Why did the Greeks paint eyes on their ships? The ancient Greeks painted eyes on the prow of ships ...

Why did the Greeks paint eyes on their ships?  The ancient Greeks painted eyes on the prow of ships ...
Why did the Greeks paint eyes on their ships? The ancient Greeks painted eyes on the prow of ships ...

Greece is the land of the seas. The inhabitants of this state at all times were famous for their knowledge and skills in the field of shipbuilding and shipping. Greek seafarers have preserved all the best traditions since ancient times. The ships of these sailors were rightfully considered and are considered the best in the world.

The capital and other major cities of Greece were major trade points. The fleet in every settlement adjacent to the sea was and is quite strong and powerful. To this day, researchers agree that the most famous, maneuverable and strong ship of the Greeks is the Trier. They talked about her, they were afraid of her enemies, who more than once faced her nose to nose. The ram of the triremes was superior in strength to all available enemy ships. There were other military and merchant ships, which more than once surprised and amazed the imagination of the conquerors who tried to penetrate the land of the Greeks.

Sail, oars and other shipbuilding achievements

Scientists who studied ancient documents and drawings of Greek shipbuilders came to the conclusion that the invention of the sail belongs to the Greeks. But first, they learned to drag their boats with the skin of buffaloes and cows, and invented oars.

Some researchers associate the invention of the sail with the story of the salvation of Daedalus (the myth of Daedalus and Icarus). From the island of Crete, Daedalus managed to escape thanks to his sail. Supposedly it was he who first loaded this important element on his ship.

For a long time, the Greek ships moved only with the help of oar power. For this they used the labor of slaves. It was possible to lift the sail if there was a fair wind. Some of the experience of shipbuilding and warfare on the water, the mainland Greeks adopted from the navigators of Phenicia and the Aegean island of Greece. It is no secret that the representatives of the sea country used the fleet more for the purposes of war, campaigns of conquest and for defensive purposes. Fewer Greek ships went to other countries for the sake of trade. The main distinguishing feature of the Greek fleet from all others is the huge difference between military and merchant ships. The first ones were quite hardy, they could maneuver as much as they wanted, and the merchants took on board tons of cargo and at the same time remained reliable until the very finish.

What were the Greek ships like? Basic construction principles

The hull of the ship was necessarily equipped with a keel, sheathed. The Greeks were the first to start making paired seams for greater reliability. The thickest parts of the hull were under the keel and at deck level. For greater reliability, the mountings were made not only of wood, but also of bronze. Huge metal pins nailed the skin tightly to the hull of the ship.

The necessary protection from waves was also made. For this, a bulwark was paved from a canvas fabric. The hull of the ship was always kept clean, painted and refurbished as needed. Rubbing the skin with fat was an obligatory procedure. Above the waterline, the hull was additionally strengthened by smearing and covering with sheets of lead.

The Greeks never saved on the raw materials from which the ships were built. They selected the best types of wood, made perfectly strong ropes and ropes, the material for the sail was the most reliable.

The keel was made of oak, the frames were acacia, the spars were made of pine. Complementing the variety of wood species - beech sheathing. The sails were originally rectangular, but later Greek shipbuilders realized that it was much more practical to use the trapezoid shape to create the sails.

The very first boats were very light. Their length was only 35-40 meters. In the middle of the hull, the sides were lower than in the rest of the ship. The oars were supported by special beams. From the oars installed at the stern, they made a control that resembled a rudder.

There were single-row and double-deck vessels. The lightweight unireme was about 15 meters long, and the rowers could accommodate 25 people each. It was from such ships that the Greek fleet consisted during the siege of Troy. At the same time, each ship was equipped with a ram made of metal in the form of a huge 8-10 meter spear.

Varieties of ships of the ancient Greeks

Pentekontors. These ships were invented and popular between the 12th and 8th centuries. BC. The vessel was about 30-35 meters long, about 5 meters wide, rowed, had 1 tier. The ship developed a maximum speed of 10 knots.

Pentekontors were not deckless at all times. In a later period, they were re-equipped. The deck well protected the slaves from direct sunlight, enemy shells. They put on the deck everything they needed from provisions, drinking water, they even drove horses along with chariots to fight, if necessary, on land. Archers and other warriors were easily accommodated on Pentekontors.

More often, Pentekontors were used as the movement of warriors from the place of some events to other objects of battles. Actually, they became warships later, when the Greeks decided not only to deliver fighters, but also to use Pentekontors to sink enemy ships, ramming them. Over time, these ships have changed, become taller. Greek shipbuilders added another tier to accommodate more warriors. But the name of such a ship has changed.

Bireme. This is the modified Pentekontor. Bireme was better protected from enemy onslaught during the naval battle. But at the same time, the number of rowers who were previously trained in synchronous actions during the campaign was increased. In this case, the labor of slaves was not used, since the outcome of the battle often depended on well-trained rowers. Only professional seamen were hired for such work. They received their salary on a par with the soldiers.

But later they again began to use the labor of slaves, already preliminarily teaching them the skills of a rowing move. Often there were only a small fraction of professional rowers on the team. The rest were complete laymen in this matter.

Birema was intended specifically for combat on the water. The rowers of the lower level maneuvered on oars under the command of the captain of the ship, and the upper tier (warriors) fought under the leadership of the commander. This was very beneficial, since everyone had enough work to do, and everyone did their job.

Trier. This is the most powerful and powerful ship of the Ancient Greeks. The invention of this type of ship is attributed to the Phoenicians, but it is believed that they borrowed the drawings from the Romans. But they called their ship a trireme. The name, apparently, was the only difference. The Greeks had entire fleets of triremes and biremes. Thanks to this power, the Greeks began to dominate the eastern Mediterranean.

The Trier is a huge ship with a capacity of 200 people. Most of them are rowers, the rest are archers. The ship's crew consisted of only 15-20 sailors and a few assistants.

The oars on the ship were distributed proportionally over 3 tiers:

  1. Upper.
  2. Average.
  3. Lower.

The Trier was a very fast ship. In addition, she exquisitely maneuvered and easily went to the ram. The triremes were supplied with sails, but the Greeks preferred to wage battles when the ship was on oar. The huge Trieres on oars accelerated to 8 knots, which could not have been done with a sail alone. Devices for ramming enemy ships were both under water and above it. The one that was on top, the Greeks gave a curved shape or made it in the form of a huge head of a monster. Under water, the ram was created in the form of a standard sharpened copper spear. The warriors pinned their greatest hopes on the underwater ram during the battle.

The main goal is to pierce the hull of the enemy ship so that it goes to the bottom. The Greeks did it skillfully, and most of the ships of the conquerors sank. The fighting technique on Trier was as follows:

  1. Try to attack from the rear while other ships take up a distraction position.
  2. Before the collision itself, dodge, remove the oars and damage the side of the enemy ship.
  3. Turn around as soon as possible and ram the enemy completely.
  4. Attack other enemy ships.

At the end of the 20th century, several scientists from different countries of the world recreated Trier from ancient drawings and descriptions. The enthusiastic shipbuilders set out on this ship by sea. The journey helped the researchers understand how the movement on the waves took place, battles were carried out, etc. Now this ship is in the museum of Greece, not far from Piraeus.

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Greeks - shipbuilders They invented a high-speed ship with 70 oars called a trire, where rowers sat in three rows on both sides of the ship, and a ram was installed on the bow of the ship - a sharpened log, which pierced the enemy ship. The Greeks believed that their ship was alive, and drew an eye on the bow of the ship so that he could see far away.

The ancient Greeks built beautiful buildings - temples for their gods. The Parthenon temple in Athens on the Acropolis, erected in honor of the goddess Athena, was very beautiful. Its walls and columns were made of hewn stone blocks. The splendor of the temple was complemented by statues and panels carved out of marble. In the center of the temple towered a 12-meter statue of the goddess, covered with ivory and gold, the creation of the great sculptor Phidias. Greeks are architects

The Greek theater resembled a modern circus or stadium, only cut in half. The actors sat on the stage and the audience sat on stone benches on the hillside. The theater accommodated 18 thousand spectators. In Greek theater, all roles were played by men. Greeks - invented theater

So that the spectators sitting far away could see everything, the actors put on painted masks that convey the character and mood, emphasizing the age and gender of the character. The mask had a large open mouth, which served as a speaker - amplified the voice of the actor so that it could be heard in the back rows. Greeks - invented theater

Which of the three goddesses (Athena, Aphrodite, Hera) did Paris give an apple with the inscription "Most Beautiful"? What is the name of the king of the gods, the lord of thunder and lightning, what is his symbol? What are the brothers of Zeus? How did they share the dominance? How did Hera try to kill Hercules as a baby? What was the name of the sculptor whom Aphrodite helped bring the statue to life? Which god correspond to the presented attributes Competition - Gods and heroes of myths Aphrodite Zeus; Snakes in the cradle of Hades - the kingdom of the dead; Poseidon - the lord of the seas Pygmalion Ares - the god of treacherous war

One of the bravest Greek heroes who besieged Troy. Killed by an arrow from Paris that struck his heel. Competition - Gods and heroes of myths Achilles the King of Ithaca; famous for his intelligence, cunning, resourcefulness and courage. Hero of Homer's poem "Iliad". Odysseus The hero who killed Medusa Gorgon Perseus Ancient Greek hero. By order of his father, who was predicted to die at the hands of his son, he was thrown as a baby in the mountains. Saved by a shepherd, he, without suspecting, killed his father and married his mother. Learning that the oracle's prediction came true, he blinded himself. Oedipus

Competition - Gods and heroes of myths The leader of the Argonauts, who went for the golden fleece, which the hero obtained with the help of the sorceress Medea. Jason (Jason) The hero who did not flinch before the Minotaur (terrible half-bull, half-man) and freed the captives Theseus (Theseus)

1. Nemean lion; 2. Lernean hydra; 3. Stymphalian birds; 4. Augean stables; 5. The Kerinean fallow deer; 6. Erymanthian boar; 7. Cretan bull; 8. Horses of Diomedes; 9. Belt of Hippolyta; 10. Cows Geryon; 11. Cerberus; 12. Apples of the Hesperides Competition - 12 Labors of Hercules

What feat did Hercules perform while still in the cradle? What is special about the Stimphalia birds? How did Hercules manage to cleanse the Augean stables in one day? What did the Kerinean doe look like and to whom did it belong? What special property did the apples of the Hesperides have? Competition - myths about Hercules He destroyed the serpents sent by the Hero Their feathers were bronze arrows, and claws and beaks - copper He changed the river channels and directed their waters through the stables She had golden horns and copper hooves; belonged to Artemis They gave eternal youth

Most of Greece is surrounded by the sea, so the Greeks have always been considered good shipbuilders and, as ships of the ancient Greeks- the best floating craft of ancient times. Wealthy trading cities such as Athens and Corinth had powerful fleets to protect their merchant ships. The largest and most maneuverable ancient Greek ship was considered trier driven by 170 rowers. Her ram, located in the bow of the ship, punched holes in the enemy ship. But creation triers owes to the appearance of other warships of earlier construction. This is what my story is about.


In the archaic period from the XII to the VIII century BC, the most common type of ships of the ancient Greeks were pentekontors.

Pentekontor was a 30-meter single-deck rowing vessel, driven by twenty-five oars on each side. The width was about 4 m, the maximum speed was 9.5 knots.

Pentekontors were mostly deckless open vessels. However, sometimes this ship of the ancient Greeks was equipped with a deck. The presence of the deck protected the rowers from the sun and from the enemy's projectiles, and also increased the cargo-passenger capacity of the ship. The deck could carry supplies, horses, war chariots and additional warriors, including archers, capable of resisting enemy ships.

Originally ancient Greek pentekontors were intended mainly for the transport of troops. On the oars sat the same warriors, who later, having gone ashore, entered the battle. In other words, pentekontor was not a warship specially designed to destroy other warships, but was a military transport. ( Note... As well as, on the oars of which the usual vigilantes sat).

The emergence of a desire to drown the enemy along with the troops before they disembark and begin to ravage their native fields, contributed to the appearance on the ship of the ancient Greek device, which received the name - battering ram.

For the battleship of the ancient Greeks, which participated in sea battles using a ram, as the main anti-ship weapon, important indicators remained: maneuverability - the ability to swiftly evade a retaliatory strike, speed - contributing to the development of strike force, and armor - protecting against similar enemy strikes.

The preservation of these characteristics nullified the calculations of the Mediterranean shipbuilders of the 12th century BC, thereby forcing the ancient Greeks to seek more rational ideas. And an elegant solution was found.

If the ship cannot be lengthened, then it can be made higher, and another tier with rowers can be placed. Thanks to this, the number of oars was doubled without significantly increasing the length. ancient greek ship... This is how it appeared bireme.


As a result of the addition of a second tier with rowers, the protection increased. ancient greek ships... To ram biremu, the bow of the enemy ship now needed to overcome the resistance of more oars.

The increase in the number of rowers also led to the fact that they were required to synchronize their actions in order to bireme did not become a centipede entangled in its own legs. The rowers were required to have a sense of rhythm, so in ancient times the labor of galley slaves was not used. All oarsmen were civilian sailors, and received salaries during the war, as were professional soldiers - hoplites.

bireme rowers

Only in the 3rd century BC, when the Romans had a shortage of rowers during the Punic Wars due to high losses, they used on their slaves and criminals, sentenced for debt, who had received preliminary training. The appearance of the image of galley slaves actually went down in history with the appearance. They had a different design, which made it possible to have only about 15 percent of trained rowers in the team, and the rest were recruited from convicts.

The emergence of the first bireme among the Greeks, dated to the end of the VIII century BC. Birema can be considered the first ancient ship specially built to destroy enemy naval targets. The oarsmen of ancient ships were almost never professional warriors like land hoplites, but were considered first-class sailors. In addition, during boarding combat aboard their ship, the rowers of the upper row often took part in the battles, while the rowers of the lower row were able to continue maneuvering.

It is easy to imagine that a meeting biremes VIII century with 20 warriors, 12 sailors and a hundred rowers on board with pentekontor since the Trojan War with 50 rowing warriors would have been deplorable for the latter. Although pentekontor had on board 50 warriors against 20 biremes, his team in most cases would not have been able to use their superior numbers. First, a higher board biremes would prevent a boarding fight, and a ramming strike biremes would be twice as efficient pentekontor.

Secondly, during maneuvering pentekontors all his hoplites are oars. While 20 hoplites biremes can attack with throwing projectiles.

Due to its obvious advantages, bireme began to quickly spread across the Mediterranean, and for many centuries it firmly took the position of the "light" of all large fleets. However, the place of "" after two centuries will be trier- the most massive ancient ship Antiquity.


Trier is a further development of the idea of ​​a multi-tiered rowing ship of the ancient Greeks. According to Thucydides, the first trier was built around 650 BC and was about 42 meters long.

Classic Greek trire there were about 60 rowers, 30 soldiers and 12 sailors on each side. The rowers and sailors were led by “ cellist", The whole ship was commanded by" triarch».


The rowers on the lower tier triers, almost at the water's edge, were called “ thalamites". There were 27 of them on each side. The ports, cut into the hull for the oars, were very close to the water, therefore, with a little roughness, they were often overwhelmed by waves. In this case " thalamites The oars were pulled inward, and the ports were battened down with leather patches.

The rowers of the second tier were called " zygites"And, finally, the third tier -" tranits". Oars " zygits" and " tranits"Passed through the ports in" paradose”- a special box-like extension of the hull above the waterline, which hung over the water. The rhythm of the rowers was set by the flutist, not the drummer, as on the larger ships of Ancient Rome.

The oars of all tiers had the same length of 4.5 meters. The fact is that if you look at the vertical cut triers, then it turns out that all the rowers are located along the curve formed by the side of the vessel. Thus, the paddles of the oars of three tiers reached the water, although they entered it at different angles.

Trier was a very narrow ship. At the waterline level, the vessel was about 5 m wide, and allowed a maximum speed of up to 9 knots, but some sources claim that it could develop up to 12 knots. But, despite the relatively low speed, trier was considered a very power-equipped ship. From a stationary state ancient ships reached maximum speed in 30 seconds.

Like later Roman ships, greek triremes equipped with a buffer ram-proembolon and a combat ram in the form of a trident or head.

battering ram

The most effective weapon of ancient ships was a ram, and an auxiliary, but also quite effective means of armed struggle - boarding combat.

The success of a naval battle primarily depended on a swift attack at full speed at the side of an enemy ship, after which the crew also had to quickly reverse gear to change position. The fact is that the attacking ship was always at risk of being attacked, because it could get more damage and get stuck in the wreckage of the oars, and therefore lose speed, and its team will instantly be attacked by various projectiles from the side of the enemy ship.

Trieres tactical maneuver - swim

One of the most common tactical maneuvers during naval combat in Ancient Greece was considered “ diekplus"(Swim). The purpose of the tactical technique was to choose a course of attack that was advantageous from the point of view of the position and to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to evade a strike. For this trier moved towards the enemy ship, inflicting a glancing blow. At the same time, while passing along the side of the enemy, the rowers of the attacking ship had to pull in the oars on command. After that, the oars of the enemy ship from one side suffered significant damage. In a moment, the attacking ship would come into position and deliver a ramming blow to the side of the immobilized enemy ship.

Trier did not have stationary masts, but almost all were equipped with one or two removable masts, which were quickly mounted when a favorable wind appeared. The central mast was installed vertically and stretched for stability with cables. A bow mast designed for a small sail - " artemon", Was installed obliquely, based on" acrostole».

Sometimes triers modernized for transportation. Such ships were called " hoplitagagos"(For warriors) and" hippagos"(For horses). Fundamentally, these ancient ships were no different from trier, but had a reinforced deck, a higher bulwark and additional wide gangways for horses.

Biremes and triers became the main and only universal ancient ships Antique period from IV to V century BC. Alone or as part of small formations, they could perform cruising functions: conduct reconnaissance, intercept enemy trade and, deliver especially important cargo and attack the enemy on the coast.

The outcome of naval battles was decided primarily by the level of individual training of the crews - rowers, sailing crew and warriors. However, much also depended on the formation's combat formations. At the transition, the ancient ships of the Greek fleet, as a rule, followed in wake formation. Rebuilding into a line was carried out on the eve of a collision with the enemy. Wherein ships tried to line up in three or four lines with a mutual offset of half a position. This tactical move was carried out to make it difficult for the enemy to carry out the maneuver " diekplus", Because having broken the oars of any of the ships in the first row, the enemy ship exposed his side to the ramming attack of the ships of the neighboring line.

In ancient Greece, there was another tactical arrangement of ships, which in modern tactics corresponds to a defensive defense - this is a special circular formation. It had the name “ hedgehog"And was used in those cases when it was required to protect ships with valuable cargo or to avoid a linear battle with superior enemy ships.

As auxiliary ships, or raiders used single-tiered galleys - " unirems", Heirs of archaic triacons and pentekontors.

In the classical period of the 5th century BC, the fleet of Ancient Greece constituted the basis of military power and was an important component of the armed forces of the coalitions of Hellas.

Military navy of ancient greece totaled up to 400 trier. Ancient ships were built in state shipyards. However, their equipment, repairs and even the hiring of rowers were carried out at the expense of wealthy Athenians, who, as a rule, became and triarchs- ship captains. At the end of the sea voyage Trier returned for storage to the naval base in Piraeus, and the crew was disbanded.

Development ancient fleet of greece contributed to the emergence of a new category of citizens - sailors. According to their hierarchical position, they were not rich people and outside the sea service did not have sources of constant income. In times of peace, when the demand for highly skilled sailors declined, they engaged in small trade or hired as farm laborers for wealthy landowners. Sailors written off to the coast inhabited areas of the urban poor in Piraeus and Athens. Along with this, these were the people on whom the military power of Ancient Greece depended.

Interestingly, an ordinary worker earned about half a drachma per day, while rowers on ships and hoplites during the military campaign received 2 drachmas daily. This money could buy 40 kg of grain, four buckets of olives or 2 buckets of inexpensive wine. A ram cost 5 drachmas, and renting a small room in a poor neighborhood cost 30 drachmas. Thus, in a month of sea wanderings, an ordinary oarman could provide himself with provisions for a whole year.

Most a large ship of the ancient Greeks, built in Antiquity, is considered a mythical tesseracontera, created in Egypt by order of Ptolemy Philopator. Sources claim that this ancient ship reached a length of 122 m and a width of 15 m, and on board there were about 4,000 oarsmen (10 per oar) and 3,000 warriors. Some historians believe that it was rather a large double-hulled catamaran, between the hulls of which a grandiose platform was built for throwing machines and warriors.

Sorry about the titles Greek ships little is known. In Athens, there were two triers with a luxurious exterior, which had the names " Paralia" and " Salaminiya". These two ships were used for ceremonial processions or for sending especially important errands.

Greeks - shipbuilders

  • They invented a fast ship with 70 oars called trier, where the rowers sat in three rows on both sides of the ship, and on the bow of the ship was installed ram- a sharpened log, which pierced the enemy ship. The Greeks believed that their ship was alive, and drew an eye on the bow of the ship so that he could see far away.


    The ancient Greeks built beautiful buildings - temples for their gods. The temple was very beautiful Parthenon in Athens on the Acropolis, erected in honor of the goddess Athena. Its walls and columns were made of hewn stone blocks. The splendor of the temple was complemented by statues and panels carved out of marble. In the center of the temple towered a 12-meter statue of the goddess, covered with ivory and gold, the creation of the great sculptor Phidias.

  • The Greeks decorated amphorae with scenes from everyday life, from myths and legends. Thanks to this, we know what the ancient Greeks looked like, what they wore, what kind of life they led.

  • The Greek theater resembled a modern circus or stadium, only cut in half. The actors sat on the stage and the audience sat on stone benches on the hillside. The theater accommodated 18 thousand spectators. In Greek theater, all roles were played by men.


  • So that the spectators sitting far away could see everything, the actors wore painted masks, conveying character and mood, emphasized the age and gender of the character.

  • The mask had a large open mouth, which served as a speaker - amplified the voice of the actor so that it could be heard in the back rows.

Narcissist -

  • Narcissist -

Which of the three goddesses ( Athena, Aphrodite, Here

  • Which of the three goddesses ( Athena, Aphrodite, Here) Paris handed over an apple labeled "Most Beautiful"?

  • What is the name of the king of the gods, the lord of thunder and lightning, what is his symbol?

  • What are the brothers of Zeus? How did they share the dominance?

  • How did Hera try to kill Hercules as a baby?

  • What was the name of the sculptor whom Aphrodite helped bring the statue to life?

  • Which god correspond to the presented attributes

  • One of the bravest Greek heroes who besieged Troy. Killed by an arrow from Paris that struck his heel.

Nemean lion;

  • Nemean lion;

  • Lernaean hydra;

  • Stymphalian birds;

  • Augean stables;

  • The Kerinean fallow deer;

  • Erymanthian Boar;

  • Cretan bull;

  • Horses of Diomedes;

  • Hippolyta's Belt;

  • Geryon's cows;

  • Cerberus;

  • Apples of the Hesperides

  • What feat did Hercules perform while still in the cradle?

  • What is special Stimphalia birds?

  • How did Hercules manage to cleanse the Augean stables in one day?

  • How did it look Kerinean fallow deer and to whom did it belong?

  • What special property did apples of the Hesperides?

Augean stables

  • Augean stables - a very dirty place, neglected room.

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