Global problems of modernity and their solution. Global problems of humanity

Global problems of modernity and their solution. Global problems of humanity
Global problems of modernity and their solution. Global problems of humanity

Humanity has passed a long way from Dikar ignorance to the historic landing on the moon, conquering a red planet. Surprisingly, with an increase in scientific thought, technology did not benefit from ordinary citizens of our planet. On the contrary, they entail a decrease in jobs, crisis and military phenomena. Consider global problems of modernity and ways to solve them.

In contact with

Fundamental concepts

Global problems of modernity (GP) - Critical phenomena affecting interests of every person, society and world states generally.

The term became popular in the 60s. XX century. To prevent negative consequences, a joint action plan for all countries is needed.

The classification of the GP of our time is a system that takes into account the origin, the level of danger, the possible consequences of each danger. Thanks to structuring, it is easier to focus on solving pressing tasks.

Like any phenomenon, our has a number of properties that form the concept:

  1. Independence on time - risk groups destructively affect the planet, but their speed is significantly different. For example, the demographic crisis of humanity develops longer than natural cataclysms arising overnight.
  2. They relate to each state - the integration of world powers led to the mutual response between them. However, it is important to draw the attention of the entire world community to a constructive dialogue.
  3. Threat to humanity - all types of global problems of modernity put the integrity and life of the world society, planets.

Attention!Until the middle of the 20th century, scientists did not think about the brief of the global issues of humanity. The relationship between human society and nature rose only in the philosophical level. In 1944 V.I. Vernadsky introduced the concept of noosphere (the area of \u200b\u200bmind), arguing this scale of creatures of humanity.

The emergence of global issues

The causes of global problems of humanity are not manifested from scratch. We bring to your attention a list of factors forming current issues of our time:

  1. Globalization of the world - the economy and the relationship between states reached a new level. Now each participant in World Arena is responsible for the well-being of neighbors (and not only).
  2. The widest field of activity is "conquerors of the world," so the modern society feels like. Today there are no areas where a person's leg would have come.
  3. Irrational resource consumption - planet safety stock is not unlimited. Studies of the earth's crust indicate that the energy sphere (gas, oil and coal) will collapse in 170 years. I hope you understand what it threatens.
  4. Destruction of the environment - here includes the rapid development of technologies. After all, tons of minerals are required for multimilion projects. Hence the deforestation of forests, unsystematic extermination of gifts of world, pollution of the atmosphere and outer space.
  5. Morality and society - a simple person are not interested in topical issues of modernity. But the carelessness on the "lower" level is fraught with the relaxation of ruling circles, the scientific elite.
  6. The unevenness of socio-economic development - the "young" states are significantly inferior to the strong world of this, which allows them to manipulate more weak. This situation is fraught with an increase in global tension.
  7. Weapon mass defeat - nuclear warheads Threaten the existence of humanity. However, this is a reliable (yet) deterrent factor.

The global issues of modern people facing humanity indicate the incompetence of world leaders of states, aggressive policies in relation to nature.

Important!Scientists Circles have long defined the causes of the difficulties of modernity, but their decision has not yet brought visible results. To restore the lost heritage, dozens will be needed, hundreds of years.


The best minds of our time work on structuring global hazards for humanity.

Some breed them by origin, others - by destroying the impact, are third - in importance for world civilization. We offer to familiarize yourself with each option.

First group - here are factors associated with foreign policy policies, their contradictions and mutual claims. To resolve global problems, political prerequisites must be ensured.

The second group is the globalization of the relationship between humans and society, the state. This includes ethnic, religious, terrorist confrontation.

The third group is a link between world civilization and nature of the planet. The solution to these problems should be a scientific and political nature.

We will understand classification of HPBased on the directivity of the impact:

  1. The threat to the world - the development of technology of modernity requires a resource base, the formation of which pollutes the surrounding space. Most of the modern industry throws disintegration products. The protection of ecology includes not only a decrease in the emission of harmful substances, but also the development of new, "clean" technologies. Such projects are already created in economically developed countries, but transnational companies inhibit their implementation (fabric revenues from gas and oil).
  2. Overcrowding - according to scientists forecasts, the population of 12 billion people will lead to the destruction of the planet ecosystem. If briefly, you will have to "get rid" from more than 5 billion to return the natural balance. The cruel method of reduction is the third world war, more humane - birth restrictions, fantastic - colonization.
  3. Energy deficit - without minerals (gas, oil, coal), human civilization is waiting for the collapse. The loss of electricity will lead to a stop of production, degradation of communication systems, limiting the information space. Alternative energy sources will help mankind to escape, but the strengths of this world are not interested in this.

Social aspect

The development of modern society led to a sharp decline of human values, which were formed by hundreds of years.

The desire to provide closeness to greed and uncompromising, and developed states live at the expense of the main "raw material base" - less developed neighbors.

Sound explicit problems Modern in the social sector:

  • public morality degradation - the legalization of drugs and prostitution contributes to rooting new values. Trade in their own body and non-smoking drugs - the norm of modern life;
  • crime - with a decrease in spiritual level in society enhances Crime and Corruption societies. The formation of moral mains of mankind has always been on the family, the church, the educational system;
  • prostitution and addiction - the global problems of modernity in society include the spread of psychotropic substances. They not only enslave the will of man, but also reduce his social activity - make a light target for manipulation and propaganda.

The remaining types of global problems Modernity is listed below:

  1. Disarmament - the main item of the costs of most states is the defense industry. Cash could improve world environment, reduce the level of illiteracy, stop hunger.
  2. Using the World Ocean - in addition to the catch of a huge amount of fish and other seafood, many nuclear tests are conducted on maritime expanses. You can not talk about the harm to the environment.
  3. Global problems of modernity manifest in the development of humanity of space. The government of each country is trying to conquer or take the dominant position at the not yet developed expanses.
  4. Overcoming backwardness - the infringement of the rights of citizens of developing countries has reached the limit. Strong neighbors in every way interfere in the domestic and foreign policy of "partners". It glows the situation on the world arena.
  5. Fighting infections - social and humanitarian aspects of global problems may disappear after several waves of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is important to react to the emergence of new strains, viruses.

Employment strategy

Global problems of modernity and ways to solve them are a priority task for the global community.

The tasks of solving these problems can be the most diverse and concerning different spheres of society.

They require not only huge financial invulsions, but also great efforts, both mental and physical.

Briefly list such tasks.

All of the above dangers require speedy permission:

  • increasing the productivity of the agricultural industry, new arable land;
  • reducing electricity consumption, resources in general. Optimization industry reduce fuel consumption, material costs. Reducing harmful emissions is a priority direction;
  • gratuitous assistance to developing countries, humanitarian missions to combat poverty and hunger;
  • peaceful disarmament is a refusal of chemical and nuclear weapons. Limited use of a "peaceful atom", the development of alternative energy sources;
  • the global problem of humanity is the fall in the moral and ethical principles of society. There is a painstaking work on the introduction of new values, cultivation of useful habits, improving the educational system;
  • space space needs to get rid of garbage, a feature can be called neutrality.

Attention! The financial market does not apply to modern sources of global danger, the influence of cash on the ecology or the educational system is insignificant.

Global problems of peace and ways to solve them

World environmental problems


The main features of the global problems of humanity include the scale, the relationship of components, destructive consequences. The complexity of solving such tasks is not so much in cash as in the reluctance of a number of countries to change the established picture of modernity.

Under global problems, modernity should be understood as a combination of problems, on which the further existence of civilization depends on the solution.

Global problems are generated by uneven development of various areas of life of modern humanity and contradicts generated in socio-economic, political and ideological, socio-natural and other relations of people. These problems affect the life of humanity as a whole.

Global problems of humanity - These are problems that affect the vital interests of the entire population of the planet and require to solve the joint efforts of all states of the world.

The global problems of modernity include:

This set is not constant and as the human civilization develops, the understanding of existing global problems is changing, their priority is corrected, as well as new global problems (the development of outer space, weather and climate management, etc.).

North-South Problem - This is the problem of economic relations developed countries with developing. Its essence is that to overcome the gap in the levels of socio-economic development between developed and developing countries, the latters require the developed countries of various concessions, in particular, expanding the access of their goods to the markets of developed countries, strengthening the influx of knowledge and capital (especially in the form help), write off debts and other measures towards them.

One of the main global problems is problem poverty. Under poverty it is understood as the impossibility of providing the simplest and affordable living conditions for most people in a given country. Large scales of poverty, especially in developing countries, are of serious danger not only for national, but also for world sustainable development.

World food problem It is the inability of humanity to date to fully ensure themselves with vital food. This problem acts in practice as a problem. absolute lack of food (malnutrition and hunger) in the least developed countries, as well as unbalanced nutrition in developed. Its decision will largely depend on the effective use, scientific and technological progress in the field of agriculture and on the level of state support.

Global energy problem - This is the problem of providing humanity with fuels and energy at present and in the foreseeable future. The main reason for the global energy problem should be considered a rapid increase in mineral fuel consumption in the XX century. If developed countries solve this problem now, first of all, by slowing the growth of their demand by reducing energy intensity, then in other countries there is a relatively rapid growth of energy consumption. There may be a growing competition in the global energy market between developed countries and new large industrial countries (China, India, Brazil) to add to this. All these circumstances, in combination with military-political instability, in some regions can determine significant fluctuations in the level of energy resources and seriously influence the dynamics of supply and demand, as well as the production and consumption of energy products, creating sometimes crisis situations.

The environmental potential of the global economy is increasingly undermined by the economic activity of mankind. The answer to it became concept of environmentally sustainable development. It involves the development of all countries of the world, taking into account these needs, but not undermining future generations.

Environmental protection is an important part of development. In the 70s The 20th century economists realized the importance of environmental issues for economic development. The processes of environmental degradation can have self-reproducing character, which threatens society with irreversible destruction and exhaustion of resources.

Global demographic problem Disintegrates into two aspects: in a number of countries and regions of the developing world and demographic aging of the population of developed and transition countries. For the first decision is to increase the rate of economic growth and a decrease in population growth rates. For the second - emigration and reform of the pension system.

The relationship of population growth and economic growth is a long time to study economists. As a result of research, there were two approaches to assessing the impact of population growth on economic development. The first approach to one degree or another is associated with the theory of Malthus, who believed that the growth of the population is ahead of growth and therefore the population of the world is inevitable. A modern approach to the assessment of the role of population on the economy is integrated and reveals both positive and negative factors of the effect of population growth.

Many experts believe that the actual problem is not the growth of the population by itself, but the following problems:

  • understanding - retardation in development;
  • exhausting world resources and environmental destruction.

Problem Development of Human Potential - This is the problem of compliance with the qualitative characteristics of the nature of the modern economy. In the conditions of post-industrialization, the requirements for physical qualities increase and especially the formation of an employee, including its ability to continuously advanced training. However, the development of the quality characteristics of the workforce in the global economy occurs extremely unevenly. The worst figures in this regard demonstrate developing countries that, however, are the main source of replenishment of world labor resources. This is precisely the global nature of the problem of human development.

Increasing, interdependence and reduction of temporal and spatial barriers create the situation of collective unprotected by various threatsFrom which a person can not always save his state. This requires the creation of conditions that enhances the human ability to independently resist risks and threats.

The problem of the world ocean - This is the problem of preserving and rational use of its spaces and resources. Currently, the global ocean as a closed ecological system with difficulty withstands many times a strengthened anthropogenic load, and it creates a real threat to his death. Therefore, the global problem of the World Ocean is, first of all, the problem of its survival and, consequently, the survival of a modern person.

Ways to solve global problems of modernity

The solution of these problems is today an urgent task for all mankind. From when and how they will begin to decide the survival of people. Allocate the following ways to solve the global problems of modernity.

Prevention of world war With the use of thermonuclear weapons and other means of mass destruction, threatening the death of civilization. This involves curbing the arms race, prohibition of the creation and application of weapons of weapons of mass destruction, human and material resources, liquidation of nuclear weapons, etc.;

Overcoming Economic and cultural inequalities between the peoples inhabiting industrialized countries of the West and the East and the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America;

Overcoming crisis status The interactions of humanity and nature, which is characterized by the catastrophic consequences in the form of unprecedented environmental pollution and the depletion of natural resources. This makes it necessary to develop measures aimed at the economical use of natural resources and a decrease in pollution by waste material production of soil, water and air;

Reducing the growth rate of population in developing countries and overcoming the demographic crisis in developed capitalist countries;

Preventing the negative consequences of the modern scientific and technical revolution;

Overcoming the trend towards a decrease in social health, which involves the fight against alcoholism, drug addiction, oncological diseases, AIDS, tuberculosis and other diseases.

Global problems of humanity are problems and situations that cover many countries, the atmosphere of the Earth, the world ocean and the near-earth outer space and affect the entire population of the Earth

Global problems, having ceased to be the subject of interest only the narrow circle of specialists, by the 60s of the twentieth century they became widely known, at the same time there was an interest in the general public to this topic for the first time, the process of its discussion in the widest circles began.

The reason for such an increase in this topic was a number of factors. In the process of its development, the relationship between different regions of the world was consistently strengthened, as a result of which humanity naturally came to that situation when serious problems arising in a certain region of the Earth are inevitably reflected in the state of the entire planet. Such an effect is observed both in the economic, environmental, energy, and in many other areas

The development of scientific and technological progress has become an equally important reason, the consequences of which were literally manifested in all spheres of people's lives. For example, the person's incredulously increased possibilities made it possible to create a perfect weapon of mass lesion: chemical, bacteriological, nuclear weapons. In this context, the issues of preserving peace on Earth and prevent various kinds of conflicts that can lead to irreversible consequences for humanity are particularly seriously serious.

It can be said that a system of qualitatively new, closely interrelated problems called global is increasingly fixed in the public consciousness. It is obvious that various problems in one way or another accompanied the process of the formation and development of civilization. And I used to get up both in front of all humanity and at the local level, food and energy-commodity problems, ecological disasters occurred, and at all times, people suffered from wars and conflicts.

The scale and sharpness of the problems that were before cannot make any comparison with phenomena and processes characteristic of the end of the 20th - early 21st centuries.

Universal problems grow from local, national, but at the same time, they need not disparate efforts of individual countries to solve them, but joint actions of the global community

All of the above factors have determined relevance Our study.

purpose Works - consider and analyze the priorities of Russia diplomacy in the modern world

In accordance with the goal, the following was solved main goals :

Give a characteristic global problems of humanity;

Consider the threat of thermonuclear catastrophe and new world wars;

Explore the global problem of international terrorism;

Consider the problem of overcoming poverty and backwardness;

Analyze the demographic problem;

Explore the socio-economic aspects of a food problem;

Determine global environmental problems.

Research methods:

Processing, analysis of scientific sources;

Analysis of scientific literature, textbooks and benefits on the problem under study.

Object of study - Global problems of the world

Subject of study - Analysis and ways to solve global problems of humanity

1. Political global problems of humanity

1.1 Essence and signs of global problems of humanity

The modern era set new problems in the society, requiring philosophical understanding. Among them are the so-called global problems. The very name of these problems occurred from the French word Global - the universal and Latin Globus (Terrae) - the globe. It means a set of urgent problems of humanity, the Social Progress and the preservation of civilization depends on the solution.

Global problems of modernity are a set of contradictory processes that constitute the content of the modern crisis of world civilization.

Sources of global problems of modernity can be divided into two groups: deepening disagreements between man and nature (environmental, food, energy, etc. Problems); Relationships between people (the problem of war and peace, protection and development of the spiritual sphere, demographics, fighting crime, etc.)

Both the global problems of our time and the definition of their solutions, have a complex, interdisciplinary nature, and this requires not only the global integration of the efforts of all countries of the world, but also, according to the teachings of Vernadsky on the noosphere, the integration of philosophical and political, natural and feasibility Knowledge in the respective spheres of human activity. One of the most important prerequisites for such "double" integration and the following decisions of global problems is a fundamental change in policy principles: the departure of all countries of the world from conflict orientation, the transition to cooperation on the basis of recognizing the priority of universal values, a general search for the most effective ways to form a global - "viable society "

Note the signs inherent in global problems of humanity and distinguish them from others.

· Global scale of manifestations that go beyond one state or group of countries;

· A sharpness of manifestation;

· Comprehensive character: all problems are closely intertwined with each other;

· Impact on the further course of the history of mankind;

· The possibility of solving them only to joint efforts of the entire world community, all countries and ethnic groups

At the proposed World Economic Forum, the classification of global problems affecting the economy are divided into 4 groups:

1) Economic problems:

a) oil prices / power consumption

b) Asset prices / huge debt

c) US current account deficit

d) monetary crisis

e) China's height

2) Environmental problems:

a) biological variability

b) climate change

c) Water provision / quality

d) natural cataclysms

e) air pollution, water and soil

e). The problem of lack of energy resources

3) Social problems:

a) radical Islam

b) the threat of religious wars

c) demographic: aging of the population, lack of population in developed countries, the predominance of the male population

d) forced migration

e) infectious diseases

e) poverty

g) ambiguous public attitude towards technological advances (biotechnology, nanotechnology, other science areas)

5) Geopolitical problems:

a) terrorism

b) organized crime

c) Hot Points (Israel / Palestine, India / Pakistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Korean Peninsula, China / Taiwan, Iran, Saudi Arabia)

d) conflicts due to lack of resources

e) creating weapons of mass destruction

It was these questions that arose before scientists at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century and are becoming increasingly important today.

As human civilization develops, new global problems may arise and already arise. Thus, the discharge of global began to attribute the problem of mastering and using the resources of the World Ocean, as well as the problem of mastering and using space.

Changes that occurred in the 70-80th and especially in the 90s. Allow to talk about changing priorities in global problems. If in the 60-70s. The main thing was considered the problem of preventing the world nuclear warriors, now in first place some experts put an ecological problem, others - a demographic problem, and the third - the problem of poverty and backwardness.

The issue of establishing the priority of global problems is not only scientific, but also important practical importance. According to various estimates, the annual costs of humanity on solving global problems should be at least 1 trillion. dollars, or 2.5% of world GDP.

1.2 Threat of thermonuclear catastrophe and new world wars

The complex of global problems of modernity is resting on the theory of global balances, according to which the stability of the processes (the stability of their condition) in nature and society depends on the degree of their balance. There are up to two dozen global balances, starting with generally accepted, such as fuel and energy, material and commodity, inter-sectoral, food, transport, trade, ecological, demographic, etc. and ending with more or less discussion types of weapons balance, security forces and public relations , loss and training of personnel of social production, demolition and buildings of buildings, morbidity and recovery, drugs and dearcotization of society (consumption of nicotine, alcohol and stronger drugs), destruction and creation of cultural values, various balances in international relations, in information systems, etc.

About two decades of years ago, a key global problem of modernity was a racing of arms, which absorbed the lion's share of the aggregate gross product of almost all countries of the world, and besides, threatened by the New World War. Actually, as now it became clear, she was essentially the main field of the battle of the Third World War 1946-1991, which became a story under the psevonim "Cold". The most real war with tens of millions of killed, wounded, disabled, refugees, orphans, monstrous destruction and devastation. Wars, in which one side ("The World Socialist System" led by the USSR) suffered defeated, capitulated and broke out, because the enemy led fourwise (NATO led by the United States) is economically and for the whole order - technologically.

In the 90s, a key global problem, instead of an arms race, which received a qualitatively different nature of the invention and the production of fundamentally new weapons, the confrontation between the so-called third and the first world was faced, i.e. developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and developed countries of North America, Western Europe, plus Japan and a number of others. This confrontation is hopeless in many ways, because the third world is still going along the path of development of the first world, and this path in global scale is unpromising: it "overlaps" the restrictions on world energy, ecology and culture.

The threat of thermonuclear catastrophe, today adopted the global, i.e. Commonwealth, character, went beyond the framework of state borders and mainland and represent a universal task. Currently, the interaction of the cultures of the West and the East is of particular importance, since it is in this that most scientists see the key to the progress of humanity, overcoming global problems. Gradually matured the idea that the cultures and civilization of the West and the East are complementary and constitute a certain integrity, and the rationalism of the West and the Intuivism of the East, the technological approach and humanistic values \u200b\u200bshould be combined under the new generallylanetary civilization.

Three technical aspects of thermonuclear weapons made the thermonuclear war in the threat to the very existence of civilization. This is a huge destructive power of thermonuclear explosion, the relative cheapness of rocket and thermonuclear weapons and the practical inability to effectively protect against massive rocket-nuclear attack.

However, in the hands of adventurers literally floats the weapon of mass lesions - chemical, bacteriological and, possibly nuclear. As soon as they are more or less sharing with him - the repetition of the "storms in the desert" is inevitably, but this time with a much more unfavorable for the West the ratio of forces. The situation is increasingly reminiscent of the last years of the Roman Empire. How to solve this problem in existing conditions, no one knows.

1.3 International terrorism as a global problem

Recently, the problem of international terrorism has become one of the most acute global problems of modernity related to the sphere of international relations. This transformation is due to our opinion, as follows:

First, international terrorism, unfortunately, is becoming more widely distributed on a planetary scale. It is manifested in the regions of traditional international conflicts (for example, the Middle East, South Asia) and the most developed and prosperous states (in particular, the United States and Western Europe) were not insured against this dangerous phenomenon.

Secondly, international terrorism is a major threat to the safety of individual states and the entire world community as a whole. Every year, hundreds of acts of international terrorism are performed in the world, and the mournful account of their victims is thousands of killed and crippled people;

Thirdly, to combat international terrorism, there is not enough effort of one great power or even a group of highly developed states. Overcoming international terrorism as an exacerbating global problem requires the collective efforts of most states and peoples on our planet, the entire world community.

Fourth, the connection of modern phenomenon of international terrorism with other relevant global problems is becoming more apparent and visual. Currently, the problem of international terrorism should be considered as an important element of the entire complex of universal, global problems.

The problem of international terrorism is inherent in many common features characteristic of other universal difficulties, such as the planetary scale of manifestation; big sharpness; negative dynamism when the negative impact on the vital activity of mankind increases; The need for an emergency solution, etc. At the same time, the global problem of international terrorism has a specific feature characteristic of it. Consider in more detail the most important of them.

First of all, it should be paid to the fact that the problem of international terrorism is associated with the main areas of the life of the world community and societies of individual countries: policies, national relations, religion, ecology, criminal communities, etc. This connection was reflected in the existence of various types of terrorism, which include: political, nationalist, religious, criminal and environmental terrorism.

Members of the political terror groups put their task to achieve political, social or economic changes within one or another state, as well as undermining interstate relations, international law and order. Nationalist (or as it is also called national, ethnic or separatist) terrorism pursues the goal of solving a national issue, which recently becomes more and more the nature of separatist aspirations in various polyethnic states.

The religious type of terrorism is due to the attempts of armed groups professing one or another religion to fight against the state where a different religion or a different religious direction is dominated. Criminal terrorism is formed on the basis of any criminal business (drug business, illegal turnover of weapons, smuggling, etc.) in order to create chaos and tensions in the context of which, most likely to receive super-profits. Environmental terrorism is implemented by groupings protruding with violent methods in general against scientific and technological progress, environmental pollution, killing animals and building nuclear facilities

Another distinctive feature of the global problem of international terrorism is a significant impact on the international criminal communities, certain political forces and some states. This influence undoubtedly leads to the exacerbation of the problem under consideration.

In the modern world, there are manifestations of state terrorism related to attempts to eliminate heads of foreign countries and other political figures; with shares aimed at overthrowing the governments of foreign countries; Creation of panic among the population of foreign states, etc.

International terrorism is in our day an integral part of the dissemination process of transnational criminal organizations supported by corrupt government officials and politicians

More than one specific feature of the global problem of international terrorism is its difficult projection. In many cases, mentally unbalanced people become subjects of terrorism, excessively ambitious politicians. Terrorism is often considered as a way to achieve goals on the world arena and in international relations that cannot be implemented by any other methods. In modern conditions, the form of terrorist activity is becoming increasingly complicated, and included in an increasing contradiction with universal values \u200b\u200band logic of world development.

Thus, the problem of international terrorism represents a real planetary scale a threat to the world community. This problem has its own specificity, which distinguishes it from other universal difficulties. However, the problem of terrorism is closely interconnected with most global problems of modern international relations. It can be considered as one of the most relevant global problems of our days.

However, the last terrorist acts, first of all, the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York, on its scale and influence on the further course of world politics became unprecedented in the history of mankind. The number of victims, the size and nature of the destruction caused by the terrorist attacks of the beginning of the XXI century were comparable to the consequences of armed conflicts and local wars. Response measures caused by these terrorist shares led to the creation of an international anti-terrorist coalition, which included dozens of states, which had previously occurred only in the case of large armed conflicts and wars. Response anti-terrorist hostilities also acquired a planetary scale.

2. Socio-Economic and Environmental Global Problems

2.1 Problem to overcome poverty and backwardness

The most important problem of the global economy of the beginning of the XXI century. - Overcoming poverty and backwardness. In the modern world, poverty and backwardness are characteristic primarily for developing countries, where almost 2/3 of the population of the Earth live. Therefore, this global problem is often called the problem of overcoming the backwardness of developing countries.

For most of these countries, strong backwardness is typical, especially the least developed. As a result, many of these countries are characterized by terrifying poverty. So, 1/4 of the population of Brazil, 1/3 of the inhabitants of Nigeria, 1/2 of the population of India consume goods and services in less than 1 dollar a day.

As a result, about 800 million people suffer from malnutrition in the world. In addition, a significant part of the poor people are illiterate. Thus, the share of illiterate among the population over 15 years old is 17% in Brazil, in Nigeria - 43% and in India - 48%.

The huge scales of poverty and retardation are in doubt whether it is possible to talk about the normal development and progress of human society when most of the inhabitants of the planet turns out to be a feature of a worthy human existence. The problem is aggravated by the achievements of world NTP bypassing by many developing countries, their colossal labor resources are used little, and these countries themselves are not actively involved in world economic life.

It would be extremely unreasonably not to see the dangers that arise from the preservation of such a situation. So, it forms in the wide public consciousness of these countries a negative attitude towards the world existing in the world. This is expressed in various ideas about the responsibility of developed countries for the situation in developing countries, as well as in the requirements of the redistribution of income in the global economy, some "equalized" on a global scale (for example, the movement of developing countries for the establishment of a new international economic order).

Most economists agree that the development of effective national development strategies based on internal economic resources on the basis of an integrated approach is decisive in addressing the problem of poverty and retardation. With this approach, as prerequisites for the creation of a modern economy and achieving sustainable economic growth, not only industrialization and post-industrialization, liberalization of economic life and the transformation of agricultural relations, but also education reform, improvement of the health care system, mitigation of inequality, conducting rational demographic policies, stimulating problems Employment.

They are carried out primarily through the line of so-called official development assistance from developed countries in the form of financial resources. For the poorest countries (namely, they are the main recipients of this assistance) official development assistance is 3% in relation to their GDP, including for the countries of tropical Africa - more than 5%, although in the calculation of each inhabitant of this region, this is only 26 dollars. in year.

Even greater opportunities to overcome backwardness provide attracted foreign private investments - direct and portfolio, as well as bank loans. The influx of these financial resources in developing countries is growing particularly quickly and is currently the basis for external financing of the third world countries. But the effectiveness of all these financial flows is often reduced to no corruption and simple theft, which are quite widespread in developing countries, as well as the ineffectiveness of the use of the obtained funds.

Problem unemployment

In the annual report of the International Labor Organization (ILO), it is said that in 2006 the unemployment rate in the world remained extremely high - the 195.2 million people were unoccupied, or 6.3% of the total number of people-bodied people. This indicator has practically not changed compared with 2005. In the states of Central and Eastern Europe, which are not part of the European Union, as well as in the CIS countries, the situation is even worse - 9.3% of the able-bodied population does not work. The decade ago the indicator was a little better - 9.7%.

In 2006, the global unemployment rate increased, since global economic development is not able to meet the needs of all people who are in search of work - in particular, young people, the number of unemployed among which continues to grow. A number of natural disasters, the rise in energy prices, as well as the "powerlessness" of the economy of many countries to send GDP growth to the opening of new jobs and increase wages, seriously affected the situation of the so-called "poor working".

Significant economic growth, which was observed in many countries of the world in recent years, did not lead to a noticeable reduction in unemployment. Over the past decade, the number of world working in the world is only 16.6%, but most of the poor workers have not been able to escape from poverty.

It is worth noting that in 2006, 18.6% of young people living in the CIS remained without work. Low employment in this region leads to the formation of large-scale migration flows - many people, including young professionals, emigrated to the West.

In addition, in 2006, more than 2.8 billion working in the world, 1.4 billion still do not earn enough money to improve their standard of living and save the family from poverty. It is almost impossible to make a wage, which is approximately 2 US dollars per day and practically not changing over the past 10 years.

Nevertheless, in the period from 2001 to 2006 in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (not included in the EU) and in the CIS countries the total number of working living on $ 2 per day has significantly decreased.

In 2006, such low incomes were 10.5% of all working in the region, whereas in 1996 - in 33%. The most notable reduction in unemployment was observed in industrialized countries - from 2005 to 2006 the number of unemployed decreased by 0.6% and amounted to 6.2%.

Even economic development is not able to resolve the problems of world unemployment. This confirms the fact that, although in many countries, the level of poverty and decreased, but this still did not lead to a solution to the issue. Gigantic scales of global unemployment, and the lack of concrete measures to exit the situation requires revision of policies and practices related to this problem

2.2 Demographic problem

The demographic problem affects not only the position of individual countries of the world. But also affects the development of the global economy and international relations, it requires serious attention of both scientists and governments of various states.

The demographic problem has the following basic components. First of all, we are talking about the birth rate and is largely dependent on the dynamics of the population of the population as a whole, so separate countries and regions.

The population of the planet over the existence of humanity is constantly increasing. By the beginning of our era, 256 million people lived on Earth, in 1000 - 280; to 1500 G. -427 million, in 1820 - 1 billion; In 1927 - 2 billion people.

The modern demographic explosion began in 1950 - 1960s. In 1959, the population of the planet amounted to 3 billion; in 1974 - 4 billion; In 1987, 5 billion people,

It is expected that by 2050 there will be a stabilization of the population of the planet at the level of 10.5-12 billion, which is the limit of the biological population of mankind as a species.

Currently, the global demographic situation has its own characteristics:

1) The demographic crisis in a number of developed countries has already led to a violation of the reproduction of the population, its aging and reduction of its number.

2) the rapid growth of the population in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

3) In the countries of the Third World lives 3 times more people than in developed.

4) adverse socio-economic conditions are preserved.

5) Environmental problems increase (extremely permissible ecosystem loads, environmental pollution, desertification and deforestation) are increased.

Scientists noted that the peak of the demographic explosion, which came to the 60s, already behind and occurs a constant decline in the birth rate in all countries with the second type of population reproduction, excluding Africa. To solve current demographic problems, world demographic policy should be accompanied by improving the economic and social conditions of life. The educational work among believers is important (churches need to change the installation on high birth rate and prohibiting contraception). According to modern estimates, the optimal option for the minimum reproduction of the population is 2.7 children per 1 woman.

In developed countries, scientific and technical progress has led to an increase in unemployment, which in turn led to a decrease in fertility. And in countries with transient type of reproduction, a decrease in mortality is not accompanied by an appropriate fertility reduction. In developing countries, a specific age structure is formed, where a large proportion occupies youth to 17 years (more than 2/5 of the population, whereas in Europe this figure is 1/3).

The main directions of UN activities in the field of population:

· Collection, processing and dissemination of demographic information;

· Study of population problems, including analysis of the interaction of demographic, social, environmental and economic processes;

· Organization and conduct under the auspices of the UN International conferences on population at the intergovernmental level.

From 1946 to the mid-1960s, the leading directions of UN activities in the field of population were issues of accounting and statistics of the population. With the technical assistance of the UN in the framework of the population censuses, they were carried out in many developing countries, the unification of programs of a number of national censuses was carried out. After the 1970-1980, the issues of accounting and use of demographic factors in demographic activities of economic and social policy and international cooperation in the field of ecology. In order to solve the demographic problem of the UN, the "World Action Plan in the field of NN" (an important place was given to family planning).

In the field of fertility and population growth in the modern world, two opposite trends have developed:

Stabilization or decline in developed countries;

Sharp growth in developing countries.

This situation largely reflects the so-called concept of demographic transition.

Demographic transition concept.

It comes from the fact that in the traditional society the birth rate and mortality of the high and population grows slowly.

The demographic transition to the modern stage of population reproduction (low birth rate - low mortality - low natural increase) is carried out almost simultaneously with the formation of an industrial society. In Europe, he ended up by the middle of the 20th century, in China, some countries of Southeast Asia and Latin America - in his last quarter.

At the first stage of such a transition, a decrease in mortality (due to improved nutritional quality, anti-epidemic and improving the sanitary and hygienic living conditions of people) is faster than the decline in the birth rate, as a result of which the natural increase in the population (demographic explosion) increases dramatically.

At the second stage, mortality continues to decline, but the birth rate falls even faster. As a result, the population has slowed down.

In the third stage, a slowdown in the birth rate is characterized at some increase in mortality, so the natural increase is maintained at a low level. The completion of this phase is currently close to industrialized countries, including Russia. At the fourth stage, fertility and mortality rates become approximately the same, and the process of demographic stabilization ends.

2.3 Socio-economic aspects of a food problem

The global food problem is called one of the main unresolved problems. Over the past 50 years, there will be significant progress in food production - the number of malnutrition and starving almost twice. At the same time, a considerable part of the world's population still feels food deficit. The number of people in need exceeds 800 million people, i.e. The absolute shortage of food (by calories) is experiencing every seventh.

The problem of food deficiency is most acute in many developing countries (there are a number of post-socialist states on the UN statisticians). Among the most needy countries where the average shower consumption of food for energy value is less than 2000 kcal per day and continues to decline, and Mongolia belongs. At the same time, in a number of developing countries, the level of per capita consumption is currently exceeding 3,000 kcal per day, i.e. Located at a completely acceptable level. This category includes, in particular, Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia, Morocco, Mexico, Syria.

The world production of agricultural products is constrained due to the limited land, both in both developed and in developing countries. This is associated with a high level of urbanization, the need to preserve forest arrays, limited water resources. The most acute problem of food deficiency is facing the poorest countries that are not able to identify significant funds for food imports.

Despite the fact that the main part of food is consumed where it is manufactured, international trade in food is carried out very intense. The volume of global food exports is more than 300 billion dollars per year. Major participants of international food trade - Developed countries: USA, France, Netherlands, Germany, etc. They account for 60% of world exports and imports. Approximately one third of the purchases and sales of food falls on Asian countries, Africa and Latin America. The share of countries with transition is insignificant and is less than 5%.

International trade in grain products is most actively conducted, a lesser extent with meat and dairy goods and sugar. The main suppliers of grain are USA, Canada, EU (mainly France), Argentina and Australia. Their share accounts for 9/10 world exports of wheat and stern grain.

Countries - Leading Food Exporters - are at the same time its large buyers. So, the United States, ensuring key positions in the supply of strategic food raw materials, imports in large quantities of fruits and vegetables, coffee, cocoa, tea, spices and a number of other goods.

The system of international trade in agricultural products, including food, is currently undergoing indigenous changes. The need to implement reforms in the indicated sphere was caused by the growth of state support and protectionism in many countries, especially developed.

The conducted high domestic price support policy has led to overproduction of a number of agricultural goods and widespread export subsidies and restrictions on imports, which in turn complicated interstate relations in the foreign economic sphere. The lack of rules agreed at the international level and procedures was repeatedly a reason for the emergence of contradictions, fraught undermining the stability of international trade and the emergence of trade wars. The main "battles" was deployed between the EU and the United States, which, due to sales issues, practiced large-scale use of subsidies in the supply of their grain to foreign markets. These actions cause active opposition by Canada, Australia and other smaller exporters, whose financial position does not allow to apply subsidies in large sizes.

The question of weakening protectionism in foreign trade in agricultural products is one of the main in the activities of the World Trade Organization (WTO). An important place in its main documents is an agriculture agreement, which involves the transfer of all non-tariff barriers to tariff equivalents and a gradual decline in tariffs, reducing export subsidies, reducing the level of state support for agricultural production.

At the same time, developing countries take reduced obligations (2/3 of the commitments of developed countries), and they are put into effect for 10 years. The least developed countries are generally exempted from obligations.

As a result of the implementation of these measures, it is possible to expect increased positions on the global food market of countries that have the most developed agriculture focused on the needs of the external market (USA, EU, Canada, Australia, Argentina, etc.). At the same time, manufacturers of agricultural products in states - net-importing foods - if not able to adapt to new conditions, will incur significant losses due to the reduction of subsidies of their production. The population of these countries may face the increasing imports of the main types of agricultural products, first of all, grains, sugar, meat and dairy products, and, accordingly, with the rise in price of the food sold, because Local products will not be subsidized anymore.

Many international experts agree that food production in the world in the next 20 years will be able to generally meet the demand of the population on food, even if the population of the planet will increase by 80 million people annually. At the same time, food demand in developed countries, where he and so high enough will remain about the current level (the changes will affect mainly the structure of consumption and quality of products). At the same time, the efforts of the global community to solve the food problem will be assumed to be a real increase in food consumption in countries where its shortage is observed, i.e. In some countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, as well as Eastern Europe.

2.4 Global Environmental Problems

The environmental crisis in the modern world is directly related to the huge increase in the population of the Earth. Currently, the population is more than 6 billion people. In science there appeared such a concept as a demographic explosion.

The demographic explosion is a periodic, sharp increase in the population, was characteristic of the 60-70 GG. XX century, currently goes to a decline. However, it is the rapid growth of the world's population that has already created a kind of foundation for all the other global problems of humanity, because the more people, the greater the burden on the territory, the more food and natural resources are required.

Today, the ecological situation in the world can be characterized as close to critical. Among global environmental problems are as follows:

Thousands of plants and animals are destroyed and continued;

Largely exterminated forest cover;

Frequently reduced by the existing mineral supply;

The world ocean is not only depleted as a result of the destruction of living organisms, but also ceases to be a regulator of natural processes;

The atmosphere in many places is dirty to extremely permissible sizes, and clean air becomes a deficit;

Partially disturbed the ozone layer protecting from the disadvantaged for all living space radiation;

Contamination of the surface and disfigure of natural landscapes: it is impossible to detect a single square meter of the surface on Earth, wherever the elements were artificially created by a person.
It has been completely obvious the harm of the consumer attitude of a person to nature only as the object of obtaining certain wealth and benefits. For humanity, it becomes vital to change the philosophy of attitude towards nature.

In the last quarter of the XX century. The sharp warming of the global climate, which in the boreal areas affects the decrease in the number of frosty winters. The average temperature of the surface layer of air over the past 25 years has increased by 0.7 ° C. In the Equatorial zone, it has not changed, but the closer to the poles, the warming is noticeable. The temperature of ice-water in the area of \u200b\u200bthe North Pole increased by almost two degrees, as a result of which Ice pickup began.

Now most of the world's climatologists recognize the role of an anthropogenic factor in climate warming.

The rise of the level of the world's ocean occurs at a rate of 0.6 mm per year, or 6 cm in a century. At the same time, the vertical raising or lowering of coastal lines reaches 20 mm per year. Thus, the transgression and regression of the sea are determined by tectonics to a greater extent than the rise of the level of the world's ocean.

At the same time, the climate warming will be accompanied by an increase in evaporation from the surface of the oceans and moisturizing the climate, which can be judged by paleogeographic data. Only 7-8 thousand years ago during the Holocene Climatic Optimum, when the temperature on the latitude of Moscow was 1.5-2 ° C above the modern, savanna was spread on the site of the Sahara, and Zeravshan in Central Asia, Zeravshan fell into Amu Darya, the River Chu - in Syrdarya, the level of the Aral Sea was at the mark of 72 m and all these rivers, wandering through the territory of modern Turkmenistan, flowed into the flexible depression of the Southern Caspian. This happened in the others now arid areas of the world.

Environmental pollution is an introduction to the ecosystem of non-characteristic living or non-residential components or structural changes that interrupt cycles of substances, the stream of energy, as a result of which this system is destroyed or its productivity is reduced.

A pollutant may be any physical agent, a chemical or biological view that fall into the environment or arising in it in the quantities of its usual concentration.

Ingredients of pollution are thousands of chemical compounds, especially metals or their oxides, toxic substances, aerosols.

According to WHO, in practice, up to 500 thousand chemical compounds are currently used. At the same time, about 40 thousand compounds have very harmful properties for living organisms, and 12 thousand are toxic. The most common pollutants - ash and dust of various composition, oxides of color and ferrous metals, various sulfur compounds, nitrogen, fluorine, chlorine, radioactive gases, aerosols, and the like.

The most pollution of the atmosphere is accounted for by carbon oxides - about 200 million tons per year, dust - about 250 million tons per year, ash - about 120 million tons, hydrocarbons - about 50 million tons per year.

Progresses the saturation of the biosphere with heavy metals - mercury, germanium, zinc, lead, etc. It should be noted that when burning fuel, especially coal, with ash and deployed to the environment, more than is mined from the bowels: magnesium - 1.5 times, molybdenum - in 3; arsenic - in 7; Uranus and titanium - at 10; aluminum, cobalt, iodine - in 15; mercury - in 50; Lithium, vanadium, strontium, beryllium, zirconium - hundreds of times, helium and Germany - thousands of times; Yttria - tens of thousands.

The percentage of harmful emissions produced by countries, approximately the following: USA - 23%; China - 13.9%; Russia - 7.2%; Japan -5%; Germany - 3.8%; All others - 47.1%.

Pollutants are also divided into their aggregate state for 4 masses: solid, liquid, gaseous and mixed. For all mankind, their volume is 40-50 billion tons per year. By 2025, their number may increase 4-5 times. Currently, only 5-10% of the total and obtained raw materials goes into finite products, while 90-95% of it in the process of processing turns into waste.

In the structure of solid waste, industrial and especially mining waste are dominated. Especially they are great in Russia, the USA, Japan. And on the state indicator leading the United States, where for each resident per year accounts for an average of 500-600 kg of garbage. Despite all the increasing disposal of solid waste: in most countries, it is either in the initial stage either no at all.

Currently, the main environmental issues that have arisen under the influence of anthropogenic activities were: a violation of the ozone layer, deforestation and desertification of the territories, the contamination of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere, the loss of acid rain, the decrease in biodiversity. In this regard, the widest research and a deep analysis of changes in global ecology, which could help in making cardinal decisions at the highest level in order to reduce damage to natural conditions and ensuring a favorable habitat.

First of all, you should move from the consumer-technocratic approach to nature to the search for harmony with it. For this, in particular, a number of targeted measures for the environmentalization of production are needed: anti-saving technologies, mandatory environmental impact assessment of new projects, the creation of waste-free technologies of a closed cycle.

Another measure aimed at improving the relationship between human and nature is a reasonable self-limitation in the expenditure of natural resources, especially energy sources (oil, coal), which have the most important importance to human life. Calculations of international experts show that if we proceed from a modern level of consumption, then coal reserves are enough for another 430 years, oil - for 35 years, natural gas - for 50 years. Term, especially in oil reserves, not so big. In this regard, reasonable structural changes in the global energy balance towards expanding the use of atomic energy, as well as the search for new, efficient, safe and maximum energy-free sources for the nature, including cosmic ones.

Now the interstate forms of cooperation go to a qualitatively new level. The International Environmental Protection Conventions (fish catch quotas, ban on whale fishing, etc.), are carried out by a wide variety of joint development and programs. Activated activities of public environmental protection organizations - "Green" (Greenpeace). The ecological intermenimal of a green cross and a green crescent is currently developing a program to solve the problem of "ozone holes" in the atmosphere of the Earth. However, it should be recognized that with a very different level of socio-political development of the states of the world, international cooperation in the ecological sphere is still very far from its perfection.

Another direction for solving an environmental problem, and maybe in perspective - the most important of all, is the formation of an environmental consciousness in society, an understanding of nature by people as another living being, on which it is impossible to rule without prejudice to himself. Environmental education and education in society should be put on the state level, conducted from early childhood. With any insights born by the mind, and the aspirations, the unchanging vector of human behavior should remain its harmony with nature.


Thus, the term ("global problems") became widely used since the 60s to designate a whole complex of the most acute universal problems considered on a planetary scale.

These are primarily referred to: the prevention of world thermonuclear war and ensuring peaceful conditions for the development of all peoples; overcoming increasing contrast in the economic level and per capita income between developed and developing countries by eliminating the backwardness of the latter, as well as the elimination of hunger, poverty and illiteracy on the globe; termination of the rapid growth of the population (demographic explosion in developing countries) and eliminating the risk of depopulation in developed countries; preventing catastrophic anthropogenic pollution of the environment, including the atmosphere, the world ocean, etc.; ensuring the further economic development of humanity with the necessary natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable, including food, industrial raw materials and sources of energy; Preventing the immediate and remote negative consequences of the scientific and technical revolution.

Currently, the global nature also acquires health problems (for example, the threat of a pandemic of AIDS), international crime (especially terrorism and drug addicts), the formation and education of the younger generation, the preservation of social and cultural values, the admission of the population by the planetary environmental consciousness, overcoming national and social egoism . Global problems that have existed to some extent and before local and regional contradictions have acquired planetary in recent decades due to a sharp exacerbation of the unevenness of socio-economic and scientific and technological progress, as well as the increasing process of internationalization of all social activities and related integration. mankind.

The threatening nature of global problems is largely related to the enormous agents of the impact of mankind on the world and a huge scope (scale) of its economic activity, which has become comparable to geological and other planetary natural processes.

Global problems of humanity cannot be solved by the forces of one country, co-developed provisions on environmental protection, agreed economic policy, assistance to backward countries, and the like are needed.

List of used literature

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4. Donchenko V.K. Environmental integration. Part 1. The socio-economic aspects of the environmental integration of Russia into the world community. - St. Petersburg, 2003. - 163 p.

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24. Spiridonov I.A. World economy. M. 2003.

25. Khalevinskaya E.D. World economy. M., 2004.

26. Chernikov G.P. Europe at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries: Problems of the economy: allowance for universities / G.P. Hershnikov, D.A. Chernikov. - M.: Drop, 2006. - 415 p.

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Puzakova E.P. World economy. Series "Tutorials and Tutorials". Rostov N / D: Phoenix 2001.

Lebedev MA Pigosh: Dialogue continues. Highly enriched uranium is a serious danger to humanity // in the world of science. - 2003. No. 4.

Kosov Yu.V. International terrorism as a global problem // Collection "Perspectives of a person in a globalizing world." - 2005, No. 5.

World economy: studies. A manual for students of universities studying on an econ. specialties and directions / I.A.Piridonov; Mosk. State Open un-t. - M.: Infra-M, 2002. - 256C.

Kashepov A. M., problems of preventing mass unemployment in Russia // Questions of economics.-2006.-№5.-S.53-58.

Chernikov G.P. Europe at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries: Problems of the economy: allowance for universities / G.P. Hershnikov, D.A. Chernikov. - M.: Drop, 2006. - 415 p.

Khalevinskaya E.D. World economy. M., 2004.

International Economic Relations: Textbook / Ed. B.M.Smitienko. - M.: Infra - M, 2005. - 512 p.

Lyubetsky V.V. World Economy Training Course. - M.: Phoenix, 2006

Avdokushin E.F. International economic relations. M. 2004.

Social science. Tutorial for applicants. Ed. Serbinovsky B.Yu., Rostov N / D, 2000

Begak M.V., Titova GD. Ecological safety of megapolis: regional legislation // NTB "Environmental Safety". - 2003. - № 5.

Donchenko V.K. Environmental integration. Part 1. The socio-economic aspects of the environmental integration of Russia into the world community. - St. Petersburg, 2003. - 163 p.

Global problems of modernity - This is a combination of societies whose solutions depends on the social progress of humanity and the preservation of civilization. These problems are characterized by dynamism, arise as an objective factor in the development of society and for their decision requires the combined efforts of all mankind. Global problems are interconnected, cover all parties to the lives of people and concern all countries of the world.

List of global problems

    Unresolunce problems of canceling aging in humans and a weak public awareness of neglecting aging.

    the "North-South" problem is a gap in the development between rich and poor countries, poverty, holongnemia;

    preventing thermonuclear War Ensuring peace for all peoples, preventing the world community of unauthorized distribution of nuclear technologies, a radioactive contamination environment;

    preventing catastrophic pollution of the surrounding environment;

    providing humanity resources;

    global warming;

    ozone holes;

    the problem of cardiovascular, oncological diseasespeed.

    demographic development (demographic explosion of developing countries Idemographic crisis of developed).



Global problems are a consequence of the confrontation of nature and human culture, as well as non-compliance or incompatibility of multidirectional trends in the course of the development of human culture itself. Natural nature exists according to the principle of negotiation of the environment), while human culture - according to the principle of positive communication.

Attempts by solutions

    Demographic transition- Natural endempographic explosion1960s

    Nuclear disarmament

    Energy saving

    Montreal Protocol (1989) - the fight against ozone holes

    Kyoto Protocol (1997) - Fighting global warming.

    Scientific prizes for the successful radical extension of the lives of mammals (mice) and their rejuvenation.

    Roman Club (1968)

Global problems of modernity

Global problems of modernity.

Features of integration processes covering a variety of life spheres

people most deeply and sharply show themselves in the so-called global

problems of modernity.

Global problems:

The problem of ecology

Conservation of Mira

Mastering Space and World Ocean

Food problem

The problem of population

The problem of overcoming backwardness

The problem of raw materials

Features of global problems.

1) have planetary, global character, affect the interests of all

peoples of the world.

2) Threatens the degradation and the death of all mankind.

3) need emergency and effective solutions.

4) require collective efforts of all states, joint actions of peoples.

Most of the problems that we today are associated with global problems.

modernity, accompanied humanity throughout his history. TO

it should primarily include the problems of ecology, the preservation of the world,

overcoming poverty, hunger, illiteracy.

But after World War II, due to the unprecedented scale

converting human activity, all these problems turned into

global, expressing the contradictions of the holistic modern world and

denoting with an unprecedented force the need for cooperation and unity of all

people of the Earth.

Nowadays global problems:

On the one hand, demonstrate the close relationship of states;

And on the other, they detect the deep contradiction of this unity.

The development of human society has always been controversial. It is constant

accompanied not only by establishing harmonic communication with nature, but also

destructive effect on it.

Apparently, synanthops were applied noticeable damage to nature (about 400 thousand

years ago) who began to use the fire. As a result of the arising in this

the links of fires were destroyed by significant places of plant cover.

Scientists believe that the intensive hunt of the ancient people on the mammoth was one of

the most important reasons for the disappearance of this type of animals.

Becoming about 12 thousand years ago the transition from the assignment character

management to the producing, bound primarily with development

agriculture also led to very significant negative impacts on

environmental nature.

Agriculture technology in those times was as follows: on a certain

the area was surrounded by the forest, then elementary processing of soil and sowing

plant seeds. This field could produce a crop of only 2-3 years, after which

the soil was depleted and it was necessary to go to a new site.

In addition, environmental problems in antiquity often generated production


So, in VII - IV centuries BC Intensive development in ancient Greece

silver - lead mines that required large volumes of strong

the forests led to the destruction of forests on the antique peninsula.

Significant changes in natural landscapes caused the construction of cities,

which began to be carried out in the Middle East about 5 thousand years ago, and

of course, a significant burden on nature was accompanied by the development


But although these impacts of a person on the environment acquired all the big

scale, nevertheless until the second half of the 20th century, they had local


Humanity, developing along the path of progress, gradually accumulated

material and spiritual resources to meet their needs, however

he never managed to completely get rid of hunger, poverty and

illiteracy. The acuity of these problems was felt by each people in their own way, and

ways of their decisions have never come beyond the boundaries of individual


Meanwhile, it is known from history that steadily growing interactions between

nations, exchange of industrial and agricultural products

production, spiritual values \u200b\u200bwere constantly accompanied by the most acute

military clashes. For the period from 3500 BC. 14530 wars occurred.

And only 292 people lived without wars.

In the wars killed (million people)

XVII century 3,3.

XVIII century 5.5

In the first and second world wars, about 70 million people lost their lives.

These were the first world wars in the whole history of humanity in which

participated a significant majority of the countries of the world. They did not mark

transforming the problem of war and peace into the global.

And what caused global problems? The answer to this question, in essence,

pretty simple. Global problems were result:

FROM one side of the huge scale of human activity, radically

changing nature, society, lifestyle of people.

FROM The other side of the inability of a person is rationally dispose of this

mighty power.

Ecological problem.

Economic activity in a number of states is being developed so powerful today

that it affects the environmental situation not only inside

countries, but also far beyond its borders.

Characteristic examples:

The United Kingdom "exports" 2/3 of its industrial emissions.

75-90% of acid rains of Scandinavian countries have foreign origin.

From the acid rain in the UK, 2/3 of forest arrays suffers, and in

countries of continental Europe - about half of their area.

In the United States lacks that oxygen, which is naturally reproduced on their


The largest rivers, lakes, the sea of \u200b\u200bEurope and North America intensively

contaminated by industrial waste enterprises of various countries,

using their water resources.

From 1950 to 1984, the production of mineral fertilizers increased from 13.5 million.

tons up to 121 million tons per year. Their use gave 1/3 of increment

agricultural products.

At the same time, the use of chemical use in recent decades has increased dramatically

fertilizers, as well as various chemical plants protection agents

of the most important causes of global environmental pollution. Diverse

water and air for huge distances, they are included in geochemical

createness of substances throughout the Earth, inflicting significant damage to nature,

and the person himself.

Extremely characteristic of our time has become a rapidly developing process.

the withdrawal of environmentally harmful enterprises in underdeveloped countries.

Huge and increasing extent of the use of natural

mineral resources led not only to the depletion of raw materials in individual countries,

but also to substantial depletion of the entire raw material base of the planet.

In our eyes, the era of extensive capacity use ends

biosphere. This is confirmed by the following factors:

§ Today there are negatively little undeveloped land for keeping


§ Systematically increases the desert area. From 1975 to 2000

it increases by 20%;

§ Great Anxiety causes a reduction in the forest cover of the planet. Since 1950.

to 2000, forest area will decrease by almost 10%, and the forests are light

all the earth;

§ Operation of water pools, including the World Ocean,

carried out on such a scale that nature does not have time to reproduce

what a man takes.

Continuous development of industry, transport, agriculture, etc.

requires a sharp increase in energy costs and entails an increasing

load on nature. Currently, as a result of intense human

even the climate change occurs.

Compared with the beginning of the last century, carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere

it has increased by 30%, and 10% of this increase was given by the last 30 years. Raising

its concentration leads to the so-called greenhouse effect, as a result

which is the warming of the climate of the entire planet.

Scientists believe that this kind of change is carried out already in our time.

As a result of human activity, warming occurred in the range of 0.5

degree. However, if the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles

compared with its level in the pre-industrial era, i.e. will increase by another 70%,

that will happen very sharp changes in the life of the Earth. First of all, 2-4

degrees, and on the poles by 6-8 degrees will increase the average temperature, which, in

turn will cause irreversible processes:

Melting ice

Raising the World Ocean level for one meter

Flooding of many coastal areas

Change of moisture exchange on the ground surface

Reducing the number of precipitation

Changing the wind direction

It is clear that such changes will bring huge problems before people,

related to the management of the economy, reproducing the necessary conditions for their

Today, as fair one of the first grades V.I. Vernadsky,

humanity has gained such power in converting the world peace that it

it begins to significantly influence the evolution of the biosphere as a whole.

Human economic activity in our time already entails

climate change, it affects the chemical composition of water and air

earth pools on the animal and plant world of the planet, on its entire appearance.

The problem of war and peace.

The problem of war and the world turned into a global literally before our eyes, and

first of all, as a result of sharply increased weapons.

Today, only a nuclear weapon is accumulated so much that his explosive

power is several thousand times higher than the power of ammunition used in all

wars who were led before.

Nuclear charges are kept in the arsenals of different countries, total power

which are several million times higher than the capacity of the bomb dropped on

Hiroshima. But from this bomb, over 200 thousand people died! 40% Square

the cities turned into ashes, 92% was disgusting beyond recognition. Sound

the effects of atomic bombing still feel thousands of people.

For each person now only in the form of nuclear weapons

accounts for such a number of explosives that their trinitrolatol

equivalent exceeds 10 tons. If people had so much food,

how many of all types of weapons and explosives exist on the planet! ..

weapons can be destroyed by many dozen times to destroy all life on Earth. But because

today, the "ordinary" means of warfare are quite capable of causing

global damage and humanity, and nature. In addition, it should be borne in mind that

war management technologies evolve towards increasing destruction

civilians. The ratio between the number of dead civilians and

Global problems (Franz. G1OBA1 - Universal, from Lat. G1Obus (terrae) - the globe) represent a combination of human problems, on the solution of which the social progress and conservation of civilization depends on the solution: the prevention of world thermonuclear war and ensuring peaceful conditions for the development of all peoples; preventing catastrophic pollution of the environment, including the atmosphere, the oceans, etc.; overcoming the increasing gap in the economic level and per capita income between the developed and developing countries by eliminating the backwardness of the latter, as well as the elimination of hunger, poverty and illiteracy on the globe; Ensuring the further economic development of humanity with the necessary natural resources both renewable and non-renewable, including food, industrial raw materials and energy sources; termination of the rapid growth of the population ("demographic explosion" in developing countries) and the elimination of the danger of "depopulation" in developed countries; Prevent the negative consequences of the scientific and technical revolution. The twenty-first century, just starting, has already added their problems: international terrorism, the continued distribution of drug addiction and AIDS.

The criteria for allocating global problems is the following:
  • widespread their spread affects humanity as a whole;
  • undractivity data problems can lead to death all mankind;
  • allow them is possible only by joint efforts of humanity, i.e. They cannot be fully resolved within the framework of a separate state or region.

These problems that existed before local and regional, acquired planetary in the modern era. Thus, the time of the occurrence of global problems coincides with the achievement of the industrial civilization of the apogee in its development. It happened, about the middle of the XX century.
At the same time, there is a difference between the problems are really global and universal. The gross global problems lead humanity to inevitable death, and universal problems are those that are widespread and can grow into global. Universal can include health problems, education, social protection, etc. For example, people do not die in the world today not from the hands of terrorists and not from AIDS and drug addiction, but from cardiovascular diseases.

Generalizing the well-known global problems of modernity, they can be reduced to three main:
  1. the ability to destroy humanity in the world thermonuclear war;
  2. the possibility of the world environmental catastrophe;
  3. the spiritual moral crisis of humanity.

Interestingly, when solving the third problem, the first two are almost automatically solved. After all, spiritually and morally developed person will never take violence towards another person or in relation to nature. Even just a cultural chalind does not insult others and never throws garbage on the sidewalk. With little things, global problems grow with improper individual behavior. It is better to say that global problems are rooted in the consciousness of a person, and while he does not transform it, they will not disappear in the outside world. Solve the third global problem, which is essentially the first, most difficult. It is impossible to make mechanical way, as one could come with two first. Its solution is associated with the upbringing and formation of a spiritual and moral personality.

Analysis of global problems

The possibility of the destruction of mankind in the third world of thermonuclear war It is the most threatening problem. And although the Cold War went into the past, nuclear arsenals were not destroyed, and the efforts of Russia in the international arena in terms of disarmament do not find due response from the politicians of the most developed countries with nuclear weapons, primarily at the US Guidelines.

It is known that for the period from 3500 BC, i.e. In fact, from the moment of the emergence of the ancient civilizations, 14530 wars occurred, and only 292 people lived without them. If in the XIX century. 16 million people died in the wars, then in the XX century. - More than 70 million! The total explosive power of weapons is now about 18 billion tons in TNT equivalent, i.e. PA of each inhabitant of the planet accounts for 3.6 tons. If at least 1% of these stocks will explode, then the "nuclear winter" will come, as a result of which the entire biosphere can be destroyed, and not just a person.

Measures to prevent war and hostilities were developed by I. Kant at the end of the XVIII century, but there is still no political will to approve them. Among the measures that he offered: non-financing of hostilities; rejection of hostile relationships, respect; The conclusion of the relevant international treaties and the creation of an international union seeking to implement the policy of the world and others. However, the impression arises that the world community in recent years is increasingly distinguished from these steps.

Ecological problem May lead to the world environmental catastrophe. The first significant environmental crisis that has threatened the further existence of human society, there was still a prehistoric era. Its reasons were both climate change and the activities of a primitive man, which as a result of collective hunting destroyed many large animals who inhabited the average latitude of the northern hemisphere (mammoth, woolly rhino, steppe bison, cave bear, etc.). Synaltropacies who lived about 400 thousand years ago were noticeable for nature. They began to use fire, which led to fires, as a result of which whole forests were destroyed. However, although the impact of a person in nature acquired sometimes threatening scales, up to the XX century. They wore a local character.

In our eyes, the era of extensive use of the potential of the biosphere: almost no undeveloped land (with the exception of the territory of Russia), the desert area is systematically increasing, the forest area is reduced - light planets, climate change (global warming, greenhouse effect), increases the amount of carbon dioxide and decreases - oxygen, the ozone layer is destroyed.

The environmental problem begins with individual human behavior. If he allows throwing at least a small garbage on the streets of the city or even in a clean field, ecological problems arise at the mass level. Such consciousness generates them with inevitability. Please note that the railway platforms in Russia turned into, which smokers throw cigarettes, and the absorbing seeds - husks, and then much will become clear. Not some bad people, politicians or director of large factories are able to arrange an ecological catastrophe. It is satisfied with you with your own behavior. From chaos, garbage in consciousness and moral undevelopment is born garbage on the streets, rivers and sea are polluted, the ozone layer and barbaric forests are cut down. A person forgot that the world around him is the continuation of his own body, and if he pollutes, destroys the habitat, then first hurts himself. This is evidenced by those diseases with which a modern person faced.

The society is still defined as the associated part of the world, but closely with it. Only distinguishing itself from other, from nature, man and society can realize their specificity. I deeply and brightly expressed it by N.A. Berdyaev: "Spirit is freedom, not nature."

On the one hand, a person is a biological species, and society is a special integrity of such biological individuals, on the other - a person is only a man in the midst, because it distinguishes himself from the surrounding natural, animal world. The difference of human from natural can be fixed in such terms as "culture", "sociality", "spirituality", "labor, reasonable activity", etc.

A person is a fundamental distinguished by the nature of the creature, and at the same time - the most deeply rooted in it. Nature needs a person, she is not self-sufficient without him, and it produced him not to destroy himself. A person also needs nature, without it, it turns into an automatic. Modern psychologists established how favorably act per person, especially for children, pets, and a walk in the forest can take weekly fatigue and nervous tension.

Man and nature are not enough, because a person exists as a person only thanks to social relations that do not exist in nature, as well as the fact that society and nature of non-trap, because a person always remains a biological species, and society is always forced to use the environment and natural resources in its vital activity. The problem lies only in a humane attitude of a person to itself (his body) and to nature as its bodily continued,

Terrorism in modern times also acquires the character of a global problem. Especially if the terrorists have deadly tools or weapons capable of destroying a huge amount of innocent people. Terrorism is a phenomenon, a form of crime, directed directly against a person who threatens his life and due to this seeking to achieve its goals. Terrorism is absolutely invalid from the point of view of humanism, and from the point of view of law is the greatest crime.

It is extremely difficult to fight terrorism, because at the same time they are at the danger of the life of non-clear people taken hostage or blackmailed. No, there can be no justification to such actions. Terror leads humanity in the era of docivication development - this is inhuman barbarism, when a person's life is not put in anything. He is the brutal spread of the principle of blood revenge incompatible with any developed religion, especially the world. All developed religions and all culture unconditionally condemn terrorism, considering it absolutely unacceptable.

But after the unconditional condemnation of this phenomenon, it is necessary to think about its reasons. The fight against the consequences is also ineffective as the treatment of a launched disease. Only understood the causes of terrorism and eradicate or deciding them, you can really defeat it. In this regard, you can formally allocate two types of causes of terrorism: subjective and objective.

Subjective reasons coincide with the causes of crime at all - this is a desire to get rich. Only terrorism elects for this the most inhuman and unacceptable way. With such terrorism it is necessary to deal with all legitimate ways. At the same time, the punishment should be inevitable and harsh.

But there is terrorism having objective reasons, i.e. One that does not put the goals of personal enrichment, but pursues any political and other purposes, the most important supplier of modern terrorism is separatism in the form of a struggle for national independence, but unacceptable methods.

It is necessary to recognize that the growth of national self-consciousness is almost inevitable to seek state design. To civilized to avoid this problem, you can only create favorable conditions for the development of this nation within the framework of an existing non-national, but a multinational state. It is necessary to compromise and look for compromises, strive to solve this problem, rather than suppress it.

But the possibility of such a solution to the problem of terrorism is aggravated by the fact that there is an international terrorist network, which supplies terrorists both weapons and money, provides information assistance. And instead of jointly fighting international terrorism, developed countries used it as a barrier card in the struggle against each other. The fruits of such policies turned against those countries who financed and created this network. Controlled terrorism suddenly became unlikely, and after the tragic events in September 2001, awareness came to the United States that terrorists had their own, their goals, and that against terror should be struggled together.

Another objective source of terrorism, along with the national, is uneven economic and social development in different regions and countries of the world. The continuing policy of neocolonialism and operation in a hidden form is the main source of international terrorism today. Filty can not understand the hungry, but a hungry full; The illiterate and ignorant person always seeks to solve its problems with the help of violence. And the full, but spiritually and morally undeveloped person always seeks to live richer and better, not paying attention to the poverty and the unpleasurness of others. Thus, the main source of terrorism is in the socio-economic problems of the modern world, in the unfair redistribution of wealth, in the hopeless ignorance and fanaticism of some and satisfied complacency of others.

A person brought to despair and having no legal and legitimate forms of impact on a certain situation appeals to the most simple - violent option, believing that this way can be achieved. This path is unacceptable, but the lack of sufficient spiritual and moral development leads to fanaticism and violence.

Both terrorism with subjective reasons, and terrorism with objective - equally does not have an excuse. Due to the difference, the causes of various and diverse should be methods to combat this phenomenon. No violence against man should not be unpunished, but it is necessary to follow the path of eliminating the reasons leading to terrorism. Modern international economic order, apparently, leads humanity to a dead end, and if it wants to survive, it should fight for its change. The politicians of the most developed countries are particularly responsible here, but they do not want to recognize the fact that the modern world is interdepending that it is impossible to escape alone. Their struggle for human rights is dual character and expresses certain geopolitical, rather than universal interests.

Demographic problem It is becoming increasingly important for humanity. Demographic processes are investigated by demographics - science on the population, the laws of its reproduction and development in socio-historical conditionality.

It is believed that demography takes its beginning from 1662. From the moment of publication of the book J. Round "Natural and political observations, made on the basis of death certificates" .. The term "demographics" was introduced in 1855 in the book A. Giyar " Element of human statistics, or comparative demography. "

English economist and priest T. Malthus (1766-1834) in the work "Experience on the Population Law ..." (1798) wanted to explain the contradictions of social development with the "natural law" formulated by him, according to which the population tends to grow in geometric progression, and funds existence - in arithmetic. Because of this, it is possible to "absolute overpopulation", with which it is necessary to deal with the regulation of marriages and fertility regulation.

Consider the dynamics of the growth of the population of the Earth: Early Paleolithic - 100-200 thousand people, by the end of Neolithic (re-moved to farming) - 50 million, the beginning of our era - 230 million, by the beginning of the XIX century. - 1 billion, by 1930 - 2 billion, by 1961 - 3 billion, by the beginning of 1976 - 4 billion, to the beginning. 1980 - 4.4 billion, 1988 - over 4.9 billion. The growth rate of the population of the Earth is constantly increasing, reaching 2% per year, which gave reason to talk about the "demographic explosion." However, in the future, under the influence of socio-economic factors, the growth of the population should stabilize. This is due to the development of "in-family planning", the so-called "conscious parenthood". In this regard, it is expected that at the end of the XXI century. There will be a stabilization of the population at the level of 11-12 billion people. Thus, in the XX century. The inconsistency of Malthus settlements was found, because the volume of food produced increased much faster than the population grew. Maltusianism error is the information of demographics processes to biological principles, while the development of population is carried out under the decisive impact of not nature, but a social organization and the level of culture of society. However, at the root, Malthus's erroneous point is still reproduced and applies. Meanwhile, it is erroneous not only from the point of view of science, but also inadmissible from the point of view of humanism.

The birth of a new person is happiness for parents, the meaning of man's life is largely in many respects, but in the context of a modern market economy, childbirth has become a "unprofitable" enterprise. In the modern era, everything is measured in tangible values, in the money, which is transferred to the scope of meaning. But a person who lives for himself and not coming by children from the considerations of "economy", commits a crime against his spiritual essence, against life ultimately. And no one should have no end, it does not have the right to limit the pick-up, cannot indicate parents, which children should be limited. The birth of a child is the greatest in creating a person who can participate. In the child - infinite joy and satisfaction, and if children are born, God has not yet left, a person, according to the statement of one of the great writers. However, it is important not only to give birth to children, but also to educate them, help get up to their feet, gain their place in society. This should take care of a state that calls itself social.

Especially important is the development of pedigrees in Russia. This is only at first glance it seems that the growth of the population leads to economic problems. In fact, he solves them, because the needs increase, the economic activity of people increases, which ultimately leads to economic growth. We can now observe such processes in countries that differ in a large population density - in Germany, Japan, and, especially, in China. Based on this, you can conclude, directly opposite to Malthusianism. The population growth can not only generate problems, but also to solve them.

The demographic problem meanwhile exists contradictory, has the opposite character for different countries: in China - overcrowding, in Russia - depopulation. Together with social development, this problem should find its permission naturally, - stabilization in this regard will occur. However, states encountered now with a demographic problem are forced to apply appropriate measures. It is important that they do not be violent and did not violate the sovereignty of personality, family life

Demographic processes at the turn of the XX - XXI centuries. largely define two trends:

  1. demographic "explosion", characterized by a sharp increase in the population in the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, starting from the 60s;
  2. The "zero increase" of the population in Western Europe.

The first leads to a sharp exacerbation of socio-economic problems in developing countries, including hunger and illiteracy of tens of millions of people. The second to the sharp aging of the population in developed countries, including the deterioration of the balance between working and retirees, etc.

In Russia, according to the State Statistics Committee for January 2000, the population amounted to 145 million 600 thousand inhabitants; And from January 1 to December 1, 1999, the country's population decreased by 716,900 people. In other words, in 1999, the population of Russia decreased by 0.5% (for comparison: in 1992 - by 0.02%). Every year 60 thousand children die in the country. Mortality is 1.5 times higher than the fertility; 80% of infant mortality is caused by infectious diseases. A terrible problem is children's and teenage toxicism and drug addiction. There is a discrepancy between the number of divorced women in reproductive age, and the number of men who are ready to enter into a re-marriage. According to experts, by 2020, the able-bodied population of Russia for the Urals will be 6-8 million people. For comparison, in the adjacent areas of the border countries of this region, in the same year, the number of working-age population is projected to 600 million people. The population of Russia by 2050 as a whole can be only 114 million inhabitants. The emergence of many conflicts in the post-Soviet space again raises the problem of migration. Under these conditions, the state and society should make maximum efforts to interest Russia's population in childbirth.

Food problem It is also sometimes ranked with global: more than 500 million people suffer from malnutrition today, and dies from malnutrition several million a year. However, the roots of this problem lie not in the lack of food as such and not limited to modern natural resources, but in the unfair redistribution and operation both within individual countries and on a global scale. The fact that in the modern world people may admire, and even more so - to die from hunger, the phenomenon is completely immoral, criminal and unacceptable. This is a shame of mankind and primarily the most developed countries. That is where the actual field is to protect human rights when his main right is trampled - for life. However, double standards are dominated in international politics and economics, and so many products are spent on weapons that it would be possible to solve food, housing and educational problems on a planetary scale. Modern "developed" mankind spends enormous means for the development of weapons of mass lesion instead of helping those who need to get on his feet, feed the starving; Instead of defeating ignorance and fanaticism through the development of the global education system, etc.

AIDS, addiction and bad habits more and more distributed in society. AIDS is called Chuma XX century, it can also be called the XX B scatter. The disease found in the United States in 1981 was quickly distributed across the planet. First of all, it happened due to the sexual promiscuity of a modern "civilized" person and drug addiction. By the beginning of 2001, there were 40 million AIDS patients in the world, and more than 16 million have already died. Russia also covers an AIDS epidemic: now in the country for unofficial data about 500 thousand people are infected. Moreover, it covers mainly people aged 15 to 30 years, which can aggravate the deposulation problem.

An addiction is even faster in Russia. The problem is related to the lack of state policy in the 1990s in this area and underfunding the fight against drug addiction. At that time, due to the criminal inaction of the state and society, the youth of Russia remained alone with her problems and was not ready to resist them.

AIDS and drug addiction in Russia can now be called a disaster of a national scale that fell on its peoples. You can talk about the genocide, because as a result of diseases and destructive addictions, the nation is deprived of the most active and young part. Sometime, statistics will calculate, from which people died in Russia more - from Stalinist repression or from AIDS and drug addiction. And then the turn of thousands of years in Russia will enter the story not only due to an attempt to implement reforms ...

Along with such obvious diseases and vices as AIDS and addiction, there are more "harmless", which simply destroy a person slower, but, nevertheless, it is also inevitable. The similarity here is only that the state did not learn the struggle with either the first or second. The second can be attributed to drunkenness, which was deeply rooted in Russia, as well as tobacocco, foul language, etc.

Alcoholism has not only internal spiritual reasons when a person is experiencing an ideological crisis, faces insurmountable circumstances in life, seeking to relieve stress through the disconnection of consciousness, but also social. In the conditions of a command-administrative system and a unified forcibly endable ideology, it was suppressed by any initiative and creative start in man, he could not self-realize. Understanding all the futility and the meaninglessness of existence, indulged in drunkenness. In the 90s of the XX century, during the period of market, oligarchic vakhanlia, and today, in the conjugation of the state apparatus and its corruption, a person also had and has few opportunities to improve its living conditions. Thus, social prerequisites for prosperity, both alcoholism and drug addiction, along with crime, remained. Especially difficult position, as well as throughout the 20th century, it has developed on a village where there is a cooking drunkenness. And in cities where more money and entertainment is dominated by addiction. For the struggle with sichi diseases and vices, all society and the state should be rally, from school to law enforcement agencies.

The greatest distribution now in Russia received tobacco. It imperceptibly penetrated in all the pores of society. Advertising on the streets of Russian cities continues to seduce and sewing young people, while in civilized countries there is a serious struggle of the state and the education system with this vice. It is necessary to develop special educational and educational programs aimed at enlightening the younger generation. It should also make every effort to make a tobacocuria of unattractive, disgusting, which is actually it is. It is necessary to help a person get rid of this extremely bad habit, develop anti-advertising of tobacco, beer consumption and alcoholic beverages. The state should increase taxes on tobacco products, directing the funds received on these measures. A person must realize that he also spends money for the destruction of his own health.

One of the problems associated with spiritual underdevelopment is foul language. When a person utters obscene words, he destroys his own personality, its moral system. An ordinary person does not notice this, he considers the foul language with a harmless phenomenon, but as soon as he becomes on the path of cultural, and even more - spiritual development, he is aware of all his indulgence and inadmissibility. The foul language is dirt, and the uttering, it turns out, eats dirt. If a person respects himself and the surrounding people, then there will be no foul language, for it degrades human dignity, first of all the advantage of the one who admits it. Ecology is needed not only to the environment, but also language.