What questions when interviewing. Is your marital status? Does it prevent work? Whatever I helps me show yourself worthy candidate for this vacancy.

What questions when interviewing. Is your marital status? Does it prevent work? Whatever I helps me show yourself worthy candidate for this vacancy.
What questions when interviewing. Is your marital status? Does it prevent work? Whatever I helps me show yourself worthy candidate for this vacancy.

What to speak at the interview:

1. Tell me a little about yourself.

When you answer a candidate for a question, pay attention to the following: - Formally sets out the biographical data or immediately lay out the "trump cards", emphasizing his desire and the opportunity to take this position; - only the main thing, that is, speaks of his qualifications, experience, responsibility, interest, diligence and decency, or leads not relevant facts; - Says briefly, exactly, clearly or for a long time, mumps and poorly expresses his thoughts; - keeps or speaks calmly, confident or unsure of himself.

2. How to look at life, what kind of complexity in it and how they cope with them?

Some people speak in the sense that life is difficult, there are a lot of problems, most of which are unresolutes that people are evil and unfavorable that there are few joys in life and everything decides fate, a case or other people, but not he himself. It means that you are a passive person, insecure, not trusted by another, pessimistic and unhappy (loser). Other people speak out about life positively: life without problems does not happen, the difficulties are overcome, the fate and career of a person in his hands, people are friendly and ready for cooperation, the man himself of Kuznets his own fortune. So says a person who is acting an active life position aimed at success, ready to take responsibility, successfully interacting with people and able to enjoy life.

3. What is your job attracted in this position?

Poor, if they meet crowd phrases: "I am attracted to the prospects for growth, interesting work, a solid firm ...". Must cause serious and concrete arguments: the desire to apply your qualifications and experience where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated, the attractiveness of work in a strong team of professionals.

4. Why do you consider yourself worthy to take this position? What are your advantages to other candidates?

This is the best question for a candidate, so that without false modesty to name your main advantages over other applicants. At the same time, he must demonstrate his ability to convince, emphasizing its advantages. Bad, if the candidate and on this question meets weak arguments and leads its formal biographical characteristics.

5. What are your strengths?

The candidate must underline first of all the qualities that are required for this work and bring convincing confirmation on specific facts. But you can hear stamps, repeated thousands of times: "I am sociable, neat, executive", etc. Ask to clarify what its sociability is manifested, accuracy, the execution, what is his manner to listen to the client, which he reached, thanks to his strong qualities.

6. What are your weaknesses?

From a smart candidate you are unlikely to hear repentance in sins and a long list of its flaws. He will try to turn the answer so as to increase its chances even more. For example, say: "Many consider me a workaholic" or "I do not know how to relax, I feel good only when I work" or "too demanding to yourself and others." If the candidate is too glanced and you will want to bring it to the frank recognition of your flaws, you can tell him such a joke. In a similar situation, the candidate characterizes himself: "Good, hardworking, I do not drink, do not smoke ..." Then he is surprised: "You do not have a single drawback?" "One is - a candidate is recognized - I love to learn."

7. Why did you leave with the previous work?

Bad, if the cause was a conflict, if the candidate scolds the former orders and his former leader. Care from work due to conflict is a flight from difficulties, recognizing its own defeat that imposes an imprint on self-esteem. A negative attitude towards people, the habit of conflicting with employees, and especially with the leadership, is a sustainable personality characteristic and will definitely manifest itself in one form or another. A good candidate will emphasize that positive, which was in his previous work and relationships with people, and will call such decent reasons as the desire for more interesting (highly paid, which gives the possibility of professional growth) work and the desire to most fully realize their capabilities.

8. Why did you decide to change the place of work?

This question is asked to someone who works at the time of the interview. As with the answer to the previous question, the candidate about the conflict is characterized from the best side. While the desire for professional growth, expanding the scope of their knowledge and skills, is respected and welcomed in all developed countries.

9. Have you received other job offers?

The authority of the candidate will rise if he tells about other invitations to work, but will notice a special interest in this. Well, if the desire to get the maximum satisfaction from his work. His mood not only affects his health and moral climate in the team, but is the most important necessary condition for the high performance of labor, a reliable guarantee from errors, negligence and marriage, and ultimately the main key to the prosperity of the company.

10. How successful did you pass the interview in other places?

It is important to find out for what reasons did not pass the interview in some places and successfully passed in others. If convinced that you are interested in your competitors, then you try to keep it.

11. Does your personal life prevented this work related to additional loads (abnormal working day, long-term or long-distance business trips, permanent connectors)?

This question is often asked for women. In some firms, trying to bypass the law, they put tough conditions, such as not to start children a certain time, not to make sick leave for child care, do not make holidays without maintaining content, etc.

12. How do you present your position in five (ten) years?

Many sensitive people who do not plan their careers and life answer that they do not imagine such long-range prospects. And a person aimed at personal success will readily talk about his planned professional growth, and perhaps and personal goals. Max Eggert in his book "Brilliant Career" told about the importance of career planning. In one famous business school on the first day of classes, students were asked who writing writing the stages and goals of the personal career. Only 3% of them raised their hands. After 10 years, it was these 3% that achieved financial success more than everyone else, combined.

13. What changes would you make on a new job?

Well, if you show your initiative, acquaintance with the situation of innovations and reorganization. However, this is permissible only with deep knowledge of problems on the company. Bad, if the state of affairs knows not too well, but to strive to remake everything in your own way.

14. To whom you can seek your feedback about your work?

Must be readily to provide phone numbers and addresses of former colleagues and managers. Cashing such information will immediately find the lack of positive recommendations or inexperience of the applicant.

15. What salary do you count on?

Russian proverb says: "Whoever does not know about themselves, he will always be extended." A good specialist always knows its price counts on a high salary. Let the candidate better will overestimate the expected payment of his work than she will take off. If the proposed salary, do not forget to "increase the pie" and transfer benefits available in the organization: premiums, medical insurance, children's preschool institutions, free travel and food, free advanced training and other manifestation of personnel care. [...] If the Candidate is clearly bluffing, you can "knock it out of role", cool it with a sharp understatement of the accompanying salary and benefits. Remember a similar joke? The arrogant young artist retracts its conditions to the main director of the theater in the device to work: "Salary 500 dollars, main roles, 8 performances per month and the provision of a separate apartment." To which the chorement calmly puts forward its own: "$ 50, daily performances, extras and a room in a hostel." - "I agree".

On the main one, you can add another 5 questions.

16. What can you tell about your professional connections that could be used on a new job?

17. How do you raise your professional qualifications?

18. What do you like to do in your free time?

19. What time can you start a new job?

20. What questions do you have?

What questions should be set on an interview

Our article will help those leaders who independently conduct an interview when receiving a new employee. First, you should ask a few common questions:

How long does the applicant look for a job?

What vacancies consider which areas of work are most interesting?

What is the minimum salary interests?

What requirement for future work puts forward (work schedule, the presence of business trips, social package)?

Now it is worth learn a little about previous work places.

Summary should be indicated - the names of organizations occupied by positions, the nature of the organization's activities.

You can find out additionally the number of employees of the organization and the number of employees in the department.

Ask the candidate:

Tell about job responsibilities, functions, tasks, download level, wages;

Give examples of numerical performance indicators, talk about achievements;

To assess the former leadership and work as a whole;

Talk about the reason for dismissal.

Also ask the applicant to give you the phones of those persons who can act as a recommender - former head, department staff. Pay attention to both professional characteristics and reviews about human qualities.

Now it is worth talking about the formation of a candidate.

Information on the main and additional education obtained is also contained in the summary.

You should ask about:

Motives for obtaining such education;

Plans for education in the future.

Learn about specific skills that may be needed at this work - work in certain computer programs, driver's license, car availability, driving experience, etc.

If the candidate is currently learning, ask what is his schedule for visiting an educational institution, how long does the delivery of sessions, coursework / diploma works, passage of practice.

Ask the plans for the future - whom a person sees himself in a year, in five years, what are his professional aspirations.

If you think it is important - ask about marital status, what are the plans in this area.

Now you know about the candidate for a vacant position enough, you can move to professional issues.

What would such as a candidate, so that you can immediately understand everything? "Immediately" and "everything", of course, will not work, but the site will share several useful conversation tactics - they will help choose the right employee.

Remembering that various professional and personal qualities are important for different positions, the interviewer must carefully prepare for the interview. In any company there is a certain way of work, as well as unsupported rules whose disruption can withdraw a system of equilibrium. What questions to ask on the interview to reveal how the candidate meets the requirements of the immediate leadership and firm as a whole?

To understand who in front of you, you can use well-known principles for building a conversation when taking a job, resort to new-fashioned trends or deepen in the study of the psychology of the candidate. The most proven methods are the following:

  • The principle of Domino: suggests common tasks with a gradual deepening in the topic. In this case, the candidate, for example, ask about his immediate responsibilities and constantly clarify the details, narrow the topic of the conversation. If the applicant does not come up with his duties, he answers confidently without thinking.
  • The principle of the circle. In the middle or at the end of the conversation, they are returned to important issues specified at the beginning of an interview with the candidate to clarify the details. According to the answers, this early and now can be determined how hissing the applicant is.

Such an interviewing is always appropriate, because the recruiter is quite a bit of time to understand who sits in front of him, and whether a person matches the requirements.

Standard questions from the employer

In conversation, it is important to identify different qualities of a person, so it should be provoked by an interviewed conversation in a certain bed. It is worth analyzing the answers to compile the correct portrait of the applicant. The following questions are often asked when a job interview:

  1. "Tell us about yourself". This question does not apply to some specific biography places, rather, gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bhuman priorities. The applicant will be interesting, which sets information about his own experience, professional qualities, demonstrates interest in vacancies. If the story is blurred, and the listed facts are not related to the essence of the interview, then a person is either nothing to say, or he is simply unsure of himself and its strength.
  2. "Why did you decide to leave the former job?". Causes can be the most different - from dissatisfaction with the absence of career growth to low salary, while a decent candidate will never respond badly about the direct supervisor or about the team. It is very sad if a conflict has become the basis for leaving, since it characterizes the applicant as a person who is interested in difficulties, and also reduces its self-esteem.
  3. "What salary would like to receive?". A good specialist knows that worthy of high salary and is clearly not bluffing, voicing the cost of its services. If the candidate clearly overstars the level of desired salary, you can always cool his fervor, calling the salary much lower than the required.
  4. "What attracts work in the proposed position?". An intelligent candidate knows that recruiters are looking for a person who not only has the necessary professional and personal qualities, but also is ready to be useful for the company, work in a team, to share their own experience and adopt it from others.
  5. Ask the applicant what its strengths and weaknesses are. If the candidate voices too common phrases, ask to clarify and tell in more detail. Usually, applicants with great pleasure tell about their strengths, but avoid talking about weak.
  6. "Tell about professional achievements." The conversation in such a channel will force the applicant to talk about herself, emphasizing the quality necessary for work. If the applicant says with common phrases, it is unlikely that his candidacy deserves attention.
  7. "Name your professional mistakes." A clever candidate will not pass, hearing a similar question, because it knows perfectly that in the work of errors can be, the main thing is to make the right conclusion and do not repeat them anymore. It is strange if the applicant cannot recall this situation: it is either not sufficiently self-critical, or does not recognize the errors at all.
  8. "Will family / personal life affect the quality of work?". This is a common question, which is mainly addressed to young women who already have small children, or they are at that age when you can get a family. Such information is needed only if the management puts forward certain requirements for the employment of young women and puts hard conditions.

Identification of the vital position of the candidate

There is information that will help reveal the overall qualities of the candidate, understand his desire to develop, identify its life position, or just feel the mood. What questions need to ask the applicant on the interview?

  1. "How do you feel about life?". This question is philosophical, but it allows you to reveal what life position is the applicant for the position. Optimists are convinced that there is a place in life with difficulties, and with them you need to cope or not take close to heart. They are also confident that a person builds fate independently and everything can change. The pessimists are confident that people are evil and always ready to substitute, sum up that you need to keep your ear in the ears and be alert. Such a person is configured in advance for failure and always insecure in his abilities.
  2. What questions need to be defined on the interview to understand that you have a standing specialist? Ask the applicant how many interviews he passed lately and from whom he received an invitation. This will allow you to evaluate which competing is interested in the candidate and suggested standing work. Perhaps such a specialist needs your company.
  3. "Who do you see yourself in 5-7 years?". It is proved that the ability to plan and set the tasks in front of them characterizes people as targeted and personal success-oriented. People who do not show the initiative do not plan their careers and future life, are unlikely to become outstanding.
  4. "What would you like to change in a new job place?". Very insidious question, since the overwhelming part of applicants believes that it is necessary to change something in the root and with joy of this tells, not presenting the internal problems of the company. The smart candidate will not plan serious changes without understanding the company's internal structure, not knowing its work as a whole.
  5. "Who can recommend you?". This is a standard question that helps make sure the qualifications of the employee who liked, and also confirms once again that the applicant had no personal conflicts at the previous job place.
  6. "What do you know about our company?". Of course, there should be no deep knowledge of the company. However, a small short story about the activities and types of products will make sure that the applicant at least prepared for the interview and was interested in what kind of work he can get.
  7. "Why do you think that we will handle this work?". It is very important here that in his answers the candidate was convincing enough - it is this quality that he must show, told about the strengths and advantages over competitors.

Non-standard questions

It is not necessary to negotiate a conversation in the classic bed. Today, many recruiters, taking a person to work, are interested in the most unusual, and sometimes even strange things. The fact is that you need to check the reaction of the candidate for an unusual question, the ability to logically think or deserved to leave the created ridiculous or stupid situations. But in everyday life, and in work, this happens often.

Interestingly, there are no correct or incorrect answers and those candidates who can respond wisely, without perceiving the recruitor with a negative deserve special attention. You can ask the following questions:

  1. Have you told stationery from office staff?
  2. How many people fit in this room?
  3. Rate my ability to interview a 10-point scale.
  4. What is the lives of people in the ideal world?
  5. How many liters of alcohol drink in one night in the city?
  6. Did you fight at work?
  7. What songs characterizes your attitude to work?

Now you know what questions are asked when a job interview to allow the candidate to reveal and avoid possible errors.

Want to know what questions most often sound on the interviews? Here is a complete list (with the most successful answers).

Some companies are non-standard suitable for interviews, but for the most part they ask standard questions (and receive standard answers).

Here is the list of the most common issues for the interview with the best answers:

1. "Tell about yourself"

If you interview, you probably know a lot. You read the resume and the accompanying letter, seen the pages of the candidate in LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

The purpose of any interview is to find out whether a specific vacancy candidate is suitable, which must be filled, i.e. Does he have skills and personal qualities that will allow him to do work. Do you need a leader capable of putting yourself in place of another person? Try to find out if the candidate can become them. Do you want your company to recognize a wide public? Ask, can the candidate convey information.

If you are looking for a job, tell me why you were engaged in one business or another. Explain why left the previous place of work. Describe how the university was chosen. Notify why I decided to study in graduate school. Do not forget to mention that you traveled in Europe and about the experience that you managed to get at this time.

Answering the question, do not limit the list of facts (they can be read in the summary). Tell the interlocutor why you committed certain actions.

2. "Name your main drawback"

Each candidate knows how to answer this question. You need to choose abstract weakness and turn it into dignity.

For example: "Sometimes I am so interested in working that I am losing a bill of time. Friendly, I see that everyone went home. I know that I need to carefully follow the time, but I really like what I do, and I just don't I can think about anything else! "

So your "disadvantage" is that you spend more time to work than everyone else? Mda.

It will be much better to describe the real disadvantage that you work on. Tell us about what you do to become better. There are no ideal people, and you must prove that you can objectively assess yourself and strive to improve.

3. "Call your main advantage"

I do not know why representatives of companies ask this question. The answer to it is always contained in the summary.

If you still asked about this, formulate an accurate and specific answer. No need to argue long. If you can solve problems, be sure to provide examples that are related to the vacancy you are interested in. Confirm your words! If you are a leader with a high level of emotional intelligence, give examples proving that you know how to answer questions that have not yet been specified.

4. "How do you see yourself in five years?"

Answering this question, candidates follow one of the two possible scenarios. Some begin to describe their ambitions (it seems to them that the interlocutor wants to hear exactly this) and show all over their kind: "I need this work!" Others are modest (it also seems to them that the interlocutor of the Filler of a similar reaction) and give a self-sufficient answer: "There are so many talented people around so much ... I just want to get a job and see what success I can achieve."

Both types of responses do not give any information about the candidate - with the exception, maybe their ability to sell themselves.

If you interview, paraphrase the question: "If you could create your own company, what would she do?"

This is a universal question, because everyone needs employees with entrepreneurial vest.

The answer to him will tell about the dreams and hopes of the candidate, his interests and true passion, preferences in the work, people with whom he easily converges ... Everything you need is to listen carefully.

5. "Why should we hire you?"

As the candidate cannot compare himself with those whom he does not know, he can only describe his love for business and the burning desire to benefit. In fact, the company makes candidates begging to meet them. By asking this question, representatives of many companies lean in the chair and cross their hands on the chest. This gesture is how to say: "Well, I listen! Let's convince me!"

Alas, this is another non-informative question.

But it can be changed: "What do you think we forgot to talk about?" Or "If you had the opportunity to re-answer one of the previous questions, what would you say?"

At the end of the interview, rare candidates think that they showed everything that they were capable of. Perhaps the conversation went in the unexpected direction. Maybe the interlocutor defeated emphas in his resume in his own way, focusing on some skills and forgetting about others. Or maybe at the beginning of the interview, the candidate was too nervous and could not correctly formulate everything that he wanted to tell.

In the end, the interviews are intended to learn about the candidate as much as possible, why not give him a second chance?

Be sure to support the conversation at this stage, do not let the candidate speak with himself. Do not listen silently, to say then: "Thank you, we will contact you." Specify clarifying questions. Ask to give examples.

If the candidate asked you a counter question, be sure to answer it and try to post new information, which before that remained in the shade.

6. "How did you find out about the vacancies?"

Portals for searching for work, ads in newspapers and the Internet, job fairs ... Many people are looking for the first job there, and there is nothing wrong with that.

But if the candidate is constantly using these channels, most likely, he has not yet decided than and how he wants to do.

He is just looking for a job. Any job.

Therefore, you should not just tell about how you learned about the vacancy. Notify that a colleague or employer told you about her that you watched vacancies of a particular company because you want to work in it.

Companies do not need people who just need work. Companies need people who need the company.

7. "Why do you want to get this job?"

A little deeper into the details. Answering this question, it is necessary to tell not only that you want to work in this company, but also about why the vacancy is perfect for you and what you want to achieve in the short and long term.

If you do not mean, why the vacancy suits you, look for another job. Life is too short.

8. "Call your main professional achievement"

The answer to this question should be directly related to the vacancy. If you say that over the past year and a half increased production by 18%, claiming the staff of the personnel department, the interlocutor considers your answer curious, but absolutely not informative.

It is better to tell about the problematic employee who "saved", or about the conflict between the departments that you have exercised, or on subordinates that have enhanced over the past six months ...

9. "Tell me in the last conflict with a colleague or client. What happened?"

When people work hard to achieve a common goal, conflicts are inevitable. We all admit mistakes. Of course, good remembered better, but it is impossible to forget about bad. Ideal people do not exist, and this is normal.

However, people who seek to shift their guilt and responsibility on others, definitely worth avoided. Employers prefer those who focus not on the problem, but on its solution.

Everyone needs employees who are ready to recognize their wrongness, take responsibility for the error and, most importantly, to extract a lesson from this experience.

10. "Describe your perfect work"

Formulating the answer, remember - it should be relevant to the vacancy!

Nevertheless, it is completely optional to invent. You can learn and develop, whatever you do. Try to determine what skills you can purchase, taking the position to which you apply, and then imagine how these skills could come in handy in the future.

Do not be afraid to admit that one day you can go in search of another work or maybe even start your own business. Employers have long been not waiting for employees to remain forever.

11. "Why do you want to leave a job that you have now?

Let's start with what you do not need to say (if you submit an employer, you should be alerted):

Do not talk about what you do not like your bosses. Do not say that you can not blame with colleagues. Do not water the mud to the company itself.

Focus on the benefit that this step will bring you. Tell us about what you want to achieve. Tell us about what you want to learn. Tell us about how you plan to develop. At the same time, do not forget to mention the benefit for a potential employer.

People who complain about the bosses and colleagues are like gossip. If they are gossipped about someone else, the day will come when they start gossiping and about you.

12. "What working conditions seem to you most attractive?"

If you like to work alone, but you are applying for the call center operator, an honest answer will sound inappropriate.

Think about the vacancy and the company's culture as a whole (the culture has an artificial or elemental culture.) If a flexible schedule is important for you, but you do not offer it, focus on something else. If you need a constant support for the leadership, and the employer encourages self-government, forbid about it.

Find ways to combine your needs with the rules adopted. If you can't do this, most likely you should look for another job.

13. "Tell us about the most difficult decision that you had the opportunity to take over the past six months."

By asking this question, the employer wants to appreciate the ability of a candidate to solve problems and look for arguments, as well as readiness for risk.

If you have no answer to this question, it is very bad. Each has to make complex decisions, regardless of position. My daughter somehow worked on a grave in the next restaurant. She constantly took complex solutions - for example, how to behave with a constant client, whose actions sometimes bordered with having a habitation.

A good answer should include arguments that helped make a decision (for example, the analysis of large amounts of data to identify the optimal direction of movement).

The excellent answer also describes the relationship with all who was involved in the decision-making process, as well as its consequences.

Of course, the results of the analysis is an excellent argument, but almost every decision affects people. The best candidates usually consider issues from different sides and take decisions.

14. "Describe your management style"

This is a question for which it is difficult to answer, without resorting to banalities. Try to bring examples. Tell me: "Let me tell you about the difficulties I encountered by taking the position of the head. I think they will give a complete picture of my style." After that, describe how you solved the problem, motivated the team, overcame the crisis, etc. Explain what and why did you do to the interlocutor understand how exactly you manage other people.

Do not forget to mention the results you have achieved.

15. "Tell us about the situation in which you did not agree with the majority decision. What did you do?"

People around us sometimes make decisions with which we disagree. And this is normal, it is important only how we show our disagreement. (We all know those who love to stay after the assembly to challenge the decision they enjoyed supported.)

Demonstrate your professionalism. Prove that you know how to constructively express your fears. If one day you managed to change the general opinion, and this change was successful, good. If there are no such examples, emphasize that you can support the solution, even if it seems to you incorrect (it is not about unethical and immoral solutions).

16. "How would other people describe you?"

I hate this question. This is an empty spect of words! True, one day I still asked him and received the answer I really liked.

"People would say that I am he who I seek," the candidate replied. - "If I say something, I do it. If I promise to help, I must help. I don't think that I like everyone else, but they can count on me, because they know how I work."

What could be better?

17. "What should we expect from you in the first three months of work?"

Ideally, this issue must come from the employer who wants to decide on its expectations regarding the new employee.

You need to answer like this:

  • You are trying to determine what benefits your job brings. You do not just pretend that are busy. You do what you need.
  • You learn to help all participants in the process - management, colleagues, subordinate, customers, suppliers, implementers ...
  • You find out what you get better. You hired because you have specific skills, and these skills must be applied.
  • You seek positive results, work with enthusiase and feel part of the team.

Use this response plan by adding details into it, taking into account the specifics of your work.

18. "What do you like to do no time?"

Many companies believe that their culture is very important, and use information about the preferences of the candidate outside work to determine whether it will enter the team.

Trying to convince the interlocutor that you are perfectly approach, do not admire the classes that you really don't like. Focus on classes that allow you to develop - to study something new, to achieve higher goals. For example: "My children are still very small, therefore there are almost no free time, but on the way to work and back I teach Spanish."

19. "How much did you pay at the previous job?"

This is a difficult question. Usually they are asked before making a salary offer, and you must answer honestly, but at the same time not to guess.

Try the method proposed by Liz Ryan. Tell me: "Currently, I focused on vacancies that would allow me to earn about 50 thousand rubles. Your vacancy is suitable for this criterion, right?" (Actually, you probably already know the answer, but why not play?)

20. The snail is sitting at the bottom of the well depth of 9 meters. Every day she crawls 2 meters away, and overnight slides down 1 meter. How many days do she need to get out of the well? "

Recently, such questions are becoming more and more popular (thanks, Google!). Perhaps your interlocutor does not expect that you will immediately quit. Most likely, he wants to understand how you think.

Try to solve the task, commenting on every step. If you made a mistake, do not be afraid to laugh at yourself - it is possible that this is a stress test, and the interlocutor wants to see how you react to failure.

21. "You wanted to ask something?"

Do not miss the opportunity! Ask a smart question - not only in order to emphasize your individuality, but also to make sure that you have chosen the right company. Do not forget that the interview is a bilateral process.

Examples of questions:

22. "What results should I achieve during the first three months of work?"

If you did not ask this question, ask it yourself. What for? Good candidates seek to take the case without delay. They do not want to spend the weeks and months to "get better recognizable organizational structure." They do not see the meaning in orientational events and prefer to study on the go.

They want to benefit now.

23. "Name three qualities that your best employees possess

Good candidates want to be good employees. They know that all companies are different, and for successful work in them requires different qualities.

Maybe all good employees work late. Maybe you appreciate the creative approach higher than the ability to clearly follow the protocol. Maybe you are aiming to conquer new markets, therefore attracting new customers for you more important than long-term relationships with old. Or maybe you need those who are ready to spend an equal amount of time on a novice buyer and on a wholesale regular customer.

Good candidates need to know. They want to make sure not only in the fact that they will fit into the team, but also that they can achieve success.

24. "What is actually dependent on the results of work in this post?"

Investing in employees, employers are waiting for them to bring him profit (otherwise why pay them at all?).

Each work has activities that bring great returns than others. You need a HR specialist to fill out open vacancies, but in fact it should find the right people, thereby minimizing the percentage of personnel of personnel, reducing the costs of learning new employees and increasing overall performance.

You need a repairman to repair the devices, but in fact it should effectively solve customer problems and build relationships with them so that they appeal to it again and again.

Good candidates want to know which qualities will allow them to make the greatest contribution to the common cause, because their personal success depends on the success of the entire company.

25. "List the company's priorities for this year. What contribution will I make if I loans this position?"

Each candidate wants to know that his work is important for others.

Good candidates want to do a significant thing, serve as a higher goal and work with people who share their values.

Otherwise, the work loses its meaning.

Employees who love their jobs necessarily recommend the employer to their friends and acquaintances. The same applies to managers - they necessarily lead with them those with whom they used to work. They needed a lot of time to prove their competence and build relationships based on trust, so people are instinctively followed by them.

All this speaks about the quality of the work environment and about the atmosphere in the team.

27. "What will you do if? .."

Each company has problems - technologies are obsolete, new competitors appear on the market, economic trends are constantly changing. Not everyone has economic rs, capable of protecting them.

Even if the candidate considers the employer as a starting platform for a high jump, he still hopes to grow and develop. By accepting the employer's proposal, each employee hopes to get away from him on their own request, and not because the company was crowded from the market.

Suppose you own ski shop. Approximately a kilometer from you another store opened. How do you plan to deal with competition? Or, suppose you have a poultry farm. What do you do to reduce feed costs?

Good candidates want not only to understand how you think. They want to know what you are going to do in the near future and whether there will be a place for them in your plan.

Jeff Haden Inc. Translation: Ayrapetova Olga

  • Career, Work, Study

Interview in full swing, and you have already managed to tell about your education, achievements and explain why you would like to work in this company. What to add to secure success and take a faithful career solution? It is very important to ask the right questions about future work. Moreover, their sequence (what a question is to ask first, and with what it is better not to hurry) is also important.

In order not to miss the vacancy of your dreams, read the recommendations.

The question is the first: about the content of work
Of course, during the interview, you have already probably discussed what will be included in your duties. In addition, it is usually described in the vacancy announcement. Therefore, in its question, you need to clarify what remains unclear in the functionality.

For example, you are comfortable to the PR manager's position in the already existing public relations department. Specify how your role will be in the establishment of PR communications. What is more important for the specialist adopted in the team - be a competent and creative author of texts or talented organizer?

Another example is an interview for a vacancy of the seller-consultant in the store of perfumery. You have already discussed that it will be the responsibility of customer consulting, work with a cashier and standing for goods. Specify how it is customary to advise buyers in the trading room - to expect their questions or to present information about the assortment of the store?

Questions about the functionality must be set necessarily, even if everything seems clear to you and understandable: it will emphasize your high motivation and show the recruiter that in front of him is a responsible and professional person.

Question the second: about tasks
Be sure to ask about the strategic tasks of your future work. What is waiting for your future employer, say, in the annual perspective? What are the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of your work?

For example, the applicant for the vacancy of the Sales Manager may ask what is the sales plan for the next year. The candidate for the position of the personnel inspector is to ask about the estimated growth in the number of personnel and, therefore, the amount of work.

Thus, you will show that you know how to think strategically and plan your activities. In addition, a distinct understanding of its tasks in the company is a real career engine. You can always appreciate your work on your own, applying the effectiveness criteria stipulated at the interview.

Question Third: how to quickly join the team
Be sure to ask what your first working days will be. Is the introductory instruction or training planned? Will you have a mentor to which you can contact any question? What are the criteria for which the success of the test term will be evaluated?

This question is especially important if the work will be in something new for you. For example, if you used to work in a small company, but now came to an international corporation. Or if they were engaged in PR in the field of retail, and now - in the restaurant business.

Question Fourth: Why did this vacancy appear?
The answer to this question can give you information to reflection. If the vacancy is new, it means you have to make a work schedule yourself and discuss duties in detail, as well as strategic goals with the head and personnel manager. We also have to think about the means of achieving these goals - after all, the vacancy is new, and this work has not been done before you.

If the position exists in the company for a long time, pay attention to the reasons for the dismissal of the previous employee. Of course, they can be the most different - a specialist found a more interesting job, he did not cope with the duties, went on leave for child care or even was fired for unethical behavior ...

It is not a fact that the recruitment manager will inform you with reliable information on such a delicate issue, but it is still worth asking and reflecting. If five people left the position of interest to you for the year, you should look for additional information about the company and the atmosphere in the team.

Question Fifth: Salary, vacation, lunch ...
It is not necessary to hurry with these questions - ask them at the very end of your meeting, discussed all the responsibilities, tasks and work plan .. The main thing is to adequately evaluate its own value in the labor market and not to overestimate the value of the lunch break in the career.

We wish you not only to ask the right questions at the interview, but also to hear the answers that you will arrange.

Recent changes: March 2019

An integral part of acceptance is an interview. Since the results of the upcoming conversation will be dependent, the results will depend on it should be determined in advance for themselves what questions to ask on the interview to the employer. Well, when work suits both salary, and in growth prospects. However, it is more often to look for a new employer, assessing the chances of a prosperous employment in the new company.

Labor relations - always suggest the agreement of both parties - the company and the hired specialist. The first agreements arise even at the first meeting stage, when both sides assess the prospects and benefits of cooperation, asking questions related to the work.

What are talking about the interview

As follows from the meaning of the word, the interview is a conversation, in the process of which the employer and the future worker will know more about each other, asking questions. Not only experience and education are able to influence the decision taken by the employer. Of particular value is the first impression that you managed to create on the interview when taking a job.

It is not worth making the topics of interest. It is better to ask them now until the employment took place than a week later to regret the time spent and look for a reason to part safely with the employer.

The meeting with the candidate is organized at the initiative of the employer and includes the following procedures:

  1. Study of the candidate's documents for compliance with the parameters for a particular position: Sales Manager, Logist, Accountant. Each specialties have their own requirements for knowledge, experience, the nature of the subordinate.
  2. Conversation of the company and the applicant, with answers to pre-prepared questions and arising in the process of conversation. What questions will ask the employer at the interview in advance it is impossible to predict, but it is worth thinking about the main topics in advance: on education, experience achieved by results, etc.
  3. Testing, primary checks of skills, skills, if it is permissible during the conversation.

Thus, management checks how valuable candidate in the eyes of the company, making preliminary conclusions.

After the employer clarified his moments that interests, it is time for issues to the employer from a potential employee. The applicant allows you to ask about what interests it most.

Based on what questions ask the interlocutor, the company's head receives an additional opportunity to identify the features of a person's personality, its priorities and further plans. Questions help to find out whether a person is able to formulate thoughts and place in the process of conversation.

What to ask on the employer's interview

On the eve of the meeting, the parties can find out the main points relating to the main parameters - experience, requirements, working conditions and payment. If the applicant did not ask a single question at the interview, it looks at least strange if the candidate has shown interest in vacancies, but did not specify the details of the work. From what questions are asked for an interview to the employer, the created impression depends, helping to identify the motivation of a person, awareness of awareness in the company's activities.

As a rule, a person who seriously treated the first meeting with the employer asks questions about:

  • posts and the reason for the emergence of the need for the services of a new employee;
  • companies and specifics of work, interaction of structures;
  • opportunities for career growth and training;
  • Social guarantees, features of official employment, working conditions and rest.

Questions about official duties

1 One of the first questions that are asked on the interview is the topic of performance duties. There is absolutely the same work, therefore it is worth find out what the person's duties are to be consumed. From the description of specific actions and areas of responsibility, you can assume in advance whether this vacancy is suitable. 2 It is worthwhile to ask about the reason for the appearance of the vacancy - the expansion of the company's activities or replacing the former employee. If the position arose a long time ago, it is worth find out why the previous worker quit or was fired. It's not a fact that the employer will answer sincerely, but nevertheless, in which the company's uncomfortable question is, a representative of the company, it will be possible to conclude about how and under what circumstances expresses the negative attitude of the employer. 3 In addition to responsibilities, the employer should be asked about the proposed mode of operation. Not always in the announcement with the vacancy it is said that the beginning of the working day - 8 o'clock in the morning, or is silent about the need for work overtime. No less important, in what conditions will be a working day, whether the conditions for eating and recreation will be provided. If, according to these issues, the employer has not yet reported anything, perhaps it is due to the fact that there is nothing particularly praise. Usually the presence of business trips to the company declares immediately in the description of the claims for the candidate. Few who indicate the terms of payment of the travel period. By law, days on business trips are paid additionally, in the presence of frequent business trips, it makes it possible to increase labor payment. The frequency of possible connectors and their duration - two more important points that need to be set on an interview.

Prospects for employment and adaptation in the workplace

An employer and questions about possible prospects should be asked:

  1. What will happen after the trial period?
  2. What career increase is possible?
  3. How is the process of learning newly accepted employees organized?
  4. Are qualification courses, trainings, seminars that contribute to improving the efficiency of work are envisaged?
  5. Who exactly will be the leader, in whose submission is it supposed to work?

Questions about duration will help to navigate the employee's further action. As a rule, the term does not exceed 3 months, however, for the guideline, the test period increases to six months. Exceeding maximum terms signals violations permitted by the employer.

If the company is ready to invest in employees, developing and improving knowledge and skills, one can expect that the work in the company will have a positive effect on the specialist, increasing its value. If the employer is not interested in professional growth, it is unlikely to wait for light career growth, or it is generally not provided for within this organization.

Equally, it is important to ask the employer to interview the question of the direct supervisor, since the work of working relationships, and what general results will reach the team. Ideally, a personal acquaintance with the immediate supervisor immediately at the interview.

Providing a social package

The questions asked for interviews include an equally important topic about the availability of social package and those guarantees that the company adopted.

It is necessary to ask when a device for work is not only the level of wages, but also the possibility of obtaining additional bonuses and benefits for employees. Sometimes excellent medical insurance, subscriptions, discounts on products, preferential tickets outweigh the modest salary size.

The last question of the applicant

Upon completion of the conversation, when the applicant decided that the company's conditions came to him, it is necessary to ask a question about when we can expect a decision on the choice of the employer. The latter has the right to respond foggy about what will contact later, however, if the representative of the company has shown interest in the future employee, it should be explained when you can wait for an answer. Otherwise, a valuable employee may be employed in another company for waiting time.

What questions do not ask for an interview

A person is free to ask different issues related to future work, but in some circumstances some of the applicant questions will leave a negative hue of the employer. The applicant needs to clearly understand what questions cannot be asked, and what to ask.

Here is a list of questions to the employer when admission to work, which may adversely affect the company's decision:

  • When can I go on vacation?
  • Is it possible to leave early?
  • Do you consider recommendations from the previous track?

Such phrases on the interview are a direct path to refusal, because they will create the impression that the worker, providing fake recommendations, dreams of escaping, without waiting for the completion of working time, and will require leave, without spending the deadline.

From what to ask is to eliminate personal themes. It is unacceptable to ask about the marital status, the presence of children, the name of the hairdresser or the favorite procurement site.

No need to ask about feeding items at work, routes, how to get there. If a person is not able to independently deal with, on which bus or on what road to get, there is insufficient independent in front of the employer. If the applicant claims a leadership position, he must show his ability to independently solve problems. Details, which menus is in the dining room at the enterprise, the interview will sound in a prompt time, because the choice in favor of the applicant has not yet been made.

The first meeting with a potential employer is an important stage of employment, so what is asked about the interview, should be carefully thought out in advance. The interview is a test with which the employer will make the first idea of \u200b\u200ba person. From how adequately and reasonably, the words of the applicant will sound, will largely depend on whether the applicant is interested in the job.

Video consultation: Why in the interview ask strange questions.

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