Post images of officials in the comedy examiner. Officials of the county town Name of the official Sphere of city life, which he supervises Information about the state of affairs in this area Characteristics of the hero in the text

Post images of officials in the comedy examiner. Officials of the county town Name of the official Sphere of city life, which he supervises Information about the state of affairs in this area Characteristics of the hero in the text
Official's name The sphere of urban life, which he leads Information on the state of affairs in this area Characteristics of the hero according to the text
Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky Governor: general management, police, maintenance of order in the city, improvement Takes bribes, condones other officials in this, the city is not well-equipped, state money is plundered “Speaks neither loudly nor softly; neither more nor less "; facial features are rough and hard; grossly developed inclinations of the soul. "Look, I have my ear! .. you take it out of rank!" Merchants "stand still, at least get into the noose." In a silent scene: “Why are you laughing? You are laughing at yourself! .. "
Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin Judge He is more involved in hunting than legal proceedings. The judge is always drunk. "A person who has read five or six books"; takes bribes "greyhound puppies". “I've been sitting in the judge’s chair for fifteen years now, but when I look into the memo - ah! I'll just wave my hand "
Artemy Filippovich Strawberry Trustee of Godly Institutions "Sick people, like flies, recover", feed them sour cabbage, do not use expensive medicines "A very fat, clumsy and clumsy person, but with all that a sly and a rogue"; "Perfect pig in a yarmulke"; offers to "slip" a bribe to the auditor; informs him about other officials. "A simple man: if he dies, he will die, if he recovers, then he will get well anyway."
Luka Lukich Khlopov Superintendent of schools Teachers "have very strange behaviors" Frightened by frequent inspections of auditors and reprimands for no reason, and therefore afraid, like fire, of any visits; "You are afraid of everything: everyone gets in the way, everyone wants to show that he is also an intelligent person."
Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin Postmaster Things are in desolation, reads other people's letters, parcels do not reach An innocent person to the point of naivety, reading other people's letters is "interesting reading", "I love to learn death what is new in the world."
    • By the beginning of the fourth act of the comedy "The Inspector General", the mayor and all officials were finally convinced that the inspector sent to them was a significant state person... Through the power of fear and reverence for him, the "trick", the "dummy" Khlestakov became the one who was seen in him. Now you need to protect, protect your department from audits and secure yourself. The officials are convinced that the inspector must be given a bribe, "shoved" the way it is done in a "well-ordered society", that is, "between four eyes so that the ears do not hear", [...]
    • The silent scene in Nikolai Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" is preceded by the plot denouement, Khlestakov's letter is read, and the officials' self-deception becomes clear. At this moment, that which bound the heroes throughout the entire stage action - fear, leaves, and the unity of people disintegrates before our eyes. The terrible shock that the news of the arrival of a real auditor produced on everyone, once again unites people with horror, but this is no longer the unity of living people, but the unity of lifeless fossils. Their muteness and frozen postures show [...]
    • The great artistic merit of Nikolai Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" lies in the typicality of its images. He himself expressed the idea that the "originals" of most of the characters in his comedy "are almost always in front of your eyes." And about Khlestakov, the writer says that this is “the type of many things scattered in different Russian characters ... Anyone, even for a minute ... was or is being done by Khlestakov. And a clever guard officer will sometimes turn out to be Khlestakov, and the statesman will sometimes turn out to be Khlestakov, and our sinful brother, a writer, [...]
    • A feature of Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" is that it has " mirage intrigue”, That is, officials are fighting against a ghost created by their bad conscience and fear of retribution. Anyone who is mistaken for an auditor does not even make any deliberate attempts to deceive, fool the officials who have gone astray. The development of the action culminates in Act III. The comic struggle continues. The mayor deliberately goes to his goal: to force Khlestakov to "let it out", "to tell more" in order to [...]
    • N. V. Gogol wrote about the idea of ​​his comedy: “In The Inspector General, I decided to collect in one measure all the bad things in Russia that I knew then, all the injustices that are done in those places and those cases where most of all is required of a person justice, and laugh at everything at once. " This determined the genre of the work - a socio-political comedy. It does not deal with love affairs, not events. privacy, and the phenomena of public order. The plot of the work is based on a commotion among officials, [...]
    • Nikolai Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" has a peculiar character dramatic conflict... In it there is neither a hero-ideologist, nor a deliberate deceiver who leads everyone by the nose. Officials deceive themselves by imposing a role on Khlestakov significant person making him play her. Khlestakov is in the center of events, but does not conduct the action, but, as it were, involuntarily gets involved in it and surrenders to its movement. Group negative characters, satirically depicted by Gogol, is not opposed positive hero but flesh of flesh [...]
    • Nikolai Gogol built his comedy "The Inspector General" on storyline everyday joke, where, by imposture or by accidental misunderstanding, one person is mistaken for another. This plot interested A.S. Pushkin, but he did not use it himself, yielding it to Gogol. Working diligently and for a long time (from 1834 to 1842) on The Inspector General, reworking and re-arranging, inserting some scenes and throwing out others, the writer developed traditional plot with remarkable skill in a coherent and coherent, psychologically convincing and [...]
    • The era reflected by N. V. Gogol in the comedy "The Inspector General" is the 30s. XIX century, the time of the reign of Nicholas I. The writer later recalled: “In the Inspector General, I decided to collect in one measure all the bad things in Russia, which I knew then, all the injustices that are done in those places and those cases where the most required from a man of justice, and laugh at everything at once. " NV Gogol not only knew the reality well, but also studied many documents. And yet the comedy "The Inspector General" is an artistic [...]
    • The comedy in five acts by the greatest satirical author of Russia is undoubtedly a landmark for all literature. Nikolai Vasilyevich graduated from one of his greatest works in 1835. Gogol himself said that this was his first creation, written with a specific purpose. What was the main thing the author wanted to convey? Yes, he wanted to show our country without embellishment, all the vices and wormholes social order Russia, which still characterize our Motherland. "The Inspector General" is immortal, of course, [...]
    • Khlestakov is the central figure in Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General". This hero is one of the most characteristic in the writer's work. Thanks to him, even the word Khlestakovism appeared, which means a phenomenon generated by the Russian bureaucratic system. To understand what Khlestakovism is, you need to get to know the hero better. Khlestakov is a young man, a lover of walking, who squandered money and therefore constantly needs them. By chance, he ended up in a district town, where he was mistaken for an auditor. When […]
    • Khlestakov - central character comedy "The Inspector General". Representative of the youth of his time, when they wanted rapid growth career without making any effort. Idleness gave rise to the fact that Khlestakov wanted to show himself from the other, advantageous, side. This self-affirmation becomes painful. On the one hand, he exalts himself, on the other, he hates. The character tries to imitate the customs of the capital's bureaucratic elite, imitates them. His boasting sometimes scares those around him. It seems that Khlestakov himself begins [...]
    • The period of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's creativity coincided with the dark era of Nikolai I. After the suppression of the Decembrist uprising, all dissidents were brutally persecuted by the authorities. Describing reality, N.V. Gogol creates brilliant, full of life realities literary works... All strata of Russian society are becoming the theme of his work - on the example of the customs and descriptions of a small district town. Gogol wrote that in The Inspector General, he finally decided to put together all that bad in Russian society which [...]
    • N. V. Gogol is not included in the top 10 of my favorite writers. Maybe because a lot has been read about him as a person, about a person with character flaws, sores, interpersonal conflicts numerous. All these biographical data have nothing to do with creativity, nevertheless, they greatly influence my personal perception. And yet Gogol should be given his due. His works are classics. They are like the tablets of Moses, made of solid stone, gifted with letters and forever and ever with [...]
    • Explaining the meaning of The Inspector General, N. V. Gogol pointed to the role of laughter: “I am sorry that no one noticed the honest person who was in my play. Yes, there was one honest noble face, acting in her throughout her entire continuation. This honest, noble face was - laughter. " A close friend of N. V. Gogol, wrote that modern Russian life does not provide material for comedy. To which Gogol replied: “Comedy is hidden everywhere ... Living among him, we do not see him ... but if the artist transfers him to art, to the stage, then we are above ourselves [...]
    • In a letter to Pushkin, Gogol makes a request, which is considered to be the beginning, the starting point of The Inspector General: “Do me the mercy, give some story funny or not funny, but purely Russian anecdote. The hand is shaking to write a comedy meanwhile. Do me mercy, give me a plot, the spirit will be a five-act comedy, and I swear it will be funnier than the devil. ” And Pushkin told Gogol about the story with the writer Svinyin, and about the incident that happened to him when he went to Orenburg for materials for “History [...]
    • Ostap Andriy Main qualities An impeccable fighter, a reliable friend. Sensual for beauty and has a delicate taste. The character is Stone. Refined, flexible. Personality Traits Silent, reasonable, calm, courageous, straightforward, loyal, courageous. Brave, brave. Attitude towards tradition Follows tradition. Takes over ideals from elders unquestioningly. He wants to fight for his own, not for traditions. Morality Never hesitates in the choice of duty and feelings. Feelings for [...]
    • Landowner Appearance Manor Characteristic Attitude towards Chichikov's request Manilov The man is not yet old, his eyes are sweet as sugar. But this sugar was too much. In the first minute of a conversation with him you will say what a nice person, in a minute you will not say anything, and in the third minute you will think: "The devil knows what this is!" The master's house stands on a dais, open to all winds. The farm is in complete disrepair. The housekeeper steals, something is constantly missing in the house. In the kitchen, cooking is stupid. Servants - [...]
    • Landowner Portrait Characteristic Manor Attitude to housekeeping Lifestyle Result Manilov Handsome blond with blue eyes. At the same time, in his appearance "it seemed too sugar was transferred." Too ingratiating look and behavior Too enthusiastic and sophisticated dreamer who does not feel any curiosity either for his farm or for anything earthly (he does not even know if his peasants died after the last revision). At the same time, his dreaminess is absolutely [...]
    • The legendary Zaporizhzhya Sich is an ideal republic that N. Gogol dreamed of. Only in such an environment, according to the writer, could powerful characters, bold natures, true friendship and nobility be formed. Acquaintance with Taras Bulba takes place in a peaceful home environment. His sons, Ostap and Andriy, have just returned from school. They are the special pride of Taras. Bulba believes that the spiritual education that his sons received is only a small part of what a young man needs. "All this stuff is stuffed with [...]
    • "At the gates of the hotel provincial town NN a rather beautiful spring chaise drove in ... In the chaise sat a gentleman, not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but not so that he is too young. His entry did not make any noise in the city and was not accompanied by anything special. " This is how our hero appears in the city - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Let us, following the author, get to know the city. Everything tells us that this is a typical provincial [...]
  • In the comedy "The Inspector General" Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol gave a broad picture of bureaucratic and bureaucratic rule in Russia in the 1830s. In the comedy, the everyday side of the life of the inhabitants of a small county town: insignificance of interests, hypocrisy and lies, arrogance and complete absence human dignity, superstition and gossip. This is revealed in the images of the landowners Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, the wife and daughter of the governor, merchants and bourgeois women. But most of all, the life and customs of this city are characterized by its officials. Describing officials, N.V., Gogol showed massive abuses of power, embezzlement and bribery, arbitrariness and disdain for common people... All these phenomena were characteristic, deep-rooted features of the bureaucracy of Nicholas Russia. This is how the civil servants appear before us in the comedy "The Inspector General".

    At the head of all is the mayor. We see that he is not stupid: more sensibly than his colleagues, he judges the reasons for sending an auditor to them. Wise with life and work experience, he "deceived swindlers over swindlers." The governor is a convinced bribe-taker: "This is how God himself arranged it, and the Volterians in vain speak against it." He constantly misappropriates state money for himself. The purpose of the aspirations of this official is "over time ... to get into the generals." And in dealing with subordinates, he is rude and arbitrary. "What, samovars, arshinniks ..." - he turns to them. In a completely different way, this man speaks to his superiors: ingratiatingly, respectfully. Using the example of the mayor, Gogol shows us such typical features Russian bureaucracy, as bribery, honor.

    The group portrait of a typical Nikolaev official is well complemented by the judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin. His surname alone speaks of the attitude of this official to his service. It is these people who profess the principle of "the law is that the tongue." Lyapkin-Tyapkin - a representative of the elective government ("elected by the judge at the behest of the nobility"). Therefore, he behaves freely even with the mayor, allows himself to challenge him. Since this man has read 5-6 books in his life, he is considered "a free-thinker and educated." This detail underlines the ignorance of officials and their low level of education.

    We also learn about Lyapkin-Tyapkin, that he is fond of hunting, so he takes bribes with greyhound puppies. He does not deal with business at all, and the court is in disorder.

    About complete indifference to public service of the people who are on it speaks in comedy and the image of the trustee of charitable institutions of Strawberry, "a fat man, but a thin rogue." In the hospital under his supervision, patients die like flies, the doctor "does not know a word in Russian." Strawberries, meanwhile, reason: “A simple man; if he dies, he will die so; if he recovers, he will get better anyway. " As a typical representative of the bureaucracy, he is also characterized by servility before his superiors and a willingness to convey to his colleagues, which he does when Khlestakov arrives.

    The supervisor of the district schools, Luka Lukich Khlopov, is also in awe of his superiors, a man frightened to death. “Talk to me of the same rank, someone higher, I just don’t have a soul, and my tongue is stuck like mud,” he says. And the postmaster Shpekin did not find a better job for himself than to open letters. The limitedness of this "naive to the point of naivety" person is evidenced by the fact that it is from other people's letters that he draws his knowledge about life.

    Probably, a group portrait of Russian bureaucracy in the 30s of the XIX century would not be complete without such bright character comedy, like Khlestakov, who is mistaken for a secret auditor. As Gogol writes, this is “one of those people who are called empty in the offices. Speaks and acts without any consideration. " Significance in the comedy of the image of Khlestakov is also in the fact that he does not belong to the circle of provincial officials. But, as we can see, a St. Petersburg employee, in terms of his education level, moral qualities no higher than the rest of the characters in the comedy. This speaks of the generalizing nature of the officials portrayed in the comedy - such are they all over Russia.

    Surely almost each of them, like Khlestakov, strives to "play a role at least one inch higher than the one assigned to him." And at the same time "lies with feeling" and "in his eyes is expressed the pleasure he received from this." The general fear experienced by the city officials, on which the action in the comedy rests, does not allow the mayor and his subordinates to see who Khlestako is.
    in fact. Therefore, they believe in his lies.

    All these characters in the comedy create a generalized image of the bureaucracy that ruled Russia in those years. Their truthful portrayal by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol made it possible to tell VG, Belinsky that the bureaucracy is "a corporation of various office thieves and robbers."

    In a satirical form, depicting the abuse of power in a small district town, the author of the narrative denounces and ridicules at once the entire bureaucratic Russia, drowning in the swamp of bribery and embezzlement.

    The image of the mayor Anton Antonovich

    At the very top of the bureaucratic pyramid is the mayor Anton Antonovich. Having risen from the very bottom, he rules the city and does not consider bribery to be a great sin. After all, the state salary, the governor is sure, will not even be enough for bread and salt. So justifying his actions, he robbed the treasury without remorse, ripped off huge bribes from merchants and expensive gifts... With his superiors, Anton Antonovich is respectful and obsequious, with those who are below him in rank - unceremonious and demanding. His dream is to rise to the rank of general and move to the capital.

    "... Thirty years I have been living in the service; not a single merchant or contractor could cheat; I deceived swindlers on swindlers, scoundrels and rogues such that they are ready to rob the whole world, I cheated them. I deceived three governors! .. What governors! ( waved his hand) there is nothing to say about the governors ... "

    The image of the judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin

    The city judge with the eloquent surname Lyapkin-Tyapkin does not lag behind the mayor. Having read a total of six books in his entire life, he is confident in his own education. Serving the law is permissive - in the office of the court, servants dry clothes and raise poultry. Lyapkin-Tyapkin prefers hunting to service and accepts offerings from purebred greyhound puppies.

    "... I've been sitting in the judge's chair for fifteen years now, but when I look into the memorandum - ah! I just wave my hand. Solomon himself will not allow what is true in it and what is not true ..."

    Strawberry official image

    Another city official, ridiculed by Gogol, with the "sweet" surname Strawberry, is supervising charitable institutions where true chaos reigns everywhere. Nobody cares about the sick - no regimen and medical discipline. The appointed doctor, a German by nationality, does not even understand Russian. And Strawberry himself fawns on the authorities and disdainfully treats ordinary people. In the treatment process, the official is of the opinion that whoever of his wards does not die will certainly recover without the drugs he has stolen.

    "... About ten people remained, no more; and the rest all recovered. This is the way it is, this is the order. Since I took over the authorities, it may even seem incredible to you, everyone is recovering like flies. The patient is not will have time to enter the infirmary, as he is already healthy; and not so much medicine as honesty and order ... "

    Luka Lukic

    Khlopov Luka Lukich is in charge of educational institutions the city and its departments for the collapse are no different from the previous ones. Teachers educate their students in disgusting manners, promising to nurture "worthy" replacements for the current generation of thieves. Khlopov, on the other hand, tries to please the bosses, but what and how happens in the affairs entrusted to him does not bother him.

    "... I can’t, I can’t, gentlemen. I, I confess, have been brought up in such a way that, speak to me of one rank, someone higher, I just don’t have a soul and my tongue is stuck in the mud ..."

    Postmaster Shpekin

    In communication services and messages, a complete mess is also going on. Postmaster Shpekin shamelessly opens other people's correspondence in order to keep abreast of any news, letters he liked, he leaves as a keepsake.

    "... I know, I know ... Do not teach this, I do this not so much as a precaution, but more out of curiosity: I love to learn what is new in the world. I will tell you that this is an interesting reading. You will read another letter with pleasure. - this is how different passages are described ... and what edification is ... better than in "Moskovskie vedomosti" !.


    But the main charlatan among all this outrage is a petty clerical worker from St. Petersburg Khlestakov, mistakenly taken by the plundered officials for a visiting inspector. On the way, Ivan Aleksandrovich lost a lot and the "title" assigned to him in the city of N was very useful. Khlestakov took advantage of the prevailing misunderstanding to the fullest. And after all the actions of local officials surfaced, a message was received about the arrival of a real auditor, which, most likely, should be understood as an inevitably impending punishment.

    "... I love hospitality, and, I confess, I like it better if I am pleased from pure heart, and not that out of interest ... "

    When considering the behavior, language of officials, their reactions to the arrival of the "inspector" gives a clear idea of ​​the main pronounced features of their characters. It is important to note the attitude of officials towards the mayor. At first glance, in between friendly relations: after all, they are involved in official abuse together. The judge even invites him to his place, and Luka Lukic plays cards with him. But in fact, the attitude of officials to the mayor is completely different, and in order to show this, Gogol introduces remarks "aside" in which officials express their true feelings to the mayor. This two-faced attitude towards the mayor is most clearly seen in the behavior and words of Strawberry. When the governor in action characterizes himself as a zealous and conscientious campaigner, Artemy Filippovich cannot resist saying to himself: “Eka, bum, as he is painting! God gave such a gift! "
    In Act V, when unexpected happiness is celebrated in the mayor's house, Strawberry is one of the first (after the judge) to appear with congratulations. In response to Luka Lukich's remark that “fate itself led the mayor so,” Strawberry obsequiously corrects him: “Not fate, father, fate is a turkey; merits led to that ", and with the words" to the side "completely betrays himself:" Such a pig always crawls into the mouth of happiness. " The same goes a little further. On the one hand, with a remark “to the side”, Strawberry expresses a clearly hostile attitude towards the governor: “he’s getting into generals! What good, maybe he will be a general. After all, his importance, the evil one would not take him, is enough, "and on the other hand, he just kindly addresses him:" Then, Anton Antonovich, don't forget us. "
    So, Strawberry is extremely two-faced in relation to the governor: he fawns in the eyes, toadies, behind the eyes (“to the side”) expresses open contempt, even seasoned with a significant amount of abuse. We note the same duplicity in the case of the judge. He is ready to “regale” the mayor with a dog, sell him a dog or some other dog, he invites him to dinner, the first is to congratulate him on the “extraordinary happiness that has come” and, like Strawberry, asks him to provide support if the general's rank smiles at him : "If something happens: for example, some need for business, do not leave patronage." But he says something completely different “to the side”: “He’ll throw the thing out when he actually becomes a general. For whom the generals should be like a saddle for a cow! " etc.
    In general, the officials' remarks “aside” contain a negative assessment of the mayor, and even the modest, fearful Luka Lukich is not free from this. When the mayor tells Khlestakov about his dislike for cards, Luka Lukich could not resist and confesses “aside”: “I, you scoundrel, repaid a hundred rubles yesterday.”
    Let's pay attention to the lexical side of the language of officials. All these four representatives of bureaucratic Russia are characterized by official-state speech, especially when dealing with the authorities. It is characteristic that with literally the same words they begin their presentation to Khlestakov: “I have the honor to introduce myself,” and end it: “I dare not bother me with my presence any longer.”
    The language of all four officials, in contact with the broad provincial lower classes, is characterized by vernacular phraseology and familiar idiomatic expressions... There are more of them in the speech of the judge: “scolds”, “on a military foot”, “shakes on a mustache”, “a bad thing has been brewed up”, “to regale ... with a little dog”. But the postmaster also uses them: “the Frenchman crap”, “mortally I love”, “short arms”; and Luka Lukich: “made a face”, “got stuck in the mud”, “sold, damned tongue”; and Strawberries: “the cabbage bears”, “let go ... even the soul to repentance”, “stunned”.
    It is noteworthy that in the speech of these officials there are few foreign words: they have to move mainly in the provincial bureaucratic and bourgeois environment.
    Here foreign words from their remarks: nature, Jacobin (Strawberry), ministry (judge), passages, escort (postmaster), edited (Luka Lukich). It should also be noted such details of the speech: a respectable judge is not averse to sometimes inserting an ornate book expression into his speech, which is explained by his erudition: "the tall visitor tasted the bread."
    Strawberry uses definitions of a bureaucratic and clerical nature: a "well-organized" state, society, "ill-intentioned" rules, "reprehensible" behavior. The postmaster enthusiastically conveys excerpts from the letters he left behind: “my life, dear friend, flows ... in empyrean people: there are many young ladies, music is playing, the standard is jumping”.

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    Other compositions:

    1. The portrait of each of the city officials in Gogol's comedy “The Inspector General” ends “with dignity” in the fourth act of the comedy, when they, having gathered together, arrange a visit to the false auditor Khlestakov. None of the officials honestly carry out their service and, fearing dismissal, they are trying to solve Read More ......
    2. In the comedy "The Inspector General", the author introduces us to a number of government officials who live and work in a small provincial town... Each of them takes its "worthy" place in this satirical work... None of the city officials are honestly doing their job. Take Read More ...
    3. Imagine a small county town in the 30s of the XIX century, which is located in the center of Russia, but far from the capital: “if you ride for three years, you will not reach any state”. Gogol deliberately does not indicate the exact location of this town. Drafts Read More ......
    4. “In“ The Inspector General, ”I decided to put together everything bad in Russia ... and laugh at everything at once," Gogol explained the idea of ​​his comedy. Depicting abuses in the county town of N, from which “you can’t skip even three years,” Read More ......
    5. The plot of the comedy "The Inspector General", as well as the plot of the immortal poem " Dead Souls”, Was presented to Gogol by AS Pushkin. Gogol has long dreamed of writing a comedy about Russia, making fun of the shortcomings of the Bureaucratic system, which are so well known to every Russian person. Work on a comedy so Read More ......
    6. The plot of the comedy The Examiner, as well as the plot of the immortal poems The Dead soul, was presented to Gogol by A.S. Pushkin. Gogol has long dreamed of writing a comedy about Russia, making fun of the shortcomings of the bureaucratic system, which are so well known to every Russian person. The work on the comedy is so Read More ......
    7. The plot of the comedy "The Inspector General", as well as the plot of the immortal poem "Dead Souls", was presented to Gogol by A.S. Pushkin. Gogol has long dreamed of writing a comedy about Russia, making fun of the shortcomings of the bureaucratic system, which are so well known to every Russian person. The work on the comedy is so Read More ......
    8. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, loving Russia with all his heart, could not stand aside, seeing that she was mired in a swamp of corrupt officials, and therefore creates two works reflecting the entire reality of the state of the country. One of these works is the comedy "The Inspector General", in which Gogol Read More ......
    Portrait characteristic officials in the comedy "The Inspector General"

    N.V. In the comedy "The Inspector General" Gogol outlined a panorama of the life and customs of provincial Russia in the 1930s. 19th century. The county town N is presented as a kingdom of hypocrisy, deception, pettiness of interests, pride, humiliated human dignity, prejudice and gossip. This is most clearly seen in the appearance of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, the mayor's family, merchants and philistines. The laws of town life are most clearly represented in the images of officials.

    During the reign of Nikolaev, the bureaucracy was distinguished by lust for power, theft of state property, bribes, arrogance towards "little people". This is how we see officials in the comedy "The Inspector General".


    The chief official in the comedy is the mayor - the most intelligent and reasonable of all. He logically reflects on the reasons for the visit of the auditor. We see that from his life experience he is able to put in place any swindler. He does not shun bribes and often borrows money from the state treasury. With his subordinates, he is rude and arrogant, while with higher positions he is respectful and flattering. The main goal his life becomes a general's rank.


    The speaking surname Lyapkin-Tyapkin immediately declares his efforts in the service and achievements in life. This is a judge who feels in himself the right to argue with the decisions of the mayor. The people around him think he is a highly educated person only because in his life he has mastered 5 books. Such remarks underline the ignorance of the employees, the negligible level of their education. He neglects his official duties, so there is never order in the court.


    The head of the Strawberry Hospital is absolutely indifferent to his state affairs... The patients die one after the other, because the doctor hired by Strawberry does not understand a word of Russian. He is intimidated by his reflections on the importance of a hospital for ordinary people: if a person is destined to die, he will die with medications, and if fate has prepared his life, then he will live without pills. Thinking like that, he does not buy drugs at all. Complaining about someone from his companions does not give him any trouble. And this is the first thing he does when he considers Khlestakov to be an auditor.


    Responsible for education is Luka Lukich Khlopov, an official who fears everything in the world, even louder than an ordinary sounding voice. Responsible for postal delivery Shpekin got used to opening the letters of the townspeople and so track all the secret movements of the city.

    Khlestakov, who does not really belong to the circle of officials, is accidentally involved in the life of provincial officials. He, a metropolitan employee, is so empty, frivolous, superficial that due to this he very easily merges into their society. Gogol shows by this that officials are the same throughout Russia.

    It becomes scary that these are the people who rule Russia and establish the laws. According to V.G. Belinsky, officials are a "corporation of service thieves and robbers."