What can be drawn something beautiful. Sketching plants from nature

What can be drawn something beautiful. Sketching plants from nature
What can be drawn something beautiful. Sketching plants from nature

The most commonly the person is having fun when boring? Draws. What can I portray? Yes, anything. Some paint beautiful curls, other animals or portraits of acquaintances. But if you are not an artist, but only learn, then we will offer options for leisure creativity.

Drawing through cells

This method of entertainment is perfect for children. They will simultaneously be able to learn primitively draw animals and develop fantasy. And if parents give time and dictate the child as a graphic dictation, then the child will be able to practice the definition skill "right-left-top bottom". What to draw when boring? You can depict the flower, bunny, a girl or a house. Apply fantasy or use the sample above. If the parents do not have time to draw with the child, they can print the picture so that Choo has the opportunity to redraw an image into a notebook. As an experiment, you can ask the child to create a single composition on the sample of animals and people. Draw in cells - cheerful occupation. Do not forget to tell the child to paint the resulting image.

We divide the drawing on the cells

For older children there is another way to have time to spend time. It is necessary to take any image and divide it into cells. On the same number of squares worth breaking blank sheet. And now you need to redraw an image from the sample in the notebook. You need to start from the upper left corner and, gradually moving down and right, copy parts of the pattern. You should not immediately make feats and try to repeat the landscape. You need to start with something simple, for example, as in our case, from the image of the peel.

Cartoon characters

What to draw when boring? You can depict the hero of the favorite cartoon. And do not think that this version of the pasting is only suitable for children. Adults also love cartoons, such as "Tom and Jerry". He is beyond the time. In whatever age, a person seemed a funny series, he will always empathize a poor mouse and a loser-cat.

If you do not know how to handle a pencil, start drawing through the cells. How to do it, described in detail in the previous paragraph. How to draw a funny mouse? Let's start with the image of the head and immediately make the body. Remember that the head of our character is big and together with the ears it takes the same place as the rest with the paws and tail. When the main parts are scheduled, we begin to work out the drawing from top to bottom. First we depict the ears, then the face of a mouse, do not forget to portray a funkling hooker.

Now go to the body. Draw paws, tail. It remains to portray a slice of cheese. Draw cartoons - not difficult taskAnd you will understand that when your notebook will contain a couple of dozen different heroes.


What to draw when boring? The easiest option is to portray flowers. They are easier to srink from the picture. It can be roses, peonies, chamomile or lily. Flowers to draw simply, since the image is obtained very similar to the original. Let's try to draw Lily. In our case, we will depict one branch with two colors and three buton.

Let's start with the layout. I will shown in circles those places that will be the main colors of the composition. Moreover, one of them should be slightly larger than the other. Each flower has 6 leaves, which are bent down the book. 4 Petals We see well, and 2 will be in the background. Take the stamens and pestles to them. It remains to add the composition by bud. We will draw them where there is free space. In our case, one of the buds will be located on the right and two tops. First I depict the oval, and then give him a bend. It remains to add our drawing with leaves and combine all parts of the composition with a wand.


What does a person draw when talking on the phone? Of course, intricate patterns. They can be drawing chaotically and arbitrarily.

But you need to follow the construction of the composition. Today it is fashionable to portray and paint mandalas. These are Indian patterns, the basis of which are Turkish cucumbers, circles and commas. The image is best done by gel handle.

We draw a slightly above the center of the flower, we supplement it with sharp petals and complete this part with semicircles. It will be the center of the composition, which means the other parts of the image should be slightly smaller in size. Below we draw another flower in the circle. The remaining place is fill in Turkish cucumbers, zigzags and leaves. You can draw several buds or any other figures on your choice.


How to draw cartoons and characters from them, we understood above, and now we will try to portray more realistic heroes. Let's start with animals. A beginner artist is best to depict only the contour. And it is necessary to fill it in the form of various lines. Thus, you can show the design and feel the form.

Draw a deer. Let's start building it from the head. It has a noble animal. Takes one third of the drawing. We depict a drop and draw it without a smooth line, but hard. The neck is drawn in the form of a rectangle, which on the right and on the left we are complemented by peculiar crystals. Ears depict in the form of hexagons. It remains to draw horns. They are also depicting chaotic crystals. Detailing the face. In the center we draw a square from which the pentagon is moving up. Triangles depict whiskey and draw lines that enhance the shape of the head.


Well, the most common option that you can draw on paper are various figures. Artists call them sketches. These are such primitive drawings that reliably transmit the movement and character character. Often they are complemented by hatching.

Consider how you can draw a guitarist figure. For sketches, it is best to use soft material. They are easier to draw, and the process is faster. Let's start with the image of the guitar. First draw the form musical instrumentand then draw a neck. Now we depict the figure. It can be built not entirely proportionately. We draw the body, and instead of the head we depict a hat. We put one hand on the neck, and the other is drawing in the process of turning the strings. Do not worry if your fingers are not very realistic. First, it is a sketch, and secondly, draw hands is the most difficult task. Everything comes with experience. When the bulk of the work is completed, go to the details. Testing your hair, strings and guitar decor, can also be outlined by a few lines of the rear background.

Dream to learn to draw? And look for detailed step by step drawing lessons For novice artists? I will try to help you in this not a simple matter and tell about numerous nuances when writing beautiful drawings and portraits with pencil and watercolor! With my step-by-step lessons, master the azami visual arts Can not only adults, but also children!
In this category I publish all my step-by-step lessons Drawing, and separately, in the category of drawing lessons for children, I collect simple drawing lessons for novice artists. Therefore, if you just make the first steps in drawing with a pencil and watercolor, I recommend starting learning from this section. Be sure to look at all drawing lessons and tips to artists collected in my blog!

Drawing portrait For a novice artist, it seems an incredibly difficult ventilation. Often newbies are in a hurry to create a fee, without examining its basic principles and techniques. Each drawing of the person is completed by disappointment, which can lead to absolute loss of interest. You should not lower your hands, because each portrait started with the study of the basic rules, practiced them, made tens of mistakes and in the end, reached positive results. Now we will understand building a portrait of a pencil, His features and rules. They will help to achieve correctness, and what is the most important - realistic and high Quality Portrait.

Almost every person wishes to have his own portrait, who is considered one of the most complex drawingsWhat can draw an artist. It is not surprising that there is a great demand for this type of drawings. Therefore, the duty of a beginner and experienced artist is that step by step to improve their skills in drawing the features of the person's person, because through the person it is possible to transfer not only the floor and age, but also the character and temperament of the person. According to its peculiarities, portraits are divided into three types: children's, female and male. Today we will learn to draw the last species - male portrait simple pencil . It has its own features and secrets about which we will tell in this step-by-step lesson.

Phased lesson about how to draw a female portrait Simple pencil. Passing only a few steps you can understand the main features that are inherent female portrait And absent in the rest. The face will be located in Afas, the hair is removed back. It is important to know before starting work. Now you can proceed.

Hands body part personal and unique. Often they can tell about the life of a person with their shape and size. Long years People study their lines and build, try to read the future along the lines. Today we will teach draw hands with a simple pencil via phased lesson. We will pay special attention to their construction and imposition of shadows, so that the drawing came out the most realistic.

Before proceeding with full-fledged portrait, you need to learn how to draw part details. From today's lesson we will find out how to draw lips Pencil thanks phased description. The lesson is not complicated and designed for novice artists, but you should not hurry. To achieve the result, namely beautiful draw a man's lips, you need to carefully follow the rules for building and shadow.

Many dream of drawing a portrait of his relatives and loved ones. But before drawing the face as a whole, you need to learn how to draw part details. This lesson for novice artists is devoted to the issue " how to draw nose" This task is not complicated, it is worth only to take advantage of the information on the construction and imposition of shadows. The shape and size of the nose may differ, but the basic scheme remains unchanged. Let's rather learn how easy paint the nose with a pencil.

For many novice artists, one of the difficult tasks is the question " how to draw ear? ". Due to the complex structure of the ear, it is often sketched with hair, but this is not a way out. There are situations where this approach is not appropriate, for example, if a person has short haircut. So I will tell you how to draw a stamp ear.

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Drawing is an excellent opportunity to get rid of yourself from boredom, monotony of every day, and also develop creative skills. This applies not only to children, but also adults. To draw some object or landscape, not necessarily skillfully own a pencil or brush. The main thing is that the process itself is interesting. Sufficiently stock essential accessories, connect fantasy and start with the most simple strokesthat will turn into a whole picture.

Children from boredom help favorite characters from fairy tales, cartoons and serials. Their kids are drawn with great pleasure. They do it, spying on the available samples either by memory. It all depends on the abilities of the child.

The prerogative boys are all sorts of cars, tanks, locomotives, rockets, motorcycles. Girls more interested in drawings with the image of dolls, colors, VAZ. If such a drawing child fed up, then adults should be the company and offer to draw two identical patterns, after which you find 5 differences in them.

What to draw adults when boring? You can depict a pet, if it is either a fictional animal that is more than the rest. No less interesting to draw a favorite subject on paper or weather outside the window. Perhaps it will be a face with a smile to raise the mood.

A good solution will be the figure of celebrity on paper, if the drawing has good drawing skills. To not be bored, it is recommended to portray some bright event from your life. And even better to draw your dreams. Perhaps someday they will come true.

Drawing for interest

When a person is bored, he usually turns to his beloved business. Even if the drawing is not your hobby, turn it into a favorite thing will not be difficult - the main thing, draw what you love. If you are a lover of flowers, no matter what - indoor or garden, draw flowers.

It can be a floral meadow, a bouquet of peonies, a lilac bush - everything you see around or imagine in your imagination. This picture will become an excellent decoration of the room.

Those who prefer nature and flowers of animals can draw them. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds - create a portrait of your favorite. This picture will certainly take a central place in your home.

Mastering new methods

When boring, drawing lovers can engage in new art techniques and technician. You always dreamed of drawing anime, and maybe you were attracted by products made in a batik technique? It has time to try your strength in these techniques. Perhaps someone attracted miniature painting, painting in the style of folk crafts. When you are bored, you can make creating a sketch of your future creations.

Drawing with children

Most often, the question of drawing when it is bored, parents are set. Small children need to constantly take something: play, walk, draw. This is just drawing and can become salvation for young dads and mothers. If a child is trembling, he will completely forget about boredom, and will be happy to create.

What can you draw with children? There are countless options. You can draw with the children of the heroes of your favorite fairy tales and cartoons and even collect them all together on one picture. You can make a real cartoon comic with a child, drawing several scenes in a row. Children's drawings will decorate the room, and your child will be proud of his skill to draw.

The process of drawing implies not only the use of color pencils or paints with tassels, draw with children with multi-colored crayons or paints with palms and fingers.

Drawing with children is useful for children themselves, and for parents. This is an excellent option for a joint pastime, when both small and big is boring.

Creating ornaments

Probably, each of you remember how at school I painted the ornament the field of my notebooks in mathematics. Someone had it for a long time, someone is recently. In fact, the creation of ornaments is a whole science, which can be done when you are bored.

Initially, for this, you need a minimum of materials: a sheet into a cage and color pencils or markers. You can create ornaments from geometric or vegetable elementsCollect them in one gamma or combine several opposing colors.

Where is such an ornament then come in handy? Lovers of needlework, maybe among your friends or relatives there are such, it is easy to move such ornaments for embroidery, the product in the technique of Patchwork, a bead bracelet or skin, used when sewing clothes or knitting. Finally, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ornament can be used later in creating the interior of your apartment.

Drawing by numbers

Drawing paintings by numbers - great idea For those who miss. Such pictures can draw absolutely everything, they will even have those who do not have the abilities to artistic art. Pictures by numbers are there different sizes - There are small, there are quite impressive, there are whole sets of such pictures - when you need to paint each, and then accommodate them on the wall, getting one image.

Drawing according to numbers is suitable for both adults and children. For young artists There are paintings S. cartoon characters And animals are a kind of big coloring, to paint one pleasure.

For adults there are pictures by numbers in the form beautiful landscapes - Autumn, summer and urban. Coloring such a picture, the solar embankment of the Italian coast or gorgeous autumn landscape With a house of a lake. Separately, such pictures are made for animal lovers, colors, street art - Each of you can choose the option in the shower.


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Drawing lessons always attract people of different ages. They will be involved as a favorite classes, useful hobbies and even entertainment. True, even they sometimes require exciting ideas. Therefore, in today's article, we decided to demonstrate for our young readers finished photo a selection that answers the question - "What to draw, when boring for girls?".

Below you can find ready-made ideas that differ in difficulty, style and meaning. Among the proposed you can see the following solutions: landscapes, wild and domestic animals, various and separate dishes, still lifes and even images of people in motion.

What to draw, when boring for girls? Useful advice

The choice of idea depends on the amount of free time, the ability to draw and the complexity of the selected idea. For example, simple options will have even newbies that do not have anything in common with drawing. But the complex and intricate solutions are more suitable for girls who pay a lot of time to creativity and artistic hobby.

Tips may be many ... However, the most important recommendation was and remains - inspiration. If it is, any drawing will not be difficult to repeat on a white sheet of paper, using simple and colored pencils, watercolor paints or wovers.

Patience is another quality required in creative process. If it is not, then even trying not!

Landscape - ideas of drawings in the photo

Urban I. rural landscapesExpressing the beauty of each year in trifles is an interesting option for those who like to enjoy nature. Autumn foliage falling down from trees in the park, snow enveloping the landscape of the city park, children riding with an ice slide, are one of the most common variations.


Wild and pets, beautiful and singing birds, mammals and small insects, look good not only live, but also on a sheet of white paper. Especially if you can draw or at least draw.


To the question - "What to draw, when boring for girls?" You can answer differently. But if you want to portray something appetizing on a small area, you can reproduce a cake, froth potatoes with eyes and even a chocolate cake, covered with whipped cream or decorated with fresh berries and pieces of fruit.

Still life

For particularly inspired artists, a good idea for drawing will be an image of still life. Fruits and berries assembled in a wicker basket or lying on the table - what will not leave an indifferent one teenage girl.

What to draw when boring for girls, other photos of the ideas: