How to learn German. How to quickly learn german words

How to learn German. How to quickly learn german words

1) Yartsev V.V. Deutsch Fur Sie und ... - a two-volumetric, which will give you a great base in all aspects of the language (the best in my subjective opinion - approx E. Kashava)

2) Yartsev V.V. "German grammar. Do not be afraid." - Grammar German very affordable language

We work out German pronunciation

12) pronunciation + many other aspects of the language

13) German phonetics for Russian-speaking :)

14) Resource with a description of phonetics in text format:\u003d27

21) Explanatory (German-German) dictionary with reference to other dictionaries: There is a section WortFormen, where words (important and super-useful section are important!)

25) Simple, but the desired list of frequency words. Lists from 100 to 10,000 words are available, also frequency lists of English, Dutch and French

At the initial stage, it is necessary to devote as much time as possible to the study of new words in German. Start with simple words, gradually moving to memorizing more complex words, as well as special terms. Get yourself dictionarys where you will record the words unknown to you. Having dropped the word, immediately make a proposal with him or a short expression, so you will quickly memorize new words. You can prepare special cards, where on the one hand it is necessary in German, and on the other side - its translation into Russian. Wear these cards with you so that you can constantly train. Download yourself special applications that will turn the study of new words into a fun game.

Explore german grammar

Without the knowledge of grammar, it is impossible to advance far in learning the language. It is difficult to immediately memorize all the rules. Pay attention to the topics as the procedure for building proposals, different times and, as well as the rules for the use of adjectives, adventures and prepositions. Use a tutorial, where there are exercises for different grammatical themes, so you can consolidate and apply in practice the grammar passed.

Develop all skills at the same time

Try to develop all linguistic skills. Oral German can be practiced with native speakers, traveling in Germany, Switzerland or Austria. If it is not possible to go abroad, you can deal with Skype. Find in your city the Language Club and practice speech in an informal setting. The best way to improve rumor perception skill is listening to German radio and watching movies. To train a written speech, the tutorial will be best used, where it will be possible to find questions for the material passed and try to answer them in writing. Perhaps at this stage you will need to help the teacher or friends who know the language better than you and will be able to fix errors.

The main thing is daily practice

To quickly study the language should be engaged every day. Dedote the study of the German hour or two per day. Make themselves a schedule of classes, so you will be sure that it is paid enough time to the development of each linguistic skill. Alternate the practice of oral and written speech with watching films and reading books, magazines and newspapers in German.

How to remember a huge number of words and complex unfamiliar rules? Especially if the task is. You probably already understand that the classic method of memorizing, despite its effectiveness, takes a lot of time and strength, namely, these resources are the most valuable thing that every person has. However, there is a way out. And this output is the use of mpm for language learning!

What is a mnemonic

This technique implies memorization of new information by visualizing or creating an associative series.

For example, the German word "Reisen" (travel) for most Russian-speaking people is associated with the word "flight", the word "Wollen" (desire) - with the word "will". At the same time, little simply find sound and logical conformity. When using mnemotechnics, each concept still needs to be "tied" to the picture. In other words, it is necessary to clearly present actions, events, processes and items that are associated with the material studied.

How it looks in practice

Take for example the word "rille" (glasses). What word from the Russian language reminds? Completely right - "Brilliant". Now we present glasses with diamond glasses, and the Association is ready! Remembering the picture, you will be able to extract the right word at any time.

This principle can be used to memorize words, articles, prepositions, forms of verbs, decline in adjectives and other grammatical structures. Try articles from meaningless letters to turn into animated items. Let the artist of the female genus "Die" become a young girl, the male "der" - an old man with a white beard, and the mean "DAS" is something neutral, for example, by the sea.

If we need to remember what kind of word Das Schiff (ship), we present the vessel flying along the waves. But Das Eisen (iron) will sink in this sea.

How effective is mnemotechnics

This largely depends on your mood. First, the described techniques may seem somewhat absurd, but if you really want to quickly learn German yourself, try. After a week you will understand whether the method is suitable for you.

And if you are tuned to traditional ways to study German, we will gladly share and other interesting materials that will help to quickly master the grammar and pronunciation of inhabitants in Germany. Come in the section. Successes.

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How to learn German from scratch

You can sincerely fall in love with the Germans (German) or go to the country of exchange language exchange. This is a universal and win-win option. The total sound of foreign speech from others, in stores, transport, the media will not leave another choice.

Also help ways, proven by lovers to learn other languages.

1. Sign up for courses, but individual. The teacher should all the time of the lesson, to give one student, so the result will be more noticeable.

2. Try distance learning courses with independent work, audio materials and teacher verification.

3. Do at home a couple of hours daily. Sometimes children or favorite performers help. Children's songs, a heavy rock classic on German or language cartoons for learning a child are easily absorbed and adults.

But if these methods are not available for financial reasons or due to the lack of opportunity to find a teacher, and the desire to speak in Schiller's language and Goethe does not weaken, accessible ways will be useful, there would be an Internet.

Communication on the network with native speakers through social networks, dating sites (only carefully!). The World Wide Web expands the boundaries of the possibilities of obtaining information, language - including.

· Outdoors remain with tutors through Skype (online learning is gaining momentum).

· Useful and browsing German TV shows or Russian, broadcast with translation for Europe.

To see familiar faces and understand the situation - it means faster to immerse yourself in the study of a new language (programs should be chosen for a wide audience, you can entertain).

· Yellow press is also welcome. The abundance of pictures, a photo and a small amount of text material will easily tell about the events (the dictionary will also come to the rescue).

But more fun, more interesting to learn German with a friend, comrade when there is someone to support the conversation. Only a partner should own the tongue a little better, otherwise the speed of the learning process risks to suffer.

"Guten Tag!" There are no light languages, but if you really really want to learn German, you will succeed. German is built on logic, with simple syntax and some borrowed words included in the vocabulary. German, like Danish, English and Dutch, belongs to the Roman-German language family. German and English are closely related to each other, so, putting a little effort and spending some time, you can learn it! Below, read several recommendations on how to learn language.


Joy the basics

    Start with the study of vowels and consonants. The pronunciation of vowels and consonants in German differs from English. First, learn the pronunciation of letters so that it was easier to teach and correct words correctly.

    • Pay attention to how vowels sound when they are separate and paired with other vowels. Very similar to English, two vowels together sound not as separately.
    • Simply put, consonant sounds can be pronounced in different ways depending on their position in the word or depending on the combination with other consonants. For proper pronunciation of words, learn these rules of pronunciation.
    • Do not forget that there are vowels in German, which are not in English (Ä Ö ü ß). If you want to understand you, and if you yourself want to understand everything yourself, you will have to remember the pronunciation of these vowels.
  1. Learn the main vocabulary. Remember the main vocabulary so that you have a knowledge base to which you will add learned later verbs, nouns and adjectives. Before you go to Germany or speak with German, it is important to learn the main words and expressions.

    • Start with the most important simple words, such as "yes", "no", "please", "Thank you" and numbers from 1 to 30.
    • Next, go to the expressions "I" (ICH BIN), "You" (DU BIST), "He / She" (ER / SIE IST), etc ..
  2. Learn to make simple suggestions. Learn the basic principle of building a sentence. It will not be particularly difficult, since in this regard German very similar to English. There are some differences. Some of them you will learn at the initial stage, and some later.

    • The Germans, in general, will be able to understand what you are trying to say, even if you have the wrong order of words. In order for you to understand, much more important than the pronunciation. So do not really worry because of grammar.

    Further study

    1. Learn nouns. As soon as you remember the database of words, which will allow you to speak German, you want to know more words. It is best to start with nouns. Try to start with the most basic and necessary words, such as used in everyday life.

      • Nouns change around both cases. Expanding your vocabulary, remember how these categories change the word.
      • It is best to start with nouns about food, about the items that surround you in the house, important places in the city, and important people with whom you may need to talk or find (for example, doctor, policeman, etc.).
    2. Learn verbs. You will also want to learn the main verbs. It will help you get a lot from all those nouns that you remember! Glages in German are hidden. Expanding your stock of verbs, you will have to learn the surgery system of verbs.

      • Before learning complex verbs, remember the most basic. Run, go, jump, stop, fall, be, to have, talk, do, get, etc. To begin with, these words will be most useful. They are easier to remember and use than complex verbs.
    3. Teach adjectives. Once you have learned nouns and verbs, you will want to expand your expressions adjectives. Adjectives also change, so make sure you figure out how they are inclined.

      Read. Try to read while learn all these new words. So you can not only train, but also look for new unfamiliar words. Read the most simple books, for example, children's fairy tales. At the early level, you will be easier to understand fairy tales.

      See movies. See movies with subtitles. This method of viewing will not only help you fully enjoy the film, but also get used to the sounding of the language. It is also a good way to learn the basic vocabulary. Try to trace how the translation is compared with what they say from the screen.

    We will teach in-depth knowledge

      Visit lessons for students with advanced language levels. Since your knowledge becomes deeper, then you will certainly want to make the lessons match the level you have achieved. This will be for you a new challenge. You will familiarize yourself with more complex aspects of the language. In-depth courses are available in local colleges and universities. You can also order an online course of such an authoritative university as the Goethe Institute.

      Try to learn in Germany. The German government comprehensively encourages cultural exchange. You will discover a huge number of educational opportunities in Germany. Life in Germany will improve your language better than anywhere, because You immerse yourself in the language environment and will see how it is applied in practice.

      • You can get to Germany on the program of sharing your school or university or you can submit documents to school or university in Germany. You will be issued a student visa that will allow to be in the country, and the training fee will be less than in many other places. You also can find a job instead of school. If you are young enough, you can even work nanny or helping the housework. English-speaking nanny in Germany are very in demand.
    1. Get Friendship with German. Having friendly with the German, you will have the opportunity to train your German, ask how to pronounce the words or consume grammar, to learn new words, and also get acquainted with another culture. You can correspond with them online, call through Skype or try to find local Germans (exchange students at your university).

    2. Read as much as possible. Read everything that comes at hand. Try to read the texts more complicated to develop your vocabulary. You can read anything, but better choose for reading texts with correct grammar and spelling. This will help you to learn the language correctly.

      • You can read online German newspapers and magazines. For example, Der Zeit, Frankfurter Rundschau or Der Spiegel (is considered a little easier for reading than newspapers).
    • Find a list of the most common nouns, verbs and adjectives of German. All these words will remember the good start. You can try to search the most common words of English and see German equivalents.
    • As with any other language: Practice and once again practice. Try to fully immerse yourself in German and use it every day as much as possible.
    • Do not make too large breaks between learning the language. Due to the pause you can forget the material passed. Try to engage in 2-3 hours and engage in tongue every day.
    • Look for in the dictionary Any unfamiliar word you heard or saw. Constantly wear a notebook and write a word in it if you don't have time to look into the dictionary now, look for them later. Even if you are not sure how this word is written correctly, Google quite well recognizes the wrong written words.
    • German is famous for long sophisticated words (for example, Pfändungsfreigrenzenbekanntmachung!) But you should not be afraid. After some time, you will get used to the formation and sound of German words. As soon as you work out the desired skills, you will be easy to understand which parts are separated by a complex word.