Flowers by young artists. Paintings by artists

Flowers by young artists.  Paintings by artists
Flowers by young artists. Paintings by artists

Almonds bloom in very early spring, and this is reflected in the color of this piercing painting by Van Gogh - the colors are imbued with windy dampness, but it is hidden outside the window.

The art of drawing and painting itself are nothing more than tools that contribute to literature and, consequently, the enlightenment of the people.
Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov

Not a top wolf, a gray barrel, but a natural monster, Fenrir, a forest monster from the fairy tales of northern peoples - such a truly FABULOUS wolf in a painting by Viktor Vasnetsov. And as far as human characters are concerned, there is also a lot to analyze. It is difficult for us adults to relive a fairy tale, but it is also difficult to fully understand the artist, her, the fairy tale, who draws. Let's try, however.

Painting by Vincent Van Gogh from cycle of still lifes with sunflowers- bright, cheerful, saturated with color and very "tightly" composed - but when we post a portrait of Vincent by Gauguin on the site, you will understand that there is no far-fetchedness here, but the artist just sat in front of a huge bouquet and tried to fit it on the canvas :)

Spring is approaching, when the first spring flowers begin to bloom, giving us joy and smiles. But while winter has not receded yet, let's admire together the flowers painted by famous artists. Here are collected the most famous paintings with flowers. Let's start with Claude Monet and his chrysanthemums. It would seem that there are a huge number of such works, but if you look closely, you will find something really special in the paintings, since each artist brought a part of his individuality and perception of the world into the drawing.

winter has not receded yet, let's admire together the flowers painted by famous artists.

Jan Brueghel the elder with his luxurious bouquet:

And here is a vase of flowers by Eugene Delacroix:

Lilacs in a vase by Edouard Monet, who has always perfectly conveyed the subtle details of the world of flowers.

And here is the lilac performed by Fyodor Burkhart:

Maki Appri Mathis:

Vincent Van Gogh. Red poppies and daisies:

Balthasar van der Ast. Still life with flowers and shells:

Vincent van Gogh. Vase with daisies and anemones:

Valentine's day is approaching, as well as the imminent approach of spring. Do not forget about your loved ones, give them flowers and make pleasant surprises. Simple flower delivery from the service

Flowers have been an important theme for artists throughout history. In ancient Egypt, the lotus, which symbolized the sun, was often used in papyrus paintings, amulets, and ceramics. Many artworks from the Middle Ages and Renaissance used floral patterns in the background. Flowers have also sometimes been the focus of art in still lifes created by Renaissance painters from the 15th to 16th centuries, as well as by artists from the Dutch Golden Age. The 19th saw an upsurge in the art of Impressionism, in which artists often worked in the open air, which led to the creation of many famous canvases, where flowers became a key figure in painting.

1. Series Water Lilies (1896 - 1926) "alt =" (! LANG: Vase with fifteen sunflowers. Author: Vincent Van Gogh. \ Photo:" title="Vase with fifteen sunflowers.

Vincent Van Gogh is considered a master of still lifes, and his series of paintings on the theme of "Sunflowers" is among the most famous works in this style ever created. Canvases are well known for depicting the natural beauty of flowers and their vibrant colors. They show sunflowers at all stages of life, from full bloom to wilting. The above painting, titled "Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers," was sold to a Japanese investor for nearly $ 40 million in March 1987. At the time, this was a record amount for a work of art. The price was more than three times the previous record of about $ 12 million. The series "Sunflowers" by Van Gogh is not only one of his most famous works, but also one of the most famous depictions of flowers.

3. Flowers (1964)" alt="Irises. Author: Vincent Van Gogh. \ Photo:" title="Irises.

And again we will talk about Van Gogh. One of the most famous artists in history, he had a difficult life marred by mental instability. As a result, unable to bear it all, he shot himself in the chest with a revolver and died two days later. But before that, he managed to leave behind one more amazing thing - paintings and prints with irises. He wrote it a year before his death and called it "a lightning rod for my illness" because he felt that his work was his hope against madness. In September 1987, Irises sold for nearly fifty-four million dollars, making it the most expensive painting ever sold. This record stood for about two and a half years, and as of 2018 it is ranked twenty-fifth in the list of the most expensive paintings ever sold around the world in the history of mankind.

5. Black Iris III (1926)

Kiff was a leading figure in American Modernism who challenged the boundaries of the artistic style with her paintings that combined abstraction and representation. She is best known for her dramatically large, sensuous close-ups of flowers, which essentially turned them into abstract works. Georgia's floral paintings, which depict flowers as if they were seen through a magnifying glass, allowed viewers to appreciate the beauty of the flower with all its details like never before. Some of these paintings have been controversial as they were considered to be veiled depictions of female flesh. Among them are her iconic images of irises. However, Oh"Кифф опровергла эти утверждения, заявив о том, что она просто рисовала то, что видела. «Чёрный Ирис III» – самая спорная, а также самая известная картина Джорджии О"Кифф, которая и по сей день вызывает множество споров и пересудов. !}

6. Vase of Flowers (1645) - Jan Davids de Hem "alt =" (! LANG: Flowers in a vase. Author: Pierre Auguste Renoir. \ Photo:" title="Flowers in a vase.

Pierre Auguste Renoir is one of the greatest contemporary French painters. Although Renoir is best known for portraiture, figurative work, and a series of voluptuous bathing women, he also created numerous floral paintings. In fact, he began his career painting flowers on porcelain for the Sevres workshop. Flowers remained an important part of his work, and these paintings evolved into rich depictions of flower arrangements on canvas by the late 1860s. Renoir loved to paint flower bouquets, varying arrangements, using them as exercises for shapes and colors. He also paid a lot of attention to positioning and perspective. Some of Renoir's most beautiful paintings are works of flowers, and Flowers in a Vase is perhaps the most famous among them.

8. Flowers in a crystal vase (1882)" alt="Still life with flowers on a marble slab. Posted by Rachel Reisch. \ Photo:" title="Still life with flowers on a marble slab.

Rachel Reisch was the daughter of Frederick Reisch, a professor of botany. Her artistic talent was recognized early, and her career spanned over six decades, and Rachel became the best documentary artist of the Dutch Golden Age. During her life, she achieved international fame and, despite the fact that she gave birth to ten children, she was able to continue her professional career as an artist. Rachel Reisch specialized in still lifes with flowers, and she remains one of the most famous floral still life painters. Still Life with Flowers on a Marble Slab is one of her most famous works, which shows various flowers as well as insects. This painting was painted at the height of her fame when she was the court painter of Johann Wilhelm, the elector of the stole.

10. Bullfinch and Sakura (1834) - Katsushika Hokusai

Katsushika Hokusai is considered one of the greatest painters in Japanese history, and numerous Western artists have been influenced by his work. Flowers and birds were one of his favorite subjects, and this painting, called Sakura and Bullfinch, depicts a small bird known as a bullfinch on a small tree known in Japan as a weeping cherry tree. Hokusai depicts a male with a pink patch from cheek to throat. He rhythmically mixes the buds with the flowers on the tree, highlighting them with a cheerful red color. Ukiyo-e was a school of Japanese art depicting objects from everyday life, and Hokusai is perhaps its most famous practitioner. Accordingly, this painting is considered one of the most famous prints of Katsushika ukiyo-e.

Continuing the theme - that do not stop admiring to this day.



Pictures of flowers. Flower. Flowers. The symbol of life and beauty. Flower. Flowers. Pictures of flowers.
Flower. One of the most remarkable things about flowers is their symmetry.
A flower is a complex and mysterious creation of nature. The flowers are beautiful and colorful. Flowers are very small. Flowers are large. But all flowers are always symmetrical.
Paintings of artists flowers. Pictures of flowers convey the unique beauty of flowers and the harmony of colors with the surrounding world.

Oil paintings of flowers. Pictures about flowers. Pictures of flowers. Photos of flowers. Everybody loves flowers!
Pictures with wild flowers. Pictures with wildflowers. Pictures with meadow flowers. Pictures with steppe flowers. Pictures with mountain flowers. Paintings with forest flowers. Tundra flowers. Desert flowers. Forest flowers. Rainforest flowers. Savannah flowers. The whole world is permeated with the beauty of flowers. Flowers and beauty have become synonymous with our lives. Fireworks flowers. Cosmos flowers. Flowers of the moonlit night. Ocean flowers! Flowers of lights of the night city. This is the world of beauty. The world of flowers. Flower pictures are pictures of our magical world!
Flower paintings and flower paintings are romantic and beautiful! The abundance of paintings depicting flowers gives you a choice! Some people buy paintings of flowers because they love specific flowers! For them, paintings with flowers are paintings with their favorite colors, which they like more than everyone else. Other people buy paintings with flowers simply for the love of beauty. It is not very important for them what flowers are depicted in the picture with flowers. The main thing is the beauty of the picture, and the pictures with flowers are very beautiful.
What are the pictures with flowers?

"Wildflowers ... Wildflowers ...
Cornflowers and in the meadows ...
Bright blue and blue
On the endless Russian fields. " (Tatiana Lavrova)

“How much tenderness, brightness, light
You keep in yourself on a summer day ...
You are warmed by the warm sun in spring,
And washed by the autumn rain ... "

Flowers. Flowers of Russia. Pictures of flowers of Russia. Flowers of Russia are our favorite flowers!
Favorite flowers of Russia in pictures!
“Painted rainbows with paint,
A snow coat, covered in winter.
Mother - the Earth has given you affection to drink,
Has awarded with heavenly beauty. "

Flowers. Flowers of Russia. Pictures of flowers of Russia. Flowers of Russia are our favorite flowers!
Favorite flowers of Russia in pictures!
"Wildflowers ... Wildflowers ...
Do not compare you to a garden flower.
You warmed my soul, dear ones!
You have settled in my heart! " (Tatiana Lavrova)

Flowers. Flowers of Russia. Pictures of flowers of Russia. Flowers of Russia are our favorite flowers!
Favorite flowers of Russia in pictures!
Thanks to the poet Tatyana Lavrova for her wonderful poems about the wildflowers of Russia!
Oil paintings of flowers. Paintings with flowers. The fairy of flowers gives her love to poets and artists! Poets compose wonderful poems! Artists paint magical pictures of flowers!

“A bouquet of wonderful white chrysanthemums,
I collected flower to flower!
The bouquet turned out to be sparkling,
He shone with whiteness and tenderness! " (Vyacheslav Ivanov)

“A bouquet of beautiful scarlet roses,
I was collecting thorns by breaking!
I did not notice the blood stains
On the crimson petals of love! " (Vyacheslav Ivanov)

Pictures of flowers! What can be compared to flowers in beauty in our world! Only love! Therefore, flowers and love are always together!
Flowers. Flowers in paintings. Flowers adorn the paintings. Flowers adorn paintings with their beauty! Flowers decorate pictures with love!
Oil paintings of flowers. Paintings with flowers. Beautiful Oil Paintings of Flowers. Here you will find very beautiful pictures of flowers!

Buy paintings of flowers! Buy pictures of tenderness and love!