Children's Theater "Bambi" invites the musical at the premiere. Moscow Professional Children's Theater "Bembby Musical Performance Bambi

Children's Theater
Children's Theater "Bambi" invites the musical at the premiere. Moscow Professional Children's Theater "Bembby Musical Performance Bambi
  • Date of implementation: April 29 at 12.00
  • Venue: ul. Vasilievskaya, d. 13, p. 1 (Cinema House, Big Hall)
  • The duration of the performance: 70 minutes (without intermission)
  • The child under 3 years old passes on a ticket with adults for free (provided that the child sits on the knees in an adult and does not take a separate place)
  • Age limit: 3+
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  • Features

    1. Surprisingly dear and touching performance that will not leave anyone indifferent!
    2. The performance was put on the play of the People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Burlyaev "Forest Tale" to the music of the famous Russian composer Konstantin Kupriyanov.
    3. The play using a film screen with a colorful video sequence.
    4. The cinema house is conveniently located in the very center of Moscow, just a 5-minute walk from the m. Belorusskaya!

    Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Natalia Sergeyevna Bondarchuk invites you and your children in the large hall of the cinema house for a surprisingly touching musical performance "Bembby"!

    In the forest, the holiday was born Bambi's deer - the son of the leader, the prince, the heir of the crown. Bembby is still quite small, and the whole of the huge world around him appears as a magic fairy tale. In this fairy tale, he meets many wonders: beasts, trees, sun, river, his second brother and sister, squirrel, cheerful hares and beautiful swans. But in a fabulous forest, where everyone lives together, he is. That whose name is not called. Who are afraid of everything, even the strongest animals. Bembby will have a series of dangers, adventures and new knowledge before he grows up and becomes a beautiful deer worthy of becoming a flock leader.

    • Director-director - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation N. S. Bondarchuk.
    • The author of the stage in verses is the People's Artist of the Russian Federation N. Burlyaev.
    • Composer - K. Kupriyanov.
    • Artist-director - S. Vorobiev, S. Onipenko.
    • Cast: Actors Guild of the actors of the city of Russia and the young talented artists of the Moscow Professional Children's Theater "Bembby".

    On December 10, the premiere of the Bambi musical premiere will be held in the White Hall, which will show the Moscow Children's Professional Theater under the same title - "Bembby." Director Director - Honored Artist of Russia Natalia Bondarchuk. The performance was put on the play in the verses of the People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Burlyaev "Forest Tale". The actors of the "Bembby" theater and cinema actors guild take part in the play. Start at 12 o'clock.

    The Moscow Children's Professional Theater "Bembby" created the Honored Artist of Russia Natalia Bondarchuk in 1987. The name of the new theater gave the film "Childhood of Bambi", which put the famous actress as a director director in 1985. This beautiful fairy tale of Little Tarbie, which only comes into life and begins to understand the mysterious and mysterious world of the forest, presented the idea of \u200b\u200bNatalia Sergeevna to create a children's theater team.

    The feature of the Bambi Theater is that the children of all ages play on stage together with professional adult actors. In the performance of the theater at different times, famous actors of theater and movies were occupied at different times: Zhanna Prokhaorenko, Maria Vinogradov, Nikolay Burlyaev, Nina Maslova, Vladimir Protastenko, Vladimir Nosk, Mikhail Kislov, Pavel Vinnik, Stanislav Borodkin, Elena Probleova and others. Over the years, the theater gave thousands of performances and ideas, for which children and adults and adults are glad. Bambi is a participant and laureate of many international theater festivals, in particular, the festivals of the arts in Greece (Horto - 1995), in Turkey (Istanbul - 2000). The repeated winner of the competition "Talents of Muscovy", diplomase of the Festival "Russian Drama" (Moscow - 2004).

    In 2010, the children's group of the theater became a diploma of the Theater Competition of the City Festival of Arts. In 2013, Bembby is a participant in the festival "toys come from a book." In the same year, the theater was again a member of the jury and at the same time a member of the Jubilee XV Film Festival "Tale". In 2015, the anniversary three hundredth show of the play "The Adventures of Pinocchio" was opened a children's Film Festival "Rainbow" in Lipetsk.

    Last year, the BEBBI Theater took part in the XIII International Theater Forum "Golden Vityaz", where he received three diplomas of the laureate in the nomination "Theater-large form", "Golden Diploma" for the musical performance "Red Hap" and "Special Diploma Jury" For an experimental performance about the fate of people with autism "Others". In 2016, Bibby began to cooperate with the French Children's Theater "April" under the leadership of Lyudmila Crusher. Joint performances "Red Cap" in Moscow and in Paris were delivered.

    In the repertoire of "Bambi" performances based on famous fairy tales "Red Cap", "Snow Queen", "Adventures of Buratino", "Twelve months" and others. The theater touring a lot around the country and abroad, plays not only in school halls, but also on the scenes of academic theaters.

    The first trip to the theater is either as the first love - exciting and sweet memories for life or as the first disappointment - immediately and forever. Therefore, the announcements of the best performances for children and shows on the scenic sites of children's theaters are collected here.

    What the first meeting of your child with the theater depends on you. Children's psychologists recommend starting preparations for this solemn event a few weeks before the performance: read the book that served as the basis for setting, discuss her plot with the child, think out the outfit. Be sure to explain to the child the rules of behavior in the theater and, maybe even play the theater at home, so that later do not spoil yourself the mood, and the baby is a holiday.

    It is extremely important to choose the right theaters of Moscow, and performances for children. For the first time it is better to choose a chamber children's theater, with a small cozy hall, because a small child is difficult and scary among too much cluster of the people. The puppet play can be chosen if you are firmly confident that the dolls do not scare the baby. If there is no such confidence, it is better to go to the children's dramatic theater. The performance should not be too loud and sharp music, bright outbreaks and frightening special effects.

    The scenery should create a feeling of magic, getting into a fairy tale, but also not be too scary. The plot must be fascinating, exciting, but in no case is not frightening. And necessarily with a happy end. Then almost certainly a small viewer will be eager to expect opportunities to once again be in this magical place where fairy tales come to life.

    School children gladly look at the performances for adolescents, because the story set on the stage based on favorite books is easy to understand. Yes, and literature teachers are easier to introduce teenagers with the program works of the school program, having reduced students to the performance. You look, and many will be interested, and read the book.

    Where to go in Moscow with a girl? The theater for children is not the last in the list of places where you can spend a date: sit in the dark in the dark, together to survive the funny or terrible adventures of the heroes, and after the performance do not suffer in search of the topic for the conversation, for after a good performance, it will appear by itself.

    Well, the poster of theaters works so that you can choose the best repertoire of theaters and not spend a lot of time, choosing a place where to go with a child in Moscow.

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    The Moscow Children's Professional Theater "Bembby" was created in 1987 by the Honored Artist of Russia Natalia Bondarchuk and immediately made talking about himself as an outstanding phenomenon in culture for children.

    The uniqueness of the theater is that the scene, along with professional adult actors, play children from preschool to senior school age. This synthesis is phenomenally acting both on the actors of the children's theater and the audience of different ages that the theater is of great popularity.

    The theater has players in the repertoire, made by the famous and favorite children of the whole world fairy tales: "Red Cap", "Snow Queen", "Adventures of Buratino", "Twelve Months", "Nutcracker", etc. This is children's performances, fabulous performances and New Year's trees that enjoy the brightness of paints, costumes, music, scenery and game artists - all this creates a magical mood of both small and adult audience. The theater tours a lot, willingly invite him in the days of the school holidays. The theater is mobile, the performances are designed so that they can play at different parts of the dimensions - from school actors to academic theaters.