The author of the cycle of novels is human comedy. Alexey Ivinonor de Balzac

The author of the cycle of novels is human comedy. Alexey Ivinonor de Balzac

The work "Onor de Balzac. The human comedy "was written in 1997, by the 200th anniversary of the birth of French classics. But in those years, the author failed to publish it. Chapters from the book were printed in the newspaper "Literature" (annex to the pedagogical newspaper "September 1").

  • Honore de Balzac. Human comedy

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Led Book Foreign Fragment Honore de Balzac. Human comedy (Alexey Ivin, 2015) Granted by our book partner - LITRES.

© Alexey Ivin, 2015

Created in the intellectual publishing system

The book "Onor de Balzac. "The Human Comedy" was written in 1997, by the 200th anniversary of Balzac. However, like everything, I was written, demand did not find. We have everywhere "specialists". They also turned out to be in themselves: director named Rounds F. F. Kuznetsov (ordered to carry out a computer set) and a specialist in French literature, "Balzakovad" T. Balashov (wrote a negative review). Their Publishing House "Heritage", of course, not for m. N. from. Ivin. "What is your scientist?"

The book also rejected:

M. Stepanenko, ch. The editor of the MSU publishing house ("We did not order!"),

Z. M. Karimova, ed. "Knowledge",

V. A. Milchina, ed. "Knowledge",

V.P. Zhuravlev, ed. "Education",

L. N. Lysova, ed. "School press",

I. K. Huzmi, "Lit. Newspaper",

M. A. Dolinskaya, ed. "Knowledge" (not to sell!),

S. I. Shanin, ima-press,

L. M. Sharapkova, screams,

A. V. Doroshev, Ladomir,

I. V. Kozlova, "School-Press",

I. O. Shaitanov, RGGU,

N. A. Shemyakina, Department of Education of Moscow,

A. B. Kuddin, had,

A. A. Anshukova, ed. "Academic Project" (we will press Gacheva, and who are you?),

O. B. Konstantinova-Weinstein, RGGU,

E. P. Shumilova, RGGU (Russian State Humanitarian University), an extract from the minutes of the meeting number 6 of April 10, 1997

T. H. Glushkova, ed. "Drop" (accompanied the failure of admonitions),

Yu. A. Orlitsky, RGGU,

E. S. Abylulyuk, Mios (Institute for the Development of Educational Systems),

to. f. n. O. V. Smolitskaya, Mios (both large "specialists", and how much speck!),

Ya. I. Groysman, Nizhny Novgorod ed. "Deck",

S. I. Silvanovich, ed. "Forum".

The last refusal - N. V. Yudina, Vice-Rector for the scientific work of VLGU (Vladimir State Humanitarian University). Waited for three hours and left not accepted: bosses! Why does her balzak? Called in a month - Maybe read a floppy disk? No, you need to be reviewed from the "specialists". In their specialists, from Vlggu. "And what is your degree?" I did not want to talk to me: d. F. n.! Doctor, understand? - Dr. Philology, and who are you? You and do not own a word. Now if you pay - we publish. "Let Balzak pay," I thought and came out with it on the Internet. - A. Ivin.

Honore de Balzac. Human comedy

This study of the life and creativity of the classic French realism on Eiore de Balzak was taken for the first time after a long break. It gives a brief description of the socio-political situation in France 1800-1850 and a brief essay of the life of Balzak. The initial period of his work is considered. The main attention is paid to the analysis of ideas and characters of the "Human Comedy", in which the writer collected more than eighties of his works written in different years. Due to a small amount outside the study, dramaturgy, journalism and epistolary heritage were left. The work of Balzak in the necessary cases is compared with other names of the modern French, English, German and Russian literature. The monograph can be considered as a student manual for students of high school students and students of humanitarian faculties of universities. Written to the 200th anniversary of the writer's birth, which was noted in 1999.

A brief comparative historical essay of the socio-political situation in France in 1789-1850

The emergence of significant figures both in the field of policies and in the field of art is predetermined in many ways in the country in the country. The creator of the "human comedy" - the comedy of morals in the city, the provinces and village - could not appear earlier than these morals were bloomed and established in the bourgeois France of the X1x century.

In our study there will be something and the case of natural parallels between the creativity of Onor de Balzak (1799-1850) and the works of the most prominent Russian realists of the XIX century. But from the point of view of the geopolitical state of Russia in the XIX century and the state of France were by no means equally equivalent. Simply put, such as France was in 1789, Russia became only in 1905. It is also referred to as the level of the country's productive forces, and the degree of revolutionary fermentation of the masses, and the general readiness for fundamental change. In this regard, the Great October Revolution seems to be prolonged in time and deployed on a more extensive space of the Great French bourgeois revolution. In a certain sense, the revolution of 1789, the overthrow of the Louis Khvi monarchy, the Jacobin dictatorship, the struggle against the revolutionary France against the intervention of England, Austria and Prussia, and then Napoleon's campaigns - all this was for Europe the same catalyst for public processes, which was in a similar situation for extensive Space of Russia Revolution of 1905, the overthrow of the monarchy of Nicholas II, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the struggle of revolutionary Russia against the intervents of the Entente, and then the civil war. The similarity of revolutionary tasks and revolutionary methods, as well as historical figures, sometimes amazing.

It is enough to remind the main milestones of the history of France of those years - and this statement, seemingly controversial in a socio-historical context, will take more acceptable forms.

The yard of King Louis XVI and Mary Antoinette is not able to satisfy the requirements of the bourgeois and common way: it is necessary to part with some authority. On May 5, 1789, the general states are collected, which on June 17, deputies of the third estate are converted to the National Assembly. An unlimited monarchy becomes constitutional that in the case of Russia approximately corresponds to 1905. Bastille assault on July 14, 1789 does not significantly change the situation. Bourgeoisie, making an "Declaration of Human Rights and a Citizen," that is, the Constitution came to power, cutting the Right of the king. But people require blood. The tightening of the troops and attempts to escape the king of Louis only wander the hungry people. On August 10, 1792, he assigned the royal palace. It is clear that "Pupils" and reformers are forced to flee. Jacobins and Girondists create a revolutionary convention, which is in a hurry to satisfy the most pressing requirements of the people (section of the Earth, the Cancellation of the noble and even bourgeois privileges, the King's execution), there is more that the forces of the interventory and counter-revolutionaries are tightened to Paris. In this situation, the Committee of Public Rescue led by Robespieth, as subsequently the PEC headed by Dzerzhinsky, unfold terror against the overall estates. Jacobin clubs and its branches, revolutionary committees and tribunals, local governments (something like combeds) are formed. The difference between the "proletarian" revolution of 1917 from the "bourgeois" revolution (English, French and other) Soviet historians in a certain sense is sudden from the finger. Jacobin dictatorship had all the features of the dictatorship of the proletariat. It turned out that revolutions are much more similarities in completely different planes than class.

So, the revolution wins. But its fruits enjoy the restorers of empires, who create a cult of personality from the enthusiasm of liberated masses. By the time, by 1799, the young revolutionary general Bonaparte had already made his Italian campaign and, dreamed of ships, moved troops to Egypt and Syria: the enthusiasm of the young France should have given an exit. Napoleon's father Bonaparte, according to education, lawyer, apparently, gave his son a good idea of \u200b\u200bdangers and personal rights. Having lost the entire fleet in the battle of Abukira, Napoleon returned to Paris just at the moment when the bourgeois government was stupid. And not least because, under the very nose of the republic, the communion of Suvorov acted victoriously. Napoleon realized that the thermadorian government was needed to overthrow, which only a few years ago jumped jobs. In November 1799 (18 Brother VIII of the Republic, in the year of birth, Balzak), Napoleon, using the Guardsmen who devotees to him, arrested the government and established a military dictatorship (consultation). The following twentieth takes place under the sign of conquering hikes.

Napoleon's marine success and his generals were not, because the seas are the rules of Britain, but as a result of these campaigns, a new section was produced throughout Europe. In 1804, the preparation of the "Civil Code" was completed, in which new land and property rights were stipulated. By 1807, Napoleon defeated Prussia and Russia, concluding the Tilzite world, as well as the sacred Roman Empire. Goethe and Hoffman celebrate, with what enthusiasm received Napoleonic soldiers in German cities. Hike to Spain provoked a civil war there. Europe, with the exception of the Turkish Empire and Great Britain, was, in essence, conquered, and Napoleon began to prepare for a campaign to Russia (instead of India, as planned before).

Subsequent events are a defeat near Moscow and on Berezine, defeat under Leipzig in 1813 and after "one hundred days" - under Waterloo in 1815 - everyone known. The arrested emperor went to St. Helena Island, where he died in 1821. Louis Hu111, brother of the executed king, was changed in 1830 Louis-Philipp Orleans, a relative of Bourbon, and its in 1848 - Napoleon 111, the nephew of the emperor. So the struggle for all those years was between the legal representatives of the monarchy and the usurpers in the person of the "Corsican monster" and his relatives. However, with the exception of the 1815 coup, implemented with the help of the Cossacks, the subsequent revolutions were carried out by artisans, small bourgeois, workers, Paris, and every time they were accompanied by abundant blood, barricades, shooting and with accuades in the field of law, expansion of rights and freedoms.

It is clear that after such shocks from the feudal privileges that the nobility and the clergy placed, a little left. Neither orleanists nor Bonapartists could no longer resist the power of rich bourgeois ("Bourges", "Burg" - a city, suburb). Balzac was and remained a legitimist, that is, a supporter of the power of the Legal King, but by origin he was bourgeois and had to have all these fifty years, like the entire French bourgeoisie, to extract the life of life with battle. Heroes of his works are experiencing to aristocrats, on the one hand, burning contempt, and on the other hand, a burning envy. His characters-aristocrats, like the Dreamer of Henri de Saint-Simon, could walk around the world with an outstretched hand and live on the content of a faithful servant, but still they were legislators, while bourgeois, albeit with Moshnaya Money, constantly lacked Right. Due to the fact that the French society, as a result of revolutions and wars, was to the beginning of the literary activity of Balzak very stirred, he remained only to lead his social accounting of different social layers: "Golden Youth", workers, artisans, great ladies, bankers, merchants, lawyers , doctors, sailors, curtisanoks, grizzles and loretok, landpashtsev, Rostovists, actresses, writers, etc., from the emperor to the last beggar. All these types were captured by them in highly artistic images on the pages of the immortal "human comedy" (1834-1850).

A brief essay of the biography of Onor de Balzac

A lot of wonderful books, both domestic and translation, filled with a rich actual material, are written about the life and work of Honore de Balzak. Therefore, in our biographical essay we are limited to the most brief and general information, which could later be useful with a more detailed analysis of the works of the "human comedy".

Onor de Balzac was born on May 20, 1799 (I Prairia VII of the Republic) at 11 am in the French city of Tour on the street of the Italian army in the house number 25. His father Bernard-Francois Balzac (1746-1829), the son of the peasant, as head of the head The supply of food 22 divisions, subsequently the second assistant mayor, was 32 years older than his wife Anna-Charlotte Laura, nee Salambay (1778-1853), a daughter of a cloth merchant in Paris. Immediately at birth, the boy was given to the upbringing of Kormilice in the village of Saint-Sir-sur-Loir, where he was until 1803. A year later, in 1800, on September 29, the younger and hot beloved sister Balzaka was born - Laura, in marriage Surville (1800-1871), and in a few years the younger brother Henri. In the latter case, Mille challenged Bernard-Francois, but for Mother Henri was a favorite.

In the Balzak family (the surname was produced from the common Balsa) all were or became one with time a little writers; Father published brochures on the private problems of his provincial affairs, the mother led an extensive correspondence with the children, Laura's sister in 1856 published the first biography of the famous brother: so the abilities of the onor were in a certain sense predetermined genetically.

In April 1803, he was given to the guesthouse Leveu in a tour, where he stayed until 1807. In 1807, Balzak is placed in the Wandom college of the Oratorians monks, a closed educational institution, where he almost did not see his parents, in his college, his mother visited him twice per year, a meager amount in 3 franc was allocated for expenses. Sleepy, fat and lazy boy indulged in dreams and learned poorly.

Subsequently, Hell could not forgive his mother of his original left, which was obviously the main cause of the nervous teenage disease. On April 22, 1813, parents were forced to take a sick boy from a college.

At the end of 1814, the family moves to Paris, where the onor studies at first in the monarchical and Catholic board of the science, and then in Ganze's institution and Berelen. In 1816, in agreement with his parents, he elects a lawyer's profession and enters the Paris School of Law, while at the same time working on the Guilion de Merville and Notary Posses in legal entities. In 1819, he ends with the right school in the rank of "Bachelor of Law", and since by that time he was experiencing a craving for literary creativity, achieves the right to literary classes in relatives within 2 years with a content from family: during this time it was supposed to write drama Or a novel that would glorify the young author. He removes the attic in Paris on Ladigier's street and, visiting the Arsenal library, is accepted for work.

The first work, drama in the classic spirit called "Cromwell", was not approved on the family council, but Balzac continued to work. During this time, in the Commonwealth with the writer-doller L'Egreville, he wrote several novels in the "Gothic" manner, very fashionable in those years (the first publishing contract is dated January 22, 1822). These novels that ensured to a certain extent literary earnings were, however, were imitated and signed by pseudonyms: Lord P'on, Oras de Saint-Oben. On June 9, 1821, Balzac meets the mother of a large family of Laura de Bernie (1777-1836), which becomes his beloved for many years. Meeting of the 20s is marked with the artists of Henri Monie (1805-1877) and Achille Germia, a journalist and publisher A. Latvas, who are also becoming his friends for many years. Ties tied with the editors of Paris newspapers - "Kommers", "Feed", "Corsair", etc., where his first essays, articles and novels are printed.

In the summer of 1825, Balzac, together with Kalena, is engaged in the publication of the full collection of Moliere and Lafontin, then buys a typography on the street Marhe Saint-Germain and, finally, Slap. All these enterprises, like the production of novels, the public were called upon, on the thought of Balzak, enrich it, make up a quick and honestly round amount of capital. However, nothing but debt, the entrepreneurship did not bring.

In 1826, at his sister Laura Surville Balzac get acquainted with her friend Zulma Carro (1796-1889), the wife of the artillery captain, friendship and lively correspondence with which there will be a lot in his fate. These steps, creative and entrepreneurial, provided Balzak some fame in the literary world of Paris, were attracted to him, as to the publisher, the authors, thirsting to be printed (in particular, he met Alfred de Vinyia and Viktor Hugo).

By eliminating the case, Balzac moves to Cassini street, house 1 and enriched with experience, decides to do the novels again - already on a sober-practical basis. In order to collect materials for the novel "The Last Shuang, or Brittany in 1800" ("Schuana") in the fall of 1828, he leaves for a friend of his father, General to surmate to the province of Brittany. Next year, the novel was published, signed with an already genuine name - Balzac and turned out to be the first work that brought him wide fame. In the fall of 1829, the first stories and stories under the general head of the "Scenes of Privacy" were published, although the plan of the "human comedy", with a breakdown of "etudes" and "scenes" formed a little later. Balzac visits literary salons, in particular Sofia GE salon and Charles Salon Nodje, the keeper of the Arsenal library, is present at the reading of the Drama V. Hugo "Marion Delorm" and at the first presentation of His "Ernani". With many romantics - Vinya, Mussy, Barbie, Duma, Delacroix - He is friendly, but in articles and reviews, they are invariably thanmed by the inappropriateness of provisions and aesthetic addictions. In 1830, he clings to the artist Gavarini (1804-1866), which will later become one of the illustrators of the first edition of the "Human Comedy".

Already in the same year, the "scenes of privacy" go out in two volumes, and in the summer of Balzac makes a journey through French cities and provinces in Madame de Bernie society. By that time, the acquaintance with F. Standal. Later, Balzac considered it possible to support this writer, disassembled in his article "Etude about Bayle" his novel "Parm Resident" and pointing to the peaceful Paris public on this ingenious person, whose work was stubbornly silent.

At the beginning of the 30s, Balzac is taken for writing "naughty stories", which was supposed to publish 10 under one cover annually. By this time, there is a writing of such works as "Damned Child", "Red Hotel", "Madre Cornelius", "Unknown masterpiece", "Shagreen skin", "Thirty-year-old woman", acquaintance with George Sand, with which Balzak will bind mutual Friendly respectful relationships. From now on, Balzac will often visit Sasha, in his native turbo, his friend Margonna, where many beautiful pages will be written.

On February 28, 1832, Balzac receives the first letter from the stranger - the Polish aristocrat of Evelyna Ganskaya, the owners of extensive places in the Kiev province, which "by mutual correspondence" and meetings at the end of his life will be his wife. So far, however, it is only interested to give themselves to know the European well known to the writer, which is most likely a vanity of a clearly cleaned pan. A lot of readers and fans have already appeared in Balzak in those years, he received many letters, he was taken in the aristocratic salons of Paris and the province. For these years, there is a passion for the Marquis De Kastri, which he offers in her estate in EXA (Savoy). Evelina Ganskaya dedicated to the novels of "Serafita", "Modest Mignon", "Ferragus", "Rural doctor". The first date with the Ganskaya, the former at that time was married, took place on September 22 in Switzerland, in the town of Neuchatel. By this time, the first Russian-speaking translations of Balzak are: novel "Shagreen leather" in the "Northern Archive" and in the "Son of the Fatherland".

In 1834, through Hector Berliosa Balzac gets acquainted with Heinrich Heine. Balzac has already had a well-developed plan "Human Comedy" with its divisions on Etudes: "Etudes about the nravakh", "Philosophical Etudes", "Analytical Etudes". However, no matter how much he wrote, no matter how overwhelmed from work, he cannot get rid of debts; So, fleeing from creditors, he moves to the suburb of Batay, where secretly, on someone else's name, removes the apartment. In 1835, he jested to Vienna for a secret date with Ganskaya, and at the end of the year buys shares of the Paris newspaper "Kronik de Paris" and invites you to work in her theophily Gautier (1811-1872). The following year, for refusal to consist in the National Guard, he is imprisoned for several days. He leads a lawsuit with the publisher "Review de Paris", which the novel owed (money is accede). In the summer of 1836, his newspaper is liquidated, and the publisher himself and almost the only author leaves for Italy. Balzac is experiencing constant malaise due to increased work, and his new familiar Countess Gwidoboni-Wisconti, An Englishwoman, organizes this trip according to his hereditary affairs. The next year, the second trip to Italy was committed, where he was well met and where he met Silvio Pellyko and A. Mandzoni.

In 1837, Balzac buys the estate of hot chosen by the city of Sevr, the device of which he, however, could not complete (the estate was sold by serving the cause of many jokes of the writers and their secret misfortune). In the winter of 1838, Balzac visits J. Sand and its estate in the nuzhnaya, and in the spring it makes a hard journey to Sardinia Island, where he could not be able to start the work on the development of silver mines abandoned since the times of Roman rule. All this year, Balzac does not cease to work, however, enrichment or any sustainable life is deprived, living from grace among rich friends. In order to earn any money, he begins to write for the theater, but, despite friendship with F. Lemeter and some successful scenes, laurels of playwright and fees, he also fails to achieve; Some of his plays, in particular the "School of Marriage", were first published and delivered only in the twentieth century. From the prominent Russian artists of art, Balzac meets with A. I. Turgenev and S. P. Shevyrev, Professor of Moscow University, - on their initiative.

Being widely known in France and beyond, Balzac twice exhibited his candidacy to the French Academy, but for the first time he recalled the application due to the fact that V. Hugo claimed to the same place, and later it was backed out (probably as a mustache A man and a untenabolic debtor with very unstable incomes) in favor of Duke de Noaya. His social activity was associated with publicistic performances in the Paris periodics and with the society of writers.

In 1842, 16-Tonnik was published, which gathered the majority of the works of the "human comedy" written by the time. Sculptor David D'Ange sculpt the marble bust of the writer. By that time, the first signs of heart disease, he constantly torment the headaches from the unlimited consumption of coffee in Balzak.

On July 18, 1843, Balzac leaves for Russia from the port of Dunkirk on the ship "Devonshire". In St. Petersburg, he lives on a big millionth, behind it is installed in a unklady supervision. Monarchic circles do not mind using him so that it is open, in print, opposed Marquis de Kyustina, a French writer, who after visiting Russia published a talented pamphlet. In connection with its matrimonial interests, Balzac is forced to exercise loyalty against the Russian emperor. He feels completely sick. In 1844, on returning to Paris, he detects a liver disease. This year, the eldest friend of Balzac - Charles Nodje. In Russia, the journal "Repertoire and Pantheon" publishes the translation of Evgeny Grande, performed by F. M. Dostoevsky.

In the spring and summer, having recovered a little, Balzac commits a trip over Germany cities together with the family of E. Ganskaya. May 1, he was awarded the Order of the Honorary Legion. Since that time, dates with Ganskaya become frequent and lengthy; In fact, this is a threesome marriage, which lasted up to the death of the Hansky vessel. In 1846, Balzac buys a house on Fortune Street, 12 (now Balzak Street), which landslrews with the calculation of the future marriage. However, his mother's son will live there during the international wardings. An old friend Balzak writer Ippolit Castil publishes a capital article about his work - "Mr. Onor de Balzac."

1847 dates back to the last manuscript Balzac - "The Worn of Modern History". All this year, the writer travels along the Rhine with E. Ganskaya, and in September, through Brussels - Krakow - Berdichev goes to her estate of the Verkhovna, where he lives until February 1848 in February in Paris, immediately after the arrival of Balzak, the bourgeois revolution takes place: The people mastered the Palace of Tuilry, Louis-Philipp appealed to flight. In the summer, the bourgeois revolution was completed by the working uprising, which was suppressed by General Kavenyak. Balzac, being sick, almost did not participate in these events, although he was running into deputies of the National Assembly. The century of his favorite aristocrats passed, even the bourgeoisie, and workers, artisans and small merchants dictated his laws. In the autumn of 1848, he again leaves to the Verkhovna and there spends the whole next year as a legitimate groom. The Kiev authorities and the Ganskaya family are trying to entertain him, but he feels very bad: he has hypertrophy of the heart, vomiting, shortness of breath, weakens vision. All year he is wanted without a huge estate, does not write anything. On March 14 at 7 am, his wedding with Evelyna Ganskaya took place in Berdichev. At the end of April - in May, the spouses are taking a journey to Paris. The trip continues for a month.

Reaching his married "nest" in Paris on Fortune Street, Balzac is no longer leaves him. On June 20, Theo Film Gauthier receives a letter from him written by Hanskaya hand: "I can't read or write." On July 11, he opened an peritonitis, in August he suffers from the water, on August 17, the gangrene began. On August 18, at 9 o'clock in the evening, Viktor Hugo visits the dying writer. After two and a half hours, at 11.30 pm, Balzac died.

The funeral took place on August 21 at the Per Lashez cemetery. The coffin was accompanied by V. Hugo, Kurba, Berlioz, A. Duma, David D'Yester, A. Monie, F. Lemeter, Sh. Saint-Bev and others, was the Russian attorney in affairs. The farewell speech said Viktor Hugo, in his usual, slightly stripped style: "Mr. De Balzac was one of the first among the great, one of the best among the chosen / ... / himself, he wanted it or not, he would agree with this or No, - the author of this huge and bizarre creation was from the mighty breed of writers-revolutionaries. "

Balzac revealed an example of a selfless service of literature. His performance struck contemporaries and continues to amaze us. In total, 143 works were conceived in the "human comedy", 95 were written. In addition to this main composition, we have several early novels, a large number of stories, plays, essays, articles, an extensive epistolary heritage. This continuous work has undermined his strength, deprived many simple joys of life, but she brought him the glory of the greatest French novelist.

Early works

Taking advantage of the comparative method and comparing Western European literature and Russian, increfully surprised by one circumstance: all Western artists, even the most brilliant, were proportionate to their epoch and have enough published during life, while many Russians and, in particular, Soviet writers "outreach time" They have been published with difficulty and recognition in life did not deserve. You only have to be surprised why it is so, and not otherwise, why only a broken Russian writer is being honored, finally, recognition, and even dying, having unpublished works in a written table box? The mystery of this is great is and implies the difference in the social status of the artist of Western and Russian. Russian, as a rule, the Prophet and with him cost, as the crowd should do with the Prophet, and the Western Total Manufacturer. And if his works are good, then the manufacturer itself does not remain a vacation.

Diva is given how many Romanov wrote a young man Balzac before he was finally paid attention to him, but it was even more wonderful that all his things were served with the heat and with the heat, like fresh bakery cakes, and - what's very incredible - paid. They did not lie in the table, waiting for the death of the author, and were published by the typographical way, so that the young man-writer, seeing his "patchhotyn" (the expression of Balzak on one of his novels), could rethink his advantages.

To "Shuanov" who opened the "human comedy", Balzac wrote the tragedy of "Cromwell", the novels "Heir to Piragian Castle", "Jean-Louis", "Klotilda Luzignanskaya", "Ardenan Vicar", "Last Fairy", "Old Man", "Van Chlorine, or a pale jen." In its development, he accurately illustrated Darwinian theory of natural selection, according to which a person in his development runs about the same stage as the society in which he was born. In fact, what is the drama "Cromwell", as not a reptile movement, classicism lessons? And about the fact that he was a diligent student of classicism, testifies one of his letters to the sister: "The squirrel is encouraging me, Voltaire scares, Cornell leads to delight, and Rasin makes the feather." From this last complaint follows that all the twentieth years have passed under the sign of imitation authorities. Starting as a classicist, he then moved to the Black Roman Still and Udolf Tyne, and from the middle of the decade, Walter Scott was firmly epigoned from the middle of the decade, from which he was in an inextental delight. The thought, expressed again in a letter to the sister of Lore, about what he writes for the sake of money (really: for the first novel, he received 800 livres, for the next - from one and a half to two thousand!) - This thought is nothing more than Attempting to young talent to be useful, r a b about t a t in the sphere that he chose. He is very well aware that he is not a genius, and languishes at greater touch to the merits of life. "I bless the happy independence of the profession, which I chose myself / ... / If I were calm about my material situation, I would work on serious things," he writes in 1822.

In fact: his early prose carries the seal at once all those who existed then areas: Didro and Voltaire's classic novel, Sterna and Rousseau, "Gothic horror romance and secrets" Madame Anna Radcliffe, Enlightenment Research W. Godwin and "St. Film Priest" "And finally, Romanticism Walter Scott. The "negligent student" of the Vandom college of the Oratorian brothers read so much and impossible, what fell ill and was forced to live for some time with parents to calm the nerves

Preface to the "Human Comedy", "House of Cats, Playing Ball," Vendetta "," Sided Family "," Abandoned Woman "

The preface to the "human comedy" is written by Balzak much later than the next earliest works following him, - in 1842, whereas the above-mentioned stories refer to 1830-1832, and only the "side family" was added in the same 1842, in the year of the first edition "Human Comedy" undertaken by the publishing house "FUURN". It is believed that the name itself arose as if in opposition to the "Divine Comedy" Dante Aligiery.

In the preface, Balzac indicates that his "Etudes about the nravakh" consists of six sections: the first - "scenes of private life", the second - "scenes of provincial life", the third - "scenes of Parisian life", the fourth - "scenes of military life", the fifth - "Scenes of political life" and, finally, the sixth - "scenes of rural life."

In the plan of "Human Comedy", the teachings of the philosophers-naturalists of Cuvier and St. Iler, who compared the human and animals, due to their organic unity, played an active role. It seems that there was no effect without the influence of the scandalous philosopher of Limetry, the author of the treatises "Man-Machine", "Man-Plant", which reduced the function of a person to a simple biologist. (True, we note in brackets, it was at one time in the peak of the religion, the bisps of all enlighteners). Whatever, Balzac in the preface writes the following wonderful phrase: "The distinction between the soldier, a worker, official, a lawyer, a slacker, a scientist, a statesman, a merchant, a sailor, a poet, the poor man, the priest is as much, although it is more difficult to calmly, Like what is distinguished by a wolf, lion, donkey, crow, shark, seal, sheep, etc. "

In the family to Evelina Ganskaya on October 26, 1834, Balzac so outlines the common idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Human Comedy":

"The foundation of the" Human Comedy "-" etudes of the morals "- depict all social phenomena, so that no life situation, no physiognomy, nor character, male or female, no way of life, no profession, none of the seas None of the French province, nothing of what applies to childhood, old age, mature age, politics, justice, war will not be forgotten.

Then the second tier will follow - "philosophical etudes", because after the investigation it is necessary to show the reasons: I will depict the feelings and their game, the life and its movements in the "etudes of the morals". In the "philosophical etudes" I will open the reason for the feelings, the basis of life, what are the limits, what are the conditions outside which neither society or a person can exist; And after I favor a society to describe it, I will do it by searching for him to make a sentence.

Later, after the investigation and the reasons, a turn "Analytical Etudes (part of which is" the physiology of marriage "), because after consequences, the reasons must be determined. Nrasions are a performance, reasons are scenes and scene mechanism. Beginning is the author, but as the work reaches the vertices of thought, it seems to be spiral, compressed and compacted. If you need twenty-four volumes for etudes, for "philosophical etudes" you will need only fifteen, and for "analytical etudes" - only nine. Thus, a person, society, humanity will be described without repetitions, are designed to court, investigated in the work, which will be like a "thousand and one night" of the West ".

From this letter implicitly imply that Balzac already knew in 1834 what he wants. His ultra-conceit is striking by its scale even for the epoch, in which they lived and created such prolific French authors, like Duma-Father and Zola.

Over the years, Balzac seriously and cleared; His way - from the imitation of classicists and romance, through the boulevard novels and works created by the only sake of earnings, under which he sometimes did not even put their own name, - inevitably led to the system, to the cycle, to the systematization of the achieved and plans for the future. These plans are worthy of genius, which is obviously Balzac, and considered not without reason. The cutout of mankind is preferably given on the material of France, but France is humanity in the miniature, this is the center of civilization, it contains everything that is interesting in the world, just as a nut in the shell.

On the example of life and creativity, Balzak can be traced that such artistic creativity is at all. This is, first of all, work and self-organization. This Prometheus the words seems to have repeated narrow and dilapidated apprenticeship clothing, being every time in the update of originality, strength and power. His potential was inexhaustible. It was similar to the fact that his life and creativity he is inseparable, because every work, each page, each, let the need for the needs and to eat the creditors written by the novel, consistently broke out, creatively transformed the day in which they were created. And if you imagine that the work went on day and night, you can imagine what kind of spiritual and bodily power required from the author. Even a duma father, who wrote an unthinkable number of novels, had numerous secretaries and assistants, co-authors and tips, Balzac also created his belongings himself and resorted to the co-authorship only in the initial period.

The trouble, however, is that with such an ultra-adequacy, the outcome was thought of one - to burn himself without a balance, like a promoter, as he determined Stephen Collegu; Thus, the intricate and painted life could be realized only at the expense of endless self-sacrifice, in which the author himself deliberately refuses ordinary human joys - families, bourgeois weakness, unplanned communication with nature and cute people. Everything went just according to that scenario, in which life burned in a huge bire in the wind of the XIX century. The reader-royalist, a bourgeois reader, a proletarian reader, a peasant reader demanded all new and new victims, and Balzak had enough fuel to maintain the burning highly and powerfully. It is not necessary to think that it was a social order, as they would say in Russia in the seventies of the twentieth century. No, it was a life - the life of a person who "given with excess", as they say in St. Scripture. Balzac oriented not only the French reading public. He had an end in itself. No wonder in his office there was a statuette of Napoleon (of the very conqueror) with the inscription hand Balzak: "What he could not complete the sword, I will implement a pen." Thus, the author himself put the task of conquesting the whole world. The difference between the Genius from the Graphomanian, probably in that and consists that the genius copes with the task, reaches the goal, whatever the grandiose it looks, he keeps the situation under control, while the grafoman is not able to even approach the understanding of its own goals. With all the gradation, the purpose of Balzak, in essence, simple and clear, and after the example of Napoleon, the Bonaparte is already simply real. Recall that the natural school is a little later in the face of Roigon-Makcarov, Emil Zol gave an excellent sample of physiological systematization, and the author of this romanov cycle is still grounded, more than a biologicallyer than Balzac.

It is necessary to take into account that inspiration was not a permanent satellite of the writer. A year later, in 1835, when he briefly went to Vienna, to see a long-standing friend and his confessor E. Ganskaya, he complained: "My life consists of one monotonous work, which will diversify again by hard work."

If Buffon is so colorfully and with the knowledge of the case painted nature, why not make the same in relation to society, asks Balzac. "The historian himself had to be French society, I had only to be his secretary."

For those ten years old that the ingredients of the "Human Comedy" were printed, each on Sober, Balzac managed to receive many reproaches in the immorality of their works, their excessive science, mysticism, etc. Protecting this preface from reproaches in immorality, Balzac refers For example of Christ and Socrates, whom they also accused of sassay and in about t with a t with t c and and n o l n o m o h and th in order to judge other people. The orientation of the writer on the two greatest prophets of antiquity itself is wonderful. Of course, she gives boasting and zazna, as much more in the work of the writer, however, we must understand that in some extent, these qualities are part of the national character of the French. Such "applications" and Giantanian Zakidones go to Balzak from an excess of power, from a rapid civil temperament, from the quality of the French, which was so wonderful to "Gargantua and Pantagruele" Francois Rabl, in Tartaren from Tarraskona, Alfons Dodé, in heroes of Duma- Father and Roman Rollan.

Since, says Balzac, in his comedy there are thousands of characters, he was forced to break it on "Etudes", and "etudes", in turn, on the "scenes". By passing, he strokes George Sand for the fact that she was going to write the preface to the works gathered here, but she did not meet, and he had to do it himself.

Already in the first work included in the "Human Comedy", in Etude on the Nravakh, Balzac appears to us as a canonical Writer of Realism - Critical Realism. In the story of the "House of Cats, Playing Ball", everything is built under the laws of realism: the extensive exposition is given, in which the time and place of action are reviewed, portraits of acting persons are given. It looks like values, proclaimed by Baual, with that, however, the difference that they are applied to the epic, narrative genre. There is everything in the story: a well-weathered entry, the tie of action and its development, climax, an omission. Sukchik Gilome has two daughters for issuing - twenty-flying virginia and eighteen-year-old Augustine. He is not averse to give out overripe Dildo Virginia for the very intelligent sulfur leba, however, the youngest heart from the daughters, the baby of Augustine. But a fashionable, young and beautiful artist Theodore Somervier appears on the stage, and the roles are completely disassembled: beauty and art should encourage, as well as another couple - full of family virtues and business qualities Leba and Virginia. So it happens to mutual pleasure: the Gillet takes his cruel to share, and both pairs of happy newlyweds are crowned at the same time. From this point on, people are departed to the background, and the arts of art are put on the first.

The fact is that after the birth of the child, Somervier coats to his wife. The poor thing is Augustine to save the family, consults with his father and mother, with an older sister and son-in-law and even, like a fabulous naive fool, in front of which all the secret gates are opening up, goes to her rival duchess to find out what her spouse . Unbelievably in the consciousness of the reader introduces morality: "A gifted person often makes his wife's wife." The Duchess teaches her to rule her husband, just like Onegin - Tatiana. Naive, animated and very intelligent young Augustine is the most pretty image of the work. Having learned about this visit, Theodore Somervier comes into rage, but Duchess, thoroughly, forces him to do his own wife, evaluate her advantages and her love. The house, over the portal of which the cat playing the ball is depicted - this is a true refuge for ordinary hearts. Indeed: Private life, the case from the most like a private life.

Still, a consistent realist Balzac was not and thirty years old. In any case, in choosing plots. Because the plot of the story of "Vendetta", his heroes, artistic techniques, execution - everything is permeated with romanticism. What do not say, and in 1830 romanticism was the strongest movement in the Western European and Russian literature. Such a plot, with such passions and exclusive characters could choose Standal, who paid so much attention to fervent Italians, but not Balzac. But we have what we have: a romantic story about fatal passions and sublime souls.

Briefly the essence of the case in the following: Corsican Bartolomeo, who led to the Bloody Vendetta over the port of the port, comes to the emperor Napoleon and his brother Lucienne and takes respect to sin, hurning in the ranks of the valiant conquering army. It takes 10 years, and in 1815, when one hundred days of the emperor Napoleon ends and the harassment of Bonapartists begins, his daughter Jineur Pjisbo, who is engaged in Survena's painting school, gets acquainted there with a wounded officer Luigi. Old Bartolomeo, the once Napoleonic favorite itself, nevertheless, resolutely against the daughter's union with the Opt Youth. Especially when he learns that he is from those ports to which he once destroyed. Dzhinev, Girl-Flint, goes against the will of the Father, having loved the enemy of his family. The old Bartolomeo simply noted, allowing the feeling of her daughter to be hidden deeply. In the confrontation of hot Italian passions, good things will end. And indeed: the father tries to kill the daughter, and when he does not succeed, talks away from her. Young people are crowned, but then when the valiant officer is forced to engage in the correspondence of government officials, and Jinnev becomes an artist working to order, and a deathly gap between ideal and reality is found, between ideal love and valid poverty. The cruel old man did not forgive his daughter. He admits that their child died with hunger, and then she herself. Still: His Vendetta did not end, she now appealed to this villain of Luigi and on those who had a rejoice in spike by his will. After a child with hunger dies and mother. Theodore brings his daughter's breath test and dies himself. So this tragic story is completed.

It should be noted that the romanticism of Balzak, which subsequently affecting his philosophical novels "Shagreen leather" and "the search for absolute", dedicated to people of art and science, is very peculiar. This romanticism has a good rooting in real soil. In this early story, it is already scheduled for the contradiction between the absolute of human claims and the insignificance of its incarnation in reality. In the image of an artist who thwarted her dustless passion, no, no, and the shadow of Rafael Vatentane flank from "Shagren-skinned skin" or a scientist clasa, obsessed with his scientists.

The story "Sided family" (another name is "a virtuous woman") also written mainly in 1830. This and the next three years were especially crop in the work of Balzak. Conditionally can be divided into two parts, with an epilogue written in 1842. The first part is sustained in the spirit of high romanticism. Poor girl-idleman Carolina Krozham, who lived on the crude and dark street of the Turnstum-Saint-Jean under the supervision of the old woman, is busy with embroidery. They and the mother are poor and virtuous, all their entertainment comes down to watching out the window for street passersby. "Black Mr." named Roger little in the face of inconspicuously falls in love with this wonderful girl and starts to help her, throws even a wallet to help pay off homeowner for apartment apartment. All this seems to first on the tonality and color on the "poor people" by F. M. Dostoevsky, especially when he is thoroughly guarding the girl, teaches her to have fun, dancing, shoots for her apartment in the center of the city, which loving hearts turn gradually into a cozy corner of Hymen . After six years, the boy and the girl are already growing here, and happy Carolina Krozham, who does not lead a secular lifestyle, for all this time nothing has learned about her feel. And only her mother, Ms. Krozhar, believes before his death the surname of the seducer of his daughter to the stern priest Fontionnon.

From the second part of the story, after the plot retardation, we learn that I was already married to the rich and a friend of childhood in the rich and a friend of childhood Angelica Bonton. Here is such a double man. However, Balzac is not going to condemn the hero. On the contrary, it turns out that the fact that they found is the most logical, because Angelica - the lady is unnecessarily religious, the closer, the landing room, is found with Popami and even writes a letter to Dad to the Vatican to learn from the first mouth, "Can the wife decolty Attend balls and theaters without destroying the soul. " It is clear that family life with the holy is not simple, that's why Roger eventually got a side family where he was not responsible. The union of the hollow sacrament with the official of the judicial department was unhappy. The confessor Fontainonon, who is the name of the seducer in front of death, is changing the name of the seducer, comes to the husband. The point ends with the fact that it remains without both families, gray and unhappy, because Carolina drew to a younger lover in his turn.

Paphos story in his anticlericalism. The relations of Balzak with the Church were never simple, even in those times, when he was in favor of monarchists to close up with a legitimist and sang under the surcy of the aristocrats. In this sense, he was the successor of French enlighteners.

"Provincial muse"

And yet, in the work of Balzak, there is a trait that cannot be called fruitful, - tedious verbose. Balzacu, she is apology and comes partly from the overflowing information, partly from the rush, because they have written immediately to the set and in payment of cash debts, partly as an atavistic rudiment of those years when he wrote the "black novels "in the hope of earning money and strengthen their position. But it is this trait that is a verbose - heavenly affected the concept of "socialist realism", as it was created by Soviet literary waters. Writers such as M. Gorky post-revolutionary years, K. Fedin, L. Leonov, F. Panferov, F. Gladkov, and in France A. Barbus and R. Rolland have become a little small to consider it to be his forerunner. "Socialistic realism" was naturally extended from the critical, the most supporting figure of which came on Eiran de Balzac. In the estimates it became taken to refer to A. France, V. Belinsky and M. Gorky. We will quote these three. Anatole France wrote: "The angry historian of the society of his time, he reveals all the secrets better than anyone else, he explains to us the transition from the old regime to the new one." V. G. Belinsky paid the attention of Russian readers on the manifold of human persons in the works of Balzak: "How many wrote this person, and despite the fact, there is one in his own poses, although one person who liked how much " M. Gorky noted: "Balzak's books are the most expensive to me with the love of people, the wonderful knowledge of life, which I always felt in his work with great strength and joy."

However, the void and individual selfoveritors in some works of Balzak have a completely different basis (an excess of forces, a hurry, the ability to work simultaneously over several works, without resorting to the services of the secretary), and most importantly, a completely different nature than the tribal, say, "bars" or " Caring for flour. " Balzac is so cutting the content of life, ideas, images, thoughts that he simply does not have time to say them; The words are prayer over the content, in bulk, suppress it; Balzac because of the hot temperament does not have time to agree, sometimes before the problem, while the multi-abscomparability of the pillars of social realism is intended, first of all, to dramatically dramatically, toothlessness, the absence of a bright thought or a strong image. The word at Gladkov or K. Simonov often slides on the surface of the meaning. Fear definitely spoke - this is, first of all, explains the colossal volumes of multi-volume epics of socialist realism. Balzac is completely different. As constantly drifting floors, individual parts of his "human comedy" are not quite fit, far away diverge or, on the contrary, they are praying for a torus, they write on each other. It should always be borne in mind, considering the "human comedy" that it matured for a decade, and the idea himself arose during her work on it. It must also be taken into account that this is a grand architectural structure, this building of the giant was not completed: it remained, like the Colosseum, - with failures and landslides in separate places.

Roman "Provincial Muse", completed in 1844, from those that do not belong to the vertex achievements of the author. And, however, he is kindly made and fully meets the tasks of the image of the "provincial" life.

The longest and strong relations of Balzac had only with married women, and in the novel, one of these connections was reflected - with a glorious and smart potion Carro, who became his friend for many years. Beauty and clever Dina Piedfer rebounded the provincial city of Sensser by independent behavior, a collection of art objects and a wealthy man-dwarf, de la Bodre, who at first is busy exclusively with its estate and which is 27 years older than the spouse. Around the Dean immediately gathering a provincial one, as well as two local natives, residents of Paris, - a journalist Lusto and Medic Oras Biangshon, also appear in other novels Balzac. Thin, well psychologically motivated relationships are tied around these heroes. Baron de la Bodre still does not die in order to unleash his hands with a loving Dina and Lusto, on the contrary - he is healthy and marked in French peers, so the journalist is obsessed, as we know from the biography, actually by Balzaki mania (marry rich and noble aristocrat), In the end, retreats, deciding to marry for the calculation of Mademoiselle Cardo. He having heard that Dina arrives from the sensor to Paris, and then their lucky life begins, which is poisoned, on the one hand, the bride of Lust and Maiden Dean, and on the other - Dina's rehabiller prosecutor. Clan. The relationship ends with the fact that Lusto, chase at two hares, for two chimers, is ruined and betented, and Dina, eternal provincial, returns prudent to her husband. So the Roman of the Provincial Muse and the Metropolitan Journalist ends. "There are no big talents without great will," the author summarizes, watching the hero's fall. - These two twin forces are needed to build a building of glory. "

In the "provincial muse" there is a type of woman's age (between thirty and forty), which will later receive a nickname "Balzakovsky". Balzac is already so far from the theme of "black", frantic novels written in the youth to order, which allows themselves a little reconnecting over them in that scene, where guests of the provincial salon tell each other "terrible stories".

The sharpening atmosphere of the provincial city does not contribute to spiritual development, even uncommon tartaries ruffles, makes the writer conclusion, tracing the fate of another beautiful "thirty-year-old woman", De La Bodre. In the atmosphere of gossip, mutual surveillance and denunciations, idleness and scarce interests even an elevated love feeling. It degrades to the elementary struggle for the existence, when each step is determined by the thickness of your wallet. Virtuous here is reproached in Gordin, and fallen - in sin. Dina was both that and the other, her experience ended with nothing. Maybe only one thing makes sense - to work, achieving ambitious goals, as tireless worm and the vanity healthy Baron de la Bodre.


In the "Scenes of Privacy" ("Scene de La Vie Privee") Balzac reaches high mastery in developing a sensual theme. The characters of his "private" novels are few, and the relationship of the heroes are built around the love intrigue. As he stated in the preface to the "Human Comedy", in articles and letters of the period, when the plan caused, all the forces of the writer were thrown on the development of the sensual side of life and female characters. From now on, His, Balzakovsky, women do not confuse with any other: plunging into the ohut of the senses, they reveal the most hidden corners of their hearts, becoming avengeous, sacrificial, then restrained with cold-blooded, they are silent openly open.

It is also characteristic of the three-part novel "Beatrice", written, apparently, not at one reception between 1838 and 1844: All three parts have clear style differences, differ significantly on the tonality. The development of a love topic becomes here before the sophisticated that places resemble the lace weaving, beading. It looks like a handicraft lady. However, mentioning George Sand, Ms. de Stelle and making his heroine Felix de Tsush with a writer, working under the pseudonym Camill Mopen, Balzac and does not hide that it is going to be promoted in the refinement of the mentioned ladies. Indeed, in France by the time of Balzak, the Balzak was already well developed by the system of a love novel, and many sites on this field were handled writing ladies. Many references to the famous novel Benjeman Konstan "Adolf" are also significant. Heroes here as if they set out to compete with each other in terms of self-sacrifice. This is not the same dialectic of the feelings, which lion tummer will later cease, and not the density of the analysis, which will be characteristic of Flaubert and Maupassant. Balzac most often applies direct characteristics and filigree descriptions. What is worth one multi-page portrait of Fanny O'Brien, Mother of Callista du Genic, the main character of the novel! Details, meticulously, with knowledge of the case, the camp is described, shoulders, chest, neck, back, eyes, eye proteins, skin, teeth, eyelids. And if you consider that this is a detailed description, made with taste and artistic pleasure, soon flows at an equally detailed description of another heroine, Felicitis, and a little further than Beatrix, it will become clear where the contemporaries look at Balzak as a connoisseur of a female soul. Women should have been fascinated by such attention to their experiences in love. And this was confirmed by a large number of letters from the fans who received Balzac.

End of a familiarization fragment.

Honore de Balzac

Human comedy

Evgenia Grande

Father Gorio

Honore de Balzac

Evgenia Grande

Translation from the French Yu.Verkhovsky. OCR & SPELLCHECK: ZMIY

The story "Gobsek" (1830), novels "Eugene Grande" (1833) and "Father Gorio" (1834) O. Balzak, which are part of the cycle "Human Comedy", belong to the masterpieces of world literature. In all three works, the writer with a huge artistic force denies the vices of the bourgeois society, shows a detrimental impact of money on the human personality and human relations.

Your name, the name of that whose portrait

the best decoration of this work, yes

it will be here as if a green vet

blessed box, torn

unknown where, but undoubtedly

sanctity religion and renewed in

unchanged freshness of pious

hands to keep the house.

De Balzac

There are such houses in other provincial cities that there is one as a kind of sore, similar to that which monasteries are the most gloomy, the steps are the most gray or ruins are the most dilapidated. In these houses, there is something from the silence of the monastery, from the deserts of the steppes and the decline of the ruins. Life and movement in them before calm that the aliens would seem uninhabited if he had not met with her eyes with a dull and cold look of a fixed creature, whose half-touch physiognomy appeared over the windowsill with the sound of unfamiliar steps. With these characteristic features of Melancholy, the appearance of the dwelling, located at the top of the Somoura, at the end of the street curve, which rises to the mountain and leads to the castle. On this street, now the little, in the summer is hot, in winter it is cold, sometimes in some places even during the day; It is noteworthy with the beability of its bridge from a small cobblestone, constantly dry and clean, narrowly winding path, the silence of its homes belonging to the old town, over which ancient city fortifications come out. Three-year-old these buildings, albeit wooden, even strong, and the heterogeneous appearance they contribute to the peculiarity that attracts the attention of lovers of antiques to this part of the dashure. It is difficult to pass by these houses and not admire the huge oak bars, whose ends, carved with bizarre figures, crowned with black bas-reliefs the lower floor of most of these homes. Cross beams are covered with slate and are charged with bluetic stripes on a dilapidated walls of the building, completed by a wooden island roof, who has spread from time to time, with a rotten shingle, sworn from the variable action of the rain and the Sun. Someone visible window sills, lured, darkened, with barely noticeable thin carvings, and it seems that they cannot withstand the severity of a dark clay pot with bush cloves or roses grown by some poor worker. Next, the pattern from the huge Hats of the nails driven into the gate, on which the genius of our ancestors drawd family hieroglyphs, sense to no one to solve anyone. Not that Protestant outlined its confession of faith, not the member of the League cursed Heinrich IV. A certain citizen carved here the heraldic signs of her eminent citizenship, his long forgotten glorious title of merchant elder. There is all the entire History of France. By side by side with a shaky house, the walls of which are covered with coarse plaster, perpetuating the work of the artisan, the mansion of the nobleman rises, where in the middle of the stone arch of the gate, traces of the coat of arms, broken by revolutions, shaking the country since 1789 are still visible. On this street, the lower floors of merchant houses are engaged not by stores and not warehouses; The admirers of the Middle Ages can find here an inviolable labaz of our fathers in all its frank simplicity. These low spacious premises without showcases, without elegant exhibitions, without painted glasses are deprived of all sorts of decorations, internal and outdoor. The heavy entrance door is rudely with iron and consists of two parts: the upper is leaking inside, forming a window, and the bottom, with the bell on the spring, the point and the case is replete and indulging. Air and light penetrate this like a raw cave or through a fraumugue carved above the door, or through the opening between the arch and low, in the height of the adjustment, the wall, - the strong internal shutters are strengthened there, which are removed in the morning, and in the evenings put on Place and rushing with iron darling. On this wall, the goods are laid out. And here they do not let dust in the eyes. Looking through the genus of trade, samples consist of two or three dask, topped with salt and cod, out of several sailing bales, from ropes, from copper dishes suspended to ceiling beams, from a hoop, supplied along the walls, from several pieces of shelves . Sign in. A tidy young girl, a breathtaking health, in a snow-white golk, with red hands, leaves knage, calls mother or father. Anyone from them comes out and sells what you need, - on two SU or twenty thousand to the product, while holding it indifferent, kindly or arrogant, depending on the nature. You will see - the deck of oak boards is sitting at his doors and interrupted with thumbs, talking to a neighbor, and he only has that non-zero boards for barrels and two to three beam of duncock; And on the pier his forest yard supplies all Anzhia Bocharov; He calculated to a single plank, how many barrels he will master, if the vintage will be good: the sun - and he is rich, rainy weather - it is ruined; At the same morning, wine barrels are eleven francs or fall under six livra. In this edge, as in the turbulent, the transformation of the weather dominates the trade life. Grapes, landowners, forest traders, odds, innovatives, shodders - all lump up the sunlight; Looking at the evening to sleep, they tremble, no matter how morning you can not know what freezed at night; They fear rain, wind, drought and want moisture, heat, clouds - what's on hand. There is a continuous duel between the sky and the earthly carriage. The barometer alternates seals, enlightens, illuminates the fun of the physiognomy. From the end to the end of this street, the ancient large Sumura street, the words "Golden Day! "Fly from the porch to the porch. And everyone answers the neighbor. "Liudora from the sky is poured," realizing that he carries him a rain rain or rain in time. In the summer time on Saturdays, it is no longer a me to buy the goods in these honest merchants. Each has its own vineyard, his farm, and every day two goes outside the city. Here when everything is designed - buying, selling, profit, - the merchants remain ten hours from twelve to picnics, for all sorts of pickens, incessant peeping at each other. The hostess can not buy a partridge without the neighbors then not asked her husband, did the bird well fried. The girl can not knock out his head out of the window so that all the sides did not see her bugs of idle people. Here, after all, the spiritual life of each of everyone in sight just as all the events occurring in these impenetrable, gloomy and silent homes. The life of the averages almost all passes on the free air hee. Each family sitting on his porch, here and breakfast, and dins, and quarrels. Everyone who passes down the street, look out from head to feet. And inserted only the stranger appears in the provincial city, it was started to make fun of each door. From here - funny stories, from here - the nickname of the crossbars, this inhabitants of Angers, who particularly different in these persisions.

The ancient mansions of the old city are located at the top of the street, once populated by local nobles. The sullen house where the events described in this story were just one of these dwellings, respectable fragmentation of the past century, when things and people differed in the simplicity that French morals lose every day. Having passed on this picturesque street, where each convulsion awakens memories of the old days, and the overall impression brings the unwitting sadly thoughtfulness, you notice a rather dark arch, in the middle of which the door of the house of Mr. Grande is hidden. It is impossible to understand the whole meaning of this phrase, not knowing the biographies of Mr. Grande.

List of used literature;

Most of the novels that Balzac from the very beginning intended for the "Human Comedy", were created in the period from 1834 to the end of the 40s. However, when the idea has finally formed, it turned out that earlier things are organic for a common author's idea, and Balzac includes them in the composition of the epic. The subordinate of a single "sustainable" is to comprehensively cover the life of the society of that time, to give an almost encyclopedic list of social types and characters - "Human Comedy" has a clearly pronounced structure and consists of three cycles, which are like three interrelated levels of social and artistic and philosophical generalization of phenomena .

"Human comedy" Balzak. Ideas, intention, embodiment

2. D. D. Oblomiyevsky Onor Balzac. M., 1967.

romantics, which the main subject of artistic consideration was made by a person, Balzac such makes a family. With the analysis of family life, he begins to study the public organism. And with regret it is convinced that the disintegration of the family reflects the general disadvantage of life. Along with single characters in the "Human Comedy", we pass dozens of various family dramas, reflecting various options for the same tragic struggle for power and gold.

laine reality, he beyond who, for weekdays, the French bourgeois society discovered the boil of human passions and truly Shakespeare's drama. His Paris, inhabited by the rich and beggars, fighting for power, influence, money and just for his very life is a breathtaking picture. For private manifestations of life, ranging from an unpaid house of an apartment hostess and ending with the history of the Roshovshchka who focused his condition, Balzac is trying to see a whole picture. The general laws of life of the bourgeois society, manifested through the struggle, fate and the characters of his characters.

"Scenes of political life" ("Episode of the Terror Epoch", "Dark Case", etc.);

With this principle of building epic, each novel entering into it is at the same time an independent product and one of the fragments of the whole. Each novel is an autonomous artistic integer, existing within the framework of a single organism, which strengthens its expressiveness and drama of events experienced by its characters.

"Scenes of Rustic Life" ("Rural doctor". A rural priest ", etc.).

Since the epic of this type draws life in constant development, it is not fundamentally completed, and it could not be completed. That is why previously written novels (for example, "shagreen skin") could be included in the epic, which arose after their creation.

From French: La Comedie Humaine. The name of the multi-volume cycle of novels (the first edition of 1842,1848) of the French writer Onor de Balzac (1799 1850). Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. M.: "Lockid Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

The type of drama (see), in which the moment of effective conflict or the struggle of antagonistic characters is specifically resolved. Qualitative struggle in K. is characterized in that it: 1. Does not entail serious, disastrous consequences for fighting parties; ... Literary encyclopedia

- (inloom.) The preliminary vulgar human trick. How much there are venerable people in the world who have survived all the anniversary deadlines and whom no one ever thought to celebrate! .. And, it became, all your anniversaries are one dog comedy. Saltykov. ... ... ... Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

Balzac Honoré de Balzac, 20 / V 1799-20 / VIII 1850). Born in Tour, studied in Paris. The young men worked at the notary, preparing for a career of a notary or attorney. 23-26 years have printed a number of novels under various pseudonyms that are not rising ... ... Literary encyclopedia

- (Balzac) (1799 1850), French writer. The "Human Comedy" epic of 90 novels and stories is associated with a general plan and many characters: the novels "Unknown masterpiece" (1831), "Shagreen skin" (1830 1831), "Eugene Grande" (1833), "Father ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Request "Balzac" is redirected here; See also other values. Onor de Balzac Honoré de Balzac Date of birth ... Wikipedia

- (Saroyan) William (p. 31.8.1908, Fresno, California), American Writer. Born in the family of Armenian emigrants. Since 1960 S. lives in Europe. First book Collection of stories "Brave young man on a flying trapezion" (1934), for her ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Onor de Balzac Date of birth: May 20, 1799 Place of birth: Tour, France Date of death ... Wikipedia


  • Human comedy, O. Balzac. Balzac connected a single idea near the ninety of his works. The resulting cycle was called "Human Comedy: Etudes about the Nravakh", or "Parisian Scenes". Before you one of ...
  • Human comedy, William Saroyan. William Saroyan is one of the popular American writers. His Peru belongs about one and a half thousand stories, twelve plays and seven novels. But the best work of V. Saroyan is considered ...

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By the end of the 20s of the XIX century, in the literary process of the largest countries in Europe, increasingly visible and substantial shifts are scheduled, at the beginning of the third decade determining themselves quite clearly.

If you characterize these changes in the most general features, the essence of them are reduced to the fact that romanticism, reaching the largest conquests from the end of the 18th century by this time, finishes the first phase of its development, ceases to be a "school" or direction, while maintaining its large The role in the historical and literary process. At the same time, in the depths of romanticism, and in part and independently form new principles of artistic vision and reflection of reality, which in literature began to be called critical realism.

In connection with the national originality of each individual literature in European countries, the process of changing romanticism was held in various chronological framework, and, nevertheless, the frontier of the early 1930s is largely or less determined by almost every country. Comedy Balzac Monarchy

Critical realism of the XIX century. - Artistic direction that puts forward the concept that peace and person are imperfect, the exit - non-resistance of evil violence and self-improvement.

In the XIX century, the philosophical and aesthetic foundations of critical realism were developed. German classical philosophy and aesthetics (especially Hegel) became theoretical foundation of critical realism. Hegel's idea that everything is real - reasonably, and everything is reasonable - indeed, focused on a rapidly developing Europe on historical stability.

Critical realism does not create gigantic universal characters, and deepening into the most complicated, absorbing the reality of the spiritual world of personality, penetrating into the core of the psychological process.

Critical realism is growing rapidly in Europe since the 20s of the XIX century: in France - Balzac, Standal, in England - Dickens.

1. "Human comedy" Onor de Balzac

French writer Onor de Balzac (1799 - 1850) is the largest representative of critical realism in Western European literature. "Human comedy", which, according to the intention of the brilliant writer, should be the same encyclopedia of life, which was the "Divine Comedy" of Dante for his time, unites about a hundred works. Balzac sought to capture "all social reality, without having any position of human life."

Balzac was born in the south of France, studied in a Catholic educational institution. Secondary education Balzac received in Paris. The Father of the writer was a leaving of the peasants, during the years of the empire he became a military official. Balzac decided to experience his literary talent. Leaving a family, he went to Paris.

With its contrasts, the stormy life of Paris passionately attracted a writer to themselves. Parisian life predetermined his creative development. In the story "Fachino Kane", Balzac recalls that already in the days of his youth, he began to "study the molar outlook, its inhabitants, their characters." Finding into the crowd of the workers of the Parisian suburbs, he "felt their rags on his back, walked in their wooden shoes." "I already knew," Balzac notices, "for what kind of need can serve the suburb - this practical school of revolutions."

"Human comedy" opens the philosophical novel "Shagreen Leather", which appeared as if the prelude to her. "Shagreen leather" - the starting start of my case, "wrote Balzac. The author tells how the Hero of Roman Rafael, desperate to succeed with honest labor of a young scientist, decided to commit suicide. Balzac introduces a fantastic" character "in Roman - Shagreen skin. Usually it is the skin of a special dress, resembling the drawing of the donkey. Rafael decided to take it from Antiquary, having learned on ancient inscription on shagreen skin, that it possesses the mysterious power to fulfill the desires of its owner. The inscription indicated that the skin and the life of Togo Who wants to experience her strength to themselves will decline with the fulfillment of every desire. But Raphael did not stop it: he preferred to sell his life for the benefits that the talisman promised.

Thus, for the allegories of the philosophical novel, Balzak hid a deep realistic generalization. The search for artistic generalization, synthesis, determine not only the content, but also the composition of the works of Balzak. Many of them are built on the development of two equal in their meaning of the plots, for example, in the novel "Father Gorio" challenges the right to be the main character and the old man Gorio, and Rastinyak. The best story of the Gobsek Balzak Balzak is also the same composition, Balzac tells the Gobsek at the same time about many very unlike each other. In the second plan, a story, as it were, in the shadows, are the daughter of Vikontessees de Grand - Camilla and the deplete aristocrat Ernest de Reto. Their love sympathizes lawyer Derville. Sitting in the living room of Ms. de Grande, Dervil reports the mother of the girl unknown to her details about the sad story of the family of Count de Reto and about the role that the Gobsek Rosist in this story played.

Ernest's father, Count de Reto, was in due time he married the daughter of Dapashi Gorio - Anastasi. It was a woman from a bourgeois medium, a beauty, which possessed a decisive character. Anastasi, having married an aristocrat in the years of restoration, ruined her husband, putting all his condition for the wind for the wind for the sake of a secular scorpie and an adventurerist. Derville, at that time, just started his law practice, it was hardly able to preserve part of the property of the Count de Reto for his son. Such, it would seem, the plot story. But in fact, its plot is not limited to this. The main hero of Balzak in this work is Gobsek, the living personification of the power of gold over people.

Gobsek, imbued with confidence in Dervil, shared with him his thoughts. He had a consistent, but frightening his frankness, his cynicism, the system of views in which we can easily find the everyday philosophy of the entire bourgeois world. "Of all the earthly goods," said Gobsek, "there is only one thing, it is quite reliable that it was worthwhile to chase him. It's ... Gold."

Gobsek did not believe in the decency of people. "Man is the same: everywhere there is a struggle between the poor and rich, everywhere. And it is inevitable. So it's better to put it yourself than allowing you to give you."

Derville, at the time in many respects naive, the words of Gobsek seemed blasphemy. He believed in human nobility, he himself recently loved the girl-whirlpool Fanny Mallvo. She, by the way, turns out to be one of the random "clients" Gobsek. From Gobsek, Dervil learned the truth about the brutal struggle of interest, which determines the life of a bourgeois society, just as young Rastinyak learns this truth in the novel "Father Gorio" from the convict. Especially tragic seemed to Dervil the scenes associated with the ruin of the family of the resto, whose witness he became.

Moral drop in man, self-interest interests, predatory habits - this is what Dervil learned, meets Gobsek. Watching the godoglotom (the Dutch name "Gobsek" - in French "Logodlot"), with a cynical frankness by buses his clients, Dervil understood the sinister cause of Gobsek's domination over many people. He also understood the true reason for their tragedies, who always had a common foundation: one took money from another. "Yes, really everything comes down to money!" - he exclaims. It was about this that I wanted to say Balzak with my work.

In cash, Balzac saw the "nerve of life" of his time, "the spiritual essence of the entire present society." New deity, fetish, idol - money hollow human life, took children from parents, wives at husbands ... For individual episodes of the story "Gobsek" stand all these problems, Anastasi, who collided the body of the deceased husband with bed to find his business papers was for Balzak the embodiment of destructive passions generated by cash interests.

Interesting the final of the story - the death of Gobsek. Logodlot in his manic attachment to the money, which turned "on the threshold of the death of Gobsek to some kind of madness," did not want to "part with the slightest particle of his wealth." His house became the warehouse of rotting products ... The old man knew how to weigh, take into account, never received his advantage, but he "did not take into account" only one that the storage could not be a goal of a reasonable human life.

Balzac many times will return to this important problem and in the novel "Eugene Grande", and in the "History of the Majesty and Fall of Caesar Botto", and in the novel "Peasants". Following the Balzak, the XX century writers will develop this topic. But it is noteworthy that Balzac expressed the sentence to the bourgeois society at the time of his heyday.

The "Gobsek" showed other features of the talent of Balzak. He created the characters in each other. The speech of his heroes is individualized. When Balzac says that in the evenings, satisfied with the afternoon, Gobsek, "rubbed his hands, and from deep wrinkles, furring his face, as if smoking smoking," he reaches such a picturesque expressiveness, which can be compared only with the pictures of old masters.

In the novel, "Eugene Grande" the most characteristic features of the Balzac monumental prose appeared. Roman is built on thorough portrait sketches of residents of the French town of Sumura. In terms of volume, the ability to identify the characteristic portraits of Balzak contemporaries compared with the pictures of Rembrandt, when they wanted to emphasize their painting. When it came into speech about the satirical features of the talent of Balzak, he was compared with the houses of the house.

The main feature of the portraits of Balzak are their typical and clear historical concretization. "Dobryak" Grande of the same kind of drive, like Gobsek. But this is a person who is still associated with the Earth, in the past grapework and Bochar. He is a rich, buying the defendency during the revolution of 1789 as well as Gobsek, Gold "Glory" the soul of the old man, became the only measure of things, the highest value of life for him. In this sense, Grande, according to Balzak, was a typical representative of his time. "Scrolls do not believe in the future life, for them everything is in the present. This thought throws a terrible light on the modern era, when more than any other time, money is dominated by laws, politics and nravami," We read in the novel.

The monotonous course of the provincial life of the old man of Grande, his wife and daughters is violated by the arrival of Paris Charles Grande, Evgeny's cousin, at that moment who lost his father, ruined on financial transactions. Charles represents the least infected mercantile interest branch of the family. It is spoiled by his parents, revels with secular successes. Unlike Evgenia, who has a strong character, Charles already "unwinding" "grain of pure gold, abandoned in his mother's heart."

Suddenly flashed love Evgeniya to Charlery, his departure to West India, his marriage after returning to Paris to the daughter of Marquis D "0-0Brion - such is the plot of the novel.

However, the novel describes not only the drama of love, loyalty and impermanence. The writer mainly attracts the drama of property relations, which, as Balzac shows, law people. Evgenia Grande is not only a victim of Father's tyranny. The pursuit of richness took away from her and Charles, who did not disdain the slave trade in West Indies. Charles, returning, extorted the love Eugene, that love, which for seven years of the wanderings of Charles became the "cloth of life" of the gate from Sumur. In addition, Charles also "has extended", since Eugene, the only heir of his father, was many times richer than the new Bride of Charles.

Balzac wrote his work in defense of truly human relationship between people. But the world, which he saw around him, was only ugly examples. The novel "Eugene Grande" was an innovative produced precisely because in it without sticks is shown, "what such life".

Many large writers who spent after Him studied at Balzak the image of the medium, the ability to leisurely and thoroughly lead the story. F. M. Dostoevsky, before turning to his own creative ideas, first translated into Russian in 1843 Roman "Yevgeny Grande".

In their political views, Balzac was a supporter of the monarchy. Exposing the bourgeoisie, he idealized the French "patriarchal" nobility, which considered disinterested. The contempt of Balzak to the bourgeois society led him after 1830 to cooperate with the party of legitimists - supporters of the so-called legitimate, i.e., legitimate, dynasty of monarchs, overthrown by the revolution. Balzac himself called this batch disgusting. He was not a blind supporter of Bourbon, but still stood on the path of protecting this political program, hoping that France would save from the bourgeois "knights of the profit" the absolute monarchy and the enlightened nobility that realizes his duty to the country.

The political ideas of Balzac-legitimist were reflected in his work. In the preface to the "Human Comedy", he even gave the misinterpretation of his work, stating: "I write in the light of two eternal truths: monarchies and religion."

The work of Balzak did not turn, however, in the presentation of legitimist ideas. Above this side of the worldview of Balzak won his irreverating desire to truth.

2. Structure and basic ideas of "human comedy"

Most of the novels that Balzac from the very beginning intended for the "Human Comedy", were created in the period from 1834 to the end of the 40s. However, when the idea has finally formed, it turned out that earlier things are organic for a common author's idea, and Balzac includes them in the composition of the epic. Subordinate to the Unified "Superbate" - comprehensively cover the life of a society of that time, to give an almost encyclopedic list of social types and characters - "Human Comedy" has a clearly pronounced structure and consists of three cycles, which are like three interrelated levels of social and artistic and philosophical Generalizations of phenomena.

The first cycle and the foundation of the epic is "etudes about the nravakh" - stratification of society, given through the prism of the privacy of contemporaries. These include the main part of the Romanov written by Balzac, and he introduced six thematic sections for him:

1. "Scenes of Privacy" ("Gobsek", "Colonel Shabra", "Father Gorio", "Marriage Contract", "Lunchlessness", etc.);

2. "Scenes of provincial life" ("Eugene Grande", "Planned Godisar", "Old Virgo", etc.);

3. "Scenes of the Parisian Life" ("The History of Majesty and the Fall of Caesar" Botto "," Banker's House of Nosygen "," Glitter and Poverty Kurtyzanok "," Secrets of Princess de Cadignan "," Kuzina Betta "and" Kuzen Pons "and others. );

4. "Scenes of political life" ("episode of the terror era", "Dark business", etc.);

5. "Scenes of Military Life" ("Schuans");

6. "Scenes of Rustic Life" ("Rural doctor". "Rural priest", etc.).

The second cycle in which Balzac wanted to show the reasons for phenomena, is called "philosophical etudes" and includes: "Shagreen skin", "Elementary Elementary", "Unknown masterpiece", "Looking for absolute", "Drama on the seaside", "reconciled Melm" and others. Works.

And finally, the third cycle is "analytical etudes" ("Physiology of marriage", "small adversity of married life", etc.). In it, the writer is trying to determine the philosophical foundations of human being, to disclose the laws of society's life. Such is the outer composition of the epic.

Balzac calls parts of his epic "Etudes". In those years, the term "etude" had two meanings: school exercises or scientific research. There is no doubt that the author meant is the second meaning. He behaved as a researcher with modern life, he had every reason to refer to the "Doctor of Social Sciences" and "Historik." Thus, Balzac claims that the work of the writer is akin to the work of a scientist who carefully examined the living organism of modern society from its multi-layered, which is in constant movement of the economic structure to high spheres of intellectual, scientific and political thought.

Already one list of works entered into the "human comedy" speaks of the grandee of the author's plan. "My work," Balzac wrote, "all types of people should make out all the types of people, all social status, it should embody all social shifts, so that not a single life situation, not one person, no character, male or female, Not anyone looks ... not remained forgotten. "

We have a French society model, almost creating an illusion of full-fledged reality. In all novels, the same society is drawn, similar to real France, but not quite coinciding with it, since it is his artistic embodiment. The impression of almost the historical chronicle supports the second epic plan, where the real historical faces of that era are operating: Napoleon, Talley, Louis Hush, real marshals and ministers. Together with the fictional authors, the characters corresponding to the typical character of time, they play the performance of the "human comedy".

The effect of historical authenticity of what is happening is supported by an abundance of details. Paris and provincial cities are given in a wide range of details, ranging from the features of architecture to the smallest details of the business life and life of the heroes belonging to different social layers and class. In a certain sense, the epic can serve as a benefit for a historian who has a time.

The novels of the "Human Comedy" unites not only the unity of the era, but also found by Balzak the reception of passing characters, both the main and secondary. If someone from the heroes of any novel fell ill, invite the same doctor of the Bianghon, in the case of monetary difficulties they turn to Gobseka's deporter, in the morning walk in the Boulogne Forest and in Parisian salons we meet the same faces. In general, the secondary division and the main for characters "human comedy" is quite conditional. If in one of the novels, the acting person is on the periphery of the narration, then in the other - he and his story are derived to the fore (such metamorphoses occur, for example, with gobsek and nosingen).

One of the fundamentally important artistic techniques of the author of the "Human Comedy" is openness, the flow of one novel to another. The history of one person or family is completed, but does not have the end of the overall tissue of life, it is in constant motion. Therefore, Balzac is a disconnecy of one plot becomes a stronger new or echoes the preceding novels, and through the characters create the illusion of the reliability of what is happening and emphasized the basis of the plan. It is as follows: the main character of the "human comedy" is society, so private destinies are interesting to Balzak, they are not only the details of the whole picture.

Since the epic of this type draws life in constant development, it is not fundamentally completed, and it could not be completed. That is why previously written novels (for example, "shagreen skin") could be included in the epic, which arose after their creation.

With this principle of building epic, each novel entering into it is at the same time an independent product and one of the fragments of the whole. Each novel is an autonomous artistic integer, existing within the framework of a single organism, which strengthens its expressiveness and drama of events experienced by its characters.

An innovation of such an idea and methods of its incarnation (a realistic approach to the display of reality) sharply separate the work of Balzak from its predecessors - romantics. If the latter put a single, exceptional one at the head of the corner, then the author of the "human comedy" believed that the artist should display the typical. Fasten the overall link and the meaning of phenomena. Unlike Romantics, Balzac is not looking for his ideal outside the real reality, he was the first to discovered the boiling of human passions and truly Shakespeare's drama. His Paris, inhabited by the rich and beggars, fighting for power, influence, money and just for his very life is a breathtaking picture. For private manifestations of life, ranging from an unpaid house of an apartment hostess and ending with the history of the Roshovshchka who focused his condition, Balzac is trying to see a whole picture. The general laws of life of the bourgeois society, manifested through the struggle, fate and the characters of his characters.

As a writer and artist Balzac, Balzac was almost fascinated by dramatic paintings to him, like a moralist, he could not fail to condemn those laws that opened him in the study of reality. In the "human comedy" Balzak, in addition to people, there is a mighty force, subordinating not only private, but also social life, politics, family, morality and art. And this is money. Everything can be the subject of cash transactions, everything is subject to the law of sale. They give power, influence in society, the opportunity to satisfy ambitious ideas, just burn life. Enter the elite of such a society on equal, to achieve its location in practice means the refusal of the main commandments of morality and morality. Keep clean your spiritual world clean, it means to abandon ambitious desires and prosperity.

This common for the "human comedy" is experiencing almost every Hero of the Balzakovsky "Etudes about the nravakh", almost everyone withstands the little battle with them. At the end of her either the path to the top and sold the soul to the devil, either down - on the side of public life and all the painful passions accompanying human humiliation. Thus, the products of society, the characters and fate of its members of things are not only interrelated, but also interdependent, says Balzac in the "human comedy". His characters - Rastinyak, Nusingen, Gobsek confirm this thesis.

Decent outputs are not so much - honest poverty and consolations that religion can give. True, it should be noted that in the image of the righteous balzac less convincing, rather than in cases where he explores the contradictions of human nature and the situation is not easy for its heroes of choice. Salvation sometimes become loving natives (as in the case of the boar and the boron), and the family, but also she affects the damage. In general, the family, in the "Human Comedy" plays a considerable role. Unlike romantics, which the main subject of artistic consideration was made by a person, Balzac such makes a family. With the analysis of family life, he begins to study the public organism. And with regret it is convinced that the disintegration of the family reflects the general disadvantage of life. Along with single characters in the "Human Comedy", we pass dozens of various family dramas, reflecting various options for the same tragic struggle for power and gold.


It should be noted that in the "human comedy" there was a reflection of the contradiction of the writer. Along with a deep thought about the "social engine", the laws governing the development of society, it also describes the author's monarchical program, expressed views on the social benefit of a religion, which, from his point of view, was a holistic system for the suppression of vicious man's striving and was " The greatest basis of social order. " The fascination of Balzak mystical teachings was manifested, popular in the French society of that time - especially the teachings of Swedio Swedio of Swedenborg.

With these positions, the worldview of Balzak, his sympathy for materialistic science on nature and society, his interest in scientific discoveries, passionate protection of freedomiff and enlightenment, testifying that the writer was the heir and the successor of the Great French enlighteners continued that the writer was the heir.

The "human comedy" Balzac gave two decades of tense creative life. The first romance of the cycle - "Shuana" dates back to 1829, the last - "Worn of Modern Life" in the form of notes.

From the very beginning, Balzac understood that his intention was exceptional and grand, would require many volumes. For less translating plans to life, the estimated volume of "human comedy" is increasingly growing. Already in 1844, constituting the catalog, including the written and what to write, Balzac besides 97 works, will call 56 more. After the death of the writer, studying his archive, French scientists have published the names of another 53 novels, to which you can add more than a hundred sketches, existing in the form of notes.

List of used literature

1. Foreign literature. / Ed. S. V. Turaeva. - M., 1985.

2. The history of foreign literature of the XIX century. / Ed. Dmitrieva A. S. - M., 1983.

3. The history of foreign literature of the XVIII century. European countries and the United States. / Ed. Unclee V. P. - M., 1994.

4. Creativity Balzak. / Ed. B. G. Reismov. - L., 1939.

5. Onor Balzac. / Ed. D. D. Oblomiyevsky. - M., 1967.

6. Inhuman comedy. / Ed. A. Versame. - M., 1967.

7. The history of foreign literature of the XIX century. - M., 1982.

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