Characteristics of the hero of the anosos, a pomegranate bracelet, Kubrin. Anosov character image

Characteristics of the hero of the anosos, a pomegranate bracelet, Kubrin. Anosov character image
Characteristics of the hero of the anosos, a pomegranate bracelet, Kubrin. Anosov character image

General Anosov Characteristic and image of the hero of the story of the junk "Pomegranate bracelet" according to plan

1. General characteristics. General Anosov is one of the characters of the story A. I. Kuprin and "Pomegranate bracelet". In appearance, this is a high mighty old man suffering to breathe.

General has a very good-natured face. Eyes give out a person in it, a lot of suffering and dangers in his age. Anosov really deserved her rank, devoting all his life to military service.

Since 1863 (suppressing an uprising in Poland), he participated in all military campaigns, distinguished by extraordinary courage and fearlessness. The Russian-Turkish war left indelible fingerprints on Anosov: he almost defame, lost three fingers on his leg and earned rheumatism.

General alien is an arrogant attitude towards ordinary soldiers. He himself resembles an ordinary Russian man who persistently tolerate suffering. About the honesty and justice of Anosov is best testified by an old story about how, contrary to the orders, refused to shoot prisoners of the Poles.

Currently, the general occupies an honorary position of Commandant in the city of K. He knows him well and love all residents of the city. On Anosov sometimes rolling the attacks of anger, but they are very quickly replaced by ordinary good nature.

2. "Grandfather". Anosov and the late father of Anna and faith together fought and were faithful friends. After the death of Prince, the general became for girls by the second father. They remember him from early childhood and adore to listen to the leisure stories of the old man about their fighting past. Alosov has no own children, so he also used to count the sisters with his native granddaughters. Anna and Vera belong to the old general with great love and respect. For them, he still remains the most important authority capable of giving a wise council in any life situation.

3. The role of an alosum in the work. The author does not accidentally introduce the image of an old general in history about selfless love. A conversation about the present disinterested feeling between him and sisters. Annos is recognized by Anna and faith that he did not meet any love for all his long life, which is "strong as death." People converge with each other simply because it is necessary.

For a man, marriage means organizing life, in any woman says Maternal instinct. Anosov cites two cases that are close to the concept of selfless love. In both examples, men who look very sorry for victims of all-consuming passion. General does not condemn these people who have turned into a rag because of favorite women. He regrets that both beloved people did not understand what they were lost.

The general is very careful, fearing inadvertently offended, hints faith that her relationship with her husband is also far from true love. Having heard the story of an unfortunate official from her, he suggests that the "granddaughter" met a person who was able to "give life to the torment" for the sake of his beloved. Anosov does not give faith of any advice, but it turns out to be completely right. Yolksu commit suicide, becoming another tragic victim of very rare infinite love.

A significant place in Russian literature is the writer Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin, who created many wonderful works. But it was the "garnet bracelet" attracted and attracts the reader with its understandable, but so deep meaning and content. There are still no disputes around this story, and its popularity does not weaken. Kubrin decided to give his heroes the most rare, but the most real gift - love, and he succeeded.

The sad story of love is based on a pomegranate bracelet. This, selfless, faithful love is a deep and sincere feeling of the main topic of the story of the Great Writer.

History of creating a story "Pomegranate bracelet"

His new story that the famous writer Kubrin wondered as a story, Alexander Ivanovich began writing the autumn of 1910 in the Ukrainian city of Odessa. He thought he could write him in a few days, and even reports in one of the letters to a friend, the literary criticism of Kleztov. He wrote to him that he would soon be a new manuscript, a familiar book publisher. But the writer was wrong.

The story came out of the prescribed plot, so I took a writer for a few days, as he planned, and several months. It is also known that the work is based on the story that happened in reality. About this and reports Alexander Ivanovich in a letter to philologist and friend Fedor Batyushkov, when, describing how working on manuscript passes, reminds that the story itself, which has formed the basis of the work:

"Do you remember? "The sad story of a small telegraph official P. P. Zhaltikova, who was so hopeless, touching and selflessly in love with Lyubimov's wife (D. N. - now the governor in Wilna)."

He admitted in a letter to a friend Batyushkov dated November 21, 1910, that work on a new product is hard. He wrote:

"Now I am writing a" bracelet ", but is bad. The main reason is my ignorance in music ... and a secular tone! ".

It is known that in December, the manuscript was not ready yet, but it was hard for her work on it, and in one of the letters Kubrin himself gives an assessment of his manuscript, saying that it turns out a pretty "sweet" thing that I don't want to make a hits .

The manuscript saw the light in 1911, when it was printed in the magazine "Earth". At that time, there was also a dedication to a friend Kurrov, the writer Klestov, who took a living participation in its creation. The story "Pomegranate bracelet" there was an epigraph - the first gate line from one Sonet Beethoven.

Plot story

The composition of the story consists of thirteen chapters. At the beginning of the story, it is narrowing how it was difficult for the princess of faith Nikolaevna Shein. After all, at the beginning of the fall, she lived even in the country, while all the neighbors had long moved to the city due to bad weather. The young woman could not do this, as in her city house there was a repair. But soon the weather calmed down, and even his sunshine looked out. With warmth, the mood of the main character was improved.

In the second chapter, the reader learns that the birthday of the princess was needed to note with a lush, because it required the position of her husband. On September 17, a celebration was appointed, which was clearly not for families. The thing is that her husband has long broke, but still did not show it to others, although it affected the family: faith Nikolaevna not only could not afford to be superfluous, she even saved on everything. On this day I came to help the young woman of her sister, with which the princess was in good relationship. Anna Nikolaevna Frides was not at all looked like her sister, but relatives were very tied to each other.

In the third chapter, the writer talks about the meeting of the sisters and about walking by the sea, where Anna and presented his sister his valuable gift - a notebook, which had an old cover. The fourth chapter will postpone the reader that evening when guests began to go to the celebration. Among others, the general of Annosov, who was a friend of the Father of the Girls and since childhood knew sisters. The girls were called his grandfather, but they did it cute and with great respect and love.

The fifth chapter tells about how the evening went in the house of the neck. Prince Vasily Shein, the husband of Faith constantly told the stories that occurred with his relatives and acquaintances, but did it so deft that the guests had not even understood where it was still true, and where fiction. Faith Nikolaevna gathered to give the order to serve tea, but, recalculating the guests, was very frightened. The princess was a superstitious woman, and the guests at the table turned out to be thirteen.

Going to the maid, she found out that the messenger brought a gift and a note. Faith Nikolaevna began with the note and immediately, from the first lines, I realized that she was from her secret fan. But she became a little in itself. I looked at the woman and on the bracelet, he was beautiful! But before the princess was an important question about whether to show this gift to her husband.

The sixth chapter is the story of princess with a telegraphist. The husband of Faith showed his album with merry pictures and one of them is the story of his wife and a small official. But she has not yet been completed, so the prince of Vasily began to just tell her, not paying attention to the fact that the wife was against it.

In the seventh chapter, the princess says goodbye to the guests: some of them went home, and the other was located on the summer terrace. Implementing a minute, a young woman shows a letter from her secret fan husband.
General Anosov, leaving in the eighth chapter, listens to the history of faith Nikolaevna about letters, who have long writes a secret sender, and then informs the woman that real love is quite rare, but she was lucky. After all, this "madman" loves her by selfless love, which every woman can dream of.

In the ninth chapter, the husband of Princess and her brother discuss the case with the bracelet and come to the conclusion that this story was not only delayed, but it can adversely affect the reputation of the family. Before bedtime, they decide tomorrow to find this secret fan of the faith of Nikolaevna, return his bracelet and end it with this story forever.

In the tenth chapter, Prince Vasily and the brother of Nikolai's girls find Yolkopkov and ask for forever to end this story. The husband of faith Nikolaevna felt the tragedy of his soul in this man, so permits to write the last letter to his wife. After reading this message, the princess immediately realized that this man would definitely make something with him, for example, will kill.

In the eleventh chapter, Knyagin will find out about the death of Yoltkova and reads his last letter, where she is remembered by the following lines: "I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is a love that God was pleased for something to reward me. Leaving, I am delighted with saying: "Yes, your name is hired." Princess decides to go on his funeral and look at this person. Husband does not mind.

The twelfth and thirteenth chapter is a visit to the density of Zheltikov, reading his last message and the disappointment of a woman in the fact that real love passed by her.

Characteristics of acting persons

There are few actors in the work. But it is worth staying in more detail on the main characters:

Vera Nikolaevna Shein.
Mr. Yolkov.

The main heroine of the story is Vera Nikolaevna Shein. It comes from an old nobility. Faith likes everyone others, as it is very beautiful and sweet: a gentle face, an aristocratic figure. She has been married for six years. The husband takes an important place in a secular society, although it has material problems. Faith Nikolaevna has a good education. She has another brother Nicholas and Sister Anna. She lives with her husband somewhere on the Black Sea. Despite the fact that faith is a superstitious woman and does not read newspapers at all, she loves gambling.

Another main and important hero of the story is Mr. Yolkov. Lucky and tall man with nervous fingers was a poor man. It was about thirty five years old. It consists in the service in the checksum chamber, but the post takes a low - a small official. Kubrin characterizes it as a modest, educated and noble person. This image of Kubrin sketched from a real person. The prototype of the main character was the minor official of the telegraph of Zheltikov P.P.

There are other characters in this story:

✔ Anna.
✔ Nikolay
✔ husband of the main heroine, Vasily Shein.
✔ General Anosov.
✔ Others.

Each of the heroes played its role in the content of the story.

Details in the novel

In the story "Pomegranate bracelet" there are many important details that allow you to deleep the content of the product. But especially among all these parts is highlighted with a pomegranate bracelet. According to the plot, the main heroine faith receives him as a gift from a secret fan. But pre-yolks, which is a secret fan, puts it in a bright red case.

Kubrin gives a detailed description of the bracelet, forcing him to admire him with beauty and sophistication: "It was a gold, low-line, very thick, but lost and from the outside, the whole completely covered with small old, poorly polished grenades." But special attention is attracted to the further description of the precious bracelet: "In the midst of the bracelet, they rummaged, surrounding some strange little green pebbles, five beautiful grenades of Cabochonov, each magnitude with the pea."

The writer tells about the history of this bracelet, emphasizing, so, as he was important for a small official Yolkova. The writer writes that it is an expensive decoration belonged to the great-grandbank of the main character, and the last one who wore him was his deceased mother, which he loved very much and kept the warmest memories about her. Green pomegranate in the middle of the bracelet, according to a small official, had his old legend, which was transferred to the Yolkolkov family from generation to generation. According to this legend, a person is freed from heavy thoughts, a woman receives a gift to the award also a gift, and a man will be protected from any violent death.

Criticism about the story "Pomegranate bracelet"

The writers highly appreciated the skill of Kurp.

The first feedback was given to Maxim Gorky in one of the letters in 1911. He was in admiration for this story and constantly repeated that it was written wonderfully and that the good literature was finally begins. Reading the "pomegranate bracelet" for the famous revolutionary writer Maxim Gorky has become a real holiday. He wrote:

"And what an excellent thing" Pomegranate bracelet "Kuprin ... Wonderful!".


A.I. Kookin Pomegranate Bracelet

L. Van Beethoven. 2 SON. (OP. 2, No. 2).



In mid-August, before the birth of a young month, suddenly there was a disgusting weather, which are characteristic of the northern coast of the Black Sea. Through the whole day, he was seriously lying above the earth and the sea thick fog, and then a huge siren on the lighthouse was roared during the day and night, exactly mad bull. Then from morning to morning it was not stopping the small, like water dust, a rain, which turned clay roads and paths into a solid thick dirt, in which the carriages and carriages were knocked out. I blinked from the north-west, from the side of the steppe fierce hurricane; From him, the tops of the trees were swinging, bending and straightening, exactly waves in the storm, thundered at night the iron roofs of cottages, seemed like someone runs on them in sled boots, shuddered the window frames, clapped doors, and wildly overtook in chimneys. Several fishing barcasses got lost in the sea, and two were not returned at all: only a week later, fishermen's corpses in different places of the coast rose.

The inhabitants of the suburban sea resort are mostly the Greeks and Jews, the vitality and a constant, as all southerners, - hastily moved to the city. By the softening highway, blind droces, burned with all sorts of housewives, with mattresses, sofas, chests, chairs, washbasins, sofa, sofa, sofas, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofams, sofamings, sofams, sofams, samovars. Sorry, and sad, and disgusting was to look through the muddy cheeky rain on this pitiful Skarb, which seemed to be so worn, dirty and nishchensky; On the maids and the cooks, sitting on the top of the war on the wet tarpaulin with some iron, tin, and baskets in their hands, on the swollen, exhausted horses, which were still stopped, trembling knees, smoking and often carrying sides, on the syphal of the swearing throll, Flipped from rain in Rogodh. Even saddering was to see the daches with their sudden space, emptiness and salty, with disadvantaged flower beds, broken windows, abandoned dogs and all sorts of cores, pieces of paper, shards, boxes and pharmacaric bubbles.

But by the beginning of September, the weather suddenly sharply and very unexpectedly changed. Immediately stepped quiet cloudless days, such clear, solar and warm, which was not even in July. On the squeezed squeezed fields, on their barbed yellow bristle there is a saliva glitter autumn tatten. Soothing trees silently and submissively dropped yellow leaves.

Princess Vera Nikolaevna Shein, the wife of the greener of the nobility, could not leave the cottages, because in their urban house they still did not finish with repair. And now she was very happy with the coming adorable days, silence, solitude, clean air, twitter on the telegraph wires of swallows, who installed to the departure, and a gentle salt breeze, weakly pulling from the sea.


In addition, today was her name day - September 17th. In cute, remote childhood memories, she always loved this day and always expected something happily wonderful from him. The husband, leaving in the morning on rush to the city in the morning, put her case with beautiful earrings from pear-like pearls on the night table, and this gift had more fun at her.

She was alone in the whole house. Her idle brother Nikolai, Comrade Prosecutor, who lived usually along with them, also went to the city, to court. To dinner, the husband promised to bring a few and only the closest acquaintances. It went well that the name day coincided with the country time. In the city would have to spend money on a large main dinner, perhaps even on the ball, and here, at the cottage, it was possible to do the most in a small expenditure. Prince Shein, despite his prominent position in society, and maybe thanks to him, barely reduced ends meet. A huge generic estate was almost entirely upset by His ancestors, and there was higher to live: make techniques, charitable, dress well, hold horses, etc. Princess Vera, who has the former passionate love for her husband has long passed into a feeling of strong, faithful, True friendship, with all their might tried to help the prince to stay from full ruin. She in many ways, imperceptibly for him, refused to himself and, as far as possible, saved in the household.

Now she walked around the garden and cautiously cut flowers to the dining table with scissors. The flower beds were excavated and had a messy appearance. Multicolored terry cloves flourished, and the left in the colors, and half in thin green jars, smelling cabbage, pink bushes were still given - for the third time for this summer - buds and roses, but already crushed, rare, exactly degenerating. But it bloomed with its cold, arrogant beauty dahlia, peonies and asters, spreading in a sensitive air, herbaceous, sad smell. The remaining flowers after their luxurious love and excessive abundant summer motherhood quietly creep into Earth countless seeds of the future life.

Close on the highway heard familiar sounds of a car three-way horn. It approached the sister of Princess of Faith - Anna Nikolaevna Fresses, in the morning I promised to come to help my sister to receive guests and in the household.

Slim hearing did not deceive faith. She went to meet. A few minutes later, a graceful car-carriage stopped in the country gate, and the driver, deftly jumping from the seat, opened the door.

Sisters happily kissed. From the earliest childhood, they were tied to each other warm and caring friendship. According to the appearance, they were not similar to strange among themselves. The eldest, faith, went to the mother, the beauty of the British, his high flexible figure, gentle, but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands and the charming shoulder depreciation, which one can see on old miniatures. The youngest - Anna, on the contrary, inherited the Mongolian blood of the Father, the Tatar Prince, whose grandfather was baptized only at the beginning of the XIX century and the ancient generation of which he went to Tamerlana himself, or Lang-Temira, as proudly called her father, in Tatar, this great Blood. She was halfolons below the sister, somewhat wide in shoulders, live and frivolous, mockery. Her face of her strong Mongolian type with rather noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes, which she, besides the myophesia, Puchel, with an appreciated expression in a small, sensual mouth, especially in a slightly nominated full of the bottom lip, - the face is, however, captives some That elusive and incomprehensible charm, which could be, in a smile, maybe in deep femininity of all the features, maybe in a piquant, prisoner-flirty fairy. Her graceful urgentness excited and attracted the attention of men much more often and stronger than the aristocratic beauty of her sister.

She was married to a very rich and very stupid man, who did nothing exactly, but was listed at a charitable institution and had the title of cameras-Juncker. She couldn't stand her husband, but he gave birth to two children from him - a boy and a girl; She more decided not to have children and did not have. As for the faith - she eagerly wanted children and even, it seemed to her, the more, the better, but for some reason they were not born she was born, and she painfully and dusty adored pretty young children of the younger sister, always decent and obedient, with pale torment Persons and with curly linen puppet hair.

Anna all consisted of cheerful carelessness and cute, sometimes strange contradictions. She willingly indulged in the most risky flirting in all capitals and at all resorts of Europe, but never changed her husband, however, contemptuously ridiculed into the eyes and for her eyes; It was wasteful, terribly loved gambling, dancing, strong impressions, sharp spectacles, visited dubious cafes abroad, but at the same time he was characterized by a generous kindness and a deep, sincere piousness, which made it even take secret Catholicism. She had a rare beauty back, chest and shoulders. Going to big balls, she has exposed much more than the limits allowed by decency and fashion, but they said that she always had a whabenyan.

The faith was strictly simple, with all cold and a little bit of amazing, independent and coarly calm.


My God, how is your good here! How good! - Anna said, walking fast and small steps next to the sister along the track. - If you can sit down a little on the bench above the cliff. I have not seen the sea for so long. And what a wonderful air: breathing - and the heart is having fun. In Crimea, in Mishore, last summer I made an amazing discovery. Do you know what the sea water smells during the surf? Imagine a rescue.

Faith gently grinned:

You are a dancer.

No no. I remember also once, I needed everything to do me when I said that there is some pink shade in the moonlight. And the other day, the artist Boritsky is the one that my portrait writes - agreed that I was the right and that the artists had known about this for a long time.

Artist - Your new passion?

You will always come up with! - Anna laughed and, quickly approaching the very edge of the cliff, the sheer wall of falling deep into the sea, looked down and suddenly screamed in horror and recoiled back with the pale face.

Oh, how high! - she uttered she weakened and shuddering voice. - When I look from such a height, I always have somehow sweetly and thickens in my chest ... And my fingers on the legs spisit ... and still pulls, pulls ...

She wanted to break over the cliff again, but the sister stopped her.

Anna, my dear, for God's sake! My head is spinning when you do that. I ask you, sit down.

Well, well, good, sat down ... But you just look, what kind of beauty, what joy - just the eye will not be satisfied. If you knew how I am grateful to God for all the wonders that he did for us!

Both for a minute thought. The sea was deeply deep beneath them. The bench was not visible to the coast, and therefore the feeling of infinity and the grandeur of the maritime spacing was even more in effect. The water was affectionately calm and fun-blue, lighten only oblique smooth stripes in the flow places and turning into a dense-blue deep color on the horizon.

Fishermen boats, with difficulty marked by the eye - they seemed like small, - motionlessly dreamed in marine stages, not far from the coast. And then it was exactly in the air, without moving forward, a three-volume vessel, all top to bottom dressed with monotonous, convex from wind, white slender sails.

I understand you, "the older sister said thoughtfully," but I somehow don't like you like. " When I first see the sea after a lot of time, it worries me, and I am glad, and amazes. As if I see a huge, solemn miracle for the first time. But then, when I got used to him, it starts to put me to put me with a flat void ... I miss him, looking at him, and I try not to watch anymore. Bored.

Anna smiled.

What are you? - asked the sister.

Last summer, "said Anna Lukavo," we left Yalta with a big cavalcade riding an account. It is there, behind the forestry, above the waterfall. At first they got into the cloud, it was very raw and clearly visible, and we all rose up the steep path between the pines. And suddenly somehow the forest ended immediately, and we came out of the fog. Imagine; A narrow platform on a rock, and under our feet we have the abyss. The villages at the bottom seem no more match box, forests and gardens - like small herb. All terrain descends to the sea, accurately a geographical map. And then there is a sea! The verslet is fifty, a hundred forward. It seemed to me - I hung in the air and is about to fly. Such beauty, such ease! I turn back and say the conductor is delighted: "What? Well, seid ogs? " And he only pumped into the language: "Eh, Barin, how mine is tired of all. Every day we see. "

Thank you for a comparison, - Faith laughed, - no, I just think that we, Northerners, never understand the charms of the sea. I love the forest. Do you remember the forest in our Egorovsky? .. can he ever borrow? Pines! .. And what kind of mosses! .. and amansor! Exactly made of red satin and embroidered with white beads. Silence is such a coolness.

I don't care, I love everything, "Anna replied. - And most of all I love my little sister, my prudent license. We are just two in the world.

She hugged her older sister and pressed her cheek to her cheek. And suddenly she unwound.

No, what I'm stupid! We are with you, exactly in the novel, sit and talk about nature, and I completely forgot about my gift. Look here. I'm afraid only, will you like it?

She took out a small notebook in an amazing binding from her hand-made bag: on the old, erased and ran to the blue velvet, the dull-gold filigree pattern was rare complexity, subtlety and beauty, - obviously, the love work of the hands of a skillful and patient artist. The book was attached to thin, like a thread, a gold chain, the sheets in the middle were replaced with ivory tablets.

What a beautiful thing! Charm! - said Faith and kissed her sister. - Thank you. Where did you get such a treasure?

In one antique bench. You know my weakness to rummage in ancient chem. So I came to this prayer room. Look, you see how the ornament makes the cross. True, I found only one binding, the rest all had to invent - leaflets, fasteners, pencil. But Molina did not want to understand me at all as I interpreted him. The fasteners were to be in the same style as the entire pattern, frosted, old gold, fine thread, and he knows what he did. But the chain is real Venetian, very ancient.

Faith gently stroked the wonderful binding.

What a deep old one! .. How much can be this book? She asked.

I'm afraid to determine exactly. Approximately the end of the seventeenth century, the middle of the eighteenth ...

As strange, - said Faith with a thoughtful smile. "So I keep in my hands the thing that, maybe concerned the hands of Marquis Pompadour or the Queen of Antoinettes ... But you know, Anna, it could only come to mind with a crazy thought to remake the prayer room into the carnet lady. However, let's go, let's see what we are doing there.

They went to the house through a large stone terrace, from all sides, closed with dense trellis of grapes "Isabella". Black abundant borders, published a weak smell of strawberries, heavily hung between the dark, in some places the greenery with the sun. The whole terrace spilled out a green half-floor, from which the faces of women immediately pale.

Do you negate here? - asked Anna.

Yes, I myself thought so at first ... But now the evenings are so cold. It's better in the dining room. And men let go here to smoke.

Will anyone interesting?

I do not know yet. I only know that our grandfather will be.

Ah, Grandfather is cute. Here is a joy! - Anna exclaimed and splashed his hands. - I seem to him, I did not see it.

There will be a sister Vasi and seems to be a professor of hurry. I yesterday, Annay, just lost his head. You know that they both love to eat - and Grandpa and Professor. But neither here, nor in the city - you will not get anything for any money. Luka found somewhere quails - ordered a familiar hunter - and something wisely over them. Rostable got relatively thoroughly, - alas! - inevitable roast beyf. Very good crayfish.

Well, not so bad. You do not worry. However, between us, you yourself have a weakness to eat delicious.

But there will be something rare. This morning, the fisherman brought a sea dedcer. I saw myself. Straight some monster. Even scary.

Anna, to greed curious to everything that it concerned and that he did not touch, now she demanded that she brought to show the sea rooster.

He came high, shaved, yellow-beetolic chef with a big oblong white Lohan, which he with difficulty, cautiously kept behind the ears, fearing splashing water to parquet.

Twelve and a half pounds, your clay, "he said with a special cook pride. - We will have weighed.

The fish was too large for a loyalty and lay on the bottom, wrapped the tail. Her scales cast gold, the fins were bright red, and from a huge predatory muzzle went to the sides of two gentle blue folded, like a fan, long wings. The sea cock was still alive and worked hard with habies.

The younger sister gently touched the little finger to the head of the fish. But the rooster suddenly threw the tail, and Anna with a shange pulled his hand.

Do not avoid worrying, your shyness, all at best arrange, - said the cook, obviously understood the alarm of Anna. - Now Bulgarian brought two melons. Pineapple. It seems like Cantalups on the manner, but only the smell is much fragrant. And I still dare to ask your clay, which sauce will order to serve to the rooster: Tartar or Polish, and then you can just crac in oil?

Do how you know. Stay! - said Princess.


After five hours, guests began to go. Prince Vasily Lvovich brought Lyudmila Lvovna with his widow sister, on her husband, a full, good-natured and unusually silent woman; The secular young rich chalopaya and Kutil Vashukha, whom the whole city knew under this familiar name, would be very pleasant in society to sing and recharge, as well as arrange live paintings, performances and charitable bazaars; The famous pianist for Zhana Reuters, a girlfriend of Princess faith in the Smolny Institute, as well as its Shurin Nikolai Nikolayevich. For them came by car Anna's husband with Shaved Tolstoy, ugly with a huge professor Snechnikov and with the local vice-governor, the background of Zekkom. Later, General Anosov arrived, in a good hired Lando, accompanied by two officers: the staff colonel of Ponamarev, who was premature, a worst, gall man, exhausted by the insane stationary work, and the Guards Gusar Lieutenant Bakhtinsky, who was famous for the best dancer and an incomparable charger of balls .

General Anosov, fat, tall, silver old man, got sickly from the footboard, holding one hand for the handing of a goat, and the other is for the crew back. In his left hand, he kept a hearing horn, and in the right - a pitch with a rubber tip. He had a big, coarse, red face with a fleshy nose and with the good-natured-great, a little bit as a contemptuous expression in the surreatible eyes located radiant, swelling semi-windows, which is characteristic of courageous and ordinary people who have often visited and close in front of their own eyes and death. Both sisters, published his learned, ran up to the carriage just in time, so that hemispheries, heather to maintain it on both sides under his arms.

For sure ... Booking! Said General Laskov's hoarse bass.

Grandfather, nice, dear! - spoke faith tone of easy reproach. - We are waiting for you every day, and at least you would have shown your eyes.

Grandfather in our south lost all the conscience, - Anna laughed. - It would be possible, it seems to remember about the godfather's daughter. And you keep yourself with Donjun, Shamelessness, and completely forgot about our existence ...

General, exposing his majestic head, kissed his hands alternately at both sisters, then kissed them in his cheeks and again in her hand.

Girls ... Wait ... do not scold, - he said, mounted every word with sighs that came from long-standing shortness of breath. - Honest word ... The doctors are part-to-suck ... All summer has been bathing my rheumatism ... in some dirty ... kisel, it smells awfully ... And they didn't let ... You are the first ... to whom I came ... It's terribly glad ... To see you ... how are you jumping? .. you, Verochka ... completely lady ... it became very similar to the mother ... When you call you to baptize?

Oh, I'm afraid, grandfather, that never ...

Do not despair ... Everything is ahead ... Pray to God ... And you, Anya, did not change at all ... You and sixty years ... You will be the same dragonfly-huh. Wait-ka. Let me introduce you to the Lord officers.

I have long had this honor! - said Colonel Ponamarev, bowing.

I was represented by the princess in St. Petersburg, "Gusar picked up.

Well, I will present you, Anya, Lieutenant Bakhtinsky. Dancer and Buyan, but a good cavalryman. Reel, Bakhtinsky, my dear, there from the stroller ... Let's go, girls ... what, Veroch, will you feed? I have ... after the liman regime ... appetite, like a graduation ... ensign.

General Anosov was a combat comrade and a dedicated friend of the late Prince Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky. All gentle friendship and love he after the death of the prince suffered on his daughters. He knew them very small, and the younger Anna even baptized. At that time, both so far - he was a commandant of a big, but almost abolished fortress in the city of K. and daily visited Tuganovsky's house. Children simply adored him for the pellery, for gifts, for the lodges in the circus and the theater and for the fact that no one fascinatingly knew how to play with them like an alosos. But most of all, their stories about military campaigns, battles and parking on Bivuaki, about victories and retreats, deaths, wounds and loud frosts were captured in their memory, and fastening, - leisurely, epically calm, simple stories told between evening tea And the boring hour when children will call to sleep.

According to the current nravam, this fragment of the antiquity was represented by a giganic and unusually picturesque figure. It was those simple, but touching and deep features that even in its times were most often met in ordinary than in officers, those purely Russians, man's features, which in the compound give an exalted image that sometimes made our soldier not only invincible , but also a Great Martyr, almost saints, - features consisting of a frequency, naive faith, a clear, good-natured-fun look at life, cold and business courage, conquests in the face of death, pity for the defeated, infinite patience and amazing physical and moral endurance.

Aloshov, starting from the Polish war, participated in all campaigns except Japanese. He would have taken this war without hesitation, but he was not called, and he always had a great rule for modesty: "Do not climb death until you are called." For all his service, he is not only never carved, but did not even hit a single soldier. During the Polish insurgency, he refused to shoot prisoners once, despite the personal order of the regimental commander. "I will not only shoot the spy," he said, "but if you order, I personally kill." And these are prisoners, and I can not. " And he said it is so simple, respectfully, without a shadow of a call or rice, looking straight into his eyes with his clear, hard eyes, that he, instead of shooting himself, left alone.

In the war of 1877-1879, he very quickly sent to the rank of Colonel very quickly, despite the fact that there was little formed or, as he himself was expressed, finished only by the "Bear Academy". He participated when crossing through the Danube, Balkan passed, was sitting on the chips, it was at the last attack of the piers; His wounded once hard, four - easily, and, moreover, he got a fragment of grenades with a cruel contusion in the head. Radetsky and Skobeliev knew him personally and treated him with exceptional respect. It was about him who said somehow Skobeliev: "I know one officer who is much brave me, is Major Anosov."

From the war, he returned almost illuminated thanks to the splinter of the pomegranates, with a sick leg, on which three frostbitated, during the Balkan transition, fingers, with severe rheumatism, htorated on a chip. He was wanted after two years of peaceful service, to resign, but the anosos was preparing. Here he was very useful to his influence the head of the region, the living witness of his cold-blooded courage when crossing the Danube. In St. Petersburg, they decided not to upset the well-deserved colonel, and he was given a lifelong place of commandant in the city of K. - the position is more honorable than the necessary state defense.

In the city, everyone knew him from Mala to Great and dinnerly laughed at his weaknesses, habits and manners to dress. He always walked without a weapon, in the old-fashioned surtuka, in a cap with large fields and with a huge direct visor, with a stick in his right hand, with a hearing horror in the left and certainly accompanied by two noisy, lazy, hoarse pugs that always have a tip of the tank They dried out and bored. If he had to meet with friends during the usual morning walk, then passersby heard the commandant in a few blocks, as his pugs are crushed together after him.

As many deaf, he was a passionate opera lover, and sometimes, during some languid duet, he suddenly he was heard his decisive bass: "But purely took before, damn it! Exactly sprinkle nuts. On the theater, a discrepanant laughter was swept, but the general did not even suspect this: in his naivety he thought that she was exchanged in a whisper with his neighbor a fresh impression.

According to Commandant, he is quite often, together with his hoarse pugs, visited the main gaptwathery, where it was very cozy behind the screw, tea and jokes rested from military service arrested officers. He carefully asked everyone: "How is the surname? Who is planted? How much? For what?" Sometimes completely unexpectedly praised the officer for the brave, although the illegal act, sometimes began to spark, shouting so that he was heard on the street. But, shutting off, he was aware of without any transitions and pause, from where the officer wear lunch and how much he pays for him. It happened that some launched podoruk, sent for a long-term release of such a silence, where he had no own gaptweath, admitted that he, by lack of money, was content with the soldier's boiler. Anosov immediately ordered that the poor feared lunch from the Commandant House, from which it was not more than two hundred steps to the Gaupvakta.

In the city of K., he became close to the Tuganovsky family and such close bonds were attached to the children that for him it became a mental need to see them every evening. If it happened that the ladies went somewhere or the service detained the general itself, he sincerely wandered and did not find himself places in large rooms of the Commandant house. Every summer he took his vacation and spent a whole month in the estate of Tuganovsky, Egorovsky, who was out of K. at fifty miles.

He all his hidden tenderness of the soul and the need for heart love moved to this ladder, especially for girls. He himself was once married, but so long ago, that even forgot about it. Even before the war, the wife escaped from him with a passing actor, captivated by his velvet jacket and lace cuffs. The general sent her a pension until her death, but did not let him into the house, despite the scenes of repentance and tear letters. They did not have children.


Against the expectation, the evening was so quiet and warm, that the candles on the terrace and in the dining room were burning with fixed lights. For dinner, the prince of Vasily Lvovich drove everyone. He had an extraordinary and very peculiar ability to tell. He basically took the story of a true episode, where someone from those present or common acquaintances were the main acting person, but so thickened paints and at the same time spoke with such a serious face and such a business tone that the listeners were abandoned from laughter. Today he talked about the failed marriage of Nikolai Nikolayevich on one rich and beautiful lady. There was only the fact that the lady's husband did not want to give her a divorce. But the Prince of Pravda miraculously intertwined with fiction. Serious, always a few famous Nikolai, he made at night running down the street in alone stockings, with shoes under the arm. Somewhere on the corner of a young man delayed the city, and only after a long and violent explanation, Nikolai managed to prove that he comrade the prosecutor, and not a night robber. The wedding, according to the narrator, did not take place a little bit, but at the very critical moment the desperate gang of false visiders who participated in the case suddenly fascinated, demanding an increase in wages. Nikolai from misfortune (he really was misfortune), as well as being a principled opponent of the strikes and strikes, flatly refused to pay extra, referring to a certain article of the law, confirmed by the appearance of the cassation department. Then angry false witnesses on a well-known question: "Does anyone know the pretexts that pretends to complete the marriage?" - Chorus answered: "Yes, we know. Everyone shown by us on the court under oath is a solid lies to which we have forced threats and violence Mr. Prosecutor. And about the husband of this lady we, as aware of the faces, we can only say that this is the most respectable person in the world, chaste, like Joseph, and Angelic kindness. "

Attacking the thread of marriage stories, Prince Vasily did not spare and Gustav Ivanovich Freessa, her husband Anna, told that he was the next day after the wedding came to demand with the help of police eviction from the parent home, as a non-separate passport, and its place to place legitimate husband. That faithful in this joke was only that in the first days of married life Anna had to be abandoned to be near the famous mother, since Vera hurriedly left for her south, and poor Gustav Ivanovich indulged in disheartening and despair.

All laughed. I smiled and Anna with her roasting eyes. Gustav Ivanovich laughed loudly and enthusiastically, and his thin, smoothly covered with brilliant skin, with slightly liquid, light hair, with cropped eye orbits, was like a skull, who exposed the precompanious teeth in the laugh. He still adored Anna, as on the first day of the marriage, always tried to sit near her, it is imperceptible to her and cared for her so in love and smugly, which often became a pity and sorry and awkward.

Before you get up because of the table, Vera Nikolaevna mechanically recalculated guests. It turned out to be thirteen. She was superstitious and thought about himself: "It's not good! How did I not occur before? And Vasya is to blame - said nothing on the phone. "

When the cervical or Fresses gathered close friends, then after lunch, they were usually played in poker, since both sisters to funny loved gambling. In both homes, they even developed their own rules on this: the bones of a certain price were distributed to all playing, and the game lasted until all the knuckles moved to one hands, - then the game for this evening ceased, no matter how partners argued on continuation. Take from the cash register for the second time the tokens were strictly forbidden. Such harsh laws were derived from practice, for curbing the princess of faith and Anna Nikolaevna, who in Azart did not know any deserving. The overall loss rarely reached a hundred - two hundred rubles.

Scenes for poker and this time. Faith, who did not accept participation in the game, wanted to go out on the terrace, where they were covered to tea, but suddenly her with a somewhat mysterious view caused the maid from the living room.

What is Dasha? - The princess faith asked with displeasure, passing into his small office, next to the bedroom. - What is your stupid look? And what do you turn in your hands?

Dasha put a small square object on the table, wrapped neatly into white paper and thoroughly bandaged with a pink ribbon.

I, by God, is not to blame, your beggar, - she climbed, flashes by a blush from resentment. - He came and said ...

Who is he?

Red hat, your shiny ... Messenger ...

And what?

He came to the kitchen and put it on the table. "Pass, says your lantern. But only, he says, in their own hands. " I ask: from whom? And he says: "Everything is designated here." And with those words ran away.

Flight and catch it up.

Do not catch up with your shyness. He came in the middle of dinner, I just did not decide to concern you, your beggar. Half an hour will be.

Well, well, go.

She cut the ribbon scissors and threw the basket with the paper on which her address was written. Under the paper turned out to be a small jewelry and red plush case, apparently, just from the store. Faith raised the cap, chopped with pale blue silk, and saw an oval gold bracelet lurished in a black velvet, and inside his carefully folded with a beautiful octagon note. She quickly unfolded a piece of paper. Hand writing seemed familiar to her, but, like a real woman, she now postponed a note aside to look at the bracelet.

It was gold, base, very thick, but douty and from the outside, the whole completely covered with small antique, poorly polished grenades. But in the middle of the bracelet rose, surrounding some strange little green pebbles, five beautiful grenades-cabochon, each magnitude with the pea. When the faith by random movement successfully turned the bracelet in front of the light bulb, then in them, deeply under their smooth egg-shaped surface, suddenly the adorable dense-red live lights tanned.

"Exactly blood!" - thought with an unexpected alarm faith.

Then she remembered the letter and unfolded him. She read the following lines written in finely, excellent calligraphic handwriting:

"Your shyness,

Deep-valued princess

Vera Nikolaevna!

Responsibly congratulating you with the bright and joyful day of your angel, I dare to transmit you my modest loyal offer. "

"Ah, this is the one!" - with displeasure thought faith. But, however, I read the letter ...

"I would never allow myself to present you anything chosen by me personally: for this I do not have any right nor a thin taste and - I confess - neither money. However, I suppose that there are no treasures worthy of decorating you in all of the world.

But this bracelet also belonged to my great-grandbank, and the last one, in time, was my deceased Mother. In the middle, between big stones, you will see one green. This is a very rare grenade grade - green grenades. According to the ancient legend, preserved in our family, he has a property to inform the gift of foresight wearing his women and distinguishes heavy thoughts from them, men protected from violent death.

All stones with accuracy are transferred here from the old silver bracelet, and you can be sure that no one has nobody put on you.

You can now throw this funny toy or give it to someone, but I will be happy and the fact that your hands touched it.

I beg you not to penetrate me. I blush with the memories of my audacity seven years ago, when you, the lady, I dared to write stupid and wild letters and even expect a response to them. Now I have only awe, eternal worship and slave dedication. I can now just wish every minute you happiness and rejoice if you are happy. I mentally bow to the land of furniture, on which you are sitting, the parquet, by which you walk, the trees that you pass in touch, the servant you are talking with. I do not even have envy or to people or to things.

Once again, I apologize, which was disturbed by a long, unnecessary letter.

Your before death and after the death of the humble servant.

"Show you or not to show? And if you show - when? Now or after guests? No, it's better after - now not only this unfortunate will be funny, but I am with him. "

So the princess faith thoughtfully and could not take the eye from five scarlet bloody lights trembling inside five pomegranates.


Colonel Ponamareva barely managed to get sitting in poker. He said that he did not know this game that he did not recognize Azart at all even jokingly, he would love and plays relatively well to the screw. However, he did not resist requests and eventually agreed.

At first it was necessary to learn and correct, but he quickly mastered the rules of poker, and now it was not half an hour, as all the chips were found in front of him.

You can not do it this way! - said Anna's comic offender. - At least a little gave a little.

Three of the guests - Sweets, Colonel and Vice-Governor, a stupid, decent and boring German, were this kind of people that faith did not know positively, how to occupy them and what to do with them. It was a screw for them, inviting the fourth Gustav Ivanovich. Anna was published, in the form of gratitude, covered the eyes of the eyelids, and the sister immediately understood her. Everyone knew that if you don't sit by the Gustav of Ivanovich for the cards, then he will walk around his wife in the whole evening, like an invented, cliff his rotten teeth on the face of the skull and spoil the mood of the Spirit.

Now the evening flow is smoothly, without coercion, lively. Vasyuk sang in a low voice, under the accompaniment of feminine Reuters, Italian folk canzonettes and Rubinstein oriental songs. He had a small, but pleasant timbre, obedient and faithful. Female Reuters, a very demanding musician, always accompanied by him. However, they said that Vashchuk was cautious for her.

In the corner on the couch Anna desperately flirting with Husar. Faith walked and listened with a smile.

No, no, you, please do not laugh, - Anna said fun, Picky on the officer my lovely, perky Tatar eyes. - You, of course, consider it for work to fly the head in front of the squadron and take barriers to races. But look only for our work. Now we have just committed with Lottery-Allegri. Do you think it was easy? Fi! The crowd, smashed, some wipers, cabers, I don't know how they are called there ... and everyone sticks with complaints, with some resentment ... and a whole, all day on the legs. And there is still a concert in favor of insufficient intelligent workers, and there is still a white ball ...

On which, dare to hope, you will not refuse me in Mazurka? - inserted Bakhtinsky and, slightly leaning, clicked under the armchair spurs.

Thank you ... But the most sick place is our shelter. You see, shelter for vicious children ...

Oh, I understand. Is it necessary for something very funny?

Stop how you can not be able to laugh at such things. But do you understand what our misfortune? We want to shelter these unfortunate children with souls, full of hereditary vices and bad examples, we want to warm them, to have ...

- ... raise their morality, awaken the consciousness of debt in their souls ... Do you understand me? And now they bring children every day with hundreds, thousands, but between them - not a single vicious! If you ask the parents, not a vicious child, - you can imagine - they are even offended! And now the shelter is open, consecrated, everything is ready - and not a single pupil, not a single pupil! At least offer a prize for each delivered vicious baby.

Anna Nikolaevna, "Hussar interrupted seriously and squeakly. - Why a prize? Take me for free. Honestly, a more vicious child you will not find anywhere.

Stop! You can not talk to you seriously, "she looked around, looking at the back of the couch and brightly eyes.

Prince Vasily Lvovich, sitting at a big round table, showed his sister, Anosovo and Shurin a homemade humorous album with his own drawings. All four laughed from the soul, and this little turned to the guests not occupied by cards.

The album served as if a supplement, illustration for satirical stories of Prince Vasily. With his unshakable tranquility, he showed, for example: "The story of the love of love of the brave general of Anosov in Turkey, Bulgaria and other countries"; "The adventure of Petimetra Prince Nicolas Bulat-Tuganovsky in Monte Carlo" and so on.

Now you will see the gentlemen, the shortesty of our beloved sister Lyudmila Lvovna, "he said, throwing a quick little look at his sister. - Part One - childhood. "The child grew, he was called Lima."

On a leaflet of the album, a deliberately drawn figure of a girl was delighted, with a face in profile, but with two eyes, with broken dashes, sticking instead of legs from under the skirt, with broken fingers of divorced hands.

Nobody called me Lima, - Lyudmila Lvovna laughed.

Part two. The first love. Cavalry juncker brings Limin Lima on his knees poem his own product. There is truly pearl beauty strings:

Your beautiful leg is an unearthly passion alert!

Here is a genuine image of the leg.

And here the junker incurs the innocent Lima to run from the parental house. Here the most flight. And this is a critical position: an angry father catchies fugitives. The juncker dumps all the trouble on the meek Lima.

You are all poured there, the hour is excessive, and so for us, the terrible chase ... How do you want to separate you, and I run into the bushes.

After the history of the Maiden, Lima followed a new story: "Princess Vera and in love with a telegraphist."

This touching poem is only illustrated by the pen and color pencils, "explained Seriously Vasily Lvovich. - The text is still manufactured.

This is something new, "said Alosov," I still did not see it.

The latest issue. Fresh news of the book market.

Faith quietly touched his shoulder.

It is better not necessary, "she said.

But Vasily Lvovich or did not hear her words, or did not give them the present meaning.

The beginning refers to the times of prehistoric. One beautiful May day is one maid, named Vera, receives a letter with kissing doves on the title. Here is a letter, and here and pigeons.

The letter contains in itself a dustful recognition in love, written in spite of all the rules of spelling. It begins as follows: "Beautiful blond, you, who ... Stormy Sea of \u200b\u200bFlame, bubble in my chest. Your look, as a poisonous snake, dug into my extercoucted soul "and so on. At the end, a modest signature: "By the genus of a weapon, I have a poor telegraphist, but my feelings are worthy of Milorda George. I do not dare to open my full last name - it is too indecent. We subscribe only to the initial letters: P. P. Zh. Please answer me to the post office, post a remedial. " Here you are, gentlemen, you can see the portrait of the very telegraphist, very successfully filled with colored pencils.

The heart of faith is pierced (here's the heart, here is an arrow). But, as a unwitting and educated maiden, she shows a letter to respectable parents, as well as their friend's childhood and a bridegroom, a beautiful young man Vasa Sheina. Here is an illustration. Of course, over time there will be poetic explanations for drawings.

Vasya Shein, sobbing, returns the faith Wedding Ring. "I do not dare to interfere with your happiness," he says, "but, begging, do not immediately decide. Think, they will reflect, check out and him. Child, you do not know life and fly like a moth's shiny fire. And I, - Alas! - I know the cold and hypocritical light. Know that the telegraphists are fascinating, but insidious. For them, it delivers inexplicable pleasure to deceive with their proud beauty and fake feelings inexperienced victim and brutally racing her. "

It takes half a year. In the vortex of life Waltz, Vera is forgetting his fan and marries a beautiful Vasya, but the telegraphist does not forget her. So he is disguised as a carpillary and, putting out the soot, penetrates the boudoir of the princess of faith. Traces of the five fingers and two lips remained, as you can see, everywhere: on carpets, on the pillows, on the wallpaper and even on the parquet.

Here it is in the rustic woman's clothes enters our kitchen with a simple dishwasher. However, the excessive benevolence of the chef Luke makes it go to flight.

So he is in a crazy house. But he was torn to the monks. But every day she sends passionate letters to faith. And where, where his tears falls on paper, there ink are blossomed by blots.

Finally, he dies, but before his death hesitate the faith of two telegraph buttons and a bottle of spirits - filled with his tears ...

Gentlemen, who wants tea? - asked Vera Nikolaevna.


Long autumn sunset denounced. Rogged the last Bagro, narrow, like a gap, strip, driving on the very edge of the horizon, between the SIZY of the cloud and earth. No longer appreciated neither the land, no trees, no sky. Only above the head of big stars were trembling with their eyelashes among the black night, and the blue ray of the lighthouse risen straight up a thin post and just splashing there about heavenly dome liquid, foggy, light circle. Night butterflies beat about glass candle caps. Star flowers of white tobacco in the parisader smelled sharper from the darkness and coolness.

Sweets, the vice-governor and Colonel Ponamarev have long left, promising to send horses back from the tram station behind the commandant. The remaining guests were sitting on the terrace. General Anosov, despite his protests, sisters were forced to put on the coat and wondered his feet with a warm blanket. A bottle of his beloved red wine Pommard was standing in front of him, faith and Anna were sitting next to him on both sides. They carefully cared for the general, filled with heavy, dense wine his thin glass, moved to him the matches, cut cheese and so on. Old commandant frowned from bliss.

Yes, from ... Autumn, autumn, autumn, - said the old man, looking at the candle fire and shook his head thoughtfully. - Fall. So I really have to gather. Oh, sorry like! Just come red Denechki. There would be a live yes to live on the seashore, in silence, calmly ...

And we would live with us, grandfather, - said Vera.

It is impossible, nice, it is impossible. Service ... Vacation ended ... And what to say, it would be nice! You look only like roses smell like ... I hear it from here. And in the summer in the heat, no flower smelling, only white acacia ... and that candy.

The faith squeezed two small roses from the vase, pink and carmine, and went to the pettles of the general coat.

Thank you, Veroch. - Anosov hit his head to the side of the cooler, sniffed flowers and suddenly smiled at a glorious elder smile.

We came, I remember, in Bukarest and are located in apartments. I somehow go on the street. Suddenly there was a strong pink smell on me, I stopped and saw that between two soldiers there is a beautiful crystal bottle with pink oil. They spoiled their boots and also rifle castles. "What do you have this?" - I ask. "Some kind of oil, your highlands, put it in porridge, but it is not suitable, and it's a mouth, but it smells good." I gave them a virgin, and they gladly gave me him. Oils had no longer than half, but, judging by his high cost, was still at least twenty Chervonians. The soldiers, being satisfied, added, added: "Yes, now, your gradually, some Turkish pea, how much it was cooked, and everything is not served, damned." It was coffee; I told them: "It's just good to the Turks, and the soldiers are neither." To happiness, opium they are not founded. I saw in some places of his pellets flooded in the mud.

Grandpa, tell me frankly, - asked Anna, "Tell me, have you been dancing during battles? Were afraid?

How strange it is, Annochka: I was afraid - I was not afraid. Affected business was afraid. You do not believe, please, who will tell you that I was not afraid and what the whistle bullets is the most sweet music for him. This is or psycho, or boasts. Everyone is equally afraid. Only one of the whole fear is risks, and the other keeps himself in his hands. And you see: the fear is always the same one and the same, and to reduce yourself from practice, everything increases; Hence the heroes and bravets. So that. But I was afraid once almost to death.

Tell me, grandfather, - asked for one voice of the sister.

They still listened to Alosov's stories with the same delight, as in their early childhood. Anna even unwittingly completely in childish put the elbows on the table and put the chin on the stamps of the palms. There was some kind of cozy charm in his leisurely and naive narrative. And the most turns of phrases he transferred his military memories, he was involved in his unwittingly strange, clumsy, several books. For sure, he told on some kind of cute, an ancient stereotype.

The story is very short, - Anosov said. - It was on the chips, in winter, after me contused me. We lived in the dugout, four of them. This is where a terrible adventure happened to me. One day in the morning, when I got out of bed, I had introduced me that I was not Yakov, but Nikolai, and I could not smear myself in that. I know that I have a perishes of the mind, shouted to serve me the water, poured my head, and my reason was crushed.

I imagine, Jacob Mikhailovich, how much you won victories there, - said the pianist feminine Reuters. - You must have been very beautiful to the Small.

Oh, our grandfather and now handsome! - Anna exclaimed.

The handsome was not, - smiling calmly, said Alosov. "But I didn't disappear too." Here in the same Bukarest was a very touching case. When we joined it, the inhabitants met us on the city square with the cannouncer Kolyne, from which many winds suffered; But those on which water was delivered in glasses remains unharmed. Why did I recognize it? But why. Come on the apartment allotted to me, I saw a standing low cell on the window, a crystal bottle with transparent water was large on the cell, goldfish swam in it, and between them sat on a jamming of the canary. Canary in the water! "It surprised me, but inspected, I saw that in the bottle, the bottom wide and deeply in the middle, so that the Canary could freely fly there and sit. After this confessed to himself, that I am very intense.

I entered the house and see a pre-shopping Bulgarian. I presented her a receipt on the post, and by the way asked why they had glass intake after the Canonada, and she explained to me that it was from the water. And also explained about the canary: what I was incomprehensible! .. And among the conversations, our views met, there was a spark, similar to electric, and I felt that I fell in love immediately - flamingly and irrevocably.

The old man was silent and gently pulled his lips black wine.

But after all, you still explained to her later? - asked the pianist.

GM ... Of course, explained ... But only without words. It happened so ...

Grandfather, I hope you do not make us blush? - noticed Anna, laughing slyly.

No, no, - the novel was the most decent. You see: everywhere where we stayed at the post, the city inhabitants had their exceptions and additions, but in Bukarest, the residents were so short with us that when I once began to play on the violin, then the girls immediately dressed up and dance came, and that wondered on every day.

Once, during the dances, in the evening, when illuminating the month, I entered the Senets, where my grinder was hidden. Seeing me, she began to pretend that she was going through the dry petals of roses, which, must be said, the inhabitants are collecting whole bags. But I hugged her, pressed to my heart and kissed several times.

Since then, every time I was the moon in the sky with the stars, I hurried to my beloved and all the bottom worries for a while forgot with her. When our trip was followed from those places, we gave each other an oath in eternal mutual love and forgiven forever.

And all? - asked disappointed Lyudmila Lvovna.

Why do you like more? - Recovered Commandant.

No, Yakov Mikhailovich, I'm sorry for me - this is not love, but just a bivouatic adventure of the army officer.

I do not know, my dear, she, God, I do not know - love it was or another feeling ...

Yes No ... Tell me ... really you really never loved real love? You know, such a love that ... Well, who ... in a word ... Saint, clean, eternal love ... unearthly ... haven't loved?

The right, I will not answer you, "the old man raised, rising from the chair. - It must have not loved. At first everything was no time: youth, couments, cards, war ... It seemed that the end would not be life, youth and health. And then I looked around - and I see that I was already ruins ... Well, now, the Veroch, do not hold me anymore. I say goodbye ... Gusar, "he turned to Bakhtinsky," the night is warm, let's go to our crew towards our crew.

And I will go with you, grandfather, - said Vera.

And I, I picked up Anna.

Before you leave, faith went to her husband and told him quietly:

I look like ... there I have in the table, in the box, there is a red case, and in it a letter. Read it.


Anna with Bakhtinsky went ahead, and behind them, steps for twenty, commandant at hand with faith. The night was so black that in the first minutes, while the eyes did not start after the light to the dark, I had to feel the road to sleep with my feet. Aloshov, who preserved, despite the years, an amazing dormant, was supposed to help his companion. From time to time he gently stroked his big cold hand of the faith, easily lying on his sleeves.

This Lyudmila Lvovna is funny, "the general suddenly spoke, accurately continuming out loud of his thoughts. - How many times have I observed in life: as soon as the lady is knocking under fifty, and especially if she is a widow or an old girl, then it pulls her around someone else's love. Either spying, gloating and gossiping, or climbs to arrange someone else's happiness, or spreads verbal gumiarabic about sublime love. And I want to say that people in our time have learned to love. I do not see this love. Yes, and at my time did not see!

Well, what is it so, grandfather? - gently objected faith, shaking his hand slightly. - Why slander? You yourself were married. So, still loved?

Exactly nothing means, dear Veroch. Do you know how to marry? I see, a fresh girl is sitting near me. Breathes - chest and goes under a blouse. Lower the eyelashes, long-longs are, and everyone suddenly flashes. And the skin on the cheeks is gentle, the neck is so, innocent, and the hands are fright, warm. Oh, you fuck! And then the dad-mom go around, overhears the doors, look at you sad, dog, devoted eyes. And when you leave - behind the doors, silent fast kisses ... for tea the leg under the table as if it's inappropriately touched ... well, ready. "Dear Nikita Antonch, I came to you to ask your daughter's hands. Believe me that this is a holy being ... "And the dad already the eyes are already wet, and it climbs to kiss ..." Cute! I guess for a long time ... Well, give you God ... See only take this treasure ... "And three months later, the holy treasure walks in the breezed hood, shoes on the boss foot, fluid, dishonorant, in sheds, with twins dogs like a cook, with Young officers break, surviving, screams, rolls his eyes. For some reason, the husband calls Jacques on humans. You know, in the nose, with a stretch, Tomno: "J-A-A-AK". Motka, actress, sludge, greedy. And the eyes are always false-fallen ... Now everything has passed, it mounted, stumbled. I even grateful to this Akterishka ... Thank God that the children were not ...

Have you forgave them, grandfather?

I forgave - this is not the word, the Veroch. The first time was like mad. If then I saw them, of course, would kill both. And then we gradually moved and moved, and nothing remains except for contempt. And good. Relief God from excess blood shedding. And besides, I avoided the general fate of most husbands. What would I be this if not this nasty case? Supported camel, shameful Potatchik, Shelter, Deutile Cow, Shirma, some kind of home needed thing ... No! All for the better, Verochka.

No, no, grandfather, in you, forgive me, says me, says the former insult ... And you transfer your unfortunate experience to all of humanity. Take us with Vasya. Is it possible to call our marriage unhappy?

Anosov was silent for quite a while. Then it extended reluctantly:

Well, well ... Let's say - an exception ... But in most cases why people get married? Take a woman. It is ashamed to remain in the girls, especially when the girlfriends had already been married. It is hard to be an excess mouth in the family. The desire to be the hostess, the main thing in the house, the lady, independent ... In addition, the need, directly the physical need of motherhood, and to start writing its nest. And the man has other motives. First, fatigue from idle life, from mess in the rooms, from the restaurant dinners, from dirt, cigarette, broken and scattered linen, from debts, from unceremonious comrades, and so on. Secondly, you feel that the family live is more profitable, healthier and economical. Thirdly, you think: the kids will go, - I will die, and some of me will still remain in the world ... Something like the illusion of immortality. Fourth, the seduction of innocence, as in my case. In addition, there are sometimes thoughts about the dowry. And where is love? Love disinterested, selfless, not awaiting awards? That about which is said - "strong, like death"? You see, such love for which to accomplish any feat, give life, go to torment - not at all work, but one joy. Wait, wait, faith, do you ever want me about yours again? The right, I love him. He is a good guy. How much know, maybe the future and will show his love in the light of great beauty. But you understand what love I say about. Love should be tragedy. The greatest mystery in the world! No vitality, calculations and compromises should not touch it.

Have you ever seen such love, grandfather? - quietly asked faith.

No, "the old man replied decisively. - I really know two cases similar. But one was dictated by stupidity, and the other ... so ... some kind of acid ... one pity ... If you want, I will tell. That's not for long.

I ask you, grandfather.

Here you go. In one regiment of our division (just not in our) was the wife of a regimental commander. Ryg, I'll tell you, the Veroch, the prestant. Bony, redhead, long, fucked, rotted ... The plaster from it and poured, like from the old Moscow house. But, you understand, a sort of regimental Messaline: temperament, power, contempt for people, passion for a variety. In addition - morphine.

And once, in the fall, they send to them in the regiment of the new-minced ensign, a completely yellow sparrow, just from the Military School. In a month, this old horse completely took possession of them. He is a couple, he is a servant, he is a slave, he is the eternal cavalier of her in dancing, wearing her fan and a handkerchief, in one uniform pops up on the frost to call her horses. A terrible thing is a thing when fresh and pure boys will put her first love for the legs of an old, experienced and power-lubbent elegant. If he now jumped unharmed - still consider him in the future in the future. It is a stamp for life.

To Christmas he already tired of her. She returned to one of her former, tested passions. And he could not. Walks behind her like a ghost. He was angry with all, washed, blackened. Speeding a high calm - "Death was already lying on his high chel." He was jealous of her terribly. They say whole nights idle under its windows.

And once in the spring they arranged in a shelf some kind of magician or picnic. I also knew it personally, but there was no incident. As always, in these cases, it was much drunk. Back returned at night on foot on the canvas of the railway. Suddenly there is a commodity train towards them. It goes very slowly up, along a rather steep rise. Gives whistles. And so, just the locomotive lights were stood with the company, she suddenly whispers in the ear to ensign: "You all say that you love me. But if I order you - you probably do not quit for the train. " And he, no word, not responding, run - and under the train. Oh, they say, correctly calculated, just between the front and rear wheels: so it would be neatly in half and cut. But some idiot decided to hold it and repel. Yes, not mastered. The ensign as she climbed his hands behind the rails, so both brushes and his brushes.

Oh, what horror! - exclaimed faith.

I had to leave the service. Comrades gathered him some money on arriving. It was uncomfortable to stay in the city: a lively edge in front of his eyes and her, and the whole shelf. And the man disappeared ... the most mean ... became a beggar ... frozen somewhere on the pier in St. Petersburg.

And another case was quite miserable. And the same woman was, as the first, only young and beautiful. Very and very bad behaved. To which we are easily looked at these home novels, but even we cobble. And her husband is nothing. I knew everything, I saw everything and silent. Friends hinted him, and he shouted with his hands. "Leave, leave ... not my business, not my business ... Let only the heartbe it will be happy! .." Such an Owl!

At the end, it was redeemed with the guy Vishnyakov, sub-ball from the company. So threesome and lived in a two-day marriage - exactly this is the easiest type of marriage. And then our regiment moved to war. Our ladies accompanied us, she accompanied and she, and, right, even to watch it was conscientious: At least for decency looked at the husband, - no, hanged himself on his guy, like damn on the dry willter, and does not leave. On a farewell, when we already sat down in the wagons and the train moved, so she was still a husband, shameless, shouted: "Remember, begetted by Volodya! If something happens to him - leave home and never come back. And I will take the children. "

Maybe you think that this captain was some rag? Misching? Strapene soul? Not at all. He was a brave soldier. Under the green mountains, he drove his company six times on Turkish red, and he had only fourteen from him from two hundred. Twice wounded - he refused to go to the dressing point. So he was what. Soldiers prayed to him to him.

But she ordered ... his heart told him!

And he cared for this coward and Vishnyakov's loan, behind this drone foul, like a nannik, like a mother. At night, in the rain, in the mud, he wrapped him with his chinel. Instead of him on sperm, but he searched in the dugout or played a pony. At night I checked guard posts for him. And this, notice, faith, was at the time when the Bashibuzuki cut our pickets as simply as the Yaroslavl Baba cuts off cabbage cochins. By God, although to remember the sin, but everyone was delighted when they learned that Vishnyakov died in the hospital from Typha ...

Well, and women, grandfather, women did you meet loving?

Oh, of course, Veroch. I will even say more: I am sure that almost every woman is capable of love for the highest heroism. Understand, she kisses, hugs, Suggested - and she is already a mother. For her, if she loves, love concludes the whole meaning of life - the whole universe! But it is not at all to blame for the fact that the love of people accepted such vulgar forms and descended simply to some everyday amenities, to small entertainment. Men's guilty, in twenty years befell, with chickey bodies and hare souls, incapable of strong desires, to heroic actions, to tenderness and adorations before love. It is said that before all this happened. And if it did not happen, did not dream and did not dreamed about it, the best minds and souls of humanity - poets, novelists, musicians, artists? I read the story of Masha Lesko and Cavaller de Griene ... Do you believe, tears poured ... well, say, my sweetheart, according to conscience, unless every woman in his heart does not dream of such love - one, unforgettable, on all ready, modest and selfless?

Oh, of course, of course, grandfather ...

And since it is not, women are mercy. It will take another year thirty ... I will not see, but you may be, you will see, Veroch. Remember my word that in thirty women will take unheard of unheard of power in the world. They will dress like Indian idols. They will pour us, men, like despicable, low-stream slaves. Their crazy whims and whims will become for us painful laws. And all because we could not know whole generations and reverently before love. It will be revenge. You know the law: the strength of action is equal to the strength of opposition.

Singing a little, he suddenly asked:

Tell me, Veroch, if only it is not difficult for you, what is the story with the telegraphist, which Prince Vasily told today? What is the truth here and that fiction, according to his custom?

Do you wonder, grandfather?

How do you want, as you want, faith. If for some reason you are unpleasant ...

Yes no. I will tell you happy.

And she told the commandant with all the details about some kind of mad, who began to pursue her with his love for another two years before her marriage.

She never seen him and knows his last name. He only wrote to her and in letters subscribed G. S. Zh. Once he mentioned, which serves in some kind of state institution with a small official, - he did not mention a word about the telegraph. Obviously, he constantly watched her, because in his letters it was quite accurately indicated where she had been at the evenings, in which society and how dressed was. At first, his letters were worn by vulgar and curiously argued, although they were completely chasude. But one day, faith in writing (by the way, do not fly, grandfather, about it to our: none of them knows) asked him not to bother her more with his love outpacies. Since then, he was silent of love and began to write only occasionally: for Easter, for the New Year and on the day of her name. Princess Vera also told about today's premise and even almost literally handed over a strange letter of his mysterious admirer ...

Yes, - stretched out the general finally. - Maybe it's just an abnormal small, maniac, but how much should you know? - Maybe your life path, Veroch, crossed just such a love that women cut and on which men are no longer capable of. Waiting. See, the lanterns move ahead? Probably my crew.

At the same time, the rear of the car was heard from behind, and the road, sprinkled with wheels, shone with white acetylene light. Had Gustav Ivanovich.

Annochka, I captured your things. Sit down, "he said. - Your Excellency, will not allow you to bring you?

No, thank you, my dear, - answered General. - I do not like this car. Just tremble and stinks, but no joy. Well, farewell, Verochka. Now I will often come, - he said, kissing his forehead and hands.

All said goodbye. Fresses brought faith to Nikolaevna to the gate of her cottage and, quickly describing the circle, disappeared into the dark with his roaring and stuffing car.


Princess Vera with an unpleasant feeling rose to the terrace and entered the house. She was still published heard the loud voice of Brother Nikolai and saw his high, dry figure, quickly revealed from the corner. Vasily Lvovich was sitting in a lonely table and, lowly tilting his cut-off big blonde head, died fine on green cloth.

I have long insisted! - Nikolai spoke annoyed and making such a gesture with his right hand, he threw some invisible gravity on the ground. - I have long insisted to stop these stupid letters. Still faith for you married did not come out when I assured you and faith to be treated with them, like the children, seeing in them only a funny ... Here, by the way, the faith itself ... We, Veroch, say now with Vasily Lvovich about this you are crazy About your neu. I find this cutout supper and vulgar.

The correspondence was not at all, "Shein stopped him coldly. - I wrote only one ...

Faith blushed with these words and sat on the sofa in the shadow of Big Latan.

I apologize for the expression, "said Nikolai Nikolaevich and threw it to the ground, precisely taking off his chest, an invisible heavy subject.

And I do not understand why you call him, - inserted faith, delighted with her husband's support. - He is also mine, like yours ...

Well, I apologize again. In a word, I just want to say that his nonsense should be put an end. It is, in my opinion, goes for the borders where you can laugh and draw funny pictures ... Believe me, if I'm talking about and what I'm worried about, is just about the good name of faith and yours, Vasily Lvovich.

Well, it seems to be too enough, Kolya, "Shein objected.

Maybe maybe ... But you easily risk getting into a funny position.

I do not see what way, "said Prince.

Imagine that this idiotic bracelet ... - Nikolai lifted a red case from the table and immediately threw him into place, - that this monstrous popovsky thing will remain with us, or we will throw it out, or give it to Dasha. Then, firstly, there may be boasting his friends or comrades that the princess of Vera Nikolaevna Shein takes his gifts, and secondly, the very first case will encourage him to further exploits. Tomorrow he sends a ring with diamonds, the day after tomorrow the pearl necklace, and there - you look - sit down on the bench of the defendants for the embarrassment or the flag, and the princes of the neck will be caused as witnesses ... a cute position!

No, no, the bracelet must certainly send back! - Vasily Lvovich exclaimed.

I think so too, "the faith agreed," and as soon as possible. But how to do that? After all, we do not know any name, nor the surname, nor the address.

Oh, this is something completely empty! - objected dismissively Nikolai Nikolayevich. - We know the initials of this neither ... as him, faith?

Ge Es.

That's fine. In addition, we know that he serves somewhere. This is quite enough. Tomorrow I take an urban pointer and looking for an official or employee with such initials. If for some reason I will not find it, then simply by a call of a police officer's police agent and I will find it. In case, I will have in my hands here this piece of paper with its handwriting. In short, tomorrow to two hours of the day I will know exactly the address and surname of this younger and even the watch in which it happens at home. And since I recognize it, then we will not only give him a treasure to him tomorrow, and we will take steps that he will never remind us of their existence.

What do you think to do? Prince Vasily asked.

What? I will go to the governor and ask ...

No, not just to the governor. You know what our relationship ... There is a direct danger to get into a funny position.

Does not matter. I will go to the gendarme colonel. He is a buddy on the club. Let him call this Romeo and the finger in his nose. Do you know how he does it? Persons a finger to the nose itself and does not move at all, but only one finger is swinging, and shouts: "I, sir, will not suffer, Yu-Yu!"

Fi! Through gendarmes! - faith frowned.

True, faith, she picked up the prince. - It is better not to disturb anyone in this case. Rumors will go, gossip ... We all know our city well enough. Everyone lives exactly in glass jars ... Better I myself will go to this ... Junior ... Although God knows him, maybe he is sixty years old? .. Hand to him a bracelet and read good strict notation.

Then I am with you, Nikolayevich Nikolayevich quickly interrupted him. - You are too soft. Give me to talk to him ... And now, my friends, - he took out his pocket watch and looked at them, - you excuse me if I go for a minute to myself. I barely hold on my feet, and I need to see two cases.

For some reason I was sorry for this unfortunate, "Vera said hersally.

There is nothing to regret it! - Nikolai responded sharply, turning around in the doorway. "If such a face with a bracelet and letters allowed the man of our circle, then Prince Vasily would send him a challenge. And if he didn't do this, I would have done. And at the same time, I would just ordered it to a stable and punish him. Tomorrow, Vasily Lvovich, you wait for me in your office, I will inform you on the phone.


The winding staircase smelled of mice, cats, kerosene and washing. Before the sixth floor, Prince Vasily Lvovich stopped.

Wait a little, "he said Shurina. - Let me take enough. Ah, Kolya, did not follow this ...

They rose for another two march. On the landing was so dark that Nikolai Nikolayevich was supposed to light the matches twice until the apartment's rooms were seen.

His call came up the door full, gray-haired, seruroceed woman in glasses, with a little bent forward, apparently from some kind of disease, torso.

Mr. Yolkov at home? - asked Nikolai Nikolaevich.

The woman anxiously ran his eyes from the eyes of one man to the eyes of another and back. The decent appearance of both should be reassured her.

At home, I ask, "she said, opening the door. - The first door left.

Bulat Tuganovsky knocked three times short and decisively. Some rustling heard inside. He knocked once again.

The room was very low, but very wide and long, almost square shape. Two round windows, very similar to shipping portholes, barely illuminated it. And the whole she looked like a cargo ship company. Along the same wall stood a narrow bed, along another very large and wide sofa, covered by an excellent beautiful Tekinsky carpet, in the middle - a table covered with a color small-sighted tablecloth.

The owner's faces first were not visible: he stood back to the light and threw his hands in confusion. It was high as tall, thin, with long fluffy, soft hair.

If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Yolk-Cove? - asked arrogantly Nikolai Nikolaevich.

Yolks. Very nice. Let me introduce myself.

He did towards Tuganovsky two steps with an outstretched hand. But at the same time, definitely not noticing his greetings, Nikolai Nikolayevich turned his whole body to Shaine.

I told you that we were not mistaken.

Thicken, yolktykov's nervous fingers ran over the brown short jacket, buttoning and unbounding buttons. Finally, he tasted with difficulty, pointing to the sofa and embarrassing:

I ask me. Sit down.

Now he became all visible: very pale, with a delicate girl, with blue eyes and stubborn children's chin with a smell in the middle; He must have happened about thirty, thirty five.

Thank you, "said Prince Shein, who looked at him very carefully.

Merci, - Nikolai Nikolayevich briefly replied. And both remained standing. - We are just a few minutes for you. This is Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein, the provincial leader of the nobility. My surname is Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky. I am a comrade of the prosecutor. The case we will have the honor of talking to you is equally concerned and the prince and me, or rather, the spouses of the prince, and my sister.

Yolks, completely confused, suddenly sutured on the sofa and swallowed dead lips: "I ask, gentlemen, sit down." But, it must have remembered that he had already unsuccessfully offered the same earlier, jumped up, ran up to the window, she had a hair, and returned back to her former place. And again, his trembling hands ran out, the tricks of the buttons, the plump light reddish mustache, touching without the need.

I am at your service, your clay, "he said deaf, looking at Vasily Lvovich begging eyes.

But Shein was silent. Nikolai Nikolayevich spoke.

First, let me return your thing to you, "he said, and deliver a red case from his pocket, gently put it on the table. - She, of course, makes the honor of your taste, but we would very much asleep you so that such surprises are no longer repeated.

Sorry ... I myself know what is very guilty, - whispered yolks, looking down, on the floor, and blushing. - Maybe let the cup of tea?

You see, Mr. Yolkov, - Nikolai Nikolayevich continued, as if not hearing the last words of Zhalatkov. "I am very glad that I found a decent person in you, a gentleman who can understand with a half-clow. And I think we will agree immediately. After all, if I'm not mistaken, you pursue the princess faith Nikolaevna about seven-eight years?

Yes, "the yolks answered softly and lowered the eyelashes reverently.

And we have not yet taken any measures against you, although you agree - this not only could be, but even it was necessary to do. Is not it?

Yes. But the last to your act, it is the sending of this that the pomegranate bracelet itself, you crossed the borders where our patience ends. Do you understand? - ends. I will not hide from you that the first of our thought was to turn to the help of power, but we did not do it, and I am very glad that I didn't do, because I repeat - I immediately guess a noble person in you.

Sorry. As you said? - suddenly asked attentively yolks and laughed. - You wanted to turn to power? .. That's what you said?

He put his hands in his pockets, sat down comfortably in the corner of the sofa, took out a cigarette and matches and lit.

So, you said that you wanted to resort to the help of power? .. You sorry me, prince, what am I sitting? He turned to Shain. - Well, s, then?

The prince pulled the chair to the table and sat down. He, not taking off, looked at a perplexity and greedy, serious curiosity in the face of this strange person.

You see, my dear, this measure will never leave you, "Nikolayevich continued with light arrogance. - break into someone else's family ...

To blame for me to take you ...

No, to blame, now I'll take you away ... - almost shouted the prosecutor.

As you please. Speak. I'm listening to. But I have a few words for Prince Vasily Lvovich.

And, not paying more attention to Tuganovsky, he said:

Now it is the hardest minute in my life. And I must, the prince, talk to you out of all respects ... Do you heard me?

I listen, "said Shein. "Ah, Kolya, yes, you wanted," he said impatiently, noting the angry gesture of Tuganovsky. - Speak.

Jolves in continuation of a few seconds I caught my mouth with my mouth, precisely choking, and suddenly rolled, like from the cliff. He spoke by one jaws, his lips were white and did not move, like the dead.

It's hard to say such a ... phrase ... that I love your wife. But seven years of hopeless and polite love give me the right to it. I agree that at first, when Vera Nikolaevna was still a young lady, I wrote her stupid letters and even waited for them a response. I agree with the fact that my last act, it was the parcel of the bracelet, was even more stupid. But ... So I look into your eyes straight and feel that you will understand me. I know that there is no power to break her never ... Tell me, prince ... Suppose that it is unpleasant to you ... Tell me - what would you do to break this feeling? Send me to another city, as Nikolai Nikolayevich said? Anyway, there will also be there I will love faith Nikolaevna as here. Conduct me to prison? But there I will find a way to give her to know about my existence. Only one thing remains - death ... You want, I will take it in some way.

Instead of a case, we divor into some kind of meloning, "said Nikolai Nikolaevich, putting it on a hat. - The question is very short: you are offered one of two: either you completely refuse to persecute the princess of faith Nikolaevna, or if you do not agree to it, we will take measures that our position will enjoy acquaintance and so on.

But yolks did not even glance at him, although he heard his words. He turned to the prince Vasily Lvovich and asked:

Will you allow me to remove ten minutes? I will not hide you from you that I will go talking on the phone with the princes faith of Nikolaevna. I assure you that everything that may be conveyed to you, I will give.

Go, - said Shein.

When Vasily Lvovich and Tuganovsky stayed together, Nikolai Nikolaevich immediately attacked his shurr.

So it is impossible, - he shouted, pretending that she throws his right hand to the Earth from the breast some invisible subject. - So positively impossible. I warned you that I take the whole business part of the conversation. And you are Raskin and allowed him to spread about his feelings. I would do it in a nutshell.

Wait, "said Prince Vasily Lvovich, - now it will be all explained. The main thing is that I see his face, and I feel that this person is not able to deceive and lie knowingly. And the truth, think, Kolya, isn't it to blame for love and can it be able to control such a feeling as love, "a feeling that still has not yet found an interpreter. "Thinking, the prince said:" I feel sorry for this person. " And I do not just feel sorry, but I feel that I am present at some huge tragedy of the soul, and I can not find it here.

This is a decadence, "said Nikolai Nikolaevich.

Ten minutes of yolks returned. His eyes glistened and were deep, as if filled with unpolety tears. And it was seen that he completely forgot about secular decency, about whom who should sit, and stopped holding himself with a gentleman. And again with the patient, the nervous sensitivity was understood by Prince Shein.

I'm ready, "he said," and tomorrow you will not hear anything about me. I seem to die for you. But one condition is that I tell you, Prince Vasily Lvovich, - you see, I missed the government money, and I somehow comes from this city to run. Will you let me write a last letter of princess faith Nikolaevna?

Not. If finished, it cumshot. No letters, - shouted Nikolai Nikolaevich.

Well, write, - said Shein.

That's all, - said, smiling arrogantly, yolks. - You no longer hear about me and, of course, never see me anymore. Princess Vera Nikolaevna did not want to talk to me at all. When I asked her if I could stay in the city, so although it was abandoned to see her, of course not showing her eyes, she replied: "Oh, if you knew how I was tired of all this story. Please stop it as soon as possible. " And so I stop all this story. It seems I did everything that could?

In the evening, arriving at the cottage, Vasily Lvovich handed his wife very exactly all the details of a date with Yolkovoy. He seemed to feel obliged to do it.

Faith although it was alarmed, but was not surprised and did not come to confusion. At night, when her husband came to her bed, she suddenly told him, turning to the wall:

Leave me, - I know that this man will kill himself.


Princess Vera Nikolaevna never read the newspapers, because, firstly, they packed her hands, and secondly, she could never figure out the language that they write now.

But the fate made her deploy it to the sheet and come across the column, where it was printed:

"Mysterious death. Last night, about seven hours, the official of the checksum of the city of S. Zharkov committed suicide. Judging by the investigation, the death of the deceased occurred due to the embezzlement of stateless money. So, at least, the suicide mentions in his letter. Due to the testimony of witnesses, his personal will is established in this act, it was decided not to send the corpse into an anatomical theater. "

Faith thought about himself:

"Why did I prejudice it? Is this tragic outcome? And what was it: love or madness? "

She walked around the flower bed for a whole day. Anxiety that grew in it from minute to minute, as if she did not let her sit in place. And all her thoughts were chained to that unknown person, whom she never saw and hardly ever sees, to this funny neither.

"How much know, maybe your life path crossed the real, selfless, true love," the words of Anosov remembered.

At six o'clock came the postman. This time, Vera Nikolaevna recognized the handwriting of Yolkova and with the tenderness that she did not expect she in himself, launched a letter:

Yolks wrote like this:

"I'm not guilty, Vera Nikolaevna, that God was sent to God, I like huge happiness, love for you. It happened so that nothing interests me in my life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future of people's happiness - for me the whole life is only in you. I now feel that some uncomfortable wedge crashed into your life. If you can, forgive me for it. Today I am leaving and never return, and nothing will remind you of me about me.

I am infinitely grateful to you just for what you exist. I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love that God was pleased for something to reward me.

Let I be funny in your eyes and in the eyes of your brother, Nikolai Nikolayevich. Leaving, I am delighted with saying: "Yes, your name will be hired."

Eight years ago, I saw you in a circus in the bed, and then in the first second I said to myself: I love her because there is nothing like it in the world, there is nothing better, there is no beast, no plants, no star, Neither a man is more beautiful than you and gentle. In you, as if all the beauty of the Earth would be embodied ...

Think I needed to do? Run to another city? All the same, the heart was always about you, at your feet, every moment of the day is filled with you, the thought of you, dreams of you ... Sweet nonsense. I am very ashamed and mentally blundering for my stupid bracelet, - Well, what? - error. I imagine what impression he made on your guests.

Ten minutes later I will leave, I will only have time to stick the mark and omit the letter to the mailbox in order not to charge it to anyone else. You will burn this letter. I now flooded the stove and burn all the most expensive, what was in my life: your handkerchief, which, I confess, stole. You forgot him on a chair on the ball in a noble congregation. Your note, - Oh, how I kissed her, - she forbade me to write to you. The program of the art exhibition, which you once been kept in your hand and then forgotten on the chair at the exit ... Cenche. I all cut off, but still think and even sure that you remember me about me. If you remember me, then ... I know that you are very musical, I saw you most often on the Beethoven quarters, - so if you remember me about me, you will play or order to play D-DUR Sonata, No. 2, Op. 2.

I do not know how to finish the letter. From the depths of the soul, thank you for the fact that you were my only joy in life, the only consolation, a uniform thought. God forbid you happiness, and let nothing temporary and everyday disturbing your beautiful soul. I kiss your hands.

She came to her husband with her eyes reddish, eyes and swollen lips and, showing a letter, said:

I don't want to hide anything from you, but I feel that something terrible intervened in our life. Probably, you and Nikolai Nikolayevich have done something wrong.

Prince Shein carefully read the letter, neatly folded it and, having packed him for a long time, said:

I have no doubt of the sincerity of this person, and even more, I do not dare to understand his feelings for you.

He died? - asked faith.

Yes, died, I will say that he loved you, and not at all was crazy. I did not bring my eyes off him and saw every movement, every change of his face. And it did not exist for him without you. It seemed to me that I was present with a huge suffering, from which people die, and even almost realized that in front of me the dead man. You see, faith, I did not know how to keep myself what to do ...

That's what Vassenka, - interrupted his faith of Nikolaevna, - you will not hurt, if I go to the city and see for him?

No no. Faith, please please you. I would go myself, but only Nikolai spoiled me the whole thing. I am afraid I will feel forced.


Vera Nikolaevna left his crew for two streets to Lutheran. She found the apartment of Zhestkova without much. To meet, an old woman was released to her, very complete, in silver glasses, and just like yesterday, asked:

Who you want?

Mr. Yolkova, "said Princess.

It should be her costume - a hat, gloves - and a somewhat domineering tone made a big impression on the owner. She talked.

Please, please, here is the first door to the left, and there now ... He soon gone away from us. Well, let's say waste. I would tell me about it. You know what our capital when you give apartments in bulk shops. But some six hundred and seven hundred rubles I could collect and make it for him. If you knew that it was a wonderful man, Pani. Eight years I kept him on the apartment, and he seemed to me at all at all, but his native son.

Immediately there was a chair in the front, and faith sank him.

I am a friend of your deceased apartment, "she said, picking up every word by the word. - Tell me something about the last minutes of his life, about what he did and what he said.

Pani, two gentlemen came to us and talked for a very long time. Then he explained that he was offered a place manager in savings. Then Pan Ezhiy ran to the phone and returned so cheerful. Then these two gentlemen left, and he sat down and began to write a letter. Then he went and lowered the letter to the box, and then we hear that from the children's pistol shot. We did not pay any attention. At seven hours he always drank tea. Luchery - Delivery - comes and knocks, he does not answer, then again, once again. And now they had to hack the door, and he was already dead.

Tell me something about the bracelet, "Vera Nikolaevna ordered.

Ah, ah, ah, bracelet - I forgot. Why do you know? He, before writing a letter, came to me and said: "Are you a Catholic?" I say: "Catholic". Then he says: "You have a cute custom - so he said: a cute custom - hang on the image of the uterus of the rings, necklaces, gifts. So do my request: can you hang this bracelet on the icon? " I promised him to do it.

Do you show me it? - asked faith.

Please, ask, Pani. Here is his first door to the left. He wanted to take it today into an anatomical theater, but he has a brother, so he thus stunned to bury him in Christian. Please, please.

Faith gathered with the forces and opened the door. The room smelled incense and burned three wax candles. The room was lying on the table of yolks. His head was very low, accurately for him, the corpse, who still, slipped a small soft pillow. The deep importance was in his closed eyes, and the lips smiled blissfully and serenely, as if he had learned before parting with life with some kind of deep and sweet secret, allowing his life to his life. She remembered that she seen the same peaceful expression on the masks of great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon.

If you order, Pani, I'll leave? - asked the old woman, and in her tone he was heard something extremely intimate.

Yes, then I will call you a call, "the faith said and now he took a big red rose from the little side pocket, raised a little bit his head of the corpse, and put his right hand under the neck of the flower. At this second, she realized that the love that every woman dreams was passed by her. She remembered the words of General Anosov about eternal exceptional love - almost prophetic words. And, spreading the hair on both sides to the forehead of the dead man in both directions, she firmly squeezed his temples with his hands and kissed him in a cold, wet forehead a long friendly kiss.

When she left, the owner of the apartment turned to her flattering Polish tone:

Pani, I see that you are not like all others, not from curiosity only. The late Pan of Yolkles before his death told me: "If it happens that I will die and will look at me some lady, then tell her that Beethoven has the best work ..." - He even deliberately recorded me. Here to look ...

Show, "said Vera Nikolaevna and suddenly wept. "Sorry me, this impression of death is so hard that I can not resist.

And she read the words written by familiar handwriting: "L. Van Beethoven. Son. № 2, OP. 2. Largo APPASSIONATO. "


Faith Nikolaevna returned home late in the evening and was glad that she didn't find her husband's home or brother.

But she was waiting for the pianist for a feminine Reuters, and, excited about what she saw and heard, faith rushed to her and, kissing her beautiful big hands, screamed:

Female, sweet, I ask you, play something for me, - and now it came out of the room in a flower garden and sat on the bench.

She had almost no second doubted that the feminine would play the very place from the second sonata, which he asked this dead man with a funny surname of yolks.

So it was. She learned from the first chords this is exceptional, the only work in the depth. And her soul seemed to be twisted. She once thought that a lot of love was held past her, which is repeated only once every thousand years. I remembered the words of General Anosov and asked ourselves: Why did this man forced her to listen to this is the Beethoven work, and even against her desire? And in the mind of her words. They so coincided in her thoughts with the music that these were as if the journalists, who ended in the words: "Yes, your name will be hid."

"Now I'll show you in gentle sounds of life, which is humbled and happily requested itself on torment, suffering and death. No complaint, nor reproach, nor the pain of proud I knew. I in front of you - one prayer: "Yes, your name will be hid."

Yes, I foresee suffering, blood and death. And I think that it is difficult to part the body with a soul, but, beautiful, praise you, passionate praise and quiet love. "Yes, your name will be hired."

I remember every move, smile, look, the sound of your gait. Sweet sadness, quiet, beautiful sadness of the swabs of my latest memories. But I will not cause you grief. I'm leaving alone, silently, so wondered God and fate. "Yes, your name will be hired."

In a suicide sad hour, I pray only for you. Life would be beautiful for me. Do not hopping, poor heart, not wop. In the soul, I urge death, but in the heart full praise you: "Yes, your name will be hid."

You, you and people who surround you all you do not know how you were beautiful. Beat the clock. Time. And, dying, I still sing in a sorrowful hour of parting with life - thank you.

Here it goes, everything is grappling death, and I say - thank you! .. "

Princess Vera hugged the barrel of acacia, pressed towards him and cried. The tree gently shook. The light wind flew around and, accurately sympathizing with her, the neck of the leaves. The sharper smelled tobacco stars ... And at that time, amazing music seemed to obey her grief, continued:

"Calm down, dear, calm down, calm down. Do you remember me about me? Do you remember? You are my united and last love. Calm down, I'm with you. Think about me, and I will be with you, because we loved each other only one instant, but forever. Do you remember me about me? Do you remember? Do you remember? Here I feel your tears. Take it easy. I sleep so sweet, sweet, sweet. "

Female Reuteter came out of the room, already finishing to play, and saw the princess faith, sitting on the bench all in tears.

What's the matter? - asked the pianist.

Faith, with eyes shining from tears, restless, excitedly began to kiss her face, lips, eyes and spoke:

No, no, - he forgave me now. All right.



Notebook (Franz.).



... Starting from the Polish war ... - Apparently, we are talking about the suppression of the royal troops of the Polish national liberation movement 1863-1864.



During the Polish rebellion ... - see the previous note.



In the war of 1877-1879. - We are talking about the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, in which Russia opposed Turkey for providing autonomy to the Slavic population of Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina.



... on a chip. - Russian troops and Bulgarian militias were heroicianly defended the gippers from the Turks during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.



... the last attack of the piers. - This refers to the third attack of Russian troops to the Bulgarian city of Pleven 30-31 August 1877, which is fortified by the Turkish army.



Radetsky and Skobelev - Radetsky Fyodor Fedorovich (1820-1890) - Russian Gearial, commanded the corps in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, participated in the defense of the chips. Skobelev Mikhail Dmitrievich (1843-1882) - prominent Russian military figure, participant in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.



to demand (distort. Franz. Poste Restante).

Anna with Bakhtinsky went ahead, and behind them, steps for twenty, commandant at hand with faith. The night was so black that in the first minutes, while the eyes did not start after the light to the dark, I had to feel the road to sleep with my feet. Aloshov, who preserved, despite the years, an amazing dormant, was supposed to help his companion. From time to time he gently stroked his big cold hand of the faith, easily lying on his sleeves. - Funny this Lyudmila Lvovna, "said General suddenly, accurately continuing out loud of his thoughts. - How many times have I observed in life: as soon as the lady is knocking under fifty, and especially if she is a widow or an old girl, then it pulls her around someone else's love. Either spying, gloating and gossiping, or climbs to arrange someone else's happiness, or spreads verbal gumiarabic about sublime love. And I want to say that people in our time have learned to love. I do not see this love. Yes, and at my time did not see! - Well, how is it, grandfather? - gently objected faith, shaking his hand slightly. - Why slander? You yourself were married. So, still loved? - Exactly nothing means, dear Verochka. Do you know how to marry? I see, a fresh girl is sitting near me. Breathes - chest and goes under a blouse. Lower the eyelashes, long-longs are, and everyone suddenly flashes. And the skin on the cheeks is gentle, the neck is so, innocent, and the hands are fright, warm. Oh, you fuck! And then the dad-mom go around, overhears the doors, look at you sad, dog, devoted eyes. And when you leave - behind the doors, silent fast kisses ... for tea the leg under the table as if it's inappropriately touched ... well, ready. "Dear Nikita Antonch, I came to you to ask your daughter's hands. Believe me that this is a holy being ... "And the dad already the eyes are already wet, and it climbs to kiss ..." Cute! I guess for a long time ... Well, give you God ... see only take care of this treasure ... "And after three months, the holy treasure walks in the baked hood, shoes on the boss leg, liquid, dishonorant, in papilot, with twins Dogs, like a cook, with young officers breaks down, sysyukets, boils, rolls his eyes. For some reason, the husband calls Jacques on humans. You know, in the nose, with a stretch, Tomno: "J-A-A-AK". Motka, actress, sludge, greedy. And the eyes are always false-fallen ... Now everything has passed, it mounted, stumbled. I even grateful to this Akterishka ... Thank God that the children were not ... - Have you forgave them, grandfather? - Forgave - this is not the word, the Veroch. The first time was like mad. If then I saw them, of course, would kill both. And then we gradually moved and moved, and nothing remains except for contempt. And good. Relief God from excess blood shedding. And besides, I avoided the general fate of most husbands. What would I be this if not this nasty case? Supported camel, shameful Potatchik, Shelter, Deutile Cow, Shirma, some kind of home needed thing ... No! All for the better, Verochka. "No, no, grandfather, in you, forgive me, says me, says the former insult ... And you carry your unfortunate experience to all of humanity. Take us with Vasya. Is it possible to call our marriage unhappy? Anosov was silent for quite a while. Then it extended reluctantly: - Well, well ... let's say - an exception ... But in most cases why people get married? Take a woman. It is ashamed to remain in the girls, especially when the girlfriends had already been married. It is hard to be an excess mouth in the family. The desire to be the hostess, the main thing in the house, the lady, independent ... In addition, the need, directly the physical need of motherhood, and to start writing its nest. And men have other motifs. First, fatigue from idle life, from mess in the rooms, from the restaurant dinners, from dirt, cigarette, broken and scattered linen, from debts, from unceremonious comrades, and so on. Secondly, you feel that the family live is more profitable, healthier and economical. Thirdly, you think: the kids will go, - I will die, and some of me will still remain in the world ... Something like the illusion of immortality. Fourth, the seduction of innocence, as in my case. In addition, there are sometimes thoughts about the dowry. And where is love? Love disinterested, selfless, not awaiting awards? That about which is said - "strong, like death"? You see, such love for which to accomplish any feat, give life, go to torment - not at all work, but one joy. Wait, wait, faith, do you ever want me about yours again? The right, I love him. He is a good guy. How much know, maybe the future and will show his love in the light of great beauty. But you understand what love I say about. Love should be tragedy. The greatest mystery in the world! No vitality, calculations and compromises should not touch it. - Have you ever seen such love, grandfather? - quietly asked faith. "No," the old man replied decisively. - I really know two cases similar. But one was dictated by stupidity, and the other ... so ... some kind of acid ... one pity ... If you want, I will tell. That's not for long. - I ask you, grandfather. - Here you go. In one regiment of our division (just not in our) was the wife of a regimental commander. Ryg, I'll tell you, the Veroch, the prestant. Bony, redhead, long, fucked, rotted ... The plaster from it and poured, like from the old Moscow house. But, you understand, a sort of regimental Messaline: temperament, power, contempt for people, passion for a variety. In addition - morphine. And once, in the fall, they send to them in the regiment of the new-minced ensign, a completely yellow sparrow, just from the Military School. In a month, this old horse completely took possession of them. He is a couple, he is a servant, he is a slave, he is the eternal cavalier of her in dancing, wearing her fan and a handkerchief, in one uniform pops up on the frost to call her horses. A terrible thing is a thing when fresh and pure boys will put her first love for the legs of an old, experienced and power-lubbent elegant. If he now jumped unharmed - still consider him in the future in the future. It is a stamp for life. To Christmas he already tired of her. She returned to one of her former, tested passions. And he could not. Walks behind her like a ghost. He was angry with all, washed, blackened. Speeding a high calm - "Death was already lying on his high chel." He was jealous of her terribly. They say whole nights idle under its windows. And once in the spring they arranged in a shelf some kind of magician or picnic. I also knew it personally, but there was no incident. As always, in these cases, it was much drunk. Back returned at night on foot on the canvas of the railway. Suddenly there is a commodity train towards them. It goes very slowly up, along a rather steep rise. Gives whistles. And so, just the locomotive lights were stood with the company, she suddenly whispers in the ear to ensign: "You all say that you love me. But if I order you - you probably do not quit for the train. " And he, no word, not responding, run - and under the train. Oh, they say, correctly calculated, just between the front and rear wheels: so it would be neatly in half and cut. But some idiot decided to hold it and repel. Yes, not mastered. The ensign, as she cling to his hands for rails, so both brushes and turned off. - Oh, what horror! - exclaimed faith. - I had to leave the service. Comrades gathered him some money on arriving. It was uncomfortable to stay in the city: a lively edge in front of his eyes and her, and the whole shelf. And the man disappeared ... the most mean ... became a beggar ... frozen somewhere on the pier in St. Petersburg. And another case was quite miserable. And the same woman was, as the first, only young and beautiful. Very and very bad behaved. To which we are easily looked at these home novels, but even we cobble. And her husband is nothing. I knew everything, I saw everything and silent. Friends hinted him, and he shouted with his hands. "Leave, leave ... not my business, not my business ... Let only the heartbe it will be happy! .." Such an Owl! At the end, it was redeemed with the guy Vishnyakov, sub-ball from the company. So threesome and lived in a two-day marriage - exactly this is the easiest type of marriage. And then our regiment moved to war. Our ladies accompanied us, she accompanied and she, and, right, even to watch it was conscientious: At least for decency looked at the husband, - no, hanged himself on his guy, like damn on the dry willter, and does not leave. On a farewell, when we already sat down in the wagons and the train moved, so she was still a husband, shameless, shouted: "Remember, begetted by Volodya! If something happens to him - leave home and never come back. And I will take the children. " Maybe you think that this captain was some rag? Misching? Strapene soul? Not at all. He was a brave soldier. Under the green mountains, he drove his company six times on Turkish red, and he had only fourteen from him from two hundred. Twice wounded - he refused to go to the dressing point. So he was what. Soldiers prayed to him to him. But she is Tried ... his heart told him! And he cared for this coward and Vishnyakov's loan, behind this drone foul, like a nannik, like a mother. At night, in the rain, in the mud, he wrapped him with his chinel. Instead of him on sperm, but he searched in the dugout or played a pony. At night I checked guard posts for him. And this, notice, faith, was at the time when the Bashibuzuki cut our pickets as simply as the Yaroslavl Baba cuts off cabbage cochins. By God, although to remember the sin, but everyone was delighted when they learned that Vishnyakov died in the hospital from Typha ... - Well, and women, grandfather, women did you meet loving? - Oh, of course, Veroch. I will even say more: I am sure that almost every woman is capable of love for the highest heroism. Understand, she kisses, hugs, Suggested - and she already mother. For her, if she loves, love concludes the whole meaning of life - the whole universe! But it is not at all to blame for the fact that the love of people accepted such vulgar forms and descended simply to some everyday amenities, to small entertainment. Men's guilty, in twenty years befell, with chickey bodies and hare souls, incapable of strong desires, to heroic actions, to tenderness and adorations before love. It is said that before all this happened. And if it did not happen, did not dream and did not dreamed about it, the best minds and souls of humanity - poets, novelists, musicians, artists? I read the story of Masha Lekko and Cavaller de Griene ... Do you believe, tears poured ... well, say, my dear, according to the conscience, unless every woman does not dream of such love - one, unforgettable, on All finished, modest and selfless? - Oh, of course, of course, grandfather ... - And since it is not, women are mercy. It will take another year thirty ... I will not see, but you may be, you will see, Veroch. Remember my word that in thirty women will take unheard of unheard of power in the world. They will dress like Indian idols. They will pour us, men, like despicable, low-stream slaves. Their crazy whims and whims will become for us painful laws. And all because we could not know whole generations and reverently before love. It will be revenge. You know the law: the strength of action is equal to the strength of opposition. Singing a little, he suddenly asked: "Tell me, Veroch, unless it is difficult for you, what is this story with a telegraphist, which Prince Vasily told today? What is the truth here and that fiction, according to his custom? - Do you wonder, grandfather? - How do you want, as you want, faith. If for some reason you are unpleasant ... - Yes, not at all. I will tell you happy. And she told the commandant with all the details about some kind of mad, who began to pursue her with his love for another two years before her marriage. She never seen him and knows his last name. He only wrote to her and in letters subscribed G. S. Zh. Once he mentioned, which serves in some kind of state institution with a small official, - he did not mention a word about the telegraph. Obviously, he constantly watched her, because in his letters it was quite accurately indicated where she had been at the evenings, in which society and how dressed was. At first, his letters were worn by vulgar and curiously argued, although they were completely chasude. But one day, faith in writing (by the way, do not fly, grandfather, about it to our: none of them knows) asked him not to bother her more with his love outpacies. Since then, he was silent of love and began to write only occasionally: for Easter, for the New Year and on the day of her name. Princess Vera also told about today's premise and even almost literally handed over a strange letter of his mysterious admirer ... - Yes, - - handed up the general finally. - Maybe it's just an abnormal small, maniac, but how much should you know? - Maybe your life path, Veroch, crossed just such a love that women cut and on which men are no longer capable of. Waiting. See, the lanterns move ahead? Probably my crew. At the same time, the rear of the car was heard from behind, and the road, sprinkled with wheels, shone with white acetylene light. Had Gustav Ivanovich. - Annochka, I captured your things. Sit down, "he said. - Your Excellency, will not allow you to bring you? "No, thank you, my dear," said General. - I do not like this car. Just tremble and stinks, but no joy. Well, farewell, Verochka. Now I will often come, - he said, kissing his forehead and hands. All said goodbye. Fresses brought faith to Nikolaevna to the gate of her cottage and, quickly describing the circle, disappeared into the dark with his roaring and stuffing car.

Type of lesson: lesson studying a new material.

Type of lesson: String-conversation.

The purpose of the lesson: during the analysis of the work, identify the features of the image of love A.I. Cook in the story "Pomegranate bracelet".

Tasks lesson:

1) comprehend which value of love gives A.I. Kubrin in the story "Pomegranate bracelet";
2) develop the ability to analyze the work, develop logical thinking;
3) to bring up the right attitude towards the feelings of another person, mentality and attention.

Equipment: Text, portrait of a writer, recording Sonata L. Beethoven, computer.

Methods: partially search, problem, research.

Structure occupation

1. Orgmant. Message Topics, Goals and Tasks Classes.

Today we will try to understand how the love of the characters of the story understand. What is love, according to Kuprin?

2. Explanation of the new material.

Teacher's word:

The topic of love worried many writers and poets. Everyone interprets it in its own way. There is not a single person who would not try to understand this feeling, give him an assessment and this assessment was a true meaning. Attempts to describe this feeling do not lead to one opinion. Everyone has different.

Pubrin written his story "Pomegranate bracelet" in 1910, the main topic is the story is love. The work is based on the real fact - the story of the love of a modest official to the mother of the writer L. Lubimova.

Excerpt from the memories of L. Lubimova:

"In the period between the first and second marriage, my mother began to receive letters, the author, without referring to himself and stressing that the difference in the social situation does not allow him to count on reciprocity, spoke in love for her. Letters have remained for a long time in my family, and I read them in youth. An anonymous in love, as it turned out - yellow (in the story of yolks), wrote that he serves on the telegraph, in one letter he said that under the guise of a half-pointer penetrated into the apartment of my mother, and described the situation. The tone of the message was grilling. He was angry with my mother, then thanked her, even though she did not react to his clarification ...

Initially, these letters were even amused, but then my mother stopped even reading them, and only my grandmother laughed for a long time, opening another message of the in love of the telegraphist.

And so there was a junction: an anonymous correspondent sent a pomegranate bracelet. My uncle and father, then the former faint of my mother, went to yolk. But yellow, like yolks, lived on the sixth floor. He juts in the poor attic. He was found for the preparation of the next message. Father is more silent explanation time. He told me that he felt in a yellow some secret, a flame of genuine selfless passion. Uncle was hot, there was no needless. Yellow took the bracelet and disgust promised not to write more of my mother. It all ended. In any case, it is not known about further fate. "


Conversation. Work with text.

The story of love faith and her husband

  • What is the relationship with the main character with her husband?

"Princess Vera, who has former passionate love for her husband has long been in a sense of durable, faithful, true friendship, hard to help the prince."

  • How does the time of year relate to the family life of faith?

"... By the beginning of September, the weather suddenly sharply and very unexpectedly changed. Immediately stepped quiet cloudless days, such clear, solar and warm, which was not even in July. On the squeezed squeezed fields, on their barbed yellow bristle there is a saliva glitter autumn tatten. Soothing trees silently and submissively dropped yellow leaves. "

  • Faith's attitude to her marriage?

"Take us with Vasya. Is it possible to call our marriage unhappy? "

History of love Anna

"She was married to a very rich and very stupid man, who did nothing exactly, but was listed at a charitable institution and had the title of cameras-Juncker. She couldn't stand her husband, but he gave birth to two children from him - a boy and a girl; She decided not to have children anymore and did not have.

"She wouldingly indulged in the most risky flirting in all capitals and at all resorts of Europe, but never changed her husband, however, contemptuously ridiculed and in his eyes."

  • What is common at the sisters? Compare their relationship to marriage, family responsibilities.
  • Why do they like different elements?

Comparative characteristics of sisters

The eldest, faith, went to the mother, the beauty of the British, his high flexible figure, gentle, but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands and the charming shoulder depreciation, which one can see on old miniatures.

She was halfolons below the sister, somewhat wide in shoulders, live and frivolous, mockery. Her face of her strong Mongolian type with rather noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes, which she, besides the myophesia, Puchel, with an appreciated expression in a small, sensual mouth, especially in a slightly nominated full of the bottom lip, - the face is, however, captives some That is the elusive and incomprehensible charm, which could be, in a smile, maybe in deep femininity of all the features, maybe in a spicy, trintful flirty facial express. Her graceful urgentness excited and attracted the attention of men

The faith was strictly simple, with all cold and a little bit of amazing, independent and coarly calm.

Anna all consisted of cheerful carelessness and cute, sometimes strange contradictions.

I love the forest. Do you remember the forest in our Egorovsky? .. can he ever borrow? Pines! .. And what kind of mosses! .. and amansor! Exactly made of red satin and embroidered with white beads. Silence is such a coolness.

My God, how is your good here! How good! - Anna said, walking fast and small steps next to the sister along the track. - If you can sit down a little on the bench above the cliff. I have not seen the sea for so long. And what a wonderful air: breathing - and the heart is having fun.

Love stories told by the prince.

  • How does the prince refers to love? (Lipstick tells love stories)
  • Why is the prince of such an attitude to love?

"He had an extraordinary and very peculiar ability to tell ... He told about the failed marriage of Nikolai Nikolayevich on one rich and beautiful lady. Serious, always a few famous Nicholas, he made at night run down the street in alone stockings, with shoes under the arm. "

"The attack on the thread of the marriage stories, Prince Vasily not spared and Gustav Ivanovich Freesse, her husband Anna, saying that he was the next day after the wedding came to demand with the help of police eviction of the newlyweds from the parental home"

"After the history of the Device, Lima followed a new story:" Princess Vera and in love with a telegraph ".

"Finally he dies, but before his death hesitate the faith of two telegraph buttons and the bottle from the spirits - filled with his tears" ...

Love Story General Anosov

  • Why does general with such warmth talk about a meeting with Bulgarian?

"And among the conversations, our views met, there was a spark, similar to electric, and I felt that I fell in love immediately - flamingly and irrevocably."

"... I hugged her, pressed my heart and kissed him several times."

"Since then, every time I was the moon in the sky with the stars, I hurried to my beloved and all the bottom worries for a while forgot with her. When our trip was followed from those places, we gave each other an oath in eternal mutual love and fortified forever. "

  • Attitude towards the family life of General Anosov.

"And after three months, the holy treasure walks in a baked hood, shoes on a boss foot, liquid, dishwasher, in papillotes, with twins dogs, like a cook, breaks with young officers, sisyukets, scrubs, rolls his eyes. For some reason, the husband calls Jacques on humans. You know, in the nose, with a stretch, Tomno: "J-A-A-AK". Motka, actress, sludge, greedy. And the eyes are always false-false "...

Story about the love of ensign to the wife of the regimental commander

  • Why does this love general call stupid?

"A terrible thing is a thing when fresh and pure boys will put their first love for the legs of an old, experienced and power-loving lotorrian. If he now jumped unharmed - still consider him in the future in the future. This is a stamp for life. "

"And a man disappeared ... the most mean ... became a beggar ... froze somewhere on the pier in St. Petersburg"

The second story about Love General Anosov

  • Why is this case of General calls a pitiful?

"And another case was completely pitiful. And the same woman was, as the first, only young and beautiful. Very and very bad behaved. To which we are easily looked at these home novels, but even we cobble. And her husband is nothing. I knew everything, I saw everything and silent. "

  • Does the general love believed?

"I am sure that almost every woman is capable of love for the highest heroism. Understand, she kisses, hugs, Suggested - and she is already a mother. For her, if she loves, love concludes the whole meaning of life - the whole universe "!

  • What makes men marry, and women get married?

"Take a woman. It is ashamed to remain in the girls, especially when the girlfriends had already been married. It is hard to be an excess mouth in the family. The desire to be the hostess, the first thing in the house, the lady, self ... In addition, the need, directly the physical need of motherhood, and to start writing its nest. "

"And a man has other motives. First, fatigue from idle life, from mess in the rooms, from the restaurant dinners, from dirt, cigarette, broken and scattered linen, from debts, from unceremonious comrades, and so on. Secondly, you feel that the family live is more profitable, healthier and economical. Thirdly, you think: the kids will go, - I will die, and some of me will still remain in the world ... Something like the illusion of immortality. Fourth, the temptation of innocence, as in my case "

"And where is love? Love disinterested, selfless, not awaiting awards? That about which is said - "strong, like death"? You see, such love for which to make any feat, give life, go to torment - not at all work, but one joy. "

  • What should be true love?

"Love must be a tragedy. The greatest mystery in the world! No life facilities, calculations and compromises should not touch it. "

Love Zheltkova for princess faith

  • When Faith thought about the love of Zheltkova (after the words of the general)

"Maybe it's just an abnormal small, maniac, but how much know? - Maybe your life path, Verochka, crossed exactly such love, about which women cut and on which men are no longer capable of "

  • Why does the yolks cums the life of suicide?

"I know that unable to break her never ... Tell me, prince ... Suppose that you are unpleasant ... Tell me, - What would you do to break this feeling? Send me to another city, as Nikolai Nikolayevich said? Anyway, there will also be there I will love faith Nikolaevna as here. Conduct me to prison? But there I will find a way to give her to know about my existence. Only one thing remains - death ... You want, I will accept it in some way. "

  • How does the yolks refer to their love?

"Think I needed to do? Run to another city? All the same, the heart was always about you, at your feet, every moment of the day is filled with you, the thought of you, dreams of you ... Sweet nonsense. I am very ashamed and mentally blundering for my stupid bracelet, - Well, what? - error".

"I am infinitely grateful to you just for what you exist. I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love that God was pleased for something to reward me. From the depths of the soul, thank you for the fact that you were my only joy in life, the only consolation, a uniform thought. "

"God forbid you happiness, and let nothing temporary and everybody disturbing your beautiful soul. I kiss your hands. "

  • Why does the yolks ask for faith to listen to Sonata Beethoven?

"... I know that you are very musical, I saw you most often on the Beethoven quarters ..."

  • What does a bracelet donated for yolkkova?

"I would never allow myself to present you something chosen by me personally: for this I do not have any right nor a thin taste and - I confess - neither money. However, I suppose there is no treasure to decorate on all lights. You.

But this bracelet also belonged to my great-grandbank, and the last one, in time, was my deceased Mother. In the middle, between big stones, you will see one green. This is a very rare grenade grade - green grenades. According to an old legend, preserved in our family, he has a property to inform the gift of foresight wearing his women and distinguishes heavy thoughts from them, the men protected from violent death. "

  • Why is faith crying, listening to sonata?

"She learned from the first chords is an exceptional, the only thing in depth. And her soul seemed to be twisted. She thought that passed by her a lot of love, which is repeated only once in a thousand years. I remembered the words of General Anosov and asked ourselves: Why did this man forced her to listen to this is the Beethoven work, and even against her desire? And in the mind of her words. They so coincided in her thoughts with the music that it was as if the journalists who ended in the words: "Yes, your name will be hid."

4. Reading a passage for recording Beethoven Sonata.


Final word of the teacher.

Take the conclusion, what is love in understanding the junk.

Tragic, unique, giving out once every thousand years.