Jasmine: Biography, Personal Life, Family, Husband, Children - Photo. Joyful news: singer jasmine gave birth to a third child Jasmine biography nationality

Jasmine: Biography, Personal Life, Family, Husband, Children - Photo. Joyful news: singer jasmine gave birth to a third child Jasmine biography nationality
Jasmine: Biography, Personal Life, Family, Husband, Children - Photo. Joyful news: singer jasmine gave birth to a third child Jasmine biography nationality
Jasmine (real name of Sarah Lvovna Manakhimov) is a talented Dagestan singer, which has been one of the brightest stars on the Russian pop scene for many years. She is beautiful, sweet and, of course, very talented. That is why her songs are permanent participants of all sorts of charts, and its concerts always collect hundreds of people. But what else do we know about this extraordinary Caucasian performer? To understand the subtleties of the star biography Jasmine we will try today.

Early years, childhood and family jasmine

The future singer was born in the ancient city of Derbent in the family of Dagestan Jews. Her father worked as a balletmaster and even proudly wore the title of honored artist of the Republic of Dagestan.

Directly related to the art was also the mother of our today's heroine - the famous conductor Margarita Manakhimov. Thus, from an early age, the future celebrity lived surrounded by creative people. However, despite this fact, at an early age, she did not even think about the fact that someday would become an artist.

During this period, Jasmine had a completely different dream - the profession of the translator. She dreamed perfectly to learn English and travel a lot in the world as part of various tourist groups and political delegations. That is why in high school, she began to prepare for admission to the Faculty of Philology. However, in her native Dagestan, a suitable university, which would be preparing such specialists, was simply not. To continue their studies, it was necessary to go to Moscow, but the parents were radically against such an event development option. After long disputes, Mom Jasmine persuaded the future celebrity to choose another specialty. So our today's heroine was in a medical college.

Perhaps this is the decision and predetermined the entire further fate of the singer. While studying in a medical girl, the girl began to actively engage in music, as well as appear at various concerts and speeches of the local KVN team. Her improvised performances always caused a genuine Furior. Therefore, quite a young student has become a real star in his native Dagestan.

After one of the speeches of the KVN team of Medical College, the famous businessman Vyacheslav Semenduev approached Jasmine and offered her to work together. The singer and entrepreneur began to communicate, and some time later became her husband and his wife.

With the financial support of the spouse, our today's heroine began to actively engage in vocals with some teachers of Gnessensky school, who worked with her in private. Jasmine made good progress, but continued to consider singing with only "cute passion." During this period, she accidentally received a proposal to work as a model with the Russian branch of the fashion house of Jean Claude Zhitrua. A similar idea seemed interesting to her and subsequently, our today's heroine was a formal face of a prominent brand.

Singer Jasmine married

However, the model business ultimately also appeared Jasmine something alien. Leaving the work, she began to give more time to the family and her husband. The only hobby during this period for the young singers remained singing. Seeing his wife's passion, businessman Vyacheslav Semenduev offered Jasmine to write a few solo compositions. She agreed without not thinking that such an experience could turn into something serious. But, contrary to all expectations, the debut composition of the singer is already completely soon - "it happens" - he fell into the rotation of all Russian radio stations and became a real hit. Very soon the first video was also followed. At that moment Jasmine first felt a real star.

Star Way Jasmine: First Songs and Albums and Big Glory

In 2000, our today's heroine released its first album - "long days", which was sold in the number of 90,000 copies. In that period, Jasmine considered it with great success, but quite soon two subsequent records showed it that it was only the beginning.

Jasmine - "Ciliar"

Albums "I will rewrite love" and "puzzle" were sold by a total circulation of almost 600 thousand copies. At this point, Jasmine went to a large-scale tour of the tour, which only strengthened the popularity of the singer. It is worth noting that to this day, the famous Dagestan singer touring a lot. Most often, the artist performs in Russia, Israel, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, USA, Spain, Latvia, Kazakhstan and some other states.

According to the data for 2012, Jasmine was one of the most "touring" singers in the modern history of Russia. Concert Speech Jasmine, held in 2005 in Moscow, was represented by the audience as an official video album. In total, the singer released seven studio albums for his career, each of which was noteworthy in his own way. In the personal collection of the awards of our today's heroine, two "Ovation" awards, three statuettes "Before Hit", the title of singer of the year (according to MTV Russia Music Award), as well as the countless set of prizes of the festivals "Song of the Year" and "Golden Gramophone". In addition, since 2009, Jasmine has been a well-deserved artist of the Republic of Dagestan.

In addition to the musical career, the famous singer also worked for some time as an actress. In her filmography there are several musicals and television performances. However, this is not the limit of the creative potential of our today's heroine. During his career, Jasmine worked several times as a lead. In this hat, it appeared on the "Health" program, where she led a personal heading, as well as on the TWT channel project - "wider circle".

Personal life jasmine

As noted above, in 1996, the singer married the businessman Vyacheslav Semendueva, in marriage with whom she lived for ten years. During this time, their common son Mikhail (1997) appeared. However, family idyll was only illusory. Already in 2006, rumors began to appear in the press that the husband often hits his spouse. Subsequently, Vyacheslav Semenduev denied all the accusations and even accused his wife in treason.

One way or another, in 2006, Jasmine and her spouse officially broke up. After the previous marriage remained in the past, the singer wrote the book "Host", which seemed like autobiography.

In the autumn of 2011, the singer married the second time. Jasmine's new spouse became another wealthy entrepreneur - Moldavian Ilan Shor. In February 2012, Jasmine gave birth to daughter Margarita.

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Biography, Life Story Jasmine

Jasmine (name at birth - Manahimova Sarah Lvovna) - Russian pop singer, actress.

Childhood, family

Jasmine was born on October 12 in 1977 in the city of Derbent in a musical family: Mom was a conductor, and dad balletmaster. Brother, who is two years older than Jasmine, the family decided to make a musician too, and therefore he was given to the music school. But, to the great disappointment, the offspring decided not to go on the creative footsteps of the family and three years later, he threw classes with music. It is for this reason that the question of Jasmine was definitely resolved: "No music - apparently, on children of musicians, nature is resting".

As is found in the cities of this type, childhood passed quite carelessly and fun. Those who were in Derbent are perfectly known to these friendly courtyards with rich vegetation and forever feeding crowds of mischievous children, the matter is useless to the parents for lunch. For all day, children play chess, checkers, backgammon, jumping, chatted on trees in search of a tunic, subsequently falling and breaking their hands and legs. But Jasmine managed to get out of childhood not crumpled. Only once she hurt her feet very much and, as usual, began to yell at all in a childish voice. The father had to start the car, put jasmine there and roll her midnight in the city until the pain was held. The troubles expected him on the red light of the traffic light when the car stopped and as if at the signal, children's crying was immediately distributed.

Mom - Margarita Semenovna. Mum Jasmine always considered the ideal of a woman and sought to be like her in everything. "Especially affecting the combination of the rigor necessary to raise children, and at the same time inexhaustible kindness and affection".

Dad - Lev Yakovlevich. The basic quality is love for children. Especially for them opened a free circle in the house of the pioneers. Called the jasmine "picture", "Tale".

Brother - Anatoly Lvovich. He was fond of painting, went to art school, graduated from the jewelry college, then he worked for two years in the specialty. By the way, Derbent is famous for its jewelry.

Continued below

Grandmother. It was famous in Derbent with her bread and jam (from white cherry and chartut - Mulberry), which in Dagestan are an integral part of national cuisine. It was her recipes that jasmine was inherited - she perfectly baked bread and cooks jam at home.

In my heart. Despite the fact that parents decided not to experience fate and did not give Jasmine to the music school, hide the vocal talent was still failed and it was quite by chance: between a medical college, in which Sarah studied at the insistence of parents, and the local music school decided to spend KVN. The artistic director of "Medikov" immediately smacked, who should be put on, and made a bet on Jasmine - all the musical parties of the team performing it. As a result, a medical college won the universal amazement in KVN, forcing the musicians to cry. Thus, Jasmine first visited the big scene for the first time.

Nevertheless, in his childhood, she never dreamed of becoming a singer. Rather, on the contrary. Most of all interested in her English and all children's fantasies were reduced to this.


But careless childhood ended and adult life began. The torus of the Mom's death was a turning point in life. It happened just at the turn between children's carelessness and consideration - at 18 years. "Mom got sick and literally for three months it did not become". For Jasmine, it was a real blow, which changed her life at the root. "The reassessment of values \u200b\u200bhappened, after that you begin to understand that from the moment you have to do with the end, parents are no longer yours, but your life. And you grow and bloom in a greenhouse, because the unknown force protects you from any adversity. ".

To justify everything that the parents invested in Jasmine is affection, kindness, knowledge, upbringing, wisdom and most important purpose, she decided with self-realization. From this point on, its independent life began ...

Career model

Already being in Moscow, with Jasmine there was an interesting story, which became the starting point in her creative activity: once a friend Jasmine, the prêt-a-porte observer (high fashion) on Russian TV, offered to go to the film crew in Paris Models of leading French houses. Of all the ways presented there, it was the most struck products from the skin of the famous couturier Jean-Claude Zhitrua (Jitrois). She never thought that of such a rather coarse material, like the skin, you can do so elegant things.

The next day, being impressed by the show, the girlfriends decided to visit the gas store Zhortrua, although there was no money to buy such products, they, of course, were not. Naturally, hitting there, it was difficult to stay from fitting. And at the height of the fitting vacchanala, as in a fairy tale or a female novel, Jean-Claude his own person appears in the mirror reflection. It was difficult to believe it. At first he did not notice the unusual visitors and simply delusitously squatted on the salon, distributing the subordinates various instructions. At that moment, just one of the workers and drew the attention of the couturier to Jasmine, which sacrificed leather trousers with a vest. "I immediately appreciated how ideally my things are sitting on this accurate figure, and then when I saw her face, I realized that it was urgently necessary to make a photo session. I have not yet knew how our business relationship is being eradicated, but I decided that the girl with such a textured appearance and a completely extraordinary look can not be missing. ".

Transfer the sensations of a girl who fell into such a story may probably only she herself: "I stood like the inserted, widely open the eye, absolutely not understanding that he was talking to me until it turned out that I did not know French. And we did not move into English, which I, fortunately, I know good enough. When I finally understood what we were talking about, I just laughed, perceiving all this as a very cute learned French compliment. I knew that there were no such stories in fact. ".

Then Jasmine, of course, had to believe that this is not a compliment, but the most real business offer. They made a photo session, exchanged coordinates and parted on time, because it was time to return to Moscow. Some time after arrival, Jasmine called and reported that Kuturier would like to make samples with her for advertising his salon in Russia. Negotiations began on the signing of the contract ...

As mentioned above, in childhood Jasmine did not think to become a singer, and even more so much. Of course, working with a global fashion designer is very stolen by a girl, and yet all her thoughts were sent to creativity - she decided to try to make music ...


In the late 90s, Sarah, realizing that he could not pose with photographers all his life and demonstrate the luxurious outfits, seriously engaged in his education. The girl decided to learn vocals. Her teacher became Natalia Zinovievna Andrianova from Gnesinsky School. At first, the student doubted his strength and was afraid even to think about the big stage, but Natalia Andrianova managed to instill confidence in her, saying that Jasmine had a wonderful voice and excellent hearing.

In 1999, the world heard about a new talented singer with a flower and gentle name Jasmine. The debut single singer "so happens" was greeted by the public quite warmly. Shortly after the premiere of the song on it, the clip was shot. In 2000, Jasmine released his first album "Long Days". The popularity of the artist gradually grew up ... His peak Glory Jasmine reached in 2001. Her second album "I will rewrite love" just briefed with the minds of high-quality pop music. After that, Career Jasmine went to the mountain ... Tours began around the world. Jasmine also visited Spain, and in Israel, in America, and in Canada, and in Latvia, and in Turkey, and in Germany and in many other countries.

In 2002, Jasmine released his third album "Puzzle", in 2003, without losing time in vain, she released a 100% love plate. In 2004, the album "Yes!" Appeared on the shelves of music stores, in 2005 - "You will like", in 2009 - "Dream", in 2013 - "From love to love", in 2014 - Eastern Love.

A television

Jasmine some time was the leading program "Wyry Circle" on TVC TV channel. The actress perfectly coped with a new role for himself - the role of the lead. Spectators were looking forward to the next release of the program.

Jasmine starred in several television musicals - "Three Musketeers" (2005), "Ali Baba and forty robbers" (2005) and "Beauty requires ...". In addition, the actress participated in many entertainment TV projects - "Star Factory", "Two Star", "Drawing" and so on.

Personal life

In 1995, Sarah Manakhimov said goodbye to the girl's last name and bachelor life. The girl married Vyacheslav Semendueva, the Moscow entrepreneur, the owner of Eldorado restaurant. Two years after the wedding, the son of Mikhail was born.

Jasmine and Vyacheslav were married for 11 years. It was Semenduev who helped Jasmine to become a famous singer - a businessman invested a lot of personal funds and strength in the promotion of his wife. It would seem that their marriage could be a fairy tale for urban girls - a rich man gives a talented woman his love and world famous fame ... However, Semenduev was not a wonderful prince, but rather an uncompatible swineman. Jasmine has repeatedly spoke in his interview, which was submitted for divorce due to the fact that he sometimes dismissed his hands.

In 2011, Jasmine married the second time. Her chosen was Ilan Shor, a lucky businessman and a millionaire from Moldova. In 2012, Jasmine and Ilan were born daughter Margarita. In 2015, it became known that the spouses are waiting for another kid.

Awards and Prize

Jasmine is the owner of a multitude of premiums and awards. So, she became a laureate of the Golden Gramophone premiums laureate, "Before Hit", "Song of the Year" and so on. In 2009, the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan, in 2014 - the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Jasmine is a popular Russian singer who performs songs in the Pop and Pop Folk genre, and she is also a TV presenter, actress and model. Its track record includes 9 musical albums, including more than 40 compositions.

In addition to a successful career, Jasmine is also a loving mother of three wonderful children. You can find out more about the career path and vital details of the famous woman to read this article.

Growth, weight, age. How many years jasmine

The weight of the singer is 55 kg. Growth 172 cm. Nationality Jasmine - Gorskaya Jewish. To acquire fame in the world of jasmine stars began with a model business. Thanks to its atypical appearance, the girl liked the fashion model from France Jean Claude Zhitrua, who offered to become her the official face of his fashion house in Russia, to which Sarah agreed. Unfortunately, after some time, the model career was tired of her and he left her.

Jasmine biography (singer)

Jasmine biography is very interesting. Sara Manakhimova (real name of the singer) was born in Derbent in a Jewish family. Since childhood, he was interested in learning foreign languages \u200b\u200band wanted to study at the Faculty of Philosophy, but there was no such thing in Derbent, and the parents did not want to let her go to another city. As a result, with filing his mother, Sarah entered the local medical college, which graduated with honors. By the way, to sing the girl began in college. At KVN competitions between his college and the musical school, Sarah satisfied rivals.

Initially, my ability to sing a girl did not take how the way to make a career, it was just a passion and no more. Thanks to his vocal teacher, the confidence in Sarah in Sarah, Jasmine decided to start a singer's career. In 1999, Jasmine, who took the alias in honor of the heroine from the tales "Alladin" released a song and took the clip on it. Next year, another composition "Long Days" quickly rose to the top lines of charts and became a real hit, which brought popularity to the even-known singer then.

Sarah often traveled with concerts to other countries, for example, Spain, USA, Israel, Germany. Also repeatedly gave a series of concerts in Russia.

At the moment, Jasmine has 9 solo albums, participation in the Two Star Program (ranked third), shooting in three musicals. She was leading in the program "Shire Circle", headings "I - Mom" \u200b\u200bin the programs of Elena Malysheva, and also led his own blog.

Personal life Jasmine (singer)

Personal life Jasmine is very saturated. She was twice married. The first husband is a Moscow businessman Vyacheslav Semenduev. The man spent huge tools to help Sarah with her career in show business. However, in 2006, their marriage was terminated with a great scandal due to Jasmine accusations in obtaining beatings from her husband. From this marriage, the singer remained the son of Mikhail, the upbringing of which he took over after the divorce.

With a second husband, a millionaire from Moldova Ilan Shor, who before marriage was her good acquaintance, she woke up in 2011. A year later, they had a wonderful daughter of Margarita. In 2016, Jasmine (singer) gave birth to a third child, who called Miron.

Family Jasmine (singer)

Family Jasmine is not very big. Her father was a famous balletmaster in his youth, and the mother was a conductor, but unfortunately she died in 1996. Sarah has an older brother - Anatoly, thanks to which she has become aunt of two nephews - Sergey and Lion.

With her husband Ilan, the girl lives his soul in the soul. They have two children - the daughter of Rita and the son of Miron. Recently, they have no very calm life. At first, the singer's husband was accused of embezzlement of large funds, he was a month under investigation, and then under house arrest, it takes place in the case as a witness. Now Sara itself threatens a trial. The director of a certain construction company said that Jasmine should be 62 million rubles. Where did this amount come from and for which it should be - there is no reliable information.

Children Jasmine (singer)

Children Jasmine are the topic that interests many of her fans. The woman has three children from two marriages. My son Mikhail is from the first husband, the guy is now 19 years old. From the second marriage Sarah gave birth to two children - the boy Mirone and the girl Rita. The singer loves his children very much and pays to them every free minute of his time. Most of all, being a pregnant third child, a woman thought about how older children would take him, would not be jealous. In an interview, she somehow admitted to journalists that she was a little difficult to devote the same amount of time to all children. Newborn Miron requires more attention, however, no matter how difficult it was Sarah, it cope with everything, without the help of a nanny.

Son Jasmine - Mikhail Vyacheslavovich Semenduev

Son Jasmine - Mikhail - a child from the first marriage of a woman. The young man is now 19 years old and he leads a rather rampant lifestyle. He noted his age at the most expensive club Monte Carlo with his friends and his beloved. By the way, Mikhail and his ex-girlfriend Diana (the daughter of the former owner of the Spartak Football Club) were one of the most discussed young couples in the Russian show business. Young people met for about two years, marriage propheted them, but they broke up. They had frequent quarrels and once Mikhail was tired, so he became the initiator of the gap. Now, according to media, the young man is free.

Daughter Jasmine - Margarita Ilanovna Shor

Jasmine daughter - Margarita - middle baby woman. The girl was born in 2012, recently a girl celebrated his first anniversary. She is a very active and cheerful child, often participates with mom on photo sessions and goes to various events. Let Rita are now only 5 years old, she already wants to go in the footsteps of his famous mother. Sarah decided to take into account the desires of his daughter and recorded it on courses in the Creative School of "Recital", which Alla Pugacheva created. By the way, it's quite difficult to get there, the fact that the child has star parents, it will not help him, the main thing is that he was talented. Casting Future little participants pass personally in Alla Borisovna.

Son Jasmine - Miron

Son Jasmine - Miron - the third child in the family. In April 2016, a woman gave birth to a son, which shared with fans in his blog. The boy was born strong and healthy. It is noteworthy that Sarah hid his pregnancy from journalists for a long time, for which unpleasant phrases had often heard. The press made caustic notes about the fact that the singer stopped watching himself and passed. However, after childbirth, the woman easily returned to his former shape. Now Mirona is a year old, he is surrounded by the attention and care of his star mother. By the way, the singer was so afraid, the older children warmly accepted a new family member and are not jealous of mom to the kid.

Former husband Jasmine - Vyacheslav Semenduev

Former husband Jasmine - Vyacheslav Moscow businessman. He met the singer when he arrived at the Caucasus for the bride. There, Uncle Jasmine showed a man's video on which he noticed Sarah. He fell in love with her at first glance and asked them to introduce them. Glory was older than Sarah for 17 years and a woman, according to rumors, was not particularly happy from this marriage. Semenduev has invested more than $ 2 million in Sarah's promotion as singer. After 9 years of family life, the couple filed for divorce. Jasmine argued that her husband was baptized her and even hit for some time in the hospital. As a result, after a long court proceedings, Vyacheslav remained his business, he paid moral compensation and paid the alimony to his son, the upbringing of which a woman took over. Now Vyacheslav, according to rumors, produces Anna Sedokov.

Jasmine's husband - Ilan Shor

Jasmine's husband - Ilan - the largest Moldovan entrepreneur and a millionaire. In the ranking of the rich people of Moldova, he is among the top ten leaders. It is the owner of the network of duty-free shop stores, in 2015 he was elected primar (analogue of the mayor) in one of the Moldovan cities. Ilan under his wife is almost 10 years old, but it does not prevent them from being strong and happy family.

Unfortunately, the public recently shocked the news about the arrest of a famous businessman. He was accused of stealing large funds. The man spent almost a month in conclusion, after which he was translated under house arrest. Now, all charges with him are removed and he takes the case as a witness.

Photo jasmine before and after plastic

In the media, more than once covered the topic of plastics of the famous singer. Shortly before the divorce with his first husband, Sarah appealed to the clinic of plastic surgery. After the news showed her photo allegedly applied by her husband's beatings, one famous plastic surgeon made a statement that all this is not true. Those bruises, which can be seen in the photo, is the result of unsuccessful rhinoplasty (nose correction), and not fictional beatings. Thus, the mistake of the singer's surgeon decided to use not only for a PR company, but also for a divorce with her husband. On the Internet you can easily find photos Jasmine before and after plastics.

Instagram and Wikipedia Jasmine

Sarah does not particularly hide his life from the public. A woman keeps up with the times and leads many blogs, so Instagram and Wikipedia Jasmine are not the only sources where you can find information about it. In his instagram, she tries to upload photos almost every day to please their fans. Wikipedia is just enough about the life of the popular singer. By the way, the daughter of the singer removes his own blog with Mom, in which it shows its culinary abilities.

Sarah Lvovna Manahimova (Name) was born on October 12, 1977 in D Derbent. Now she is a famous singer, designer, TV presenter and fashion model.

The biography of the singer Jasmine does not have almost no secrets from fans, and even his personal life said a lot in television programs. And the latest photos of the stars can be found on social networks on its official pages.

Childhood and youth

Sarah's father was a balletmaster, and the mother was a conductor. It can be said that the girl from the first days of life was surrounded by music and creative people. Parents - Mountain Jews and tried to educate children in rigor. She unquestionedly obeyed his father and elder brother.

Mom for Sarah was the ideal of a woman, and she tried from her very childhood to be like her. The character of Margarita Semenovna combined the rigor in the upbringing of children, and at the same time all-consuming love and kindness.

Father Lev Yakovlevich also loved children very much. Especially for them organized a circle in the house of pioneers. Sarah often called the "fairy tale", "picture".

Brother Anatoly as a child attended art school. Entered the jewelry college, which graduated from high estimates.

And the grandmother of the future actress was known for the whole city with their culinary abilities, namely: baking and jam. It is these kushans that are a feature of Dagestan cuisine. All grandmother's recipes are now stored at Sarah Lvovna - it is perfectly baked bakery products and cooks jam.

Sarah knew all the corners and catches of creative life, namely: endless rehearsals, constant touring, non-normalized work schedule. Therefore, she was originally not going to associate her fate with the stage, the truth was still a pleasure from speeches at concerts, sang perfectly and danced.

When it was approaching time to be determined with the profession, she firmly decided to become a translator and for this took up the study of English. Parents did not move, but there was no special university in the city. And about the shipment of a young girl in Moscow and speech could not be.

Mother insisted that Sarah submitted documents to a medical school, which she later graduated with honors. Surprisingly, it was it who pushed the girl to change the plans, which further influenced the biography and personal life of the future singer Jasmine. In the educational institution, various events were often held, competitions, KVNs and there it was destined to be again in their native stage. In one of the competitions, received the first place for the best musical performance.

Personal life

The singer Jasmine is not trying to hide a personal life from an extraneous eye, often posts in instagram family photos and videos. In the biography, it is said that she got married twice.

First husband was Vyacheslav Semenduev, who fell in love, seeing a girl on the video from the wedding of his brother. He financially helped to achieve Sarah heights in a pop career. In 1997, they had a son who was named after Mikhail.

Exactly 10 years later, they would seem to seem at first view of a solid union, there was a sensational news that the singer fell into the hospital with traces of beating. In numerous interviews, the singer said that was a victim of domestic violence: the spouse, forced her some documents to sign her, about whose appointment did not say anything. In response, Semenduv accused now former wife in treasures, which once again confirmed the status of a home tyrant.

The marriage process was heavy for both sides. In the course of him, the singer managed to defend the right to upbringing Maxim. Full history is written in the autobiographies "Host".

In that difficult period, the support and support for the singer was a good familiar Ilan Shor, a businessman Moldovan with Israeli roots, a heir to the multi-million capital of Mirone Shura.

Shor made a singer offer and in 2011 they officially married. Selected one of her for 9 years, but age is not a hindrance to personal happiness. Soon Jasmine gave him a daughter Margarita.

In May 2015, Ilan Shora was arrested in connection with suspicion of fraudulent activities and embezzling a large amount of money in dollars from 3 Moldovan banks. The investigation began for 2-3 months early and only in early May, the Moldovan entrepreneur was taken under arrest.

Moldavian businessman himself denies all accusations of his address, assuring that the hole in bank accounts was formed long before the emergence of private investors. This proceedings received the most powerful return, thousands of depositors went on a demonstration in the capital of Moldova. But in the case there was a long silence.

It seems like the personal life of the singer Jasmine has improved, and loud sensations began to bypass her family. In the biographies of the lull, and social networks are replenished with happy family photos. On June 14, 2015, her spouse was elected to the post of Primar (measures) of Orhei.

In 2016, the news about the pregnancy of Jasmine appeared. Fans and the press decided that the singer was simply recovered, because she didn't even immediately spoke about his interesting position. Most began to criticize the appearance of the star, accusing in no desire to follow the appearance and nutrition.

On April 25 of the same year, Sarah, to whom they and her husband decided to give the name Miron. After, contrary to the tough attacks of critics, which argued that it was difficult for her to follow the figure, she was able to repel his former shape in a rather short period of time. And now she looks much better than before pregnancy. This is confirmed by personal photos on social networks, as well as numerous photo shoots.

But maternal happiness was not long due to legal problems. The point was reached the trial, and Shor promoted 30 days in the detention facility, to an official decision on the transfer of a businessman under house arrest. This does not mean that it is closed, but it made it possible to jasmine with my husband to be some time together. Later, the circumstances in the case were radically changed, and Ilan has already performed as a witness.

But it is impossible to say that the moment came when Jasmine's life was filled with joy and happiness. Now the court will have to her personally. It became known that the owner of the construction company intends to demand a whole 62 million rubles from it. Where did the information come from and how true it is, is still unknown.

How does jasmine look like now

Because of the problems with the law more than a year, biography, and more precisely, the personal life of the singer Jasmine, is experiencing difficult times. Him and her husband have to live on two countries, besides, a woman is trying to combine the work and the upbringing of children. According to her, in many posts of instagram, with a photo, such a rhythm of life is becoming more difficult and more difficult.

The other day, the star told the press that she no longer intends to endure separation with the most expensive person and therefore a month later, he was going to go to his homeland in his place. She wants to spend New Year's holidays, as well as a few more weeks with his family, after which it will return to Russia again. In his story, she noted the productivity of 2017 personally for her itself.

It was meant that this year she was able to record many new musical compositions and remove clips. She was still the youngest son, who was just 1.5 years old, began to make the first steps. She recently came to the world with him, visiting the birthday of Philip Kirkorov's daughter, Alla Victoria.

In the family from the Dagestan city of Derbent in 1977 a girl appeared, which Sarah decided to call. Sarah's mother by profession was a conductor, and dad - a balletmaster. The girl was not the only child - two years old earlier her brother appeared, who did not go in the footsteps of his parents and tied his life with jewelry.

Sarah herself also originally did not plan to engage in creativity - in graduation class she firmly decided to become a linguist and go to his studies in the capital, but eventually spent one year in a medical college and mastered the profession of nurses. She reacted with all responsibility to medical education, but it was during his receipt of life even more. Thanks to the meeting of the KVN teams of her college and musical school, she performing a music number, first realized that her voice is a real gift that many can appreciate.

Star Path of Singe

Even before the start of the musical career, she had a chance to survive the unexpected success for himself. As she says herself, while traveling to France, she accidentally fell into a boutique of one French couturier, who was ironically turned out to be there and offered her a photo session.

Photos were so successful that Sarah a little later became the face of this Parisian fashion brand in Russia, "since then the suggestions have come to Sarah, she felt her independence and realized that he could do a favorite thing.

Therefore, she decided to go to the Gnesin School, where he professionally mastered singing. In 1999, at the suggestion of the producer, Vladimir Matsky Sarah took the pseudonym Jasmine and released the first composition called "so it happens."

A few years later, there was a dizzying success - the song "Long Days" received recognition of musical critics and was awarded the Golden Gramophone premiums, "ovation", "Before Hit" and the title "Song of the Year". Every new song listeners were accepted with a big delight, and in 2005 her work as a whole received a very high rating - Jasmine received the MTV Russia Music Awards Award as the best performer.

Soon, Jasmine's musical successes were recognized in very other scales - in 2009 she was assigned the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan. Popularity of Jasmine as singer is also due to other undertakings: she was invited to play in the television musical "Ali-Baba and forty robbers" the main role - Zeynab, Ali Baba's wife.

Among television projects involving Jasmine also, the musical "Beauty requires ..." and the show of the first channel "Two Stars".

She was also offered to become a TV host: for two years she led the program "Wyry Circle" on TVC channel, and in 2011 it began to appear on the Music Box music channel. It turned out that in this capacity it is very successful. Therefore, in 2012, she was offered to lead the heading "I - Mom" \u200b\u200bin the program "Health", which is leading Elena Malysheva.

Personal life jasmin.

Even before Sarah became Jasmine, the girl married Vyacheslav Semendueva's restaurant, this happened in 1996. Very soon, a year later, the son of Mikhail appeared in the happy spouses. They lived in agreement Rivne 10 years and divorced in 2006.

Jasmine's family happiness again managed to find family happiness - married Entrepreneur Ilan Shura. In February 2012, they had a daughter, which was called Margarita.