What to do, to stop sowing the back. How to learn to live with constant pain

What to do, to stop sowing the back. How to learn to live with constant pain
What to do, to stop sowing the back. How to learn to live with constant pain

Yana, hello!

Can I ask you and your readers? I seem to have a very stupid situation, but she spoils my life terribly. I often support: (((

I am sick for the last 2.5 years. Before that, nothing like that was not with me. On the paradox of life 3 years ago I came to new job After a prolonged depression, but xs how interconnected. I am sick with a cold (although there was a sore throat) 37-37.3 with snot, throat and wild weakness. 6-8 times a year. Each disease for 2-4 weeks. Sometimes there is an active epstein-barra virus, but not always. The blood is good (% of lymphocytes is only slightly elevated), ultrasound are very different, MRI of the head is good, immunological analyzes are good (!), I walked around Figov's cloud of doctors in my city and Monica near Moscow. They did not find deviations, but why the temperature 37 is not shot down in a month - it is not clear.

There was a thought that illness because of the cold at work, there is such a thing in the winter. But now I'm sitting in the warm office already. There was also a thought of stress, but now I have no stress, I'm trying to please yourself with everything you can and not think about bad.

In general, what I am. Now I am sick 4 times over the past 4 months. The month was all right, I threw out all the bad thoughts from my head, began to establish my life, communicate with people, and here on you. And I do not know what to do now. For a week, I go to work, but the temperature does not fall, I sit down dozens of times sneeze and snotty in the office. In the evenings I roll at home. I understand that you need to take sick leave, I do not want to infect colleagues. But count how joyful news It will be for my authority, which is not completely loyal to me ... Naturally, they are evil, and every time you have increasingly stressful to me about my illness. At the same time, what will tell me in the clinic? Drink antibiotics, or go to Monica again. In Monica, everything is tired of me again. Yes, and I'm already tired of them, I already go there and all the same thing: nothing! Doctors do not have something to be attached, the "lymphocytosis" ceomer, expressed by the percentage of lymphocytes in 45%. All the same, the temperature passes after a month and it is not clear what exactly affects it. It turns out some kind of closed circle, which on the one hand teaches me to rejoice at every day of life (because you can go crazy if you negative as many days as I am lying at home), and on the other hand, makes my life completely meaningless.

I can't plan trips. I can not buy a concert ticket with friends with friends. I can not think about the clothes "Like-I don't like", I will definitely need to think about how unproduced and water-mounted, warm, etc. I spoke by 10 kg, because I took the sport due to the constant layer, and in the intervals between diseases sometimes I do not even have time to start doing it. I have problems at work. I have problems with friends, since I sometimes wait at their phrases "score / everything will be fine / do not worry / everything will pass / just do not think about bad / happiness inevitably." And of course, I am very afraid that some complications may begin (and maybe already who knows). Well, this is not normal when so many diseases, and with no one with this!

Maybe someone had this? What should I do? I really want to become a healthy again, I honestly try to stay, but still sometimes it's hard, especially at the time of the start of the cold and at the turn of 2 weeks of temperature when you understand that a miracle of rapid recovery will not happen. I'm tired of drinking 15 tablets from Epstein-Barra or to strengthen immunity. And again, experience a sudden anxiety when you hope so that it is "just a headache, everything is fine," and in reality it is again a cold: (Help, please, any advice!


I am not a doctor! Therefore, I can not give a competent advice here.
From myself only two things that seem to know on this topic. The first - if a person is sick so much, then something undermines his immunity.
So think about what's in lately (Since you often sick) has changed in your life?
For example, my girlfriend began to hurt when I decided to lose weight, and lost weight to a certain weight. On some, there is no malnutrition and weight loss. Other people may have an unidentified allergies to something, and when the allergen settles nearby, health collapses. For example, maybe some animal started, which do not actually carry? Maybe moved to a new housing that is harmful to you? Or the plant started new? Or some hobby? Will you carry out some new substance? Have you started? Or maybe you have stopped something that used to eat? (And maybe you needed?)

In general, it is necessary to squeeze not only obvious things, like "cold in the room", but in general everything that has changed since then. Because to rid immunity can anything if it is for you personally it will be harmful. Stress is also different - it is expressed not only in the fact that at work Avral and screams. The most unexpected things can be stress for someone.

And on this I approached the second - more complex. It is believed that if a person often sick, then he means something in life does "not so."

This is precisely in this sense and in mind - that some new condition creates stress for you. And it can be anything! I do not know what has changed in your life - but maybe you will find? For some people, communication is joy, for others - the load. For someone, it may be an unbearable load. The need for one day to get up earlier than some time, or walk every day on foot, or go to the ninetieth floor in the elevator. Or communicate every day with some new person who is not bad in itself, but maybe somehow reminds the most scary horror childhood.

I heard the story about a woman who began to hurt, after in its entrance two apartments of the thieves. And she was so sick, until she moved for some circumstances on the third floor. Then he suggested that she had some fear that subconsciously tormented it every day - that now it will be closed to her, since she is also on the first floor.

I know that we can bring to illness of fears, experiences, some small bullying, humiliation, resentment, repetitive scandals and quarrels, and other tesrys. So look for what you have in your mental state "Clear" - maybe there will find the cause?

Otherwise, I will repeat that I am not a doctor. Maybe there is some simple answer, which I do not know? Does any immunologist know or another doctor?
Dear readers - advise who knows what.

No, this is not a lyrical article about heartfall and, on the masochist, sweet flour. And attempt to express the feelings that some of us experience a year after year. It will be about physical pain. Amazing, but people experiencing pain every second of the day and night, rarely complain about fate. It is in the persistence of the nature and desire to live on the circumstances hiding the rod of their nature.

So, pain. I wake up in the morning. Feelings are frustrated, as, however, yesterday. A sharp pain causes the attack of nausea, but it is impossible to give up. Only hints that you can give slack, and she grabbing, burns tightly and with gloating strangles in their metal claws. I hate it, but I can't live without it. The pain always goes with me side by side, shoulder to shoulder, and in the mountain, and in joy. She reminds me: everything that I get in life is her merit.

Today you need to go to work. Today it is impossible to give her a chance. Therefore, I drink a strong painkiller. Spring to be faster in the blood. I got used to these little white balls. They are a sign of my nearest happiness. Tablet cracks, flying on the crumbs along the bottom of the glass with hot water. I love to drink them before tea, then after 5-7 minutes the disgusting taste in the mouth passes. And after 20-30 minutes, pain retreats. Not long, but this time is quite enough to get to work and make several particularly important affairs.

No one else comes, and the pain is already upholstered. Whispering on the ear: "Just try to score me once again a tablet, and I will arrange a hurricane in your head!" And after all it is not lying, infection. I want to cry, to hide, beat everything around, but it is impossible. Tears are the most important taboo. The pain knows my mystery and presses the weakest. After a few minutes spent in tears, life will become unbearable, and it will be meaningless to argue with pain, at least a day. Therefore, I rarely cry.

Work work, and lunch on schedule. In time, the accepted food will perceive positively, and briefly releases - as gratitude. So, there are a couple of hours for successful work, communication, laughter.

I say little and listen a lot. I'm not complaining. I give advice to girlfriends and help in the work of colleagues. It is easier to live with pain when you do something useful for other people. "I could not live every day with pain!" - indignantly declare others. I smile and answer: "The case is habit."

The main thing is not to consider yourself a "disabled person", less capable or more deprived. It is important to strive for the goals set: to implement yourself in work, in communicating with friends, at home. Yes, the most difficult at home. So I love to linger in the office. When you are in constant tone, you control yourself and your own body. At home you relax and allow a lot of superfluous: burst the cakes, lie on the sofa and ... feel pain. For the same reason, I do not like the weekend. But if it is not going to go anywhere, then in no case can you sleep late. Daily rhythm should not be born, otherwise the body will completely start, and the days will become unbearable. Early rise, hot coffee (by the way, doctors banned him, but without him the morning does not begin), pleasant classes, walks, interesting books - Perfect weekend schedule for those who learn to live with pain.

I have long aware of all the uselessness of drugs. And I do not eat chemistry at all. But just can not live without herbal herbs: Mint, Hypericum, Chamomile. I am delighted with huge red apples and ready to drink brushing juice.

It would be quite pathetic now to mention the sport. But he did not help me, or rather, on the contrary, I did the well-being worse, so I do not do sports. But this does not mean that physical exercise contraindicated others.

To learn to live with constant pain, you need to stop fighting with it. The pain does not like this. It is important to be able to take pain, and then you will become uninteresting to her, she will remind themselves a little less often. " And then laugh. Maybe they simply have no pain that would pushed them to overthrow the great cases?

Many years grew in my garden Cherry. Yes, and all the neighbors and even outside the garden sites each year they were dively bloomed, and the air was filled with bee buzz. And we did not know any concerns with these cherries. In the summer harvested, rejoiced. If the crop was not, I was looking for reasons: whether the floral kidneys were drunk in the winter, or the spring frosts spoiled the case, or during flowering there were rains, winds that prevented the bees to work.

Several years ago with cherries every year something bad was going on. The cherry blooms perfectly in the laid time, we are waiting for a harvest, but it is not. Although no less than usual than usual. In about mid-July, the leaves are suddenly covered on it. large quantity Small red-brown specks, and then shivered at all. The village or Cherry bush is absolutely naked, although all other plants at this time are still quite green. Sometimes young leaves begin to grow on the tips of the cherry. But they are not enough to ensure that there are full-fledged physiological processes in the plant, so that the plant normally existed and was prepared for the winter. In such a "hungry" weakened form, it goes under the winter. And, of course, if the winter is harsh, then the plant can perish. Such an attack is observed almost throughout our region.

Cherny cockel

The mushroom is gracious into warm raw summer.

The old varieties of cherries are especially suffering, very beloved in our gardens and very unstable to this disease - this "Vladimirskaya", "Lubskaya", "Shubinka". So if these varieties did not die from the disease in previous years, they may die in winter. And if they survive, on next year The picture will repeat. And so as long as the cherry dies.

See in your garden such an absolutely non-fitful cherry among healthy green plants - Pleasure is significantly lower than the average. However, you do not need to hurry to grab the ax. Perhaps this cherry will be able to save. First you need to collect all the fallen leaves that lie under it, and burn them. Because they are located on the wintering spores of the mushroom.

If this is not done, then the next spring, if the cherry criesimois, and new young leaves will dissolve on it, the disputes will move on them from these last year's leaves, and the whole course of the disease will repeat. The destruction of the fallen leaves to some extent will hold back the spread of the disease. Of chemical Mer The main method of struggle is a spraying of copper drugs: 1% burgundy mixture, and better with copper chlorokis (XOM) or Oxychom - from them less chances to get burns. The first spraying makes when the first leaves begin to bloom. The second - 15-20 days after flowering, the third - immediately after harvesting.

From now on, you have to forget the old good timesWhen the cherries grew up without spraying, and annually make these spraying. Without them now they will not be able to grow this culture.

Important to late autumn Save the leaves from Cherry, then the tree will peer well. The signal to the immediate, often unscheduled, spraying is the premature appearance on a healthy tree of yellowing leaves, on which dark spots are clearly visible - signs of leaf lesion by coccquitosis. If the first half of the summer is raining, and the signs of lesions of the leaves appeared already at the end of June - early July to the ripening of fruits, it is impossible to delay with spraying.

Moniliosis Cherry

Now in our region, another fungal disease is started - moniliosis. This disease is even more dangerous than the previous one, because it strikes not only the leaves and fruits, but also wood branches. Mushroom infects cherry while flowering. His disputes fall on a flower pestle and germinate there. Then the fungi through the flower maker penetrates the branch, developing on inside the wood and destroying it. As a result, by the end of May, a lot of dry brown twigs appear on the tree among the greenery. Gardeners often take it for winter frozen. Externally, such branches look like burdens, from where there was another name of the disease - monilial burn. At the same time, the leaves do not appear. They just become brown and hang on branches. In these branches, disputes develop, which later penetrate the fruits through cracks in the skin, and thus give the second wave of the disease. The affected fruits are rotten, mummify and remain on the tree to spring: here is another, in addition to the twigs, the source of infection for flowers. The cycle closed.

The disease is especially strong, if there is a cool rainy weather during flowering and during the filling of fruits. The sick cherry is greatly relaxed. Timing so two or three years old, she dies. For this reason, cherry must be treated.

This disease appeared in our area relatively recently. In our village - just a couple of years ago. There are no information about it in the old reference books on plant diseases, and the methods of struggle are still practiced.

First of all, as soon as the first brown twigs appeared, it is necessary to cut them immediately, grabbing a piece of 10-15 cm of a healthy part of the twig. Cropped burn as quickly as possible.

The tree needs to stimulate immunity. Now there are many drugs to increase immunity.

If you have found brown leaves and bored lapped fruits on your cherry on your cherry, dried down the tips of shoots, and on the border between the lively and inanimate parts of escape - a brown strip, then do not doubt: it is moniliosis.

There is observation, which is early in the spring, when the temperature of the soil rises above +8 ° C, it is useful to spray cherries "Zircon" (2 ml / 10 liters of water). We'll have to care for them for all the rules, to feed it in a timely manner. Some experts recommend early in the spring to trim, remove branches thickening the crown. Although cherries actually do not like trimming. If the tree is old and throughout recent years The gains were weak, it must be rejected by rooting all branches on three-four-year-old wood.

Unfortunately, ordinary copper-containing drugs help weakly, because they act only on the surface, and mycelium mushroom is closed in the depths of wood. Specialists consider "blue" spraying 3% burgundy mixture, which makes early spring.

Many gardeners are successfully used by the preparations of the system (penetrating) action.

So good result gives a prophylactic spraying with the drug "Horus". It provides protection for cherry from kokkomicosis and moniliosis at a rate of 0.2-3.5 g per 10 liter, depending on the degree of lesion. The drug is absorbed into the leaves for 2 hours, it does not wash off rain.

Most effective at temperatures + 3 ... + 10 ° C, i.e. in early spring. The period of validity of the drug is 7-10 days, after which the spraying must be repeated. It is useful to alternate with the "Sight" - this is also a systemic preparation. Other systemic drugs that helped us before nitrafen, Fundazol, polycarbacin- It is not allowed to use because of their toxicity.

The pain is an eternal satellite of mankind, so the fight against her doctors at all times paid a lot of attention. In cancer patients, pain is one of the most widespread symptoms, especially on the III-IV stage of the disease.

The International Pain Research Association provides its definition: "Pain is the unpleasant sensations and emotions associated with valid or possible damage to various tissues of the human body."

There are two types of pain: acute and chronic.

Acute pain It arises suddenly, usually in the area of \u200b\u200bthe body, which was injured in any way. The time of its action is usually limited.

Chronic pain continues for a long time; It can be maintained after wound healing; The reason for it is sometimes difficult to explain. Man, for a long time, experiencing pain, behaves differently than the one for which pain is a new feeling. People, for a long time, enduring pain may not moan, do not show motor anxiety, the frequency of the pulse and respiration they can have usual, but the restrained behavior of the patient does not mean that he does not feel pain.

Control of pain

A little physiology. Ways of distribution and manifestation of pain are complex. The starting moment of its occurrence is the stimulation of nerve endings in damaged tissue. Signals coming from them are transmitted by nervous fibers through the spinal cord to the head. Only after "processing" their brain begins to feel pain.

Already in the spinal cord, the pain change - it can or weaken, or intensify. This is due to the interaction of two different types of nerve fibers converging in the back of the spinal cord. Thick fibers lead sensitivity and help a person to determine the location of body parts in space. Thin fibers are handwriters. Thick fibers work faster than thin. When two signals meet, strong tends to suppress weaker. Consequently, all that increases the nervous impulse of thick fibers (sensations coming from the skin, body movement), inhibits the conductivity of thin. Scientists Ronald Melzak and Patrick Wall, who offered this theory, named by them "Theory of the Gate", received for their research Nobel Prize.

The second theory of resistance to the body of pain says that it is produced in it chemical substancescapable of blocking pain receptors, like opiates. These substances call natural opiates, or endorphins. The formation of endorphins occurs mainly in the gray substance of the oblong brain, which is an ancient part of the brain.

The weakening of the systems of the body opposing pain can be caused by such factors as or pessimistic settinginsufficient physical activity, insufficient sleep, long-term use of narcotic drugs (applied without sufficient readings).

From this it follows that many elements take part in the formation of pain.

Feeling pain, a person is experiencing not only unpleasant physical sensations, but also suffers from mentally. Suffering is a mental response to pain.

From severe pain, it is not always possible to get rid of completely, but you can learn how to reduce it to the tolerable level.

When regulating pain, you strive to introduce it in reasonable limits and avoid emergency situations when it becomes unbearable.

Under the regulation of pain understands the management of their reaction to pain. American doctor Peter Lendorff in the book "Chronic Pain" lists what should be done to control his pain:

"Follow the instructions of the doctor.

Keep a sense of confidence.

Avoid harmful habits.

Will, as far as possible, an active lifestyle and engage exercise.

Follow the improvements of well-being.

Help others.

Relax when you feel fatigue.

Believe in something.

Believe in yourself".

Oncobole "has the right" to exacerbation

Approximately 70% of cancer patients in the phase of the generalization of the disease suffer from chronic pain of one or another severity. Accordingly, about 30% of patients with a common form of an oncological process of pain are not experiencing and will not experience.

In most cases, the cause of chronic pains in oncological patients is, changing the structure and function involved in the painful process of organs and tissues.

But the pain can be called and other reasons. For example, discomfort in the abdomen can be a consequence of a long-lasting stool delay; Chronic is the cause of the articular pain; The pain behind the sternum can be a manifestation of diseases of the heart, etc. In other words, the oncological patient "has the right" to exacerbate his chronic and "acquisition" of new diseases, one of the symptoms of which may be pain.

Often pain is a consequence of transferred radiation therapy or antitumor surgical treatment. This is due to the injuries of nerve fibers, involving them in the scar process, developed by the limb, etc.

It follows from the above that cancer patients may have several types of pain with different localization, and the doctor always seeks to identify the cause of each and take the necessary measures.

Treatment of chronic pain oncological origin will always be successful if adhere to the following rules:

if, with chronic pain, the doctor prescribes painkillers, then they should be applied under the recommended scheme;

chronic pain requires regular, "by hours", intake of analgesics. Reception of drugs must "be ahead" pain strengthening;

the dose of anesthetic drug and the intervals between its techniques are selected in such a way as to maintain the stable concentration of the drug in the blood and avoid gaining pain in these intervals. The permissible daily dose of drugs, of course, should not be exceeded.

The priority is nightdropsy, because the bad night inevitably entails a "bad" day. During the 7-8-hour sleep, during the night, it is necessary to strive to maintain an analgesic concentration in the blood sufficient to block pain receptors. This is achieved by taking immediately before bedtime dual dose of anesthetic drug and / or a combination with a medicine with a soothing effect that will strengthen and extend the analgesic effect. If necessary, at night, you can take an extraordinary dose of an anesthetic drug.

Everyone has his own threshold

The adequate diagram of anesthetic is achieved by using analgesic of a group or a combination of drugs of different groups.

During visits, the doctor asks the patient questions regarding their pains. The intensity of pain defines the patient himself, and not any of others, because each person has its own threshold of pain sensitivity. It is very important that the patient frankly spoke of his pain. Some patients are inclined in the story to continue the degree of pain. May be different reasons. Some are afraid that the increase in pain is a sign of a degradation of the disease, although it is often wrong. Believers may assume that the pain is sent to them in punishment for her previous sins or as a test. Some cultural traditions Suppose concealment of pain. Finally, the patient can take the true state of affairs from fear before the possibility of dependence on narcotic analgesics or fears that potent painkillers will not make relief in the future if the pain is intensive. These reasons can have a strong impact on the ability of the patient to correctly evaluate their feelings and talk about them. From the said it follows the importance of the trust contact of the patient and his close to the doctor.

It should not be afraid that the patient experiencing severe pain will depend on the drugs used for a long time.

After all, he takes a medicine for the purpose of anesthesia, and not in order to cause new sensations. Applied opiates are used by the body mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bpain receptors, and this means that the patient even does not become dependent on them. Another thing, if, with minor pains, strong opiates begin to use, bypassing the two previous steps of the so-called staircase staircase and thus coating their own system of production of endogenous opiates.

Three stages of anesthesia

Depending on the degree of severity of pain, the doctor appoints as a major drug of one of the three stairs of the anesthesia staircase developed by the World Health Organization, complementing its reception, if necessary, preparations of the previous stage and / or co-analgesics - drugs that increase the effect of major analgesics.

By the 1st stage of the WHO painting ladder include drugs of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics (aspirin, analgin, paracetamol, voltar, etc.). They are used with weak pain. The point of application of drugs of this group is peripheral pain receptors.

The 2nd stage is represented by weak opiates: Codeine tablets, dihydroeine of various dosages, codein-containing preparations (sealglin, pentalgin, codterpine, etc.) and a tram that is a synthetic opiate. They are used with moderate pain.

The 3rd stage of anesthesia is morphine and morpho-like analgesics used at strong pain: Promidol, buprenorphine, municipal, morphine in the form of a solution for injection or extended validity tablets of various dosages, percutaneous (transdermal) fentanyl systems - a patch with different content of the drug and a duration of 72 hours.

The painful effect of the drugs of the 2nd and 3rd stage of the ladder of anesthetic is implemented through their impact on opiate receptors, which are located in the central nervous system And they are also the point of the endorphin application - their own opiates of the body, the production of which in the case of intense pain is insufficient.

To co-analgesics, which complement the anesthesia scheme, depending on the cause and nature of pain, include drugs:

antispasmodics (but-shpa, barallgyne);

antidepressants (amitriptyline);

anticonvulsant (Finlepsin);

corticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone);

sedative (new-passite, phenazepam, relaignation);

bisphosphonates used in secondary changes in the bones (2% xidiffon solution, bonephos, agriculture, bondronat).

Apply tableted painkillers, if the doctor is not otherwise indicated, it is necessary after eating to minimize their irritant effect on the gastric mucous membrane. If the patient got used to breakfast late, you should not postpone because of this intake of analgesics. It is necessary to offer him something to eat and give medicine. It is also necessary to do the day if the appointed time of use of analgesics does not coincide with the main meals and, if necessary, at night. "Something to put in my mouth, before drinking a medicine" - this should be a rule, because in the treatment of chronic pain syndrome, on an empty stomach, drugs can be counted on the fingers, and the doctor will tell you about them especially.

If the patient has any chronic disease of the stomach or 12-rosewood, even outside the exacerbation, the doctor is usually appointed with therapy analgesics of the 1st stage of the staircase anesthesia taking drugs protecting the gastrointestinal sheath of the gastrointestinal tract ), and / or H2-histamine blockers (for example, ranitidine 1-2 tablets overnight). If there is an opportunity, especially with the above situation, disadvantaged in the stomach, it is necessary to prefer the rectal (through the rectum) method of administering analgesics; The principle of reception "by the clock" remains the same. In this case, it is necessary to especially carefully follow the regularity of the chair, since the presence of feces in the rectum makes it difficult to absorb drugs.

If the pain appeared, and the time of the next reception of the drug has not yet come, it is necessary to urgently take an extraordinary dose of anesthetic, and at the required time to take medicine according to the scheme and then stick to it. Upon repetition of the "breakthrough" of pain pain relief scheme adjusted by a doctor: the intervals between the receptions are reduced, which leads to an increase in the daily dose, but not more extremely permissible; If necessary, co-analgesics are added, the expediency of transition to the next stage of anesthesia is discussed.

No need to wake the patient if the time of taking an anesthetic drug was coming, and he sleeps. The missed dose is given immediately after awakening; The scheme can slightly move.

When taking most of the drugs of the 2nd and 3rd steps, the ladder of anesthetic appear or exacerbate. This, unfortunately, is not a short-term problem. To prevent and treatment, the following is recommended:

eat liquid in an amount of at least 1.5-2 liters per day, preferably mineral water, tea or juices, better in the form of nectars. Drinking coffee and alcoholic beverages better avoid;

take food, rich in vegetable fibers (grain bread, raw and boiled vegetables and fruits - from the latter especially good prunes);

move as much as possible, go for a walk;

if necessary, taking the laxatives recommended by the doctor.

Conclusions about the effectiveness of the anesthesia scheme are made no earlier than 1-2 days from the beginning of its use. To facilitate the analysis of the effectiveness of the pain relief, the patient or his loved ones are preferably regularly diary entries by next scheme:

Such records help to correct the anesthesia scheme correction.

Protect the territory of life

Patients often say: "The reception of painkillers does not treat the reason that causes pain, but only brings relief." It is so, but if the pain seizes the whole territory of life, preventing and sleeping, thinking, acting, love and pray, then the body deprives forces for their own anti-illness. More precisely, we can deprive him of this possibility, neglecting anesthesia.

Often, patients are asked how long they need to use drugs, if the satisfactory effect of the anesthesia scheme is achieved. Of course, you always want to use as little medicine as possible, but the actions to revise the scheme towards it should be very pricious. Of course, adequate anesthesia makes it possible for self-healing an endogenous system of anesthesia of the body, which in some cases allows us to reduce the doses of analgesics over time and even go to lower levels of anesthesia. Attempts to reduce the daily dose of painkillers are carried out under the control of well-being, slightly increasing the intervals between the receptions. With satisfactory effect, after a while, it can be undertaken another attempt Reducing the daily dose. If this leads to an increase in pain, you need to return to the previous scheme. Perhaps later you will try to repeat the attempt, but for now let it be so.

There are other ways to facilitate pain that can and even need to be applied along with medication anesthesia. These include:

massage (especially good - with olive oil) hands and feet, all body, gentle stroking over the epicenter of pain; To this can be connected "Mullery" family members and other wishing to help;

cold or dry heat to the painful area, which, along with a massage, contributes to the oral pulsation gash in the spinal cord (theory of the gate);

maximum physical activity supported by car care devices and conveniently equipped home interesting activities and work, which prevents the "obsession" of the muscles, causing pain, and "quit" in the brain plots analyzing pain, connecting it to other classes distracting him from pain analysis;

communication with pets that give us examples of serenity and bestow unconditional love;

creativity in all its manifestations, which means doing all the things as it is in particular to you, to the joy of people;

regular performance of exercises aimed at relaxing muscles.

Regarding the last method I want to say in more detail. The reaction is almost any pain are muscle spasms, which aggravate pain, make it stronger than it is worth it. All methods contributing muscular relaxation, reduce any pain or even can completely remove some types of pain, making it an affordable effects of their own systems of anesthesia. Among the most simple methods Relaxation that can be done without the help of a psychotherapist include progressive relaxation, breathing exercises and the method of "forgiveness and release" pain.

When conducting a progressive relaxation, you first strain certain muscle groups, and then relax them. Such a sequence allows you to relax more deeply. In the book of Peter Lenddorff, this is written as follows:

"Squate comfortably in a quiet room in a chair or in bed and start to breathe slowly and deeply. Focus on my breath and start working in turns with various muscle groups. Start with your hands. Squeeze the fists as hard as possible, delay in this position for 10 seconds. If it turns out to be tedious, start with a smaller, gradually increasing time. After 10 seconds, relax your brushes and hands, repeating the words mentally: "Finding and exemption". Feel how the tension flows out of the fingertips. Now switch to the forearm and shoulders. Tension muscles As far as possible for 10 seconds, then relax them, repeating mentally: "relaxation and liberation". Then follow the fingers, caviar, hips, buttocks, belly, back, chest, neck, face and forehead. Just "Relax and free "Full how the voltage flows out of your body and the heat appears."

It is possible to carry out these exercises without the preliminary tension of the muscles, if it is difficult for any reason.

Breathing exercises When working with pain, they are as follows. Making muscle relaxation as it was told you with closed eyes Start to represent that the air exhaled by you can "pass" through pain. After a few attempts, you are easily starting to "exhale" through pain, it seems to be dissipated in space.

You can use this method as a "ambulance" in case of any unpleasant sensations of the soul and body, settled comfortably, with closed eyes, friendly focusing its internal attention on the field of unpleasant sensations and starting to "explore" through them.

The corresponding continuation of the two previous methods is the "forgiveness and release" of pain. The method is as follows: For some time, "exhausted" through pain (or any other unpleasant feeling), we mentally talk to this pain, this suffering: "Whatever it was, what would be called, I completely goodbye and let go ". And so several times in a row. These simple words We calm down and treat our subconscious - the deep component of our psyche, connecting us with the world of nature.

All these exercises are desirable to do daily or at least as needed.

Pain in its intensity is divided into weak, moderate, strong and very strong. A similar assessment of the intensity of pain on the basis of the subjective sensations of the patient is made both before the start of treatment and in the process of treating pain, so that the effectiveness of pain is to control.

Ekaterina Ignatiev

The second part is concrete practical advice How to help yourself quickly, the most common diseases are considered. Fully view and download.

the main idea The first film is that any diseases due to dirty, viscous blood, and dirty it is viscous due to the fact that the stomach works incorrectly.

It is the stomach that supports certain blood quality. If he does it right, a person has no diseases, including cancer.

The stomach-chief body revealing the essence of the Serafim Chichagov system.

In the normal state of the stomach produces hydrochloric acid and pepsins. All this is gastric juice. Salonic acid and pepsins are very strong acids dissolving the organic matter (for example, a piece of raw meat).

During the day, the stomach produces 10 liters of gastric juice. Of these, only two liters are involved in digestion. The stomach digesors animal proteins: eggs, fish, meat, dairy products. Everything else digesors the pancreas, dissolving carbohydrate food and producing alkali.

Of the ten liters of the gastric juice, eight liters are absorbed daily into blood. With the normal functioning of the stomach in human blood contains predominantly gastric juice.

That is why blood, like tears, sweat, has a sinky taste. All liquids of our body is sodium chloride (0.9%), or physical physician. The stomach must constantly maintain a certain percentage of sodium chloride in the blood.

Chlorine is a disinfector. It dilutes blood, dissolves the clocks, plaques on the vessels, dead cells, microbial flora, sand and stones in the bustling bubble and kidneys, moles, papillomas, warts, cysts and tumors anywhere in our body.

And in general, treatment, as such, does not exist at all. No matter how much the system, never a single system, neither her kneading, nor homeopathy, or needleflexotherapy - can only be cured, you can only withdraw the symptoms.

Some more dangerous, other less dangerous for a person, but only symptoms are removed. Modern medicine gives a tablet that removes the symptom, but does not cure.

Removing symptoms, a person often does not think about the reason for the occurrence of a symptom. The disease accumulates, and as a result, as the result of these accumulations, which closed the eyes, such a disease arises as "cancer".

Any tablet fall into the stomach causes certain complications and side effects. The drug, removing the symptom, has great amount side effects and effects.

If the cause of blood circulation disorders in the body is a bad secretion of hydrochloric acid, the poor performance of the stomach, and the drug falling there, further worsens this situation, then removing the symptom - we will exacerbate the causal factor.

The Lord made a person perfect, the system of our body is able to self-end. But the recovery mechanism often "breaks".

At the birth of children on their body there are no moles, they appear after children begin to give antibiotics, traumating the stomach with chemicals. This causes violations and leads to the emergence of moles.

Walrous Diseases, High Temperature (Influenza, ORVI, ORZ)

The reasons:

This happens when the stomach in addition to digestive, does not fulfill the barrier function, i.e. Misses any infection to the intest. The level of hydrochloric acid allows this infection to penetrate the intestine.

This infection is multiplied in the intestine, because there is all the conditions for this. From the intestine everything instantly enters the blood. After the infection fell into the blood, we rises the temperature.

Temperature is not a disease, this is a normal response of the body to the presence of infection in the blood and the greater, the higher the temperature.

If the stomach does not produce enough hydrochloric acid and does not support the concentration of chlorine in the blood, then the blood is not a disinfectant property, i.e. Chlorine is not a destructive environment for infection.

How to help yourself:

1. Temperature can never be shot down, no antipyretic and antibiotics, because it is a normal natural struggle of the body.

2. While there is a temperature, it is necessary to completely exclude food and water until the temperature decreases. At high temperatures, I usually do not want to eat and drink, the body itself tells what he needs.

3. It is necessary to increase the concentration of chlorine in the blood, for this it is necessary every half hour to suck along the grain of salt. At high temperature, the body really likes it.

4. To increase the concentration of chlorine in the blood, which will destructively affect bacteria and viruses, you need to take one pill of the lazix if an adult man and a lazix tablet floor if a child.

The drug is triggered after 10-15 minutes, the diuretic effect begins, which displays excessive potassium and the concentration of sodium chloride increases in the blood.

It works unmistakably, with such conditions any infection is dying for several hours. According to statistics and practice, the flu passes after 4 hours!

5. Final stage, It is necessary to make iodine mesh under the right and left hypochinem, where there is a liver and spleen. When goes colds, iodine meshs go in front of moments and we do them as they disappear.

Then, when it all passes, the kidneys in all people will already be attached, because The stomach does not work correctly. And the kidneys are not able to actively withdraw a dead infection.

The kidneys need to help, for this on the second day, when the temperature has already fallen, we introduce the tincture of propolis. Because Alcohol tincture, it must be dissolved in the input, 5 drops of alcohol per 50 grams of water, drink every 2 hours, and then we leave 3 times a day, days 5, just in case the infection is completely from the kidneys.

Because, as a rule, when the temperature falls, the temperature of subfebrile begins to remain, this means that the infection of the village in the kidneys, as in the filter, because this filter is weak and is not able to completely remove it.

This temperature is not amenable to correction, it is very long and does not react to anything. Propolis helps this business very quickly and gently complete.

These are the tactics of doing any colds.

Conclusion: If the stomach works well and, after 18-00, we do not eat and the stomach produces severe hydrochloric acid, in which case no infection and illness is impossible.

High pressure

The reasons:

These are hormonal problems, the hormone goes into the blood and the vessel is either narrows or expands, i.e. The pressure either increases or decreases. Impact on all this is due to the endocrine hormonal system.

The cause of high pressure is non-filtering kidneys when the pressure rises the vessel is narrowed. The vessel is narrowed, because the salts of the urea remained, the kidneys did not filter them, so that she would not get into the head, the vessel is narrowing and the pressure increases.

Elevated blood pressure consists of two digits, the upper digit is the renal pressure, the lower digit is heartfelt.

To reduce the upper digit, we give a diuretic preparation and it immediately falls to lower the lower digit, you must replenish the thyroid with iodine, i.e. It is enough to pour the iodine on the hand and be lost in the heart of the heart, as the suction after 10-15 minutes. The lower digit falls.

How to help yourself help:

1. It is necessary to expand the vessel, the vessels are narrowed not only in the head, but for all vessels in the body. Therefore, when the pressure rises, the limbs are cold. What needs to be done?

Must be taken hot water, put your feet in warm water and slowly pour hot so that your feet get used to. After that, the vessels begin to expand very quickly and the pressure begins to fall quickly. It very quickly helps to remove the top digit pressure.

The lower digit of pressure can be removed making iodine mesh or pour iodine and grind on the hand in the heart in the heart, after 10-15 minutes. Cardiac second pressure drops. And the upper and lower digits of pressure are adjusted.

Conclusion: In order for this not happened, you need to restore the stomach, there are often and small portions, after 18-00 there is nothing and reduce the drinking liquid.

During the day to 500-600 ml., In general, save the stomach and pull out hydrochloric acid. Natural pressure in 2 weeks is normalized.

drink a 1.5-2 liters of water a day, it would be true if we had water and the kidneys in the vessels in the vessels filtered with simple water, the more drinking the water the cleaner of the kidneys.

But the kidneys filter not water, but sodium chloride, 0.9% saline solution. If the chlorine concentration is low, it does not support it, then the kidneys will not filter it and they begin to clog out: salts, sand, stones, because chlorine and disinfector and solvent.

If chlorine salt, sand, stones do not dissolve, then the salts of urea remain, are deposited into the spine, joints and walls of vessels and give the upper digit pressure.

Varicose on the legs

The reasons:

This one of the functions that the thyroid iron does not start.

The thyroid launches 500 liver functions, one of these functions rise of venous blood from the lower extremities of a small pelvis to an easy-to-enrichment, against the laws of gravity.

This function performs the liver with the presence of a thyroid hormone.

If blue is blue, there is a stagnation of the venous blood of the lower extremities and a small pelvis.

How to help yourself help:

- Enough thyroid gland to drink iodine, because there is a strong iodine deficiency. For this from 20 to 22-00, you need to do iodine mesh, you need a large amount of iodine.

The thyroid house comes out of standing is usually due to the emotional factor (experience, irritation, stress, take everything close to heart, etc.) after 30 minutes. After stress, the thyroid gland is completely zero in iodine.

If the iodine does not add, then the thyroid house fails, but with it does not hurt, without showing himself. On the emotional factor, it is usually fatigue weakness, drowsiness, i.e. The thyroid house gives chronic fatigue syndrome.

- It is necessary in potassium iodide, it can be prepared at home, for this 1 liter we take a tablespoon of potato starch without a slide, fall asleep in cold water And put on fire.

Slowly brew kissel, then cool and pour iodine 1 tablespoon. You can add sugar or lemon juice to taste. Kissel stored in the refrigerator. Drink on the floor of a glass 3 times a day in not food, last reception In the interval from 20 to 22-00 during the operation of the thyroid. The survey does not happen.

- We use aspirine bandages, take 4 aspirin tablets, rub into powder, pour out into the glass and pour hot water, because in the other water aspirin does not dissolve.

Take two rolls of a wide bandage, you plunge into the glass and press it to be wet, but it did not flow with it. And starting from the tips of the fingers, the spirals shook the leg as a stocking and leave for an hour and every day for an hour.

In a few days, the chromaticity changes veins and the ethnicity goes, aspirin and dilute and relieves inflammation. This is externally until the function of the thyroid has launched the liver function.

Conclusion: It is necessary to check the thyroid on the performance, for this, in the interval from 20 to 22-00, to make iodine meshes on the wrist and see how quickly the grids disappear. If the thyroid does not work, replenish the thyroid with iodine.


True diabetes mellitus when traumatizing the pancreas, i.e. No cells that produce insulin is insulinally dependent diabetes, from all diabetes it is an interest rate of 8%, everything else is insulin-dependent diabetes.

The reasons:

By its origin, this is a gastric diabetes, for example, a person eats any carbohydrate product and, after digesting the carbohydrate product, we have sugar in the blood rises, but after 2 hours as sugar rose they should fall back to normal.

The stomach after he digested food and lowered it into the intestines, hydrochloric acid with pepsinists continues to be produced and it all goes into the blood and reduces the level of potassium (sugar) in the blood to the norm, which is normal ones.

If the stomach does not work, then the sugar is tall after eating, it pulls us to sleep, because the sugar is high, so as not to get into the brain so that it is not burned, the vessels begin to overlap, we start drowsiness.

And if the stomach of sugar can not remove to the norm, then the body is trying to make it rudely like? We have a feeling of thirst, dries up the mucous, the body is trying to ask for water and drink as the rules not sweet water, and a simple, at least at least somehow the concentration of this sugar due to just water to reset.

Because the main task is not to launch this excess sugar into the blood so that the brain fabric is not burned.

Conclusion: if after accepting food there are no vigorous well-being, if we feel bad, we have weakness, drowsiness, lethargy and begin to want to drink it sugar in the blood, the second most common type of diabetes.

How to help yourself:

- Often fractionally and up to 18-00, there is, if a few days do not eat after 18-00 this situation will immediately pass

- The volume of one-time feeding does not have to exceed the volume of two folded palms and it does not matter what you eat. If so start to eat, then a person will definitely not be a feeling of thirst, no drowsiness.

Everything is determined by the amount of food and the ability of the pancreas and stomach enzymes this food to digest. Than this less, the volume of food eaten should be less. Considering that almost everyone has planted stomachs, it is necessary to eat almost everyone so much.

- It is necessary to temporarily remove the products of potassium from the diet, until the stomach is restored, because when the receptors in the vessels will work, the stomach automatically all this case will be replenished with hydrochloric acid.

After that, the body will begin to react correctly, after Sweet, will require eating something salty. This means that the self-healing system works and the body itself pulls out itself from the complex situations.

It is necessary to remove the products containing yeast, because This is a huge amount of potassium (restless bread, pita, bread, on the Internet a lot of recipes), dried fruits and fruits in large quantities (Grapes, bananas, nuts, seeds)

- To try to drink as little as possible when the diabetes is a feeling of thirst very high. Suppress the feeling of thirst can be a grain of salt (because it is not insulin-dependent diabetes).

After we singed, after half an hour or an hour you need to suck salt, then it works unconditioned reflex And the body begins to produce hydrochloric acid, which sucks into the blood and the level of sugar decreases and the feeling of thirst passes immediately.

Conclusion: There are small portions, and up to 18-00, to drink less up to 500 ml. per day, reduce the reception of products containing sugar. Than a person all this is a burshos, the faster it passes all this.


The reasons:

If the kidneys do not work badly and did not bring the salt of urea, so that the brain will be saved, the vessels narrowed and the headache goes, spasm.

How to help yourself help:

- Lazix tablet, helps to remove excess potassium (sugar), sodium rises, the pulse through sodium potassium passes and the headache passes. It is regarding not only a headache, if anywhere somewhere something hurts Laziks quickly removes everything.

- You can also make Hamassio. Sesame seeds are taken, white seeds (selling there, where they sell seeds and nuts), pour on a dry frying pan without oil, squeeze a little bit when the seeds begin to shut down to cool.

And in the proportion of 5 tablespoons of sesame, one tablespoon of salt and through a coffee grinder everything is broken, the salted halva is obtained in taste and smell. When there is a headache, one tablespoon is enough to simply suck in the mouth, the headache passes.

Conclusion: the problem is in the stomach, since there is no strong hydrochloric acid, which did not purify the kidneys. Do not eat after 18-00, less drink, there are small portions.


The reasons:

It is usually cast bile in the stomach, i.e. After each meal in the stomach from the intestine, bile (pitch) is thrown. Bacteria living in an alkaline medium, in the stomach all this lives, because there is no strong hydrochloric acid.

- Gastritis and ulcers of Zedayca, i.e. It is necessary to eat fractionally and often eat. Because the stomach begins to work from 5 am, we produce severe hydrochloric acid and pepsins (gastric juice), which dissolves any protein.

The gastric mucosa is also injured and dissolved, so no hydrochloric acid remains in the stomach in the stomach, which produces it. And so that the mucosa is not extended by its own pepsinos, it is necessary to eat often, not hungry for the day.

- not after 18-00

- It is not very hot food, because the secretion of hydrochloric acid is broken, the digestion is deteriorating, the food must be no higher than the body temperature.

If the stomach does not digest food, then the person begins a tendency to constipate.

Pancreatitis is treated with hunger.

Conclusion: If hydrochloric acid in the stomach is strong, then the bacterium will not be able to live there. Not after 18-00, etc.


The reasons:

Neil filtering kidneys, they will not withclude salts, are postponed primarily in the spine, joints, walls of vessels. First of all, the spine, but not on the vertebral themselves, but on the bundling apparatus that the vertebrae holds.

In this connection, the bundling helps, they stop steadily and tightly hold the vertebrae. The vertebrae begin to ride and hang out, with any physical exertion, heavy, uneven, when we take something with one hand, we do not hold the vertebrae, they do not hold their bundles, they transmit the nerve endings go straight and pain.

If constant unbearable physical exertion and ligaments do not hold the vertebra, then the cartilage discs are located between the vertebrae, which begin to leave and appear hernia.

Those. If the kidneys do not filter, osteochondrosis, scoliosis and hernia of Schimorl appear. All because the kidneys filter the wrong blood, and blood quality determines the stomach.

How to help yourself help:

- Aspirin bandages, they dilute blood and remove inflammation. Divide 4 tablets aspirin on a glass, wet the bandage, and the news of this bandage width from the first cervical vertebra to the tailbone decompose a few layers (3-4 layers are obtained) and leave for an hour and pain quickly go.

Conclusion: It is necessary to free the kidneys, dissolve salt, sand, stones that were formed during life. To do this, suck salt 5-6 times outside the meal, is not after 18-00, reduce the volume of the drinking liquid.