Temple of the Trinity of the Library at b. Sheremetevsky strange house (now ambulance

Temple of the Trinity of the Library at b. Sheremetevsky strange house (now ambulance
Temple of the Trinity of the Library at b. Sheremetevsky strange house (now ambulance

Father Vasily died on February 4, on the day of the Apostle Timothy. He was the abbot of the Temple of the Liberal Trinity at the Institute. Sklifosovsky. In the pastge, Father Vasily taught the story of the Russian Church for many years.

Vasily's father graduated from Moscow State University, served in the army, he was engaged in the modern history, defended his thesis, worked at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1998, he was ordained to priests. First served in the temple of St. Tsarevich Dimitria, then in the temple with them. Sklifosovsky. In 2002, Ieria Vasily Sekchev was appointed assistant to the abbot of another unopened hospital church.

In addition to the PSTU, Father Vasily taught the story in St. Dimitrievsky Sisters Sisters of Mercy and in the Dimitriev School, once he taught in St. Petrovskaya School during the PSTU, then another thanked traditional gymnasium.
I knew little father Vasily, but we were specially connected with him - our Dyakonsky charponia were committed on November 4, 1994, and we celebrated this day together. Both of our confessor celebrated this most important day in our lives with us. It was so it turned out that and then our ministry was always held near the very end. The last time in the blacksmiths we served on January 8, on the day of memory of O.Vesvolod, the spiler, less than a month before the death of O.Vasilia. He headed the service prot. Vladimir Vorobyev, and Vladyka Panteleimon in this liturgy was involved.

Father Vasily possessed the most important quality of the priest - humility. In one of his interviews there are wonderful words about it:

"The main fear, it seems to me that this is fear of humility. Yes, the person is most afraid of that they will not be hurt, they will not be assessed, they will not give something and he will be among the deprived, humble.

Our common trouble is that we cannot trust God. We can not believe that there is one who loves us the most. We do not believe in love at all, but more in yourself, in some people, some circumstances, the possibilities of this world, but not in the love of God for us. Therefore, it is very difficult for us. "

He was loved, he was always quiet and joyful. When he fell ill and it turned out that the disease is already a long-standing and launched, all who knew him tried to somehow help, worried about him and prayed. Website Mercy.ru published a necrologist, which reported that even funds for his treatment in Germany were collected in record short time.

On the site "Neskural Garden" there is a wonderful report about the father of Vasily - "One day of the priest in Squilif." There is all - Liturgy, bypassing the hospital, teaching in the school, the baptism of blacks from the cat d "Ivoire, who led to O.Vasilia Orthodox Peruvian, because he knows French. But there is a game of soldiers. Father Vasily led a circle of historical reconstruction At school, he reconstructed the story of the famous battles, he was fond of toy soldiers. I even had somehow perplexed about this and asked him why he plays in the soldiers, and he simply smiled in response.

Eternal memory to dear Father Vasily!

Archpriest Nikolai Emelyanov.

Farewell to about. Vasily will go to them. Sklifosovsky on Sunday, February 7, all day in the temple of the Resurrection of Christ (small).

February 8, on Monday, in temple in the name of the Library Trinity (large) Survicary liturgy and funeral will be served. The beginning of the liturgy at 8 o'clock.

Address: Sukharevskaya pl., 3, korp. one.
Both temples are located on the territory of them Sklifosovsky, the entrance is free.

Temple on Cherkasy Groats

The road to Yaroslavl here arose already in the XII century, but her flourishing began later, when the holy road in the Trinity Abode began on the segment. That is, many of the surrounding temples were sanctified in honor of the Library Trinity. At the end of the XVI century, another line of defensive fortifications was laid here - the wooden wall of the earthly city. In 1613, here, at the Sretensky Gate, Moscow met the young king Mikhail Fedorovich, who arrived in the capital along this road from Kostroma. He complained to the local ownership of Princes Cherkasy, thereby left the name Cherkasy Lane in China City.

They led his genus from Egyptian Sultan Inalla, overthrown from the throne and fledging to the North Caucasus in the middle of the XV century. The sons of his great-grandfather of Idara - Circassian Princes Temryuk and Kambulat - and their descendants moved to the service to Ivan Grozny, putting the beginning of the prince of Cherkasy surname. In 1561, he had just widowed the king married a second marriage at the princess Maria Temryukov. The name of her brother Mamstushuk, according to historian V.B. Muravyova, distorted remained in the name of Merzlyakovsky (Mamstzyukov) Lane near Nikitsky gates. And Prince Boris Kambulatovich, who defended Moscow from the invasion of Kaza-Gurya in 1591, married Marope Nikitichna Romanova, his native sister Patriarch Filaret, so His Son Ivan Borisovich had to be a cousin of the first Romanov. Ivan Borisovich received great possessions from the king, including Ostankino, Marin Grove and the Earth from the Sretensky Gate. He generally heard the richest man in Moscow, but remained childless.

After his death in 1642, his estates went to the nephew Yakov Kumenetovich. He became the owner of the "Cherkasy gardens" at the Sretensky gate - so called country courts, located behind the earthen shaft, but adjacent to it. Yakov Cherkassi built a wooden tent church in the name of Rev. Ksenia; The reason for the initiation is unknown, the church was built as a house during the residence of the prince, where he liked to spend the summer. In addition to the prince and his households, the parishioners of the Church were the courtyard Cherkaski and some local residents who did not have their own church in poverty. However, the Church did not have their party, there were only priests invited by the prince at the time of his summer holiday, their fortesthops were singing, and the prince himself loved to sing on the closure. During the rest of the time the church was locked on the castle, and her parishioners diverged for the winter through other surrounding temples. In 1654, the sea ulcers epidemic twisted the local population, "Cherkasy gardens" were abandoned, the church was empty and soon dilapidated so that he threatened with a drop.

The ownership inherited Prince Mikhail Yakovlevich, Siberian Governor and Petra I. Petra I. In 1684, he asked the Patriarch Joachim to stay to build a new wooden temple for himself and yard. However, he received consent only with that condition that the top of the temple was built "by the rank of other churches", that is, it would not have a tent top - according to the rules of the Templeration, introduced by the Patriarch Nikon, who forbid the tent temples. Dedication remained the same - in the name of Rev. Ksenia, however, in 1722, a new throne of the Ascension of the Lord, arranged by the heir to Prince Alexei Mikhailovich, was mentioned - he turned out to be the last owner of these places from the genus Cherkasy.

He married the first marriage on the cousin of Peter the Great, he managed to resist in the monarch of mercy from Peter I to Elizabeth Petrovna (which was a manifesto about her to do the throne). Prince visited the Ober-Commissioner of St. Petersburg, headed the construction of the Petropavlovsk fortress and the Peterhof Palace. I gained the first volunteers for training abroad and, too, as a father, governors in Siberia. Supported Empress Anna Ioannovna and persuaded her to abandon the condition proposed by the Supreme Secret Council, which limited her autocratic power. Anna Ioannovna learned the condition to be sipped, and Cherkassky brought around. So he reached the Chancellor. At the same time, the secret of his political longevity turned out to be simple: nicknamed for the slowness "Turtle", he never sought to political adventures and to the highest power, was careful, he was careful and, according to the historian M.M. Shcherbatova, "Very mediocre mind, lazy ... a dragging, and non-hosting name and proud of one with its wealth."

It is believed that the Voznesensky attack he arranged in memory of a important event in his life, which is why the church is one time called Voznesenskaya. However, she came to full disrepair. Having buried the spouse, the prince married a second marriage at the Princess Maria Yuryevna Trubetskoy. They had the only daughter of Varbara, the heiress of the millionth state. After the death of the Prince, followed in 1742, the widow asked permission to build a new, again wooden, the church, but with another dedication - the surfactant Trinity with the adhesives of Archangel Mikhail and Rev. Ksenia, in memory of the old temple. The Tricky Church was still built when she had new owners.

Princess Barbara Alekseevna Cherkasy was the richest bride in Russia, but had a "past, not devoid of storms and tests." Sanovaya Father could not get her married her. First, Anna Ioannovna itself blessed her marriage with his favorite Ober-Hofmeister Graph Levenwold, but he did not take place. Then the old prince dreamed of imagine her for satirika Antioch Kantemir, but he could not be impressed by the knowledge and wealth. Finally, the matchstorm managed: in 1743, Varvara Alekseevna became the wife of Count Peter Borisovich Sheremetyeva, a representative of another richest surname, the son of the first Russian graph and the hero of the Poltava battle, who received extensive possessions from Peter. Now, as dowry, Sheremetev moved the huge possessions of Cherkasy, including the Earth from the Sretensky Gate and Ostankino with Marina Grove. So Sheremeteva became the richest last name in Russia, rival with Yusupov. And in the dowry Sheremetyev, the serf peasants of the princes of Cherkasy, among them and parents of Praskovi pearls.

Monument of love

Sheremetev also took place in distant relationship with Romanov. Together with them, they accounted for direct descendants of Andrei Mobyl (Cambyl) and his son, the famous Boyarina Fedor Cat, who served Dmitry Donskoy. The branch of the descendants of Fyodor Cats, Uzabetse, became referred to as Sheremetev: The founder of their surname, Andrei Konstantinovich, according to legend, loved to live on a wide leg, for which he got the nickname Sheremeta - "Shirmae." Grandmother Andrei Sheremet, Elena Ivanovna, became the wife of the eldest son Ivan the Terrible, Tsarevich Ivan: Sometimes it is believed that it was because of her the king killed his son, who saw a pregnant daughter-in-law in her home dress. And then Sheremetyev participated in election to the realm of the first Romanov.

Count Peter Borisovich Sheremetev built on Cherkasy gods at the Trinity Church of the Raddle for his elderly yard, although there is another, the more reasonable opinion that his son did, Count Nikolai Petrovich in 1793, at the request of Praskoviya Pearls. It is reliable that under Peter Borisovich in the temple there was a permanent party: it was now served by the priest of Yakov Ivanov from the church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the staff. Then he went to the monks and left the Trinity Temple to his nephew Joseph, the deacon of the Temple of Nicola in Kotelniki. He became the last abbot of this temple before the arrangement of a strange house. In general, the priests of this church received a generous swore from Cherkasy and Sheremetev and led a rather comfortable existence. The parishioners remained many locals, yard Cherkaski, Sheremetev, and even Alexander Ivanovich Rumyantsev, the father of the famous commander.

Peter Borisovich himself heazed in his beloved cusary and decided to create a fortuet theater there - many Velmazbi then betrayed this fashion. Unfortunately, the theater building in Park Kuskov, where Praskovya Pearchugova first stepped on the stage, was not preserved.

Praskovya was born on July 20, 1768 in the village of Berezino Yaroslavl province. Her father was a blacksmith, "Koval," and from the tuberculosis of the spine he has grown hump. So Praskovoy inherited from the Father and the name of Kovalev, and his first stage nickname Gorbunov, and tuberculosis, early in her grave. They say, Torbun was drunk, Rayanil, tyrann the family. However, Praskovia loved his father and kept his portrait to his death on her table.

She was expected to have expected the most common fate for the girls of the Hop. In Kuskovo in 1774, she saw her young graph Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetev, who had just returned from Europe, where he studied at Leiden University. A friend of childhood of the future Emperor Paul I also hit the theater, music, was familiar with Ghendel and Mozart, so that the home theater arranged himself.

According to the legend, they met in the field when a young graph was returned from the hunt, and Praskovya chasing cows. And as if later Sheremetev at that expensive place put the chapel. Of course, in fact, I could not go about love at first glance: his future spouse was then the sixth year. The count was fascinated by her extraordinary, pearly voice, for which, according to legend, he gave her the scenic surname of Pearchugova. Sheremetev, the younger dreamed as soon as possible to take her on the stage, so as to eclip the rivals. On June 22, 1779, 11-year-old Praskovia debuted in a small role of the maid. Already the next year Sheremetev instructed her the main role of Belinda in Opere A. Sakkini "Colony, or a new settlement," where she first came to the scene by pearls. The graph then came up with changing the adverse peasant surnames of all his actresses on stage pseudonyms, formed from the names of noble stones, - Biryuzova, Yakhontova, Emerald. In 1787, the triumph of the fortress actress was arrived - as Eliana in the Opera "Self-Straars", for which, admired Catherine II, who visited Kuskovo, complained to her the ring. Soon, the beauty of Praskovya became the favorite of the graph, and then his only love, although to link himself with legitimate uzami, the estate inequality interrupted. The graph was increasingly influenced by the beloved. Fragile, painful, shy, with a deep look of large and clear eyes, she was distinguished by sophisticated manners that did not inherent in her class, the personality was swaying in it, "the hardness of the will and the power of nature." Sheremetev somehow confessed that he was captivated in the elect, he was captivated more than beauty, "decorated with the virtue of the mind, sincerity, philanthropy ... attachment to the holy faith and the diligent gogguard." And she all the sharper felt the adversity of his origin and did not forget those who were not so favorable.

After the death of the old graph in 1787, they openly healed in Kuskovo: Praskovaya one managed to pull Sheremetyeva from a dying drunkenness, to whom he betrayed because of the death of his father.

One day, the count noted that Praskovaya often began to disappear suspiciously from the house in the morning, and he decided to track her down. It turned out that she secretly visited Sukharevka, where the beggars were crowded to file alms. And then the graph, inferior to the request of his girlfriend, decided to build a strange house on Sukharevka to "relieve the suffering" and gave him his Cherkasy gardens.

"Palace of two architects"

Street houses appeared in the first centuries of Christianity as institutions for wandering pilgrims and pilgrims, where they provided shelter and medical assistance. Later, stagnicious houses called the godly places that combine the alpine and the hospital. Such a house for wanderers, elderly, embankment and just poor, no money for treatment, and conceived to create Count Sheremetev and Praskovya Pearls - she asked for a beloved at the very beginning of their novel.

On the birthday of N.P. Sheremeteva June 28, 1792 was a bookmark of a stable house: in the foundation, silver coins and a copperboard with an inscription were buried. At first Sheremetev was not going to build a palace. His first project was a student and relatives of Vasily Bazhenova, a talented architect of the head of Nazarov. (He has already built a banma church for Sheremeteva in the Novospassian monastery, where their family tomb was). As a basis, he took the traditional urban estate, separated from the red street line and with a front courtyard, comfortable for bringing patients. The center of the building was the house Troitskaya Church, consecrated in the memory of the same name of the Church of the princes of Cherkasy, which was disassembled. From her, two wings were diverged by a semicircle so that the building had a kind of horseshoe: in one part there was a hospital, to another - the allest, divided by the church. The civilian appointment of the building was emphasized by a strict portist with double columns that denoted the main entrance.

The graph himself was engaged in the device. He instructed the viewing after him by the management of the house office A.F. Malinovsky, famous historian, son of the confessor of the graph about. Theodore of Malinovsky, who served in the next Trinity Church at the farm of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. He seriously studied the essence of the case, got acquainted with the outstanding Moscow hospitals and wrote a report with a memorandum with the main conclusion: "Every good deed loses its price, as soon as possible, at least a small fee is taken for execution." Sheremetev laid all things about the strange house on Malinovsky, when she had to go to St. Petersburg, because the new Emperor Paul I appointed him to Ober-Hofamarshal. In the capital from the raw climate, Praskovaya was so aggravated by Chakhotka, that she began to lose her voice and could not speak anymore. For the sake of her beloved, the count closed his theater, dismissed the troupe, at the request of the prince appointing actresses dowry, and hurried with a wedding. He made free Paraskie and her parents, and then straightened the documents about her supposedly noble origin: as if she was a descendant of the Polish gentry of Yakub Kovalevsky, who had captured Russian at the end of the XVII century. It is assumed that Sheremetev, and without waiting permits for an unequal marriage from two sovereigns, received the blessing of Metropolitan Plato, who treated him with great respect for the device of a stimping house.

On November 6, 1801, Count secretly marked with a beloved in a modest church of Simeon Symeon on the cook - away from the world's eyes and ears. Witness the groom was A.F. Malinovsky, the witness of the bride - a girlfriend of the pearl, the other Sheremetev actress Tatyana Shlykov-turkey. Then the young left in St. Petersburg, where the graph had his own home on the fountain, but they had a little more than two years. Even the death of Praskovia was sheaven theatrical legend. Allegedly shortly before the death, she decided to re-enter the scene and began to rehearse the roles of Ophelia and Cleopatra - both the stories are dying. And as if she met the mysterious old woman in the evening, who whispered to her: "Today you received two plays, they play the dead in both. And where are the two deceased on stage, be the third in reality. " There were also rumors that Praskovoy from envy poisoned the yard graph. Evil languages \u200b\u200bdismissed gossip that her premature death was "carray" for a secret marriage and for the disobey of the will of the Soviet.

On February 23, 1803, the Countess died from Chakhotka 20 days after the birth of the Son, named by Dimitri in honor of the beloved St. Paraski, St. Dimitri Rostovsky. During his wife's illness, the Count decided to notify the emperor about his wedding and the birth of the Son. He asked the highest forgiveness for the fact that he married without permier and secretly. I assured that the wife received excellent upbringing and worthy of her present status. Calling to the grace of the monarch, he asked to recognize his son by the legitimate heir of the title and the family state. The emperor replied through the courtest, that "Count Sheremetev Vlassen is married for anyone and wants to whom." True, there is an opinion that all this Sheremetev did the day after the death of his wife. None of the highest light came to the funeral of Praskovya: the aristocrats could not forgive Sheremetev deceived hopes for the profitable party of their daughters. Only a dedicated friend actress architect Giacomo Kurengy conducted it on the last path. He's a luckless graph and instructed to arrange a stony house as a monument to the late wife.

The task was not from the lungs - to rebuild almost the finished building, but the quarters managed to give the city estate solemn and monumental appearance of the palace. Instead of a modest portico, he arranged an open colonnade Polurotone. The facades of both ends were decorated with majestic portico with balustrade. The left wing was held by the Laddle (on the first floor - the male branch, on the second - female), the right - hospital, and share their magnificent Trinity Church, decorated in the drain drawings. She was placed in the center of the Memorial. According to Sheremetyeva, "all the varying - embankments, old and patients are placed around the church, getting moral consolation and association through the worship service. Inside the church had six entrance doors, and on the choir there were doors to the corridors of the Laddle and Hospitals. By the way, the creators of a strange house managed to observe a very valuable principle: the inner decoration did not resemble the hospital with her sad corridors and chambers. The dining room of the Laddle's dining, where having waged, resembled, rather, palace, was decorated with stucco and gilding. The corridors were elegantly curved, tidy, light, with sleeved floors, and spacious chambers covered with the sun were painted in a gentle blue color.

The quarters worked on the Moscow Palace, without leaving from St. Petersburg, but embodied his projects sent by mail, Sheremetevsky fortress architects A.F. Mironov, G.E. Dickushin and P. Argunov, built Ostankino and Kuskovo.

Temple of a strange house

The new Trinity Church also turned out to be threepressol, only her two came to be consecrated in the name of Nicholas the Wonderworker in the name of the Count and St. Dimitri Rostovsky in honor of the thee-estate of his son. (And in the memory of the throne, the Holy Ksenia was built a small chapel in the garden). Completed quarters interiors of the house temple also reminded the decoration of the palace-memorial. He was decorated with marble and green Ural Stone in Italian style and was painted by the famous Italian Master Domenico Scotty. The main muzzle fresco is "the triumph of the cross in the sky" (according to another version, the "triipostasic deity in glory"). In the center - the image of the Holy Spirit in the form of a soaring pigeon in radiance. Below the angels, forming a circle, "rushing in the clouds to heavenly height, representing angelic heavenly celebration." Each Angel keeps any symbol in his hands: Supports a huge cross or carries the instruments of the passions of the Lord, the pipe, ticks. In a soaring angel with a palm branch and ears (a symbol of virtue) saw the image of a small graph Dmitry Nikolayevich, and in an angel with a tambourine - his mother Praskovye pearls. Immediately, poems A.F. Malinovsky, dedicated to the baby:

In heavenly glory here so far
The medium of the face of Angelic Your species is depicted;
Living between people, you will see you to the world,
What is the eternal truths and spirit of your infinity.

Iconostasis instead of a crucifixion crosses the "New Testament" group - the golden bowl on the clouds, surrounded by radiance and with the upcoming two angels. On the 50th place - the beautiful image of the Crowning of Our Lady. The temple was decorated and wonderful, exciting beauty of the burners "beating babies" and "Lazarus Resurrection", performed by G. Zamarayev, who created the decoration of the main building of Moscow University on Mokhovoy. Outside, the majestic dome was decorated with gypsum figures of the apostles Peter and Paul and the Old Testament kings of David and Solomon, installed on parapets, and in the niches of the southern doors - the Apostles-Evangelists. But rain, snow and wind damaged sculptures, and they just stood until 1828. In size and adultery, this church had no equal among the other houses of Moscow: "The Bogomolese sees in all the grace, symmetry and art," said Alexander Pokrovsky's deacon.

The rest of his life - and the Graf survived his wife for six years - Sheremetev dedicated memory to his beloved spouse. Praskovia's end struck him so that he hoped to find calm only in godly affairs. Recovering from the light, Sheremetev appeared only at the celebrations in the Winter Palace on the debt of the service and was all given to a strange house. He consisted of a residence per 100 people of both sexes and any title of "poor and embankment", except for serfs (which was obliged to take care of their barin), and with the provision of food and clothing, and hospitals for 50 people for moneyless treatment. In the creation of a strange house, the Count has invested an astronomical amount of 3 million rubles. Plus Persian Persian's personal capital, left by her will. Another 500 thousand Count introduced into the preserved treasury and provided revenues from his Votchin in the Tver province. In addition, capital was released on the dodded by poor Moscow brides, starving, poor for burial, etc. The graph bequeathed to sell his houses in St. Petersburg and Moscow on the Vozdvenik and Nikolskaya, if the annual capital is not enough for annual content. And there was also a special condition: the priest of the house temple is elected only by the will of the founder or trustee.

Contemporaries in admiration wrote that the founder's thought was ahead of his age. The church named the brainchild of Sheremetyeva Vertograd (garden) of God. Sheremeteva called "Graph Mercy": In addition to the stubborn house, he built temples and hospitals in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov. I left the house with a large amount of money to distribute alms and returned without a penny. And I resembled my son in the will, which is not knowledge and not glory, but only good things can be taken with you for the door of the coffin.

The opening of a strange house and the consecration of the Trinity Church was to take place on February 23, 1809 - on the day of the memory of the Countess and a year of a century of the Poltava battle, in which the grandfather's grandfather fought. However, on January 2, that year Sheremetev died of a cold. According to the last will of the graph, he was buried next to his wife in St. Petersburg, in a simple coffin, handing out all the money laid on a decent burial, begging. The Moscow celebration was dedicated to his birthday and took place for the next year, June 28 (July 11) of 1810 with a huge coherence of the people of all ranks and classes. The whole temple was filled - on that day all the warriped came here. Consecrated by the Trinity Church Holy Augustine, Bishop Dmitrovsky. The celebration began with the Panhid on the founders - Count and Countess Sheremetev. After the liturgy, the abbot of the temple said an agitated preaching about charity in the praise of Count Sheremetev and the blessing fishery of God, no one left without help, emphasizing that there will be eternal help here, and not one-time, for which many will pray in this temple column. The first paragraph of the charter of the strange house said: "Assist the poor and poor, without asking the genus and tribes" (and in our time, the Institute of Sklifosovsky is brought with both wealthy people and selected from the street). Soon the strange house was renamed Sheremetevskaya hospital, which became a monument to both spouses.

The first prior of the Trinity Temple was the father of Alexey Robdinsky, who had previously served by Deacon in the Temple of Old Pimen and ordained to the priests by Augustine, vicar of Moscow, in June 1810. The first deacon was Konstantin Milyaev, a graduate of the Slavic-Greco-Latin Academy. According to the charter of the stable house, the priest of the house of the Church was charged with the duties to "encourage his flock to humanity and the teaching of his good example to support." Thus, following the will of the founder, the priests were chosen very worthy and held a special "contest".

He barely opened the hospital, as he rushed 1812. Church utensils managed to climb at the basement at home, and the most valuable to take into evacuation. Worships stopped in August, and the church was closed. Healthy sentencedes were dissolved along the homes of relatives, and the rest were given peaks in case of defense. The French, having joined Moscow, adopted a stable house for the Barsky mansion and began to rob him, but learning that it was a hospital, they walked the fire. She immediately turned into a hospital, where Russian warriors were treated from the Borodino field (here as a relic was kept by the history of prince P.I. Bagration), and French soldiers. Here operated the famous French surgeon Lorera, a personal doctor of Napoleon, but it did not prevent the enemy to place horses in the corridors, to desecrate and rob the house church, where they arranged apartments themselves, and the thrones and altars turned into dining tables.

Leaving Moscow, the French barely blew up the hospital. Nevertheless, the interiors of the temple suffered not strongly because there was no fire. Nikolsky was consecrated on January 2, 1813 on the day of memory of Count Sheremetyev. The Trinity Church was consecrated for the holiday of the resurrection of Lazarus before Easter, and Dimitrovsky Prize - February 3, 1817, on the birthday of Count Dmitry Nikolayevich. Widowing Empress Maria Fedorovna, Pavla I spouse, took a personal care over the orphaned child in memory of her friendship of her vengeous husband with a graph of N.P. Sheremetev. Having been in a stable house in 1818, she demanded to write a parade portrait of his founder, which was performed by V.L. Borovikovsky: He portrayed a graph on his children's background.

In the same 1818, the Struidrich-Wilhelm III, the Prussian King of Fritrich-Wilhelm III, visited the Prussian King of the future Russian Empress, Nikolai I, is the one who was burned by Moscow from Belvedere Pashkov's house in gratitude for the salvation of Europe from Napoleon. Since then, the stimping house has been addressed to the hospital whenever Russia shared wars: the warriors of the Crimean, Russian-Japanese, the First World Wars, the Heroes of Plivets and Pleven and the victims of all three Russian revolutions were treated.

For the history of the church of a stable house, all the imperial specials were visited from Alexander I to the Soviet Passionerppet Nikolai II. They all went to the temple before the hospital inspection, and here they were greeted by priests with a cross and holy water. Alexander I came here in 1816 and remained very pleased. His response is preserved: "Everything is very good and makes a great honor to the founder." Even the most demanding Nicholas I, visiting the stormy house and his temple in 1831, was so glad to see him, so hugged the main caretaker S.V. Sheremetyeva and ordered noting about his pleasure of the Opel Graph Dmitry Nikolayevich - he was in disgraces for the fact that in 1825 he refused to shoot in the Decembrists, having affected the patient.

Sheremeteva remained trustees of a strange house until 1917, and even with their own shueral circumstances, they considered the name of the family honor to maintain a hospital. The first trustee became Count Dmitry Nikolaevich. Until his majority, the duties were performed by a distant relative, and A.F. Found until 1826 remained Malinovsky. In the House Trinity Temple and fought this wonderful scientist, and on the last path he was accompanied by the entire stimping house. Count D.N. Sheremetev, having entered the position of a trustee, presented the temple an ancient image of Vladimir, who was honored by the Old Believers, and wished "aggravate the charity institution for general benefits." He sacrificed a very large amount for the maintenance of additional patients and an increase in the salary of the employees - hence the expression "live on the Sheremetevsky account". Many took here to give them to die calmly and bury at the expense of the institution. Sheremetevi serfs were served immediately. Attended this house and actress Tatyana Shlykov, Praskovi's girlfriend, who lived to deep old age - she was in 90 years.

And in 1830, a miracle happened, which was considered the obvious patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary: in the terrible epidemic cholera there were only two cases of the disease, and the doctors doubted that it was cholera. Since then, Count Dmitry Nikolayevich commanded annually to invite a miraculous Iverly icon to a stable house and make a prayer service with the Waspain in the Trinity Temple with the Water Construction "in the memory of the miraculous patronage to the Street House of Tsaritsa Heaven." He chose the date of the celebration on December 7 - in memory of that day, when Moscow was taken after the epidemic. In October of the same 1830, the temple saw in his walls of St. Philaret, Metropolitan Moscow: He consecrated him after major repairs and delivered the sermon about the richer and Lazar, responding about the Sheremetyev column as a man is rich, "who has not lost his name in the affairs of insignificant" .

And in August 1856, Alexander II came to Coronation in Moscow and elected the place of his stay the Ostankinsky Palace. According to legend, it is there, visiting Count Dmitry Nikolayevich, the emperor signed a draft decree on the abolition of serfdom in Russia - a genuine inkwell with dried ink in memory of the event was kept in Ostankino. Alexander Liberator also visited the Trinity Church and the Strip-Reimary House, very praising cooks for Russian soup: "These soup are so good that no worse than my own!"

In 1860, a strange house celebrated its 50th anniversary. By order D.N. Sheremeteva, the church was restored and thoroughly washed painting; Draw a re-bribery fresco of Scotty, fortunately, did not allow. The celebrations began with a clock liturgy on the founders, and the festive worship again asked St. Filaret, but he was sick and sent Leonid, Bishop Dmitrovsky instead of himself. The trustees Dmitry Nikolayevich did not come by illness. They said goodbye to him in the Trinity Church in September 1871: he died of a sudden stroke. The trustee was his son, Count Sergey Dmitrievich Sheremetev, member of the State Council, the only of the courteous had the right to contact the emperor Nicholas II on "you". He decided to build a separate chapel for the funeral of the dead, which was previously in the basement of the building. The remaining Sheremetevs were caretakers and members of the Council of the Stainless House, including B.S. Sheremetev, author of the music of the famous romance "I loved you."

The clergy of the temple was very extensive responsibilities. In addition to the bombing of patients, sentenced and personnel, in the temple, annual commemoration of the founders (and their relatives, starting with Count Boris Petrovich Sheremeteyev, grandfather of the creator of a stable house) and the deputy trustees, prayers for the health of the living. It was remembered here all who had a relation to a strange house: doctors, priests, benefactors - patients, deceased and healthy. Days of Memory of the Countess of Praskovia and Count Nikolai Petrovich were honored almost like the prestial holidays: these days the cathedral bishops were held. And even in the Trinity Temple by tradition, poor Moscow brides, issued married to the bidded dowry Praskovya, was married: she knew too well unquented marriage in any class, even in serfdom. The issuance of the dowry was also produced annually - February 23. If the bride could not come to the strictly raised house that day, the rector of the house temple was drawn to the dodded for her.

The church was connected with many famous people. In 1841, the historian of the so-called was married here. Granovsky with Elizabeth Milgauzen, the daughter of the Chief Doctor of the Hospital. The bridegroom was 28 years old, the bride - 17. He only started reading his first university lectures, had a weak voice and "precompanious" diction, for which he received the nickname "Sheeply" Professor ", but then the wholesaler's delicious public lectures were going to him Moscow. Elizabeth Bogdanovna survived her husband for only two years and in 1857 he was resting next to him on the Pyatnitsky cemetery. And in 1858, A.T. became the main doctor of the Sheremetev hospital Tarasenkov, the attending physician of Gogol and the witness of his tragic last days, trying to save the writer from the hands of a soulless esklap. He wrote a "historical note on a strange house" to his 50th anniversary and a sum of the sale of the book, bought a silver palate for the communion of patients. True, in 1879 he was stolen. Tarasenkov also offered Count Sergey Dmitrievich to open the incoming office - a free outpatient basis, as well as a medical office for issuing benefits to patients at first. He put the capital for these innovations, and since then, in the temple, there were still a memorial service and Dr. Tarasenkov.

By the 100th anniversary of the Sheremetev hospital, the last update of the interiors of the Church was held. And then the story presented a pleasant surprise. In 1896, the artist V.D. Fartusova, who painted the Church of Christ the Savior, was invited to eliminate the solar stains in the dome. And what was the surprise when under the layer of soot and dust opened the surprisingly preserved fresco of Scotty.

June 28 (July 11), 1910, a stimplen house celebrated its century. Trustee S.D. Sheremetev received welcoming telegrams from Emperor Nicholas II and Chairman of the Council of Ministers P.A. Stolypin, and the Grand Divine in the House of Church visited the Great Princess Elizaveta Fedorovna.

Twenty century

The revolution has eliminated the name "Strong-rated house" and betrayed the name of the Count Sheremetyev, however, the unique history of the hospital continued: in 1919, the Moscow City Ambulance station opened here. The troitsky temple has not passed the seizure of values. On April 20, 1922, he was taken away from here more than seven puddles of silver, the golden cross, diamonds, pearl riza and in the same year closed it, because by law all the house temples were subject to abolishment.

And in 1923, by order of the People's Commissar of Health, N.A. Semashko in the Sheremetyevsk hospital was arranged by the Institute of Traumatology and Emergency Aid, which later began to be called ambulance. N.V. Sklifosovsky. The founder of urgent surgery never worked in this building, the name was assigned by the nature of his scientific activity, although, according to another version, his student worked here, who decided to perpetuate the memory of the teacher. Here for the first time began to provide qualified assistance to the victim on the way to the hospital. In February 1924, Sergei Yesenin was brought here on a carriage of ambulance, and it was here that he wrote a "letter of the mother." The premises of the former temple from now used as a hospital lobby. It dismantled iconostasis, the most valuable images were sent to the Tretyakov Gallery, and the interior found the appearance of the "classic Stalinist Ampire". Zamarayevsky burners received cracks and chips, the decor of the quartre was destroyed, only partially preserved painting, but also under whitelle.

"Thaw" began with the arrival of the ingenious Russian surgeon S.S. Yudina, whom for unusual, virtuoso hands compared with S.V. Rachmaninov. It was a legend, immortalized in the creations of M.V. Nesterova, faith of muning and even Kukryniks, in which the institute became "Surgical Mecca". He was the first in the world to overflow the body blood to a man with bleeding and believed that Pushkin could be saved if the duel was held in a century later. Through his hands were A.I. Mikoyan, Marshals I.S. Konev and G.K. Zhukov. And once during the War of Yudin, they sent the car and announced on the road that the German Feldmarshal Paulus was taken to advise. Hearing this, the surgeon ordered to unfold, for Russian wounded awaits him, and threatened to jump on the go.

In 1945, Yudin filed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe restoration of the historic building and the former temple to "reveal the brilliant architectural creations of the kreparenga, and he himself participated in the works. A special delight of him caused that the most legendary fresco of Scotty in the dome, this time miraculously preserved under the plaster. Soon the surgeon was arrested. They say, in his office hung a picture with the image of the coronation of Alexander III and as if he paid freedom for several years, but accused him of "espionage in favor of England." After liberation, he gave his Stalinist premium to the restoration of painting by the House Trinity Church, in which the Museum of Medicine was created, and handed over his archives.

March 1966 in the afternoon of ambulance to them Skliffosovsky Moscow said goodbye to Anna Akhmatova. She lived in the St. Petersburg fountain house for many years, in which Praskovya Sheremetyev died. The poetess died in the Moscow Region Cardiological Sanatorium, but the farewell to her took place in the building of a strange house.


In 2001 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow, the stony house was decided to restore and restore the initial appearance of the building of the time of Count N.P. Sheremeteva. In the house temple, which was returned to the Orthodox Church, restored iconostasis, bas-reliefs, white marble colonnade and bribing fresco, and over the magnificent dome, Zasali is the Golden Cross. The historical interior was able to restore in the "original beauty" up to the color of the painting, for which the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church expressed special thanks.

On January 17, 2008, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II made a small sanctification of the Temple of the Liberal Trinity. Turning to those present, His Holiness thanked everyone who worked on the reconstruction of the church, noting that the existence of a house temple in these walls is especially important for patients, many of which fall here suddenly. And handed over to the abbot "In the blessing of the temple and the parish" the icon of the Saint Great Martyr and the healer of Panteleimon. After all, this temple is needed and doctors, every day human lives in their hands.

Father Vasily died on February 4, on the day of the Apostle Timothy. He was the abbot of the Temple of the Liberal Trinity at the Institute. Sklifosovsky. Father Vasily served where four steps were less and less to death - in the temple with them. Sklifosovsky. Consoled the burned, broken, crippled
Everyone who was familiar with Oh. Vasily, knew that he was an incredibly kind person, and a priest, always coming to the rescue. He came to approach the patient through the whole city, and who was dying, consoled with love.

Everyone who was familiar with Oh. Vasily, knew that he was an incredibly kind person, and a priest, always coming to the rescue. He came to approach the patient through the whole city, and who was dying, consoled with love. Quiet, delicate, he never climbed into the soul and did not preach where they do not want. How many people he helped!

Father Vasily was seriously sick (pancreatic cancer), from the very beginning he knew about his diagnosis. For his life, the best experts fought. When on the mercy of the Mercy.ru announced a collection of funds for treatment about. Vasily in Germany, this request for help was closed in a record short time.

Father Vasily Sekhechev graduated from Moscow State University, served in the army, engaged in the modern history, defended his thesis, worked at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1998, he was ordained in priests. First served in the temple of St. Tsarevich Dimitria, then in the Temple of the Liberal Trinity in the Research Institute. N. Sklifosovsky. Batyushka served there for many years. Institute. N.V. Sklifosovsky - an unusual hospital, the specificity of work here makes thinking about "eternal." Father Vasily taught the story of the Holy Dimitriev Sisters of Mercy and Dimitriev School, taught students in the Orthodox Holy Tikhonian Humanitarian University of the Russian Church.

For us about. Vasily wrote articles in the "Neskuchny Garden" and for the mercy. He was a very responsible correspondent and if, on the workload, did not fall within the deadlines, ten times asked him to excuse him. Through the text thought thoroughly, and if he believed that the question did not know, honestly refused. And to the sparks was ready at least one hour. When we wrote about what is afraid and the modern man does not want to know about what the modern person does not want to know about it. Vasily - as a priest who saw people in the most extreme situations when there is no strength on masks and pathos, when there are four steps to death and less. That's what he answered us:
"The main fear, it seems to me that this is fear of humility. Yes, the person is most afraid of that they will not be hurt, they will not be assessed, they will not give something and he will be among the deprived, humble. Our common trouble is that we cannot trust God. We can not believe that there is one who loves us the most. We do not believe in love at all, but more in yourself, in some people, some circumstances, the possibilities of this world, but not in the love of God for us. Therefore, it is very difficult for us. "

Farewell to about. Vasily will be held on Sunday, February 7, throughout the day in the temple of the Resurrection of Christ (small temple) in research institutes. Sklifosovsky.

Church of the Resurrection
On February 8, on Monday, in the temple in the name of the Library Trinity (Big), a clock liturgy and funeral will be served. The beginning of the liturgy at 8 o'clock.

On February 8, on Monday, in the temple in the name of the Library Trinity (Big), a clock liturgy and funeral will be served. The beginning of the liturgy at 8 o'clock.
Address: Sukharevskaya pl., 3, korp. one
The entrance to both temples is located on the territory of them Sklifosovsky and is open to all believers.

Praskovya asked her husband for a long time to open a strange house, where the homeless, beggars, embankled people could get free treatment and roof. The spouses together chose a place to build on the outskirts of Moscow, behind the earthlings of Sukharevskaya Square. The first project of the beigestinal institution was developed by a student Bazhenova, a serf architect of ELG-Nazarov. The house church in the center of the building divided it into two wings, at the hospital and a jade. A convenient entrance for the delivery of patients was decorated with dual columns. The extensive charity activities of Sheremetev glorified the court poet Gabriel Derzhavin:

No, no, not luxury such
His visit to the light glorify,
Tables went like sleep blank.
They are soon forgetting them:
But he found him all love,
What poor gave, patient cover.

After the death of his wife, the luckless Graph Sheremetev instructed her friend, architect Jacomo Kurengy, rebuild the building of a stable house so that he became a majestic monument to his deceased spouse. A worthy, but a simple building of Nazarova had to be turned into a magnificent palace, which is no analogues in world architecture.

Architect Jacomo Kurengy did not travel to Moscow for construction, and sent projects, drawings and drawings by mail. His intentions on the spot embodied the Russian architects of Mironov, Dikushin and Argunov, built for the Sheremethevsky estates in Kuskovo and Ostankino.

The kreparenga replaced the simple portico by a grand semicircular colonanmark, who attached the building solemnity and elevation, the ends of the wings decorated with hexual porticoes, added four flaghels to ensemble. The decoration of the building, his decor and details of the interior were made of the best and most expensive materials, in total, the Count has spent three million rubles - a colossal amount for those times.

Nikolai Sheremetev just a few months did not live before the opening of a strange house. It took place on the day of his birth - June 28, 1810, with a huge crossing of the people. The Sheremetev family strictly performed the will of Nikolai Petrovich, taking active participation in the fate of the house and sacrificing huge amounts for its content.

Social activity

At the spiritual will, Praskovy Sheremeteva annually released funds to the dowry "poor and orphaned maiden". The girls who needed aid were pulling the lot on February 23, on the day of the memory of Praskovy, and in the Trinity Church of the strange house the bride-orphans were crowned.

More than 200,000 people received help in the house. From the beginning of the XIX century, the Moscow Branch of the Medical and Surgical Academy settled here. By the end of the century, hospital relationships are strengthened with Moscow University: in 1884, it becomes its clinical base. Leading scientists of V.D. Shervinsky, S.S. Zayaytsky, N.N. Savinov, S.N. Dobrochotov and S.E. Berezovsky introduce advanced treatments here.

An important stage in the history of the house was the work of the Chief Dr. Alexei Terentievich Tarasenkov. With it, it was significantly improved a hospital case: obsolete prescript of drugs was replaced, the control over their purchase and purpose was established, regular traversions and inspections of patients were established. He suggested that the trustee at home Count S.D. Sheremetev Open the "coming branch" is a free outpatient basis, as well as a medical office for issuing benefits to the patient at first time, which was done.

During the work, the Sheremetev hospital has repeatedly turned into a hospital. After the Borodino battle, the wounded soldiers and officers brought here. On the day of the joining the French in Moscow, the house was empty, 32 transfiguous and elderly people remained, in the hospital - 11 wounded Russian officers. Some employees and doctors have voluntarily remained with them. Having accepted a strange house for the Barsky, the French began to rob him, but when they found out that this is a charity institution, on the contrary, put the guard from him. Many values \u200b\u200bstill have been abducted. During the fire, Sukharevsky and Doctoral Flegenes were injured, only walls remained. The house was restored for several more years.

In the terrible epidemic cholera in 1830, no one fell ill in a stable house.

During the Crimean War, a sanitary squad from doctors was assembled here. The Russian-Japanese war acted on a charitable basis. Later he was treated by the participants of the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. In 1919, the Moscow City Station of Emergency Medical Aid was organized in a stime, and from 1923 it housed one of the buildings of ambulance. N.V. Sklifosovsky. The initiative to restore the stable house and return to him by the former shine belonged to Surigue Sergey Sergeevich Yudina.

The main surgeon of the Research Institute. Sklifosovsky S.S. Yudine was an old-fashioned Trinity Church and sacrificed to the restoration of her paintings by the Stalinist Prize.

In 1986, the Central Museum of Medicine opened here, which in October 1991 received the status of the Research Center "Medical Museum" RAM.

The ensemble of a stable house is the main building, two side, two flaglels in the yard, gate and fence, the murals of Giovanni Scotty in the dome of the church, the burners in the interiors of the sculptors of Zamarayev and T. Timofeev - is included in the list of cultural heritage of federal significance and included in UNESCO World Heritage Provision.

Trinity Church

It is assumed that among the figures of the painting of the Trinity Church there are portraits of Praskovy Sheremeteva in the form of an angel with a tambourine and her son Dmitri in the form of a cherub with a palm branch.

According to the architects, the church united all parts of the majestic building. The arrangement and measuring rhythm of the columns emphasize the central part of the building under the high dome. The decoration of the temple from white Italian marble and green Ural stone is not inferior to palace premises. The central throne of the Church is dedicated to the Life-class Trinity, the side - Nicholas the Wonderworker and Dimitri Rostov. Classic simplicity of lines and grace of finishes are attached to the two-pilot hall of the Church, the feeling of joy; No wonder the church of the strange house called Vertograd - the Garden of Lord.

At the end of the XIX century, a funny case took place. The city council was submitted to the owner of the whale exhibition "Kit-Giant" Wilhelm Karlovich Eglita. The owner of this Whale sought permission to hold his exhibition in different places of the city, but everything was missed everywhere, since it was necessary to build temporary Balagan to accommodate China. Eglitis helped the intercession of the imperial Russian society of acclimatization of animals and plants, thanks to which it was given a permit to post the Balagan on the front courtyard of a stable house. The entrance to the exhibition was paid for everyone, except students of urban schools. And we can say that the riddle for a time shelted another "homeless".

About this little temple, probably, few who know. It is located in the center of Moscow at the Garden Ring, but on the territory of the NII of Skliffosovsky - one of the most important hospitals of the country - and from all sides is closed with hospitals ...

Ascension Church of Sklifosovsky Research Institute: History

In general, if we talk about the temple of the Ascension at the Sklifosovsky Hospital, then you need to note two points:

1. On the territory of the hospital there is another one - the "main" temple - Troitsky, and it is he who is associated with the "temple at Squil" in the first place. It is larger and was built before. Although, in contrast to the Ascension Church, it is formally, since it is located in one of the buildings - the fact that with colonnade:

2. Once the Ascension Church was not a temple, but he was just a hospital - that is, there was no altar and liturgies could not serve in it.

Similar fate, by the way, was at the temple at. With the only difference that there the chapel was so small initially, in order to arrange an altar, it had to be done. And the Ascension Chapel from the very beginning was the same size as now:

It was built in 1882. Immediately after the revolution was closed. She was rebuilt into the usual case. The second floor was prescribed. In the building, first posted the School, and then from 1979 to 1990 - the personnel department:

In the early 2008, the temple of the Ascension with the Research Institute of Skilifosovsky was consecrated and liturgies began to serve in it. Before this, he returned the initial look.

Opposite the temple is a platform for a medical helicopter:

Entrance to the temple on the other hand:

Side: a large hospital park, where patients sometimes stroll:

Silent hospital territory:

The trees can see a gigantic main building that was built in Soviet times:

Temple with the Research Institute of Sklifosovsky: how to get there and timetable for worship

The Sklifosovsky Hospital is located next to the metro station "Prospect Mira" and "Sukharevskaya". Strictly speaking - between them.

The passage to the inner territory and the park, where the temple of the Resurrection is located, both from the prospectus of the world (he "hidden" between the houses) and from the Garden Ring, if you pass a couple of minutes from the Suharevskaya station - in this case, the reference should Become a huge picturesque body with columns. Entrance to the territory - immediately behind it.

Services in the territory of the Research Institutes are held in both temples. Moreover, "the main one", as we said, is a larger, Trinity temple (Sunday liturgy serves there), and in the Ascension Church, the service takes place, as a rule, in some one of the weekdays.

The most relevant schedule can be viewed at the Research Institute of Sklifosovsky.

Both temples are open every day.