What does the winning code in the Russian lotto mean. Conclusion of money from the purse pussy: Available methods

What does the winning code in the Russian lotto mean. Conclusion of money from the purse pussy: Available methods
What does the winning code in the Russian lotto mean. Conclusion of money from the purse pussy: Available methods

The process of buying lottery tickets in the Pyaterochka store is different from the usual shopping of the lottery in the stall. First, when buying, the phone number is requested. Secondly - all the necessary information on the ticket, namely: the number and date of the circulation, the ticket number, the playing combination is placed on the check. It also specifies a unique key, your phone number, detailed information about the organizer of the lottery.

How to activate a Russian lotto ticket purchased in Pyaterochka.

Automatic registration when buying at the checkout in Pyaterochka.

How to register a Russian lotto ticket bought in Pyaterochka. The best visitor response.

Bought and did not activate?
First, when buying a lottery ticket, the seller usually requests the phone number of the buyer.
Secondly, all the necessary information on the ticket, namely, the number and date of the circulation, the ticket number, the playing combination is placed on the check. It also specifies a unique key (your phone number) and detailed information about the organizer of the lottery.
In the event of a win, just a check, not a ticket, serves as a basis for payment - if the ticket was purchased in Pyaterochka

In the event of a win, the check, not the ticket, serves as the basis for payment. As for the ticket, it is necessary only for the beauty of the number only for the beauty of the number during the ether

What if the check is lost (or was not issued). How to get a win in the lottery Russian lotto?

- You can see for a gain in sales point - by Russian Post or Cellular Salons connected, MegaFon
- Or register on the Squillage website (in this case, when registering, you need to specify the phone number that was left when purchased) and then the rate will be reflected in the Personal Account. And then - already standard, it can be spent, withdraw and TD

How to get a win in the lottery Russian lotto if the phone number when checking the ticket is incorrect or wrong?

Unfortunately, the winning code comes only to the number specified when purchasing. If, at the time of the bet, the number was indicated incorrectly, you can get the winnings by sending a set of documents by mail or by making a personal visit with documents to the central office. Address of the Central Office: Moscow, Volgograd Prospekt, 43, Corp. 3, AO TD "Stoloto".
One of the documents that must be provided is a completed statement.
When filling out the application in the header on the right, please specify the correct phone number, in the application itself, specify both numbers (erroneous on the receipt and correct) and emphasize, please errors. The application must specify the reason for the non-receipt of the winning code.

All-Russian State Lottery "Russian Lotto" is famous for winning circulations. Over the past few months, it became known about two torn Jack-Pots ,.

And these amounts are simply affected by the magnitude. Many players are wondering where and how to get a win, especially if it is several million. If you bought a ticket, and as a result he brought a win, check out the rules for receiving money.

Where to get a win?

If they became the owner of a happy ticket that brought a win, after an emotional burst, the question will rise where to get a win?

Getting winning hands do not have to. This is provided for security purposes. In the hands of the winner will be able to get amount up to 10 thousand rubles. This amount will be issued at the lottery retail sales points. All the others will have to receive winning a bank account, but before you get it, you must report yourself to the organizers.

How to get a?

To obtain prizes, provide a winning ticket to the organizers. It is worth remembering that the ticket is valid for 6 months from the moment of winning.

We get money at the retail point or communication salon. After the draw will be held, and the ticket has become winning, you must specify the organizers how the ticket was purchased: through the retail points or on the Stoloto website.

For those who purchased a ticket on the site and won up to 100,000 rubles, the winnings are transferred to the electronic cats, for this it is enough to click the "List to a kiwi-wallet" button and the winnings will automatically go to the wallet.

For winning tickets from 100,000 rubles, You must send a letter to the address of the organizers where to invest a ticket, a copy of the passport, the winning code obtained by SMS, bank details. The amount of winnings will be listed on the personal account.

When a person wins several hundred million, he begins to worry about how he has to receive his jack-sweat. But it is not worth worrying, no one will give such a sum in the hands. Naturally, the listing of any amount of winnings occurs anonymously and only to a bank account. For payment, recorded in the office of the organizer, arrive there and fill out a statement by providing a passport, a ticket and code from SMS.

For those who acquired the Gosloto ticket at retail sales points, there is another way to get a win. If the winnings amounted to up to 2,000 rubles, present a passport and a ticket at the point of purchase.

In the case when the winnings exceeded 2,000 rubles, you need to send a letter to the address of the organizer, putting there a ticket, a copy of the passport, bank details.

For those who were lucky enough to become a millionaire and win from 2000,000 rubles, you need to make an appointment in the office of the organizer, and arrive there at the appointed time with documents confirming the identity and winnings. And also provide details of the bank.

What tax?

It should be borne in mind that any win more than 4,000 rubles is subject to a tax in the amount of 13%. You must pay this amount, as it is provided for by Russian legislation.

In some cases, the amount of tax can reach 30% and it applies to the non-heedents of the Russian Federation

Rate 35% It applies to winnings in stimulating events. These activities are conducted within the framework of advertising and in order to increase turnover. It is not necessary to neglect the tax fee, since the tax authorities will still be notified of the winnings and at the untimely submission of the declaration, they will send an account of the payment where the penalties will be indicated. In the worst case, tax debt will be transferred to the bailiffs.

Becoming a happy winner of the lotto winnings, it is best to comply with all the rules for receiving funds, as well as the procedure for paying tax collecting. And the winner of the state lottery will not have any problems. It will be able to spend money exclusively as he wants.

If you are lucky and you won the Russian Lotto lottery, then it's small - it remains to get a win. We will understand how and where it is easier to gain winning on a lottery ticket and what is needed for this. It is important to remember that your winnings can be obtained within 6 months from the date of publication, exceptions can only be for good reason (at the discretion of the company "Stoloto"). There are several options for obtaining winnings, depending on the amount of winning and the way of buying tickets.

How to get a winning from a lottery ticket purchased in Pyaterochka

Stoloto company concluded a contract for which tickets in the network of stores "Pyaterochka" are distributed and many Russians buy lotteries there.

Important! When buying "Russian Lotto" and "Housing Lottery" in Pyaterochka, do not throw off the check. It is in the check that the circulation of the draw is indicated and you can get a win.

You can get a win in the same way as described above or register on the Stoloto.ru website, specifying the same phone number as when buying a ticket. Here you can withdraw money from the account in your account on a map or e-wallets.

How to get a winning Russian lotto 100 rubles

To get a winning up to 100,000 rubles, you need to register on the site stoloto.ru. Wins up to 100,000 rubles are listed in the wallet automatically.

Please note that for unidentified users there is a restriction on the withdrawal of funds. To withdraw from 40,000 rubles, you should pass full identification.

Stoloto, buy a ticket Russian Lotto via the Internet

Ticket sales for the nearest circulation are closed on Saturday at 18:30 (MSK).

Stoloto, official website,buy Ticket Russian Lotto via the Internet

Stoloto, Personal Account Login Official Site

L. another study is located on the official lottery site athttps://www.stoloto.ru.

Stoloto, official website, buy a Russian Lotto ticket online

Site Stoloto.ru is a lottery ticket shop where you can buy tickets online!

In these lotteries, you can win a wide variety of prizes! Cars, houses, apartments, travel - what do you choose? Numbers on tickets have already been noted - it remains happy! See the show "We won!" Every Sunday on NTV.

Where to buy lottery tickets. Stoloto official site

Lottery center "Stoloto".Moscow, Volgograd Prospekt, 43, K. 3, Avilila Plaza Business Center (Textiles)

Work schedule: Mon - Sun 9:00 - 23:00 (counseling, sale of tickets, payment of winnings), 9:00 - 00:30 (viewing drawings).

Payments in cash on instant lotteries - up to 10,000 rubles. Payments in cash on circulation lotteries - up to 300,000 rubles (up to 50,000 rubles - on the day of appeal).

Other questions



How to buy a ticket?

Select a way of buying tickets on the page.
For details on buying tickets on the site is on the page.

How to check the ticket?

How to get a win?

Detailed information - on the page "".

How not to become a victim of fraudsters?

Winning in the lottery is always case. With caution, treat everyone who claims the opposite and trying to take money from you. Read more about the types of fraud on the phone and on the Internet, read on the page "".

Site "Stoloto"

How to change the phone and mail in your personal account?

Change mobile phone numberwhich was specified during registration, it is impossible. This can lead to errors when enrolling money, because the mobile phone number is the main user identifier to the site. It is to this number that a wallet is tied. When registering, you reported that after its completion, change the phone number in the personal account is impossible.
If you now have another number, we recommend that you register a new personal account on it and participate in the lotteries from the new cabinet. If you had to make a new email address specifically for registration, configure email forwarding to the mailbox that you are more often used.

To change the email address, enter New Havel in the "Personal data" section of your profile. After that, a letter with a confirmation reference will come to the specified email address. Complete this link to get a secret code on the phone. Enter it on this page - and the new email address will come into force.

How to find out the number of my pussy wallet in a personal account?

The "Wallet" section is in your personal account. The room can be found in the upper left corner of the "Wallet" section, under the sum of your balance.

How to change the name, login and password?

You can change the name and password in your Personal Account (section "My Profile"). Login * You cannot change on our website. To change the password, use. In the letter sent to you, after the words "for the user" there will be a link to a password change.
* Login is among those users who have registered on the site until May 2015. Participants who registered later, when authorized, instead of login, indicate their email.

How to cleanse the "My tickets" section in your account from already playing tickets?

Independent deletion of tickets is impossible - they are automatically moved to the archive after 180 days from the moment of the circulation / draw.

How to cancel subscription to the lottery?

To change the subscription status, click on its name "(Subscription 1, Subscribe 2, etc.)" and click "Remove / Suspend", "Delete".


What are the lottery?

Lottery are sieving and instant (or bestarty). The circulation is called a lottery in which the drawing of the prize fund between all participants is carried out at the same time after the spread of lottery tickets, lottery receipts, electronic lottery tickets. Conducting such a lottery may include individual circulation.

In our lottery supermarket for grazing lotteries include: "Gosloto" 4 of 20 "," Gosloto "5 out of 36", "Gosloto" 6 of 45 "," Gosloto "7 out of 49", "Rapido", "Rapido 2.0", Russian Lotto, Housing Lottery, Bingo-75, Sportloto Matchball, Keno-Sportloto, Top-3, "12/24", "Duel", "Joker", "Golden Horseshoe "," 6 of 36 "and" Zodiac ".

Instant, or a busting lottery is a lottery, the result of which becomes known immediately after purchase. Available in retail sales points. It is "faster, above, stronger", "Sports Festival", "Sports season", "funny starts", "Russian games", "forward to victory".

How to participate in the lotteries?

Read details on the lottery pages:
Rules "Gosloto" 4 of 20 "
Rules "Gosloto" 5 out of 36 "
Rules "Gosloto" 6 of 45 "
Rules "Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "
Rules of "Sporto Matchball"
Rules "Zodiac"
Rules "Rapido"
Rules "Rapido 2.0"
Rules of "Keno-Sportloto"
Rules "12/24"
Rules "TOP-3"
Rules of "Russian Lotto"
Rules of "Housing Lottery"
Rules of "Golden horseshoe"
Rules "Bingo-75"
Rules "6 of 36"
Rules "Duel"

How is the prize fund in circulation lotteries?

In the "Gosloto" 4 of 20 "benefits tickets in which at least two numbers from 20 in the corresponding field will won. Initially, winnings are distributed per 2 + 1 and 1 + 2 guided numbers. The winners in this category receive 150 rubles. Wins in other categories are distributed as a percentage ratio. If you guess 4 numbers from 20 in the first field and 4 numbers from 20 - in the second, you won the super prize.
In the "Gosloto" 5 of 36 "fixed are the winnings for the guessed 2, 3 and 4 numbers. The amounts of winnings for 5 + 0 and 5 + 1 of guessed numbers are formed after the distribution of the Prize Fund for the guessed 2, 3 and 4 numbers.
In "Gosloto" 6 of 45 "fixed are the winnings for 2 guessed numbers. The amount of winnings for 3, 4, 5 and 6 of guessed numbers is distributed as a percentage ratio.
In "Gosloto" 7 of 49 "fixed is the winnings for 3 guessed numbers. The amount of winnings for 4, 5, 6 and 7 of guessed numbers is distributed as a percentage.
In the "Sportoto Matchball" Fixed winnings for 2 guessed numbers in the first field. The amount of winnings in the remaining categories is distributed as a percentage ratio.
In the "zodiac" fixed are winnings for 1 guess. The amount of winnings for 2, 3 and 4 guessed numbers is distributed as a percentage ratio.
In Rapido, winnings are fixed, and the prize fund is 67% of revenue. To become a winner, it is enough to guess the 5 numbers in the first part of the field or 4 numbers in the first part of the field plus one number in the second. In total, "Rapido" provides 9 categories of winnings, and 4 of them are paid on tickets, where the number in the second part of the playing field was gone.
In Rapido 2.0, winnings are fixed, and the prize fund is 50% of revenue. To become a winner, it is enough to guess the 5 numbers in the first part of the field or 4 numbers in the first part of the field plus one number in the second. In total, "Rapido 2.0" provides 9 categories of winnings, and 4 of them are paid on tickets, where the number in the second part of the playing field was gone.
In Keno-Sportloto, winnings are fixed. The more numbers you chose and guess, the more won. The size of the winnings also affects the size of your chosen multiplier.
In "12/24" Fixed winnings for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8, 9,10, 11 guessed numbers. Those participants who guessed the 12 numbers or did not guessed any, get a super prize growing from the circulation to the tear. Tickets in which they coincided 5, 6 and 7 numbers do not win.
In the "Top 3" winnings fixed and depend on the type of game. To increase the possible winnings, a multiplier is used.
In the "duels" eight winning categories: seven fixed and super prize. Each ticket can win only in one category of winnings. Winning depends on how many numbers and in which field it was guess.

Why the value of the super prize in some lotteries changes, and in others - no?

Super prize is called an unplanned prize of the 1st category, passing out of the circulation in circulation. The exact size of the super prize is determined by the results of the circulation and may differ from the calculated value both in the large and in a smaller side. In the same time, for some lotteries, the super prize does not accumulate, because it is guaranteed, that is, this amount set the lottery operator.

How can I find statistics on the charsions?

Statistics on the circulations are on the page of any lottery, in the "Archive of Editions" section.
For your convenience, below provide links to these archives.
Archive of circulation "Gosloto" 4 of 20 "
Archive of circulation "Gosloto" 5 out of 36 "(from the 7269th circulation)
Archive of circulation "Gosloto" 5 out of 36 "(up to 7268th of circulation)
Archive of circulation "Gosloto" 6 of 45 "
Archive of circulation "Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "
Archive of Earls "Sportlovo Matchball"
Archive of "Sporto 6 of 49" circulation
Archive of "Zodiac"
Archive of circulation "Rapido"
Archive of circulation "Rapido 2.0"
Archive of Keno-Sportlot
Archive of circulation "12/24"
Top-3 circulation archive
Archive of dueli circulation
Archive Editions "Bakeup"
Archive of circulation "Russian Lotto"
Archive of the campaigns "Housing Lottery"
Archive of grazing "Golden horseshoe"
Archive of circulation "6 out of 36"
Archive "Bingo-75" circulation
On the site there is also a section "Number dropout statistics" - on the main page, the "Select lottery" tab, after the "Ticket to One Click" block.
In the Personal Account, statistics are presented in the "Numbers" section. To view, you need to register / log in.

How does the circulation commission work?

The circulation commission monitors the course of each draw and confirms its results - signs the protocol and the official table of the results of the circulation.

What is the cost of playful prizes in the lottery lotter lotter, "Housing lottery", "Golden Horseshoe"?

At the discretion of the lottery operator, the cost of the prizes played may vary. Information about the monetary equivalent of prizes to the nearest circulation is published in the section on Sundays.

The minimum and maximum cash equivalent of prizes:

Prize* Minimum cost Maximum value
Car500 000 1 000 000
SUV1 000 000 1 200 000
Journey100 000 300 000
Flat1 000 000 3 500 000
Vacation home500 000 1 000 000
Townhouse700 000 1 000 000
Cottage600 000 1 000 000
Set of household appliances100 000 300 000
Certificate for repairs100 000 300 000
Kitchen set100 000 300 000
Country cottage area400 000 600 000
Tool kits5 000 20 000
Garden furniture sets30 000 75 000
Television20 000 80 000
Smartphone15 000 80 000
Notebook30 000 100 000

* The cash equivalent of prizes is relevant for the circulation held since January 2018.

Can foreign citizens participate in the lottery?

Yes, if they are capable and reached the age of 18. To participate in the lotteries on the site you will need a SIM card with the Room of the Russian ,,,,,,,orcoming telecom operators is required for the possibility and further receipt of information. There is a certain specificity of obtaining winnings and pay Ndfl by foreign citizens. Read about it in the "" section.

What lotteries are held on lottery in the lottery center?

The Lottery Center is carried out draws of the following lotteries: "Gosloto" 5 out of 36 "," Gosloto "6 out of 45", "Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "," Gosloto "4 of 20", "6 out of 36", "Sportoto Matchball" and Zodiac


Why can't you check the ticket?

If you can't check the ticket, make sure:
- You enter the correct circulation number (it is listed on the ticket);
- the circulation at the time of the verification has already taken place (the date of the circulation is indicated on the ticket);
- You have chosen the name of the lottery (for example, if you have a Russian Lotto ticket, select this name in the checkpoint).

If immediately after viewing the broadcast of the program "We won!" NTV cannot check the ticket, go back to the page a little later. In all other cases, contact the support service by phone 8 900 555-00-55 (the call is paid, the cost of the call depends on your tariff plan) or press the dialog icon in the right corner of any page of the site.

How to check the ticket purchased in Pyaterochka?

On a special, as well as on (at the very top) in the "Ticket Check and RESULTS" tab.

How to find out what kind of circulation does my ticket participate in?

On the site the circulation number is displayed on the ticket information page in the Personal Account immediately after completing the purchase.
On the black and white paper receipt, this number is in the upper part of it after the words "Ticket is valid for ... a circulation (s)."

If I lost a ticket, can I recover it?

If the ticket was purchased in the retail point of sale without specifying the phone number, it is not subject to restoration. If the ticket has been purchased with the phone number or SMS number - you can register on, specifying the phone number to which the ticket was made. The ticket will automatically appear in the Personal Account.

How to give a ticket?

Detailed information - in the "" section.
Detailed video instructions look at the official YouTube Channel "Stoloto".
If you specify wrong data in the ticket (for example, a mobile phone number), then cancel it, unfortunately, it will not work, as it has already been added to the registry. You can place a new ticket.

I gave a ticket to a friend. Where to find a ticket?

SMS came to your friend, as well as an email letter, where there is a link, having passed on which he will see this ticket.
If a friend is registered on the site site, he will see a gift ticket in his office.

How can I check that a friend got a gift ticket?

Confirmation of the purchase of a gift ticket will come to your had.

I gave a ticket to a friend, but there is no friend in my personal office

If you have entered everything correctly and friend received alerts on SMS and IMEIL, but did not receive a gift in the LC, you need to report this to the User Support Service (click dialogue icon In the right corner of any page of the site).

Where can I see my tickets if I bought them without registration on the site?

You can register on the website with the phone number you specify when buying a ticket. After the registration is completed, the ticket will be displayed in your Personal Account in the "My tickets" section.
Instructions, how to register is located in the "" section.
The section "" is in the upper left corner of the main page of the site.

What lottery tickets can be bought in the lottery center?

You can buy tickets of any state lottery. These are the circulation lottery "Gosloto" 5 out of 36 "," Gosloto "6 out of 45", "Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "," Gosloto "4 of 20", "6 of 36", "Sportoto Matchball", Zodiac, "Keno-Sportloto", "Rapido", "Rapido 2.0", "12/24", "Duel", "Joker", "Top-3", "Russian Lotto", "Housing lottery", "Golden Horseshoe", "Bingo 75", as well as a wide range of busty lotteries.
Surveying hours of consultants: from 9:00 to 21:00, without days off and holidays.

Why in some tickets you need to specify the phone number, and in others - no?

For Lottery "Russian Lotto", "Housing Lottery", "Golden Horseshoe" and "6 of 36" There are two types of tickets that you can purchase at the points of distribution: indicating the mobile phone number and without, so-called typographical tickets.

Ticket example, when buying which you report phone number

Such a ticket can consist of two parts: a color ticket without a specific circulation and a black and white receipt with the date and the circulation number, as well as all those numbers that are in the color card. The revenues specified in the black and white receipt (ticket number and the number of your mobile phone that you specified when buying) is served by the basis of the winner (ticket number) and only in the case of the Win.
Be sure to keep the receipt to get a win.
Important! You can purchase such tickets only for the nearest circulation of the lottery.

An example of a ticket, when buying which you do not tell the mobile phone number

Such a ticket is the basis for paying a win and does not require an additional receipt. These tickets are interested in that you can immediately buy several different tickets to different circulation.
You can familiarize yourself with the ticket samples on the page of any specified lottery in the "Rules" section.


When you win, I get the whole amount completely or with deductible taxes?

If the amount of the winnings is equal to or exceeds 15,000 rubles, the tax on this amount of the winnings is held when paying it. If the amount of winnings does not exceed 15,000 rubles, then the entire amount and tax must be paid on their own. Such winners are independently carrying, obtained in the form of winning. The volgn is paid from any amount of winnings. According to the law, the tax on lottery gains associated with the payment of the fee is 13%. For persons who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation, the tax is 30% of the winning. The data declaration is submitted until April 30 of the year following the receipt of the winnings. The payment of tax deductions is carried out no later than July 15 of the year following the receipt of the winnings.

Removed SMS with a win code. How can I get a win?

In a personal account.
Method No. 1. Click the "Win" button on the winning ticket page. Enrollment of winnings up to 100,000 rubles occurs without codes.
Method number 2. Adjust the autowance in the Personal Account. The option is valid for the winning rates of up to 10,000 rubles. The activation unit is located at the bottom of the page of your personal account.
If you need to get a larger amount, contact your support service (click dialogue icon In the right corner of any page of the site) or restore the SMS code.
Re-receiving code via SMS. If you accidentally deleted the message C, get it again:
send from the phone to which a personal account is attached, a request with text: everything on short number 9999 . The cost of the SMS request does not exceed the cost of sending SMS according to your tariff plan. The code will be sent by SMS.

If a lot of winnings are interested in a specific ticket, send the following text to the number 9999: code xxxxxwhere Xxxxx - The winning ticket number. Between the word "code" and the number of the ticket number.

Please note: send requests "Code" and "All" to number 9999 can subscribers of the following mobile operators: MegaFon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2, TMT, Motive and Tinkoff. If you are not a subscriber of these operators, to get the code, press the button. online care in the upper right corner of the site. You will promptly instruct the consultant.

Why, when a SMS recreation is repeated with the winning code, the message comes: "This service is not available"?

Most likely, you send a message to the old number. A new number to send queries: 9999. If the number is called correctly, it comes to you such an answer - check with the capabilities operator with the ability to connect the shipment to short numbers.

How much is SMS to re-obtain the winning code?

The cost of the message depends on the tariffs of your telecom operator. In any case, it will not exceed 1.77 rubles without VAT.

What if I lost a mobile phone with SMS about winning?

You need to get through to your cellular operator as soon as possible and block this SIM card. After recovering the card and the numbers, ask SMS with your winnings code. See the question "Removed SMS with the winnings code. How can I get a win? "

I damaged a ticket, can I get a win?

Winning can only be obtained on tickets whose authenticity can be checked. Verification is performed using a graphic barcode scan. If it is damaged, the ticket is checked manually: enter the digital code into the system (it is above the barcode). If it cannot be recognized (for example, one of the numbers is erased), it is impossible to check such a ticket, and the winnings are not paid.
But if you bought a ticket on the site, in a mobile application, SMS or when designing in the retail point, you specified your phone, you can make a printout from a personal account. Also take with you a certification document.

Can I get a win without a winning ticket?

Not. To get a win, you need to show a winning ticket, winning code and a certification document.
If the winning turned out to be an electronic lottery ticket, it is enough to provide information about it (phone number, unique key and winning code) or a printout of notifications from a personal account and winning code.

How to get a winnings if more than 6 months have passed after the circulation?

Tell a special application and send it with a set of other documents to the central office. Winning will be paid, in case of recognition of the valid reason for his non-treatment earlier. Find out the details in the section

How to get a lottery win, whose circulation no longer?

Winning can be obtained within 6 months from the date of the circulation.
If more than six months passed, make a special application and send it together with a set of necessary documents (the original ticket, a copy of the passport - the 2nd, 3rd page and the page with registration, - bank details) to the central office of the company. Winning will be paid, in case of recognition of the valid reason for his non-treatment earlier.

Can I save anonymity, having received a major prize?

Yes. Details of solving this issue you can clarify with a personal visit for paperwork at the address of the company's central office: Moscow, Volgograd Prospect, 43, Corp. 3, Avilon Plaza Business Center, Stoloto Lottery Center (m. Textiles, Last Wagon from the Center).

What lotteries wins can be obtained in the lottery center?

You can get the winnings of the circulation lotteries "Gosloto" 5 out of 36 "," Gosloto "6 out of 45", "Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "," Gosloto "4 out of 20", "6 of 36", "Sportloto Matchball", " Zodiac "," Keno-Sportloto "," Rapido "," Rapido 2.0 "," 12/24 "," Duel "," Joker "," Russian Lotto "," Housing Lottery "," Golden Horseshoe "," Bingo- 75 ", as well as the busty lotteries. Opening hours of consultants for payments: from 9:00 to 21:00, without days off and holidays. Registration of a cashless listing payout: from 9:00 to 21:00, seven weekends and holidays.

Winnings limits that can be obtained in the lottery center

Cash on the day of circulation: winnings up to 50,000 rubles.
Cash under prior approval: from 50,000 to 180,000 rubles.
Non-cash listing: any amounts.

How to find out about winning if you bought tickets to the office with an inactive phone number?

The winning code will only come to the number specified when purchased.
You can get a win in this case by sending a set of documents by mail or by making a personal visit with documents to the Stoloto Lottery Center at the address: Moscow, Volgograd Prospect, d. 43, Corp. 3, Business Center "Avilila Plaza".
Detailed instructions on the page.
In it, you can find a list of necessary documents for the kit and download examples of applications. You need a sample "Application for overdue winning." In a statement, instead of winning code, enter the reason for its non-treatment: the phone number is inoperable for technical reasons. Attach a contract with a communication operator, which confirms that the correct phone number belongs to you.

Work of a lottery center

Lottery Center address and schedule

Address: . Look video monaster.
Schedule: from 9:00 to 21:00, without weekends and holidays, 7 days a week.

What are the lottery in the lottery center?

The lottery center has been installed in the Lottery, made by the world-famous SmartPlay International Company (Smartplay International). It works on the lottery market for more than 20 years. Its equipment uses about 200 companies in 85 countries of the world. Especially for the Russian project, automatically charged lothotrones were developed, allowing draws without the participation of the operator. This eliminates the external influence on the process of drawing.

Does the lottery center work in the intervals between the draws?

Yes. In anticipation of the next draw, you can buy lottery tickets, check out the results of circulation, learn lotter news, get winnings.

Why at night there is no broadcast of editions from the lottery center?

The broadcast is not conducted, because at this time the lottery circulation is not conducted.

Why 10 minutes after the lothotron draw starts again, although the circulation should not be?

The balls are loaded. The lothotrons are equipped with an automatic recharge function: 10 minutes after the circulation, all the balls are returned to the boot hopper, and the lottery is ready for the next circulation. This allows you to carry out draws without the participation of the operator and eliminates the external impact on the process of drawing.

Other questions

How to unsubscribe from SMS and IMEL-mailings?

Control of notifications is in the "Profile" section of the personal account, section "". You can also report your decision to unsubscribe from mailing numbers at or through dialogue icon In the right corner of any page of the site (please consult mell / phone number you want to send).

How to get more bonuses?

After registering on the site, pay at least one lottery ticket and get 6 bonuses. Participate in lotteries, bonus games, special promotions, give tickets, invite friends. The promotions are played by prizes with rates of thousands of bonuses! Information about promotions is transmitted in emails and "".

What can I spend bonuses?

First of all, for free registration of tickets to the site: each lottery has a denomination in bonuses. Other options: bonus games where you can have fun and win up to 5,000 bonuses, ordering gifts from our catalog - from children's toys and books to household appliances and interior items. The term of the bonuses: 6 months from the date of charge. In some promotions, this period is less. Carefully read the conditions of the action.

What is a screenshot, what is it needed and how to do it?

Screenshot is a precise image of what you see at the moment on the monitor screen. The screenshot is needed to make it easier for you to explain in your letter the essence of a particular problem.
Now there are many applications that help to make screenshots. They can be downloaded online. Or use a regular application of new versions of Windows "scissors".
If you have all this, use special keys.
To make a screenshot on PC, you need:

2. Press the PrintScreen (PRTSC) key on the keyboard - most often it is located to the right of the backspace key in the upper right corner of the keyboard.
3. Open the letter in which you want to insert an image, document Word or Paint.
4. Select the "Insert" menu item or press Ctrl + V - the image will appear in the letter body or on the document page. Then save the document (specify the problem in the document name) and send it to technical support.
To make a screenshot on Mac, you need:1. Open the page in the browser, the image of which you need.
2. Press the SHIFT + COMMAND + 3 key combination to save the snapshot of the entire screen (using the Shift + Command + 4 keys, you can copy and save only the page fragment you need).
3. Open the letter to which you want to insert the image, document Word or any graphic editor.
4. Select the "Insert" menu item or click Command + V - the image will appear in the letter body or on the document page. Then save the document (specify the problem in the document name) and send it to technical support.

How are personal data on the site?

The site site site involves a high level of protection when storing and transferring data. We use modern and reliable means of privacy. You can read more about this on the page.


Bonus- This is a virtual remuneration you get for every purchased ticket, friend's invitation, participation in bonus games and promotions. The number of bonuses that are charged for the purchase is indicated on the playing field under the payment button. The amount of the already earned bonuses is displayed next to the balance of your wallet. Tickets purchased on the main and mobile version of the site are taken into account, in the Mobile Applications "Stoloto" and SMS. Tickets paid by special bonuses and bonuses are not taken into account. Bonuses can be spent on the purchase of lottery tickets, products from the Pottole Gift Catalog and participation in bonus games.
More about bonuses - in the "Bonuses" section in the Personal Account. To view or on the site.

Along with the bonuses you can get special bonus (Specbonus). It is charged for victory in the shares of the "Stoloto" and quizzes in social networks. Unlike bonus, a special bonus is issued only to a certain lottery.
Read more about special clonuses in your personal account.

WHAT Prize (Winning in Nature)- Property or services that can be included in the Prize Foundation of Lotteries and play out as prizes. For example: apartments, cars, country houses, tourist trips and more. Winning in kind have a cash equivalent.

Guaranteed super prize- The amount exhibited by the lottery operator from its own funds after the accumulated super prize was played in the previous rubage. For example, a 50 million super prizes played in the 1935th Cyarage "Gosloto" 6 of 45 "consists of 42.5 million rubles accumulated and 7.5 million rubles from its own (guaranteed) operator funds.

Random Generator (GSH)- Lottery equipment, hardware-software complex, which is used to determine the winning combination of numbers in lottery draws. Provides chance of choosing winning lottery combinations.
The random number generator issues a random flow of numbers in the same way as Lothotron does or, for example, the leading "Russian Lotto" Mikhail Borisov, when pulls the barrels from the bag. The principle of drawing any numeric lottery is always one: a choice of numbers based on chance.

Receipt (The second part of the lottery ticket) is a document provided for by the Federal Law "On Lottery", certifying the right to participate in the lottery and employee for the design of the contractual relations of the Lottery Organizer with the lottery participant.

Win code - This is a set of four digits, which is necessary to obtain a winning cash. For tickets purchased in retail points, as well as with more than 15,000 rubles, the code is automatically sent. In other cases, the code will be required to be requested. To request the code, send the following text to the number 9999: code xxxxxwhere Xxxxx - The winning ticket number. Between the word "code" and the number of the ticket number. The cost of the SMS request does not exceed the cost of sending SMS according to your tariff plan. The service is available for MegaFon subscribers, MTS, Beeline, Tele2, TMT, Motive and Tinkoff. If you are not a subscriber of these operators, to get the code, click the online help button in the upper right corner of the site. You will promptly instruct the consultant.

Lottery ticket - A document that is protected from fakes by printing products containing the data provided for by the Federal Law "On Lottery" data certifying the right to participate in the lottery and employee for the design of the contractual relationship of the Lottery Organizer with the lottery participant.

Lottery coupon Contains lottery rules and game fields. The playing field consists of numbers (the number of numbers depends on the lottery) and serves to mark the numerical combination, which is subsequently reflected in the second part of the ticket. Payment is confirmed by the second part of the ticket - receipt.

Minimum lottery rate (MLS) is a combination of numbers minimally necessary to participate in this lottery: for example, for "Gosloto" 6 of 45 "is 6 numbers, and for Keno-Sportlot - one number. The cost of MLS is fixed and is its for each lottery.

Factor - This is an additional option that allows you to increase the win. If you select a multiplier, then the sum of your winnings will increase more than its value. The cost of the ticket will also increase. Lottery, in the rules of which there are a multiplier: "Rapido", "Rapido 2.0", "Keno-Sportloto", "12/24", "Top-3", "Duel".

Multi-deed - This is an opportunity to participate in one ticket immediately in several essays. You choose the numbers, then choose the number of circulation, pay for the ticket - and follow the results. There may be cases when the winnings falls on the same ticket immediately in several essays. When checking multi-time tickets, it is necessary to introduce the number of the first circulation to which a similar ticket was purchased. Winning on a multi-time ticket can be obtained only after all the circulation specified in the ticket is passed. The maximum number of circulation depends on the lottery you selected.

Multistava - Option with which you can buy directly many tickets. It is enough to specify the number of tickets, circulation or other parameters. Please note that in such tickets numbers are selected automatically, you do not need to choose them manually!

Awards - form of promoting lottery participants to the site. These are the special titles that you receive for certain actions on the site. Won 10 times in one month - get the title of "sniper", won 10 times during the year - you "champion". Read more in the "My Awards" tab in the Personal Account (for viewing or on the site).

"There will be 3 barrels", "will remain 3 balls"
Phrases "will remain 3 barrel", in the "Russian Lotto", or "3 balls will remain", in the "housing lottery", mean that the draw will be conducted for one move more than usual, that is, up to the 87th turn inclusive (usually It takes up to the 86th stroke). This increases the likelihood that the participant's ticket coincides more than numbers, and, accordingly, increases the chances of winning. In the drawing, in which there are 3 barrel or 3 balls, the winners are always greater.

"There will be 2 barrels", "2 balls will remain"
The phrase "will remain 2 barrel", in the "Russian Lotto", or "2 balls will remain", in the "housing lottery" and "golden horseshoe" means that the draw will be done not on one, but two more moves than usual. It increases the chances of winning even more. Wins every second ticket!
The phrase "wins every second ticket!" It means that the probability of coincidence of the 30 number of the ticket to the 88th turn is inclusive (with a total number of numbers in a ticket, equal to 30, and the total number of kegs in a bag or balls in the lottery equal to 90) lies in the range from 1 to 2.37 to 1 K 2.25.

- Cash transfer systems using electronic means of payment, whose activity is defined by the Federal Law "On the National Payment System" of 27.06.2011 N 161-FZ.

Deployed rate - This is a bet that in one or two gaming fields contains more than one minimum combination. For example, more than 4 numbers in the field 1 and more than 4 numbers in field 2 for "Gosloto" 4 of 20 ", more than 5 numbers in the field 1 and more than 1 number in field 2 for" Gosloto "5 out of 36", more than 6 numbers for "Gosloto" 6 out of 45 "and so on. With a detailed rate, the selected numbers will be presented as the maximum possible number of non-repeating minimum combinations. This significantly increases the likelihood of winnings, but also increases the ticket price. Select all the numbers on the game field can not. For each lottery there are restrictions on the number of selected numbers. They may vary on the site and when buying in the retail point (this is due to the established payments limits).

Distribution circulation - This is a draw, in which the accumulated amount of the super prize or part is divided between the winners of the circulation, if none of the participants in this circulation won the super prize alone.

If the winning combination is guessed by one or several participants when conducting the distribution circuit, the entire amount of the super prize is getting used by these participants. According to the editorial office of the Federal Law "On Lotteries", which entered into force on August 10, 2010, the super prize should be played at no less than once during each year of the lottery. (paragraph 2 of Art. 18 FZ "On Lotteries"). If the super prize was not played during the year of the lottery, the distribution circulation is carried out.

Unique key- A unique number combination placed on the ticket. It should be distinguished by the concepts of "unique key" and "". The unique key is indicated on the ticket and confirms its registration, being its accurate identifier. And the winning code comes only on the fact of winning and only by SMS to the number that was specified when the ticket is cleaned.

Electronic lottery ticket (Elb) - This is an electronic document certifying the right to participate in a lottery containing information about the lottery rate made, which is stored in the database processing center secured by the data storage. The participant can see information about his Elb in the Personal Account on the site.

Notification of the reception of lottery betting and registering an electronic lottery ticket issued a participant after paying a ticket. It contains information about the lottery bet and the unique key required to receive a win. Notice is not a lottery ticket nor a lottery receipt, nor an electronic lottery ticket.


The lottery in our country is carried out different. And each organizer has its own procedure for obtaining prizes. In any case, if luck smiled at you, it is worth carefully reading all the nuances on the organizer's website. And yet we will consider this question on the example of two popular lotteries: "Gosloto" and "Golden Key". Let's start with the "golden". The results of the circulation and are published in the Komsomolskaya Pravda and the Regional Press. According to information on this site, the prizes less than 1000 rubles can be obtained from the nearest Tuesday, but over thousands are only in a month and within six months from the date of publication of the results. You can get money in the central office - in Moscow, or from regional representatives - all this information on the site is present. You also need to tell if you want to get cash or translation into account in any Russia. If you got a prize of a real sense - an apartment or a car, you also have a choice. Like in the famous "Wonderland" - a prize or money. If money, then you will become the owner of the amount equivalent to the cost of the prize. Only you need to call the phone, which can be found on the turnover of the ticket, and report my decision. For the receipt of the prize, you need to present a ticket and passport itself. If you are unorded to go to the white-named, you can send a ticket to a custom or valuable letter and specify your address.

In Gosloto, the winnings can be obtained within 180 days from the moment of drawing. There are less than a million less than a million by listing your personal account. If you are not a Muscovite, then you can send a ticket to a letter by attaching a copy of the passport to the original ticket, the bank details. If you won more, then your personal presence in the central office is necessary. If during this time you could not for some reason get a win, you need to send a letter to the organizer by attaching the same documents. And the organizer will solve himself how respectful is your reason. If the reason is valid, the money will go to the state, alas. But this if you purchased a ticket in the usual way. After all, it is now possible to play the SMS, on the site, in the terminals of the instant payment. The money won on the site can be obtained on it, by transferring to the participant's wallet, and it is possible in the terminal by entering the code that will come to you by SMS. Amounts of more than 15,000 rubles can be obtained on the personal account, sending all the same documents listed above, but also attach the winnings code that came across SMS.

Do not forget that any win is taxed. But the tax will have to go independently no later than April 30th. The tax is equal to the income: 13%.


  • Results of Russian Lotto № 1183

Azart and Love for easy money will never allow the popularity of all sorts of draws and lotteries. The percentage of winning in them is usually low, so the lucky people who managed to earn millions in a matter of minutes become real celebrities. Even if your ticket turned out to be happy, then the win more should be able to get.

You will need

  • To do this, you will need a winning ticket itself, as well as identity documents.


Be sure to save - this is the only proof of your winnings. If the amount of winnings is low, you can contact him where you purchased a ticket. Some pay at the place of the amount no more than 2 thousand rubles, others are no more than a thousand. In this case, everything is quite simple, in exchange for a ticket, you get your winnings. It is more difficult, if you managed a more significant amount.

For a major win, you will have to contact the office of the company that makes the draw, or to its regional representatives. With you, you need to have a ticket, as well as a passport and personal account details that you want to get your winnings.

Video on the topic


After payment of the tax, do not forget to complete and submit a declaration of income into the tax service.

Helpful advice

If the ticket is damaged, then this is not a reason to refuse you to pay a win. The main thing is that it read the date, winning combination of numbers, the circulation number, as well as barcode.

Many food products and consumer goods produce stimulating lotteries. There are people who have made prizes in such lotteries their hobbies. They call themselves privileges. You can also become one of them.


Select the lottery you like and start collecting covers or stickers. Please note that some of them are more rational to find on the street, than to buy together with products, since their use in the amount required to obtain a prize may be extremely negatively affected by health. This is especially true of sugar-containing drinks, coffee, alcoholic and tobacco products. But keep in mind that the organizers of some lotteries can when issuing large prizes of cash checks - specify this at the forum.