Business plan for the production of mineral water. Production of drinking water business plan - where to start

Business plan for the production of mineral water. Production of drinking water business plan - where to start
Business plan for the production of mineral water. Production of drinking water business plan - where to start

Drinking water today buy not only for home. She is ordered to offices, in the establishment of catering, hospitals, children's facilities, production workshops. The demand for this product will always be, because at any time of the year a person simply cannot without it. Of course, such an important product can not be ignored to modern entrepreneurs. Mineral water production is one of the promising and inexpensive ideas of business.

  • What equipment to choose to produce drinking water?
  • Drinking water production technology
  • Bottled drinking water ozonation
  • What equipment to choose to produce mineral water
  • Mineral water production technology

It may seem that there is no easier product than drinking water. However, its species have a lot. Main groups are mineral table species, natural canteens and medicinal. The first species contains in the composition of at least 1-2 g of salts per liter. In addition, the composition is pharmacologically active ingredients. In therapeutic and dining waters of salts more. They have biologically active ingredients. Therapeutic species are products in which general mineralization is at least 12 g per liter. They can only be used to appoint a doctor. According to the amount of capacity in the product of the aniones and cations, the cutlery is divided into 19 groups, and therapeutic-dining rooms on 28 classes. The first numbers about 160 species, and the second is not more than a hundred.

What equipment to choose to produce drinking water?

The line for the production of bottled drinking mineral water costs about 1 million rubles. The equipment set includes:

SATORTOR or installation for gasIt resembles a cylinder, which creates a certain pressure. It is controlled using the valve, the level shows the pressure gauge installed on it. Before saturated with carbon dioxide, water is cooled to 6 ° C.
Machine for spill and cappingIt rinsing, spills soft drinks in PET container or glass bottles, from 0.33 to 19 liters. Writing the equipment can be plastic cap, kronen-cork or aluminum lid.
Pump for wellMineral is considered water that is mined from a depth of 100 meters and more. The equipment must be powerful enough to pump it from there and send to the production line.
Water tanksUsed to store drinking water before and in time processing.
PET BottlesForms a container into which the product will be broken down.
Packaging equipmentIt serves for packing bottles in briquettes, convenient for further transportation and storage.

Drinking water production technology

Production of bottled and spill drinking water occurs in such technology. Water from wells enters special containers. It rises through pipes, with special depth pumps. In such drinking water, there are always mechanical impurities. To get rid of them, water is carefully filtered. If this is not done, then the product is sooner or later and spoiled. Industrial filters are made from well-known materials: coal, sand and other things. At the next stage, water is purified from biologically active organisms. For this use ultraviolet radiation.

Not every mineral water is carbonated. As practice shows, the product without gases is less demand. Therefore, to achieve the desired level of sales, water should be missed through the saturator. It will saturate it with carbon dioxide. Cool water in the heat exchanger. Dissolve carbon dioxide.

At modern factories, the container for the product makes themselves. Installations for its manufacture do not occupy a lot, and production does not depend on suppliers. Branded stickers and a special design is another important feature that affects the sales and success of the enterprise marketing policy.

Tara for mineral water.

Bottled drinking water ozonation

The saturation of water oxygen (ozonation) eliminates the liquid from harmful microorganisms, disinfects it and even gives some healing properties. Oxygen, which falls into the water does not affect its mineral properties, but it improves taste and makes a product useful for a person. It is proved that the cellular structure of water passed through ozonation is similar to the human structure. The body is easier process.

The installation in which ozonation is occurred (oxygen saturation) can be purchased for 260 thousand rubles. It has a certificate of conformity of ROSS RU.AB67.H00706 No. 0276073. Water passed through it corresponds to domestic standards and rules. Installation can be:

For an hour, such equipment can be occurred from 50 to 500 liters of drinking water. It is a single case that does not require special installation. The technology is not in gas production, but in filling drinking water with oxygen at the ion level. A fluid is obtained at the outlet, which contains 40 mg per 1 liter of dissolved oxygen.

Ozonizing mineral bottled drinking water in production is carried out immediately before spilling in the container. Ozone level in such liquids - 0.2-0.3 mg / l. They can be useful for a sufficient long time.

Ozonation occurs in a very short time, but nevertheless, it allows you to disinfect the product and container. Ozone also affects the spill system itself, the lid, the neck of the bottles and other elements involved in the process. After the bottle hermetically shakes, ozone molecules turn into oxygen. This process makes the product practically sterile before its use. Ozonation is mainly applied at the last technological stage.

In the end, it should be noted that on average in the industry, the production of drinking mineral bottled water has a profitability of about 30%. With such an indicator and, subject to the full sale of products, the investment is promised to pay off for 12 months. The term, respectively, will increase if more expensive equipment is purchased and the production room has been purchased.

What equipment to choose to produce mineral water

To organize a small production of mineral water, a beginner entrepreneur needs to be purchased special equipment. Depending on the disposable finance, this can be a new or supported instrument. There is also an option for purchasing each machine separately or purchase a ready-made automated production line.
For the production of mineral water, it is necessary to buy such elements:
- borehole pump;
- Filter blocks of coarse and fine cleaning or automatic system;
- bottle production equipment;
- tanks and water tanks;
- spill machine and blocking bottles;
- Apparatus for the production of labels.

Mineral water production technology

The technology of mineral water production consists of several stages. In the process of production, water is subject to some processing. Special pumps mineral water roll out from wells a depth of 300 - 400 meters and raised to the savings tanks. Next, the water enters the filter block, where the filtration materials are purified in two stages - coarse and fine cleaning, and also disinfecting with ultraviolet rays. Before filling the mineral water co², it is pre-cooled on the plate heat exchanger. After that, on a special production line, a carbon dioxide is saturated, the solubility of which in water depends on temperature and pressure.
Prepared preforms are served in the car for the production of bottles, where they are heated, and the finished form of containers are given under pressure. At the last stage, mineral water is spilled in PET bottles, clocked with plastic plugs, glue a marked label. Finished products are placed in a heat shrink film of 6 pieces, stored or immediately deliver the goods to customers.

* The calculations use average data in Russia

1. Summary of the project

The goal of the project is to create an enterprise for the extraction and bottling of artesian water. The feasibility of the project is due to the growing popularity of this product both when used in offices and for home use.

Production - x. Pukhlyakovsky, Rostov region. Sales region - Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region. The price segment is "Standard +". Production premises are supposed to be made for rent, delivery is carried out by its own transport. Distribution is carried out through an affiliate chain of stores. The brand "Water Support" is recorded and a trademark.

The project is attractive to invest, which is confirmed by financial calculations and obtained as a result of integrated performance indicators (Table 1).

Table 1. Integral indicators of project efficiency

2. Company description and industry

The company carries out the mining and bottling of artesian water in 19 liter bottles. The main consumers of this product are organizations of any sphere of activity and any size; The use of bottled water for the needs of households in our country has been developed slightly, but increasingly gaining popularity. Today, according to various sources, in Russia, the consumption of bottled water per person is about 40 l per month; In Europe, this indicator is within 100-150 liters. Thus, it is possible to talk with full confidence about the significant potential of industry growth. It should also be taken into account that Russia and, in particular, the Rostov region, have large stocks of fresh water, which has a positive effect on the cost of the final product.

According to Rosstat, more than 5,000 subjects of small and medium-sized businesses operate in the Rostov region. If you take the average number of enterprises in 20 people, it will be 100,000 potential consumers. Based on the monthly water consumption of 40 liters per month, of which about 75% people consume in the workplace, the overall need for water provision of organizations is 100,000 * 40 * 0.75 \u003d 3,000,000 liters per month. The number of households and their water consumption is extremely difficult, however, we can say that it is not less than water consumption by organizations.

The competitive environment in the region is represented by three largest suppliers, two of which are produced and carry out distribution through a network of own stores (1 and 3 own trademarks, respectively), and one is a distributor-aggregator importing water from other regions to the region (7 trademarks in various price segments); In addition, there are about 10 regional producers that produce products of the budget segment and distribution through village grocery stores, in large cities of the region they are usually not present.

The technological process includes the rise of water from the pre-drilled well, cleaning it, softening and disinfection and the subsequent bottling into the bottle. After that, the water is delivered to their own vehicles to the place of sale. Sale is carried out through a network of partner stores. The competitiveness of the enterprise is ensured by the high quality of the purification and organoleptic properties of water provided by high-quality water treatment.

3. Description of goods

The company produces water from the Artesian Well, located in the farm Pukhlyakovsky Rostov region. The water of this region is characterized by high softness, as well as low acidity and content of metal impurities. By processing on special equipment, water is filtered disinfected, its organoleptic properties increase.

The quality of bottled drinking water is regulated by SanPine According to this Regulation, all drinking water is divided into two categories: 1st category and highest category. Water Support refers to the highest category, which will increase the profitability of the enterprise at the expense of the higher selling price, and, accordingly, increase the margin income of the enterprise.

The quality and characteristics of water "Water Support" were confirmed by independent laboratories of G. Rostov-on-Don. The main characteristics of the water are shown in Table. 2 in comparison with the requirements of SanPiN

Table 2. Comparative description of the main properties of water "Water Support"

According to the challenges of the chemical composition, organic, radiation and bacteriological pollution, as well as by other parameters given in the standard, the "water supply" fully complies with the requirements, most of the parameters are significantly superior to them.

Water is poured into 19 liter PET bottles with a handle. PET is used as an alternative to more common polycarbonate bottles, which, despite higher rigidity and a longer turnover period, contain bisphenol A, which negatively affects the taste qualities of water. The turnover of the bottles, according to the 2297-01-96201068-2008, is 50-60 cycles; In practice, the service life is 1.5-2 years. After that, the container is subject to disposal.

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A label is applied to the bottle with the Vodulum's branded logo, information about the manufacturer, water parameters and contact information of partner stores.

4. Sales and Marketing

The sale of water "Water Support" is performed through a network of retail outlets specializing directly on drinking water. At the time of the project starts, three trademarks of the "Standard" and Premium segments "are presented in the network assortment. "Water Support" occupies an intermediate niche, which significantly increases the competitiveness of the brand.

The network signed a cooperation agreement. Marketing and brand promotion is carried out by trading network; All trademarks of the range are advertised equally. Financing of advertising events - share, 20% pays for the manufacturer of "Water Support", 30% - a manufacturer of other range of assortment, 50% - Distributor. Such a distribution of shares (20/30) as a whole corresponds to the share of brands in total sales. The media plan is given in Table. 3.

Since the demand for drinking water has a pronounced seasonal nature, the advertising campaign is planned to be reduced to the changes.

Sale of water trading network is carried out both through trading in self-delivery and delivery to the house by reservation. The order can be decorated both by telephone and through the Internet site.

As of January 2016, the share of the network in the total sales of bottled (19 l bottles) of water is 15%. Due to the expansion of the assortment with water "Water Support", an increase in the share of up to 20% is expected.

5. Production plan

The first stage of project implementation is the drilling of the well on the territory adjacent to x. Pukhlyakovsky Rostov region. Water production comes from the second aquifer; The depth of it is occurring - 120-150 m. The expected debades debit is 90 m 3 / day. Intelligence and drilling are manufactured by a specialized company. The cost of work is given in Table. four.

Table 4. The cost of work on the device of the Artesian well

Water is supplied to the production room, located 50-70 m from the well, in which the bottling is directly carried out. The list of equipment is given in Table. five.

Table 5. Set of water bottling equipment in 19-liter bottles

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The debades debit exceeds the volume of water required during the first two years. Production volume is dictated by retail sales. The average production in the first two years is 10,000 liters per day. In stock it is necessary to maintain a permanent reserve to cover two-day demand. For the transportation of water from the place of production to the points of sale, three light trucks are used with a lifting capacity of 1.5 tons.

The required area of \u200b\u200bthe production site is 50 sq.m., warehouse - 80 sq.m. The number of production workers is 4 people. The number of auxiliary and warehouse workers - 3 people. The full staff schedule is given in Table. 6. Production plan is shown in ad. five.

All jobs are certified according to the law, maximum safety and availability of labor protection are ensured.

6. Organizational plan

All administrative and managerial functions are performed by an individual entrepreneur. To organize effective work, he must have common knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, tax legislation and accounting. It is also important knowledge of the detailed knowledge of the production technology and labor protection. Technology training conducts equipment supplier within 2 business days after installing equipment directly in production.

Table 6. Station schedule and wage fund

All employees directly subordinate to the owner of the enterprise.

Movers are performed as work in the production area, and work on the road when unloading machines on retail outlets. The dispatcher accepts orders from the distributor, and also plans the route of the car.

7. Financial plan

The financial plan is designed for a five-year period. The main economic indicators are calculated, the cash flow is normal and discounted.

Table 7. Investment costs

Table 8. Variable costs

Table 9. Continuous costs

The full financial plan is given in the ad. 7. On the basis of a comparison of financial indicators, a simplified taxation system was chosen (USN) with an object of income minus consumption.

8. Evaluation of efficiency

Based on the financial calculations obtained, integral indicators of the project's effectiveness are identified (Table 1). The discount rate of 10% is selected based on the low level of risks on the project, and also since the industry is not an innovative, the market is well known and is not subject to the influence of negative factors by the overall economic situation in the country.

Analyzing integral performance indicators can be concluded that the project is promising and is of interest to the investor.

9. Guarantees and risks

Table 10. Possible risks and measures to prevent and / or eliminate consequences

Considering these factors, it can be concluded that the risks on the project are quite low.

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Denis Miroshnichenko
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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

rent + salary + utilities, etc. rub.

Legal aspects, choice of equipment, formation of the range, room requirements, production processes, sales. Full financial calculations.

Mineral waters are solutions that contain various mineral salts, organic substances and gases. In general, mineral waters are divided not only for its intended purpose, but also by chemical composition.

Mineral waters for chemical composition

In the chemical composition, the cutlery is divided into 19 groups, but therapeutic and medicinal-dining rooms on 28 groups. Depending on the anionic and cation contained in the mineral waters, they are distinguished by such names: hydrocarbonate sodium, hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium, hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium-sodium, hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium. As well as sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium, sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium-magnesium and other.

Production technology

To date, more than 160 therapeutic and medical and dining water, as well as approximately 100 table mineral waters, are produced. It should be noted that, depending on both the chemical and gas composition, the production of mineral water is carried out in five technological directions. On the first are the restless water, in which there are no easiest components. According to the second carbon dioxide, which also does not contain easily octile components. On the third, mineral waters are produced in which iron is available. The fourth produces hydrosulfite and hydrosulfite - hydrogen sulfide mineral waters. The fifth produces mineral waters in which sulfitan-building bacteria are located. Each technology has its own processing and spill of water.

The process of mining, processing and spilling mineral water is carried out in this way: mineral water from a well under its pressure or the pump is sent to the collection, which is placed in a special room. But already directly from the collection, the water is pumped into the collection, intended for storage and already from there, is transmitted to the pump to filter into ceramic filters. Then, the water is cooled in the plate heat exchanger and is sent to the intermediate collection and from there the pump is transmitted to the saline. Carbon dioxide is sent to a touchscreen through a regulating node. Such a mechanism is connected to the gasification station. Already saturated mineral water is sent to a bactericidal installation, and then spill. In the case when mineral water is brought along its railway, first of all, they are treated, that is, they are filtered, cooled, a little saturated with carbon dioxide and disinfect. If the water was brought to railway tanks, the production of mineral water is completed with treatment in bactericidal installations and after that, it is sent to collections for storage.

Video of the whole process:


Industrial spill is the final stage in the production of mineral waters. It all starts with intelligence and research. After the decision was made to apply the explored mineral waters, switch to industrial development and exploitation of deposits. For this purpose, water intake structures are erected, which are called the caption. The main task of such a structure is to ensure the seizure and conclusion on the surface of underground mineral waters with the preservation of them, both physical properties and chemical composition.

The most common type of capping are drilling wells, in addition, capposts are used in the form of mines and shtol. Thanks to drilling wells, it is possible to capture mineral water at different depths. Wells are performed by both vertical and inclined. The latter are laid in complex hydrogeological conditions. It is worth noting that the trading shaft wells are built if the water is at a small depth. This is concerned with the trample gallery, they are constructed if it is necessary to get a significant amount of dispersion of mineral water in a small depth or when the gasifying water is derived.

For the lifting of mineral waters to the surface with a compulsory way: piston rod pumps, centrifugal depth pumps, pneumatic water lines. The working part of the water intake includes water-lifting pipes of one diameter, which are interconnected by couplings into the column.

Sparkling water

Gazed water is water saturated with gas. As a rule, carbon dioxide gas is used for water carbonation. Carbon dioxide is remarkably dissolved in water and enters into chemical interaction with water. Carbon dioxide in water besides this is used as a preservative and applied to the packaging code E290.

Any products and liquids should be of good quality so that a person does not threaten serious poisoning and disease. The requirements are still tougher to water, because no life is impossible without it. But the reserves of clean natural water, which can be drunk without preprocessing, has little left. The plumbing fluid has to be skipped through the filter, upset or boil. But when it suffers thirst, no time and desire for such procedures. It's easier to buy bottled water in the store or order home through the delivery service. Drinking water does not happen much, and demand grows. This allows an entrepreneur to develop a business plan for the production of drinking water and offer its range in the market.

To understand what attachments are needed to implement ideas, it is desirable to prepare a business plan for the production of drinking water with calculations. It can be represented as a visual example of banks or other partners who decide to help financially.


It is planned to start the production of carbonated and non-carbonated drinking water without any additives. The main activity is directed to the manufacture of soft drinks.

Raw materials will come from a personal well. The deposit was found, the quality and composition of water is defined in the state laboratory. The well is located in the forest array. There is no way to establish production directly from the source. Therefore, water will swing in reservoirs and delivered to production located in the suburbs.

Room: 2-storey building with adjacent territory. The area of \u200b\u200bthe premises is 300 square meters. m. On the 1st floor there will be a workshop and a warehouse, the rooms for personnel and administration will be located on the 2nd floor. The structure requires repair and redevelopment, summing up communications.

Form of activity: LLC (Limited Liability Company). Code of activity No. 11.07 - "Production of non-alcoholic beverages, various drinking water bottles."

Taxation is simplified (USN).

Service list

  • Production of drinking water, hydrated and non-carbonated.
  • Wholesale grocery stores and supermarkets.
  • Address delivery to customers for a call.

Production mode

Production: daily from 09.00 to 19.00.

Address delivery service: from 08.00 to 20.00.

Preparation of documents

Based on the fact that raw materials will be used from its own well, you need to make documents on this site. Having received permission and the right to work, we rent water to research into the state laboratory. Conclusion on the expertise on hand. Water does not contain large impurities, which will reduce the number of cleaning steps. The worse water, the more expensive production will be released and the more difficult it will compete with water with the best taste.

  • Permission of the administration to open drinking water plant.
  • The rental agreement on the room in which drinking water production will be placed.
  • Conclusion SES on the possibility of opening a workshop on the selected territory.
  • Conclusion of fire department for security conditions.
  • Quality certificates for equipment that will be used in the enterprise.
  • Certificate of water quality, which will come to the consumer. Without this passport, stores will not take the goods to their counters.
  • Treaty with an energy sales on the connection of a high power line, because the production line is fully automated.
  • Employees must have a sanitary book and employment contract.

Estimate project

Go to an important part of the business plan - calculations. This will determine the costs that will arise at the stage of preparation for the launch of the line of bottled water. Expenditure articles reflect in the table:

Type of spending The amount of investment, thousand rubles.
Collection of documentation and business registration (water analysis, well design, coordination in inspection departments, product licensing) 250
Equipment of manufacturing territory
Machine for blowing plastic bottles of 0.5 to 10 liters 800
Tara molds 50
Line of automatic water bottling in container (up to 3 thousand bottles per hour) 900
Apparatus for sticking labels on a bottle and stamp with production date 300
Device for spinning caps on bottles 150
SATURATOR (apparatus for the formation of gases in water) 300
Bottle Packing Machine in Shared Pet Film for Transportation 400
Submersible pump for injection of water from a well to the tank 100
Accessories for underground water supply connecting pump and tank 500
Water tanks 300
Ozonator for disinfection and saturation of water oxygen 150
Filters rough and fine cleaning 250
Station for industrial water purification 2 500
TOTAL 6 million 150 thousand

These are the cost of equipping the well and workshop for the production of water equipment. Additionally, funds for a cosmetic finish, a complete set of furniture, communications.

Investment information is preliminary. The cost of equipment, finishing materials, various services may differ, because performers and suppliers are not yet selected. But before launching the production of drinking water, more than 10 million rubles are needed. Not taken into account transportation costs for moving raw materials from the well to the plant, delivery of products to customers, funds for the work of production before receiving the first profit. Add 1.5 million rubles to these costs. The final estimate is 11.5 million rubles.

Personnel question

Production needs employees who will work on the site of groundwater mining and at the factory. For full operation of the complex will be required:

  • Specialists in the extraction of underground water - 2 people.
  • The driver for the transport of raw materials and bottled water is 2 people.
  • Equipment adjustment engineer - 2 people, work schedule.
  • The operator on the water production line - 2 people. shifted.
  • The operator on the machine to blow the container - 2 people. shifted.
  • Head of the warehouse of finished products - 2 people. shifted.
  • Sales Manager - 1 person, Operating mode 5/2
  • Dispatcher for receiving individual applications - 2 people. shifted.
  • Managing production - 1 person.
  • Accountant with personnel functions - 1 person.
  • Handymen - 4 people
  • Cleaner manufacturing and service areas - 2 people.

Perhaps as the factory develops will have to expand the state. Wage costs reflect in the table:

Category employee Quantity, pcs. units S / p. TOTAL
Water extraction specialist 2 15000 30000
Driver 2 18000 36000
Engineer 2 20000 40000
Operator 4 15000 60000
Warehouse Manager 2 10000 20000
Manager 1 20000 20000
Dispatcher 2 10000 20000
Manager manufacturing 1 30000 30000
Accountant 1 25000 25000
Handyman 4 12000 48000
Cleaner 2 8000 16000
FZP 23 345000
Contributions 103500
General expenses 448500

The factory provides a shift schedule for some employees. This is due to the daily work of production in order to quickly go to the necessary yield of the enterprise.

We plan to prepare for the opening

So that the preparation process is not delayed, set the time frame for each stage and follow this plan:

In order for the workshop to work at full capacity, it will take about 6 months. Perhaps the timing will be shifted by unforeseen circumstances. It is desirable that water becomes available to the consumer in the summer season. At this time, the demand for bottled water is increasing due to the high air temperature and improving the feeling of thirst. You can quickly make a profit and analyze business profitability.

Assortment and price of water prices

The production of young and has not yet found its client. Therefore, you should not open the line of a wide range of bottled water. List of products and cost reflect in the table:

As far as possible, water for children and mineral water can be added to the assortment.

What we get as a result

Calculate possible profits that the water production should be frozen. As a basis, take the sale of the entire range, provided that the 2000 bottles of different volumes are shipped daily.

Type of products Quantity, pcs. Price per one. rub. Revenue per day, rub.
Drinking water, non-carbonated, volume 0.5 l 250 15 3750
Drinking water, non-carbonated, volume 1 l 250 20 5000
Drinking water, non-carbonated, 1.5 l 300 28 8400
Drinking, non-carbonated water, 5 l 250 80 20000
Drinking, non-carbonated water, 10 l 300 140 42000
Drinking water, carbonated, volume 0.5 l 100 18 1800
Drinking water, carbonated, volume 1 l 200 22 4400
Drinking water, carbonated, 1.5 l 200 32 6400
Drinking water, non-carbonated, 2 l 150 40 6000
Outcome 97750

Provided that the daily revenue will be 98,000 rubles and shipments will be carried out at least 5 times a week, revenue for the month planned 1,960,000 rubles. Now you can calculate the yield and net profit, which will be obtained for the month. Income and costs are reflected in the table:

At the initial stage, investments in the amount of 11.5 million rubles were made. The company will be released at 2.5 years. The term may change if the turnover in the month will be higher than the basis of the calculation in the business plan.

Strengthen your position in the segment

There are a lot of drinking water producers on the market, so the struggle will have serious. It is necessary to consider the strategy to consolidate its position in the market and attracting an audience that already buys bottled water. It will be necessary to help a specialist who knows the state of the niche and the position of other manufacturers. Pay your attention to the production side to provide people with high-quality water.

At the initial stage, the main emphasis is on the delivery of water on an individual application so that the locals will find out about our products. For this:

  • Start together with the supplier the share calculated on the large amount of delivery. For example, every 3rd bottle as a gift, or with a one-time payment of 10 bottles of water 10% discount from all over the volume.
  • Conduct water tasting in the supermarket so that consumers appreciate the quality and issued an application.
  • Send electronic and written reports on cooperation with enterprises, offices on favorable terms.
  • Suggest services to kindergartens, schools, universities at a reduced price for a one-time application for at least 5 bottles.
  • Arrange the site on which the information on its production and favorable terms of cooperation for retail and wholesale clients.

Follow the pricing policy of competitors, so as not to be eased from the general building too high the cost of drinking water.


Earn solid capital at the production of drinking water is possible if there is a finance, a good source of groundwater and the territory under the workshop. Investments are required huge, because the process of cleansing raw materials requires only a high-quality automated line. Do not be afraid of competition. Consumers usually prefer water local producers, believing that the businessman is unprofitable to deceive his countrymen. But it is worth being ready for frequent SES checks on the quality and composition of products so that there is no threat to the health of consumers.

Bottled water enjoys consistently high demand. Business for its extraction and sale requires sufficiently high initial investments, but subsequent costs are relatively small. For an enterprise, it is necessary to build an artesian well, as well as purchase equipment for the preparation and bottling of water.

Many people prefer to buy bottled drinking water

Where to begin?

Business on bottling drinking water from the well requires preliminary training that includes:

  1. Study of aquifed soil layers. The depth of arms of artesian waters varies within 100-1000 m. The area under the object is selected on the basis of possible costs of construction and logistics costs.
  2. Drawing up a business plan. At this stage, the market capacity, preferences of potential buyers are investigated, potential risks are calculated, the amount of starting capital and so on.
  3. Official registration of the enterprise and receiving permits.
  4. Purchase and installation of equipment.
  5. Marketing campaign. The consumer must learn about the very existence of a new product on the market and its advantages compared to competing offers.

Preliminary Research

Water production as a business directly depends on local natural conditions. Preliminary studies are starting with the study of general geological intelligence cards. Separate areas are selected with the smallest depth of the arms of artesian waters. At the same time, the structure of the soil should also ensure the minimum cost of construction work. So, if possible, territories are excluded with stony and marshy soils. It is necessary to select several sites at once, and then gradually narrow the list depending on:

  • location of transport highways. Independent construction or upgrades of access pathways significantly increases the cost of implementing a business project;
  • remoteness from settlements. Delivery of finished products to consumers should occur through the shortest route. Finally, the most service personnel is difficult to get to the well, located away from the place of residence and routes of passenger transport;
  • locations of other buildings. The selected plot may be already busy or will not be able to rent it;
  • target land.

Note: In accordance with the requirement of legislation, each site should be used depending on its category and target. In this case, attention should be paid to the land of industry.

Next, you need to personally examine each site to stay on the final version. Perhaps in the search process will be able to purchase a finished well. After agreeing with the owner of the Earth, it is necessary to carry out reconnaissance and make a preliminary analysis of the fluid.

See also: Production of wicker furniture with their own hands

Business planning

The business plan for the production of drinking water involves the analysis:

  • promising areas of activity - service of offices, sales of products through trading networks, work with budgetary institutions, for example, schools or hospitals, and pr.;
  • local market - availability of competitors, disadvantages of their strategy, potentially monopolized position in certain areas;
  • goals, tasks, development strategies - the company should be entrenched only within the framework of a separate settlement, the entire region, possibly, there are prospects for entering the international market (in particular, if a source with unique healing properties is mastered);
  • the amounts of starting capital - it consists of expenses for registration of the enterprise, construction work, the acquisition and installation of equipment, wage, rental payments up to profit;
  • indicative terms of self-sufficiency;
  • potential risks - the likelihood of natural disasters should be taken into account, errors in initial planning, unexpected changes in the external situation (prohibition, restriction or change of rules for certain activities, the use of a plot for federal projects, etc.);
  • business entry strategies - if an enterprise fails, it is necessary to implement the available equipment with minimal losses, and also provide for the possibility of returning borrowed funds.

Business registration

For small enterprises, preferred organizational and legal forms are:

  • individual Entrepreneurship (IP) - Registration and liquidation require less costs, but according to the risks you have to answer all personal property;
  • limited Liability Company (LLC) - A more voluminous package of documents will be required (the charter, the meeting protocol or the solution of the sole founder), registration and liquidation take longer.

However, according to the arising obligations, the Company's participant responds only in the amount of the share in the authorized capital. Also, the company can be organized by more than one person. Next you need:

  • purchase to property or rent a suitable area of \u200b\u200bland;
    Get a license for the right to use subsoil;
  • calculate the total volume of water consumed - this is a member of the Federal Agency for Water Resources;
  • to obtain the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor, that the exploited land is suitable for organizing the sanitary zone (it represents a square with a side of 60 m, in some cases - 30 m);
  • obtain a conclusion on the design of the well;
  • order a well project;
  • finish construction work;
  • to put into operation a well, at this stage the members of the Commission on the State Acceptance also check the quality of the fluid;
  • put a well for state accounting;
  • organize a sanitary zone;
  • conduct state geological examination.

Note:the listed actions require high costs and take a long time, so you can buy water from third-party suppliers.

Equipment list

For the organization of the water sales enterprise, the following equipment will be required:

  • well;
  • metal well or caisson;
  • pump;
  • water treatment systems that adjust the chemical and microbiological composition of the extracted water;
  • cumulative reservoir;
  • device for bottling water in container;
  • installation for disinfection of containers.