What is afraid of Artemy Filippovich Strawberry in the auditor. Judge and Trustees of Godday Vehicles

What is afraid of Artemy Filippovich Strawberry in the auditor. Judge and Trustees of Godday Vehicles
What is afraid of Artemy Filippovich Strawberry in the auditor. Judge and Trustees of Godday Vehicles

march 07 2016.

search ideal people. Saltykov-Shchedrin Nikolaev Russia 19th century ... Everywhere, especially in the county townships, the arbitrariness of the authorities reigns. For high posts, people do not get through their merits, but by deception and lizobiness before a higher boss.

Everywhere there are bribery and treasures, lawlessness and idleness. Visual example Such a state of affairs serve officials of the county city from N. V.Gogol \\ '\\ "Auditor \\' \\", and in particular, Lapkin-Treipkin's judge and a trustee of the godly institutions of strawberries. Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin Copy is prohibited 2005 and Artemy Filippovich Strawberry. Judge and trustee of godly institutions. There is a lot of common between them, but also a lot of differences.

Ammos Fedorovich, although it builds a significant mine, however, \\ '\\ "Hunter big on guesses \\' \\" apparently due to lack deep knowledgeSo, he his own mind reached the delusional theory of the creation of the world. Lyapkin-Treipkin, who read five or six books and does not think about anything but dogs. The appearance of strawberries is also deceptive: he is very fat, the clumsy and clumsy person, but with all that the cracks and the Plut. In addition, the trustee of godly institutions is very helpful and fussy (before the bosses). The service and Lapkin-Tipkin, and strawberries are equally negligent.

In the county cities there are no order: in court heels \\ '\\ "over the cabinet with the papers of the hunting arapist \\' \\", in the grooming establishments, patients hiking more on the Kuznetsov, as they go home. In the first places, the subordinate judge, the guard brought home geese. Ammos Fedorovich does not even try to consider complaints of residents of the city, arguing that the \\ '\\ "Solomon himself will not allow them to be true, and that is not true \\' \\ '.

In addition, he enjoys his official position: \\ '\\ "Cheptovich with Varhovinsky started a litigation, and I now luxury: betraying the hares on the lands and in the other of the other \\' \\ '. The trustee of the godly institutions is also a spare attitude to the service: patient , \\ '\\ "If dies, he will die so; If he recovers, then it will recover \\ '\\'. The doctor does not know a word in Russian. Dear medications are not used. Patients ordered Gabersup to give, and he carries cabinbumps on corridors.

Patients in the hospital, according to him, \\ '\\' all like flies, recover \\ '\\ ", although they are rather mruh like flies, without proper care. The judge takes a bribe, albeit with the puppies, but still bribes, however He himself personally never gave, judging by his behavior when meeting with \\ '\\ "Auditor \\' \\ '. He struggling to keep the brand of a well-ordinary and honest judge, although he does not succeed.

Lyapkin-Treipkin is afraid of his sublooking dubbing. Unlike the judge, it is immediately seen that the strawberries are more experienced and tricky bribe. It is he advises to approach the bribes one. Artemy Filippovich behaves his bed of Lyapkin-Tipkin, but so scared that it sells everyone, even a relative, in order to leave dry out of the water. When the news is reported about the extradition of Marya Antonovna for Horstakov, the judge first is in a hurry to witness his respect, so that they will then benefit from acquaintance with the future family \\ '\\ "auditor \\' \\ '.

He even agrees to sell the dog, which he apparently did not want to sell. Lyapkin-Tipkin wants to enlist the support of \\ '\\ "of the future general \\' \\", although it believes that herself is \\ '\\', the general is as a cow saddle \\ '\\'. And the strawberries congratulate \\ '\\ "lucky buddy \\' \\" to learn from the familiarity with the family \\ '\\ "of the future high-ranking official \\' \\ '.

He also flaps in every way in high spirits, but he thinks that the \\ '\\ "Shot of a pig is always climbing in his mouth. \\' \\ 'Ammos Fedorovich and Artemy Filippovich praise the Lucovsky-Dmukhanovsky, but his \\' \\" fortune \\ '\\' envy his eyes. When it turns out that the hens are not at all the auditor, but \\ '\\ "neither it's \\' \\", Lyapkin-Tipkin and strawberries understand that all their licority was in vain, but still support Governed, since he is above them Rank.

Although, probably, they only pretend to be not suspected of insincerity. All their feelings are shown in a mute scene: they are discouraged by the arrival of the real auditor, but it seems to me that the judge and trustee of the godly institutions are pleased to such the situation, since the city did not become such an extent that they need to be adopted. In my opinion, strawberries cause a big dislike, as he, in contrast to the judge, applies to everything more seriously.

The judge half does not realize the importance of his crimes (takes bribes with greyhound puppies and claims that it is impossible to call it even a bribe). The strawberries understand well that for such a state of the hospital will not plunder it on the head, and therefore sells all his \\ '\\ "friends \\' \\", just to get out of himself. N. V. Gogol wrote: \\ '\\ "in \\' \\" Auditor \\ '\\' I decided to collect all the bad in Russia in one bunch, which I then knew, all injustice, which are done in those places and in those cases Where most of all is required from the person justice \\ '\\'. Square specific traits different layers of society created a group Literary types global value. Lapkin-Tipkin and strawberries became a numerous embodiment of similar traits of many dishonest people.

I believe that the writer managed to embody all the vices of the society of that time in two significant persons The county city, from which many lives of ordinary people depend on solutions. But neither the judge nor the trustee of the godly establishments is not thought about the fate of the citizens, indulging in idleness and Mzompyssia. Works: Sanchous.

Need a cheat sheet? Then save - "Judge and Trustees of Godday Vehicles. Literary writings!

In 1835, Gogol was written by a comedy "Auditor". It was created for two months. The plot of this work prompted the author of Pushkin. The comedy was delivered in 1836 in the Alexandria theater. The characteristic of strawberries from the "auditor" will be presented in this article.

Time and place of comedy

In the gloomy period of reign, the work occurs. The characteristic of strawberries from the "Auditor" reflects the features of the era. At that time, there was a system of denunciation and cheek. Different public vices are revealed in comedies: the treasures, bribery, etc. Gogol wrote that he decided to collect all the bad in our country in the auditor and laugh at all over everyone. The action takes place in 1831, in one of the county cities in it, as in any state, there is its enlightenment, health care, justice. His officials are at the head of institutions. The most important of them is the Snovenail-Dmukhanovsky Anton Antonovich, Gingerbread. This is the head of this county city.

Strawberry: Quick Feature

Strawberry Artemy Filippovich is in the work of the trustees of godly institutions. In the comedy "Auditor" Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is secondary character. Strawberry - a stalenik and a gossip, outstanding all the commercial officials, his colleagues, imaginary auditor. Such. a brief description of Strawberries from the "auditor".

Features of the nature of strawberries

Consider more this image. About one of his colleagues, a caretaker schools, strawberries says that he does not understand how such a position could entrust his bosses. After all, in his opinion, this man is "worse than Jacobin." He inspires the Unacceptive Rules. In these words, the characteristic of strawberries from the "auditor" is disclosed in more detail. A person is visible, accustomed to hold the place of his colleagues, suck them.

The hypocriser and the careerist, very fussy and helpful Artemia Filippovich Strank. Characteristic ("auditor") it appearance Next. The body of the official has impressive sizes. He is a plow and cracks in character that enhances the comic effect in the work. There is a clumsy and bad, he in any peripeties of fate manages slipping to a good finale.

Situation in hospitals

The characteristic of strawberries from the comedy "Auditor" is revealed before the reader also when Gogol describes the method of managing this person. It consists in the following: justify their actions with good ideas. For example, speaking that he does not buy expensive drugs for godly institutions, it is justified on time: "The closer to nature - all the better". But we are clear from the context that in this way he just saves people.

The mess and dirt reign in hospitals. Cooks wear dirty caps, and the patients themselves have such clothes, as if they worked in the forge. Patients also constantly smoke. Artemy Filippovich does not bother the diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Nikolai Vasilyevich speaks of an incredible indifference to his debt on the service of people through the characteristic of the trustee of the godly institutions. This is a "fat" man, however, "thin". Patients in the management of Hospital Mrut, like flies. Does not speak Russian in Russian (German Gerner Christian Ivanovich), and the strawberries argues calmly that the Russian man is simple - die, so die, but he will recover, and it will recover.

The skill of strawberries are heard away

Amented strawberries and hear. Gingerbread is therefore, first of all, Klezlekova is visited in the benvenous institutions that are in his jurisdiction. On the question of why almost no patients in one of them, he finds a fatal excuse that "like flies" are all recovering here. Klestakov, which is not distinguished by special care and ingenuity, does not notice in the speech of strawberries. The caretaker of the godly establishments, knowing the main thing - to be heard, envy the sincere Khlestakov. Paroding official middle Handreceiving more from his office than as an infinite lord gives people, Gogol created an image that survived the century. And after a century, he is not morally outdated, it is quite relevant today.

Strawberry - Careerist

Strawberry, this burned careerist, believes that for moving forward through the career staircase, any means are good. He, like Gingerbread, is ready to appear if not virtue, then at least an extremely conscientious and executive official. In an effort to earn a reputation on denunciations and enjoyment, he "sells" without hesitation of his "friends." Meanwriter, at the same time, assures Klezlekov in what such actions "for the benefit of the Fatherland". It will never miss this official opportunity to boost, knowing that flattery and foaming fully accumulate. Acute feeling The envy causes his elevation of Governing, which notes in the work the characteristics of strawberries in the main features were represented by us. We also note the characteristics of the characters in the comedy you are interested in.

Features of characters in the work

All the characters of the work are purely comic characters. Nikolai Vasilyevich does not depict the extraordinary people. Interested in the writer what everywhere meets and what is everyday, usual life. Many of those described by the author of secondary characters only strengthen the impression that Nikolai Vasilyevich depicts ordinary, ordinary people. Such is the characteristic of the heroes. Strawberry - only one of them.

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Presentation on the topic: Artemy Filippovich Strawberry

Slide number 1

Slide description:

The trustee of godly establishments, very thick, and clumsy and clumsy man, but with all the cracks and plow. Very helpful and fussy. Strawberries - Plut, Kasnokrad and the Donoster. He knows how, when and what to say. The trustee of godly establishments, very thick, and clumsy and clumsy man, but with all the cracks and plow. Very helpful and fussy. Strawberries - Plut, Kasnokrad and the Donoster. He knows how, when and what to say.

Slide 2 number

Slide description:

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry serves in a small county town And life, "according to your rank and position", does not care about the state interest, while your own well-being for him is above all, mercy is in the hands of a fraudster. Gunning establishments for strawberries - a feeder, in the treatment of patients with his credo: "The closer to nature, the better," Artemy Filippovich Zezhchanka serves in a small district of the city and leads life, "according to his rank and position", does not care anything about public interest While the own well-being for him is above all, mercy is in the hands of a fraudster. Gunning establishments for strawberries - the feeder, in the treatment of patients with his credo: "The closer to nature, the better,"

No. Slide 3.

Slide description:

Artemy Filippovich does not bother himself by determining the diagnosis of the patient's disease and its treatment. He says this: "The person is simple: if he dies, he will die so; If he recover, he will recover. " Artemy Filippovich does not bother himself by determining the diagnosis of the patient's disease and its treatment. He says this: "The person is simple: if he dies, he will die so; If he recover, he will recover. "

Slide 4 number

Slide description:

Before the arrival of the auditor in the alarms, dirt and mess reigns. Cooks have dirty caps, and patients have such clothes as if they worked in the forge. In addition, patients are constantly smoked. Before the arrival of the auditor in the alarms, dirt and mess reigns. Cooks have dirty caps, and patients have such clothes as if they worked in the forge. In addition, patients are constantly smoked.

No. Slide 5.

Slide description:

The strawberries are afraid of the auditor, and therefore when he learns about the arrival of the auditor, he is ready to "take cosmetic measures": put on patients with pure caps, to label over the beds on the name of the disease, and to drop the number of people who are ill so that their excess attributed to bad lookout or To the physician of the doctor. The strawberries are afraid of the auditor, and therefore when he learns about the arrival of the auditor, he is ready to "take cosmetic measures": put on patients with pure caps, to label over the beds on the name of the disease, and to drop the number of people who are ill so that their excess attributed to bad lookout or To the physician of the doctor.

No. Slide 6.

Slide description:

When he learned that Dmukhanovsky's daughter goes for her husband for a fictional auditor, he was in a hurry to congratulate Governing with the upcoming wedding and the future career. Artemy Filippovich sees the reason for the "take-off" in his merit. He in the soul curses his chief who intends to get the general rank. True, he says it aside, as if about himself. At the same time, in a habit, it is in a hurry to remind yourself: "And do not forget us ... When he learned that Dmukhanovsky's daughter comes out for her husband for a fictional auditor, he hurries to congratulate Governing with the upcoming wedding and the future career. Artemy Filippovich sees the reason for the "take-off" in his merit. He in the soul curses his chief who intends to get the general rank. True, he says it aside, as if about himself. At the same time, in a habit, it is in a hurry to remind yourself: "And do not forget us ...

No. Slide 7.

Slide description:

After he learns that the auditor is not Hellestakov, he dislikes feedback about himself from the letter of Horstkova, he is trying to figure out who "entered the hearing" that the auditor arrived. After he learns that the auditor is not Hellestakov, he dislikes feedback about himself from the letter of Horstkova, he is trying to figure out who "entered the hearing" that the auditor arrived.

Strawberry - secondary minor comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor"

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry - a trustee of godly establishments, the secondary character of the comedy Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Auditor". Strawberries - a gossip and a stalenist, who out of his koresti gives an imaginary auditor all the subtaidal officials of officials.

About your colleague, a caretaker of schools, strawberries says as follows: "I don't know, he is pretended to be surprised - as he could believe such a position. It is worse than Jacobin, and such inspires unacceptive rules that even to express it difficult. " In these words, a man who got used to to substitute colleagues by occupying their place.

Careerist and hypocriser, strawberries are very helpful and fussy. Possessing the appearance of impressive sizes, it is by the nature of the priest and plow that enhances the comic effect. Nice and clumsy, he cleverly slipks towards the happy final in any novelty of fate. Its method is to justify its actions with good ideas. So, saying that he does not buy expensive drugs for his godded institutions, it is justified on time: "The closer to nature - the better," although it is clear from the context that it saves on ordinary people.

Strawberries know how to hear, that is why the ceremony is lucky by Klezlekov primarily in the benvenous institutions, random strawberries. The fatal reservation "Everything like flies is recovered" in response to the question why there are almost no patients in the hospital, does not change the state of affairs: not distinguished by special ingenuity and attentiveness of Hellets simply does not notice the trick in speech. Knowing his main dignity - to hear, strawberries sincerely envies Helstakov: "Eka, a slacker, paints! He gave God such a gift!" Parodyting a medium-sized official who receives more from his position than gives as a local boundless lord, the image of strawberries and a century later, it is not obsolete to morally, but quite relevant today.

About the incredible indifference to the service Gogol tells in the characteristics of strawberries: "a man of a thick, but thin". In the hospital entrusted to him, MRUT patients like flies, the doctor is not talking in Russian, and the strawberries calmly argues: "The person is simple: if he dies, he will die so; If he recovers, then it will recover. "

And come here strawberries!

Since I accepted the authorities, it may be, it will seem even incredible, all as flies are recovering. The patient will not have time to enter the lazaret, as already healthy.

Eka, a slacker, paints! God gave such a gift!

Well, how to sleep yes to Petersburg wave a report?

Why are we here a whole squadron? It is necessary to introduce yourself to one, yes between four eyes and that .. As it should be - so that your ears do not hear.

The trustee of godly establishments, very thick, and clumsy and clumsy man, but with all the cracks and plow. Very helpful and fussy. Strawberries - Plut, Kasnokrad and the Donoster. He knows how, when and what to say. The trustee of godly establishments, very thick, and clumsy and clumsy man, but with all the cracks and plow. Very helpful and fussy. Strawberries - Plut, Kasnokrad and the Donoster. He knows how, when and what to say.

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry serves in a small county city and leads life, "according to his rank and position", does not care about the state interest, while his own well-being for him is above all, mercy is in the hands of a fraudster. Gunning establishments for strawberries - a feeder, in the treatment of patients with his credo: "The closer to nature, the better," Artemy Filippovich Zezhchanka serves in a small district of the city and leads life, "according to his rank and position", does not care anything about public interest While the own well-being for him is above all, mercy is in the hands of a fraudster. Gunning establishments for strawberries - the feeder, in the treatment of patients with his credo: "The closer to nature, the better,"

Artemy Filippovich does not bother himself by determining the diagnosis of the patient's disease and its treatment. He says this: "The person is simple: if he dies, he will die so; If he recover, he will recover. " Artemy Filippovich does not bother himself by determining the diagnosis of the patient's disease and its treatment. He says this: "The person is simple: if he dies, he will die so; If he recover, he will recover. "

Before the arrival of the auditor in the alarms, dirt and mess reigns. Cooks have dirty caps, and patients have such clothes as if they worked in the forge. In addition, patients are constantly smoked. Before the arrival of the auditor in the alarms, dirt and mess reigns. Cooks have dirty caps, and patients have such clothes as if they worked in the forge. In addition, patients are constantly smoked.

The strawberries are afraid of the auditor, and therefore when he learns about the arrival of the auditor, he is ready to "take cosmetic measures": put on patients with pure caps, to label over the beds on the name of the disease, and to drop the number of people who are ill so that their excess attributed to bad lookout or To the physician of the doctor. The strawberries are afraid of the auditor, and therefore when he learns about the arrival of the auditor, he is ready to "take cosmetic measures": put on patients with pure caps, to label over the beds on the name of the disease, and to drop the number of people who are ill so that their excess attributed to bad lookout or To the physician of the doctor.

When he learned that Dmukhanovsky's daughter goes for her husband for a fictional auditor, he was in a hurry to congratulate Governing with the upcoming wedding and the future career. Artemy Filippovich sees the reason for the "take-off" in his merit. He in the soul curses his chief who intends to get the general rank. True, he says it aside, as if about himself. At the same time, in a habit, it is in a hurry to remind yourself: "And do not forget us ... When he learned that Dmukhanovsky's daughter comes out for her husband for a fictional auditor, he hurries to congratulate Governing with the upcoming wedding and the future career. Artemy Filippovich sees the reason for the "take-off" in his merit. He in the soul curses his chief who intends to get the general rank. True, he says it aside, as if about himself. At the same time, in a habit, it is in a hurry to remind yourself: "And do not forget us ...

After he learns that the auditor is not Hellestakov, he dislikes feedback about himself from the letter of Horstkova, he is trying to figure out who "entered the hearing" that the auditor arrived. After he learns that the auditor is not Hellestakov, he dislikes feedback about himself from the letter of Horstkova, he is trying to figure out who "entered the hearing" that the auditor arrived.

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