How to play on the instrument of Chukchi mouth. Musical instruments of Chukchi Examination work on the culture of Chukotka student at the class of the Bilibinsky Children's School of Art Kurmanova Natalia with

How to play on the instrument of Chukchi mouth. Musical instruments of Chukchi Examination work on the culture of Chukotka student at the class of the Bilibinsky Children's School of Art Kurmanova Natalia with

I.Yu. Ponkratova, A.A. Konovalov

Music - the art recorded in all nations on Earth, which admiration and worship, it makes people cry and laugh, she touches the most sensitive strings of the soul. Music is one of the strongest means of affecting a person.

All people had their own rites associated with the life of the community and the world around. Wedding, Birth, Death, Hunting and harvesting, Heavenly Phenomena and Change of Seasons - All this did not do without music and songs. The most ancient musical instrument is flute, was discovered next to sculptures that belong to 35-40 thousand years BC. e.! . Musical instruments and indigenous peoples of P-ov Kamchatka - Koryakov, Itelmen, Evenov, Chukchi, Aleutov are known.

Study musical culture The peoples of Kamchatka begins with academic works by D.I. Hmelin (1752) and S.P. Kraschiennikova (1755), published the first music records of folk melodies of the peoples of Siberia. And the first information about the musical practice of the peoples of Siberia is already found in the diaries of N. Viten, included in the "Journey to Muscovia 1664-1667" (Wit Sen, 1996). Part of the works written in the XVIII century. and containing information about music genres and tools, in Russian was published in Russia only in the twentieth century. (G.V. Steller (1927), V.F. Zuev (1947), Ya.I. Lindenau (1983)). In general, according to Yu.I. Shaykin, Ethnographic and Linguistic xIX-XX literature explosive Contains a plurality of ethnozyssic observations (A.I. Argents, V.I. Verbitsky, R.K. Maak, N.A. Gondatti, V.K. Arsenyev, etc.). The special value of these observations is that they are made under the conditions of natural functioning of culture. At that time, folk intonation was the norm of ethnic behavior. IN late XIX. and early XX centuries. The musical folklore is fixed on wax rollers using phonograph T. Edison (V.G. Bogoraz, V.Iokhelson, V.I. Anuchin, L.Ya. Sternberg, etc.).

Actually, our search and analysis of information about the musical art and musical instruments of the peoples of P-ov Kamchatka showed that in ethnographic sources there is information on the dance, song arts of peoples, but the data on their musical instruments is extremely small.

If you contact the data of famous ethnographers worked on Kamchatka, then the descriptions of V.G. Bograza, V.I. Iochilson, E.P. Orlova and others, where life, traditions, rites of the peoples of P-ov Kamchatka, including musical folklore.

Musical instruments And their copies are available in the local lore museums of Kamchatka. So, it became possible to use collections of two Kamchatka museums funds. This is the Byustinian District Ethnographic Museum (Bram) and the Koryak District Museum of Local History (CMC). Palaan.

In Bram, there is a collection of copies of musical instruments for Kamchatka Koryakov, made according to the results of studies of the ethnographer Kamchatka Regional Local Lore Museum of Vladimir Malyukovich and the Museum presented to them in the 1980s. Informants at V. Malyukovich were residents of the Koryak villages of Karaginsky, Olyutormsky, Tigil and Pryzhinsky districts of Kao. According to V. Malyukovich by the end XIX century At the coastal koryakov - the Olyalan and deer - Chavchuvenov were all kinds of musical instruments: self-refined - idiophones, windows - Aerofons, string - chords, membrane - tambourines. The museum exhibition booth has 23 copies of musical instruments (photo 1).

In CmM Palaan Stand "Musical Instruments of the Koryak District" (photo 2) demonstrates a variety and, at the same time, special uniqueness of musical instruments.

We will attempt to restore some aspects associated with the set, manufacture and functions of musical instruments among the peoples of the Camchatka in the XVIII-XX centuries. Partially materials of our study have already been published. In this article, this data is first represented comprehensively and detail.
We use the generally accepted scientific classification of the Hornbostel-Zak musical instruments, according to which the musical instruments are divided into two main criteria: sound source and a method for extracting sound. According to the first sign, the tools are divided into self-refined (idons), membrane (membrogenphones), string (chordophones) and windows (Aerofons).

In self-reflective tools (idiophones), the source of the sound is the material from which the tool is made or part of it. This group includes most of the drum tools (with the exception of drums).
Koryak and Iliamennian idiophones are diverse. In the Bram and Cum collections, such idiophones are represented as metal shock conflics on the ring, booths on a longitudinal bracket with a wooden handle, a desk on a wooden handle, bells, bubbles on a chain, gong koryak - 4 pairs of metal plates on a wooden stick with a bell at the end, rings on triangular suspension, maracas, etc.

Maracasi - the oldest shock-noise tools, a variety of rattles, popular today in many countries.

The koryaks made maratas from animal bubbles, pre-inflated their air. Later, Maracas was made from an aulhow bark, had the shape of a triangular chopper or a cylindrical tube with marine pebbles inside. Maracas could also be made from bivalve shells of mollusks with pebbles inside (photo 3-5).
Koryakov, Itelmen and Evenov were also the rod idiophone rattles (photo 6-9). The Koryak name of this tool is "Koncon Engyagan", ITERMENSKOE - "HERGYRGAH". Rings, bells or cone-shaped pendants were used as shaking rattles. Bells made from sheet iron - "Concon" (photo 9). It is possible that they originated from Russian bells. But it is possible that they could be invented independently with the advent of imported metal on the Kamchatka (from Yakutia, Primorye). These bells did not have a "tongue," and sounded during execution thanks to the strikes of each other. It allegedly contributed to the scarement of malicious spirits. The idiophone rattles were the necessary attribute of the shaman during Kamlany (photo 10).
Earlier suspensions on the brackets of the tambourine were iron rings or rings chains (photo 11). But iron rings were preceded by neatly cleaved plates from whale bones having an almost square shape. One of such self-visual tools of Itelmen is stored today at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) (photo 12).

Vargan - self-visible tongue musical instrument. It is a plate of wood, bone, metal or metal arc with a tongue in the middle. Many peoples of Central and Southeast Asia and Oceania (lamellar) are distributed, as well as in Europe, Central Asia and Africa (arcucto), it is under various national names.

Vagan was used by almost all the peoples of Kamchatka - Iliancemen (Varyga), Chukchi (Vanyaarr), Koryakov (photo 13). The lamellar Vargan Chukchi was also called "Rota Tuben." It was made of birch, bamboo (floating), bone or metal plate. Later appeared arc bilingual wagan.

For the causing wind served propeller-buzzing (photo 14). With its rotation, the air cut off and a sharp, piercing sound, which symbolized the wind was formed. Used buzzers and eulenes. Ilicatemen believed that the shamans during Kamlany could affect the weather, for example, to disperse clouds or, on the contrary, cause thunder and zipper. S.P. Krasheninnikov pointed to the ritual meaning of this tool in the ITELEN, in particular on the autumn holiday of cleansing from sins: ". Men's. Men were dragging, and the turntage was drunk, and until the rope was torn, which the men cut into pieces and was divided into pieces, and The turntable is hiding in Balagan. "
In membrane instruments (membrogenphones), the sound source - tight membrane tight. They are divided into drums (the sound arises due to the impact of the membrane with a stick, a beater or hand); Pedpots (under the center of the membrane, the knot is attached a string, which transfers the membrane fluctuations), frictional (the sound is achieved due to friction on the membrane) and others.

From membrogenofones the greatest value It has a shaman tambourine (photo 15), which passed several evolutionary stages in Siberia: from the general traditional to a strictly professional and caste. Yu.I. Shaykin allocated several types of tambourines, of which Beringovsky, Kamchatka and Kolysko-Okhotsky are for the peoples of Kamchatka.
The Bubne Bubne type is known for Eskimos, Aleutov and Chukchi - performs the function of the family shrine and accompanies the festive singing. In structurally, the tambourine has a round shape, the shelter is thick and narrow with a longitudinal gutter for the harness. Its membrane belongs to the most thin in Siberia and is made of nerve stomach films, and the handle is made of wood, walrus or deer horn and is attached to the side of the shell.

The Kamchatka Tubne type is known in all groups of Koryakov, Kerkes, the Alutors, Itelmen, retains the function of the Beringovsky, but on the material of the manufacture and design is already associated with a reindeer ratio tradition. In structurally, it has a round (sometimes oval) shape and shelter - medium and flat. His membrane is made from the skin of a deer. It is thicker than the Beringovsky Bubne, and the handle has a cross-shaped form and is attached from the back. From the inside of the tambourine on the shell the brackets with rolled rings and vertebrae are attached. At the seaside coryakov, the membrane is made of the skin of the dog, the seal, and the blowing stick is coated with a fur with a wolf paw.
Evenov, for whom the cooler-Okhotsk type of tambourine is characterized, according to E.N. Side, known three varieties of tambourine: 1) Shamansky (similar to Yukagir), 2) a song (similar to Kamchatsky) 3) for games (similar to Chukotka, round and with an outer handle). Shaman bubnes stand out among song and gaming tambourines as special ritual items on which the accompanation of songs and which children should not play.

The tambourines were the main membrane koryak musical instruments, their membranes were made of deer skin, nerves, films of the internal organs of Syuce, cetacean. The tambourines were applied not only to ritual purposes, but also on Koryak folk holidays and rituals. V.G. Bogoraza describing the seasonal holiday of Koryakov "Angyt Hololo", noted: "The sounds of a tambourine of a girl and a woman. We started a dance, which was the rhythmic climbs on the socks, followed by the transfer of heels to the right, then left. " .

The most complete description of the use of a tambourine in religious practice we find at V.G. Corrosion. He wrote that, among Chukchi, almost every third or fourth person claimed the ability to shaman. All adult chukchi in winter evenings usually entertained the game on the tambourine and singing. At the same time, they were located in the internal station sometimes in the light, sometimes in the dark. The transition from such entertainment to the real shamanic action was almost impaired. Therefore, we can say that every Chukchi could be shaman if he had a tendency to this and skill. Exercises on the tambourine and singing were the only way used by Chukotka shamans, both experienced and beginners, for communication with the "perfumes". Usually, the family tambourine supplied with a beater from the whale bone. On the days of the holidays used wooden beasts. Some tambourines had two bone beasts. One of them was intended only for the "perfumes", since "they sometimes come," wanting "shake yourself", which means "beat to the tambourine". Beeble in tambourine, despite the fact that it seems very easy and simple, demanded from the performer of big skills and art. The newcomer had to practice very long until he reached proper ability. The great endurance required for shamanic actions and the ability to quickly move from strong excitement into a quiet state, achieved only long practices. And there was indeed several years of practice, while the required hardness of the hand and the freedom of votes were purchased. Some shamans continued in the entire preparatory period almost did not exit an internal canopy and practiced a tambourine several times a day until they were out of their strength.

The shaman session usually proceeded as follows. After dinner, when all the boilers and troughs were put in the outer tent, the owners and guests who wish to attend the session were entered into an internal canopy. Olenevodov has a small canopy, so the listeners had to sit in very uncomfortable poses. At the seaside Chukchi, the inner canopy was much more spacious, and therefore those present at the session could with great convenience and freedom to listen to the voices of the "perfumes". Shaman was sitting on the "host place", at the rear wall. Around the shaman, even in a very small one, left free space. The tambourine careively examined and pulled the skin on it. If the skin was dry and wrinkled, it was wetted with urine and dried slightly over the lamp. Sometimes the shaman spent on the preparation of a tambourine more than an hour - until he found that the tambourine is suitable. Usually, the shaman for complete freedom of movements removed the fur shirt and remained naked to the belt. Often he shot Torbas with stockings to make it easier for her legs. When all the preparations for the session were finished, the fire was made, and the shamanic action began. Shaman beat in the tambourine and performed entranceness, first very quiet. Gradually, he began to sing everything louder and louder and soon filled the whole room with wild cries. The walls of the cramped color strongly reflected his cries. A few minutes later, this noise acted on the listeners that they lost the ability to distinguish the source of the sounds, and without any voltage of the imagination, the present began to seem to appear that the sound comes from one specific place, but hears from different angles Canopy from one end, then from the other.

The procedure for the execution of adoles was not somehow certain. Shaman could move from one pit to another at his request. Often, the shaman after the whole series of mess repeated the one from which he began. Introductory singing continued from a quarter of an hour to thirty minutes. Then "kelet appeared ( evil spirits) ". Kelet's actions began with the fact that they were "entered" into the body of the shaman. And immediately the blows of the tambourine became even stronger and fast.
Little tambourine made of beetle leather or even from the little lice, appears in many Koryak and Chukotka fairy tales. When he was found on the tundra, he "gives his owner with shaman power."

The tambourine was also used on the holiday of autumn slaughter of deer. After the ritual of healing deer and the adoption of food, they removed all the belonging to the family of a tambourine hanging on the poles of the canopy behind the curtain of raw skin, and the rite began. In the tambuna, the remainder of the day is in turn of all family members. When all adults ended, the children occupied their place and, in turn, continued to beat in the tambourine. During the game on the tambourines, many of the adult family members called on the "perfumes" and tried to encourage them to enter their body. They, imitating shamans, imitated the screams of various animals and produced sounds that are considered characteristic of the "perfumes". These sounds are produced by the vibrating movement of lips with a quick and sharp swing of the head.

Chukchi had a ban related to the funeral - it was impossible to beat the tambourine for three nights after the death of someone. The day when the body was taken out of the burial place, was considered particularly dangerous in this regard. Punches in the tambourine could call the deceased man back home. According to our survey at Kamchatka Evenov, the same ban existed from them.

About thirty species of the Bubnov noted during the field study by V. Malyukovicholich in the villages and deer canthogs of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. Accompanied by Bubnov held holidays, rites, performed songs, dancing. In the Soviet period, he became a musical instrument, without any holiday. IN modern practice The tambourine occupies a leading place in the speeches of the teams of amateur amateur.

In stringed instruments (muffoopod), the sound source is one or more strings. Strings are divided into groups: simple (citra) - the tool consists of strings and tension mechanism, the resonator can be separated from the rest of the design or there is no absent, and composite chordophones - the resonator is part of the tool, their separation is impossible.

In the exposition of Bram, Khordophones are represented - string musical instruments, whose sound pathogens are residential, hair, or steel strings: Kik. (Children) - 2-string; I- Genga - 2-string, oval; Eugenig small, 3-string, rectangular; Kikcherin (medium) - 3-string; Kycherin (big) - 3-string (photo 16).
Koryak string musical instruments, according to V. Malyukovich, appeared later than others. However, in Koryak Folklore there are mentions of the Koryak Music Luke with the guide on which he played fabulous hero"Performed a very beautiful melody." The development of Koryak string instruments, it seems, apparently, the influence of neighbors - Chukchi, Yukagirov, Yakuts in the West, Evenov in the Western and Eastern shores Sea Okhotskliving in the south of Kamchatka Itelmen in contact with Aina. The Bolshe Trader group of Itelmen had a musical instrument "Krychcheren", possibly by the name of this group of ITELEN. Krychcheren existed in the Koryakov of the Tigil Group. The sound on this tool was removed using a shepherd made from a whale TSA.

At Aleuts, the citrate is known - the string plug musical instrument. She has a flat wooden housing of the wrong shape: two sides of the deck, long and short, form a straight angle; Against them lie convex and concave side. Along the long straight side there is a neck with freaks, over which 4-5 metal strings are tensioned with a plectrome, mounted on the thumb of the right hand; Outside the grid there are 24-39 living strings, they play with the rest of the right hand.

Chukchi had walked lute. Lute is an ancient pinch string musical instrument with freaks on a haff and an oval body. Chukchi called their lute - Ageng. This word means an "instrument for hoarseness" and serves as a common name for various type varieties. Ejinggene is a bow, tweak and shock. There is a lot of common between them. They have a rolled, oblong case, cervix and head from one piece. Bowed Eygenge in shape resembles a bottle. A deck made of a thin board, nailing, three resonator holes, a short neck, the head is pushed in the form of a box. Rings horizontal. Strings are two, from the intestine or hair, the location of them back to the generally accepted. At the bottom of the strings are attached to the two protrusions of the case or to the buttons. Bow of bent sticks, louky shape, hair of melt in the form of a ribbon. For rubbing instead of rosin, a piece of resinous tree was used (photo 17).

The length of the tool is about 50 cm, the bow - 50 cm. Plug-in Ejenge - three-stronal, several bigger size - About 85 cm. The resonator hole is triangular, the head is dropped with curl. Two slices are in the head, and one at the bottom of the cervix. Strings from the intestines, of different thickness at the bottom are attached to the performance of the housing. Both the puff, so the tweezed Eugenge occur very rarely, mainly from Anadyr Chukchi, who lived together with the Russians. The striker Eyneng is a single-duty tool, the body of which in the form of an elongated oval bodied, rounded from below. Deca is attached to the housing using a leather strap, the string of the residential. Stand for the string is tied to the strap. When the game, the string is hit by a narrow plate from a whale oss with an extension at the end.

Itelmen also possessed string booked tool. His case is flat, pear-like or triangular shape. The lower deck is flat, the upper slightly convex. Both decks are attached using rope dressings. Strings - from yarn or thread. Horse hair was tightened to the bow. The length of the tool is about 60 cm, the bow - 57 cm.

Wind Tools (Aerofons), the sound source of which is air passing through sound generating devices (mouthpiece, cane, vibrating film of dry tubular plant, etc.). The following groups are allocated - flute (the sound is formed as a result of dissecting the air flow of the tool), the tongue source (the sound source is a vibrating tongue), mouthpieces (sound occurs due to the fluctuation of the artist's lips).

Koryak Aerophones go back to deep antiquity. They were in the ancient seaside and continental koryakov and were made of dry tubular plants: goona, whistles and wishes from willow (longitudinal flutes), from Willow's cortex, alder, birch trees, rowan dudes, horns. Wooden horns were made of wood.

In the collection of Bram there are COUNES (Dudbs) ITERMENSKY: Dude from Borshevik without gaming holes (closed flute without holes on the grief); Dude from Borshevik with five holes and a goose pen mouthpiece; Koryak's twinks from an aulhow bark, twins with a Mundshtuk from a goose pen, the horror Koryaksky from an aulhow cortex with a goose pen's mouthpiece, diet of willow, whistles, combined from larch and willow, between the wooden details of which the grass is inserted (photo 18-24).

Steller G. V. wrote that the ITELEN was made by the skeners of the Stems of Kamchatka Vyazite (Ulmaria) or "Shalama".

Describes in detail the wooden wind instruments of the Itelmen Y. Shakin: Kalham (reed longitudinal flute without holes for fingers); ENGMU, or CIS-Tul (reed longitudinal flute with 3-5 side holes), as well as a tool detected only at the ITELEN - a peeper from the stem of cereal without gaming holes, which is called the "playing grass".

It is known that the sakers and whistles were primarily hunting maps, but also used as musical instruments.

In general, summing up, it should be noted that indeed, the musical culture of the peoples of Kamchatka is original, striking identity, permeates all areas of life of the population, including life and religious practice.
Musical instruments were used for musical accompaniment of religious and ordinary songs and dances, execution musical worksFor games in children and adults, they were called upon to ensure success in the hunting fishery, and worn artistic and aesthetic functions.

According to E.P. Eagle Itelman National Tools by the beginning of the XX century. Did not save, although the music loved and ready to listen to her "endless". With the arrival of the Russians, they began to master the harmonica, violin, balalaika. Balayks and violins did from Osina. The tree was pinned with the plates, glued fish glue, which was cooked from fish skin. The skin was cooked with water until the "Vews" becomes thick.

According to V. Malyukovich, most Koryak musical instruments were distributed locally, so they developed slowly. The formation of koryak musical instruments did not end in the Dooktyabrs: they remained at the level of folklore, and many of them were forever lost. The main reason for their disappearance was small attention to the development of the traditional cultures of Siberia and Kamchatka by the administration, but, despite this, Russian balalaiki, guitars, violin, swirls, twins, bells, bells, made of new materials: Iron appear , brass, bronze. Instead of string, copper, steel, silver, and also lived from violence.

Playing on traditional musical instruments in the XX-XXI centuries. Not received widespread in Kamchatka, except the tambourine, which was and is the most common tool in all peoples of the peninsula. It was used in religious rituals, seasonal holidays. And in modern practice it takes a leading place in the speeches of the teams of the artistic amateurness of the peoples of Kamchatka. Another tool used today is a lip wagan. The game on these tools accompanies the events of family and fishing life, the rituals of modern shamanic rocks ("homemade shamanism"), mass ethnic holidays and dances (photo 25).

Photo 1. Exposition of musical instruments of residents of P-ov Kamchatka

Photo 2. Exposure "Musical Instruments of the Koryak District"
(Funds of Koryak Cum, pos. Palan)

Photo 3. Maracas made of sink
(Brem Foundations, Pos. Esso, Kamchatka)

Photo 4. Maracas from the bark of alder tubular shape with pebbles
(Brem Foundations, Pos. Esso, Kamchatka)

Photo 5. Maracas triangular shapes from alder bark with pebbles
(Brem Foundations, Pos. Esso, Kamchatka)

Photo 6. Concons on ring
(Brem Foundations, Pos. Esso, Kamchatka)

Photo 7. Conconia
(Brem Foundations, Pos. Esso, Kamchatka)

Photo 8. Gong Koryaksky
(Brem Foundations, Pos. Esso, Kamchatka)

Photo 9. Concopil

Photo 10. Itelmensky shaman with a rattle

Photo 11. Rings

Photo 12. Ratchet of Itelmen
(Cum Foundations, pos. Palaan, Person Kamchatka)

Photo 13. Vargan (Comus)
(Cum Foundations, pos. Palaan, Person Kamchatka)

Photo 14. The turntable-buzz

Photo 15. Buben Koryak
(Cum Foundations, pos. Palaan, Person Kamchatka)

Photo 16. Koryak String Tools (Copies)
(Brem Foundations, Pos. Esso, Kamchatka)

Photo 17. Chukotka String Tool - Ageng

Photo 18. CUNES (Dudins) of Iliancers from the Borshevik stem
(Brem Foundations, Pos. Esso, Kamchatka)

Photo 19. Dudges of corks from the bark of alder
(Brem Foundations, Pos. Esso, Kamchatka)

Photo 20. Foods

Photo 21. Whistles
(BKM Funds, pos. Esso, Pn Kamchatka)

Photo 22. Swirl
(Cum Foundations, pos. Palaan, Person Kamchatka)

(Cum Foundations, pos. Palaan, Person Kamchatka)

Photo 24. Malinka of Feather Baklan
(Cum Foundations, pos. Palaan, Person Kamchatka)

Photo 25. Dance under tambourine on a koryak festival. XXI century, mn Kamchatka

Bibliographic list

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Herald of the Northeast State University
Magadan 2015. Issue 24

One of the most ancient musical instruments, which passed through the century and did not change his appearance, is Vagan. We invite you to get acquainted closer with this self-visual tongue tool. Different peoples Gave him all sorts of names. In Altai, he was called Kamuz, in Yakutia - Hosus, in Bashkiria - Kubyz, in Germany - MaultroMel. Ukrainians and Belarusians called him just Drym, the Japanese - Mikkuri, Phillipins - Cubing, Indians - Cherchung. The Varang musical instrument is considered folk in many countries, only has differences on the material, form and technology of manufacturing. Each individual tool has its own unique characteristics.

Vargan - Musical Instrument of Northern Peoples

The name of the oldest tongue tool occurred from the Old Slavonic word "Varga", which means "mouth". The name itself speaks about the principle of the extraction of sound. The mouth cavity serves as a natural sound resonator. Tone and timbre of this little tool Help change the position of the language.

Below you can watch the photo of the Music Instrument of Vargan (Homas). He appeared in ancient times on different continents. There is an opinion that an ordinary hunting bow served to create it. How did he work? One end of the onion was put on the ground, and in the other rested the teeth. Then they jerked for the theater to remove the sound.

This is especially popular to the tool in Yakuts, Tuvintsev, Chukchi. Eskimos, Buryats, Altaians, Bashkirov. A little less vagan was spread in the Volga region.

Today the main center where the chomas are manufactured and used is Yakutia. For local residents Not just a musical instrument - Vargan, and means of expressing emotions, moods and feelings with sounds. Some managed during the game in Vargan to pronounce words using the "speaking" execution. Nowadays, interest in Russian pagan culture increases, so new masters appear creating authentic tools.

Two types of Varganov

So you have more ideas about the Music Tool of Vargane, read its main two types:

  1. Vargan placer. This is a narrow, thin wooden, bamboo, bone or metal plate and tongue. It is located in the middle of this record.
  2. Vargan arc (arcuate).Made from a metal rod to which the steel tongue is attached, having a hook on the end.

The most famous types of tools

Vargan is considered a non-standard tool, each has its sound. To play, it uses not only familiar to all seven notes, but also various overtones, pride, depths. The most famous types of this tool:

  • a rather high sound has a Altai Vargan Potkin, this interaction is completely small and made of yellow metal;
  • bass and powerful sound in the Khakass Varganov Valgutov, they are dark (blond);
  • the ringing sound is characterized by Russian Vargan Nureyev, they are made of stainless steel;
  • thin ringing sound is distinguished by Vietnamese tools.

What materials are the materials produce vargany?

Metal, wood, bone or other exotic materials are used to produce an unusual tool. Material and manufacturing technology affect the sound of a small "swirl", its reliability and durability. Metal is considered the most common. For its processing, a complex process is needed. Attached to the base, the tongue divides Vagan in half. With it, the magic of sound is created.

How can I describe the sound of this tool? It is soothing, velvet, pleasant ear, tuning on a thoughtful. Each performer gives the tool its timbre, a range and shades of sound. Often, the sounds and pride of Vargan combine with

A little about the history of the instrument

The history of Vargan goes deep into centuries. The first appeared a plate tool. It was made of girlfriend. Someone preferred a tree, someone - bone. Gradually began to appear metal products. To strengthen the sound, a metal frame was added to the tool. From this, arcuate vargans occurred.

The game on this tool was mainly engaged in Russian women. Up until the 30s of the last century, the rich traditions of the game in Vargan were preserved. During the reign of Stalin, they were canceled, considering the harmful remnant of the past. Senior people still handed their skill to descendants.

The game in Vargan was fond of also in european countries. Young people enjoyed this tool to attract the attention of the adorable girls. The exotic sound of Vargan won the attention of secular salons in the era of romanticism. Most tools were created in Austria.

At the end of the XIX century, the game on Vargane has lost popularity, some types of tools have completely disappeared from the scene. This was due to the fact that on the basis of Vargan, the German master of Bushman was designed by the first lifting harmonica. Then the Bayan and Accordion appeared. The success of new tools was big, but about Vagan forgot.

In the 60-70th last century began to revive ethnic crops and develop esoterism. The Yakut artist again revived interest in Homus. The tool is again so interested that in 1984, the Vargan festival was held at the international level. He passed in the USA. Today, Norwegians, Americans, Austrians, Russians are actively developing the art of the game on this instrument and create entire societies of lovers. Varganny music began to pierce many musical styles. Modern musicians Perfectly improvise, experiment with overtone and avant-garde direction. This primitive tool tool is quite complex in the game, many of its parties are not yet revealed to the end. This makes it possible to call it to the XXI century tool.

Details and size of Vargan

This tool happens different sizes, it all depends on the proportions of the brush and mouth. The convenience of the game and the sound depends on the size. The musician should be convenient to keep the frame and hit the tongue. Little Varganov has a high sound and a small duration of the oscillations of the tongue. In a large tool, the sound is long and bass. Miniature girls choose a small adaptation, large men are more convenient to play in Big Vargane.

The convenience of decryption decales to the teeth and lips depends on the size. The tongue rigidity can also be different limits. It is easier to manage Varganes with a soft tongue, there are no returns for teeth and head bones. Sound is obtained, though quiet, but gentle and smooth. They are suitable for leisurely melodies, meditations and relaxation. The hard tongue gives brightness and clarity of sound. On such an instrument, rhythmic compositions are performed, movable melodies. It allows you to create even very fast sound.

The length of the tongue also affects the game. The sound can be slow, leisurely, meditative in vaganov with a long tongue. The short tongue gives the melody of notes fun, mobility, ease. It is better to fulfill folk naples and vigorous dancing.

The tongue has a knee and ring. Large knee is indispensable at a slow game, makes the tool sound low. Little knee is better for a quick game. For softness and accuracy, it is better to knock on it with your fingers. It is important to know that the vibrations from the tongue are moving to the instrument frame and the dice of the musician.

Steel, brass, copper are used as a metal for the manufacture of Varganov. In addition to them, there are tools of their tree, plexiglas, stone, whale dice, bones. More pleasant to the feelings of wooden devices, they give a smaller return on their teeth. The sound of wrought vorgans is bright and rich. Copper tools give melodies velvety.

How to play Vargan?

How to create sound on this miracle tool? This is a combination of tongue vibrations, warrgan hulls, head and mouth bones. To play a specific melody, you need to know certain technical moments. After all, during the game you hear not Vargan himself. Many are interested to learn how to play Music tool Vargan. First, apply it to the teeth, then lightly knock on the tongue, after which the resonance is on the bones of the skull. Sound starts the body. The musician in the process of the game changes the articulation, controls the diaphragm, reduces the larynx, changes the breath. All this affects the sound tool. In order to create a beautiful melody, it is enough to practice for 15-20 minutes a day.

Using Varganov Shamanami

Northern peoples have long considered the sacred deer, fire, tambourine and Vargan. Male, and Vargan - Women used more often. The ancient shamans believed that they were consistent with these devices with these devices, change the state of consciousness. Shamans entered B. different worldsto convert reality. In addition to the game on musical instruments, other techniques were used. Shamanic Kamlany did not work out without Vargan and Bubne. With the help of the Shaman tool, defenders were called and communicated with them.

The worldview of shamans were identical in different corners World. They met not only in Siberia and Africa, but also in Northern and South America, Australia. Therefore, we can safely call Vargan with a musical instrument of shamans, with which they traveled in search of power and information.

Turkmen Metal Vagan

It is difficult to understand the secret of popularity to a person who did not hold the Turkmen musical instrument in his hands - Vargan (metallic). The world is changing when this tool starts his song, filling the mood of the owner. Each breath gives an axister of sounds flying into an amazing melody. Turkmen Vargan becomes a continuation of the playing, their souls merge. Fans of this tool are difficult to break away from its melodiousness of the sound and ease of execution.

There are several models of Turkmen Vargan - some sounds low velvet melodies, others are chirped with gentle voices. It is very suitable for solo parties, where the performer follows its inspiration, creates unique musical images. This tool perfectly relieves stress, configures on a positive wave, fills the soul of harmony.

Chukchi instrument

Many lovers try to buy a Chukotka musical instrument - Vagan. In antiquity, he was attributed to magical forces. Chukoti shamans with musical vibrations learned the future and caused spirits. Vargan is valued (musical instrument Chukchi) highly, and the masters, creating it, are considered to be the highest order. Professional secrets of manufacturing tool are strictly protected. The device is convenient to use, and its form remotely reminds the key.

A unique find of archaeologists

Recently, in the Altai Mountains, scientists managed to find a tongue musical instrument made from animal horns. Nakhodka is considered the most ancient in Eurasia of this kind. Scientists include a tool to the Scythian Sarmatian period (I millennium BC). Vargan found during the excavations near the river Katuni. This finding is an ethnographic feature of the inhabitants of Southern Siberia.

Vargana in stores of musical instruments in Perm

In the foothills of the Western Urals there is a large industrial and shopping center - Perm. It lives more than half a million inhabitants. In this city, many are fond of playing in Vargan. There are several stores where you can buy Altai Vargans (chomas). They are acquired for professional game, as well as for hobbies, pleasure. Many seek purchasing online stores where you can get a consultation of a professional manager.

Some attracts a model with an unusual design where the frame is made of plexiglas. This tool is modern and stylish. Vargana is sold in original wooden or plastic cases, which retain them during transportation.

Tool value

Those who have mastered the rather complicated game technique in Vargane, believe that it should be in every family. Can any buyer with an average opportunity to acquire this wonderful tool? The most affordable Vargan costs 600-700 rubles. More complex models, with interesting pride, cost from 1,500 rubles and higher. There are tools inlaid on sale. precious stones. They are packaged in the author's steel covers of a unique form. Naturally, the price for such a high work.

What is the name of the musical instrument on which Chukchi is playing, they bring it to mouth?

  1. vargan
  2. Vagan, and still there is exactly the same tool, only the Kazakh is called the chance, it is considered a shamanic tool, so not everyone can afford to play Nm. here \u003d)
  3. Traditional Musical Instrument Plate Wagan (Bathyarrr) "Roll Tuben" from Birch, Bamboo (Floating), Bone or Metal Plate. Later appeared arc bilingual wagan.

    Vargan is the most ancient self-visible tongue musical instrument. In one or another modification of Vagan is found in the ancient cultures of most peoples of the world.

    Vargan has more forty different names. The most used names of Vargana: Komuze (in Altai), Homus (in Yakutia), Drymba (in Ukraine, in Belarus), Kubyz (in Bashkiria), Zublaku (in Russia), Sean-Kobyz (in Kazakhstan), Temir-Commission ( in Kyrgyzstan, where the word "Temir", which means iron, distinguishes Vagan from string tools Commus).

    In America, Vargan is called "Jewish Lira" - Jews Harp (Jew Harp, Jews Harp, Juice Harp). In fact, the Americans themselves cannot explain why Vagan - and suddenly Jewish. There are no connections with Jews with Jews. Most musicologists consider this word error in the 19th century. Most likely, in the title I had in mind the Jaws Harp - a jaw lira. The earliest mention of Vargan was found on the ancient Roman frescoes - image ancient Orchestra Includes a person who clearly plays in Vargan. In Russia, Vargana is especially common in Yakutia, Tuva, in Altai. Very popular Vargan in Western Ukraine, in Belarus, Moldova. Read more

  4. I have such, only I don't know how to play on it))))
  5. vargan
    here is a link to waggne music\u003d524990.
  6. Vargan

    Externally, Vargan looks like a small device that playing with one hand applies to her lips to use manipulations thumb The second hand extract a stretched vibrating sound. It looks like a musical instrument and is officially referred to as a musical instrument.

    For many uninitiated, sounds published by Vargany have long been considered the necessary arrangement in the musical and pseudo-domical compositions of the indigenous peoples of the North from Eskimos of Greenland to the inhabitants of Chukotka and Yakutia. Meanwhile, the game on Vargane is not a musical exercise, but the very concept of music in relation to this device is no more than the name of the side effect of its use. Vargan is a mechanical drug substitute.

  7. Vargan.

Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture"

Musical culture of aboriginal Chukotka

Under the discipline "The history of the music of the Far East"


Student 514 gr.

Vasilyeva M.Yu.




Cultureand art of Eskimos

Life of Eskimos

Holidays, folklore

Music (Ainangananga)

Eskimo miniature

Musical instruments


Life and classes

Beliefs and rites

Throat singing



The musical culture of the aborigine of Chukotka is based on the life, the kind of classes, beliefs and rites, depends on the ancestor and the resettlement, territorial affiliation of the peoples. Chukchi developed musical creativity based on melodies, which in turn rely on the sounds of nature. The basis of the Eskimo musical folklore make up miniatures whose analogues in world culture are not.


From Encyclopedia:

Eskimos, the people settleled from the east. The tip of Chukotka to Greenland. The total number is about 90 thousand people. (1975, score). They speak Eskimo language. Anthropologically belong to the Arctic type of the Mongoloids. E. Formed about 5-4 thousand years ago in the district of Beringov M. and settled on V.- to Greenland, reaching it long before. e. E. Westly adapted to life in the Arctic, creating a swivel harpoon for the hunt for the Mor. Beast, boat kayak, snowy dwelling needle, deaf furry and so on for the original culture E. in 18-19 centuries. The combination of hunting on the Mor is characteristic. The beast and the deer of Caribou, significant remnants of primitive-collectivistic standards in the distribution of production, the life of Terr. communities. Religion - cults of spirits, some animals. At 19 in. E. did not have (except, possibly the Beringomorsky) generic and developed tribal organization. As a result of contacts with the emergency population in the life of foreign E., great changes occurred.

Significant part of them moved from Mor. Fishery to the hunt for the sands, and in Greenland - to the commercial fisheries. Part of E., especially in Greenland, became workers. Here the petty local bourgeoisie appeared. E. Zap. Greenland has been formed in PL. The people - Greenland, who do not consider themselves E. on Labrador E. Mostly mixed with the old-timing. European origin. Everywhere residual traditional culture E. quickly disappear.

In the USSR, Eskimos - Malochal. Ethnic. Group (1308 people, Census 1970), living mixed or near the neighborhood with Chukchi in a number of the populosity, Vost. The coast of Chukotka and on about. Wrangel. Their traditions. occupation - Mor. Hyperic fishery. For the years of owls. The authorities in X-ve and everyday life of E. had indigenous changes. From Yarang E. Move into comfortable houses. In the collective farms, E. and Chukchi are usually combined in the rein, mechanical develops. Multi-sective X-W (Mor. Hunting fishing, reindeer herding, hunting, etc.). Among E. eliminated illiteracy, the intelligentsia has developed.

Culture and Art of Eskimos

Eskimos created a distinctive musical, dance, as well as decorative and applied and depicted, lawsuit. Excavations are open related to con. 1st thousand to n. e. - 1st thousand n. e. Bone tips of harpunov and arrows, so on. Winged items (presumably, decorating the nasal parts of boats), stylized figures of people and animals, boat-kayak models, decorated with images of people and animals, as well as complex carved ornament. Among the characteristic species of the Eskimo, 18-20 wires, the manufacture of filaments from the walrus (less often - soap stone), wood carving, art, applique and embroidery (patterns of deer fur and skin, adorning clothes and household items).

Life of Eskimos

Basic species economic activity Was marine hunting fishery. Until the middle of the XIX century. The main tools of hunt were a spear with a tip of a sweat-shaped double-edged shape (Pan), a swivel harpoon (UVN'KA) with a separated tip from the bone. For movement on water, they used boats Biders and kayaks. Baidar (Angayapik) is a light, speed and resistant water. Wooden frame was covered with a walrus skin. Baidars were different types - From single to huge 25-seater sailboats.

On land moved on the dugokopny narts. Dogs harnessed the "fan". From the middle of the XIX century. Narts pulled the dogs harmful (Eastern Eastosibirsk Bar). Short Curly Sanya with Laschi Fangs (Kanrac) were also used. In the snow went on skis - "rackets" (in the form of a frame of two slats with fastened ends and transverse struts, intertwined belts made of malproy skin and bonened with bone plates), on ice - with the help of special spikes from the bone fortified on the shoes.

The way of hunting for marine animals depended on their seasonal migrations. Two whale hunting seasons corresponded to the time of passing them through Bering Strait: Spring to North, in the fall - south. Whales shot harpunas from a few Baidar, and later - harpoon cannons.

The most important object of the fishery was walrus. From the end of the XIX century. New fishing weapons and gear appeared. Hunting on fur animals spread. The mining of walrus and seals replaced the whaling collapse. When the marine animals lacked, they shot wild deer and mountain rams from the onion, birds, caught fish.

Clothing of Asian Eskimos - deaf, from deer and sealing skins. Back in the XIX century. They did clothing also from bird skins. Fur stockings and Nerry Torbas (Camciyk) were put on their feet. Waterproof shoes were made from the selected sealing skins without wool. Fur hats and mittens worn only when moving (nomads). Clothes decorated with embroidery or mosaic from fur. Until the XVIII century. Eskimos, a porous nasal septum or a lower lip, hung the walrup teeth, bone rings and glass beads.

Men's tattoo - mugs in the corners of the mouth, female - straight or concave parallel lines on the forehead, nose and chin. A more complex geometric ornament was applied on the cheek. Covered hand tattoos, brushes, forearm.

Traditional food - meat and fat of seals, walrus and whales. The meat was raw, dried, dried, frozen, boiled, harvested for the winter: quasil in the pits and fir with fat, sometimes in a semi-wood form. The delicacy was considered a raw whale fat with a layer of cartilage skin (mantack). Fish was dried and dried, fir-frozen fresher. The venison was highly appreciated, which was exchanged in Chukchi to the skins of marine animals.

Holidays, folklore

Eskimos practically did not undergo Christianization. They believed in the spirits, the owners of all animated and inanimate objects, the phenomena of nature, localities, wind directions, various states of a person, in a related communication of a person with any animal or subject. There were ideas about the creator of the world, called his forces. He was the Creator and the owner of the Universe, followed the compliance of the customs of the ancestors. The main marine deity, the hostess of marine animals was Sedna, who sent prey to people. Evil spirits were presented in the form of giants or dwarfs, or other fantastic creatures that were satisfied with people and misfortunes.

In each village there was a shaman (usually it was a man, but the women's shamans are known), which was a mediator between evil spirits and people. Only one who heard the voice of the Assistant could become Shaman. After that, the future shaman was supposed to meet with spirits and conclude an alliance with them about mediation.

The mining of a large beast dedicated commercial holidays. Especially known holidays on the occasion of whale production, which were carried out either in the fall, at the end of the hunt season - "Wire of China", or in the spring - "Whale Meeting". There were also holidays for the beginning of the sea hunting, or the "Baidar descent on the water" and the holiday of "walrus heads" dedicated to the results of spring-summer fishery.

Eskimo folklore is rich and diverse.

All types of oral creativity are divided into unipacled - "news", "news" and in unipamysyuk - stories about events in the past, heroic legends, fairy tales or myths. Among the fairy tales, the cycle of Kuthe, Demiurge and Trickster, creating and developing the universe occupies a special place.

To the earliest stages of the development of the Eskimo Arctic Culture include bone carving:

sculpture miniature, and artistic bone engraving. The ornament covered the hunting equipment, household items; Images of animals and fantastic beings served as amulets and decorations.

Music (Ainangananga) - predominantly vocal. Songs are divided into "big" public - hymns who sing ensembles and "small" intimate - "Songs of the Soul". They are performed solo, sometimes accompanied by a tambourine. Apply to Eskimo music, any well-established known patterns are practically not possible. Rhythms do not fit in size and based on pure memorization. The main musical "invention" of Eskimos is considered miniature.

Eskimo miniature

The Eskimo miniature itself represents a song-dance composition of 2-bedrooms, where the second repeats the first at an accelerated pace with enhanced dynamics. In miniatures, everyday life is revealed, fishing, nature, the habits of animals, in general, everything surrounded them in everyday life. Each movement is a certain semantic load.

Musical instruments

Tambourine - Personal and family shrine (sometimes used by shamans). He takes a central place in music. Tuben made of a walrus bubble stretched on a wooden ring (shelter).

Also often in Eskimo musical culture there is a tool "Homus", or "Bathyarr". Artists has not many artists. And, since the tool itself in Chukchi was made mainly from the whale oss, the sound was quiet, which was applied mainly only in the premises and widespread use did not find.


Chukchi, (self-setting, "real people").

Number B. Russian Federation 15.1 thousand people, the indigenous population of Chukotka Auth. District (11.9 thousand people). Also live in the north of Koryak Auth. The districts (1.5 thousand people) and in the Nizhne-Kolyma district of Yakutia (1.3 thousand people), they speak in Chukchi language.

The first mentions about Chukchch,

In Russian documents - from the 40s. 197th century, they are divided into "deer" and "hiking." The reindeer herds were naocked in Tundra and on the coast of the Arctic Ocean between Alasees and Kolya, at Cape Sheland and then east to Bering Strait. The settlements of "hiking" chukchi, sedentary sea hunters, were located together with the Eskimo between Cape Dezhnev and the Cross Bay and then south in the lower reaches of Anadyr and the River Kancanlan. The number of Chukchi in Con.17 century. was about 8-9 thousand people.

Contacts with Russian originally survived mainly on the lower Kolyma. Attempts to chose the Nizhnekolum Chukchi Yasakov, military trips against them in the middle of the 17th century did not bring results. Due to military conflicts and epidemics, the number of Nizhnekolum Chukchi decreased sharply, the remaining discarded to the east.

Since the end of the 18th century, trading contacts of Chukchi with Russians were activated. According to the "Charter on the management of foreigners" of 1822, Chukchi did not carry duties, Yasak made voluntarily, receiving gifts for it. The established peaceful relations with Russian, cakes and yukagira, the development of shepherd deerreland, contributed to the further expansion of the territory of Chukchi to the West. By 1830, they penetrated the river. Large lamb, to the 1850th - on the bottom Kolyma, by the middle of the 1860s - in the interfluve the Kolyma and Indigir; To the south, the territory of Koryakov, between the Penzhina and the Corf Cove, where they were partially assimilated with the coryats. In the East, the assimilation of Chukchmi - Eskimos intensified. In the 1850s. American kitobi included in trade with seaside chukchi. Expansion of the habitat of Chukchi, was accompanied by the final allocation of territorial groups: Kolyma, Anyuskaya, or Minivoy, Chaun-Skoy, Osolon, Amguem, or Amguemo-Vonkaremskaya, Porulti-Mishgmenskaya, Onymenskaya (Domestic Chukchi), Toganskaya, or Vilyune, Olyutorm, Beringomorskaya ( Marine Chukchi) and others. In 1897, the number of Chukchi was 11,751 people. Since the end of the 19th century, due to the extermination of the sea beast, the number of coastal chukchi fell sharply, by 1926 it was 30% of all Chukchi. Modern descendants of the coastal chukchi live in the village of Sirenki, Novo Chaplino, Providence, Nunligran, Enmonten, Yarolannot, Inchown, Lorino, Lavrentia, Neshkhan, Welen, Enurmino on the east coast of Chukotka.

In 1930, the Chukotka National District was formed (from 1977 - Avto District). For the ethnic development of Chukchi in the 20th century, especially during the consolidation of collective farms and the education of state farms from the 2nd half of the 50s., Consolidation and overcoming the isolation of individual groups are characterized.

Praodina and Chukchi settlement

Chukchi was divided into deer - tundra nomadic reindeer herds (self-chasing, "deer man")

and seaside - sedentary hunters on the marine beast (Samupplying Ankalyn - "coastal") living together with the Eskimos.

These groups were related to related relations and natural exchange. Self-visiting at the place of residence or nomads are common: Poveltyt - "Weelensey", "Chaalyt" - "Chukchi, worst on the r. Chaun". These self-discs persist, even in residents of modern enlarged villages. The names of smaller groups inside the settlements: Tapacraliat - "living on the spit", Gynonralit - "living in the center", etc. Among the Western Chukchi, self-confession is common (probably from chasing).

Initially, Praodina Chukchi was considered the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, from where they were moving to the north, assimilating part of Yukagirov and Eskimos. According to modern studies, the ancestors of Chukchi and their koryakov they dwell in the internal district of Chukotka.

By occupying the habitat of the Eskimos, Chukchi partially assimilated them and borrowed many features of their culture (fat lamps, gentlemen, construction and shape of tambourines, commercial rites and holidays, dance-pantomimes, etc.). Long-term interaction with the Esquities also reflected in the tongue and worldview of the indigenous chukchi. As a result of the contacts of the land and sea hunting culture, Chukchi occurred economic separation of labor. Yukagir elements also took part in the ethnogenesis of Chukchi. Contacts with Yukagira, have become relatively stable at the turn of 13-14 centuries, when Yukagira under the influence of Evennes has advanced to the East, to the Anadyr River Pool. The reindeer herding has developed in the tundra Chukchi, apparently, under the influence of Koryakov shortly before the emergence of Russians.

Life and classes

The main classes of tundra chukchi are nomadic reindeer herding

Having pronounced meat-skin. We also used driving deer in the harness.

The herds, differed relatively, large sizes, deer were poorly accustomed, fell out without the help of dogs. In the winter, herds were kept in the places sheltered from the wind, moved several times during the winter, in summer the men went with a herd in the tundra, women, old men and children

lived in overhangs on the banks of the river or the sea. Deer did not make, sometimes the shepherds suck milk. To make a deer enjoyed urine. Deer was castrated by snacking seed channels.

The main sessions of the coastal chukchi are hunting for the marine beast: in winter and spring - on Nerpen and seal, in summer and autumn - for a walrus and whale. On the seal hunted alone, clutching towards them, masked and imitated the movements of the animal. For the walker hunted by groups, several Bidar. Traditional hunting weapon - harpoon with float, spear, belt network, from the 2nd floor. 19th century Firearms spread, hunting methods simplified. Sometimes they shot the seals at high speed with Nart.

Fishing other than pools Anadyr, Kolyma and Sauna was poorly developed. Fish crafts were engaged in men. Fish was caught with a saccmill, fishing, networks. In the summer - from Baidar, in winter - in the hole. Salmon was harvested by the future.

Before the appearance of firearms, the wild deer and mountain rams were hunted, which were subsequently almost completely exterminated. Under the influence of trade with Russians, fur fishery spread. So far, the bird hunt has been preserved with the help of "Bola" - throwing guns from several ropes with cargo, which entrusted to a flying bird. Previously, when hunting for birds, they also used darts with throwing table, loops traps; Gag beat in water sticks. Women and children also engaged in the collection of edible plants. To dig the roots used the gun with a tip from the horns, later - iron.

Traditional crafts - Fur dressing, weaving bags of fibers Cyprusa and wild rye in women, bone treatment in men. Developed artistic thread, and bone engraving and fason, appliqué from fur and sealing skin, embroidery with reindeer hair. For the Chukotka ornament, a small geometric pattern is characterized. In the 19th century, horse-drawn associations on the production of carved items from the walrus bone appeared on the east coast. In the 20th century The plot engraving on the bone and the walrus fang (the work of the vukvol, Vukvutagina, hematogue, Halmo, Ichel, ETTUGI, etc.) was developed. The center of firefish was the workshop in the village of Wuren (created in 1931).

In the 2nd floor. 19th century Many Chukchi began to hide the whaling schooners and gold peculiarities.

For the social system, Chukchi, to the beginning of contacts with the Russians, it was characterized by the cultivation of the patriarchal community in the neighboring, development of property, differentiation. Deer, dogs, housing and Baidars were privately owned, pastures and fishing grounds in communal. The main social unit of the tundra C. was a core of 3-4 related families; The poor, the cubs could unite families who are not related to kinship, their workers with families lived in major reindeer hiking. Groups for 15-20 cores were associated with mutual assistance. Primorsky Ch. Communicated several families in the widdle community headed by the owner of Baidar. Olenny C. There were Patriralinean related groups (Varat) related to general customs (blood revenge, the transfer of ritual fire, general signs on the face during sacrifice, etc.). Up to 18 V. Patriarchal slavery was known. Family in the past is a big patriarchal, to the con. 19th century - Small Patriocal. By traditional wedding riteThe bride accompanied by relatives came to his deer to the bridegroom. Yarangi was hammered by a deer and his blood bride, the bridegroom and their relatives struck the generic signs of the groom. The child's name was given usually in 2-3 weeks after birth. There were elements of group marriage ("variable marriage"), testing for the bride, rich - polygamy. Many problems with deer C. arose with a disproportion in the sexual structure (women were less than men).

The main dwelling of Chukchi is the collapsible cylindroconic tent-yangen from the deer skins in the tundra, and the walrus - in seaside. The arch relied on three poles in the center. Inside, Yaranga was flashed off in the form of large deaf fur bags, stretched on the poles, was illuminated and heated by a stone, clay or wooden fatty lamp, which also prepared food. We sat on the skins, wood roots or deer horns. In Yarangas also contained dogs. Yaranga Primorsky Chukchi was distinguished from the dwelling of the reindeer herding. Until the end of the 19th century, the seaside Chukchi was preserved by a twilight, borrowed from Eskimos (Valkaran - "House from China's Jaws") - on a frame of whale bones covered with rod and earth. In the summer they were part of it through a hole in the roof, in winter - through a long corridor. Outbursts of nomadic chukchi consisted of 2-10 yarang, were stretched from the east to the west, the head of the community was filled from the west. Settlements of the Primorsky Chukchi were up to 20 and more Yarang, randomly scattered.

Tundra Chukchi moved on narts on deer, seaside - on dogs. In the middle of the 19th century, the seaside Chukchi, influenced by the Russians, spread eastosibirsk sart and the ceasing Zugom, to which dogs were harnessed by fan. We also enjoyed rocket skiing, in Kolyma - borrowed from Evenks with sliding skis. The water was moved in Bidark - boats, which accommodate from one to 20-30 people, from the walrus skins, with elevals and oblique sail.

Traditional clothes are deaf, deer and nerve skins. Men wore a double shirt-kitchenette length, spidered by a belt, to which a knife, a knife, plenty and dr., Narrow double pants, short shoes with fur stockings. W. Seaside Chukchi widespread clothes from walrus guts. Headwear was rare, mostly - on the road. Women's clothing - fur overalls (kerker), in winter double, summer - single, fur shoes length to knees. Wearing bracelets and necklaces, a facial tattoo was spread: mugs at the edges of the mouth in men and two lanes on the nose and forehead in women. Men hanged hair with a circle, shaking the themes, women swam in two braids.

The main food of the "deer" Chukchi - Olenina, coastal - marine beast meat. The meat was used in cheese, boiled and slugg.

During the massive breakdown, the deer was harvested by the contents of the reindeer stomachs (Rilkeil), cooking it with the addition of blood and fat. The seaside Chukchi harvested the meat of large animals - whale, walrus, Beluhi - Integro, fermenting it in the pits (Capal Gyn), stitching in the skins. Fish ate with raw, on Anadyr and Kolyma did YuCuu from salmon.

The leaves of a carlock willow, sorrel, the roots were harvested in the future - frozen, quasili, mixed with fat, blood, rilcaleyl. Cobobs were made of piled roots with meat and walrus fat. From the bridal flour cooked porridge, roasted on the seal of zero cakes. Algae and mollusks were also used.

Beliefs and rites

Christianization practically did not affect Chukchi. At the beginning of the twentieth century, about 1.5 thousand Chukchi was listed by Orthodox. It was common faith in perfume. Diseases and disasters were attributed to the action of evil spirits (Kelte), hunting for human souls and bodies and devouring them. Among the animals were especially revered by a polar bear, whale, walrus. Each family had a set of sacred objects: bunch of amulets, tambourine, a device for mining fire in the form of a coarse anthropomorphic board with recesses, in which there was a lean drill; The fire extracted in this way was considered sacred, could only be transferred among relatives by the male line. The dead burned on the fire or left in the tundra, before it was dressed in funeral clothes, usually from white skins. Old men, as well as in cases of severe illness, grief, insults, etc. Often he was preferred voluntary death from the hands of a relative; It was believed that she provides the best posthumous fate. Shamanism has been developed. The shamans imitated the voices of animals, accompanied their actions by playing on the tambourines, singing or by a recitative, dances. Especially revered the shamans-men, liken to women, and vice versa. Special suit shamans did not have.

Traditional holidays were associated with farms, cycles: from the "deer" Chukchi - with the autumn and winter calendar, an echoker, reveaning herd to fly and return from there. Holidays of seaside Chukchi are close to Eskimo. Spring holiday Baidars on the occasion of the first exit to the sea. In the summer - the holiday of heads on the occasion of the end of the hunt for seals. In the fall, the sacrifice of the sea, late in the fall - the holiday of Caretcun, the host of marine animals depicted in the form of a wooden figure, at the end of the holiday burned. Holidays were accompanied by dances with a tambourine, pantomimoy, sacrifices. The "deer" Chukchi sacrifted deer, meat, figures from fat, snow, tree, etc., in seaside - dogs.

Folkchi Folkchi includes cosmogonic myths, mythological and historical legends, fairy tales about spirits, animals, adventures of shamans, fasting, etc. Mythology has common features with the myths of Koryakov, Itelmen, Eskimos and North American Indians: the plot of the ravene is the trickster and demiurge, etc.

Traditional musical instruments - Vargan (Homus), tambourine (Yarar) and others - Delivered from wood, bone, whale ous. In addition to ritual dances, improvised entertainment dances and pantomimes were also common. The dance of the dance is characteristic (letters. "Singing"), accompanied by throat singing and croutons


Throat singing

Wide distribution among Chukotka rites and holidays since ancient times was considered a throat. The real craftsmen were shocked by those who heard it for the first time. The sounds were truly "inhuman", powerful and caused "frost on the skin." Often on holidays arranged contests contests for throat singing.


Differences in Culture Chukchi and Eskimos are gradually erased. But the ancient musical creativity still remains separate and easily distinguished.

Since the 1990s The problems of the revival of traditional culture of Chukchi and Eskimos are engaged in the association of the peoples of Chukotka. National ensembles retain the musical and dance culture of the Aboriginal North of the Far East.


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  • Vargan (Homus, Kuby)

    The world of shamans ... It is very mysterious and attractive for modern man. In century technical progress And the mad speeds almost completely lost the relationship of people and nature. With your subconscious, we understand that the interaction with it is very important, since it gives strength, and life fills the meaning. That's why shamans attract us - mysterious peopleThat secure this connection is deified and revered nature, and know how to communicate with it, because they have a dive of immersion in a special state for communication with spirits. Shamans have a very sample and poetic device. In their rites, which are called Kamlany, important role Play vestments and attributes. So, internize participants shamansky rituals are tambourine and wagan. The tambourine opens the sorcerer to other worlds, and Vagan serves as an evil spirits. Vagan is a truly magic tool not only in the hands of shaman, but also ordinary person. If you are tired of any work, I play on Vargan, you will feel that such muscy is helps to relax and even enter the state of light controlled trance. This is an excellent tool for improvisation and expressions of various feelings.


    Vargan refers to a variety of self-reflecting tongue musical instruments. It is enjoyable for hearing an extraordinarily velvet, but at the same time, "metal sound", which soothes and configures on thinking. Incredibly beautiful sounds and overtones, and sometimes even in combination with a throat singing - it is just an unimaginable magic that acts fascinating and leads from life realities.

    It is not difficult to extract sounds on the Vargan, for this you need the basis of the tool tightly press to the teeth or lips, leaving between them not a big slot so that there is free to enter the Baghana tongue, which when you need to delay. The function of the resonator performs the mouth of the cavity, when the circuit changes, the performer achieves a varied timbral color of the tool sound. Of this technique It is impossible to teach executions on Vargan, it comes herself during regular training. Genuine professionals in their performance for the extraction of sound are used by linguistic, linguistic, pharynses and gentle methods, while cycling the respiratory tract, light and even a diaphragm.


    Interesting Facts

    • Vargan is a tool that has received widespread worldwide in each region has its name. Tool names are calculated by hundreds, here are some of them: Abafiv, Agach Kubyz, Akiz Tamburasi, Anconc, Bambaro, Berimbau, Binajo, Bivba, Birimbao, Brummla, Banny Yayai, Vargas, Warhan, Vurgan, Kubyz, Kunkon, Mint, Panga, RBIB, Hams, Homus, Huur, Chang-Cobus, Pangar and many others.
    • Vargan is the Russian name of the instrument that happened from the Old Slavonic Warga word, which means the mouth, mouth.
    • Altai women love to musitize on Vargane, using a special reception of the game, in which the sound removal is only tongue - without hands. Such a specific way they are used in the milking of the cows that listen to the sounds of the Vargan give more milk.
    • At one time, Vargan was actively used by members of the Sicilian mafia to transfer encrypted signals.
    • Whargan music masters claim that before starting to play on a new tool, you need to "merge" with him - to give your energy. To do this, we need to wear it some time as a pendant on the neck or put in your pocket and in no case to transfer Vagan to another person. Only observing these conditions, the tool will sound without much effort, bringing the performer.
    • The international center, as well as the biggest museum of the Homus (Vargan), which is recognized as unique, is located in the capital of the Republic of Sokh. Yakutsk. The main foundations of the museum about 9 thousand exhibits collected in different countries of the world.

    • Earlier in Altai and Siberia, Vargana made only those blacksmiths who were relatives of shamans.
    • The Yakut Homus in December in 2011 was sent to a space orbit, where, together with the crew of the Soyuz Space, he stayed over 190 days.
    • First International Festival Wank music was organized in the American city of Iowa City in 1984.
    • The seventh International Festival of Vargan (Homus), held in Yakutsk in 2011, was noted in the Guinness Book of Records, as a record number of participants took part - 1344 performers in Vargan.
    • In the USSR, during the reign of I. Stalin, Vargan (Homus) was banned as a tool of shamans - sorcerers, which during this period were subjected to harsh repression.
    • In the US, Vargan got the name "Jewish harp", but why the tool has such a strange name, the Americans cannot explain the Americans.
    • Electronic Vargan was created by the world-famous performer at Vargane R. Zagrtdinov in 1991.


    When and where the history of Vargan begins - an ancient instrument, which in many countries is considered to be people, it is not reliably known. According to the assumptions of some historians - art historians, the time of its appearance can be dated about the third millennium to our era. However, it is believed that the birth of the instrument falls on much more early periodAt the time when a person invented the bow - a throwing weapon that served as not only for food mining, but also for entertainment. By inserting one end of the bow into the ground, either by pushing it between the fingers of the legs, and the other, resting himself into the teeth or in the palate, he removed the sounds with the help of sticks and fingers of the hands (such a method of musitization still houses the tribes of Central America). Nevertheless, there is a version that the progenitor of Vargan could be a simple scer. Similar tools made from this material are still found in our Siberia (Republic of Tyva).

    It is impossible to accurately install the exact place of origin of the Vargan. Geography of its distribution, as well as archaeological finds Ancient tool is very extensive. There is a hypothesis that Vargan in different regions appeared independently of each other, since the tool for each people has a set of unique characteristics inherent in it, and also features material, shape and manufacturing technology. Initially, the material for the manufacture of Vargan served a tree, bones, and in the eastern countries there were also bamboo, but such tools were very brittle and therefore, a person began to make Vargany from the metal, as soon as he learned and learned to handle him. Initially, the first metal warrgans resembled modern lamellar tools and were a narrow, thin plate from 10 to 15 cm and 1-2 times wide. Over time, it has been changed for greater expressiveness and volume of sound. The tool acquired a metal frame in the form of an arc.

    Already in the ancient times, Vargan was considered a sacred tool and was applied in religious rituals, as well as for warnings. In Europe, Vargan began to enjoy particularly popular in the Middle Ages, for example, young people in the tool voice attracted the attention of pretty girls. Slightly wagan conquered secular salons with its exotic sound. Muzitication on it was considered a fashionable activity from representatives of the highest estates.

    The European state, where the production of Varganov was engaged in the most active, was Austria. In the XIX century, in the small town of Moln, about forty families were engaged in the manufacture of tools, which per year did two and a half million tools. In the same XIX century, the masters of musical instruments and performers were constantly experimenting with Vargan. So the German musical inventor Johann Schebler installed ten Varganov, tuned by chromatis, on a supporting disk, new tool Received the name "Aura". And a little later, the Organ Master Friedrich Bushman, putting the basis of the bunch of Vargan, invented by all his beloved lip harmonic.