Which countries wash the Okhotsk Sea. Okhotsk Sea

Which countries wash the Okhotsk Sea. Okhotsk Sea
Which countries wash the Okhotsk Sea. Okhotsk Sea

My dream is to visit Kamchatka or Sakhalin off the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. Alas, for me such a trip is distant and costly. I will hope that I will once I see this beauty. And now I can only deepen your knowledge and watch the video about this beautiful place. I believe that my knowledge is enough and therefore I want Describe the Sea Okhotsk.

Geographic characteristics of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk

I remember from school when we were told by a geography teacher that to describe a large geographical object, you need to open atlas and find it on the map. Then you need to make up Plan characteristicsSea Okhotsk:

  • sea \u200b\u200bname;
  • geographical position;
  • islands and Peninsula;
  • dimensions;
  • depth, salinity;
  • economic use.

Okhotsk Sea is the outskirts sea of \u200b\u200bPacific. It is located near the eastern shores of Eurasia, between Kamchatka, Kuril Islands and Mainland. His the area is 1,603,000 km².Maximum depth - 3,916 m, and the average salinity - 32. Fishery is in the sea fishing fish and seafood. Most of the fish are most caught: Salmon, herring, Mintai, Moisa, Navaga. It is Kamchatka that is famous for its red and black caviar. It's also important Transport Path. Permanent is underway Oil development With the sea shelf.

Features of the Okhotsk Sea

If you look at the sea from the height, it can be seen that almost everywhere high shores, rockse.. When you look at the shore from afar, then only black stripes can be seen on the horizon.

Geologists argue that the eastern part of the sea is one of the most "Troubled" regionsworld Ocean. The oscillations of the earth's crust for the territory is the usual phenomenon. Kamchatka-Kuril district is one of the most interesting regions of the world. In the sea, volcanoes are constantly erupted and they call it fruitry. The Kuril Islands have volcanic origin.

Interestingly, in 1910, a hydrographic expedition took place near Magadan. The researchers did not see a small island, which is located three kilometers from the coast and did not bring it to the card. Later it was called island misunderstanding.

The Okhotsk Sea, the resources of which are of great importance for states - one of the largest seas related to the pool of the Pacific Ocean. Located near the coast of Asia. It is separated from the ocean and the islands - Hokkaido, the eastern shore of Sakhalin and the chain of the Kuril lands.

It is worth noting that this sea is considered the coldest, of all located in the Far East. Even in the summer, the temperature above it does not exceed 18 degrees from the south side, and in the northeast thermometers show 10 degrees - this is the maximum indicator.

Brief description of the Sea

It is cold and mighty. The Sea Okhotsk is washed by the shores of Japan and Russia. In its outlines, the reservoir reminds the usual trapezium. Sea stretches from southwest to northeast. The length at the maximum limits is 2.463 km, and the maximum width is 1,500 km. Coastline with a length of more than 10,000 km. The depth of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk (maximum depression indicator) is almost 4,000 km. The type of water adjacent to the outskirts of the mainland is mixed.

Volcanic activity applies to both the surface and the bottom of the sea. When the seismic movement or an explosion of the underwater volcano occurs under water, it can cause huge tsunami waves.


Its name Okhotsk Sea, whose resources are used in the national economic spheres of the two countries (Russia and Japan) received from the name of the River Hunt. According to official sources, it was previously important Laman and Kamchatsky. In Japan, for a long time, the sea was called "Northern". But due to confusion with another reservoir, the hydronism adapted and now the sea is called Okhotsk.

The meaning of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk for Russia

It is impossible to overestimate it. Since 2014, the Okhotsk Sea refers to the inner waters of the Russian Federation. The state fully uses its resources. First of all, it is the main supplier of salmon fish species. This is Keta, Nerk, Chavich and other representatives of the family. It is organized by caviar mining, which is valued high enough. No wonder Russia is considered one of the large-scale suppliers of this product.

The problems of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, however,, like other reservoirs, led to a significant decrease in populations. It was on this state that I had to limit fish catch. And this applies not only to the family of salmon, but also other species, such as herring, Kambala, Cod.


Russia has reached large results in the development of industry on the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. First of all, this is ship repairing enterprises and, of course, fish processing factories. These two spheres were upgraded in the 90s and are currently important for the economic development of the state. Nowadays, many commercial enterprises appeared here.

Industry is also quite well developed. Sakhalin. Earlier, in the royal times, it was perceived negatively, as he served as a place for references of the objectionable rule of people. Now the picture has changed in the root. Industry flourishes, people themselves seek to come here in order to earn big money.

Kamchatka seafood processing enterprises entered the world market. Their products are highly rated abroad. It complies with standards and is quite popular in many countries.

Thanks to oil and gas fields, Russia is a monopolist in this area. There is not a single state that could supply the same volumes of oil and gas to Europe. That is why there is a lot of money from the state treasury into these enterprises.


In the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk a little islands, the largest of them - Sakhalin. His coastline is heterogeneous: lowland is observed in the northeast, the southeast is slightly raised above sea level, in the West there is a shallow.

Kuril Islands are particularly interested. In terms of its size, they are small, large numbers around 30, but there is less. All together they form a seismic belt - the largest on the planet. About 100 volcanoes are located on the Kuril Islands. Moreover, 30 of them are valid: they can constantly "worry" the Okhotsk Sea.

The resources of Chartarka Islands - sea seals. It has the greatest accumulation of this species. However, recently, their production was regulated in order to avoid complete extermination.


The coastline of the reservoir is cut weakly, although it has a greater length. The bays and bays in this area are practically no. The swimming pool of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea is divided into three basins: Kuril, Tingro and Vpadina Derjugin.

The largest bays are: Sakhalin, Tugursky, Shelikhova, etc. Also there are several lips - deeply cut into the landing of the sea bays, which form a depression of large rivers. Among them, Penzhinskaya, Gizhiginskaya, Uska, Tuyskaya stand out. Thanks to the bays there are also water exchange in the seas. And at the moment, scientists call this question quite problematic.


They are part of the Okhotsk pool. This is an important element that connects the water with as well as the Pacific Ocean. In addition, low and shallow and nehelsky are observed. They do not play a special role, since enough small. But the sheds of the cruise-seater and the busus are distinguished by a large area, while their maximum depth reaches 500 meters. In many ways, they precisely regulate the salinity of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk.

Bottom and coastline

The depths of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are inseparable. From the Sakhalin and the mainland, the bottom is presented with shallow - continuation of the Asian part of the mainland. Its width is approximately 100 km. The rest of the bottom (about 70%) is represented by the mainland slope. Near the Kuril Islands, next to about. ITUURUP is the patient of the vadina. In this place, the depth of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk reaches 2,500 meters. At the bottom of the reservoir, two large towering areas of relief with rather original names are distinguished: the elevation of the Institute of Oceanology and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

The coastline of the Okhotsk Sea refers to different geomorphological forms. Most of them are high and cloudless slopes. Only the western territory of Kamchatka and East about. Sakhalin have a lowlands. But the northern coast is significantly rugged.

Water exchange

Mainland stock of water is small. This happens for the reason that all rivers flowing into the Okhotsk Sea are not distinguished by fullness, and can not play a significant role. The most important is r. Amur, it is precisely a large half of the general indicator of wastewater. There are other relatively large rivers. This is hunting, Uda, Big, Penjin.

Hydrological characteristic

The reservoir is completely since the salty of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is quite high. Makes up 32-34 ppm. It decreases closer to the shore, reaching the mark of 30 ‰, and in the intermediate layer - 34.

Most of the territory in winter is covered with floating ice. The lowest possible temperature of the waters during the cold season ranges from -1 to +2 degrees. In the summer, sea depths are heated to 10-18ºC.

Interesting fact: at a depth of 100 meters there is an intermediate layer of water, the temperature of which does not change during the year and is 1.7 ° C below zero.

Features of climate

The Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is located in moderate latitudes. This fact has a great influence on the mainland, providing in the cold part of the year the Aleutian minimum is dominated in the reservoir. It greatly affects the northern winds, causing storm storms that continue all winter.

In the warm season with the mainland, weak southeastern winds come. Due to them, the air temperature increases largely. However, cyclones come with them, which subsequently may form typhoon. The duration of such a typhoon can be from 5 to 8 days.

Okhotsk Sea: Resources

They will be discussed on. It is known that the natural resources of the Okhotsk Sea are still weakly divorced. The highest value is the sea shelves with its hydrocarbon reserves. Nowadays, 7 on Sakhalin, Kamchatka, in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Magadan Administrative Center. These deposits began to develop in the 70s. However, in addition to oil, the main wealth of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk - Flora and Fauna. They are distinguished by a huge variety. Therefore, fishery is significantly developed. In the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, the most valuable types of salmon fish are found. Calmarians are mined in depths, and the catch of crabs is in the first place in the world. Recently, production conditions have become more stringent and harsh. And on the catch of some fish introduced restrictions.

Marine seals, whales, seals live in the northern waters of the sea. Catching of these representatives of the animal world is strictly prohibited. In recent times, the fishery is gaining popularity - catching sea ends and mollusks. From the vegetation world, different types of seaweed have different types. Speaking about the use of the sea, it is worth noting its importance in the transport sector. It is a priority. The important maritime trading paths are laid here, which connect the major cities of Korsakov (Sakhalin), Magadan, Okhotsk and others.

Ecological problems

Okhotsk Sea, like other waters of the World Ocean, suffers from human activity. There are environmental problems in the form of a flow of oil refineries and gas connections. Also quite problematic are waste industrial and household enterprises.

The coastal zone has become polluted since the development of the first shelf deposits, but until the end of the 80s did not have such large-scale sizes. Now the human anthropogenic activity has reached a critical point and requires immediate permission. The greatest concentration of waste and pollution focuses on the shores of Sakhalin. It is mainly due to rich oil fields.

One of the largest and most deep-water seas of Russia - Okhotsk - is not very popular with tourists. This can be called a variety of reasons: harsh climate, remoteness from large centers and communications nodes and much more. However, those who do not frighten wind and blizzards, a long road and other adversity, will be fully rewarded by the beautiful strict nature of this reserved edge. Here, on the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, almost the original landscape was preserved, and amazing plants grow on the shores, amazing plants on the shores of gray-steel and cold-burning water. The seals are resting on the stones, unique species of feathery nest in the sheer coastal cliffs, and bears and wolves roam along the tundra. From the sea puchin, it also pops up a mighty spin of marine giants - whales. In a word, one who at least once visited the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk will retain the impression of this region for life.


The Okhotsk Sea is located between the Bering and the Japanese seas, and the largest islands that are here, are the famous chickens. This sea is one of the largest and deep-water in Russia. These edges and high seismic activity are distinguished, because there are more than 30 acting and 70 extinct volcanoes. The Okhotsk Sea and terrible deadly waves of the tsunami, which are also caused by underground shocks. The coastline boasts the presence of large bays, such as Sakhalin, Aniva, Tugursky, Ayan and others.

The relief of the coastline of the Okhotsk Sea is exceptionally beautiful - these are dizzying high shores, cool down.

Here, on the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, almost the original landscape was preserved, and amazing plants grow on the shores, amazing plants on the shores of gray-steel and cold-burning water. The seals are resting on the stones, unique species of feathery nest in the sheer coastal cliffs, and bears and wolves roam along the tundra.

How to get

The main ports of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk: on the mainland - Magadan, Ayan, Okhotsk (portway); On the island of Sakhalin - Korsakov, on the Kuril Islands - North-Kurilsk. You can get to the water of this sea by plane to all the listed cities, then it is to rent a boat. Another option is to go to the cruise over the northern seas, the pleasure is not cheap, but this is perhaps the most comfortable view of the rest in local latitudes.

Search air tickets to the Okhotsk Sea

Weather in the Okhotsk Sea

The climate of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is quite harsh, it is considered even colder than the Bering and Japanese seas. In a cold period, which lasts here from October to April, in the coldest zone, the temperature may fall to -25 ° C, moreover, in January and February, cold winds are raised here, which often reach the speed of storms. In the warm season, the wind is somewhat weaken, and the thermometer column timidly rises to +18 ° C in the warmest part of the area and up to + 10-11 ° C in the coldest. So it is hardly to soar from the water or in splash in it, and the desires of this, most likely, will not arise.

Flora and fauna

As already mentioned above, the shores and the islands of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are the most real reserve. There is nothing surprising in the fact that against the background of a harsh rocky landscape, cutting out by small rivers and picturesque lakes, suddenly a bear, wolf, wolverine, red fox and many other inhabitants of northern latitudes will appear. There are also typical representatives of Arctic species, among them a white partridge, wintering. The vegetation of these places is unique and the vegetation is not painted and not screaming, but which, in combination with small rocky hills and the view of the harsh ocean, looks simply amazing.

What to look at the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk

The Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is a unique corner of nature, practically unaffected by human influence. Here you can meet rare representatives of the animal and plant world. No wonder here traditionally depart research expeditions. On the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, marine seals are often found, the most famous place of their stay is considered to be the island, where, in addition to huge marine mammals, you can listen and admire the huge number of birds that nest in coastal rocks. Other marine animals are gray whales that, to great regret, are on the verge of complete destruction, it is worth looking for a pilyutin in the strait. The giants arrive here in search of food.

Another type that threatens complete destruction is Sivochi, often found on the island of ions.

Chanther archipelago

Massive Charter Archipelago, which includes 15 islands, deserves a separate description. The harsh climate, due to which only a few months of the year, you can observe his coastal waters, free from ice, does not allow tourists to enjoy the amazing landscapes of this charming place. As a rule, sea cruises to this wonderful and abandoned edge start from early July. What is so famous for the Chanter archipelago? Rare on beauty floral world - all islands are covered with deciduous and coniferous trees. But the main wealth is Flora Shant. The archipelago was chosen by wild sea birds, including the "royal" white-blinding Orlans - the largest and most serious representatives of a kind. In addition, you can see the tales, grooves, Gag, distinguish the silhouettes of brown bears, and in spring and summer, if you're lucky, also shiny backs of powerful whales and white, which moves in large flocks near the islands. As a cherry on the cake - spotted larga seals, ringed nerves and beautiful striped seals.

Flora of the Juggur Reserve is so distinctive and endemic that many plants found life in this harsh place are not found anywhere in the world.

Juggur Reserve

The practically unexplored Ayano-May Territory, which was sheltered in the western part of the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, hides the unique pearl of our country - the Juggur Reserve. His Flora is so distinctive and endemic that many plants who have found life in this harsh place are no more innuched in the world. From representatives of the animal world there are brown bears, sable, wolverines, stone depths, white partridges, snow rams and many other animals. In the waters near the reserve, the pond of the pride of funny lastonods: all kinds of nervous species, as well as the scolding sea hare (Lahtak).

In addition to flora and fauna, the Dzhugjur Reserve is famous for its Cypandine caves with bizarre calcium sediments and stalagmites.

Golden bottom of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk


One of the oldest Russian settlements in the Far East, which was born thanks to the wintering in 1647, the Cossacks under the leadership of Semyon Solkovnikov is Okhotsk. After just two years on the scene of the wintering was put as a slant rusting. The port of the same city became not many later: in 1716 Kuzma Sokolov built the first vessel here and reached Kamchatka.

The main thing is that it is worth viewing in Okhotsk is a small local history museum dedicated to the history and culture of the region.

Talan Island

Talander is a truly microscopic island of sushi in the northern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, but the number of birds that live here is striking the imagination of every ornithologist. And you do not need to be a big fan of feathered to enjoy the view of the screaming bird market, that from year to year the nests are built in coastal rocks. And this is for a minute, more than 1.8 million most different representatives of the sky - and seagulls, and moaes, and the thick crying, and the axes, and many others. Permanent residents of Talan - proud Beloplebless Orlans, called the "kings of the Far East". But most of all the tourists are popular with red foxes, which is practically not afraid of the "Sloglok" and gladly posing to tourists.


Finally, it is impossible not to mention the capital of the Magadan region, which is located on the coast of Tuyan lips in the northern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. This, compared to Okhotsk, is a completely new city, which grew up from a small worker village to a full-fledged policy from 1915 to 1929. Alas, for many of our compatriots, Magadan will forever remain in memory due to terrible repressions of 1937, during which a huge amount of exiles arrived in the city. Almost all Magadan, his buildings and brochures, the first and roads were built by the factory labor of the steps, many of them were Soviet prisoners of war, freed from fascist camps. Today is one of the largest ports in Russia, and the main attractions are Lake Jack London, the monument "Sorrow Mask", a monument to the victims of the Stalinist Repressions "Serpentine", the Museum of Memory of the victims of political repression "Memory Kolyma", as well as a gallery of contemporary art.

Separated by conditional boundaries. Okhotsk Sea is a rather large and deep-sea sea of \u200b\u200bour country. Its area is about 1603 thousand km2, the volume of water is 1318 thousand km3. The average depth of this sea is 821 m, the maximum depth - 3916 m. According to the peculiarities of their own, this sea is the stained sea of \u200b\u200bmixed mainland-type mixed.

In the waters of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea, there are few islands, among which the biggest. Kuril ridge consists of 30 different in size. Their location is seismically active. There are over 30 and 70 extinct. Seismic activity zones can be located both on islands and under water. If the epicenter is under water, then huge rises.

The coastline of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk at a significant extent is quite equal. Along the coastal feature there are many large bays: Aniva, patience, Sakhalin, Academy, Tugursky, Ayan and Shelikhov. There are also several lips: Tuila, Gizhuginskaya and Penzhinskaya.

Okhotsk Sea

The bottom is a wide range of different underwater elevations ,. The northern part of the sea is located on the mainland shallow, which is a continuation of the sushi. In the western zone of the sea there is Sakhalin's shallow, located near the island. In the east of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, is Kamchatka. Only a small part is located in the shelf zone. The significant part of the aqueous expanses is on the mainland slope. The depth of the sea here varies from 200 m to 1500 m.

The southern edge of the sea is the most deep zone, the maximum depth here is more than 2500 m. This part of the sea is a peculiar bed, which is located along the Kuril Islands. For the southwestern part of the sea, deep depressions and slopes are characterized, which is not characteristic of the northeastern part.

In the central zone of the sea are two hills: the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Institute of Oceanology. These hills divide the sea underwater space for 3 brand. The first brand is the northeast of Tingro's northeast, which is west of Kamchatka. This wpadina is distinguished by small depths, about 850 m. The bottom has. The second basin - Wpadina Derdygina, is located east of Sakhalin, the depth of the waters here reaches 1,700 m. The bottom is the plain, the edges of which are somewhat raised. The third basin - Kurilskaya. It is the most deep-water (about 3300 m). It is a plain that extends the western part of 120 miles, and northeast - by 600 miles.

The Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is under the influence of the monsoon climate. The main source of cold air is located in the West. This is due to the fact that the western part of the sea is severely embedded in the mainland and is located near the Asian Pole of the cold. From the east, the relatively high mountain arrays of the Kamchatka prevent the promotion of warm Pacific. The greatest amount of heat comes from the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Japanese Sea through the southern and south-oriental borders. But the influence of cold air masses dominates the warm air masses, so in general the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea is enough. The Okhotsk Sea is the coldest, compared to the Japanese seas.

Okhotsk Sea

In the cold period (which continues from October to April), Siberian and Aleutian minimum have a significant effect on the sea. As a result, the winds of the Northern and North-Western destinations prevail on the expanses of the Okhotsk Sea. The power of these winds often reaches storm power. Especially strong winds are observed in January and February. Their average speed is about 10-11 m / s.

In winter, the cold Asian monsoon contributes to a strong decrease in the northern and northwestern parts of the sea. In January, when the temperature reaches its minimum limit, the average air is cooled to - 20 - 25 ° C in the north-western part of the sea, up to - 10 - 15 ° C in central and up to -5 - 6 ° C in southeast. In the last zone affects the influence of warm Pacific air.

In the fall and winter, the sea is under the influence of continental. This leads to the amplification of the wind, and in some cases to cooling. In general, it is possible to characterize as clear with reduced. These climatic features affect the cold Asian air. In April, the Siberian anticyclone ceases to act, the impact of the Honolulic maximum increases. In this regard, in the warm period, small southeastern winds are observed, whose speed rarely exceeds 6 - 7 m / s.

In summer, there are different temperatures depending on. In August, the highest temperature is marked in the southern part of the sea, it is equal to + 18 ° C. In the central part of the sea there is a decrease in temperature to 12 - 14 ° C. In the northeast, the coldest summer, the average temperature does not exceed 10-10.5 ° C. During this period, the southern part of the sea is subject to numerous ocean cyclones, because of which the strength of the wind increases, and the storm will be launched at 5 to 8 days.

Okhotsk Sea

In the Okhotsk Sea carries their waters a large number of rivers, but all of them are mostly small. In this regard, it is small, it is about 600 km 3 throughout the year. , Penjin, hunting, big - the largest, flowing into the Okhotsk Sea. Freshwater have a slight effect on the sea. Water of the Japanese Sea and Pacific Ocean are of great importance for the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk.

Okhotsk Sea is one of the largest and deep seas of Russia. There are important seaside paths connecting Vladivostok with the northern regions of the Far East and the Kuril Islands. Large ports on the coast of the mainland - Magadan and Okhotsk; on the island of Sakhalin - Korsakov; On the Kuril Islands - North-Kurilsk.

The Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk was opened by Russian landlords I. Yu. Moskvitin and V. D. Poyarkov in the first half of the 17th century. From 1733, the work of the second Kamchatka expedition began, the participants of which were detailed maps almost all of its shores.

The Sea Okhotsk, called the same lame or Kamchatka Sea, is a semi-closed sea in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. It is washes the shores of Russia and Japan (about. Hokkaido).

From the west, it is limited to the mainland of Asia from Cape Lazareva to the mouth of the Penzhina River; from the north - the Kamchatka peninsula; From the east of the islands of the Kuril Ridge and from the south of Hokkaido and Sakhalin Islands.

With the quiet ocean, the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is connected through the system of the Curil Straits. Such straits are more than 30 and their total width of more than 500 kilometers. With the Japanese sea, it has a message through the sheds of Nevelsky and Laperose.

Characteristic of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk

The sea is called by the name of the river hunting in it. The Square of the Sea is 1603,000 square kilometers. The average depth is 1780 meters, at a maximum depth of 3916 meters. From the north to south, the sea stretches 2445 kilometers, and from east west to 1407 kilometers. The approximate volume of water enclosed in it is 1365 thousand cubic kilometers.

The coastline of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is risen weakly. Its length is 10460 kilometers. The most large bays are: Gulf of Shelikhov, Sakhalin Bay, Uda Guba, Tuyan Guba and the Bay of the Academy. Northern, northwestern and northeastern shores are high and rocky. In places of lubricants of large rivers (Amur, Uda, Hunting, Gignary, Penjin), as well as in the west of Kamchatka, in the northern part of Sakhalin and Hokkaido coast are predominantly low.

From October to May - June The northern part of the sea is covered with ice. The southeastern part almost does not freeze. In winter, the water temperature near the sea surface ranges from -1.8 ° C to 2.0 ° C, the temperature rises to 10-18 ° C in summer.

The salinity of the surface waters of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea is 32.8-33.8 ppm, and the salinity of coastal waters usually does not exceed 30 ppm.

Climate of the Sea Okhotsk

The Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is located in the monsoon climate of moderate latitudes. Most of the year with the mainland, cold dry winds, getting off the northern half of the sea. From October to April, the negative air temperature, steady ice cover, is observed here.

In the northeastern part of the sea, the average temperature in January - February ranges from - 14 to - 20 ° C. In the Northern and Western regions, the temperature varies from - 20 to - 24 ° C. In the South and Eastern part of the sea in winter, significantly warmer from - 5 up to - 7 ° C.

Middle temperatures of July and August, respectively, wounds 10-12 ° C; 11-14 ° C; 11-18 ° C. Annual precipitation in different places of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk also differently. So in the north there is 300-500 mm of precipitation per year; in the west to 600-800 mm; In the southern and south-eastern part of the sea - over 1000 mm.

According to the composition of the organisms living in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, it is rather an arctic character. See moderate stripes, due to thermal exposure to ocean waters, are mostly southern and southeast of the sea.

In coastal zones, numerous settlements of mussels, lyonic and other mollusks, preoccupative racks, marine hells, crustacean crabs are noted.

At the large depths of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, a rich fauna of invertebrates was found. Glass sponges, dowry, deep-sea corals, crustaceans are inhabited here.

Okhotsk Sea is rich in fish. The most valuable are salmonous species: Keta, Gorbow, Kizhuh, Chavik and Nerque. The industrial catch of herring, pollock, cambal, cod, navaga, washev, and bodies are underway.

In the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, large mammals live - whales, seals, sivuchi and sea seals. Many seabirds that arrange noisy "bazers" on the coasts.

UN recognized an enclave of the Okhotsk Sea part of the shelf of the Russian Federation

Inessa Dotsenko

The UN Commission on the Borders of the Continental Shelf recognized the Anclave of the Okhotsk Sea 52 thousand square kilometers part of the Russian continental shelf.

According to ITAR-TASS, this was stated by the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Sergey Donskoy.

We officially received a document of the UN Commission on the Continental Shelf on the satisfaction of our application for an enclave recognition in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk by the Russian shelf. This is the ever-acting event, so I would like to congratulate everyone with it, "he said.

The decision of the commission, according to the minister, is unconditional and reverse does not have. Now the Russian jurisdiction is fully distributed on the enclave.

As ITAR-TASS informs, the Donskoy also informed that Russia's application for the expansion of the continental shelf in the Arctic will be ready in the fall of this year. In the autumn of submitting an application to the UN commission on the borders of the continental shelf depends on how the claims on an enclave in the Arctic of other countries will be built.

All resources that will be discovered there - everything will be mined exclusively within the framework of Russian legislation, said Donskaya. He said that according to the estimates of geologists, the total volume of hydrocarbon detected on this section exceeds a billion tons.

Magadan Governor Vladimir Listov believes that the recognition of an enclave in the middle of the Okhotsk Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian continental shelf opens up new prospects for the economy of Kolyma and the entire Far East. First of all, get rid of numerous administrative barriers to the fishermen of the region.

First, fishing fish, crab, mollusks can be freely conducted at any point of cooling. Special demolition resolutions will not be required both when leaving the sea and on return. Secondly, when the Russian territory is not only a 200-mile zone, and all the sea, we will get rid of the poaching of foreign fisheries in their waters. It will be easier to maintain a unique environment, "the press service of the government of the word of the liver leads.


In the center of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, there is an extended enclave of significant sizes. Previously, he was considered the "open sea". On its territory they could freely move and lead fishing of the court of any states. In November 2013, Russia managed to prove the rights to 52 thousand square kilometers of the water area in the center of the Okhotsk Sea. For comparison, it is more than the Square of Holland, Switzerland or Belgium. The center of the Okhotsk Sea ceased to be part of the World Ocean and became completely Russian. After approval at the UN session, the process of legal assignment of the enclave to the Russian continental shelf can be considered fully completed.