Tatyana fat. Biography of the extraordinary and talented writer Tatiana Tolstoy Roman Tatyana Tolstoy 4 letters

Tatyana fat. Biography of the extraordinary and talented writer Tatiana Tolstoy Roman Tatyana Tolstoy 4 letters
Tatyana fat. Biography of the extraordinary and talented writer Tatiana Tolstoy Roman Tatyana Tolstoy 4 letters

1951-1983: childhood, youth and work by the proofreader

Tatiana Tolstaya was born on May 3, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of professor of Physics Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy. Grew in the House of Lensovet on the Karpovka River embankment in a large family, where she had six brothers and sisters. Grandfather of the future writer on the maternal line - Lozinsky Mikhail Leonidovich, literary translator, poet. On the paternal line is the granddaughter of the writer Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy and poetess Natalia Krandiyevskaya.

After graduating from school, the thick of the University entered the Leningrad University, to the department of classical philology (with the study of Latin and Greek languages), which graduated in 1974.

In the same year, he marries a philologist-classic A. V. Lebedev and, after her husband, he moved to Moscow, where it is arranged to work by the correct state of the editorial board of Eastern literature "Science". Having worked in the publishing house until 1983, Tatyana Tatolaya in the same year publishes its first literary works and makes debut as a literary critic with Articles "Glue and Scissors ..." ("Literature Questions", 1983, No. 9). According to his own confession, start writing it forced the fact that she suffered an eye operation. "Now, after the correction with the laser, the bandage is removed in a couple of days, and then I had to lie down with a bandage for a whole month. And since it was impossible to read, the plots of the first stories began to be born in the head, "Tall told.

1983-1989: Literary Success

In 1983, he wrote the first story called "On the Golden Porch was sitting ...", published in the journal "Aurora" in the same year. The story was marked by both the public and criticism and recognized as one of the best literary debuts of the 1980s. Artistically, the work was a "kaleidoscope of children's impressions from ordinary events and ordinary people who are visible to various mysterious and fabulous characters." Subsequently, the thick publishes in the periodic press about twenty stories. Her works are printed in the "New World" and other major magazines. Sue "date with a bird" (1983), Sonya (1984), "Clean Sheet" (1984), "Love - Don't Love" (1984), "Okkerville River" (1985), "Mammoth Hunt" ( 1985), Peters (1986), "Sleep quietly, son" (1986), "Fire and dust" (1986), "The most beloved" (1986), "Poet and Muse" (1986), "Seraphim" ( 1986), "The month from Tuman" (1987), "Night" (1987), "Heavenly Plan" (1987), "Somnambula in Tuman" (1988). In 1987, the first collection of stories of the writer, entitled similarly to its first story - "On the golden porch was ...". The collection includes both previously known works and not published: "Cute Shura" (1985), "Fakir" (1986), "Circle" (1987). After the edition of Tatyana's collection, Tatyana was adopted as a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Soviet criticism perceived literary works Tolstoy wary. She was reproached in the "dense" letters, in the fact that "you will not read a lot in one sitting." Other critics perceived the prose writer with delight, but noted that all her works were written on one, built, template. In intellectual circles, the thick has a reputation as an original, independent author. At that time, the main characters of the works of the writer were "urban crazy" (staplery old women, "ingenious" poets, low-minded people with disabilities ...), "Living and fondering in a brutal and stupid bureaucratic environment." Since 1989, he has been a permanent member of the Russian Penag Center.

1990-1999: Moving to the USA and journalistic activities

In 1990, the writer leaves in the USA, where teaching activities. Tolstoy taught Russian literature and artistic letter at Skidmor College, located in the city of Saratoga Springs and Princeton, collaborated with New York Review Of Books (eng.)russian , THE NEW YORKER., TLS. and other magazines, read lectures at other universities. Subsequently, all the 1990s, the writer spent several months a year in America. According to her, accommodation abroad at first, he had a strong influence in the linguistic aspect. She complained about how the emigrant Russian language is changing under the influence of the environment. In his short essay of that time, "Nadezhda and Support" Tolstaya led examples of the usual conversation in a Russian store on Brighton Beach: "There are constantly in the conversation, such words as" Svisloufly Cottage cheese "," Seek "," Polpound Chize "and" Lightweight Salmon "". After four months of staying in America, Tatiana Nikitichna noted that "the brain turns it into a mince or salad where languages \u200b\u200bare mixed and some underacted, missing both in English and Russian."

In 1991, begins journalistic activities. He owns his own column "his bell tower" in the weekly newspaper "Moscow News", cooperates with the magazine "Capital", which is part of the editorial board. Essays, essays and articles Tolstoy also appear in the magazine "Russian Telegraph". In parallel with journalistic activity, she continues to publish books. In collaboration with Sister Natalia published in 1998 the book "Sisters". The translations of its stories in English, German, French, Swedish and other languages \u200b\u200bof the world appear. In 1998, he became a member of the editorial board of the American magazine "Counterpoint". In 1999, Tatiana Tatstaya returns to Russia, where he continues to engage in literary, journalistic and teaching activities.

2000-2012: Roman "Kysy" and the TV show "School of Crossing"

In 2000, the writer publishes his first novel "Kysh". The book caused a lot of responses and became very popular. According to the novel, many theaters were raised by many theaters, and in 2001, on the air of the state radio station "Radio Russia", under the leadership of Olga Khmeleva, a draft literary series was carried out. In the same year, three more books were published: "Day", "Night" and "Two". Noting the commercial success of the writer, Andrei Aschker in the magazine "Russian Life" wrote that the general circulation of books amounted to about 200 thousand copies and works of Tatiana Nikitichna became available to the general public. Tolstaya receives the prize of the XIV Moscow International Book Fair in the "Prose" nomination. In 2002, Tatiana Tolstaya was headed by the editorial board of the conservative newspaper.

In 2002, the writer also appears on television for the first time, in the television transfer "Main Instinct". In the same year, it becomes coordinent (together with Avdota Smirnova) TV shows "School of Crossing", which has been released by Culture TV channel. The transfer receives the recognition of telecrites and in 2003 Tatiana Tatstaya and Avdota Smirnov received the Award "Teffi", in the category "Best Talk Show".

In 2010, in collaboration with the nephew Olga Prokhorova, released its first children's book. He is entitled as "the most alphabet of Buratino", the book is interconnected with the work of the grandfather of the writer - the book "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino". Thick told: "The design of the book was born 30 years ago. Not without the help of my older sister ... She always pounding that Pyratio was so quickly sold his alphabet, and that nothing was known about her content. What are the bright pictures there were? What is she at all? Years passed, I switched to the stories, during this time the niece gave birth to two children. And finally, there was time on the book. A semi-forgotten project was picked up by my nephew, Olga Prokhorova. " In the ranking of the best books of the XXIII Moscow International Book Exhibition-Fair, the book ranked second in the section "Children's Literature".

Creativity Tatiana Tolstoy

Tatyana Tolstaya often talks about how to start writing stories. In 1982, she had vision problems and she decided to make an operation before the eyes, which at the time was carried out with the help of a razor cut. After surgery on the second eye, it could not be in daylight for a long time.

So continued for a long time. I hung double curtains, went out on the street only with the onset of darkness. I couldn't do anything around the house, could not care for children. You could not read either. Three months later, it all passes and you begin to see so unexpectedly clearly ... that is, all impressionism leaves, and the full realism begins. And on the eve of this, I felt that I could sit down and write a good story - from beginning to end. So I started writing.

Tatyana Thick

The writer said that the Russian classic was among her favorite literature. In 2008, her personal reader's rating was Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. On the formation of Tolstoy as a writer and a person greatly influenced the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky, his articles, memoirs, memories, books about language and translations. The writer especially allocated such works by Chukovsky as "High Art" and "Live As Life", and said: "Who did not read - very advise, because it is more interesting than detectives, and written amazing. And in general, he was one of the most brilliant Russian critics. "

Tolstoy belong to the "new wave" in the literature. In particular, Vitaly Wulf wrote in his book "Silver Ball" (2003): "In the fashion writers" New Wave ": B. Akunin, Tatiana Tolstaya, Victor Pelevin. Talented people writing without refuse, without pity ... ". It is called [who?] One of the bright names of the "artistic prose", leaving its roots to the "game prose" of Bulgakov, the Oleshi, who brought with him a parody, junning, holiday, the eccentricity of the author's "I". Andrei Nemzer so spoke on her early stories: "" Estheticism "Tolstoy was more important than her" moralism "."

Tatyana Tatias also often refer to the genre of the "female" prose, along with such writers, like Victoria Tokarev, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya and Valery Narbikova. Iia Gramovna Zumbulidze in his study "Women's Prose" in the context of modern literature "wrote that" Creativity Tatiana Tolstoy is in one row with expressives of the trend of modern Russian literature, which is the synthesis of certain features of realism, modernism and postmodernism. "

The work of the writer is the object of a large number of scientific research. In different years, Her works were devoted to the work of Elena Nevzvlyovova (1986), Peter Wail and Alexander Genis (1990), Prokhorova T. G. (1998), Belova E. (1999), Lipovetsky M. (2001), Pesochka S. ( 2001). In 2001, a monograph "Explosive World of Tatiana Tolstoy" of the authorship of Tatyana E. was published, in which the study of creativity Tatiana Tolstoy was conducted in a cultural and historical context.

Tatyana Tatolist actively leads personal accounts on Facebook and in a live magazine, where it publishes partially or fully texts that are included in the future in her books. With her blog in Facebook repeatedly arose scandals (Arkady Babchenko, Bozhen Rasky) and the emotional edition of the Internet community about the possibility of either the impossibility of presenting accounts for the help rendered earlier [specify ] .

Story period

For the early period of creativity, Tolstoy is characterized by the predominance of such as universal issues of being, the "eternal" topics and evil, life and death, the choice of the path, relationship with the world and its destination. Slavina V. A. Noted that in the work of the writer felt longing for lost humanistic values \u200b\u200bin art. Researchers noted that almost all Tolstoy characters are dreamers who are "stuck" between reality and their fictional world. The stories prevailing the paradoxical point of view on the world, with the help of satire there is an absurdity of some phenomena of life. A. N. The "Motive of Death in the Artistic World of Stories T. Tolstoy" celebrated in his work "Motif of death in the artistic world of stories of death in the stories of the writer, who are close to the aesthetics of modern and postmodern.

In the textbook "Modern Russian literature" there was a special author's position Tolstoy, which is expressed in a special literary-fabulous metaphoricity of the style, the poetics of neomophologism, in choosing the characters of the storytellers. The neomiopholyism in its works was manifested in the fact that thick used folklore images. In the story "Date with the bird" she used the famous Russian folklore image - a bird of Sirin. Alexander Genis in Novaya Gazeta noted that the thick best in modern literature copes with the use of metaphor. The author wrote that in its metaphors there is an influence of the Oleshi, but they are more organically embedded in the plot.

In some other stories, the reception of opposition, contrasts. Stories "Cute Shura" and "Circle" are built on opposing light and darkness (as life and death), which is reflected in a later story "Night". The meaning of the Antinomy of the "light - darkness" in Tatiana Tolstoy stories occupies a central place and includes: "The opposition of spiritual and material, elevated and lowland, living and dead, domestic and existent, dreams and reality (imaginary and real), eternal and momentary, good and evil, compassionate and indifferent. "

Twenty-four story of the writer was published: "On the golden porch was sitting" (1983), "Date with a bird" (1983), "Sonya" (1984), "Pure Sheet" (1984), "Okkerville River" (1985) "Cute Shura" (1985), "Mammoth Hunt" (1985), Peters (1986), "Sleep Quiet, Son" (1986), "Fire and Dust" (1986), "Fire and Favorite" (1986) , "Poet and Muse" (1986), "Fakir" (1986), "Seraphim" (1986), "a month from Tuman" (1987), "you love - do not love" (1984), "Night" (1987) , "Circle" (1987), "Heavenly Plan" (1987), "Somnammbula in Tuman" (1988), "Limpopo" (1990), "Plot" (1991), "Jorik" (2000), "Window" ( 2007). Thirteen of them were the collection of stories "On the Golden Porch," "Fakir", "Circle", Peters, "Pretty Shura", "River Okkervil", etc.). In 1988 - "Somnambula in the fog."

A family

  • Praded on the maternal line - Boris Mikhailovich Shapirov, a military doctor, a leader of the Red Cross, Life Medica Nikolai II, a valid secret adviser.
  • Grandfather on the maternal line - Mikhail Leonidovich Lozinsky, literary translator, poet.
  • Grandfather in the father's line - Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy, writer.
  • Grandmother on the paternal line - Natalia Vasilyevna Krandiyevskaya-Tolstaya, poetess.
  • Father - Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy, physicist, public and politician.
  • Mother - Natalia Mikhailovna Lozinskaya (fat).
  • Sister - Natalia Nikitichna Tolstaya, writer, Buffet teacher at the Department of Scandinavian Philology Faculty of Philology and Arts of St. Petersburg State University.
  • Brother - Ivan Nikitich Tolstoy, philologist, historian of emigration, specializes in the period of the Cold War. Radio Observer "Freedom".
  • Brother - Mikhail Nikitich Tolstoy, Physicist, Political and Public Worker.
  • Senior Son - Artemy Lebedev, designer, artistic director of Artemia Lebedev, leads a blog in a live magazine.
  • Junior Son - Alexey Andreevich Lebedev, photographer, computer program architect, lives in the USA. Married.

A television

  • On August 12, 1999, he participated in the TV show "Main Instinct".
  • From October 2002 to 2014, together with Avdot, Smirnova led the TV show "School of Crossing".
  • Together with Alexander Maslyakov, he was a permanent member of the jury of the TV project "Minute of Glory" on the first channel since 2007 (1-3 seasons).


Tatiana Tolstoy Bibliography is represented by the following collections and novels:

  • "On the golden porch sat ...": stories. - M.: Young Guard, 1987. - 198 p.
  • Love - do not love: stories. - M.: Onyx; Olma-Press, 1997. - 381 p.
  • Sisters: essays, essays, articles, stories. - M.: Ed. House "Horseshoe", 1998. - 392 p. (In collaboration with N. Tolstoy)
  • Okkerville River: Stories. - M.: Horseshoe; Eksmo, 2005. - 462 p.
  • Two. - M.: Horseshoe, 2001. - 476 p. (In collaboration with N. Tolstoy)
  • Got: novel. - M.: Horseshoe, 2001. - 318 p.
  • Raisins. - M.: Horseshoe; Eksmo, 2002. - 381 p.
  • Circle: Stories. - M.: Horseshoe; Eksmo, 2003. - 345 p.
  • Do not go: stories, articles, essays and interviews Tatiana Tolstoy. - M.: Eksmo, 2004. - 608 p.
  • White walls: stories. - M.: Eksmo, 2004. - 586 p.
  • Kitchen "School of Crossing". - M.: Kitchen, 2004. - 360 p. (In collaboration with A. Smirnova)
  • Women's Day. - M.: Eksmo; Olympus, 2006. - 380 p.
  • Day. Personal. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 461 p.
  • Night: Stories. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 413 p.
  • River: stories and novels. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 384 p.
  • Cas. Bellotour. Stories. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 640 p.
  • That alphabet Pinocchio. - M.: Pink Giraffe, 2011. - 72 p. (In collaboration with O. Prokhorova)
  • Light worlds: Tale, stories, essays. - M.: Elena Shubina, 2014. - 480 p.
  • Girl in bloom. - m .: AST; Elena Shubina, 2015. - 352 p. - 12,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-086711-0.
  • Felt age. - M.: AST; Elena Shubina, 2015. - 352 p. - 14,000 copies.

In translation

  • On the Golden Porch and Other Stories ALFRED A. Knopf, New York, 1989, Then Penguin, 1990, ISBN 0-14-012275-3.
  • The Slynx ISBN 1-59017-196-9
  • White Walls. NEW YORK Review Of Books Classics, 2007, ISBN 1-59017-197-7


Write a review about the article "Thick, Tatiana Nikitichna"


  1. // Ogonek. - 2012. - № 3 (5212).
  2. Rastorgueva TM .. . ISKRA-KUNGUR.RU (March 10, 2011). Checked February 10, 2012.
  3. . RIA News . Checked January 26, 2012.
  4. . Vashdosug.ru. Checked February 10, 2012.
  5. . RIA Novosti (May 3, 2011). Checked February 10, 2012.
  6. Anna Braginna. . Circle. Checked February 10, 2012.
  7. . Coffee room. Checked February 12, 2012.
  8. . Litra.ru. Checked February 10, 2012.
  9. Yulia Yuzfovich. . rus.ruvr.ru (December 13, 2011). Checked February 10, 2012.
  10. Svetlana Sadkova. // Labor. - 2001. - № 10.
  11. Andrei Ashker. . Cronos (January 15, 2002). Checked February 11, 2012.
  12. . Echo of Moscow (August 29, 2002). Checked February 11, 2012.
  13. . RIA Novosti (August 26, 2003). Checked February 11, 2012.
  14. Natalia Vertlib. . nnmama.ru (October 25, 2010). Checked on February 13, 2012.
  15. Natalia Kirillova. . Profile (September 6, 2010). Checked on February 13, 2012.
  16. Lisa Rub. . Ukrainian True (September 18, 2008). Checked February 12, 2012.
  17. Elena Gladskaya. . Telekritika.ua (October 17, 2008). Checked February 12, 2012.
  18. Lyudmila Zueva. // Exchange Plus. - 2010. - № 38.
  19. Lion Sirin. . Online812.ru (March 14, 2011). Checked on February 13, 2012.
  20. Vastevsky A. Nights are cold // Friendship of peoples. - 1988. - № 7. - P. 256-258.
  21. Zumbulidze I. G. ] / I. G. Zumbulidze // Modern Philology: Materials of the International. in Scientific conf. (Ufa, April 2011). / Under total. ed. G. D. Akhmetova. - Ufa: Summer, 2011. - P. 21-23.
  22. .
  23. Slavina V. A. Modern literature in search of the ideal // Lecturer. - 2005. - № 2. - p.38-41.
  24. Nonifying A. N. The motive of death in the artistic world of Tatiana Tolstoy stories // Actual problems of literature. Comment by XX C.: Materials of the International Conference. - (Svetlogorsk September 25-28, 2000). - Kaliningrad, - 2001. - P. 120-125.
  25. Popova I. M., Gubanova T. V., Lyuboznaya E. V. . - Tambov: Publishing House Tamb. State tehn University, 2008. - 64 p.
  26. Kono Numano. . SUSI.ru (October 26, 2001). Checked February 14, 2012.
  27. Alexander Genis. // New Newspaper . - 2010. - № 121.
  28. - Artemy Lebedev in the "Live Journal"
  29. . Litkarta.ru. Checked February 10, 2012.
  30. .


  • In the library Maxim Moshkov

An excerpt characterizing fat, Tatyana Nikitichna

He grabbed his hand to his hand to his bony brush, shook her, looked right in the face of his son with his fast eyes, which seemed to have seen a man, and again laughed with his cold laugh.
The son sighed, admitting this sigh in the fact that his father understood him. The old man, continuing to fold and print letters, with its usual speed, grabbed and threw a surgucha, printing and paper.
- What to do? Beautiful! I'll do everything. You are fuddled, "he said abruptly during printing.
Andrew was silent: he was nice and unpleasant that his father understood him. The old man got up and filed a letter to his son.
"Listen," he said, "I don't care about my wife: what can be done, it will be done. Now listen: Let the letter to Mikhail Ilarionovich give. I write that he used you in good places and did not hold you for a long time: a bad post! Tell you to him that I remember him and love. Yes write how he will accept you. If it is good, serve. Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky Son from the grace to serve no one who will not. Well, now come here.
He spoke to such a patter that he did not have to do half of the words, but the son was accustomed to understand him. He brought his son to the Bureau, threw back the lid, put forward a drawer and took out his latter, long and compressed handwriting a notebook.
- I must have to die before you. Know, here are my notes, their sovereign to convey after my death. Now here is a lombard ticket and a letter: this is a bonus to those who write the history of Suvorov wars. Send to the Academy. Here my remarks, after me read for yourself, you can find.
Andrei did not say the father that, right, he would live for a long time. He understood that this was not needed.
"All I'll fulfill," father, "he said.
- Well, now goodbye! "He gave his hand to kiss his hand and hugged him." - Remember one, Prince Andrei: If you kill you, I will hurt you old man ... - He suddenly silent and suddenly continued with a crushing voice: - If I find out that you didn't know yourself as the son of Nikolai Bolkonsky, I will be ashamed! He screamed.
"That you could not tell me," Batyushka, "smiling, Son said.
The old man fell silent.
- I also wanted to ask you, "continued Prince Andrei, - if I was killed and if I had a son, do not let him down from myself, as I told you yesterday, so that he grew up with you ... please.
- Wife not give? - said the old man and laughed.
They silently stood against each other. The rapid eyes of the old man were directly directed into the eyes of the son. Something fluttered at the bottom of the face of the old prince.
- I used to say goodbye ... go! - Suddenly he said. - Stay! He shouted an angry and loud voice, revolating the cabinet door.
- What is what? - the princess and princess, seeing the prince of Andrei and for a minute the old man shouted an angry voice in a white coat, without a wig and in Starikovsky glasses.
Prince Andrei sighed and said nothing.
"Well," he said, turning to his wife.
And this "Well" sounded a cold mockery, as if he said: "Now you do your pieces."
- Andre, deja! [Andrei, already!] - said a little princess, palena and with fear looking at her husband.
He hugged her. She screamed and fell without feelings on his shoulder.
He carefully dismissed his shoulder on which she lay, looked into her face and carefully planted her on the chair.
- Adieu, Marieie, [Goodbye, Masha,] - He said to the sister quietly, kissed her hand in his hand and came out of the room.
The princess lay in the chair, M Lle scratch was rubbed her whiskey. Princess Marya, supporting the daughter-in-law, with aspired beautiful eyes, still looked at the door, in which the prince of Andrei came out, and baptized him. From the office heard were, as shots, often repeated angry sounds of Starikovsky blowing. Just Prince Andrei came out, the cabinet door quickly opened and looked like a strict figure of the old man in a white coat.
- Did you go? Well and good! Said, he said angrily looking at an insensible little princess, shook his head scorznantly and slammed the door.

In October 1805, the Russian troops also occupied the villages of the Austrian Erzgreegence, and new shelves came from Russia and, burdened by the inhabitants, were located near Brownau's fortress. Brownau had the main apartment of the commander-in-chief of Kutuzov.
On October 11, 1805, one of the infantry regiments who had just come to Brownau, waiting for a review of the commander-in-chief, stood in half a liter from the city. Despite the non-Russian area and the situation (fruit gardens, stone fences, tiled roofs, the mountains, the visible away), on the Unusual people, with curiosity looked at the soldier, the regiment had exactly the same kind as everyone had any Russian regiment, who was preparing for looking somewhere In the middle of Russia.
From the evening, at the last transition, an order was received that the commander-in-chief will watch the regiment on the campaign. Although the words of the order and seemed to be unclear to the regimental commander, and the question arose, how to intelligence the words of the order: in marching form or not? In the Council of Battalion Commanders, it was decided to represent the regiment in the parade form on the grounds that it is always better to overlap than not to adopt. And soldiers, after the thirtieth transition, did not climb the eye, they were cleaned all night, cleaned; Adjutants and Roets were calculated, expelled; and by the morning regiment, instead of a stretched random crowd, what he was on the eve of the last transition, represented a slender mass of 2,000 people, of whom everyone knew his place, his work and of which each intention and strap were in their place and glittered clean . Not only the outdoor was properly, but if it would be pleasing to the commander-in-chief to look under the uniforms, then on each he would have seen the same clean shirt and in every plan there would be a legal number of things, the "Slice and Soap", as soldiers say. There was only one circumstance, about which no one could be calm. It was shoes. More than half of people, the boots were broken. But this lack did not happen from the guilt of the regimental commander, since, despite repeated demands, he was not released the goods from the Austrian department, and the regiment passed a thousand versts.
The regimental commander was an elderly, sanguine, with gray-haired eyebrows and Benbankards, a dense and wide more from the chest to his back than from one shoulder to another. It was a new one, with a needle, with a blind folding of uniform and thick golden epolets, which as if not a book, and then raised his fat shoulders. The regimental commander had a kind of man happily performing one of the most solemn affairs of life. He walked in front of the front and, gorgeous, dug up at every step, slightly curling his back. It was seen, it was that the regimental commander admires his regiment, happy to them that all his strengths are engaged only by the regiment; But, despite the fact that his oppression gait as if he said that, except for military interests, in his soul, his considerable place is also occupied by the interests of public household and female.
- Well, the father of Mikhailo Mithrich, he turned to one battalion commander (the battalion commander smiling went ahead; it was seen that they were happy), - went to nuts now at night. However, it seems nothing, the regiment is not bad ... eh?
The battalion commander understood cheerful irony and laughed.
- And on the Tsaritsyn meadow from the field would not be proactious.
- What? Said the commander.
At this time, on the road from the city, on which they were placed, two riding appeared. These were an adjutant and the Cossack, who was driving from behind.
The adjutant was sent from the General Staff to confirm the regimental commander what was said to be unclear in yesterday's order, namely, the commander-in-chief wanted to see the regiment is completely in that position in which it was walking in overcoats, in covers and without any preparations.
A member of the Cutuzuza from Vienna, with proposals and requirements of ITTI, arrived on the Kutuzov, with the proposals and requirements of ITTi, and Kutuzov, not counting this compound, among other evidence, in favor of his opinion, he intended to show the Austrian General in which troops came from Russia. With this goal, he wanted to go to meet the regiment, so, the worse there would be a position of the regiment, the more nice it would be the commander-in-chief. Although the adjutant did not know these details, but he handed over the regulatory commander the indispensable requirement of the commander-in-chief so that people were in stones and covers, and that otherwise the commander-in-chief will be dissatisfied. After listening to these words, the regimental commander lowered his head, silently pulled his shoulders and a sanguine gesture spread his arms.
- Motion! - he said. "So I told you, Mikhailo Mithrich, that at the campaign, so in the stakes," he turned with reproach to the battalion commander. - Oh, my God! - he added and resolutely made ahead. - Lord Road Commanders! He shouted with a voice familiar to the team. - Feldebel! ... will they please regret? - He turned to the arranging adjutant with an expression of respectful courtesy, apparently belonged to the face that he spoke.
- An hour later, I think.
- Have time to move?
- I do not know, the general ...
The regimental commander, coming to the rows, ordered to disguise again in the sheel. Rotta commanders fused on companies, Feldofebeli have dried out (shelters were not completely good) and at the same moment they swamped, stretched and talking to the correct, silent four-rollers. From all sides, the soldiers were taught and ran up behind her shoulders, they dragged the earlings through their heads, they filmed over her shinels and, highly raising their hands, pulled them into the sleeves.
After half an hour, everything came again in the former order, only four-rollers became gray of black. The regimental commander, again, the gait again, came forward the regiment and looked around him from afar.
- What else? What's this! He shouted, stopping. - Commander 3rd company! ..
- Commander 3rd company to General! The commander to General, 3rd company to the commander! ... - Voices were heard around the rows, and the adjutant ran to find a disguised officer.
When the sounds of diligent voices, reassuring, shouting already "General in the 3rd Road", they reached the appointment, the required officer appeared because of the company and, although the person was already an elderly and habits to run, awkwardly clinging his socks, tried to the general. The face of Captain expressed anxiety of a schoolboy who was veiled to say the lesson who was unbearable to them. On red (obviously from the confusion) the nose was spots, and the mouth did not find the position. The regulatory commander from the legs to the head examined the captain, while he frightening, as the step is approximated.
- You will soon go to the sundresses! What's this? - shouted the regimental commander, putting forward the lower jaw and pointing in the ranks of the 3rd company on the soldier in the colors of the factory cloth, distinguished from other sinels. - Where were there? The commander-in-chief is expected, and you move away from your place? And? ... I will teach you how to wear people in Cossacks! ... and? ...
Rotta commander, not showering eyes from the boss, more and more pressed his two fingers to the visor, as if he saw his salvation in one of this pressing.
- Well, what are you silent? Who do you have there in the Hungarian? - Strictly joked the regimental commander.
- Your Excellency…
- Well, "Your Excellency"? Your Excellency! Your Excellency! And that your Excellency is unknown to anyone.
"Your Excellency, it is share, demolished ..." said Quios Captain.
- What is he in Feldmarshal, what was demolished or in soldiers? And the soldier, so it should be dressed as everything in form.
- Your Excellency, you yourself allowed him a campaign.
- Allowed? Allowed? Here you are always so, young people, "said the regimental commander, cooling a few. - Allowed? You will tell you anything, and you and ... - The regimental commander paused. - You say something, and you and ... - What? - He said, annoying again. - If you want to wear people decently ...
And the regimental commander, looking at the adjutant, his shudder went to the shelf. It was seen that his irritation himself liked himself, and that he, having gone around the regiment, wanted to find another pretext to his anger. Turning out one officer for a non-free sign, another for the irregularity of a number, he approached the 3rd company.
- Caaak cost? Where is the leg? Leg where? - shouted the regimental commander with an expression of suffering in his voice, another person in five no reaching to Dolokhova, dressed in a bluish chinel.
Shelokhov slowly straightened the bent foot and straight, with his bright and brazen look, looked into the face of the general.
- Why blue shinel? Down with ... Feldwebel! Disguise him ... Dry ... - He did not have time to finish.
"General, I have to fulfill orders, but is not obliged to transfer ... - Sharchov said hastily.
- At the front, do not talk! ... Do not talk, do not talk! ...
- It is not obliged to endure insults - loudly, sounded to Shard.
The eyes of the general and the soldier met. The general fell silent, angrily pulling the book to the tight scarf.
"Excuse me to change clothes, I ask you," he said, leaving.

- Rides! - shouted at this time, Mahaal.
The regimental commander, blushed, ran up to a horse, trembling his hands took up the stirrup, crushed the body, recovered, took out the sword and with a happy, decisive face, the next to the mouth was cooked. The regiment was fixed as a fixed bird, and froze.
- SMIR R R P O! - shouted the regimental commander to a stunning soul with a voice, joyful for himself, strict in relation to the regiment and friendly in relation to the approaching boss.
In wide, ash trees, a big, sophisticated road, a slightly melting sprouting by springs, trotting a high blue Vienna Tzugoma stroller. For the stroller, the suite and the convoy of the Croatians. Cutuzuz was sitting near the Austrian general in a strange, among the black Russians, white uniform. The stroller stopped at the shelf. Kutuzov and the Austrian general said quietly about something quietly, and Kutuzov smiled slightly, while heaving heavily, he lowered his leg with the footsteps, just as if there were no these 2,000 people who did not breathe on him and on the regimental commander .
There was a cry of the team, again the regiment of the link trembled, making a guard. In the dead silence, the weak voice of the commander-in-chief was heard. The regiment crushed: "Sred and desire, your go ago!" And again everything froze. First, Kutuzov stood in one place until the regiment moved; Then Kutuzov next to the White General, on foot, accompanied by a retreat, began to walk around the rows.
On how the regimental commander salted the commander-in-chief, poured into him with his eyes, pulling out and picking up, as a tilted forward went for generals in the ranks, barely holding the growing movement, as joined with every word and the movement of the commander-in-chief, - it was clear that he performed his duties Subordinate with great pleasure than the responsibilities of the Chief. The regiment, thanks to the rigor and diligence of the regimental commander, was in excellent condition relatively with others, who came at the same time to Brownau. The backward and patients were only 217 people. And everything was fine, except for shoes.
Kutuzov passed through the ranks, occasionally stopping and speaking several gentle words by officers whom he knew in Turkish war, and sometimes soldiers. Having glanced on shoes, he shouted his head sad several times and pointed to her Austrian General with such an expression that no one would reproached to this, but could not not see how bad. The regimental commander every time ran ahead, afraid to miss the word commander-in-chief regards. From behind Kutuzov, in such a distance, that any weakly uttered word could be heard, there was 20 suits. Lord Sweets talked between themselves and sometimes laughed. The closest adjutant was closer to the commander-in-chief. It was Prince Bolkonsky. Nearby it was his comrade Nesvitsky, high headquarters officer, extremely fat, with good, and smiling beautiful face and wet eyes; Nesvitsky barely held out of laughter, excited by the blacksmith hussar officer, who goes beside him. The hussar officer, not smiling, without changing the expressions of the stopped eyes, with a serious face looked at the back of the regimental commander and messed up his every movement. Each time the regimental commander shuddered and flex ahead, exactly the same, the hussars officer fucked and flex ahead. Nesvitsky laughed and pushed others to look at the feet.
Kutuzov walked slowly and sluggish past a thousand eyes, which turned out of their orbits, watching the boss. Having pouring with the 3rd mouth, he suddenly stopped. Sweet, without providing this stop, involuntarily shook at him.
- A, Timokhin! - said the commander in chief, recognizing the captain with a red nose victim for the blue sinel.
It seemed that it was impossible to stretch more than Timokhin stretched out, while the regimental commander did a remark. But at that moment of appeal to him, the commander-in-chief captain pulled out so that it seemed to look at him commander-in-chief of a few more time, the captain would not stand it; And therefore Kutuzov, apparently realizing his position and wanting, on the contrary, all kinds captain, hastily turned away. On a plump, the cutuzov's disheveled wounded face ran a slightly noticeable smile.
"More Izmailovsky Comrade," he said. - Brave officer! Are you satisfied with them? - asked Kutuzov at the regimental commander.
And the regimental commander, reflecting, as in the mirror, invisibly for himself, in the hussar officer, shuddered, went ahead and answered:
- Very pleased, your high stepper.
"We are not without weaknesses," Kutuzov said, smiling and leaving him. - He had a commitment to Bakhus.
The regimental commander was frightened, whether he was not guilty of that, and did not answer. The officer at that moment noticed the face of the captain with a red nose and the tightened belly and so much thought his face and the pose that Nesvitsky could not keep laughter.
Kutuzov turned around. It was seen that the officer could manage his face as he wanted: at that moment, as Kutuzov turned around, the officer managed to make a grimace, and after the time to take the most serious, respectful and innocent expression.
The third company was the last, and Kutuzov thought, apparently recalling something. Prince Andrei spoke out of the suit and french said softly:
- You ordered to remind the demolished dolokhov in this regiment.
- Where is Solokhov? - asked Kutuzov.
Shelokhov, already moved to the soldier's singer, did not wait, so that he was called. The slim figure of blonde with the clear blue eyes of the soldier spoke out of the front. He went to the commander-in-chief and made a guard.
- Claim? - frowned slightly, asked Kutuzov.
"It's share," said Prince Andrei.
- A! - said Kutuzov. - I hope that this lesson will fix you, serve good. Sovereign merciful. And I will not forget you, if you deserve.
Blue clear eyes looked at the commander-in-chief as bold, as well as on the regimental commander, as if by the expression, breaking the veil of conventions that separated so far commander-in-chief from the soldier.
"I ask about one, your high stepper," he said to his sonorous, solid, derepelling voice. "Please give me the case to cite my guilt and prove my loyalty to the sovereign to the emperor and Russia.
Kutuzov turned away. On his face, he flashed the same smile of his eyes, as at a time when he turned away from Timokhina captain. He turned away and frowned, as if he wanted to express this that everything she told him, and everything he could tell him, he had long known that all this had already bored him and that all this was not exactly what was needed . He turned away and headed for a stroller.
The regiment was understood by the Roths and headed for the appointed apartments to the Nevdax from Brownau, where he hoped to go, dress and relax after difficult transitions.
- You do not apply for me, Prokhor Ignatich? - said the regimental commander, circling the 3rd Rota moving to the place 3 and approaching her Timokhin captain of her in front. The face of the regimental commander expressed after a happily left-handed look. - The service of the tsarist ... it is impossible ... In another time you break through the front ... I myself apologize the first, you know me ... Thank you very much! - And he extended his hand to the Rotty.
- Mill, general, but if I dare! - answered the captain, blushing his nose, smiling and revealing a smile lack of two front teeth, knocked out with an plear.
- Yes, Mr. Dolokhov, say that I will not forget him, so that he was calm. Yes, please tell me, I wanted to ask what he was leading? And everything ...
"The service is very good, your Excellency ... But Karahter ..." said Timokhin.
- And what that is character? - asked the regimental commander.
- Finds your Excellency, days, - said Captain, - that's a smart, and scientist, and kind. And then the beast. In Poland killed enough, I love to know ...
"Well, yes, well, yes," said the regimental commander, "everyone must regret the young man in misfortunes." After all, big connections ... so you ...
- I listen, your Excellency, - Timokhin said, giving a smile to feel that he understands the desires of the chief.
- Yes Yes.
The regimental commander found in the ranks of Dologov and held a horse.
"To the first case - Eps," he said to him.
She looked back, did not say anything and did not change the expressions of his mockingly smiling mouth.
"Well, that's good," continued the regimental commander. - People in the charm vodka from me, - he added so that the soldiers heard. - Thank you all! Thank God! - And he, overtaking the company, drove up to another.
- Well, he, right, good man; It is possible to serve with him, "said Timokhin Subountern to the officer who goes beside him.
"One word, Chervoy! ... (The regimental commander called the Chervon King) - Laughing, said SubaLental officer.
The happy arrangement of the spirit of the authorities after the view passed and to the soldiers. Rota walked fun. From all sides, soldier's voice spoken.
- How did you say Kutuzov curve, about one eye?
- Oh no! Almost curve.
- Not ... Brother, Eye to you. Boots and exposure - everything looked around ...
- Like him, brother you are, I look at my feet ... well! I think ...
"And the other then Austria, he was, as if chalk smeared." Like flour, white. I am tea, how the ammunition is clean!
- What, Fedeshow! ... did he say, or if the defendants begin, were you closer? Everything spoke, in Brunov, Bunapart himself stands.
- Bunaparta stands! You are lying, fool! What does not know! Now Prussac Bunutuet. Austria Him, it means, satisfies. As he gets shaken, then with Bunaro war will open. And then, says, in Brunov, Bunapartes stands! It is clear that the fool. You listen more.
- Vish the devils of the apartments! The fifth company, looked, worst into the village, they boil porridge, and we will not reach the place before.
- Give Sukharik, Chort.
- And tobacco then gave yesterday? That brother. Well, on, God is with you.
- At least I would have done, and then there is no verst five from the bottom.
- that way there was like the Germans of the strollers applied to us. Going, know: important!
- And here, the brother, the people are completely frantic. Everything is as if the Pole was, the whole Russian crown; And now, brother, a solid German went.
- Songns forward! - I was heard the cry of the captain.
And before the company, twenty people ran out from different ranks. The drummer fought turned his face to the songwriters, and, having waved his hand, dragged the outstanding soldier's song, which began: "Does not be loaded, the sun is engaged ..." and ending with the words: "That, brothers, will be glory to us with a Kamensky father ..." This song has been folded Now in Turkey, now in Austria, only with the change that words are inserted into the place of Kamensky Father: "Kutuzov Father."
Tinging the soldiers of these last words and waving his hands, as if he threw something on the ground, the drummer, a dry and beautiful soldier of forty years, strictly looked at the songwriters and clogged. Then, making sure that all the eyes are directed to him, he seemed to carefully lifted some kind of invisible, the precious thing over his head, he held it so a few seconds and suddenly desperately threw her:
Oh, you, Seni My, Seni!
"Songy new my ...", picked up twenty votes, and a spider, despite the severity of the ammunition, jerkingly joined the forward and went back in front of his mouth, move his shoulders and threatening someone to spoons. Soldiers, in the ranks of songs waving their hands, went to a spacious step, unwittingly falling down. From behind the company heard the sounds of the wheels, pummage of the spring and the horses horses.
Kutuzov with a retinue returned to the city. The commander-in-chief made a sign so that people continue to go outbreak, and on his face and on all persons, his suits were a pleasure at the sounds of songs, at the sight of a dying soldier and fun and boyko walking company soldiers. In the second row, from the right flank, from which the stroller overtook the company, the blue-eyed soldiers rushed into the eyes, Shahov, who especially Boyko and gracefully walked into the ranks of the songs and looked at the faces passing with such an expression, as if he regretted everyone who did not go At this time with a roth. The Gusar Kornet from Kutuzov's Sweets, who had an opposing regimental commander, lagged behind the stroller and drove to Dolohov.

Tatyana Tatalia was born on May 3, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of Professor Physics Nikita Alekseevich Tolstoy with rich literary traditions. Tatiana grew in a large family, where she had seven brothers and sisters. Grandfather of the future writer on the maternal line - Lozinsky Mikhail Leonidovich, literary translator, poet. The father's line is the granddaughter of the writer Alexei Tolstoy and the poetess Natalia Krandiyevskaya.
After graduating from school, the thick of the University entered the Leningrad University, to the department of classical philology (with the study of Latin and Greek languages), which graduated in 1974. In the same year, it comes to marry and, after her husband, moves to Moscow, where it is arranged to work as a corrector in the "Main Editing of Eastern Literature" under the publishing house "Science". Having worked in the publishing house until 1983, Tatyana Tatyana in the same year publishes its first literary works and debuts, as a literary critic with Articles "Glue and Scissors ..." ("Questions of Literature", 1983, No. 9). According to their own confessions, it has made it forced the fact that she suffered an operation before the eyes. "Now, after the correction with the laser, the bandage is removed in a couple of days, and then I had to lie down with a bandage for a whole month. And since it was impossible to read, the plots of the first stories began to be born in the head, "Tall told.
In 1983, he wrote the first story called "On the Golden Porch was sitting ...", published in the journal "Aurora" in the same year. The story was marked by both the public and criticism and recognized as one of the best literary debuts of the 1980s. Artistically, the work was a "kaleidoscope of children's impressions from ordinary events and ordinary people who are visible to various mysterious and fabulous characters." Subsequently, the thick publishes in the periodic press about twenty stories. Her works are printed in the "New World" and other major magazines. Sue "date with a bird" (1983), Sonya (1984), "Clean Sheet" (1984), "Love - Don't Love" (1984), "Okkerville River" (1985), "Mammoth Hunt" ( 1985), Peters (1986), "Sleep quietly, son" (1986), "Fire and dust" (1986), "The most beloved" (1986), "Poet and Muse" (1986), "Seraphim" ( 1986), "The month from Tuman" (1987), "Night" (1987), "Heavenly Plan" (1987), "Somnambula in Tuman" (1988). In 1987, the first collection of stories of the writer, entitled similarly to its first story - "On the golden porch was ...". The collection includes, as previously known works, and not published: "Cute Shura" (1985), "Fakir" (1986), "Circle" (1987). After the edition of Tatyana's collection, Tatyana was adopted as a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.
Soviet criticism perceived literary works Tolstoy wary. She was reproached in the "dense" letters, in the fact that "do not read a lot in one sitting." Other critics perceived the prose writer with delight, but noted that all her works were written in one, built template. In intellectual circles, the thick has a reputation as an original, independent author. At that time, the main characters of the works of the writer were "urban crazy" (staplery old women, "ingenious" poets, low-minded people with disabilities ...), "Living and fondering in a brutal and stupid bureaucratic environment." Since 1989, he has been a permanent member of the Russian Penag Center.
In 1990, the writer leaves in the USA, where teaching activities. Thick taught Russian literature and artistic letter at Skidmor College, located in Saratoga Springs and Princeton, collaborated with New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, TLS and other magazines, read lectures at other universities. Subsequently, all the 1990s, the writer has spent several months a year in America. According to her, the residence of abroad initially had a strong influence in the language aspect. She complained about how the emigrant Russian language is changing under the influence of the environment. In his short essay of that time, "Nadezhda and Support", the fat led examples of the usual conversation in a Russian store on Brighton Beach: "There is constantly in the conversation, such words as" Svisroufly Cottage cheese "," Seek "," Polpound Cise "and" Malossal salmon "". After four months of staying in America, Tatyana Nikitichna noted that "the brain turns it into a mince or salad where languages \u200b\u200bare mixed and some underacted, missing both in English and Russian."
In 1991, begins journalistic activities. He owns his own column "his bell tower" in the weekly newspaper "Moscow News", cooperates with the magazine "Capital", which is part of the editorial board. Essays, essays and articles Tolstoy also appear in the magazine "Russian Telegraph". In parallel with journalistic activities, it continues to publish books. In the 1990s, such works were published as "Love - do not love" (1997), "Sisters" (in collaboration with the sister of Natalie Tolstoy) (1998), "Okakervil River" (1999). The translations of its stories in English, German, French, Swedish and other languages \u200b\u200bof the world appear. In 1998, he became a member of the editorial board of the American magazine "Counterpoint". In 1999, Tatiana Tatstaya returns to Russia, where he continues to engage in literary, journalistic and teaching activities.
In 2000, the writer publishes his first novel "Kysh". The book caused a lot of responses and became very popular. According to the novel, many theaters were made by performances, and in 2001, on the air of the state radio station "Radio Russia", under the leadership of Olga Khmelev, a draft literary series was implemented. In the same year, three more books were published: "Day", "Night" and "Two". Noting the commercial success of the writer, Andrei Aschker in the magazine "Russian Life" wrote that the general circulation of books amounted to about 200 thousand copies and works of Tatiana Nikitichna became available to the general public. Tolstaya receives the prize of the XIV Moscow International Book Fair in the "Prose" nomination. In 2002, Tatiana Tolstaya was headed by the editorial board of the conservative newspaper.
In 2002, the writer also appears on television for the first time, in the television transfer "Main Instinct". In the same year, it becomes coordinent (together with Avdota Smirnova) TV shows "School of Crossing", which has been released by Culture TV channel. The transfer receives the recognition of telecrites and in 2003 Tatiana Tatstaya and Avdota Smirnov received the Award "Teffi", in the category "Best Talk Show".
In 2010, in collaboration with the nephew Olga Prokhorova, released its first children's book. He is entitled as "the most alphabet of Buratino", the book is interconnected with the work of the grandfather of the writer - the book "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino". Thick told: "The design of the book was born 30 years ago. Not without the help of my older sister ... She always had a pity that Pinocchio so quickly sold his alphabet, and that nothing was known about her content. What are the bright pictures there were? What is it at all? Years passed, I switched to the stories, during this time the niece gave birth to two children. And finally, there was time on the book. A semi-forgotten project was picked up by my nephew, Olga Prokhorova. " In the ranking of the best books of the XXIII Moscow International Book Exhibition-Fair, the book ranked second in the section "Children's Literature".
In 2011, he entered the rating of the "One of the most influential women of Russia", composed by the radio station "Echo of Moscow", information agencies RIA Novosti, Interfax and the magazine "Ogonjek". Tolstoy believes to the "new wave" in the literature, called one of the bright names of the "artistic prose", which goes back to the "gaming prose" of Bulgakov, Oleshi, who brought with him a parody, junning, holiday, eccentricity of the author's "I".
He says about himself: "I am interested in people" from the sewage ", that is, we are, as a rule, the deaf, who we perceive as ridiculous, unable to hear their speeches, unable to see their pain. They go away from life, little that understood, often having lost something important, and leaving, perplexed like children: the holiday is over, and where is the gifts? And life and life was life, and they themselves were a gift, but no one explained to them. "
Tatyana Tatstaya lived and worked in Princeton (USA), taught Russian literature at universities.
Now lives in Moscow.

early years

Russian writer Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya appeared in Leningrad. Tatiana was born in a family with rich literary traditions - Grandfather Tolstoy in the mother - Poet Mikhail Lozinsky, Grandfather on the Father's line - the famous Soviet writer Alexei Tolstoy; His wife, Grandma Tatiana - Poets Natalya Krandiyevskaya. Father of the future writer - Doctor of Physical Sciences, Professor Nikita Tolstoy. Tolstoy family was large, Tatiana had seven brothers and sisters.

Tatyana Tolstaya in the Program Posner

After graduating from school, Tatyana Tolstaya enters the Philology Faculty of the University of Leningrad (now - St. Petersburg State University). Tolstoy specialization - ancient languages: Latin and Greek. In 1974, Tatiana ends the university and marries the philologist A. Lebedev, moving soon, together with her husband in the capital. In Moscow, Tolstoy is set to work in the major editorial office of Eastern Literature under the Publishing House "Science", where she worked for almost ten years, until 1983.

The year of dismissal from "Science" became for the Tolstaya Year of the Literary Debut. In the same year, Tatiana debuts and as a literary critic, publishing his first critical article in "matters of literature". The impetus to the beginning of literary creativity for Tatiana was an operation before the eyes. After the correction in the vision in those year, the bandage was filmed at least in a month, and at that time, while the fat lay, the first plots were born in her head, the first plots were born, subsequently turned into stories "On the golden porch sat ...", "Sonya" , "Date with a bird."

Debut Tatiana Tolstoy in literature

The literary debut of the writer took place in 1983. In the journal "Aurora" a story was published "On the Golden Porch sat ...". Literary critics and readers perceived a story with enthusiasm, at the end of the year the work was recognized as the best literary debut of 1983. In the work of kaleidoscopic, the impressions of the child were presented, ranging from ordinary household events and everyday meetings to mysterious and fabulous characters born to children's fantasy.

After the success of the story in the so-called "thick journals" - "New World", "Aurora", "Star" - its stories "Date with a bird" (1983), "Sonya" (1984), "Clean Sheet" (1984) "Love - do not love" (1984) and others. In total from 1983 to 1988, more than twenty stories were published in the Soviet period of 1987, which in 1987, the debut collection of the writer "On the Golden Porch was sitting ...". In addition to those published earlier and preparing for the press, they did not publish anywhere who published "Cute Shura", "Fakir", etc. In 1988, Tatiana Tatstaya became a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Unlike the first publication, other works Tatiana Tolstoy were met with criticism not so enthusiastic. Tolstoy accused of "lungs of letters", the too rich image on the one hand, and the "templates", building all the stories on one scenario on the other. Despite the attacks of critics, Tatiana Tolstaya becomes esteem in the writer's original, independent author. In addition to Tolstoy, then almost no one lookedd off to write about "urban crazy" - old women, ingenious poets, weak people with disabilities, living and dying in the Meshchansky urban environment. In 1989, the fat becomes a member of the Russian Pen-Center.

Life abroad

Since 1990, Tatiana Tatstaya has moved to the United States of America, justifying in Princeton. In the States, the writer teaches Russian literature and Russian literary creativity at the Skidmorsky College, reads lectures at universities and cooperates with such magazines as "New York Review of Books" and "The New Yorker". In addition, fat is interested in changes in Russian abroad under the action of surrounding people and events, there are several scientific articles on the theme of the Emigrant Russian and its differences with the literary Russian language. The program of its studies of those years is becoming an essay "Hope and Support", in which the writer leads a number of interesting hypotheses, conclusions, gives examples of emigrant Americanism in the conversational Russian language of the United States.

Since 1991, Tatiana Tatstaya starts working as a columnist in the "Moscow news", where leads the famous author's column "his bell tower". After some time, Tatiana is part of the editorial board of the magazine "Capital", cooperates with Russian Telegraph. Not leaves Tatyana Nikitichna and literary activities: the nineties were marked by the release of her books, as "love - do not love" (1997), "Okkerville River" (1999) in collaboration with Natalia Tolstoy's sister in 1998 comes out of the book "Sisters". In the same years, Tatiana becomes popular and abroad - its stories are published in French, English, German, Swedish. In 1998, the fat becomes one of the founders and enters the editorial board of the American literary magazine "Counterpoint". In 1999, Tatiana returns to his homeland. In Russia, the writer continues to engage in journalism, teach and create literary works.

"Cas" and other novels of Tatiana Tolstoy

At the beginning of the two thousandth Tatiana, Tatstaya moves away from the short genre in which she wrote from the very beginning of literary activities. From under her feather, large novels begin to leave. In 2000, the debut romance of Tolstoy "see", favorably encountered critics and the public. The book is quickly becoming a bestseller and gets the "Triumph" award.

In many theaters of Russia and abroad, the novel was used as the basis for performances, since 2001, a literary radio series based on Roman (Writer and Project Manager - Olga Khmelev) sounds in the broadcast of Russia. Commercial success thick secured in 2001, having released three books at once - "Day", "Night" and "Two" with a total circulation of more than two hundred thousand copies. XIV Moscow International Book Fair Hands Tatiana Tatolism The main prize in the nomination "Prose". In 2002, the writer becomes the editor-in-chief of the "conservative" edition.

Tatyana Thick and "School of Crossing"

Since 2002, Tatyana Tolstaya appears in television. The first advent of the writer was to participate in the Program "Main Instinct", since October of the same year, together with Avdot, Smirnova Tolstaya leads the TV program "School of Crossing". From the first to the third season was a member of the jury of the television show "Minute of Glory". In the program "Big difference", twice appeared parodies on thick - once the writer was paroded as a member of the jury "Minutes of Glory", and the second - as a co-"School of Crossing". In 2003, the program Tolstoy and Smirnova receives the Tafe Prize in the "Best Talk Show" nomination.

"That alphabet Pinocchio"

Since 2010, Tatyana Tatstaya starts writing books not only for adults, but also for children. In co-authorship with Olga Prokhorova, she produces the book "The Sable Most of Buratino", associated with a common story with the famous book of grandfather's writer Alexei Tolstoy "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio". The idea of \u200b\u200bthe book, according to Tolstoy, was born three more thirty years ago, but there was not enough time and inspiration for the project. Once in a conversation with his nephew, Olga Prokhorova, the fat mentioned this, and that, tanning the idea, offered to write a book in collaboration. As a result, the work took second place in the ranking of children's literature XXIII Moscow Book Fair.

Tatyana Tatstaya about unrequited love

Personal life Tatiana Tolstoy

Tatyana Tatalia is married to the philologist Andrei Lebedev, she has two children. Senior Son - Artemy, famous designer and leader of the leading Art Studio of Russia "Studio Artemia Lebedev". Alexey's younger son lives in the USA, photographer, programmer, computer program architect. Alexey is married, he has no children.

Total, Tatyana Nikitichna(r. 1951) - Russian writer. Born on May 3, 1951 in Leningrad. Father - Academician-philologist Nikita Tolstoy, grandfathers - a writer Alexey Tolstoy and translator Mikhail Lozinsky. In 1974 he graduated from the department of classical philology Philfak LSU, after which she moved to Moscow. Until 1983, he worked in the main editorial office of Eastern literature under the publishing house "Science".

Actively printed starts at Soviet power. First Publication - Story On the golden porch sat ... Appeared by the magazine "Aurora" in 1983. As a critic debuted in the same year by articles with glue and scissors.

In the mid-1980s, wrote and published in periodic printing about 20 stories ( Fakir, A circle, A loss, Cute Shura, River Okkerville et al.) And the story story. In 1988, thirteen of them came out with a separate book: they sat on the golden porch ....

Official criticism reacted to prose Tolstoy wary. Some reproached her in the "dense" letters, in the fact that "do not read a lot in one sitting." Others, on the contrary, said that they were reading the book that all the works were written in one scheme, artificially built. In intellectual reading circles of that time, the thick of the original, independent writer's reputation. Heroes of her prose are mainly simple "city woundings" (staple old worms, "brilliant" poets, low-minded disabled children ...), living and fondering in a cruel and stupid Meshchansky environment.

In prose Tolstoy, according to critics, the influence of Shklovsky and Tynyanov, on the one hand, and Remizov - on the other hand, is traced. She faces the words from the various semantic layers of the language, as a rule, looks at his heroes "Ortrays", turns out the plot like cinematographic personnel ... But if the Shklovsky and Tynyanov "redundant" words were used to give an object as an exhaustive definition as possible. , and Remizov appeal to the archaic layers of the tongue closer to the original meaning of the word, the thick, using the methods of paradoxical phrases developed by them, demonstrates that Vyach. Kuritsyn called "the hurry cynicism". Andrei Nemzer so spoke out about her early stories: "" Estheticism "Tolstoy was more important than her" moralism "."

In 1990, it is leaving to teach Russian literature in the United States, where he spends several months a year almost all of the next decade. In 1991, leads a column of "his own bell tower" in the Moscow News Weekly, it is part of the editorial board of the magazine "Capital". There are translations of its stories in English, German, French, Swedish and others. Languages.

In 1997, a separate book ( Love - do not love) In Moscow, its stories are reprinted, in 1998 - Book Sisterswritten in conjunction with sister Natalia .

In 2000-2001 comes new Roman Tolstoy Kyys. - On the mutating after the nuclear explosion of Russia. The country, according to the novel, completely degraded: the language is almost lost, the megalopolises are turned into poor villages, where people live according to the rules of the game in "Cats-Mouse". Roman is saturated with sarcasm, characteristics of heroes are built into a kind of gallery of freaks, their sexuality is emphasized and primitive.

Russian-speaking critics reacted to the new thicker in different ways.

In the early 2000s, its stories are reprinted ( River Okkerville, 2000, night, 2001), Collection Sisters The book, which included the works of Tatiana and Natalia Tolstoy ( Day. miscellanea, 2001), Tatiana Publical Collection Tolstoy Day. Personal (2001) and her book Raisins(2002).

Publicistics Tolstoy also causes contradictory reviews.

In 2001, Tolstaya receives the prize of the XIV Moscow International Book Fair in the Nomination "Prose", in the same year - the prestigious Prize "Triumph".

Since 2002, he was coordarent (together with the Writer of Avdota Smirnova) TV shows "School of Crossing".

Editions: On the golden porch was sitting. Story. M., "Soviet Writer", 1987; Love - do not love. Story. M., "Olma-Press", 1997; River Okkerville. Story. M., "Horseshoe", 2000; Cas. Novel."Horseshoe", 2000; "Foreign", 2001; Night. Story. M., "Horseshoe", 2001; Personal. M., "Horseshoe", 2001.

Anna Brazhna

Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya was born on May 3, 1951 in Leningrad. All her relatives were, one way or another, are associated with languages, literature. Father - Academician - Nikita Tolstoy philologist, grandfather Alexei Tolstoy was a writer, grandfather Mikhail Lozinsky - translator. The girl acted and successfully completed training at the philological faculty of LSU, in 1974 moved to the capital. Since then, its main work has become the main editorial board of Eastern literature under the publishing house.

The first works appeared during the Soviet Board. In 1983, in the magazine "Aurora" published "On the Golden Porch", later this name was the head of the book released in 1988 and included 13 stories. The first work as a critic was "glue and scissors". The period of the mid-80s was also fruitful for Tatiana Nikitichna in a literary plan, at that time approximately 20 of its stories came out (among them "Circle", "Cute Shura", "Fakir", "Circle" and others), and also published a story "Plot" "

As for the perception of works by Tatiana Tatstoy critics and readers, there were no uniform opinions. Someone her swung for too large volumes and the difficulty of reading works for a short time, someone liked it on the contrary, and it was said that her books are read in one breath, but the plot construction scheme is repeated from the work in the work, and it gives a feeling Some artificiality.

Literary intellectual circles perceived Tatiana Nikitichna very favorably, she won the authority of the original and at the same time not going on whose footsteps of the writer. The characters of her prose were mainly "city woundings" who died in a brutal burghers. The manner of pretended by the reader of the heroes and the events described was also peculiar. Most often, what was happening, as the cinema frames, the words belonging to different semantic layers of the language were aburred into speech, the heroes were presented with "removed" angle.

At that time, it was believed that Shklovsky, Tyanyanov and Remizov had a great influence on the work of the writer. If we talk about the last, then the abundance of "extra" words in his work was used mainly to approach the initial meanings of words, turning to the archaic layers of the language. Shklovsky and Tynyanov, which seemed to be redundant descriptions as soon as possible to describe the subject. As for Tatiana Nikitichna, this technique was reworked by it into a peculiar method of paradoxical combinations. Andrei Nemzer believed that Esthetism's early story was more important than Moralism for Tatiana.

From that moment on, the colon biography is filled with numerous events that took place in her life. Since the beginning of the 90s, the writer went to America and stayed there until the beginning of the next millennium. The main goal of her trip was the possibility of teaching Russian literature. Thick became a member of the editorial board "Capital" in 1991, then she was the author of "his column" published in the Moscow Vedomosti. At that time, several translated works on European and some other languages \u200b\u200bwere published. In Moscow, in 1997, she reprinted her stories, uniting their one book "You love - do not love", the year later appeared written together with Natalia Tolstoy, "Sisters".

The beginning of the century was marked by the release of a new novel with the name "Cas". It told about Russia after a nuclear explosion. The picture was extremely pessimistic: absolute degradation, almost lost Russian, people who exist only according to the rules "cats - mice" game, after huge cities, only small wise villages remained. The sexuality of the characters is drawn by extremely coarse and primitive, among the heroes - solid negative personality. In a word, there was a lot of sarcasm in the novel. Russian readers living in other countries reacted ambiguously. Writer Boris Paramonov, who also lived at the time in the States, compared the life of Tolstoy with Nabokov, wrote that if the first in the works had large and strong angels, then the present novel can be considered "the blow of the angel wing." Russia perceived the novel is not entirely enthusiastic, but a certain recognition of the skill of the word Tatiana Nikitichna was still. She considered her story so "tasty that fingers license" Writer Boris Akunin.

In 2000 and later, they reprinted numerous stories and novels Tolstoy. In 2000, the Okkervil River. In 2001, "Night", the publicistic collection "Day", "personal", then the works of Natalia and Tatiana united in one book "Day. Miscellanea". In 2002, the Book "Raisin" was published.

There were various opinions about the writers of the writer. The writer Boris Paramonov was reigning due to the fact that the fatal despised traditional American values, many Russian critics considered her opinion correctly, said that Tatiana's essay had better prose. The prize in the nomination "Prose" went to Tatiana Nikitichna in 2001 on the 14th Moscow International Book Fair. A little later, in the same year the writer was obtained by the prestigious Prize "Triumph".

In 2002, we saw Tolstoy and televisers: it appeared in the program "School of Crossing" with the Writer and the leading Dueen Smirnova.

Please note that in the biography of Tolstaya Tatyana Nikitichna presented the most highlights of life. Some minor life events may be missed in this biography.