The smallest music tools. The most ancient found musical instrument

The smallest music tools. The most ancient found musical instrument
The smallest music tools. The most ancient found musical instrument

Roughly speaking, a musical instrument can be called anything, which can make the sound of a more or less pleasant human ear: a spoon, a knife, saw, sticks and so on. But still, we are accustomed to a more or less standardized adaptation. The biggest is an organ - a huge piano with a complex tube system, emitting high power and wide range. But what musical instrument is the smallest? Let's deal with.

Light harmonica is a tool that may well fit in your pocket. This is a plus: it can always be with you, with pleasure, Harpers are enjoyed - people professionally playing on this unusual tool.

Despite the not seeming frivolousness, the lump harmonica is often introduced into blues, jazz and even the fatal compositions. Many Russian musicians play nicely on it, for example, Boris Grebenchikov, Sergey Chigrakov, Vladimir Shahrin and many others.

The most miniature Little Lady harmonica had a length of 5 centimeters and a thickness - 1.5. Made it in Germany in the 90s of the 19th century, but she still lived.

Lifting harmonica in the consciousness of most musicians tools are frozen, folk or even amateur. The triangle is another thing. Despite the seeming simplicity, even primitiveness, it has a strong and bright sound. The triangle party, as if funny it did not sound, is included in many classic works.

For example, the "Anita dance" from the drama of the Grieg Gynt and Overture to Wilhelmu Telly without the sound of the triangle are already incomplete. It was used by Beethoven, Mozart, Gayden and many other composers. And the sheet even wrote a work that the musicians call the "triangle concert" - concert number 1 for piano with orchestra. In it, this frivolous tool plays a completely serious role.

Flute is a miniature itself, and Piccolo is also called a small flute. This miniature tool has a high but pleasant sound. It can often be found in symphony orchestras, but the baby is rarely given the leading party, more often it simply complements other tools. Vivaldi, Shostakovich, Rowel and rated the gentle beauty of this tool.

Children's fun, whistle, in skillful hands turns into a musical instrument with bright and rich sound. Traditional folk is usually made of wood, clay, and now plastics. Interestingly, from the same whistle can extract a wide range of sounds, simply pouring into a bit of water. Then the whistle turns into sliding trills.

This simple and simple musical instrument is not found in symphony orchestras, but the folk groups are glad to insert them, adding authentic sound.

The tools that we have listed above are miniatures themselves. Of course, if you wish, you can make a triangle less, but they have their own standards and must obey them. But there are tools that have become such tiny by the will of the creators.

For example, Dustin Carr and Harold Craidhad from the Nanotechnology Department of the University of Cornell presented to the public to Nanjitar. It has a full length of about 10 micrometers, the strings are about 10 atoms in diameter. Nevertheless, she plays, however, it can be crushed with his finger, without even noticing, so you have to use a laser beam. The guitar makes sounds, but hears his human ear cannot have to use amplifiers.


To say that this is just a small musical instrument, it means that nothing. For its manufacture, they took silicon crystal, where the tool was caught. The diameter of the strings is really nano - 50 nanometers. They publish the sound of 380 million hertz. They play on it as well as on Nanogitar - laser beam.

In addition to miniature and ultra-technological nano chairs, there is a third category - reduced copies of ordinary tools. One of them is a piccolo saxophone, which will fit on your dining plate. Its length is 30 centimeters. This particularly deserves attention, given that the saxophone is considered one of the most complex tools. Repeat it in miniature - a real feat.

In 2006, Sega Toys Co in 2006 presented an unusual musical instrument, a piano weighing 2 kilograms. On it, as relies, 88 keys, each of which has a width of 4 millimeters. It is incredibly difficult to play on it, the sound is also not too familiar. But it is not necessary for carrying such a piano to carry such a piano.

String-brook group (double bass, alto, cello and violin) strongly depend on the size of the body, because it resonates and reflects the sound. Some masters love to experiment with the size and shape, achieving unusual sound. But in 1973, Eric Massener went very not extreme measures: created a tool, 41 millimeter long. It's amazing, but this cello repeats the usual, can even play, however, in a very high range.

The quality of the tool does not necessarily depend on its size, and we found are directly confirmation.

Musical instruments people not only invented and improved, they also tried to increase and reduce their size. And if the smallest musical instrument can also extract any sounds, then there will be many wishing to meet him.

The smallest piano

In 2006, Sega Toys company released a miniature piano, whose weight is 2.5 kilograms. This is the smallest key tool on which you can perform a musical work. The width of each of its keys is 4 mm, and all of them are 88.

The smallest guitar

At the University of Cornell in New York, at the Nanotechnology Department, a silicon guitar was created from a size of 10 microns (this is the blood cell length). It contains 6 strings, each 50 nanometer thickness and it can even play on it, though a laser beam.

The smallest harmonica

The company "Hochner" from the beginning of the XIX century massively produces luminous harmonica in the form of a key chain. It is called "Little Lady", contains only 4 holes and has a range of 1 octave. Its length is 5 cm, and the width is -15 mm.

The smallest violin

Here, the masters from all over the world staged a whole competition and the record is constantly changing in a smaller side. The Chinese master Chen, working for 7 years, created a 2-centimeter violin, and before it was a tool 3.5 cm long. It is made of maple, is fully working, all parts are made according to this technology - it is only difficult to understand how you can play on it. But those who are interested in active sports can recognize the rules in airsoft - understandable, briefly, quickly and go to play your favorite game.

American-miniaturer David Edwards beat his record by creating a violin of dina 1.5 cm. She is a copy of Stradivari's creations and costs only 1000 pounds.

Ukrainian master Mikhail Maslyuk from Zhmerinka in the 80s in the 80s picked up a violin height of 11.5 mm. Only on a cheek coin, they will be located 5 pieces.

Nikolai Sryady, a resident of Kiev, was constantly competed by Masylyuk and created a violin, which is placed in the needle ear and has a size of 3.5 mm. It completely copies the well-known violin of Stradivari and consists of 50 parts.

The smallest balalaika

The same story happened to the balalaica. First, the mulberry made a musical instrument with a poppy grain. Shaded placed balalaica into the case, and in the poppy shell. The Zhmerynsky "Levshi" performed the musician sitting on a chair playing a balalaica and looking to the Magnifier - and all this in the magican shell.


In the Dutch University of the Trent of the city of Enschede, the group of students was invented by the device using the microcircuit device. The tool consists of strings, each up to 1 mm long and a thickness of several micrometers (which is ten times thinner of the human hair). On these strings, small combs and weights are fixed. Driving them from a computer, with the help of electrostatic power you can get sound oscillations.

Vibration itself is just a few micrometers, but the computer enhances the sound so that the human ear distinguishes it. Each chip contains a certain tonality, and several hundreds are able to reproduce a whole musical orchestra.

Students have already fulfilled on it a special composition "Improvisation for micronium". When creating the smallest musical instrument in the world, they tried to achieve complete sterility, and then the device was placed in a vacuum so that no dust particles affect the sound quality.

In addition to the world record "The smallest musical instrument", this device can be considered the beginning of the era of nanotechnology in music - any sound generated by the tool is not deprived of noise and linear distortion in the record, and the vacuum born will be reproduced by an order of magnitude cleaner.

The art of miniatures did not bypassed and musical instruments. There are only a dozen masters in the world who can skillfully reproduce a small copy of a full-size piano or cello. We present a list of the youngest musical instruments.

The smallest piano

In 2006, the Japanese company Sega Toys created a tiny electronic piano weighing just over 3 kilograms. The exact copy of the grand concert tool has dimensions of 25 cm in width, 33 cm long and 18 cm in height.

The creators of the mini-piano called Grand Pianist assure that their musical instrument is not a toy. Pressing the keys, you can hear a real live sound. However, it is quite uncomfortable to play it, since each of the 88 keys is 4 mm wide.

How to play on the smallest piano in the world

In addition, 100 ready-made melodies of various musical genres for auto reproduction are built into the base of the smallest piano. Also, the "Mini-keys" has a memory card connector and connecting to MP3 player.

The smallest saxophone

The smallest saxophone is called Sopranissimo, or Soprillo. The length of the tool is 30 cm despite the fact that the most common alt-saxophone has a size of 80 cm.

Saxophone-Sports has a pronounced squeaky sound caused by small sizes of the instrument.

An extremely small mouthpiece requires an executor of the captured game in the technique of an ambush - a special way of adding lips of musicians to play the wind. It is especially difficult to play a sinner in the upper case.

The demand for Sopranissimo Sax among musicians is very low, so manufacturers still continue to produce this subspecies of the saxophone exclusively in decorative purposes. The low popularity of sinull compared to alt- and tenor-saxophones affects its price - it is possible to purchase such a tool for 3,400 dollars.

The smallest lump harmonica

Little Lady from the German company Honner is considered the smallest harmonica. The length of the micro-marmoshka is 5 cm, the thickness is 15 mm, and the weight is only 18 grams. The manufacturer positions the tool as a key chain, but it can be played on it as a full-fledged harmonic.

Little Lady has only four holes with a range of one octave, which is very similar to the Children's Harmonic "Wind" (in the original Speedy) from Honner. Both are tuned in the tonality of the D Major.

Despite its unique little Little Lady sizes is not rare. To buy a harmonic with a brass case and inserts from a pear tree in 23 dollars.

The smallest violin

The violinist Chen from China created a violin long 1 cm. It is made of maple and is a working tool, although it is difficult to play on it. He took 7 years to create this tiny violin.

This is not the only mini-tool in the Arsenal of Chen. Previously, he made a violin with a length of 2 cm and 3.5 cm. A violin of 9 mm long created a resident of the Ukrainian Zhmerinka Mikhail Massee from the city of Zhmeryanka. On a coin, 5 such tools can be fitted with a nominal value of 1 kopeck.

The record holder in the manufacture of small violins is Kievanian Nikolai Sryadyvy. He created the tool even less than the violin Massee. Its length is 0.5 mm, and the violin easily passes through the needle's ear. The violin made by shaded the violin is an accurate copy of Stradivari violin.

The smallest cello

In 1973, the Master Eric Missner presented a tiny cello with a length of 41 mm. The tool is designed so that it can be played, without taking into account the fact that it is not very convenient. The mini cello exists in a single copy and in the private house of Mysner.

The smallest balalaika

Nikolai Sricady managed to create not only a tiny violin, but also the smallest balalaica consisting of 40 parts. Each of its string is 50 times thinner of a person's hair, and the tool itself is made of wood.

For the design of his thumbnail, a trip made a case connecting two poppies of grains by a web. Inside the left deepening, he engraved the portrait of Balalatechik - Vasily Andreeva, and put a nanobalalike into the right.

There is a guitar, the dimensions of which correspond to the sizes of the blood cell, namely 0.001 mm. In 1997, it was created by Professors of the Department of Nanotechnology Cornell University in the United States Harold Craighad and Dustin Carr.

Playing a miracle tool managed only in 2011, when Craighad and Carr came up with a special laser beam. Hear the sounds of mini violin will not work, since the sounds produced by it are outside the human hearing range.

The thickness of each of the six strings is 2 thousand times thinner of the human hair, and you can only play on them with a special laser beam. In the late 90s, Nanogitar fell into the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest in the world.

The smallest harp

In 1999, the same scientists of Cornell University created nanoarph, which is recognized as the smallest string tool.

Mini-AFRA is cut from silicon monocrystal. The thickness of her strings is less than a person's hair a thousand times. They make the sound of too high frequency for the perception of the human ear, so a person can only follow the vibration of strings in the photographs of an electron microscope.

Micronium - the smallest musical instrument in the world

In 2010, students of the Nanotechnology Department at the University of Twente in the Netherlands presented a system of hundreds of nanocks united in a silicon crystal. Micronium is able to reproduce the sounds of any tool from the symphony orchestra. Each chip sounds in six tonalities.

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Ancient Greek legend says that the first musical instrument was created by God Pan, who walked in the forest by the river, threw the reed and began blowing it. It turned out that the cane tube is capable of publishing charming sounds that were in beautiful melodies. Pan cut out several reed branches and connected them among themselves, creating the first tool - the mode of the flute.

Thus, the ancient Greeks believed that the flute was the first musical device. It is possible, so there is at least this is the oldest instrument fixed by the researchers. His most ancient copy was found in southern Germany, in the Cave of Holi Fels, where the excavations of the prehistoric settlement of people are held. In total, three flutes are found in this place, carved from a tummy and having several holes. Also, archaeologists discovered fragments belonging to seems to be the same flutte. Radio carbon analysis helped determine the age of these tools, and the oldest was dated to the 40th millennium to our era. As long as this is the most ancient tool that found on Earth, but perhaps other copies simply have not been preserved to the present day.

Similar flutes and twins were found on the territory of Hungary and Moldova, but they were manufactured in 25-22 millennia BC.

Candidates for the title of the most ancient musical instruments

Although so far the flute is considered the most ancient musical instrument, it is not excluded, then a drum or any other fixture was made first. For example, Australian Aborigines are confident that their national instrument called Didgerid is ancient, his story goes to the depths of the indigenous population of this mainland, which, according to scientists' counting, has from 40 to 70 thousand years. Thus, it is possible that Didgerid is indeed an oldest tool. It is an impressive piece of eucalyptus stem, in some cases reaching three metro in length, with a hollow core led by termites.

Since the Didgerid is always cut out of various trunks with different shapes, their sound is never repeated.

The most ancient drums found are dated only the fifth millennium BC, but scientists believe that this is one of the most likely candidates for the title of the first musical instrument. It is told about his long history as a wide variety of species of modern drums and their almost widespread prevalence, and a simple and uncomplicated design that would allow even the most ancient ancestors of people to play melodies using non-hard tools. In addition, it is proved that in many cultures, drum music was a very important part of life: she accompanied all holidays, weddings, funeral, war.

People discovered the charming sounds of music back in ancient times. In the ancient Greek myths, the art of the game on various musical instruments owned both gods and mortals. No feast accounted for without swirls, Timpanov and Flute, who cassed the celebrations of the kings and simple peasants. But what tool is the most ancient on earth?

First musical instruments

The existence of musical instruments in ancient times was the first to be the first to be the archaeologists who find in almost all excavations of the pipes, squeakers and other items for musication. At the same time, such finds were discovered in those territories where the archaeologists managed to spread the parking of primitive people.

Some musical instruments found archaeologists belong to the epoch of the upper Paleolithic - in other words, these tools appeared for 22-25 thousand years before our era.

In addition, the ancient people were able to not only make musical instruments, but also music for them, writing music signs on clay signs. The oldest note record today was written in the 18th century to our era. Archaeologists found it in the Schumersky city of Nippura, who was once located on the territory of modern Iraq. Scientists of the University of California, deciphering a sign with notes in 1974, said that it was recorded by words and music of the love Assyrian ballad for String Lyra.

The most ancient musical instrument

In 2009, archaeologists have discovered in one of the caves located in the south-west of Germany the remains of a tool that is strongly reminiscent of modern. The analyzes and studies have shown that the age of an ancient flute is more than 35 thousand years. In the housing, the flutes were done five perfectly round holes, which should be closed with their fingers when playing, and at its ends there were two deep cuts of the V-shaped form.

The length of the musical instrument was 21.8 centimeters, and the thickness is only 8 millimeters.

The material from which the flute was made was not a tree, but from a bird wing. This tool is currently the most ancient, but not the first in the history of archaeological finds - also on excavations were repeatedly found bone pipes, hollow animal horns, peaks, stone and wooden ratchets, as well as drums made from animal skins.

There are many legends about the origin of music. The ancient Greeks believed that she was given by the great Gods of Olympus, but modern scientists conducted a number of ethnographic and archaeological studies. As a result of these studies, it was found that the first music appeared in primitive society and was used as a lullaby for lulling.

No one can say for sure when music was born, but it is known that she accompanied humanity with deep antiquity. At the dawn of civilization, three ways of musical sound recovery were distinguished: a blow to sounding the object, the oscillation of the stretched string and blowing the air into the hollow tube. So it was the beginning of three species of musical instruments - shock, string and wind.

The most first brass instruments were hollow bones of various animals. For example, the most ancient, famous scientist - Neanderthal Dudge - made of the bone of the cave bear. In its development, the brass instruments took different forms, but in various peoples in this process, general patterns were observed.

Flute Pana

Having learned to extract the sound from the tube (first bone, then wooden), a man wanted to diversify this sound. He noticed that swords of different lengths make sounds of different heights. The simplest (and therefore the most ancient) solution was to tie together several different tubes and move this design along the mouth.

So the tool was born, most famous under the Greek name Syrics, or Flute Pan (according to Greek myth, was created by God Pan). But it should not be thought that such a flute was only at the Greeks - in other nations, it existed under other names: Ekdchay in Lithuania, Nai in Moldova, Kuzhikla in Russia.

A distant descendant of this flute is such a complex and majestic tool as an organ.

Swirl and flute

To remove the sounds of different heights, it is not necessary to take several tubes, you can change the length of one, having done the holes on it and overlapping them with your fingers in certain combinations. So the tool was born, which among the Russians got the name of the Swirl, -, in Belarusians - a twin, y - a heater, U - Salamuri, Moldavan - Fluuer.

All these tools hold across the face, this is called "longitudinal flute", but there was another design: the hole in which the air is blown is in the same plane as the holes for the fingers. Such a flute - transverse - gained development in academic music, modern flute rises to it. And the "descendant" swirls - a block flute - the symphony orchestra is not included, although it is used in academic music.


The tools that were discussed above belong to the number of whistling, but there is a more complex design: the tool is supplied with a fool in which the tongue is inserted - a thin plate (originally from Berriest), the oscillation of which makes the sound loud and change its timbre.

Such a design is typical for Russian poultry, Chinese Shan. There were similar tools and in Western Europe, modern classic oboe and clarinet.


Another design version of the oven tool is an extra part that comes into contact with the lips of the musician, the mouthpiece. It is typical for the horn.

The horn is usually associated with the work of the shepherd. Indeed, the shepherds used the horns, because the sound of this tool is quite strong, it is heard at a great distance. This contributes to the conical form.

This is only a small part of the diversity, which is the brass tools of different peoples.

Video on the topic


  • Vasilyev Yu., Shirokov A. Stories about Russian folk instruments

Tip 4: What musical instruments are considered folk

Folk instruments are an integral part of the traditional culture of a country or another, however, in order to understand what tools can be considered folks, it is necessary to refer to history and folk music.

The first musical instrument - the shepherd Dudka - made God Pan. Once on the shore, he exhaled through the reed and heard his breath, passing along the trunk, made sadly due. He cut the trunk to unequal parts, tied them together, and now he had the first musical instrument!

1899 Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel "Pan"

The truth is that we cannot name the first musical instrument, as all primitive people around the world seem to create one or another music. It was usually music with some religious meaning, and the audience became its participants. They danced, drummed, clapped and sang with her. It was not just for pleasure. This primitive music was a meaningful part of the life of people.

The legend of Pan and Reed suggests how a person thought up to make so many diverse musical instruments. Perhaps he imitated the sounds of nature or used her items around him to create her music.

The first musical instruments were shock (type of drum).

Later, the person invented the wind instruments made from animal horns. From these primitive wind instruments, modern copper brass instruments developed. As a person developed his musical feeling, he began to use the reed and thus produced more natural and gentle sounds.

In 2009, the expedition under the leadership of the archaeologist Nicholas Konard from Tubengen University discovered the remains of several musical instruments. During the excavations in the cave of Holts Fels in Germany, scientists managed to detect four bone flutes. The most interesting find is the 22-centimeter flute of 35 thousand years.
Flute has 5 holes to extract sounds and mouthpiece.
The findings show that the Neanderthals could have been able to produce musical instruments. This circumstance allows us to look at the world of primitive man in a different way, it turns out that the music in his world played far from the last role.

Finally, the person invented a simple LIRA and the harp, from which the brook tools went. Lira was the most significant string tool of ancient Greece and Rome along with Kifar. According to myth, the Lira was invented by Hermes. For her manufacture, Garmes used the turtle shell; For the Rama Horn Antelope.

In the Middle Ages, the Crusaders brought many amazing eastern musical instruments from hiking. Combined with people who already existed then in Europe, they developed into a variety of tools that are now used to play music.\u003d4&t\u003d869&p\u003d7935