What is the name of purulent. Purulent: Biography of Rapper, personal life

What is the name of purulent. Purulent: Biography of Rapper, personal life
What is the name of purulent. Purulent: Biography of Rapper, personal life

Popular russian performer Hip-hop, participant of rap battles. Known very sharp and unceremonious attitude to opponents, amoral statements, provocative style and nihilism.

Biography purulent

Vyacheslav Karelin (Real Surname - Mashnov), well known under creative pseudonym PurulentUsed for Rap-Battles, was born on May 9, 1990 in Khabarovsk. Grew in the company Sisters Darya. As a schoolboy, she took up entrepreneurship: together with buddies I drew to order cartoons, later I sold psychological tests on CDs. In 2007, he entered the Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications, at the end of which became a specialist in the IT-sphere. In 2013, he moved to St. Petersburg. Worked in cellular companies, water park.

Creative path purulent

Approximately 2012, Vyacheslav was fond of Punk, then, having acquainted with the work Sasha Skula And his project "Buchenwald Flava", switched to hip-hop music. According to the most purulent, the number of persons who influenced it further creativity, performers "Lenin Package", "4 Positions of Bruno", Babangida, Leonid Fedorov, DR.

From 2012, Vyacheslav became a participant in the group "Monthly". In 2013, Karelin sent an application for participation in the Slovo SPB Battle League, and in 2014, speaking there under the pseudonym Purulent, won the first season of the show. He was immediately invited to Anapa to the Slovofest festival, where Nongratta became his opponent, the Slovo Moscow site organizer. At the same time, purulent joined the Rap-association Renaissance Renaissance, becoming the leader of this St. Petersburg movement and one of the strongest Russian batters. He was also invited to the SlovospB rap tournament jury.

Vyacheslav is known not only as purulent - this pseudonym it mostly uses for rap battles. Also, the performer is equipped with nicknames of Glory Karelin, Glory CPSU, Valentin Uncle, Sonya Marmaladova, Budsky Budsky and others. For example, Sonya Marmeladov is a pseudonym for battles for bits and grahim-tracks, Valentin Uncle - for humorous Caver-compositions, Budsky Budsky - for existential, sad creativity. Vyacheslav, according to his confession, likes to invent different nicknames, so he has dozens of other pseudonyms. The performer characterizes his creativity as "narrow subcultural rap with a bunch of internal jokes."

Special attention of the rap artist attracted to himself in 2017, after in August, a verbal duel of purulent with his long-standing opponent was the "king" rap genre by Oxymyron (Oxxxymiron; Miron Fedorov), who had studied in Oxford. Battle passed in St. Petersburg at the site of the projector Versus restaurant. Purulent leaded with a score of 5: 0. This event chained the attention of millions of Internet users, was discussed on the pages of magazines and the network, federal channels. Mass media even fined due to publication full version of this battle without censorship.

In October 2017, it became known that purulent entered the jury vocal competition "Success" on the CTC channel.

Personal life purulent

For about three years, Vyacheslav met with the photographer Sasha Disco. However, the couple broke up in 2017. According to Rapper, they are tired with a girl with each other.

Rapper, whose real name is the glory of Karelin, has a few more nicknames: Booter Brodsky, Sonya Marmaladov and Slava CPSU. But in the world of rap-battles it is known as purulent. And the opposite nickname quite accurately characterizes the character of his bakers. First, purulent became the Battle League champion "Word SPb", which some consider the second level after "VERSUS". Then he spent a few more speeches - Battle became the most significant against one of the top representatives of the Versus series Ernesto shut up.

This summer, Battle purulent against Ernesto, shut up 3,5 million views and became the reason why he called Oxymiron to "Versus". In addition, this fight is notable as the first case of self-censorship on the Russian Battle scene: jokes about the Patriarch Kirill and Kadyrov are bound to the Internet version of Battla.

But real Glory Nastigla fame suddenly and with a minimum effort from his part. Haip around the purulent raised the owners of accounts in Vkontakte with caucasian surnamesGrouping around the public Chechen youth. Someone from them excavated a two-year old ago from the speech of purulent on Battle "Word" - he put the opponent's fame that he had sex with Chinese, Armenians, Chechens and did not make differences.

The Grozny residents considered that the differences would cost, and published a call to find Rapper to "responded for his purulent mouth" (in currently Post deleted). The comments sounded ideas to come to the St. Petersburg bar "1703", where those Battles "Versus" occur. The purulent removed his account in Vkontakte with a farewell record: "Sorry me, cute Ichkeria girls." Nevertheless, the network popped up the screenshots of VK-correspondence with him, where he allegedly brought apologies.

This situation instantly squeezed the fire in Russian rap. After all, Battl-rap with his constant jokes about Mamu is not what a meant, but the former reaction "Ah, outrageous!" No longer causes. How suddenly there was an audience, not ready to put up with the existence of this kind of art. In the site, the site, there were hopes that one day, humanity would learn to resolve disputes without mankinding, but so far so; The question was raised what is generally the value of such a freedom of speech with the conclusion: "They didn't want to install the scope of morals themselves, well, so you will be installed"; Even remembered the performance of Raikina about censorship, but with reservations, that permissiveness is also not very good and the internal censor is needed.

And right before the weekend, when the conflict began to exit, first made comments and most importantly actor Purulent. He released a half-and and and and and and and and to apologize in which he really brought. But as if wholesale - at once and Chinese women, and Armenians, and Chechens, as if trying not to lose face.

The only reaction of purulent on the events unfolded around it - one and a half way video

But this does not necessarily mean that the conflict has been exhausted. Here are the organizers of Battle "Versus", where the purulent last Sunday had a fight with another local chadliner Rickey F, insured and transferred it to an unknown date. Instead, on weekends, other people were noisy in the club "1703" - including Dima Malikov.

With purulent, without putting almost no effort (and being in an extremely uncomfortable situation), he caught a completely unthinkable Haip. And since the rapper he is far from inflated, then you do not need to be surprised if the online hype in the foreseeable future is materialized in a salty out in a large Moscow club. Especially if fame will avoid meeting with chechen listeners Before the year-planned Battle with oximiron.

Purulent (glory of the CPSU) - Vyacheslav Kareline, russian rapper, Grahim-performer, adherent punk culture, leader of the Rap-Movement "Antihaip Renaissance", known under the pseudonyms Sonya Marmaladov, Kirill Ovsyankin, Budsky Budsky, Valentin Uncle. Vyacheslav was born on May 9, 1990 in Khabarovsk, in the family where Daria's daughter had already grown up. IN early age He fascinated with drawing, and then animated, played street football. The boy together with friends created congratulatory videos and distributed them for commercial purposes.

Later, the young man took up the sale of CDs with literature on psychology. A young team of entrepreneurs led by Karelin was engaged in the development of tests on psychology, which successfully applied among buyers. In 2007, after graduation, Vyacheslav became a student of the Khobarov Institute of Infocommunications Faculty of IT-Technologies. The young man often missed lectures, led a free lifestyle, fell into the police station for small hooliganism. Until 2012, he was fond of Panke, was a member of the movement, held a rite of initiation.

In 2012, for the first time heard the music of the Rap Group "Buchenwald Flava", where he read Sasha, and decided to create tracks in Hip-Hop style. Originally purulent recorded song composition Aggressive nature, without stopping before using non-normal speech revolutions. The psychology of nihilism and anarchism has been preserved in the work of Rapper since the passion of the Panke. On the promotion of Vyacheslav spent the funds that earned as an employee of a company providing services cellular communication. After receiving a diploma about higher education Karelin settled in the water park.


The first album of Rapper "Pih-Poh" is published in 2013. Four track "PIH POH", "Kanaplya", "I love you" and " Old image" Soon there are still six tracks of the co-collection of the "non-Sautable Bank" Glory of the CPSU and Smesharique. In the same year, Vyacheslav takes himself the second pseudonym purulent, reflecting the musician worldview, and takes part in the Slovo Batle in St. Petersburg. In total, in 2014, Slava Karelin spends six baults. On the site young musician The Booker D. Fred, Egoist, Nikitikitavi, Zaebatsu and Cheney, each of whom the purulent wins at Slovo SPB tournaments.

Brown skin jacket becomes Karelina Talisman. Continuous explosive reading Vyacheslav does not give rivals not a minute of rest. The Rapper project shows leadership qualities and replays all participants in the competition. The Gnove Gnove Fame after the battle falls into the number of guests invited to the Slovofest tournament in Anapa, along with Nongratta rivals, Freestyleler and MS from Kharkov, the winner of the first Slovo season (Moscow) and MS S "One from Krasnodar.

In 2014, the RPER discography is replenished with the second album of "foliage in an empty pool", consisting of 9 songs. Three tracks are recorded in duets - "In the courtyards" FET Sebastian Cadar, "corrosive Tlen" together with bifido-beam and "at the bus stop" FET Smesharik. In 2015, the rap performer releases a clip to hit "Otsidi" and new composition "#SlovospB" Feat Cheney. The new remix singer "Black Stalin" on the name of the Black Siemens songs received on the Youtube network youtube.

In 2015, the purulent launches the provocative EP "My Jews" to the Internet, which make up the song "My friend reads Russian Grahim", "Yeti and Beasts", "Oxych knows everything." At the same time, rapper continues to perform in tournaments. One of the sensational contests was the purulent Battle against Jassejames-A in the 2x2 command contest. Vyacheslav Kareline, using the increased interest in his biography and creativity, creates his own offline-playground "Purulent League", whose battles takes on an amateur chamber and lays out on the channel on YouTube. Tournaments are surrounded by spectators on the street or a small room. Vyacheslav behaves broadcast and often acts as a member.

Sonya Marmaladova - another pseudonym purulent

Different projects Vyacheslav produces under different names. Pseudonym Sonya Marmaladov The singer uses for gram-compositions, Valentin Uncle applies to create satirical tracks and remixes. Pseudonym Brootsky Budsky, used at dawn creative biography For Batlov, it was later applied to gloomy pessimistic compositions about a severe Russian share. Purulent skeptical mass culture and ridicules the desire of young people in the texts to comply with the standards modern society. Texts of rapper contain not only calls for immoral action, social Bunu., but also positive, sincere thoughts.

Personal life

Some time in conversations about the personal life of purulent mentioned the name of some Oksana Mironova, but as it turned out later, under women's name Measured rival Vyacheslav on Batlam - (Oximiron). The alias of the freestyle artist Miron Fedorov, who graduated from Oxford University, was used as a joke over the stealth of the Glory of the CPSU. In relation to girls, a young rap performer is unreasonably rude.

In 2016, during the tournament with Nongratta, purulent was offensively spoke in relation to the Chechen girls, for which he received an angry response in social networks from the native of the Halid Gelayev Ichkeria with a call for a public apology, otherwise the Chechen promised Vyacheslav Samosud. Karelin asked for forgiveness from offended Caucasians and deleted a comment from the network "In contact with" . Now the singer has two profiles in "Instagram", one of which is closed for outsiders, as well as a page in "Twitter" Under the name "Neous Production", where the musician often posts the photos from the past tournament events.

Purulent (glory of the CPSU) now

In 2016, a joint mixture of Glory of the CPSU and Khan Zamay "Grime Hate" appeared in the network - Diss on Hayer, bloggers, Obladaet rappers, Illumate and Oxxxymiron. 30 compositions were two and a half hours of continuous tweet. At the same time, Vyacheslav managed to be attended with his idol - Sasha Sasha, with whom the purulent recorded the composition "in the courtroom". Soon the rapper presented the album "difficult to be with God", the main hit of which became the song "Dead Stars", pleased the Follovover tracks "in Bangangid T-shirt", "Hype Train" and "Love Mackerel".

On behalf of Glory, the CPSU released Trap-rap "Song of the Hero of Russia" with the main hero of Chechnya. The musician creates compositions about drugs, ridicules Pharaoh and, produces a parody of the artist's style atl. In 2016, in the Slovo Moscow tournament, purulent came out with the rapper from St. Petersburg Falllen MS and won the battle. The second pair of performers participated in the competition - NAREK musicians and Pachuka. After some time, Vyacheslav appeared on two baults in Northern capitalwhere opposed VS94SKI. In a pair with Jiglipufu, MC confronted two Ripers Khan by Zama and Zaebatsu.

In Batle against Oksiron, defiantly behaved, than provoked the introduction on the duel censorship. Miron Fedorov unluckyly responded about purulent and called him a competition in a year. At the Versus × #SlovospB tournament, Karelin fought against Ernesto shut up. Under the pseudonym, Sonya Marmaladov won an EDIK_Kingsta rival in a battle using a musical bat. In Versuse, dated December 4, 2016, Vyacheslav summarized Rickey F to Battle, who set the condition to baptize under the bit. For the year of broadcasting video tournament gathered more than 20 million views.

In early 2017, Vyacheslav under the pseudonym Valentin Uncle released a Caver raper Jubilee., rival in Batlam, "Young Beatles" - "Young Beatles". To which the opponent answered Karelin Disc Cloon. In response, Glory accused Jubilee in LGBT propaganda, releasing two diss. In response he heard the track from the opponent "Requiem". Soon the release of the albums "Tea together" Feat Aux and Komar-Parishany took place. The second disk is overflowing with an abnormative vocabulary, and in the track "New Rothschild" purulent calls himself to God. In mid-June 2017, in the framework of the Batla to "rip the bits" in the team composition with the rapper we climb against the Dena Cheney and Mickeymouse, whose winner was determined by SMS voting.

In August 2017, the long-awaited battle took place between Miron Fedorov and Vyacheslav Karelin. The tournament was broadcast on Youtube video hosting and per day received 10 million views, which influenced the roller rating in the YouTube-trend list. The competition was evaluated by the judges - Dmitry Egorov (Versus Battle), Lockos (SlovospB), DJ 4EU3, and. With a crushing score 5: 0 defeated purulent. Oximiron has written off his defeat for the presence large number Lyrics in the speech, then High purulent uses popularity. Commenting on the net of Battle, Vyacheslav released a comedy video on behalf of Valentine's uncle "Chilling my dust", which dedicated to Oximiron.


  • 2013 - "PIH-POH"
  • 2014 - "Cataphney"
  • 2014 - "Foliage in an empty pool"
  • 2016 - "hard to be with God"
  • 2016 - "Russian Field"
  • 2017 - "Tea together"
  • 2017 - "Komar-Parizhan"

Real Name: Alexander Fedorov
Year of birth: 1993
Place of birth: St. Pethertubrg

Sasha Disco - former girl rapper. Real surname Sasha Discotue - Fedorov. Sasha was born in 1993. Interest in the personality of Alexander Discos came after her name mentioned Oxxxymiron in Battle against the Slavs of the CPSU.

Sasha disco and purulent

Alexandra Fedorova and Slava Karelin met in 2014. The girl wrote in the VC fame offering to meet and stroll through Peter. Glory agreed, as a result of which a novel began between young people. After a few months of relations between Sasha disco and purulent began to jointly rent an apartment.

Sasha attended almost all Battles on Slovo SPB and parties from the organizers the word. In 2017, Glory and Sasha decided to stop relations, due to the fact that the guys are tired of each other, and they wanted new emotions in life.

How appeared nickname "disco"

Sasha received his extraordinary nickname on one of the parties, the guys from SlovospB. Sasha too actively demanded from the guys to arrange a "wild party" when the guys quietly sat and cruced Guinness. Because of the annoying, the friend of the glory of Karelin, began to contact Sasha, like a "disco of the 90s". The guys picked up this topic, and according to Sasha, the nickname "Disco" was fixed forever. At first, the girl did not approve it, but after Sasha even began to like her "nick".

Hobbies of Sasha Discotue

Since the time of study at the University Sasha actively showed its creative personality. In 2013, Sasha had the experience of participating in performances in the "Apartment Theater" on Duma Street. In the same year, Sasha disco began to engage in photography. Since 2014, Sasha earns money and lives due to the organization of photography. Disco more than once satisfied the photo shoot to their former guy And his colleagues on raep.

  • Purulent known to nihilism, satirical and provocative dirty style, immorality and sharp statements, including in the direction of almost all other rappers.
  • Petnic is considered one of the strongest Russian-speaking Buttl rappers.
  • IN school years Vyacheslav drew to order cartoons later traded psychological tests On CDs, worked in cellular companies and in the water park. He studied at the Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications.
  • Vyacheslav's career as Battle Rapper began in 2013, when Slava Karelin sent an application for participation in the Slovo SPB Battle League, where she was accepted, and in 2014 he went to the final in which he became the winner of the first season.
  • Attention to the purulent sharply increased after participating in Versus Battle against Ernesto, shut up in July 2016, where he sent Versus, and almost the entire second round dedicated, accusing him to hypocrisy and calling "greedy to High Pig." On the same Butt, for the first time censing for the use of offensive lines was used. The next day, the Miron "Oxxxymiron" Fedorov called Purulent to Battle in 2017.
  • In 2016, on the basis of the #SlovospB appeared new format Battles for music bits - 140 BPM. The first issue was Battle with the participation of Sony Marmaladova. On November 4, such a format appeared on Versus, where Sonya Marmeladov also became the discoverer in a fight with Rickey F. On August 2017, the video has more than 21 million views.
  • Battle with Oxxxymiron, who became the most expected in 2017, took place within the 2nd season of Versus X #SlovospB on August 6. For some time there were rumors that purulent won in the contest. The day before the publication of the video Vyacheslav on behalf of Valentina Uncle published a mockery track "Chille My Dust", which is dedicated to Oximiron, and also promoted him on Twitter. After the publication of the release on August 14, rumors were confirmed: the Slava of the CPSU defeated the enemy with a score of 5: 0. The video was resonant and gained more than 10 million views in the first day after the publication.
  • October 29, 2016 in the community "Fortress Grozny" social network VKontakte has published an entry with an excerpt of Battle purulent against Nongratta on Slovofest, who released on October 4, 2014, where he read the lines, stating a session of sex with the girls of Chechen, Armenian, Chinese and other Asian nationalities. The Chechen diaspora found a statement offensive and announced a hunt for Vyacheslav so that he "answered for his purulent mouth," starting threatening on the Internet. On October 31, he had to be removed from Vkontakte due to the inactivity of the site support, asking for forgiveness from the girls Ichkeria, and start hiding. On November 3, purulent brought public apology in the video image, and the pursuit of Rapper stopped.
  • Vyacheslav, according to his own statement, likes to invent a different pseudonyms:
    • Purulent - Used for battles.
    • Sonia Marmaladova - Used for battles for bits and grah-tracks. Sonya Marmeladova - the name of the character of the novel Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".
    • Slava KPSS - Used for most produced musical creativity.
    • Valentin Uncle - Used for a kaver parody of the compositions of other performers.
    • Booter Brodsky - Used in existential gloomy and sad creativity about Russian hopelessness under bits with balalaikas and wind. Previously used for Battle performances. In addition to these, the work of glory can be found under several dozen other pseudonyms.