Virtual cemetery. Mogiles of celebrities

Virtual cemetery. Mogiles of celebrities
Virtual cemetery. Mogiles of celebrities

Novodevichi cemetery in Moscow is known to not less than the Kremlin, this is the burial place of the dead. The territory of the Earth at seven and a half hectares is a whole story of the Russian people.

History of origin

Novodevichiy cemetery arose next to the monastery of the monastery in 1898, which is located on the peninsula in Luzhniki. The monastery was founded by Prince Vasily III and devoted to the liberation of Smolensk from the Lithuanian invasion.

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the monastery. According to one of them, it happened from the field on which it is located. Once a long time ago, Tatars were selected for themselves Russian girls to another version binds the name of the monastery from his first nun - Elena Girl.

Anyway, this place is a rich story: the monastery was not burning more than once, nomaded from hand to hand, was used as a laundry, a gym, kindergarten.

Next to the monastery was founded a cemetery for resting nuns. One of the first is buried by the author of the Novodevichy Monastery - N. E. Efimov.

Long grave period in this place was a bit. However, over time, Novodevichi cemetery became one of the expensive and elite sites of the burial. The graves of celebrities of state and cultural and historical levels are there at every step.

Who was buried on the Novodevichy Cemetery?

People from higher circles found their last shelter under Novodevichy Monastery. These were state figures - military leaders and ministers, artists and sculptors, poets and writers, academicians and scientists. The person buried at the Novodevichy cemetery is known to many. This (poetess), V. Bryusov (Dramaturgorg), A. Chekhov and N. Chukovsky (writers), artists and sculptors A. Bubnov, N. Zhukov, V. Svarog, V. Shestakov. Many here are relatives of famous politicians - Wives Stalin, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Dzerzhinsky.

Cheap, especially free seats on Novodevichy cemetery. It was and remains one of the rich and comfortable places of burial. In this regard, the graves were repeatedly subjected to abuse and vandalism. After the revolution, in 1917-1920, most of the tombstones, crosses, sculptures and fences were destroyed or exported.

History of Russia in burials

After the October Revolution, Novodevichi cemetery was decided to make the burial site of "persons with public situation." In 1930, Mogily N. V. Gogol, D. V. Venevitinova, S. T. Aksakova, I. I. Levitan, M. N. Yermolova and other public figures were postponed to Novodevichi cemetery. Celebrity graves here occupy the main place.

Georially polisher consists of three parts: the old cemetery (1-4th plots), the new (5-8th) and the newest cemetery (9-11st). For its history, it expanded three times. They rest in the necropolis about 26,000 people.

Many historical personalities are buried on the old site. Among them - M. Bulgakov and his wife, A. N. Tolstoy, V. V. Mayakovsky, I. A. Ilf, S. Ya. Marshak, V. M. Shukshin, V. I. Vernadsky, P. P. Kashchenko, A.I. Abrikosov, I. M. Sechenov, L. M. Kaganovich, V. M. Molotov, V. S. Chernomyrdin, N. S. Allyluweva (the second wife of Stalin) and many others.

The "new" territory of the cemetery is Columbarium for urns with the ashes, which has about 7,000 urns. There is a dust of writers of A. Twardovsky and S. Mikhalkov, Avia Burst, A. N. Tupolev, the grave of the great actor of all times and peoples - Yuri Nikulina. B. Yeltsin and N. Khrushchev are resting in these places.

The "newest" plot is the burial of the figures of Russian culture, among which - E. Leonov, L. Gurchenko, M. Ulyanov, N. Kryuchkov, S. Bondarchuk, A. Shnitka and hundreds of other persons.

Novodevichie Cemetery - Tourism Destination

Novodevichi cemetery in Moscow is among the ten most beautiful and unique burials of the world. It is the cultural and memorial property of Russia, as well as included in the Heritage List of UNESCO.

It is not surprising that this burial place is located in the list of many tourist companies in Moscow. After all, besides the graves of celebrities, Novodevichi cemetery is filled with the works of the most famous sculptors and architects. The gravestone monuments of the Novodevichy Cemetery were performed by creators such as M. Alikushin, E. Vuchethich, S. Konyenkov, V. Mukhina, N. Tomsky, Schultz. Works are made in the Novorusky style, neoclassicism and modern is also used.

Novodevichi Cemetery in Moscow: Secrets and Mystic

Land of the Novodevichy Cemetery for all his history absiled a lot of human tears and grief. And let it sound a paradoxically, but many women gave healing and hope. Perhaps, all because his fate, like the fate of the monastery, largely determined the feminine start. There are many female individuals who have been deeply unhappy during life. They loved and suffered, believed and hoped, but did not gain happiness. Now "the sufferings" are in the best world, and their energy is capable of treating and healing. She helps to find women's happiness - to meet your destiny, get married, give birth to a long-awaited child ...

Not one eyewitness argues that while strange silhouettes and shadows were seen during walks in the burial places. Perhaps this is Hegumen of the Girl, who for centuries protects these lands. Maybe this Stalin grieves on the grave of his wife. Or maybe Gogol seeks those who abused his grave? It is rumored that when the writer was reburied, his body lay on her side and without a head. According to one of the versions, the head kidnapped an unknown collector.

The most visited monument at the Novodevichy Cemetery

Many famous people rest at the Novodevichy Cemetery. However, not all tourists attract such dark places. This graveyard is an exception. Those who wish to visit the burial places of great cultural and political figures - hundreds.

Moscow Novodevichsky cemetery is known far beyond the capital. In this shelter of the deceased, the remains of the great figures of science, culture and art, prominent politicians rest.

The territory of the cemetery is huge - as many as 7 and a half hectares. She continues to grow. It all began with a modest burial at, founded in the XVI century. Prince Vasily III. The first time here was buried by the died in the monastery. The monastery gave the name of the cemetery. The name of the sireless place happened, according to the legend, from the girl's field, on which Tatars in the older times were selected for themselves Russian beauties.

Before the October Revolution and the Decade after it, nuns and ordinary Muscovites were buried at Novodevichy. It became privileged in the late 20s. The last century, when the government decided that only people who occupied a prominent public situation will be resting. On this land found the eternal peace of writers V. Mayakovsky, V. Bryusov, A. Chekhov, A. Tvardovsky, B. Akhmadullina, V. Shukshin and many others; Political figures - V. Chernomyrdin, A. Gromyko, B. Yeltsin, a spouse M. Gorbacheva Raisa Maksimovna; Artists - I. Levitan, V. Serov; Actors and directors - S. Bondarchuk, E. Evstigneev. There is a special "Mkatovskaya Alley" in the cemetery.

The territory of the eternal rest of the prominent people of Russia is divided into the old, new and newest cemeteries. There is a special bureau where you can order an excursion. The "Cemetery Guide" will show the most famous graves, will tell about interesting facts associated with the life and death of our wonderful compatriots.

So, during the excursion, you can find out that Vasily Shukshin is buried on a "privileged" cemetery against the will of the mother who wanted to be delivered to the homeland of the Son to Siberia.

Curious and rather unexpected story about the wife of Stalin Nadezhda Allyluve. It turns out that the inflexible "leader of the peoples", who accused her in betrayal at the coffin of his wife (the hope committed suicide for unknown reasons), often came here secretly at night and saddled her grave.

The most mysterious story of the Novodevichy is associated with the name of Gogol. When they opened his grave, it was discovered that the coffin had damage from the inside, and the head was absent at the corpse. They say, a great writer was not in vain that he was buried alive ... scientists no longer the first decade denied these legends and speculation, but they are still alive in the people.

Novodevichi cemetery became known thanks to architectural monuments. Many tombstones are real works of art, the creation of ingenious sculptors. This last shelter of many famous people of Russia is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Silence and pacification reign here everywhere. In this land are those who worked our story, whose names are recorded in school textbooks. As if we treat them, their memory is worthy of our respect. The world and peace of their dust ...

In the last series, we made a sightseeing tour of cemetery per lashine. In this part, I suggest look at the graves of some famous people who have seen peace on its territory.

Monument Mochny (Monument Aux Morts.), next to which buried Adolf Thier (Adolphe Thiers.), Multiple Prime Minister of France, as well as the President of the country from 1871 to 1873.

Monument Alfred de Mussse (Alfred de Musset.), French poet and playwright, writing "Lorentzacho", "Caprice", "not joking with love." His epitaph reads:

My friends! When I die,
Try the IVA.
Sad look I love her
With a downgrade, pale foliage;
And, above the grave quietly dorm,
Naughty shadow
She will not argue that land,
Where the eternal waiting for me to rest.

(Per. S. A. Andreevsky)

Monument to one of the "bison" of French literature - Onor de Balzac (Honoré de Balzac), known works such as "Shagreen Skin", "Father Gorio", "Colonel Shabra", "Eugene Grande" ...

The root of the "human comedy", a multi-volume work, which united many novels and Novels Balzak, in order to draw up a picture of the morals of the French people.

Sarcophag of French painter Ezhen Delacroa (Eugène Delacroix.). His most famous paintings - "Freedom, the leading people", "death of Sardanapal", "Massania in Chios". By the way, in the background there is still a Balzac.

Tombstone Marseille Prut (Marcel Proust.), one of the most significant French writers of the 20th century. His main work is the cycle of novels "in search of lost time", is distinguished by its incredible sizes. In addition, the long and suitable phrases in France are sometimes called "prudeski", since the writer very much loved to use them and always triggered to the end, at all without losing the thread of the story, although the reader from time to time was simply obliged to stay at halfdraw At least some meaning in the literary devils, and sometimes he returned to the beginning of the paragraph, mentally the author's proclon, which ... In general, I think you understood.

Mogila Hyoma Apolliner (Guillaume Apollinaire.), the French poet of Polish origin, who worked in the style of avant-garde and surrealism. At the front, he was injured in his head, and two years later, after that he died from the epidemic of the Spanish flu.

Grave of a film actor and a pop singer Iva Montana (Yves Montand.) And his spouse Simon Signore. During the shooting of his last film, "IP-5", Montan redeemed in a cold lake and earned a heart attack. He was 70 years old. It's amazing that the character he played in the film, according to the script, was supposed to die from a heart attack. Right like a Moliere who felt bad on the representation of the "imaginary patient" and later died.

By the way O. Molherers.. The most famous French playwright (Molière) is also buried in Per Leshas. Its real name - Jean Batist Plente ( Jean Baptiste Poquelin.). Moliere is the creator of the classic comedy: "Tartuf", "miser", "Misanthrop", etc.

Neighbor Moliere in the cemetery is Jean de Lafondten (Jean De La Fontaine), Famous Basinist, Contemporary Moliere. Ivan Andreyevich Krylov began his way of the Basinista with the transfers of Basen Lafontaine.

Some celebrity graves can be easily found if you navigate the clusters of people. So it was a matter of grave Edith Piaf.

The famous French singer was born in Paris, her real name - Edith Giovanna Gasij ( Edith Giovanna Gassion.). Edith Piaf songs knows, probably, the whole world is "Milord", "Hymn of Love," "No, I don't regret anything," "Life in pink", etc.

Neighbor Edith Piaf in Cemetery, Henri Salvador (Henri Salvador) - The singer of the French Guiana. For 70 years, Henri's career performed a huge number of songs well known to several generations. He died quite recently, in 2008, and until the death appeared on stage.

We will distract for a while from celebrities to take a look at the Russian presence in the pen lashiness cemetery. Cyrillic alphabet in some places: for example, on the monument in honor of the joint efforts of Russian and French partisans in World War II.

In Columbaria, you can find traces of Russian immigrants.

The dust of the Russian princess in one of Nish Columbaria. The nameplate looks in an old one, although the dates are quite modern.

After this small pause, we will return to the two main celebrities feathers. The first one is Jim Morrison (Jim Morrison.), vocalist and group leader The Doors.. This legendary frontman died in Paris in 1971, or from overdose of drugs, or something else. One way or another, the grave became the place of pilgrimage for many fans of Jim. His epitaph reads: "He was faithful to his demons."

The grave is quite uncomfortable - in the photo it is in depth, in front of a person with a camera. You can only come to the right or left. Apparently, cemetery workers did not expect such a popularity of Morrison.

Second cemetery cemetery - Oscar Wilde (Oscar Wilde.), Irish writer and founder of aesthetism. In my Georgian Dublin, visiting the place where Wilde was born, I promised that I was on his grave. This led me to the Cemetery of Per Lashez.

Honestly, I did not particularly like the monument, but judging by the many traces of kisses, I stayed in a minority. Initially, Wilde was buried at the Cimetière de Bagneux cemetery near Paris, but after 10 years they were reburied on Per Leshas.

Women consider their duty to leave a lip imprint on a pink stone.

Men are limited to inscriptions. "You are one of the few reasons for my pride for his Irish origin."

"Life imitates art much more than art - life."

That's all this time!

Cemetery per lashine:

Part two. Celebrity graves.

Talking to interlocutors about visiting the cemetery as an attractions, very often you see surprise and alertness in our eyes. How instead of the magnificent estates, museums and art galleries, you wandered among the graves and admired the beauty, decoration, admired sculptural compositions?!

Indeed, it does not look like a standard architecture and art monument, but how much can be seen and find out, being on well-known cemeteries! Almost every large city has its own famous burial sites where tourists flow and where excursions are held. And those who want enough!

Novodevichi cemetery

We propose to take a walk along the two most famous and significant cemeteries of Moscow - Novodevichy and Vagankovsky. The great minds of our Fatherland, the Heroes of the Second World War, state figures, writers, poets, composers, actors, directories, singers, athletes - all these people left the eternal trace in Russian and world history. Over the large number of monuments worked our famous sculptors, artists and architects: M. Alinishin, E. Vuchethich, S. Konenkov, V. Mukhina, N. Tomskiy, Schultz, many of them also found their last refuge on these cemeteries. Some tombstones are stored amazing stories, secrets and assumptions that remained unexplored (we recommend honoring the versions about the reburial of N.V. Gogol, and also to find out where the stone was taken from MA Bulgakov. - Ed. Ed.).

Cemetery Vagankovsky

Despite the cold and rainy summer, we managed to take advantage of several sunny days and capture our walk in photos. Although it is worth noting that the cloudy and gloomy sky gives the mystery and mysticality, which, of course, changes the overall mood and impression of the place. It all depends on the visitor, from what emotions want to get into a certain life period. There is something to think about, and silence and the feeling of how time it stopped around, help clarify thoughts and distraction from everyday worries.

Novodevichi cemetery

Novodevichi cemetery is considered the main Moscow Necropolia. In Soviet times, it became the second largest burial site after the Kremlin Wall. The cemetery is located in the southwestern part of the city, in Khamovnikh, in the territory adjacent to the Novodevichy Monastery (Metro Station "Sports").

The first burials appeared in the XVII century in the territory of the Novodevichy Monastery. By the 20th century, there was practically no free space, and then the earth was allocated for the southern wall of the monastery. The official date of opening of this part is 1904. At the moment, the cemetery takes more than 7.5 hectares, consists of 4 territories where 26,000 people are buried.

The territory of the Novodevichy Monastery is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is one of the most beautiful world grave places, deservedly enters the 10 best.

Monument on the grave of the pop singer, folk artist of the USSR Lyudmila Zykina. The monument was completed by the people's artist of Russia, Armenian sculptor by Friedrich Sgorich

Monument on the grave of the artist of the circus, film actor, TV presenter, director of the circus on color boulevard Yuri Nikulina

Monument on the grave of the Great Russian Writer Anton Chekhov. Made in the style of Modern on the project of the artist L. M. Brailovsky

Monument on the grave of the artist and a landscapeist Isaac Levitan

From left to right: Monument on the grave of an outstanding architect, representative of romantic symbolism and constructivism Ilya Vokova; Monument on the grave of the writer, academician, graph Alexey Tolstoy

Monument on the Grave of the Great Writer Mikhail Bulgakov."Calvary" from the Black Sea granite was previously stood on the grave of N. V. Gogol, at the cemetery of St. Danilov Monastery, and then when reburied the remains of the writer, the stone was sent to the cemetery workshop. In the early 1950s, Golgotha \u200b\u200bdiscovered and bought E. S. Bulgakov to establish her husband on the grave. It is worth noting that M. A. Bulgakov was a passionate fan of the talent of N. V. Gogol

Monument on the grave of the founder of children's literature Samuel Marshaka. Sculptor N. B. Nikogosyan. The monument is located in the family memorial Marshakov

Monument on the grave of a talented teacher with a world-famous, public figure and writer Anton Makarenko.The monument is made by the sculptor Vladimir Tsigall and the architect V. Kalinin

Monument on the grave of the greatest composer of the twentieth century, pianist, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR Dmitry Shostakovich

Monument on the grave of the violinist-virtuoso, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR Leonid Kogan. The monument is made by the sculptor Yuri Orekhov in the stylistics of geometric abstractionism

Monument on the grave of the composer and the conductor Isaac Dunaevsky.The monument was completed by the graduate school of the art university P. Melnikova and the architect L. Polyakov

Monument on the grave of the Russian writer, playwright and criticism Nikolai Gogol. Initially, the writer was buried at the cemetery of Holy Danilov Monastery in Moscow, in 1931 the polls were eliminated, and the remains of the writer were reburied at the Novodevichy cemetery. The bronze cross from the grave was lost, and Golgotha \u200b\u200bwas removed. The legend says that this tombstone was brought from Crimea by Konstantin Aksakov specifically for Gogol. In 1952, a monument was opened on the grave with a bust N. V. Gogol on the pedestal, who performed the sculptor N. V. Tomsky. And by the 200-year anniversary, from the birth of the writer, the authorities tried to return the grave in the original appearance.

Monument on the grave of the Russian and Soviet actor, director of theater and cinema, laureate of four Stalinist premiums Konstantina Zubov

Monument on the grave of the poet, playwright, one of the most striking representatives of the Soviet literature and the avant-garde art of the beginning of the twentieth century - Vladimir Mayakovsky.The poet was cremated, the urn with the rush was kept in the closed Columbaria of the Don Cemetery, and in 1952 he was postponed to the territory of the Novodevichy Cemetery. Posmotnik was carried out by the Soviet sculptor Alexander Kibalnikov

Monument on the grave of the Soviet aircraft designer Semen Lavochkinaspecializing in creating fighters. Family grave

Monument on the grave of the actor, film director, writer and screenwriter Vasily Shukshina

Monument on the grave of the aircraft designer, the founder of the Soviet school of aircraft construction, "king of fighters" Nikolai Polcarpova

Monument on the grave of the Russian revolutionary, the Soviet state and party leader Anastas Mikoyana

Monument on the grave of the Soviet military leader, Marshal armored troops (1944), Deputy Commissar of the Defense of the USSR Yakova Fedorenko

Monument on the grave of a large scientist, the Great Military Surgeon Nikolai Burdenko.Right buried wife and son

Monument on the grave of the writer, poetess and filmcearist Agnia Barto. Family Memorial

Monument on the grave of the famous pianist-virtuoso, conductor, founder of the Moscow Conservatory Nikolai Rubinstein

Monument on the grave of the composer and pianist Alexandra Scriabin. The work of the sculptor E. A. Rudakova

Monument on the grave of the poet, Prosaika, artist, architect Andrei Voznesensky.Family Memorial. The monument for the grave of Mother Voznesensky designed together with Zurab Tsereteli.

Monument on the grave of the actor and director of the puppet theater, an outstanding theatrical figure, the People's Artist of the USSR Sergey Obrazozova

Monument on the grave of the famous actress, pop singers, beloved actress of many generations of Russians Lyudmila Gurchenko. The monument is made by sculptors Yuri Khorovsky and Yuri Shabelnikov

Monument on the singer's grave with a rare tempo (lyrical soprano), a famous actress of operetta, folk artist of the USSR Tatyana Schmygi.The work of sculptors Daria Assumption and Vitaly Shanov

Monument on the grave of popular film actresses Clara Lights. The work of sculptors Daria Assumption and Vitaly Shanov

Monument on the grave of the greatest opera singer with world glory Fedor Shalyapina. The basis of the monument was taken picture of Konstantin Korovin "Portrait of F. I. Shalyapin".

Monument on the grave of an outstanding scientist-physics, doctors of science, professor, owner of the Nobel Prize Vitaly Ginzburg

Monument on the grave of the famous actor of the theater and cinema, the People's Artist of the USSR, the owner of the State Prize Evgenia Evstigneeva

Monument on the grave of the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev. The work of the famous sculptor Ernst Unknown

Monument on the grave of the aircraft designer, academician, Colonel-General of Engineering Troops, Laureate of the Lenin and Five State Prizes of the USSR Andrei Tupolev. The monument is made by the sculptor of Taidze and architect Ya Belopolsky

Monument on the grave of the Russian statesman, the first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin

Monument on the grave of the Soviet painter, teacher, doctor of art history (1956), professor, directors of MGHHI. V. I. Surikova (1943-1948), First Secretary of the Board of the Union of Artists of the USSR (1958-1964) Sergey Gerasimov

Cemetery Vagankovsky

Vagankovsky cemetery is a monument of Russian cultural heritage. The official year of foundation is 1771 - the epidemic time of the plague, which accompanied the Russian-Turkish war. From the plague rebellion suffered both the Turkish army and Russian. By order of Empress, Catherine II of the dead from the plague could not be buried within the city, thus, the lands near the village of Vagankov were given to the mass burial of ordinary Muscovites. The cemetery was filled with the graves of unknown people from slums, poor peasants and minor officials up to the XIX century - before the emergence of the first burials of outstanding personalities.

The territory of the Vagankovsky cemetery is more than 100 thousand burials related to the tragic events of our history. Here are the fraternal graves of the fallen in the Borodino battle (1812); Monuments to the victims of the Khodanskaya zeal (1896) and Stalinist repressions (1930); The graves of the defenders of Moscow (1941) and the victims of the Augustist Pulk (1991) also on Vagankovsky were buried in the terrorist attack on Dubrovka (2002).

The temple of the spelling of the word, was laid on the site of the wooden church of St. John of Milosive (1773) on the project of architect A. G. Grigoriev in 1824

Monument on the grave of the Russian poet Sergey Yesenin.Performed by sculptor Anatoly Bichukov

Monument on the grave of the Soviet and Russian actor of theater and cinema, film director, honored artist of the RSFSR (1986), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1991) Alexandra Abdulov

Monument on the grave of the Soviet and Russian poet, bard, prose and scenario, composer Bulat Okudzhava. Work sculptor George Frangulaan

Monument on the grave of the Soviet actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR Sergey Yakovlev. Memorial made by the sculptor Vladimir Europeans

From left to right: monument on the grave of the writer, poet and playwright Vasily Aksenova; Monument on the grave of the famous pop artist, actor Zinovia Vysokovsky

Monument on the grave of the legendary goalkeeper, the persons of the Soviet football, the player of the Moscow Dynamo and the USSR national team Lion Yashin

Monument on the grave of the actor theater and cinema, one of the most recognizable Soviet artists Mikhail Pugovkin

Monument on the grave of the Soviet rock musician, the author and artist songs with a pronounced civil position Igor Talkova

Monument on the grave of the Russian architect Peter Skomoroshenko. Family burial, cultural heritage object

Monument on the grave of the Russian Movie Artist, the author of the landscape "Graci flew" Alexey Savrasova

Monument on the grave of architect-modernist, painter who made an invaluable contribution to Russian architecture, Fedor Shechor.. Family burial, memorial project Architect performed personally after life

Monument on the grave of the famous Soviet Bard, theater actor and cinema Vladimir Vysotsky. The work of the sculptor Alexander Mukhvishnikova

Monument on the grave of an outstanding opera and pop singer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater (since 1975) Yury Glyaeva

Monument on the grave of the inventor, a rocket technician, a hero of socialist labor Nikolai Tikhomirova (cover name, real name - Slears Nikolay Viktorovich)

Monument on the grave of the Soviet actor theater and cinema, artist of the pop, the people's artist of the RSFSR Andrei Mironova. Buried next to the mother

If you like our little excursion, then drop all the prejudices and boldly go to the path in order to see the famous cemeteries with your own eyes. Especially in the photo you see far from all the monuments, but only a personal presence will help the atmosphere of these places!

Accidentally closed to the site "Virtual Cemetery. Celebrity graves. There is nothing new - there are no necropolis and floats in In-those for a long time ago, there are even necropolis for their loved ones, relatives and acquaintances, there are even necropolis for pets - loved ones, but died dogs, cats, birds ...

The organizer of this site launched a project dedicated to domestic celebrities, and began to replenish the bank at the expense of sent materials.

I downloaded a dozen photographs of writing graves ...

Among them

Podigov Dmitry Aleksandrovich (1940-2007)

Like all in this fanfaron-talentless infantal-avant-garde party, a message about the funeral of D.A. Prigov on the edges. Their begins with lies.

Clowns and clowns, chemmers and zhemuntes (so?), Graphoman and graphomans, the inhabitants of frightly swollen from money and tears of the territory in the middle of a ruined country, limited by MKAD, members of the "avant-garde" nomenclature party - Sorokin, Erofeev, Rubinstein, Boris Dubin, and others.

As if writers, as it were, poems and prose came, as it were, the funeral withdrawing from their own.

But the death of a person and funeral turned out to be real.

The eternal memory of the slave of God Dimitry! ..

The text on the page of D.A.Prigov ends with information from the series "It's interesting!":

«… D. Prigov became the first dead in the last 80 years, who was buried on the cemetery of the monastery of the coffin to the ground, from 1927, only urns were buried there».

I wonder what Mr. Winker would say about this? ..

Something witty would have said. And the poem would have folded.

(Forgive me, God, sinful).


Some smart boy (girl?) On the website of the "Virtual Cemetery" sketched a certificate of D.A.Prigov:

"... Dmitry Prigov is perceived as a postmodern poet, called the artist, but, on my subjective look, it is the phenomenon, the phenomenon of" party culture ", the myth, created by not even them. Everything that Dmitry Vozigi did, there was a game, performances, and his texts, paintings, only tools of "culture-like pulp". In my opinion, all this was funny, curious, but there was nothing to do with art, although perhaps someone his creativity helped.
Died D.A. Wesigs on July 16, 2007, buried in Moscow, at the Don Cemetery (3 uch.). The funeral took place on July 20, 2007.

Graves of writers from the "Virtual Cemetery" of celebrity graves:

Platonov Andrei Platonovich (1899-1951)
Locked by A.P. Platonov January 5, 1951, was buried in Moscow at the Armenian cemetery (3 studies).

Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich (1799-1837)

burodelen A.S. Pushkin in the Svyatogorsk Monastery (now the village of Pushkin Mountains of the Pskov region).

Akhmatova (Gorenko) Anna Andreevna (1889-1966)

Dal Vladimir Ivanovich (1801-1872)

22.9 (4.10) .1872 was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery

Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich (1814-1841)
Killed on duels at the foot of Mashuk Mount, near Pyatigorsk; He was buried in the village of Tarkhan Penza region.

Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1768-1844)

Died I.A. The wings on November 9, 1844, was buried in St. Petersburg at Tikhvinsky CL. Alexander Nevsky Lavra (necropolis of art masters).

Derzhavin Gavril Romanovich (1743-1816)

G. R. Dervin 8 (20) of July 1816, the grave of the poet in the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the Varlaamo Khutyn Monastery (Veliky Novgorod).

Venevitinov Dmitry Vladimirovich (1805-1827)

Died D.V. Venevitinov on March 15, 1827, was buried in Moscow at the cemetery of Simonov Monastery. In 1930, the remains of the poet were postponed to Novodevichi cemetery (2 uch. 13 series).

Block Alexander Aleksandrovich (1880-1921)

Initially, he was buried at the Smolensk cemetery, but in 1944, the poet was moved to the literal view of the Volkovsky cemetery.

Chekhov Anton Pavlovich (1860-1904)

A. P. Chekhov died 2 (15) July 1904, in the city of Badenweiler, Germany; buried in Moscow at Novodevichy Cemetery

Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich (1821-1881)

Buried F.M. Dostoevsky at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (Necropolis of Masters of Arts), St. Petersburg.

Tolstoy Lion Nikolaevich (1828-1910)

He was buried in the Casual Polyana (now Shchekinsky district of the Tula region), but not in the cemetery, and in the forest is the old order, in the ravine, where in childhood he was looking for a magic green wand and justice.

Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna (1892-1941)

I just say that the exact location of her grave in the cemetery in Elabuga (Petropavlovsk cemetery) is unknown. But in the same side of the cemetery, where it is the lost grave, in place, where in 1960 sister poetess Anastasia Tsvetaeva I installed the cross, in 1970, built a granite tombstone.

Stone M.I.TSvetaeva in Tarusa.

Andreev Leonid Nikolaevich (1871-1919)

L. N. Andreev passed away on September 12, 1919 in the village of Neivala near Mustami (Finland) and was buried at the local cemetery. In 1956, his remains were reburied in Leningrad on the literal view of the Volkovsky cemetery.

Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich (1895-1958)

Nikolay Alekseevich Zabolotsky (1903-1958)

Buried N. Zabolotsky in Moscow at Novodevichy Cemetery

Voloshin (Kiriyenko-Voloshin) Maximilian Alexandrovich (1877-1932)

Died MA Voloshin August 11, 1932 in Koktebel. According to the last will of the poet, he was buried on Kuchuk-Yenishhar's hill, which overlooks the Koktebel bay.

Schwartz Evgeny Lvovich (1896-1958)

Died E.L. Schwartz January 15, 1958. He was buried at the Bogoslovsk Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Shmelev Ivan Sergeevich (1873-1950)

I.S. Schmelev died on June 24, 1950 in the Pokrovsky Monastery in Bussian An-from (France) and was buried at St. Geneviev de Boua cemetery near Paris. On May 30, 2000, on the initiative of the Russian public and with the assistance of the Government of Russia, Prahi I.S. Schmeleva and his spouse was transported to Moscow and reburied in the necropolis of the Don Monastery.

Bric Osip Maksimovich (1888-1945)

Osip Bric died on February 22, 1945. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (Columbarium). On the stove, next to the name O. Brick would be logical to see and name Lily Bric. But it is not there. Prahi Lily Brick according to her will, was dispelled somewhere in the suburbs. On the place set a stone with the inscription "either".

Kamensky Vasily Vasilyevich (1884-1961)

V. Kamensky died in 1961 was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Velikimer Khlebnikov (1885-1922)

At the Novodevichy Cemetery. On the tombstone, a genuine Scythian Baba was installed, brought from the Black Sea steppes.

Hippius Zinaida Nikolaevna (1869-1945)
Merezhkovsky Dmitry Sergeevich (1865-1941)

Buried in one grave at St. Geneviev de Boua cemetery near Paris.

Green (Grinevsky) Alexander Stepanovich (1880-1932)

A.S. died Green July 8, 1932. Buried on the cemetery of the town of Old Crimea (Crimea, Ukraine).

Ilf Ilya Arnoldovich (1897-1937)

Ilya Ilf died on April 13, 1937 from tuberculosis. Buried in Moscow at Novodevichy Cemetery. .

Svienne Mikhail Mikhailovich (1873-1954)

Buried on the introduced cemetery. The author of the monument on the grave Sculptor S.T. Bokonkov.

Paust Konstantin Georgievich (1892-1968)

Died k.g. Paustovsky on July 14, 1968, buried in the cemetery in Tarusa, over the closed bank of the Tarusa River. On the grave, the cross and stone, the black monument is not on the grave, and next to her.

Shalami Varlam (Varlaam) Tikhonovich (1907-1982)

Buried on the Kuntsevsky cemetery (8 uch. Old territory)

Nabokov Vladimir Vladimirovich (1899-1977)

He died and buried in Montreux (Switzerland),

Bianki Vitaly Valentinovich (1894-1959)
Died V.V. Bianks on June 10, 1959, buried in St. Petersburg at the Bogoslovsky cemetery.

BasilMakarovich Shukshin (1929-1974)

Buried in Moscow at Novodevichy Cemetery

Brodsky Joseph Alexandrovich (1940-1996)

He died in New York, in January 1996, according to the will of the poet, he was buried in Venice, in the Protestant part of the cemetery on the island of San Michele.

Rubtsov Nikolai Mikhailovich (1936-1971)

Buried N.M. Rubtsov on the Poshekhonsky cemetery in Vologda.

Trifonov Yuri Valentinovich (1925-1981)

Astafiev Viktor Petrovich (1924-2001)

Efremov Ivan Antonovich (1907-1972)

Died I.A. Efremov in 1972, buried in the cemetery of the village of Komarovo near St. Petersburg.

Erofeev Venedikt Vasilyevich (1938-1990)

Close of Victor Viktorovich (1929-2002)

Died V.V. The end of March 30, 2002 is buried in St. Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery.

Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich (1908-1976)

Drunina Julia Vladimirovna (1925-1991)
Kapler Alexey Yakovlevich (1904-1979)

Buried in the cemetery of the town of Old Crimea (Crimea, Ukraine).

Pikul Valentin Savvich (1928-1990)

Died V.S. Pikul on July 17, 1990 in Riga, buried on the 1st Forest Cemetery (Pyry Massei Kapy), Riga, Latvia

Lipatov Ville Vladimirovich (1927-1979)

B. V. Lipatov in Kuntsevsky cemetery in Moscow

Nagibin Yuri Markovich (1920-1994)

Arbuzov Alexey Nikolaevich (1908-1986)

Beck Tatyana Aleksandrovna (1949-2005)

He was buried next to his father at the Golovinsky Cemetery (6 uch.) In Moscow.

Iskrenko Nina Yurevna (1951-1995)

Died in 1995, buried in Moscow in the Khovan Cemetery

KHAVOSENKO Alexey Lvovich (1940-2004)

Chuev Felix Ivanovich (1941-1999)

"Hero of Socialist Labor", buried in Moscow at the Troekhrovsky cemetery.

Website"Virtual cemetery. Celebrity graves »here