Aquagrim for the new year. Aquagrim: Master class on drawing on children's faces with step-by-step photos and training video lessons

Aquagrim for the new year. Aquagrim: Master class on drawing on children's faces with step-by-step photos and training video lessons
Aquagrim for the new year. Aquagrim: Master class on drawing on children's faces with step-by-step photos and training video lessons

Aquagrim for the New Year is a magical masquerade and fun holiday! The new year comes to us with you in the house together with a rubber Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, wishes, gifts, carnivals. Christmas time is a fantastic time. In previous times, they said that he releases the winter period from under the crurch of the forest and the deck of rotten not only blizzards, but also dirty power. In view of this, and broke into this unusual time, tortured about the future. In view of this, the rituals are fantastic created, the nonhuman was spoken. Reception of the New Year - the most common tradition, which has the place to be among all the nationalities of the whole world, as a result of what "both for the New Year and a whole year" ..

New Year Aquagrim

Aquagrim at the New Year's matinee For your child, it will be a real joy for full immersion in the New Year's miracle. After all, the makeup will not only transform the child in the beautiful, chosen image that even under the makeup is sometimes difficult to learn, whose child, but the child will give a feeling of comfort and liberty, which is important for a performance (if he takes part) or just a balobiness, and just that To be in some other way. After all, we are just people in life, and sometimes you want a miracle. And when is it performed? Correctly think - when the New Year's miracle happens.

And it does not matter when it is - On New Year's Eve, on the new Year's cooperative, or at the New Year's Eveor exactly in midnight on NG - The makeup is always glad to your order. Yes, and by itself - aquagrim - a bright and unforgettable gift and this can not just remember. But order a photo session, in order to be sealed in your photo album, the image - which you select, and the aquagrim will take it. After all, through the brief time, the face turns into an amazing face, or an image! But they draw not only on the face. And you can also order BodyArt - then the artist paints almost the whole body, and then in essence and costume is not needed!

We have more than seven years of experience not only at large New Year events, but also in a smaller scale, and almost always accompanied by fun and joy. And do not forget that:

  • All materials artist brings with me
  • Aquagrymer requires a table and two chairs
  • In one hour of work it is possible to draw no more than 15 masks (no more than 15 people per hour)
  • Departure to the suburbs is charged additionally
  • In the festive and New Year's days, changes in the price of Aquagrim, specify from our managers
  • Possible days - all, in agreement with the artist
  • Pre-order aquagrima is desirable
  • We work with prepayment! Since we appreciate your time and work!

Order aquagrim for the new year

Aquagrim for the new year will decorate the holiday by frosty bright and silver shades. Order aquagrim for the new year is easy! You need to call us or write to mail

Much entertainment is available to modern children, for example, child aquagrim is very popular. This kind of body art is safe because of the special composition of the paints and is very in demand in children's holidays. Most drawings on the face of parents can do independently, but you need to know the rules for applying the paints and the features of this technique.

Pictures on the face

Some parents confuse aquagrey with aquagrim. However, these are two different technologies. Make drawings aquagrima for children for New Year holidays, birthdays and other events. The paint is used with a special safe composition on a water basis, so it does not cause allergies and is not clogged into the pores on the skin. In addition, the composition is very elastic, does not crack when dried. High-quality paint should quickly dry and not soak during the work of the aquagrymer. Face art for children is popular: drawings for a long time do not lose their kind and easily washed off with water with soap.

Before you begin this procedure at home, you need to buy all materials and tools for aquagrim. The price of paints and sets acceptable. You can buy everything in the online store or supermarket, where there is a special department of goods for creativity. To make drawings on the face for children and adults, you will need the following:

  • paints of different colors;
  • sponge;
  • sponge;
  • tassels made of natural material;
  • pencils or chalks.

Aquagrimaning technique is simple even for beginners. However, before painting the face of a beloved baby, it is worth considering the following contraindications:

  • age up to 3 years;
  • individual intolerance;
  • scratches, damage to the face;
  • skin diseases.

What can be drawn on the face depends on the age and sex of the child. Girls, as a rule, like pictures of flowers, stuffing kittens or chanterelles, images of fairies, snowflakes or princesses. Boys are more suitable superman makeup, pirate, wolf or spider man. In any case, you need to take into account the wishes of the child and apply the image that he likes himself. It is important to take into account the age of the baby and do not do too scary the image so as not to scare your child. Before the procedure, it is recommended to hold a dry tassel to the face of a child to get used to new sensations.

How to draw on your face with paints? The following describes the main stages and rules for beginners:

  1. The basis should be applied from the hair growth line with a sponge or sponge. Special attention is paid to nasolabial folds, areas around the eyes, eyebrows.
  2. With the help of a wide brushes handle the eyelids.
  3. Eyebrows draw a special pencil.
  4. The drawing is applied in stages: on the cheeks, lips, chin chin.
  5. Worker contours and small parts.

Aquagrim on Halloween

One of the specific holidays, which in recent years is actively celebrating adults and children, is Halloween. The image on this day must be special, so makeup for children, turning them into zombies, vampires, witches and gourdalakov will be very relevant. However, the toddler makes themselves from an adult. Paint should be checked for allergens, and the picture itself should not be too frightening.

Aquagrim for girls

Little fashionistas at any age important to be the most beautiful. Drawings on the face for girls should choose the event. It can be:

  • bee;
  • fish;
  • the Snow Queen;
  • kitty;
  • butterfly;
  • a fox;
  • bird;
  • princess;
  • angel.

Aquagrim for boys

Choosing an image for a boy, it is worth considering his age. If the child is small, to grab it better under the harmless cartoon character, kitten, hedgehog or other cute animal. It is recommended to ask the kid himself, who he wants to be. Pictures on the face for boys of school age can be in the form of superheroes, pirates, wrap, ninja turtles, dragons.

Aquagrim for the New Year

One of the most long-awaited holidays for all guys is the New Year. On this occasion, the masters of Face Art are often invited, which inexpensively and quickly draw all those present in fabulous heroes or cute animals. Professionals always have a catalog with a photo where you can choose an image for yourself. If the New Year's aquagrim for children, parents will decide to do their own, then you can portray:

  • snowflakes;
  • princess;
  • penguin;
  • snowman;
  • frosty pattern;
  • snow Queen.

Aquagrim Cat.

To turn your child into a funny kitty, we need special paints, tassels, sponge, water and cotton wands. Below is an instruction with a photo, how to draw a cat on the face:

  1. Sponge cause a white foundation (interburs, chin, nose-name).
  2. Pink paint draw over eyebrows ears.
  3. Thin brush make black outline ears.
  4. Draw nose and mustache.
  5. Add pink wools on cheeks and chin.

Aquagrim Butterfly

One of the popular images for girls of all ages is beautiful butterflies. However, before drawing the baby such a picture, it is worth showing her photos of samples, because not all girls want such aquagrim. If the model is ready, then stick to the following instruction, how to draw a butterfly on the face:

  1. Apply the basis of white grim (forehead, cheekbones).
  2. Draw the contour of the wings in black with a thin brush.
  3. Make another outline of a brighter shade with a tack of larger diameter.
  4. Add fantasy patterns of bright colors.
  5. On the nose of the child to draw the body of the butterfly with the mustache.
  6. Add colorful stripes by bowl body.
  7. If you wish, you can add sparkles.

Aquagrim Tigr.

This option is suitable for children of different ages. Tiger on the face will look spectacularly on any holiday. To draw it, you will need orange, black and white paints, brushes of different diameters, sponge. The following describes the stages of creating a drawing on the face of a child:

  1. White paint for aquagrim draw nose and cheeks of the future tiger.
  2. Picture upper eyelids, fruit contours, chin.
  3. Smooth layer applies orange paint to the rest of the face of the child.
  4. Black paint draw details: mustache, stripes, nose, mouth.

Aquagrim Spiderman

Many boys prefer this image for the holidays. Aquagrima Man Spider Be sure to reinforce the suitable suit. Even inexperienced makements can draw a picture on the face of the child. It is necessary to prepare red and black paint for aquagrima, brushes of different thickness, wet wipes, cotton swipes. Stages how to paint face:

  1. Apply on the face of the child the red base sponge.
  2. Draw out the scores and longitudinal strips in black.
  3. Draw transverse lines, emphasize the details.

Aquagrim dog

The face of cute peel can decorate the face of the baby before visiting the New Year's holiday, Halloween or other thematic events. There are many options for the image of this animal. To draw a dog according to the instructions below, it will take paints for the grima of brown, white, pink, black colors. If you wish, you can add a yellow tint. How to draw a dog by aquagrima:

  1. From the eyebrows to the cheeks of the child draw a white paint puppy ears.
  2. Black spots are applied in the chin area over lips.
  3. Draw the language of the dog in the corner of the mouth with pink and white paint.
  4. Draw contours and minor details in black.
  5. If the dog is painted by a girl, then add sparkles at the request.
  6. Relieved aquagrim.

Aquagrim Lisa

Each girl wants to be a tricky chanterelle at least once. For such a case, you can try aquagrim with a suitable suit. Below is a step-by-step instruction, how to paint face to get a fox image:

  1. Apply the basis of a light yellow or white shade.
  2. Paint eyebrows, arrows in front of the eyes, stand out.
  3. Optionally draw a mustache, but you can do without them.
  4. From the nose to the chests apply orange paint for aquagrim.
  5. So that the fox wool seemed fluffy, they apply a few strokes of yellow and white on the edges.

Aquagrim Pirate

This option will be advantageous on any children's holiday. How to make a child pirate male:

  1. Draw a red gang with a nodule and hanging tips.
  2. One eye will drive, depict a pirated bandage.
  3. Draw a mustache and a beard.
  4. Bandana are decorated with white peas.

Aquagrim Bear

This version of Face Art is suitable for kids of any age. If you need to decorate the face of the girl, then the bear can be portrayed with a bow. For the procedure, you will need a standard set of materials, white, brown, black paint. How does drawing on the face of the baby's fruit fruit, is described below:

  1. In the forehead, chin, near the ears of the child draw the contour of the teddy's head.
  2. On the forehead depict ears.
  3. The area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth and the nose is drawn with brighter brown paint, the rest is dark.
  4. Draw a black paint bear stuffing.
  5. The cheeks are isolated light paint.

Aquagrim Princess.

Almost any girl will be delighted with such an image for the New Year tree or another event. A particularly relevant Aquagre Princess will be for true fashionists who adore lush dresses and sparkles. Stages of creating a picture:

  1. Pink paint for aquagrim draw on the forehead in a child's contours of the future crown.
  2. Sponge or sponge paint the crown with pink color.
  3. Select the contour of black glossy paint with a thin brush.
  4. Sparkles are depicted in the center of the Crown Brilliant.
  5. White paint between eyebrows draw suspension.
  6. Draw long cilia in the upper eyelid black paint for aquagrim.
  7. Allocate the peaks of lips scarlet color.

Aquagrim Lev.

Another successful embodiment of children is the image of a lion. Boys especially suit such an option. To independently create aquagrim lion, you need to prepare a container with water, tassels, sponge and paint of black, brown, orange, yellow colors. Stages of creating a picture:

  1. The basis is applied with yellow paint.
  2. Draw a lion wool contour with orange.
  3. White paint is distinguished by mouth and area around the eye of the child.
  4. Dark color paint eyebrows and feline eyes.
  5. Above lip depicting a mustache white.
  6. Brown paint rustle transitions near the eyes and mouth.

Price on Aquagrim

Order Painting on the face can be professional aquagrymer. Different companies offer this service with hourly price. The cost depends on the number of children and a particular region. How much is aquagrim from professionals? The price may vary from 800 to 2500 rubles per hour. Another option for parents is to buy brushes with paints and decorate children yourself. The set price depends on the configuration. On average, you will pay from 600 to 3000 rubles. On pencils and chalk, the price was set at 150-400 rubles per set.

Video: Aquagrim lessons for children

Children's holiday - a colorful and bright event. The best way to create the necessary atmosphere is aquagrim. Drawings on the face with 100% probability will like any child.

Do not think that it is suitable only the smallest. If the drawing is high-quality and corresponds to the theme of the holiday, even the teenager will not refuse such an original element of the "costume".

Children's skin is very gentle and easily leaving allergic reactions, so the use of any means is unacceptable. Even if the child's child / girlfriend is in order, there is no guarantee that your child has the same way. Prefer natural materials.

  1. Art brushes made of natural pile. Synthetics causes rash and irritation. In addition, the texture of synthetic materials in itself is rough and leaves microscopic damage on the tender skin.
  2. Cosmetic sponges for makeup. If there are no cotton wheels. They will not evenly cause paint, but better with them than rub finger.
  3. Decorative cosmetics. Tool, pencils, lipstick, blush and shadow of any color. It is better and safer than ordinary stationery, but it is desirable to avoid their use, especially on small children (kindergarten).
  4. Special markers on water based.
  5. Aquagrim. Technological and secure method. Water-based paints are absolutely harmless to children's skin. Even if the child rushes and eats the paint, nothing will happen to him.
  6. Food colorings. An alternative when there is nothing in the stores, but to draw a gouache scary. Absolutely harmless.

Additional material - wet and dry napkins. It will be necessary in the process of applying paint to wipe the brushes and post the drawing.

If the pattern is large, it is recommended to apply the basis for it and apply tone. Sometimes, even for small pictures you need a tone, in order to create contrast. The basis is, as a rule, children's cream. It is smeared and allowed to absorb them to avoid the negative effect of some paints on the skin.

Always check an allergic reaction. Apply to the inside of the wrist, apply paint / felt-tip pen and watch the reaction within an hour.

If there is no scabies, rash, redness, burning, any discomfort - apply on your face. Even specialized materials can, individually, cause allergies.

Body art on the child has one distinctive feature - the expectability of the model. Adult is not difficult not to blink, look at one point and do not move the nose for a certain time. The child does not possess such talents.

The limit is 5-7 minutes. At the same time, the crocha should be in a certain "environment" - there should be no temptations that are provoking on the janseau, twigs and other manifestations of mobility.

Put a large mirror. Children with great pleasure and enthusiasm are observed for putting the makeup. They are so absorbed by the occupation that they may not even notice the cake that carry to the table (but it is better not to risk).

If you are not a professional artist, do not try to draw a masterpiece. You will spend time, you will be tired of yourself, disappoint and thaw the child.

Baby for happiness will be enough small. If the drawing must certainly be chic - work in advance so that the picture is drawn to the holiday with closed eyes. First try on yourself, and then bring to perfection on the child.

Paints for aquagrim do it yourself

Make safe paint yourself. You will need:

  • children's cream;
  • food colorings;
  • starch.

Proportions for one color. Each color is noticed again.

  1. Mix starch (3 tbsp) + water (1 tsp) + cream (1 tsp).
  2. To add a dye to the mixture, stirring until the color of the desired saturation is possible. To obtain a certain shade, several colors are mixed.

Simple drawings on the face: Ideas for the girl and for a boy

First ask the child! Body art is done for him and should like him! If the baby himself can not choose - be modern and clever parents. Find out what children are fond of in his company.

Believe me, the baby will be offended and ashamed to come for a holiday with a face of a squirrel when everyone else is in the images of Hellow Kity and Spider Man. Go back with time and fashion.

Popular topics:

  1. Animals. Cats, butterflies and squirrels for girls and dogs, bunnies for boys.
  2. Cartoon characters. Mermaids, Fairy girls, super heroes boys (Spiderman, Iron Man, etc.).
  3. Thematic drawings. On Halloween skeletons, witches; For the new year, trees, snowmen and snowflakes; Water holidays are mermaids and water.
  4. Pirates are popular and are appropriate at any event, both for boys and girls.
  5. Princesses and robbers.

If a costume is needed on the holiday, it can either add body art, or make a body-art basis and finish the image of a pair of strokes. For example, a pirate - draw a couple of scars, beard, "patch" on the eye, make a hat from paper and give a plastic saber from the nearest store (you can also look after the tricon, longer will last).

The image is ready. With girls and that easier - colorful butterfly on the face and a lush skirt on the dress. And do not need any wings behind your back, which interfere with run and cling to everything.

How to draw a light picture on the face of a child with your own hands

As examples, take one drawing for each method.

General Instruction:

  1. Remove the hair from the face - tie in the tail and dress the hoop.
  2. Enter the basis and tone (if necessary).
  3. Draw contours.
  4. Fill the main large pattern elements in color.
  5. Dorisinate small details.


Draw a kitten. You will need 2 brushes - flat with a rounded tip and a thin cone odor. The tone is not needed, as the drawing is not big and consists of small strokes. Colors are chosen to the dress. After applying the layer, let's dry it before applying the second.

Description of technology with step-by-step photo:


We need special pencils for aquagrim. They are somewhat inconvenient to apply - for clear lines it is necessary to pull the skin strongly. Thin lines will not work. Pencils are used for quick and simple rice. Tinnate and apply the basis, when using specialized pencils, not necessarily. The basis of the drawing is symmetry.

Draw Tiger:

Aquagrim is convenient and pleasant. Significantly reduces time to dry out layers. Apply gently and evenly. I do not need symmetry. The area of \u200b\u200bdrawing is small, so it is not necessary to apply the tone and the foundation.

Draw a dog:

Why don't you draw watercolor or gouache

Stationery paints contain chemical elements in its composition. The skin on the face is very gentle and sensitive. The simplest thing that ordinary paint can make is not to give the skin to breathe. The worst is allergic. Up to rash, redness and scabies.

Price for drawings for children from professionals

If you order services of masters, it is best to do this on a massive holiday, as the payment of a professional is hourly. On average, the cost of one hour of operation - 400 rubles. And this is based on one person is spent 5-7 minutes. As a rule, professional paints are used for body art, but there are exceptions. If there is no confidence - ask the documentation.

Another example of application of aquagrim - in the next video.

Universal selection of gift ideas for any case and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

New Year's makeup: colorful ideas

I propose to explore the variations of the festive makeup, which will decorate not worse than the masquerade suit. Children's, male and female options for the new year for you!

Children's aquagrim: bright, festive and safe

Let's start with the "Decor" options for a child. Remember that it is impossible to impose adult cosmetics for tender children's skin! Only special safety paints from aquagrim set.

Cool maker can be both an addition to the image and independent "outfit" for the holiday. If there is an opportunity, instruct the creation of a fashionable aquagrim to the children's master. An experienced hand artist will redo the faces of the boys and girls in the face of animals and the heads of birds, draws a Christmas tree on the cheeks, paints the guys under the superhero masks. For the pleasure you have to pay, and the time to visit the wizards to allocate still need.

If you are sure to handle not worse than the artist, try making paint yourself. Ingredients are simple and affordable:

  • starch;
  • children's cream;
  • food colorings;
  • water room temperature.

Mix the components and paints (according to the proportions to calculate themselves), do not cause allergies ready! Now it remains to stretch the applying colorful drawings on the face. Do it in advance before the holiday. During the process, talk to the child, distracting it from the need to move, but most importantly - draw only what has already been discussed with the baby and necessarily with pauses every 5-10 minutes depending on age.

The most popular images are based on aquagrimic:

  • snowflakes;
  • snow Queen;
  • a fabulous unicorn;
  • princesses;
  • butterflies;
  • cats, etc.

Coloring mostly only the upper part of the face, drawing a kind of "glasses". Look in the photo below and come up with your bright option for a male to a new year.

New Year's ideas of festive makeup for a girl

The girls regardless of the chosen image seek to remain beautiful and seductive. I offer some interesting ideas of makeup, which is quite bright in order to be used as an independent decoration for a holiday.

Barbie doll - One of the simple and most popular options. Puppet appearance attracts attention guys and looks simply charming.

Puppet makeup is long eyelashes. Brave artificial clay, and the longer they will be, the better. Cilia cilia of bright non-standard colors are allowed. To make the skin seemed perfect, apply the right tone, powder. Eyelids, emphasize with the shadows and arrows, pass the lips with a "bustard" and fasten with a juicy lipstick. To make the makeup in the New Year, in the corners of the eye impose sparkles.

The image of the snow queen No less popular and most importantly relevant for the new year. Also start with tone overlay. After preparing the skin, make your eyes. Under the lower eyelids, impose shadows with a bronze tide. They highlight the eyes in the corners. On the lips healthy will look for lipstick of brick color with gold or gray. The finished image will give the crumbly glitter.

I could not get around the attention and superhero makeup. It is one of the leaders for the New Year. The girls love to look cool and stylish, so we are happy to try on the masks of the cat, Batman and even a spider man. Make such a completely easy. Paints for aquagrim or real theatrical maker will fit well.

Interesting option makeup cat. There are no standard mustache and "freckles". The face looks very realistic and outstandingly at the expense of clearly designated contours and drawn hairs of wool.

Makeup Ideas for New Year Guy and Child

The man's makeup from the girl's grima is distinguished by the lack of glamorous shine. Everything else is the same principle. If the image is invented and approved, the makeup is imposed in accordance with the role. So, for example, if the guy decided to be pirateYou can make it up on the prototype of Jack Sparrow: to bring the eyes, give the shape of an eyebrow, additionally draw the scar crossing the eyes or lips for masculinity.

Cool idea - comic motley grima For guys in trend with beard and mustache. Contrary to the main rule, this version of the grima with sparkles. The guy's beard and eyebrows are covered with special oil, after which they paint in bright colors with crumbly pigments, sprinkle with sparkles. This makeup for bold and cheerful guys who are not afraid to laugh at themselves with everyone.

Of course, for the new year, the guys are glad to be changed in superheroev. Ninji-turtles, Spiderman, Hulk, Ironman - all these images in which men feel confident. Supplement to the dresses will be a beautiful makeup in the form of a hero mask.

What makes you not choose, remember that the New Year is a holiday of fairy tales and magic from childhood. Creepy images of monsters rehearsed on Halloween with open wounds, bloody subnewed and evil ruffles will not be appropriate.

And who did you decide to be this year, already know what makes the makeup? Discuss the best ideas with friends, share the post in social networks - ready-made photos inspire, checked!

Sincerely, Anastasia Speeva

To date, Aquagrim has become so popular that they enjoy practically every children's holiday. What is it and what is it for? In essence, aquagrim is special paints harmless to children's skin, which are drawn on faces. With this makeup, you can create almost any image depending on the wishes of the baby. A child can come to the favorite cartoon hero in just a few minutes, for this, just a few manipulations with paints. Drawings on the face for children are not only interesting entertainment, but also the way to express yourself, appearing before peers in one way or another.

What to draw?

Of course, the main question that rises in front of parents or novice animator: "What kind of paints can be used?" The ideal option is considered professional theatrical makeup, but this is not the only way out. Today there are several types of paints that are suitable to create drawings on the faces of children. Aquagrima assumes the use of water-based paints, there are also special options in the form of a dry powder that need to be breeded with water. Remember that it is impossible to use ordinary artistic paints like guasi or watercolor, they can cause irritation on a gentle ornamental skin or provoke allergies.

Making paint alone

In some cities, especially in small, paints for Aquagrim will find it problematic. The absence in special goods stores is not a reason to give up the idea, because drawings on the face for children are a favorite entertainment at all children's parties. So what makes these miracle paints are made? All we need is an ordinary children's cream, a little starch and different food dyes. Take a disposable cup or any other capacity, add 3 tablespoons of starch, then pour a half-spoons of warm water and add 10-15 g of cream, mix everything thoroughly until the mass becomes homogeneous. Now you can gradually add the dye. This method allows you to independently create the necessary shades. Even if you have already purchased paints, it will be useful to know the recipe, because drawings on the face for children - like a bait, always wanting also, and paints can end in the midst of the holiday.

When working with children it is very important to remember that the kids are a special public. We present some important advice that will simplify classes with them and help adults to create an interesting drawing in a relaxed atmosphere. Drawings on the face for children should deliver joy, and not tiring babies.

1. First, in no case cannot be forced to make kids. Not everyone likes to feel paint on the face - if the child opposes, you do not need to insist. Respect his right to decide independently, he wants a mask or not.

2. Very good if you can clearly demonstrate to the baby several finished drawings. You can print pictures or show photos. So the child will be easier to decide what kind of mask he wants.

3. Do not forget that the kids are hard to sit in place, they need to constantly move. Therefore, even simple drawings on the face of children need to do quickly and clearly. Movements must be confident. If the child is tired, take a break, let him move a little, will disk.

4. Place the mirror next to the workplace, it will distract the child. The baby will be able to look at herself, watch out how the face is changing and some time is sitting comfortable.

5. During drawing, do not forget to talk with the child, ask why his choice fell on a particular character or animal. Ask about interests, try to captivate a pleasant conversation.

Pictures for boys

The boys most often choose images of the heroes of favorite comics or cartoons. Many dream of reincarnated in a pirate or a man-spider. Due to the lack of small parts, pretty simple drawings on the faces of children are obtained. Photos clearly demonstrate examples of aquagrim.

Pictures for girls

The most popular images among girls remain fairies and princesses. When will the opportunity to turn into a heroine of a beloved cartoon?
Many also love to reincarnate in different cute animals, look great and just beautiful floral patterns.