How to lose weight with exercise at home. In exercise, it is important

How to lose weight with exercise at home. In exercise, it is important
How to lose weight with exercise at home. In exercise, it is important

Hello everyone, today's article we will devote exercises for weight loss at home. Of course, you can go to the gym and perform all sorts of exercises with barbell and dumbbells there, run on a treadmill or "ride" on the exercise bike. But what to do those who have no access to such beauty as a gym, just for them we dedicated this article, and since you read it, then you probably have the opportunity to attend the simulator, no. Therefore, read carefully and remember everything we will write about.

Below we painted seven for you effective weight loss exercises at homeAll of them are easy to learn and most of them do not need additional equipment. Only in two of them you will need a Swedish ball, but if you do not have, you can skip these exercises, or find an alternative to this ball.

Of course, the proper part of the weight loss process is the proper nutrition, which will contribute to the increasing muscles and burning subcutaneous fat. But we'll talk about meals just below, but for now we look and remember the exercises.

Effective exercises for weight loss at home

Well, are you ready for training? If so, remember some rules that need to be observed:

  • train 3 - 4 times a week;
  • perform all the exercises with each other, not resting between them;
  • do not drink water during training;
  • do not make big pauses between approaches;
  • try to follow the technique and do exercises qualitatively;
  • add to these exercises more jogging. Run 1 - 2 times a week in the nearest park or in the stadium.

So, begin with the first exercise.


Exercise will make your abdominal muscles work. Lie on the back, legs and hands slightly lift (a), it will be your original position. The next movement will be lifting legs and torso up, while trying to touch your legs (B).

In this exercise, especially at the beginning, the main thing is not to rush, do it controlled and go down to the original position as slower. Make 10 repetitions are exercises and go to the next.

Kick back

A rather complicated exercise, but extremely effective. Be sure to stop lying down (a), then silence your legs and buttocks up (c). Pull out so high as soon as you can. If, at first, you will have a bad problem, do not despair, do as you can, "Moscow is not immediately built."

It is advisable to perform 10 repetitions of this exercise.

Squats with a jump

This is a very good exercise for slimming feet at home. Ordinary, at first glance, squats, but with one nuance. Start straight, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands behind the head (a), sneeze, like with ordinary squats that you did in school (c), but up do not get up, and jump, and so high as you just do ( FROM). Hands should be behind the head all the time.

Perform this exercise 10 times and, without rest, go to the next.


Again the exercise on the press. Sit on the ass, the back slightly rejoint back, keep your hands in front of yourself, and move your feet from the floor and keep on weight (a). Staying in this position, turn your torso to the right (c), and then left (C), and return to the starting position. You made one repeat.

Make 15 repetitions of this exercise and start the following.

Jumping on elevation

You will need a low chair or stool. Put it in front of yourself, at a distance of 30 - 40 centimeters (a), jump on it, trying not to do strong with your hands (B). Go back back, at the starting position.

Make 10 such jumps.

Boat with a ball

That is the time of exercises with the Swedish ball. The first is a boat. Lie on the stomach, elbows come to the floor, and the ball hold down between the legs, bent them at the same time in the knees (s), this is your original position. Now raise your legs together with the ball as high as possible (B), feel like your buttocks and biceps hips work.

Perform 10 repetitions.

Twisting on the mecher

Another exercise with the ball. Be stopped lying in the stop, while the legs thump at the Swedish ball, so that your legs are located on it, not the feet (a). Then begin how to screw the ball with my legs by yourself, raising your hips and buttocks up (c). Raise so high as soon as you succeed, and then slowly return to the starting position (a).

Make so much repetition as you can. Then rest a few minutes and repeat all the exercises from the very beginning. This is only a small part of effective exercises for weight loss at home, there are still a large number, and we will tell about them in the following articles.

In the meantime, let's talk a little about nutrition.

Food for weight loss

Of course, exercise, it is a great way to keep your figure in excellent condition, but if you add more correct meals, then the process of weight loss will go fast for you, and most importantly effective. You do not need to stick to some hellish diets, hungry or worse than taking any pills that you saw in the "store on the couch."

Want to diversify your workouts? Then for you. All about classes for weight loss with phytball in this article.

Your main task is to reduce the consumption of all sorts of buns, chocolates, sugar, fast food, in general, you need to completely exclude from your diet "bad carbohydrates". In return all this, start to eat oatmeal, buckwheat or some more porridge. Instead of sweet, eat fruit, start eating more vegetables. Prepare meat for a couple, grilled or in the oven. Drink as much water as possible. Water accelerates metabolism, allowing your feed to digest faster.

These are simple exercises and tips, performing which you can lose weight without any problems without applying to this great effort. Care, eat right and everything will turn out.

Liked training?

Yes, fire!Not sweated 😒

    Exercises are doubtful in terms of health, especially jerky, I would not recommend people ease and with the problems of the musculoskeletal system,. Itself would not have done the presented exercises, except for those with the phytball, since I have one spine.

    How many calories is spent in one workout?

    I only do these exercises on the 2nd day and I still don't know the result for the week I will send the result but I am anything I am 8 years old and I want to lose weight at 3kg. I have scales if that is not enough.

    After childbirth now I come into shape) Here I found a very cool system of exercises for myself. Called "Slender Mom". Her Irina Turchinskaya developed. Already there are results) I also read her book "New Life in the Ideal Body". There is still painted about food)

    I do not consider myself too thick. But I only dreamed of a beautiful waist. And so I want to be slim and beautiful, so that my figure causes admiration. To destroy unnecessary kilograms, I was constantly engaged in exercises and sat on diets. The result was, but barely noticeable. And then everything was returned again. Girlfriend advised this corset from which she was crazy. I also decided to try it out when I read positive reviews from here\u003dwp. I ordered over the Internet and used after a week. I was amazed, because without much effort, I was able to significantly change the shape. And what struck me the most - this is what uses the corset (thanks to a special greenhouse effect) I began to reduce fat deposition on the sides. It is impossible to convey words. It must be tested on yourself. Take only in the official store.

    Exercises are good, tried, only I also need to connect a diet. I usually sit on protein, though the constipation sometimes can certainly disturb. Alternatively, there is a regulamine. I like that the taste is pleasant and what can be drunk, as well as prevention. In general, so losing weight.

    I want to lose 5-7kg and I can't have gotten, I got very much recovered after the fourth births, but I rested two years began to lose weight according to the program -60, I made charging on Intirenet with Anna Corn, dropped for 7 months of 12kg, but then unfortunately, back pain, back pain, It is necessary to exercise classes. Everything has found yours, it seems to be effective, as I will reclaim the month I will write the result. Everyone.

    Thank you, otherwise the diet gives a little complications. The first time I was humid, in principle, there is a result, that's just now with a chalk problem. I hope that the exercises will make their job. But I want to just advise the laxative. Well, I really liked it, because I know that very many on a diet face it. Regulamine is called, the bag dissolved in water, such orange delicious, two pieces were after that chair. They can also establish digestion, its still "fitness" is called for a bowel (on the box). But I'll try to exercise)

    Thank you for such a detailed selection of exercises. Especially interested in exercises with phytball. I will definitely try. For me, in general, it is necessary to lose weight, you need a sport, and diet hard to stick. Also, I spend the intestine cleansing. There is a good enterosorbent, which is always useful in such cases, enterosgel. Will withdraw all the nastiness from the body. And then in the process of slimming acne on the face will not get out. This will agree very important! And then earlier, as it happened, we lose weight to lose weight, but only the whole face was covered with acne, but all because I did not clean the intestine.

    It is strange at the beginning there are points that are somehow embarrassed, 3-4 workouts per week, it will not immediately come out, the body needs to restore, and only after the body starts to quickly recover, you can increase the number of classes, the second not to drink water during training, is enough to distribute This myth can and you need, exactly how much the body will require, it has long been proven. The break between approaches must occur until time of the drop of the pulse up to 100 shots otherwise the second approach will be extremely heavy, but at the expense of the run yes, I agree, 1-2 times a week on certain days from training

    thanks for the exercises. There is only a suitable diet only to find. in the complex, I think there will be a good result

    Thank you. I will try. All health and good luck!

    Anna, please tell me where to buy a lida maximum?

    Your exercises are complete nonsense! Some of your proposed exercises are complex in performance. And a complete person, such exercises will be available only when it will lose weight.

    In vain, you say that 100 kg aunt will not be able to do such exercises, I weighed 112 and did more, and ran, and I was doing better than some hards. And the article is good, the main desire!

    I was engaged in sports all my life, I will say directly to make these exercises difficult to begin with the beginners unprepared, especially the first to the press. And the exercise with jumping, it is second it is nonsense, it will never work out of such a position as drawn. They would turn out, but not in such a rack

    Tell me please, when complying with a certain power mode, how important is it and necessarily do the intestinal cleansing? And then I read what you need to do with diets. Ordinary laxatives, like Lavacola is suitable for this?

    All these exercises are familiar to me. I have already been doing half a year in the gym and I look fine, everyone began to talk compliments on my address))) I'm in a great mood I go out from the gym, my advice: refuse any flour, engage in physical education + protein diet

    Of course, the exercises presented in the article will not suit those girls whose weight exceeds 100 kilograms. If you put some degree of obesity, you first need to do your meals and perform only light aerobic loads, for example, to make hiking or buy a treadmill and walk on it at a slow pace. I personally have a completely different situation. I can't call myself Tolstoy, but some excess of extra kilograms upset me since childhood. Somewhere half a year ago I weighed 63 kilograms with a height of 163 centimeters. That is, overweight was about 10 kilograms. I decided to seriously take up my figure, as the summer was not far from around the corner, but it's good to look good on the beach. I did not stick to any diets, but just moved to a healthy diet. From eight kilograms I got rid of, and I realized that you need to make any physical exertion. There is no possibility to go to the gym, it began to look for exercises on the Internet and as a result came across this set of exercises. I can say that after a month of classes I went out five kilograms. But the most important thing is that the muscles have become more touched, the relief of the figure appeared. The main thing is not to be lazy and then the beautiful figure is provided to you.

    • Tell me, what did you eat, what loose and CC times have been engaged in these exercises or did you do yours?

    Do you think a hundred kilogram aunt is able to perform these exercises?))))) Dissolve your coach!

Not everyone who wants to get rid of excess fat and make her body irresistible can resort to heavy physical exertion and exhausting hunger strikes. The latter with an illiterate approach can cause human organism a serious harm. An effective option for solving the described task is simple weight loss exercises, which are an easy complex that allows you to activate a simple, but quick weight loss process.

Basic exercises for weight loss at home

Before using simple exercises for weight loss at home, keep in mind that the weight after some diets begins to gradually return. Sitting on the next diet, not taking care of the scheme of workouts for the house, it will be impossible to achieve an ideal figure! Without performing exercises, you will be accompanied by a breakiness, drowsiness and lethargy.

Cardio Exercise

A quick and effective way to lose and form a beautiful figure - cardiotrans, thanks to them at the athlete there is plenty of sweat. They are a whole complex of techniques that have a health character. An excellent option in this case can be a light gymnastics for weight loss. There are such:

  • Intensive complex for burning fat deposits implies long-term lessons with the same load without rest. An excellent option can serve jogging on a home treadmill, cycling.
  • Dance aerobics, except for cardion loads, contributes to improving the coordination of movements, posture. With it, you can learn how to own your body better.
  • If there are no simulators at home, then the easiest option is running on the spot, jumping up.

Complex of power exercises

For power exercises, a strong tension of muscles is characterized at a low duration of movements and low speed. With their help, you can not only reduce the weight, but also get rid of depression. Powerary integrated exercises are able to run in the muscles of a kind of energy transformation mechanism. Do men and women to achieve results need regularly! To begin with, you can use this complex:

  • 2-3 approach of squats of 8-16 repetitions. To increase the load, use dumbbells.
  • Lying on the back, bend your legs and start lifting the top of the back, trying to reach your head to the knees. Drawing a breath for a few seconds, gradually return to the initial position. Perform 3 approaches to 8-20 repetitions.
  • "Boat". Lie on the back, lower your arms along the housing, the elbows are not lying on the floor. Make a deep breath, hold your breath and lift your legs above the surface, leaving them smooth. Repeat several times.
  • Exercise "Bourgo". Accept the position of the squat, jump off your feet back and make pressure from the floor. Return instantly and jump out as high as possible. Perform 4 approaches to 2 minutes. Break between approaches - 1 minute.

Simple and efficient weight loss exercises

Using simple exercises for training, keep in mind that their frequency, time, intensity is depending on the preparation and age of a person. It is possible to achieve the desired effect and make a beautiful body, doing 3 times a week. If you plan to perform them more often, that is, the likelihood that your body will not have time to recover from one classes to another.

For slimming belly

The most problematic place for people suffering from excess weight is the belly. To get rid of fat in it and solve many health problems, you need to use the complex of special training. You need to do the exercises correctly, not lying, otherwise it will not work perfect waist. An important meaning has a diet, which should be smaller fatty food. The most effective exercises for slimming belly:


Lie on the floor, lift your legs; Straightening the press, tear off the thigh from the surface (they must be raised slowly), hold on two accounts and return to the initial position.

The muscles of the lower press are being worked out. The number of repetitions is 10 times 2 approaches.

Vacuum belly

In the position lying on the back, bend your legs and make a powerful exhalation, pulling the stomach with an effort; Keep your belly in such a state of about 15 s. When performing the transverse muscles of the press. The number of repetitions - 3-4 approaches several times a day.

Deflection with bent knees

Stand on your knees, putting your elbows on the floor; Start tearing your knees from the surface, lingering on three accounts, then return to the initial position. In addition to the muscles of the press, the muscles of the back are also involved. It is necessary to make two approaches 10 times.

For buttocks and hips

There must be buttocks to have a convex seductive shape and be touched. In this case, there can be no speech about cellulite. A competently selected scheme and regularity of classes will help to put in order any shape. The main thing - sincerely want to change yourself! Pay attention to the following easy exercises that will help you quickly achieve the earlier goal.

Exercise number 1:

  • Name - classic squats.
  • How to perform - squat on the breath, reducing the pelvis back until the knees form an angle of 90 degrees; Return to the original position.
  • The number of repetitions - 2-3 approaches of 8-16 repetitions.

Exercise number 2:

  • Title - chair.
  • How to perform - the essence of implementation is that a person seems to be on the chair, pulling his hands at the same time.
  • Which muscles are being worked out - butorous muscles and hips.
  • The number of repetitions - try to achieve an ideal position of 90 degrees under the knees, since the first time it is unlikely to succeed.

Exercise number 3:

  • Title - Bridge.
  • How to perform - lie on the back, bend your legs; Palms should look down; Put your feet so that the fingertips on their hands can touch their heels; On the breath strain the buttocks and raise the pelvis; On the exhalation smoothly drop down.
  • What muscles are being worked out - butorous muscles, hips.
  • The number of repetitions is 10 times.

For slimming hands

The skin on her hands over time can be saved that it will look very uneatetic. Getting rid of cellulite on the buttocks, tightening the stomach, you will not look perfect if you do not pay the necessary attention shoulders and forearms. Their strengthening at home is not so hard. Make sure for yourself on the basis of the next set of workouts.

Exercise number 1:

  • The name is bending hands.
  • How to perform - put your feet on the width of the shoulders, slightly bent them in the knees; Slowly raise hands with dumbbells, gradually squeezing them in the elbows.
  • What muscles are being worked out - biceps.
  • The number of repetitions is 15 times.

Exercise number 2:

  • Title - bending hands 2.
  • How to perform - raise your hand over your head, after taking the dumbbell, then deploy palm forward; Then slowly bend and extension the hand towards the head.
  • What muscles are being worked out - triceps.
  • The number of repetitions is 15 times.

Exercise number 3:

  • The name is ordinary pushups.
  • How to execute - take the position "stop lying"; Start with a slow pace, dropping as low as possible.
  • What muscles are being worked out - the muscles of the hands and chest.
  • The number of repetitions is 20 times with a gradual increase in the plank.

Simple yoga exercises for weight loss

After performing simple weight loss exercises taken from yoga, be sure to get a rug or blanket. You need to perform them on an empty stomach! Among the poses that are used to reduce weight, there are standing, relaxation, inverted, slopes, twisting. One of the most simple exercises is Uttanasan. To fulfill it, you just need to become straight, raise your hands up and start smoothly by the hands of the hands down, at the same time trying to touch your knees. In general, it is recommended to do yoga under the guidance of an experienced mentor!

Video: Simple set of exercises for weight loss at home

In order to improve your body, pull up, be healthy, you have to train. If classes in the gym for some reason are impossible, exercises for weight loss at home are suitable. When professional coaches ask about the exercises, the answer is always the same: effective training at home for weight loss - these are the ones you perform!

To prevent weight increases, you need to adhere to healthy nutrition and regular physical exertion. Basic Principle: Spend more calories than you consume. The effective scheme for losing weight at home will develop an experienced sports coach. This program necessarily includes aerobic, power loads, warm-up and stretching. With the right and regular execution, the exercise will bring results.

For proper operation, the body needs to move. Effective exercises for weight loss at home are able to change the figure no worse than classes in the gym. The greater the volume of the muscles, the rather the metabolism and faster calories are burned. Obanism consumes a large amount of energy to maintain muscle mass. But even during meals, walking or sleeping calories is spent and fat is burned.

The benefits of training at home for weight loss:

  1. Restoration of the body functions.
  2. Treatment of diseases.
  3. Fast fat burning.
  4. Relief muscles for excellent physical form.
  5. The elimination of "problem areas".
  6. Increased endurance and strong heart muscle.
  7. Psychological relaxation.

In order to start the fight against fatty surplus, the standard workout lasts 30 minutes with interruptions between approaches for 30-60 seconds.

Photo 1. Training at home you can achieve a slim and pumped body

What is necessary for domestic training

Before starting classes, you need to fix your weight and volume indicators.

Check volumes:

  • one hand at the level of the armpit;
  • waist in a narrow place;
  • the hips in the widest place, with the legs closer.

Remove the measurements and weigh once a week.

Inventory: gymnastic rug, rubber ribbon, phytball, rope, bodybar and dumbbells. For beginners are suitable for use in training dumbbells for 1 kg, after a vaulting of an altitis weight increase 1 kg. Training at home for slimming for girls allows the weight of dumbbells in one hand - 4 kg. If it is not possible to use a rope, jump without it.

To the question of newbies about what a simulator to buy for home, experienced trainers are not advised by orbitrek, a treadmill or exercise bike. For training for weight loss at home there is enough rope. If there is a motivation to jump on it for several minutes a day, it makes sense to think about buying a full-fledged simulator.

Photo 2. Start workouts with basic exercises on the rope


Training for weight loss at home starts with a warm-up to cheer up. Exercise for home - light jumps, walking or running in place for 6 minutes.

After the workout, it is necessary to make a stretching of large muscle groups of legs, hands and backs.

Stretching the front muscle of the hip: Stand smoothly, bend the right leg in the knee, and pull the right hand up, to the buttock. Repeat with the left foot.

Stretching the back muscle of the hip: spreading his legs wide, bend the right leg in his knee and lean to the smooth left. Perform stretch marks to the other side.

Stretching muscles back, sides and abdomen, a set of exercises for weight loss at home:

  1. Put your legs on the width of the shoulders, reach the best as possible to the socks of the feet.
  2. Widely spread my legs, silently hands in the castle above your head, and lower them in front of the eye level. At the same time rounding the back. Raise hands above your head and get into the lower back.
  3. Taking the left hand right behind the wrist, to pull it as much as possible and lean to the right. Repeat on the left. Lower smoothly hands through the parties, revealing the shoulder belt.

Photo 3. Exercises for home fitness using rubber belt and fitbol

People believe that homemade training for weight loss is exclusively for those who have recently started classes, but it is not. Training at home includes a full-fledged load on the lower and top of the body, press and back. Exercises at home should be done daily, at least 5 days a week.

Classes for weight loss at home are interval training with "metabolic effect." Under this implies high-intensity, high-speed training for endurance with alternation of power and aerobic exercises in a rapid pace. A few hours after classes, accelerated fat burning continues and the weight loss process. Consider the exercises of the interval fitness.

Aerobic exercises

For rapid weight loss, in addition to the muscles of the relief, it is necessary to develop the heart muscle. Aerobic exercises for slimming at home are called "Cardio" - the heart begins to work in full force, the sword and the swelling of the body disappears. Blood is saturated with oxygen, calories are burned and the weight loss mode is started.

Cardio training implies exercise at one pace for 30 or more minutes:

  • walking in a rapid pace;
  • jumping;
  • swimming;
  • cardiac training sessions.

For maximum results, aerobic home exercises for slimming athletes perform 5-7 days a week.

Photo 4. Aerobic training in orbitrek with calculation spent calories and speed of movement of pedals

Power home losing weight

Fouring thigh muscle

Squats in gravel

Take the dumbbell weighing from 5 kg at the base with both hands and stand straight, put a wide legs, knees slightly bend. Socks look in one direction with knees.

Frame execution:

  1. In the breath, slowly bend the knees and squat until the hips are parallel to the floor. Hands still.
  2. Making focus on the heels, in exhale slowly return to the IP.

It is important to keep your back straight to avoid injury.

Frontal Mahi

Stand left sideways to the chair, take up the back of your left hand. Right palm set on the thigh.

Execution technique: dramatically raise a flat right foot forward, slowly omit back (not throwing, muscle tense). In the exercise, the front of the thigh surface works. Make 12 times, repeat with the left foot.

Press, Touring Muscle: "Alpinist"

Take a posture as for pushups, body weight on palms and footsteps. Tighten the right knee to the chest, put the right leg on the sock under the thigh.

Execution technique: Abruptly in the jump, change the legs in places - straighten the right and bend the left foot like climbing. Repeat alternately in a rapid pace of 30 seconds.

Photo 5. After squatting with weighting of dumbbells, keep your back straight

Barber muscles: "Sex"

To lie on the rug on the back, arms along the body, the knees are bent, feet on the width of the shoulders.

On the exhalation, leaning on the heels, raise the hips from the floor. Keep your back straight and stay for a second. In the breath slowly return to the IP.

You complicate the exercise if you stop the stop on one leg, and you will raise the second with the hips.

Fallen back - alternately with both legs.

Standing, lay the chair on the left, hold on to the chair with your left hand. Right hand to lower.


  1. Right leg to learn back, at the same time beating the left in the knee to the angle of 90 degrees. Right hand bend in the elbow. The knee of the right leg looks into the floor.
  2. Push up with the right foot and fulfill her for ahead, straightening my legs and right hand.

Repeat 10 times, turn around to the chair right sideways and work out the left foot.

Muscle discharge: Walking with rubber band

Standing, legs are slightly bent, a gymnastic gum is stretched around the knees. Back straight, head and neck is directed up.

Execution technique: to walk in the side on semicooched legs, holding a gum constantly in a stretched state. If you arrange it around the ankles, not the knees, then the exercise will become complicated.

Photo 6. Exercise well shakes press and removes fat (legs rise no more than 10 cm)

Icres: Rises in the Footsuit Foots

For exercise, you need auxiliary equipment: a board fixed on the floor and bodybar.

Stand on the board (or any manual steady object with a height of up to 3 cm) half the foot. The knees are smooth, the heel remains on the floor. Bodybar (or barbell) keep on shoulders, spin smooth.

Performance: Climb on socks, rolling with ankle on the board and taking off the heel from the floor. Return to IP.

Knees and spin smooth, caviar and ankles work.

If there are no boards or an exercise is difficult to perform, make rolling from the heel to the sock on the floor.

Passed tendons

Fitball is needed. Lying on the back, lay caviar to the phytball in such a way that when shifting the legs of the ankle was on the ball.

Performance: Raise the thigh, holding the weight on the blades and feet. Bend your knees, tightening the ball as close as possible to myself, squeezing the fallen tendons. Lower for a second and return to IP.

Photo 7. Elastic fitness gum keeps legs together and creates resistance for effort while moving legs back

Power home exercises for weight loss, breast muscles


Effective exercise to strengthen the breast muscles.

To lie on the back, putting a low pillow under it. Feet to bend in the knees, come to the floor. In the hands of dumbbells weighing up to 4 kg, smooth hands, dilute on the sides.

Execution: Raise smooth hands up, to the eye level, slowly omit. Run 3 approaches 10 times.

Pressing from floor, average handmade

Basic thoracic muscles, triceps delta and partially spin are included.

To lie on the floor, adopt focus on straight hands and feet, the case is smooth. Brushes on the width of the shoulders.


  1. Bending elbows, maximize down with a smooth case. Elbows do not hope, keep at the body.
  2. Straightening breasts and triceps, straighten your hands and get up at home.

If the exercise turned out to be difficult, start writhing from the knees. Stop at the same time engage one for another.

Photo 8. Exercise "Butterfly" promotes the creation of an ideal hand shape

Power exercises for weight loss hands at home

Biceps: Hand Flexing

Standing, hold the barbell (Bodybar) in front of him on the elongated hands. Palm turn forward, elbows must be near the torso.

Performance: Do not take off the elbows from the torso, to raise the rod up to the shoulder level. At the exhalation, slowly lower the barbell in the IP.

Shoulders: raising dumbbell standing

Stand straight, legs put on the width of the shoulders, hands with dumbbells slightly bent in the elbows and press to the body.


  1. On the exhalation, raise the dumbbells in front of yourself to the level of the shoulders, delay for a second, slow down in breathe.
  2. On the exhalation, raise dumbbells through the side to the shoulder level, delay for a second, slowly omit. Continue alternate.

Performing a lift of dumbbells, it is impossible to allow swings or turns.

Triceps: Raising dumbbells sitting

Sit on the bench or chair, omit the chest on your knees and keep the back smooth so that it is parallel to the floor. Left hand take the foot of the chair or the bench, and in the right to take the dumbbell and press the elbow to the case. Palm with dumbbell omit vertically to get an angle of 90 degrees.

Execution: Holding the elbow pressed to the body, on the exhale to raise the dumbbell until the right hand straightening. On the breath slowly lower the hand in the IP. Repeat with your left hand.

After several workouts, you can exercise immediately for both hands.

Photo 9. Plan of home fitness training to get rid of extra kilograms

Power exercises for muscles press

Lower press, "PASSE"

Sit down to the floor, then shift the body back and rely on the forearm (rear elbows, fingers are directed to the legs). Right knee and ankle bent in the Passage position, and the left leg is raised at 45 degrees from the floor.

Performance: smoothly bring the right knee to the chest, without changing the position of the left foot and the ink in the ankle. Lower for a second, return to its original position. Repeat 8 times for the left and right leg.

Exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, stabilizes hip joints. For the complication of lessons at home for weight loss, increase the tempo.

Direct, internal and external oblique and transverse abdominal muscles

Lying on the floor, stretch your arms over your head and lift the legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor.

Performance: inhales, tear off the head and shoulders from the floor, strive to ribs to hip joints, breathe at the highest point. Both legs in the air, hands parallel to the legs. Breathing is even. Linger on 4 bills, breathe, and in exhale slowly fall into its original position.

This is a kind of breathing exercise with the activation of all the muscles of the abdominal press.

Spit muscles

It will take a phytball or a regular ball.

This exercise, like ordinary twisting, is working on oblique muscles.

Lying on the back, dilute the hands to the sides and tightly press to the floor palms down. Fitball is placed between my legs and raise them 90 degrees to the housing, slightly bent the knees.

Execution: Slowly omit the right foot on the floor parallel to the hand, not releaseing the ball, slowly return to its original position. Repeat with the left foot.

Photo 10. Holding a gymnastic ball between raised legs develops lower press

Straight abdominal muscle, upper and lower press, exercise "Harmon"

When performing movements, the body develops, as if harmonic fur. This is a very effective exercise for slimming belly at home.

To lie on the back, both hands behind your head, legs are stretched, heels lift to 6-10 centimeters from the floor, stretch socks.

Performance: straining press, bend and raise your knees to the chest, lifting the thigh and the top of the housing on the blades. Make 3 approaches 8 times.

The number of exercise repetitions varies depending on physical training.

The combination of cardion loads with power exercises is called interval training and makes it possible to reduce the time of domestic lessons for weight loss to 10-30 minutes.

Photo 11. Variations of a plank with an altered leg and hand raising, as well as with a phytball

"Metabolic effect" in 10 minutes

Energy flow occupation is comparable with 150 minutes of "clean" aerobic exercises. With such a program you can lose weight and improve well-being. Exercises at the maximum pace alternate with recovery - walking or running the coward in place for 15-45 seconds.

Before starting exercises for rapid slimming at home - 6-minute warm-up, and after training - 5-minute stretch.

Jumping "Rocket"

Set the legs on the width of the shoulders and bend in the knees, hands on the four-headed hip muscle.

Performance: jump, "throwing" smooth hands up in front. Mild land in the PI. Make 2 repeats 15-24 times.

In order to complicate the exercise, take the dumbbells and make the dense.

Jumping "Star"

Legs on the width of the shoulders, bend in the knees, hands on the sides of the smooth.

Performance: jump, lifting smooth hands through the side to the shoulder level. Mild land in the PI. The back is always straight.

Make 2 repeats 15-24 times.


Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands on the hips or stretched forward.

Performance: sit down until the knees form a straight angle. Spin smooth, knees do not go to the level of the toes.

Complete the exercise by taking Bodybar or dumbbells.

Drops back

Stand smoothly, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands straight, on the sides.

Performance: Stop the right foot as much as possible, bending the left in the knee until the formation of a straight angle. The heel of the support leg does not break away from the floor. Return to IP. Repeat with the left foot.

Make 2 repeats 15-24 times.

Complication: drops with dumbbells in your hands.

Stand, legs on the width of the shoulders.

Photo 12. One cycle of Berti is performed at maximum speed.

Execution technique:

  1. Sleep into the squad, putting hands on the floor.
  2. Straighten your feet in the bar.
  3. Jump back into the sat and jump up, pulling hands.

For easy Berp option, instead of jumping just get up.

Berp is a multi-launcher, which involves several muscle groups into operation. The most loaded muscles are legs (biceps of hips, buttock and caviar), also the load falls on the thoracic, triceps and shoulders. There are practically no such muscles that would not affect Berp.

If there is a rope, it is allowed to replace any one exercises listed below, jumps on the rope for 60 seconds, or supplement the workout.

After training with a metabolic effect, you need to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. It is also not recommended to eat within 2 hours after classes.

Fitness fitball exercises for beginners

People without preparation are not recommended to immediately begin intensive classes. If you regularly trained earlier, but allowed a long break between classes, it is necessary to start with the restoration and strengthening of the muscular corset. For this, the power program of training for weight loss at home is ideal. Power exercises increase muscle density, endurance, reduce the risk of injury and prepare the body to enhanced loads.

Effective exercises for weight loss at home - on the ball for fitness (phytball). Newbies start with two approaches of 10-15 repetitions, the optimal level is 2 - 3 approaches of 20 repetitions. It is better to make a smaller number of repetitions than many times the exercise is incorrect.

Photo 13. Fitball gently kneads the spine, preparing it to power loads

Exercises on the back muscles

Breast Department, classes for the prevention of osteochondrosis

To lie down on the phytball the belly down and rests legs into the wall for stability. Right hands along palms up.

Execution technique:

  1. Raise the upper part of the body, at the same time turning the palms to the floor, and squeeze the blades. Do not bend your back.
  2. Slowly drop and return to the IP.

Lumbar department

Sitting on the floor with elongated legs, hook behind the legs rubber tape, lean forward, creating a slight tension in the tape.

Execution technique:

  1. Throw back on 110 degrees, tighten your hands to the chest and squeeze the blades.
  2. Lower for a second.
  3. Slow back to IP.

Lesnas and press

Standing on his knees behind the phytball, elbows rely on the ball. Fit forward so that the belly is on the ball.

Execution technique:

  1. On the elbows slowly roll back the ball ahead on 5 centimeters.
  2. Slow back to IP.

To enhance complexity, it is necessary to completely blend the knees during the exercise, to the head, shoulders, hips and feet formed a straight line.

Photo 14. Technique performing tightening shoulders to the legs with a rubber ribbon for muscles of the press

Exercises for belly

Spit muscles

Near the wall to sit on the phytball with the right thigh, stretching the right leg forward, and left back. Pere in the walls in the wall for stability and take hands into the castle behind your head.

Execution technique:

With a straight back, lower the body for the phytball and raise at the starting position. Perform smoothly, repeat 15 times per side.

Straight and oblique muscles press

To lie on the phytball, overlooking the lower back, and stop the foot pressed to the floor with confident focus. Put hands to the temples.

Execution technique:

Raise the housing up, reach the right elbow towards the left knee. Sleep at the starting position. Repeat alternately with the left and right hand.

Top press

Lying on the floor on the back, legs straight, squeeze the phytball between the legs and raise them at an angle of 45 degrees. Smooth hands, towards the ball.

Execution technique:

Raise the blades from the floor and touch the ball with the tips of the fingers. Slowly lower the hull in the PI.

This set of exercise improves coordination and keeps muscles in a tone, preparing to more complex training.

Photo 15. A set of training for combating fatty deposits at home

Exercises for Correction Figure

The ideal of the female figure is considered the shape of the body "hourglass", when the amount of breast and the hips are equal, with a narrow waist. But not all possess with such forms. 4 more shapes are distinguished: pear, apple, rectangle and an inverted triangle. Women of these types little to lose weight, they strive for perfect form. For this purpose, a shaping house is carried out - classes for weight loss on an individual program, taking into account the type of figure.

Shaping for women- "pears"

Full, "heavy" hips, a narrow waist and beautiful shoulders - like this "pear-like" figure, or "triangle" looks like. The frequent problem of these women is the appearance of cellulite on the hips. In this case, the training program for slimming at home for girls has two goals: tighten your thigh muscles, remove their volume, and increase the mass in the chest and shoulders.

Training Principle:

  1. Many attacks and quits.
  2. Front Mahi.
  3. Raising dumbbells.
  4. Aerobic loads.

Focusing on the work of a four-headed muscle, butorous muscles, shoulders and triceps. On the feet of 12 repetitions of the exercise, on hand - on 8.

With the correction of "pears" you can not swing the discharge muscle. Side Mahi and Power Steps Not for you!

Number of weeks Number of squats
1 approach 2 approach 3 approach 4 approach 5 approach Total squats
1 8 10 8 8 6 40
2 10 12 10 10 8 50
3 10 15 12 12 10 59
4 15 15 15 15 12 72
5 15 20 18 16 12 82
6 15 20 20 20 15 90

Table with a 6-week exercise schedule

Exercises for the Figure "Apple"

Usually medium height, with narrow hips and a wide waist. It was in the waist, the woman "Apple" quickly accumulates fat deposits. Legs and hands are more often thin and elegant.

Direction of training:

  1. Cardionaging (treadmill, stepper, walking, jumping).
  2. Exercises to reduce the waist (rotation of Hula-Hup, using the gymnastic disk pumping press).
  3. Power load on the legs (in order to visually compare the lower part of the body with the top).

Do not make side slopes and do not use exercise bike or orbitrek.

Photo 16. There is a classification of four main types of female figures.

Correction of the Figure "Rectangle"

Even a slender girl, the "rectangle" does not have a waist, no matter how much the hoop would not twist and did not take twists. Overweight with such a figure immediately "settles" on the stomach.

The essence of shaping:

  1. Swimming, tennis.
  2. Strengthening direct muscle press.
  3. Power loads on legs and chest.

Be sure to include in regular exercise exercises on the discharge muscle and buttocks.

Another borderline variety of rectangles is the type "skinnie-ft". These are the so-called fatty harms, when the lady has a thin back, but at the same time there are unevenly distributed fat deposits on the body. Such girls are much more difficult to remove local fat deposits than those who need to simply lose the overall weight.

You will also be interested:

The principle of training in the figure "Inverted triangle"

"Girl-boy" - that's what often hears the owner of this type of figure. However, wide, massive shoulders and narrow pelvis in the absence of waist can be adjusted to a home training for girls for weight loss.

  1. Aerobic loads on ellipsoid simulators for the development of the thigh muscles.
  2. At least the strength exercises on the shoulders (push-ups, the animals in the hands are not suitable).
  3. Maximum strength training on the discharge muscle of the hip, the buttock muscles and the lower press.

Swimming, tennis, and other workouts on the shoulders will make a figure even more threatening. But in obligatory need to turn the hoop to highlight the waist.

First week

Second week

Third week

Fourth week

Fifth week

Sixth week

30 ° body lifting

Full lifting of the body

Foot lift at 90 °

45 ° legs

Table with press muscle pumping schedule

Do you need training "sand-hour"?

Happy, with such a type of figure, do not think about what fat surplus to remove. Their main goal is to maintain healthy body weight. For this, enough basic exercises and regular cardio training. Walking, running, swimming, jumping on the rope and exercises on ellipsoids are equally useful for "hourglass".

Training rules: drafting

There are many systems for which workouts are held at home. Interval training is suitable for weight loss, but there are other approaches.

Effective classes on a split program designed for three days of power classes per week with alternating exercises for different muscle groups. On days without strength exercises - aerobic workouts.

  • Monday - Running.
  • Tuesday - legs and press.
  • Wednesday - walking and jumping on the rope.
  • Thursday - back and hands.
  • Friday - Swimming.
  • Saturday - chest and legs.
  • Sunday is a day off.

This is only a common example, because the split system is selected each individual.

Photo 17. The elliptical simulator improves the work of the cardiovascular system and shakes the ionic muscles

How not to lose a stimulus for home training?

Unfortunately, motivation to domestic training for weight loss is inclined to decline, because there are other classes at home.

The main advice that can be given in such a situation is pretty simple: we develop a positive dependence on classes. Then the training will pull you with the "terrible force."

Create a plan

It is important to plan home training in the same way as classes in the gym. Adjust the same time regularly, write down the plan and schedule for 3 weeks ahead. Overcoming these three weeks, you will enter the mode and you will not even think about skipping training.


Also add a variety to the training program for weight loss at home, changing and alternating exercise. Limitations in additional equipment does not mean monotony - with the same shell perform various exercises. Use the healthy means that there are at home - even a rolling or towel is suitable for many exercises.

Photo 18. The use of a towel will make a variety of training in your complex of training and facilitate their implementation.

Turn weight loss in the game!

You can not ignore the competitive element, connect to the training of households or friends and measure the volume at the same time. At the beginning, motivates the winnings on the measurements, and after a couple of weeks regular sessions - the long-awaited changes in the figure.

Be the first!

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For a good result, you need to come up with the mind, that is, to prepare on several important aspects. List the most important thing:

  • First of all, decide what you want to achieve. If it is a common weight loss, it means that aerobic classes must be included, such as running, fitness, rope. If it is important to reduce separate parts of the body in the volume, then you need to select targeted exercises for them.
  • The second important factor is the definition of the load. Each of us I want to see the result as soon as possible, but squeeze the maximum from the body from the very beginning - harmful and even dangerous. You risk overvolting, create yourself problems with your heart and for a couple of weeks to fail from the unbearable pain in the muscles.
  • The third, to which you need to pay attention is a place for classes. Sometimes his absence is the cause of skipping and fast refusal from the initial plans. Therefore, take care that it is always at your disposal, provided you with space for scope, was away from fragile items.
  • The fourth is meal. It is impossible to write down its value, especially in people with slow metabolism. The diet must at least correctly adjust.
  • Last - inventory. For convenience, it is recommended to purchase a mat, dumbbells, phytball (sports ball), but the rug is replaced by any non-slip floor covering, dumbbells - on water bottles. Purchase of Fitbola Leave at your discretion.

Slimming exercises

The program of exercises for weight loss at home of everyone who decided to lose weight quickly and efficiently should include two types of training: aerobic and power. The first are intended to warm up the case, increase blood circulation. They strengthen the metabolism, make a person sweat, with a long-term performance, lead to a noticeable weight loss in all parts of the body. The second will be directed to specific muscle groups. This will allow you to "dry" the body, bent of fat deposits from each muscle, worked out the relief.


This type of exercise is popular among all who are engaged in bodybuilding, because it helps to create a beautiful muscular figure. When it comes to weight loss, power trainings are useful for studying individual muscles, but there is no need to fear that the muscles will grow with you, like on yeast. No, good load will pull them out and make the body more elastic. The essence of power training is to work with weight (dumbbells, weights, rods or weight of their body). Each type is performed by N-O, the number of times from 2 to 5 approaches.

By performing the training of this type, it is important not to load yourself before the redistribution. The load should be increased gradually, otherwise, due to severe stretch marks, ligaments, tendons, muscles may suffer. This will allow your body to confidently gain strength, improve stamina. Properly alternate breaths and exhalations. The weight loss program of the house includes basic power elements, among which you can allocate squats with burdens, bench press, elaboration, chest, shoulders with dumbbells.


As opposed to power, aerobic exercises involve all muscle groups. When they are fulfilled, a person consumes a lot of oxygen and consumes a lot of energy. The second name is cardiotrans, because they give a good burden on the entire cardiovascular system. For this reason, it is very important to calculate the intensity of such trainings. Newbies or people with the initial level of training should not from the very first classes to bring themselves to exhaustion, strong outbreak and inability to move their legs, since with inappropriate you strongly load the heart.

Sports coaches recommend choosing the intensity of aerobic classes depending on the frequency of their pulse. This will make it possible to calculate the most efficient and safe pace. Include aerobic classes in a slimming program recommended three times a week, alternating with power training. You can choose the type of classes at your discretion: running, walking, dancing, swimming, bike or exercise bike.


One of the most popular methods to achieve good physical indicators is to conduct interval training. They are an alternation of increased and reduced activity with minimal time on vacation. Nothing better burns fat than the approach of this type, but he also takes a lot of strength, so it's not necessary to withstand a large load right away. Even the aerobic occupation can be turned into an interval if you run, jump or twist the pedals are in high, then in a low pace.

How to make a training program for weight loss at home

Properly compiled training program for weight loss at home is half the success of the entire venture. Insufficient and irregular load will not give the result, too intensive will lead to overwork. It is important to determine the three components of a good workout: the frequency of classes, intensity and the choice of exercises. In order to start losing weight, it is best to alternately perform power and aerobic trainings, the weight of shells take a small one, and the number of repeats more. This will provide a uniform load and a constant decrease in fat stocks.

In which sequence to perform

Another important factor on which good health depends and the result is a sequence. Whatever exercises include your training program for weight loss at home, follow them in the same order:

  • Workout. Most of her avoids, considering this in vain spent time. Meanwhile, the warm-up is very important. It warms the muscles and ligaments, protects the joints from the injuries, the spine. From it you need to start every training session, spending 5-10 minutes on intense mahs with hands, slopes, turns.
  • The most difficult thing. Such energy-proof exercises, like squats, thrust, push ups are better to perform at the beginning of the workout, otherwise then they will not have forces. The first should go those types that you need to carefully work out, otherwise, you will also not be able to fully perform them at the end.
  • Load on muscle groups. First, there is always a common basic, then adjusting.

How to alternate the load

Stable weight loss can be achieved at the expense of a properly distributed load. It is necessary to tune in for 40-60 minutes of workout, because fat begins to spend the first half hour of occupation. During weight loss training, pay attention to:

  • Gradual increase. This applies to load and intensity.
  • Number of approaches. There should be no more than 5. In the future, the muscles are depleted.
  • Alternation of exercises for different muscle groups removed from each other. For example, first in hand, then back. If you need to work well a separate zone, make several different exercises with an emphasis on it.
  • Reduced load. Do not let yourself. As soon as you feel addiction, make more effort.

Training schedule at home

Slimming speed will depend on the frequency of classes. It is best to appoint power training to study different muscle groups three times a week, make a daily table and comply with the mode. For example, on Monday, choose exercises for the upper body. On Wednesday, focus on his feet, on Friday - a complex for the buttocks and the press. Dedicate other days to rest or small aerobic loads, starting from 15 minutes a day, gradually increasing to 1-1.5 hours. You can combine strength and aerobic loads in one workout, then you can safely relax 4 days a week.

Complex of exercises for weight loss at home

A competent training program for weight loss at home should give a uniform load on the entire body, including aerobic. One and a half hours of workout for this is enough. Overwork it is not necessary, because you can always adjust the number of hikes and give yourself a 5-minute vacation. In your schedule of classes, it is necessary to enter the warm-up, several basic exercises, and will complete the work on yourself a hitch that will allow you to relax and save the forces after sports classes.


The warm-up is designed to warm up the body and supply muscles with oxygen. Do not avoid it if you do not want to get injuries, wear the lower back, overvolt the unheated muscles. As heating, you can make several gestures that should take away no more than 15 minutes:

  • any maugh hands and legs;
  • jumps on the rope;
  • easy running;
  • rotational movements for the joints of the hands and legs.

Basic exercises

The main forces of the body and the lion's share of time should be thrown on the elaboration of all zones. These are legs, hips, buttocks, belly, hands. Here are the main exercises available to each person to perform the house:

  • squats;
  • mahi legs on the sides;
  • mahi feet back;
  • press;
  • slopes;
  • rises hands up and side;
  • push ups.


There are athletes and such a term as a hitch. It denotes a set of exercises that are performed at the end of the workout, and takes up to 10 minutes of time. The goal of the hitch is to move from excited to a more quiet state, remove milk acid from the muscles, reduce the pulse. As a hitch, you can make a slow jogging, which is completed walking and tightening.

For a thin waist

Wanting to make her waist fine, it is important to set themselves the achievable goals. Thus, the generally accepted rate of 60 centimeters is correct, only if your height is 160. This means that the waist girth is the number that is obtained if you deduct 100 centimeters from your growth. So, in order for the waist to become slim, it is necessary to include in classes:

  • Hoop or hulahup. The weight of the projectile is important. It must be at least 2 kilograms, and you need to rotate at least an hour.
  • Slopes. This simple and efficient exercise can be done in different variations (back / back, right / left).
  • Mill. Hands are placed on the parties and intensive maugh are made.

For weight loss hips and buttocks

Legs are one of the problematic parts of many people, especially girls, women, much less often men. Cellulite, Galife, wide caviar - all this requires correction. Make the legs and buttocks with beautiful will help such a list:

  • fucks ahead;
  • lunges in side;
  • mahi to the sides;
  • footheading to the side from the position lying;
  • deep squats with dumbbells.

For slimming belly and sides

The scheme of the general weight loss body will help reduce the volume of abdomen and sides. This process can be helped by adding several exercises that tighten the skin and muscle in this area:

  • bicycle;
  • lifts torso or twisting (better and more efficiently performed on the phytball, on which the legs need to be held);
  • roller riding (to start you can do from the knees, do not forget that you can not bend back - it should be straight all the time);
  • lifting legs at an angle of 90 degrees from the initial position lying (performed with the lowering of the legs, without touching the floor so that the belly is in constant voltage).

What do you need to do exercises to lose weight

Make hands beautiful, give them the tightened form will help several exercises using shells and without them. Everyone works out different parts of the hands, so they are recommended to alternate them from workout to training or perform everything alternately:

  • push ups;
  • push-ups on the contrary (for this you need to rest over your hands about the bench standing behind you, bend your hands in the elbows, omit and lift the torso);
  • tightening dumbbells to the chest.


Choosing an active and often hard workout mode, many of us are completely missed from the type of stretching exercise, and then it is also very useful for slimming problem areas, even taking static into account. Stretching causes to stay for a few seconds in each position than it helps to work out every cell of the body, develop flexibility and consolidate the result. Everyone who is familiar with yoga even at the base level, know how powerfulness is, that is, the following exercises are effective for weight loss:

  • dog looking down;
  • active dove;
  • cobra.


A simple set of exercises for weight loss at home designed for daily 20-minute classes. Effective weight loss and development of problem areas with effective physical exertion.

Not every representative of the fine floor can boast a clear figure, which its generously awarded nature. Most women and girls have a lot to work on their body to achieve seductive forms. And not all of them, unfortunately, can afford to regularly go to the fitness club to workout due to different circumstances. But in order to effectively reduce the weight, tighten the muscles and consolidate the result for a long time, you can train at home. We offer you a simple set of exercises for weight loss at home, which will surely help you get rid of fat deposits in problem areas and improve overall well-being.

Exercises to reduce weight and strengthen the muscular corset

To achieve a good result in a short time, an integrated approach to weight loss is necessary. It is necessary not only to do physically, but also to revise your diet. Exclude Fast Food, Wheat Flour Products of Top Grade, Sugar-containing products, Sweet carbonated drinks, Fat, Fried and salty food. Try there are more protein and drink at least 2 liters of pure water or green tea per day.

Try to change your lifestyle: instead of watching your favorite TV series, go to the pool or run into the park, go on a bike or exercise bike, jump on the rope. And, of course, try to highlight a daily 20-30 minutes on these exercise for weight loss.

Exercises for flat abdomen and thin waist

Many women face the problem of fat deposition on the stomach and sides. These exercises for weight loss will help to get rid of them - efficient and simple.

Complex for weight loss in hips and buttocks

What exercises need to do to lose weight in the hips and buttocks will be discussed further. Perform this complex regularly, and after 3-4 weeks you can evaluate the first results.

Perform a daily proposed complex, observe a light diet, move more, and after a month, the scales will show 5-9 kilograms less.