On the ratio of comic and tragic in the play of Gogol "Auditor". Commism in Comedy Auditor

On the ratio of comic and tragic in the play of Gogol "Auditor". Commism in Comedy Auditor

1 plot, prompted by A.S. Pushkin.

3 Art techniques of satirical comedy.

4 instructions N.V. Gogol actors.

5 Public reaction to the comedy and tragedy of the fate of the writer in Russia.

Comic in the work of N.V. Gogol "The Auditor" is due to the fact that the entire plot was born from a "purely Russian joke", at the request of the writer proposed by A.S.

Pushkin. A funny story about how arrived by mistake is taken for the auditor, try to hide the available official abuses and draw the bosses, allows in paints and details to show all the shortcomings of society.

In the article "Author's confession" (1847) N.V. Gogol formulated his idea as follows: "In the" Auditor "I decided to collect everything badly in Russia in one bunch, which I then knew, all the injustices that are done in those places and in cases where most of all is required from the person justice, and In one month, laugh at everything. "

Throwing out during the performance, the viewer was forced subsequently seriously to think about the fact that all comedy characters resemble many really existing officials, landowners, merchants, policemen, provincial ladies. Among the heroes of the "auditor" there are no deposited villains, villains, irreconcilable enemies.

In general, they are "people hospitable and good-natured." Everyone knows about the "weaknesses" and abuses of others, but no one considers it necessary to deal with it. Yes, Gingerbread is constantly demanding offering from merchants, but it closes his eyes to the fact that merchants supply poor-quality goods for state needs. The judge is considering the cases of "Treip-Llari" and enjoys the benefits that the arguing parties can offer, and also consists in connection with the wife of a local landlord. But no one will interfere in it. Problems of hospitals I. educational institutions You do not care if you can learn and treat as it fell. Everyone knows about violations, and everyone is silent. "Small" abuse is considered the norm, and allowing them worthy members of society. The same grank "Although the bribemer, but behaves very solid."

From here it is clear that the comedy "Auditor" is satirical. Satira creates an image largely conditional, which is achieved at the expense of hyperbolization and grotesque.

A bright example of hyperbolization is the monologue of the Kleskov in the sixth phenomenon of the third action. As Hellestakov understands that he will come off with any lie, freeing from delicious food and universal worship, he gives the will of an unrestrained fantasy, attributes to himself the authorship of all the works, which ever heard, draws pictures of how he managed the whole The department, and almost presented that it should be done in Field Marshal, and slipped and was sent to relax from breakfast.

Trees satyrian grotesque allowed N.V. Gogol create bright artistic images. In the "comments for the Lord actors", the author writes that the judge "says Basas, with an oblong stretching, wheezing and sap, like an old watch, which are first hissing, and then beate." In a letter, Shchleskova, Raguccin says that the Gingerbread "Stupid, like a blue Merin", and strawberries - "Perfect Pig in Ermolka."

The "speaking" surnames, characteristic of the Russian classical comedy, have not been noted: Already mentioned Judge Lyapkin-Tipkin, who performs his duties, as hit, leakage of the gibner, who has patients "recover, like flies," policeman Derportord, without parsing, To blame.

As a person, from childhood familiar with the scene, N.V. Gogol gave very important instructions for actors playing the "Revolution". "The smaller the actor will think about mixing and be funny, the more funny role brought to them. It will be funny to be found in itself in the fact that it is busy with his business every one of the persons withdrawn in the comedy. "

These recommendations, unfortunately, were not taken into account in the formulation of Saratov Tyuza. Histakov performed by A.Kuzina almost grune, walking the soup in the hotel, loudly knocking a spoon on a plate; In the presence of Governing and his wife, I was lying around the stage in an embrace with Marya Antonovna, which looked absurd. The public laughed, but, in my opinion, this is a clear bust with comic receptions On the verge of a clownade, which comes against how it should perform the roles of the plan N.V. Gogol.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe comedy "Auditor", the purpose of its creation is not at all for the entertainment and entertainment of the public. N.V. Gogol so estimated his work: "Through the laughter, which never appeared in me in such a force, the reader heard sadness. I myself felt that my laughter is not the one that was before. "

Cancer was not seen in the comedy anything reprehensible, and she was up to-put to production. However, the audience, found out in the heroes of the work, were deeply offended by the author. They came to the conclusion that the "auditor" undermines the authority of power, insults and purge employees.

The tragedy of the comedy "Auditor" is not only that "moderate mess" in Ros-Sii was and remains commonplace, but also that by the author, how to accuse the shortcomings most of societies. N.V. Gogol wrote about the position of Satirik writer in Russia: "Sad, when you see, in what the writer is still miserable. Everything is against him, and there is no equivalent side for it. "

Nevertheless, the comedy "Auditor" from the moment of the first edition in 1836 to this day enjoys constant popularity. She is currently relevant, since the villos of the society that are ridiculed in it. Spectators continue to laugh at themselves, and life goes still.

Updated: 2017-12-08

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Useful material on the topic

In 1836, comedy N.V. Gogol "Auditor" first appeared on stage Alexandrinsky Theater. Russian Society It was confused, on the face of each viewer after watching the play reflected bewilderment: everyone found a "auditor" with something unexpected, not previously known.

In the "Revolution" Gogol skillfully combines the "truth" and "anger", that is, realism and bold, merciless criticism of reality. With the help of laughter, the mockery satire Gogol denounces such vices of Russian reality, as kind of chinaving, corruption, arbitrariness of the authorities, ignorance and poor education. IN " Theatrical drive"Gogol wrote:" Now the stronger takes the drama, the desire to get a profitable place ... Does now have the electricity of the Chin, cash capital, profitable marriage than love? "

The Comedy "Auditor" presents a whole "corporation of various official thieves and robbers", Blessingly existing in the district of N.

When describing the world of bribes and casnocrads, Gogol used a number art techniqueswhich strengthen the characteristics of the characters.

Gogol gave critical characteristics of each of the main acting persons. These characteristics help better understand the essence of each character. Gingerbread: "Although the bribemer, but behaves very solid"; Anna Andreevna: "Pupil ones on novels and albums, half on the troubles in his storeroom and maiden"; Khlestakov: "Without a king in my head. Says and acts without any consideration, "Osip:" The servant, as commonly there are servants of several old years old "; Lyapkin-Treipkin: "A person who has read five or six books, and therefore a few volunodumen"; Epolemaster: "Simple to naivety man."

Bright portrait characteristics Danae also in the letter of Khlezlekov to St. Petersburg to his friend. So, speaking about the strawberries, Khlestakov calls the trustee bogogenic establishments "Perfect pig in Ermolka."

Basic literary receptionWith which N. V. Gogol uses during the comic image of the official, is a hyperbole. Breakdown by fear for their future officials and grabby for holling, as for the straw, city merchants and ordinary people are not able to estimate the entire absurdity of what is happening. Nonsentes are absorbed by one to another: here and the ONTER-Officer who "carved himself", and Bobchinsky, who sends to bring to the attention of his imperial majesty that "Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky lives in such a city," and so on.

Culmination and the next immediately the junction occurs sharply, brutally. The letter of Klezlekova gives such a simple and even banal explanation of the whole that has happened that at this point it looks for the city, for example, much more implausible than all Hellestakovsky fantasies. You should say a few words about the image of Governing. Apparently, he will have to pay for the sins of the whole environment. Of course, he himself is not an angel, but the blow is so strong that the Governing comes something like the insight: "I see nothing: I see some kind of pork shed instead of individuals, and nothing else ..."

Next Gogol applies a reception that has become such popular in our time: Gingerbile, breaking the principle of the so-called fourth wall, draws directly to the hall: "What are you laughing? Laugh on yourself. " This replica Gogol shows that the comedy action actually goes far beyond the scene of the theater, is transferred from county town For immense expanses of Russia. There is even a legend that Nikolai I, looking at the play, I said: "Everyone got everyone, and most of all me!"

Silent scene: how thunder amazed inhabitants provincial townmarked in bribes, drunkenness, gossip. But here is the cleansing thunderstorm, which will wash the dirt, punish the vice and rewards virtue. In this scene, Gogol reflected his faith in justice higher power, Bichuya thereby, according to Nekrasov, "little thieves for the pleasure of large." It must be said that Paphos is a mute scene does not fit with the overall spirit of this ingenious comedy.

In 1836, comedy N.V. Gogol "Auditor" first appeared on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater. The Russian society has come to confusion, on the face of each viewer after watching the play reflected a bewilderment: everyone found a "auditor" with something unexpected, not previously known.

On not only the audience were puzzled: the actors also saw completely new characters and were in confusion, not knowing how to play them. Indeed, the "auditor" was noticeably different from numerous meloders and watervals, which fastened the scenes of theaters of that time. But, as a result, it is not possible to dissuade the usual work, comedy and was not perceived as Gogol conceived. It was distressed and, to some extent, disappointed with the effect produced, the reaction of the audience on his play. He has not yet noticed that the "auditor", which gathered in itself all the negative phenomena modern life, I must become a kind of "medicine": people seeing the heroes on stage, perhaps learn themselves in them or at least some individuals and still in the walls of the theater will think about it, and coming home will decide to correct, start a new life.

But this Gogol did not achieve. The actors made from the heroes of the caricature, and Hellekov, whom he rightfully called the most complex character, turned out to be acestent bouncer and a rules, traditional "water challen". It was possible to achieve only one - laughter in the hall; But the laughter was caused by the reasons for which the author was calculated. The audience laughed at comical characters, their stupid replicas, actions, expressions of persons, etc. Undoubtedly, it is ridiculous, but is not the fact that the main blow of the Irony of Gogol was sent. By giving tribute to traditional water wakes, he used in the "Revolution" the techniques characteristic of them, scenes, whose community is designed for meaningless laughter, and not at understanding them are deeply going. However, their appearance is quite justified: they reflect the characters of the heroes and therefore are typical for them.

In order for the viewer to laugh, Gogol used two ways. One of them implies an understanding of the characters of heroes, and from this side "Auditor" - a comedy of characters; On the other hand, for the image of these very characters, Gogol causes their owners to do unexpected, stupid things, to be found in funny positions - this is a comedy of situations.

The last way is more clear; One of his options was the use of a "coarse comic", understandable to everyone, and therefore it is not necessary to break the head, looking for in the falls and stuttering some secret plan of the author. All these situations serve only for understanding, as one or another hero behaves in one way or another. You can not smile, seeing like a gingerbread, worrying and fussing, being, so to speak, in a state of affect from the news of the arrival of the auditor, trying to wear instead of a hat paper case; The viewer laughs and on the scene of reading Anna Andreevna note from a husband with instructions on the preparations for the meeting of the "Auditor" ahead with reference to salty cucumbers and Icrea, and on how Gobachinsky and Dobchinsky's foreheads are facing.

All these are the elements of the "coarse comic." In order for the actor correctly depicted the facial expression and the character of the character's movements, there are remarks in the comedy, which should be noted largely participate in the creation of a specific atmosphere of comicness. Thus, a brilliant assessment is given by county drug G. who "makes a sound, partly similar to the letter and and several on E". Gogola managed in a few words to accurately characterize the medical "help" provided in some county (and not only) cities: how can a doctor help, not talking and not understanding in Russian?

No less wonderful speech speaking with Osipom about dinner: at first he "speaks a loud and decisive voice," then "loud, but not so decisive," and ends "the voice is not at all decisive and not loud, very close to the request ".

Gogol attached great importance Speech and intonation of the heroes is undoubtedly, because the very form chosen by him for their work - the play - implies what you can learn about the reasons that prompted the heroes on certain actions, only by analyzing the author's summary (in this case, "comments for the Lord of the actors ") Or actually from their monologues who are confessional, but in the" auditor "there are no such. Therefore, it is from the remarks that his character behaved, his faith at the time of the action: shuddered, jumped off his joy, shouted or sat "letting her eyes." Thus, the remarks of the author, speech of the heroes, stupid situations in which they fall, serve to create a picture of their characters. The disclosure of the psychology of residents of the city occurs in the process of development of central intrigue ("Mirage", according to Y. Manna's expression). Her tie is the meeting of the Kleskov and Gullary, here the Word says every thing they say: it would still, because there are no funny people who do not hear what the interlocutors speak and respond to the nefple. The passions of passions fall on V Action, where there is a scene of reading the letter of Khlezkov to his friend rag. The indignation of officials about these data is very unflattering characteristics with the despair of gondoing due to the fact that he "Icicles, rag accepted for an important person", and creates a unique effect of the universal confusion of heroes after the strike applied to them; immediately Gogol" fines "them: a real auditor arrived. The audience cannot resist laughter, looking at the officials of the officials. Someone" turned into a question Sign ", someone spread hands, someone just stands for a post ...

Gogol's language, "unprecedented, unheard of naturalness" (V.V. Sokolov) fully accommodates and reflects his unusual humor. Not only in remarks, in "comments for the Lord of the Actors" (i.e., where the author's presence is directly designated) Ironia is impregnated every word; Speech heroes themselves causes laughter with the audience. It seems that the "auditor" is one big joke, and despite the undoubted existence of tragic notes, they are still ridiculed into the peculiar, inherent in Gogol Commight.

Heritage N.V. Gogol can not be submitted without a comedy "Auditor" in which great writer She learned the public penalty with laughter over officials-casnocrads, bribers, sophalima. As satirik Gogol gives particular importance to comedy. Her power is laughter, the beating of many public Life. None of the writer had a gift to exhibit so bright vividness of life, vulgarity of every person. Driving power In the "Auditor" is not a love intrigue, but the state of society. The scene of the comedy is the perolet among officials, waiting for the auditor, and their desire to hide their divisions from him.

In the comedy, the household side of the life of the inhabitants of the city: the shaggy and vulgarity, the insignificance of interests, hypocrisy and lies, cv, and gossip. Comism is emphasized by last names acting heroes: Khleklakov, Lukovnik-Dmukhinovsky, Treipkin-Lyapkin, Whhakhertov, Plopkin, and others. The most comic one is, perhaps it is that one "empty" man is trying to inflate others, the same "empty". We are talking about announcement of the auditor - Khlestakov. The image of the hollekova is written with exceptional artistic power and latitude of typical generalization. By definition of Gogol, Khlestakov - "One of those people who are called empty in the office. Says and acts without any consideration. " Khlestakov himself does not know what he will say next minute; "There is a surprise and surprise in it" for him. He comic in his desire to seem better than he is. For this whip uses a lie: "He lies with feeling; In his eyes, it is expressed in pleasure obtained from this. "

But the most basic, feature Klezlekova - the desire to play the role of at least one touchproof with the one that is appointed to him.

The action in the "Revolution" refers to the beginning of the 30s of the year before last. Gogol very accurately depicts the then life, people and puts them a general diagnosis. The insightful view of Satirik penetrates everywhere and nowhere he finds anything good. Comicy and ridiculous all images of the play.

So, the daughter and the wife of Guloving in an attempt to repeal Khlezkov are very funny:

"Anna Andreevna.<. ..> I, however, well, he really liked: I noticed - everyone looked at me.

Marya Antonovna. Ah, Mama, he looked at me! "

Comichaw is the inseparable parchinsky and bobchinsky couple. Bobchinsky dreams of one thing: "I ask you, funerally, how to go to Petersburg, tell everyone there all the way there: senators and admirals, that here, your beggar or excellency, lives in such a city Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky. So tell me: Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky lives. " And Dobchinsky about a friend - to see the eldest son under his last name: "That is, it is just said, and he is born by me as absolutely, as it may be in marriage, and all this, as it should, I completed later legitimate -s . So I, if you see, I want, so that he is already at all, that is, the legitimate son of my son and it would be called as I: Dobchinsky-C. "

The whole essence of the play is that everyone wants to something impossible: the city sees the future son-in-law in the Khlestakov and dreams of living in St. Petersburg; Treipkin-Lapkin dreams of the fact that the judicial cases are solved by themselves; Anna Andreevna dreams of young lover And so on. All attempts of characters look greatly cause the reader laughter.

Gogol painted the world in the auditor provincial officials One of the cities of Russia. In fact, the play revealed household life provincial Russia. Each image, without losing its individual character, is a typical phenomenon of that time - early XIX. century. And we still laugh at the heroes of the "Auditor", comparing them with their contemporaries.