Faith Orthodox - the life of PR Sergius Radonezh. St.

Faith Orthodox - the life of PR Sergius Radonezh. St.
Faith Orthodox - the life of PR Sergius Radonezh. St.

In any Orthodox church, you will always find an icon with the image of the St. Starta Sergius of Radonezh. A serious and thoughtful look conveys us his big famous icon. Sergius Radonezh - It was a truly great wonderworker of the Russian land, to whom we and our descendants should be grateful to the conclusion of the centuries. However, not many know about his merits and exploits.

In 2014, May 3 (16), the entire Christian Orthodox world celebrated the 700th anniversary of the birth of a transparceed elder, who was already famous for his holiness in his life. In all Russians, he was honored by various rulers, boyars, princes and a simple peasant people.

Icon Sergius Radonezhsky. Photo

Everyone knows that the icons of the Saints are helping people in solving their problems. Therefore, I certainly want to know, and what Ikon Sergius Radonezh helps. First of all, it is necessary to know that only on sincere prayer and faith to this holy man and to God, people can get protected from any unpleasant life circumstances. Parents are asked to help him in raising children, protect them from evil influence, finding them to humble and tame their young pride, as this is the greatest evil, from which there are many troubles. With all this, it is treated with different requests.

Unless notic than icon Sergius Radonezhsky. Her photos, however, makes us think about whether we are doing everything correctly, whether they are ready for the feats and their lives to put our heroic ancestors with the prompts of the Great Providence.

Icon "Sergius Radonezh". Meaning in Orthodoxy

God gave him signs of grace, he could heal the patients. Once he even resurrected a dying son on the desperate prayers of his father. Rev. Sergius at a distance knew how to see and hear. But the most wonderful and wonderful phenomenon was the eartere during the Christmas Festival of the Virgin with the apostle Peter in 1384.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh peacefully since September 25 (October 8) of 1392. Exactly 30 years later, his power was acquired, and today they are stored in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra near Moscow.

This holy elder is always asked about intercession in the fate of Orthodox Rus. Icon "Sergius Radonezh" has become a real facing for Russia from her enemies.


The gloomy father, our Sergius was born in Rostov in the pious parents of Cyril and Mary, which were then ranked too. The Lord himself chose the future of the saint. His mother, being pregnant, stood in the service, and at this time a baby cry was heard three times in the womb. Standing around people, too, heard it, and then the priest realized that the faithful minister of the Holy Trinity would soon appear in this world. The baby, whom the Bartholoma is taught, so happily recovered before the Lord and his church, as John the Forerunner in the womb of his mother happily charged before the Most of the Virgin.

Born baby Bartholomew already did not take Maternal breasts on Wednesdays and Fridays. It was the beginning of his great abstinence and fiction.


He was sent to school, but his bad memory prevented well to learn well. An old man ink was helped in this, and if more precisely, God sent an angel with whom he met, walking on a dubrava. The elder promised that from now on, the boy would be well to learn well, and then there will be others to learn. So very young warfolomes accepted the blessing, and from now on with his study he had no problems. But instead of ordinary children's games, he devoted all his free time to reading the Holy Scriptures.

Icon of St. Sergius Radonezh is very necessary for parents, as it can help them in raising children. And just necessary for students who are hard to study, which have weak memory and attention. In general, the icon "Sergius Radonezh" should be in every Orthodox house and in every believer family.


Then the parents of Bartholomew moved from Rostov to Radonezh. There they are with the world and they won. After that, in 1337, the future saint distributed his inheritance to poor people and settled on Makovets Hill with Brother Stefan - Khotkovsky Inok Pokrovsky Monastery. They cut the hut in this place. So it was laughed by warfolomes on a monocar feat of people, and began to pray incessantly. Soon his brother left this wildly deserted insidual, without preparing harsh life.

After a while, Ieromona Mitrofan came to him and blessed the young warfolomey to monasticism. It was then 23 years old, and they ordered him Sergey. Having learned about such a pious inok, other monks began to come to his abode. He kindly accepted everyone. Together with the brother, they built a small chapel, which Feoganost's bishop was consecrated in the name of the Holy Trinity. Then the monastery was built with the grace of Christ. One day came to them from Smolensk Archimandrite Simon, he brought the precious gifts and gave them to his father Sergius. These funds went on the construction of a large church and expanding the monastery monastery.

So to this day, this church is updated in the Trinity-Sergiyev Monastery near Moscow, where the holy power is also located, and the icon itself of Rev. Sergius Radonezh. This abode is always overwhelmed by pilgrims from all over Russia, which go there to honor the memory of the Sacred Elder and ask him to protect and patronage.

Trinity monastery. 1355 year

Over time, with the blessing of the Konstantinople Patriarch, Phyofea in 1355, a hostel charter was introduced in the monastery of St. Sergius Radonezhsky. The territory of the monastery was divided into three parts - public, living and defensive. In the center of the monastery stood a new wooden church of the Holy Trinity. The igumen of the monastery first became the previously mentioned Igumen Mitrofan, and after his death - Rev. Sergius Radonezh.

Soon the Trinity Monastery, supported by the Grand Princes, began to be considered the center of Moscow lands. It was here that was blessed by the victory of the St. Sergius of the Radonezh army Dmitry Donskoy in battle with the Horde of Mamay.

There was a Kulikovsky battle on the birthday of the Virgin on September 8 (September 21 in a new style) of 1380. Date was not chosen by chance, because the Virgin Mary patronized Russia. The Bunition of the Bent was released by the blessing of St. Sergius the monks of the Trinity Monastery Peresvet and obsaed, once they were the glorious warriors in Dmitry's squad. It was the sacred duty of every Orthodox Christian. The victory was obsessed, a lot of brethren went to those days. After the battle of Dmitry Donskoy arrived at the Trinity Monastery, in order to personally notify the father of Sergius about the victory.

There is such an extraordinary miraculous icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh, where he blesses Prince Dmitry Don on Kulikovsky battle. This icon may heal from diseases and protect real warriors from injuries and death.

Kulikovsky battle. 1380 year

Let us dwell on the Kulikovsky battle in more detail, because it was the great battle of Russian troops led by the Moscow Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and the warlord of the Golden Horde Khan Mamay.

Western, as they say today, the curators of the occultists and psychologists persuaded Maama to go to Moscow and said that this war would strengthen the power and influence of the Golden Horde, and that Mama like a commander can easily compete with Tamerlane himself. The West helped his mentor weapon, money and experts to take fortresses. Military contingent was also presented with Genoese infantry. Everything that was required from Maama is to destroy Muscovia as soon as possible, destroy and burn the town of the city and sat down, make the slaves all the Slavic population. And after this victory, the whole force can be soldered and to the Novgorod land to destroy and plunder it, especially since the detachments of the Lithuanian Catholic Yagaylo and Livonian knights are always ready to help. In the spring of 1380, the Motherwise Steppe to Raint Khan moved from the Volga to Don.

Decisive role of Rev. Sergius

Most historians agree that a very important and most important role in the unification of Russia to the upcoming Terrible enemy at that time was played by Rev. Sergius Radonezh. In that severe minute, many Russian principalities were united into a single fist, which before the endless internecine wars. Saint Sergius managed to make literally impossible - to reconcile two enemy of religion at that time. He showed Vedic Rus that the true teachings of Jesus Christ had nothing to do with Western Christianity that Christ had never taught to organize crusades, burn the Vedic temples and heretics on the fire. He showed Russian Christians that true Christianity is the same deep teaching as their ancient faith, therefore there are no reasons for religious hostility, as perverted Christianity comes from the West, where the worst and vile crimes are committed under the name of Christ.

It is these excitement for Russia Orthodox and hides in itself the icon "Sergius Radonezh". Nevertheless, it was not in vain called "the sophisticator of the Land of Russian", since he never ceased to glad about her and his incessant prayers contributed to her spiritual rise and liberation from the Tatar yoke.

Siege of Trinity Lavra

So, the victory in the Kulikov field became a turning point in the struggle for the liberation of Russia from the Mongol-Tatar yoke. However, the final release from it has already happened much later - in 1480. The raids of nomads continued for a long time, in 1408 the Trinity Monastery was completely burned. But he literally rebelled out of the ashes in the literal sense, and the people were rejected again. In 1422, Rev. Sergius Radonezh was reburied.

Through the monastery, the road was held from Moscow to Rostov, and then to Arkhangelsk. In the Trinity Monastery baptized the heirs of the throne of Vasily III and Ivan the Terrible. Over time, the monastery turned into a serious defensive fortress. It was enclosed with strong stone walls that connected 12 towers. Ivan the Terrible personally controlled this construction.

In a short time, all this was useful when the monastery is protected from the numerous troops of Falgestmitriy II.

Dispusting to the interventory. 1608-1609

In 1608-1609, Sergiev-Posad Land gave repulsion to the intervention. For 16 months, scary battles went. The Poles wanted to rob the monastery and kill the defenders who, during the time of the Great University, remained loyal to their Fatherland. Then the governors were the okolniki prince G. B. Grove-Dolgoruky and noble. Alexei Holokhwast. These defenders were strong in spirit, and the abode of them was full of faith and was under the protection of the Great Wonderworker Sergius. His coffin had all kissed the cross and swear in the fact that they would never surrender their abode. After heavy attacks and began due to poor nutrition of the Qingi, which took hundreds of lives in many months, there were only about 300 warriors in the monastery, although they were originally 2400 people. It was opposed to these minor forces of the monastery from 15 to 30 thousand of the best armed forces of the Polish governor Sapie and the Lisovsky, who also had 60 guns.

On the night, in one of the most decisive battles, when many thousands of Polish troops rushed to the fortress, an impossible occurred. Their squads for some kind of fatal mistake, strong fog or ridiculous orders of chiefs shot themselves, taking allied detachments for enemies. Yes, and besieged, too, very courageously met the enemy by fire. There was no limit to the next way, since enemy siege guns were thrown, and the enemy fled. With the name of God, the support of the Virgin and the Holy Father, Sergius held the heroic Russian warriors. They were sure that the victory would be behind them.

There were a lot of evidence how Holy Sergius Radonezh helped and suggested his soldiers. He even appeared in a thin sleep to one monk and suggested that the monastery was conducted enemy subcople, and then the two peasants blew themselves and this breadwinner, thereby making a great feat in the name of God and the Fatherland.

I really want to hope that Icon Sergius Radonezhsky, prayer for this saint and his reverence even today will not leave Russia without his support.

Minin and Pozharsky. 1610 year

It is impossible to pass by the history associated with mini and Pozharski. After all, it is known from history that the governor of Prince Pozharsky in the pious of the expelling of the Catholic interventionists was the landowner and the butcher on the craft of Kozma Minin. He was distinguished by chastity and other virtues, loving silence, he always had God in his heart. One day, in a dream, the wonderworker Sergius Radonezh was in a dream and commanded to collect money and warriors and go to Moscow, where the Russian throne wanted to take the Polish king, who prepared Russia for the adoption of Unia.

At first, the minin did not give the values \u200b\u200bto its sleep. The landowner thought: "Well, who am I so to deal with such important things, and who lists me?" But then the dream repeatedly twice, and minin, as a result, in his disobedience, he decided on an awake business. Minin and Poggy began to collect people throughout Russia.

On March 19, 1611, a spontaneous uprising against the interventory began in Moscow, the Poles could not resist this and locked in China and the Kremlin and burned Moscow. The position was very difficult. The Poles fall in the capital, in the north-west Swedes capture Russian lands, the hordes of the Crimean Tatars are taught on the southern outskirts ...

However, on August 22-24, the interventionists left less than half the troops. Poles suffered large losses. Hope to own the Moscow State irretrievably collapsed. So, heard the prayers of the defenders of Russia's Holy Sergius Radonezh, Icon and the cross of which was always to help them.

Analyzing all these events, you begin to understand that it is not at all in vain and not by chance in the most difficult moment for Russian land. Every time people face the image of St. Sergius every time.

I would definitely note that in Orthodox Christianity, military ministry is an awakening activity. The church always teaches us patriotism and love to their homeland. In the description of the icon, Sergius of Radonezh invested this sense.


The life of the Warfolomeey's exhibition was an example for modern children and young people who convinces us that unpleasant external circumstances or such objective, as an unhealthy, inability to learning, can or destroy life, or give the basis for the formation of a strong personality and its special character traits that It happened with the reverend father of our Sergey Radonezh.

Icon PrP. Sergius Radonezh always hears our prayers about our families, children, parents, and therefore about the future of the Fatherland.

Biography and episodes of life Sergius Radonezhsky. When born and died Sergius Radonezh, memorable places and dates of important events of his life. Quotes about holy Images and video.

Years of life Sergius Radonezh:

born on May 3, 1314, died September 25, 1392


"He was a lamp, burning and luminous; And you wanted a little time to glanly at the light of it. "

Gospel from John, 5:35


Little saints are so high in Russian land as Rev. Sergius Radonezh (with baptism - warfolomes): Wonderworker, monk, devotee and founder of the Trinity Monastery. And this does not diminish the fact that the limitation of the term and in the absence of reliable sources of historians cannot come to a common opinion even about the year of birth of the Holy. Sergius Radonezh became a symbol of ministry not only to God, but also to the closest, to his Fatherland.

In all likelihood, Sergius Radonezh was born in the boyar family, near Rostov, in the present village of Varnitsa. The famous legend concerns the inability of the future of the saint to lose: in life it is said that the boy, sent to look for horses, saw the Saint senleum who prayed to God. The boy asked to pray for him to learn to lose, and the elder fulfilled his request, and then the predest, that from now on the tags will know the letter better than all other children - and this prophecy came true. Since then, Sergius Radonezh is considered as a patron saint of those who are in teaching.

According to the information of the Biograph of the Radonezh, the epiphany of the wisdom, before 12 years, the boy began to fast and devote a lot of time prayer. Then the family had shown him and moved to Radonezh. Bartholomews sought to monastic life, but listened to the requests of the parents to wait for their death. After this sad event, he went to the Khotnkovo-Pokrovsky monastery, to Brother Stefan, with whom later founded deserts in the midst of the Radonezh Forest. There, on the Makovets Hill, the brothers built the church of St. Trinity, which was subsequently the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra. Here, the warfolomes accepted the victim at the age of 23.

Trinity-Sergiyev Lava, Sergiev Posad

Sergius Radonezh founded other monasteries - Blagoveshchensky, Vysotsky, Georgievsky. The rebels of each of them were his disciples, who themselves founded the monasteries afterwards. In those days, Russia spread the princely crossbursions, but Rev. Sergius with humility and meekness often persuaded enemies to go to the world. Thanks to him, almost all the princes agreed to submit to Moscow, Dmitry Donsky, and only because of this, the joint Russian army won in the Kulikovsky battle.

According to her bunch, Sergius Radonezh, who lived to a deep old age, foresaw his death for another six months and handed over to his student to Nikona. The remains of the reverend were acquired in the monastery founded. 30 years after the death of His power and even the robe were gained intense, which was considered for the highest manifestation of God's mercy.

"Holy Sergius Radonezh", Painting V. Nesterova 1891-1899.

Life line

May 3 (May 16th old style) 1314 Date of birth Sergius Radonezhsky.
1330 Resettlement to Radonezh.
1335 Building the Church of the Holy Trinity.
1342 The basis of the place of the Church of the monastery, the future Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
1382Temporary relocation to Tver due to the invasion of Tokhtamysh's troops.
September 25 (October 8 to the old style) 1392 Death Date Sergius Radonezhsky.
July 5 (July 18, old style) 1422 Acquisition of relics.

Memorial places

1. Trinity-Sergiev Varnitsky Monastery, founded in 1427 on the spot, where the house of Parents Sergius Radonezh was standing.
2. The village of Radonezh (Moscow region), where the landscape of warfolomes lived to the death of parents and the care of the world.
3. Holy Trinity Sergiev Lavra, founded by the holy, where its power is stored.
4. Temple-monument Sergius Radonezh on the Red Hill Kulikova Fields, built in 1913-1918, now - a monument of federal significance.

Episodes of life

The personality of Sergius Radonezh in the folk consciousness has always been associated with wonderful events. It is believed that Holy and himself made many miracles with the help of prayer, and, in addition, many visions were revealed. The first holy of the saint, written by the epiphany to the wisdom, inok Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, is replete with the negotiating of such events. Subsequently, the stories about the posthumous wonders, which had much more were added to it.

The official canonization of Sergius of Radonezh was never produced. The reverend old man was so revered in the people that his holiness was adopted by himself. Metropolitan of Jonah calls Sergia Reverend in a diploma of 1450 g, and this is the earliest documentary evidence of his recognition as a saint.

In 1919, in order to propaganda, the Soviet government opened the relics of the saint. Florensky found out about the preparing autopsy, and with his help, Sergius Radonezh was separated from the body, and the head of Prince Trubetsky was placed in her place. During World War II, the power were removed far away in the rear, and only after their return in 1946 the head was placed in place.

Cancer with the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra


"To listen about everything my brotherhood, I pray, have the fear of God, the purity of the spiritual, the love is non-estate, to sim and wenexious ..."

Documentary film "Sergius Radonezhsky. Earth and heaven. "


Our good and blessed old man left us, moved to the Lord, left us with orphans ... He went there, where his great award was waiting for and rewarding all his works and feats, left the world to the Lord, who was loved! .. "
The author of the Saint, Igumen Nikon (Christmas)

"Rev. Sergius his life, the very possibility of such a lifetime was given to feel the crowned people, that it was not yet good went out and froze; For their appearance among compatriots who were sitting in the darkness and Seni death, he opened his eyes on themselves, helped them to look into their own inner darkness and see there were still awesome sparks of the same fire, which burned their light silence. "
Historian Vladimir Klyuchevsky

"Earlier, all the more than all saints that appeared in the Moscow Earth acquired popular respect for the whole of Russia Rev. Sergius, the founder of the famous Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, who received the importance of the patron siest, the intercessor and guardian of the state and the church in the eyes of the Great Russian people.
Historian Nikolai Kostomarov

"He was an outstanding public figure. He understood the turning point in the history of the Russian Earth and turned her stroke in the proper direction, taking the greatest responsibility for the outcome of the battle on the Kulikov field. He blessed the prince of Dmitry to her and Raint him. It was necessary to feel and understand this decisive turning point and put their spiritual authority on the scales of history. And he did it. "
Russian religious philosopher Elena Roerich

"Looking at the Russian history, into the most fabric of Russian culture, we will not find a single thread that would not lead to this first visit: moral idea, statehood, painting, architecture, literature, Russian school, Russian science - all these lines of Russian culture agree on To reverend. "
Pavel Florensky

Most of us are known who Serge Radonezh. Its biography is interesting to many people, even those who are far from the church. He founded the Trinity Monastery near Moscow (now it is the Trinity-Sergiyev Lava), made a lot for the Russian church. Holy hotly loved his depression and a lot of strength put on to help his people survive all disasters. We became aware of the life of St. Thus, the manuscripts of his associates and students. The work of the binding of the wise entitled "Life of Sergius Radonezh", written by him at the beginning of the XV century, is the most valuable source of information about the life of the saint. All other manuscripts appeared later are, in the main mass, processing of its materials.

Place and time of birth

It is not known for certain when and where the future saint appeared on the light. His student of the epiphany woven in the life of the presence speaks about it in a very intricate form. Historians face a difficult problem of interpretation of this information. As a result of the study of church essays of the XIX century and dictionaries, it was established that Sergius Radonezh's birth was most likely - this is 3 May 1319. True, some scientists are inclined to other dates. The exact location of the birth of the Bartholomew (so called the saint in the world) is also unknown. Epiphanas wisen indicates that the father of the future monk was called Kirill, and Mother - Maria. Before relocation to Radonezh, the family lived in the Rostov principality. It is believed that Rev. Sergius Radonezh in the village of Varnanti in the Rostov region was born. When baptized, the boy was given the name of warfolomes. Parents called him in honor of the Apostle Bartholomew.

Childhood and first wonders

In the family of parents, Bartholomew was three sons. Our hero was a second child. Two brothers him, Stefan and Peter, were intelligent children. They quickly mastered the diploma, learned to write and read. But the Bartholomew student was not given. No matter how much his parents scolded, nor tried to form a teacher, the tag could not learn to read, and the Holy Books were not available for his understanding. And then a miracle happened: suddenly he knew the diploma of warfolomes, the future of the Holy Sergius Radonezh. The biography of it is indicative of how faith in the Lord helps to overcome any vital difficulties. The literacy told the wonderful learning of the Limit of Limit in his "life". He says that Bartholomew prayed for a long time and diligently, asking God to help him learn to write and read to know the Holy Scripture. And one day, when Kirill's father sent her son to seek grazing horses, Bartholomew saw under the elder's tree in black rize. The boy with tears in his eyes told the Holy on his inability to teaching and asked to pray for himbefore the Lord.

The elder told him that from this day the tags will intelligence a diploma better than his brothers. Bartholomew invited the saint to his parents. Before their visiting, they went to the chapel, where the tags without a stick read the psalm. Then he hurried with his guest to her parents to delight them. Cyril and Maria, learning about the miracle, began to praise the Lord. To the question of the old man about what this is an amazing phenomenon, they learned from the guest that their son of Bartholomew was marked by God in the womb. So, when Maria was shortly before the birth came to the church, the child in the womb of the mother shouted three times when the saints sainted Liturgy. This story of Epiphany Wise was reflected in the picture of Nesterov's artist "Vision of the Pattern of Bartholomew".

First feats

What else noted in childhood Rev. Sergius Radonezh in the stories of epiphany woven? The pupil of Holy reports that even 12 years of age, Bartholomew observed strict posts. On Wednesday and Friday, he did not eat anything, and other days was fed only with water and bread. At night, the latches often did not sleep, devoting the time of prayer. All this served as a dispute between the parents of the boy. Mary embarrassed these first feats of the Son.

Resettlement in Radonezh

Soon the family of Kirill and Mary left. They were forced to move to housing in Radonezh. It happened in about 1328-1330. Known and the reason for which the infringement of the family occurred. It was the hardest time in Russia, which was ruled by the Golden Horde. But not only the Tatars then robbed the people of our long-suffering homeland, overlapping him with an unbearable tribute and committing regular raids on settlements. Khan Tatar-Mongolian themselves choose themselves, to whom the Russian princes rule in one or another principal. And it was no less serious test for the entire people than the invasion of the Golden Horde. After all, such "elections" was accompanied by violence against the population. This was often told by Sergius Radonezh himself. His biography is a vivid example of lawlessness, which is going on at the time in Russia. Principality Rostov wade a great prince to Moscow Ivan Danilovich. The Father of the Sacred Future gathered and moved with his family from Rostov to Radonezh, wishing to protect himself and close to the robbery and needs.

Monastic life

When the birth of Sergius Radonezh occurred, unknown. But we reached us accurate historical information about his children's and youthful life. It is known that, as a child, he prayed diligently. When he was 12 years old, he decided to take the monastic stop. Cyril and Maria against this did not object. However, they set the Son condition: he should become a monk only after their death. After all, warfolomes over time became the only support and support of old people. By that time, Peter and Stephen brothers had already acquired their families and lived separately from the elderly parents. For a short time I had to wait for the tag: soon Cyril and Maria died. Before death, they, according to the custom of the time in Russia, took at first the inhang tried, and then schima. After the death of parents, Bartholomew went to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky monastery. There, I took the night, His brother Stefan, by that time he was already widowed. For a short time there were brothers. In an effort to "strictest monasticism," they founded deserts on the banks of the Konchura River. There, in the midst of the deaf Radonezh boron, in 1335, Bartholomew erected a small wooden church, named after the Holy Trinity. Now in her place is the Cathedral Temple in the name of the Holy Trinity. Brother Stefan soon moved to the Epiphany Monastery, not to withstand ascetic and too harsh lifestyle in the forest. In a new place, he will then become igumen.

And Bartholomew, remaining completely alone, urged Mitrofan's Hegumen and accepted the post. Now he was known as the monk Sergius. At that moment, he was 23 years old. Soon the inquies began to flow to the sulfur. At the site of the church, the monastery was formed, which today is called the Trinity-Sergiyev Lava. Father Sergius became here by the second igumen (Mitrofan was the first). The rebels were an example of great hardworking and humility. The monk Sergius Radonezh himself never took a laying off from the parishioners and forbade the inquars to do this by calling to live only the fruits of the work of his hands. The fame of the monastery and his rector grew and reached the city of Tsargrad. The Patriarch of the Universal Philofee with a special embassy sent the St. Sergius Cross, Schima, Paraman and a diploma, in which he gave himself to the abbot for virtuous lives and advised to introduce a film in the monastery. Employed with these recommendations, Radonezh Igumen introduced the community charter in his abode. He was later adopted in many monasteries Rus.

Service of Fatherland

A lot of useful and kind for his homeland did Sergius Radonezhsky. The 700th anniversary of his birth is celebrated this year. D. A. Medvedev, being President of the Russian Federation, signed a decree on the celebration of this memorable and meaningful dates for all Russia. Why is such a value of the Saint Life at the State Level? The main condition for the invincibility and non-heins of any country is in the union of its people. This very well understood the father of Sergius at one time. It is also obvious to our politicians today. It is well known about the peacekeeping activities of the saint. So, eyewitnesses argued that Sergius Krotni, quiet words could find the road to the heart of any person, to influence the most fierce and coarse hearts, calling people to peace and obedience. Often the Holy had to reconcile the warring parties. So, he called on the princes of Russian to unite, throwing away all the disagreements, and will submit the authorities of Prince of Moscow. It subsequently became the main condition for liberation from the Tatar-Mongolian yoke. A considerable contribution to the victory of the Russians in the Kulikovsky battle was made by Sergius Radonezh. Briefly tell about it is impossible. The Grand Duke Dmitry, who received a new nickname, before the fight came to his holy, to pray and ask him advice, is it possible to oppose the Russian tska. Ordini Khan Mamai gathered a unpretentious rhe to enslave the people of Russia once and forever.

People of our depreciation were fear of great covered. After all, anyone has not yet managed to beat the enemy army. Rev. Sergius to the question of the prince replied that to protect his homeland was an in-law, and blessed him to the great battle. With the gift of foresight, the Holy Father predicted Dmitry victory over Tatar Khan and returning the whole and unharmed home with the fame of the liberator. Even when the Grand Duke saw an unmeasurable enemy rhe, nothing fluttered in it. He was confident in the future victory for which Rev. Sergius himself was blessed.

Monasteries holy

Year Sergius Radonezh is celebrated in 2014. Especially large celebrations on this occasion should be expected in the temples based on them and the abode. In addition to the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, the following monasteries erected:

Blagoveshchensky in the city of Kirzhach in the Vladimir region;

Vysotsky Monastery in Serpukhov;

Old-Golutvin near the city of Kolomna in the Moscow region;

St. George Monastery on the Klyazma River.

In all these monastery, the pupils of the Holy Father Sergius became the rebels. In turn, the followers of his teachings founded more than 40 monasteries.


Sergius of Radonezhsky, written by his student's epiphany, wisdom, tells that at one time the rector of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra committed many miracles. Unusual phenomena accompanied the saint throughout his being. The first of them was associated with his wonderful birth. This is a story of the wisdom of how the child in the womb of Mary, the mother of the saint, during the liturgy in the temple shouted three times. And they heard all the people in it. The second miracle is to learn the period of Bartholomew. It was described in detail above. It is also known about such a division associated with the life of the Holy: Resurrection of the Bahn's Prayers of Father Sergius. Near the monastery lived one righteous man who had a strong faith in the saint. The only son of his, young boy, was deadly sick. The father in his arms brought a child to the Holy Abode to Sergia, so that he prayed for his recovery. But the tags died until his parent had his request to the abbot. A quick-hearted father went to cook a coffin to put his body's body in him. And the Holy Sergius began to pray diligently. And a miracle happened: the boy suddenly came to life. When the father killed by Hora, found his child alive, he fell asleep to the legs of the Rev., Warring Praise.

And the rector ordered him from his knees, explaining that the miracle was not here: just the matters of Omarb and weakened when the father carried him into the monastery, and in the warm cell warmed up and began to move. But the man was not convicted. He believed that the Holy Sergius was evil. Nowadays, there is a lot of skeptics who doubt that the Monk created wonders. Their interpretation depends on the ideological position of the interpreter. It is likely that a person far from faith in God will prefer not to focus on such information about the wonders of the saint, finding them a different, more logical explanation. But for many believers, the narrative of life and all the events associated with Sergius has a special, spiritual meaning. So, for example, many parishioners pray that their children have suffered a diploma, successfully passed translation and entrance exams. After all, the matches of warfolomes, the future of Saint Sergius, at first, also could not overcome the basics of study. And only a zealous prayer to God led to the fact that a miracle was accomplished when the boy was launched with a literacy.

Stare and Summer Reverend

Life Sergius Radonezh is a unparalleled feat of serving God and Fatherland for us. It is known that he lived to deep old age. When he lay on his deathbed, the presentiment, which will soon appear on the court of God, for the last time he called for a brotherhood for instruction. He called on his students first of all to "have fear of God" and carry people "the purity of the spiritual and love of non-estatery." Revenue died on September 25, 1392. He was buried in the Trinity Cathedral.

Revered by Rev.

There are no documented data on when and under what circumstances people began to perceive Sergius as the righteous. Some scientists are inclined to believe that the rector of the Trinity Resident was ranked as saints in 1449-1450. Then, in the diploma of Metropolitan Iona to Dmitry Shemyak, the Primate of the Russian Church calls Sergius Rev., ranging him to the Wonderworkers and St. But there are other versions of its canonization. Day Sergius Radonezh is celebrated on 5 (18) July. This date is stated in the works of Pakhomiya logo. In them, he tells that the relics of the Great Saint were acquired on this day.

In the entire history of the Trinity Cathedral, this shrine left its walls only in case of a serious threat from the outside. So, two fires, which happened in 1709 and 1746, served as the removal of the relics of the saint from the monastery. When Russian troops left the capital during the invasion of the French led by Napoleon, the remains of Sergius were taken to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. In 1919, the atheistic advocated government of the USSR issued a decree on the autopsy of the saint's relics. After it was not a godly business, the remains were transferred to the Sergiev historical and artistic museum as an exhibit. Currently, the relics of the saint are stored in the Trinity Cathedral. There are other dates of the memory of its abbot. September 25 (October 8) - Day Sergius Radonezh. This is the date of its presumption. Sergius 6 (19) is also commemorated, when all the holy inks of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra are glorified.

Temples in honor of Rev.

One of the most revered saints in Russia is considered to be Sergius Radonezh. His biography is replete with the facts of selfless service to God. He is dedicated to many temples. Only in Moscow there are 67 of them. Among them, such as the Temple of Sergius Radonezh in Bibirev, Cathedral Sergius Radonezh in the High Palm Monastery, the Temple of Sergius Radonezh in the pleaders and others. Many of them are built in the XVII-XVIII centuries. There are many churches and cathedrals in various areas of our Motherland: Vladimir, Tula, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Smolensk and so on. Even abroad the monastery and sanctuary, based in honor of this saint. Among them, the Temple of St. Sergius Radonezh in the city of Johannesburg to South Africa and the monastery of Sergius Radonezh in the city of Rumia, in Montenegro.

Reverend images

It is also worth remembering the set of icons created in honor of the saint. The most ancient image is shy, made in the XV century. Now he is in the county of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

One of the most famous works of Andrei Rublev - "Icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh", which also present 17 stories about the life of the saint. They wrote about the events associated with the abbot of the Trinity Monastery not only icons, but also the paintings. Among the Soviet artists, M. V. Nesterov can be distinguished here. The following works are known: "Proceedings Sergius of Radonezh", "Youth Sergius", "Vision of the Pattern of Bartholomew". Sergius of Radonezh. A brief biography of him is unlikely to be able to tell about how an outstanding person he was, how much did a lot for his debris. Therefore, we stopped in detail on the life of the saint, information about which is predominantly taken from the work of his student of the epiphany of the womb.

The identity of the St. Sergius of Radonezh is difficult to overestimate. It was the great devotee of the church, the intercessor and the educator of the Russian people who laid the foundation of Russian culture, the basis of which is the diligent teaching and the desire for knowledge. Sergius Radonezh always hears your sincere prayer, wherever you are and whatever difficulties have experienced! Appeal to this holy helps in court cases, and if you are honest and your righteous, then beware of the wonderworker, and it will protect against offenders and judicial errors. As a sample of humility, it helps this God's desire in the acquisition of humility and taming pride. They ask him about healing from the greatest agers, about a safe marriage, about the inspection of lost and even about the opening of water sources ... Contact Rev. and see: help will come true! Before his icon is asked to protect children from failures in school and bad influence, pray for help in any life problems, in particular, about the protection of widows and children left without care. Sergius Radonezh is one of the powerful patrons of the capital of Russia, he is asked to protect the primary from all the troubles and about the blessing of Moscow, and therefore, and the whole of our great state.

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Personality and Acts of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh

In the first half of the XIV century, the famous Trinity Sergiyev Lavra appeared. Her founder, Rev. Sergius (in the world of Bartholomew), was the son of Rostov Boyar Kirill and Mary, who moved closer to Moscow in the village of Radonezh. At the age of seven, Bartholomew was given to learn a diploma. He threw the teachings with all his heart, but the diploma was not given to him. Sorrowfully about it, he prayed to him in the afternoon and at night to open the door of a book intellocation. Once, searching in the field of missing horses, he saw under the oak of an unfamiliar elder-blackberry. Monk prayed. The tags approached him and told his grief. Sophisticatedly listening to the boy, the elder began to pray for his enlightenment. Then, delivering the cozer, took out a small framed particle and, by blessing, Bartholomew, said: "Take, Choo, and eat: This is given to you in the sign of the grace of God and the Razuming of the Holy Scripture." This grace really came up at the expense: the Lord gave him memory and easy, and the tags became easily absorbing book wisdom. After that, a miracle in the young warfolomer even more strengthened the desire to serve only God. He wanted to retire in the example of ancient devotees, but the love of parents kept him in their native family. Bartholomew was modest, quiet and silent, with all was meek and gentlemen, never annoyed and discovered the perfect obedience to parents. It usually bored only bread and water, and on benchday it was completely refrained from food. After the death of the parents of Bartholomew provided the inheritance to his younger brother Peter and, together with the elder brother Stefan settled in 10 versts from Radonja, in a deep forest near the river Konchura. The brothers cut the forest with their own hands and built Kelia and a small church. This church, the priest, sent by Metropolitan Feoganost, was consecrated in honor of the Holy Trinity. So there was a famous abode of St. Sergius.

Soon Stephen left his brother and became the abbot of the Epiphany Monastery in Moscow and the confessor of the Grand Duke. Bartholomews, bendered in monastic name with the name of Sergius, for about two years she lasted alone in the forest. It is impossible to imagine how much temptations suffered at this time a young monk, but patience and prayer overcame all the difficulties and diatolian attacks. Past of the Keels of St. Sergius, the wolves were run by whole flocks, and the bears were coming, but none of them hurt him. One day, the Holy Desert gave bread from the bear who came to his Kelia, and since then the beast has been constantly visiting Rev. Sergius, who divided his last piece of bread with him.

No matter how hard the holy Sergius hide his exploits, the fame of them spread and attracted other inocities to him who wanted to escape under his leadership. They began to ask Sergius to take the San Priest and Hegumen. Sergius did not agree for a long time, but seeing in their relentless request of the vocation over, said: "I would like to obey it better than to command, but the judgment of God and I betray myself in the will of the Lord." It was in 1354, when Saint Alexy joined the Department of Moscow Metropolitan.

The life and works of Rev. Sergius in the history of Russian monastics are of particular importance, because he laid the beginning of the life of the deserts, arranged outside the city the abode with community. The abode of the Holy Trinity, arranged on the new principle, first endured extremely poverty; The rhesis were made of simple crash, the sacred vessels were wooden, in the temple instead of candles shone the beaches, but the devotees were burned with zeal. Saint Sergius filed a brotherhood example of the strictest abstinence, deepest humility and unshakable hope for the help of God. In the works and the exploits, he was first, and Briat followed him.

Once in the monastery, the stock of bread was completely exhausted. The Igumen himself to earn a few pieces of bread, the selfly built a senior in the Keels of one brother. But in the hour of extreme need for the prayers of brethren, the abode of generous help unexpectedly served. A few years after the base, the monastery began to shave the peasants near her. Not far from it was a big road to Moscow and north, thanks to which the funds of the monastery began to increase, and she began to generously in the example of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and to take the patients and wanderers on his care.

Rumor about Saint Sergia reached Constantinople, and Patriarch Filofee sent him his blessing and a diploma, which was approved by the new orders of desert community, headed by the founder of the Holy Trinity monastery. Metropolitan Alexey loved Rev. Sergius as a friend, instructed him to reconcile hostile princes, laid an important authority on him and prepared himself into successors. But Sergius refused this election.

One day, Metropolitan Alexey wanted to impose a golden cross on him as a reward for the works, but Sergius said, "I didn't carry gold from my youth, even more so I want to stay in a poverty" - and resolutely rejected this honor from myself.

The Grand Duke Dimitri Ivanovich, nicknamed Donskoy, honored St. Sergius as her father and asked him blessings to fight Tatar Khan Mama. "Go, go boldly, prince, and hope for the aid of God," the old man told him and gave him the associates of his two sokov: the reboot and dock, who fell as heroes in the Kulikovsky battle.

Last lifetime, Rev. Sergius made miracles and honored great revelations. One once appeared to him in the wonderful magnitude of the Mother of God with the apostles Peter and John and promised the patronage of his abode. Another time he saw an extraordinary light and a lot of birds, who announced the air with a fraudulent singing, and received a revelation that many of the Inok would gather in his abode. 30 years after his blessed death (September 25, 1392), his holy power was opened.

Once, deep at night, Rev. Sergius read the Akathist of the Mother of God. Having made the usual rule, he sat down a little rest, but suddenly he said to his Clacer, Rev. Mikhai († May 6, 1385): "Walk, Chado, we will have a wonderful visit." As soon as he uttered these words, as the voice was heard: "the prechile is coming." Rev. Sergius hurried from Kelia in Song, and suddenly he was tamed bright light, stronger than sunny. He saw the glovenant in the unfamiliar glory of God Mother, accompanied by the apostles Peter and John. Unable to make a wonderful light, Rev. Sergius threatenly bowed to God's mother, and she told him: "Do not be afraid, my choices! I came to visit you. Not chasing more about their disciples and about this place. Your prayer is heard. From now on, everyone will be overwhelmed by your residence, and not only in the days of your life, but after your reference to God I will be relentlessly from your monastery, gives her an inaccessible all demanding and covering it in all needs. " Having said it, the Mother of God became invisible. Long reverend, Sergius was in an unfair admiration, and, having come to himself, raised Rev. Michea. "Tell me, the Father," asked Cemen, "what was it for a wonderful vision?" From horror, my soul almost separated from the body! " But Rev. Sergius was silent; Only his fresh face spoke about the spiritual joy that was experienced by Holy. "Wait a little bit," he finally said his student, "my spirit from a wonderful vision calms down." After some time, Rev. Sergius called on his two students, Rev. Isaacia and Simon, and informed them with overall joy and hope. All together they made the prayer singing of the Mother of God. The rest of the night, the Monk Sergius spent without sleep, looking at the mind of the Divine Vision. The phenomenon of the Mother of God in the Keels of St. Sergius, on the site of the current semicircular chamber, was one of the Fridays of the Christmas post of 1385. The memory of visiting God's mother of Trinity, the monastery and its promises was holy by students of St. Sergius. On July 5, 1422, his saints were acquired, and soon on the coffin of St. Sergius was put icon of the mother of God's mother. Icon was honored as a great shrine. In 1446, the Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich (1425-1462) was captured in the Trinity Monastery for the troops of the princes Dimitri Shemyaki and John Mozhaysky. He locked in Trinity Cathedral, and when he heard that he was looking for, took the icon of the mother of God's mother and met Prince John in the Southern Church Doors, saying: "Brother, we kissed the life-giving cross and this icon in this church of the Liberal Trinity of the same The coffin of the wonderworker Sergius so that we do not think and not desire any evil from the brethren; But now I do not know what you will come true. " Troitsky Inok Ambrose (middle of the 20th century) reproduced the icon of the phenomenon of the Mother of God Rev. Sergia in a tree thread.

King John Groznya took the icon of the Mother of God's phenomenon in Kazan hike in 1552. The most famous icon, written in 1588 by Kelarem Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, Estafius Golovkin on the board from the wooden crayfish of St. Sergius, which was dismantled in 1585 due to the transfer of the relics of Rev. Sergius in silver cancer. Mother of God repeatedly protected Russian troops through this miraculous icon. King Alexey Mikhailovich (1645-1676) took her to the Polish campaign in 1657. In 1703, Icon participated in all campaigns of war with the Swedish king Karl Xii, and in 1812 Metropolitan Plato sent it to Moscow militia. Icon participated in the Russian-Japanese war of 1905 and during the First World War was at the expense rate of the Supreme Commander in 1914.

A church was built over the coffin of St. Micah and was called upon sanctification on December 10, 1734 in honor of the phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Holy Apostles Reverend Father Sergia Radonezh. On September 27, 1841, the temple was resumed and consecrated by the Moscow Metropolitan Philaret, who said: "The grace of the All-Term and All-Term Spirit was made today to update this temple, created before us in honor and memory of the phenomenon of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God, the reverend and the gloomy father of our Mother of God, what is the obvious witness The reverend Michea was, in the fragrance of the shrine here, which is clearing. It was righteous that the memory of this gracious event was to honor the sanctified temple, though, however, the entire monument to this is a monument of this wonderful visit. Because all the fate of it in the continuation of the centuries is the fulfillment of the promise of the heavenly visitor: "I will be redeemed from this place." In memory of the visit of the Mother of God in the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra on Fridays, the Akathist of the Blessed Virgin Mary is read on Fridays, and a special service in honor of the phenomenon of the Mother of God is performed in the monastery on August 24, on the second day of returning the holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The relics of St. Sergius were gained on July 5, 1422 in reverend Igumen Nikon. In 1408, when Moscow and its surroundings were exposed to the invasion of the Tatar Horde, the Trinity Resident was emptied and burned, the Inka headed by Igumen Nikon was hidden in the forests, retaining the icons, sacred vessels, books and other shrines associated with the memory of St. Sergius. In a night vision, on the eve of the Tatar raider, Rev. Sergius informed his student and successor about the future tests and predicted in consolation that the temptation would be a short and holy insidency, a rim from the ashes, flashes and even more. Metropolitan Philaret wrote about it in the "Life of St. Sergius": "According to the likeness of how it was like to suffer from Christ, and through the cross and death to enter the glory of the Resurrection and everything that Christ is blessed with the longitude of days and glory, to experience their cross and His death. " Having passed through the fire cleansing, resurrected to the longitude of the days the abode of the lifting Trinity, rebelled and the reverend Sergius himself, so that he was already forever with his holy relics to stay in her.

Before the construction of a new temple in the name of the Library Trinity on the site of a wooden, consecrated September 25, 1412, the reverend appeared to one pious Mijanin and ordered to inform Igumen and Briathery: "Why leave me so much time in the coffin, the ground of the divent, in the water that implants my body? " And here in the construction of the cathedral, when the rivers were digging for the foundation, the unwanted relics were open and were deposited, and everyone saw that not only the body, but the clothes were unharmed on it, although water really stood around the coffin. With a large coherence of the Bogomoltsev and the clergy, in the presence of the son of Dimitri Donsky, Prince Zvenigorod Yuri Dimitrievich, the holy power were deposited from the Earth and temporarily delivered in the wooden Trinity Church (the Church of the Fathest of the Holy Spirit is now located on that place). When consecrated in 1426, the stone Trinity Cathedral was transferred to it, where and donnyne.

All the threads of the spiritual life of the Russian Church converge to the great Radonezh and the Wonderworker, throughout the Orthodox Russia, graceful life-giving currents are distributed from the monastery founded by him.

Westing the Holy Trinity in Russian Earth began with Holy Equal-Apostles Olga, erected by the first Troitsky Temple in Pskov in Russia. Later, such temples were erected in Veliky Novgorod and other cities.

The spiritual contribution of St. Sergius in the Theological Teaching about the Holy Trinity is especially great. The Rev. Deeply wounded the innermost secrets of the theology "smart eyes" of the devotee - in a prayer ascent to the triipostasic God, in an experienced fragrance and extension.

"Sconcellies of the perfect light and the contemplation of the Most Holy and Lordic Trinity," the Saint Gregory of theologian express themselves, "there will be those that completely connect with the perfect spirit." Rev. Sergius was experienced by the secret of the Life Trinity, because his life was connected with God, he joined the lifespan of the Divine Trinity, that is, he had reheated on earth, becoming a "partary of God of God." "Who loves me," said the Lord, "he keeps the word mine; And my father loved him, and we will come to him and the abode of him will create. " Avva Sergius, in all of the opposite commandments of Christ, belongs to the number of holy wings, in the soul of which "Holy Trinity" created "; He himself was "the inhabitant of the Holy Trinity", and everyone who communicated with the Rev., he erected and acquired to her.

The Radonezh devotee, his students and interlocutors enriched the Russian and universal church by the new theological and liturgical leading and vision of the surroundal trinity, the beginning and source of life, which herself to the world and man in the Council of the Church, Bratsk Union and the sacrificial redemption of her shepherds and Chad.

The spiritual symbol of gathering Russia in unity and love, the historic degree of the people became the temple of the Lifting Trinity, erected by Reverend Sergius, "In order for the fear of the hate retail of this world to the permanent loaming on it."

Westing the Holy Trinity in the forms created and bequeathed by the Holy Igumen Radonezh, was one of the most deep and distinctive features of Russian church. In the Trinity, there was not only a holy perfection of eternal life in the Trinity, but also a sample for the life of the human, the spiritual ideal, to which humanity should strive, because in the Trinity, as an inseparal, gravestics condemn and bless the Council, and in the Trinity, as an unspansioned IHO and Freedom is blessed. In the teachings of Rev. Sergius about the Blessed Trinity, the Russian people deeply felt their cofolicial, universal calling, and, having fed the world's importance of the holiday, the people decorated it with all the variety and wealth of ancient national custom and folk poetry. The whole spiritual experience and spiritual aspiration of the Russian Church was embodied in the liturgical work of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity, Trinity Church rites, Icons of the Holy Trinity, temples and the abylls of her name.

The miraculous icon of the Library Trinity of St. Andrei Radonezh, the Nickname of Rublev, Icon-Iconisky, Troytskaya Sergic, written on the blessing of St. Nicon in the praise of Saint Avgi, was the miraculous Icon of St. Sergius. At the 4-eyed Cathedral of 1551, this icon was approved as a sample for the entire subsequent church iconography of the Blessed Trinity.

"Hateless Returns", discords and confusion of worldly life were overcome by the monota dormitory, planted by Rev. Sergius throughout Russia. People would have no separation, contention and wars, if the human nature, created by the Creator in the image of the divine trinity, was not distorted and fragmented with original sin. Overcoming its comprehension, rejecting "their" and "herself", rejecting "their" and "herself", inki-hostel, to the teachings of St. Vasily the Great, restore the pristine unity and holiness of human nature. The abode of St. Sergius became a model of such recovery and revival for the Russian Church, the holy Inkocks were brought in it, then stacked the true path of Christ in remote limits. In all his writings and acts, Rev. Sergius and his disciples were incereed by life, giving people a living example of the possibility of this. Without renumbering from the earth, but transforming him, they called to go up and they themselves were appreciated to heavenly.

School of Reverend Sergius through the monastery, founded by him, his students and students of his students, covers the entire space of Russian Earth and runs through the entire further history of the Russian Church. The fourth part of all Russian monasteries, firm faith, piety and enlightenment, is founded by Aviba Sergey and his students. "The igumen of the Russian Earth" called the people of the founder of the house of the Library Trinity. Rev. Nikon and Mikey Radonezh, Sylvester Obnorsky, Stephen Makhrishchsky and Abraham Chukhlomsky, Athanasius Serpukhovsky and Nikita Borovsky, Feodor Simonovsky and Ferapont Mozhaisky, Andronician and Savva Statzhevsky, Dimitri Prilutsky and Kirill Belozersky - All of them were students and interlocutors "Wonderful Elder" Sergius . Saint Alexy and Cyprian, Metropolitans Moscow, Dionysius, Archbishop Suzdal, and Stefan, Bishop Perm, consisted with him in spiritual communication. Patriarchs Constantinople Callist and Philofee wrote messages to him and sent their blessing. Throughout St. Nikita and Pafnutias, Borovsky, there is a spiritual continuity of St. Joseph Volochkom and the squad of his students, through Kirill Belozersky - to Nile Soviet, to Herman, Savvatia and Zosim Solovetsky.

Church honors and those of the students and the associates of St. Sergius, whose memory is not marked in a monthly schedule, on a separate day. We remember that the first came to the preventive on Macoves Alder Vasily Dry, named after his incomparable posting. The second was the ink of Yakut, that is, Jacob, from ordinary peasants, he carried me badly for many years in the abode of troublesome and difficult obedience. They came, among other student, to the reverend his countrymen from Radonja Diakon Onyim with Son Elisham. When 12 inkoms gathered and the keys built were a high fence, Diacon Onysima Avva appointed a gatekeeper, because Kelia was extreme from the entrance to the abode. Under the Senuyu of the Holy Trinity, the monastery held his last years, Igumen Mitrofan, the one who has time to once reverend Sergius in an Angelic image and instructed in monocariate exploits. The grave of the deceased Soon of the blissful elder Mitrofan became the first on the monastery cemetery. In 1357, he came to the abode from Smolensk Archimandrite Simon, leaving the honorary position of the abbot in one of Smolensk monasteries in order to become a simple novice at the gloomy Radonezh Igumen. In a reward for the great humility, the Lord has made him a party to be a participant in the wondrous vision of St. Sergius about the future multiplication of his inhang herd. For the blessing of St. Avv, the feat of a prayerful silence of the Blessed Old Arky Silence, whose silence for the monok and the external was instructive for any words. Only once over the years in the years, the removal of the mouth of the captain of St. Isaac - in order to testify as the Angel of God she served in the altar to the reverend Serge, who committed the Divine Liturgy. An eyewitness of the grace of the Holy Spirit, who contributed to the Rev., was also Ecclisiah Simon, who saw once, as heavenly fire came down to the holy secrets and the waters of God "took the fire inexurance." The elder of the Epiphany, former later, with Nikona's igumen, the confessor of Sergiev's herd, the church appears to be wisely for high scholarship and great spiritual taming. He is known as the compiler of the lives of St. Sergius and his interlocutor of St. Stephen Permian, praise words, as well as the "Words about the Life and Putting of the Grand Prince Dimitri Donskoy." The life of Rev. Sergius, compiled by the epiphany after 26 years in the death of St., i.e. in 1418, it was then reworked by an ink agiographer who arrived in the ink agiographer with an ingiographer, a nicknamed logo.

To St. Sergius, as an inexhaustible source of the prayer spirit and the grace of the Lord, at all times they went to worship - for casting and prayers, for help and healing - thousands of people. And each of those who resign with faith to his miraculous relics, he heals and revives, performs the strength and faith, transforms and builds to his light-blooded spirituality.

But not only spiritual gifts and graceful healings are submitted to all coming with faith to the relics of Rev., but he is also given to God to defend Russian land from enemies. Rev. with his prayers was with the army of Dimitri Don on the Kulikov field; He blessed his victims to the utilian fellow of his victims - Inok Alexander Perevota and Andrei Osling. He pointed out John the Terrible Place for the construction of the Sviyazhsk fortress and helped in victory over Kazan. During the Polish invasion, the Rev. Sergius appeared in a dream to Nizhny Novgorod Citizen Goat Minin, the commanding to collect the treasury and arm the army for the liberation of Moscow and the Russian state. And when in 1612, the militia and Pozharsky militia after a prayer wheel in the Holy Trinity moved to Moscow, the fertile wind waved Orthodox twists, "Yako from the coffin of the very wonderworker Sergius."

By the time of the troubled time and Polish invasion, the heroic "Trinity Seating" belongs, when many of the Inkas for the blessing of St. Hegumen Dionysius repeated the sacred target feat of Sergian pupils of reboot and dose. One and a half years - from September 23, 1608 to January 12, 1610 - the Poles were deposited by the abode of the lifting Trinity, wishing to plunder and destroy this sacred stronghold of Orthodoxy. But the intercession of the Mosti Mother of God and the prayers of St. Sergius, "with many shame" finally fled from the walls of the monastery, persecuted by God's anger, and soon the leader himself, Lisovsky, died by death just on the day of the reverend, September 25, 1617. In 1618, the Polish Korolevislav Vladislav himself came to the walls of the Holy Trinity, but, powerless against the guarding abode of the grace of the Lord, was forced to sign a truce with Russia in the village of Sele deuline. Later here was erected by the temple in the name of Rev. Sergius.

In 1619, Jerusalem Patriarch Faofan visited Lavra to Russia. In particular, he wanted to see those inocities that in the godine of military danger dare to impose on themselves on the thumbnails of the combat karti and with weapons in his hands stood on the walls of the Holy Resident, reflecting the enemy. Rev. Dionysius, Igumen, who headed the defense, presented to Patriarch more than twenty monocities.

The first of them was Athanasius (Obserin), the most advanced years, before the yellow-willed old man. Patriarch asked him: "Do you walked to war and supervised the warriors?" The elder replied: "Yes, Vladyko holy, was coated with bloody tears." - "What is inherent in theory - prayer solitude or military exploits before people?" Blessed Athanasius, worshiping, answered: "Every thing and every business is known at one time. Here is the signature of Latinan on my head, from weapons. Six six patch memories in my body. In Keels, sitting, in prayers, could I find such motivators to frighten and rubbing? And it was all not by our grace, but on the blessing of our service sent us. " Touched the wise response of the humble ink, the Patriarch blessed and kissed him. He blessed the rest of the warriors and expressed the approval of the Lavra of St. Sergius to the whole fraternity.

The feat of the monastery in the heavy time for all of the people is described by Kelare Abrahamia (Palitsyn) in the "Tale of the events of the troubled Time" and Kelarere Simon Azaryin in two agiographic writings: "The book on the wonders of St. Sergius" and "Life of Rev. Dionysius Radonezh". In 1650, Simeon Shakhovsky was drawn up Akathist Rev. Sergia, as a "sweated governor" of the Russian Earth, in memory of the deliverance of Trinity the abode from the enemy circumstances. Another existing Akathist was written in the XVIII century, the author considers it the Metropolitan of the Moscow Plato.

In subsequent time, the abode continued to be an acute light of spiritual life and church enlightenment. From her brethren, many famous hierarchs of the Russian Church were elected from her breed. In 1744, the abode for merit to the homeland and faith was referred to Lavra. In 1742, the spiritual seminary was established in its fence, in 1814 the Moscow Spiritual Academy was translated here.

And now the house of the lifty Trinity serves as one of the main fertile centers of the Russian Orthodox Church. Here, the dedication of the Holy Spirit is made by the acts of local councils of the Russian Church. Fifth July, the day of the acquisition of the relics of St. Avvi Sergius, the Russian Earth's Igumen is the most crowded and solemn church festival in the monastery.

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A given familiarization fragment of the Book of St. Rev. Sergius Radonezh. Great wonderworker of Russian land. Protection against any life problems, healing of patients, assistance in studies (A. Yu. Muderova, 2016) provided by our book partner -

Rev. Sergius was born in the village of Varnanti, near Rostov, on May 3, 1314 in the family of pious and noble boyars Cyril and Mary. The Lord previbrated him from his mother's womb. In the life of St. Sergius, it is narrating that the Divine Liturgy is even before the birth of the son of the Son, the righteous Maria and the prayers heard a triple exclamation of a baby: before reading the Holy Gospel, during the Kheruvim song and when the priest said: "Holy Saint". God gave Rev. Cyril and Maria Son, who was called Bartholomeum. From the first days of life, the baby was surprised by the postal service, on Wednesdays and Fridays, he did not accept Mother's milk, on other days, if Maria used meat into food, the baby also refused his mother's milk. Noticing this, Maria refused meat food at all. At the seven age, Bartholomew was given to learn together with his two brothers - senior Stefan and younger Peter. The brothers studied him successfully, but Bartholomews lagged behind in the teaching, although the teacher and to remember with him. Parents scolded the child, the teacher punished, and the comrades were embarrassed over his meaninglessness. Then the warfolomes with tears prayed to the Lord about the gift of his book intelligence. Once the father sent Bartholomew for horses in the field. On the way, he met the Angel's sent by the God in a night image: stood an old man under an oak among the field and made a prayer. Bartholomew came close to him and, stuck, began to wait for the end of the prayer of the elder. He blessed his father, kissed and asked what he wishes. Bartholomew replied: "With all the soul, I wish to learn a diploma, the Father Saint, pray for me to God so that he helps me know a diploma." Inok fulfilled the request of the Bartholomew, ascended his prayer to God and, blessed the excursion, told him: "From now on, God gives you, the child is mine, to have a diploma, you will surpate your brothers and peers." At the same time, the elder took the vessel and gave the Bartholomew of the prosphora particle: "Take, Choo, and eat," he said. "This is given to you in the sign of God's grace and for the understanding of the Holy Scripture." The old man wanted to retire, but Bartholomew asked him to visit the house of his parents. Parents with honor met guests and offered a treat. The elder replied that he should first taste the foods of the spiritual one, and told their son to read the Psalter. Bartholomew began to read hard, and parents were surprised to change the change with her son. Saying goodbye, the elder of the prophetic predicted about St. Sergia: "Your son will be great before God and people. He will be the chosen inheritant of the Holy Spirit." Since then, the Holy Latched Labor read and understood the content of books. With special diligence, he began to delve into prayer, not missing a single worship service. As a child, he imposed a strict post on himself, did not eat anything on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on other days there was only bread and water.

Around 1328, the parents of Rev. Sergius moved from Rostov to Radonezh. When their older sons were married, Cyril and Maria took Shima in the Khotkovsky Monastery of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God, near Radonja. Subsequently, the elder brother Stefan also accepted the monastery in this monastery. Burrying parents, warfolomes, together with Brother Stefan, retired for deserted into the forest (in 12 versts from Radonja). At first they put Kellya, and then a small church, and, with the blessing of Metropolitan Feoganost, she was consecrated in the name of the Blessed Trinity. But soon, not to withstand the difficulties of life in a deserted place, Stephen left his brother and moved to the Moscow Epiphany Monastery (where he became close to Inok Alexia, subsequently Metropolitan Moscow, memory on February 12).

Bartholomews, on October 7, 1337, adopted a lead to a monk from Iguman Mitrofan with the name of Holy Martyr Sergius (Memory on October 7) and laid the beginning of a new residence in the glory of the Library Trinity. Preasured temptations and insurance Besky, the Rev. Surge from the Force. Gradually, he became known to other inquars, looking for his leadership. Rev. Sergiy took everyone with love, and soon in the small monastery was the brotherhood of twelve inocities. Their experienced spiritual mentor was distinguished by rare hardworking. With her own hands, he built a few Kellya, wore water, cut the firewood, baked bread, sewed clothes, prepared food for brethren and humbly performed other works. Heavy labor Rev. Sergius connected with prayer, waiting and post. Brachia was surprised that with such a harsh feat, the health of their mentor was not only not worse, but even more strengthened. Unable to Inqua missed St. Sergius to take science over the insanity. In 1354, Bishop of Volyn Athanasius dedicated to St. Ieromonach and erected in San Igumen. Strictly carried out in the abode of the monastery. With an increase in the monastery grew and his needs. Often, the buildings fed a meager food, but on the prayers of Rev. Sergius, unknown people brought everything necessary.

The fame of the exploits of St. Sergius became known in Constantinople, and the Patriarch Filofee sent the Reverend Cross, Paraman and Shima, in the blessing of new feats, blessed by diploma, advised the chosen one to arrange a hostel monastery. With the Patriarchal Message, the Monk went to Saint Alexy and received the Council from him to introduce a strict hostel. The buildings began to raise on the rigor of the charter, and the Monk was forced to leave the abode. On the Kirzhach River, he founded the abode in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The order in the former monastery began to quickly decline, and the remaining Inaks turned to the Saint Alexy so that he returned the saint.

Rev. Sergius could noinately obeyed the Saint, leaving the Kirzhach monastery of his student, the reverend novel.

Last lifetime, Rev. Sergius was awarded the graceful gift of the miracles. He resurrected a date when a desperate father considered the only son who was lost forever. Glory about the wonders committed by Rev. Sergius, began to spread quickly, and they began to bring patients from both the surrounding villages and from remote places. And no one left the reverend, without having received the healing of the ailments and edification councils. Everyone was glorified by Rev. Sergius and reverently revealed on a par with the ancient Holy Fathers. But the human glory did not choose the great devotee, and he still remained a sample of Santic humility.

One day, St. Stephen, Bishop Perm (MEMORY on April 27), deeply revered the reverend, headed from his diocese to Moscow. The road ran into eight versts from Sergiyev Monastery. Assuming to visit the monastery on the way back, the saint stopped and, after reading the prayer, bowed to St. Sergius with the words: "Peace to you, spiritual brother." At this time, the Rev. Sergius sat together with the brother behind the meal. In response to the blessing of St. Saint Sergius, I read the prayer and sent a response blessing to the saint. Some of the students surprised by the extraordinary act of Rev., hurried to the specified place and, gave way to the saint, were convinced of the truth of the vision.

Gradually, Inaks became witnesses and other similar phenomena. Once during the Liturgy, the Angel of the Lord served, but according to his humility, he forbade his St. Sergius to tell someone to the end of his life on Earth.

Current bonds of spiritual friendship and fraternal love tied Rev. Sergius with Saint Alexy. The saint on the slope of the years urged Rev. and asked to take Russian Metropolitan, but the blissful Sergius for humility refused the primacy.

Russian land at that time suffered from Tatar yoke. Great Prince Dimitri Ioannovich Donskoy, collecting the army, came to the abode of St. Sergius to ask the blessings to the upcoming battle. To help the Great Prince, the reverend blessed the two inks of their abode: Schimonach Andrei (Oll) and Schimonakh Alexander (Perevalt), and predicted the victory by Prince Dimitray. The prophecy of Rev. Sergius was fulfilled: September 8, 1380, on the day of the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Russian warriors won a complete victory over the Tatar Hordes in the Kulikov field, putting the beginning of the liberation of Russian land from the Tatar yoke. During the battle, Rev. Sergius, together with Britia, stood on prayer and asked God to give the victory to the Russian army.

For angelic life, Rev. Sergiy was awarded the God of Heavenly Vision. Once at night, Avva Sergius read the rule in front of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. After graduating from reading the Canon of the Mother of God, he sat down to relax, but suddenly he said his student, Rev. Mikhai (Memory on May 6), that they are awaiting a wonderful visit. In a moment, the Mother of God appeared, accompanied by the Holy Apostles Peter and John the Bogoslov. From an unusually bright light, Rev. Sergiy Pal Nits, but the Most Holy Virgin touched him with his hands and, blessing, he always promised to patronize his holy monastery.

Having reached a deep old age, the Monk, for half a year, Nick's death, urged his brotherhood and blessed on the need of an experienced in spiritual life and obedience to a student, Rev. Nikon (19 November). In the silent solitude, the Rev. was pressed to God on September 25, 1392. On the eve of the great waters of God for the last time he called on his brotherhood and turned with the words of the will: "Looking for yourself, brethren. Before have the fear of God, the purity of peace and love is non-estate ..."