What is the most famous name in the world. The most common female name is Sonan

What is the most famous name in the world. The most common female name is Sonan
What is the most famous name in the world. The most common female name is Sonan

The choice of a name for a newborn baby sometimes becomes a complex test for parents.

If many women can choose a few most pleasant rumor or meaningful names, then during pregnancy often it is necessary to "replay" right on the go: or the name of the future kid is badly combined with the patronymic and the surname, or the sex of the child on the ultrasound was not at all What parents were expected - a variety of factors can affect the choice.

Not last place among them and fashion. IN different epochs There are hearing different names. For example, in the late 80s, children were called "ordinary" names - Olya, Katya or Natasha for a girl; Seryozha, Zhenya, Andryusha - for the boy. By the beginning of zero, future parents went into all serious, and kindergartens flooded Sofia, fun, Bogdani and Borislav. In Perm, there are even native Lucifer and Voldemar brothers.

Most popular name for boys

Maxim's name does not go out of fashion for many years. With the development of the Internet and the integration of Russia into the world community of parents who choose this name for sons, another argument appeared: the name Maxim easily adapts to most European languages. The same with the names Alexander, Denis or Ivan (Rev. Finding. RF clarifies: Ivan in English will be John, but Eugene - Eugene, do not confuse!).

Slightly comprehensive situation It is not less popular, but poorly translated by the names of Yaroslav, Arseny, Cyril, Artem or Dmitry (Demetrius - the name is a one-sided, but female. For example, the actress Demi Moore is wearing this name). Note, Dmitriev in Russia for last years It began to be born much more than before; Perhaps this is due to the figure of Dmitry Medvedev's policies. Of course, young parents and the name Vladimir are often in honor of Vladimir Putin.

The most beautiful and rare names for boys

And here unusual names The Russian parents give their children do not seek - statistically "strange" names of the boys in Russia is called relatively rarely. If earlier the registers were recorded by such citizens as an angel, a fireman, Summers, and even dumbered, now the original units names.

At the same time, the fashion was returned to the "old" names. So, quite often, the babies are called Bogdaman, Matthews, Zakhara, Timofey, Gleb, Anatoly. Meet more rare names - For example, Thomas, Miron or Luke (justice it is worth noting that the Miron Fedorov, known as Raper Oximiron, received this name when it was not in fashion).

But this is in the regions of Russia, but in the national republics, sons are called Timura, Tagiriram, Arthur and Amirms. A somewhat different situation in the republics of the North Caucasus. For example, in Vladikavkaz, the most common name is Alan, in Makhachkala and Grozny - Magomed, and in Kazan and Ufa - Ruslan.

Most Popular Name for Girls

Fashion on names for girls has changed somewhat. If three dozen years ago, to meet the girl Lisa or Sonya could be infrequently, now it is hardly the most popular names, moreover, fashion keeps about a decade. However, it is not inferior to positions and other sonorous and beautiful names.

Still often girls are called Anastasia's name. This name comes from the Greek "Anastos", translated - resurrected. In an esoteric environment, it is believed that a girl with this name in life will be able to overcome all the burden and achieve any vertices. At the same time, she will have a subtle mental organization. Anastasia is usually gullible. They can become excellent psychologists, artists or educators in kindergarten.

"Strong" names for girls - Irina and Marina. Not so popular in recent years, they still enjoy certain demand among parents who believe in the role of the name for the fate of the child. These names give girls to grow confident and filled internal forces. Anna, Alexander, Maria, Polina, Elena, Daria and Natalia also sign in the list of popular names for girls.

The most beautiful and rare names for girls

Newborn girls, like boys, often give names with a raid of antiquities. Among the sounding archaic for our ear names - for example, Lyubava, Yaromir, Glakhira, Taisiya and others. In addition, Milena and Milan, Eva and Vitaly, Varvara and Kira are popular with popularity.

Fashion on names as time sign

We are in the editorial office to know. RF materialists, and are not sure that the name affects the nature and fate of the person. But with confidence it can be argued that life affects the choice of a particular name. In an example, you can give the first soviet years In Russia, when there were such names such as Octobrine, revolution, Clara or Rosa (in honor of the revolutionary Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxembourg).

Today's trend is difficult to determine, but it is safe to say that children's names have become a field for self-expression of parents. Many kids are called kings, charisma, eros, and even Lenin. And in 2008, seven months appeared in Russia.

At the same time, the trend is scheduled for the last decade in the country - traditional names are returned. If the century ago on the street was full of Alexandrov, Dmitriev, Anastasiy and Mari, then the situation is similar (though, with a noticeable bias in "Russianness").

Conclusions We invite you to do it yourself, but at the same time - read about what kind of names Russian stars choose for their children.
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The name is the first gift that parents make their child. It can be successful and bring joy and happiness throughout life. Sometimes the choice leaves much to be desired, and the grudge child decides to change it by determining the new name at its discretion.

What are the parents guided by doing this act? Someone relies just for the beauty and sound of this or that name, someone calls for help sacred knowledge, striving to "program" a happy fate to "program". Others and at all are guided by fashion trends. One way or another, but there are the most popular names that are more often found.


According to statistics, the most common name in the world is Mohammed. In Arab countries exist old tradition: Call the first son in honor of the great prophet Allah - Mohammed. Interestingly, it remains among the most common not only in Arab countries, but also in traditionally Christian, for example, France or the UK. This serves as an excellent confirmation of the number of Muslims in these states.

It is worth noting that of different nations The traditional version of Mohammed acquires a different sound: Mohammed, Muhammad, Magomet and Magomed, Mehmet and even Maoma, Mom, Momodo and Mamado.

Most popular female names in european countries


Traditional male russian name Ivan today meets quite rarely. Previously, boys with this name were not just a lot. Indirect reason for this - a large number of "Days of Ivan" in church calendar.

But the situation radically changes the number of variations of this name in different peoples. If you take into account numerous John, Sea, Yanov, Janks, Hans, Johansons, Huanov, Johannov, Evanov, Giovanni, Janusha and Jancy ... The total number of such names is more than significant.


Among the women's names of the world leading Maria. This is one of the most revered in the Christianity of the names, because it was wing in the Virgin - the mother of Jesus. Also in the Bible there are many saints with this name, for example, Maria Magdalena. It is not surprising that in the church calendar there are more than two dozen name.

There are many derived from it in different languages: Mary, Marie, Mariam, Miriam, Maryam and so on.


Another female name With Jewish-biblical origin. It is popular in all countries of the world, but few knows that there is a male version of this name - Khanan. She is found in the Bible, but in real life So children are called rarely.

Anna is the same many-part name as Maria. In different nations, it acquires such forms: Hannah, Ganna, Ann, Annie, Nana, Annia, Ana and so on.

Most Popular Male Names in European Countries

Alexander / Alexandra

it ancient Greek Name Translated means "defender of people", it is not surprising that many mothers choose him for their sons. This is one of the most popular male names in Russia for centuries. He was worn by kings and simple peopleAnd in recent years it is constantly among the top ten most popular. Even more increases the number of his carriers steaming female form - Alexander.

In other countries, you can meet your Alexandrov: Alex, Iskander, Alastar, Les, Alejandro, Alec, Sandr, Ales and so on.


This is popular child name Also has deep roots leaving biblical and ancient greek times. It is believed that it is translated into Russian "Clean, Immative", but not all researchers agree with this.

The antiquity of the name led to the fact that in each language there was its own form: Kate, Katerina, Katharina, Catalina, Catherine, Katie.

The most popular names of the world


In recent years, they adopted a new name - Sofia. It also has biblical origin, and the history of his entry is quite interesting. A story about the early Christian martyrs faith, hope, love and their mothers of Sofia are known. Interestingly, only the name of the mother, which in translated means "wisdom" remains untranslated.

Most of the "reflections" of this name, one way or another, similar to the original: Sophia, Sofya, Sofa, the Bloody, Geof, Joca, Zofa, and so on. They are especially popular in the year of the snake - the symbol of wisdom.


it male name Not considered too popular, especially in Russia, but in lately It is confident in the top ten popular. The peak of prevalence fell at pre-revolutionary times, after which it was less common. But now on the background of interest in the old days, it meets more and more.

IN different nations There are several different versions of this name: Mikael, Michael, Mika, Miguel, Michelle, Mikhl, Mikham and so on.


Now to this beautiful greek name Returns its popularity. In Russia, it is still more commonly called newborn girls, and in some people there is still a male variety - Anastas.

Exists english name Stacy, which comes from him, as well as an anastheist, anasthesis, Tasha and so on.


In the territory of the post-Soviet space Alekseev and Lesh a lot, given just great amount His name is in the calendar, as well as the number of famous media of this name. In other countries, they are also quite a lot, it is only not always possible to determine, from which name such variations occur as Alex. Therefore, the potential number of carriers of this name is very large.

This is only a common selection, in fact, in each country there are their trendy and popular names of children. In addition, the frequency changes every year, and the name is not too common at the same time can become widespread in a few years.

There are a lot of names in the world. Their quantity is calculated, without any exaggeration, hundreds of thousands. Therefore, to calculate among them the most common name is extremely difficult, but most likely, and at all is an unrealistic task. Nevertheless, we can talk about certain trends in this area. Based on them and on these preliminary statistics, in this article we will list the most common options.

Name John

This is ancient European adverb, without a doubt, if not the most common male name, then at least comes in the first ten. Thanks to the Jewish scattering and global christianization of the world, this name can be found absolutely in all parts of the world, albeit in various forms. In addition, it is included in the top names of all continents, John, or Ivan, is the most common name in Russia. At least it was before, so even in itself it became a symbol of Russian national IdentityAs Smith in the US or Fritz - in Germany. It sounded as "Ihoan". And they translate it as "grace yahwe". The national variants of this name are distinguished by the flavor and a huge variety of forms. For example, in Germany it is known as Hans or Like Johan. In Italy, he is pronounced Giovanni. John and Evon are English options. Jean - French derivative, very popular also in Switzerland. Its options are available in almost every language, with the exception of the languages \u200b\u200bof the smallest peoples, such as American Indians.

Name Mohammed.

Rapid Islamization observed in recent decadesHe led to the widest distribution of traditional Islamic, mostly Arab and Persian names. The palm of championship in this respect occupies, probably, the most honorable one is the name belonging to the Prophet-founder of Islam - Muhammad. Not only that it is one of the most popular in the world, not only in Islamic regions, this is also the most common name in the UK. And this is despite the fact that traditions english culture Extremely distant OT. arab East. It is extremely popular in Belgium, as well as in the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway. In general, according to some preliminary data, about a hundred and fifty million men who bear the name Muhammed live in the world. Therefore, if we talk about what name in the world is most popular, then Mohammed will be the first contender for this place.

Name Anna

Another name from the Jewish Onomasticon is Anna. Today, on the basis of a number of linguistic studies, it is officially believed that this is the most common female name in the world. Translated into Russian, it means "grace" or "mercy". And as in the case of John, this is if not the most common female name in Russia, then definitely topic. With your peculiarities, it is present in all major languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Moreover, it changes from the language to the tongue. This adherence is not so strong. For example, the traditional "Anna" can intensify and turn into Khan and further to Gann. And maybe reduced to Ani, Ann or take a more elegant shape, like Anita or Anuta. It is often quite common among the Chinese and Japanese population. Of course, it is written and pronounced with the specifics inherent in these languages. There is even a male form of this name. It is most common in India. Although in its indigenous form, Anna was used in ancient Israel as simultaneously male and female. For example, the Jewish high priest named Anna is mentioned in the Bible. There are about hundreds of millions of women who are named after Anna in various options in the world.

Name Mary

Again the female and again Jewish in origin, the name Maria is also a worthy candidate for the list of the most popular names. The root form sounds like "Maryam". And it translates the word "bitterness", "bitter". Legends include its origin in gray antiquity, Localizing the area of \u200b\u200bEgypt, where the Jews once once, if you believe the biblical narration, they were in serious slavery. But there is another hypothesis on this. According to her, the name should be translated as "rejected". You should not remind you that the name of Mary called the mother of Jesus Christ. This circumstance provoked the process of its distribution, so this is perhaps the most common name in the Christian world. Such was, for example, and in tsarist RussiaWhere approximately each fifth woman among the Orthodox population wore this name. True, B. orthodox traditionwhich is characteristic of hypertrophied reverence of the figure of Our Lady (however, as in Catholic), this name is taken to translate the word "Mrs.". To date, its popularity is gaining momentum again, as evidenced by, for example, the number of regulations. One way or another, but in Russia it enters the top three leaders. And in the world, if we take into account all its various forms and derivatives (Mary, Margaret, and so on), it is among the top ten most.


The only name of Greek origin on our list is Alexander. It is also owned by Christianity. In a number of European countries, for example, in Sweden and Ukraine, this is today the most common name. As with all others, he has various derivatives - Alejandro, Sandro, Iskander, Alex, Oles and many others.

The fate of a person depends on behalf of the fate. In the people they say "how to call the ship - so he sails." To the choice of the child name you need to approach with all seriousness, because the fate of the child depends on this. Our ancestors knew about sacred meaning Words, names, so tried to avoid foreign names. The person's name can give it to those or other devices, the fate of a person depends largely on his behalf. There are often cases when a person has radically changed the flow of his life, simply changing the name.

The most common names in the world included both European and Arabic names.

One of the most common names is the name Sofia. This name has a Greek origin. For Orthodoxy, this name has great value: Sofia was a mother of love, faith and hope. This name is associated with wisdom. In Russia, the name Sofia was common in aristocratic culture. In Tsarist Russia, Sofia's name was among the twenty of the most popular names, but after the revolution the name lost its popularity. Each name gives its carrier by those or other qualities.

Interpretation of the name

Since childhood, Sophia has an activity and thirst for life. Developed communicative skills help her find mutual language with people. However, the learning of new knowledge is given by the girl hard. The owner of this name is attractive, attracts the opposite sex. Sophia always knows what he wants and how to embody dreams to reality. Thanks to its subtle soulful organization, Sophia is a good psychologist for his friends: she always listens, will give advice and support a friend. Non-conflict character helps her avoid unnecessary disputes. Family for Sofia will always come first.

There are about 10 million women wonderful owners of this name in the world. Anna is a name jewish originwhich is translated as "location", "favor". This name has several variations: Ann, Hannah, Asya, Neta.

Interpretation of the name

The girl named Anna is hardworking, accuracy in everyday life. TO negative traits The owner of this name can be attributed to the gossip. Anna loves to discuss others, participate in the life of other people. But at the same time, a girl with such a name is foul, and it comes out to others.

As a rule, Anna introvert and is experiencing all emotions inside. The girl is capricious and demanding in relationships, however, is able to tolerate all his life next to him drinking man or possessing other critical shortcomings (laziness, waste, drug addiction). The girl will assume that this is her fate and you need to take it. Charity Anna does not know borders. However, rudeness, treason, the carrier of this excellent name will not be able to suffer.

Maria is the name of Hebrew Origin (from the Hebrew "Miriam", which means "Favorite", "desired"). This name is it great importance From a historical and religious point of view: this name was the mother of Jesus Christ. This name has many different variations that were created under the influence of the worship of the Virgin Mary: Regina, Carmel, Mercedes, Guadeloupe, Montserrat, Cumbet, Loret, Assunta. In Western world, a variation of Mary is common. IN muslim world There are variations "Maryam".

Interpretation of the name

Maria distinguishes the hardness of the spirit strong character. She is able to support difficult moment Not only close, but also someone else's people. The heart of the carrier of this name is filled with all-consuming love. Maria hardworking is responsible, so it is appreciated at school, university and at work.

Most of all the owner of this name appreciates freedom, she calmly survive loneliness. Mary throughout life retains curiosity, asks questions and is looking for answers. These qualities contribute to the development of a creative start.

The name "Mukhamed" has arabic origin. This name means "praised", "worthy praise." In total, about 150 million people have this name in this name. The popularity of this name is due primarily to the inseparable communications of this name with Islam. So called the prophet. Interesting is the fact that the name "Muhammed" is the most common among newborns in the UK.

Interpretation of the name

A man with such a name is calm, judged. That was the prophet. The owner of this name has good memoryHigh intellectual abilities. The carrier of this name is achieved by high results in life, because it can focus on the same problem and not distracted by the little things.

The name "Emma" has german origin And means "whole", "universal." According to another version, this name has a Latin origin and translates as "precious." The name is popular in English-speaking countries.

Interpretation of the name

A woman with this name is quite self-critical, for each failure she will scold himself. Emma is independent, decisively and does not recognize authorities, relies only to his opinion. The owner of this name will be not focused on feelings, but to the mind. The family will be for her in the first place.

The name "Ivan" has ancient European origin. There are several variations of this name: Yanush, Hans, Yang, Jean, John, Evan. Interesting the history of the origin of the variation "Evan". This variation appeared as a result of rapprochement Soviet Union With countries Latin America. This variation has become popular in Latin American countries, starting from the second half of the 20th century.

Interpretation of the name

The owner of this name is characterized by activity and volitional character. A hardy character helps him to cope with all life troubles. In the warehouse of character Ivan contradictory. It simultaneously combines cowardice and courage, strength and weakness. This contradiction creates a lot of problems in life. Ivan is not capable of treason, it is very faithful and devoted. It is important for him to create a strong family.


Name has ancient Greek origin and translates as "Defender". There are several variations named after: Alejandro, Shandor, Iskander (in the Arab world). The most famous owner of the name - Alexander Macedonsky, who possessed a noble temper. The story entered as a magnificent warrior and the conqueror.

Interpretation of the name

Alexander is characteristic of confidence, authority. He is stubborn and always reaches the goals, no matter how difficult the goal. The owner of such a name from childhood shows its independence. Media of this name are different developed feeling Debt and devotion to the family.

The name is given to a person once - and for life. Some still decide to change it, but in most cases this gift of parents wear a lifetime. But many people in the world, and names are not very. As a result, often a mod appears in certain periods to or another. Over time, it changes, but some keep in the top of the years. And today we will try to find the most common name, then that meets most often.


Just the Russian name actually has very deep roots. Initially, it appeared in ancient Judea. True, then it sounded not too familiar: Yehoan, which means "Yahweh will be merciful." Such a simple mother wanted to attract good luck to their sons. And what mother would like the opposite? It is not surprising that Yehoanov became more and more.

Ivan's name was and remains especially popular slavic peoples. It even became nominative, denoting Russian. And during the Soviet Union, on a wave of friendship with fraternal peoples, it passed into Latin American countries.

How many Ivanov see you on the map of the most common names?

At the same time, Ivan's name is in most languages. But not always to know them are not always possible. Their list is impressive: John, Jan, Yas, Jean, Huang, Zhuan, Johann, Hans, Vano, Gianni, Giovanni, John, Ivo, Ehan, Sean, Ivan. And this is not counting female variations: Ivanna, Ivanka, Yasya, Yana. By the way, one of the most popular Russian surnames, Ivanov, is so popular.


Like many other the most common names, it has a biblical history. By the way, it is close to Ivan and means "favor, location". Interestingly, the Bible is mentioned as women who worn by this name (Mother of the Virgin Mary, for example) and men (high priest, one of the members of the Sancedrin, condemned Jesus Christ). There is a more common male version - Khanan.

And now we are looking for An

But still, today this name has become exceptionally feminine, but it turned out in many languages: Anna, Ann, Ani, Gann, Nana, Hannah. It turns out that, in contrast to Ivan, numerous translations from the language into the language Anna spared. Relatively.


And this name is already from another culture. And if Anna and Ivan are most often found among the Christian countries, then Mohammed is one of the favorite names of Muslims, which every year becomes more and more.

Explan such popularity is easy. It was the name Muhammed that was the prophet - the most revered personality of Islam. Members of many denominations are traditionally called the firstborn, it is not surprising that now this is the most common name among men.

Statistics increase if it takes that this name has a lot of variations: Muhammad, Magomed, Muhamad, Mahmoud, Magomed, Magoma, Mamed, Mehmet, Maoma, Mamado. Outside Islam, this name is quite rare, a religious aspect is very strong in it.

Alexander / Alexandra

One of the most popular names has long history. His roots need to look for another Ancient GreeceWhen it meant a banal "man, man", sometimes - "Defender". Such a long history allowed him not only to spread to get a rather popular female form.

In different languages, Alexander accepted the most different forms: Alex, Oles, Sandor, Iskander, Alejandro, Leso. Simultaneously with this - and women's: Alexander, Sandra, Alex. And such a variety of Alexandrov in the world a great set.

Now you know what name most popular in the world. They all have deep meaning And long history. They are beautiful and noble, but if you do not want five children to turn around when you call your own, it is worth looking for something more original. The main thing is not to overdo it.