Roman Dostoevsky notes from the dead house. Notes from the dead house

Roman Dostoevsky notes from the dead house. Notes from the dead house
Roman Dostoevsky notes from the dead house. Notes from the dead house


Alexandra Petrovich Gorianchikova I met in a small Siberian town. Born in Russia nobleman, he became a link-natal second discharge for the murder of his wife. Departing 10 years cautious, he lived his own age in the town of K. It was a pale and thin man of thirty-five years old, small and punched, unlike and suspicious. Driving one night past his windows, I noticed the light in them and decided that he wrote something.

Returning to the town of the month after three, I learned that Alexander Petrovich died. His mistress gave me his papers. Among them was a notebook with a description of the cautious life of the deceased. These notes are "scenes from the dead house", as he called them, - seemed curious to me. I choose several chapters on the sample.

I. Dead House

Ostrog stood at the serf tree. Big yard He was charged with a fence from high pointed pillars. The fence was a strong gate guarded by watchdogs. There was a special world, with his laws, clothes, nuts and customs.

Parts wide inland yard Two long one-storey barracks have stretched for arrests. In the depths of the courtyard - kitchen, cellar, barns, sheds. In the middle of the courtyard, a smooth platform for calibration and roll holders. A large space remained between buildings and the fence, where some prisoners loved to be alone.

At night, we were locked in a barracks, a long and stuffy room lit by silent candles. In winter, it was locked early, and in the barracks of the hour four stood gams, laughter, swearing and ringing chains. Constantly in the Ostrog there was a person 250. Each strip of Russia had their representatives here.

Most of the arrests are a reference corticle civilian discharge, criminals deprived of all rights, with camplands. They were sent for a time from 8 to 12 years, and then they were sent over Siberia to the settlement. The criminals of the military discharge were sent for a short time, and then returned to where they came from. Many of them returned to the Ostrog for repeated crimes. This category was called "always". In the "Special Office", criminals were sent from all over Russia. They did not know their deadline and worked more than the rest of the convicts.

December evening I entered this strange house. I needed to get used to the fact that I will never alone. Arrestants did not like to talk about the past. Most skillfully read and write. The discharge differed across multicolored clothing and in different way shaved heads. Most cortishes were sullen, envious, vain, boastful and offended people. Most of all appreciated the ability to no longer be surprised.

There were endless gossip and intrigue on the barracks, but no one dare to rebel against the internal stricle tolls. There were characters outstanding, submitted with difficulty. We came to the Ostrog people who committed crimes from vanity. Such newcomers quickly understood that there was no one to surprise here, and fell into a common tone of special advantage, which was accepted in Ostrog. Swearing was erected into the science, which was developed by uninterrupted quarrels. Strong people in a quarrel did not enter, were reasonable and obedient, it was beneficial.

Safety work hated. Many in Ostrog had their own business, without which they could not survive. Arrestants were forbidden to have tools, but the bosses looked at it through the fingers. There were all sorts of crafts. Orders of work were mined from the city.

Money and tobacco saved from Qingi, and work saved from crimes. Despite this, work and money was prohibited. At night, searches were made, everything forbidden was selected, so the money was immediately drooped.

The one who knew nothing became a dealer or an aspecttor. On bail was taken even positive things. Almost everyone had a chest with a castle, but it did not save it from theft. There were also the bodies who traded wine. Former smuggler quickly found applying to their skill. There was another permanent income, "ahead, which was always divided equally.

II. First impressions

Soon, I realized that the severity of the work of the work was that she was forced and useless. In winter, there was little treason. All returned to the Ostrog, where only a third of the arrestants were engaged in their craft, the rest were gossipped, drank and played cards.

In the morning in the barracks it was stuffy. In each barracks there was a arrestant, which was called a parachnik and did not go to work. He had to wash the Nara and the floors, to endure the night eared and bring two buckets of fresh water - for washing, and for drinking.

At first I watched Square. Former nobles in Katorga never recognize their own. Especially got to us at work, for the fact that we had little strength, and we could not help them. Polish gentry, which was a man five, did not like even more. Russian nobles were four. One is a spy and a diamospher, the other - a fatherlyhead. The third was akim akimich, a tall, thin crank, honest, naive and neat.

He served as an officer in the Caucasus. One neighboring prince, who was considered peaceful, attacked his fortress at night, but unsuccessfully. Akim Akimich shot this prince in front of his detachment. He was sentenced to K. death penaltyBut softened the sentence and exiled to Siberia for 12 years. Arrestants respected Akimch Akimch for accuracy and skill. There was no craft that he would not know.

Loading in the workshop of shifts of Kandalov, I asked Akim Akimich about our major. He was dishonest and evil person. On the arrests, he looked at his enemies. In Ostrog, he hated, they were afraid as the plague and even wanted to kill.

Meanwhile, several Kalashnitz appeared in the workshop. To ripe age, they sold Kalachi who baked their mother. Molded, they sold completely different services. It was conjugate with great difficulties. It was necessary to choose time, place, appoint a date and bribe the convoy. But still, I could sometimes be a witness to love scenes.

Dinned arrestants shifted. In my first dinner between the prisoners came about some kind of gas. The Pole, who was sitting next to, told that Gazin sells wine and heeps earned. I asked why many of the arrestants look at me. He explained that they were angry at me for the fact that I would have a nobleman, many of them would like to humiliate me, and added that I would still meet troubles and Bran.

III. First impressions

Arrestants appreciated the money on a par with freedom, but it was difficult to keep them. Or the money was selected by Major, or their crawled. Subsequently, we gave money to storage of an old man Starovser who received to us from Starodubovskiy Slobod.

It was a small, seven old old leng of sixty, calm and quiet, with clear, blond eyes surrounded by small radiant wrinkles. Old man, together with other fanatics, arson is a single church. As one of the instigators, he was exiled to the cautious. The old man was a wealthy tradesman, left at home a family, but he went to the reference with hardness, considering it the "faith of faith." Arrestants respected him and were sure that the old man could not steal.

In Ostrog, it was sad. Arrests pulled to smoke for all capital to forget their longing. Sometimes a person worked for several months only in order to get all the earnings in one day. Many of them loved to start bright new clothes and go to the holidays on the barracks.

Wine trade was a risky, but profitable. For the first time, the kaluba himself joined the width of wine and sells it profitably. After the second and third time, he founded the real trade and started agents and assistants who risked instead. Agents usually became swallowed walks.

In the first days of my conclusion, I became interested in a young arrestant named Sirotkin. He was no more than 23 years old. He was considered one of the most dangerous war criminals. In Ostrog, he fell for killed his regular commander who was always dissatisfied with them. Sirotkin was friends with Gazin.

Gazin was Tatar, very strong, high and powerful, with a disproportionately huge head. In Ostrog, they said that he was a runaway military from Nerchinsk, he was exiled to Siberia more than once, and finally got into a special separation. In Ostrog, he led himself prudently, did not quarrel with anyone and was uncomfortable. It was noticeable that he is nehall and heter.

All the attendant attendant of Gazin appeared when he was drunk. He came to a terrible rage, grabbed the knife and rushed to people. Arrestants found a way to cope with him. The man ten rushed to him and began to beat until he was losing consciousness. Then he was wrapped in a fur coat and attributed to Nara. The next morning he got up healthy and went to work.

Wriving into the kitchen, Gazin began to find fault to me and my comrade. Seeing that we decided to be silent, he trembled from rabies, grabbed a heavy tray for bread and swung. Despite the fact that the murder threatened with the troubles of all Ostroga, everyone quit and waited - to such an extent was strong in them hatred for nobles. Only he wanted to lower the tray, someone shouted that she stole him with wine, and he rushed out of the kitchen.

The whole evening was made by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inequality of punishment for the same crimes. Sometimes the crime cannot be compared. For example, one slaughtered a person just like that, and the other killed, defending the honor of the bride, sister, daughter. Another difference is in punished people. A man educated, with a developed conscience, will condemn himself for his crime. Another does not even think about the murder committed and considers himself right. There are those who commit crimes to get to the cautious and get rid of heavy Life on the will.

IV. First impressions

After the last calibration from the bosses in the barracks, a disabled person who is observing the order, and the eldest of the progress, appointed by Platz Major for good behavior. In our barracks, the senior turned out to be akim Akimich. For a disabled, the arrestants did not pay attention.

The religious authorities have always believed to the arrestants with caution. Arrestants were aware that they were afraid, and it was attached to them. The best chief for the prisoners is the one who is not afraid of them, and the arrestants themselves are pleased with such confidence.

In the evening, our barracks took a home look. A handful of a walk fell around a rug for cards. In each barracks, there was a arrestant who rented a rug, a candle and felling cards. All this was called "Maidan." The servant at Maidan was standing on the guard all night and warned about the appearance of Major or Karaoul Platz.

My place was on the doors at the door. Near me, Akim Akimich was placed. On the left was placed a handful of Caucasian Highlanders convicted for robbery: Three Dagestan Tatars, two lezgin and one Chechen. Dagestan Tatars were native brothers. The youngest, Alya, a beautiful guy with big black eyes, was about 22 years old. They fell on the cautious thing for what they robbed and stabbed the Armenian merchant. The brothers loved Alya very much. Despite the external softness, Alya was strong character. He was fair, clever and modest, avoided the quarrel, although he knew how to stand for himself. For a few months I taught him to speak Russian. Alyas mastered several crafts, and the brothers were proud of them. With the help of the New Testament, I taught him to read and write in Russian, which he deserved thanks to his brothers.

Poles at the Katorga made a separate family. Some of them were formed. Educated person In Katorga must get used to someone else's environment. Often the same for all punishment becomes ten times painful for him.

Only the Jew of Isaiah Fomich loved from all the religious Poles, similar to the communisable chicken of a person of 50 years, small and weak. He came on charges of murder. In Katorga, it was easy for him. Being a jeweler, he was littered with the work from the city.

Even in our barracks there were four Old Believers; several little municipals; Young caterior year 23, who killed eight people; A handful of fakes and several gloomy personalities. All this flashed in front of me on the first evening of my new life among smoke and soot, with Kandalov Zona, among curses and shameless laughter.

V. First month

Three days later I went to work. At that time, among hostile persons, I could not see any benevolent. Friendly everyone was with me Akim Akimich. Next to me was another person, whom I learned well only after many years. It was the Arrest of Sushilov, who served me. I had another servant, Osip, one of the four cooks selected by the arrestants. The chefs did not go to work, and at any time could refuse this post. Osipa chose several years in a row. He was honest and meek, although he came for smuggling. Together with other chefs, he traded wine.

Osip prepared me food. Sushilov himself began to wash, run on different instructions and repair my clothes. He could not not serve someone. Sushilov was a pitiful man, unrequited and scored by nature. The conversation was given to him with great difficulty. It was medium height and uncertain appearance.

The arrestants laughed at Sushilov because he was replaced on the road to Siberia. Change - it means to change with someone name and fate. Typically, these are arrested people who have a long way of cortic. They find such a lamp as sushilov, and deceive them.

I looked at the catguard with greedy attention, I was struck by such phenomena as a meeting with the arrestant A-Vym. He was from the nobles and brought our place major about everything, which was being done in Ostrog. Having quarreled with their relatives, and he left Moscow and arrived in St. Petersburg. To get money, he went to a donom. Its implicit and exiled to Siberia for ten years. Katorga untied his hands. For the sake of satisfaction of their brutal instincts, he was ready for everything. It was a monster, cunning, clever, beautiful and educated.

Vi. First month

In the binding of the Gospel, I was hidden a few rubles. This book with money gave me other exile in Tobolsk. There are people in Siberia who disinterestedly help exiles. In the city where our Ostrog was located, the widow lived, Nastasya Ivanovna. She couldn't do a lot because of poverty, but we felt that there, for the ostrog, we have a friend.

In these first days I thought about how I put myself in a progress. I decided to do how to make a conscience. For the fourth day I was sent to disassemble the old government barks. This old material cost nothing, and the arrestants were sent in order not to sit back, that the arrestants themselves understood well.

For the work began sluggish, reluctantly, ineptly. An hour later, the conductor came and announced a lesson by performing which it would be possible to go home. Arrestants quickly began to work, and went home tired, but satisfied, though won all half an hour.

I interfered everywhere, I almost dismissed me away. When I went to the side, immediately shouted that I was a bad worker. They were happy to make fun on the former nobleman. Despite this, I decided to keep myself easier and independent, without fear of their threats and hatred.

According to their concepts, I had to behave like a nobleman-Beller. They would scold me for it, but would be respected to themselves. Such a role was not for me; I promised myself not to discognizes neither my education or the image of thoughts. If I had to be inflounted and familiar with them, they would think that I would do it out of fear, and with contempt would be with me. But I didn't want to close before them.

In the evening, I wandered one of the barracks and suddenly saw the ball, our pointed dog, quite large, black with white spots, with smart eyes and a fluffy tail. I stroked her and gave her bread. Now, returning from work, I hurried for the barracks with squeezing from joy with a ball, wrapped his head, and a sweet-bitter feeling silent my heart.

VII. New acquaintances. Petrov

I began to get used to. I no longer walked over the Ostroga as lost, curious views of the cortex did not stop at me so often. I am hit the frivolism of the convicts. Free man Hope, but he lives, acts. Nadezhda prisoner is a completely different kind. Even terrible criminals, chained chain, are dreaming of walking around the yard of the Ostrog.

For the love of work, the convicts mocked me, but I knew that I would save me, and did not pay attention to them. Engineering supervisor facilitated the work of nobles, as people weak and inept. To burn and the thrill of Alabaster appointed a man three or four led by the Master diamond, harsh, dark and dried man in the years, uncommunicative and objectionable. Another work that was sent to me is to twist a sharpening wheel in the workshop. If you pulled something big, I sent another nobleman to help me. This work in the continuation of several years remained for us.

Gradually began to expand the circle of my dating. The first began to visit me Arrest Petrov. He lived in a special branch, in the barracks remote from me. Petrov was low height, strong addition, with a pleasant widespread face and a bold look. He was 40 years old. He said with me casual, kept himself decently and delicately. Such relations continued between us for several years and never became closer.

Petrov was the most resolute and fearless of all convicts. His passion, like hot coals, were sprinkled and quietly telli. He quarreled rarely, but he was not friendly. He was interested in everything, but he remained indifferent to everything and walked over the Ostriv. Such people show themselves sharply in critical moments. They are not instigators of the case, but its main performers. They are the first jumping through the main obstacle, everyone rushes behind them and blindly go to the last feature, where they are put on their heads.

VIII. Decisive people. Lucky

Decisive people in Katorga had little. At first I avoided these people, but then changed my views even on the most terrible killers. About some crimes it was difficult to draw up an opinion, so much was in them strange.

Arrestants loved to boast with their "exposure." Once I heard a story about how Arrest Luke Kuzmich for his pleasure killed one major. This bow Kuzmich was small, thin, young arrestik from Khokhlov. He was boasting, after arriving, proud, the convicts did not respected him and called the loy.

His history was told by stupid and limited, but good guy, neighbor on the Narams, Arrestant Mobyl. Lucky told loudly: he wanted everyone to hear him. It happened during shipment. A man was sitting with him 12 Khokhlov, high, healthy, but humble. Food is bad, yes Major spoils how his grace please. Extraked the loaf of Khokhlov, they demanded a major, and in the morning the neighbor my knife took the knife. Fucked Major, drunk, shouts. "I'm king, me and God!" The loy was close in closer, and he stuck his knife in the stomach.

Unfortunately, such expressions, as: "I king, I and God," used by many officers, especially those who came out of the lower ranks. Before the bosses, they are increasingly degraded, but for subordinates they become unlimited lords. It is very annoying the arrestants. Each arrestant, no matter how humiliated, requires respect for himself. I saw what action noble and good officers were produced on these humiliated. They, like children, began to love.

For the murder of an officer, there were 105 wolves. Although there was six people, but no one was afraid in his heaven, although he dreamed in his soul to hear terrible person.

IX. Isai Fomich. Bath. Bablushin's story

Day Four before Christmas was led to the bath. Isai Fomich Bumostein rejoiced most. It seemed that he did not regret at all that he got on the catguard. He did only jewelry and lived richly. Urban Jews patronized him. On Saturdays, he walked under the convoy to the city synagogue and expected the end of his twelve-year term to marry. It was a mixture of naivety, stupidity, tricks, keenness, simplicity, timidity, boastfulness and fatigue. Isaai Fomich served everyone for entertainment. He understood it and proud of his meaning.

The city had only two public baths. The first was paid, the other - dilapidated, dirty and cramped. This bath was told. Arrestants rejoiced that they would come out of the fortress. In the bath we were divided into two shifts, but despite this, it was closely. Petrov helped me to undress, - because of the shafts it was a difficult thing. Arrestants were issued on a small piece of cassenny soap, but immediately, in a pre-banker, besides soap, it was possible to buy a shotboard, Kalachi and hot water.

The bath was similar to hell. A hundred people got into a small room. Petrov bought a place on a bench at a person who immediately jarled under the bench, where it was dark, dirty and everything was busy. All this is oral and burned under the ringing chains, dragging along the floor. Dirt flowed from all sides. Baklushin brought hot water, and Petrov washed me with such ceremonies, for sure I was porcelain. When we came home, I treated him with a caulter. Bablushina I called for tea.

Bablushin loved everything. It was a high guy, 30 years old, with a wellout and innocent face. He was full of fire and life. Having become acquainted with me, Baklushin said that he was from the cantonists, served in pioneers and was love with some high faces. He read books even. Having come to my tea, he declared me that he would soon take place theatrical viewwhich arrestants arranged in the rich on holidays. Baklushin was one of the main insurgents of the theater.

Baklushin told me that he served as a non-commissioned officer in the garrison battalion. There he fell in love with the German, Louise's laundry, who lived with aunt, and thought to marry her. He expressed a desire to marry Louise and her far relative, elderly and rich watchmaker, German Schulz. Louise was not against this marriage. A few days later, it became known that Schulz made Louise swear not to meet with the bumps, that the German holds them with a aunt in the black body, and that aunt would meet with Schulz on Sunday in his store, to agree on everything about everything. On Sunday, Bablushin took a gun, went to the store and shot Schulz. Two weeks after that, he was happy with Louise, and then he was arrested.

X. Christmas holiday Christ

Finally, a holiday came, from which all something expected. By evening, the disabled people who went to the bazaar brought a lot of all provisions. Even the most leaning arrestants wanted to adequately celebrate Christmas. On this day, the arrestants were not sent to work, there were three days a year.

Akim Akimich did not have family memories - he grew up the orphan in someone else's house and from fifteen years he went to the heavy service. He was not particularly religious, so I was preparing to meet Christmas not with twarm memories, but with a quiet reluctance. He did not like to think and lived on the rules established forever. Only once in his life, he tried to live his mind - and hit the catguard. He brought out this rule - never arguing.

In a military barracks, where Naras stood only along the walls, the priest spent the Christmas service and consecrated all the barracks. Immediately after that, Platz Major and the commandant, whom we loved and even respected. They went around all the barracks and congratulated everyone.

Gradually, the people were walking, but the sober remained much more, and there was someone to look after drunk. Gazin was sober. He intended to walk at the end of the holiday, having gathered all the money from the Arrest Pockets. Songs were heard on the barracks. Many were packed with their own balalaikas, even the choir of eight man was formed in a special branch.

Meanwhile, the twilight began. Among the drunkenness were sadness and longing. The people wanted to have fun to hold a great holiday, and what kind of heavy and sad was almost everyone for everyone. In the barracks, it became unbearably and disgusting. I was sad and sorry for them all.

Xi. Representation

On the third day of the holiday, a presentation took place in our theater. We were unknown if our Platz Major knew about the theater. Such a person like Platz Major, it was necessary to take away something, someone to deprive the right. The eldest Unter-Officer did not contradict the arrestants, taking the word from them that everything would be quiet. The poster was written by Baklushin for the Lord of officers and noble visitors who have honored our theater to visit.

The first play was called "Filat Tire and Fraight of Rivals", in which Baklushin played a filatku, and Sirotkin - the Bride Philatekina. The second play was called "Kedril-Grooming". In conclusion, a "pantomime to the music" was presented.

The theater was arranged in a military barracks. Half the room was given to the audience, there was a scene on the other half. Curtain, stretched across the barracks, was painted oil paint And sews from the canvas. Before the curtain there were two benches and several chairs for officers and foreign visitors who were not translated throughout the holiday. Behind the benches were the arrestants, and the closest there was incredible.

The crowd of viewers, siled from all sides, with bliss on her face expected to start presentation. Lack of children's joy shine on sticking faces. Arrestants were delighted. They made it possible to have fun, forget about the shackles and long year Conclusions.

Part two

I. Hospital

After the holidays, I fell ill and went to our military hospital, in the main building of which there were 2 artantic chambers. Purchase of the artants declared their illness to Unter-Officer. They were recorded in the book and sent themselves with conference to battalion lazaret, where the doctor really recorded the Doctor to the hospital.

The ordinator was engaged in the appointment of drugs and distribution of portions, which was headed by the Arrest Chambers. We were dressed in hospital linen, I passed the clean corridor and found myself in a long, narrow room, where there were 22 wooden beds.

There was a little seriously ill. To the right of me lay a fake-maker, a former clerk, illegal son of the retired captain. It was a chunky boyfriend of 28 years, unlump, unleashed, confident in his innocence. He told me in detail about the orders in the hospital.

Following him, a patient from a correctional company approached me. It was already a gray-haired soldier named Cecun. He began to serve me, which caused several poisonous ridicule at a cahhotochny patient according to the surname of the Stallians, who, frightened the punishment, drank the mug of wine, infused on tobacco, and poisoned. I felt that his anger was directed soon on me than on Chekuna.

All diseases were collected here, even venereal. There were several people who came to relax. Doctors allowed them from compassion. Externally, the chamber was relatively clean, but we did not affect the internal purity. The patients were accustomed to this and even thought that it was necessary. Potted Spyzruten met with us very seriously and silently cared for unhappy. Feldscher knew that they were passing in experienced hands.

After the evening visits to Dr. The Chamber was locked, making the nightly ears in her. At night, the arrests from the chambers were not released. This useless cruelty was explained by the fact that the arrestant will come out at night in the sorter and run away, despite the fact that there is a window with an iron grille, and before the sorter of the arrestant accompanies armed clock. And where to run in the winter in hospital clothes. From the cauit of the convict does not save any disease. For patients, the shackles are too heavy, and this severity aggravates their suffering.

II. Continued

Doctors went around the chambers in the morning. In front of them I visited the ward our alternator, a young but knowledgeable doctor. Many drugs in Russia enjoy love and respect simple peopleDespite the universal distrust of medicine. When the ordinator noticed that the arrestant came to relax from work, he recorded him a non-existent disease and left to lie. The Senior Doctor was a much harsh of the ordinator, and for this we were respected.

Some patients asked for an extract with the backs who did not heal from the first sticks to get out of the trial. Some sentence helped some helped. Arrestants with extraordinary good nature told about how they beat them, and about those who beat them.

However, not all stories were cool and indifferent. About the lieutenant, the foals was told with indignation. It was a man of 30 years old, high, greasy, with ruddy cheeks, white teeth and rolling laugh. He loved to Schish and punish sticks. The lieutenant was a sophisticated gourmet in the executive work: he invented various unnatural things to rush his swollen fat soul.

About the guarantion of Smekalov, who was a commander at our Ostrog, remembered with joy and enjoyment. The Russian people are ready to forget any flour for one affectionate word, but the Lieutenant of Skalov acquired special popularity. He was a simple man, even in his own way, good and we recognized it for her.

III. Continued

In the hospital, I received a visual representation of all kinds of sentences. In our chambers, all punished spiderutenes were reduced. I wanted to know all the degrees of sentences, I tried to present the psychological state of the execution.

If the appointed number of shots, the arrestant was not kept, then by the sentence of Lekary, it was divided into several parts. The execution of the prosecutants was transferred courageously. I noticed that rose in large quantities - the most severe punishment. With five hundred ropes, you can throw away a person to death, and five hundred sticks can be transferred without danger to life.

The properties of the executioner are almost in every person, but they develop unevenly. The executioners are two species: voluntary and subane. The people are subject to the subane executive executioner, a mystical fear.

The under-million executioner is a reference arrestant, who entered the disciples to another executioner and left forever when he is across, where he has his own economy and is under guard. Palays have money, they eat well, drink wine. There can not be able to punish the executioner; But for a bribe, he promises the victim that he would not hurt her very hurt. If the proposal does not agree, he punishes barbaric.

Lying in the hospital was boring. The arrival of the novice has always been recovered. I was glad even crazy, led to the test. The defendants pretended to be crazy to get rid of punishment. Some of them, twisted two or three days, died and asked for an extract. Real crazy were punished for the entire chamber.

Severely ill loved to be treated. Blooding was taken with pleasure. Our banks were a special kind. The typewriter who dissects the skin, the paramedher lost or spoiled, and was forced to do 12 cuts for each can of lancet.

The saddest time came late in the evening. It became stuffy, I remembered the bright pictures of the past life. Once at night I heard a story that seemed to me with hot bed.

IV. Akulkin Music

In late At night, I woke up and heard, as near me, two whispering from me. Shishkov's narrator was still young, 30 years old, civilian arrest, empty, wrinkled and cowardly small growth, thin, with restless or stupidly thoughtful eyes.

It was about the father of his wife Shishkov, Ankudim Trofimich. It was a rich and respected old man of 70s, had a bidder and a big borrow, held three workers. Ankudim Trofimich was married for the second time, had two sons and older daughter Acoune. Her lover was considered a friend Shishkov Filk Morozov. Parents died at that time, and he was going to walk inheritance and be afraid of soldiers. He did not want to marry a shark. Shishkov then also buried his father, and his mother worked on Ankudima - Gingerbread baked for sale.

One day, the filler was hit by Shishkova to smear the speaker's speakers - did not want a filler so that she married the old rich, who rushed to her. He heard that rumors went about the shark, - and to the opponent. Mother apparent Shishkova marry a shark - Nobody took her married, and nobody gave it to her.

Before the wedding of the shishkov without wake drunk. Filk Morozov threatened to him all the ribs, and with his wife to sleep every night. Ankudim at the wedding of tears Lil, knew that his daughter gives to flour. And shishkov before the crown of the scales with me, and decided to go on a shark, to know how dishonorable deception married to get out.

After the wedding, they left them with a shark in the crate. She sits on white, nor blood bursois from fear. Shishkov has prepared the whip and the bed put it, and an innocent ache was. He began his knees in front of her, forgiveness asked, and he swore to take revenge on the simulation of Morozov for a shame.

Some time later, the film suggested Shishkov to sell him his wife. To force Shishkova, the film was hearing that he was not sleeping with his wife, because he was always drunk, and his wife takes others at this time. It was a shame, she began to beat his wife since the morning to the evening. The old man Ankudim came to commemorate, and then retreated. The mother of the shishkov did not allow to interfere, killed threatened.

The filler in the meantime, completely drank and went to the mercenaries to the tradesman, for the eldest son. There was a filler from the tradesman in his pleasure, drank, with his daughters I slept, the owner for the beard tuskal. The tradesman ended - the film was supposed to go for his older son in the soldiers. When the filter was taken to the soldiers, he saw a shark on the road, stopped, bowed to her in Earth and forgiveness asked his meanness. A shark forgive him, and after said Shishkov that now she loves more death.

I decided to kill the shark. At the dawn, the cart, I went with my wife into the forest, to the deaf borrowing and there was a sniffer with her with a knife. After that, fear of Shishkova, he and his wife and his wife, and his horse, and went home to himself, walked, but he was hammered into the bath. In the evening they found the dead shark and Shishkova in the bath found. And now the fourth year he is at Katorga.

V. Summer time

Easter approached. Summer work began. The coming spring worried a challenged man, gave birth to desire and longing. At this time, the vagability began throughout Russia. Life in the forests, free and complete adventures, had a mysterious charm for those who experienced it.

It is decided to flee one arrest of one hundred, the rest of ninety nine only dream about it. Much more often run down the defendants and condemned on long time. Departing a two or three years of KORG, the arrestant prefers to end his term and go to the settlement than to decide on risk and death in case of failure. All these runners by the autumn themselves are in the rude wintering, hoping again to run in the summer.

Anxiety and my longing grew up with every day. The hatred that I, the nobleman, excited in the arrestants, poisoned my life. For Easter from the bosses, we got one egg and a fragment of wheat bread. Everything was exactly like for Christmas, only now it was possible to walk and warm in the sun.

Summer work turned out to be much heavier than winter. The arrestants built, dug the ground, put bricks, were engaged in a plumbing, carpentry or painting work. I or went to the workshop, or on the alabaster, or was a brick puzzle. From work I became stronger. Physical strength in the cortex is needed, and I wanted to live after the prison.

In the evenings, arrestants were walking around the courtyard, discussing the most ridiculous rumors. It became known that from St. Petersburg is the important general of the audit of all Siberia. At this time, one incident happened, which did not excite the Major, and gave him pleasure. One arrestant in a fight poked another selection in the chest.

The arrestant who committed a crime was called Lomov. The victim, Gavrilka, was out of the hardened vagrants. Lomom was from the prosperous peasants of the K, County. All Loms lived their family, and, in addition to legal affairs, they were engaged in usury, the shelter of vagrants and stolen property. Soon, Lomov decided that they had no councils, and became more and more risked in different lawless enterprises. Not far from the village they had a big farm, where a person lived six robbers-Kyrgyz. Once at night, they are all cut. Lomov was accused of murdering their employees. During the investigation and the court, the whole state went to the mild, and the uncle and nephew Lomov got to our catguard.

Soon, Gavrilka, Plut and Tragging, who took blame in the death of Kyrgyz on himself, appeared in Ostrog. Lomomov knew that Gavrilka is a criminal, but they did not quarrel with him. And suddenly uncle Lomoms drewed Gavrilka Silom because of the girl. Lomov lived in the rich man, for which Major hated them. Lomova was judged, although the wound turned out to be scratching. The criminal was added dead and spent through a thousand. Major was pleased.

On the second day, upon arrival in the city, the auditor came to us in Ostrog. He entered severe and greatly, a big retinue fell behind him. Silently bypassed the general barracks, looked into the kitchen, tried. He was pointed to me: Say, from the nobles. The general nodded his head, and a minute after two came out of the Ostrog. Arrestants were blinded, puzzled, and remained in bewilderment.

Vi. Sanger animals

Purchase of the nunceda entertained the prisoners much more than a high visiting. In Ostrog, a horse was relying for household needs. One fine morning she died. Major ordered to immediately buy a new horse. The purchase requested the arrestants themselves, among whom were real connoisseurs. It was a young, beautiful and strong horse. Soon he became the favorite of all the progress.

The arrestants loved animals, but a lot of home cattle and birds were not allowed to breed in Ostrog. In addition to the ball in Ostrog, two more dogs lived: Squirrel and Culture, which I brought from work is still a puppy.

Geese we started randomly. They amused the arrestants and even became known in the city. All sorts of geese went along with the arrestants to work. They always adjacent to the largest game and the works were embarrassed nearby. When the party moved back to the ugly, they rose and they. But, despite the devotion, they were all ordered to slaughter.

Kozl Vaska appeared in a small, white kid and became a shared pet. From Vaska grew up a large goat with long horns. He also had a chance to go to work with us. For a long time Vaska lived in Ostrog, but once, returning at the head of the arrests from work, he fell to the eyes of the Major. Immediately, it was ordered to put the goat, to sell the skin, and the meat to give to the arrestants.

I lived in our acute and eagle. Someone brought him to Ostrog, wounded and exhausted. He lived with us three months and never came out of his corner. Lonely and viciously he expected death, not trusting anyone. So that the eagle died on the will, the arrestants dropped him from the tree into the steppe.

VII. Claim

I needed almost a year to reconcile with life in Ostrog. You could not get used to this life and other arrestants. Anxiety, terrain and impatience was the most characteristic property of this place.

Dreamy attached to the arrestants sullen and gloomy appearance. They did not like to put their hopes at the bottom. Simple and frankness despised. And if someone began to dream out loud, then he was grossly hesitated and climbed.

In addition to these naive and rustic talkers, everyone else was divided into good and evil, sullen and bright. Sullen and evil was much more. There was also a group of desperate, there were very few of them. Without a desire for a goal, no one person lives. Having lost the goal and hope, the person turns into a monster, and everyone had freedom.

Once, on a hot summer day, the whole catguard began to be built on an allegory yard. I didn't know about anything, but between that kathers had already been deeply worried about the day. The pretext of this explosion was the food that everyone was unhappy.

The convicts of the joints, but climb everything rarely. However, this time the excitement was not in vain. In such a case, instigators always appear. This is a special type of people, naively confident in the possibility of justice. They are too hot to be cunning and exhausted, so always lose. Instead main Goal They are often rushed into trifles, and this is ruined.

There were several instigators in our acute. One of them Martynov, a former hussar, a hot, restless and suspicious person; Another - Vasily Antonov, smart and cold-blooded, with a brazen look and an arrogant smile; Both honest and truthful.

Our Unter-Officer was scared. Built, people politely asked him to tell the Major that Katorga wishes to talk to him. I also came out to be built, thinking that there was some check. Many looked at me with surprise and evil mocked me. In the end, Kulikov approached me, took the hand and brought out the rows. Puzzled, I went to the kitchen, where there was a lot of people.

In Saint, I met the nobleman T-Justy. He explained to me that if we are there, we will be accused of Bunte and will give down the court. Akim Akimich and Isai Fomich also did not take part in the excitement. There were all the pools and several sullen, harsh arrests, convinced that nothing good would not come out of this case.

Major flew angry, followed by the scurse of Dyatlov, who actually managed the Ostrog and had an impact on the major, cunning, but a good man. A minute later, one arrestant went to Cordegardia, then another and third. Dyatlov's clerk went to our kitchen. Here he was told that they had no complaints. He immediately reported to the Major, who ordered to rewrite us separately from dissatisfied. Paper and threat to give the displeased court to the court. Everyone suddenly turned out to be happy.

The next day the food has improved, although not for long. Major has become more common to visit the Ostrog and find unrest. The arrestants could not calm down for a long time, were rapid and puzzled. Many have frightened themselves on themselves, accurately execute themselves for the claim.

In the same evening, I asked Petrov, whether the prisoners were angry at the nobles for the fact that they did not get along with everyone. He did not understand what I am achieving. But but I realized that I would never be taken to a partnership. In the question of Petrova: "What are you comrade?" - heard genuine naivety and innocent bewilderment.

VIII. Comrades

Of the three nobles, who were in Ostrog, I communicated only with Akim Akimch. He was a kind person, helped me with advice and some services, but sometimes rejuvenated me to the longing for me as a smooth, genuine voice.

In addition to these three Russians, there are eight people of Poles in my time. The best of them were painful and intolerant. There were only three formed: b-sky, m-cue and an old man, former professor mathematics.

Some of them were sent for 10-12 years. With Circassians and Tatars, with Isaam Fomich, they were affectionate and friendly, but avoided the rest of the road. Only one Starodubsk Strover earned their respect.

The highest bosses in Siberia belonged to the noblemen-criminals other than the rest of the exile. Following the highest bosses are accustomed to this and lower commanders. The second category of cortics, where I was, was much harder than the other two discharges. The device of this discharge was a military, very similar to the arresting companies, which everyone spoke with horror. On the nobles in our cruise, the bosses looked carefully and did not punish as often as ordinary arrests.

We tried to make relief in our work only once: I also went to the engineering stationery for three months as a painter. It happened in the lieutenant colonel Mr.. He was affectionate with the arrestants and loved them like a father. In the first month, Mr. Mr. was quarreled upon arrival with our Major and left.

We rewritten paper, how suddenly the command followed the command to bring us back to the previous works. Then we went two years old with the bt on one work, most often in the workshop.

Meanwhile, M-Ki over the years I got everything more saddened and gloomy. He inspired only recalling his old and sick mother. Finally, McSki's mother overturned for him forgiveness. He went to the settlement and remained in our city.

Of the other two there were young people sent for a short time, poorly educated, but honest and simple. The third, A-Chukovsky, was too rustling, but the fourth, bt, the man elderly, made a bad impression on us. It was a rude, mesh shower, with the habits of the benchmark. He was not interested in anything but his craft. He was a skillful painter. Soon the whole city began to demand B-MA for painting walls and ceilings. To work with him began to send other companions.

The BT painted the house to our Platz Major, who after that began to patronize nobles. Soon the plaz-major came under the trial, and resigned. Having resigned, he sold the estate and fell into poverty. We met him later in the worn back. In Mundire, he was God. In Surtuk, he looked at the lake.

IX. The escape

Soon after the replacement of Platz Major, the boat was abolished and instead they founded the military arresting company. The special department is also left, and dangerous military criminals have been sent to it up to the opening of the greatest relief works in Siberia.

For us, life continued continued, only the bosses changed. He was appointed headquarters, commander of the company and four Ober officers who were on duty in turn. Instead of disabled people, twelve university officers and Kaptenarmus were appointed. Cephraitors started from the arrestants, and Akim Akimich immediately turned out to be the Efreitor. All this remained in the department of commandant.

The main thing was that we got rid of the former major. Frightened appearance disappeared, now everyone knew that the right only by mistake would be punished instead of the guilty. ONTER-Officers turned out to be decent people. They tried not to watch how to rush and sell vodka. Like the disabled, they went to the bazaar and brought prisoners to the provisions.

Next years have made from my memory. Only the passionate desire of a new life gave me the strength to wait and hope. I revised my own last life And strictly judged herself. I swore for myself that in the future I did not take the past mistakes.

Sometimes we have shoots. With me fled two. After changing the major his spy a-in It remained without protection. It was a man's supreme, decisive, smart and cynical. The arrest of a special branch of the Kulikov, a person, but strongly drew attention to him. They moved and agreed to run.

Without a convoy, it was impossible to run. In one of the battalions that stood in the fortress, the Pole was served by the surname Koller, an elderly energetic person. Come to serve in Siberia, he fled. It was caught and two years have kept in the artantic rotations. When he was returned to the soldiers, he became zealously serve, for which he was made by the Efreitor. He was ambitious, self-making and knew the price. Kulikov chose his comrades. They conspired and appointed a day.

It was in June. The fugitives arranged so that they were together with the arrestant chilling sent to plaster empty barracks. The collabo with the young recruit was the convoy. After working for an hour, Kulikov and A-in-in told Shilkina, that they go beyond wine. After some time, Shilkin realized that his comrades fled him, threw the work, went straight to Ostrog and told all Feldfel.

The criminals were important, sent to the nagging on all mosses to declare fugitives and leave their signs everywhere. They wrote to neighboring counties and province, the Cossacks sent to the pursuit.

This case violated the monotonous life of the Ostrog, and the escape responded in all souls. The commandant himself came to Ostrog. Arrestants behaved safely, with strict solidity. The work of the arrestants were sent under enhanced convoy, and in the evenings were recalculated several times. But the arrestants behaved in chinno and independently. Kulikov and Ah, all were proud.

The whole week continued enhanced searches. Arrestants received all news about maneuvers of superiors. Eight days after escape attacked the trail of the fugitives. Another day the city began to say that fugitives were caught in seventy versts from the Ostrog. Finally, Feldwebel announced that in the evening they would be brought directly to Cordegardia during a severity.

At first, everyone was angry, then hit, and then began to laugh at caught. Kulikova and A-Wa now humiliated to the same extent that they were previously extroduced. When they were brought by hand and legs, the whole cathedral was poured to watch that they would do with them. Fugitives climbed and cast under court. Having learned that the fugitives had no other way out, as surrender, everyone began to carefully follow the progress of the case in court.

A-Wu was awarded five hundred sticks, Kulikov gave one and a half thousand. The collare lost everything, two thousand and was sent somtatant somewhere. A-Wa punished weakly. In the hospital, he said that now everything is ready for everything. Returning after the punishment of Ostrog, Kulikov had behaved as if he had never left him. Despite this, the arrestants stopped respecting him.

X. Exit from cortic

All this happened in the last year of my cattle. This year I was lighter. There were many friends and buddies between the arrestants. In the city among the military, I had acquaintances, and I resumed communication with them. Through them, I could write to my homeland and receive books.

The closer the period of liberation approached, the patient I became. Many prisoners sincerely and happily congratulated me. It seemed to me that everyone became friendly with me.

On the day of liberation, I went around the barracks to say goodbye to all the arrestants. Some knocked me on a friendly friend, others knew that I had familiar in the city that I would go from here to the gentlemen and a dream next to them as equal. They did not say goodbye to me as a comrade, but as with Barin. Some turned away from me, did not respond to my farewell and looked at some hatred.

Ten minutes after the care of the arrests to work, I left the Ostrog to never go back to it. In the blacksmith, to smoke shackles, I was accompanied by a not kidnoye with a gun, but a non-commission officer. Our arrestants were risked us. They fussed, wanted everything to do everything as best. Candals fell. Freedom, new life. What a glorious minute!

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Notes from the Dead House

Part one


In remote areas of Siberia, among the steppes, mountains or impassable forests, Occasionally, small cities come across, with one, a lot with two thousand inhabitants, wooden, unspoken, with two churches - alone in the city, the other in the cemetery, - cities, more similarly at the good near Moscow village than on the city. They are usually very sufficiently supplied by the corrections, the assessors and the rest of the sub chant. In general, in Siberia, despite the cold, serve extremely warmth. People live simple, non-liberal; The orders of old, strong, the centuries are consecrated. Officials, in justice, playing the role of the Siberian nobility, - or the natives, short-circuited Siberians, or by road from Russia, more part From the capitals, elected issued not in the offset of salary, double runs and seductive hopes in the future. Of these, those who know how to resolve the riddle of life almost always remain in Siberia and with pleasure in it are rooted. Subsequently, they bring rich and sweet fruits. But others, the people frivolous and not able to resolve the riddle of life, soon they are bored with Siberia and they ask themselves: why did they come to her? They look forward to their legal terms of service, three years old, and after it will immediately bother about their translation and return the ravis, Bryan Siberia and Famping over it. They are wrong: not only with service, but even from many points of view in Siberia you can bliss. Climate superb; There are many wonderful rich and hospitable merchants; Many extremely sufficient foreigners. The ladies bloom with roses and moral to the last extreme. The game flies through the streets and itself rises to the hunter. Champagne drinks unnaturally a lot. Icra amazing. The harvest is in other places of self-adhesive ... In general, the earth is blessed. We just need to be able to use it. In Siberia, they know how to use it.

In one of these cheerful and satisfied with the towns, with the most silent population, the memory of which will remain an indelible in my heart, I met Alexander Petrovich Gorianchikov, an settler who born in Russia a nobleman and landowner, then made a sink-natal second discharge for the murder of his wife his And, after a ten-year-old term defined by the law of a ten-year-old term, humbly and silently spent his age in the town of K. settler. He, in fact, was attributed to one subhortan parlor, but lived in the city, having the opportunity to extract in it at least some kind of food learning. In Siberian cities, there are often teachers from exact settlers; They do not break. They are taught mainly by the French language, so necessary for the field of life and about which, without them in remote edges, Siberia would not have the concepts. For the first time I met Alexander Petrovich in the house of one old, honored and hospitable official, Ivan Ivanovich Nadikov, who had five daughters, different yearswho submitted excellent hopes. Alexander Petrovich gave them lessons four times a week, for thirty kopecks silver for the lesson. I am interested in his appearance. It was an extremely pale and thin man, even unfortunate, thirty-five years old, small and punched. Dressed was always very clean, in European. If you have been talking to him, he looked at you extremely intently and carefully, with strict politeness listening to every word yours, as if he was thinking about him, as if you were a question for your task or want to get some secret to him, and, Finally, he answered clearly and briefly, but before weighing every word of his answer, that you suddenly became something awkward and you were finally rejoiced by the end of the conversation. I also asked Ivan Ivan's about him and found out that the Gorianchikov lives immaculately and morally and that otherwise Ivan Ivanov would not invite him for his daughters; But that he is terrible notice, from all hiding, extremely scholars, reads a lot, but speaks very little and that in general it is quite difficult to talk with him. Others argued that he was positively crazy, although they found that, in essence, this is not such an important disadvantage that many of the honorary members of the city are ready to have every way to have Alexander Petrovich, that he could even be useful to write requests and so on. It was believed that he should have a decent relative relative to Russia, there may be even not the last people, but they knew that he was stubbornly with all sorts of intercourse with them itself, - in a word, harms himself. In addition, we all knew his story, knew that he killed his wife his back in the first year of his marriage, killed from jealousy and he himself confronted (which was very facilitated by his punishment). They always look at the same crimes as unfortunately and regret them. But, despite all this, the cudak stubbornly flew away from everyone and was only given lessons in people.

I first did not pay special attention to him, but I myself do not know why, he immediately began to interest me. It was something mysterious. There was no challenge to talk with him. Of course, my questions always answered and even with such a kind, as if it considered it my first duty; But after his answers, I somehow asked him longer; And on his face, after such conversations, some suffering and fatigue have always visible. I remember, I walked with him one day one day from Ivan Ivanovich. Suddenly, I decided to invite him for a moment to smoke a cigarette. I can not describe what horror put on his face; He was completely lost, began to mumble some incoherent words and suddenly, looking angry with me, rushed to run in the opposite direction. I was even surprised. Since then, meeting with me, he looked at me as if with some fright. But I did not hurt; I pulled me something to him, and a month later I went to the Gorianchik himself. Of course, I entered stupid and indelving. He housed on the very edge of the city, the old woman of the boss, who had a sick daughter, and the illegitimate daughter, a child of ten, pretty and cheerful girl. Alexander Petrovich sat with her and taught her to read at that moment, as I entered it. Seeing me, he was mixed, as if I caught him on some crime. He confused perfectly, jumped off his chair and looked at all his eyes. We finally sat down; He closely watched every look, as if in each of them suspected some special mysterious meaning. I guessed that he was negative to madness. He looked at me with hatred, almost asking: "Do you soon leave here?" I spoke with him about our town, about current news; He dismissed and smiled viciously; It turned out that he not only did not know the most ordinary, well-known urban news, but did not even be interested in to know them. I started talking about our region, about his needs; He listened to me silently and strangely looked into my eyes that I finally became conscable for our conversation. However, I almost annoyed it with new books and magazines; They were in my hands, just with the post office, I offered them to him still uncut. He threw a greedy look at them, but immediately changed his intention and rejected the proposal by opposing the undifferential. Finally, I said goodbye to him and, coming out of him, I felt that some kind of loose burnt slept from my heart. I was ashamed and seemed extremely stupid to pester a person who exactly supplies the main task - as far as possible to hide from around the world. But the case was done. I remember that I had almost noticed books at all, and it became unfairly talked about him that he reads a lot. However, driving two times, very late at night, past his windows, I noticed the light in them. What did he do, coming down to the dawn? Has he wrote? And if so, what exactly?

Part one
Alexander Petrovich Gorianchikov, nobleman, born in Russia, for the murder of his wife he became a refrunning second discharge. After 10 years, Kathers, he lived in the town of K. He was a thin and poor man of thirty-five years old, little and sickly, wild and a minting person.
Alexander Petrovich died in three months. His mistress gave me his papers. Among these papers were a notebook, which described the cautious life of Gorianchikov. These notes were scenes from the dead home, so called them Alexander Petrovich.
I. Dead House
The fortress tree stood Ostrog. In general, with their own laws and clothing, customs and nravami - it was a world special. Constantly in prison were 250 people. There were a lot of people here of different nationalities. Most of the prisoners were a refrunning civilian discharge, criminals, convicted and devoid of all rights. They were sent on time from 8 to 12 years, and then sent to the settlement of all Siberia. Also were the criminals of the military discharge, but they were sent for a short time, and then they were returned back. Many of the prisoners returned for repeated crimes in Ostrog. This category was known last. There was also a special branch, sent here, criminals from all over Russia. Usually they did not know their deadline and always worked the most.
In this strange house I entered December. About the past life, the arrestants did not speak. All discharges were distinguished by multicolored clothing in different shaved heads. Many of them were envious, sullen, vain, offended and boastful people.
In the Nutria of this world, they conducted their intrigues and gossip, but against the internal laws of the Ostrogen, no one bold the right to rebel. Swearing was raised into science, which developed due to continuous quarrels.
Sature all hated work. Many had their own business, without which they could not survive. Arrestants were not allowed to have tools, but the bosses for it closed his eyes. There were all sorts of crafts. Orders for such work learn from the city.
Tobacco and money saved from zing, and work - from crimes. But it was forbidden to engage in work. At night they made searches, and everything forbidden was selected.
There was another permanent income, it is alms, which has always been divided always.
II. First impressions
There was little treason work in winter. Everyone returned to Ostrog, someone engaged in their craft, someone gossipped, drank and played cards.
At first, everyone watched me, since the former nobleman never admit to her. Also no longer loved Polish gentles. The noblemen was four: one - a diamospher and spy, the second - fatherlybike, the third was akim Akimich. He was a tall, thin, honest, naive and neat person.
In the Caucasus he served as an officer. One neighboring prince, at night attacked his fortress, and Akim Akimich was shot in front of his squad. And he sentenced him to the death penalty, but then the sentence softened and exiled for 12 years to Siberia. Akim Akimich was respected by the prisoners. I, about our major, asked Akim Akimich. He turned out to be an evil and dishonest person. Arrestants were enemies for him. He was hated, afraid and wanted to kill.
Several Kalashnits came to the workshop. To meet them, it was necessary to choose a place, time, and bribe the convoys. But sometimes I managed to see love scenes.
During the lunch, I asked that why everything was looking at me. And the Pole said to me that because I am a nobleman, and many I would like to humiliate me.
III. First impressions
For prisoners, money was like freedom, but it was difficult to keep them. Or their crawled, or they chose a major. Then the money began to give an old man ancient.
It was a small and gray old old man lay sixty, quite calm and quiet. The old man, serving the term for a lot of church. He was a wealthy tradesman, he had a family left at home. Everyone was respected and were sure that he could not steal.
In Ostrog it was very sad. And many worked a whole month, in order to spend everything in one day. Wine trade was very profitable.
On the very first days of my conclusion, I was interested in one young arrestant Sirotkin. He was about 23 years old. He was a very dangerous war criminal. In Ostrog, he was sent for killing his regular commander, who was always dissatisfied with them. Sirotkin was friends with Gazin.
Gazin was a tatar, very strong, high and powerful. He, too, a military arrest attack and Sybir is already Siberia, and has already fallen into a special branch. He was a rather tricky and not a stupid man. When he drove him was evil and even with a knife attacked people. For that, he was beaten to loss of consciousness. But in the morning he went to work as healthy.
Gazin fell into the kitchen, and began to get my comrade and to me. But we decided not to respond, then he grabbed a heavy tray in rabies and swung. All silently watched what will happen next. But someone shouted that he was stolen with wine and he ran down the bullet from the kitchen.
I was occupied by one thought that the punishment for the same crimes is always not equal .. for example, one slapped just so man, and the other killed, defending the honor of his daughter, the bride, sisters.
IV. First impressions
After verification in the barracks from the authorities, the disabled disabled, and the eldest of the arrestants remained. In our barracks, the senior appointed Akim Akimich. The religious authorities have always applied to the arrestants, which gave them courage. For prisoners, the best boss is the one who is not afraid of them.
In the evening, everyone looked at home. Many sat down to play cards around the table, it was called Maidan. Under Maidan there was a servant, he stood all night on the guard and warned about the appearance of a guard or place-major.
On the door at the door was my place. Next to me was Akim Akimich. Left - several Caucasian Highlanders who were convicted of robbery. The native brothers were Dagestan Tatars. Younge, Alya was about 22 years old. For the robbery and murder of the Armenian merchant were exiled to the cautious. The brothers loved Alya. In his character combined and soft and strength. He was fair, smart and modest, always avoided the quarrel, but he knew how to stand up for himself. I taught him to speak Russian, he also mastered several crasheds. I taught him to write and read, for which I was very thanked by his brothers.
Poles at Katorga were a separate family. Many of them were educated. Only the Jew was loved by Isaiah Fomich, he was about 50 years old, he was small and weak man. He fell on the cautiousness because of the murder. He was easy enough to live, as he was a jeweler, he had a lot of work from the city
In our barracks there were several more small towns and four Old Believers, the young soldier of the 23rd, who killed eight people; Several counterfeiters and some more gloomy personalities. I saw all this on the first day of my cattle.
V. Month first.
I went to work in three days. Good to me treated Akim Akimich. Near me there was another person who I learned well only in a few years. This is an arrestant sushilov, he served me. I still had one servier, Osip, he was one of the four cooks, which were chosen by arrestants. No chef did not go to work, but at any time could refuse this post. He was a honest and meek man. He fell here for smuggling. He traded wine along with other chefs.
I was driving me Osip. Sushilov began to walk on various instructions, wash, and stitch my clothes. He was a pitiful, unrequited and scored man. With great difficulty, he spoke with someone.
They laughed at him, because on the road to Siberia he changed, that is, he swamped with someone fate and the name. So make the arrestants who have a long way of cortic. They deceive such a lamp as sushilov.
I watched a cortic with great attention. I am hit me a meeting with the arrestant A-Vym. He was a nobleman and pounded the place major about everything that was going on in an acute. He was exiled to Siberia for 10 years for a sneodynant den. Katorga him unleashed hands. He was ready for everything to satisfy his brutal instincts.
Vi. Month first.
In Tobolsk, I was presented with the Gospel, where several rubles were hidden. There are people who help selflessly exile. In the city there was a widow, Nastasya Ivanovna. It could not do a lot for us because of poverty, but we felt that she was our friend.
I decided in an acute thing that I will do everything on conscience. I was sent to disassemble old barks, they did not pay money for them, we were forced to disassemble them, just so that we did not sit without a business.
Conductor came and said the task that it was necessary to do and then rest. We fulfilled this task very quickly.
I interfered everywhere, I was distilled off, but when I went down they shouted that I was working in general. They were pleased to mock the nobleman.
They thought I would guide myself as a nobleman-white. I decided for myself that I would not show any of my education, nor thoughts nor pondered, but I did not want to satisfy them.
In the evening, I walked over the barracks and saw the ball, our dog. I fed her bread. I loved him, now after work I went for the barracks to see the ball.
VII. New familiar. Petrov
I have already started to get used to this special world. I loved to work, for this love, the arrestants laughed at to me, but I knew that the work would help me.
The authorities of the nobles facilitated the work, since we were read with inept and weak. Usually we were sent to the crowd and burn alabaster, in the workshop twist the wheel sharpened. For several years, this work remained behind the noblemen.
I began to get acquainted with other arrestants. He became the first to visit me Peter's convict. He lived from me in the most remote barracks. He was 40 years old. He spoke free to me, led himself delicately and decently. We kept with him at a distance and closer did not become.
He was the most fearless and decisive of all convicts. It was rarely quarreling, but he had no friends. For the urgent he walked out without a case.
VIII. Decisive man. Lucky
There were little decisive arrests in Ostrog. At first I avoided the most terrible killers, but then changed my attitude towards them. The convicts loved to boast their exploits. I heard a story about how Juka Kuzmich's convict for his pleasure killed Major. He was a keen, a small and slender man. He was very boastful, proud, he did not respected him in Ostrog. He had a nickname.
Lucky history told his story stupid, but good neighbor in Naram, the convict Kobylin. Lucky spoke very loudly to hear everyone. This happened during shipment. Next to him sat 12 Khokhlov. The food was disgusting and Major commanded them. The archery was wondered by Khokhlov, and called Major, and the kosar had a knife. A drunken major resorts, and the leap came closer, and stuck a knife in his stomach.
Many officers belonged to the convicts of both pigs, and it was very annoyed by the arrestants. The good officers treated the arrestants with respect and they loved them for it. There were 105 weaves for the murder of the officer. Lucky wanted to be a terrible person so that he was afraid, but they did not pay attention to him.
IX. Isai Fomich. Bath. Bablushin's story
Before Christmas remained four days and we were led to the bath. Very rejoiced by this Isai Fomich Bumostein. It was a feeling that he liked at Katorga. He lived richly and performed jewelry. Jews defended him. He expected the end of the deadline to marry. He was naive, cunning, bold, ingenuous, timid, boastful man. Isai Fomich for entertainment served everyone.
All the arrestants rejoiced that there is an opportunity to get out of the progress. In the bath was closely, and it was difficult because of the shackles to undress. Helped me to wash Baklushin and Petrov. For this, I was Petrova treated with a chekushka, and Bumplushin invited to her tea.
Bablushin loved everything. It was a guy, 30 years old, he was full of life and fire. Having become acquainted with me, Baklushin was the Soldier's Son, he served in Pioneers and loved him some high faces. He told me that the theatrical representation would be soon that the convicts are arranged in the rich on holidays. Baklushin was the main instigator of the theater.
He also served in the Garrison Battalion of the Unter-Officer. There he loved the German, Louise's laundry, which wanted to marry. Also, I wanted to marry a distant relative, German Schulz. Louise was aware of this marriage. Schulz forbade Louise to meet with baked eggs. And on one Sunday Baklushin in the store shot Schulz. After that, with Louise, he was happy for two weeks, and then he was arrested.
X. Christmas holiday Christ
The long-awaited holiday has come. At such days, the convicts were not sent to work, there were only three such days.
There were no family memories from Akim Akimich, as he was fifteen years old went to a heavy service. He was a religious person and this holiday gave impatiently. He always lived according to the established rules and did not like to live his mind, since he was called his mind once and hit the catguard.
In the morning of all the arrestants congratulated the guard of the guard Unter-Officer on the holiday. From all over the city to prison, the alignment was carried.
In the military barracks, he held a priest Christmas service and all the barracks consecrated. Then the commandant and plaz-major came, they, too, congratulated everyone on everyone. The people walked, but there were a lot and sober. Sober was Gazin. He wanted to walk only at the end of the day. Evening came. Drunk in the eyes were longing and sadness.
Xi. Representation
The performance of the theater took place on the third day of the holiday. Officers and some more visitors came to the theatrical presentation, even the poster was written for them.
The first spectral was called "Filat Troops and Migros Opponents," where Bablishin played a filatkaya, and Sirotkin is a bride in Filatkin. The second spectral was called "Kedril-Grooming". In conclusion of the theatrical presentation, a pantomime was made to the music.
The theater was held in a military barracks. All expected the beginning of the performance. The convicts were delighted, they were allowed to have fun and forget about the long years of imprisonment.
Part two
I. Hospital
I fell ill after the holidays and sent me to our hospital. The appointment of drugs was engaged in the ordinator, who was the managing the artantic chambers. I changed to hospital underwear and I went to the ward for 22 people.
A little seriously ill. From my right was the illegal son of the retired captain, a former clerk, a fake-maker. It was a young man 28 years old, unlump and brazulous and confident in his innocence. He told me about the orders in the hospital.
Then I came out of a patient's correctional company. It was Checans, he was a soldier. He began to serve, because of what the Strasians laughed at him, he sick with tuberculosis. I felt that why is it angry at me.
It was all sick prisoners, even with venereal diseases. There were also several people who came to relax. Doctors because of compassion from allowed. For punished rods very seriously courted.
In the evening after visiting the doctor, a bucket was put in the ward and locked. Even here we went with shackles, and it even more increases their suffering.
II. Continued
In the morning, the doctor came again, but in front of him our altar came and if he saw that the arrestant came to rest here, he wrote down his illness. Which is not. For this, he was very respected.
There were even sick people who were asked for an extract with a still not healing back. Many convicts with kindness told about who beat them and how.
But here about the lieutenant the stabber with indignation was told. He was a man of 30 years old. He loved to punish sticks and sch.
But about the commander at an acute, about the guarantion of Smekalov, remembered with pleasure and joy. He was a very kind man and considered him.
III. Continued
In the hospital, I saw the consequences of all kinds of sentences. I asked everyone, as I wanted to know all the stages of sentences. I represented the psychological state of people going on execution.
If the arrestant did not hold the appointed number of shocks, then this number was divided several times. But the execution of the convicts tolerated courageously. I realized that the punishment of rugs is hardest. Five hundred sticks can be, without danger to life, transfer, but from five hundred ropes you can die.
In each person there are the properties of the executioner, but they develop unevenly.
It was boring to lie in the hospital. When came new person, everyone was animated. The arrival of the new one has always been revitalized. Many did the view, which is crazy to get rid of punishment.
Severely ill loved to be treated. It was worse in the evening when I remembered the past. One story I heard at night.
IV. Husband Aculkin.
Once at night I woke up and heard that two arrests with each other whisper from me near me. The story led shishkov. He was 30 years old, civil arrest, shackled and cowardly man.
The conversation was about the father of his wife Shishkov, Ankudim Trofimich. He was rich and respected by the old man of 70 years, had a bidder and big farm, and had three employees. Ankudim Trofimych was married twice, he had two sons and the eldest daughter of Akulin. She had a Moroza Filk Lover, a friend Shishkova. The film remained the orphan and wanted to stroll all the money received as an inheritance and go to the soldiers. But he did not want to marry Akulin. Once the film was awarded Shishkova to smear the goal of the gate at the goal, as he did not want her to marry the old rich. Bogach heard that rumors went about the shark, and did not marry her. Shishkova's mother appreciated him, marry a shark, because no one had to marry her, but she had a good dowry.
Chishkov drank to the wedding itself. Morozov's filler threatened that he would break all the ribs, and his wife would sleep every night with his wife. At the wedding, Ankudim roared, because, he knew that the daughter was married to suffer. Shishkov preassee the surcharge to leave the aculday, as she got married with a deception.
After the wedding, Shishkova and the shark left in the cloneel. The shark turned out to be innocent, and then he knew and asked for forgiveness, and he swore a revenge for the shame of Filk Morozov.
Then the film offered to sell Shishkov's wife. And so that shershadow succumbed to this persuasion, he laughed, hearing that she was not sleeping with his wife, as always drunk, and she walks away from him. Shishkov was furious and began to beat his wife every day. Ankudim came to get up for her daughter, but then retreated. I did not allow to interfere with my mother shishkov.
The film sparkled completely and went to work the mercenary to the tradesman. The tradesman's filter lived in his pleasure, she slept him with his daughters, drank, and also the owner tuskla over his beard. All this tradesman ended, as the film was supposed to go to the soldiers, for his eldest son. When the filter was lucky to surrender to the soldiers, on the road he saw a shark, and stopping, began to ask her for forgiveness for his meanness. She forgave him, and then Shishkov said that the filter loves more death.
And then Shishkov decided to kill the shark. He took his wife to the forest and there she cut her throat. And in the evening they found a shark dead and Shishkov in the bath. Here it is for four years at Katorga serving.
V. Summer.
Soon it was supposed to be Easter. Summer work began. The coming spring gave birth in every arrest of longing and desire.
At this time, he wants to flee one arrestant, and the rest just dream about it. Since many departing for two or three years in Ostrog, preferred to serve their deadline to the end and go to the settlement than to decide on death in case of failure.
Every day I got rustier and sad. Also poisoned my life and what many hated me, but that I am a nobleman. The walking was the same as for Christmas, that's just you could have been walking yet.
Summer work has always been heavier than winter. The convicts digged the ground, built, put bricks, were engaged in carpentry, plumbing, or painting work. From work I only became stronger, because I wanted to live also after the cortica.
In the evenings, the arrestants in the court went crowds. Also, we learned that an important general of St. Petersburg is going with the audit in Siberia. Also, one incident happens in this time. In a fight, one arrestant poked the other in the cheating chest.
The convict who has committed a crime, called Lomov, he is from the prosperous peasants, and the victim was Gavrilka, he was a vagrand. Lomov always lived a family, and, in addition to legitimate affairs, they still were still equipped with vagrants and stolen. They decided that they had no control, and began to participate in various lawless affairs. Not far from the village they had their big farm, where the six robbers of Kyrgyz lived. They are all cut at night, and Lomov accused of killing their employees. Their condition was taken away, and the uncle and the nephew were condemned and sent to the cautious.
And then he was brought to Ostrog, the gavrilka, a plut and a tramp, who took the guilt in the death of Kyrgyz. Lomov tried not to quarrel with Gavrilka. Uncle Lomov, because of the girl, drewed gavrilka shell. Lomov in Ostrog were rich. The term of the criminal was added.
The auditor arrived in Ostrog. He silently walked around all the barracks, visited the kitchen. He was told that I am a nobleman. He looked at me and came out. All the arrestants are puzzled.
Vi. Animals cores
Buying a horse for the prisoners was entertainment. In Ostrog, there was to have a horse for household needs. On one day she died. And the purchase of a horse was commissioned to the convicts. The bought horse has become beloved for all the progress.
Arrestants of animals loved very much, but a lot of them was not allowed. In Ostrog were, even besides the ball, two more dogs: cultivation and protein.
Accidentally started geese. Gus together with the convicts went to work. But then they are all cut. Also was also the goat Vaska. He was also a favorite. But one day, he saw Major and ordered it.
An eagle was also. He was brought to the urgent and wounded. He lived with us for three months, without once without leaving his corner. To die the eagle in the wild, the convicts dropped him into the steppe from the tree.
VII. Claim
A year later, I resigned with life in Ostrog. The arrestants loved to dream, but did not like to tell him their hopes.
All the arrestants shared on evil and kind, bright and sullen. The latter was more. Also were and desperate, but there were very few of them. Without a goal, not one arrestant can live without a goal, but the target was all freedom.
Once on a summer day, an uprising occurred, because of food .. the arrestants are very rarely rising together. There were several instigators. One of them was Martynov, former hussar, he was a very hot, restless and suspicious person; And the other was Vasily Antonov, he was very clever and cold-blooded, both were honest and truthful.
Our Unter-Officer was frightened. Everyone built and I also came out, I thought that checking. Then Kulikov led me out of order. I went to the kitchen.
There I met the nobleman T-Yarsky. He said to me that if we were there, we would accuse us in Bunte and will give up. Isai Fomich and Akim Akimich also did not participate in this excitement.
Major came angry, and he walked the clerk Dyatlov, who managed the prison and had a great influence on the major. He was a good man. Three people from the arrestants went to the guard. Dyatlov came to the kitchen to us. Here they said that there are no complaints. He reported on this Major, who said that he rewrite, but separately from dissatisfied. He pereted that all dissatisfied would give a fortune and everyone was immediately satisfied with everyone.
The food has become better, but it was not long. Arrestants could not calm down for a long time.
I asked Petrov, whether the convicts on the nobles are not angry for the fact that they did not come out with everyone. He did not understand what I am. I realized that I would never come to a comrade for them.
VIII. Comrades
Of the three nobles, I conveted only with Akim Akimich. He was good manAnd always helped me with advice and some services.
There were also eight poles. Formed were only three: M-cue, b-sky, and an old man.
Many of them at Katorga needed to leave for 10-12 years.
To the noblemen-criminals, the highest bosses, applied differently than the rest of the exile. I was in the second category of kathers, it was heavier than the other two discharges. The nobles did not punish as often as other convicts.
We had only one time to relieve in our work, we went to the technical stationery in the face of the painters.
We rewrite the paper, but suddenly we were transferred back. Then we went two years old with the MF to work in the workshop.
M-cue every year I became griming and sad. He was revived, remembering his mother. She raised for him forgiveness. He stayed on the settlement in our city.
Two young people, we stayed with us short time, but were simple and honest. The third, and A-Chukovsky, was a simple person, but the fourth, bt, made not a good impression on us. He was Malyar, he was very often called on work in the city.
Bh painted the place-major house, which after that he began to respect the nobles. Soon, Platz-Major was given to court, and he resigned. Having resigned, he became poor.
IX. The escape
After the change of Platz Major, the boat was eliminated and instead of her Military Arresting Road. A special branch was also left, they sent dangerous war criminals here.
Everything was the same, only here the bosses changed. The most important was that there was no old major. Now punished only guilty. Unter-officers were decent people.
For many years, it was made from my memory. I have a desire to live and it gave me hope and strength. I judged myself for my last life. I promised myself that I would not make previous mistakes in the future.
Sometimes there were shoots. With me fled two. After the resignation of Major without protection, his spy A-B remained. He together with Kulikov agreed to run.
It was impossible to run without a convoy. Kulikov chose a collera pole. Agreed, they appointed a day.
This happened in June. The fugitives did so that they would be sent to the empty barracks to plastering the walls along with the soldier. The coller with another recruit was convicious. An hour later, A-in and Kulikov, saying Shilkina, that they went for wine, fled. Then Shilkin realized that the comrades were escaped, and told all Feldfel.
Cossacks sent them to pursuit. Also in all the treasures were sent to their orientations. Now the arrestants were sent to work under enhanced convoy, and recalculated several times in the evenings.
We were looking for them week. Eight days attacked their trail. The fugitives were brought to Ostrog, and then they were given to court. Everyone was waiting for the court.
A-Wu was awarded five hundred sticks, Kulikov appointed already one and a half thousand. The collera was given two thousand and sent somtatant somewhere. A-Ba said that he is now ready. And Kulikov, on returning to Ostrog, led himself as if he never left it.
X. Exit from cortic
All these last incidents occurred in the last year of my cattle. I had a lot of familiar both in the acute and perimeter. I could freely receive books and write home.
The closer the cautor's term approached, the time I became patient.
On the day of liberation, I said goodbye to everyone. Forgated me in different ways, someone rejoiced for me, someone was angry.
After everyone went to work, I left the glory and never returned to him again. In the forge, I took off the shackles. And here she is freedom and new happy life.

Please note that it is only a brief content of the literary work "Notes from the Dead Home". In this brief content Many are missed important moments and quotes.

Notes from the Dead House Fedor Dostoevsky

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Title: Notes from the Dead House

About the book "Notes from the Dead House" Fedor Dostoevsky

"Notes from the Dead Home" Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote shortly after he returned from the cattle. Being arrested on the political case of Petrashevtsev, he spent four years at Katorga in Omsk. So practically all events unfold in the core barracks in an acute, one of many hundreds in Russia, where thousands and thousands of prisoners were sent.

Alexander Petrovich Gorianchikov - a nobleman, who was exiled to the uncertainty for the murder of his wife, in which he himself admitted. At the cortie, the hero is under double oppression. On the one hand, he never turned out in conditions like a religious. The capture seems to him the scary punishment. On the other hand, other prisoners do not like it and despise the unpreparedness. After all, Alexander Petrovich - Barin, though the former, and before he could command the simple peasants.

"Notes from the Dead House" do not contain a holistic plot, although they have the main character - Alexander Gorianchikov (although you can not doubt whose thoughts, words and feelings are relayed). All the events of the novel are told in chronological order And reflect how slowly and painfully the hero adapted to the Katorga. The story consists of small sketches, the heroes of which are people from the surroundings of Alexander Gorianchikov, he himself and warders, or have a type of incoming stories that heard heroes.

In them, Fedor Dostoevsky tried to fix the experienced during his own stay at the Katorga, so the work is more likely a documentary. The chapters meet the author's personal impressions, retelling the stories of other cortishes, experiences, reasoning about religion, honor, life and death.

The main place in the "Notes from the Dead House" is given detailed description Byet and the unlasked Code of Cathere's behavior. The car tells about their attitude towards each other, about hard work and almost army discipline, faith in God, the fate of prisoners and crimes, for which they were condemned. Fedor Dostoevsky tells about the daily life of the cortex, entertainment, dreams, relations, punishments and small joys. In this story, the author managed to collect the entire spectrum of human morality: from the baseman and a traitor, able to slander for money, to a kind of widow, which disinterestedly cares about the prisoners. The author tells O. national composition and different estates (nobles, peasants, soldiers) of people who fell into inhuman conditions. Almost all stories from their lives (and some of them will be able to trace until the end) are reveaving the author. Dostoevsky also mentions what happens to these people when their cattle (and this is a whole life of years) ends.

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Quotes from the book "Notes from the Dead House" Fedor Dostoevsky

The highest and most sharp characteristic feature of our people is a sense of justice and thirst for her.

Money is a chased freedom, and therefore for a person devoid of completely freedom, they are more expensive.

In a word, the right of corporal punishment given to one over the other, there is one of the ulcers of society, there is one of the strongest means for the destruction of all the embryo in it, any attempt at citizenship and the complete grounds for indispensable and irresistible decomposition.

Tharatism has a habit; It is gifted by development, it is developing finally into the disease.

But all the charm passed, just he removed the uniform. In Mundir, he was a thunderstorm, God. In the imprisoner, he suddenly became absolutely anywhere in a lake. Surprisingly, how much is the uniform of these people.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Notes from the Dead House

Part one


In the remote edges of Siberia, among the steppes, mountains or impassable forests, there are occasionally small towns, with one, a lot with two thousand inhabitants, wooden, unspoken, with two churches - alone in the city, another in the cemetery, - cities, relevant more than good Moscow region village than on the city. They are usually very sufficiently supplied by the corrections, the assessors and the rest of the sub chant. In general, in Siberia, despite the cold, serve extremely warmth. People live simple, non-liberal; The orders of old, strong, the centuries are consecrated. Officials, by justice, playing the role of the Siberian nobility, - or the natives, the short-circuited Siberians, or by road from Russia, the greatest part of the capitals, elegted, not in the offset of the salary, double runs and seductive hopes in the future. Of these, those who know how to resolve the riddle of life almost always remain in Siberia and with pleasure in it are rooted. Subsequently, they bring rich and sweet fruits. But others, the people frivolous and not able to resolve the riddle of life, soon they are bored with Siberia and they ask themselves: why did they come to her? They look forward to their legal terms of service, three years old, and after it will immediately bother about their translation and return the ravis, Bryan Siberia and Famping over it. They are wrong: not only with service, but even from many points of view in Siberia you can bliss. Climate superb; There are many wonderful rich and hospitable merchants; Many extremely sufficient foreigners. The ladies bloom with roses and moral to the last extreme. The game flies through the streets and itself rises to the hunter. Champagne drinks unnaturally a lot. Icra amazing. The harvest is in other places of self-adhesive ... In general, the earth is blessed. We just need to be able to use it. In Siberia, they know how to use it.

In one of these cheerful and satisfied with the towns, with the most silent population, the memory of which will remain an indelible in my heart, I met Alexander Petrovich Gorianchikov, an settler who born in Russia a nobleman and landowner, then made a sink-natal second discharge for the murder of his wife his And, after a ten-year-old term defined by the law of a ten-year-old term, humbly and silently spent his age in the town of K. settler. He, in fact, was attributed to one subhortan parlor, but lived in the city, having the opportunity to extract in it at least some kind of food learning. In Siberian cities, there are often teachers from exact settlers; They do not break. They are taught mainly by the French language, so necessary for the field of life and about which, without them in remote edges, Siberia would not have the concepts. For the first time, I met Alexander Petrovich in the house of one old, honored and hospum, Ivan Ivanovich Gvozdikov, who had five daughters, of different years who filed excellent hopes. Alexander Petrovich gave them lessons four times a week, for thirty kopecks silver for the lesson. I am interested in his appearance. It was an extremely pale and thin man, even unfortunate, thirty-five years old, small and punched. Dressed was always very clean, in European. If you have been talking to him, he looked at you extremely intently and carefully, with strict politeness listening to every word yours, as if he was thinking about him, as if you were a question for your task or want to get some secret to him, and, Finally, he answered clearly and briefly, but before weighing every word of his answer, that you suddenly became something awkward and you were finally rejoiced by the end of the conversation. I also asked Ivan Ivan's about him and found out that the Gorianchikov lives immaculately and morally and that otherwise Ivan Ivanov would not invite him for his daughters; But that he is terrible notice, from all hiding, extremely scholars, reads a lot, but speaks very little and that in general it is quite difficult to talk with him. Others argued that he was positively crazy, although they found that, in essence, this is not such an important disadvantage that many of the honorary members of the city are ready to have every way to have Alexander Petrovich, that he could even be useful to write requests and so on. It was believed that he should have a decent relative relative to Russia, there may be even not the last people, but they knew that he was stubbornly with all sorts of intercourse with them itself, - in a word, harms himself. In addition, we all knew his story, knew that he killed his wife his back in the first year of his marriage, killed from jealousy and he himself confronted (which was very facilitated by his punishment). They always look at the same crimes as unfortunately and regret them. But, despite all this, the cudak stubbornly flew away from everyone and was only given lessons in people.

I first did not pay special attention to him, but I myself do not know why, he immediately began to interest me. It was something mysterious. There was no challenge to talk with him. Of course, my questions always answered and even with such a kind, as if it considered it my first duty; But after his answers, I somehow asked him longer; And on his face, after such conversations, some suffering and fatigue have always visible. I remember, I walked with him one day one day from Ivan Ivanovich. Suddenly, I decided to invite him for a moment to smoke a cigarette. I can not describe what horror put on his face; He was completely lost, began to mumble some incoherent words and suddenly, looking angry with me, rushed to run in the opposite direction. I was even surprised. Since then, meeting with me, he looked at me as if with some fright. But I did not hurt; I pulled me something to him, and a month later I went to the Gorianchik himself. Of course, I entered stupid and indelving. He housed on the very edge of the city, the old woman of the boss, who had a sick daughter, and the illegitimate daughter, a child of ten, pretty and cheerful girl. Alexander Petrovich sat with her and taught her to read at that moment, as I entered it. Seeing me, he was mixed, as if I caught him on some crime. He confused perfectly, jumped off his chair and looked at all his eyes. We finally sat down; He closely watched every look, as if in each of them suspected some special mysterious meaning. I guessed that he was negative to madness. He looked at me with hatred, almost asking: "Do you soon leave here?" I spoke with him about our town, about current news; He dismissed and smiled viciously; It turned out that he not only did not know the most ordinary, well-known urban news, but did not even be interested in to know them. I started talking about our region, about his needs; He listened to me silently and strangely looked into my eyes that I finally became conscable for our conversation. However, I almost annoyed it with new books and magazines; They were in my hands, just with the post office, I offered them to him still uncut. He threw a greedy look at them, but immediately changed his intention and rejected the proposal by opposing the undifferential. Finally, I said goodbye to him and, coming out of him, I felt that some kind of loose burnt slept from my heart. I was ashamed and seemed extremely stupid to pester a person who exactly supplies the main task - as far as possible to hide from around the world. But the case was done. I remember that I had almost noticed books at all, and it became unfairly talked about him that he reads a lot. However, driving two times, very late at night, past his windows, I noticed the light in them. What did he do, coming down to the dawn? Has he wrote? And if so, what exactly?

Circumstances removed me from our town of three. Returning home already in winter, I learned that Alexander Petrovich died in the fall, died in privacy and never even called Lekary to himself. In the town of him almost forgotten. Its apartment was empty. I immediately met with the mistress of the deadman, intending to reveal from her; What was especially involved in her tenant and did he write something? For the dihedral, she brought me a whole Lukokhko papers left after the dead man. The old woman admitted that two notebooks she was already spent. It was a sullen and silent Baba, from which it was difficult to prevent something feet. About the tenant she could not tell me anything special new. According to her, he almost never did anything and did not reveal the books by months and did not take the pen into his hands; But the whole nights passed back and forth on the room and all something thought, and sometimes he spoke himself with himself; That he was very loved and very much caressed her granddaughter, Katya, especially since he learned that her name is Katya, and that in Katerinin, each time he went on someone to serve a memorial service. Guests could not tolerate; From the courtyard went out only to teach children; Even at her, old woman, when she, once a week, came at least a little bit into his room, and almost never said with her a single word for three years. I asked Katya: does she remember his teacher? She looked at me silently, turned away to the wall and cried. Therefore, could this man at least someone make himself love.