Alexey Bryantsev how old he is. Ether Radio Chanson

Alexey Bryantsev how old he is. Ether Radio Chanson
Alexey Bryantsev how old he is. Ether Radio Chanson

Alexey Bryantsev, whose biography will become the theme of this article, after graduation did not plan to associate his life with music. He successfully completed the Polytechnic Academy in Voronezh, becoming a certified engineer for oil and gas. But the memories of a great time when he visited a music school and dreamed of becoming a great artist, became a push, and he drastically changed his destiny.

Junior artist Chanson Alexey Bryantsev: biography

The future artist in the style of Chanson in Voronezh in 1981 was born. From early childhood, he loved to sing songs under the guitar by the fire, being surrounded by relatives and friends. His distant relative is the famous composer Alexey Bryantsev, who was an arranger in the "Butyrka" group, became for the younger namesake by a guide star. Biography Alexei Bryantsev, "Jr." as a performer began when he came to the musician already held, who knew and respected throughout the country. He was then 22 years old, and he decided that it was time to hear the opinion of a professional about his singing. Senior Test His amazing Bariton conquered from the first sounds. In addition, there was some uniqueness in this young fragile look a boy sang a voice of a mature man.

Artist Alexey Bryantsev: Biography

The younger Bryantsev really liked her thesis, but he did not decrease to launch a project on the promotion of a young artist. And all because his voice was very similar to the voice of popular chanson Mikhail Circle. He did not want one of the clones of all his favorite singer, who appeared the countless amount after his tragic death, became Alexey Bryantsev. The biography of the young artist Chanson could never be interested in the viewer if the composer did not decide to make it famous. The first song, which he wrote specifically for the younger Bryantsev, became "hello, baby." It was a duet composition - for the first time Alexei sang her with a singer from Voronezh Kasyanova Elena.

Duet with Irina Circle: on the wave of popularity

Alexey Bryantsev, whose biography is now a frequent topic for conversations in a circle of his fans, has become truly popular thanks to working with a widow Mikhail Krug - Irina Circle. In a duet, they sang the song "Hi, baby", and in 2007 they released an album with the same name. In 2010, the country heard their new joint album "If not for you." The results of their work appreciated the listener - the albums literally swept away from the store shelves, and the songs became real hits.

Alexey Bryantsev: First speeches and solo career

At the celebration of the nineth anniversary of Radio "Chanson", which occurred in the Palace "Ukraine" in Kiev, Alexei Bryantsev debut. On the main scene of the country, as the artist himself recalls, it was very exciting. The feeling of fear and delight at the same time remained forever in his memory.

In 2012, the artist issues his first solo album called "Your Breath" and is not going to stop there, it plans to continue to develop. Alexei Bryantseva has ambitious creative plans, and to embody them in life will be in the near future.

Place of birth: Voronezh.

Childhood: Born, grew up and studied in the city of Voronezh. In parallel with the general educational graduated from a music school.

Study: Alexey Bryantsev studied on the constructor of micro-radio electronic equipment. His profession is to create new computer technology.

Career: His knowledge came in handy in another field of activity, he began to grow rapidly in the music business. Alexey was one of the first to begin to apply computer technologies to create and process music. He worked for a long time in projects that were entirely and fully aimed at creating popular dance music. His professional knowledge helped him quickly leans in business, so he became popular among many Russian pop stars. Alexey often communicated with overseas DJs and gained experience that in the end allowed him to become a famous person.

Alexey is a distant relative of his no less famous Testa - Producer Alexei Bryantseva, who is known not only to participation in such a successful project as "Butyrka" as a producer-an arranger, but also the authorship of songs for other performers. Alexey "Jr." came to him for listening after the end of the school at the age of 22, led by the desire to sing from a large scene to a thousand public. As a child, he loved to execute songs under the guitar near the fire. His magnificent baritone immediately struck the namesake. At the same time, the producer noted the highlight of the artist: an externally young man performed by the composition with the voice of a mature 50-year-old man. However, he did not resolve "into the clip" of the young performer. The reason for this was the amazing similarity of Alexey's voices and the most popular chance of Mikhail Circle. After the tragic death of the artist "Vladimir Central" at the Russian prices, numerous clones, which were specially imitated and the manner of the execution of a popular artist, and arrangement. During this period, it was risky to go to the scene and becomes the "one more" a la circuit. But the famous producer could not allow the beautiful Bariton for a long time to stay unnoticed and he writes a song specially under the vocals of Jr. Alexey. The song "Hi, baby" was originally a duette, but the first performer was the Voronezh singer Elena Kasyanov. But a happy confluence of circumstances led to the formation of a new duet, where with Alexei Bryantsev sang wished Krooga - Irina Krug.

The duo turned out to be more than successful and fruitful. Two albums "Hi, baby" (2007) and "if not for you" (2010), where Alexey and Irina perform songs about love, practically sweared from the counters of music stores, and the compositions became the leaders of the charts.

The first performance of the artist took place on the scene of the Kiev Palace "Ukraine" during the celebration of the 9th anniversary of the Radio "Chanson". Alexey, after admitted, was very worried, and no matter how many times he had to go to the viewer, he will always remember those the first senses of fear and delight, which was tested, standing on the main stage of Ukraine.

In 2012, Alexey released the long-awaited solo album "Your Breath", which critics, and fans perceived great, as the level of sales, and the number of mobile phones, during the call from which songs from the disk are distributed.

Alexey considers himself an ordinary unrivalent man. Does not hide your love for football, in particular to teams from Italy, prefers to live in nature. As a student, opened the point of fast food, but soon cooled to it, although she was profitable.

Interesting facts, personal life: married, there is a daughter.

Currently: Singer with a stunningly beautiful baritone. Artist has great creative plans, but he is not going to stop. He craves for development, and wants to do this in his own way, only in his inherent manner.

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Alexey Bryantsev - the star of the Russian chanson. Talented singer, author and artist songs about love. No one knows where Bryantsev appeared, and how he managed to become famous in such a short time. But the fact remains a fact. The texts of his songs know by heart. His voice is familiar to everyone. About Alexei Bryantsev very little information. He does not often give interview, although the life of the singer has long attracted to the public.

Biography Alexei Bryantsev

Year of birth Alexei - 1984 (February). He appeared on the light in Voronezh. Married, but in every way hides this fact from the public. Children are, or rather one daughter. The tour of the chart is scheduled for a year ahead. Let's start a story about singer from the very beginning, from the moment the music appears in his life. Biography Alexei Bryantseva began in the beautiful city of Voronezh. Since childhood, Alexey was fond of music. He successfully graduated from a music school. Kind your fate with the music of Bryantsev in no hurry. He chooses another profession and enters the Voronezh Technical University. Having received a diploma of radio engineering, Bryantsev is trying to find work in the specialty. In the 90s, this profession has lost its relevance, there were practically no production in Russia. Alexey Bryantsev is arranged to work in the recording studio.


Its technical knowledge was useful when using electronics when arranging songs. For several years, Bryantsev managed to work with many Russian pop stars. Alexey never used his connections. Biography of Bryantseva Alexey includes learning to all tricks and informants of the musical business. In Chanson, the singer fell quite by chance. This folk genre of music has long been interested in Bryantsev.

Alexei Bryantsev biography received a new impetus to development on that day when he began cooperation with the Botetka group, during which it was necessary to close his career with music in the style of Chanson. A young and promising arranger received a proposal to cooperate from Simonov's poet. Bryantsev with a head goes into a new project, and for 2 months they produce an album. Songs about life, love and betrayal are becoming popular. Bryantsev continues close cooperation with the "Butyrka" group.

Best years

Alexei Bryantsev biography received a sharp turn immediately after the release of the debut album. Then he recorded another 5 albums together with the Irina Circle and other popular performers. Most of all the fans of Chanson appeared in early 2000. It had to take time when Alexey began to become particularly popular. One after another Bryantsev signs contracts with musicians no longer as an arguer, but as a producer. The professional biography of Bryantseva Alexei is not too different from other similar stories. The country could not recognize him as a singer. One day in his life there is a fateful turn, after which the life of Bryantsev is changing. A young guy who has just turned 22 years old, accidentally came to listen to the popular producer and his full namesake Alexei Bryantsev. Having performed one song, a novice singer put in a stupor of an experienced musical producer. Unusual Bariton Alexei, his soft and unlike other voice just shook others. The young man sang the voice of an adult man. Producer did not know how to competently beat the contrast between the voice and appearance of the singer. He did not want to let go of Bryantsev and began to look for a repertoire for him.

Full house

The incredible similarity of the voice of Bryantsev's votes with Mikhail Croge's voice was obvious. A year later, the singing biography of singer Alexei Bryantseva began to develop rapidly. He writes a duet with an Irina circle. Alexey Bryantsev could not even imagine what stupid success would hit him! The song "Hello, baby" occupies the first places of charts. She sounds everywhere. The most famous radio stations turn the songs of Bryantsev and Irina Krug. The duet writes 2 albums that become very popular. New voices and songs are not like the usual genre of chanson.

Beautiful melodies, heartfelt words about love without a thoughts ... Biography Alexei Bryantseva gained momentum. He is touring throughout the country. He is encountered by the Anchelas in all regions of Russia. In 2012, Alexey produces his debut solo album, which dispels with huge circulations. The fans of the young singer began to be very interested in the Biography of Bryantsev Alexey. He is married to someone? How old is he? Does he have children? What secrets of Bryantsev Alexey Biography? He is married to beauty, successful singer career and composer, dense touring schedule. Alexey himself does not consider himself a star and leads the way of life of an ordinary person. Lives in his hometown of Voronezh. Like most men, loves football, fishing and relaxing with friends. Leads a healthy lifestyle. This year, Alexei Bryantseva is scheduled for a tour of the largest cities of Russia.

Alexey Bryantsev "The talented artist in the style of Chanson, who in a short time won the recognition of the public due to his velvet baritone, similar to the voice of the circle.

The leaving from Voronezh, Alexey still considers this city to be a hometown, despite the fact that most of the time spends in Moscow. Alexey infrequently gives an interview, so fans are a little known about his life.

Childhood and youth

Alexey was born on February 19, 1984 in Voronezh. From the most young years, Alexei attracted the world of music. Therefore, in his youth, Lesha went to the music school, which he soon graduated successfully. However, on this, the path to the musicians was briefly interrupted.

Alexey did not rush to tap all his life with music and after release from school decided to enter the Voronezh Polytechnic Institute with the specialty "Gas and Oil Engineer". But after graduating from the university, the young man suddenly realized that he wanted to devote himself exclusively to music. Then the young man got a job in the recording studio.

In the student years, Alexey Bryantsev opened a fast food restaurant, but then threw this business, since he did not justify Alexey's hope and turned out to be non-profit. Now the institution is headed by Mom singer.

In their free time, Alexey is engaged in Pole and stand shooting, the performer does not hide his passionate football and admits that it is sick for Italy.

Home Career and Help Employed Test

According to media, Aleksey - a distant relative of his names of Alexei Bryantseva, a famous producer-arrangers of the group "Butyrka" and the author of the texts of other stars of the national stage. In the musical circles of the artist Bryantsev, they call "younger", and the producer is "senirable".

Bryantsev "Jr.", after graduating from the university, at 22 he came to his little on audition. Velvet Bariton Alexei "Jr." struck the producer.

An even larger the Bryantsev "senior" such a paradox: at the externally young young man's voice of a mature man. But the producer did not hurry to show the audience of a talented singer: Bryantsev's voice was incredibly similar to the voice of the great chanson Mikhail Croge.

After the tragic events in the singer's house, which led to the death of the Bard, a huge number of singers appeared in the music business, which imitated not only by Mikhail's voice, but also the arrangement. Therefore, one more clone of the circle would not take seriously.

Recognition of the public and duet with Irina Circle

However, Bryantsev "Senior" did not allow her thesis for a long time to stay in the shadows and soon wrote the composition "Hello, baby" specially under the vocals of Bryantsev "Jr.".

Initially, the composition was duette. The role of the singer was first chosen by the Voronezh performer Elena Kasyanov. But soon, thanks to a happy chance, in a duet with Alexei Bryantsev, I agreed to sing the widow of Mikhail Circle - unique Irina Krug.

On one song, the cooperation of Irina and Alexey did not end. Thanks to the fruitful work of the performers, the listeners were able to enjoy two albums: "Hi Kid" was released in 2007, three years later, another album was released called "If it were not for you."

The compositions of the performers often occupied the peaks of the charts, and two joint albums with an incredible speed were mixed from the stands of music stores.

For the first time on stage, Alexey Bryantsev performed at the Kiev Palace "Ukraine" at a concert dedicated to the 9th anniversary of the "Chanson" radio station. Later, Alexey admitted that he was madly worried about his first performance and still remembers how the delight and fear was feeling at the same time, standing on the main stage of Ukraine.

The year 2012 was marked by the release of the long-awaited solo album "Your breath", which critics and listeners were perceived extremely positively. At the moment, Alexey is actively toured in Russia and records new songs, not wanting to stop there.

Personal life

About the personal life of the star of the domestic chanson does not apply, however, it is known that Alexey is married and happy in marriage. In 2011, the Bryantsev family had a daughter.

Alexey Bryantsev - the star of the Russian chanson. Talented singer, author and artist songs about love. No one knows where Bryantsev appeared, and how he managed to become famous in such a short time. But the fact remains a fact. The texts of his songs know by heart. His voice is familiar to everyone. About Alexei Bryantsev very little information. He does not often give interview, although the life of the singer has long attracted to the public.

Biography Alexei Bryantsev

Year of birth Alexei - 1984 (February). He appeared on the light in Voronezh. Married, but in every way hides this fact from the public. Children are, or rather one daughter. The tour of the chart is scheduled for a year ahead. Let's start a story about singer from the very beginning, from the moment the music appears in his life. Biography Alexei Bryantseva began in the beautiful city of Voronezh. Since childhood, Alexey was fond of music. He successfully graduated from a music school. Kind your fate with the music of Bryantsev in no hurry. He chooses another profession and enters the Voronezh Technical University. Having received a diploma of radio engineering, Bryantsev is trying to find work in the specialty. In the 90s, this profession has lost its relevance, there were practically no production in Russia. Alexey Bryantsev is arranged to work in the recording studio.


Its technical knowledge was useful when using electronics when arranging songs. For several years, Bryantsev managed to work with many Russian pop stars. Alexey never used his connections. Biography of Bryantseva Alexey includes learning to all tricks and informants of the musical business. In Chanson, the singer fell quite by chance. This folk genre of music has long been interested in Bryantsev.

Alexei Bryantsev biography received a new impetus to development on that day when he began cooperation with the Botetka group, during which it was necessary to close his career with music in the style of Chanson. A young and promising arranger received a proposal to cooperate from Simonov's poet. Bryantsev with a head goes into a new project, and for 2 months they produce an album. Songs about life, love and betrayal are becoming popular. Bryantsev continues close cooperation with the "Butyrka" group.

Best years

Alexei Bryantsev biography received a sharp turn immediately after the release of the debut album. Then he recorded another 5 albums together with the Irina Circle and other popular performers. Most of all the fans of Chanson appeared in early 2000. It had to take time when Alexey began to become particularly popular. One after another Bryantsev signs contracts with musicians no longer as an arguer, but as a producer. The professional biography of Bryantseva Alexei is not too different from other similar stories. The country could not recognize him as a singer. One day in his life there is a fateful turn, after which the life of Bryantsev is changing. A young guy who has just turned 22 years old, accidentally came to listen to the popular producer and his full namesake Alexei Bryantsev. Having performed one song, a novice singer put in a stupor of an experienced musical producer. Unusual Bariton Alexei, his soft and unlike other voice just shook others. The young man sang the voice of an adult man. Producer did not know how to competently beat the contrast between the voice and appearance of the singer. He did not want to let go of Bryantsev and began to look for a repertoire for him.

Full house

The incredible similarity of the voice of Bryantsev's votes with Mikhail Croge's voice was obvious. A year later, the singing biography of singer Alexei Bryantseva began to develop rapidly. He writes a duet with an Irina circle. Alexey Bryantsev could not even imagine what stupid success would hit him! The song "Hello, baby" occupies the first places of charts. She sounds everywhere. The most famous radio stations turn the songs of Bryantsev and Irina Krug. The duet writes 2 albums that become very popular. New voices and songs are not like the usual genre of chanson.

Beautiful melodies, heartfelt words about love without a thoughts ... Biography Alexei Bryantseva gained momentum. He is touring throughout the country. He is encountered by the Anchelas in all regions of Russia. In 2012, Alexey produces his debut solo album, which dispels with huge circulations. The fans of the young singer began to be very interested in the Biography of Bryantsev Alexey. He is married to someone? How old is he? Does he have children? What secrets of Bryantsev Alexey Biography? He is married to beauty, successful singer career and composer, dense touring schedule. Alexey himself does not consider himself a star and leads the way of life of an ordinary person. Lives in his hometown of Voronezh. Like most men, loves football, fishing and relaxing with friends. Leads a healthy lifestyle. This year, Alexei Bryantseva is scheduled for a tour of the largest cities of Russia.