Traditional, industrial and perdural society. Art culture

Traditional, industrial and perdural society. Art culture
Traditional, industrial and perdural society. Art culture

Transition from traditional society to industrial
Traditional Society -
society in which man
not thinking out of nature;
Above him fully dominate
Century traditions and customs.
Industrial Society -
society in which
Completed the creation process
Large technologically
Developed industry.
Modernization - Formation and Development
industrial society (transition from traditional to
industrial society).

Three echelon modernization
First echelon:
England, France.
Start - XVII century.
Under influence
internal reasons I.
Second echelon:
Germany, Italy,
Empire, USA,
Third echelon:
Latin countries
America, countries
Asia and Africa.
Start - XVIII century,
Completion - 2nd floor.
XIX century
Left is worth
state. the main
goal - catching up the country
first echelon.
End XIX - Beginning
XX century
Under influence
developed countries.
No missing.
The pace - fast
Pace -
The pace is natural.

Economic sphere:
Main features of industrial
Stormy development
The predominance of industrial
production over agrarian;
High level
capital investments;
Communication of science, technology and

Basic traits of industrial society

Political sphere:
Fastening principled
equality of citizens in front
Recognition of democratic
rights and freedoms of the individual
The development of civilian structures

Basic traits of industrial society

Social sphere:
urban population
over rural; urbanization
social mobility;
class privileges;
The increase in the share of qualified
Layers of the population.

Basic traits of industrial society

Rationalization of spiritual
Growth of individualism;
Recognition of autonomy
Personality from the state
The most important social

Migration processes

Growth of cities - one of the features
industrial society.
This process accelerated in XIX
in. The rapid growth of cities was
caused by:
overpopulation of the village
Extracted small
towns (fall
industrial centers).

The ratio of urban and rural
population in industrialized
For the first time in the history of the city began to prevail in
Economic life.

Why migrants
Leaving the old light and
went to the new one?
Since the 20s of the 19th century, mass resettlement began
Europeans. Most emigrants were sent to the United States.

Emigrants from
Europe. 1860
Emigrants were cheap working strength, consonant
on the most difficult working conditions.

Soc. structure
Cf. Class
What new classes appear in society with
development of capitalist relations, and
What disappear?

The estates disappear, the structure of society is complicated.

Landowner I.
In England, classical
landowner I.
Peasant farm
disappeared in the XVIII century, in
France destroy them
revolution in the USA
Not at all.
They are saved only in
Second Echelon countries:
Austrian Empire,
German and Italian

The estates disappear, the structure of society is complicated.

In the XIX century Aristocracy
in many ways
change your image
life: the old and
Appears new
Aristocrats were
landowners I.
connected to each other
Related related

Session of parliament
In England, XIX century.
Boys from aristocratic families were preparing for
Policy. IN mid XIX. century 4/5 members of the House of Commons
In the English parliament amounted to landowners.

The estates disappear, the structure of society is complicated.

The position of aristocracy
It goes into the past. Families
lose their wealth
Many aristocrats
Marriage with
rich "jacks".
New "Higher Society".
This leads to a merger
Aristocracy I.

The estates disappear, the structure of society is complicated.

In the XIX century at the head of large
Industry stood
Representatives of the bourgeoisie,
Favorite millions.
Meyer Ambel
They worked a lot,
differed in modesty B.
everyday life but many of them
They sought to become part
Aristocracy. For example,
Guinness Brewer and Banker
Rothschild became barona.

The estates disappear, the structure of society is complicated.

In the middle class allocated
lawyers, teachers,
inventors, scientists,
One of the main
Accessories K.
The middle class was

Frigherio. Teacher. 19th century.
Middle class - people who have not approved social
Shocks, preferred reform revolutions.

The estates disappear, the structure of society is complicated.

The working class is formed, in the industrial
It becomes inhomogeneous countries.
Working class

Children on the packaging factory.
Baltimore, Maryland, 1909.
Read about "factory" women and children.
Highlight the features of their position.

Female and child labor

Until the 70s of the 19th century
Women were not equal
with men. In family
Women obeyed
Father or husband.
In the 80s, women
achieved right
dispose of
Property I.
Save with yourself children
In case of divorce.

Female and child labor

Famous soul fusionist B.
England was Emmelin
Punkhorst, organized
Female socially polytic union.
Emancipation -
Termination of action
Acquisition of rights I.


Paragraph 3, questions №
1,2, task in the working
Notebook number 4, p.12

Industrial Society - Type public Developmentbased on accelerating change natural environment, shapes public relations And man himself. The rapid development of industrial society is due not only to the expansion of the sphere of human life, the occurrence industrial productionbut the restructuring of its foundations themselves, a radical change in traditionalist values \u200b\u200band life meanings. If in traditional society Any innovations disguised as a tradition, the industrial society proclaims the value of a new one who does not comply with the regulatory tradition. This contributed to an unprecedented development of public productive forces in history.
Industrial society is characterized by the rapid development of technology on the basis of implementation scientific ideas in social production. If a traditional society has accounted for a relatively simple workforce, arranged on the principle of a composite subject with a geometric adjacent of individual parts (block, lever, wagon), then for industrial society, technical devices based on power interactions (steam machines, machines, internal combustion engines and T . d.). The emergence of large industrial enterprises equipped with complex equipment has formed a social demand for a competent worker, and therefore contributed to the development mass system Education. Network development railways not only significantly strengthened economic and culture Exchange, but also required the introduction of a single maternityt time. The impact of technology on all parties to the life of industrial society is so great that it is often called technogenic civilization.
The development of technology not only expands the sphere of human domination over nature, but also changes the person's place in the social production system. Live work gradually loses its strength and motor functions and increases control and information. In the second half of the XX century. There are such technical systems (automated enterprises, spacecraft management systems, nuclear power plants), the operation of which requires not just virtuoso production skills, but also fundamental professional training Based on the latest achievements of science. Science becomes not only the most important area spiritual culture, but also direct productive strength.
Technical progress contributed to the rise of the productive forces of society and an invisible improvement of quality human life. Development commodity production not only led to the saturation of the market with essential products, but also formed new needs, unknown traditional society (synthetic medicines, computers, modern means Communication and transport, etc.). The quality of housing, nutrition and medical care has noticeably improved, the average life expectancy has increased. The powerful development of technology has not only changed notably survey Human habitat, but all his daily life. If the patriarchacial-stagnant turnover of life in the traditionalist consciousness symbolized the "wheel of times", i.e., the idea of \u200b\u200bthe eternal return to the circles of its own, then the dynamism of man-made civilization spawned an image of an axial historical time, which he wrote the German philosopher K. Yaspers. "Time-Arrow" becomes a symbol not only technical, but also public progressi.e., ideas about the progressive development of society from barbarism and wildness to civilization and further increasing civilization achievements.
Technical progress spawned deep changes in the cultural meanings of nature, society and the person himself, introduced new values \u200b\u200bto the public consciousness and life sense. Traditionalist idea of \u200b\u200bthe life-giving nature in public consciousness Industrial society is replaced by the submission of an ordered "system of nature", managed by natural laws. Such ideas are reflected in the metaphor of the world as a clock mechanism, the individual parts of which are associated with rigid causal interaction. The knowledge of the world was identified with his reproduction in the forms of human activity. Religious "awakening" of the world (M. Weber) accommodated a large-scale secularization of public consciousness,i.e. replacing the religious worldview and education secular. The definition of K. Marx of Nature as the "inorganic human body" illustrates the destruction of traditionalist ideas about the organic unity of man and nature: the concept of habitat as a poragian inexhaustible supply of industrial raw materials comes to replace the perception of nature as a deified source of life. Pafos Prometheeva Will of the New European person, the approval of his strength and power meant the approval of unlimited conversion opportunities in relation to nature. Conquest, submission, transformation becomes key metaphors of new industrial culture. "We cannot wait for mercies from nature" - such is the motto not only engineer-technologist, but also a botany-selectionist.
In contrast to the traditional society in the industrial society, the dominant type of social relationship is based on non-economic, but on economic coercionto work. For capitalist hired labor is characteristic social partnership Two legally equitable parties: an entrepreneur who owns the means of production (premises, equipment, raw materials), and a hired employee who has only its own working force (physical ability to work, manufacturing skills, education). Unlike the owner of the means of production hired worker, Yesterday, the peasant, the need bent from the ground, does not have means for life. Therefore, the formal (legal) equality of the parties in practice turns out to be actual inequality, economic coercion for labor under the conditions of the employer. But in civilizational terms, the cancellation of personal dependence and the transition to social Contractbased legal contract - A marked step forward in the approval of human rights, the formation of civil society. The rupture of personal dependence and clan-generating accessories creates conditions for social mobilityi.e. person opportunities to move from one social Group (class) to another. Industrial society gives a person one of the highest civilizational values \u200b\u200b- personal freedom.A free person becomes the owner of his fate.
Social relations, invisible threads of social fabric, in the industrial society take the form of inventory exchange (activities, products, works, services, etc.). This gives rise to the illusion that not people dominate each other, bound by the historically defined type of social relations, but "money rules the world." Only a deep study of society can dispel this illusion and show that the basis of one or another form of operation of labor is historically certain Type social production and the corresponding property relations and distribution.
If a social relations In traditional society, they are called directly public, it is characterized by indirect (money, goods, institutions) social relations personally not familiar with each other, social partners. Describing medieval cities, M. Weber noted that city dwellings are much more close than in countrysideHowever, unlike fellow villagers, urban neighbors are not necessarily familiar with each other. Intermediaries in the relations of people in the industrial society are social institutions, and above all the state in the person of law enforcement agencies, courts, prosecutors, as well as institutions of socialization (schools, universities, etc.) and employment of individual (state-owned enterprises). Institutionally-mediated social ties generate the attitude of people to each other as carriers social role(Judges, Chief, Teacher, Doctor, Seller, Bus Driver, etc.). And every person plays not one, but many social roles, speaking and actor and author own Life.
The period of industrialization is characterized by mass migration of the rural population in the city, capable of providing more than high level Life. The characteristic features of the Western European medieval city add up in the XVI-XVII centuries. From the village settlements, the city is distinguished by the fortified territory ("Burg"), as well as the elected bodies of urban self-government. Unlike the rural population with a harsh division into the Lords and citizens of citizens are formally equalized in rights, regardless of their social origin, personal merit and wealth. Industrial corporations defended the rights of their members in the city court, including in the face of the former owner. In many countries, the verdict of the city court was final and was not subject to appeal by the Royal Court. Before this day, the saying was reached by the "urban air makes free". However, with the strengthening of centralized states, the administration of justice is increasingly focused in the hands of the supreme power. Monopolization and regulation of violence by the state contribute to a decrease in the overall level of unauthorized violence in society. Development of legal consciousness and legal institutions that equalize a strong and weak, noble and rootless, rich and poor in the face of the law, i.e. legal statenot only an inherent condition for the development of industrial capitalism, but also the most important civilization conquest of mankind.

Democratic principles in the social structure, the development of experimental science and industrialization. This was created in the 17th century. The result of the industrial revolution was the emergence of an industrial society. The ideals of which is labor, production, science, education, democracy. Saint-Simon dreams of a society organized as a huge factory at the head of which are industrialists and scientists. Factory You have changed the manufactory of this time to an unprecedented future performance of social labor. The introduction of technical innovations was accompanied by the consolidation of enterprises, the transition to the production of mass, sampled products. Mass production led to urbanization. (the growth of cities) The prospect of the accelerated development of capitalism has demonstrated the United States. The process became comprehensive and more homogeneous, the process of turning history in world History. Formation of culture as unity, manifold national cultures and art schools. This process includes traditional stranges, for example, Japan. Special color is acquiring the problem of cultural dialogue. There is a new system of values. At the heart of sensitivity - benefits, wealth, comfort. Progress is identified with economic progress. At the same time, the principle of benefit transforms the concept of truth. The essence is that convenient and useful. The utilitarian character acquires etiquette. Regulation of relationships between free partners for sale facilities. The seller must be polite and consistent, and there is no buyer. Attention is paid only to those who are useful. Relationships are formalized.

In the mid-19th century, an industrial revolution occurred, as a result of which an industrial society was formed. It was based on democracy, on experimental science, introducing new technologies. Nothing from this was the invention of the 19th century. The ideals of this society are the work of production, education. Saint-Simon dreams of societies organized as a huge factory at the head of which are industrialists and scientists. The factory at this time replaces the manufactory, which led to an invisible earlier growth of public labor. Enterprises are moving to the release of mass, standardized products. All this produces to urbanization. Growing cities. Cities become cultural and industrial centers of industrial society. The prospects for the accelerated development of capitalism to the world demonstrates the United States. The process of the addition of world economy, the market covers both hemispheres, the story turns into a world history, culture develops as the unity of the variety of cultural art schools. By the end of the 19th century, Japan comes out of tradition. At this time, the problem of the culture dialogue exacerbates. The values \u200b\u200bof industrial society are sensitive - comfort, prosperity, development is identified with economic progress. The principle of benefits transforms the concept of truth. Truth is what is convenient and useful. Utilitarian culture. Recycling penetrates the etiquette when politeness penetrates who is useful. Human relations begin to be treated as a relationship between purchase and sale partners. The main value of industrial civilization has become technical progress. According to calculations, Sorokina, that the 19th century brought the discoveries more than all previous centuries taken together. (8527). Stormy technical growth proceeded from two parcels of Western European culture. Faith in the active role of human mind. In addition, in the 19th century, the attitude towards the function of science has changed, earlier cognitive, educational ones were dominant. Now - applied. Europe is proud of its achievements. 1851 - London exhibition. As a result, the technical domination of a person over the process, matter of the process, fertilely rose. There are new types of overcoming space. 19th century - "Railways". In Life includes a telephone, telegraph. In December 1839, Louis Dager and Nisefor announced the creation of a photo. Lumiera cinema appears. The first plots up to 3 minutes. (Train arrival, children's lunch, water and wateringman). Technical body of culture.

Cognition made it possible to bring parts of the world to each other. Changing the role of religion. The process of splitting the world ended. Early faith in supernatural. Debate Stlilbrfors with hexley. 1860 in Oksfde. Victory Darwinism. Science has achieved independence from religion. Darwinism answered the needs of society. Freud proves that the idea of \u200b\u200bGod is the fruit of human weakness, dream of a powerful power. Human desire for protection and patronage.

Marx - the sigh of the oppressed creature - religion. Tied it with the interests of the class struggle. Critical study of biblical texts has denied their brainship. Mandatory secular education has been introduced. The clergy was deprived of rights. In the 19th century - the crisis of Christian cosmology and morality. Reaffirmed F. Nietzsche: God died. This we killed him. Individualism increases in morality. You should not do anything, I must not do anything. Family changes. Decreased, family cells appeared. Less children. Improves the quality of life. There is steam heating. In appearance Ancient things opened the discovery of a sink. Grunk for a couple of fane. Deli Viennese chairs. Forming children's World. Children's rooms appear in rich houses., Clothing, books, toys. The role of elite art is overestimated. Persistently claims to be a spiritual reference point. Art - the expression of moral ideals. Among the coexisting cuts. The realism corresponded. Realism Appears 1857 Collection of Article "Realism". The study of the evolution of species corresponded to the idea of \u200b\u200bart about social types. " Human comedy"Onor Balzac. 95 works. Preface - Manifesto realistic art. Quintessence in the saying of Balzac - the outer form is the basis.

Industrial Society distributed the image business man. Balzac recreates the class of entrepreneurs. Opposite type Bayronic hero.. Obsessed with power, wealth. Interest in the average man. In 1864, Roman Brothers Garca "Germini" came out. Preface writes: "In the condition of democracy, we asked yourself a question, are low classes have no right to novel. Really people should remain under the literary ban. Use the author's contempt. Filins. 1830 passes from German to other European languages. It was in student jargon. Filiuter is the one who often strives lectures. In the 19th century - the man in the street is vulgar, hypocritical, mediocre, smug. Flaubert - "Lexicon Registration Truths" (Arch of Filireek morality 700 postulates).

Representatives of painting: Kurba, Mill. Representatives of critical realism focused on the image of the life of the disadvantaged layers of society, who opposed the lives of the rich. Life of the fields of fields is the main topic Mill. Characteristic figures of peasants. Mille poeticing work. Depicting work, you can convey humanity. Active fighter for critical realism He became Gustav Kourba. The artist depicts the impossible labor and poverty of people (the painting "Stone crushers", "Funeral in Ornan"). IN last picture Everything was new. The funeral of a small town man. Small bourgeois and wealthy peasants who artist depicts without any beautiful. Transmits life with all the merciless truth. Some pictures - glorifying ugly.

The basics of realistic landscape are laid by Kamil Karo.

The modern stage of development of the Western European society is called industrial civilization. The first theorists of the culture of industrial society R. Aron, W. Rostoow, D. Ball, J. Galbreit. They largely diverged political viewsBut they were united by the idea of \u200b\u200btechnical determination of culture. Their idea was that the nature of the technique as the main interaction tool with reality is determined social structure societies. These theories formed in the 40-60s. XX century It was criticized both right and left, since they followed the conclusion that industrialization creates adequate organizational forms, the effective functioning of which is ensured by the corresponding system of spiritual values. Hence, inevitably followed the conclusion about rapprochement as the industrialization of capitalist and socialist systems increases, so this theory has also received the name of the theory of convergence (from Lat. Convergo - closer).

Despite some discrepancies in views and in the subject of analysis (Rostow focused on the origin of the industrial society, Aron - at the state of the modern society, BELL and Galbreit - authors of the theory post-industrial society), the outcome of the research was the identification of typological traits of industrial culture. These typological characteristics of cultures are formed in any public system entering the path of modernization and industrialization. It is assumed that the culture of any modernized society is an invariant of industrial culture.

The industrial type of culture was formed as a result of the artistic revolution in the process of the formation and development of machine production.

Machinery required the occurrence of adequate forms of labor organization and social institutions Regulation of human activity. First of all, the social structure has changed: redistribution has happened work force (Migration of the agricultural population in the industry). Machine production demanded not only the concentration of labor, which led to urbanization and the rupture of traditional relations, but also the formation of new organizational structures and regulatory institutions. Main organizational structure Industrial society is a firm or corporation.

At the same time, industrial production goes beyond the local settlement, and therefore the supervalues \u200b\u200bare formed due to the market nature of the distribution. The population serving and providing industrial production is not controlled by traditional institutions, freely from territorial, personal and religious dependencies, therefore society is united by overlabral structures - the state that is united by the idea of \u200b\u200bcitizenship. Machinery and market economy require not only a rational organization of labor, but also the institutionalization of entrepreneurial activity, as well as its value justification. Technical production exists only under the condition of continuous exchange of goods, money, labor and information. These two circumstances - the value routine of entrepreneurship and free circulation of information - require personal initiative, so freedom becomes one of the most important values. The system of values \u200b\u200bincludes work as a tool value. In addition to direct tasks - ensuring the production process, work ensures the unity of society, regardless of social status, professional and ethnicity. In the conditions of individualism generated by an aggravated sense of freedom and the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal responsibility (for the final product, for business activities etc.), the meril of social status, zeal, the money becomes success. In disunity of society

(Marginalization, dearistocratization, individualism) is needed by the value support of the existence and activity of the personality, and the destroyed social group relations are replaced by the family. The value of the family is associated with the value of the private sphere, which is now seen as closed for public institutions. At the same time, the industrial society is fundamentally conflicted (the causes of this - urbanization, marginalization, concentration of capital), which is the cause of the formation of a regulatory system of checks and balances - for industrial society characteristic type States are liberal-democratic. On the other hand, R. Dawarendorf, the Anglo-American philosopher, sociologist and politician, sees and positive side Conflict of industrial society. The conflict-dynamic model of social relations proposed by them has the following substantiation: rational ways of development of reality are not limited cognitive activityThe rational type of thinking permeates all human activity, and rational ways to regulate the conflict are the basis for the positive evolution of public relations.

Thus, the typological features of industrial culture are as follows:

  • rationalism as a basic way to master reality, which not only provides the production process by increasing new knowledge, but is a way to organize public existence and permission social conflicts;
  • a conflict-dynamic nature of culture arising from the organizational nature of industrial technology, but ensuring the accelerated development of society;
  • Individualism, which in its origin is associated with a technical and technological process requiring personal responsibility at every stage of production, but focused on the intrinsicness of the human personality, recognition of the inalienability of its fundamental rights and freedoms;
  • the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof the industrial culture (freedom, labor, money, family), which determine the cross-cutting models of behavior and permeate the entire social structure;
  • Polystilism, which was reflected in philosophy as postmodernism, which manifests itself as a diversity of cultural models of behavior, forms of art and expresses the cultural and economic differentiation of society, in accordance with social statuses, roles, income;
  • the main social springboard, the social mobility channel - a means of increasing social status is the education that provides access to the most highly paid professionBut at the same time the cultural and educational level is a sign of belonging to the highest social layer.

Still in school we all learn not just that industrialization, and about the features of industrial society, his specific traits. We suggest finding out what its advantages and disadvantages, which differs from post-industrial and whether the crisis of industrial society is.

What is industrial society?

Industrial society is a society formed in the process of industrialization, where machine production and achievements of technical and scientific progress are applied. It can be based on the industry with very flexible dynamic structures where labor separation is characteristic, as well as the growth of its performance, high competition and accelerated development of entrepreneurship, a significant level of urbanization, the quality of life.

Signs of industrial society

Eliminate such features of industrial society:

  1. The rapid growth of agricultural and industrial production.
  2. Development of communicative funds.
  3. Appearance printed publications and other media.
  4. Expanding opportunities for education.
  5. Full urbanization.
  6. The emergence of monopolies.
  7. Separation of labor on international scales.
  8. Significant growth of vertical differentiation of population.

Industrial Society in Philosophy

Encyclopedic dictionaries say that an industrial society in philosophy is a concept introduced by A. Saint-Simon to determine social systemwhere the main view economic activity Performs industrial production. The founders of the theory of industrial society it is considered by O. Konta and the city of Spencer. Theoretics of industrial society are confident that there is such an opportunity to build a universal model of the history of society. With the prototype of such a model can be Western society.

Industrial Society in Sociology

Specialists openly say what the industrial society means in this area. This concept can be called a product of modern social science. Researchers in this area are starting their presentation of social science with antique Greece. Thanks to this data, they are paving the road from ancient philosophy to a new social science. Such social phenomena The famous thinkers Aristotle, Plato, Tacit and Cicero were engaged. They often expressed the opinion on possible and real forms of society, trying to find the laws of social development.

What is the difference between the post-industrial society from the industrial?

To know what differences are industrial society and post-industrial, it is important to understand their features. Thus, the industrial society has such features:

  1. Development of the economy with the help of increasing the pace of exploitation of not only natural, a and human resources.
  2. Due to the increase in engineering and chemical industry enterprises, industry is ensured.
  3. Society is focused on production and consumption. Low test mass culture is replaced by world masterpieces of culture and art.

As for post-industrial society, it has such differences from industrial:

  1. Information, knowledge and intelligence is based on the wealth of society.
  2. Production is oriented to consumer requests and the quality of the products offered to it.
  3. Technological processes built on the intellectual base are the main management tool.
  4. Quality of life becomes better.
  5. Social dominate over material.

Pros and cons of industrial society

Even a child understands what the shortcomings and benefits of an industrial society. So, among the advantages of such a society:

  1. The rapid pace of development of the economy.
  2. Increases industry development.
  3. Social and historical progress.
  4. Improving product quality.
  5. The emergence of international trade
  6. Honesty, decency and hard work as major values \u200b\u200bin society.

Among the shortcomings of industrial society:

  1. Exploitation natural resources To the detriment of environmental environmental.
  2. The uneven growth and development of the economy.
  3. Reduced jobs.

Pros of industrial society

Many historians argue that the transition to industrial society allowed humanity to make the most important step in the direction technological process. Among the advantages of such a society:

  1. Improving the quality of products offered to potential consumers.
  2. International trade.
  3. Technological and historical progress.
  4. Increase the pace of economic development.
  5. Development industry.

Cons of industrial society

Despite all the advantages of the theory of industrial society has its drawbacks. Among the minuses of such a society:

  1. Aggressive operation of natural resources. Even schoolchildren know than for ecology can threaten the excessive exploitation of environmental resources.
  2. Uneven development of economic growth.
  3. Reduced jobs.

The role of science in industrial society

Significant importance is science in industrial society. Among its basic functions here, both cultural, ideological and production, social management. Thanks to these functions, it is possible in detail and substantively to characterize it not only as a cognitive-cognitive phenomenon, but also to disclose its sociocultural nature, fix the role and importance of science in dynamics and operation modern society. In general, the industrial society cannot be submitted without scientific progress.

Values \u200b\u200bof industrial society

Researchers say that the main values \u200b\u200bof the industrial society are free. The industrial system itself is often referred to as the space of person's personal freedom. Freedom are often worshiped and even swear to loyalty, and they are fighting and defended for it. In the name of her they go on restrictions and sacrifices. It contributes to the development, is based on personal initiatives, creative gusts, innovative enterprises And endangers.