Elena Letuchaya launches a new version of Revizorro on VKontakte and on YouTube. Elena Flying in Instagram - official page and photo

Elena Letuchaya launches a new version of Revizorro on VKontakte and on YouTube.  Elena Flying in Instagram - official page and photo
Elena Letuchaya launches a new version of Revizorro on VKontakte and on YouTube. Elena Flying in Instagram - official page and photo

⁉️ Whaling has contributed to global warming. ⠀ 🐋 The body of a giant marine mammal contains about 9 million tons of carbon. If a whale dies a natural death, then its carcass sinks to the bottom, where marine organisms begin to eat it. Gas does not enter the atmosphere and everyone lives happily ever after. ⠀ 💨 The extermination of whales causes this gas to "burst out", turns into carbon dioxide, is sent into the atmosphere and brings global warming closer. ⠀ 🛳 Whaling and shipping have reduced the population of blue whales from 215 thousand to 10 thousand (this is the maximum), and humpback whales from 150 thousand to 30-60 thousand. ⠀ 🐳 The population of surviving whales carries the same amount of carbon as is contained in 11 thousand square kilometers of forest.

I always say, it is NOT a shame to earn extra money as a waiter and glue wallpaper, and as a loader in a store, all these are worthy pursuits! It's a shame NOT to work and whine Well, if employers offend you, write to [email protected]🌵 We will protect you🔫 Thank you @mikakarapetian he is a real producer by the way🔥

"It will not change anything!" I'm sure you've heard this phrase many times. From their relatives, friends and absolutely strangers. ⠀ 👨‍👩‍👧 As a person actively addressing environmental issues, I constantly hear such phrases: "What can you alone change?" or "What you are doing is pointless!" or "So what if you didn't take the bag from the store, someone else will take it anyway?" ⠀ 🌱 The problem is that we don't know much about each other. We do not know who lives behind the wall and what the person sitting opposite is thinking about now. We are so accustomed to devalue ourselves and those around us that it does not even occur to us that it could be different. ⠀ 🙌 When something good or bad happens to us, we consider it a coincidence. At the same time, we never say that we, or our relatives, or a teacher from the university had a hand in this. ⠀ 🍀 Of course, you can sit at home and do nothing. Hope that the problem will solve itself, but the world does not work that way. In order for there to be changes, you need to do something. Even something insignificant will play a role as a result. ⠀ 🙋‍♀️ I can keep throwing candy wrappers at my feet when I see a full bin, or I can put a candy wrapper in my pocket and throw it into an empty trash bin around the corner. The point is not whether something will work out of this or not, but our willingness to make a choice and not be afraid of the consequences. 🦆

Elena Flying- TV presenter, TV producer. She was born on December 5, 1978 in the city of Yaroslavl.

Lena is one of those people who get great pleasure from their work, someone might say that she was just lucky, but this is not true. Only thanks to perseverance and great hard work, she achieved what she has now. Not without a share of risk, only a risky person can leave his profession of an economist, the training of which was given several years of his life, and start all over again. So, in 2008, at the age of 29, Lena Letuchaya became a student at the MITRO School of Television.

Thunderstorm for all hotels and restaurants!

V last years, she works as an editor, author and producer of various shows and television programs, documentaries on Russian TV channels, including: STS, Channel One, REN TV and many others. And also, heads the Workshop of the Faculty of Journalism at MITRO. And in 2014, she made her debut as a presenter on the Friday TV channel in the Revizorro show. The project quickly gained immense popularity among Russian viewers, and Elena became one of the most popular presenters. The audience adores her, and the directors of hotels and restaurants are openly afraid of her. In 2015, the "Revizorro Show" started on "Friday", where the heads of the establishments in which the Letuchaya carried out her inspection had the opportunity to express their complaints, or talk about what changes they had.

Favorite dog Chocolate helps to find violations in establishments

It is worth noting that Flying is not creative pseudonym, a real surname Helena, which she inherited from the parents of Alexander Nikolaevich and Lyudmila Alexandrovna Letuchikh.

Lena has a wonderful figure, which she owes to sports. The presenter spends part of her free time in a fitness club, doing yoga, surfing or alpine skiing, is engaged in horse riding.

Very often Lena takes her beloved German Pinscher breed dog named Shokoladka to check-ups at the Revizorro.

On vacation with your beloved man

Lena tries not to spread about her personal life, judging by the photos from her accounts on social networks, she has a beloved man. True face young man she tries not to show, and does not reveal his name, but the fact that there are feelings between them is confirmed by the captions to the photo. Many online publications write that her boyfriend's name is Yuri Anashenkov. Yura is a businessman who used to have another family and two children. And his ex-wife name is Hasmik Vaye Reitor. But, so far these are only rumors and unverified information, and Flying herself does not comment on this.

Today, the personality of Elena Flying can be considered very interesting. This man has quite a lot of fans from all over the country. We will not give an assessment of Elena's activities and views, we just would like to tell our readers if there is such a page: Elena Letuchaya in VKontakte, because there are quite a few people, both from Russian Federation, and from other countries, worries about this issue.

Before answering the most basic question, I would like to dwell in more detail on the main milestones from her biography and creative path... We are sure you will find it interesting!

Brief biography of the presenter

Elena Flying was born in Russian city Yaroslavl. As you know on the coat of arms of this particular settlement flaunts a bear standing on its hind legs - symbolizing overnight strength and foresight. And this means that the native of Yaroslavl - Elena is almost impossible to deceive - this person's intuition is "pumped" from birth. In addition, Lena is an economist by education and for a long time she worked in the largest financial institution... So, Elena will instantly bring various scoundrels to clean water.

It is also worth noting that it is not without reason that Elena's surname is Flying! Deciding to change her life in a significant way, she brilliantly graduated from television school. “I made a story about blood donors,” Elena shares her thoughts, “showed the viewers all the weak aspects of domestic medicine, and realized that a journalist is my vocation.”

But Elena Flying was not happy with the function of the “talking head”. For this reason, when the casting for participation in the new social action "Revizorro" was announced, Elena was one of the very first applicants for this role... The girl conquered the organizers of this TV show with her sincerity, honesty and perseverance. What she herself talked about in a special interview. “I am very meticulous and regularly torture the waiters in restaurants with various questions,” says Elena. It is difficult to imagine a better candidate.

Elena Flying enjoys yoga, downhill skiing and horse riding. In general, Elena is a fairly athletic person and, if any problem situations with protection, she will definitely be able to stand up for herself. “When we were filming the test episode of the TV show“ Revizorro ”,” Elena told the media, “the restaurant owner got scared and called the police. I had to spend the night in a real cell. Here yoga classes came in very handy! "

Is there Elena Flying VKontakte?

Now let's move on to the question that worries many readers: is there a real Elena Flying in the social network Contact? So, Dear friends famous Russian TV presenter, actress and TV journalist at social network Are you on VK! And here is the same page: https://vk.com/id74824762

Moreover, her page has been confirmed by the administration of this social media resource, as evidenced by the neat blue checkmark next to the TV presenter's name. So, this page definitely deserves the attention of all Elena's fans. This page will help you stay updated recent events and news from her life.

Elena Flying, the thunderstorm of Russian catering and hospitality, devotes a lot of time to his Instagram account. She has over a million subscribers, and new publications appear regularly enough so that the page does not lose interest from the public.


The popular presenter was born in 1978, in Yaroslavl. For those fans who are interested in how old the star is, we answer - thirty-seven.

When the girl was 7 years old, the family moved to the city of Tynda, Amur region... There Lena's parents, engineers by profession, had to work on the construction of the BAM. By the way, Flying is the real name of the girl. And that is why Lena Flying's nickname on Instagram is "Pegasus".

Here, in Tynda, Elena went to general education and art school, started figure skating. The future star studied excellently, bringing her dream closer - after school to leave for St. Petersburg and get the profession of an architect.

First higher education the girl received in Blagoveshchensk, choosing the specialty "financier". After graduation, she worked in such large organizations as Russian Railways and Gazprom, and at the same time she coped with her duties perfectly. In 2005, she received a second higher education at the Russian Technical University of Railways, Elena received a diploma in economics.

But future star beckoned to television. And so in 2007, Lena decided to sharp turn in fate and went to get another education, this time in Ostankino school television.

Lena's television career was not easy. For about a year she edited texts and went through papers. Then there were projects on cable channels, where the volatile showed herself, thanks to which she got a job on the first channel in the talk shows "Let the Talk" and "Tonight", where she acted as an editor.

As a producer, she was involved in such major projects as the reality television "Vacations in Mexico", the TV series "Kitchen" and the film "Kitchen in Paris".

But real success came to Lena when she began to host the "Revizorro" program on the "Friday" TV channel. It was thanks to this project that the girl won popular love. And when the presenter left the program and Olga Romanovskaya took her place, fans literally flooded the Internet with requests to return the Flying back. And the return took place, "Revizorro", to the delight of the fans, is now led by Elena again. And she herself is very happy to return, which she mentioned on Instagram.

Photos of Lena Flying on Instagram speak eloquently about her personal life. In the last pictures, you can often see her together with her husband, businessman Yuri Anashenkov.

The novel, which ended with a wedding on the island of Santorini, lasted two years. For some time, the lovers hid their relationship, Elena Flying in the Instagram photo preferred to hide the face of her companion. It was rumored that Yuri left his family for the sake of the famous presenter, but this is not so, the man's previous relationship ended long before meeting Lena.


Elena Flying has been registered on the official Instagram website for a long time. From the photographs and videos that are here, you can see what happened in life famous TV presenter last few years. Before the eyes of the subscribers, an affair with Yuri Anashenkov developed, they were the first to know that the star is now a married lady. Traveling, social events, shooting, meeting with friends - all this is present on Elena's Instagram page. And Lena Flying told that she was pregnant, Instagram subscribers were among the first to know this news. But so far, rumors about the pregnancy of the star are only rumors, although she herself admits that she is ready for the birth of a baby.

In October 2017, Elena Letuchaya left the Revizorro project, where she was engaged in checking restaurants, hotels and nightclubs for compliance sanitary standards... Channel "Friday" replaced the presenter with the actress Nastasya Samburskaya. However, Elena is sure that with her departure, viewers have lost interest in the show. “For everyone, Revizorro is me,” said Elena Letuchaya in an interview with Cosmo.

We met with Flying at the Comedy Club festival, which took place on September 15-16 in Yerevan. Elena admitted that almost everyone in the capital of Armenia asked her if she had brought white gloves and whether she was going to check the purity of humor Comedy club... The TV presenter jokes these questions, but when it comes to dismissal from Revizorro, Elena does not shy away from answering.


Rumors that the Friday channel fired her make Elena smile: “The channel had no choice but to say that I was kicked out. “Revizorro” was the headliner of the channel, and now the program has lost its social importance, and with this the ratings have gone. I don't need to prove anything to anyone, but it's no secret that when people hear “Revizorro”, they only associate with Elena Flying ”.

Flying believes that Samburskaya and the channel are deliberately staging a scandal to raise the rating of the program. “Public insults in my direction are just a futile attempt to assert myself and draw attention to the project,” says Elena. - I don't care about these attacks, because such behavior is just humiliation of the speaker. I will not stop anyone from humiliating myself in front of the whole country, insulting others, but, in my opinion, it would be more effective to work more on their own professionalism and the essence of the project. "

Elena does not regret that she left Revizorro, and is even happy with her decision. The TV presenter has many new projects: soon two will be released on Channel One documentaries about garbage collection in Russia, and on YouTube and VKontakte a new project “Uncensored Flying Surveillance” is being launched.


“I decided to stay“ Revizorro ”, but already on the Internet, so that no one would squeeze me into frames. Now we are not talking about restaurants and hotels, but about food manufacturers, marketers who use a large number of gimmicks to get people to buy goods they don't need, as well as counterfeits. "Flying Surveillance Without Caesura" is a practical program for people, so that everyone arriving at the store is aware of the goods that he puts in the basket. I decided to do this program on the Web, because it is honestly impossible to do this kind of content on television ”.