Prediction in art - shocking facts. Visual fantasy: artists predict the technology of the future ⇡ House, which has long been wondering: concept of at home of the future different time

Prediction in art - shocking facts. Visual fantasy: artists predict the technology of the future ⇡ House, which has long been wondering: concept of at home of the future different time
Prediction in art - shocking facts. Visual fantasy: artists predict the technology of the future ⇡ House, which has long been wondering: concept of at home of the future different time

Art people are artists, writers, musicians - extraordinary individuals who see many events through the prism of their talent. Sometimes all the laws of physics are breaking and rushing to the future. Prediction in art is the thing is frequent, but the phenomenal, often frightening.

The prophecies of Jules Verne

Awesome prediction in art made a science fiction writer Jul Verne. In the novel "From the Earth on the Moon", he describes in detail in 1865 in detail the flight on the moon, which in reality took place in 1968. And the fact is that the author naphnthazed the development of space, and in the fact that he described the ship in detail, accurately pointed its height and mass, the crew of 3 astronauts, the start place - Florida and the landing place in the Pacific, month of flight - December. In 1994, the manuscript of Jules Verne was found, previously considered lost, "Paris in 1968". Not only such as fax and copier described in detail here, but also the modern appearance of the city with an openwork tower. In total, the author made 108 predictions, from which 64 had already come true.

What did other scaffold foresee

There were other predictions in art. Examples can be found in the works of Belyaeva, Brothers Strugatsky, Herbert Wells, Alexei Tolstoy, Reya Bradbury. They predicted a variety of modern inventions, such as mobile phone, TV, 3D images, smart home, robots.

Really shocking prediction in art - "Tale of the adventures of Arthur Pima" Edgar software, in which the shipwreck is described in detail, as a result of which 4 people were saved. After many days of wandering in the open sea, exhausted by hunger and thirst, three kill the fourth and eat it. 50 years after entering the light, the work of the event was repeated with stunning accuracy, even the names of the heroes coincided. It is impossible to give a rational explanation for this.

Another tragic prediction of the future in art belongs to the American writer M. Robertson. In the novel, "stockpost", he described in detail a catastrophe and which occurred 14 years after the release of the book into the light. The coincidence of real facts with fantasies is simply unthinkable.

Poet Mikhail Lermontov predicted the October Revolution of 1917 and in detail in the rhymed lines described his own death.

Artist who painted the future

Argentine artist Benjamin Parravichini in the rustling of creative inspection made sketches that predicted the tsunami in Japan and an accident at the Fukushim's nuclear power station, the flight of Americans to the moon, flight to the cosmos of the first living beings - the Krata Krata, "Peaceful atom", communism in China, fascism and second World War. A revolution on Cuba, under the leadership of Bearded, Parravichini predicted when Fidel Castro was only 11 years old. In Figure 1939, symbolizing the tragic terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, the famous twin towers are depicted, which were not even built. What can be explained by this incredible prediction in art? Skeptics may argue that the interpretation of symbolic drawings can be adjusted to the facts. But each drawing of the Argentine prophet accompanied the detailed descriptions of the upcoming events. As they say, it is written in front ...

Inexplicable phenomenon - prediction in art

In 1987, the show "The second chance" came to the broadcast, in one of the episodes of which the British comedian D. Meikher has extended that in 2011, the Libyan leader of Gaddafi will find his death, which will fall into hell for communication with terrorists. Libya's leader really died in 2011. The name of the screenwriter, who left this prediction in art, unfortunately, is unknown. After all, the actor just voiced the prophetic essay of some author.

The American musician T-shirts Welsh predicted his death in Facebook. Two weeks before the death, he wrote that he had a dream, as if he would die after 2 weeks, he would die of stop the heart. Everything happened. He reflected his death in the song and Mikhail Circle, describing that he would die in his own home.

Not only inhabitants, but the scientific world amazes predictions in art. Examples often affect the accuracy of parts. The description of the place, date and situation of the incident is coincided.

What awaits us ahead?

It is useful to compare predictions in the art that came true with unfulfilled prophecies. This makes it possible to assume that in the near future, humanity will master travel travel in time, intergalactic flights, biorobot and artificial intelligence will be created, organ transplantation is the most progressive treatment, we will establish friendly relations with aliens. These are optimistic views. The pessimists speak about the "star" wars, aging in a few hours and the complete degradation of mankind to a mustache lifestyle.

"The dog will be the first one who flies into space" (1938).
Benjamine for 19 years foreshadowed the flight of the dog husky, the first living being, to the outer space. The successful flight of the first animal, derived to the orbit of the Earth, took place in 1957.

"Flying plates in the form of bright circular flashes of light will visit the Earth, bringing with them strange creatures from other planets. These will be those who flood the land. Those who in the Old Testament called themselves angels and everyone will see them again and become listening "(1938).

It is curious that the term "flying plate" itself was first published in public only in 1947 after the Arnold Kenneth described by the UFO seen by him.

"Atom will come and will rule over the world" (1939)
Taking into account the fact that the first attempts to create an atomic bomb occur in 1945, and the first atomic reactor was launched only in 1951, the prophecy seems impossible.

"A dictator will come to power to power, which will destroy the country. Following him, Bourbon will go to the throne, and then a weakened Tyrant will run away to Argentina, unless he has health" (1938).
The prophecy is written in the midst of civil war in Spain, a year, in the year of birth of the future king Juan Carlos Bourbon. Parraravinis already then foresaw the victory of Franco, his coming to power after the Civil War in 1939 and the subsequent transfer of the Crown Huan Carlos after the death of Tirana.
Franco died from Parkinson's disease in 1975, did not have time to fulfill its intention to move to Argentina.

"Russia will subjugate China and spread its dogmas there" (1939).
10 years after the Civil War, Mao Zedong, in China, came to power, proclaiming communism as the national ideology of the state.

"The papacy will take new forms. The fact that yesterday also seemed evil, ceases to be. Mesa will be Protestant, not being such. Catholics will turn into Protestants, not being them. Dad will distance from the Vatican because of his trips and get to America; humanity falls "(1938).
Benjamin foresaw the revision of the reforms of the Catholic Church at the II Consilium of the Vatican in 1962, as well as the appointment of the new Pope John Paul II in 1978, known for his regular travel around the world, especially in Latin America.

"Hitler - Mussolini. They are waiting for one end; One end "(1939).
7 years before the overthrow of the fascists, Benjamine drew related and defeated Nazi leaders.

"The heart of the world will fall in the 40th year. Falls and will belong to the Germans up to the 44th "(1938).
In 1938, even before the beginning of World War II, Parravichini already knew about France's fall in the face of fascist Germany. The Figure of the Prophet is perfectly distinguishable by the Eiffel Tower, against the background of which the French flag is evaporated.

"A man with a beard, which will seem to everyone, will light the Antilles" (1937)
The revolution in Cuba occurred 22 years after the prophecy. When Benjamine predicted an event, Futhel Castro's future revolutionar was only 11 years old.
Exactly one year later, Parravichini added to his prophecy:
"Beardachi will win the victory in Cuba" (1938).

"Absolute darkness. After the" Caribbean chaos ", one-sole" eye "will see with the only" palm "" light from the south ". The planet is waiting for the cardinal changes, and only the south will forever remain south." (1938)
In Figure, Benjamine clearly depicted a zipper that many specialists interpret as a program of high-frequency active Avroral studies of Haarp, facing the layer of ionosphere and provoking powerful underground shocks.
Under the palm tree, in all likelihood, hence the island of Haiti, where in the course of the last earthquake, at least 200 thousand people died, and the earth's axle shifted several centimeters.

"Freedom of North America will go out, its torch will no longer shine as before, ataction will be performed twice." (1939)
Benjamine even drew the famous twin towers who were attacking on September 11, 2001. The most amazing thing is that at the time of creating a picture, the towers were not even built.

"The beginning of the end comes! A person himself will damage his essence to reproduce the offspring the individual of the male will cease to be necessary. Human organisms will be carried out on the light without any offspring. And all this is on the background of atomic explosions that destroy humanity. People will kill radiation; from woven mothers Monsters of animal and vegetable origin will appear on the light. Because of strontium, people will be born with bones like glassboxes; he also imagines their brains. Blood cells; Cancer will become a completely normal phenomenon. As a result of the nuclear war in a privileged position, Russian and yolk ". (1936)

In the history of art, you can find many examples of the warning by artists of their fellow citizens about the impending social danger: wars, split, revolutions, etc. The ability to providate the great artists, perhaps it is in it and consists of a major force of art.

The German painter and the Renaissance of Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) created a series of "Apocalypse" (Greek. Apokalypsis - Revelation - this word serves as the name of one of the ancient church books, which contains prophecies about the end of the world). The artist expressed anxious expectation of world-wide historical changes, which were really shocked Germany after a while. The most significant of this series is the "four riders" engravings. Riders - Death, Court, War, Mor - fiercely rushed on the ground, without a sparingly of kings, no commoners. Blanky clouds and horizontal background touches increase the speed of this mad gallop. But arrow arrow rests on the right edge of engravings, as if stopping this movement.

According to the story of the Apocalypse, horsemen appear on Earth in turn, but the artist specifically placed them nearby. Everything like in life - war, mor, death, the court come together. It is believed that the solidification of such placement of figures - in the desire of Dürer to warn contemporaries and descendants about the fact that, crushing the wall, which the artist erected in the form of edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of engravings in the real world.

Examples of predictions by the art of social change and shocks can be considered the etchings of F. Goya, the paintings "Gernik" P. Picasso, Bolshevik B. Kustodiev, "New Planet" K. John and many others.

In the painting "Bolshevik" Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiyev (1878-1927) used the metaphor (hidden meaning), which for many decades was not solved. In this example, it is possible to understand how the content of the picture is filled with a new meaning as the era with its new views, changed value guidelines invest new meanings.

For many years, this picture was interpreted as a solemn anthem with a resistant, solid spirit, an unreleased revolutionary, towering over the ordinary world, which he autokes wrinkling in the sky with the Red Flag. Events of the last decade of the twentieth century. They gave the opportunity to understand what consciously or, most likely, an unknowingly felt the artist at the beginning of the century. Today, this picture, like the "new planet" K. John, is filled with new content. But how artists at that time managed to feel so accurately to feel the coming social changes, remains a mystery.

In musical art, an example of this kind of foresomy can serve as a play for the orchestra "Question left without an answer" ("Space landscape") of the American composer Ch. Ivza (1874-1954). It was created at the beginning of the XX century. - During where scientific discoveries in the field of conquering space and the creation of aircraft (K. Tsiolkovsky) were performed. This play, built on the dialogue of strings and wooden wind instruments, has become a philosophical reflection on the place and role of a person in the universe.

The Russian artist Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov (1882-1943) in its dynamic compositions sought to express the internal energy of the object. Fraction of objects, coming to each other, shifting the plane and plans, he created a feeling of a lightning-changing world. In this restless, shifting, carrying and split space, the familiar outlines of Moscow cathedrals are guessed, the types of Novgorod, historical events expressed in allegorical form, flowers and even portraits.

Lentulov worry the bottomless depths of the human consciousness in constant motion. It is attracted to convey that in general, for example, a propagating sound in the "ringing. Ivan the Great belltower".

In the paintings "Moscow" and "Vasily Blessed" unprecedented, fantastic forces shifted well-established forms and concepts, chaotic color mixing transfers kaleidoscopic, fragile, disintegrating into countless elements of the image of the city and individual structures. All this appears in front of the audience as moving, shimmering, sounding, emotionally rich world. Wide use of metaphor helps the artist ordinary things to turn into bright generalized images.

In Russian musical art, the theme of the belliness found a bright embodiment in the work of various composers of the past and modernity: (M. Glinka, M. Mussorgsky, S. Rakhmaninov, Sviridov, V. Gavrylin. A. Petrov, etc.).

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Fantastic books and films may surprise and give more information about the world of the future than real scientific discoveries. And the opening themselves in our time rarely cause public shock. Subconsciously, we are ready to almost everything - the appearance of the future painted in consciousness only receives confirmation.

In the head there is a personal time machine, censes formed by art. For rumors, the commercially commercially fiction predictions remain from the Herbert Wells era. But a fantastic description of the objects of the future remains a game with imagination. Artistic methods of literature allow to present even objects under which the author, perhaps, meant quite different - the experience of a modern person will tell the missing fragments.

Artists turn out to be in the least favorable position. They need to accurately illustrate a fantastic idea as accurately as possible, otherwise the magic of prediction will not work. Picture tightly fixes the work of the imagination. The more interesting to know which webs do not play with the viewer in the "Gaughty", and visually correctly reflect the coming.

Let's look at the most amazing work predicting the future with the striking accuracy.

Real futurism

Not all the pictures that now look like pure retrofuturism are fiction. The rocket-like car shown above really existed. This is the Cadillac Cyclone 1959, created under the start of Harley Earl, who then occupied the post of vice president of the Design Bureau General Motors. Twin Cyclone was to become a fully functional machine designed not only for exhibitions, but also for real travel. In reality, he committed only a few trips - the project was closed due to the high cost of engineering solutions. What is only one dome, covered with silver to protect against ultraviolet radiation - it opened automatically with the doors and could be removed by automation into the luggage compartment.

In Drimkar installed a 325-strong engine Cadillac V-8. The flat 4-chamber carburetor worked without a air filter to reduce the height of the body, but there was a filter air intake on the hood. The exhaust gases walked through a double silencer, located in the engine compartment immediately behind the engine, and went through the front wings before the wheels. Already then in the car the autopilot was implemented - the speed of movement and the position of the car was regulated on the road. Autopilot worked due to the sensors who determined the location on the road using a special strip applied to the road surface. It was assumed that in the future such a coating will become ubiquitous and autopilots will work on mandatory in all machines.

In addition, in double nasal fairings installed instead of headlights, there was a radar system warning of obstacles to the road. A flashing LED light on the dashboard was lit, a special display showed a distance to the object and the length of the brake path. In a critical situation, an automatic braking system was to work. But the information did not reach this day, whether this system was implemented. Otherwise, this stuffed by futuristic engineering solutions a car strongly camponeed his time and looked more interesting than any fantastic posters.

Another poster that looks like an illustration for a fantastic story, and must, in theory, reflect only the thought of the designer about the cars of the future. But in fact, we again see a completely real car, which traveled on the roads three years before the appearance of Cadillac Cyclone.

Firebird II concept card reflected the spirit of the era of the cosmic race. He looked like a plane, or even a spacecraft descended from the sky on the road. In the future, such cars could be hybrid: they would easily go through ordinary tracks, and if necessary, would fly into the air and continued to move as personal aircraft.

The body was entirely made from Titan. Firebird II received a gas turbine power unit with a capacity of 225 hp And worked on kerosene. The cooler in the recovery compartment reduced the exhaust temperature to 538 ° C. Autopilot and obstacle detection system was also implemented. Firebird II could accelerate up to 300 kilometers per hour. The car also received one of the world's first information and entertainment systems. It allowed not only to listen to the radio and watch the transmission on a tiny TV in the dashboard, but also to display some information about the state of the car, navigation data, tips and reminders.

General Motors had other "cosmic" concepts, but this is a completely different story.

Flying car is one of the most common forecasts for future transport and a widespread topic in science fiction. In the past, many futurists believed that flying cars would appear soon. They say, already in the next decades, individual transport that will save the world from traffic jams will be available to everyone. As we know, even in 2017 a car-plane that can be bought and put in the garage remains a dream. But an alternative appeared - a frequent helicopter. Of course, not everyone may afford it, but this is an affordable dream, in many characteristics (flight range, compactness for storage and operation) corresponding to ideal transport.

Antiutopia for animals

The polar bear lying up the paws, like a homemade cat, and a monkey-porter ... What is happening here?

In 1926, the Galveston Daily News newspaper put a cross on the diversity of the animal world. Literally and wrote: "The ever-growing need for a person in more space will make wild animals join the already disappeared species." The article predicts that animals will no longer exist in wildlife, and they can be found only in zoos, unless they are used as livestock or domestic / office animals.

The article, before the implementation of the forecasts of which we have not yet been survived, argues that rats and mice will be fully exterminated (along with mosquitoes and flies), and that cows will become such fat that they will move slowly like pigs.

Fortunately, the frightening forecast did not come true. On the other hand, there are trends in the world related to the impact of a person on the environment that do not fully dismiss this prediction.

Utopia about suburb and reality

First, let's look at the typical mistake of the past. Yes, in all that concerns cities, the predictors were mistaken more than ever. Practice has shown that cities are changing with surprisingly slow speed.

American architect-innovator Frank Wright in the early 1930s depicted the concept of Broadacre City - one of the first projects of the "ecological city". No cars, noisy crowds, industrial buildings - everything is very similar to life in a quiet calm suburb. The suburbs seemed utopia for people living in overpopulates, smoked cities. Wright believed that thanks to a quiet life in peaceful suburbs, people not only live much longer, but also on average one or two inches higher thanks to the best health. In fact, the suburb would be so beneficial for humanity that the city housing was completely eliminated, and the construction of multi-storey block skyscrapers would be illegal.

But there are also reverse examples when ideas about the architecture of the cities of the future are surprisingly accurate. On this frame from the fantastic film of the 1930s, the Visioles of the past depicted New York in the 1980 sample. 250-storey buildings, wide streets with multi-band movement, multi-level traffic - very close to the modern state of the city.

Closer than we think

In the 1950s and in the early 1960s, artists created an idealized version of the future. Illustrator Arthur Radebo in 1958 came up with the comic "closer than we think," which showed his vision of the bright life of future generations. The beginning of the cosmic era brought notes of optimism during the years of paranoia and fear of atomic war. In the works of Radebo, there was no place for the communist threat, killer robots and aggressive aliens.

Highway connecting Russia and the United States. Such a project really existed.

Snow removal, burning snow on his way. Clean fiction.

The house that rotates after the Sun to get more energy. Now the solar panels are coping with this task more efficiently.

However, it should be noted that to a certain extent, the forecast came true - instead of the house itself in separate energy solutions, the turbine blades of the steam engine operating under the influence of sun rays are rotated, resulting in electricity. The steam machine is also a method of accumulating solar energy: water surplus heat the water in tanks under pressure - in such a state, the heated water does not evaporate, but is accumulated heat.

Covered stadiums serving different events here are in 10 out of 10.

Cars moving at the expense of solar energy. Now there are a lot of such projects. In 1982, the inventor Hans Tolstrap by car with solar batteries "Quiet Achiever" Pererics Australia from the west to the east at a speed of just 20 km / h. In 1996, the winner of the IV International Sun Rally drove 3000 km at a speed of almost 90 km / h, and in some sections - 135 km / h.

With all the obvious success of Suns, this forecast is difficult to name 100% sales. Yes, the testes put a lot of world records for the range and speed of movements, but such cars remained the lot of enthusiasts. Under our current technologies, the usual gasoline internal combustion engine remains a more efficient solution. Solar panels can not provide energy at the desired level of a regular car for everyday trips. In addition, in regions with a small amount of clear days, light energy remains only auxiliary source of electricity.

Computerized train.

Radbo became one of the most famous futurist artists. Comic about the future He produced every week from 1958 to 1962. And even earlier, in 1940, Radebo drew a series of advertising posters for Bohn Aluminium & Brass Corporation. Images from these posters not only remain among the most expressive samples of futuristic graphics of their time, but also with amazing accuracy show the world of today.

Exact prediction

Many works even in this selection can be called a faithful prediction only with the reservation. However, among millions of paintings, comics, posters, illustrations created before the mid-20th century, were also those that do not cause doubts in their futuristic accuracy.

So Arthur Radebo portered the ocean liner of the future in the 1940s.

Stadium for a huge number of people.

Futuristic combine.

Motorcycle with aerodynamic case.

Multi-storey planes.

And a few more dozen similar posters.

Comic World: Dark and Real Futurism

Landing on the moon depicted in 1929.

Not only Radbo drew comics about the future. Works published more than 80 years ago, between 1929 and 1939, lifefully predicted life in the 21st century, including plastic surgery, walks through the moon, artificial organs.

Artists predicted that in the future, scientists will develop cars that read thoughts and project them on the screen. Successes in the field of neurointerfaces made these fantasy reality.

In the comic of 1939, the "World without Death" was shown a patient with an artificial heart.

A scientist cloning the body of a young woman in his laboratory is drawn on the comic cover of 1939.

French futurism

A series of illustrations of EN L'An 2000 ("Year 2000") was prepared to the Paris International Exhibition of 1900. For many years they have forgotten about it, but in 1986 the writer Izek Azimov came across the drawings. He prepared the famous book "The Days of the Future: the vision of 2000 by people of the XIX century." Now the full selection of drawings can be found on the Wikimedia Commons website - some of these predictions can be called very accurate or close to reality.

French Albert Robido (image of the video telephone from his book of 1894) was a fiction writer, and a talented artist. In the 1880s, he wrote the trilogy of novels about the future, becoming a pillar of the width. Often, ordinary phrases from his books can be interpreted as gloomy prophecies, for example: "What an amazing spectacle for our descendants will be a living horse - the spectacle is completely new and the complete greatest interest for people who are accustomed to fly through the air!"

Robido predicted (and in places and illustrated) submarines, tanks, battleships, aircraft, video telephones, distance learning, remote shopping, intercoms, video components, video, video recordings, television, reality show, video surveillance systems (including the concept of a large brother), chemical weapons , bacteriological weapons, gas masks, nuclear weapons, man-made disasters, skyscrapers, drywall, social change (emancipation of women, mass tourism, environmental pollution), other things and phenomena.

Many technologies that are 50, 100 or 200 years ago seemed excellent (or terrifying) future, are now perceived as a given.

The article "Electrical House of the Future" from the magazine "Popular Mechanics" in August 1939 told about housing, which today's standards at the level of technology can not even compete with a typical "smart home".

Fantastic illustrations created by people like Klaus Burgle, Kurt Roschl (Kurt Roschl) and dozens of other artists, to this day remain unrealized fantastics. Perhaps the reason is that there is still too little time. The appearance of the future has already been drawn, and we can only realize it, if possible in bright colors.

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The Argentine Prophet in the 1930s drew out our present and the future, following the departures of the highest mind.

"The greatest noise of all noise is stunning all around. Bomb F."

At all times, not only pious priests became the prophets, but also people of art, which is unknown the highest strength of the pushing plots of novels and paintings. For the Argentine artist and sculptor Benjamin Solary Parravichini, it became not just an inspiration, but a prophetic gift.

He himself is not knowing, he still painted many things that could not even suspect, for example, a TV or a squirrel and an arrow flying into space.

Sometimes something was found on him, he feverish enough pencil, who seemed to himself drove his hand on paper, as if someone dictated something to him, "said the father of Benjamin Florencen during his lifetime.

In one of these attacks of inspiration, he painted crying over the huge whirlpool and signed - Japan.

In the notes in the fields, he told that the big "f" will explode and produces a lot of noise throughout the Earth. It was possible that under the "f" he meant the Japanese nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1".

After the devastating strike, the tsunami occurred four explosions in power units. This event produced incredible information noise throughout the planet. The forecasts of the inspired universe of the sculptor largely coincide with the prophecies of the blind Vangu. He also suggests that humanity is waiting for a nuclear catastrophe, which will deal with deaths and weakness around the world.

According to his drawings, after the catastrophe, the world will rule the Russians and "yellowly". Back in 1936, the sketches of the master and signatures were much more strange and unusual, but they did not immediately pay attention to it.

At the beginning of the century, this was considered for the fancy manner of the artist. Only many years after the mysterious stories depicted in the drawings, with an amazing accuracy began to come true, about Parravichini spoke in Argentina as a prophet.

- "Home Television! On a small screen right from the house it will be possible to observe what is happening external events" (1938). The first black and white television receivers entered use only in the 50s. Parravichini managed to even make the sketch of the future TV. In the same 1938, they were made by the next entry: "The world will become an impersonal under the authority of the home screen. Each family will spread the negative impact of the new device, which will be very commercialized in the future in pursuit. The day will come when, like sheeps in the sheepskin, they will easily be manipulated. "

- "The struggle for the power between the Yankees and the Russians. The struggle for the territory and conquest of outer space. Oddly enough, the Cup of power will still get America (1941).

The phrase "conquest of outer space" appeared on hearing after only 16 years after the prediction of Benjamin, who managed to foresee American triumph in the creation of a series of 3-seater spacecraft "Apollo", which allowed the first successful landing of astronauts to the moon.

"A person will fly to the stars, will overcome the sound, knowing the shine and will understand that the Earth is only the lowest and undeveloped from all existing planets" (1937).

The first person overcoming the sound barrier will be Charles Elwood after 10 years after the prophecy indicated by bennese.

- "In the 60-70 years, people will fly with might and main!" (1938).

Russian Pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin will make the first in the history of cosmonautics flying on board the ship "East-1" in 1961.

After that, in the 60-70s. All new and new achievements in the cosmonautics shocked humanity.

Later, Parravichini will write:

"People will get to the Moon. They will be able to achieve it, however, they will not be able to observe her. They will see her, but they will not be able to look at her subsoil. Listen, but they will not hear. Return, without returning. Caution!" (1940, 29 years before the first landing of a person on the moon).

"The dog will be the first one who flies into space" (1938).

Benjamine for 19 years foreshadowed the flight of the dog husky, the first living being, to the outer space. The successful flight of the first animal, derived to the orbit of the Earth, took place in 1957.

"Flying plates in the form of bright circular flashes of light will visit the Earth, bringing with them strange creatures from other planets. These will be those who flood the land. Those who in the Old Testament called themselves angels and everyone will see them again and become listening "(1938).

It is curious that the term "flying plate" itself was first published in public only in 1947 after the Arnold Kenneth described by the UFO seen by him.

"Atom will come and will rule over the world" (1939)

Taking into account the fact that the first attempts to create an atomic bomb occur in 1945, and the first atomic reactor was launched only in 1951, the prophecy seems impossible.

"A dictator will come to power to power, which will destroy the country. Following him, Bourbon will go to the throne, and then a weakened Tyrant will run away to Argentina, unless he has health" (1938).

The prophecy is written in the midst of civil war in Spain, a year, in the year of birth of the future king Juan Carlos Bourbon. Parraravinis already then foresaw the victory of Franco, his coming to power after the Civil War in 1939 and the subsequent transfer of the Crown Huan Carlos after the death of Tirana.

Franco died from Parkinson's disease in 1975, did not have time to fulfill its intention to move to Argentina.

"Russia will subjugate China and spread its dogmas there" (1939).

10 years after the Civil War, Mao Zedong, in China, came to power, proclaiming communism as the national ideology of the state.

"The papacy will take new forms. The fact that yesterday also seemed evil, ceases to be. Mesa will be Protestant, not being such. Catholics will turn into Protestants, not being them. Dad will distance from the Vatican because of his trips and get to America; humanity falls "(1938).

Benjamin foresaw the revision of the reforms of the Catholic Church at the II Consilium of the Vatican in 1962, as well as the appointment of the new Pope John Paul II in 1978, known for his regular travel around the world, especially in Latin America.

"Hitler - Mussolini. They are waiting for one end; One end "(1939).

7 years before the overthrow of the fascists, Benjamine drew related and defeated Nazi leaders.

"The heart of the world will fall in the 40th year. Falls and will belong to the Germans up to the 44th "(1938).

In 1938, even before the beginning of World War II, Parravichini already knew about France's fall in the face of fascist Germany. The Figure of the Prophet is perfectly distinguishable by the Eiffel Tower, against the background of which the French flag is evaporated.

"A man with a beard, which will seem to everyone, will light the Antilles" (1937)

The revolution in Cuba occurred 22 years after the prophecy. When Benjamine predicted an event, Futhel Castro's future revolutionar was only 11 years old.

"Beardachi will win the victory in Cuba" (1938).

"Absolute darkness. After the" Caribbean chaos ", one-sole" eye "will see with the only" palm "" light from the south ". The planet is waiting for the cardinal changes, and only the south will forever remain south." (1938)

In Figure, Benjamine clearly depicted a zipper that many specialists interpret as a program of high-frequency active Avroral studies of Haarp, facing the layer of ionosphere and provoking powerful underground shocks.

Under the palm tree, in all likelihood, hence the island of Haiti, where in the course of the last earthquake, at least 200 thousand people died, and the earth's axle shifted several centimeters.

"Freedom of North America will go out, its torch will no longer shine as before, ataction will be performed twice." (1939)

Benjamine even drew the famous twin towers who were attacking on September 11, 2001. The most amazing thing is that at the time of creating a picture, the towers were not even built.

"An ingenic ship will prove the population on earth the existence of a different form of life. One fine moment, the South Pole will turn northern. But only for a while! "(1960)

"The atom will post the world. The planet will be blinded. A person will provoke random storms and natural cataclysms, new forms of diseases, sexy raziness, mass turbidity reason, universal redequance. The world will plunge into darkness." (1934)

"The beginning of the end comes! A person himself will damage his essence to reproduce the offspring the individual of the male will cease to be necessary. Human organisms will be carried out on the light without any offspring. And all this is on the background of atomic explosions that destroy humanity. People will kill radiation; from woven mothers Monsters of animal and vegetable origin will appear on the light. Because of strontium, people will be born with bones like glassboxes; he also imagines their brains. Blood cells; Cancer will become a completely normal phenomenon. As a result of the nuclear war in a privileged position, Russian and yolk ". (1936)