Literature lesson on the topic: "The system of images in Comedy A. Griboyedov" Mount from the mind "

Literature lesson on the topic: "The system of images in Comedy A. Griboyedov" Mount from the mind "

Comedy N.V. Gogol "The Auditor" is notable for each of the images created there, although it is typical, but at the same time individual. By connecting them together, Gogol creates a satirical portrait of local officials in Comedy, which existed in Russia that era.

The system of images in the comedy "Auditor"

Gingerbread Anton Antonovich Skivroyak-Dmukhanovsky has a huge authority, because he managed to make his career with cunning and excitement. He considers bribery quite acceptable phenomenon, limit which is only the rank and the position of a particular person.

He easily assimilates any money, but he considers himself a completely well-fragrant person, because the church is regularly visited. Following his example, all officials in the county perceive their position as an opportunity to sell for someone else's account. However, all of them are unique in their characters:

Judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin takes bribe puppies and seeks to lead with everyone around smart political conversations, because he read several free-reform books in his entire lives;

Trustee bogogenic establishments Strawberry robes patients, despises poor people. He seeks to please the auditor, so tells him the whole truth about the state of affairs from other officials, silent about himself;

Luke Lukich School Lukich is ignorant and timid, he is fatally afraid of bosses;

Epitester Specin from curiosity reads other people's letters;

Police, Whhakhertov, Svistunov and Kuarportda, forever coarse and drunk, thanks to them in police and prison cases, destruction reigns;

It is not too different from the county officials and the main character, Hellets. Involuntarily hitting the restriction of the auditor, he enjoys this - he puts dust into the eyes, lies and fantasies about his metropolitan life. It rejoices the opportunity to get an influential position at least for a short time.

Satir's skill of reality

On the example of these characters, Gogol shows how much they are not suitable for those positions that occupy. The vices of everyone directly impede their service, but the county officials do not bother. This is one of the main satirical traits of the comedy.

In addition to officials, there are other characters in comedies who have their own small sins: the main gossip of the county, Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky, who are afraid of the auditor, but at the same time they really want to recognize them in supreme Light; Robust buyers merchants like Abdulin, who come to complain about city; The county ladies, Anna Andreevna and Maria Antonovna, admiring all metropolitan or all French, also gossiping about everyone around.

All heroes of this comedy are negative. Collected together, they create a satirical portrait of a typical county town of Nikolaev era: Gogol seeks to show that all Russia lives wrong that it is necessary to improve the norms. The only positive image in this comedy is laughter.

Figure comedy system and innovative Griboedov solution

In the "grief from the mind" in the image system are present:

1. Amplua system

(Heroine, Lucky and Unfortunate Lovers, Deceived Father, Resoner)

2. Love triangle

(Chatsky - Sofya - Molchanin)

3. Talking surnames

Organization Levels System Characters

1. The main characters of "Woe from Wit" are the participants:

love conflict - Chatsky - Sophia - Molchanin,

public conflict - Chatsky-Famusov

2. Minor characters

participate both in love conflict and in socio-political - Lisa, Scalozub, Gorich, repetitives

3. Episodic characters - Guests on the ball at Famusov (Toguhovskiy, Hrsubi, Hryumina, G.N., GD) - give a wider picture of the Moscow society, support and distribute the gossip about Chazkom. Receptions allow the author to make a picture more brighter

4. Incoming Characters:

  • (Petrusha Buffetcher,
  • princess Marya Alekseevna,
  • Maxim Petrovich,
  • brother Scalozub and others)

- They expand the image system, allow you to judge, as well as about new people more relief.

Antiteza as the principle of organizing a comedy

1. Idea opponents - antipodes


2. "Century Century"

(Chatsky, Brother Scalozub, Prince Fedor, Professor of Pedagogical University)

"Century past"

(Famusov himself, Molchanin, Scalozub, His, etc.)

3. Antagonism of the review of the two centuries in the Comedy "Woe from Wit" is built on a different attitude to:

  • wealth and China
  • service
  • education
  • foreign and foreigners
  • fastener right
  • freedom of judgments and opinions
  • protectionism
  • moral standards and nuts

Innovative solutions in comedy

In creating the image system - this is:

1. A large number of acting persons (more than 20)

2. No clear division on positive and negative heroes

(Pharmuses not only retrograd, but also loving father, does not like books and reading at all, but allows Sofye to read French novels, Sophia is smart, educated, ironic, but it is she who goes out a gossip about Chatsky's madness)

3. Live painting Moscow noble society (Realistic principle for creating characters).

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Lesson number 17. Topic: "The system of images in Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". Features of the development of comedy intrigue. "

Objectives lesson :

1) Repeat theoretical Material on the topic "Comedy of classicism";

2) to start analyzing a comedy for actions;

3) interest comedy, awaken interest in reading;

4) Continue the formation of the skills of analyzing a literary and artistic work.

Equipment: Textbook, comedy text, presentation.

Epigraph to the lesson: "The characters of" grief from the mind "were so alive and convincing that contemporaries began to immediately recognize in them living people"

D.I. Zalyshin "Notes of the Decembrist."

Tasks lesson:

    Repeat the features of the classic comedy.

Start a comedy research from the point of view of the theory of classicism and realism.

    Start the study of the scene of the comedy.

    Acquaintance with comedy heroes and analysis of 1 action.

During the classes.

1. The reader introduces the epigraph, the tasks of the lesson . (Showing through the projector).

2. Check homework

3. Actualization of reference knowledge .

And now we will listen to the history of the comedy.

- It is assumed that the comedy plan began to develop already in 1816, then individual scenes were written. There is a version of the birth of a comedy plan in a dream.

1821 year. Tiflis. There was a plan of comedy. Written I. and II. acts.

1823 year. Comedy brought to Moscow. In the estate of Begichev, work is completed on the latest acts.

The comedy spread in manuscripts. About 40 thousand manuscripts were made. One of these copies received by A.S. Pushkin who came to Mikhailovskoye Pushin.

During the life of Griboedov, in 1825, was only published not most of Comedy. For the first time without censorship distortions, the comedy was printed in Russia in 1862.

Teacher: Reading, Study dramatic work requires you a certain preparation. To make it easier for you to start exploring the comedy "Mount from the mind", we repeat the features of the comedy as literary genre. (Presentation number 1)

Features of the comedy as a genre of a literary work


Restriction of action with spatial and temporary framework.

The disclosure of the character's character through the moments of confrontation (the role of conflict)

Organization of speech in the form of dialogues and monologues

Stages of conflict development

The presence of plot

Teacher: The comedy was written during the domination of classicism. This situation greatly influenced the definition of the method of creating a work.

Recall the features of a classic comedy.

- the comedy refers to the lowest style;

- one of the features of the plot - love triangle: The struggle of two young people by the hand of one girl;

- compliance with the rules of three unity: places, time, actions;

- talking surnames;

- literary work must educate the loyalty to the state, Fatherland;

"At the end of the damage punished, virtue triumphs."

Teacher: Along with traditional features, comedy has features and realism and romanticism. We will talk about them in the following lessons.

Teacher: Some traditional traits Classicism you can celebrate today.

Teacher: A system of images of a dramatic work differs from other genres. (Presentation number 2).

Teacher: I suggest you fill in the form of a table:

Classification of heroes of dramaturgical works: (Table. №2)

main characters

Secondary heroes

Incoming character

Teacher: Finally, turn to the heroes of the comedy "Mount from the mind." Among them are heroes with speaking surnames. These surnames Griboyedov reflect not the essence of the heroes in general, as it was at Phonwan (cattle, Pravdin, Starodules), but also the ability to "hear" and "talk".

Teacher: In your opinion, what surnames "speaking"?

- P.A. Famusov - (from Lat. FAMA. - Solva.) Famuses fear people molly.

- reheetles - (from Franz. Repeter - repeat)

- Molchanin - a single verb - silent. In the first action, he is silent, more than one.

In the description of the scalose, it first indicates that he is "Colonel", because he is the main thing in his image, and then only added - Sergey Sergeich.

Prince Toguhovsky - Taguokh.

The old man Herustov is a single verb - whipping, beat something flexible. There is an expression "to speak harder".

Teacher: Chatsky Alexander Andreevich - in rough variant Griboedov wrote this surnameChadsky By cutting surnameChaadayev . Peter Yakovlevich Chaadaev is a friend of Pushkin. Participated in the war of 1812. In 1821 interrupted military career and entered B. secret society. From 1823 to 1826 he traveled in Europe, studied philosophy. After returning to Russia in 1828 - 1830, wrote and published the treatise "Philosophical Letters". These letters adhered to progressive views, contradicted the orders of Russia.

By decree of Tsar Peter Yakovlevich Chaadaev was declared crazy. In the form of Chatsky Griboedov, the fate of Chaaadayev was predicted (Chatsky also declared crazy).

Teacher: Imagine the house of a rich Moscow BarinI. Halves XIX. century. We enter the living room. (viewing a fragment of the start of the performance)

Teacher: So I presented myself a living room director of St. Petersburg academic Theater. Drama named Pushkin.

What heroes got acquainted?

How does Magazov belong to others? Your first impressions?

- Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov is a rich barain-preisher and a major official. He is manageing in an official place. The action of the play happens in his house.

In this scene we see him as the owner of the house. He is a domineering barin. I presented it with good-natured and at the same time with a grumbling, hot-tempered person. In contact with silence, its arrogant tone is manifested.

Which line the Famusov noticed?

- Famuses - Loving Father. He alone brought up sophia. Here's how he says about this: (phenomenon 4, p. 108)

What did Sophia seemed to you?

- Sophia is smart, proud, with a strong and independent character, dreamy. She is 17 years old. She remained early without her mother, so he feels the hostess at home. Hence her handy tone.

Who is she in love with? Why?

- Sophia is in love with Molchalin. At night, she reads French sentimental literature. They raised dreaminess and sensitivity in it. These novels could force her to pay attention to Molchally - a man of a dinner, poor, modest, not daring to raise her eyes. Here's how she talks about silence: (phenomenon 5, p. 113)

What did you find out about silence?

- The purpose of the life of Molchalin is slowly, but it is right to move along the service staircase. He does not like sophia at all. For 3 years of lack of Chatsky, he achieved brilliant successes. Unbearable, rooted Tversalman became the Secretary of Famousov, received 3 awards, became the beloved and secret fiance of Sophia, an indispensable person in the House of Famusov.

What is the atmosphere in the house of Famusov?

- The main thing that I noticed is deception and hypocrisy. Sophia deceives Father, Molchanin - his head of Famusov and Sophia. Lisa, forced to cover sophia and silence, deceives Famousov.

What is 1-5 phenomenon in terms of the development of the plot?

- Exposure. In it, Griboedov introduces the place of action, with the main actors.

From what event starts the tie?

- With the appearance of the Famusov Chatsky in the house.

What character carries a tie?

- The plot of the plot has love character. The main character Chatsky comes to Moscow because of his beloved girl Sophia.

In the house of Famusov, at first, he was cheerful, excited, is in good spirits and so blinded by the beauty of Sophia, which does not even notice her coldness, alienation.

Having noticed the coldness of Sofia, Chatsky seeks to find out who actually loves Sophia.

How does Chatsky appear in the play?

(Phenomenon 5, page 112)

What in the behavior of Chatsky immediately rushes into the eyes?

-Catsky loves sophia. His love is sincerely, as and 3 years ago. He waited for a meeting with impatience. At first, he was cheerful, excited, is in good spirits.

How does his Sophia meet?

- She meets him cold and alienated, although they grew together in the Famusov House. Chatsky brought up and studied with Sofia under the leadership of Russian and foreign teachers and governors.

Teacher: So the conflict between Sofia and Chatsky arises. What is the conflict?

- Conflict - a clash, contradiction between characters or characters and circumstances. (recording in dictionaries)

Teacher: It happens more internal conflictWhen a person is experiencing internal contradictions. What is the nature of the conflict between Sofia and Chatsky?

- Love.

Teacher: But already in 1 actions besides a personal, love conflict, a public conflict is also planned. He is guessed in the satirical rapids of Chatsky about Moscow nrav. Read this scene. (Phenomenon 6, p115)

Teacher: For the development of public conflict, we will follow, relying on Table # 3: (showing through the projector). You will need to write quotes from comedy.

Attitude to:


Famusovskoe Society

People and fastened right;



Wealth, ranks;

Love, marriage;

The meaning of the word "mind"

(selection of several quotes)

Teacher: In 1 action there are expressions that have become covered. They are called aphorism. Writing in dictionaries: Aphorism - a brief expressive span, containing a generalizing conclusion. (selection of several aphorisms from 1 action).

The outcome of the lesson.

The comedy's heroes can be divided into several groups: the main characters, secondary, heroes masks and insignificant characters. All of them, in addition to the roles assigned to them in the comedy, are important and as types reflecting certain specific traits Russian society early XIX. century. The main heroes of the play can be attributed to Chatsky, Molchalin, Sophia and Famusov. The plot of the comedy is based on their relationships. The interaction of these characters with each other and moves the stroke of the play. Secondary heroes - Lisa, Khlestov, Korichi and others - also participate in the development of action, but they have no direct relationship to the plot. Images of Heroes and Masks are extremely generalized. The author is not interesting to their psychology, they occupy it only as important "times of time" or as eternal human types. Their role is special, for they create a socio-political background for the development of the plot, emphasize and explain something in the main characters. Their participation in the comedy is based on the reception of the "mirror curve". The masked heroes include rehetylov, Zagoretsky, Lords N and D, the family of Toguhukhovsky. The author is not interested in the identity of each of the six prnjezon, they are important in comedies only as the social type of "Moscow Baryshni". This is truly masks: they are all on one person, we will not distinguish the replica of the first princes from the statement of the second or fifth: 3rd. What esphap cousin gave me! 4th. Oh! Yes, Baria! 5th. Oh! Charm! 6th. Oh! How Mil! These ladies are ridiculous to the Cartom, the author, readers. But not at all seem funny Sophia. For with all its advantages, with all the difficulties of her nature, she is from their world, in something sofya and "sticking" princes very, very close. Sophia is perceived in their society naturally - and we see the heroine already in a slightly different light. Unlike Prinjeon, whom Griboedov only numbered, not even consider it necessary to give them names in the poster, their father has a name, and patronymic: Prince Peter Ilyich Toguhovsky. But he is a faceless, and he mask. Nothing but the "uhm", "ahm" and "uhm" does not say, does not hear anything, it is not interested in anything, his own opinion is completely deprived ... it was brought to the absurdity, to the absurdity of the feature Boy, husband-servant, "constituting the" high ideal of Moscow all husbands. " Prince Toguhovsky - Here is the future of the friend of Chatsky, Plato. Mikhailovich Korich. On the ball gossip about the madness of the Chatsky, the Lord N and D. Again no names, no persons. Protecting gossip, revived gossip. All low-lying features are focused in these characters. famow Society: indifference to the truth, indifference to personality, passion "twist bones", hypocrisy, hypocrisy ... This is not just a mask, it is rather a mask-symbol. Heroes masks play the role of a mirror, set opposite "Higher Light". And it is important to emphasize that one of the main tasks of the author was not just reflected in the comedy features modern societyBut make the society of yourself in the mirror learn. The task of this contribute to the extraceptional characters, that is, those whose names are called, but the heroes themselves do not appear on the stage and participate in action do not accept. And if the basic heroes "burning from the mind" do not have some specific prototypes (except Chatsky), then in the images of some secondary heroes and incoming character The features of the real contemporaries of the author are quite recognized. So, the reheetles describes the Chatkom one of those who "noise" in the English club: do not call, you know the portrait: the night robber, a duelist, I was Soslated in Kamchatka, I returned to Aleut, and the unclean was tightly. And not only Chatsky, but most readers "learned on the portrait" colorful figure of that time: Fedor Tolstoy - American. Objective, by the way that Tolstoy himself, reading in the list "Mount from the mind", he learned himself and at the meeting with Griboedov asked to change the last line as follows: "In the pictures of the hand in hand. He his own crossed the string and attributed an explanation: "For loyalty, the portrait of this amendment is needed so that they do not think that stealing tobacker from the table."

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"Auditor" (1836) is a realistic, purely public comedy in Russian literature. On the strength and depth of ideas, on the artistic skill "The Auditor" stands in one row with such masterpieces of Russian classical drama, as "inexpensive" Fonvizin, "Mount from the mind" of Griboyedov, as well as best works Ostrovsky, Chekhov and other playwrights.

In the genre public Comedy Gogol already had predecessors (Griboedov, Fonvizin), but in the "auditor" he created fundamentally new Type. The innovation of Gogol was expressed in the absence of love intrigue, in the fact that there is not only a clear separation of heroes on positive and negative, but no positive hero at all. Methods, the plot and nature of its development were also new for the drama of the 30s of the XIX century.

Being set on the stage of the Alexandria theater in 1836, the comedy caused a wide resonance in society and became a huge event in domestic literature and drama. The sharpness of ideas and topicality led to its great political effectiveness.

In the "Auditor", there was a wide and bright reflection of the epoch, which occurred after the Decembrist uprising. It was the gloomy era of Nikolai I, when acted System Dogs and cheek were distributed inspection raids "Incognito".

In the comedy, the Russian characters are brought to the scene, public vices are opened: bribery, treasury, the Lohykhyolism of officials.

Central image in Comedy System "Auditor" - The image of the county town. At concentrations here, all abuses it is unreal, but it is typical; The county city became a prototype of everything Russian state. In the face of Chinovnikov county town The main sides of the Russian reality are presented: Most of the urban layers and all parties to public administration.

At the head of urban officials in the comedy "Auditor" stands Anton Antonovich Snovenik-Dmukhanovsky. According to the author in comments for the Lords of the actors, Gingerbread - a man who managed to rise from the lower ranks that was in service. Thanks to common sense, dexterity, cunning settlement, Anton Antonovich made a career and profited. His influence and authority among the officials are huge. It is full of challenges in the city. Taking bribes, Pluto and fraudster, the Justopian-Dmukhanovsky considers bribery with a natural phenomenon, which should be limited only by the ranks and public situation. "Look! Do not take the ranks! " - He says the quarter.

Gingerbread "does not like to skip what is swimming in the hands", so, I do not beat anything, uses my position, replenishes your pocket: assigns money released on the construction of the church; Selects their goods for merchants. At the same time, he considers himself quite good-capacity, decent, as the church regularly visits.

Gingerbread, "in his own way Nellow", dismissively treating the people, merchandise, and citizenship, behaves completely differently with the auditor: pleases him in everything, it seeks, seeks to conquer his location. Now Anton Antonovich himself is already trying to give a bribe, "screwed up" the Khlestakov of four hundred rubles instead of two hundred. .

Like in high school, all the officials relate to the service as possible to accommodate for someone else's account. They do not commit large villains, but as a result of their "sins" in the city reigns lawlessness and arbitrariness, showing.

Related circular lie, officials of the county city are unique in their individual features. For example, Judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin is known for Voltairianism. In all her life, he read five or six books, therefore "Some Volnodumen", he allows themselves to keep independently even with the Gingerbie, trying to conduct smart talk about politics. Lapkin-Tipkin takes a bribe in a special way: kick puppies. He believes that it comes legally, does not see anything reprehensible in such a kind of bribery. For the fifteen years, Lyapkin-Tipkin "sits on the court chapel", and in the court documents, everything reigns confusion, the assessment is a drunkard, and in the present places they hold dogs.

Strawberries, a trustee of godly venues, practically robes patients and not even embarrassed when the Gingerbread advises before the arrival of the auditor to bring some order in hospitals, "to make it decent." Strawberry despises poor people, refuses simple man in law

On human attitude. It is clearly shown that the strawberries with his some cruelty and indifference is completely not suitable for the rank of trustee of godly establishments. In addition, he is a big "prone and plut". Trying to please the auditor, the strawberry tells about the true state of things in the city administration, exposing the rest of the official, saying not to herself.

Luke Lukich School Lukch is the embodiment of ignorance, timidity and humility. This is an image of a typical official of the Nikolaev era. Main trait Luki Lukich is a permanent fear of bosses, even before one name.

Epolester Shhekin has a passion to read other people's letters, and he does it, first of all, due to curiosity, appreciates most of the "edification". "Death I love to know what is new in the world," says Shpekin. His vocabulary Poor, and knowledge and ability to appreciate the literature - ostentable.

The police are represented in the individual of the private bailiff of Ukhukhrertov and several police officers (Svistunov, Buttovitsyn, Dervordords). Here they flourish rudeness, drunkenness, beatings; The private attracting does not even hide what is returning from the service "Pun". Sunchalters, devastation, reigning in the whole city, penetrated into police affairs: soldiers go to the spread, in prisons are famous hunger.

Each is The system of images in the comedy "Auditor"Created by Gogol, typical and at the same time individual, but together this official creates the appearance of the entire bureaucratic apparatus, the country manager.

Despite the fact that Khlestakov is not an official of the county town, his image (metropolitan official) complements the image of all the officialhood. Khlestakov later became a symbol of the era, since the characteristic features of the Nikolaev era focused in his image: the desire to seem to be higher, "to shine. At first, Khlestakov do not even know, for whom they take it, immersed in the "nimble" of the new position. Khlestakov gets the opportunity to lie, fantasize, dust into the eyes. Being a "empty" person in service, a false auditor seeks to become significant, respected. Talking about his magnificent life, about his power, Khlestakov really believes in what he says. Drawing a picture of the life of the metropolitan chief, he mentions about the "official for a letter, seeing a rat", in which you can find out true horstykova.

Klestakovshchyna - product of its time, back side, a consequence of a political system based on treblery, bribery, sinovation. The features of this image are present in each of System images Chinovnikov In the comedy "Auditor" county town. For each of them, the Life of the St. Petersburg boss described by the Whitetakov cepete dreamIdeal.

This is presented in comedy officials, county and metropolitan (xles). However, Gogol introduced several other characters that are representatives of other urban layers. For example, the main gossips of the county town of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky - landowners. Noting to small details, everything that happens, attending all the events, these are so similar to each other's heroes pay news for all their friends, and Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky are fully in the city. Like officials, these people also have their own "sins", but they are more afraid of the auditor because everyone around them is afraid of him. When it comes to bribes, the landowners risking the discontent of the auditor, "lent" relatively small money. Scattering for bribes, they, however, do not regret money on food, which can be seen from the description of their appearance (each for a small abdomen), as well as from what they order in the restaurant. For the Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky auditor, a representative of the high spheres of life, from where Kara come, and grace. Wanting to join these circles, to become famous not only in the district city, but also in the highest light of the capital, Bobchinskiy turns to Khlestakov with the "Nearby request": to inform the St. Petersburg "Velosham different" about his existence.

There are comedies and merchants (including Abdulin), who come to complain to the auditor for Governing. They also have full of "sins": everyone available methods They try to promote buyers, deceive the authorities, the state, do not break with bribes and counterfeit documents.

Gogol showed a meshness in the face of the Plivepical and Unter-Officer Widow Ivanova, who were both suffered because of a mess, confusion, lawlessness reigning in the city.

There are comedies and others female characters. Mostly, this is a wife and daughter of Governing, Anna Andreevna and Maria Antonovna. The ladies of the district city are admired by all the metropolitan, there are often truck-free French words in their speeches, they read only novels. The ratio of officials to people depends on the rank and position in society. Among themselves they have no sincere, good relationship. So, Anna Andreevna is egoistic and jealous of his daughter, envy her youth. Lady love and sucking among themselves or with others about others. They look out before Osip, seeking to bring more about his owner, discuss wives and daughters of other officials.

So, all images of the comedy "Auditor" are negative. Collected together, they create a single image of the county city. All the vices of society shown by Gogol, all that is terrible and dirty, which is a comedy, familiar to all of Russia, since all russian Society lived and lives on these imperfect standards. The city becomes a model of the world, as will be the model of the world of the province in " Dead souls" The only positive image, invisibly present Zo all scenes of comedy, is laughter. According to the author, only he can fix vicious people and all the imperfections of society.

The writing: The system of images in the comedy "Auditor"