What unconditional reflexes in biology. Reflex principle of behavior

What unconditional reflexes in biology. Reflex principle of behavior

The behavior of a person is associated with conditionally unconditional reflex activity and is the highest nervous activity, which is the result of which is the change in the ratio of the body with the external environment.

Unlike the highest nervous activity, lower nervous activity consists in the aggregate of reactions aimed at association, integrating functions inside the body.

The highest nervous activity is manifested in the form of complex reflex reactions carried out with the obligatory participation of the cortex of large hemispheres and the subcortical formations closest to it.

For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reflex character of the brain activity was widely and in detail developed by the founder of Patriotic Physiology I. M. Sechenov in his book "Brain Reflexes". The ideological installation of this classical labor is expressed in the initial, changed under the influence of the title censorship: "Attempt to introduce physiological bases into mental processes." Prior to I. M. Sechenov, physiologists and neurologists did not even solve the question of the possibility of an objective, purely physiological analysis of mental processes. The latter remained fully given to the deposit of subjective psychology.

The ideas of I. M. Sechenov received a brilliant development in the wonderful works of I. P. Pavlov, who opened the path of the objective experimental study of the functions of the bark of large hemispheres and created a slender learning about the highest nervous activity.

I. P. Pavlov showed that while in the underlying departments of the central nervous system - subcortical nuclei, brain trunk, spinal brain - reflex reactions are carried out on a born, hereditaryly fixed nervous ways, in the crust of large hemispheres, nervous bonds are produced and created in the process Individual life of animals and man, as a result of a combination of countless, acting on the body of irritation.

The discovery of this fact made it possible to divide the entire set of reflex reactions occurring in the body into two main groups: on unconditional and conditional reflexes.

Conditional reflexes

  • these are reactions purchased by the body in the process of individual development based on "life experience"
  • are individual: some representatives of the same species can be, and others are missing
  • are inconsistently and depending on certain conditions they can work out, entry or disappear; This is their property and reflected in their very name.
  • can form for a wide variety of irritation attached to various recipe fields.
  • close at the level of the crust. After removing the crust of large hemispheres, the developed conditional reflexes disappear and only unconditional remains.
  • are carried out through functional temporary communication

Conditional reflexes are produced on the basis of unconditional reflexes. To form a conditional reflex, a combination of the time of any change in the external environment and the internal life of the body, perceived by the crust of large hemispheres, with the implementation of one or another unconditional reflex. Only on this condition, the change in the external environment or the inner state of the body becomes an irritant of the conditional reflex - the conditioned stimulus, or signal. An irritation causing an unconditional reflex is unconditional irritation - due to the formation of a conditional reflex to accompany the conditional irritation, to reinforce it.

In order for the ringing of the knives and the forks in the dining room or the cup of the cup from which the dog is fed, in the second case, in the second case, the dog needs a reinforcement of these sounds with food - reinforcement of indifferent in relation to the salivary secretion of irritants in feeding , i.e., unconditional irritation of the salivary glands.

Equally, flashing the light bulb before the eyes of the dog or the sound of the call only in the case will cause a conditionally reflex bending of the paws if they have repeatedly accompanied by electrical irritation of the legs of the leg, causing an unconditional bending reflex with any application.

Like this, the child's crying and pulling the handles from the burning candle will be observed only under the condition if the pre-type of candle at least once coincided with the feeling of burn.

In all the examples given, the external agents first are at the beginning of the dishes, the view of the burning candle, the flarelver of the light bulb, the sound of the call - become conditional irritants in the case of reinforcing them unconditional irritation. Only under this condition the indifferent initial signals of the outside world become irritants of a certain type of activity.

For the formation of conditional reflexes, the occurrence of a temporary connection is necessary, closure between cortical cells that perceive conditional irritation, and cortical neurons, which are part of an arc of unconditional reflex.

In the coincidence and combination of conditional and unconditional irritation, the relationship between different neurons in the cerebral hemispheres of the brain is established and the process of closure occurs between them.

Unconditional reflexes

  • these are congenital, hereditarily transmitted organism reactions
  • are species, i.e., inherent in all representatives of this species
  • relatively constant, as a rule, persist in every life
  • are carried out in response to adequate irritations attached to one specific recipe field
  • circle at the level of the spinal cord and the stem of the brain
  • they are carried out through a phylogenetically fixed, an anatomically pronounced reflex arc.

It should be noted, however, that the person and monkeys have a high degree of corticalization of functions, many complex unconditional reflexes are carried out with the binding bark of large hemispheres. This is proved by the fact that its defeats in primates lead to pathological disorders of unconditional reflexes and the disappearance of some of them.

It should also be emphasized that not all unconditional reflexes appear immediately by the time of birth. Many unconditional reflexes, for example, associated with locomotion, sexual act, arise in a person and animal after a long time after birth, but they necessarily appear under the condition of normal development of the nervous system.

The entire set of unconditional and formed on their basis of the conditional reflexes is taken by their functional value to share groups.

  1. By receptor sign
    1. Exterruse reflexes
      • spectatical
      • obony
      • flavoring, etc.
    2. Interoreceptive reflexes - Reflexes in which the conditional stimulus is irritation of internal organ receptors by changing the chemical composition, temperature of internal organs, pressure in hollow organs and vessels
  2. For effector sign. According to the effectors who answer irritation
    1. vegetative reflexes
      • food
      • cardiovascular
      • respiratory, etc.
    2. somato Motor Reflexes - manifested in the movements of the whole organism or individual parts of the stimulus
      • defensive
  3. According to biological significance
    1. Food
      • reflexary act of swallowing
      • reflexary act of chewing
      • reflex Sosania Act
      • reflex intercourse of salivation
      • reflexary act of secretion of gastric and pancreas and others.
    2. Defensive - Remedies for eliminating damaging and pain
    3. Paul - reflexes associated with the implementation of sexual intercourse; The same group includes the so-called parental reflexes associated with feeding and sticking off the offspring.
    4. Statov kinetic and locomotor - Reflex reactions of maintaining a certain position and movement of the body in space.
    5. Reflexes of preservation of homeostasis
      • reflex thermoregulation
      • respiratory reflex
      • heart reflex
      • vascular reflexes that contribute to the preservation of the constancy of blood pressure and others.
    6. Approximate reflex - Reflex for novelty. It arises in response to any fairly rapidly incorporated environmental oscillation and is expressed outwardly in alarming, listening to new sound, sniffing, turning the eyes and head, and sometimes the whole body to the side of the light stimulus appeared, etc. The implementation of this reflex provides the best Perception of the acting agent and has an important adaptive value.

      I. P. Pavlov figuratively called the estimated reaction with the reflex "What is?" The reaction of this inborn and does not disappear with full removal of the crust of large hemispheres in animals; It is observed in children with underdeveloped large hemispheres - Ancentsephalov.

The difference between the approximate reflex from other unconditional reflex reactions is that it is relatively quickly fading during the reuses of the same stimulus. This obility of indicative reflex depends on the effect on him the bark of large hemispheres.

The above classification of reflex reactions is very close to the classification of various instincts, which are also divided into nutritional, sex, parental, defensive. This is understandable due to the fact that, by I. P. Pavlov, instincts are complex unconditional reflexes. Their distinctive features are a chain nature of reactions (the end of one reflex serves as the pathifier of the following) and their dependence on hormonal and metabolic factors. Thus, the emergence of sexual and parental instincts is associated with cyclic changes in the functioning of the genital glands, and the food instinct is depending on the changes in the metabolism that develop in the absence of food. One of the features of instinctive reactions is also the fact that they are characterized by many properties of the dominant.

The reflex component is the reaction to irritation (motion, secretion, change in respiration, etc.).

Most of the unconditional reflexes are complex reactions that include several components. For example, with an unconditional defensive reflex, caused by the dog with strong electrical irritation of the limb, along with protective movements, gain and breathing, acceleration of cardiac activity occur, and voice reactions (squeal, bark) appear, the blood system changes (leukocytosis, platelets arise. Dr.). In the food reflex also distinguishes its motor (seizure of food, chewing, swallowing), secretory, respiratory, cardiovascular and other components.

Conditional reflexes, as a rule, reproduce the structure of unconditional reflex, since the conditional stimulus excites the same nervous centers as unconditional. Therefore, the composition of the components of the conventional reflex is similar to the composition of the components of the unconditional reaction.

Among the conventional reflex components, the main specifics are distinguished for this type of reflexes, and minor components. In the defensive reflex, the main mainstream is the engine component, in the food - motor and secretory.

Changes in respiration, cardiac activity, vascular tone accompanying the main components are also important for the holistic reaction of the animal to the stimulus, but they play, as I. P. Pavlov said, "a purely official role". Thus, the increase and gain of breathing, the increase in heart rate, increase the vascular tone caused by the conditional defensive stimulus, contribute to the strengthening of the metabolism of substances in skeletal muscles and thereby create optimal conditions for the implementation of protective motor reactions.

In the study of conditional reflexes, the experimenter often selects any one of its main components as an indicator. Therefore, they are talking about conditional and unconditional motor or secretory or vasomotor reflexes. It is necessary, however, to take into account that they are only individual components of the integral reaction of the body.

The biological importance of conditional reflexes is that they enable much better and more accurately adapt to the conditions of existence and survive under these conditions.

As a result of the formation of conditional reflexes, the body reacts not only directly to unconditional irritation, but also on the possibility of their action on it; Reactions appear for some time to unconditional irritation. These very organism turns out to be pre-prepared to the actions that he needs to be implemented in this situation. Conditional reflexes contribute to finding food, in advance avoiding the danger, eliminate the harmful effects, etc.

The adaptive meaning of conditional reflexes is also manifested in the fact that the preceding conditional irritation of unconditional enhances the unconditional reflex and accelerates its development.

Animal behavior is different forms of external, mainly motor activity aimed at establishing vital bonds of the body with a medium. The behavior of animals consists of conditional, unconditional reflexes and instincts. Instincts include complex unconditional reactions, which, being congenital, are manifested only in certain periods of life (for example, nesting instinct or fertilization). Instincts play a leading role in the behavior of lower animals. However, the higher the animal in the evolutionary level, the more difficult and more diverse his behavior, the more perfect and thinner it adapts to the environment and the greater role in his behavior there are conditional reflexes.

The medium in which animals exist is very changeable. The adaptation to the conditions of this medium through conditional reflexes will be thin and accurate only if these reflexes are also varying, i.e., the conditional reflexes are unnecessary in the new environment, and new ones are formed instead. The disappearance of conditional reflexes occurs due to braking processes.

There are external (unconditional) inhibition of conditional reflexes and internal (conditional) braking.

External braking of conditional reflexes There is under the influence of extraneous stimuli, causing a new reflex reaction. This braking is called external because it develops due to processes occurring in the bark sites that are not involved in the implementation of this conventional reflex.

So, before starting the conditional food reflex, an extraneous sound occurs, or a foreign smell appears, or the lighting changes dramatically, the conditional reflex decreases or even completely disappears. This is explained by the fact that every new stimulus causes an indicative reflex in a dog, which inhibits a conditional reaction.

The inhibitory effect also has extraneous irritations associated with the activities of other nervous centers. For example, painful irritation brakes nutritional reflexes. There may also be irritations emanating from the internal organs. The overflow of the bladder, vomiting, sexual excitement, the inflammatory process in any organ cause the oppression of conditional food reflexes.

Superxile or long-term foreign stimuli can cause proceedable braking of reflexes.

Internal braking of conditional reflexes It occurs in the absence of reinforcement by the unconditional irritant of the resulting signal.

Internal braking at the same time does not occur immediately. Required, as a rule, the repeated use of the unshakable signal.

The fact that this is the braking of the conditional reflex, and not its destruction, is evidenced by the restoration of reflex the next day when the braking has passed. Various diseases, overwork, overvoltage causes a weakening of internal braking.

If the conditional reflex is to fade (not reinforce it) for several days in a row, it may disappear at all.

There are several varieties of internal braking. The brake form discussed above is called dying braking. This braking is based on the disappearance of unnecessary conditional reflexes.

Another variety is differentiated (distinguishable) braking.

Incomplete conditional stimulus causes braking in the crust and is called the braking stimulus. With the help of the described reception, it was possible to determine the distinctive ability of various senses in animals.

Disordering phenomenon. It is known that foreign stimuli cause braking of conditional reflexes. If a foreign stimulus arises during the action of the braking stimulus, for example, under the action of a metronome, a frequency is 100 times a minute, as in the previous case, this will cause the opposite reaction - saliva flows. This phenomenon of I. P. Pavlov called the disorder and explained it to the fact that an extraneous stimulus, causing an indicative reflex, slows down any other process that occurs at the moment in the centers of the conventional reflex. If the braking process is inhibited, then all this leads to the excitation and implementation of the conditional reflex.

The disgracement phenomenon also indicates the brake nature of the processes of distinguishing and migration of conditional reflexes.

The meaning of conditional braking Very great. Due to the braking, it is significantly better than the correspondence of the body's response to external conditions, more completely to the medium. The combination of two forms of a single nerve process - excitation and braking - and their interaction give the opportunity to organize oriented in various difficult situations, are the conditions for analyzing and synthesizing irritations.

  1. 1. Introduction3
  2. 2. Physiology of unconditional reflexes3
  3. 3. Classification of unconditional reflexes5
  4. 4. The value of unconditional reflexes for the body7
  5. 5. Conclusion7.

List of references8


Unconditional reflexes are hereditaryly transmitted (congenital) inherent in the whole mind. Perform a protective function as well as the function of maintaining homeostasis.

Unconditional reflexes are inherited, the immutable response of the body into external and internal signals, regardless of the conditions for the occurrence and flow of reactions. Unconditional reflexes provide adaptation of the body to constant environmental conditions. Are a species behavioral sign. The main types of unconditional reflexes: food, protective, indicative.

An example of a protective reflex is a reflex hand pulling from a hot object. Homeostasis is maintained, for example, by reflex respiration with an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood. Almost every part of the body and each organ participates in reflex reactions.

Physiology of unconditional reflexes

Unconditional reflex is a congenital response of the organism for irritation with the obligatory participation of the central nervous system (CNS). At the same time, the bark of the brain of direct participation does not accept, but performs its highest control over these reflexes, which allowed I.P. Pavlov to argue about the presence of a "cortical representation" of each unconditional reflex. Unconditional reflexes are a physiological basis:

1. Human view, i.e. congenital transmitted by inheritance, constant, common to the whole human type;

2. Lower nervous activity (NND). NND from the point of view of unconditional reflexes is undisputed reflective activity, providing the body to combine its parts into a single functional integer. Another definition of NND. NND is a combination of neurophysiological processes that ensure the implementation of unconditional reflexes and instincts.

The simplest neural networks, or arcs (according to Sherganton's expression) involved in unconditional reflexes, closed in the segmental apparatus of the spinal cord, but may close both higher (for example, in subcorter ganglia or in the crust). Other departments of the nervous system are also involved in reflexes: brain barrel, cerebellum, large hemispheres.

The arcs of unconditional reflexes are formed by the time of birth and persist throughout life. However, they may vary under the influence of the disease. Many unconditional reflexes are manifested only at a certain age; So, peculiar to the newest grateful reflex fade at the age of 3-4 months.

The monosynaptic interpretation is distinguished (including the transfer of pulses to the command neuron through one synaptic transmission) and polysinactic (including pulse transmission through the chains of neurons) reflexes.

Approximate unconditional reflexes flowing with the direct participation of the cerebral cortex are the physiological mechanisms of cognitive activity of man and involuntary attention. In addition, the extinction of approximate reflexes is the physiological basis of addiction and boredom. Addictive is the extinction of an approximate reflex: if the stimulus repeats repeated and does not matter for the body, the body stops reacting to it, addictive develops. So, a person living on a noisy street is gradually getting used to noise and no longer pays attention to him.

Instincts are a form of congenital behavior. The physiological mechanism is the chain of congenital unconditional reflexes, which, under the influence of the conditions of individual life, they can "stick up" the links of acquired conventional reflexes.

Fig. 1. Scheme of the organization of instinctive behavior: C - stimulus, p - reception, P - behavioral act; The dotted line is a modulating effect, solid - the activity of the modulating system as an estimated instance.

Reflection as the essence of the psyche occurs at different levels. There are three levels of brain activity: species, individual and socurated historical. The reflection in the species level is carried out by unconditional reflexes.

In the development of the theoretical foundations of the organization of behavior, a significant role was played by the concept of "Drive and Drive Reflex" of the Polish Physiologist and Psychologist Y. Konora. According to Y. Konor's theory, the activity of the brain is divided into executive and preparatory and all reflex processes are included in two categories: preparatory (prompting, drive, motivational) and executive (consumators, concluding, reinforcing).

Executive activity is associated with many specific reactions to many specific stimuli, so this activity is provided by the cognitive or gnostic system, which includes the system recognition system. Preparatory activities are related to less specific reactions and is largely controlled by the internal needs of the body. It is anatomically and is functionally different from the system responsible for perception and cognitive activity, training, and named Y. Konor's emotive, or motivational system.

Cognitive and emotive systems are served by various brain formations.

Most of the unconditional reflexes are complex reactions that include several components. For example, with an unconditional defensive reflex, caused by the dog with strong electrical irritation of the limb, along with protective movements, gain and gaining breathing, acceleration of cardiac activity, and voice reactions (squeal, bark) appear, the blood system changes (leukocytosis arise, thrombocytosis and Dr.). In the food reflex also distinguishes its motor (seizure of food, chewing, swallowing), secretory, respiratory, cardiovascular and other components.

So, the most complex unconditional reflexes are a congenital holistic behavioral act, a systemic morphophysiological formation, including encouraging and reinforcing components (preparatory and executive reflexes). Instinective behavior is implemented by external and internal determinants by "evaluation" of relations between significant components of the medium and the internal condition of the body, which is determined by the updaten need.

Classification of unconditional reflexes

The entire set of unconditional and formed on their basis of the conditional reflexes is taken by their functional value to share groups. The main ones are food, defensive, genital, static and locomotor, indicative, supporting homeostasis and some others. Food reflexes include reflex acts of swallowing, chewing, sucking, salivation, secretion of gastric and pancreas, etc. Defensive reflexes are reactions to eliminate damaging and pain. The group of sexual reflexes includes all reflexes associated with the implementation of sexual intercourse; The same group includes the so-called parental reflexes associated with feeding and sticking off the offspring. Stocietic and locomotor reflexes are reflex reactions of maintaining a certain position and movement of the body in space. Reflexes supporting the preservation of homeostasis include the reflexes of thermoregulation, respiratory, heart and those vascular, which contribute to the preservation of the constancy of blood pressure, and some others. An indicative reflex occupies a special place among unconditional reflexes. This is a reflex to novelty.

It arises in response to any fairly rapidly incorporated environmental oscillation and is expressed outwardly in alarming, listening to new sound, sniffing, turning the eyes and head, and sometimes the whole body to the side of the light stimulus appeared, etc. The implementation of this reflex provides the best Perception of the acting agent and has an important adaptive value. The reaction of this inborn and does not disappear with full removal of the crust of large hemispheres in animals; It is observed in children with underdeveloped large hemispheres - Ancentsephalov. Difference of the estimated reflex from other unconditional reflex reactions is that it is relatively quickly fading with repeated applications of the same stimulus. This feature of the estimated reflex depends on the effect on him the bark of large hemispheres.

Fig. 1. Comparison of the most complex unconditional reflexes (instincts) of higher animals with human needs: double arrows - phylogenetic bonds of the most complex animal reflexes with human needs, dotted - the interaction of human needs, solid - the influence of consciousness needs

The value of unconditional reflexes for the body

The value of unconditional reflexes:

♦ maintaining the constancy of the inner medium (homeostasis);

♦ preservation of the body's integrity (protection against damaging factors of the external environment);

♦ reproduction and preservation of the form as a whole.


Unconditional reflexes, the formation of which is completed in postnatal ontogenesis, are genetically defined and rigidly fitted under certain, corresponding to this type of environmental conditions.

Congenital reflexes are characterized by a stereotypical species-specific sequence of the implementation of the behavioral act. They arise at the first of their need, with the appearance of a "specific" irritant for each of them, thereby ensuring the stouthood of the most vital functions of the body, regardless of random, transient environmental conditions. A characteristic feature of unconditional reflexes is that their implementation is defined as internal determinants and an external stimulus program.

As noted by P.V. Simonov, determination of unconditional reflex as a hereditary, unchanged, the implementation of which the machine-working and independent of the achievements of his adaptive goal is usually exaggerated. Its implementation depends on the cash functional state of the animal, correlates with the need dominant at the moment. He can fade or strengthen.

The satisfaction of a variety of needs would be impossible if there was no specific reaction to overcoming, reflex freedom in the process of evolution. The fact that the animal resists coercion, attempts to limit its motor activity, Pavlov considered significantly deeper than just a variety of protective reaction. Reflex Freedom is an independent active form of behavior for which the obstacle serves as an equally adequate incentive than food for the food search, pain for a defensive reaction, and a new and unexpected stimulus for indicative reflex.


  1. 1. Bizyuk. A.P. Basics of neuropsychology. Textbook for universities. Publishing language. - 2005
  2. 2. Danilova, A.L. Krylova Physiology of higher nervous activity. - Rostov N / D: "Phoenix", 2005. - 478
  3. 3. Psychophysiology / Ed. Alexandrova Yu.I. SPb., Publishing house "Peter" 2006
  4. 4. Tonky, I. M., Puante A. Clinic Neuropsychology. Edition 1, Publisher: Peter, Publishing House, 2006
  5. 5. Scherbaty Yu.V. Tourovsky Ya.A. Anatomy of the central nervous system for psychologists: Tutorial. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 128 p.

Reflex - This is the response of the body to irritating the receptors carried out by the nervous system. The path for which the nervous impulse passes during the implementation of the reflex is called.

The concept of "reflex" introduced SechenovHe believed that "reflexes constitute the basis of human and animal nervous activities." Pavlov Divided reflexes on conditional and unconditional.

Comparison of conditional and unconditional reflexes

unconditional conditional
available from birth acquired during life
during life do not change and do not disappear may change or disappear during life
same in all organisms of one species each body has its own, individual
adapt the body to constant conditions adapt the body to changing conditions
the reflex arc passes through the spinal cord or the barrel of the head temporary connection is formed in the crust of large hemispheres
selection of saliva when lemon in the mouth selection of saliva at the sight of lemon
reflex newborn 6-month-old baby bottle reaction with milk
sneezing, cough, pulling hands from a hot kettle cat Reaction / Nickname

Development of conditional reflex

Conditional (indifferent) Irritant must precede unconditional (causing unconditional reflex). For example: the lamp is lit, after 10 seconds the dog is given meat.

Braking of conditional reflexes

Conditional (unsuitable): The lamp is lit, but the dog does not give meat. Gradually, the salivation on the lamp is turned on (the conditional reflex is fading).

Unconditional: During the action of the conditional stimulus, there is a powerful unconditional. For example, when the lamp is turned on louds the call. Salus does not stand out.

Select one, the most correct option. Centers of conditional reflexes, in contrast to unconditional, are located in a person in
1) the crust of large hemispheres
2) oblong brain
3) cerebellum
4) middle brain


Select one, the most correct option. Slyunomotion in man at the sight of lemon - Reflex
1) conditional
2) unconditional
3) Protective
4) Approximate


Select three options. The peculiarity of unconditional reflexes is that they

5) are congenital
6) are not inherited


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. Unconditional reflexes that ensure the vital activity of the human body,
1) are produced in the process of individual development
2) formed in the process of historical development
3) are available in all individuals
4) strictly individual
5) formed in relatively constant environment environments
6) are not congenital


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. The peculiarity of unconditional reflexes is that they
1) arise as a result of multiple repetition
2) are a sign characteristic of a separate individual of the species
3) are genetically programmed
4) are characteristic of all individuals
5) are congenital
6) form skills


Select one, the most correct option. What are the peculiarities of the spinal reflexes in humans and mammals
1) are purchased throughout life
2) are inherited
3) different in different individuals
4) allow the body to survive in the changing environment environments


Select one, the most correct option. The fading of the conditional reflex with the unsuitable of his unconditional stimulus is
1) unconditional braking
2) Conditional braking
3) Once
4) conscious act


Select one, the most correct option. Conditional reflexes of man and animals provide
1) the body's adaptation to the permanent conditions of the environment
2) the body's adaptation to the changing outer world
3) mastering the organisms of new motor, skills
4) animal distinction of training teams


Select one, the most correct option. The reaction of the child on a bottle with milk is a reflex that
1) is inherited
2) is formed without the participation of the bark of large hemispheres
3) are purchased throughout life
4) persists throughout life


Select one, the most correct option. When working out the conditional reflex, the conditional stimulus should
1) Act 2 hours after unconditional
2) follow immediately after unconditional
3) precede unconditional
4) gradually weaken


1. Install the correspondence between the reflex value and its type: 1) unconditional, 2) conditional. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) Provides instinctive behavior
B) ensures the adaptation of the body to environmental conditions in which many generations of this species lived
C) allows you to purchase a new experience
D) determines the behavior of the body in the changed conditions


2. Install the correspondence between the types of reflexes and their characteristics: 1) conditional, 2) unconditional. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) are congenital
B) adaptations to new appearing factors
C) reflex arcs are formed in the process of vital activity
D) all representatives of one species are the same
E) underlie learning
E) constant, practically do not fade in life


Select one, the most correct option. Conditional (interior) braking
1) depends on the type of higher nervous activity
2) appears when a stronger stimulus occurs
3) causes the formation of unconditional reflexes
4) comes when the conditional reflex


Select one, the most correct option. The basis of the nervous activity of man and animals is
1) Thinking
2) Instinct.
3) Excitation
4) Reflex


1. Install the correspondence between the examples and types of reflexes: 1) unconditional, 2) conditional. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) pulling the hands from the fire of burning matches
B) crying baby at the sight of a man in a white coat
C) stretching the hands of a five-year-old child to seen sweets
D) swallowing pieces of cake after chewing them
D) saliva selection on a view of a beautifully served table
E) skiing from a slide


2. Install the correspondence between the examples and types of reflexes, which they illustrate: 1) unconditional, 2) conditional. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) Baby's reusable movements in response to touching his lips
B) the narrowing of the pupil illuminated by the bright sun
C) performing hygienic procedures before bed
D) sneezing when dust gets into the nasal cavity
D) selection of saliva to the cloud of dishes when serving a table
E) roller skating


© DV Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

Conditional reflexes differ from unconditional manifold and impermanence. Therefore, there is no clear separation of conditional reflexes and their specific classification.

19. The availability of unconditional and conditional reflexes. Classification of reflexes on biological significance.

General characteristics of unconditional reflexes, their classification.

Unconditioned reflex (BR) - the response of the body for irritation of sensory receptors, carried out using the NA.

BR is a congenital visual specific reaction of the body, reflexively arising in response to the specific effects of an irritant, on the impact of biologically significant (pain, food) incentive, adequate for this type of activity.

Unconditional reflexes are associated with vital biological needs and are carried out within a stable reflex pathway.

Unconditioned reflex - this is:

congenital reactions;

- are species and add up in the process of evolution this species,

- Arise on specific / adequate stimulus ,

- affect on certain receptor field.

Unconditional reflexes refer to constant and save Through life.

Can change the behavior of the animal when changing in the environment.

Reflex Center Located at the level of the SM and the lower departments of the GM, i.e., the reflexes of low nervous activity.

The chela form representative offices of reflexes in the crust.

In the mechanism unconditional reflex big role Playing inverse afferentation .

Br, the formation of which is completed in postnatal ontogenesis, are genetically defined and rigidly fitted under certain corresponding environmental conditions.

Under the influence of early individual experience, congenital reflexes undergo significant changes.

Attempts to describe I. classify It was done a lot, and at the same time used various criteria:

1) by the nature of the irritants causing them,

2) by their biological role,

3) in order of their follows in this particular behavioral act.

Contention divided Br. according to their biological role :

1. Saves - reflexes that ensure the regulation of the constancy of the inner environment of the body (food, respiratory, etc.);

2. Reflexes of preservation and continuation of the kind (sexual and care for offspring)

3. Protective Reflex reactions associated with the elimination of harmful agents falling on the surface or inside the organism (checitant reflex, act of sneezing, etc.).

4. Reflexes of active destruction or neutralization of harmful stimuli, objects (offensive or aggressive reflexes).

5. Passive-defensive behavior reactions .

To a special groupallocated:

6. Approximate reflex- on novelty.

7. Incentive aiming reaction

8. Orientation and research behavior.

Pavlov divided unconditional reflexes on 3 groups:



3.More complex:

1)individual - food, active and passive, defensive, aggressive, reflex freedom, research, reflex game;

2)species - Sex and Parental.

According to Simonov , mastering each area of \u200b\u200bthe environment correspond three different classes of reflexes:

1. Vital. Br. - Provide individual and species conservation of the body



-Reflexes sleep,



Criteria reflexes of the Vital Group of Jaws:

a) dissatisfaction with the relevant need leads to the physical death of individuals,

b) Implementation of the BR without the participation of another individual of the same species. 2. Role (zoosocial) BR can only be implemented with the participation of other individuals of its own species (these reflexes are based on sexual, parental, care for offspring, territorial behavior). 3. BR Self-development is focused on the development of new space-temporal

2. Role (zoosocial) br - can only be implemented with the participation of others. Individuals of their kind.

These reflexes lie at the heart of sexual, parental, care for offspring, territorial behavior.

3. BR Self-development - focused on the development of new space-time environments, facing the future (research behavior, BR resistance (freedom), imitation (imitative), gaming).

The peculiarity of this group is their independence, it does not delete from others. The needs of the body and does not boil down to other motivations.

Human needs We are divided into three main independent groups of each other:



2 ideal needs of knowledge and creativity.

The most complex br. (instincts) Act as a fundamental phenomenon of the GNI, as the active driving force of human and animal behavior.

The general concept of the conditional reflex, their classification.

Conditioned reflex (UR) is an individually acquired body reaction to a previously indifferent stimulus, which is reproducing unconditional reflex.

Based on UR - the formation of new or modifications of existing nervous bonds occurring under the influence of changes in the external and internal environment.

These are temporary bonds that are inhibited when canceling reinforcements, changing the situation.

Ur is formedunder certain conditions of the individual life of the body and disappear in the absence of appropriate conditions, in the absence of congenital forms of adaptation.

All ur divided on the classic and instrumental , or UR. first and second Types.

The main sign Ur is that the stimulus in the process of the formation of a temporary connection (learning) instead of the unconditional reaction is beginning to cause another, unusual.

Classification of conditional reflexes :

According to the afferent link of the reflex arc, in particular, the receptor feature is distinguished:

1. Exteroceptive - visual, auditory, olfactory, taste, tactile and temperature.

They can be developed on the type of objects, relations between them, on various smells, etc.

Exteroperative reflexes play a role in the relationship between the organism with the environment, so they are formed quickly.

2. Interoceptive Conditional reflexes are formed slower exteroceptive.

Interoreceptors of all types perform 2 functions:

-Ini make up an afferent link of special vegetative reflexes

- Age of an important role in maintaining homeostasis in the body, sending information about the state of the internal organs.

On the efferent link The reflex arc, allocate two groups:

1-vegetativeand motor - Slyunomotatory UR, as well as vascular, respiratory, food, pupil, heartfelt, etc.

2-instrumental - Can be formed on the basis of unconditionally reflex motor reactions.

The instrumental conditional reflex is to implement such actions that will achieve or avoid subsequent unconditional reinforcements.

Conditional reflexes in indicator of temporary relations between associated stimulidivide on two groups:

1-cash - In the case of coincidence in the time of the conventional signal and reinforcements.

2-tracks - When reinforcement is presented only after the end of the conditional stimulus.

Conditional reflexes for time - Special variety of UR.

They are formed with regular repetition of unconditional stimulus (pr: animal feeding every 30 min).

According to biological significance distinguish reflexes: food, defensive, paul.

3.14.4. Braking of conditional reflexes

I. P. Pavlov, studying conditional reflexes and their relationship, was observed inhibition (oppression) of conditional reflexes under the action of extraneous or strong stimuli, as well as weak - with a painful state of the body. He believed that the balance between excitation and braking determines the external manifestation of animal and human behavior, and put forward his own scheme classification of braking types With severe reflex activity.

External (unconditional) braking. Under external braking Urgent suppression of current convention and reflex activity under the action of extinct irriters for it, causing an approximate, or any other unconditional reflex. By the mechanism of its occurrence, this type of braking belongs to congenitalwhich are carried out due to negative induction phenomena ( induction braking, on Pavlov). A. A. Ukhtomsky called him conjugated braking And I saw a physiological basis in it to carry out the dominant form of the body's activities. Unconditional braking is called external because the cause of its occurrence lies outside the structure of the brake reflex itself.

Approximate reflex - the most common factor of unconditional braking. However, the braking effect of the approximate reflex when the same signal is repeatedly weakens and may disappear completely. At the same time, the orientative reflex itself ceases to be observed. Approximate reflex ( what?) It arises for a more complete perception of information contained in an unexpected and stranger stimulus.

In everyday life, it is constantly observed, as a person stops current activities as a result of switching attention to a new sudden stimulus. At the time of this reflex, the conjugate braking of competing reflexes is manifested. It may be more or less deep, short-term or longer, which depends on the physiological force of indicative and braking reflexes. With repeated irritation, due to addiction, the approximate reflex disappears, and the effect of external braking is also reduced at the same time. This type of braking was named cutting brake.

Another type of unconditional braking is distinguished by the constancy of its effect on one or another braking reflex and is therefore called permanent brake. The stability of external braking is determined, in particular, the physiological force of the inhibitory reflex act. Reflexes are vital for the body include defensive unconditional reflexes for different harmful irritation, including pain. As in the case of a coming brake, the duration of a constant brake of defensive reflex is determined by its strength and character of the braking reflex and, in particular, the degree of its strength.

"Young" conditional reflexes are inhibited lighter and for a longer period than more "old", with the same conditions. Lucky learned behavioral skills or knowledge easier disappear with strong unpleasant outsiders, the more firm-learned life stereotypes. Painful effects from internal organs have a longer brake influence on conditionally reflex activity. And sometimes their strength is so great that it perverts the normal course of even unconditional reflexes.

Consequently, two antagonistic reflex - food and defensive - can not coexist, weaker braking under the influence of stronger.

In this regard, Pavlovsk exterior braking acts as the subtlest tool that can distinguish the most biologically significant form of behavior, subordinate to it all other activities. From the standpoint of dominant teachings, this can be viewed as a conjugate braking with a dominant, which performs a decisive role in its formation. And this braking should be timely, i.e., to have coordinating importance for the work of other organs and the body as a whole.

It is well known that if you increase the intensity of any irritation, the effect caused by it increases ( law of power). However, further increase in irritation will lead to a drop or complete disappearance of the effect. The basis of this result is not fatigue, but foreign brakingthat I. P. Pavlov called guardianSince it protects the brain cells from excessive energy resources. This type of braking depends on the functional state of the nervous system, age, typological features, the state of the hormonal sphere, etc.

The endurance limit of the cell in relation to irritants of different intensity is called the limit of its performance, and the higher this limit, the easier the cell tolerates the effect of superal stimuli. Moreover, it is not only about physical, but also about the information strength (significance) of conventional signals.

An extreme case of proceedable braking is a detachment that occurs in animals and a person under the influence of ultra-dismissal irritation. Man can fall into a state stupies - Complete immobile. Such states arise not only as a result of the actions of a physically strong stimulus (bomb explosion, for example), but also due to severe moral shocks (for example, with an unexpected report on severe illness or death of a loved one).

Internal (conditional) braking. To form internal braking Conditional and reflex activity belongs to its cases where the conditional stimulus ceases to be reinforced by unconditional, i.e., gradually loses its starting alarm value. Such braking occurs not urgently, not immediately, but develops slowly according to general laws of conditional reflex and is as volatile and dynamic. I. P. Pavlov called him therefore conditional braking. He believed that such developed braking occurs within the central nerve structures of the conventional reflexes themselves, and hence its name - domestic (i.e., not induced outside, not induced).

Highlight main features Conditional braking. 1. It develops when non-irritants, which gradually acquire the properties of the conditional brake or negative signal. 2. Conditional braking can be training. The inhibited conditional reflex can be spontaneously recover, and this property is extremely important when raising behavioral skills at an early age. 3. The ability to various manifestations of conditional braking depends on the individual properties of the nervous system: in the excitable individuals it is harder and slower. 4. Conditional braking depends on the physiological force of the unconditional reflex, reinforcing a positive conditional signal. 5. Conditional braking depends on the strength of the previously developed conditional reflex. 6. Conditional braking can interact with unconditional, in these cases a phenomenon arises focusingand sometimes as a result of the summation of conditional and unconditional braking, their overall effect can increase. I. P. Pavlov subdivided the conditional braking of four types: a dumping, differential, conditional brake, delayed delay.

Failure braking Developed in the absence of reinforcement of the conditional signal unconditional. Conditional reflexes have a temporary nature precisely because when canceling unconditional reinforcements, the corresponding brainage loses its strength, sometimes inhibits for a long time, and sometimes it ceases to exist.

Imagine that the type of particular terrain is constantly combined in an animal to receive food. But if the food resources have disappeared here, an animal with time, not finding food, ceases to attend a previously familiar area due to the development of mugled braking. The magnitude and speed of extracting braking depend on the strength of the conventional reflex (stable reflexes are fastened slower), from the physiological force and the type of unconditional reflex (the fastening of the hungry dog \u200b\u200bis harder than that of the full; food conditional reflexes are faster than defensive), from frequency of non-impairment ( Regular non-absorption contributes to the rapid development of braking). It develops waves and depends on individual typological differences.

Differentiated braking It develops when irritants close to the properties to the reinforced signal. This type of braking underlies the distinction of irritants. With the help of differential braking from the mass of similar stimuli, the one that will react to one reinforceable, i.e., biologically important for it, and the conditional reaction will be expressed in other similar irritants or not completely.

Property generalization (primary generalization) of conventional reflexes - an inevitable attribute of animal behavioral adaptation in a natural habitat. Considering that the variability of the environment occurs in a probabilistic law and fluctuations in certain biologically significant features to anticipate with a high probability impossible, it becomes biologically justified significant sensory generalization of conditional reflexes as a stage of active search for vital objects.

In the stage of generalization of conditional reflexes detected dominanti mechanism, one of the characteristic features of which is the ability of the reflex system diffusely respond to a wide repertoire of external incentives. In the process of re-implementing this reflex act, the diffuse responsiveness is replaced by selective response only on the irritation, which initiated this dominant. The stage of specialization Dominants occurs due to the mechanisms of differential braking.

The latter possesses the following basic properties: 1) The closer the differentiable stimuli, the harder it is to work on one of them differential braking; 2) the degree of braking is determined by the force of excitation developed by the positive conventional reflex; 3) the development of this braking is waveled; 4) Differentiation braking is trained, which underlies the fine recognition of sensory environmental factors.

In the independent view of the conditional braking I. P. Pavlov allocated conditional brakewhich is formed when the combination of a positive conventional signal and an indifferent stimulus is not complied with a combination. For example, the dog has a food conditional reflex for sound. If this signal is to attach light bulbs and their joint action not to reinforce food, then after several applications, this combination will stop calling

food reaction, although the isolated use of the call will still cause abundant salivation. Essentially, this is a variant of differentiation braking.

The surplus stimulus at the first time of its use in combination with a positive signal causes an indicative reflex and braking of the conditional reaction (external braking), then turns into an indifferent stimulus (exhausting brake), and, finally, a conditional brake develops at the site of unconditional braking. If the surplus stimulus acquired these properties, then, being attached to any other positive signal, it slows down the conditional reflex corresponding to this signal.

When developing brakes delayThe reinforcement of the corresponding unconditional reflex is not canceled, as in the previous types of braking, and significantly moves from the beginning of the action of the conditional stimulus. Only the last period of the conditional signal is reinforced, and its preceding a significant period of its action is deprhaping. This period is accompanied by delay inhibition and is called the negative phase of the deprive of conditional reflex. By its expiration, braking is stopped and replaced by excitation - the so-called the active phase of reflex. In this case, there are two stimuli in the complex and the second component - time.

In experiments with food conditional reflexes, the reconciliation of reinforcement from the beginning of the conditional signal can reach 2-3 minutes, and with electrically reformable - 30-60 s. The adaptive value of lagging inhibition consists in a thin analysis of the timeing time of the stimulus, the positive phase of the reflex is timed to the launch time of unconditional reflex. For example, a cat waving a sacrifice in a mouse mink does not detect salivation until the mouse turns out to be in her teeth.

The close interaction of different types of conditional braking, especially conditional and unconditional braking, and the possibility of developing conditional braking on the basis of the unconditional is a convincing basis for assumptions about their uniform physiological nature.

improving the information current on the body occurs also selectively in accordance with the dominant needs of the body. In the process of improving sensory information, the leading role plays the interaction of sensory excitations with the mechanisms of the original dominant motivation. On the structures of the brain involved in the dominant motivation, the external influences in each case form a specific pattern - engram, which combines the synaptic and glial formations of the crust and subcortical structures.

In the systemic organization of behavioral acts, the processes of capturing the required information are mainly carried out on the formed dominant motivation of the Action result acceptor architectonics. The process of imprinted information is most active in the early stages of ontogenetic development. These processes in newborn animals got a name imprinting.Imprinting mechanisms Associated with the expression in the neurons of the brain of specific early protoncogens (T. Horn), the function of which is the restructuring of the operation of the genetic apparatus of nerve cells under the influence of the improved impact. By the mechanism of imprinting is imprinted in adult animals, the effect of vital reinforcing factors. As the individual development of animals, the Imprinting mechanism is increasingly inferior to other memory mechanisms.

Imprinting (capture). Among the forms of individual adaptation, the processes in the early stages of postnatal development are occupied, related to the reduction of vital contacts in the nest, in a hundred or flock, in a group or family, surrounded by parents. The complex of behavioral adaptation of the newborn, which ensure the primary relationship between it and their parents and, as it were, a chain of transformations of the ehmicone period, allowing newborn already formed mechanisms of perception and reactor, referred to imprinting (capture). K. Lorenz (1937) put forward the original theory of im-printer. He believed that young birds would recognize the adult members of their species not instinctively, but by imprinting. The latter is performed on the basis of the innate ability to follow the moving object, which falls into their field of view immediately after hatching. K. Lorenz believed that imprinting differs from true associative training with the following four features: 1) It is confined to a limited period of life, referred to as the "critical or sensation period"; 2) Imprinting is irreversible, that is, arising in a critical period, it is not destroyed by subsequent life experience and remains for life; 3) The uniqueness of the imprinting is determined by the fact that it occurs at that time when the corresponding (for example, sex) behavior is not yet developed. In other words, learning by imprinting does not require reinforcement; 4) Lorenz understood imprinting as the form of "superindoneal conditional reflex", in which not individual, and the species-specific characteristics of a vital object are imprinted. For example, behavior as a result of imprinting will be directed not to a specific individual, which perceived the animal, and to a whole class of organisms to which an impriminated person belonged. In fig. 11 shows the installation to study the capture of the artificial figure of the mother. The preservation of the acquisition of the experience is checked by the reaction of the reaction of the duckling behind the dealer of the adult duck. Fig. 11.Rorbor used to study imprinting (reaction of follow) in birds (according to A. D. Slonim, 1976). The movements of the model of duck are reflected from the control panel at the bottom. Duckling follows the model. Such a form of training was called "Imprinting attachment". As for the auditory irritation, they assume that their imprination can take place even earlier, that is, before birth or hatching (A. D. Slonim, 1976). The property of imprinting has many animals and insects, as well as newborn children. Moreover, to generate preferences, there is no significant duration of the exposure of the object. It also knows the links that arise when capturing, wider than the reaction of the reaction, which K. Lorenz studied. Saying it becomes clear to memorizing animals of the location, position of the hole, nests and other vital landmarks. Until now, the controversial remains about the critical period of imprinting, its duration and factors determining it. The expansion of the spectrum of irritation to the body, an increase in the probabilistic nature of the occurrence of a vital situation increases the level of anxiety of the body and encourages it to move from bond forms of learning to optional. The question of the possibility of imprinting the mother of their teteed is absolutely not developed. For example, goats, if they deprive their detects only 15 minutes after childbirth, take and draw them towards themselves. When lengthening this time up to 3.5 hours, the goats are rejected by a young. The same attachment was also noted in sheep. There is no doubt that one of the overall imprinting functions is the establishment of the contact of young individuals with parents and relatives, that is, the establishment of social relations between young and other representatives of the species. This peer of primary socialization in unripe-finding animals imposes an imprint to the entire subsequent life. In an independent category of reinforcement phenomena, K. Lorenz took the "sex improvement". The essence is that the bird male, brought up to the sediment of another species, becoming an adult, prefers as sexual partners only females of this species, but not its own. Adopted female ignore the female of their own species and take care of the female belonging to his adopted parents. The fact that the Protects arises long before the maturation of the relevant behavior, is confirmed by the following observation. Playing the song Young birds affects the song that they will sing right months, when it has been achieved. This and this kind of observation is the obvious evidence that imprinting can serve as an example of long-term intricate memory (according to I. S. Beritashvi-Lee), which arose without biological reinforcement after a one-time impact of an irritant. In the progress of imprinting, the interaction of individual experiences and the congenital properties of the young organism to quickly fix it in memory mechanisms is used. Neurobiological mechanisms of imprinting, as one of the forms of memory, are just beginning to explore ( Horn, 1988).

Unconditional reflexes are constant congenital reactions of the organism on certain exposure to the outside world, carried out by the nervous system and do not require special conditions for their occurrence.

All unconditional reflexes in the degree of complexity and severity of the body reactions are divided into simple and complex; Depending on the type of reaction - on food, sex, defensive, approximately research, etc.; Depending on the attitude of the animal to the stimulus - on biologically positive and biologically negative. Unconditional reflexes occur mainly under the influence of contact irritation: the food unconditional reflex - when food in and the impact of it into the tongue; Defensive - with irritation of pain receptors. However, the occurrence of unconditional reflexes is also influenced by such stimuli, like sound, type and odor of the subject. Thus, the sexual unconditional reflex occurs under the influence of a specific sexual irritant (view, smell and other stimuli emanating from female or male). Approximately - a research unconditional reflex arises always in response to a sudden little-known stimulus and manifests usually in turning the head and the movement of the animal towards the stimulus. The biological meaning is to examine this stimulus and the entire external environment.

Complex unconditional reflexes include those who have cyclic nature and are accompanied by various emotional reactions (see). Such reflexes are often attributed (see).

Unconditional reflexes serve as the basis for the formation of conditional reflexes. Violation or perversion of unconditional reflexes is usually associated with organic brain lesions; The study of unconditional reflexes is carried out for the diagnosis of a number of diseases of the central nervous system (see pathological reflexes).

Unconditional reflexes (species, inborn reflexes) are congenital reactions of the body on certain impacts of the external or internal environment, carried out through the CNS and do not require special conditions for their occurrence. The term introduced I. P. Pavlov and denotes that the reflex occurs unconditionally if adequate irritation is applied to a certain receptor surface. The biological role of unconditional reflexes is that they adapt the animal of this species in the form of appropriate acts of behavior to the constant, habitual environmental factors.

The development of teachings on unconditional reflexes is associated with research by I. M. Sechenov, Pfluger (E. Pfluger), Goltz (F. Goltz), Sherngton (S. S. SERRINGTON), Magnus (V. Magnus), N. E. Vited A. A. Ukhtomsky, who laid the foundations of the subsequent stage in the development of the reflex theory, when, finally, had the opportunity to fill the concept of a reflex arc that existed before the anatomy-physiological scheme (see reflexes). A certain condition that determined the success of these seques was a complete awareness that the nervous system acts as a whole, which means it acts as a very difficult education.

Ingenious foresights I. M. Sechenov about the reflex basis of the mental activity of the brain served as a starting point for research, which, developing the doctrine of the highest nervous activity, opened two forms of nervously reflex activity: unconditional and conditional reflexes. Pavlov wrote: "... It is necessary to recognize the existence of two varieties of reflex. One reflex is ready, with which the animal will be born, purely conductive reflex, and another reflex - constantly, continuously formed during individual life, absolutely the same pattern, but based on another property of our nervous system - on the closure. One reflex can be called inborn, the other - acquired, as well as respectively: one - species, the other - individual. Inborn, species, permanent, stereotypical, we called unconditional, other, as it depends on many conditions, constantly hesitates depending on many conditions, we called conditional ... ".

The most complex dynamics of the interaction of conditional reflexes (see) and unconditional is the basis of the nervous activity of man and animals. The biological significance of unconditional reflexes, as well as conditionedness, is to adapt the body to various kinds of changes in the external and internal environment. Such major acts as self-regulation of functions, based on the adaptive activities of unconditional reflexes. The exact adaptation of unconditional reflexes to the high-quality and quantitative characteristic of the stimulus, especially thoroughly studied in Pavlov laboratories on the examples of the digestive glands, made it possible to materialistly interpret the problem of the biological feasibility of unconditional reflexes, meaning the exact compliance with the character of the irritation.

The differences between unconditional and conditional reflexes are not absolute, but relative. A variety of experiments, in particular with the destruction of various parts of the brain, allowed Pavlov to create a general idea of \u200b\u200ban anatomical basis for conditional and unconditional reflexes: "Higher nervous activity," Pavlov wrote, - it is composed of the activities of large hemispheres and the nearest subcortical nodes, representing the unified activities of these Two most important departments of the central nervous system. These subcortical nodes are ... centers of essential unconditional reflexes, or instincts: food, defensive, sexual, etc. ... ". The stated views of Pavlov now have to admit only as a scheme. His teaching about analyzers (see) suggests that the morphological substrate of unconditional reflexes actually covers various brain departments, including large hemispheres, meaning the afferent representation of the analyzer from which this unconditional reflex is called. In the mechanism of unconditional reflexes, an important role belongs to the return affamentation of the results and success of the perfect action (P. K. Anokhin).

In the early years of development on conditioned reflexes, individual students of Pavlov, engaged in the study of salivary unconditional reflexes, argued their emergency sustainability, immutability. Subsequent studies have shown the one-sidedness of such views. In the laboratory of Pavlov itself, a number of experience conditions were found, in which unconditional reflexes have changed even for one experiment. In the future, facts were presented, indicating that it is more correct to talk about the variability of unconditional reflexes than about their immutability. Important moments in this respect are: the interaction of reflexes with each other (both unconditional reflexes among themselves and unconditional reflections with conditional), hormonal-humoral factors of the body, the tone of the nervous system and its functional state. Of particular importance are these issues in connection with the problem of instincts (see), which are a number of representatives of the so-called ethology (behavior science) trying to submit unchanged independent of the external environment. It is sometimes difficult to determine the specific factors of the variability of unconditional reflexes, especially if it concerns the inner environment of the body (hormonal, humoral or interoceptive factors), and then some scientists fall into a mistake, speaking about spontaneous variability of unconditional reflexes. Such asteerministic constructions and idealistic conclusions will lead to a materialistic understanding of the reflex.

I. P. Pavlov repeatedly emphasized the importance of systematization and classification of unconditional reflexes that serve as a foundation for the rest of the nervous activity of the body. The existing template division of reflexes for food, self-stagnant, sex is too general and inaccurate, - he indicated. Detailed systematization and a thorough description of all individual reflexes are needed. Speaking of systematization, along with the classification, Pavlov had in mind the need to study individual reflexes or their groups. The task should be recognized and very important, and very difficult, especially since Pavlov and such complex reflexes, as instincts, did not allocate from a number of unconditional reflector phenomena. From this point of view, it is especially important to study the already known, and finding new and complex forms of reflex activity. Here it is necessary to pay tribute to this logical direction, which in some cases receives facts of undoubted interest. However, the ideological basis of this direction remains completely unacceptable, fundamentally denying the reflex nature of instincts.

The unconditional reflex "in pure form" can manifest itself one or several times after the birth of the animal, and then in a fairly short time "faces" conditional and other unconditional reflexes. All this makes it very difficult to classify unconditional reflexes. Until now, it was not possible to find the unified principle of their classification. For example, A. D. Slonim, the basis of its classification laid the principle of balancing the body with an external environment and maintaining the constancy of its internal environment. In addition, they are allocated by groups of reflexes that do not ensure the preservation of a separate individual, but important to preserve the species. An extensive classification of unconditional reflexes and instincts proposed by N. A. Rogansky. It is based on biological and environmental characteristics and a dual (positive and negative) manifestation of reflex. Unfortunately, the classification of the rozhansky sins to a subjective assessment of the essence of the reflex, which found its expression and in the name of some reflexes.

Systematization and classification of unconditional reflexes should provide for their environmental specialization. With the environmental adequacy of stimuli and biological training, the effect manifests itself a very thin differentiation of unconditional reflexes. Speed, strength, and the very possibility of forming conditional reflex depends not so much from the physical or chemical characteristics of the stimulus, how much from the environmental adequacy of the irritant and unconditional reflex.

Of great interest is the problem of the emergence and development of unconditional reflexes. I. P. Pavlov, A. A. Ukhtomsky, K. M. Bykov, P. K. Anhin and others believed that unconditional reflexes arise as conditional, and subsequently in evolution they are fixed and transferred to congenital.

Pavlov pointed out that new reflexes arising while maintaining the same living conditions in a number of consecutive generations seems to be continuously moving into permanent. This is probably one of the existing mechanisms for the development of an animal body. Without recognizing this situation, it is impossible to imagine the evolution of nervous activity. Nature can not allow such waste, "said Pavlov," so that every new generation should start everything from the very beginning. Transitional forms of reflexes that occupied the intermediate position between conditional and unconditional were found with a large biological adequacy of stimuli (V. I. Klimova, V. V. Orlov, A. I. Oparin, etc.). These conditioned reflexes did not fade. See also the highest nervous activity.