The history of inventions and scientific discoveries. The most interesting inventions in the world

The history of inventions and scientific discoveries. The most interesting inventions in the world
The history of inventions and scientific discoveries. The most interesting inventions in the world

Thanks to the human discoveries of recent centuries, we have the possibility of instant access to any information from around the world. Achievements in medicine helped humanity to overcome dangerous diseases. Technical, scientific, inventions in ships and mechanical engineering give us the opportunity to achieve any point of the globe in a few hours and even fly into space.

The inventions of the 19th and 20th centuries changed humanity, turned his world. Of course, the development occurred incessantly and each age gave us some greatest discoveries, but the global revolutionary inventions accounted for this period. We will tell about the most significant that changed the usual view of life and made a breakthrough in civilization.


In 1885, the German physicist Wilhelm X-ray in the process of its scientific experiments found that the cathode tube radiates some rays that he called X-rays. The scientist continued to explore them and found out that this radiation penetrates through opaque objects without reflecting and not refracted. Subsequently, it was found that irradiated parts of the body with these rays, you can see the internal organs and get the image of the skeleton.

However, it took as many as 15 years after the opening of the X-ray for the study of organs and tissues. Therefore, the name "X-ray" is referred to the beginning of the 20th century, since it used to be used everywhere. Only in 1919 the properties of this radiation began to be used in practice many medical institutions. The opening of X-rays radically changed medicine, in particular, in the field of diagnosis and analysis. The device with X-ray rays saved the lives of millions of people.


From time immemorial, people tried to rise to the sky and create such a device that would help a person to take off. In 1903, American inventors Brothers Orville and Wilbier Wright did it - they successfully launched their aircraft with the "Flyer - 1" engine. And although he lasted over the Earth for only a few seconds, this significant event is considered the beginning of the era of the emergence of aviation. And the inventors brothers are considered the first pilots in the history of mankind.

In 1905, the brothers constructed the third version of the apparatus, which was already in the air almost half an hour. In 1907, the inventors signed a contract with the American army, and later with French. At the same time, the idea came to transport passengers on the plane, and Orville and Wilbar Wright improved their model, equipping it with an additional seat. Also, scientists equipped the plane by a more powerful engine.


One of the most important discoveries of the 20th century was the invention of the TV. Russian physicist Boris Rosing patented the first apparatus in 1907. In its model, he used an electronic radial tube, and a photocell used to convert signals. By 1912, he improved the TV, and in 1931 it became possible to transmit information using a color picture. In 1939, the first television channel opened. Television gave a huge impetus to changing the world-carriage of people and ways to communicate.

It should be added that Rosing is not the only one who was engaged in the invention of the TV. As early as the 19th century, the Portuguese scientist Adriano de Paiwa and the Russian-Bulgarian physicist Porphyry Bakhmetyev offered their ideas to develop a device that passed the image on the wires. In particular, Bakhmetyev came up with a scheme of his device - telephighfograph, but it was not possible to collect it because of the lack of funds.

In 1908, the physicist from Armenia Ovanes Adamian patented a two-color machine for transmitting signals. And at the end of the 20s of the 20th century in America, Russian emigrant Vladimir Zhorikin collected his TV, which called the "iconoscope".

Car with internal combustion engine

In the work on the creation of the first car on gasoline, several scientists worked. In 1855, the German engineer Karl Benz constructed a car with an internal combustion engine, and in 1886 he received a patent for his vehicle model. Then he began to produce cars for sale.

A vast contribution to the production of cars was also made by the American industrialist Henry Ford. At the beginning of the 20th century, companies that were engaged in the release of cars were appeared, but the palm of championship in this field is rightfully belonging to Ford. He put his hand to the development of an inexpensive car Model T and created a cheap conveyor line on the assembly of this vehicle.

A computer

Today we cannot present our daily life without a computer or laptop. But literally recently, the first computing machines were used only in science.

In 1941, the German engineer Konrad Tsuze constructed the mechanical apparatus Z3, which worked on the basis of telephone relays. The computer was practically not different from the modern sample. In 1942, an American physicist John Atanasov with an assistant to Clifford Berry began the development of the first e-computer, but they failed to complete this invention.

In 1946, American John Mokley developed an ENIAC electronic computer. The first cars were huge and occupied whole rooms. And the first personal computers appeared only in the late 70s of the 20th century.

Antibiotic Penicillin

In medicine of the 20th century, a revolutionary breakthrough occurred when in 1928 an English scientist Alexander Fleming discovered the impact of mold on bacteria.

Thus, the first antibiotic Penicillin antibiotik from mold mushrooms Penicillium Notatum was opened by the bacteriologist - a medicine that saved the lives of millions of people. It is worth noting that the Fleming colleagues were mistaken, considering that the main thing is to strengthen the immunity, and not the fight against microbes. Therefore, for several years, antibiotics were not claimed. Only closer to 1943 the medicine was widely used in medical institutions. Fleming also continued to study microbes and improve Penicillin.

the Internet

The World Wide Web transformed a person's life, because today, probably, there is no such corner of the world, where they would not use this universal source of communication and information.

Dr. Liclider, who headed the American military project for the exchange of information, is considered one of the internet discoverers. The public presentation of the Arpanet's created network took place in 1972, and a little earlier, in 1969, Professor Kleinrok with his students tried to convey some data from Los Angeles to Utah. And despite the fact that only two letters turned out to pass, the beginning of the era of the worldwide network was laid. Then the first email appeared. The invention of the Internet has become a world-famous discovery, and by the end of the 20th century there are already more than 20 million users.

Mobile phone

We do not present our lives now without a mobile phone and do not even believe that they appeared quite recently. The creator of the wireless communication was the American engineer Martin Cooper. It was he who made the first call on a cell phone in 1973.

Literally one decade, this means of communication has become available to many Americans. The first model of the Motorola phone was expensive, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthis method of communication very much liked people - they were literally recorded in the queue to purchase it. The first tubes were sweaty and large, and nothing, except for the dialing room, was not highlighted on a miniature display.

After some time, a massive issue of various models began, and each new generation was improved.


For the first time about the creation of a parachute, even Leonardo da Vinci thought about the creation. And after a few centuries, people have already begun to perform jumps from balloons to which half-colored parachutes hung.

In 1912, American Albert Barry jumped with a parachute from the plane and landed safely. And the engineer Gleb Kotelnikov invented a rice parachute of silk. The invention was tested by car, which was in motion. Thus, a brake parachute was created. Before the beginning of World War I, the scientist patented the invention in France, and it is rightfully considered one of the important achievements of the 20th century.


Of course, the invention of the washing machine has relieved significantly and improved the life of people. Her inventor, American Alva Fisher, patented his discovery in 1910. The first device for mechanical washing was a wooden drum that rotated eight times in different directions.

The predecessor of modern models was presented in 1947 by two companies - General Electric and Bendix Corporation. Washing machines were uncomfortable and created noise.

After some time, WHIRLPOOL employees presented an improved version with plastic lining, which muted noise. In the Soviet Union, the "Volga-10" washing device appeared in 1975. Then, in 1981, the production of the Vyatka-Avtomat-12 car was established.

From time to time, revolutionary inventions change our world beyond recognition, and not always for the better.

For example, because of smartphones, people stopped communicating live, and cellophane packets spoil the look when the wind spreads them around the district.

This is particularly relevant for third-world countries and such as development. In short, for half of the earth.

However, the Wheel and World Wide Web are quite useful inventions. Everything is not so unequivocal.

10. Sailboat

Ancient Mesopotamia, 6000 years BC. e.

Age of Sails - an era, which brought into our lives global trading and transport links between continents.

Such a confirmation is the phenomenon of the archaeological culture of the guard. It is believed that within the largest area in the Middle East, there was an intensive interaction of eneolytic societies, as a result of which there is a certain similarity of the trait of material culture.

Simply put, the same ceramics meets from different nations. These people clearly traded with each other.

Probably, the seurines of the ancient Mesopotamia went under a sail on Tiger and Euphrat, connecting the peoples that inhabited the region.

9. Wheel

Like a sailboat, the wheel committed a revolution in the field of transport, trade and fascinating tourism. It is unknown that it was invented that it was invented, but Mesopotamia or Asia Epoch of early Bronze is the most likely candidates.

8. Nail

Ancient Egypt, 3400 year BC e.

Egyptians glorified not only the pyramids. Ancient inhabitants of the Nile Delta also invented one of the foundations of carpentry and construction - an elegant, but strong nail.

Three millennia, the Romans were the first to be the mass production of nails, which they were blocked from iron blanks.

7. Soap

Ancient Mesopotamia, 2800 BC. e.

Improving hygiene and sanitation - the merit of soap. This reduced the likelihood of an epidemic and led to an increase in the number of urban population.

The first home toilet appeared in Skara Bray, Scotland in 3000 to R. Kh.

At about the same time in ancient Mesopotamia invented "Cleansing soaps". And the "soap" was made from wood ash and animal fat.

6. Accounting board

Ancient Mesopotamia, 2700 BC. e.

This thing is the precursor of electronic calculators and computers. The scores appeared in Mesopotamia about 4,800 years ago to disappear into the era of mechanics and electronics.

Sumerians used scores for calculations based on their relatively complex numerical system.

This "smart" gadget played a key role in the international trade and financial system of the ancient world.

5. Compass

China, 206 BC e.

The invention of this thing in the root changed how seahoes make marine navigation. Ultimately, maybe even approximated the era of great geographical discoveries.

It is known that it was invented as a tool for divination. The Chinese did not use the compass as a navigation device until the XI century.

4. Paper

China, 105 years BC e.

The invention of paper was crucial because it made it possible to effectively share knowledge, keep accounting and store information.

Despite the fact that the ancient Egyptians made a writing material from algae in the 4th century BC (Papius), still the Chinese created paper in that form we know now.

The technology of manufacturing the "classic" paper from cellulose raw materials was developed by the Minister Counselor of the Imperial Court Tsai Lun.

3. Powder

China, 142 year

Perhaps it was invented much earlier, but the first mentions of him are found in the Taoist treatise written by Alchemist Wei Boyan in 142 of our era.

Powder had a great influence on world history, changing ways of warfare. Until now, black powder is the basis of many modern weapons.

2. Mechanical watches

China, 725 year

Another super-know-how from the Middle Kingdom. The world's first "mechanical chronometer" gathered astronomer, mathematician, inventor, engineer and a Buddhist monk of the Tang Dynasty. His called and Sin. He helped him a military engineer Liang Linjan.

The clock was part of the Bronze Heavenly Globe. Images of constellations and celestial equator were engraved on the surface of the device.

Such a gadget is called "Armillary Sphere". It is used to determine the equatorial or ecliptic coordinates of celestial bodies relative to the Earth.

Probably, the sphere was created on behalf of the imperial yard, in order to facilitate the process of predicting solar eclipses due to the reform of the calendar.

1. Printing press

Sacred Roman Empire, 1440

The fundamental invention of Johanna Gutenberg helped to reduce the books so much that they became available to many people of the public, and not just elite.

Gutenberg straightly announced the era of the media. The value of its invention cannot be overestimated.


Republic of Venice, 1612

Modern medical diagnosis, scientific research, production processes and much more - require accurate measurement of heat degrees.

In 1592, Galileo Galilee developed a thermoscope - the progenitor of all modern thermometers.

However, the first habitual thermometer created the Santorio Venetian doctor in 1612.

Humanity could not exist without constant progress, finding and implementing new technologies, inventions and discoveries. Today, many of them are already outdated and there is no need for them, others, as a wheel, serve so far.

The water rotation of time swallowed many discoveries, and some waited for their recognition and introduction only after dozens and hundreds of years. Numerous questions were conducted in order to find out what the inventions of humanity are the most significant.

It is clear one thing - there is no one opinion. Nevertheless, a universal ten of the most great discoveries in the history of mankind was compiled.

Surprisingly, it turned out that the achievements of modern science did not lay the significance of some basic discoveries for most people. Most of the inventions are so old that it does not seem to be exactly called the name of their author.

The fire. The first place to challenge is difficult. People opened the useful properties of fire for quite a long time. With it, it was possible to warm up and lighting, changing the taste properties of food. Initially, a person dealt with "wild" fire arising from fires or eruptions of volcanoes. Fear was changed by curiosity, so the flame mocked the cave. Over time, the person learned himself to mined the fire, he became his constant companion, the basis of the economy, protection against animals. As a result, many subsequent discoveries of steel are possible only due to fire - ceramics, metallurgy, steam cars, etc. The path to the independent receipt of the fire was a long year, people supported homemade fire in their caves, until they learned how to produce him with friction. Two powdered sticks were taken, in one of which was a hole. The first was put on the ground and pressed. The second was inserted into the hole and began to rotate quickly between the palms. The tree was heated and flammped. Of course, such a process required a certain skill. With the development of humanity, other methods of obtaining open fire arose.

Wheel. With this discovery is closely connected and the wagon. Scientists believe that the prototype of the steel rollers, which were put under the stones and trunks of trees during their transportation. Probably then someone observational and noticed the properties of rotating tel. So, if the log cabrows in the center was thinner than at the edges, it was moved more evenly without deviating on the sides. People noticed it, and a device appeared, referred to as a skate. Over time, the design changed, only two rollers on the ends connected by the axis remained from the whole log. Later, they are generally made separately, fastening only then. So it was open the wheel, which immediately began to be applied in the first wagons. Subsequent centuries and millennia people have a lot over the improvement of this important invention. First, the solid wheels were rigidly connected to the axis, rotating with her. But on the rotation, the heavy wagon could break. Yes, and the wheels themselves were imperfect, they were originally performed from a solid piece of wood. This led to the fact that the first wagons were rather slow and slowly, and they were harnessed strong, but leisurely oxen. A large step in evolution was the invention of the wheel with a hub, planted on a fixed axis. To reduce the weight of the wheel itself, it was invented cut out cuts, strengthening for stiffness by transverse scrapers. In the era of the Stone Age, it was impossible to create a better option. But with the arrival of man's metal metal, metal rims and needles were obtained, it could rotate ten times faster and no longer afraid of stones and wear. Figgy-legged horses began to fit into the wagon, the speed was noticeably increased. As a result, the wheel was the discovery, which gave, perhaps, the most powerful impetus to the development of the whole technique.

Writing. Few people will deny the significance of this invention for the entire development of humanity. Wherever the development of our civilization go, if a certain stage, we would not have learned to fix the necessary information to certain characters. This made it possible to save it and transmit. Obviously, without writing, our society in today would simply not exist. The first forms of characters for transmitting information arose about 6 thousand years ago. Prior to this, the person enjoyed more primitive signals - smoke, branches ... later there were more complex ways to transfer data, for example, the inches were used for this nodule. Laces of different colors were tied in a variety of nodes and fucked on a wand. The addressee decrypt the message. This kind of letters practiced in China, Mongolia. However, writing itself appeared only with the invention of graphic characters. At first, pictographic letters were adopted. In the form of a drawing, people schematically depict phenomena, events, items. Pictationography was widespread still in the Stone Age, and it was not necessary to learn to learn. But for the transfer of complex thoughts or abstract concepts, such a type of writing was not suitable. Over time, conventional signs denoting certain concepts began to be introduced into the icons. So, crossed hands symbolized the exchange. Gradually, primitive pictograms became clearer and definite, the letter was ideographic. Heroglyphic writing has become the highest form. At first she originated in ancient Egypt, then spread to the Far East - Japan, China. Such symbols have already allowed to reflect any thoughts, even the most difficult. But for an extraneous person to understand the secret was very difficult, and for the one who wanted to learn to read and write, it was necessary to learn several thousand signs. As a result, only a few could own this skill. And only 4 thousand years ago, the ancient Phoenicians invented the alphabet and letters and sounds, which became a model for many other peoples. The finicians began to use 22 consonant letters, each of which denoted a separate sound. A new letter made it possible to transmit any word graphic way, and learn writing much easier. Now she has become the property of all society, this fact served as a rapid spread of the alphabet around the world. It is believed that 80% of the alphabets common today are the Phoenician roots. The last significant changes in the Phoenician letters made the Greeks - they began to mark not only consonants, but also vowels. Greek alphabet in turn lay down the majority of European.

Paper. This invention is closely related to the previous one. The Chinese are the inventors of the papers. It is hard to call an accident. From a long time, China was famous for not only love of books, but also a complex system of bureaucratic management with permanent reports. That is why there was a special need for inexpensive and compact material for the letter. Before the paper appeared, they wrote here on silk and on bamboo plates. However, these materials were badly suitable - silk was expensive, and bamboo - heavy and bulky. It is said that for the transport of some essays required a whole cart. The invention of the papers came from operations for the processing of silk cocoons. Women cooked them, and then, laying up on the mat, were packed to a homogeneous mass. It was parted from it, getting silk wool. After such treatment, a thin fiber layer remained on the mats, which, after drying, turned into a paper suitable for writing. Later, for its purposeful cooking began to use defective cocoon. Such paper was called cotton and cost quite expensive. Over time, a question arose - is it possible to make paper not only from silk? Or for these purposes any fiber raw materials are suitable, preferably vegetable origin. Story says that in 105 a certain official of Cai Lun was able to create a new grade of paper from old fishing networks. Its quality was comparable to silk, and the price is lower. This discovery has become important for both the country and for the entire civilization. People got high-quality and affordable material for writing, equivalent replacement that did not find it. The next centuries have made several important improvements to paper manufacturing technology, the process itself began to develop rapidly. In the IV century, the paper finally displaced bamboo plate, soon it became known that it was possible to produce from cheap vegetable raw materials - bark of trees, bamboo and cane. It was especially important, because it was the bamboo that grows in China in huge quantities. The secrets of production were kept in the strictest selection of several centuries. But in 751, some Chinese when a collision with Arabs fell into captivity. So the secret became known and the Arabs, who were beneficial for the whole five centuries to sell paper into Europe. In 1154, the production of paper was established in Italy, soon mastery was mastery in Germany, England. In the next century, the paper received the broadest distribution, winning all new areas of application. Its value is so great that our era is even sometimes called "paper".

Powder and firearms. This European discovery has played a huge role in the history of mankind. An explosive mixer was able to do many, Europeans were the last of the civilized peoples who learned to do it. But they managed to extract practical benefit from this discovery. The first consequences of the invention of gunpowders became the development of firearms and a coup in military affairs. Social shifts followed - invincible knights in the armor deposited before the fires and guns. The feudal society received a strong blow, which could not recover. As a result, powerful centralized states arose. The powder itself for many centuries before the appearance in Europe was invented in China. An important part of the powder was an agriculture, which in some parts of the country was generally met in native form, resembling snow. By filling the mixture of nitrate with coal, the Chinese began to observe small flashes. At the turn of the V and VI centuries, the properties of the Selitra were first described by the Chinese physician Tao Hong-Jing. Since then, this substance has become applied and as part of some of the drugs. The appearance of the first sample of gunpowder is attributed to the alchemist Sun Son Miao, which was preparing a mixture of sulfur and nitrate, adding pieces of a locker tree to them. When heated, a strong flash of the flame occurred, which was recorded by scientists in his treatise "Dan Jing". The composition of the porch was further enhanced by his colleagues, which experienced three main components - a potassium saltper, sulfur and coal. The medieval Chinese of the Effects of the explosion could not be explained, but soon adapted to use gunpowder for military purposes. However, this is not a revolutionary effect. The fact is that the mixture was prepared from the crude components, which gave only an incendiary effect. Only in the XII-XIII centuries, the Chinese created a weapon resembling gunshot, rocket and petard were also invented. Soon the secret was recognized by Mongols and Arabs, and from them and Europeans. The secondary opening of the gunpowder is attributed to the monk Bertold Schwarzz, who became the thrill in a ground mixture of nitrate, coal and sulfur. The explosion fell to the beard tester, but his head has come to the idea that such energy can be used for throwing stones. At first, the gunpowder was fucked, and it was uncomfortable to use it, as the powder of a lip to the walls of the trunks. After that, they noticed that it is much more convenient to use gunpowder in lumps and grains. This gave to the same gases when ignited.

Communication means - telephone, telegraph, radio, internet and others. Another 150 years ago, only shipping mail remained the only way the exchange of information between Europe and England, America and the colonies. People learned about what was happening in other countries late for all weeks and even months. So, news from Europe to America walked at least 2 weeks. That is why the appearance of the telegraph in the root solved this problem. As a result, the technical novelty appeared in all ends of the planet, allowing news from one hemisphere in a matter of hours and minutes to fall into another. During the day, interested parties received business and political news, stock exchange reports. Telegraph allowed to transmit written messages at distances. But soon the inventors thought about the new communication facility, which could be transferred to any distances of human voice or music for any distance. The first experiments on this issue were held in 1837 by American physicist by Page. Its simple, but visual experiments proved that in principle it is possible to transmit sound with the help of electricity. A series of subsequent experiments, discoveries and implementation has led to the appearance of television, television, Internet and other modern means of communication in today's life, television, internet and other modern means of communication.

Car. Like some preceding in the list of the greatest invention, the car not only influenced its era, but also gave rise to a new one. This discovery is not limited to a sphere of transport. The car shaped the modern industry, gave rise to new industries and rebuilt the production itself. It has become massive and trap. Even the planet has changed - now it is about millions of kilometers of roads, and ecology has worsened. And even the psychology of man has become another. Today, the influence of the car is so multifaceted that is present in all areas of human life. In the history of the invention there were a lot of glorious pages, but the most interesting belongs to the first years of its existence. In general, then, with what a rapidness of the car reached its maturity, can not not impress. In total, some quarter of a century, an unreliable toy has become a massive and popular vehicle. Now there are about a billion cars in the world. The main features of the modern car were another 100 years ago. Paromobil became the predecessor of the gasoline car. Back in 1769, the Frenchman Kyuny created a steam cart, which could transport up to 3 tons of cargo, moving, however, with a speed of up to 4 km / h. The car was nerviar, and the work with the boiler was heavy and dangerous. But the idea of \u200b\u200bmovement at the expense of a pair carried away followers. In 1803, Trivier built the first steam car in England, which could carry up to 10 passengers, accelerating to 15 km / h. Rhodes London were delighted! The car in modern understanding appeared only with the opening of the internal combustion engine. In 1864, the vehicle of the Austrian Marcus, which was moving at the expense of a gasoline engine appeared. But the fame of the official inventors of the car went to two Germans - Daimler and Benz. The latter was the owner of the transformation of two-stroke gas engines. Funds were enough to leisure and develop their own cars. In 1891, the owner of the rubber product plant Edward Michelin invented a removable pneumatic tire for a bike, and after 4 years, the tires began to be made for cars. In the same 1895, the tires were tested during the races, although they were constantly punished, but it became clear - they give the smoothness of the course, making riding more comfortable.

Electric lamp. And this invention appeared in our lives recently, at the end of the XIX century. First, the lighting appeared on the streets of cities, and then it entered the residential buildings. Today, the life of a civilized person is hard to imagine without electric light. Such a discovery led huge consequences. Electricity made a coup in the energy sector, forcing the consideration of the industry significantly. In the XIX century, two types of light bulbs were distributed - arc and incandescent lamps. The first arc light bulbs appeared, the luminescence was based on such a phenomenon like a voltov arc. If you connect two wires connected to a strong current, and then push them, then there will be a glow between their ends. For the first time, this phenomenon was watched by the Russian scientist Vasily Petrov in 1803, and the British of Devi described such an effect only in 1810. The use of volt arc as a source lighting was described by both scientists. However, arc lamps had an inconvenience - as the electrodes burn out, they had to be constantly moving towards each other. Excess the distance between them entailed flickering of light. In 1844, the Frenchman Foucault developed the first arc lamp, in which the length of the arc could be adjusted manually. Already after 4 years, this invention was applied to illuminate one of Paris's areas. In 1876, the Russian engineer of the apple improved the design - electrodes replaced by coals, were already located in parallel to each other, and the distance between the ends has always remained unchanged. In 1879, the American inventor Edison took up the improvement of the design. He came to the conclusion that for a long and bright light bulb, a suitable material for the thread is needed, as well as creating around the sparse space. Edison spent a lot of experiences with a scope, it was estimated that at least 6 thousand diverse compounds were tested. Studies cost America 100 thousand dollars. Edison gradually began to use metals for threads, as a result, stopped on the charred bamboo fibers. As a result, in the presence of 3 thousand spectators the inventor publicly demonstrated the electric lights developed by them, refreshing them not only their home, but also several neighboring streets. Edison's light bulb has become the first, with a long service life and suitable for mass production.

Antibiotics. This place is given to remarkable drugs, in particular, Penicillina. Antibiotics became one of the main discoveries of the last century, turning the medicine. Today, not everyone is imagined, how many are obliged to therapeutic drugs. Many will be surprised by learning that even 80 years ago, tens of thousands of people died from dysentery, the inflammation of the lungs was deadly dangerous disease, Sepsis threatened the death to almost all surgical patients, the title was dangerous and difficult, and the pulmonary plague sounded like a sentence. But all these terrible diseases, like others, previously incurable (tuberculosis), were defeated by antibiotics. Preparations had a significant impact on military medicine. Previously, most of the soldiers are not the hell at all from the bullets, but from the stunned wounds. After all, millions of coccob bacteria, which caused pus, sepsis, gangrene penetrated. Maximum that managed to make a surgeon - amputate affecting the affected body. It turned out that it was possible to deal with dangerous microorganisms with the help of their collections. Some of them in the process of their livelihoods are distinguished by substances that are able to destroy other microbes. Such an idea appeared in the XIX century. Louis Paster discovered that the Bacillus of Siberian ulcers die under the influence of some other microbes. Over time, experiments and discoveries were given to the world of Penicillin. For those who visited field surgeons, this medicine has become a true miracle. The most hopeless patients got on his feet, overcoming blood infection or lung inflammation. The discovery and creation of Penicillin is considered one of the most significant discoveries in the history of all medicine, giving a huge impetus for its development.

Sail and ship. The sail arose in the life of a person a long time ago, when a desire to go out into the sea and build a boat for this. The first sail was the usual animal skins. The sailor had to keep her hands and orient constantly relative to the wind. When people came to mind the idea of \u200b\u200busing masts and rei - it is unknown, but already on the most ancient images of ships of the Egyptian queen Khatsepsut visible various devices for working with sail, rigging. Thus, it is clear that the sail arose in prehistoric times. It is believed that the first large sailboats appeared in Egypt, and Neil became the first shipping river. Every year, the mighty river was poured, cutting off the city and the area. So I had to learn shipping Egyptians. At that time, the ships played in the household life of the country much a big role than wagon carts. One of the first types of vessels is Barka, which is already more than 7 thousand years old. Her models reached us from the temples. Since in Egypt, the forests for the construction of the first vessels were a bit, then Papyrus was used for these purposes. His features and determined the design and shape of the ships. They were a sickle fine, associated with papirus beams, while the nose and feed were curved up. The hull of the vessel, for strength, tightened with cables. Over time, the trade with the Phoenicians gave the country Lebanese cedar, a tree firmly entered the shipbuilding. Compositions of 5-thousand years ago give reason to consider. That then the Egyptians used a straight sail fortified on a two-legged mast. It was possible to swim only in the wind, and with the lateral wind, the mast was quickly cleaned. Approximately 4600 years ago, a single-legged mast was used, used and understood. The vessel became easier to walk, it was able to maneuver. However, at that time, the rectangular sail was very unreliable, besides, it was possible only for passing wind. So it turned out that the main engine of the ship of that time was the muscular strength of the rowers. Then the maximum speed of Pharaohs vehicles was 12 km / h. Shopping vessels made a trip mainly along the coast, without leaving far away. The next step in the development of ships was made by the Phoenicians who originally had excellent building material. 5 thousand years ago, with the beginning of the development of maritime trade, the Phoenicians began to build ships. At the same time, their ships originally had constructive features from boats. On one-jobs installed ribs covered on top of the boards. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a design of the Phoenicians was pushed by the skeletons of animals. In essence, the first splits applied so far. It was the finiques that created the first kille ship. In the role of Kiel, two trunks were performed at the angle. This gave ships more sustainability, becoming the basis for the future development of shipbuilding and determining the appearance of all future ships.

Great discoveries of mankind - This is a reflection of the evolution of people. For thousands of years of existence, many useful things have been created. More details you can learn from the article on the most important inventions, but this time we will consider exactly the discoveries that contributed to the emergence and development of progress. From sources to today. From west to east. From the beginning of evolution until the 21st century. Ready? In this case, we bring to your attention the top 10 discoveries, thanks to which there is a modern world.

10 of the most important and great inventions of humanity!

Opens the rating of the most important discoveries of humanity - language. The most ancient and important achievement of people. Used to transfer information. No language would not have anything, including communication, communications, professions and systems. Like many thousand years ago, people would simply could not understand each other. It is difficult to imagine how society would look like, it would be at all, without the existence of the language. Currently, the world is aware of several thousand languages, dozens of dialects. Only at the expense of this discovery a civilization appeared.

After the occurrence of the language, the next stage of evolution in the field of information transfer was writing. The value of this discovery lies in the ability to leave knowledge ancestors. With this achievement, we can find out how our predecessors lived, learn, receive new knowledge. Today, without writing it is impossible to do in any enterprise. Each country has educational institutions that exploit this method of transmitting information. If there were no writtenness, for each student would have to search for one teacher.

Many may not understand why the number of the most important discovery includes wheels, but this beginning began in the field of geometry and other sciences. It is due to the appearance of the wheel today there is a colossal number of equipment, cars, professions. Without the specified device, people would not have learned to build trains, cars, electrical installations. After the occurrence of this product began to build bridges, roads, trolleys, airplanes. All specified objects are closely connected with the first wheel, which was presented to the world in ancient times.

Of course, electricity is one of the most important discoveries. With the advent of the first light bulb, life has been changed dramatically. With this invention, people got the opportunity to enjoy the light even in a dark season. Disappeared the need to use candles. Thus, many have got rid of the dangers that attracted devices on fire. Today, without electricity, it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person. On this source of energy, all enterprises function, devices, techniques.

A means of communication that has contributed to the present breakthrough in the field of information transfer. Thanks to the appearance of fax, people have the opportunity to transmit information at a distance. As a result, learned to communicate through letters by mail. Naturally, the fax did not arise without the existence of the first two discoveries in this rating. Thus, the dependence between the main achievements of people is excellent. Later thanks to the fax appeared stationary phones. Thanks to them managed not only to exchange letters, but also to talk in real time.

Antibiotics is the most serious discovery of humanity in the field of medicine. Before the invention of these drugs existed many incurable ailments, which took millions of lives per year. With the advent of antibiotics, the number of deaths managed to reduce several times. At the end of the 19th century, humanity managed to defeat the enormous number of diseases that were considered "invincible." Their number includes:

  • sepsis;
  • lung inflammation;
  • plague;
  • other.

Medicine does not stop at the result. Today, drugs are tested in Israel, which will probably help defeat AIDS.

The best discoveries of humanity in the field of entertainment should include the emergence of the film industry. It is unlikely that today someone remembers how difficult the leaders were given the first films with a black and white picture. But it was their works that served as a start to emerge the current variety of films, cartoons, TV shows and television programs. Today, thanks to the movie, we may not just have a good time, but also develop, find out a lot of new things.

With the advent of computers, the life of humanity has changed dramatically. With the help of modern PCs you can manage production, cars, writing books, to receive any information. Computerized technique brought to a minimum need for human resources. With their help, a huge number of discoveries were created, which humanity had no idea. Various research, testing and production of unique materials. All this is possible due to the presence of computers. At the same time, many scientists have declared the possibility of exploring endless spaces of space. Without computing technology, we would not behave such an opportunity.

Every year or a decade, more and more scientists and inventors appear, who give us new discoveries and inventions in various fields. But there are such inventions that, once invented, our lifestyle change the most enormous way, moving us on the way of progress forward. Here are just a dozen great inventionswho changed the world in which we live.

List of inventions:

1. Nails

Inventor: Unknown

Without nails, our civilization would certainly collapse. The exact date of the appearance of nails is difficult. Now the approximate date of the creation of nails is in the era of the Bronze Age. That is, it is obvious that nails could not appear earlier than people learned to cast and form metal. Previously, wooden structures have to be erected by more complex technologies using complex geometric structures. Now the construction process has been much simplified.

Up to the 1790s and early 1800s, iron nails were made manually. The blacksmith heated the square iron rod, and then beat it from four sides to create a sharp end of the nail. Machines for the manufacture of nails appeared between the 1790s and early 1800s. The technology of manufacturing nails continued to evolve; After Henry Bessemer developed the process of mass production of steel from iron, iron nails of past years gradually lost popularity, and by 1886 10% of nails in the United States were created from soft steel wire (according to Vermont University). By 1913, 90% of the nails produced in the United States were made of steel wire.

2. Wheel

Inventor: Unknown

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe symmetric component moving in a circular motion along the axis existed in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Europe separately at different periods of time. Thus, it is impossible to establish who and where exactly invented the wheel, but this great invention appeared in 3500 BC and became one of the most important inventions of humanity. The wheel facilitated work in the fields of agriculture and transport, and also became a foundation for other inventions, ranging from the carriage and ending with hours.

3. Printing machine

Johannes Gutenberg invented a manual printing machine in 1450. By 1500, twenty million books were printed in Western Europe. In the 19th century, a modification was made, and iron parts were replaced by wooden, which accelerated the printing process. The cultural and industrial revolution in Europe would be impossible if it were not for the speed with which the printing house made it possible to disseminate documents, books and newspapers for a wide audience. The printing press made it possible to develop the press, and also provided the opportunity for people to self-talk. The political sphere would also be unthinkable without millions of copies of leaflets and posters. What is already talking about the state apparatus with his infinite number of forms? In general, a truly great invention.

4. Steam engine

Inventor: James Watt

Although the first version of the steam engine belongs to the III century AD, only at the beginning of the XIX century with the coming of the industrial era, a modern form of an internal combustion engine appeared. There were decades of design, the honorable James WATT made the first drawings, according to which fuel burning releases high-temperature gas and, expanding, thereby putting pressure on the piston and moves it. This phenomenal invention played a decisive role in the invention of other mechanisms, such as cars and aircraft that changed the face of the planet on which we live.

5. Light bulb

Inventor: Thomas Alva Edison

The invention of the light bulbs developed during the 1800s by Thomas Edison; He is credited with the title of the main inventor of the lamp, which could burn 1500 hours without burnout (invented in 1879). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe lamp itself Edison does not belong and expressed themselves with many people, but it was he who managed to correctly pick up the materials so that the light was burning for a long time and became cheaper candles.

6. Penicillin

Inventor: Alexander Fleming

Penicillin was accidentally discovered in Petri Cup Alexander Fleming in 1928. The preparation of Penicillina is a group of antibiotics, which treats several people in people who do not harm them. Penicillin was massively produced during the Second World War in order to deliver servicemen from venereal diseases and is still used as a standard antibiotic against infections. It was one of the most famous discoveries made in the field of medicine. Alexander Fleming received the Nobel Prize in 1945, and the newspapers of that time wrote:

"For the defeat of fascism and liberation of France, he made more whole divisions"

7. Phone

Inventor: Antonio Meucci

For a long time it was believed that Alexander Bell is the discoverer of the phone, but in 2002 the US Concgress decided that the right of the championship in the invention of the phone belongs to Antonio Meucci. In 1860 (16 years earlier, Graham Bell) Antonio Meucci demonstrated the device, which the ball is able to transfer a voice over the wires. Antonio called the invention, the telecontrophone called and filed a refuge for patenting in 1871. It marked the beginning of work on one of the most revolutionary inventions that almost everyone has on our planet, holding it in their pockets and on the tables. The phone, which later also developed as a mobile phone, had a vital impact on humanity, especially in the field of business and communication. Expansion of audible speech from within the same room for the whole world is a coincidence that does not have equal to today.

8. Television

Zvorykin with iconoscope

Inventor: Roseng Boris Lvovich and his disciples of Zvorykin Vladimir Konstantinovich and Katav Semen Isidovich (not recognized as the discoverer), as well as Filon Farnsworth

Although the invention of television can not be attributed to one person, most people recognize that the invention of modern television was merit of two people: Vladimir Kosma Zlorkina (1923) and Philon Farnsworth (1927). Here it is necessary to note that in the USSR, the development of the TV in parallel technology was engaged in Kataev Semyon Isidovich, and the first experiments and principles of the operation of electric television described and at all Rosing was at the beginning of the 20th century. Television was also one of the greatest inventions that were developed from mechanical to electronic, from black and white to color, from analog to digital, from primitive models without a console to intellectual, and now at all to 3D versions and small home theaters. People usually spend about 4-8 hours a day, watching TV, and it greatly influenced family and social life, and also changed our culture to be unrecognizable.

9. Computer

Inventor: Charles Babbage, Alan Turing and others.

The principle of a modern computer was first mentioned by Alan Turing, and later the first mechanical computer in the early 19th century was invented. This invention really accomplished amazing things in more areas of life, including philosophy and culture of human society. The computer helped tosses to high-speed military aircraft, bring the spacecraft to orbit, control medical equipment, create visual images, store a huge amount of information and improved the functioning of cars, telephones and power plants.

10. Internet and World Wide Web

Map of the entire computer network for 2016

Inventor: Vinton Surf and Tim Berners-Lee

The Internet was first developed in 1973 by Winton Surf with the support of the Agency for promising research of the US Department of Defense (ARPA). Its initial use was to provide a communication network in research laboratories and universities in the United States and expand overtime. This invention (along with the World Wide Web) was the main revolutionary invention of the XX century. In 1996, more than 25 million computers were connected via the Internet in 180 countries, and now we had to even go to IPv6 to increase the number of IP addresses, since IPv4 addresses were completely exhausted, and there were about 4.22 billion them.

WORLD COUNT, as we know, was first predicted by Artur Clark. However, the invention was made 19 years later in 1989 by the employee of Tom Tom Berners Lee. The network has changed our attitude towards different areas, including education, music, finance, reading, medicine, language, etc. The network potentially exceeds all the great inventions of the world.