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18.08.2018 18:19

St. Petersburg magazine "Dog", whose Crimean version is considered almost the only glamorous edition on the peninsula, published on his site Translation of the study of the professor of art history of Maya Balakirski-Katz from Touro-College in New York - about why Crocodile Gena from the famous Soviet cartoon This is an old Bolshevik, and Cheburashka personification of the Jew in the USSR. Written seems to be attracted for big Cheburashkin ears, but there is something in all this.

The fact of viewing the animated series of the late 1960s with Cheburashka in the lead role - "Unknown Science of the Beast" - is an important marker that your childhood has passed in the last decades of Soviet power. Ask anyone who grew up in Eastern Europe about the Soviet Mickey Mouse, and he will begin to sing a song with an innocent voice of Cheburashka "I was once a strange toy nameless, to which no one will fit in the store. Now I am Cheburashka ... "

The animated series is the adaptation of the children's stories of the writer Edward Uspensky, the latest releases of which the Soviet audience enjoyed simultaneously with the advent of children's TV in the 60s. Cartoon about Cheburashka became the national property, a kind of business card of the country of the Soviets, and his episodes were adapted to the maximum possible option - including for radio and theatrical frames.

The children memorized and tried the songs about the eared animal in the choir, during meetings, classroom clocks and for the events of Pioneer organizations. When I was small, this cartoon was for me a whole universe. My parents and I moved to the United States in 1979, captured a projector to the diameters and a stack of slides with cartoons, including the first series of "Cheburashka".

Over the years, Cheburashka was only gaining popularity in the USSR, became a truly cult character and was surrounded by a halo of "superiority" over American cartoon characters - for example, Mickey Mouse. Cheburashka was even compared with the roaring lion emblem of the MGM studio and, of course, called it with a sample of morality and morality. Relatively recently, Japan recognized Cheburashka one of the most beloved heroes of all times and peoples - in the country of the rising sun, even released a remake of the Soviet cartoon and several spin-offs to him. In the post-Soviet time, Cheburashka became the Talisman of the Russian Olympic team.

But even among those for whom, this cartoon is a sacred memories of childhood, very little knowing that the team that created a series at the Soyuzmulilm studio, almost fully consisted of Ashkenazi Jews, who lost their homes and families during the genocide in Great Patriotic War.

The director Roman Kachanov recreates in the animation series the classical history of the Jews who were busy in the project during the war. He himself, for example, was born in the poor Jewish quarter in Smolensk and was engaged in boxing in the atmosphere of Smolensk Zionist labor movement even before his father and sister were shot during the German occupation of the city.

The creator of the image of Cheburashka - Director-multiplier Leonid Schwartzman grew up in the situation of Zionism in Minsk and changed the name to the "Israel" after the six-day war of 1967 had happened ( between Israel on one side and Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Algeria on the otherDespite the hostile attitude towards Israel, existing in the Soviet society at the time.

Kachanov hired the operator of Theodore Baymaniovich, who had previously worked as a photojournalist and front-line operator of the central newsreel studio and, in particular, removed in West, Voronezh and other fronts. He managed to capture Nazi crimes and atrocities of soldiers of the third Reich in Belarus.

Operator Joseph Golomba not only spoke to Idish: his father was a passionate collector of Hasida music and thanks to him this language enriched with a musical vocabulary. What exactly is the Jewish origin of the team of the Cartoon Creators influenced their creative development - for the most part, the question of speculations and various speculations, but the reason why they are millions of times did not call the true origin of Cheburashka, it lies in personal history.

"Crocodile gene is an old Bolshevik who likes to smoke the tube. She sticks out from his mouth to Stalin's manner "

The works of artists of Jewish origin in the USSR usually attributed to the "underground", they fell to the west through smugglers and dissidents with reinstaters. Nevertheless, despite the systematic anti-Semitism, which manifested itself in the Soviet society at different levels, we see (and this confirms the cartoon "Cheburashka") that bright and very lively Jewish culture received the greatest creative development in the heart of Moscow - the central studio of the animation " Soyuzmultfilm "- the largest in Eastern Europe.

The introduction of Jewish cultural when the cartoons were the only way out of the situation when the obvious expression of its ethnicity in Soviet culture was suppressed. The mysterious origin of Cheburashka is one of the main secrets of the animated series. My idea is that this unusual hero embodies a typical Soviet Jew.

The very first series begins with the fact that the fruit seller opens a citrus box, and finds a charming creature there - "Something between the Bear and Orange." Looking at a strange animal. The seller reads the inscription on the drawer with fruit on broken English: "Own Ran-gess!". In those years, Israel was the main exporter of oranges to the Soviet Union. In fact, Citrus from Jaffa was the only product that the USSR imported from Israel, and in the world itself promised these fruits became the subject of national pride and symbol of the success of the Jewish people: a sign that a small and proud country can provide themselves to products. By the way, oranges were also an unofficial symbol of the Zionist movement in the USSR.

Immediately remember the lines from the memoir "Return" of the Soviet and Israeli mechanics and physics, the publicist and the public figure, German Burnovera: "I remember that in the winter of 1952, Yaffian oranges brought to a grocery store, where Uncle Naum worked. He somehow told me that the store staff worked all night, destroying paper with inscriptions in Hebrew, in which oranges were wrapped. "

Because of his mysterious origin, Cheburashka is not able to find his place in the Soviet society. A confused fruit seller takes responsibility and gives it a strange creature in the most suitable place for it, which can only be found in the city - Zoo.

Instead of a passport or other necessary documents, it comes with a piece of paper into which Oranges were wrapped (Cheburashka, after all, "half-pellsin"). According to the creators, such a "passport" for a rooted hero will definitely find a response in the hearts of those citizens of the USSR, which in these passports in the column a nationality was "Jew".

The guar of the zoo returned with Cheburashka in his hands and said the seller that this creature cannot accept: "No, this will not go. Unknown science beast! "," He says. "Do not know where to plant it." As a result, Cheburashka was attached to the store of discounted goods, and his owner told the seller that our hero was like a defective toy.

The Cheburashka commission store gives a task to sit on the shop window and twist Yula, attracting buyers. When he asks where he lives, the owner of the store shows on the telephone booth and says "live? Yes, at least here. This will be yours, so to speak, a house, "the seller shows both hands the gesture" OK ". Cheburashka looks long on the booth and reluctantly agrees. At that time, the telephone booth had a bad reputation associated with disadvantaged teenagers or alcoholics, which were tested in them and used for their divisions.

In fact, it is not just a zoo, a commission store or a telephone booth: Cheburashka cannot be attributed to any social group in the Soviet society. When a Russian schoolgirl named Galya with an innocent species asks his "Who are you?", Then the animal answers it in a characteristic manner: "I ... I don't know." Galya dares to ask further "Are you no longer a little bear?" Her assumption convinces Cheburashka in the fact that he needs to identify himself with Russianity, at least at the symbolic level, because the bear is a well-known symbol of Russia. Cheburashka looks at the schoolgirl with hope, but then his ears slowly go down and he is quietly repeated "Maybe I don't know."

The wise and resourceful crocodile of the gene hurries to help solve the problem of the origin of his new and mysterious friend. He is trying to find a definition in a huge dictionary, searched between the words "tea", "suitcase", "Chebureks", "Cheboksary". In the place where the gene could find the name of Cheburashka, there is a name of a dish and one of the Russian cities, as well as a suitcase - a bright symbol that again lifts the curtain of the mystery of the origin of Cheburashka and hints on the topic of immigration (traditional for Jews). For Cheburashka is not located not only in the zoo, but also in the dictionary of the Russian language.

There are many accents in the cartoon on uncertain social codes that limit the life of Cheburashka. The status of the homeless burgeon contrasts very much with the position of the crocodile genes, which "works" in the zoo crocodile. In one of the later episodes, Cheburashka expresses the hope that after he learns to read in Russian and finished school, he will be able to work in the zoo with his green friend. Wrinkling crocodile shakes his head. "No, you are not allowed to work in the zoo with us." When his friend is trying to figure out the cause, the crocodile answers him: "Well, why? why? Yes, they just eat you! "

The crocodile works in the aviary, which is more like a park with a pond and wood. In the Moscow Zoo, in the 1920s, they decided to replace animal cells on scenic enclosures with more suitable animal conditions. Considering the fact that Cheburashka did not take in the zoo, where the beasts "live in harmony" (metaphor demonstrating the superiority of the ideology of socialism over capitalism) Kachanov and Schwartzman Dali clearly understand that in the case of the chief hero of the cartoon, despite the openness of the socialists to ethnic diversity (USSR, As you know, the country is multinational), some "tropical" heroes are not allowed even on the threshold.

According to the memoirs of the "Soyuzmultfilm" staff, the director Roman Kachanov loved countless times to repeat in the studio: "Can you imagine? Crocodile, which works in a crocodile zoo! ". The complete opposite of Cheburashka, the 50-year-old crocodile "was born" at the very beginning of the October Revolution. His name is no coincidence beginning with "Crocodile" - in fact, this is an analogue of the appeal of "Comrade", which was used in the Communist country. Crocodile Gena - an old Bolshevik who likes to smoke the phone (she sticks out from his mouth to Stalin's manner). When he leaves the zoo, he sits all day in solitude at home. Depressed by his fate, Crocodile Gena writes an ad about finding friends and hangs it throughout the city. Thanks to the announcement, he meets Cheburashka and Galya's schoolgirl.

Finally, Cheburashka meets friends and begins to write ads with the help of which it creates a small community "House of Friends" in the apartment of the gene. All this very much reminds Meetings on apartments and primary organizations, with the help of which Jews in the late 1960s, in the 70s and 80s created their first communities.

Galya meets the PSA Tobika "On the street" outside the yellow building with a facade in a neoclassical style, which is almost completely drawn from the Moscow Choral Synagogue. In fact, the street near the synagogue was the place of the Assembly of Jews and some Jewish theologians. It is worth even recalling a natural demonstration, which was held during the visit of Israel's Minister of Internal Affairs of Gold Meir in October 1948 to Moscow. No less remarkable event for the synagogue at that time was that the chief rabbi of Moscow Shlomo Shlefer made the creation of Yehiva in her walls, but even despite this, those who tried to learn more about Jewish culture, preferred to do it on apartments and during street assembly .

Among those who responded to the announcement of Cheburashka, there was a long-haired Lev-intellectual Lev Chandra - the most Jewish character in the cartoon (in addition to the most important character). In fact, it is very easy to determine the analogy between the lion and popular at the time in the USSR writer Sholen Aleichem, who wrote both Hebrew and in Russian. Facial features, combed back straight hair and habit wear clothes in a simple style - all this combines a cartoon lion with a Jewish playwright.

Kachanov and Schwartzman, both fluently talking to Eidis, called Lion Chandra "Leibera Chandra" - the name that can be translated from Yiddish as "shame of a lion" (or a great shame). The hypothesis about the Jewish origin of the king of animals in the animated series is once again confirmed when it seems to be other heroes, making a semi-clone under the accompaniment of melancholic violin. After the Tobik (translated from Yiddish "good") and Liebe Candr ("Great Shame") go for a walk together, the crocodile gene concludes a sad voice: "Do you know how many people in our city are also alone like a tobik and Candre? And no one sympathizes when they are sad. "

As soon as strange social halftones were noticed in the cartoon, the art council was immediately called. Its members tried to understand why the crocodile genes it is necessary to answer the question about the origin of the "unknown science of the beast." And the art council, and the ministry of cinema (known as Goskino), questioned the pioneer activism of Cheburashka, in fact he was a person of non-Grata, deprived of civil rights to a foreigner.

In particular, he was "recalled" the initiative to create an "home of friends" without any "orders from above." One of the Goskino employees with disdain called Crocodile Geno and his friends "home friends." Veteran Animation Ivan Ivanov-Vano questioned the seriousness of the lion and suggested that he could wear brighter colors to be closer to a young audience. He also wondered why the crocodile genes such a "luxurious" apartment and why she then turned into a "friend's house".

Ivanov-Vano was a person insightful and touched a very sensitive topic for the creators of the cartoon theme, because they have invested in it (albeit metaphorically) the experience of the Jewish population. Employees "Soyuzmultfilm", in fact, replaced the animation characters themselves to, not going beyond the framework of generally accepted standards, tell about their history. Nevertheless, despite the misunderstandings and concerns from the artistic council, the series released almost unchanged on television.

Jewish nationalists, of course, were aware of those who are the creators of Cheburashka, but the main character of the cartoon is still not a zionist - at least not in the sense, which will be generally accepted in the United States. Definitely, Cheburashka has no desire to emigrate from the USSR in the promised. Rather, its origin (connected, as we remember, with oranges) broadcasts the key and very painful condition for the ethnos: an indefinite status, and in this key the cartoon causes a deep sympathy to the naive miracle with huge eyes.

It is just a strange, different from other creature, which really wants to live his life. Despite the generally accepted xenophobic attitude towards strangers in the Soviet film of that period, Kachanov and Schwartzman succeeded in making a cute stranger from an illegal "fly-flyer", which personifies morality and virtue, despite the absurd rules and strict requirements for social status. The cartoon about Cheburashka created a team of Jews, who themselves were people with a non-obvious position because of their origin. They spent his hero through the same screen experience.

At the very entrance to the zoo, he suddenly met Gali.

Hooray! - shouted Cheburashka. - So you already recovered?

He recovered, "Galya replied. - I was already allowed to leave the house.

And you lost a little, "said Cheburashka.

Yes, the girl agreed. - Is it very noticeable?

Not! - Cheburashka exclaimed. - Almost imperceptible. You really lost weight. So slightly, so little, that even a little recovered!

Galya managed immediately, and they entered the zoo together. Gena, as always, lay in the sun and read the book.

Look, - said Galya Cheburashka, - and I did not think that he was so thick!

Yes, "Cheburashka agreed. - He is just terribly similar to the sausage with his paws! .. Hello, gene! - shouted Cheburashka crocodile.

I am not a gene, "the crocodile said offended, similar to a sausage with his paws. I am Valera. I work in the second shift. And your gene went to dress. Now he will come.

Thick crocodile angrily turned away. Just at this time, the gene went out in his elegant coat and a beautiful hat.

Hello, - smiling, he said. - went to visit me!

Fuck! - Galya and Cheburashka agreed. They really liked to go from the crocodile.

Genes have friends drank coffee, talked and played different board games. Cheburashka rushed every minute to tell about his dog, but everything did not seem to be a convenient case.

But at the door someone called.

Sign in, "said the gene.

The room entered a big-pre-hand lion in Pensne and in a hat.

Lion Candre, - he introduced himself.

Tell me, please, asked Guest, - here lives a crocodile who needs friends?

Here, - answered the gene. - He lives here. Only he is no longer needed. He already has them.

Very sorry! - sighed lion and headed for the exit. - Bye.

Wait, "Cheburashka stopped him.

And what friend do you need?

I do not know, "lion replied. - just a friend, and that's it.

Then, it seems to me that I can help you, "said Cheburashka. Let us eat a few minutes, and I still run home. Okay?

After some time, Cheburashka returned; He led on the leash of gracious Tobika.

This is whom I meant, "he said. - It seems to me that you come to each other!

But this is a little dog, "Leo objected, - and I won what big!

Not trouble, "said Cheburashka," then you will defend her!

And the truth, "Candre agreed.

And what do you know how to do? He asked for a tobika.

Nothing, "Tobik replied.

In my opinion, this is also not scary, "said Lion Galya. - You can teach him everything you want!

Perhaps they are right, - decided Candre.

Well, "he said to Tobika," I will be happy to make friends with you. " And you?

And I! - I merged with a tobik. - I will try to be a very good companion!

New acquaintances thanked everyone who was in the room, and spread goodbye.

Well done! - Praised Galya Cheburashka when they left. - You did both!

Fucking! - Fastened Checkburashka. - Do not talk about it.

And you know, "Galya said suddenly," how many chanders and tobikov in our city are here? "

How many? - asked Cheburashka.

A lot, "answered the girl. - They have no friends at all. Nobody comes to them for a birthday. And no one will regret them when they are sad.

The gene listened to all this sad-treble. A huge transparent tear rolled out of his eye. Looking at him, Cheburashka also tried to cry. But from his eye a tiny-tiny tearchka was revealed. Such a thing that it was even shame to show.

So what should we do? - cried the crocodile. - I want to help them!

And I want to help! - supported his Cheburashka. - What do I feel sorry, or what? Just how?

Very simple, - said Galya. - It is necessary to heal them all.

And how to heal them? - asked Cheburashka.

I do not know, "Galya replied.

And I already invented! - Gena said. - We must take and write ads so that they come to us. And when they will come, we will meet them with each other.

I liked this idea, and friends had chosen to do so. They will raise around the city of the announcement. Even who will come to them, they will try to find a comradist. And the house in which the crocodile lives, it was decided to turn into the house of friendship.

So, - said the gene, - from tomorrow for work.

Soviet cinema presented the world of unusual heroes. So far, the famous directors worked over the films for an adult audience, the multiplers thought about the surprise of small October and Pioneers. Cartoon creators used stories of books and created authentic stories that later found an embodiment on the screen. , Wolf and hare from "Well, wait!", To list the characters who loved children can be long. The first mythic hero of the Soviet cartoon was Cheburashka - an unknown being of unknown origin.

History of creation

Cheburashka is the name of the character of a book written by a children's author. Based on the work of the "Crocodile Gena and his friends" in 1969, the film was filmed by the director. The hero of the book gained fame after the ribbon exit.

Cheburashka is an unusual being. He has two huge round ear, the body covers brown wool and is not clear, female or male genus of this animal. His appearance to the light occurred thanks to the artist-director, Leonid Schwartzman. After the cartoon was transferred to display in other countries, children in all corners of the planet recognized the Cheburashka. In English, his name was hodged, in German - Kulleringer or Plows, Drauten in Swedish and Munsis in Finnish. At the same time, the children did not know who the creator of the character.

Despite the legend published in the preface about the appearance of Cheburashka, Edward Uspensky assured readers that the case was not at all in a children's toy. In an interview with the Nizhny Novgorod newspaper, the writer admitted that he once watched a small daughter of a friend. The girl constantly fell, dressed in someone else's long fur coat.

Her father, noticing these actions, commented on what was happening the word "Cheburahved". Curious word crashed into memory of Assumption. Later, the author found out that in the Cheburashka dictionary "is synonymous with the" Vanka-stand ", he also nevosha. Cheburashi was called small wooden floats, made by fishermen for the bait of catch.

Biography and plot

Based on the preface of the book of Uspensky, it becomes clear: the author in childhood was a defective toy with a similar name. She looked like a strange animal with round eyes, big ears, little tales and a short tail. Parents assured the boy that Cheburashka lives in the tropical jungle. The animal feeds on oranges, and once, climbing in a box with fruit to enjoy, the baby fell asleep in it. The box was closed and delivered to the grocery store of a large city.

The name of Cheburashka appeared at the moment when he was discovered by the store director. The full animal was constantly fell - Cheburahalova, according to others. Due to the fact that he could not sit on the spot without falling, he was given a funny nickname. The character of the hero is soft. Kid Miles and friendly, naive, friendly and curious. The diminutive-laquating name describes its nature. In some places awkward, but the charming hero causes the lunizing of the audience and the actors of the cartoon.

According to the strange animal's plot, they are trying to arrange a zoological garden to settle with other animals from the tropics. But in the zoo did not know how to let the unknown creature ink. He was transferred from hand to hand until Cheburashka was in the commission store. Here I found him. He worked in the zoo and was alone. In the search for friends, the gene dismissed the ads and stumbled upon Cheburashka. Now the duet of animals is looking for a company. It will include Lev Chandra, Puppy Tobik and Galya Girl. The negative character of the work is, the owner of the hand rat of Larisa.

In the period from 1966 to 2008, Eduard Asspensky in collaboration with graders artists created eight plays about the adventures of Cheburashka and Friends. In the 1970s, several children's television and radio programs were broadcast in Sweden. Audioplasty with fairy tales about Cheburashka and Genze and children's magazines were popular. The characters fell abroad along with the dolls, which brought one tourist from a trip to the Soviet Union. Cheburashka dubbed Drutten. In Swedish, this word is translated as "stupid", "fall", which was characteristic of the hero.

Curious nuance: On the Soviet television, the cartoon characters were dolls, and in Swedish puppets. Characters sang and talked about life, but the dialogues were very different from authentic. Even the song Cheburashka sounded quite different. Today, Drutten is a complete character of Swedish animation. Modern children do not know the history of its origin.

In 2001, the Japanese opened the cartoon character in 2001, and in 2003 bought the rights to spread this image for 20 years from "Soyuzmultfilm". The animated cartoon "Cheburashka ARERE" is broadcast in Tokyo since 2009. In 2010, the company was made up of friends on the book of Asspensky. On TV began showing puppet cartoons on the theme of the adventure of the hero. Today in Japan, the cartoons of the Crocodile Gene, "Chapoklyak Tips", "Cheburashka and Circus" are broadcast.


The works of Soviet cinema and animation are famous for quotes that seek viewers. Peaceful humorous replicas are in the soul and are transmitted from mouth to mouth for many years. Phrases from the book, swinging in the cartoon, create a special atmosphere, involving the young public in the plot.

"A young crocodile in the years of fifty wishes to make friends."

This quote generates questions: Are the percentage of crocodile with human years? Can crocodiles want to be friends? Why does the crocodile image associate with an adult person? Cheburashka asks a gene reasonful question about age, and small spectators learn that crocodiles can live up to three hundred years.

A series of cartoons about the adventures of Cheburashka has a moralistic oppression. Recommendations and advice to children are presented with the help of the main characters. Kindness is the main value for characters. At the same time, the old woman assures the chapoklyak:

"Who helps people, only spends time in vain. It is impossible to glorify good things. "

The old woman is clear at first glance, and the kids understand that it is worth helping each other. Good things are certainly associated with the main goal of all children of the Soviet Union - with enrollment in pioneers. Gena and Cheburashka are no exception:

"We need a lot of good things to get to the pioneers," he sentences the gene, motivating Cheburashka, and at the same time the public on the other side of the screen.

Despite the characteristic features of Soviet multiplier skills, children's films about Cheburashka are of interest among modern children. They are attracted to screens of curious kids and nostalgic adults.