Alet 2 Chernov Options to read online. Torrent Milena Zavichinskaya - Collected Works

Alet 2 Chernov Options to read online. Torrent Milena Zavichinskaya - Collected Works

But why did you need to open a secret portal directly from the Imperial Palace? Accidentally? And in the neighboring principality illegally penetrated - also by chance? And married, too, apparently, came out quite by chance ...

The theory must be confirmed. Than? Proper, practice. And if you are a magician wagon, and even a book-goer, then there should be in the next reality not a wand to wave (well, or what is your hand - sword? Broom?), And to think head and only after this is making. But the last in Darcoli, where Kira and her partner Karel are sent to the summer practice, not very much, it turns out.

Kira and her companion Karel is a special purposebook. Point. Confirmed and signed. And if it was still possible to doubt it before, now, after Annushka ... Sorry, Annatiniel Carorboro, a Dark Fairy, a teacher of the Bestology and Facreting, deigned to become a personal mentor of the restless couple, swore to make the maggers of the highest sample and began to scare To tremors at seminars and pull out the loss of the pulse on ...

Well, yes, going on the orders of the chef to take from the airport of a foreign "specialist", Arina was in sadness, and in a hangover, and in inadequate. And what do you want? Not every day, a young beautiful witch, in full predicts, she will meet death today. So I met ... English-necromancer with the talking surname MEMOR ...

Is it easy to be fairy? Probably, it is easy if you have a magic wand and a textbook on Fairy magic. And if you have instead of a magic stick - a talking family and a transition point between the worlds, and instead of the textbook - a list of duties on the barnance and the castle, which gathered under its roof a variety of companies from different races and worlds?

Honestly, everything ... Well, almost everything happened by chance! And I heard about the free set in the magic academies unexpectedly, and on the ice slide, and my sister and I got to ride, without planning it in advance, and a basin, more precisely, the battle shield, I borrowed an accumulant. And he crushed, flying on this shield, a vigorous blond stranger completely not on purpose. How not purposely we fell into an unconfigured portal.

When it seems that life has finally improped, everything collapses again. The terrible secrets of the closed kingdom are not released. And Ramina is in front of an important choice. After all, Sidja, a bright peace-loving people, never get involved in the war. But only Sidha, being the soul of the world, can save it.

The life of Irzhina entered a normal rut: there is a house, the work provided the emperor himself, got friends, and his favorite hobby was not anywhere. It would seem, live yes rejoice.
But why did you need to open a secret portal directly from the Imperial Palace? Accidentally? And in the neighboring principality illegally penetrated - also by chance? And married, too, apparently, came out quite by chance ...
And when she will understand that all the chance is not accidental? So, of them need to draw conclusions and move on.

I am lying on the grass, a hundred fantasies in my head. Let's laugh with me together, there will be no one hundred, but ... two hundred!
I live as I want and I can. I write just as I can and how I like. For the cover Thanks to Natalia Zhiltsova

Milena Zavochinskaya

History of Demida, Stepan and Mushin Drakonchik (Tale)

He who lives near (story)

Incub and accountant, or as a museum and I tried to write erotica (story)

Children's fairy tale ABC for 5-6 years.
Each chapter is a short story about an adventure with one letter.

Without final chapters! It is completely laid out by the author's subscribers.

In the country, the alphabet evil witch mistakes confused the name of Queen Fay and the name of the country. Only a human child will be able to save Fay, having learned all the letters and solved confusing words. To the boy Nikita every day comes one of the fairies and teaches him with his letter. Having having learned all the letters, he makes a feat.

Well, went, goal. Crane the elbow, make a grandfather. - Grandfather Vasil, poking in an uncomfortable posture, in the elongated hands carried a cat, and I, having flown up to his elbow, wrinkled next. Coldly how, my God you are.

We reached my apartment, I thanked Vasily's grandfather and issued 200 rubles. The cat put in the kitchen under the battery, sacrificing, for the absence of some litters or rugs, one towel from not loved ones. And he herself ran to the computer in search of information on the Internet, and what actually do with frozen and cadebitted cats. Calling veterinary ambulance I was financially not ready, for services they take expensive, especially considering that already Friday and almost night. Sitting quickly on the forums of animal lovers, I returned to the cat.

During this time, under the battery, he warmed up, ice from the wool and stack on a towel of a dirty puddle. NDA, it seems, one towel here can not do. We'll have to change how to dry wool. The cat never moved and did not publish a sound, only hardly breathing hard. I pull out a box with a first-aid kit, I began to figure out what can be given to him from human medicines now. Deciding that it is better to win than to undertake, I crushed into a powder of an antibiotic tablet, judging that he really had time to sleep, it was still necessary to treat. And in order to sleep a little bit, the pill added a slightly extinguished valerian tablet. Divided it all with water and through the dispenser, from some kind of children's syrup, who remained from the child's brother, poured the cat in his mouth. Then the milk warmed, and since the cat did not react, and he didn't even try to drink, she drove him with warm milk, gently talking to him, and comforting that everything would be fine.

Part 1. Chapter 2.

what rather they serve as animals than animals them.

Diogen Sinopsky.

The night was disturbing, since I was very afraid that while I sleep, the cat was quietly lining in the kitchen and in the morning I will meet a fresh feline corpse. Therefore, at night I got up several times to check out there the cat and give him another amount of water and milk. He was very much exhausted, you won't give a lot right away, and somehow you need to feed, especially since he himself did not attempt to drink.

By the morning, oddly enough, the cat more or less came to life, get up, however, did not try, but for my movements carefully watched and even got the water itself. Breakfast, I escaped to the next shopping center and bought shampoo for cats, comb, some feline vitamins, and everything you need when a cat appears in the house. As well as chicken. It is necessary to quit the animal, and that he can mask dry food does not seem.

Two days I fed it with chicken broth, boiled chicken and milk. And poured medicine through the dispenser. In the evening of Sunday, he finally moved away and even began to try to get up. And although I was not sure that it was right, but dragged him into the bathroom and made him a wash with a shampoo from Bloch. How much dirt was broken off not to convey, I could not even imagine that in winter, during the snow, you can manage so expensive. The cat fed sluggally, but in general he behaved quite well and we were without scratching and cat hysterics.

After the wash and drying, it turned out that the cat has a long fluffy black wool with gray-blue divorces, tassels on large ears and a luxurious fluffy tail. It seems that such a breed is called Maine Coon, however, I do not understand this issue. As such a luxurious Kotyar turned out to be on the street, and even in such a plot, it was not clear. Whether she was fled and lost, or the owners were thrown away, but the cat was beautiful. Only very thin and covered, just hug and cry.

Well, the kitty? How do you? Oklem, the poor is? Now that you are clean, you can enter the room. Let's go, show you where you now wait until you recover and we will not decide that we will do with you. - I picked up the cat in my arms and went with him around the apartment. - How can I call you? Murzik?

The cat hurt and tried to break out.

Barsik? Oh, I know! You remind me of Cher, the same black and busty-face. Cher.

The cat looked at me and remedy.

On Monday morning I was going to work, and the cat slowly, perezding, wandered around the apartment and studied space. Although that it is studied to study it, the room in the apartment is only one. True, the kitchen is large, and the bathroom is separate.

I welded coffee and set breakfast and watch the news, and the cat put meals in a plate, which he allocated. I ignoring the plate on the floor, Cher jumped on the chair opposite me, put the front paws on the table and tried to pull the sandwich from the plate.

Eoya, Koshak, not impudence. I put meals for you, "I pushed the plate away and put a cat to the floor in front of his plate. Without paying attention to it, the cat again jumped into the chair, put the front paws on the table and looked at me expectantly.

Shaggy, yes, you Estet, how do I see, do you want at the table? Well, okay, - I put a cat to the table on the table, sat down in my place and stared at the cat with interest. When Cher has become carefully, there is a boiled chicken out of it, I disassembled me laugh. - Oh how! Did you run out of the circus or something?

Cher ukriznously looked at me and continued his breakfast. Chickening, I began to doubt the coffee.

So we were heard, we had breakfast and had dinner at the table, and during the day he ate from the plates set on the floor. With the diet, we, too, everything was not like normal people and cats. He flatly refused, there are feline food, neither dry or canned food. He ate the same as I am Kashi, pasta, soups, meat, milk, even bread and potatoes. Only I adapted to add sharp spices not when cooking, but only myself in a plate. A few more days, in the mornings and evenings, coming after work and evening classes in the fitness club, I gave him antibiotics. Cher recovered quickly quickly and no longer reminded that a frozen semi-in-room creature, that I was picked up in a snowdrift. He ate very neatly, but in huge quantities. Just a bottomless stomach of some kind, it seems that he has left after his forced hunger strike or ate or ate.

I neatly shook my foot to shook him, then leaned and settled aside, and again tried to leak past his mother. She did not move and did not make any movements, only also carefully watched us.

I am good, though. Do not need me. "Feeling very stupid, I tried to convince the animal that I need to let me go." - Honestly. I even shared your last chicken with your last chicken. And he came to me to me, I did not pull him out.

She finally translated a non-moving look from me on his baby. And unfortunately quickly slipping past me, it turned out to be near him. Fuch! I sighed with relief and rushed almost running away. Here I don't teach my life, it was not necessary to stay even in a cave when I found a lair there.

I already ran out of two hundred meters, how in front of me, this mom-beast arose and blocked me the road. I do not understand anything. How does she do that? Teleports something? After all, she did not run past me, for sure. In the teeth, she kept her baby for the shkirk. We stood and looked at each other. Then she suddenly slipped to me, I even hid my breath, and she suddenly poked into my son's hands, who dangled in her teeth, ridiculously taming his paws. I came from the surprise to the little animals and stood now with him in my hands, not knowing what to do next.

GM. Thanks of course, but what should I do with him? I have no meal anymore, I have nothing to treat it now. Maybe I do not need to give it?

The mother of the baby stood and again did not blink and looked into my eyes. For a second I looked at the premiece living creatures in my hands, and when I raised my eyes again - we were already together. Class! Is that, she gives me his heart to adoption if you gave? To go nuts. Is it generally in nature?

Daaa, boy. Cool we fell. So, together we will live together, yes, it's a good story?

Baby walked badly, so I had to carry it on my hands. When the hands were already falling off from gravity, I spun it into my jacket and secured on myself in a sling, in which moms wear kids. So we got finally to the lowland. Returning to the river, I released a young jacket, put it on the ground, threw my bag nearby and fell out on my back. What heavy these two days were. Yes, and pets here again got around. But it was already rooted that I would not be sent any animals. I had enough Shar with an excess - I have enough impressions for the whole life. So there is no, again, my puzzleness failed.

It would be necessary to come up with a baby's name, and try to find people who are at all at all. And how Pushkin is obtained - "not a mouse, not a frog, but a little animal."

Well, Plindel? Let's invent the name? With you now it seems like one team. - I sat down and went through the eyes of the animal.

But while I rested, he hid somewhere in the grass, and only my bag was lonely lying around me. And next to another bag, and my too. I poured in the jaldown with my eyes on this second bag. And she poked me back.

What we have - do not store;

losing - cry.

Goat rods

Finally, the preparation of alaty is over. What is it ridiculous, so many things, as if going to the desert. I first tried to hint at it, and then I decided that let. If only she did it faster.

Glory to the gods finally. I did not deprive me a houseloo, the portal really opened without any problems. Even strange, as I myself did not think of such a simple way. No other way, the lack of magic influenced my mental abilities. Sharing the Marielev around us showed that the last stage came, one moment was left, and I will be at home, in Alzerate. I mentally introduced the place where I planned to move. The portal opened, and we are handing over, as Suddenly, Alets jerk from me sharply. I, swearing, tried to keep it, but something went wrong and teared her, but I was thrown out of the portal.

Oh, the landing was not so pleasant as it could be. I was dragged on the grass and imprinted in a tree. I lightningly jumped up, looking around, but ... I was alone. Aweta was nowhere. Grahchen Tosh !!! What happened? After all, everything worked as it should, I stood in the place that mentally imagined when building a portal ... an extensive park in the vicinity of the palace. Won and the roof of the palace can be seen, I will walk on foot in a couple of hours.

I went to the palace straight to Court Magu to the palace. Father will wait, but I urgently need someone who can track the portal until traces of magical intervention remained. The fact that Maudti was somewhere here in Alzerate, did not cause doubts. The lunar stone in my earrings glowed in the same level, and I still felt that everything was in order with her, our connection was still in place. The only question is where it thrown out. And this was necessary to figure out as soon as possible.

Reaching the palace, I broke into the laboratory of Matra Linkenkal, our court magician. And, of course, immediately came across it. Briefly explaining the situation, I asked him to proceed with me and help track the portal. In place, we turned out to be quickly, it is not at all far away. But ... Master Linkeenkal could not help me. Requirmed that the release of the second channel occurred here on the Alzerate. But where exactly he could not track down.

Grahchen Tosh !!! Yes, what is it. How to find her until she fell into trouble? It is necessary for any way to get into the closed library of the father and get to the records in the forbidden book of spells. Surely in the section with a description of the ceremony of Chernyti, there must be some information about the possibility of contact between two Moith in such cases. After all, I feel that with her so far everything is in order, she is alive, not injured.

Yes, I will do it. Anreniel will cover me, I'll tell you everything. Along we will come up with something.

The world is crazy, and the more familiar appear,

that world becomes closer.

I saw the cats without a smile, but a smile without a cat ... - I quoted a trembling voice, I would not be a sensitive phrase, looking at the second bag ..

At this moment, the bag went trembling, and in the middle there was a round nose, and then the whole face. Just a picture of surrealists - a bag, and with my bags, my new pets were mounted at me, and the nose was ridiculously stirred.

Kid? It's you? "I do not believe myself, I called."

And then the bag was smelled of some incomprehensible way, changed the color and texture and turned into a beast, which ridiculously jumping up with a thick back, rushed to me.

To be honest, I just have no words. The brutal mom, who moves with a unthinkable speed and turns out there, where a second ago, it was not yet, and then suddenly gave me his child for adoption, I still survived somehow. But her dyatyatko, which is unthinkable from a four-pawy thick and shaggy kitten, turned into a black smooth bag, and managed to still look and move the nose at the same time, and then back to the beast - it's beyond my understanding. I turn the animal in different directions, looked like a thick pumidity with my finger, fell, lost behind the paws - but he looked fine. Shaggy, chubby, funny. NDA.

My babies and I divided your meager food supply, namely a modest chicken leg and pack of crackers, which was in my bag. To put it mildly, we didn't have enough food, I wanted completely ugly. Given that this puppy-non-puppy, but I do not know who, and appetite possessed brutal, so that most of our modest lunch went to him.

Yes, baby, looking at you I remember one of the same funny and the same voracious aliens, Alpha. His phrase "I sat quietly, peacefully. Then he was hungry. Further, as in the fog!" - It suits you exclusively. - I sighed. "Perhaps I'll call you so - Alpha." In addition, you are the first living creature I met on this planet.

Milena Zavochinskaya


How often our meetings are not accidental.

I It ran away from work Almost scraping, well, as far as possible in the dark on the ice codbins and the snow, since the frost and the wind were customized, and very noticeable. Winter this year was early and frosty. Just the beginning of December, and the temperature dropped much lower than twenty-five. And considering how windy the city has become in recent years due to chaotic buildings by high-rise buildings, then with piercing winds. And I ran my mouse from home to the stop, from stopping to the subway, from the subway to the office and in reverse order.

Every year I gave myself a promise to buy a warm-pretender down coat and warm boots without heels, and every year naive optimism and faith in the fact that in the next year there will definitely not be such frosts, and in this winter almost ended, We won. So it was now: the studs of winter boots were desperately stuck in the snowy snowdrifts and no less desperately slipped around the ice.

I lived in the studio apartment of Brother, who left the family to work for the prosperity of capitalism and its budget. The house was in a residential area, to get to work and back was distant, but it was not necessary to pay for a removable apartment.

I almost succeeded to the house, it remained only to go across the road to the entrance. And then an overwhelming obstacle unexpectedly arose on my path. There was a ice, a solid rink, blowing the head wind. I ran a bodroy coward across the road, but it was not there. The heels slid, and the head wind attributed me back. Three attempts ended by my unconditional defeat. I started, bucking with studs on ice, miraculously retaining the balance, and I returned to the starting point.

Well, what is something! And funny and stupid! Though on all fours across the road. And, as discharged, not a single passerby to ask for help. Potting on the spot, I decided that I wait, because there should be at least anyone to appear from neighboring houses. Well, at least dog lovers - now just time for evening walking suitable. Fucking to finally do not cry, I looked around in search of passersby, preferably men who could take me to the tug and to offer to the entrance when I saw the side of the cat's dirty snow. He lay on his side, spreading the tail and paws, and did not move. It was a major, one can say a huge beast, only terribly thin and dirty. His wool merged with icicles and clogged with snow, and a long tail, which, probably, once was fluffy, now looked sorry. There was a feeling that the cat first pulled out, and then turned out sharply in the cold. Sign up how color it is wool, it was impossible.

Thinking a second, I went closer to consider, alive he or not. I am not a cat, I have no animals at home, and even the fish, which I was presented in the second grade, well bent myself in a week of life with me, so wonderful. Although I honestly fed them, Holly and cherished, but they got sick with some kind of disgust, covered with something disgusting white and pop up with abdomen up. I didn't try to start animals more. Yes, and in adulthood, the tense schedule did not allow to take care of her pet in full force. But now this cat was sorry. Suddenly alive? Frozen! Such a frost, and it lies right on the snow.

- Cat, Kis-Kis. How are you? - I leaned and tried to consider a cat face. - Kitty Kitty? Sobatik?

When I decided that there were no longer anything to help here, and began to straighten up, the cat opened his eyes and smiled squeezed out. OPA, alive. So what to do now? I can no longer leave, I will not forgive myself in my life, at night the nightmares will dream that threw a living being like so dying. Home to carry? But how? Dirty, patient ... Maybe, in general, the car knocked down and the dice is fermented ... That's how I will drag him? I myself can not go through the road ...

And then there was our local drunkard, Grandfather Vasil because of my house's corner of my house. Unfortunate and excessively sociable grandfather, whom everyone knew and even periodically fed or threw some money. He had no wife, a widower for a long time, there are no children either, so I spoke. Nobody saw him soberly and never, but also drunk so much to lie under the bench, he also did not have ever. Usually he was in the permanent state of medium-sized and prostheriness. Even his name, Vasily, somehow imperceptibly transferred to Vasil, and they were treated for "you" and old and young. So now, slightly swaying, smiling and something Murlycha under his nose, the grandfather moved into my direction.

- Grandfather Vasil, grandfather Vasil !!! - I practically screamed from joy and was ready to rush to him on the neck - well, finally, at least one live soul. - Grandfather Vasil, Hello, help to home to get, eh? And the cat here ... And I will give a money to the money, you will be tasty you can buy anything.

- Hello, Alets. Are you so late? Young girls need to sit at home, rather than run tails frost. What kind of cat? - Grandfather Vasil stood with me and, smiling, breathed with wine couples. Following my gaze, he leaned over the cat. - Oh, the scaling. Ec chopped you. Do not learn too.

- Grandfather Vasil, help the cat to the house to do. Alive yet. It is a pity, freezes overnight, and I will try to treat it, to get it, and then, maybe I attach it to where. BUT? - I smiled enchantingly.

The grandfather leaned out, slipped his hands under the cat and, groachty, straightened. Cat flawlessly walked and did not move. No matter what I'm dead in the apartment! What a horror! And what should I do with the corpse then? It is necessary to go to heat faster.

- Well, go, goal. Crane the elbow, make a grandfather. "A neighbor, poking in an uncomfortable pose, carried a cat on the elongated hands, and I, grabbing his elbow, wrinkled next. Coldly like, God you are ...

We reached my apartment, I thanked Grandfather Vasily and gave him two hundred rubles. The cat arranged in the kitchen under the battery, sacrificing, for the lack of any litters or rugs, one of the unloved towels. And he spoiled to the computer to search on the Internet information, what to do with frozen and canty cats. Calling veterinary ambulance I was financially not ready, for services they take expensive, especially considering that already Friday and almost night. Sitting quickly on the forums of animal lovers, I returned to the cat.

Milena Zavochinskaya - Collected Works

Year: 2012 - 2016

Format: FB2.

Language: Rus (Russian)

Book: 17

Publishing house: Alpha Book, Eksmo, Samizdat

Quality: eBook ( initially computer)

Motto: I am lying on the grass, a hundred fantasies in my head. Let's laugh with me together, there will be no one hundred, but ... two hundred!

about the author: Milena Valerievna Zavochinskaya was born on March 1, 1974 in Prague, in the family of a serviceman. Family and often moved and childhood Milen has passed in different places, incl. Czechoslovakia, North Ossetia, Mongolia, Siberia and only many years later moved to Moscow, where he lives. In 1998, after graduation, the University worked as an economist and an accountant, later received an additional education of the translator.

Writing Milena began relatively recently. Waking up at home after the birth of the second child in early 2012, she found writing a fascinating occupation that helps to dispel from homemade trouble. But soon the innocent hobby became the main job. The last name Real (Maiden, the surname did not take her husband). Married, raises two sons.

Now readers are available about 30 works of the author, mainly fantasy novels. Also, Milena writes fiction, fairy tales, occasionally indulgested by verses ...

List and content of books in distribution:

Dilogy "Alet"

(+/-) Alet

Illustrations: Eva Nikolskaya

Genre: hit, fantasy, love romance

Publishing house: Alpha book

ISBN.: 978-5-9922-1509-0

Series: Romantic fiction

Pages: 416

Version FB2.

annotation: Get into other worlds in different ways. Muscovite Aleta gave consent to go there voluntarily, accompanying the house of the Dark Elf, who had a misfortune to get to the ground. But the least she expected to get in the end not in the elf's city, but in an isolated valley of the damned people of airlings. There, where women rule, and where it is impossible to get out. So I need to work now to work out the amulet of the transfer, to escape, seize the pets. Yes, still save your elf and new friend-Aerling. But who knew that all this was predetermined long before her birth, and the path to freedom for them all lies through the wedding?

(+/-) Close

(+/-) Alet - 2

Year: someday

Genre: Fenthesia

Publishing house: Unknown

ISBN.: absent

Series: Unknown

Pages: Unknown

Description: Aleta-2 is a joke! But after all, they will still ask, rumors walk in the network that the book was laid out. Do not believe it is better to listen to my perm.

The second book will be. "When?" - not ask. The author has a nervous tick from this issue. I'll smoke!

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Cycle "Higher School of Librarians"

(+/-) Higher School of Librarians 1. The magic of the book

Illustrations: Irina Kruglova


Publishing house: Eksmo

ISBN.: 978-5-699-80940-0

Series: Academy of Magic

Pages: 384

annotation: Who would have to suggest that late sites in a closed library, a fight with a book thief and a simple wooden mop would be a hundred times more effective than the exam? And if the latter did not give Cyre Golotovo to enter the institute, then all the other, overnight, made it a student of the most unusual magic school in the interreality of the Higher School of Librarians. It is there that teach such as it, endowed with the magic of books who, capable of moving on reality and unrealities using ordinary books.

Although at first it was difficult for this restless madness to assess the scale of his happiness. Well, you would have been delighted if you were determined in "bouncers", and even they also rank giraffes with a fantic bias? But soon, the rector of the WSB has already been "rejoiced" with such a gifted student, and the further, the more often. And not only her success in school. And who said that student life should be boring?

(+/-) Close

(+/-) Higher School of Librarians 2. Baby Personal Practice

Illustrations: Irina Kruglova

Genre: hit, fantasy, adventure

Publishing house: Eksmo

ISBN.: 978-5-699-83398-6

Series: Academy of Magic

Pages: 384

annotation: Nutty magician, suspiciously lovely mermaids, fights with ghouls on a night cemetery, a ghost with gifts, from which it is impossible to refuse, the bloody ritual and artifact of the original Darkness ...

Yes, it did not imagine Kira a summer practice at the end of the first year of the High School of Librarians. And how beautiful everything was drawn ... a month at sea with a partner and a friend Kelle as a companion ... Communist and participant of funny trick, unobtrusive mentor, offset, and then vacation!

But with its ability to make trouble on all parts of the body of Kira and in practice it turned out to be at the height. And closing ahead, you can reveal the secret: the holidays also did not justify her hopes to rest and relax, it turned out there! But more on that later.

In the meantime, special purpose travelers make the first step in a new reality towards incredible adventures.

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(+/-) Higher School of Librarians 3. Special Purpose Bidders

Illustrations: Irina Kruglova


Publishing house: E.

ISBN.: 978-5-699-86757-8

Series: Academy of Magic

Pages: 384

annotation: Keira and her companion Karel - a special purposebook. Point. Confirmed and signed. And if it was still used to be doubted before, now, after Annushka ... Sorry, Annatiniel Carorboro - a Dark Fairy, a teacher of the Bestology and Faceing ... I became a personal mentor of a restless couple, I swore to make the maggers of the highest sample and began to scare At seminars and pull out to the loss of the pulse on practical, - no choice.

So they studied as the heads, the trambus of knowledge in the heads with tripled speed and determined zeal.

And in rare moments of rest? Well ... And who does not shawit? Let even from this, the whole school shudders literally, and the rector sends. But fun and interesting. Highly. And this is also the "special appointment" of the Adepka VSB Kira Golotovo.

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(+/-) Higher School of Librarians 4. Babyaders and Mystery of the Mechanical God

Year: 2016

Name: Bookwoker and the mystery of mechanical god

Cover: Irina Kruglova

Genre: hit, fantasy, adventure, humor

Publishing house: E.

ISBN.: 978-5-699-88791-0

Series: Academy of Magic

Pages: 384

annotation: Theory must be confirmed. Than? Proper, practice. And if you are a magician wagon, and even a biddarel, then there should be in the next reality not a wand to wave (well, or what is your hand - sword? Broom?), But to think head, and only after this is making. But the last in Darcoli, where Kira and her partner Karel are sent to the summer practice, not very much, it turns out. Magic in the world has almost no left after the coming of the mechanical god, whom the truth has long seen no one for a long time, it has practically replaced technology. Useful, but very indispensable. And mysterious. Here are the riddles of this reality and have to solve "embedded" to save the world from magical starvation, along the way, having not disappointed the mentor, the Dark Faija Master Annatiniel Carborough. For fraught ...

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(+/-) Higher School of Librarians 5. Chronicles of the Biddares

Year: 2016

Name: Chronicles of bookhodtsev

Cover: Irina Kruglova

Genre: hit, fantasy, adventure, humor

Publishing house: E.

ISBN.: 978-5-699-91959-8

Series: Academy of Magic

Pages: 384

annotation: Even the most interesting study ever ends. Babyadtsy Kiru Zolotovoy and Karel Veszov will be very soon to leave the VSB. However, the diploma still need to get alive and preferably unharmed. And with the high love of this couple to adventure and the ability to attract problems to do this, perhaps, will not be so easy. Especially since the plans for the near future is to surfacing dragon eggs, disassembly with a local mafia, a trip to the Asian jungle and clarifying such confusing relationships. And only then - the final exams ...

Well, after the release ... life will continue. After all, so much has not yet been done, the many worlds are not happy with the acquaintance with restless "embroidery", and someone else has to learn something important. But this is a different life and another story ...

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Trilogy "House at the intersection"

(+/-) House at the intersection

Illustrations: Andrei Klepakov


Publishing house: Alpha book

ISBN.: 978-5-9922-1563-2

Series: Romantic fiction

Pages: 346

Version FB2.: Alex (additional design with elements of serial design of the Alpha Book publishing house, interactive footnotes, return comments).

annotation: Whether Vika thought that an abandoned house received as a gift from a stranger hides in their "wardrobes" of non-skeletons and ghosts, but ancient magicians, iswolves, families, demons, water and even ... mysterious Lirells. After all, the house is standing at the crossroads of worlds. Mysterious narrowed, looking for her among the worlds, and the title obtained in another world ... Abilities woken in the blood ... How many more surprises are ahead? But what to do - the gift is obtained, from the previous apartment evicted, it is time to enter into the rights of the hostess, take care of cleaning and restore order, first in the house, and then in other worlds ...

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(+/-) House at the crossroads 2. Fairy residence

Illustrations: Andrei Klepakov

Genre: hit, fantasy, magic, love romance, adventure, humor

Publishing house: Alpha book

ISBN.: 978-5-9922-1620-2

Series: Romantic fiction

Pages: 352

Version FB2.: Alex (additional design with elements of serial design of the Alpha Book publishing house, interactive footnotes, return comments).

annotation: The life of a housewife is boring and uninteresting. Maybe. If only your house is not at the crossroads of worlds. The house is then not a house, but a castle. But if the rules of the two worlds came to visit the guests, then you can rename the castle in the "Residence of Fairy", and all things. What? Mistress at home - Fairy, residence - is available. And the fact that the place is strange yes household from the four worlds, is the little things. The main thing is that life is boiling, there is no time to miss the adventures themselves find Vica, forcing learn to manage your abilities.

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(+/-) House at the intersection 3. Under the sky of four worlds

Illustrations: Andrei Klepakov

Genre: hit, fantasy, magic, love romance, adventure, humor

Publishing house: Alpha book

ISBN.: 978-5-9922-1667-7

Series: Romantic fiction

Pages: 352

Version FB2.: Alex (additional design with elements of serial design of the Alpha Book publishing house, interactive footnotes, return comments).

annotation: Is it easy to be fairy? Probably, it is easy if you have a magic wand and a textbook on Fairy magic. And if you have instead of a magic stick - a talking family and a transition point between the worlds, and instead of the textbook - a list of duties on the barnance and the castle, which gathered under its roof a variety of companies from different races and worlds? Then the fuel festival need to roll the sleeves and be accepted for work, and begin, perhaps, stands with the personal happiness of their households. And there it will reach the draarons, to the elves, and even to the demons. Moreover, the kingdom of Vika got good - there is where to turn around, because his possessions are under the sky of four worlds.

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The trilogy "Irzhina"

(+/-) Irzhina 1. Everything is not like it seems

Illustrations: Stanislav Dudin


Publishing house: Alpha book

ISBN.: 978-5-9922-1756-8

Series: Romantic fiction

Pages: 320

Version FB2.: Alex (additional design with elements of serial design of the Alpha Book publishing house, interactive footnotes, return comments).

annotation: Everything is not like it seems!

In this simple truth, Irzhin had to be convinced of his own experience. A loving father suddenly turns into a despot and makes married for the honorable elder? Dark empire - the abode of evil and vice? Dark - the most terrible creatures in the world? So it seemed Irzhin, who lived in a bright whole life in the empire, until the events around her forced wedding began to twist with a deadly funnel.

But if you can't cope with the situation and defeat, then run and start life first!

Sedlazed your faithful motolet, Izhina was able to escape and only away from the home home I learned that my father really loves her, a terrible necromancer is not a monster at all, with zombies it is quite possible to find a common language, and the inhabitants of the Dark Empire have something to learn.

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(+/-) Irzhina 2. Random - not by chance

Illustrations: Andrei Klepakov

Genre: technofanthesis, love romance, adventure

Publishing house: Alpha book

ISBN.: 978-5-9922-1807-7

Series: Romantic fiction

Pages: 313

Version FB2.: Alex (additional design with elements of serial design of the Alpha Book publishing house, interactive footnotes, return comments).

annotation: Life of Irzhina entered the normal rut: There is a house, the work provided the emperor himself, friends acquired, and his favorite hobby was not anywhere. It would seem, live yes rejoice.

But why did you need to open a secret portal directly from the Imperial Palace? Accidentally? And in the neighboring principality illegally penetrated - also by chance? And married, too, apparently, came out quite by chance ...

And when she will understand that all the chance is not accidental? So, of them need to draw conclusions and move on.

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(+/-) Irzhina 3. It is not possible to avoid

Illustrations: Sergey Grigoriev

Genre: technofanthesis, love romance, adventure

Publishing house: Alpha book

ISBN.: 978-5-9922-1938-8

Series: Romantic fiction

Version FB2.: Alex (additional design with elements of serial design of the Alpha Book publishing house, interactive footnotes, return comments).

Pages: 320

annotation: The irrepressible thrust for everything interesting and unknown again rushed Irzhina first in the adventure, and then in the embrace of the emperor. And in the literal sense - she fell to his knees straight out of the air, and only it saved her life. And it turned out that these embraces are at all and are not terrible, so it was so afraid? Meetings with mysterious relatives on the mother's line, the opening of family secrets and secrets, new acquaintances and knowledge. All this is ahead. But is it all right in her life? Accident This or the will of gods and elements? Does the heroine be able to replay fate or the pre-safe can not be avoided?

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Collections, Anthology

(+/-) Collection Love and Magic-2

Year: 2015

Compilers: Sergey Grushko, Andrey Applekov

Illustrations: Vladimir Narov


Publishing house: Eksmo

ISBN.: 978-5-699-78916-0

Series: Walking Mira

Pages: 512

annotation: Do you believe in magic? Do you believe in love? Or maybe they are inextricably linked?

The authors of this book do not even doubt that it is so. Love gives magic wings that raise lovers to happiness, builds bridges between the worlds, makes fierce hearts with good, treats the souls wounded and returns them to life. Isn't that magic?

Many beautiful and terrible, romantic and strange stories happen in the magical universe love. And not only already loved by readers Elena Malinovskaya, Alexandra Church, Milena Zavichinskaya and Natalia Zhiltsova, but also the winners of the literary contest "Love and Magic - 2" from the portal "Fan Bech" of which can argue on fascination with works of masters of the genre Fantasy.

Dance - Elena Malinovskaya

Let's get married? - Milena Zavochinskaya

Winter Lord - Alexandra Church

Damned Earth - Natalia Zhiltsova

Royal Swash - Ekaterina Lynx

Hope - Roman Smeklof

Gift - Roman Smeklof

Void shape - Palmyra Kerlis

Rare Dar - Svetlana Ushkov

Forgiven - Anna Romanova

I would never have thought - Olga Sidorenko

Warning of the goddess - Miloslav Knyazev

Abduction - Catherine Flat

Love and Magic for Cats - Elena Breus

Secret companion - Maria Dubinina

Side and Taiden - Dmitry Kozlov

Heart under meat sauce - Elena Savchenkova

Too big victim - Alina Fox

My Witch - Victor Smirnov

Mystery of blue beard - Olga Jacova

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(+/-) A collection of love

Covers: Natalia Zhiltsova, Valerie Frost

Genre: Fantasy, Magic, Love Fantasy

Publishing house: Samizdat

Pages: ~200

History of Demida, Stepan and Mushin Drakonchik (Tale)

He who lives near (story)

Incub and accountant, or as a museum and I tried to write erotica (story)

Catch good luck for the tail (story)

Sad fairy tale "Magic Country" (story)

One hundred and one sleep Katerina (novel, not over)

Barbara-Beauty and Dark Lord (Beginning of a new story)

Guessing (Humor. Story)

The diary of the assholes (novel, not finished)

Sad ... (poem)

He dreamed so, she did not understand ... (poem)

Again, I came to my prodigal music (poem)

Interview by the portal "Fanbuk" 2013

Interview of the Portal "Ghost Mira" 2015

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Out -Ciclovy books

(+/-) Orange Rainbow Color

Illustrations: Eva Nikolskaya

Genre: NF, Romantic Fiction, Love Romance

Publishing house: Alpha book

ISBN.: 978-5-9922-1984-5

Series: Romantic fiction

Pages: 384

Version FB2.: Alex (additional design with elements of serial design of the Alpha Book publishing house, interactive footnotes, return comments).

annotation: What is it, wake up once in an unfamiliar place and realize that you do not remember your name, no one you come from? And the first meeting of the creature, similar to a person quite remotely, tells you that you are a slave and the "orange color of the rainbow", since you have red hair. And maybe you are a clone!

So happened to Elishche. This name was given to her those surrounding her inhumans. Attempts to remember about themselves, at least something does not give anything, it is necessary to accept the girl with the situation and hoping in the hope that the memory returns later and everything will work out. Taking advantage of the opportunity, it runs away from the worker in the company of the same slave. Sewages Escape, but it's better to wait for a bad thing when your destiny is solved for you. Elishche pick up scientists passing by the planet, heading for a distant scientific expedition. And in another environment, in the new role, she will have to restore his personality, remember everything and gain happiness, it would seem impossible. After all, she is a man, but around representatives of only other races.

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(+/-) Savior for Queen Alphabet

Genre: Fairy Tale Alphabet

Publishing house: Samizdat

Pages: ~100

annotation: In the country, the alphabet of the evil sorceress error has confused the name of Queen Fay and the name of the country. Only a human child will be able to save Fay, having learned all the letters and solved confusing words. To the boy Nikita every day comes one of the fairies and teaches him with his letter. Having having learned all the letters, he makes a feat.

Chapter And on how Fairy A begins to cook a superhero to save your country

Chapter B in which Fairy B feeds Nikita Buns, bagels and beams

The chapter in which Nikita swims in the bucket and uses the plug instead of anchor

The chapter in which Nikita strokes the cheetah and finds out about the risk

Chapter D in which Nikita plays with dolphins, and dinosaur eat melon

The head of E-Yo in which the Fairies E and E are arguing and explain what the difference between the fir tree and the Christmas tree

The chapter in which the Fairy M tolerate Nikita to visit the giraf

The chapter of which Nikita recognizes a wonderful spell

Chapter I, in which Nikita is frightened by Turkey and deals with yoga

Chapter K in which Nikita learns to smallest and eat Kalachi, Couples and sausage

The head of L in which Nikita flies and is treated

The chapter M in which Nikita eats Malina and feeds Mammoth carrots

The head of n in which Nikita dives with narrowing and scratches the nose nose

The chapter of which Nikita looks at the blue language

The head in which Nikita is afraid of spiders and let soap bubbles

The head of P in which Nikita became an intelligence, and Fairy Rogue

The head with in which Nikita looks at the salute

The head of which Nikita eats a cake and pulls the plates

The chapter in which Nikita runs away from horrors and learns

The chapter F in which Nikita snorts and finds out about the bird figi

The head of X in which the tail and trunk grows in Nikita

Chapter C in which Nikita eats a circuit and looks at the tsunami

Note: There are no final chapters (only by the author's subscribers)

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(+/-) The thirteenth bride

Illustrations: Vera Uspenskaya, Design, Interactive Links - Alex

Genre: Fantasy, Romantic Fiction, Love Romance

Publishing house: Alpha book

ISBN.: 978-5-9922-1493-2

Series: Romantic fiction

Pages: 416

Version FB2.: Alex (additional design with elements of serial design of the Alpha Book publishing house, interactive footnotes, return comments).

annotation: Do not trust strangers and take dubious gifts. I learned this lesson when I suddenly became someone's bride. The groom came out of another world, and I am not the only bride. And nowhere to me to survive in the selection of the bright of the future emperor Kalahari. Why survive? And because the thirteenth bride from the Forbidden Peace interferes too much. And hope is only on your own luck, and new friends - a crystal dragon and rigates. And if love is lucky to meet, I will not complain.

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Additionally :

(+/-) Bibliography:

Attention: The works are highlighted in the distribution, except labeled red (absence);

Green allocated published works;

Blots are highlighted complete, but not published works (network publication);

- purple color The unfinished or frozen works are isolated.


Cycle "Alet":
Alet (2013 g)

Cycle "House at the Crossroads":
House at the crossroads (2013)

House at the intersection. Residence of Fairy (2013)

House at the intersection. Under the sky of four worlds (2014 g)

Cycle "Irzhina":
Irzhina. Everything is not like it seems (2014 g)

Irzhina. Random - not by chance (2014 g)

Irzhina. The presenter cannot be avoided (2015 g)

Cycle "Higher School of Librarians":
Higher school librarians. Magic Babyhodtsev (Roman, 2015 g)

Higher school librarians. Baby practices of bookhodtsev (Roman, 2015 g)

Higher school librarians. Special assignments (Roman, 2016)

Higher school librarians. Binds and the mystery of mechanical god (Roman, 2016)

Higher school librarians. Chronicles of bookhodtsev (Roman, 2016)

Thirteenth Bride (Roman, 2013 d)

HISTORY OF DEMIDA, STEPAN AND MUSHIN DRAKON (a fairy tale from an abandoned series of fairy-tale, entertainment about Demid and Stepan, 2012, network publication) - see

One hundred and one sleep Katerina (an unfinished novel started in 2012, in the author's plans) - see A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

Diary of Poppanki (unfinished novel, started in 2012, in the author's plans) - see A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

Catch good luck A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

Nearby (2012-2014, story, network publication) - see A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

Sad fairy tale "Magic Country" (2012-2014, story, network publication) - see A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

Incub and accountant, or as a mesh and I tried to write erotica (2013-2014, humorous story, network publication) - see A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

Gaughty (2014, parody, humor, mini-story, network publication) - see A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

Barbara-Beauty and Dark Lord (2015, Tale, Network Publication, in operation) - see A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

And Santa Claus still exists! - (2015, story) in the text only by the author's subscribersFor example, see Audio format (MP3) in the collection of stories Gifts under the Christmas tree - Link

Fiction, Cosmifenthesis

Orange Rainbow color (2015 g)


Savior for Queen Alphabet (2015-2016, fairy tale story, network publication, in work: Each chapter is a short story about an adventure with one letter, a prologue and adventures with 24 letters from 33s are available)


Sad ... (2012-2014, poem, network publication) - see A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

Again my prodigal music came again (2012-2014, poem, network publication) - see A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

He dreamed so, she did not understand ... (2013-2014, poem, network publication) - see A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

Autobiography, Memoirs

Interview portal "Fanbuk" (2013, network publication) - see A collection of love (snow fairy tales)

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(+/-) Version from Alexa:

This vestigur, taking the basis of the proven publishing versions of FB2, complements their design and art graphics, makes return footnotes and interactive comments using CSS-styles. In all files with its versions at the end of books there is a chapter Recommendations for configuring readerThese recommendations for CoolReader reader, and other readers working with CSS-styles. Readers ALREADER and ALREADER DROID Additional adjustments and font replacement do not require enough default settings. If you are using readers, readers do not support built-in CSS styles - books will be read as usual, part of the built-in design elements will not be reflected, and footnotes either see at the end of the book, or just will be unavailable.

Added New book Higher School of Librarians 5. Chronicles of the Biddares (publishing version).
Replaced: Higher School of Librarians 4. Babyads and the Mystery of the Mechanical God (from the SI version on the publishing).

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Distribution is maintained by adding new books, at the same time can be replaced with more complete versions of some old or incomplete books. Each time is adding a new torrent. To start the search for new books, users need to do the following:
(1) stop downloading
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At the same time, your client must make a hashing (check) of the old folder (if it does not produce himself - help him do it), and only those books that you have no need to do. Old editions are not deleted, but continue to heal! When replacing part of books with the preservation of the previous file name, there is an auto

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