themselves do not seek ...

Bull is a second sign in the eastern horoscope. People born in the year of the bull are a clutch of positive energy, strength and patience. A characteristic feature for the bull is durability and endurance, which allows to survive bulls against all life tests and ...

Tiger - the third sign in the eastern horoscope. 1950 on the Eastern Calendar - the year of the metal tiger people born in the year of the metal tiger - possess a charismatic personality. Tigers have a strong character, wisdom and courage. ...

1951 East Calendar - Year of the Metal Rabbit (Cat) 1951 on the Eastern Calendar - Year of the Metal Rabbit (Cat) In this article, you will learn: 1951 What year on the Eastern calendar Features of the Metal Rabbit sign ...

Dragon - Fifth sign in the eastern horoscope. 1952 on the Eastern Calendar - Year of the Water Dragon in this article you will learn: 1952 What year on the Eastern calendar Features of the Water Dragon sign on the Chinese calendar Benefits and ...

Snake - the sixth sign in the eastern horoscope. 1953 on the Eastern calendar - a time of water snake in this article you will learn: 1953 What year on the Eastern calendar Features of the Water Snake Sign on the Chinese Calendar Advantages and Disadvantages ...

The horse is the seventh sign in the Eastern Horoscope. 1954 on the Eastern Calendar - a year of a wooden horse in this article you will learn: 1954 What year on the eastern calendar Features of a wooden horse sign on a Chinese calendar Benefits and ...

Goat - the seventh sign of the Eastern Horoscope. 1955 East Calendar - Year of the Blue Wooden Goat (Sheep) In this article, you will learn: 1955 What year on the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the blue wooden goat (Sheep) in Chinese ...

Monkey - eighth sign in the eastern horoscope. 1956 on the Eastern Calendar - year of the fire monkey in this article you will learn: 1956 what year on the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the fire monkey on the Chinese calendar Advantages ...

Rooster - the tenth sign of the Eastern Horoscope. 1957 East Calendar - Year of Fiery Rooster In this article you will learn: 1957 What year on the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of fire rooster on the Chinese calendar ...

The zodiac horoscope and the description of the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac is considered very popular in European civilization. It is difficult to find a person who would not know his sign of the zodiac. And even people who claim that they do not believe in horoscopes, from where they know the characteristics of the sign of their mother-in-law or wife.

Zodiac signs by date of birth

(March 21 - April 20)

(April 21 - May 21)

(May 22 - June 21)

(June 22 - July 23)

(July 24 - August 23)

(August 24 - September 23)

(September 24 - October 23)

(October 24 - November 22)

(November 23 - December 21)

(December 22 - January 20)

(January 21 - February 19)

(February 20 - March 20)

No one knows the exact appearance of Western astrology, it appeared at about 1 century. n. e., and since then has not changed any special changes. It originated as pagan science and developed in the occult direction of the flow of life, possessing a pronounced religious tint.

In ancient times, people believed that the gods live in heaven, and watching the sky they become closer to them. Ancient astrologers found that life on our planet is subject to rhythms of the movement of celestial bodies. Many centuries of the priests watched stars and planets, and accumulated huge knowledge, which was based on the zodiac horoscope.

The basis for the construction of Western astrology and characteristics of the zodiac horoscope is 12 constellations of the zodiac, which represent special groups of stars. Ancient astrologers after long observations it was found that all events occurring on Earth are very closely connected with Sunny Svyatil. They calculated 12 cycles corresponding to the twelve zodiacal constellations that the sun's dial passes during the year. The path that the sun passes along the constellations was called in Western Astrology - zodiacal circleand twelve constellations - 12 signs of the zodiac. In each zodiac sign, cyclic characteristics with different features were reflected, which were reflected in the state of the subtle world and the universe.

The zodiac horoscope is 12 signs of the zodiac, the characteristics of which depends on the date of birth of a person. To be more accurate of the zodiacal constellation at the time of the sun finding in it, at the date of birth of a person.

Characteristics of zodiac signs In the horoscope, reflects the fundamental traits of the nature of a sign of the zodiac. Therefore, for a more detailed horoscope, astrologers are ordered by an individual horoscope, which, among other things, takes into account the influence of the planets at the time of birth.

In the zodiac horoscope, the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac are associated with four terrestrial elements that make the signs of the zodiac with certain energies. Western astrology allocates elements - fire (Lion, Aries, Sagittarius), water (scorpion, fish, cancer), air (scales, twins, aquarius) and land (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn). Each sign is endowed with certain energy characteristics, properties and temperament.

As a result, the Western Zodiacal horoscope takes into account many different parameters, the influence of the position of the Sun in the passage of 12 constellations, the energy influence of the planets. The characteristic of the signs of the zodiac also depends on the earth's elements that additional properties add to it. The accumulated knowledge of Western astrology gives us the opportunity to more deeply know themselves and the solid world around us, which is hidden from the look of our eyes.