Pukirev's picture of an unequal marriage. Old man

Pukirev's picture of an unequal marriage.  Old man
Pukirev's picture of an unequal marriage. Old man

The wedding ceremony takes place in the semi-dark parish church. A young, touching in her charm and purity bride and decrepit, wrinkled groom. Everything is very clear about unequal marriage. Until the last moment, the girl must have hoped for something that would interfere with this terrible event for her. Now, when the wedding ceremony comes to an end, there is nothing more to wait. Lowering her tear-stained eyes with her eyelids swollen with tears, not looking at the priest, she, almost exhausted, slowly stretches out her hand to the priest so that he will forever chain her fate with this alien, unloved person with a heavy wedding ring.

The basis of the painting " Unequal marriage”(1862) the real event lay - the story of the unhappy love of S. M. Varentsov, who was a friend of the artist. Varentsov was in love with a young girl from poor family, but she did not marry a loved one, but a rich manufacturer, while her beloved was given the role of best man at this wedding.

Taking a real event as a basis, the artist did not confine himself to its protocol image. Pukirev made the groom much older and decrepit than he really was, while the bride looks almost like a child. In addition, seeking to convey negative traits hero, Pukirev transforms him from a manufacturer into a civilian general-official, from whom he still breathes with something official, dry, prim. How sharp and unpleasant are the deep wrinkles of his long, callous, decrepit face! It seems especially motionless and frozen, squeezed by a tight and rigid collar. Around the groom's neck is the Order of the Cross of Vladimir II degree, and on the chest is a star corresponding to this order. From him and blows the consciousness of his own significance.

The artist emphasizes the figure young man with his arms crossed on his chest. This is the best man ex-lover the bride. In the original version of the painting, Pukirev portrayed S.M. Varentsov himself in the figure of the best man, but he, recognizing himself, resolutely protested, and the artist had to rewrite his head.

In 1863, the painting was exhibited at an academic exhibition, and the whole of Russia recognized Pukirev's name. The artist managed to create a picture that was literally “doomed” to success. The topic of unequal marriage was very relevant. How much grief and cruel suffering such marriages have brought to their victims! How many tragedies have they engendered in times gone by! The topic of unequal marriage is not accidentally passed through all Russian art... Outstanding masters of words, brushes, music addressed her. In the mournful, filled with sadness folk songs the Russian woman was crying about her bitter lot. The work attracted everyone's attention and caused the most controversial judgments.

The Academy of Arts awarded Pukirev the title of professor of painting of folk scenes.

The painting is in the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow city

Everyone knows the painting by V. Pukirev "Unequal marriage"
For "a picture where there is no fire, no battle, no ancient, no new history", For a huge canvas with an unusual look of the artist at things, V. Pukirev receives the title of professor. The case was unprecedented - everyone was excited new topic, modern and relevant - the theme of the power of money.

The painting "Unequal Marriage" by Vasily Pukirev has not been fully solved. Who's that girl? What kind of gloomy handsome man with crossed arms stands behind her, with a hate-desperate gaze resting on the back of the "young groom"? And what does a ghostly, at first glance inconspicuous old woman in a wedding dress to the left of the groom do, and why is she looking at him with such a strange look? Finally, is it true that the painting is autobiographical?

The girl is a real flower, Pukirev surprisingly managed to convey her tenderness, defenselessness, vulnerability. She seems like a child who has barely begun to turn into a girl. Her whole appearance is filled with the charm of youth. The bride is written in rounded, soft lines, her face and shoulders and, to a lesser extent, White dress are the most shining elements of this scene.

But the groom, on the contrary, seems to be all composed of angles and straight lines, symbolizes withering, mortification, the atmosphere in which the maiden beauty of the bride is to fade. On his neck is the order cross of Vladimir II degree and on the left on his chest a star corresponding to this order. (order Russian Empire in 4 degrees for military distinctions and civil merits.)

To the left of the groom is an old woman, and on her head she has an adornment that is ridiculous for her age ... A wedding? And to the left of the priest, isn't there yet another old woman peeping out? Pay attention - the artist "dipped" only these two old women in the dull colors.
Art critic, senior employee of the Tretyakov Gallery, Lyudmila Polozova, suggested that these ghostly old women, who give the picture a gloomy mystical flavor, are previous deceased wives.
The male figure behind the bride also attracts attention - a stately, gloomy young handsome man with crossed arms.

In his image, you can catch the resemblance to the artist himself. So maybe the story is autobiographical? And next to him is a man, the only one whose gaze is directed at the viewer. In his eyes, one can read an understanding of the essence of what is happening and deep sympathy for the victims of this action. There is a version that his prototype is Pyotr Shmelkov, Pukirev's friend from the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
Perhaps this is the explanation for the fact that Vasily Pukirev painted this picture so quickly and swiftly, and for what she takes for a living, leaving no one indifferent? And maybe that is why he did not enjoy the success of the Unequal Marriage exhibited at the Autumn Exhibition of 1863 at the Academy of Arts, but hastily left abroad?
Another fact speaks in favor of this version. In 2002 the Tretyakov Gallery acquired pencil drawing, made by the artist Vladimir Sukhov in 1907. It is signed: “Praskovya Matveevna Varentsova, with whom the artist V.V. Pukirev wrote his famous painting"Unequal marriage". Mrs. Varentsova lives in Moscow, in the Mazurinskaya almshouse. "

The version suggests itself that young Vasily Pukirev fell in love with beautiful girl Praskovya, who was married to a wealthy merchant Varentsov. She outlived her old husband, but judging by the fact that the latter famous portrait it was made in an almshouse, this marriage did not bring her happiness and wealth.

However, another story is connected with the picture. The fact is that the Tretyakov Gallery contains a sketch for the painting "Unequal Marriage".

And what do we see? Behind the bride is still a stern-looking man with crossed arms. But this is already a different person! Surprisingly, this version uses the same surname. Either we still do not know everything about this picture, or a strange coincidence?

Vasily Pukirev's friend was named Sergei Varentsov. He was in love with Sofya Rybnikova. They belonged to the same circle - merchant children. But it so happened that someone else was preferred to him - either the parents, or the girl herself ... Sophia married Andrei Karzinkin. He was really richer than Varentsov and older than the bride - but by no means enough to become real prototype paintings: the age difference between them and the bride was 13 years. And since the Varentsov and Karzinkin families were tied by other ties and affairs, Sergei still could not refuse the "honor" of being the best man at the wedding. Therefore, he is depicted behind the bride.
Apparently, Sergei Varentsov suffered a lot, shared his experiences with a friend and pushed him to create this picture. But some time passed, the passions subsided, Varentsov was going to marry another. And discovering that Pukirev took it into his head to perpetuate his suffering in past love, arranged huge scandal... As a result, Vasily Pukirev retained the title and plot of the picture, but at the same time modified it. And since the friend's injury has already grown into reality, and he himself has similar story(they were widespread at that time), the artist painted himself behind the back of the young bride.
This is true from all sides, because the former bride of Sergei Varentsov, Sophia, as life has shown, did not enter into "unequal", but on the contrary, into a very happy marriage... They had three children, and all their lives they lived with Andrei Karzinkin in love and harmony.
As for the image of "Kashchei", the groom, the researchers are inclined to believe that he turned out to be collective. It contains features of the Tver leader of the nobility, Alexei Poltoratsky, Prince Pavel Tsitsianov, and even a cook who served in the house of Sergei Varentsov. Probably, the one for whom the bride of Pukirev was married is visible here.

So is the painting autobiographical?

N.A. Mudrogel, the oldest employee of the Tretyakov Gallery, recruited by Tretyakov himself, recalled:
“In Pukirev's painting“ Unequal Marriage ”the artist portrayed himself as the best man for the bride ... And in general, the whole picture, as I know, is an echo of the artist's personal drama: the bride from the picture was supposed to become his wife and did not, a rich and noble old man ruined her life".
Pukirev's friend S.I. Gribkov also spoke about this tragedy. In his book Moscow and Muscovites, Gilyarovsky wrote:
“About VV Pukirev SI Gribkov always spoke with delight: - After all, this is Dubrovsky, Pushkin's Dubrovsky! Only he was not a robber, but his whole life was like that of Dubrovsky - handsome, and mighty, and talented, and his fate was the same! Comrade and friend V.V. Pukirev with young years knew the history of the painting "Unequal Marriage" and the whole tragedy of the author's life: this old important official is a living person. The bride next to him is a portrait of the bride of VV Pukirev, and the one standing with crossed arms is VV Pukirev himself, as if he were alive. "
Pukirev never got a family. Something seemed to have broken in him. Things didn't go well. Luck turned away from him. He painted new paintings, but they did not find a buyer. Pukirev started drinking, stopped teaching at the school, sold his collection of paintings, lost his apartment, lived on handouts from friends and died in obscurity on June 1, 1890. So, having written someone else's fate in the picture, he seemed to predict his own.

There are paintings with obviously aggressive plots, depicting battles and battles, but even more terrible and sad are those plots in which trouble is hidden under an innocent guise. One of these paintings is the work of Vasily Pukirev "Unequal marriage". What secret does it keep famous canvas and what attracts the audience so much?

Alas, marriages were not always made for love. Sometimes young beauties fell into the hands of "Koscheev Immortal", but unlike fairy tales, the prince did not appear in order to free him from captivity. And the girl's beauty was forced to gradually fade in captivity and in the arms of an unloved old man. Such situations were far from rare. Perhaps that is why this masterpiece was destined to see the light of day.

But for those who are not yet familiar with the work famous artist should tell what the plot of "Unequal Marriage" is.

In the foreground is a sweet and sad bride. And by themselves the words of the once popular song "the bride is sad, put on a wedding ring ..." are recollected. The girl, doomed, stretches out her finger towards the priest, who is about to conduct the betrothal ceremony. And the soul guesses how dear to the bride these last seconds of freedom. Her still child's face, a snow-white dress speak of the innocence of feelings and thoughts and seem to surround the bride with a special light.

But in the church there is also one for whom this sacrament is similar to true pleasure. This is a wealthy groom, of advanced age, who is about to catch the dove in his nets. He looks at the girl with impatience, realizing his power.

The elder holds a candle, following generally accepted traditions and showing his respect for them. But in fact, his appearance is so arrogant that it is easy to guess - he puts himself above all human laws.

He casts a hard look at the young beauty and is clearly unhappy that she cannot hold back her tears. It is not difficult to guess that, having barely retired, a girl will get a serious conversation with her new husband. And she will be obliged to obey him in everything and even smile and cry, too, on the orders of her spouse. But now her soul cannot voluntarily part with her youth and the bride's tears are disobediently dripping onto the dress.

Unpleasant is the expression on the face of the priest himself, who knows or at least guesses that such a union would hardly be pleasing to God. And still agrees to hold the wedding.

In addition to the central figures in the picture, there are those that at first glance do not attract attention to themselves, but in fact, they are not depicted here by chance. Apparently the bride is given "for money", that is, by calculation, and those who are present in the church have their own interest in this matter.

The faces of old women give some mysticism to the canvas. Unlike the rest of the characters, they are painted in pale colors, like ghosts. Therefore, when solving the mystery of the picture, a version was put forward that these old women were once also the wives of an arrogant groom. But they "retired" after losing their youth. And wasn’t such a fate prepared for the next beauty, who was chosen by the sweetheart?

The young man silently stands behind the young girl. He crossed his arms over his chest, as if trying to control himself or to protect himself from the pathos that was happening. He is stately and handsome and looks like the artist himself. Therefore, the thought creeps in that a plot unfolds on the canvas sad story from the life of the master himself.

At first, his close friend had a similar story. The girl married a man who was 13 years older than her. And the artist's friend was invited to the wedding as best man. Such a plot was given to the artist by life itself and he could not miss it.

But when the friend himself learned that his suffering could be perpetuated, he made a scandal and therefore the master gave the male figure his face. Moreover, by that time he really experienced the same torment as the character with his dense.

The picture was received by critics absolutely grandiosely. Because the author managed to display a topical problem, which the high society was so diligently silent about.

True, the artist was criticized for using prohibited techniques, for example, depicting characters in full height... At that time, it was only allowed to draw ancient heroes... But Pukirev took it and decided on it and took such a step completely for good reason, because the creation amazes us decades later.

The topic of the powerlessness of women worried not only artists, but also poets and writers. After all, it was at that time that such works as "Dowry", "Dubrovsky", "Thunderstorm", etc. appeared.

Young girls from poor families were forced into marriage. And only one thing led the relatives - the thirst for profit. But the artist himself, who so talentedly told about someone else's fate, as if he had sold his own to the devil.

His new paintings did not find buyers. And the young man's personal life did not go well. He was never able to meet the woman of his life. He quit his job and began to seek solace in alcohol, gradually and irrevocably intoxicated.

The master, whose name was known throughout Russia, was now forced to live only on the money that his friends gave him. And he died as inconspicuously as he spent last years own life.

That's really right folk wisdom- you have to pay for everything.

The middle of the 19th century in Russia was marked by the appearance of the so-called dowry brides. Families with an average income from time to time felt the need, money was not always enough even for the most necessary things. Children at this time were growing up, expenses were increasing, and the family budget could not stand it. The most difficult life was for families where there were several daughters, since each girl wanted to dress beautifully, and this was quite expensive.

Against the background of the unsettled life, family troubles arose and, in the end, the parents began to look for a way out of this situation. The eighteen-year-old beauty daughter, as a rule, was surrounded by admirers who were ready to take care of her and even marry her. They were mostly young dandies with good looks, but without material resources... The girl's parents tried to find a richer groom for her, and the bride herself understood that she did not need an insolvent husband. Nevertheless, time flew by quickly, many maidens of marriageable age could not find their happiness and remained unmarried. There were not enough grooms, those who could make a party for a decent girl were in abundance, a real hunt was conducted for them.

Marriages of convenience

It was far from always possible to get engaged to a handsome and wealthy young man, most often disappointment came in the first weeks of acquaintance. And then the classic elderly grooms came to the fore, ready to lead a young, inexperienced virgin down the aisle. Seventy-year-olds, not in the least embarrassed, wooed, negotiated with their parents, offered fabulous sums. Of course, the young beauty could not accept such courtship of a decrepit old man, but her parents were in a hurry to order a wedding dress. At the same time, the mother said to her daughter: "You will get married, period ... Enough for us to live in need." Followed by sleepless nights, girlish tears, pleas, but the parents were adamant. Often the girls tried to commit suicide so as not to marry the hated old man.

Painting "Unequal marriage": history

In 1863 at the Moscow Academic art exhibition the work was presented young artist Vasily Pukirev, who made a splash. The painting "Unequal Marriage" was dedicated to the topic of forced marriages in Russian society that time. Nevertheless, in the socio-psychological sense, no one saw the problem, only the bride herself suffered, who had to endure the harassment of the hateful groom. Material interest, the desire to make a profitable deal forced the parents to compromise their interests own daughter... The author of the painting "Unequal Marriage" openly condemned the commercialism of Russian society. The elderly generals, who had already looked after themselves a young defenseless bride, began one after another to refuse to marry.


The painting "Unequal Marriage", the description of which assumes an acquaintance with the characters in all details, reflects the wedding scene in Orthodox Church... The semi-darkness of the altar chapel is slightly diffused by the light falling from the window. In general, the painting "Unequal Marriage" leaves an impression of hopelessness. In the center is an elderly groom, dressed in an expensive suit, with an unnatural posture, supported by a tight corset. His head barely turns, squeezed by a high collar, dull eyes haughtily look around at those around him, a medal sparkles on his chest, an order around his neck. These awards are clearly inappropriate for a church wedding. The old man tries to look at the bride from the height of his general's rank, but he is pitiful, although he tries to keep a stiff upper lip.

It is difficult to understand the psychology of the decrepit warrior, because, most likely, he also once had a daughter, whom he tried to successfully marry. Behind shoulders long life, in which there were many good things, like any person. Where does such callousness, soullessness come from in relation to a young creature?


The most significant character in the picture - a young girl - was painted by the artist with particular care. The bride is still a child, with a drooping head, barely holding back tears, this day is the most bitter in her life. A gentle face framed by blond curls is sad, a candle in a child's hand bent over, wax drips on Wedding Dress... The hateful groom is very close, the feeling of his presence torments the girl's soul. Her right hand extended to the priest who is about to put on a thin finger wedding ring... The bride is indifferent, she is already indifferent to her own fate. Dressed in a wedding dress, the girl sacrificed herself for the benefit of her family, which from now on will be able to live in abundance.


The priest in the picture is depicted hunched over, lost, as if he had to perform a thankless task. He looks sullenly, the posture is tense, unnatural, his robe, embroidered robe, puffs up. An open church book is in his left hand, and in his right is a wedding ring, which the priest is ready to put on the bride's finger. Perhaps he also once had a daughter, whom someone tried to break the life of. The priest is confused, but he is ready to fulfill his duty to the end.

Shafer and others present

In the picture, in addition to the bride and groom, several other characters are depicted. Behind the bride is the best man with a boutonniere on the lapel of his coat, he is not cheerful, even anxious. The unnaturalness of the events unfolding under the church vaults oppresses the young man. Next to him is a man who, apparently, is also not indifferent to what is happening. All other characters depicted in the picture are close people of the groom, among whom are an officer, a matchmaker and several civilians.

"Pros and cons"

Known art critic, art historian, Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov, seeing Pukirev's painting, said: "Finally, a work on the topic of the day has appeared, taken from the very depths of modern life."

However, not everyone shared his opinion. The artist found many enemies who began to reproach him with insufficiently deep study of the topic. A wave of controversy arose in the press, they argued about the work of Pukirev. In the end, it was admitted that he created a picture doomed to success. The accusatory plot did not leave anyone indifferent. Virtuoso painting, compositional drawing, honed psychological characteristics each character - all this raised artistic value paintings on unprecedented heights... A new one has appeared in Russia talented painter- Vasily Pukirev ("Unequal marriage"). its analysis and the opinion of critics allowed us to conclude that the appearance of the masterpiece was timely. Russian society was ready to condemn marriages of convenience for their immorality.

Unequal marriage! Grief and suffering, death for a fragile girl's soul. how many folk songs composed about the fate of the homeless women, about the bitter lot of ordinary Russian women. The tragedy of the theme was embodied in other works of painting and literature, such as the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "The Poor Bride", the painting by F. Zhuravlev "Before the crown", the canvas by V. Makovsky "To the crown". An Unequal Marriage, by Pukirev, dominated this list. Thus, the motive of marriage of convenience entered the visual and theatrical arts.


The painting "Unequal marriage" was recognized for her Vasily Pukirev was awarded the title of professor of painting. The academy makes a professor the person who wrote big picture but which one? A picture where there is no fire, no battle, no ancient or new history ... Everyone was agitated by the new one, modern theme the power of money and the pronounced figure of a young man standing behind the back of the bride. However, more on that later. After that, Pukirev's fame became all-Russian. The artist took up teaching activities, successfully created groups of gifted young men, tried to develop natural talent in them, passed on his knowledge and experience.

Many were interested in who the artist portrayed in his painting, rumors spread around Moscow. Some believed that the plot was based on a tragedy from the life of the painter himself - his bride, they say, was passed off as a rich old man. There were no grounds for such assumptions, but everyone liked this version. And since rumors are tenacious, the story of the artist's unhappy love, invented by someone, has occupied the minds of Muscovites for a long time.

How the plot came about

In fact, the painting "Unequal Marriage" did not have such a romantic background. The fact is that Vasily Pukirev had close friend, artist Petr Shmelkov, art teacher. He lived in need and therefore was constantly in search of work and subjects for his paintings. Sometimes he managed to get tutoring in some rich house. Rotating in high society, Shmelkov more than once observed the marriage alliances of old men with young brides. He even made a series of sketches on the topic, hoping to use them in the future when painting the picture.

Ecclesiastical decree

In 1861, in February, the Holy Synod issued a decree condemning the large age difference, since at that time every second marriage was made on the basis of material interest. Perhaps it was then that Shmelkov suggested to his friend a theme for the picture. Pukirev was carried away by the idea and began work. As a token of gratitude, he drew Shmelkov next to the best man. And in the role of the best man he portrayed himself.

In addition to Vasily Pukirev himself and his friend Shmelkov, there is another famous character... This is Grebensky, the master frameman. When he saw the picture, he immediately set out to make a frame for it "which has never been before." It turned out to be truly decorated with fine delicate carvings. Thus, "Unequal Marriage" (painting by Pukirev) received a worthy frame. Since then, the Tretyakov Gallery has ordered frames for collectible paintings only from Grebensky.

Artist activities

At one time, Vasily Pukirev successfully worked for the interior decoration of the Church of the Holy Life-giving Trinity, in the Mud. He created nine icon-painting images. In addition to sacred creativity, the artist was engaged in portrait painting, created a series of images famous people... Among other things, the thirty-year-old Pukirev taught at the Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture.

The collapse and death of the creator

The talented artist never got a family, although according to some information he made an offer to Praskovya Matveyevna, a woman of a beautiful soul, the one who posed for him as a bride while working on the painting "Unequal Marriage". The declaration of love was unrequited, and the artist lived alone all his life. This played a role: business gradually fell into decay, new paintings were not in demand. Pukirev began to drink, he had to leave the school. Further - more: the artist lost his apartment, sold all his belongings and began to live on charitable handouts. Friends helped as much as they could, but this could not go on for long. And on June 1, 1890, Vasily Pukirev died in all alone, aged 58. The artist was buried at Vagankovsky cemetery, in Moscow.

"Unequal marriage", a painting by the artist Pukirev, is currently in the Tretyakov Gallery, located at the address: Moscow, Lavrushinsky lane, 10. The museum is open daily from 10 to 18 hours.

"Unequal marriage", painting, price

On the Internet, you can find reproductions of any art canvases. The situation is different with the author's copies of masterpieces made at a sufficiently high professional level, there are only a few such works. On specialized sites, both reproductions and art copies are posted. Visitors often ask the question, who painted the painting "Unequal Marriage"? Of course, everyone wants to know more about the legendary canvas.

Similar pictures

In addition to Vasily Pukirev's masterpiece, there are a number of paintings on the theme of unequal marriages. The artist Firs Zhuravlev painted in 1874 a painting that continued the theme of the decline of morality in Russian society. In the room on the floor, the sobbing bride, already dressed in her wedding dress, is standing next to her unforgiving father. The girl's fate is a foregone conclusion, in a few minutes she will be taken to church and married to an ugly rich old man. The painting is called "Before the Wedding", it is in the Tretyakov Gallery.

In 1894, the St. Petersburg artist Vladimir Makovsky painted the painting "To the crown", also reflecting the theme moral degradation society in mid-19th century Russia. The canvas depicts an immaculate Russian beauty, heartbroken, deprived of any hope for happy life... The picture is in

The picture is known by each of us living in Russia. For her, the author Vasily Pukirev received the title of professor of the Academy. The painting, with its general idea, strong expression, unusual size for a domestic plot and masterful execution, immediately propelled the artist to one of the most prominent places among Russian painters.

Many people know that the bride's name in the picture is Sofia Nikolaevna Rybnikova - this is the artist's beloved, who suddenly decided to marry not Vasily, but the rich manufacturer Andrei Karzinkin. Far from the first youth. “She dreams not of becoming my wife, but of becoming my widow,” says one good play by Nadezhda Ptushkina.

Not all of us know that the artist depicted himself in the picture, the unfortunate one, in the guise of the best man, in the right corner of the picture:

Why, why - remained unknown, but his gaze haunts the soul ...

Several years ago, at a party, I met an employee of the Tretyakov Gallery, where the painting now hangs. She told an interesting observation from her touring past. When she led an excursion for 5-6 graders, absolutely all the girls angrily condemned the bride - how could she ?! Excursion for tenth graders. The pensive eyes of the girls, the reaction is very secretive ... A group of young women, 20-25 years old. The reaction is almost unambiguous - this is the right thing to do ... probably ...

It was in the era of the USSR, time unspoiled by House-2. Is it deep in you women?

I’ll stop, perhaps. So as not to get shocked ... :))

44 years later, such a piercing face was sketched in the Mazurinskaya almshouse. This is the very bride. This is her result of life. Life is visible in the eyes.

And finally. In the 60s of the nineteenth century, Emperor Alexander II issued a decree banning unequal marriages. A man must set the brains of the unreasonable ...

1 (13) March 1881, at 3.35 pm, the emperor died in Winter palace as a result of a fatal wound received on the embankment of the Catherine Canal (Petersburg) at about 2 hours 25 minutes in the afternoon on the same day - from the explosion of a bomb (the second in the assassination attempt) thrown at his feet by the People's Will Ignatiy Grinevitsky.

For all are equal on earth. And marriages. Isn't it, gentlemen?