Knowing on Ukr Lit. Preparation for zno in the Ukrainian language and literature

Knowing on Ukr Lit. Preparation for zno in the Ukrainian language and literature
Knowing on Ukr Lit. Preparation for zno in the Ukrainian language and literature

Greetings, dear reader!

Since you got on this page, you probably are interested in the question: how can you prepare for VNO (zno - Ukr.)? I will not tighten with the retreat for a long time, I will only say that all recommendations described below are my ways to prepare for WNOs that helped me to successfully pass. I handed over 3 exams: Ukrainian language and literature, the history of Ukraine and english. Therefore, I will give some tips, how to prepare specifically for these subjects.

Anyone who visited these places will undoubtedly missed their special specifics. In addition to the remains of Habsburg, Galicia is characterized by proud and independent nature of its inhabitants and, perhaps, is the only region in Ukraine, where it is almost impossible to find Soviet fraud.

I still have a clear memory of my first trip to Lviv and Carpathians. Spent the first night in rustic village The guest of a friend, Vladimir, met a few days ago on the old bus, heading to Odessa. The next day, walking with Vladimir on the edge of the highway, one of the few paved to the side local cemetery, we met only a few cows, few people on bicycles and peasants on horse crews. Even the shadow of the car. Everything was wrapped in a calm, almost unreal atmosphere.

Let's start from the very first and main subject, which was obligatory for delivery in 2016 - Ukrainian language and literature. Without the passage of this item, you will not be allowed to pass the rest and, accordingly, you will not be able to enter the university. Therefore, it is necessary to come seriously to its preparation.

I will immediately say that my level of knowledge ukrainian language It was quite enough to pass it, so - I was not very worried about his passing. The very first thing you have to do is to define your "weak points", that is, find those topics in which you understand the least or where you admit the most a large number of Errors. This is the first. Second - Be sure to repeat even those themes that you think you know perfect! And please remember, do not need to "tool", it is better to read more, thereby repeating this or that rule, but of course - practice. Listen, read, write to better absorb the material.

It was a lily, the reporter Ternopil met her at the Guest House Yaremche, talking to me for the first time Stepan Bandera, Ivan Franko, Mikhail Grushevsky and others historical personalitiesassociated with these lands and the struggle for autonomy from Moscow and Warsaw.

Many names mentioned by a time during our evening conversations, fed by fresh Lviv circles, a great beer in Lviv, are often found in the reporting of Martin Pollak. Traveling to the lost heart of Mitteurouropes. The German book of the journalist and the writer, released in Italy after sixteen years after its publication in Germany, is the fundamental text for the knowledge of the Earth, which, ironically in history, "revived the interest of Western people from the moment of its destruction."

For those who wish to repeat the material passed or has a weak luggage of knowledge in the Ukrainian language, I recommend using the Mova service. DNA Nationalia. With it, you can repeat the accents, phraseological units, anti-bridge, synonyms, paronyms, and also test your knowledge of spelling. Service Mova. DNA National & An application for Android devices that you can download from Google Play. link . It is very convenient if there is no printout with the rules next to you or you are away from home.

The trafficking of people who from Krakow, passing through Tarnow, Peremyshl, Lviv and Ternopil, reaching the border with Russia, is often used by Karl Emil Franzos, the poet and journalist Jew Chertkov, the Polish-Rusin-Jewish city on the Siesta River. From Franzos, whose stories will accompany the literary movement of Pollak also to the Verkhovyun and Chernivtsi, the German author talks about an unusual joke that occurred in Przemysla.

In the book of Ausus Halb-Assiene, a Jewish journalist describing the mute of most restaurants of the rampant, mentioned the railway station, where he was submitted to the strange catlet, which he had ever seen. The exhausted owner sent a long response to the famous local newspaper "Przemyslan", rejecting all the accusations of Franzos, calling him an anti-lodging pamphletist.

So, my scheme of training in the Ukrainian language: we find the topics in which we are poorly understood - we repeat the material passed - we fix the knowledge of the practice (you can even go through the tests of the past years).

For me personally, preparation for the second part of the exam - Ukrainian literature was somewhat more complicated (I knew almost nothing according to Ukr. Lit.). But even in 2 weeks I could learn the authors of the works, their genres, to read the summary content (the main thing is to understand the logic and meaning that the author is trying to convey). Fortunately in the yard of the 21st century and finding information is very simple, the main thing to search. Here are some links that will help you prepare for Ukrainian. Lit.: Real names and pseudonyms, authors and works, works and to whom are devoted to literary genres. Oh yeah, and you should not teach / repeat that it fell, Mons annually makes changes to the list of references that you need to know for the surrender. Here is last year's list of references.

The letter was regularly published, but an insulting note about the "stuffed calf cake" in the Przemysl station restaurant was not eliminated in subsequent publications of the Jewish writer. Dobroil, a small town, located just five kilometers from the Polish border, was a typical Jewish village at the beginning of the century. More than half of his 4000 inhabitants were Jews, despite the fact that they did not provide citizenship due to spoken Speech. The overwhelming majority of them were spoken by Yiddish, but, according to Polak, "this was not enough to consider it as a language that would be worth dealing with statistics."

So, the preparation scheme for the Ukrainian literature: Download pictures, the links to which I left, if possible, print them onto sheets, so that you can repeat from time to time - we find a list of references - every day we try to read at least a few essays (can be reduced, the main thing is to understand) .

150 minutes

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Characteristics and distribution of test questions. Test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test tasks:

  • 1. Tasks with the choice of one faithful response - (№1-23, 29-33, 34-53). Each task is offered 4 or 5 response options, of which only one is correct. The task is considered to be done correctly, if you choose a sure answer option. The task is considered to be incorrect, if: a) marked the wrong answer b) marked two or more response options, even if there is a sure, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing conformity - (№24-28, 54-57). The task consists of the instruction and presented in two information columns, indicated by the numbers (left) and letters (right). In tasks, it is proposed to relate the material of two columns indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered to be executed if the participant chose and identified the correct letter (from A to e) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - (№58). The task of this form provides for the creation of its own argumentative statement on the discussion theme. It should be argued to approve or refute the position expressed in the task.

For each form of test tasks, an appropriate estimation system is set:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one right answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Matching assignments: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one right conformity, two points for two, etc ..
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed response from 0 to 20 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained correctly by solving all the tasks of the test from the Ukrainian language and literature - 104 on the unbelievable scale of test points, and 200 by rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on the materials of the site

External independent estimation in Ukraine, the original test of the 2014 VNO.

Original WNO test 2014 with "Ukrainian language and literature"

Ukrainian language and literature

Total number of test tasks - 61


Characteristics and distribution of test questions. Test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test tasks:

  • 1. . Each task is offered 4 or 5 response options, of which only one is correct. The task is considered to be done correctly, if you choose a sure answer option. The task is considered to be incorrect, if: a) marked the wrong answer b) marked two or more response options, even if there is a sure, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. . The task consists of the instruction and presented in two information columns, indicated by the numbers (left) and letters (right). In tasks, it is proposed to relate the material of two columns indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered to be executed if the participant chose and identified the correct letter (from A to e) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. . The task of this form provides for the creation of its own argumentative statement on the discussion theme. It should be argued to approve or refute the position expressed in the task.

For each form of test tasks, an appropriate estimation system is set:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one right answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Matching assignments: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one right conformity, two points for two, etc ..
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed response from 0 to 20 test points.

* The test is based on the materials of the site

Ukrainian language and literature

Total number of test tasks - 61


Characteristics and distribution of test questions. Test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test tasks:

  • 1. Tasks with the choice of one faithful response - (№1-23, 29-36, 37-56). Each task is offered 4 or 5 response options, of which only one is correct. The task is considered to be done correctly, if you choose a sure answer option. The task is considered to be incorrect, if: a) marked the wrong answer b) marked two or more response options, even if there is a sure, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing conformity - (№24-28, 57-60). The task consists of the instruction and presented in two information columns, indicated by the numbers (left) and letters (right). In tasks, it is proposed to relate the material of two columns indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered to be executed if the participant chose and identified the correct letter (from A to e) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - (№61). The task of this form provides for the creation of its own argumentative statement on the discussion theme. It should be argued to approve or refute the position expressed in the task.

For each form of test tasks, an appropriate estimation system is set:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one right answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Matching assignments: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one right conformity, two points for two, etc ..
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed response from 0 to 20 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained correctly by solving all the tasks of the test from the Ukrainian language and literature - 107 on the unbelievable scale of test scores, and 200 by rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on the materials of the site

External independent estimation in Ukraine, the original test of 2013.

Original VNO Test 2013 from "Ukrainian language and literature"

Ukrainian language and literature

The test is available in two options (sessions), select to start:

Total number of test tasks - 61


Characteristics and distribution of test questions. Test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test tasks:

  • 1. Tasks with the choice of one faithful response - (№1-23, 29-36, 37-56). Each task is offered 4 or 5 response options, of which only one is correct. The task is considered to be done correctly, if you choose a sure answer option. The task is considered to be incorrect, if: a) marked the wrong answer b) marked two or more response options, even if there is a sure, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing conformity - (№24-28, 57-60). The task consists of the instruction and presented in two information columns, indicated by the numbers (left) and letters (right). In tasks, it is proposed to relate the material of two columns indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered to be executed if the participant chose and identified the correct letter (from A to e) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - (№61). The task of this form provides for the creation of its own argumentative statement on the discussion theme. It should be argued to approve or refute the position expressed in the task.

For each form of test tasks, an appropriate estimation system is set:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one right answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Matching assignments: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one right conformity, two points for two, etc ..
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed response from 0 to 20 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained correctly by solving all the tasks of the test from the Ukrainian language and literature - 107 on the unbelievable scale of test scores, and 200 by rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on the materials of the site

Even assimilated Jews rarely refer to this language as a true language. Thus, Galician Jews were calculated by the Austrian bureaucracy as Polish, Germans, or less commonly, Rusins, a mistake, which, apparently, did not interfere, especially those who were concerned: they had something to think about.

Another, to which Polylak refers is, obviously, the daily fight against poverty. The life of the Jews in Galicia was clearly unhappy. Gall-Izia, accustomed to talk, Ruben Meleer, a small artisan from Dobrimila, called Galle, because it is very hard to live here.

Ukrainian language and literature

Total number of test tasks - 61


Characteristics and distribution of test questions. Test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test tasks:

  • 1. Tasks with the choice of one faithful response - (№1-23, 29-36, 37-56). Each task is offered 4 or 5 response options, of which only one is correct. The task is considered to be done correctly, if you choose a sure answer option. The task is considered to be incorrect, if: a) marked the wrong answer b) marked two or more response options, even if there is a sure, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Tasks for establishing conformity - (№24-28, 57-60). The task consists of the instruction and presented in two information columns, indicated by the numbers (left) and letters (right). In tasks, it is proposed to relate the material of two columns indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered to be executed if the participant chose and identified the correct letter (from A to e) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - (№61). The task of this form provides for the creation of its own argumentative statement on the discussion theme. It should be argued to approve or refute the position expressed in the task.

For each form of test tasks, an appropriate estimation system is set:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one right answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Matching assignments: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one right conformity, two points for two, etc ..
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed response from 0 to 20 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained correctly by solving all the tasks of the test from the Ukrainian language and literature - 107 on the unbelievable scale of test scores, and 200 by rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on the materials of the site

External independent estimation in Ukraine, the original test of the 2012 Test.

Original WNO test 2012 from "Ukrainian language and literature"

Ukrainian language and literature

The test is available in two options (sessions), select to start:

Total number of test tasks - 61


Characteristics and distribution of test questions. Test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test tasks:

  • 1. . Each task is offered 4 or 5 response options, of which only one is correct. The task is considered to be done correctly, if you choose a sure answer option. The task is considered to be incorrect, if: a) marked the wrong answer b) marked two or more response options, even if there is a sure, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. . The task consists of the instruction and presented in two information columns, indicated by the numbers (left) and letters (right). In tasks, it is proposed to relate the material of two columns indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered to be executed if the participant chose and identified the correct letter (from A to e) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. . The task of this form provides for the creation of its own argumentative statement on the discussion theme. It should be argued to approve or refute the position expressed in the task.

For each form of test tasks, an appropriate estimation system is set:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one right answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Matching assignments: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one right conformity, two points for two, etc ..

* The test is based on the materials of the site

Ukrainian language and literature

Total number of test tasks - 61


Characteristics and distribution of test questions. Test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test tasks:

  • 1. Tasks with the choice of one faithful answer - 51. Each task is offered 4 or 5 response options, of which only one is correct. The task is considered to be done correctly, if you choose a sure answer option. The task is considered to be incorrect, if: a) marked the wrong answer b) marked two or more response options, even if there is a sure, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Setting conformity settings - 9. The task consists of the instruction and presented in two information columns, indicated by the numbers (left) and letters (right). In tasks, it is proposed to relate the material of two columns indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered to be executed if the participant chose and identified the correct letter (from A to e) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - 1. The task of this form provides for the creation of its own argumentative statement on the discussion theme. It should be argued to approve or refute the position expressed in the task.

For each form of test tasks, an appropriate estimation system is set:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one right answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Matching assignments: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one right conformity, two points for two, etc ..
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer from 0 to 24 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained correctly by solving all the tasks of the test from the Ukrainian language and literature - 111 on the unbelievable scale of test scores, and 200 by rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on the materials of the site

External independent estimation in Ukraine, the original test of the 2011 Test.

Original WNO Test 2011 with "Ukrainian language and literature"

To avoid this miserable state, many were looking for good luck in America. Among them, the son of Meller, who once arrived in the United States, was angry with his surname in Miller. Saul Miller, the grandson of Old Ruben, told the story of his family in a wonderful book called Dobromil. She wanted her children to know how much she lived in a Jewish state in Galicia, where everything turned around around the livelihood, the carnostic, which is so hard to get.

Pages that Pollak devotes Pennsylvania in Galicia, so-called unusual developments that oil industry I saw at the end of the nineteenth century, are among the most interesting in the book. The industrial dust associated with the oil that revived the Galician center in the middle of the nineteenth century, when American engineers brought here the first drilling towers that used the "Canadian drilling method successfully tested in Pennsylvania" almost disappeared.

Ukrainian language and literature

The test is available in three options (sessions), select to start:

Total number of test tasks - 61


    • 3.1. Ukrainian - 37:
      • 3.1.1. Phonetics. Graphics - 1;
      • 3.1.3. Morphology - 7;
      • 3.1.4. Syntax - 9;
      • 3.1.5. Stylistics - 2;
      • 3.1.6. Spelling - 6;
      • 3.1.7. Orphoepium - 1;
      • 3.1.8. Development of broadcasting - 6.

Characteristics and distribution of test questions. Test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test tasks:

  • 1. Tasks with the choice of one faithful answer - 51. Each task is offered 4 or 5 response options, of which only one is correct. The task is considered to be done correctly, if you choose a sure answer option. The task is considered to be incorrect, if: a) marked the wrong answer b) marked two or more response options, even if there is a sure, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Setting conformity settings - 9. The task consists of the instruction and presented in two information columns, indicated by the numbers (left) and letters (right). In tasks, it is proposed to relate the material of two columns indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered to be executed if the participant chose and identified the correct letter (from A to e) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - 1. The task of this form provides for the creation of its own argumentative statement on the discussion theme. It should be argued to approve or refute the position expressed in the task.

For each form of test tasks, an appropriate estimation system is set:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one right answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Matching assignments: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one right conformity, two points for two, etc ..
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer from 0 to 24 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained correctly by solving all the tasks of the test from the Ukrainian language and literature - 111 on the unbelievable scale of test scores, and 200 by rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on the materials of the site

Total number of test tasks - 61


The assignment composition in the test is based on the following principles:

  • 1. First, the test presents tasks in the Ukrainian language, then - tasks on Ukrainian literature, and completes the test open tasks With a detailed answer (own statements)
  • 2. Tasks, within each of the forms, are located from easy to complex
  • 3. Distribution of issues on the sections of the Ukrainian language and literature:
    • 3.1. Ukrainian - 37:
      • 3.1.1. Phonetics. Graphics - 1;
      • 3.1.2. Lexicology. Phraseology - 5;
      • 3.1.3. Morphology - 7;
      • 3.1.4. Syntax - 9;
      • 3.1.5. Stylistics - 2;
      • 3.1.6. Spelling - 6;
      • 3.1.7. Orphoepium - 1;
      • 3.1.8. Development of broadcasting - 6.
    • 3.2. Ukrainian literature - 24:
      • 3.1.1. Oral folk art - 1;
      • 3.1.2. Old ukrainian Literature - 1;
      • 3.1.3. Literature con. XVIII - No. Twentieth centuries - 10;
      • 3.1.4. Literature of the twentieth century - 10;
      • 3.1.5. Modern literary process - 1;
      • 3.1.6. Creativity of Ukrainian emigrant writers - 1.

Characteristics and distribution of test questions. Test from the Ukrainian language and literature consists of the following forms of test tasks:

  • 1. Tasks with the choice of one faithful answer - 51. Each task is offered 4 or 5 response options, of which only one is correct. The task is considered to be done correctly, if you choose a sure answer option. The task is considered to be incorrect, if: a) marked the wrong answer b) marked two or more response options, even if there is a sure, c) the answer is not indicated at all.
  • 2. Setting conformity settings - 9. The task consists of the instruction and presented in two information columns, indicated by the numbers (left) and letters (right). In tasks, it is proposed to relate the material of two columns indicated by numbers and letters. The task is considered to be executed if the participant chose and identified the correct letter (from A to e) opposite each number (from 1 to 4) in the form of answers.
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer - 1. The task of this form provides for the creation of its own argumentative statement on the discussion theme. It should be argued to approve or refute the position expressed in the task.

For each form of test tasks, an appropriate estimation system is set:

  • 1. Tasks with a choice of one right answer: 0 - 1 test point.
  • 2. Matching assignments: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 test points. One point for one right conformity, two points for two, etc ..
  • 3. Tasks with a detailed answer from 0 to 24 test points.

The maximum number of points that can be gained correctly by solving all the tasks of the test from the Ukrainian language and literature - 111 on the unbelievable scale of test scores, and 200 by rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

* The test is based on the materials of the site