Alexey Vorobiev spoke about intimate intimacy with the finalists "Bachelor.

 Alexey Vorobiev spoke about intimate intimacy with the finalists
Alexey Vorobiev spoke about intimate intimacy with the finalists "Bachelor.

On June 4, fans of the show "Bachelor" were able to observe the final of the famous teleproject, which comes out on the TV channel "TNT". Unexpected was the disclosure of this show this year. Many believed that Alexey Vorobyov decided everything for himself, which means that Natalia Gorozhanov will become the winner of the project this year. That is how most viewers of this show believed. Think so they had certain foundations, because from the very beginning of the project, Alexey showed sympathy towards this girl. The main competitors of Natalia left the project at the very end of the season. They were considered Alla Berger and Natalia Table. As a result, in the final, Govwall had to compete with Jan Alosova. However, the audience did not see the decent competitor for the city of Jana. But in a different way, he considered the hero of the project. Of the two girls in the final, he did not choose anyone and as a result he remained a bachelor.

The reaction to the junction of the final release of the show from the audience was immediately apparently and was the most different. However, it can be argued that none of the fans of this project did not expect such a turn of events. Alexey in the final made that no one did before him.

Alla Berger, who was among the participants of the teleproject of the 4th season, also expressed her opinion on the junction in the final. Note that it is its definite part of the show fans and considered as the main contender to win this year. The moments seemed that she was a little ahead of his main rival Natasha Govubushane, with which they became a girlfriend. The most passionate were Alexey's dates with this girl. Nevertheless, the Bachelor surprised the audience once again when he decided to drive Alla home in one of the issues.

On his page, Berger wrote that in the final release she was worried about Natalia, but added that Yana was also worthy of victory. She also published a photo on which this Trinity was captured.

When the final issue was completed, she left her opinion on the junction on his page in "Instagram". The girl wrote that she did not expect such a result. In addition, she reported that he did not believe that everything was completed and there would be no continuation.

It should be noted that in the winter ended the shooting of this project. Thus, even then, girls became aware that the actor and singer did not choose anyone. However, nevertheless, in "Instagram" on the pages of Alexei and Natasha, hints often appeared on the fact that in a short time they would be real family, and later become their parents. Fans are therefore believed that these two and form a new cell of society. However, since they were filmed in a reality show, then the show should go first, and the relationship is in the second place. Therefore, it is not eliminated that now that the project ended, they will continue to meet.

The most scandalous member of the project gave a frank interview Teleprogramma

The most scandalous member of the project gave a frank interview site

The chief hero of the project "Bachelor" Alexei Vorobyev will soon have to be determined by the chosen. Therefore, he began decisive actions. In the next series of the show, he will go at once for 2 dates. With Natalia Gorubusova, Alexey will meet on the ship, they will decide to swim in the sea during the storm and almost drow. But everything will end safely.

But the most interesting will happen later. Alla Berger in secret from the rest of the participants persuaded Lesha to escape with her on a date. In the morning, the girls realized that Berger did not spend the night. "Let them think that they want. What happened only between me and Lesha, "the Berger commented on his act.

Especially for the site, the most scanner participant of the TV project "Bachelor" Alla Berger answered a few questions by telephone.

"Alla, fans of" bachelor "still discuss the situation when you" exposed "Maria Guriev, told Alexey that she has a loved one." But Maria twisted. Did you believe her?

- Of course not. Lesha also made his conclusions. This excuse was so taller that Stanislavsky would say: "I do not believe!" I do not understand why coming to the project in which single girls want to find their happiness if you have everything in life arranged. Well, go to culinary courses, it will be more useful.

- Are you not afraid to provoke, expose? It's not scary that girls will raid against you and come up with something very unpleasant?

- I do not engage in exposure. Just do not like false and insincere people. And I do not want someone to deceive Lesha. And he can not see everything that happens on the villa in his absence. Yes, and I am not afraid that someone will undertake someone. Girls who have moral principles will support me, and the opinion of the rest is little worried.

- You are called the most bright and at the same time the most provocative participant. Agree?

- I will call myself the most sincere participant. About the brightness I do not judge, but if someone calls me so much, then I'm just glad. And about the fact that I am the most provocative participant - I do not agree. I did not provoke anyone.

"It doesn't seem to you that for a serious relationship for one night, Alexey will choose a modest girl?" You worked as a photo model, removing nude ...

- I immediately said who I am and what I do. I am not proud of it, as many have thought. Just voiced so that later there was no surprises for Lesha on my part. And it seems to me that Lesha is a very active man who needs Drive, passion. With a modest girl, he will be bored for minutes after 5. She will not be able to light the flame in it.

- Do you feel confident?

- From time to time. Before the rose ceremony, confidence always disappears, but after Lyosha calls my name, she returns to the new force. It is quite difficult morally, but for the sake of Lesha, you can suffer.

- What is the main thing on the "bachelor"?

- The most important thing is that we feel, staying with Lesha alone. And there at least a flood ...

- And what is the most difficult thing for you now on the project?

- Stay calm. And transfer heavy waiting hours and ceremonies. And the rest here are good conditions - we feed us, sing, dress up. We are in the country of eternal summer with Charismatic Alexei. What else to wish? Unless that we were here only together ...

- What are you ready to go to conquer Lesha?

- remain yourself. This is the main thing. I would now argue for a long time and estimate what is acceptable, but what is not, but there is no point in that. Because if you gave love, she mixes all the cards and a person will be able to anything. But even more importantly, Alexey is able to conquer the girl ...

- Often notice the manifestation of sympathy by Alexey?

- Yes of course. I see that it is interesting to him and nice. I catch his glances constantly ...

- Tell me the truth about your work model in the style of "Nu" ...

- What truth? I have no skeletons in the closet. I am open and sincere. If someone does not understand such shooting - this is their problem. The main thing is that Alexey believes me. And I am not obligated for the work of your life.

See the Show "Bachelor" on Saturday at 21.30

The seventh release of the Show "Bachelor" on TNT was full of surprises, both for the participants of the project and the audience. Natalia Gorozhanova finally went to an individual date with Alexey Vorobyev. The artist arranged for a girl an unforgettable surprise: sailed behind her on a ship with almy sails and drove into a romantic dinner. At the end of the date Natalia remained without a kiss, but with a rose.

To whom Sparrow is experiencing truly passionate feelings, so it's to Alle Berber. The girl just had to hint the singer that he pays little attention to her, as he immediately planted her into the car and took it to an improvised date.

After swimming in the sea and dinner at sunset, Alexey and Alla moved to the hotel room, where they spent together all night. Home The girl returned only in the morning than caused a strong jealousy of other participants in the project. Many admitted that they were disappointed in Vorobyev after he succumbed to Charm Alla and spent the night with her.

Obviously, Alexei's act burned for the living Tatyana Shmelev: the girl stated that he wanted to leave the project. True, she explained his decision to Vorobyev by the fact that he did not feel strong feelings for him. The statement of Tatiana raised the singer, and he sent her home without unnecessary words. Also at the ceremony of deductions from roses, another participant refused - Ksenia Schalozheva. The girl in a wheelchair confessed to Alexey, which does not feel love for him. Vorobyov thanked Ksyusha for honesty and added that he considers it one of the most worthy women in his life.

After the yield of the scandalous series, Alexey Vorobyev offered his Instagram subscribers to subside on the topic of intimate proximity in relationships.\u003dru.

"I offer an open discussion on the topic that of the 2 options is cynical: 1 -" Sex is the result of passion that flashed between two people. " 2 - "Sex not earlier than the 5th date, because it should be a weighted and calm solution, in which it is impossible to hurry and you need not to redistribute, besides, if you do not sleep on the 5th date - everyone will say what it means to you that "It's not like that." Option 3 - "Sex only after the wedding", but the priests are hardly reading my instagramm, so this option disappears "(the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved. - Approx. ed.).

Most artist fans said that cynical for them is the first option.

A few more Saturday issues, and the 4th season of the popular project will end. Until then, it is not clear who wins the "Bachelor" show with Alexey Vorobyev, although after the third series the audience were confident - the winner of the "Bachelor of 4" became the model from Tver Alla Berger.

Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov - Sex, Passion and an unexpected turn

After the release of the fourth series, the project fans have no longer doubted: it was Alla Berger who managed to charm unpredictable Alexei Vorobyev. The popular performer is so faded with a slender brunette that hardly restrained his passion.

After going to an individual date, Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov intrigued the audience by a passionate kiss right on the urban embankment. This kiss became the first on the TV project.

Walking around the evening Bangkoku, the couple went into an artistic drawing salon. Robbo withdrawing patterns with paints on each other's bodies, unexpectedly Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov together were out of place and time, completely giving out surpassed feelings.

It was one of the most erotic moments of the Show "Bachelor 4". Passionate kisses switched to hot arms ... Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov did not hold back herself, and sex between the heroes of the TV show did not happen only thanks to the efforts of the artist.

Explaining his emotions at that moment on the camera, Alexey Vorobyov admitted that he was not fully confident in Allle:

I must be in the right mind and healthy to assess the situation. This is not a situation where we wake up together in the morning, she will smile and we will cook together breakfast together ... I could say: "Guys, we finished, I found it ...", if I was sure to end - it would have happened.

Alla Berger told about how Alexey Vorobyov kisses

All girls who are now on the project are fighting for the attention and favor of bachelor. At the same time, each of them dreams of becoming the only one that will remain with Alexey Vorobyev.

Gathering together, girls do not miss the opportunity to discuss all the advantages of the main hero of the project.

When Alla Berger returned from a date with Alexey Vorobyev, she could not deny himself the pleasure to cause a envy of rivals, hinking on his special relationship with the "bachelor":

Girls, someone asked how Sparrow was kissing? I will say that perfectly ...

The phrase reached its goal - by the end of the fourth series, the spectacular fashion model put all the points over I, showing the rest of the participants, that in the 4th season "Bachelor" Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyev together.

Alla Berger to the project "Bachelor-4": biography, scandals, photos in the style of Nu

Alla Berger was born in Tver. Now she is 21 years old. The girl brought up her grandmother - in the 9th release of Alla tells Alexei that her mother threw her in his childhood, leaving the heaven in his shower.

For the past few years, Alla Berger lives in Moscow, where the fashion model works. In the very first issue, Alla bribed Alexei Vorobyov's frankness, admitting what was filmed in a naked form.

Alla Berger in Instagram regularly places photo nude.

The model told that it began to be filmed naked because of their own complexes: Alla Berger did not consider himself a beautiful nor sexual. Photo Nude helped her to increase their own self-esteem.

After the popularity of the model went up thanks to the project "Bachelor 4", Internet users suspected that the girl "lit up" in a seashabited form at one of the holidays arranged by the producer of the group "on-on". Photos surfaced in the network, on which the creator of the popular group licks the naked chest of an unknown girl.

Part of users believe that Alla Berger and Bari Alibasov are depicted in the photo.

However, the opinions of Internet users were divided.

Will Alla Berger stay and Alexey Vorobyov together after the project "Bachelor 4"?

After each series of show "Bachelor 4", the audience is rapidly discussing the latest news, trying to guess who will win the project with Alexey Vorobyev. As if spectators, they wondered, they will be able to test their assumptions only after the final release.

Himself "Bachelor" does not get tired of intriguing fans. So, on April 1, Vorobyov published a video in his instagram, where he said that the girl with whom he met on the "Bachelor 4" show, pregnant. As an honest person, a musician is going to marry a beloved, without waiting for the 4th season of the "Bachelor" show.

At the time of the sensational recognition, there were just a release, where Alexei had an affair with Alla. The fans of the project immediately came to the conclusion that Alla Berger is pregnant.

Studying the last photos at Instagram Alla, users could not consider changes in the girl's shapes. It is still slim and elegant.

But on the nameless finger of the girl especially meticulous researchers of photographs discovered a ring with a stone. The model does not comment on his personal life, but its Folloviers are confident that Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov now together.

On the Internet "walks" the photo on which Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov are captured together during a trip to Tver, to the mother's homeland. Her fans assure that the shot was made after the end of the TV project "Bachelor 4".

By the way, Alla Berger is preparing for the wedding. Two weeks ago in instagram Girls appeared her photo in a wedding dress. Although, of course, find out whether the wedding will be held by Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov, it will be possible only to wait for the finals of the project "Bachelor 4".

The project with Alexei Vorobyev is smoothly approaching the completion, and the question of who will win the "Bachelor 4" show remains open. Already after the third series, most viewers were confident that Alla Berger became the winner of the project.

Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov - Sex on the first date or the tricky course of producers?

The fourth series only confirmed the assumptions of fans of realistic show: Alla Berger managed to be so interested in Alexey Vorobyev that the famous bachelor could not hold back his passion. On the urban embankment, Alexey passionately kissed Anna. It was the first serious kiss on the project "Bachelor 4".

Having left for an individual date, the couple visited not only on a romantic walk along the night Bangkok, but also looked into the interior of artistic drawing. Starting from the drawings on each other's bodies, Alla and Alexey could not stop ... Kisses were very quickly moved into candid arms.

It seemed that the first date of Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyev would end in sex, but the singer found the strength to stop at the last moment.

Later, Alexey commented on his decision:

I must be in the right mind and healthy to assess the situation. This is not a situation where we wake up together in the morning, she will smile and we will cook together breakfast together ... I could say: "Guys, we finished, I found it ...", if I was sure to end - it would have happened.

Alla Berger delighted with Kisses Alexey Vorobyov

The girls who are on the project "Bachelor 4", a priori are not a friend, because they are all struggling among themselves for the only man. At the same time, every girl is trying to show the other that Alexey Sparobyov allocates it against the background of everyone else.

Between the project participants are warmly discussing all the advantages of "bachelor".

Returning after such a roast date with Sparrow, Alla could not "prick" his rivals:

Girls, someone asked how Sparrow was kissing? I will say that perfectly ...

Thus, by the end of the fourth release, young beauty made it clear to the rest of the participants, which is now Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov together on this project.

Who is Alla Berger: biography, rumors, rare photos

Alla Berger comes from Tver. The girl in January was 21 years old. Alla lives with a grandmother: in the 9th series "Bachelor" she told Alexey, as she was hurt when her mother threw her in his childhood.

Now Alla lives in Moscow, where the model is working, removing in candid photo sessions. Alla told Alexei to his hobbies in the style of NU "by Alla on the very first day of dating, bribing him with his frankness.

Alla Berger regularly leads instagram, which contains a lot of intimate photos of the model.

The decision to make "naked pictures" Alla accepted because of his complexes - the girl did not consider himself sexual and beautiful. Increase self-esteem Alla Berger helped the photo nude.

When the model acquired fame due to the participation in the "Bachelor" show season 4, rumors appeared in the network that Alla Berger participated a few years ago as a naked model, expanding drinks at one of the show events of the group "on-to". As evidence, a photo appears, where the producer of the popular group licks the chest of the brunette half-range. Some users are confident that this is Alla Berger and Bari Alibasov.

In fact, confidently say that Alla is depicted in the snapshot, it is impossible - the girl's face is impossible to see.

Will Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyev together after the end of the project "Bachelor 4"?

No matter how those who tried the audience to calculate the name of the one who wins the fourth season of the TV show "Bachelor", it will certainly be possible to learn only when the finale of the season with Alexey Vorobyev will be released on the ether.

Meanwhile, the artist has repeatedly managed to intrigue his fans. So, on April 1, Alexey Vorobyov in Instagram posted a video where he said that his chosen was pregnant, and he marries her, without waiting for the end of the project. Since at that time he began his novel with Alla, then the audience instantly concluded: Alla Berger is pregnant.

But attentive Internet users reviewed on her nameless finger of a ring with a stone. It turns out that Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov now together? The photomodel itself for known reasons does not comment on their relationship with Alexey Vorobyev, so her fans concluded that the ring is a gift "Bachelor".

Some time ago, a photo appeared in the network, at which Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyev together walk down the street. The snapshot is made after the end of the project. Fans assure that the photo of Berger's homeland is fixed in the photo.

A few days ago, Alla Berger in Instagram published a photo from the wedding salon.

The viewers of the show considered that Alla Berger will become the winner of the finale show "Bachelor", and leaned whether the wedding will be held, it will be possible only to wait for the end of the popular project.