How to cheer up your dad. Reasons for pessimism

How to cheer up your dad. Reasons for pessimism

If you're in a bad mood and nothing makes you feel good, cheer yourself up in one of 20 proven ways.

How to cheer yourself up?

The first way to cheer yourself up is your hobby.

Take some time for yourself and do what you love. Nothing pleases like doing what you love. After a while, you will 100% cheer yourself up and feel the taste for life. This method is very powerful and always works!

The second way to cheer yourself up is to pamper yourself with shopping.

Surely you have things that you love very much, but do not often allow yourself for any reason. A bad mood is the case when pampering yourself is not something that is possible, but simply necessary.

Buy yourself a luxurious bouquet of flowers, visit a cafe and have a cup of coffee, the price of which was previously unthinkable for you, or in case of a fire case - buy yourself a high-quality chocolate or delicious cake. Sweets always cheer you up, as they produce endorphins in the brain, and endorphins are considered hormones of happiness. Therefore, this method also always works. So eat to your health.

The third way to cheer yourself up is with a funny song.

Play your favorite song and sing along out loud! Just be sure to choose a joyful composition. Sad melodies will make you even more melancholy. As a rule, you want to move to a cheerful melody. So move - dance, clean, exercise, do minor repairs.

The fourth way to cheer yourself up is to walk.

Answer my question: how long have you been in the park? And when was the last time you went to the countryside? And at least just walking around the modest corners of your city? It doesn't matter what time of year it is. Try to get out of the Internet, drop everything and allow yourself at least an hour of silence in which you will surely hear yourself. Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, give yourself a little peace, silence and unity with Mother Nature, and with all your skin you will feel how vital energy comes back to you again.

The fifth way to cheer yourself up is jokes.

There are a lot of funny stories on the Internet. Just surf the internet and start reading funny jokes! Usually, after five funny jokes, the mood rises and a smile begins to shine through.

The sixth way to cheer yourself up is dancing.

Dancing is my favorite way to cheer myself up. Anyway, in kindergarten you danced together with the whole group “Dance of little ducklings”. So why don't you remember? And if you still start "quacking" where you need to, then it's generally wonderful! You will not only lift your spirits, but also charge you with vivacity for many days to come. Proven - it works!

The seventh way to cheer yourself up is to take action.

If your bad mood has a specific cause, try to fix it as soon as possible. There is no need to wait for the moment that the problem will be solved by itself. Pull yourself together and solve it. You yourself know very well that there is a way out of any situation. Tell your loved ones about your problems, ask your friends to help you, think about what you can do yourself to solve this problem. The action will restore your self-confidence, and it will cheer you up.

The eighth way to cheer yourself up is to go to the movies or watch your favorite movie at home.

Of course, all you need is comedy. Watching melodramas while in a bad mood is highly discouraged. But a comedy is exactly what will definitely cheer you up. You can also find funny videos with animals and children on the Internet. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with our video section. There you will find a lot of interesting things.

The ninth way to cheer yourself up is to please yourself with SPA procedures.

You will amuse not only your darling, but also your body by visiting a beauty salon and ordering your favorite SPA procedure, especially if you have spared money on it before. Full body spa massage, spa manicure, spa pedicure, as well as body wraps and various spa programs for the face will help you to cheer up. Believe that by allowing yourself such a luxury, you will feel like a new person.

The tenth way to cheer yourself up is meditation.

You can read what meditation is, and what is the use of meditation -. In short, during meditation you will quickly regain your strength and be filled with vital energy and there will be no trace of your bad mood. This is a great way to cheer yourself up.

The eleventh way to cheer yourself up is creativity.

Each of us has our own creative abilities. Try to find your talents! Try to draw a picture or write a poem, prepare a culinary exclusive - in other words, do what will bring you pleasure, and you will certainly feel much better. Spontaneous drawing helps me a lot.

The twelfth way to cheer yourself up is to shift your focus.

Think of something or someone pleasant. It can be a book, a place, a person - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you turn your attention to memories or want to re-read a good book, meet a good person in a pleasant place for you. By doing this, you will not leave a bad mood any chance.

The thirteenth way to cheer yourself up is to do something useful.

I don't mean a hobby. You can eliminate a bad mood if you sign up for a gym, foreign courses or any other business that will provide you with new knowledge or skills. Why am I sure about this method? Firstly, you simply will not have time for negative thoughts, and secondly, in this way you will increase your self-esteem, which also effectively and quickly drives away the sad mood.

The fourteenth way to cheer yourself up is to change your image.

Sometimes, in order to cope with depression, you just need to refresh your image. For example, try changing your hairstyle to a more fashionable one. But this should be done with a trusted master, and this is very important. Otherwise, it may turn out that the new image will not please you, but will exacerbate your bad mood. But a well-done work of a hairdresser can provide you with a joyful mood for a long time and significantly raise your self-esteem.

The fifteenth way to cheer yourself up is by playing with pets.

It is well known that our pets are the best at cheering us up. To do this, it will be enough to pet your cat or play with your dog - and you will be in a good mood! If you don't have a pet, then go to the zoo or dolphinarium, or just go outside and feed the stray animal. The mood from communication with animals will definitely rise.

The sixteenth way to cheer yourself up is a dream.

It’s not a typo. Fatigue and fatigue are often the cause of a bad mood. Sleep is the best way to recuperate. So allow yourself that luxury and go to bed. One hour of sleep during the daytime replaces four hours of sleep in the evening. After you wake up, you will feel differently - refreshed. But do not abuse sleep during the day, otherwise, instead of vigor, you will feel completely overwhelmed. 40-60 minutes for a day's sleep is enough.

The seventeenth way to cheer yourself up is to do good deeds.

People who do charity work are much more satisfied with their lives. It doesn't matter what size you sacrifice for the sake of others. Scientists have found that such people are much more likely to notice and appreciate all the good things in their lives. So join charities and organizations.

The eighteenth way to cheer yourself up is with a cold shower.

Yes, it works flawlessly. The fact is that a cold shower is stressful for the body. That's just beneficial stress. You will instantly feel cheerful after taking a cold shower, and your mood will increase in multiple quantities. So go ahead and sing ... to the bathroom.

The nineteenth way to cheer yourself up is to exercise.

From practicing any kind of sports, the mood rises. This is a proven method. If you don’t believe it, take it and check it. And you don't have to go to the gym, you can do a light jog around the area or do a few exercises for several approaches at home. The satisfaction that you have done something useful for yourself is guaranteed to you, and with it your mood will begin to improve.

The twentieth way to cheer yourself up is to allow yourself to fool around.

Stand in front of the mirror and start making faces at yourself, making silly sounds, running around the apartment like a three-year-old child. And don't care what others think. Just start fooling around. THIS IS THE POWERFUL WAY TO RAISE YOUR MOOD. And if you still find yourself a partner who will make faces with you, then ... I will not even speak.

In fact, there are many more ways to improve your mood than are given to you in this article. Try to find your own ways and share them with others, and you will notice that the world around you will become happier and brighter.

Bad mood periodically visits everyone, there are many reasons for this - from fatigue and low tone due to real problems, ending with just an emotional stupor in the morning. I believe that the mood is the key to success, when I am sad or unhappy with something, everything falls out of my hands.

Have you noticed this for yourself? You get up in the morning on the wrong foot, and off you go - you knocked over a cup of coffee on yourself, got stuck in a traffic jam, was late for work, received a reproachful look from your beloved boss, you don't work well and you feel bad ... It's better to think a little about how to cheer up and recharge. positive for the whole day.

Causes of bad mood

If sadness-melancholy eats you no more than three times a week, then in general you can not worry - this is a variant of the norm. If despondency annoys you for a few minutes every day, then you obviously need to change something in life or in relation to it. And if a bad mood comes much more often, then you should think about and look for the reasons for the bad mood. You can blame it on the spirit of despondency, bad weather, or the wrong foot in the morning - but is it worth it? Better to figure out what makes you sad.

For example, it can be:

  • vitamin deficiency and some hidden diseases (possibly at the very initial stage);
  • real problems or difficulties;
  • bad weather;
  • some undetected grievances;
  • life span for rethinking;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • emotional disorders.
Of course, a bad mood can arise for several reasons at once, or in general for some other reason - each person is individual, and his mood and tone are regulated by the most complex chemical reactions in the body.

If a bad mood accompanies a person throughout his life, then this is a good reason for visiting a doctor - when a person gets sick, his mood and vitality quickly fall, he feels bad and becomes irritable.

How you can tone yourself up in five minutes

If the cause of the sadness is not identified, then you can try to increase vitality in just a few minutes.

A person's mood depends on the level of hormones that are responsible for emotions. In order for the mood to change, you need to somehow influence the amount of these hormones. Hormones are affected by:

  • useful micro- and macro-elements that enter our body with food, drinks and vitamins;
  • physical activity;
  • placebo effect - if you do what a person usually does in a good mood, then the body can be deceived a little, and it will increase the level of hormones, which will significantly raise the mood.

What to eat for the mood

  1. The simplest thing is to eat something sweet or rich in vitamins. Sweets help to activate the work of the nervous system, which gradually evens out the emotional background and, at the same time, the mood of life. There is another reason - sweets are just nice. Even if you do not take into account their useful effect, a little pleasure will help brighten up the most bleak picture of life and raise your vitality when you are at home, at work or walking.
  2. Fruit will do as well. They contain a complex complex of vitamins and essential oils, most of them help to quickly and effectively improve your mood. It is best to choose those fruits that have a brighter color and a pronounced smell - they are at that stage of ripeness when the amount of nutrients in them is as high as possible. It is best to tone up the combination of citruses with coniferous aromas and herbs.
  3. Vegetables are a great choice for those who are on a diet or simply don't like sweets. So, for example, broccoli contains a lot of folic acid - and by the way, its lack leads to depression. Vegetables need to be eaten raw, then the effect will be longer and appear very quickly, after heat treatment they have a bad and little effect on well-being.
  4. Whole grain bread or brown rice will help to raise vitality, recharge with positive emotions and vigor for the whole day. Carbohydrates, in principle, have a very positive effect on a person, and if these are complex carbohydrates that are released slowly, then they are very useful.
  5. A glass of water drunk on time will also help to feel better - the concentration of salts and microparticles in the body changes, the pressure changes (this is important for those who react to bad weather).
  6. A cup of coffee or tea will help you to cheer up and forget about the troubles of life, as well as raise your tone and charge you with vivacity. Of course, overusing coffee is bad, but sometimes it is a real salvation.
  7. A little alcohol will help you relax - a glass of wine will relieve stress and charge you with positive (for this you need to choose red wines).

Movement as a way to cheer up

Nature took care of a person and rewarded him with the production of hormones of joy during physical activity - this is necessary in order for a person to follow the instinct of self-preservation - in prehistoric times, those who were inactive had a bad time.

Now movement is not so important for a person as in those days - there has been no running after a mammoth or flight from enemies in our life for a long time. Nevertheless, the mechanism of evolutionary reward still works. If you turn on energetic music and dance for about half an hour, then the mood will definitely improve. It is better to give preference to compositions with a fast rhythm.

Any dance direction is suitable, even if you do not know how to dance at all - depict the dance of the aborigines around the fire, this will also help to cheer up.

Walking is a great way to get out of your current state. When the forces are at zero and gloomy thoughts envelop the mind, it is enough to go outside and walk a few blocks. How it works? Firstly, during any mobility, the substances necessary for a good mood are produced.

Secondly, fresh air, a constant change of visual images, a large flow of external information - all this brings consciousness to a fundamentally different level. And if there is an opportunity to walk in nature or at least in the park, then the benefits will be doubled. Regular walking helps to get rid of emotional depression - you can not only improve your mood, but generally improve your well-being.

Exercising is also a good option, loud music and some squats will add joy.

My Ways to Improve Your Mood

Sex is considered one of the most effective methods for improving mood - there is no way to improve your mood at home even better than this. However, sometimes it is required to increase vitality not only at home - quite often the mood falls at work.

Personally, with me - often, I get upset over trifles, and then I can not concentrate. Breathing exercises help me - I go out onto the office balcony and breathe science for a few minutes. During this time, the blood is enriched with oxygen, and life becomes much more fun.

Another way that I really like is massage. I bought a simple foot massager, and when the mood is at zero, I arrange an evening of relaxation for myself - a teapot of good tea, an interesting movie or book, a massage and a few aromatic oils.

By the way, do you have an aroma lamp? If not, then believe me, you really need it. I once bought it simply because I liked the shape - it looked quite appropriate on my shelf. And then I decided to try it. The flickering of the candle, the pleasant scent - it really helps. You can use the aromas of the forest and coniferous trees as scents, I like the smells of citrus fruits (scientists have proven that they have a positive effect on human emotions) and lemongrass.

And of course creativity. If I am sad, I try to pour out my emotions in text or on canvas - it helps to distract myself from dreary thoughts, and at the same time to understand myself a little.

How to deal with mood: a lesson from a psychologist

I have consulted with a psychologist and am sharing her advice with you. She explained to me that if someone is depressed for a long time, it means that he needs it for some reason. It would seem that you don't like being sad, do you want to change that? If, for medical reasons, a person is healthy, and all methods to combat despondency have been tried, then there are only cardinal decisions left - to change something in oneself.

For these purposes, you can turn to a coach - this person translates your thoughts and desires to you, assesses their reality and compliance with the direction. If you feel sad about something, you don't need it. If you are sad about something, and you are in no hurry to get rid of it, then you like it.

This advice literally opened my eyes, I made a couple of changes in my life and forgot about what a negative mood is. A couple of cups of tea in the morning and vegetables during the day maintain my vitamin balance, yoga and a dance studio help me move more, and two beloved dogs provide long walks every day in love with the weather and charge me with positive.

A good mood is easy, you just need to create suitable conditions for it. Listen to your favorite music in the morning and dance - it will tone you up, walk in any weather in the morning or in the evening (you can walk with someone or alone), watch your thoughts and especially your mood in the morning - and you will always be in excellent mood.

Olga Kartoshechkina | 16.10.2015 | 1722

Olga Kartoshechkina 10.16.2015 1722

When my mood is at zero and neither the gifts of my husband, nor the good marks in the child's diary are pleasing, I use "heavy artillery." I offer you my simple feminine ways to cheer yourself up.

You can choose from the options I have proposed those that you prefer.

Lean on yummy

I offer three options for that very tasty, which will not only cheer up, but also benefit your health.

  1. Orange- orange, bright, sunny orange peel slowly and eat slice by slice. We feel how the fiery sweet-sour juice drives out the remnants of a bad mood from us.
  2. bitter chocolate- 50 g of this delicacy per day will improve your state of mind and give you a supply of "endorphins". In addition, this product has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  3. Apple. This fruit is extremely healthy and low in calories. Helps to drive away bad moods and at the same time keep the figure in perfect shape.

Do your exercises

When I come home from work in a bad mood, I do not lie down on the sofa, but do a little exercise and perform simple movements from. To get your dose of the happiness hormone serotonin, you don't have to run a marathon or torture yourself on a machine. It is enough to sit down, jump rope or run on the spot. Depression, goodbye!

Listen to music

Your favorite music can easily tune you from minor to major. I do not recommend playing sad songs or listening to Mozart's Requiem. Let it be lyrical compositions or favorite songs from Soviet films. By the way, I love listening to songs from the 80s. Imagine, when I hear Yuri Antonov's Golden Staircase, the sadness immediately goes away!

A funny, dynamic film with unexpected twists and turns and cute protagonists will be able to keep your attention for a long time, and will also give you the opportunity to laugh and free you from dreary thoughts. By the way, I often invite my husband and child to join the movie show. We often watch our favorite Soviet movies.

Weave a mandala

Mandala is a symbol in the form of a circle with drawings. It can be found both in ancient temples and on modern clothes. , but you can weave - as you like best. This method will easily get all the negativity out of you and saturate you with the positive. Bright threads will fold into a wonderful pattern and create an indescribable mood.

Well, drawing mystical circles, I confess, is also quite entertaining.

Brush your feathers

Nothing cheers up a woman like taking care of herself. New hairstyle, makeup, fresh manicure - we forgot that something upset us. We are again cheerful and carefree, and we want to live again. This method can be easily done at home. By the way, I'm still practicing. Helpful and interesting. Two in one!

Perform a culinary feat

When cats scratch in my soul, I chase them away with a delicious dish that I haven’t cooked before. The last time the unusual fell victim to my experiment. And, I confess, I don't have to eat it to cheer myself up. When I hear words of gratitude and admiration from my family, everything immediately improves.

I really want to believe that my methods will help you drive away sadness and melancholy and fully enjoy the spring and communication with loved ones.

How do you deal with a bad mood?

Even the most notorious optimist has bouts of bad mood.

This happens especially often in autumn and winter: daylight hours become much shorter than in summer; lack of sunlight and heat, lack of vitamins - all this affects the mood. And in the rest of the year, there are enough reasons for the blues. However, this does not mean that we need to come to terms with a depressed mood: if we know how to cheer ourselves up quickly, then we will be on an emotional uplift all year round.

Psychologists have many recipes in their arsenal of how to cope with blues, loss of energy and bad mood on their own. These tips will help you quickly turn your mood towards optimism, joy and cheerfulness.

The very first and most important advice is not to succumb to a bad mood and try to quickly raise it. Some people, falling into despondency, begin to go with the flow of their condition. It is categorically impossible to do this, since especially vulnerable and refined natures can bring themselves to depression in this way. Therefore, as soon as you feel that the mark of good mood begins to fall down, take urgent measures to increase the "indicator"!

Then you can act guided by your temperament, interests, lifestyle. Fortunately, the choice of possible methods for raising the mood is available for every taste. Let's take a look at the most common options that work flawlessly for most people. All methods can be conditionally divided into groups: active and passive (depending on what energy they require), etc. A wide variety of methods allows you to choose the one that will be most comfortable and acceptable for you.

Active methods of improving mood

As a rule, these methods require a sufficient expenditure of energy. Suitable for people by nature, active, energetic, extroverts who do not tolerate a bad mood and do not give in to despondency. The following techniques are ideal for them:

  • Get active

No need to indulge in despondency, wrapped in a blanket and sitting in an armchair. On the contrary, shake yourself, go outside. You can just take a walk in the park, or you can go in for sports or just do exercises in the fresh air. For example, just a great remedy for blues is cycling or rollerblading, jogging, swimming pool, skating rink. In winter, when the snow has already fallen, you can play snowballs - this game charges adults with positive emotions even more than children. Trust me, your blues will recede so quickly that you won't even notice! The main thing in this case is to get out of the house. If you are determined to put an end to your bad mood, then, of course, you will not look for excuses to stay at home.

  • Do the cleaning

If you still categorically, under no pretext, do not want to leave the house, you can direct your active actions in a different direction: to do the cleaning. Psychologists believe that often, on a subconscious level, it is the disorder in our home that presses on us (whether it is a visible disorder to everyone or chaos in the closet, which only you know about). If your home is far from ideal in terms of cleanliness, feel free to get down to business. Most likely, at first it will be difficult for you, you will force yourself, finally, it will seem to you that this cleaning will never end, and you will regret having started it. But as your home starts to get clean and comfortable, you will notice how much your mood will skyrocket. The benefits of this method of dealing with a bad mood are twofold: on the one hand, you get rid of the pessimistic attitude, and on the other hand, you get a clean house in which you are very comfortable.

Feminine Mood Enhancement Techniques

These, as a rule, include therapy with gastronomic delicacies and primordially feminine things: shopping, get-togethers with girlfriends, change of image, etc.

  • Delicious - for a bad mood

Of course, this is perhaps one of the favorite methods of women in dealing with a bad mood: eating sweets. If you are a supporter of this method and being overweight is not your problem, feel free to start absorbing chocolate, sweets, cakes. But if you think that sweets are harmful, or for some other reason do not eat them, then bananas will come to your aid: they not only perfectly relieve depression, but are also very useful. Note that alcohol is not the best friend of women in the fight against blues.

  • Gatherings with a girlfriend

To avoid the excruciating shame of devouring cakes alone, invite a friend. Gossip, have a heart-to-heart talk, sitting in the kitchen or in a cozy coffee shop. Do it contrary to your mood: take off your robe, put on something beautiful (no one talks about an evening dress at home - either a beautiful home suit or a simple cut dress is fine), do light makeup - for women this is a good weapon against a bad mood.

  • Do what you love

Do you love theater, but you have so many worries that you constantly don’t have time for it? Put all your business aside - there will always be plenty of them - and go to the theater. Or to a museum, gallery, cinema, circus, or just flip through a catalog with your favorite paintings at home - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you spend time where you have long wanted to visit.

  • Break away!

Do you think you have no hearing or voice? Then go to karaoke or grab a comb and sing into it at home! are you sure you can't dance? So do it! It doesn't matter if it is at home or in the club, but do it. Jump, play the fool, laugh at the same time - perhaps this method will suit you best. Do whatever you want - even shout (unless it’s night, of course). Throwing pillows, kicking a sofa or an armchair (just don't hurt your leg), “boxing” into the void - all these are powerful psychological techniques that will help in raising your mood, help relieve stress.

  • Shopping

You can go shopping by yourself or with a friend. It always cheers up women. you can do real shopping, that is, shopping, or you can just walk through the departments, getting acquainted with the collections. Perhaps today you will find the dress of your dreams that you have been looking for for the past six months.

  • Take care of yourself

Do you always have no time for yourself? Then go to the salon: update your haircut, get a manicure (and do not forget to choose a bright varnish), go to a professional beautician. If there is no financial opportunity to visit a beautician, do your own facial massage at home, apply a mask, do a wrap or body scrub. Self-care always cheers up any woman.

But teach that in a depressed state it is better to refrain from cardinal changes in the image: of course, if you are a risky nature and love changes, then go ahead. But if you tend to make decisions impulsively, and then, as a rule, regret them, it is better not to cut your long hair before cutting "like a boy", otherwise you will definitely not avoid a new wave of despondency. If you have long dreamed of such a haircut, but did not dare to take this step, who knows, perhaps today is the time to make your dream come true?

  • Change your image

Want to quickly cheer yourself up? Try on a new look! A bright dress or high-heeled shoes are ideal, because in the event of an unsuccessful experiment, everything can be easily returned to its usual course. you can play not only with the colors of clothes, but also with styles: if you are used to wearing jeans and sneakers, take a feminine dress out of the closet; accustomed to a business suit - choose, on the contrary, clothes in a pronounced casual style. If you only wear makeup on the holidays, apply your makeup now, even if you’re at home. Make it contrary to your usual look!

Passive Mood Improvement Techniques: Relaxation

These methods are aimed at relaxing the body. They work great for people who are calm, energetically passive, introverts. In addition, these methods are effective if a bad mood is a consequence of chronic fatigue, which is often the norm in modern people.

  • Indulge in dreams

If you are a calm person by temperament and you are really "treated by your own walls", then stay at home. It will be great if you are alone at home. If not, then you can retire to the room. Create a cozy atmosphere for yourself: light candles or an aroma lamp with relaxing essential oil; turn on your favorite music quietly, make yourself comfortable and just think, dream. Do not be afraid to dream - dreams come true sooner or later. You can read the affirmations: "I am in a good mood", "I am happy", "I am happy." It is only important that you sincerely believe in it and speak consciously, with feeling.

  • Relax

Some women benefit from a warm bath. Only not ordinary, but with sea salt, foam, essential oils. Also remember to light candles and turn off the electric lights. Lie with your eyes closed, inhale the aroma of essential oils. The effect will be stronger if you take a bath not at your usual time - then this procedure will seem even more mysterious and magical.

Psychological techniques for self-help emergency

There are also techniques that help everyone, without exception, regardless of psychological and personal characteristics. Some of these techniques are psychologically difficult to perform, but they are very effective.

  • Keep your posture and laugh

Another simple way that quickly lifts your spirits and does not require time, money, or effort. It consists in the fact that you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, as if you are in a corset. Then raise your head high and smile broadly. Everything! Just smile sincerely, of course. You can do this in front of a mirror.

You can just stand in front of the mirror and smile at your reflection. For most people, this causes a lot of emotions: someone feels like a complete fool, someone even starts to cry. At first, your smile will be more than modest, but your task is to make it wider and wider, and then start laughing. The main thing here is not to stop, but to laugh heartily. For no reason. Just. This is a powerful emotional release.

  • Complete unfinished business

This method can hardly be called pleasant, but if deep down you know that the cause of a bad mood is precisely the unfinished business that hangs like a stone on your soul, then no matter what you try to take to cheer you up, only one thing will help you - to complete it a business. Therefore, pull yourself together and bring this matter to the end. You can give yourself the instruction that when you are done, you go to the cinema or buy yourself some new thing, or, despite your diet, eat a cake. This will make it easier for you to tune in and get the job done.

Vitamins for seasonal depression

The mood decline in people most often occurs in the autumn-winter period. Therefore, you need to have a few more ways in stock: your diet should have as many fruits and vegetables as possible (citrus fruits and sauerkraut are especially good), also drink fruit drinks and teas from fresh berries (cranberries are perfect), drink a complex of vitamins. And do not forget that it must be light in the room (fluorescent lamps are best suited), spend more time in the fresh air.

It's also good to decorate your home in the winter, fortunately, we have such a wonderful holiday as the New Year: decorate the apartment with rain, put a Christmas tree, stick snowflakes on the windows - there is now a huge selection of such tinsel in stores that will revitalize any interior and cheer up.

How to cheer yourself up? There are more and more ways to cheer yourself up every day. Scientists are separately studying the level of happiness and the factors that ensure this state, so the choice is large enough, it is worth deciding how much time and resources you have, as well as where you are (it is difficult to pet your beloved dog while on a long business trip).

How to cheer yourself up quickly

With a decrease in mood, it is better to find the cause of its decline, eliminate it and carry out full-scale rehabilitation work in your own emotional sphere, but it also happens that there are no deep and serious reasons, and it is already impossible to be sad, and then ways are looked for how you can cheer yourself up in the shortest possible time ...

Play with animals, engage in creativity and sports, change your own appearance, wardrobe and decor in the apartment (if everything is enough, change the country), watch movies and talk with friends - any action (not necessarily cardinal and very active) affects our mood ...

A great way to cheer yourself up if you are overtaken by pursuing your own hobbies, although for this you have to postpone work, boring but necessary things, or just get off the couch when it's autumn and you want your mood to improve somehow by itself. Doing something that brings pleasure, after a while you will feel a surge of positive energy, even if your hobby itself is quite energy-intensive, the main thing is not to quit at the very beginning, but to immerse yourself in the process.

There are simpler options, this includes purchases, and they should be aimed at self-indulgence and pleasure (you do not need to take a bag of potatoes and a bundle of onions - this will not add joy). You can sit in a cafe where you did not dare to go and have a cup of hot chocolate, or you can buy yourself bright yellow gloves - the main thing is that spending is not an everyday routine, but brings a feeling of celebration. Bright things and products containing endorphin are great helpers in the fight against bad mood, but you should use them with caution, otherwise you can get used to this method and it will stop working, not to mention the negative impact of a large amount of sweets on the figure, and a large number of unnecessary purchases on the financial condition.

Try to be more often in nature or at least in the city park, walk more on foot and breathe fresh air, choosing even longer, but picturesque routes. Such contact with nature improves mood not by a sharp rise, but by gradually filling it with vitality, gives relief from the daily stress and noise that persecutes everywhere. And if such events become your habit and last at least two hours even with the absence of notifications for all kinds of gadgets, then not only the mood level will always be in order, but the entire nervous system will be more stable, which will lead to an improvement in the functioning of the whole organism.

Usually, mood decreases when stress squeezes our energy, this happens both on an emotional and physical level, and if it is not always a matter of desire to deal with your own psychology, then you can relieve physical stress at any time. To do this, it is worth discarding the critical world and yourself as important, adult and serious, and at least half an hour to do what comes to mind. You can run and jump on chairs, throw objects against the wall and smear yourself with food, scream and cry, curl up and sway, perhaps pull to beat the pillow or cry into it, run a mileage or do push-ups. Your task is to take an example from children who do not particularly restrain their physical activity, for the sake of the standards of decency accepted in society, but in advance to secure their own reputation (i.e., you do not need to roll on the floor in your own office, it is better to do this behind a closed door or in secluded corner of the park). The more varied and crazy your physical outburst is, the better, stop when you feel tired.

It would be nice to continue to listen to physical needs in a state of rest - it may start to fall asleep or wake up appetite, or maybe you want a specific product - provide this for yourself. After such a shake-up and unblocking, oppressive emotions are released and stop absorbing energy, this improves mood and a feeling of lightness, new ideas may be born or strength to implement plans may appear.

Feeding yourself with something tasty is a quick and effective way to raise your mood, because food stimulates many analyzers at once, plus even as a child we are used to getting the main pleasure through it. But you should be careful with this method and use it rarely and in extreme cases, since the scale of the problem of food addiction today has spread throughout the world, and the main reason for its occurrence is the seizure of stress and negative experiences. Instead of solving the problem, people eat chocolates and cakes, which boosts their mood without removing the source. It is better to take advantage of the positive and energy boost received from food and use it all to solve the problem.

If you have the Internet at hand, you can find funny videos or funny songs there. Watching the first ones that make you laugh will quickly knock down the program of sadness, and listening to cheerful and dynamic music raises your mood by influencing the subconscious and setting the necessary rhythm. You can go for a relaxing procedure (massage, pool or spa), and if this is not possible while sitting at work, then no one bothers to plan yourself a wonderful weekend that includes these moments (the very planning of pleasant things raises your mood, but, as you know, waiting is more pleasant than a holiday ).

How to cheer yourself up at home

How to cheer yourself up if you are tired of everything, you sit at home and are not going to go anywhere, and the main advice that you get is that you need to go out to chat with people and have fun in a noisy company is not an insoluble problem. Everyone is different, and what works for extroverts will make introverts even more depressed. Improving the mood at home has many advantages over going out in public, which in their manifestation boil down to one of the main ones - they don't see you, which means they don't judge you and don't have to follow your movements and facial expressions, but you can behave as you like, even if it's silly, even if funny.

Dancing has always been considered a therapy for the blues, but at home you can truly indulge in this process, not caring about the correctness of movements and the opinions of others, but simply plunging into the rhythm and splashing out what is in your soul. An excellent option is to revise the wardrobe, just not flipping through the tremples in the closet, but high-quality sorting of things, with each fitting, drawing up new combinations, and checking the quality. Perhaps the time has come to change the image, and put up half of the items for sale at a symbolic price, or remake them into more stylish ones, adding details. In addition to your wardrobe, you can change your appearance - experiment with new makeup, try on new hairstyles (it is better with the help of online programs, and not by cutting your bangs yourself). All this activity will not only help to establish a more adequate expression of your personality, but is also a creativity that improves your mood.

By the way, creativity can be used in any form, being both a professional and holding a brush for the first time. You can draw, just with strokes of paint, expressing your own, or you can prepare hand-made gifts for friends for a holiday (it will be postcards or a video edited from joint photos, again, it does not matter, the main thing is that you create it yourself, bringing a piece of your soul there).

Only at home can you afford to spend an evening in a bath with aroma oils (read and choose antidepressant ones) with pleasant music, dim lights. Add to this a glass of delicious wine or reading your favorite book of your choice. Or you can wrap yourself in your favorite blanket and watch your favorite TV series or a new movie, wash it all down with hot chocolate, gradually falling asleep. Getting yourself a day of enough relaxation and getting a good night's sleep helps to restore mood, which depends on the overall energy level in the body.

If you have pets at home, then spending time with them will give you a lot of joy, especially if there was no opportunity for this before. In general, being at home and doing household chores increases a sense of security and comfort, which affects mood. That is why, it would seem, not a very joyful activity in the form of general cleaning, as a result, gives an increase in mood, when all things are in their places, and the old and spoiled are thrown out, a feeling of freedom appears. Moreover, there is a version that when a person puts things in order in the outer space, his psyche puts things in order inside, using the analogies of cleaning and sorting, prioritizing and searching for new opportunities. So don't be surprised if, after cleaning, you come up with solutions to many of the problems you've been struggling with for months.

How to cheer yourself up at work

It's cool if you go to work in a great mood and with the expectation of wonderful events, but not everyone is so lucky. Someone has not been on vacation for a long time, someone is killed by the monotony of days and the dullness of the office, someone is simply bored - there are a lot of reasons for a decrease in mood at work in addition to the working moments themselves, and when strained relations with the team and bosses are added, you have to work above the norm , then here and to depression is not far away.

First, carefully assess the state of your workplace - remove all unnecessary things, spend time organizing things and files, take care of the ergonomics of the space. Such cleaning helps to quickly find everything and not freak out because of unnecessary things, in addition, a decent look of the workplace makes the work itself more enjoyable. Facilitate your day with planning, write down the upcoming tasks and put a checkmark next to the completed ones - it really shows that you are not in an unshakable routine, but still the process is moving. By the way, you need to move yourself, so it's better to go out for lunch than to eat your sandwich, staring at the screen and finishing the presentation. The breaks should be of high quality - to see the sun, buy something on the way, drink coffee in the nearest park is not a big problem, but it improves your mood.

To make it easier for yourself to stay in the workplace, it is worth finding sources of recharge, and if they are not there where you are, then you will have to take in remote places. It's easy to arrange with a little restructuring of the small breaks. Let it be a smoke break, but now during it you do not need to stare at the gray wall, thinking that there are still four hours of torture left, at this time you can call other people (friends who inspire you with a positive, acquaintances about whom you have not heard anything for a long time , loved one or best friend). Such conversations distract from the workload and bring fresh streams of information, and with these people you can laugh or even gloat over the work moments. In addition to telephone conversations, the same can be done via the Internet, and even planning a weekend or choosing purchases - the main thing to watch for is that this behavior is unloading and does not constitute the main part of the working time, otherwise you can get a lot of problems. Spending short pauses of breaks not on clarifying relations with colleagues and gossip, but on optimizing your leisure time, you free up most of it for pleasant activities (if you have already made an order in the online store, you saved half the day off, and if you ordered pizza, then taking care of their evening, planning the weekend brings joy in the process of preparation itself).

And also, so that the mood at work does not fall to the plinth, take care of your condition not only at work, but also before and after it. Before a work day, it is good to relieve unnecessary stress in the gym or on a run by rebuffing an impudent fellow traveler, instead of keeping silent or breaking down on colleagues. After work, it would be great to visit the pool, spend this evening in silence or in a pleasant company. The main thing is to provide a few hours when you can take care of yourself and minimize the consequences of the work day, then the next will be easier.

How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad

When problems do not end, small troubles begin to freak out, because they happen continuously, the blues last not the first month, thoughts about antidepressants or the possibility of drowning grief in alcohol and drugs come, but there are simpler and more useful ways to cheer yourself up, if all tired of it. You can start with what accompanies us every day - with food. You can support the nervous system by adding mint and chamomile to tea, which will soothe and care for the nervous system. As for food, you should stop eating just about anything - find interesting recipes, preferably from various national cuisines, and cook yourself delicious food yourself. The whole process from choosing food to serving the table correctly is comparable to a meditative process, and many smells, tastes and colors will nourish your sensory sphere. In principle, switching attention from mental activity to touching very quickly and qualitatively improves mood, so massage and various wraps, masks and simple fingering of croup will help perfectly.

If all is bad, rest will help to cheer you up, which will meet your needs. If you experience severe sleep deprivation, turn off all gadgets, disappear from sight, stock up on food, and sleep all weekend. If life resembles a run in a wheel, then you will get out somewhere for the weekend, better for anything than for an hour - the maximum change of scenery will return the feeling of life.

Make a list of your own desires and goals, determine the ways to achieve them, and start acting. Lack of movement paralyzes the emotional sphere worse than fear. Start moving towards your own desires and physical ones - sport, in its pleasant form, is an excellent antidepressant, and warm-ups in the middle of the day help the flexibility of not only joints, but also thinking. During physical activity, the hormone of joy is produced, and if you do the exercises regularly, then changes in your own emotional state will become noticeable in a couple of days. If regular sports do not work out, then have obligatory walks or hiking trips in your schedule.

How to cheer yourself up every day

The good mood of each day comes from the way our morning went. And if this is a day of the trip, then even getting up at five in the morning is joyful and beautiful, and if the weather is dull outside the window, the state is pre-painful, and at work again an emergency, it will be problematic to get yourself out of bed, and all actions are accompanied by dissatisfied muttering.

In order for the mood to be cool every day, you need to take care of its good start: set the alarm a little earlier, so that you have time to unwind, and instead of the “alarm clock” inscription on your phone, you can put some kind of encouraging or amusing phrase. Set aside twenty minutes at the beginning of each day for calm and relaxed thoughts.

Morning is the best time for daydreaming and making plans, for light meditations and sending positive wishes to loved ones - use it for pleasing things, and not for frantically running around the apartment in search of keys (even if you have to get up a little earlier). Everything that is found negative on the way can be written down on a separate piece of paper. Those. it’s not such a terrible world turned off the water, burned eggs and broke the heel, and it’s you collecting minor troubles that accompany the morning. Turn it into a game, at the end of which, for example, when you get to work, you can fold an airplane out of a piece of paper and launch it into the air.

Make sure your every day is filled with physical activity, a change of scenery, and delicious food. These things can be combined, for example, eating lunch in different places or jogging on different routes. Make sure that not only your body, but also your brain does not remain hungry: new knowledge and acquaintances, places and movies are a source of spiritual pleasure, in the absence of which no antidepressants will help.

And you can also introduce the practice of fulfilling one desire every day or committing a bright and pleasing act. If it so happens that today there are no desires of your own, then fulfill others - the joy of those around you returns with even greater joy of your own.