Modern practice of communion of the Holy Taine of Holy Tain on the day of Holy Easter. ABOUT

Modern practice of communion of the Holy Taine of Holy Tain on the day of Holy Easter. ABOUT
Modern practice of communion of the Holy Taine of Holy Tain on the day of Holy Easter. ABOUT

The Orthodox Church does not recognize the communion for Easter without repentance in sins. However, this does not mean that Easter communion should attend the random parishioners of the temple. Many priests fear people who are unprepared to him. After all, before you go to communion, a person must prepare: go through the great post (central post in all historical churches) and confess. About faces that do not belong to the Orthodox Church are not at all.

The inadmissibility of common people was known for more than a long time. The question was reduced to solving the confessor of whether a person is generally worthy to connect with Christ. However, according to historical data, confession was tied to the communion not so long ago and rather became a forced measure. This happened due to the fact that the Christian Spirit was cooled: people first came with every day off, and then began to do it just 4 times a year during multi-day posts.

To ensure, people who rarely visit the temple, in Orthodox religion, decided to first confess the person. At the moment, this measure still justifies itself, however, not always. This is due to the fact that people are confessed not to repentance, but rather like the necessary event, without passing which the priest will not allow them to church sacrament.

Many spiritual mentors are categorically against communion without confession.

It leads to the temple not only baptized, but also unresolved people. Also in the church you can meet those who have no idea about church canons, but at the same time it wants to compete. The bright holiday has to tighten control to prevent unprepared people to the bowl (a vessel for Christian worship used when taking the Holy Communion). Often, this great holiday occurs an unpleasant sight, when in alcoholic intoxication, parishioners come to sanctify the cakes during the night service.

How to prepare for confession on the eve of Easter

Under the confession it is understood as repentance of a person in perfect sins, where the priest acts as a witness between the walking and God. It is important to be able to distinguish this sacrament from a trust conversation with a spiritual mentor. During it, of course, you can also get answers to exciting questions, but it will take a lot of time. That is why it will be better to refer to the priest with a request to appoint another time for a long conversation.

To prepare for confession you need to know the following.



Repentance begins with the awareness of sins. A man who is thinking about confession recognizes that something did not do or continue to do in his life.
No need to prepare a "list of sins" in advance. Communication with the Lord must go from the heart.
You just need to talk about your own actions, and not that they were committed because of a relative or a neighbor. Each sin is the result of a person's personal choice.
When contacting God, we should not worry about the correctness of the chosen words. You need to talk like a simple available language, and not invent complex terms.
Do not talk about such trifles as "watched TV" or "wore that clothes." The topics of the conversation should be serious: about the Lord and neighbors (this is not only about the family, relatives, but also people found throughout life).
Repentance should not be just a story about his actions. It should change the mind of a person and not to return it to the past actions.
You need to learn to forgive people. And not just asking for forgiveness from God.
To express the "repentant" state, you need to read the rest of the Canon to Lord Jesus Christ. One of the greatest liturgical texts, which can be found almost in every prayer.

The priest may ask for some time to refrain from reading special prayers or from communion. This process is called pepitimia and is not carried out with the purpose of punishment, but for the belonging of sin and its full forgiveness. After confession, believers need to be used.

How to prepare for Easter communion

Despite the fact that confession and communities are different sacraments of the Church, still prepare for them should be simultaneously. Communion in Easter suggests that a believer came to the sacrament, who reached his sins. The parishioners who came after confession to the sacrament should first of all be aware of the meaning of the sacrament: it is not just a religious rite, and a partner is reunited with God.

In addition, the following points are important:

  • a person must without hypocrisy sincerely go to the connection with God;
  • the mental world of man should be clean (no malice, hatred, hostility);
  • unacceptable violation of the church of church rules (canon church);
  • compulsory confession before communion;
  • section can only after the liturgical post;
  • cheering (post) for several days, abstinence from dairy and meat food;
  • prayers in worship and at home.

An integral part of the festive morning is the singing of the prayer of John Damaskina (). In addition to ordinary morning and evening prayers, believers need to read "Subscribe to the Holy Communion". Also, according to the ancient church traditions, an empty stomach should go to the sacrament (on the eve of communion at Easter from midnight, do not drink and do not eat). However, patients, for example, people with diabetes mellitus, the post is prohibited: a sick person needs to take medicines and feed on a daily diet.

When communion before Easter, it is necessary to remember that a decent sacrament is always associated with the state of the soul and the heart of a believer person. At the same time, the post and confession are preparing for the communion, and not an obstacle to it.

Light saddimians and communion: how are they related to each other? Is it possible to communion on the bright week? How to pass in a light week? How to prepare for communion? These issues are worried about many Orthodox Christians who want to start holy secrets with reverence and festive bright easter days. There was no time in different arrival around this topic in different arrival. This year finally she received a documentary statement. In February 2016, the Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church approved the Approved by the Bishop Meeting on February 2, 2015 and adopted by the Sacred Synod on May 5, 2015 (Magazine No. 1) Document. Now in any difficult cases, we can always contact this document directly.

We will quote the part of it, which is directly related to the question of how to prepare for the Holy Communion in the Light Week.

About post:

"A special case regarding the practice of preparing to holy communion is a bright week - a week after the holiday of Easter Christ. An ancient canonical norm on the obligatory participation of all those faithful in the Sunday Eucharist in the VII century was distributed and on the divine liturgies of all days with bright weeks: "From the saint day of the Resurrection of Christ of our God before the New Year, in the whole week, the faithful must in the holy churches incessantly exercising in the psalms and Singing and songs of spiritual, rejoice and triumph in Christ, and reading divine Scriptures attentive, and enjoying the holy tainys. For in this way, with Christ, they are as follows, and ascend "(66th Rule of the Trill Cathedral). This rule implies clearly that the laity are urged to pass on the Lighturgy Lighturgy. Having in mind that on the Light Sedmice, the Charter does not provide for the post and that the Light Sedmice is preceded by seven weeks of the adhesion of the Great Post and Passionate Sadmits, - the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Russian Orthodox Church should be recognized, when the Great Post of Christians who followed the Great Post of Christians in the period Be proceed to holy communion, limiting the post in absence of food after midnight. Similar practice can be distributed for the period between Merry Christmas and Epiphany. Preparing for communion these days should be with special attention to the obstacle of themselves from the unlimited consumption of food and drink. "

About prayer rule

"The constant part of the prayer training is the submission of a holy communion consisting of the corresponding canon and prayers. The prayer rule usually includes the canons to the Savior, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel and other prayers (see "Rule of Casual Senior, and attending the Holy Divine sacraments, the body and the words of the Lord of our Jesus Christ" in the following psaltiri). During the bright week, the prayer rule consists of an Easter canon, as well as canon and prayers to the Holy Communion. Personal prayer rule must be performed outside the worship services, which always suggest the Cathedral Prayer. "

About confession

"In some cases, in accordance with the practice that established in many parishes, the confessor can bless the Mierjanin to join the body and blood of Christ several times during one week (for example, on passionate and bright weeks) without prior confession to each communion except the situations where the wishing to come He is needed in confession. In teaching the appropriate blessing, the withdists should be especially difficult to remember the high responsibility for the souls of Pasykh, entrusted to them in the sacrament of the priesthood. "

The question of the communion of the Mijan throughout the year and especially for Easter, in the bright week and in the period of Pentecost, many seems to be discusional. If anyone has no doubt that on the day of the secret evening of Jesus Christ in Passion Thursday, we all commuer, then there are different points of view about the communion at Easter. Supporters and opponents are confirmed by their arguments from different fathers and teachers of the Church, indicate their Pro et Contra.

The practice of the communion of the Holy Tyne fifteen local Orthodox churches varies in time and space. The fact is that this practice is not a dogma of faith. The opinions of individual fathers and teachers of the Church of different countries and eras are perceived as Teologomene, that is, as a private point of view, therefore, at the level of individual parishes, communities and monasteries, very much depends on the specific abbot, Ihuman or the confessor. There is a direct decree of the universal councils on this subject.

During questions, there are no questions: we are all communion, purely getting ready in the post, prayer, in the affairs of repentance, and the tire of a year-old time circle - the Great Post. But how to pass on the bright week and in the period of Pentecost?
Let us turn to the practice of an ancient church. "They were constantly in the teachings of the apostles, in the communication and refraction of bread and in prayers" (Acts 2, 42), that is, they were constantly communioned. And the whole book of Acts suggests that the first Christians of the Apostolic century are constantly coming. The sacrament of the body and blood of Christ was a symbol of life in Christ and a significant moment of salvation, the most important thing in this rapid aumed life. Communion was all for them. So says the apostle Paul: "For for me, life is Christ, and death - the acquisition" (Phil. 1, 21). Constantly coming honest body and blood, Christians of the early centuries were ready for life in Christ, and to death for Christ, what acts of martyrdom.

Naturally, all Christians gathered around the common Eucharistic bowl for Easter. But it should be noted that the first time of the post before the communion was not at all, first there was a common meal, prayer, sermon. We read about it in the messages of the Apostle Paul and in Acts.

In a four-day, non-regulatory discipline is not regulated. Evangelical weather forecasters are said not only about the Eucharist made at the Last evening in the Zion Gornice, but also about those cases that were the protothes of the Eucharist. On the way to Emmaus, on the shore of the Gennisret Lake, during the wonderful catch of fish ... In particular, with multiplication of bread, Jesus says: "I don't want to let them know them, so as not to weakek on the road" (Matt. 15, 32). Which way? Not only leading home, but also in the life path. I do not want to leave them without communion - that's what the words of the Savior. We sometimes think: "This person is not clean enough, he can not be commsed." But it was him in the Gospel and suggests the Lord himself in the sacrament of the Eucharist, so that this person does not weaken on the road. The body and blood of Christ are needed. Without this, we will be much worse.

The evangelist Mark, telling about the increase in bread, stressed that Jesus, coming out, saw many people and clenched (MK. 6, 34). The Lord cleared us, because we were like a sheep who do not have a shepherd. Jesus, bringing bread, goes like a kind shepherd, giving his soul for the sheep. And the apostle Paul reminds us that every time you taste the Eucharist Bread, we argue the death of the Lord (1 Cor. 11, 26). It was the 10th head of the Gospel of John, the head of good shepherd, was an ancient Easter reading when everyone was told in the temple. But how often it is necessary to communion, the Gospel does not say.

Post Requirements appeared only from the IV-V centuries. Modern church practice is based on church legend.

What is communion? Reward for good behavior, for fought or praying? Not. The sacrament is the body, this is the blood of the Lord, without which you, if you perish, then you will die.
Vasily Great answers in one of his letters to a woman named Caesaria Patricia: "Combat every day and the communion of the holy body and the blood of Christ is good and useful, as the [Lord] himself clearly says:" He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood, It has eternal life. " Who doubts that the communion is incessantly life is nothing but to live diverse? " (that is, living with all soul and bodily forces and feelings). Thus, Vasily Great, to whom we often attribute many of the pepitimia, who take from the communion of sins, very highly appreciated the decent communion every day.

John Zlatoust also allowed a frequent communion, especially for Easter and on a bright week. He writes that it is necessary to continually resort to the sacrament of the Eucharist, commitory with due preparation and then you can enjoy what we wish. After all, the true Easter and the true holiday of the soul is Christ, who is sacrificed in the sacrament. Fat ages, that is, the post is great, once a year happens, and Easter three times a week, when they are taking care. And sometimes four, more precisely, as many times as we want, for Easter is not a post, but the communion. Preparation is not to subtract three canon for a week or forty days, but in cleansing conscience.

The prudent robbery took a few seconds on the cross to clear their conscience, recognize in the crucified Messiah and the first to enter the kingdom of heaven. Some requires a year or more, sometimes the whole life like Mary Egypt to join the preching body and blood. If the heart requires communion, it should be used to the great quadruk, and in the Great Saturday, which this year there is an obstacle, and for Easter. Is confession just one day before, unless a person has committed a sin to confess.

"Who should we praise," says John Zlatoust, - those who are approaching once a year, those who are often involved or those who rarely? No, praised those who start with a clean conscience, with a pure heart, with an impeccable life. "
And confirmation of the fact that the communion is possible and in the bright week, there are in all the oldest anaphors. In prayer before the communion, it is said: "Speeding is given to your own hand to you to teach us the preching body of yours and honest blood, and by us to all people." We read these words and at the Easter Liturgy of John Zlatoust, which indicates the general communion of the laity. After communion, the priest and people thank God for this great grace, which they are honored.

The problem of the involved discipline has become a debate only in the Middle Ages. After the fall in 1453 of Constantinople, the Greek Church experienced a deep decline of theological education. From the 2nd half of the XVIII century, the revival of spiritual life in Greece begins.

The question of when and how often should be passed, was raised by the so-called colivades, monks from Athos. They received their nickname due to disagreement to make a commemorating service over the colive on Sundays. Now, 250 years later, when the first colivides, such as Macarius Corinthian, Nicodematic Svyatogorets, Athanasius Parisian, became famous for the holy, this nickname sounds very worthy. "The memorial service," they said, "distorts the joyful character of the Sunday day, in which Christians must pass, and not remember the deceased." The argument about Colivus lasted over 60 years, many colivides underwent cruel persecution, some were removed from Athos, deprived of a priestly san. However, this dispute served as the beginning of theological discussion on Athos. Colivanda admitted by the traditionalists, and their opponent's actions looked like attempts to adapt the legend of the church to the needs of the time. For example, they argued that only clergymen can pass on a bright week. It is noteworthy that Saint John Kronstadt, also a frequency communion, also wrote that the priest who comes out for Easter and on the Light Sedmice alone, and his parishioners did not fit, like a shepherd, a grazing only himself.

It is not necessary to refer to some Greek chairs, where it is indicated that Christians should pass 3 times a year. Such a prescription moved to Russia, and before the beginning of the twentieth century, it was rare in our country, mainly to the great post, sometimes on an angel day, but no more than 5 times a year. However, this indication in Greece was associated with the impatible pepitimia, and not with the prohibition of frequent communion.

If you want to compete on a bright week, you need to understand that a decent communion is associated with the condition of the heart, not a stomach. The post is preparation, but by no means a condition that may interfere with communion. The main thing is that the heart is cleaned. And then you can communion and on the bright week, trying on the eve of not to combine and refrain from rapid food at least one day.

Nowadays, many sores are forbidden to fast, and people who suffer from diabetes are allowed to eat even before communion, not to mention those who are vital to take medicines in the morning. The essential condition of the post is life in Christ. When a person wants to come, let him know that no matter how he prepared, he is not worthy of the communion, but the Lord wants, wants and gives himself a sacrifice so that the person becomes a Party of Divine Nature, so that he appeals and was saved.

Hello. I really want to confess, but I do not know where to start. More precisely - I'm afraid. I do not go to church regularly, but quite often. Every time I want to go to the father, ask, but brings fear. And I leave again for later. The soul is hard. Please advise how to do. Sincerely, Elena.

The priest Philip Parfenov answers:

Hello, Elena!

Well, in your situation it is necessary to somehow overcome this fear, step over it and still begin to confess, - there is no other way. Page in different temples, look at the priests, and you will probably find someone in your city, in front of which your soul will open. Share through acquaintances, see different sites of the temples of St. Petersburg ... Looking will always find! God to help you!

Batyushka, yesterday, for sermons in our temple, the priest said that before the sin of Blud and witchcraft he was excited from the communion for many years. Does this practice persist now?

Hello Olga!

Canons, of course, no one canceled, and, theoretically, they can be applied in church practice. But, as far as I know, the priests are now prescribing much softer bitsa, which requires this canon. This is a forced measure associated with many factors, listened to which is difficult. But, nevertheless, the canons give us the opportunity to understand how serious the church treats such sins as a fornage and witchcraft.

Tell me, please, how to confess. It is enough just to call sin, for example, a deception of a loved one. Or need to tell more in more detail what was the deception? Marina.

The priest of donions of the candles is responsible:

Hello, Marina!

In most cases, it is enough to simply call sin. However, cheating is different. Therefore, it is better to specify a little. If it is necessary, the priest himself will ask to tell about something in more detail.

Hello, father. Tell me, please, how to confess the 7-year-old child? Previously, we went to just pass, and from 7 years old, I heard, you need to confess. Thank you! Tatyana.

Hello Tatiana!

Try to explain to the child what sin is that our sins are upset by God and therefore we must repent of them - that is, to ask for forgiveness. The rest is given to the priest, which should be warned that confession from the child is the first. In no case do not cook confession for a child, it is very important that he learned to feel sin on his own. But if the child will ask you a sin of a sin or another of his act, then, of course, you can answer the question.

Hello! Tell me, please, what to do if I have confessed several times the same sin, but it does not happen, and the memory of sin still torments? Thank you! Larisa.

Hello, Larisa!

Meet the priest to confession about what prayers or other spiritual means can help you. Personally know you and your sin, the priest will give an accurate and effective advice on confession.

How to practice mental sins, in detail or common phrases - any, obscene thoughts, or in detail, what exactly did I think? After all, there are such thoughts that cannot even sound.
And if we are responsible for every word, and in all my life, so much terrible words are said, it is impossible to say all the words for confession, then you must speak to the confession by common phrases? Tatyana.

Replies Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

Hello Tatiana!

Of course, in all my life, so many terrible words are said that it is impossible to say them, and it is not helpful. But even the "common" phrases can be more or less detailed. If the thoughts are constantly overcome, then the best way to make it up are to direct them to confession. Then the priest will be able to tell you the most effective way to combat them. The same applies to the words - it is possible to repent, not remembering every word, but quite specifically describing the situation.

Please tell me if you can contact God on "you" during confession or need to talk about the Lord in the third person, turning to the priest? Save me, God! Anna.

The priest of donions of the candles is responsible:

Hello Anna!

We see before God, and the priest is a mediator between God and man. We are confessing God, but speak with the priest who takes confession.

Many disputes about commitory or not on Easter day. The last Thursday evening will be the last confession in front of the Light Easter. The question is that if it is not possible to get to the confession to the great Thursday, will one more confession at night worship in the Great Saturday? Save me, God! Alexander.

Replies Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

Hello, Alexander! God bless you!

In each coming, this issue is solved individually depending on specific circumstances. But, of course, confessing in detail on Easter there is no possibility, so try to confess in advance. In any case, for the final answer, you need to contact the temple in which you are going to come for Easter.

Are there any cases of recording on various information carriers in church practice? Does the Personal man who is the right not to be the priest's fame, secretly record his confession? In general, is it possible to evaluate such actions? Thank you. Marina.

The priest Mikhail Samokhin is responsible:

Hello, Marina!

The confession is a secret, which is necessarily storage not only for the priest, but also for confession. The secret recording of confession can be regarded as human dishonesty. If this does not encourage any exceptional reasons about which you do not write anything. If desired, write down the confession, the priest must be informed about it informant and give it his blessing.

For more than a year, the mortal sin is tormented, which I accomplished in relation to my family. Constantly attend the thoughts that the Lord will not forgive him him or, if forgive, then I or my children will have to incur a terrible punishment. I have already confessed him, but still suffer from soul. What should I do? How to live calmly? No strength, I constantly cry. . .
Thank you in advance for the help. Catherine.

The priest of donions of the candles is responsible:

Hello, Catherine!

It happens, people continue to suffer after confession. Usually it happens when the confession is not quite sincere or complete. I think you should go to the temple and personally talk to the priest, tell about the problem and ask for advice. In absentia, through the Internet, it is very difficult to help you.

You know my mother makes me to go to the conciliatory, and I do not want. After all, after that it is necessary to confess. But after all, to confess, you need to feel the need for spiritual as I think. And at the moment I do not feel it. And I think that without this it makes no sense. Can you please tell me what to do? Love, 17 years old.

The priest of Anthony Skrynniknikov is responsible:

Hello, love!

The confession, as a rule, occurs before the core, and not after. Make you go to the conciliation against your will, of course, wrong. But on the other hand, you must understand that no mother wishes nothing wrong with your child. No first cattle wants to go to school. Much more fun to play all day in the soldiers and cars. When we grow up, we begin to understand what kind of good deeds did our parents, giving us education.
If you do not feel the spiritual need for repentance, then this is a serious reason to think that something happens to your heart. If we do not see our sins and needs to get rid of them, then our soul is dead. If we consider our conscience clean, then this is a sign of short memory.
To awaken your conscience, you need to read the gospel, spiritual literature, including about confession.

Everyone needs a confessor (or, more correctly, a spiritual father) and why? Olga.

Replies Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

Hello Olga!

The confessor needs a Christian. There are a lot of reasons for this. For the newly, only novice live a spiritual life, the confessor serves as a conductor who will not give to diverge, can warn from many dangers and difficulties. The confessor is a mentor who helps in spiritual growth and development. Also, the confessor is compared with the doctor who doctors spiritual ailments. Many holy fathers write about the need to have a confessor.

How often do you need to confess? And if some moments of life can not express a father, but they will be guess how to overpower me? Yulia.

Replies Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

Hello Julia!

The frequency of confession depends on the tension of spiritual life, this question for each person is solved individually. As a rule, confessional and communion advise at least 1 time in 3-4 weeks, but this is the only approximate reference point. How often are to confess to you, decide in a personal conversation with the priest who has been confessing. For confessing some sins, it really requires a certain spiritual courage. Pray, ask the Lord about help. Perhaps the written confession will help you - write what you want to repent, and let me read the note to the priest, it is permissible. The "magical" way to overcome ourselves does not exist - only self-resistant, prayerful and spiritual effort can help you. God for your strength!

I pissed 2 years ago, I was not for confession. Now, I feel just necessary. Sins are described since baptism? Or for your whole life? In several confessions. Please tell me! Sincerely, Vladimir.

Replies Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

Hello, Vladimir!

When baptized, a person is forgiven all the sins earlier, so they do not need to repent. It is necessary to confess the sins committed after baptism, but if your conscience is restored, tell us about this priest.

Hello! Please allow the question. Is it possible to confess without preparing (1-3-day post and subtracting canons), if I am sure that you won't be coming after this confession. Or it is impossible? Natalia.

Replies Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

Hello, Natalia!

Yes, it is confined without prior post and reading special prayers. Let me remind you, however, that now there is a great post, which must be abide by the time.

I want to confess the first time, but I am very worried about the following question: my husband and I are not crowned. We want to happen this summer. I remember that this is not a reason to postpone confession until summer. How can I be in such a situation? Catherine.

Replies Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

Hello, Catherine!

Do not confuse, the church does not consider a registered marriage to sin, even if this marriage is not Vieden. Therefore, there is no reason to postpone confession and communion before summer. Now the great post is approaching - the time of the daughty repentance. I wish you not to postpone confession, but take advantage of this fertile period of the church year.

Hello. Recently, awareness comes to how much I suffered in my life, I recently also made an abortion. I can not live like this, there is no excuse. Very much in everything I repent, in the soul of a stone. Tell me, please, what do I need to do, will the Lord forgive me if I figure it out in all? I do not want to get to hell after death, because in fact I am not a bad person. Thank you. Catherine.

Hello, Catherine!

Sincerely glad you realized the severity of perfect sins and repent of them. The Lord forgives us our sins in which we sincerely reveal. You need to start with confession in the temple, listen to the advice of the priest who will take your confession. If he deems it necessary to give you an Epitude, make every effort to fulfill it, and in the future, try not to admit serious sins in your life. Remember that the Lord loves every person, and we all want salvation. But we save not by our "merits", but by the grace of God. And we are all sinful, but it is not at all the same as "bad". In each person there is an image of God, and you need to understand that all our "good" parties are from God. But we are sinful, everyone distort the image of God with their sins, and therefore should repent in their sins and everyone needs the grace of God. The word "repentance" according to Greek sounds like "methane" and means "change in consciousness". It is necessary to repent so as to change to change so that even the thought of repetition of sin was unacceptable for us. Pray, right and do not despair in the grace of God! Help you Lord!

How to repent? Do I understand that you need to tell everything that was completely and now torments? And in any church it can be done? Ksenia.

Replies Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

Hello, Ksenia!

It is necessary to repent in those sins that you have noticed. This can be done in any temple, but it is desirable to find the confessor - a priest who will be regularly confessing, and which will be your leader in spiritual life.

I can not establish a spiritual life. With home prayer somehow began to clarify after 4.5 years of walking to the church. But with regular communion of trouble. I think: Why will I prepare, try, if, in principle, I do not need anyone in the church. Everything rests on indifference priests. They only fulfill their work, they are not interested in the spiritual life of the flock, a separate personality. Confession or early in the morning, or during the service. All the actions of the priests are aimed at collecting money. One formalism, nothing alive. I read a lot of articles about confession, communion. There are delivel tips, but the articles come from the fact that you come to a conscientious and smart priest. We have a majorist in Kazan. Disclose to them the soul - the sediment remains, a feeling of annoyance. Such a psychological collision. What advise, besides patience?
Thank you. Tatyana.

Hello Tatiana!

Coming to the church, we come not to a particular priest, good or bad, we come to God, to Christ. It is to him that we appeal in prayer, with him we are connected in the sacrament of the communion, he let us go to our sins, the doctor's soul guides our life. And each of us is needed, and valuable, and roads. Remember that for the sake of you, the Lord came to the ground and accepted the godfather. He loves you and you want salvation. Therefore, the first thing I can advise you is to look for in the church not attention from the priest or parishioners, but meetings with the Lord. And in the sacraments, a Christian does not participate in order to become someone needed - the sacraments need you, in them you get God's grace, the support of your spiritual forces, the healing of spiritual diseases.
Next, you write that confession and incorrect is irregular, but at the same time you want the priest to pay you special attention. But it is impossible to manage the spiritual life of a person who you do not know and see irregularly. In such cases, it is very difficult to give some advice. And sometimes the priest is trying to give advice, but the interlocutor is not ready to hear him, and therefore it is offended by the priest. In addition, it is necessary to remember that confession is repentance in sins, and, as a rule, there is no need for confession to describe the reasons that in our eyes are "softening circumstances". The Lord knows us better than us all softening circumstances, but sin remains a sin, and we need to repent about the confession. When you need to clarify something - the priest will ask the question. But often on confession you have to hear complaints of a bad temper of relatives and loved ones, unbearable conditions at work and the like. And the goal of confession is not "peaceful" to talk with the father, and bring the Lord repentance in sins and get forgiveness from him.
Well, the last thing I would like to tell you. Try not to wait that you will become someone needed, but to become the rightmost neighbor. Offer your strength for some parish events, highlight the time to visit patients, elderly, orphans, in a word, with someone yourself attention and mercy. Just do not expect something "instead," just try to become useful to someone nearby. The feeling of unnecessary and left will be very fast, I assure you.
If you have any questions that you can't find a response, write to us, I will try to answer your questions.

Hello! For some time after confession, one question torments me. If a woman made an abortion and repents in this (confession and candles for the rest of the soul of a unborn child), then God forgives this sin, and how does this affect a man who also participated in conception (a man does not appear and does not believe)? Thanks in advance for the answer. Natalia.

Replies Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

Hello, Natalia!

Women's repentance does not affect the man: everyone is responsible before God for their sins. So the man needs to bring repentance, or he will be responsible for his sin before God.

Post and prayers before communion

Until this year, I confessed and commited only once in my life, in adolescence. Recently decided to come again, but I forgot about the post, prayers, confession ... What should I do now?

By the canons of the Church before the communion, necessarily abstaining from an intimate life and communion of an empty stomach. All canons, prayers, post - just tools to set themselves on prayer, repentance and desire to be corrected. Even confession, strictly speaking, is not mandatory in front of the communion, but this is if a person is regularly confirmed by one priest if he has no canonical obstacles to the communion (abortion, murder, going to fortune telkams and psychics ...) The blessing of the confessor is not always necessary to confess to communion (for example, bright saddimians). So in your case, nothing really terrible happened, but for the future you can use all these means of preparation for communion.

How much to fast before communion?

Strictly speaking, in "Tipicon" (Charter) states that those who wanted to come must fast during the week. But, first, it is the monastery charter, and the "Book of Rules" (canons) contains only two necessary conditions for those who wish to compete: 1) the absence of the occasion of intimate matrimonial relations on the eve (not to mention the prodigal); 2) Communion should be made on an empty stomach. Thus, it turns out that the post before communion, the reading of canons and prayers, confession is recommended for preparing for the communion for a more complete causing of the repentant mood. In our time on round tables dedicated to the topic of communion, the priests came to the opinion that if a person keeps all four large posts during the year, it will be fastened on Wednesday and Friday (and this time takes at least six months per year), for such a person enough Eucharistic post, i.e. coming on an empty stomach. But if a person did not go to the temple in the temple and decided to take advantage, then it will take a completely different format for preparation for communion. All these nuances must be coordinated with their confessor.

Is it possible to continue to prepare for the communion, if I had to break the post on Friday: I asked to remember a person and gave a unimage food?

You can say about it on confession, but this should not serve an obstacle to communion. For the violation of the post was forced and in this situation justified.

Why do you want to write in church Slavonic language? After all, they are so hard to read. My husband does not understand anything read, and is angry. Maybe I read out loud?

In the church, it is customary to conduct services in the Church Slavonic language. In the same language we pray at home. This is not Russian, not Ukrainian and no other. This is the language of the church. There are no mats in this language, and actually learn to understand it can be literally in a few days. After all, he has Slavic roots. This is the question why we use this language. If your husband is more convenient to listen to when you read, you can do this. The main thing is that he carefully listened. I advise you in your free time to sit down and make text with the Church Slavonic dictionary to better understand the meaning of prayers.

My husband believes in God, but somehow in his own way. It believes that reading prayers before confession and communion is optional, it is enough to realize sins and repent. Is it a sin?

If a person considers himself so perfect, almost holy that he does not need any assistance in preparing for communion, and prayers are such a help, then let it comes. But remembers the words of the Holy Fathers that we then compete with dignity when we consider ourselves unworthy. And if a person denies the need for prayers before communion, it turns out, he also considers himself worthy. Let your husband think about all this and with heart care, reading prayers to communion, is preparing for the adoption of the holy secrets of Christ.

Is it possible to be in the evening service in one temple, and in the morning at the communion - in another?

There are no canonical prohibitions of such practices.

Is it possible to read the canons and follow the communion during the week?

Better with attention, thinking in the meaning of readable, so that it was really prayer, to distribute the recommended rule to communion for a week, starting with the canons and ending with prayers to the coming on the eve of the adoption of Tyne Christ, than to subdigently in one day.

How to observe the post and prepare for communion, living in a 1-room apartment with unbelievers?

Holy Fathers teach that you can live in the desert, and in the heart have a noisy city. And you can live in a noisy city, but in my heart there will be silence and peace. So, if we want to pray, then pray for any conditions. People prayed in sinking ships, and in the trenches under the bombing, and it was the most pleasing god of prayer. Who is looking for, he finds the opportunity.

Communion of children

When to make a baby?

If there are blood in the temples in a special bowl of the Blood, then such babies can be seduced at any time, at any time, if only there was a priest. This is especially practiced in big cities. If there is no such practice, you can only make a child only when liturgy is performed in the temple, as a rule, on Sunday and for large holidays. With infants you can approach the end of the service and gently become in general. If you come with babies to the beginning of the service, they will start crying and to interfere with the rest of the believers who will raw and indignant to unreasonable parents. The lock in small quantities can be given a baby of any age. Antidor, a friend will be given when a child is able to use it. As a rule, babies are selected not on an empty stomach to 3-4 years, and then teach to the communion on the hungry stomach. But if a 5-6-year-old child for forgetfulness drank something, ate, it can also be swore.

The daughter comes around the body and blood of Christ. Now she is almost three, we moved, and in the new temple the priest gives her only blood. On my request to give her a part made a remark about the absence of humility. To terms come true?

At the level of the custom, indeed, in our Church of the baby under 7 years of age, only the blood of Christ. But if the child teach to the communion from the most diapers, the priest, seeing the adequacy of the baby, when he grows up, can give the body of Christ. But it is necessary to be very attentive and control so that the child does not spite the part. Usually, the complete communion of babies give when the father and baby get used to each other, and the priest is confident that the child will fully consume the communion. Try to talk once with the priest on this topic, motivating your request to the fact that the child is already accustomed to communion and body, and the blood of Christ, and then humbly accept any response of the father.

What to do with clothes that a child jumped after communion?

Piece of clothing on which the sacrament fell, is cut and burned. Lata hole with some decorative poppip.

The daughter was seven years old, before the communion she would have to confess. How do I prepare her for this? What prayers before coming to read, how to be with a three-day post?

The main rule in preparing for the adoption of holy sacraments against small children can be concluded by two words: do not harm. Therefore, parents, especially mom, should explain to the child, why profess, for what purpose comes. And the laid prayers and canons gradually, not immediately, maybe even read with the child. Starting from one prayer so that the child does not have blocked, so that it was not to be in a burden, so that His Forcedilovka does not pushed him. Similarly, in relation to post, limit the time, and the list of prohibited products, for example, to refuse only meat. In general, first it is necessary that Mom understands the meaning of training, and then without fanatism, gradually he gradually taught her child.

The child is appointed rabies vaccination course. Alcohol-containing it is impossible for him a whole year. What to do with communion?

Believing the fact that the sacrament is the best medicine in the universe when approaching it, forget about all restrictions. And in their faith we will heal and soul, and the body.

The child was prescribed a gluten-free diet (no bread). I understand that we are taking the blood and the body of Christ, but the physical characteristics of the products remain wine and bread. Is the sacrament possibly without biting body? What is included in the wine?

Once again, I repeat that the communion is the best medicine in the world. But, given the age of your child, you can, of course, ask for it to fit only the blood of Christ. Wine that is used for communion can be a real wine made from grapes with sugar adding for a fortress, and maybe a wine product consisting of grapes with the addition of ethyl alcohol. What kind of wine is used in the temple, where you incorporate, you can ask the priest.

Each Sunday was partitioned by a child, but the last time, when approaching the bowl, his terrible hysteria began. Next time, in another temple, everything happened. I'm desperate.

In order not to exacerbate the negative reaction of the child to the sacrament, you can try simply enter the temple without coming. You can try to introduce a child with a father so that this communication smoothes the fear of the child, and over time, he again began to eat the body and the blood of Christ.

Communion for Easter, in a light saddemic, waggers

Do you need to observe a three-day post, deduct the canons and follows to take care of a light week?

Starting from the night liturgy and during all days, the Sedmians are not only permitted by the Sedmians, but also in the 66th rule of the Sixth Ecumenical Cathedral. Preparation These days is reading the Easter canon and the following person. Starting from the week Antipasha, the communion is prepared, both throughout the year (three canons and follows).

How to prepare for communion into solid weeks?

The church as a loving mother cares not only about our soul, but also about the body. Therefore, in anticipation, for example, a pretty heavy great post gives us some reflection in food through a solid sadmits. But this does not mean that we are forced these days there are more in short foods. That is, we have the right, but not a duty. So as you want to prepare for the communion, and get ready. But remember the main thing: First of all, we prepare your soul and heart, cleaning them with repentance, prayer, reconciliation, and the stomach is in the last place.

I heard that I can come to pass on Easter, even if he did not follow the post. Is it true?

A special rule allowing communion for Easter without post and without preparation, no. On this issue, the answer must be given a priest after direct communication with man.

I want to come to Easter, but ate the soup on the unwarted broth. Now I am afraid that I can not compete. What do you think?

Remembering the words of John Zlatoust, who are read in Easter night, that they are not condemned that they are not condemned, and we all rejoice, you can start the sacrament of communion in the Easter night, deeply and sincerely realizing our unnecessary night. And most importantly - bring God not the contents of the stomach, but the contents of your heart. And for the future, of course, it is necessary to strive for the execution and commandments of the Church, including the post.

With the communion, the father in our temple read me for the fact that I did not come on the day of the post at the sacrament, but came to Easter. What is the difference in communion in Easter service and "simple" sunday?

It is necessary to ask your father. For even the canons of the Church welcome the sacrament not only for Easter, but also throughout the bright week. No priest has the right to prohibit a person to commit on any liturgy, if there is no canonically obstacles.

Communion of the elderly and sick people, pregnant women, nursing mothers

How to approach the communion of the elderly at home?

It is advisable for sick people to invite a priest at least a great post. It does not prevent other posts. It is necessary during the exacerbation of the disease, especially if it can be seen that the case goes to death, without waiting for the patient to fall into infamousity, he will disappear a swallowing reflex or vomiting. He must be in a sober mind and memory.

My mother-in-law recently slightly. I offered to invite the father home for confession and communion. She stopped something. Now she is not always in consciousness. Advise what to do.

The church takes a conscious choice of man without raving his will. If a person, being in mind, wanted to start the sacraments of the church, but for some reason did not do, then in the case of clouding the reason, remembering his desire and consent, you can still go on such a compromise as the sacrament and compassion (so we are involved babies or insane). But if a person, being in sound consciousness, did not want to accept the sacraments of the church, then even in the case of the loss of consciousness, the church does not rape the choice of this person and cannot comes off or bite it. Alas, this is his choice. Such cases are considered by the confessor, communicating with the patients and his relatives, after which the final decision is made. In general, of course, it is best to figure out my relationship with God in a conscious and adequate condition.

I am diabetic. Can I take care if I took a tablet in the morning and was it?

In principle, it is possible, but if you wish, you can restrict ourselves to the tablet, coming up at the first services that end in the early morning. Then eat on health. If it is impossible without food as a state of health, then stipulate it for confession and compete.

I have a disease of the thyroid gland, I can not go to the church without drinking water and does not have a snack. If I go on an empty stomach, it will be bad. I live in the province, the ballasts are strict. It turns out, I can't pass?

If it is required for medical records, there are no prohibitions. In the end, the Lord looks not in the stomach, but in the heart of a person, and any competent sensible priest should understand it perfectly well.

For several weeks for several weeks, I can't come true due to bleeding. What to do?

Such a term is no longer called the usual female cycle. Therefore, this is already a disease. And there are women who have similar phenomena for months. In addition, it is not necessarily for this reason, and for some other, the death of a woman may occur during such a phenomenon. Therefore, even the rule of Timothy Alexandrian, prohibiting a woman's communion during the "women's days", however, for the sake of fear of the mortal (threat to life) admissors. In the Gospel there is such an episode when a woman suffering from bleeding is 12 years old, wanting healing, touched to the riz of Christ. The Lord did not condemn her, but on the contrary, she received recovery. Considering all the above, the wise confessor will bless you to come. It is quite possible, after such a medication you will healed the body disease.

Is preparing for confession and communion for pregnant women?

Participating in combat actions, military lifespans are considered as a year for three. And during the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Army, soldiers even issued front-line 100 grams, although in peacetime the vodka and the army were incompatible. For a pregnant woman, the time to wear a child is also "wartime", and this perfectly understood the holy fathers when they were allowed for pregnant women and lactating women in post and prayer. Pregnant women can still be compared with patients with women - toxicosis, etc. And the rules of the church (29th Rule of the Holy Apostles) for the sores are also allowed to light the post up to its full cancellation. In general, each pregnant woman in his conscience, based on the state of his health, itself determines the measure of post and prayer. I would recommend to communion as much as possible during pregnancy. The prayer rule for communion can be made and sitting. You can also sit in the temple, you can come not to the beginning of the service.

General questions about the communion

In recent years, after Sunday liturgy, strong headaches begin, especially in the days of communion. With what it can be connected?

Such cases in various variations are quite common. Look at all this as a temptation in kind and, of course, continue to go to the temple on the service, without leaving this temptation.

How often can you pass? Do I need to subtract all the canons before communion, observe the post and confess?

The purpose of the Divine Liturgy is the communion of believers, that is, bread and wine are implemented in the body and the blood of Christ in order for people to be knocked out, and not just the employee of the Batyushka. In ancient times, a person who was on the liturgy was not accustomed, then was obliged to give an explanation to the priest, why he did not. At the end of each liturgy, the priest, appearing in the royal gates with a bowl, says: "With fear of God and be faithful." If a person commits once a year, he needs a preliminary week post in food, and canons with prayers, and if a person keeps all four big posts, he will fasten every Wednesday and Friday, he can be commsed without an additional post, trying to try the so-called Eucharistic post , i.e., send an empty stomach. As for the rule to the communion, it is necessary to conscious that it is given in order to call us repeated feelings. If we often come up and we have it a penaltious feeling and we are hard to subtract usually before each commander, then you can lower the canons, but it is desirable to read prayers to the communion. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the words of Rev. Ephraim Sirina: "I'm afraid to pass, realizing my unnecessaryness, but even more - to stay without communion."

Is it possible to communion on Sunday, if it was not on Saturday on a whirlpool due to obedience to parents? Sin is sin on Sunday, do not go to the service, if the native needed help?

On such a question, the best answer will give the conscience of man: was there really no other way out in order not to go to the service, or is it a reason to stroll prayer on Sunday? In general, of course, the Orthodox man is desirable for the commandment of God to be every Sunday in worship. Before Sunday afternoon, it is generally desirable to be on Saturday evening worship, and before communion especially. But if for some reason it was not possible to be in the service, and the soul craves the communion, then, aware of his unnecessary, with the blessing of the confessor, you can come.

Is it possible to communion on a weekday, i.e. after the communion go to work?

It is possible, while protecting the cleanliness of your heart.

How many days after the communion do not make belt and earthly bows?

If the liturgical charter (during the Great Post) prescribes earthly bows, then already starting with the evening worship services and need to put. And if the Charter does not provide for Poklov, then on the day the communion only belongs are performed.

I want to come, but on the day, the comicion falls the anniversary of the Pope. How to congratulate your father to not offend?

For the sake of peace and love, you can have a father and congratulate, but for a long time at the festival, do not delay, so as not to "spill" the grace of communion.

The father refused to me in the communion, because I had tinned eyes. Is he right?

Probably, the father considered that you are already quite a mature Christian to realize that the temple go, not emphasizing the beauty of their body, but for the treatment of the soul. But if a man came to come, then under the such pretext, it is impossible to deprive him in order not to scare away from the church forever.

Is it possible to get the blessing from God for some reason? Successful job interview, Eco procedure ...

People are adjacent to the healing of the soul and body, assuming through the sacrament to get some kind of help and God's blessing in good deeds. And Eco for church teachings - the case is sinful and unacceptable. Therefore, you can compete, but this does not mean at all that this communion will help you in the uncomfortable affair. Communion can not automatically guarantee the execution of our requests. But if we generally try to lead a Christian lifestyle, then, of course, the Lord will help us, including in earthly matters.

My husband and I go to confession and communion in different temples. How important is the spouses coming from one bowl?

In whatever Orthodox canonical temple, we have come, anyway, by and large, we are all communion from one bowl, consuming the body and the blood of the Lord of our Jesus Christ. It follows from this that there is absolutely no matter, the spouses or in different, for the body and blood of the Savior are equally the same in one temple.

Bans for communion

Can I go to the sacrament without reconciliation, which I do not have any strength, no desire?

In prayers before communion there is a kind of announcement: "Although Yari, a little man, the body of Lord, the first to reconcile the tasted". That is, without reconciliation, the priest cannot admit a person to communion, and if a person decided to compete self-important, he will take himself in condemnation.

Is it possible to come after the desecration?

It is impossible, it is allowed only to taste the prosfora.

Is it possible to pass if I live in an unbelled civil marriage and on the eve of the communion confused his sins? I intend to continue such relationships, I'm afraid, otherwise my favorite will not understand me.

For a believer man is important to understand God. And God will not understand us, seeing that the opinion of people is more important for us. God wrote to us that the harlons of the kingdom of God do not inherit, and on the canons of the Church of such a sin, for many years it takes a person from the communion, even if he is correlated. And the cohabitation of men and women without painting in the registry office is called Blud, no matter is not a marriage. People who live like "marriages" and enjoying indulgence and kindness of the confessor, in fact very substitute them before God, because the priest has to take on their sin if he admits them to communion. Unfortunately, such an erratic sex life became the norm of our time, and shepherders no longer know where to go to them, what to do with such passes. Therefore, please yourself with your father (this is an appeal to all similar prodigar cohabitants) and leak off your relationship at least in the registry office, and if you are creating, get a blessing for marriage and through the mystery of the wedding. You need to make a choice that it is more important for you: the eternal fate of your soul or temporary bodily comfort. After all, even confession without intention to correct in advance of hypocritical and resembles a hike to the hospital without desire to be treated. Allow you to the communion or not, let your confess.

The priest imposed on me with the Epitimia and took away from the communion for three months, because I had a connection with a man. Can I confess from another priest and coming up with his permission?

For fornication (sex outside marriage), according to the rules of the Church, a person can overcome from the communion not for three months, but for several years. You do not have the right to be superimposed to cancel the other priest.

My aunt went on a wrencher, then confirmed. The priest forbade her to commit three years! How to be?

According to the canons of the Church for such actions (actually - occupation occult), a person is offended from the communion for several years. So everything that made the priest you specified is within its competence. But seeing sincere repentance and the desire no longer repeat anything like that, the term of the penimies (punishment) he has the right to cut.

I have not finally got rid of the sympathy of Baptizm, but I want to go to confession and compete. Or wait until I am completely confident in the truth of Orthodoxy?

Who doubts the truth of Orthodoxy, he can not start sacraments. So try to fully establish yourself. For the gospel says that "in faith you will give you", and not for the formal participation in the sacraments and rites of the church.

Communions and other sacraments of the church

I was invited to be a godfather. What time do I have to come to baptism?

These are not interrelated sacraments. In principle, you must constantly pass. And before baptism, more think about how to be a decent godfather taking care of the Orthodox education of the Khfestable.

Do you need to confess and coming up to cobble?

In principle, these are not interconnected by the sacraments. But since it is believed that the forgotten and unconscious sins are forgiven in the cub, which are the cause of human diseases, there is a tradition, which is that we swear in those sins that we remember and know, and then they were bungled.

Superstition about the sacrament of communion

Is it possible to have meat on the day?

A man when going to receive a doctor, takes a shower, changes underwear ... like this Orthodox Christian, preparing for communion, will fasten, reads the rules, comes more often on worship, and after communion, if this is not a couple, you can eat any food , including meat.

I heard that the time of the communion can not spoil anything and kiss anyone.

On the day, the communion of anyone takes food and makes it a spoon. That is, in fact, and, oddly enough, licking many times a spoon during meals, a person does not eat her together with food :). Many are afraid after communion kissing a cross or icons, but a spoon "kiss." I think you are already clear that all the actions that you mentioned can be made after picking communion.

Recently, in one of the temples, the father in front of the communion was confirmed: "Do not dare to approach the communion of those who, this morning, cleaned your teeth or chewing a chewing."

I also clean my teeth before the service. And chewing chewing chewing. When we clean your teeth, we care not only about yourself, but also that others do not hear unpleasant odor from our breathing.

I always come to the communion with a bag. The worker of the temple ordered her to leave. I was irritated, the bag left and in the state of anger was traveled. Is it possible to approach a bowl with a bag?

Probably, the grandmother devil sent. After all, the Lord has no matter what we have in our hands when we come to the Holy Bow, for he looks in the heart of man. But, nevertheless, it was not worth angry. Just in this confession.

Is it possible to infect some disease after the communion? In the temple, where I went, it was necessary not to lick the spoon, the priest himself threw a part into a wide open mouth. In another temple, I was corrected that I misinterpret the communion. But it's very dangerous!

Upon completion of the service, the priest or deacon uses (donates) the obscency remaining in the bowl. And this is despite the fact that in the absolute majority of cases (about what you wrote, I generally hear the priest "loaded" the communion in the mouth, like an excavator) people communion, taking the sacrament of mouth and touching the lyzia (spoon). I myself have been using the remaining gifts for more than 30 years, and neither I nor anyone from other priests never had any infectious diseases after that. Going to the bowl, we must understand that this is the sacrament, and not a common plate with food, from which there is a lot of people. Communion is not an ordinary food, this is the body and blood of Christ, which in fact initially cannot be sources of infection, as can not be the same source of the icons and holy power.

My relative says that the sacrament on the day of the holiday Sergius Radonezh is equal to 40 communions. Can there be the sacrament of the communion on some day stronger than in another?

Communion on any divine liturgium has the same strength and value. And in this case there can be no arithmetic. The receiving secrets of Christ should always be equally aware of their unnecessary and be grateful to God who admits him to communion.