Sexual horoscope of the zodiac signs. Unexpected sides of the zodiac signs

Sexual horoscope of the zodiac signs.  Unexpected sides of the zodiac signs
Sexual horoscope of the zodiac signs. Unexpected sides of the zodiac signs

The date of birth of a person determines his belonging to one or another sign of the zodiac and affects the formation of his personality. Based on statistical data, researchers have compiled various ratings. They express the predisposition of different representatives to certain characteristics. For example, Virgos are considered the most faithful, Scorpios have a pronounced sexuality, and Gemini have the best sense of humor. The article will provide a rating of the signs of the zodiac in terms of beauty, intelligence, loyalty, wealth and other curious parameters.

The most charming and attractive

  1. A lion. He knows how to profitably present his beauty, even if it does not have ideal parameters. Extremely charming.
  2. Capricorn. He knows how to correctly present himself, easily creates his own original style.
  3. Sagittarius. It has powerful charisma, so it is impossible not to pay attention to the representative of this sign.
  4. Aries. It is remembered at first sight due to its bright image and originality.
  5. Twins. They often change their image, sometimes radically. Their appearance expresses their attitude to the world at the moment.
  6. Taurus. Always looks natural. Has an excellent sense of taste.
  7. Crayfish. It looks sophisticated and original. Doesn't like bright and catchy images.
  8. Scorpion. Possesses exotic beauty, sensual, considers himself perfect.
  9. Virgo. Carefully looks after himself. Skillfully presents her beauty, even if she does not have an ideal appearance.
  10. Aquarius. It is attractive not only externally. It attracts representatives of the opposite sex with its inner light.
  11. Scales. They have an expressive face and beautiful hands. They can bring disharmony into the image by the wrong choice of clothes or hair color.
  12. Fish. They do not accept vulgar images. They attract the opposite sex with the mystery of the image.

Certain trends can be seen in this ranking. But it should be remembered that the appearance and perception of a person by others depends not only on the sign of the zodiac. Moreover, the concept of beauty is subjective. Based on statistical data, such a rating has been compiled. Among the signs of the zodiac, regardless of the position held, one can find both a not very pretty representative and the ideal of beauty.

Mental capacity

  1. Twins. Curious and easy to learn. Possessors of an inquiring mind.
  2. Aquarius. Uses his mind solely in his own interests.
  3. Sagittarius. Thoughtful and calm. He has an analytical mind and is able to manage not only an enterprise, but even the state.
  4. Taurus. Differs in persistence in learning, knows how to use the accumulated knowledge.
  5. Scorpion. In the case of insufficient mental understanding of the issue, he reaches heights with the help of perseverance and determination.
  6. Aries. Easy to learn, but lazy. Therefore, the mind applies for personal goals.
  7. Capricorn. It is distinguished by inquisitiveness and perseverance, but sometimes it is prone to laziness.
  8. Virgo. Smart, inquisitive. Uses these qualities to climb the career ladder.
  9. A lion. He uses his mind to the fullest, but looks for benefits and practical benefits in this.
  10. Fish. The presence of mind is often leveled by simplicity and carelessness.
  11. Scales. Possessors of an analytical mind. All decisions they make are balanced.
  12. Crayfish. Lazy, considers learning a waste of time. In life, he uses only part of the knowledge gained.


  1. Scorpion. If he fell in love, then he would never go for treason.
  2. A lion. The representative of this zodiac sign is faithful and reliable.
  3. Virgo. She treats casual relationships with squeamishness and selectiveness, therefore she remains faithful.
  4. Taurus. The family representative of this sign counts on the loyalty of his soul mate and pays in the same coin.
  5. Scales. They like stability and poise. They are not inclined to betrayals.
  6. Aquarius. He is capable of treason if he feels that he is tied to the house.
  7. Crayfish. Reliable and loyal, but only as long as he is comfortable.
  8. Fish. Between lofty feelings and sexual pleasure, they will choose the latter.
  9. Capricorn. His soul wants to be faithful, but his body longs for new sensations.
  10. Twins. They are fickle, looking for benefits and comfort in any relationship.
  11. Aries. A good family man, but cheats because of the love for new sensations.
  12. Sagittarius. For him, love is a game, a sport, an adventure. Loyalty from Sagittarius should not be expected.

Virgos are the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Cheating (the rating testifies to this) is not peculiar to them.

Capable of killing

This list has been compiled based on statistics. The rating of the killers among the zodiac signs is as follows:

  1. A lion. His actions are distinguished by audacity and scale. Likes to demonstrate his strength and scope.
  2. Taurus. Does not feel a sense of revenge until his interests are infringed upon. They act out of self-interest.
  3. Twins. They are distinguished by insolence and cunning. Sometimes they are too fussy, but they act decisively and cruelly.
  4. Crayfish. Differs in cunning. Acts guided by self-interest. Thinks over his actions to the smallest detail.
  5. Scales. They kill in the name of an idea. Very cruel and cold-blooded.
  6. Capricorn. Actions are thought out to the smallest detail. Does not accept window dressing and unnecessary destruction. The main thing is to reach the goal and hide the evidence.
  7. Aries. Differs in rigidity, not cruelty. Often acts out of a false sense of justice.
  8. Virgo. Prudent and extremely careful. Her actions are verified, calculated and irreversible.
  9. Fish. Impudent, cruel and reckless. They kill without self-interest, but for the sake of success, power and recognition.
  10. Sagittarius. Fussy, illogical and sloppy. She makes gross mistakes.
  11. Scorpion. Daring but circumspect. The bulk of the "wood grouse" - his handiwork.
  12. Aquarius. His crime is carefully thought out and calculated, despite the eccentricity inherent in this sign.

Mental problems

  1. Virgo. It can go crazy, for example, on cleanliness, on counting calories in food eaten, or on scrupulous balancing of income and expenses.
  2. A lion. Those around him must unquestioningly obey his will, because he is the king.
  3. Twins. do not give them rest. There are many personalities and subpersonalities inside.
  4. Fish. Fall into prolonged depression. They communicate with other worlds and travel to parallel realities.
  5. Scales. Are prone to anxiety attacks and suffer from chronic indecisiveness.
  6. Aquarius. There are many reasons for going crazy due to the open and overly receptive consciousness of this zodiac sign.
  7. Aries. Prone to Rapid change of mood and emotions from wild rage to a state of euphoria and bliss.
  8. Capricorn. Can get bogged down in routine and monotony and feel absolutely comfortable at the same time.
  9. Scorpion. A chronic form of paranoia is not excluded.
  10. Crayfish. Able to plunge headlong into the occult sciences.
  11. Taurus. Money and the opposite sex are two things that you can get hung up on, sometimes even too much.
  12. Sagittarius. Attacks of claustrophobia are characteristic, that is, fear of enclosed spaces.

Violent tendencies

The zodiac signs that can be violent, according to the rating, are located as follows:

  1. Fish. There is a pronounced aggression and a tendency to perversion.
  2. Taurus. Not impulsive. The victim, chosen in advance, declares his rights, and in case of refusal he acts by force.
  3. Aries. It does not humiliate, does not prove its superiority, but simply overcomes resistance.
  4. Twins. Cynics and Sadists. The act of violence is accompanied by beatings and perversions.
  5. Capricorn. Committing violence to gain power over the victim.
  6. Crayfish. The main motive is revenge for past failures in love or for the inaccessibility of the victim.
  7. A lion. With arrogant superiority, suppresses the resistance of its victim.
  8. Scales. They act with pronounced aggression and perversions.
  9. Virgo. Committing violence due to inherent complexes of a sexual nature. Doing this to gain peace of mind.
  10. Aquarius. There is no sexual overtones in his actions. There is only a desire to stun and shock the victim.
  11. Sagittarius. He commits violence in a daring, unbridled and perverse manner.
  12. Scorpion. Acting out of revenge. The reason for it may be material damage or insult.


  1. Virgo. Differs in hard work, attentiveness, analytical mind and sobriety.
  2. Scorpion. A talented strategist, passionately goes to his goal and achieves what he wants. Has the gift of persuasion.
  3. Twins. Wealth gives them a sense of freedom and allows them to satisfy their craving for everything new.
  4. Aries. Works fruitfully and, accordingly, earns good money.
  5. Scales. They are pretty smart about finance. They choose a middle ground between price and quality.
  6. Crayfish. Differs in prudence. Saves funds by choosing the most reliable storage method.
  7. Capricorn. Even having earned capital, he continues to treat wealth wisely, not throwing money around and not making rash spending.
  8. A lion. Maximalist and spender. He lives to the fullest, and therefore sometimes even finds himself on the verge of poverty.
  9. Taurus. Differs in firmness of character and sanity.
  10. Fish. Talented but impractical. Indifferent to money.
  11. Aquarius. An idealist, confidently going towards his goal.
  12. Sagittarius. She is sprayed and does not know how to notice little things.

Sloppy driving

  1. Scales.
  2. Aquarius.
  3. Aries.
  4. Fish.
  5. Scorpion.
  6. Taurus.
  7. Sagittarius.
  8. Capricorn.
  9. Virgo.
  10. Twins.


  1. Scorpion.
  2. Aries.
  3. Taurus.
  4. Twins.
  5. Fish.
  6. Sagittarius.
  7. Aquarius.
  8. Scales.
  9. Virgo.
  10. Capricorn.

Fun comes first

  1. Twins.
  2. Virgo.
  3. Sagittarius.
  4. Aquarius.
  5. Aries.
  6. Scorpion.
  7. Taurus.
  8. Capricorn.
  9. Fish.
  10. Scales.

Rating of the most-most zodiac signs

The most spiritually strong sign of the zodiac is Pisces, despite its impressionability and sentimentality. They have internal resources that, in difficult situations, allow them to bend, but not break.

Scorpio is recognized as the most insidious sign, because if he decided to take revenge, then it is already impossible to stop him. And he will do this using sophisticated methods. Scorpio is an evil and dangerous enemy.

Taurus is rightfully considered the kindest, who does not like conflicts, is distinguished by gentleness and tact in communication. Representatives of this sign take pleasure in providing gratuitous assistance to those in need.

Gemini is recognized as the most successful, because they have the ability to be at the right time in the right place. They are optimistic and lucky, so they are happy.

Leo is considered, because even showing generosity and friendliness, he does it, pleasing his desires. Representatives of the sign love to be in the spotlight, they need flattery and praise, because at such moments they feel at their best.

The most sociable are Libra. They love to talk, get to know each other. Loneliness is difficult for Libra, but in the company it is easy and joyful for them.

The most closed is Capricorn. It is difficult to imagine what thoughts dwell in his head. Representatives of the sign rarely trust other people, they look indifferent and cold.

Aquarius is recognized as the most ingenious sign. This is an idea generator with a well-developed imagination and creative thinking.


One should not draw far-reaching conclusions from the given ratings. Don't be discouraged if your zodiac sign is the top killer or bottom of the rich list. Research results are based on pure statistics. There are no absolutely bad or unambiguously good signs of the zodiac. It all depends on the individual.

from 21.03 to 20.04

- Who is our workaholic?
- Who can’t stand it when he is at least in some way superior?
- Whose gait is like running? Who is this?
- This is he, the always excited and aggressive Aries!

Aries - Star Sheep (or Sheep) - has brilliant positive inclinations and hard work, but he is often irritable, stubborn and quick-tempered. The heat of his passions knows no bounds, and the desire to insist on his own can pass into despotism. He is impulsive and unpredictable.
Aries is an individualist and does not succumb well to someone else's will. His own strong will knows no limit, an active mind pushes forward without fear of obstacles. However, Aries is not good at understanding people. Hence - his usual disappointment in dealing with people.
Often Aries is an aggressive, extremely angry-stupid type, a militant and cruel primitive, deeply convinced that happiness should be with burning tears, and goodness with pood fists.
Mentally retarded, Aries has a hard time remembering simple things from childhood. Thinking, he already blushes from the strain. He would have put a pig on it more than once if he could. As a child, Aries dreams of a military career or an astronaut and therefore constantly starts fights.
From youth, Aries is easily aroused mentally, but shows either surprising indifference, reaching apathy, then unexpected outbursts of anger with minor setbacks. He does not tolerate objections, and reasonable arguments have no effect on him.
When drunk, Aries is prone to scandals.
His vulgar soul, Baran, is wide open for drinking companions. Loves beer with salty jokes. True, his jokes are flat and rude, and their main theme is the physiological functions of the body. This humor is a characteristic symptom of underdevelopment, or damage to the frontal lobes of the brain, and it is called "frontal humor" in psychiatry. The ram's conversation is like the eloquence of the deaf and dumb. "What, you have no hands to talk?" - Aries' favorite saying.
Aries has neither artistic flair, nor good manners, nor the ability to behave in society, nor care about their appearance.
In family life, he must be kept away from money - he will spend everything instantly, but he himself does not know where. In society, he is tedious: he can talk about himself for hours without noticing others.
All his life, Aries-Ram is busy looking for new (or not so) gates for himself.
Sheep wives are ambitious and aggressive, but they, constantly nagging their husbands, push them to success, since they have no equal in ambition and enthusiasm.
Sheep husbands are irresponsible. It is difficult to tie them to the house. They need companions who would take them tightly.
Aries is a sign of health with a reasonable lifestyle.
Aries should avoid Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces in marriage and friendship. Must look for Libra, Sagittarius, Leo.

from 21.04 to 21.05

- Who smiles from ear to ear if they don't contradict him?
- Who thinks they know the most?
- Who loves trendy things?
- Who loves baked, boiled and fried?
- Oh, it's him, stubborn and carnivorous Taurus!

A healthy and mercantile boor, Taurus achieves his goal through perseverance and patience. He does not give up his plans. He rarely listens to advice and can suddenly act ahead. More guided by feelings than reason.
In anger, he is like an angry bull, and his anger is long: he does not forget and does not forgive insults. As a child, Taurus loved to torture animals.
The main disadvantages of Taurus: boring, lack of imagination, stinginess, pessimistic outlook on things, stubbornness, cruelty to oneself and others, callousness. Taurus is conservative in outlook.
Petty and boring, Taurus is a sucker and an informer. In life, he keeps his nose to the wind and follows all the instructions of his superiors.
The Taurus man loves to pose as an altruist, and the woman is a martyr. At the same time, Taurus, an actor by nature, actually despises everyone, considering himself in the depths of his soul the center of the universe.
Taurus loves wealth, but the hoarder covertly, albeit tirelessly. He, "ripped off the unfortunate" (AN Ryzhov), is ready to take off the last shirt from his neighbor.
In general, the Sign of Taurus (Golden Taurus!) Is a sign of a banker, and this Taurus should be remembered.
Most of the Taurus love to smoke (more than other signs of the zodiac), and they have a hard time quitting smoking. But because of his stinginess, Taurus can smoke all sorts of rubbish - from self-infestation to cheap "weed".
In the company, Taurus can prove to be a pleasant companion, amiable, dexterous, agile, but sometimes at the same time he becomes burdensome due to a lack of tact, because of his flaunting rudeness, undisguised selfishness and excessive chatter.
In their youth, Taurus has many novels, but soon they realize that marriage is more important to them than success in love.
Taurus enters into marriage by calculation. Very jealous. He also chooses a mistress (lover) by calculation. Nevertheless, homosexuals are more common among Taurus than among other signs of the zodiac.
An egocentric with sadistic inclinations, Taurus terrorizes the family from childhood to old age, although outwardly it seems polite and affectionate to outsiders. His children must "keep pace". All family finances are in his (her) hands, and only he (she) has the right to dispose of them.
The Taurus woman is pleasant, but others can be overwhelmed by her excessive practicality. She chooses her partner carefully. She will always demand from her husband both moral and material compensation for the youth and beauty given to him.
Taurus women usually know better than other signs of the zodiac how to keep a man with them. But it is from the Taurus women that the most terrible and obnoxious old maidens are obtained.
Taurus does not trust anyone, even himself, and therefore the Taurus husband is painfully jealous.
As the usurper of all the privileges that he can reach, Taurus in the family is the center and unquestioning steward. He looks different at work, where he is the most helpful member of the team. The bosses are in favor of him.
In general, Taurus, being by nature strong and firmly sewn, is healthy, hardy and energetic. He is born with a strong constitution and can live to old age without any illness. Most of his illnesses stem from excessive work, drinking, smoking, love affairs. With an illness, Taurus does not recover for too long, falling into despondency and discouragement.
Taurus does not have an inferiority complex, and therefore the best career for him may be a career as a politician, military man or athlete.
Taurus and Scorpio are two opposites to each other. The union of Taurus with Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius is not always favorable. Taurus should avoid Pisces and Cancer. Libra and Sagittarius can become Taurus's partners, as well as Leo for love and friendship.

from 22.05 to 21.06

- Who likes to make fun of others?
- And who does not tolerate ridicule?
- Who loves immeasurable attention to themselves?
- Of course, these are the eternally quarreling Gemini!

from 22.06 to 22.07

- Who is changeable, like capricious weather: now fasting, then allowing himself everything?
- And who can hope for the sympathy of this, the most in need of sympathy,
- Thick Shell Cancer?

Cancers are self-contained losers and fatalists who don't believe they can change their lives. This leads them to passivity, laziness and inertia.
Among all the Zodiac Signs, Cancer is the first contender for the role of an energy vampire, sucking energy from the psychosphere of the environment.
If in the horoscopic chart of the birth of Cancer the Moon is "strong" (only a professional astrologer can establish this), then Cancer runs the risk of being a "lunar vampire". But we will not need the services of an astrologer to recognize a lunar vampire in Cancer: Cancer-Lunar Vampires are whiners in life, constantly "crying into a vest" and waiting for sympathy. They strive to "burden" their wife (husband), friends, neighbors, and acquaintances with their experiences, in order to at least partially "load" their cross on them. These abilities of the lunar vampire are closely related to the phases of the moon, exacerbating during periods of full moon. The Moon controls the Cancer-Moon Vampires, determining the ups and downs of their mood. Cancers are susceptible to the mood of others: at the time of depression, they need to communicate on a psychological level with people who can get them out of this mood. As soon as the mood of others deteriorates, Cancer will feel tremendous relief, mental recovery and will come out of the state of mental depression.
If in the horoscopic chart of the birth of Cancer the Moon is "weak" (only a professional astrologer can establish this), then Cancer runs the risk of being a "solar vampire". But we can also recognize him without an astrologer, since Cancer-Solar Vampires are brawlers by nature. They choose a victim, weak and prone to stress, impose their problem on her and provoke her into an argument. The scandals caused by the solar vampire are constant and have nothing to do with the phases of the moon.
Cancer is a hysterical and a liar. If he is not lying, then he is hysterical; if he is not hysterical, then he is lying "(astrologer A. Ryzhov).
Cancers are sensual, easily vulnerable and therefore terribly suspicious and touchy. They never forgive any offense.
At work, Cancers are relatively honest and almost reliable, but they do not like innovation. They have a heightened intuition, reaching mysticism, hiding it from others, since they do not like to stand out from the crowd to colic in the stomach.
In life, Cancer is a failure. He is a conservative and opportunist, immersed in self-contemplation. Nothing can change his beliefs. Having learned that the suit fits well on him, Cancer will drag him to the holes.
Cancer argues against any statement from the spirit of contradiction in order to mock an opponent and grow in their own bulging eyes.
From fear, Cancer can attack first, but usually, sensing danger, it flees to its hole, to a place that cherishes and cherishes more than anything else. He gladly denigrates everyone and everything, making himself a master of the situation and pretending to be strong and confident in himself. In fact, he is afraid of everyone to the point of colic.
Cancer considers everyone to be idlers, for whom he works alone. Everyday toil disgusts him, and he unnoticeably pushes it onto others.
The object of love for Cancer is difficult to find because of his high aspirations, and having fallen in love, he can pursue the object of love for years.
Cancers are the mothers of all Zodiac Signs. They are good housewives, but they usually love more children than their spouse. And they love them like a mother.
Cancers rarely marry at an early age, as they hardly leave the parental home and are too attached to their mother. Cancers are possessive and very jealous. The family for Cancer is his fortress.
Cancer is the only sign of the Zodiac that can find mutual understanding with all others, but finds special happiness with Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.

from 23.07 to 23.08

- Who is proud of everything that is kindred and close to him?
And who expects the same from their entourage?
- And just can't stand their insensitive gaze?
- Oh, it is he, the loving and regal LEO!

Of course, not everyone is called to rule the empire and the world, but those born under the Sign of Leo have the greatest chance of leadership. Leos are called to both rule and love. They are deeply unhappy if they are not worshiped. They are noble when it does not destroy their power charisma. The world for Leo is a huge stage on which a play written for his dramatic talent is played out. His unattainable arrogance can poison everyone's life.
Do not excite the system called Leo, otherwise he will lose his balance and fall on top of you. I didn’t say a word about the vestibule: I’m talking about arousal ”(according to AN Ryzhov).
At first impression, Leos are confident in themselves, but in reality they are characterized by doubts. They are very concerned about their appearance (especially women). And they are very fond of a fat wallet.
Leos are generous only to those they love. They are not susceptible to the mood of others and never notice the hints made to them.
Lions do not understand people well, and therefore they conquer Lviv with flattery and praise. They are ambitious, shameless and aggressive. At the same time, they are also arrogant.
From early childhood, Leo has a penchant for drinking and extortion. As a child, he extorts money from his parents, then from friends and acquaintances. His exaggerated pride and self-esteem can poison anyone's life, and gluttony can ruin any pocket. However, he rarely gets fat.
"Screwing in a screw for Leo - that's all, kraty. This, first of all, is not a royal affair! He will not screw him out: he will knock him out with an ax along with the wall to his neighbor.
Is the lion a locksmith? Well, it's a defective Lion! He must have square genitals. Can not be. Their hands don't grow from there. Here is a senior locksmith, this is - yes! "(According to AN Ryzhov).
Leos love to make big money and love to spend it even more. They borrow a lot, distribute, spend, and in general - often live beyond their means.
Lions are the most gambling and avid gamblers in cards, lotto, billiards, but their luck is highly doubtful. Moreover, they are incorrigible cheaters.
Leo has the highest success rate of all zodiac signs, but he also has the worst failures.
Leo loves the whole world to revolve around him, therefore, he always strives to be the first in everything, if this does not work out, he withers and noticeably shrinks in size. He has an unshakable sense of his own greatness, value and infallibility.
Pride is the enemy of Leo, especially if it is not justified by anything. In these cases, he suffers from mental inflation: depression, quirks, abusive morbid humor. Then he becomes an arrogant and pompous person who punishes those around him for his unfulfilled ambitions of a tyrant. He becomes a slave to his vices, a petty and restless adventurer, reckoning only with himself. The "Napoleonic complex" that has developed against the background of all this can sometimes bring Leo to a madhouse.
Leo is said to growl more often than bite.
Leo's ideal partners are Libra, Cancer, Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini. Lions have mutual coldness with Aquarius and Taurus.

from 24.08 to 23.09

- Who criticizes everything that he sees and hears?
- Who analyzes each and every one of our sneezes?
- Who loves and cherishes even their own diseases?
- Of course, this is Virgo, a practical bore!

Born under the sign of Virgo is intelligent and analytical, but he thinks too much of himself. In others, he values ​​only erudition, and therefore often loses friends. For happiness, Virgos often lack ease of communication, although many people born under this Sign have achieved high results in their chosen activities.
But know: if, after a few minutes of communication with an intelligent person, you want to dismember him and send his remains to several non-existent addresses, this person, according to the horoscope, is most likely a Virgo.
Virgo - "Woe from Mind": she constantly chews her mental gum, conducting a mental dialogue with herself, building cells in her mind (not always golden), in which she prefers to live.
Virgo has the charm of a pink-toed toad, the gracefulness of an elephant from a china shop, and the brains of a calculator.
Virgos are petty, stingy, boring and quarrelsome. With their tediousness and their nit-picking, Virgos can ruin any business and bring anyone to white heat. Virgo never improvises, and draws up the most detailed, boring and detailed action plans for herself and her loved ones, despite their protests.
Virgo is meticulous in calculating expenses, but spends a lot. Her sayings: "A miser pays twice" and "If you don't pay extra, you don't inform." Virgo buys expensive things without bargaining. However, Virgos love to wear things and hesitate when throwing out old things.
Virgo's pedantry is unbearable. In everything she has a cold calculation, and everything that she does is heavy and boring.
Virgos are masters of intrigue, and they will not rest until the whole race of their enemies has been driven out to the tenth generation.
The most terrible marriage, like a nucleus chained to the leg of a prisoner, is "Virgo + Virgo", which Leo Tolstoy had.
Of the negative traits of Virgos, the most repelling of friends and acquaintances from them is their eternal moralism, bordering on their hypocrisy and their limitations.
Virgo's body does not feel like a part of nature. He does not have the energy of Aries, the vitality of Taurus, the elasticity of Gemini, the endurance of Cancer, the resistance of Leo. It is perishable, it gets tired easily, it often looks painful.
A typical Virgo disease is constipation and intestinal cramps that threaten to poison the entire system if they take too long. From them, Virgo develops merichlundia (bad mood) and even indigestion (indigestion). But Virgo has a first-class system of iron nerves, and she knows how to cope with health problems. Here is the Virgo's credo: "Beauty will be saved by an enema!"
Virgo monitors symptoms and prevents bad things from getting worse. True, as a rule, this leads to an exaggerated attention to health, to mania for purity, to a fear of microbes, which excludes all normal contacts, which can even result in sexual abstinence. It is also true that Virgo's obsession with mania for purity is periodic, and the very next day Virgo can get deep into the mud.
Virgos are rude in Jesuit style: with a delicate narrow-lipped grin, they dump a whole bag of arguments they have collected. At the same time, their eyes become prickly, and their nose becomes a nose-trunk. And one more thing: when they are rude, they do not lie and do not speculate anything. These are the infections and ulcers they are!
Virgo has no natural instinct to do anything. If their heart is caught, they retreat, take cover to think. They hate and fear all uncertainty and expectation. Passion seems to Virgo as a disease of the soul, which the mind must heal. Virgos analyze their feelings, trying to minimize them with the help of reason, doubt, debate and ridicule, while being nevertheless attached to the object of passion more than they think.
Virgo is hot ice, and therefore does not pour out her love in words, preferring deeds to words. Tenderness seems to Virgo as a form of humiliation, and she considers herself above the love lisp. The ingenious slow-witted Virgo often "remains on the beans", being unable to choose, like a Buridan's donkey, one of the two, and that is why no Sign has more bachelors and old maidens, isolated until the end of their days in a cage, or, as they say, "in an ivory tower."
Virgo men are ranked 1st in impotence among all Zodiac Signs.
For Virgo, an alliance with Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer is favorable, but she should avoid Aries and Sagittarius.

from 24.09 to 23.10

- Who always gets off with empty promises?
- Who makes us wait half a day?
- Who goes into everything to establish reconciliation?
- And who is constantly picking the nose and wounds of his immortal soul?
- Soft by nature and pliable
- scum-Libra!

The life of people born under the sign of Libra is governed by a thirst for justice and a constant feeling of infringement, or their own inferiority.
You need to be a real loser to be born under this Sign: both hands are left and do not grow from where they need to. Their hearing and vision are poor, and they often hear what has not been said and do not see what they do not want to see. "Everything they have is low, and pressure" (AN Ryzhov), and even a sense of humor in Libra in its infancy.
Libra never has any money or luck in love. They are not lucky either at home or at work. They can neither earn, nor surprise and shine with anything.
Libras love to keep sensitive diaries and delve into their own emotional wounds and suffering (sometimes in their own car). However, Libra is intolerant of the suffering of others, considering everyone to be pretenders and simulators.
Scales are pathologically unable to make decisions: they begin to shake with small shivers, sweat and faint. Easily influenced by external influences, they constantly fluctuate like the scales when it is necessary to make the right decision, but the decision they made is usually the wrong one. Therefore, decisions in life are made for them by others.
Libras prefer work with minimal responsibility, but they also try to evade it.
Frequent problems with the nerves in Libra are expressed in hatred of their entire environment.
Libra pose as experts in everything (especially in art), although they themselves do not understand anything.
Despite the love for the family, Libra wives are burdened by the house and feel the need to communicate outside of it.
Libra husbands are considered great experts in love, but they are more pleased with the bachelor life. After drinking too much at the festive table, they run somewhere - through fields, through forests, through mountains, to some unheard-of love, but then it turns out that they just had to drink more in some dirty tavern. Having sober up, they repent, smearing snot on their faces, and are executed.
Libra often writes tearful memoirs or "women's novels" with a sexually detective tinge.
In matters of personal health, the Libra credo is: "Simulation is the guarantee of health."
Libra is a bad advisor: in any problem and in any question, he is an amateur, although he undertakes to help us. "Can you play the violin?" - asked the dilettante. “I don’t know. I haven’t tried it,” he replied. Needless to say, the dilettante was born under the sign of Libra?
Libra gets along well with Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo and Virgo. Libra does not like Aries, Capricorns and Cancers.

from 24.10 to 22.11

- Whose face is a mask?
- Who hides in his tail (in the sleeve, under the hollow of his jacket, in the briefcase) a sting with poison?
- And who, without hesitation, will use this sting, even if you only slightly touch it?
- This is your ardent friend and your insidious enemy - Scorpio!

Scorpio is strong and determined. His ruthless and passionate nature of extremes and contradictions is the most powerful in the Zodiac Signs. You can love or hate a Scorpio, but it is impossible to remain indifferent to him.
The vital energy of Scorpios is so great that at his birth additional forces (energy) are required to ensure his birth, and his birth is accompanied by the death of one of his relatives a year or a year after his birth. And vice versa, when Scorpio leaves for another world, the released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new creature: the death of Scorpio leads to the appearance of a newborn in the family a year before the sad event or a year after it. This is what astrologers predict, and so it happens.
There are no obstacles for Scorpios. They are analysts and along with this they have subtle intuition. They are energetic, almost always striving for success. They are sarcastic and have a deep, almost mystical understanding of life. Outstanding successes are often achieved.
Scorpios cheat, deceive, intrigue out of the mere pleasure of destroying. They are pathological sadists and masochists almost simultaneously. They do not disdain any means to achieve the goal. Sparing no effort and money, they create a good opinion of themselves, in order to then treacherously strike from the rear. A career is made by walking over corpses.
Scorpio is a product of demonic intelligence and pathological passion at the same time, and his zodiac Sign is a sign of love and death. Likes to philosophize about the problems of being. Attractive to the opposite sex, as he loves to argue and loves to win.
Scorpios are people of extremes: they either passionately love or hate fiercely. They are usually very cruel and distrustful, self-absorbed and inattentive to others. For them, the opinion of the public is indifferent. When faced with obstacles, they develop their own battle tactics.
Scorpio loves vulgar jokes and porn films. He spreads rumors about his sexual exploits, while cruelly mocking those who are attached to him.
Scorpio has a bad reputation. It is associated with the House of Death of the horoscope, forgetting that this House can also bring wealth. Scorpio has tremendous resistance and, like Phoenix, can resurrect.
Scorpio has a dangerous energy like Aries. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion.
Scorpio is ruled by hidden animal power and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly, which often leads to internal conflicts, neuroses, and emotional dramas.
Scorpio has an imperious, violent instinctive character, irrepressible, even if his spiritual fire is hidden under the guise of infantilism.
The Scorpio man is not inclined to show his good feelings in public. In public, he is rude, inattentive, cruel, suspicious and jealous.
The Scorpio woman is usually born a devil. It was once said about her: "From her very birth, all the foundations have been turned upside down in her. The top turns into the bottom, the right into the left, the front into the back" (St. Pshibyshevsky). With a sixth sense, at first glance, she recognizes her future chosen one, and he has no choice but to submit to her witchcraft. She is an unusually passionate person. But her passion only has to do with the clitoris, not childbirth.
Being terribly jealous, the Scorpio woman hates being jealous of her, although it is very difficult not to be jealous of her, since she attracts the glances of men of all Zodiac signs.
Scorpios are very picky in choosing friends, but do not rush to enroll in their number - friendship with Scorpio is dangerous: if Scorpio said that he appreciates your friendship, it means that an hour ago he "rolled a cart on you" to the authorities. The worst enemies for us are obtained from our Scorpio friends.
Scorpio is very dangerous even from a distance. His face is a mask behind which it is unknown what is hidden. It is impossible to get involved with him, since he has a "divine gift" of verbal magic: as he says, so be it. And he can heal with a word, but he can also destroy with it.
Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo are suitable for marriage and cooperation. Avoid Aquarius and Leo.

from 23.11 to 21.12

- Who always, even on a sunny day, sees a bright star in front of him?
- Who has no strength, no will, no willpower?
- A cheerful and rather stupid cheerful optimist - Sagittarius!

Straightforward, sincere and charming, Sagittarius most often looks like a joyful idiot, and almost always he is. His cretinous optimism and assertiveness will not cool anything, even a brick that has fallen from the roof and smashed on his head.
Since childhood, Sagittarius loves to impose on everyone, without exception, his society and his stupid ideas (and they just stick out of him). However, after a few minutes I want to run away from his conversations in all four directions.
An aggressive optimist, Sagittarius in life together presents a lot of trouble, since he pathologically loves to lie and invent - most often with good, as he sincerely thinks, intentions. Loves crowds, noisy gatherings and places where you can eat and drink for free. But the appearance of Sagittarius in any company ruins her.
In all matters, Sagittarius adheres to the "method of overcoming obstacles in small leaps", even when he needs to overcome a wide chasm. His other favorite method for solving problems is the "method of well-aimed cowboy shots", but Sagittarius uses it only in his dreams, since in everyday life he only knows how to theorize.
In life, Sagittarius is harmed by their excessive straightforwardness associated with a lack of a sense of proportion and tact. It is he, Sagittarius, who at a meeting can blurt out about the boss what other employees whisper about only in the smoking room.
They say about Sagittarius: "His language and actions run ahead of his thoughts." That is why Sagittarius often gets into unpleasant situations and often turns out to be the scapegoat. It is he, Sagittarius, who rushes headlong after the departing bus. It is he, Sagittarius, who runs away from the hospital ward until the end of his recovery.
Even love for Sagittarius is a sports track along which he rushes, Don Quixote on a bent-legged nag, often stumbling and dropping his rider.
Sagittarius - both men and women - prefer a partner that stands out from their environment, a partner not only of a different social environment, but also of a different race, religion or country, a partner to whom they are happy to move and live, even if in exile, but with the prerogatives of voluntary "abroad". Among Sagittarius more often than among other signs of the Zodiac, there are persons with non-traditional sexual orientation - gays and lesbians.
The invisible attribute of Sagittarius - Arrow and Target - is something single and whole, but it is directed to their own heart.
Sagittarius is happy in marriage, friendship and affairs with Gemini, Aries, Aquarius, Libra and Leo, but he should always avoid Virgo.

from 22.12 to 20.01

- Who climbs up the corpses, planning everything - from their health to position?
- Who will mourn the fall of his brother, while calculating his due share?
- Of course, it is he, the ruthless and vindictive Capricorn!

In work, Capricorn achieves success in all endeavors, only thanks to pedantry. At work, he is more often respected than loved.
Capricorn expresses his positive feelings with difficulty, but negative ones are torn out of him.
Capricorn is cruel, cold and soulless, like an iceberg that sank the Titanic. True, he will sincerely and uncontrollably sob, watching the fairy tale "The Little Gray Goat" on TV.
Capricorns are single people who shy away from any company.
At home he is a gendarme, at work he is a tyrant. In tyranny and in the suppression of others, he sees the meaning of his life, clings and finds fault with trifles.
Capricorn is completely devoid of a sense of humor.
On a date, Capricorn will come in trousers with bubbles on his knees and consider it beneath his dignity to dress up as a dandy.
Many Capricorns are misogynists and remain old bachelors. If they look at a woman, they will most likely prefer the one that is older than them, preferably with money, non-capricious, who would be calm, maintain order in the house and spend little money.
Capricorn women are sometimes very hard-hearted and icy cold. They hate being a housewife. They prefer to make a career and achieve independence than to get carried away by a seductive romance. A Capricorn woman can bring her husband to a stomach ulcer with her kitchen. They often remain frigid in the arms of a partner, and get married for financial and social reasons.
If Capricorn lives long enough, then the finest hour of sex comes to him: for men after 75 years, and for women after 65 years.
Capricorn tortures children and terrorizes spouse.
Capricorn resists disease better than it seems to be close to him. He will outlive all his husbands (wives), although he himself (a) will consider that he is already breathing on his own.
Capricorn retreats only in front of physical strength or mental pressure. He is intellectually primitive, without a flight of imagination, but vindictive and vindictive: he never forgives anything to anyone.
In all his everyday problems, Capricorn is a fatal loser, and this is what they say about him: "Fortune turned to him with a long unshaven ass."
Megalomania and minimal mental abilities give him reason to climb into the bosses.
Emotionally, Capricorn should look for Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, friendship with Scorpio is especially good for him. Capricorns should avoid Gemini and Cancer.

from 21.01 to 19.02

- Who most honors the Highest Cosmic Laws of nature?
- Who will always come to your aid and help you, but only if you did not break these Laws?
- It is he, the Inventor and the Genius, the Liberator of Humanity and Superman, - Aquarius!

Generally speaking, Aquarius is, if not a Sign of a genius, then in any case - a Sign of a person with a high IQ (intelligence quotient).
A dreamer and a dreamer, as a rule, completely divorced from real life, Aquarius is often a victim of his own delusions and hovers in the clouds. Prone to utopian ideas and projects, he is stubborn and seeks to be convinced of everything from his own experience. He rarely listens to advice, but he himself is reluctant to give them to others.
You cannot find a better candidate than Aquarius for a spy - there is intelligence, but there is no definite appearance.
Aquarius is an individualist and doesn't care about public opinion.
He never gives back the money lent to him, because, having borrowed money, Aquarius immediately spends it and forgets about the debt. He breaks promises all the time.
At any work, Aquarius's favorite pastime is to twist the blows imperceptibly, showing them through the window to the sparrows.
Being fair in words, Aquarius slanders and throws mud at his loved ones, friends and acquaintances, always behind their backs. Has a gravitation towards rough gastronomy and vulgar fantasy, which he buys up in incredible quantities. He spends his vacation in some hole, since he spent all the money set aside for it on the implementation of one of the projects to save humanity, of which he has a dime a dozen.
Aquarius men rarely wear wedding rings: they are enslaved by family ties and think only of liberation, which they prepare in silence. Aquarians have the highest divorce rate. Aquarius women are frigid. They, like men, only want freedom from marriage.
In his home, Aquarius is a tyrant and despot, giving out money for expenses (up to a penny), as if taking them away from himself.
Aquarians are consummate keyhole peepers and champions in divorce.
In everyday life, Aquarius usually tries to eat soup with a fork, justifying his "professorial absent-mindedness" to himself and especially to those around him.
For marriage, friendship and cooperation, Aquarius needs to look for Libra, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini. He should avoid Taurus and Scorpio.

from 20.02 to 20.03

- Who prays and serves, and again - prays and serves?
- Who will always give a beggar, but not more than 1 kopeck?
- And who mourns the lost love long before its loss?
- Poor, suffering for all of us, sensitive, but completely mute Pisces!

Pisces believe that they see through the people with whom they communicate, that they know a lot about people, and therefore demand a lot from them for themselves.
In fact, Pisces are dolls on the threads of their illusions that they are not their own citizens of the Universe, who are nowhere and everywhere in this world.
Their life is like a house without glass, where any wind blows. From these winds they oscillate between the bad and the majestic, between the monastery and the prison, between innocent compromise and masochistic self-abasement, between compassion for human misfortune and floundering in self-pity. Wet, loose and not drying out from tears, Pisces sometimes sob from disgust for themselves.
Pisces is almost always in meditation. Well, so absent-minded. Well, I forgot that I was walking down the street and got hit by a tram. It should have been under the bus - still softer ...
Pisces are almost always in a meditative state, and therefore all other Signs are considered abnormal. And completely in vain. They are normal. Only they are different. They don’t enter anything, they don’t join any public organizations, don’t pay dues anywhere, don’t give a penny to anyone, they don’t pay rent for years. Absolutely such asocial types "(AN Ryzhov).
To develop their personality, Pisces strives for loneliness. They think more than they act. Are subject to frequent mood swings. They often come across as "unafraid idiots."
Pisces rarely feel welcome: they need to be told at least twice that you want to see or treat them before they think that you might really want to see them.
Pisces has a lot in common with Cancers. In particular, like Cancers, Pisces has frequent periods of depression.
They have a highly developed sense of intuition and self-preservation.
As a rule, Pisces cannot live without deception and meanness. They usually lie to such an extent that they themselves cannot determine where their truth is and where they lie. Trying to pretend to be a fighter for honesty and justice, Pisces constantly contradicts themselves, twisting themselves continuously.
In addition, Pisces love to rummage through the dirty laundry of others, posing as a home psychoanalyst.
Pisces cannot be trusted with their secrets: they like to bargain with other people's revelations.
Pisces do not like to work and do not know how, it is almost impossible to force them to do anything - they will slip out and run away anyway.
Pisces start to get sick long before the appearance of viruses in the city. Fish find in themselves all the sores, even those that are still unknown to medicine. Fish may not flinch from a bomb explosion, but will faint at the rustle of a mouse.
The heart of a Pisces is wide, mysterious and incomprehensible, like the sea: warm and cold currents pierce it; it is swayed by the ebb and flow, storms and calm, it is inhabited by a variety of overt and hidden inhabitants. Love comes to Pisces secretly and grows imperceptibly. They themselves rarely know where it began and where it ended. Pisces don't know how to start, how to start a relationship with a person, but they also don't know how to break it. Hesitating: leave, leave or return?
Pisces often fall in love with flawed people, whom they are trying to save with their love, since love for many Pisces means help.
Lovers of secret hobbies, Pisces can finally admit to old age that they have loved you all their lives.
They say about Pisces: "Good. It's disgusting!"
Pisces are happy with Virgo, Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn, they understand without the words of Scorpio, but they should avoid Libra and Gemini.

The personal horoscope of each person can clearly show whom and at what period of his life he will love, the horoscope will help to identify with which of the partners the relationship will be strong enough, and with whom, with the bark, everything is not. Especially with regard to questions of love and sexual relations, the horoscope will help you find answers to all your questions.

All signs of the zodiac, without exception, have a number of features inherent only to him. The characteristic of the signs of the zodiac in the form in which it is given, in most cases, cannot be called one hundred percent, since it is compiled only for "pure" signs, which are rare. It is not the general characteristics of the sign that will help to fully open the sides of a person, but an individual natal chart.

The sexiest zodiac sign

Leadership in this list can rightfully be given to the representatives of Scorpios and Aries, who have such a strong sexual energy that they are simply ready to blow up everything around them. However, they show it in completely different ways: so, a calm and measured at first glance, a scorpion will have to be shaken well before he begins to experience at least some feelings. What is especially interesting, scorpions are often guided by their subconscious impulses, which at the cellular level make them constantly think about procreation.

In the case of a scorpion, an increased libido is not an indicator of depravity, for them sincere love is in the first place, and you can be sure that having fallen in love with a girl, scorpions will never cheat on her, they will retain for a long time those wonderful feelings that flared up in him ...

For rams, unlike scorpions, the desire to indulge in passion is primary, Aries can first satisfy their own needs and only then ask what the name of his chosen one is. Passion in Aries arises from the first minute, burns with a bright flame, it's a pity that not for long!

Zodiac elements and sex

As you know, there are 4 elements - this is Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and the entire zodiacal series can be divided according to these elements. So the element of Fire, which refers to Aries, lions and Sagittarius, is characterized by passion, expression, momentary impulses, which these signs are guided by.

The signs of Water, which include Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces, are distinguished by their tenderness and gravity. Sincere, trusting relationships are higher for them than sexual needs, with such a sign it is difficult to immediately plunge into a maelstrom of passion if they are not sure enough that they are of true value to a partner.

Air signs, which include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, put the mental capabilities of a person in the first place. In addition to the sexual aspects, such people can often be bound by long-term friendships and partnerships. An interesting, exciting conversation for them sometimes turns out to be more important than good sex.

Representatives of the Earth, such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorns, are always looking for reliability and solidity in everything and everyone, and therefore only if the relationship takes the direction of longevity, in this case, the "earthly" will give the go-ahead for physical contact, full of sensuality and passion. In addition, it should be noted that over time, the sensuality of earthly signs only increases.

Sexual compatibility of zodiac signs

There are many options for combining signs, but each merger can carry both positive aspects and negative relationships, which do not always satisfy any of the partners.

Fire-Fire. If both representatives of this element are adjacent to a pair, one spark may be enough for a relationship, each with its own flame, will further enhance the depth of feelings. However, there is a risk of an equally quick repayment.

Fire-Air. The influence of Air sharply intensifies the flame of Fire, the main problem is that both partners, by their nature, are leaders, and for sure, someday they will burn the moment when one of them will be forced to make concessions, and at this moment it will begin - a real "fiery" showdown.

Fire water. Not the best combination, in truth. Since in most cases the water is capricious, and sometimes suspicious, it is difficult for Fire to adapt to the constant changes in the mood of Water, as a result of which misunderstanding is born in the pair.

Fire-Earth. Relationships carry mutual affection and understanding, but only at a fairly late age

Air-Air, provided that a large number of common points of contact are found, they can become a great couple. And sex will not be a problem at all.

Air-Water, there is a risk of misunderstanding with sexual relations, since Watermarks prefer spontaneous and quick sex, and Water is exactly the opposite.

Air-Earth, not a very good combination of elements. Earth signs love everything that is stable, time-tested, since at the same time, Air is constantly striving for variety and new sensations

Earth-Earth. In order for something worthwhile to come out of the union as a result, it is necessary that people know each other for a large amount of time. Only in this state of affairs is harmony and understanding in a pair possible.

Water-Water. In such a pair, one must be more active than the other, otherwise, both partners will calmly go with the flow, not thinking about anything else.

Water-Earth. A difficult relationship, since Water constantly requires proof of love and devotion, and the Earth refuses to understand such perseverance and meticulousness.

The most common questions related to a particular sign

Pisces are cold in bed

This is a deep delusion, so someone who, and the fish bark truly the highest sensuality and tenderness, which means that the manifestation of love, warmth and care in bed for them is far from last.

Libra needs to be nudged towards something specific.

Libra is a sign that constantly doubts, looking for the most preferred conditions. Libra loves careful preparation for everything, which means that if you are planning a night with Libra, you need to take care of a romantic evening in advance.

How can a Gemini conquer a rebellious Aries?

Laughter is laughter, but to really surprise Aries, you need to sleep with him. Only if the next morning Aries is satisfied with the result, and the Gemini does not fail during sex, the couple can expect a long and deep relationship.

Are specific zodiac signs associated with gay sex?

An individually compiled horoscope will clearly demonstrate which principle prevails in a particular person - feminine or masculine, and, accordingly, the more energy a person has opposite to his sex, the more vividly the propensity for unconventional orientation will be expressed. If a woman's horoscope is dominated by Yang energy, then her craving for lesbian relationships is likely, and if a man has a lot of Yin energy, then there is a tendency to homosexuality. Scorpions are considered the most sophisticated in sex, and Aries are truly the most tireless in bed.

Are Pisces and Capricorns compatible?

As mentioned above, the representatives of the Earth (to which Capricorns belong) are often unhappy with the constant striving of Water (Pisces) to cling to something, which means that the less suspicious Pisces will be, and the more compliant Capricorn is, the greater the likelihood of harmonious relationships.

Who cheats more often?

The question is complex and largely depends, directly, on the character of the person, but it is believed that Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius will be the most prone to cheating. The peculiarity of the characteristics of these signs suggests that they need constant comparison, and they choose something all their lives.

Who is the coldest zodiac sign?

The least sexual energy is characteristic of the signs of the Air element, and the most passionate and impulsive are the signs of Fire. It should be remembered that sexual energy can manifest itself in different ways - each sign sometimes manages to direct all its impetuosity in a different direction.

Everything in life is no coincidence, is it true?

Our whole life has always consisted and consists of a long chain of causes and effects. So, our actions for someone else can become a cause, and for others, on the contrary, a consequence of some previously taken steps. Each event in our life is described in advance in our horoscope, so that what should happen, what is destined by karma, will definitely happen. It's just a matter of time.

from 24.09 to 23.10
- Who always gets off with empty promises?
- Who makes us wait half a day?
- Who goes into everything to establish reconciliation?
- And who is constantly picking the nose and wounds of his immortal soul?
- Soft by nature and pliable
- scum-Libra!

The life of people born under the sign of Libra is governed by a thirst for justice and a constant feeling of infringement, or their own inferiority.
You need to be a real loser to be born under this Sign: both hands are left and do not grow from where they need to. Their hearing and vision are poor, and they often hear what has not been said and do not see what they do not want to see. "Everything they have is low, and pressure" (AN Ryzhov), and even a sense of humor in Libra in its infancy.
Libra never has any money or luck in love. They are not lucky either at home or at work. They can neither earn, nor surprise and shine with anything.
Libra loves to keep sensitive journals and delve into their own mental wounds and suffering (sometimes in their own car). However, Libra is intolerant of the suffering of others, considering everyone to be pretenders and simulators.
Scales are pathologically unable to make decisions: they begin to shake with small shivers, sweat and faint. Easily influenced by external influences, they constantly fluctuate like the scales when it is necessary to make the right decision, but the decision they made is usually the wrong one. Therefore, decisions in life are made for them by others.
Libras prefer work with minimal responsibility, but they also try to evade it.
Frequent problems with the nerves in Libra are expressed in hatred of their entire environment.
Libra pose as experts in everything (especially in art), although they themselves do not understand anything.
Despite the love for the family, Libra wives are burdened by the house and feel the need to communicate outside of it.
Libra husbands are considered great experts in love, but they are more pleased with the bachelor life. After drinking too much at the festive table, they run somewhere - through fields, through forests, through mountains, to some unheard-of love, but then it turns out that they just had to drink more in some dirty tavern. Having sober up, they repent, smearing snot on their faces, and are executed.
Libra often writes tearful memoirs or "women's novels" with a sexually detective tinge.
In matters of personal health, the Libra credo is: "Simulation is the guarantee of health."
Libra is a bad advisor: in any problem and in any question, he is an amateur, although he undertakes to help us. "Can you play the violin?" - asked the dilettante. “I don’t know. I haven’t tried it,” he replied. Needless to say, the dilettante was born under the sign of Libra?
Libra gets along well with Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo and Virgo. Libra does not like Aries, Capricorns and Cancers.


from 24.10 to 22.11
- Whose face is a mask?
- Who hides in his tail (in the sleeve, under the hollow of his jacket, in the briefcase) a sting with poison?
- And who, without hesitation, will use this sting, even if you only slightly touch it?
- This is your ardent friend and your insidious enemy - Scorpio!

Scorpio is strong and determined. His ruthless and passionate nature of extremes and contradictions is the most powerful in the Zodiac Signs. You can love or hate a Scorpio, but it is impossible to remain indifferent to him.
The vital energy of Scorpios is so great that at his birth additional forces (energy) are required to ensure his birth, and his birth is accompanied by the death of one of his relatives a year or a year after his birth. And vice versa, when Scorpio leaves for another world, the released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new creature: the death of Scorpio leads to the appearance of a newborn in the family a year before the sad event or a year after it. This is what astrologers predict, and so it happens.
There are no obstacles for Scorpios. They are analysts and along with this they have subtle intuition. They are energetic, almost always striving for success. They are sarcastic and have a deep, almost mystical understanding of life. Outstanding successes are often achieved.
Scorpios cheat, deceive, intrigue out of the mere pleasure of destroying. They are pathological sadists and masochists almost simultaneously. They do not disdain any means to achieve the goal. Sparing no effort and money, they create a good opinion of themselves, in order to then treacherously strike from the rear. A career is made by walking over corpses.
Scorpio is a product of demonic intelligence and pathological passion at the same time, and his zodiac Sign is a sign of love and death. Likes to philosophize about the problems of being. Attractive to the opposite sex, as he loves to argue and loves to win.
Scorpios are people of extremes: they either passionately love or hate fiercely. They are usually very cruel and distrustful, self-absorbed and inattentive to others. For them, the opinion of the public is indifferent. When faced with obstacles, they develop their own battle tactics.
Scorpio loves vulgar jokes and porn films. He spreads rumors about his sexual exploits, while cruelly mocking those who are attached to him.
Scorpio has a bad reputation. It is associated with the House of Death of the horoscope, forgetting that this House can also bring wealth. Scorpio has tremendous resistance and, like Phoenix, can resurrect.
Scorpio has a dangerous energy like Aries. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion.
Scorpio is ruled by hidden animal power and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly, which often leads to internal conflicts, neuroses, and emotional dramas.
Scorpio has an imperious, violent instinctive character, irrepressible, even if his spiritual fire is hidden under the guise of infantilism.
The Scorpio man is not inclined to show his good feelings in public. In public, he is rude, inattentive, cruel, suspicious and jealous.
The Scorpio woman is usually born a devil. It was once said about her: "From her very birth, all the foundations have been inverted in her. The top turns into the bottom, the right into the left, the front into the back" (St. Pshibyshevsky). With a sixth sense, at first glance, she recognizes her future chosen one, and he has no choice but to submit to her witchcraft. She is an unusually passionate person. But her passion only has to do with the clitoris, not childbirth.
Being terribly jealous, the Scorpio woman hates being jealous of her, although it is very difficult not to be jealous of her, since she attracts the glances of men of all Zodiac signs.
Scorpios are very picky in choosing friends, but do not rush to enroll in their number - friendship with Scorpio is dangerous: if Scorpio said that he appreciates your friendship, it means that an hour ago he "rolled a cart on you" to his superiors. The worst enemies for us are obtained from our Scorpio friends.
Scorpio is very dangerous even from a distance. His face is a mask, behind which is unknown what is hidden. It is impossible to get involved with him, since he has a "divine gift" of verbal magic: as he says, so be it. And he can heal with a word, but he can also destroy with it.
Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo are suitable for marriage and cooperation. Avoid Aquarius and Leo.


from 23.11 to 21.12
- Who always, even on a sunny day, sees a bright star in front of him?
- Who has no strength, no will, no willpower?
- A cheerful and rather stupid cheerful optimist - Sagittarius!

Straightforward, sincere and charming, Sagittarius most often looks like a joyful idiot, and almost always he is. His cretinous optimism and assertiveness will not cool anything, even a brick that has fallen from the roof and smashed on his head.
Since childhood, Sagittarius loves to impose on everyone, without exception, his society and his stupid ideas (and they just stick out of him). However, after a few minutes I want to run away from his conversations in all four directions.
An aggressive optimist, Sagittarius in life together presents a lot of trouble, since he pathologically loves to lie and invent - most often with good, as he sincerely thinks, intentions. Loves crowds, noisy gatherings and places where you can eat and drink for free. But the appearance of Sagittarius in any company ruins her.
In all matters, Sagittarius adheres to the "method of overcoming obstacles in small leaps", even when he needs to overcome a wide chasm. His other favorite method for solving problems is the "method of well-aimed cowboy shots", but Sagittarius uses it only in his dreams, since in everyday life he only knows how to theorize.
In life, Sagittarius is harmed by their excessive straightforwardness associated with a lack of a sense of proportion and tact. It is he, Sagittarius, who at a meeting can blurt out about the boss what other employees whisper about only in the smoking room.
They say about Sagittarius: "His language and actions run ahead of his thoughts." That is why Sagittarius often gets into unpleasant situations and often turns out to be the scapegoat. It is he, Sagittarius, who rushes headlong after the departing bus. It is he, Sagittarius, who runs away from the hospital ward until the end of his recovery.
Even love for Sagittarius is a sports track along which he rushes, Don Quixote on a bent-legged nag, often stumbling and dropping his rider.
Sagittarius - both men and women - prefer a partner that stands out from their environment, a partner not only of a different social environment, but also of a different race, religion or country, a partner to whom they are happy to move and live, even if in exile, but with the prerogatives of voluntary "abroad". Among Sagittarius more often than among other signs of the Zodiac, there are persons with non-traditional sexual orientation - gays and lesbians.
The invisible attribute of Sagittarius - Arrow and Target - is something single and whole, but it is directed to their own heart.
Sagittarius is happy in marriage, friendship and affairs with Gemini, Aries, Aquarius, Libra and Leo, but he should always avoid Virgo.


from 22.12 to 20.01
- Who climbs the corpses to the top, planning everything - from their health to position?
- Who will mourn the fall of his brother, while calculating his due share?
- Of course, it is he, the ruthless and vindictive Capricorn!

In work, Capricorn achieves success in all endeavors, only thanks to pedantry. At work, he is more often respected than loved.
Capricorn expresses his positive feelings with difficulty, but negative ones are torn out of him.
Capricorn is cruel, cold and soulless, like an iceberg that sank the Titanic. True, he will sincerely and uncontrollably sob, watching the fairy tale "The Little Gray Goat" on TV.
Capricorns are single people who shy away from any company.
At home he is a gendarme, at work he is a tyrant. In tyranny and in the suppression of others, he sees the meaning of his life, clings and finds fault with trifles.
Capricorn is completely devoid of a sense of humor.
On a date, Capricorn will come in trousers with bubbles on his knees and consider it beneath his dignity to dress up as a dandy.
Many Capricorns are misogynists and remain old bachelors. If they look at a woman, they will most likely prefer the one that is older than them, preferably with money, not capricious, who would be calm, maintain order in the house and spend little money.
Capricorn women are sometimes very hard-hearted and icy cold. They hate being a housewife. They prefer to make a career and achieve independence than to get carried away by a seductive romance. A Capricorn woman can bring her husband to a stomach ulcer with her kitchen. They often remain frigid in the arms of a partner, and get married for financial and social reasons.
If Capricorn lives long enough, then the finest hour of sex comes to him: for men after 75 years, and for women after 65 years.
Capricorn tortures children and terrorizes spouse.
Capricorn resists disease better than it seems to be close to him. He will outlive all his husbands (wives), although he himself (a) will consider that he is already breathing on his own.
Capricorn retreats only in front of physical strength or mental pressure. He is intellectually primitive, without a flight of imagination, but vindictive and vindictive: he never forgives anything to anyone.
In all his everyday problems, Capricorn is a fatal loser, and this is what they say about him: "Fortune turned to him with a long unshaven ass."
Megalomania and minimal mental abilities give him reason to climb into the bosses.
Emotionally, Capricorn should look for Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, friendship with Scorpio is especially good for him. Capricorns should avoid Gemini and Cancer.


from 21.01 to 19.02
- Who most honors the Highest Cosmic Laws of nature?
- Who will always come to your aid and help you, but only if you did not break these Laws?
- It is he, the Inventor and the Genius, the Liberator of Humanity and Superman, - Aquarius!

Generally speaking, Aquarius is, if not a Sign of a genius, then in any case - a Sign of a person with a high IQ (intelligence quotient).
A dreamer and a dreamer, as a rule, completely divorced from real life, Aquarius is often a victim of his own delusions and hovers in the clouds. Prone to utopian ideas and projects, he is stubborn and seeks to be convinced of everything from his own experience. He rarely listens to advice, but he himself is reluctant to give them to others.
You cannot find a better candidate than Aquarius for a spy - there is intelligence, but there is no definite appearance.
Aquarius is an individualist and doesn't care about public opinion.
He never gives back the money lent to him, because, having borrowed money, Aquarius immediately spends it and forgets about the debt. He breaks promises all the time.
At any job, Aquarius's favorite pastime is to twist the blows imperceptibly, showing them through the window to the sparrows.
Being fair in words, Aquarius slanders and throws mud at his loved ones, friends and acquaintances, always behind their backs. Has a gravitation towards rough gastronomy and vulgar fantasy, which he buys up in incredible quantities. He spends his vacation in some hole, since he spent all the money set aside for it on the implementation of one of the projects to save humanity, of which he has a dime a dozen.
Aquarius men rarely wear wedding rings: they are enslaved by family ties and think only of liberation, which they prepare in silence. Aquarians have the highest divorce rate. Aquarius women are frigid. They, like men, only want freedom from marriage.
In his home, Aquarius is a tyrant and despot, giving out money for expenses (up to a penny), as if taking them away from himself.
Aquarians are consummate keyhole peepers and champions in divorce.
In everyday life, Aquarius usually tries to eat soup with a fork, justifying his "professorial absent-mindedness" to himself and especially to those around him.
For marriage, friendship and cooperation, Aquarius needs to look for Libra, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini. He should avoid Taurus and Scorpio.


from 20.02 to 20.03
- Who prays and serves, and again - prays and serves?
- Who will always give a beggar, but not more than 1 kopeck?
- And who mourns the lost love long before its loss?
- Poor, suffering for all of us, sensitive, but completely mute Pisces!

Pisces believe that they see through the people with whom they communicate, that they know a lot about people, and therefore demand a lot from them for themselves.
In fact, Pisces are dolls on the threads of their illusions that they are not their own citizens of the Universe, who are nowhere and everywhere in this world.
Their life is like a house without glass, where any wind blows. From these winds they oscillate between the bad and the majestic, between the monastery and the prison, between innocent compromise and masochistic self-abasement, between compassion for human misfortune and floundering in self-pity. Wet, loose and not drying out from tears, Pisces sometimes sob from disgust for themselves.
"Pisces are almost always in meditation. Well, this absent-mindedness. Well, I forgot that I was walking down the street, and was hit by a tram. It should have been under a bus - still softer ...
Pisces are almost always in a meditative state, and therefore all other Signs are considered abnormal. And completely in vain. They are normal. Only they are different. They don’t enter anything, they don’t join any public organizations, don’t pay dues anywhere, don’t give a penny to anyone, they don’t pay rent for years. Absolutely such asocial types "(AN Ryzhov).
To develop their personality, Pisces strives for loneliness. They think more than they act. Are subject to frequent mood swings. They often come across as "unafraid idiots."
Pisces rarely feel welcome: they need to be told at least twice that you want to see or treat them before they think that you might really want to see them.
Pisces has a lot in common with Cancers. In particular, like Cancers, Pisces has frequent periods of depression.
They have a highly developed sense of intuition and self-preservation.
As a rule, Pisces cannot live without deception and meanness. They usually lie to such an extent that they themselves cannot determine where their truth is and where they lie. Trying to pretend to be a fighter for honesty and justice, Pisces constantly contradicts themselves, twisting themselves continuously.
In addition, Pisces love to rummage through the dirty laundry of others, posing as a home psychoanalyst.
Pisces cannot be trusted with their secrets: they like to bargain with other people's revelations.
Pisces do not like to work and do not know how, it is almost impossible to force them to do anything - they will slip out and run away anyway.
Pisces start to get sick long before the appearance of viruses in the city. Fish find in themselves all the sores, even those that are still unknown to medicine. Fish may not flinch from a bomb explosion, but will faint at the rustle of a mouse.
The heart of a Pisces is wide, mysterious and incomprehensible, like the sea: warm and cold currents pierce it; it is swayed by the ebb and flow, storms and calm, it is inhabited by a variety of overt and hidden inhabitants. Love comes to Pisces secretly and grows imperceptibly. They themselves rarely know where it began and where it ended. Pisces don't know how to start, how to start a relationship with a person, but they also don't know how to break it. Hesitating: leave, leave or return?
Pisces often fall in love with flawed people, whom they are trying to save with their love, since love for many Pisces means help.
Lovers of secret hobbies, Pisces can finally admit to old age that they have loved you all their lives.
They say about Pisces: "Good. It's disgusting!"
Pisces are happy with Virgo, Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn, they understand without the words of Scorpio, but they should avoid Libra and Gemini.