Federal Law "On Heat supply in the Russian Federation. Organizational control structure of thermal networks

Federal Law
Federal Law "On Heat supply in the Russian Federation. Organizational control structure of thermal networks
  • · Generation and water-chemical mode.
  • · Transportation and distribution of thermal energy to consumers.
  • · Additional services.
  • · Development.

There are also processes that provide basic activities.

  • · Repair and elimination of emergency damage.
  • · Technical support of the main activity (procurement, transport, operation of buildings, etc.).
  • · Organizational support of the main activity (Economic services, personnel, staff training, licenses).
  • · Coordination of business processes (development of performance indicators, control of their dynamics, analysis, comparison of territorial units, corporate policies, etc.).

Consider the main processes in more detail.

Generation and water-chemical mode. Purpose: Production of coolant with regulatory quality parameters.

According to Russian antimonopoly legislation, thermal energy production does not apply to monopoly species.

Ensuring the competition of heat sources, even with their fully completely thermal networks of sufficient diameter, is fully impossible. Firstly, this market will be an oligopoly, which is possible either a conspiracy of oligopolists, or the complete absorption of them one is the strongest. Secondly, the total drops of networks does not cancel the economic calculations on which the long-distance heat transport is more expensive to the neighbor; Small flux velocities in pipelines characterize the inefficiency of thermal networks due to large specific heat loss and high cost; The content of excessive reserve capacity on heat sources.

At the same time, elements of competition, rivalry between the owners of various heat sources operating on a large thermal network are almost always possible by switching part of the loads within economic feasibility.

The task of the business process is to ensure the competitiveness of its sources of thermal energy in relation to the stranger existing today, or built again.

To effectively build a business process, it is necessary to clearly represent the existing state of affairs, for this you need to carry out:

  • · Analysis of the current state
  • · Management analysis
  • · Analysis of development dynamics

Analysis of the current state itself consists of stages.

Step number 1.It is required to assess how technically sources are perfect, and whether they can provide high-quality and reliable heat supply.

Step number 2. It is required to assess how economically an existing technical system is effective, i.e. What part in it make up unnecessary costs.

To do this, it is possible to apply the following method: to build an "ideal model", even if you are unattainable in reality. For example, the performance indicators of the installed equipment correspond to passport data, the minimum possible specific costs of fuel and water reagents are observed, for the CHP, loading on thermal consumption maximum, etc. The costs of the ideal model are calculated, and all other enterprise costs are excess. Thus, it is checked as far as the existing system corresponds to the perfect image.

Step number 3. Assessment of actions that can lead to improving this system.

Take a set, first of all technical solutions that allow you to improve the existing system, for example: reducing the specific fuel consumption, optimization of the sources load, connect the load to the CHP and the translation of non-economic boilers in the peak mode, the superstructure of boiler electrical generation, etc.

Step number 4. Featuring the options for improvements and taking into account that some of them intersecting (there is no point in investing considerable means in the modernization of the boiler room, if it is displayed in the reserve), it is possible to calculate the economic efficiency of the phased implementation of each option, and eventually come to the point of efficiency for each action and build a real Model achievable in the foreseeable future.

Step number 5. Management analysis. To find out why the necessary actions are not fulfilled on improving the system and reduce costs.

Structural analysis of the enterprise shows, whether there is a division in the enterprise responsible for the implementation of the activities necessary to achieve the goals. If these functions are distributed across multiple units, there is an effective system of their interaction, control parameters, personal responsibility for non-compliance.

Analysis of incentives reveals the degree of motivation of linear and managerial personnel.

At this stage, the dynamics of the company's development in all the analyzed parameters for the maximum possible period of time is estimated. Possible criteria: Specific fuel consumption and its relationship to regulatory, equipment wear, failure indicators, energy generation for 1 person. Personnel, quality preparation, ratio of the installed source power to attached contractual load, etc.

Transport and heat distribution. This is the main business process, its essence is not just the transfer of goods, because The consumer enters the coolant with completely different parameters (not as on heat source), i.e. Another product. Transport and distribution of thermal energy, in fact, and are heat supply, i.e. The production process that requires the necessary parameters of the quality of the coolant in the building of consumers.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Natural Monopolies" services for the transmission of heat energy, i.e. Operation of heat networks are related to the sphere of activity of natural monopolies.

This business process should be completed by the market interaction with the consumer.

Sales is not just a payment for goods, but an integral part of the heat supply process. Billling function (i.e. money collection, calculation automation) can be highlighted in a separate providing process. But the interaction with the buyer, the reaction to its problems, the satisfaction of its needs in high-quality and reliable heat supply is the logical end of the business process of transporting thermal energy.

The work of the entire heat supply organization should be built from the consumer. The consumer must communicate and build a contractual relationship between the Organization, not only chargeting the fee for the goods, but also have technical and organizational opportunities to ensure the quality of this product.

To effectively build a business process, it is necessary to clearly present the existing state of affairs, for this it is necessary to conduct a phased analysis of activities similar to the above, relative to the generation.

Recaped improvements can be ranked on the necessary volumes of investment.

  • · Malotatrate, i.e. do not require any significant funds. This is, first of all, the real advanced training of personnel and the creation of incentives for him aimed at performing the objectives of the process.
  • · Exercised due to everyday activity. For example, control of the actual loss of heat and coolant, and the adoption of measures to reduce them.
  • · Exercised through the development of the system (these events are better to carry out jointly with the organization's development services). You can, for example, to carry out the repair company for the smoothing of heat networks, calculated for 5 years, for 1 year, taking a loan and using the funds to repay it, which are laid for repairs in the tariff in subsequent years (the loan is almost interest, because tariff annually rises within no less than inflation in the country). At the same time there will be an additional income due to the absence of accidents, reduce the losses of heat-visual and heat loss, reducing staff, etc.

Connecting new consumers reduces specific costs and allows you to concentrate funds to perform serious programs, for example, transfer to the closed heat supply scheme, the transition to individual thermal points, etc.

When selecting modernization options, it is absolutely necessary to use super-modern technologies. Advertising often affects the choice of this or that technical solution, but it is necessary to soberly assess the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed goods and technologies.

When evaluating the dynamics of development, it is necessary to use the following criteria.

  • · Specific fitting per unit connected power.
  • · Specific thermal loss through insulation.
  • · Market share.
  • · The proportion of developers connected to the CT.
  • · The ratio of the Tariff on the CT and the cost of local heat supply.

Providing additional services Customers (for individual contracts). The criterion for the success of attracting a private sector to centralized heat supply (CT) is considered to improve system customer service management.

The main goal of the work in this area is to increase the competitiveness of centralized heat supply.

The heat supply company can provide services.

  • · Maintenance of thermal items located on the balance of consumers.
  • · Service of internal water supply systems, heating and ventilation.
  • · Service, repair and installation of metering devices.
  • · Operation of heat networks located on the balance of other organizations, including crimping, elimination of breaks, adjustment (possibly under service contracts, concession, lease, etc.).

In this case, the "ideal model" - the consumer has no complaints, and there will be no cessation of heat supply activities due to problems in the internal systems of buildings heating, which will ensure an increase in the competitiveness of centralized heat supply.

Development. The development process is daily activities, and not just long-term plans. The purpose of this business process is the continuous improvement of the existing system, which allows you to expand the business, increase capitalization and profits.

Reduced costs and connecting new consumers - one of the main tasks. heat supply repair resource consumer

Development service functions.

| Joining developers (including active search for new customers):

  • · Issuance of technical conditions;
  • · Acceptance of the created property for balance;
  • · Charging charge charges (210-ФЗ) and using it to expand the CT system.

| Attach the previously disconnected.

| Development at the expense of internal resources (system improvement).

| A comprehensive assessment of action to improve.

| Participation in the budget process of construction of heat supply facilities.

| Interaction with investors.

| Joint with administrations Development of comprehensive development programs for heat supply systems.

A few words about development at the expense of internal resources. Each heat supply company has reserves to reduce costs. There must be permanent work on cost reduction.

Costs can be divided into components: leakage costs, heat loss, operating, personnel costs (while the cost of the maintenance of people eliminating leaks can be attributed to the leaks themselves).

You can also divide the costs geographically, which allows you to make interesting conclusions. For example, if you calculate the cost of the maintenance of each CTP and allocate thermal points with the highest specific costs, it will certainly be economically beneficial to replace them immediately by turning on individual thermal points. Such a transition is fundamentally beneficial for the heat supply organization. The maintenance of the CTP requires significant funds, there is a complete transformation of heat, and it occurs in the heat supply system, i.e. CTP costs can not be paid at the expense of the building owner, unlike the ITP, which is the regulatory system in the house.

In the same way, you can calculate each heating industry. And allocate those that are economically beneficial to replace, which is especially relevant in the presence of accounting devices in the consumer, which make it possible to determine the actual transport losses.

It is useful to conduct an express analysis of the dependence of the heat transport efficiency from the remoteness of consumers (see "NT" No. 6 (70), 2006, p. 36-38, V.G. Semenov, R.N.Ronenov "Express analysis of the dependence of transport efficiency Heat from the remoteness of consumers. "Ed. Ed.).

One of the most effective ways to reduce costs is to stimulate his own personnel.

Another enterprise for business needs to establish partnerships with the external environment, primarily with the local administration.

The administration can ensure the solution of many organizational moments. For example, to organize the work on the zoning of the city, i.e. determine the area of \u200b\u200bpreferential development of a centralized heat supply system where it is economically beneficial (next to the source and existing communism

katsimi), and the zones of individual heat supply. In these zones, the administration stimulates the corresponding development of a particular type of heating. The administration links plans for the development of settlements, fuel-cells, power supply and energy saving.

The administration can organize the work on the redistribution of the load between different sources, with the output to the reserve and disconnecting ineffective. First of all, it concerns boilers working in the CHP area.

The administration may contribute to the unification of thermal assets in one organization, which leads, firstly, to a decrease in total costs, and more importantly, it creates the possibility of a heat supply organization to influence the modes of all consumers connected to the system, and ensure quality for all (hydraulic mode is provided Sources and pumping stations, as well as largely determined by the heat consumption modes). When combining trunk and laying networks, the heat supply organization has a real possibility of impact on each consumer in the interests of all.

When working with the administration, it is also necessary to use that their posts are public and elected, respectively, the heads of local authorities are responsible for voters. Projects to improve heat supply for consumers (voters) are politically very beneficial.

In the current legal field to make development plans without local authorities almost unpromising. All formalities should be met for the creation of joint working groups, the logging of intermediate results, etc.

The same applies to the energy commissions, they are interested in the funds laid down in the tariffs walked to development.

The development process must be made public, showing the society that money is needed to achieve greater efficiency of the company's activities in the interests of consumers, and confirms these criteria and specific examples (each local boiler room, built for the "rich" residential building, is a blow to the socialist, because . Revenues not received in the CT system are compensated by the payments of the population of the rest of the buildings).

A system of relationships with municipal enterprises or based on their basis joint-stock companies, which own and exploit laying thermal networks and central thermal items should be operated.

Of course, ideally united in one organization of all thermal networks - and for this you need to take maximum efforts. This combination process goes around the country with increasing rates. But even if the union did not happen, it is necessary to establish a competent system of relationships. Having adopted, for example, as a basis of the system, when the heating network under the contract carries out the transportation of heat, without entering into relations with the consumer.

The MUUs have no enviable position, on the one hand, consumers are dissatisfied with them, which they cannot provide the regime (do not own trunk networks), with another heat supply organization threatens fines for non-compliance with the heat consumption mode (for example, overestimation of reverse network water temperature). At the same time, the director is subordinate to the Head of Administration, and cannot make a claim for not listed on the money on payment of subsidies, the objects of the budget sector, etc. The translation of these organizations in the form of heat lights may be beneficial to all. This task is solved in different ways in various cities, for example, in Yaroslavl, Omsk, etc.

Only if there are many central thermal points connected on an independent scheme in the system, and most of them are equipped with accounting devices, the existence of two separate heat supply enterprises is possible, since In thermal points there is a significant transformation of modes.

Repair and emergency services. This is a separate auxiliary business process, the result of which is the repaired thermal network, the heat item, the camera or other equipment. This is exactly an auxiliary function, although the situation is such that in many enterprises the main forces are thrown on to maintain thermal networks in normal condition, and repairs are perceived on a par with the main activity of the equipment.

The result of this business process should be raising the resource and prevention of accidents.

There must be incentives and criteria for staff. Today's emergency service task: come, spread, patch, fall asleep, leave. The introduction of only one criterion for evaluating activities is the absence of repeated leans, immediately changes the situation (ruptures occur in places the most dangerous combination of corrosion factors and to replaced local areas of the heating system should be placed in part of protection against corrosion). Immediately there will be diagnostic equipment, an understanding will appear that if this heating industry is flooded, it is necessary to dry it, and if the pipe is rotten, then they will be the first to prove that it must be changed.

You can create a system in which the thermal network on which the gap occurred will be considered as if "patient" and come for treatment in the repair service as a hospital. After "treatment", it will return to the operating service with a restored resource.

The first thing that was done in the heat supply enterprises of the former CEV countries and the Baltic States after the transition to market relations was drained by the channels of all thermal networks. Of all possible technical measures to reduce costs, this has been the most cost-effective.

It is necessary to drastically improve the quality of the replacement of thermal networks due to:

  • · Preliminary examination of the shifted plot in order to determine the causes of inconsider the regulatory life and preparation of a qualitative technical task for design;
  • · Mandatory development of overhaul projects with a substantiation of the projected service life;
  • · Independent instrument testing of the quality of heat network laying;
  • · Introduce the personal responsibility of officials for the quality of the gasket.

The technical problem of ensuring the regulatory service life of thermal networks was solved in the 50s of the XX century. Due to the use of thick-walled pipes and high quality construction work, first of all, anti-corrosion protection. Now a set of technical means is much wider.

With socialism, technical policy was determined by the priority of reducing capital investments. At lower costs, it was necessary to ensure the maximum production increase so that this increase compensates for further repair costs. In today's situation, this approach is not applicable. Under normal economic conditions, the owner cannot afford to lay networks with a service life of 10-12 years, it is ruined for him. Especially it is unacceptable when the population of the city becomes the main payer.

Priorities in the expenditure of funds should be changed, most of which is spent today to replace the sections of heat networks, for which there were pipe breaks during operation or summer crimping, to prevent the formation of breaks by controlling the corrosion rate of pipes and take measures to reduce it.

Improving the resource of existing thermal networks is possible by:

  • · Monitoring the corrosion state of thermal networks with the detection of the degree of impact of corrosion factors (flooding, wandering currents, hydrowards);
  • · Economic substantiation of the blast or local repair;
  • · Justifications of the need to reduce the influence of harmful factors by draining channels, electrochemical protection, ventilation of channels, anti-corrosion protection of equipment in accessible places, protection against hydrowarders;
  • · Enhance the quality of the quality of the anti-corrosion protection of replaced pieces of pipes with local repair or eliminating the accident to the level of the new gasket adopted during the new gasket, because This replacement occurs in the most corrosive places. The selection of the length of the replaceable pipes according to the data instrument control of the thickness (at least 80% of the original thickness). Filling the formulation for each place of opening of the heating main;
  • · Expansion of experience in anti-corrosion protection of equipment in active chambers of thermal networks.


Mironov, Ivan Olegovich

Academic School:

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Place of protection dissertation:

Vac Special Feature Code:


Economy and national economy management (by industry and fields of activity, including: Economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; Innovation management; Regional Economics; Logistics; Labor Economy; Economics of Population and Demography; Environmental Economics; Economic Economics ; marketing; management; pricing; economic security; standardization and product quality management; land management; recreation and tourism)

Number of prints:

I. Problems and objectives of the development of heat supply organizations in market conditions.

1.1. The main stages and results of the reform of housing and communal services.

1.2. Ways to solve problems of reforming housing and communal services in the works of leading institutions and works of scientists and specialists.

1.3. Existing heat management problems and evaluation of development priority development.

II. Diagnostics of functioning heat supply organizations.

2.1. Study of contractual relations and regulatory framework governing housing and communal services.

2.2. Analysis of the state of heat supply systems and their impact on the financial and economic indicators of the work of heat supply organizations.

2.3. Analysis of the current system of formation and setting tariffs for thermal energy.

III. Transformation of the heat supply process in financial and legally self-sufficient business.

3.1. Formation of a unified system of contractual relations of authorities, business and consumers in the context of the reform of local self-government and public-private partnership.

3.2. Development of a complex of measures to improve heat efficiency, by upgrading its production and technical assets, economic and legal support.

3.3. Financial aspects of management of heat supply organizations.

The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) On the topic "Improving the organization and management of the activities of municipal heat supply organizations"

The relevance of the topic of research is due to the need for new management decisions in the field of heat supply caused by reforms. The heat supply system, being a life-supporting industry, is predetermined by the relevance of the chosen topic. The development of this industry in a decisive extent determines the comfortable living conditions of the entire population of the country, organizations of the socio-cultural sphere and the normal functioning of the industry.

The crisis state of heat and power economy, low reliability, the irrational use of material, labor and financial resources is largely due to the orientation on exclusively operational activities, lack of entrepreneurial incentives, the organization of financing "from the fact", the lack of competition and the slow development of market relations in the housing and communal services. In this regard, the urgent need to improve the management of the heat supply system, providing the balance of interests of consumers of services and organizations of heat and energy economy, the availability of these services for consumers and the effective functioning of these organizations.

The introduction of market, first of all, competitive relations to heat supply organizations provides for accounting for objective features of the regulated monopolized Markets that will allow for reasonable time to obtain the quality and reliability of heat supply services to standards comparable to adopted in economically developed countries.

Stimulating the investment activity of heat supply organizations should be supported by the formation of a real market environment in this sector of the economy. Market transformations should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the monopolized market requiring the regulatory role of the authorities. It is necessary to take into account I. guaranteed Accessibility for all residents of the regions to heating and hot water supply as a life support system.

The multi-term problem accumulated in the field of housing and utilities services requires management of their decision. An objective assessment of the priority of the development of thermal power industry to the level corresponding to the development of the economy of each region to perspective, as well as the definition of solutions and sources of financing.

It must be borne in mind that the dynamics of the economy city-forming The base of the region should determine the dynamics of the incomes of the population, which, in turn, determines the dynamics solvency Population when paying utilities and is a key factor in demand.

The target parameters of the development of heat supply organizations in municipalities should determine the requirements for capacity and engineering communications, as well as requirements for the volume of replacement, modernization and reconstruction of fixed assets to achieve the quality, reliability and resource efficiency parameters, forming the investment needs of the territory.

As a result, management decisions should ensure the balance of investment needs and the possibilities of municipalities, determine the scale of replacement, modernization and reconstruction of fixed assets and the volume of construction of new capacities and engineering infrastructure facilities.

Target parameters * integrated development management heat supply Organizations is to improve the quality and reliability of service. At the same time, this should not lead to an increase in tariffs and allowed to them by more than 15-20% per year, so as not to cause social tensions. This is also provided for by the current legislation on the limit indexes of increasing payments of the population.

Tariffs for housing and communal services should correspond to their real value, i.e. reflect balanced With the financial capabilities of the quality of service, which requires a change in finance management.

The need for fundamental change in the functions of the management entities, the mechanisms of their interaction and determined the choice of the topic of the dissertation research.

Thus, the relevance of the topic of study is caused by the acute necessity of improving efficiency life-support Industries, which is possible only with a comprehensive solution of a number of managerial tasks.

The purpose of this work is to develop methodological foundations and practical recommendations for managing the activities of municipal heat supply organizations during the reform period. To solve this purpose, the following tasks were made and solved:

The results of the implementation of the goals and objectives formulated in the basic regulatory documents relating to the reform of housing and communal services are summarized;

An analysis of the reasons affecting the crisis state heat supply industry, and based on its basis is the main management decisions to achieve the objectives of reforming heat supply organizations supplied in the program documents;

The existing methods of management of utility enterprises were analyzed, positive and negative points were identified, which were taken into account when developing management decisions;

Conditions of creating a market oriented management system heat supply organizations provided by the regulations of legal relations of government and business entities;

The principles of radical change in the financing system and tariff policy with orientation on the methods of a market economy are formulated and economically substantiated;

The rules and procedures for the formation of tariffs for heat supply services, balanced with solvency consumers and tasks to improve the quality of services;

The rational ratio of funding sources (payment of consumer and budget payments) is determined, the redistribution of the financial burden on the budget in favor of investment costs.

The object of study of this work is municipal heat supply organizations.

The main scientific idea is to develop the methodological foundations of managing the activities of municipal heat supply organizations, in order to turn them into a profitable business, based on the relationship between public-private partnership, including, achieving the quality, reliability and resource efficiency of heat supply services.

As a subject of research, there are contractual and economic and economic relations arising in the production process, transportation and heat consumption.

The state of scientific developing problems. Currently, leading organizations are engaged in the problems of reforming housing and communal services: while the dissertation existed during the preparation of the dissertation RAO "ES of Russia", JSC " Institute of Economics LCA", COMPANY " Roskommunenergo", Foundation" Institute of the City "and a number of others. These organizations, with the participation of Rosstroy Russia, are being developed by regulatory and legal documents in the field of housing and communal services, allowing market methods of management and management in the industry.

Many questions from reforming housing and communal services, in particular, restructuring Costs, formation of tariffs for utilities, limit tariff indices, technical measures to improve the resource efficiency of the production of services, etc. - Well, in the works of scientists: Sivaeva S.B., Kosarieva N. B., Bychkovsky I.V., Mintz I.G., Malikova I.P. and etc.

Nevertheless, despite the enormous interest in research in this area, so far the problem of turning the heat supply industry in self-sufficient and self-financing business. At the same time, the issues of improving the management system, requiring an immediate decision, are not enough.

The theoretical and methodological basis for the formulation and study of the topic considered in the dissertation study was legislative and regulatory documents of the federal, regional and industry levels, statistical authorities, actual materials characterizing various aspects of the functioning of housing and communal organizations, including heat supply, in the period reforming housing and communal services, works of scientists and specialists, sectoral and specialized institutions in the field of management, economics and pricing housing and communal services.

For the analysis of the existing state of heat supply organizations, energy surveys of objects, small energy, auditing of production and economic activities of enterprises of the industry in various regions of the country, examinations of tariffs for heating and hot water services, as well as the statistical data of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, municipalities and economic entities are used. The dissertations found a reflection of the results of research work performed by the author and with his participation.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation work is to develop and substantiate a number of theoretical and methodological provisions and a list of 3 1 g

Considered and substantiates the need to reform not individual areas, and the entire management system for heat supply organizations includes institutional, Administrative and economic, financial and pricing aspects. Based on a comprehensive, systemic study of the reasons affecting the crisis state of work of heat supply organizations, and existing methods for managing housing and communal services, it is concluded that it is necessary to develop new management mechanisms taking into account market transformations in the country's economy;

A two-level system has been developed institutional transformations to take into account the interests of all the subjects involved in the process of heat supply: property owners (municipalities) business entities ( heat supply Organizations), management (management company), consumers (population, industry, etc.). The implementation of this management system will ensure the creation of organizational and legal prerequisites for improving the reliability of the life support and quality of life, thus determining the necessary conditions "for the sustainability of the heat supply industry;

To improve the efficiency of thermal energy production, methods for managing the effectiveness of production funds of heat supply organizations, which consist in balanced The required level of reliability and resource efficiency of equipment and structures, which can be carried out in three directions: replacement of worn out networks and equipment; Modernization and reconstruction of existing fixed assets; New construction of heat supply facilities. At the same time, the results of work carried out on modernization on system characteristics of heat supply facilities as a whole, and their relationship with the needs of financial resources is established;

The methods of finance management are identified, which consist in building effective property legal relations, creating a system of competitive access to the maintenance of the infrastructure property complex through a municipal order system for business entities of all forms of ownership;

The provision that attracting private businesses to the heat supply industry is constrained by the presence of a number of negative factors that can be compensated by a number of managerial solutions. In particular, a mechanism for compensation (reduction) of basic risks, which restrain the attraction of investments in a communal complex;

Offered management system pricing, based on the achievement of an objective level of equilibrium price of demand and suggestions. At the same time, demand is determined by the volume and quality of services confirmed by the possibilities of the budget of the municipality and income of the middle family. And the proposal characterizes the value of the tariff * ensuring reimbursement of the cost of a communal organization to extended reproduction With the required amount of services and quality of service.

The theoretical and practical significance of the dissertation study is that a comprehensive systemic study conducted in the dissertation has been brought to the development of specific proposals for improving the control system for the activity of heat supply organizations.

The main provisions and results of the study presented in the thesis can be used by the management structures of the federal, regional and local level when reforming heat supply companies in financial and legally self-sufficient business.

Separate work provisions can be used in the educational process when reading courses " Enterprise economy", As well as in the process of improving the qualifications of state and municipal employees.

Approbation of work and implementation of research results. The main provisions of the dissertation study were reported at the conferences of the Moscow City Pedagogical University in 2007-2008, at scientific seminars OJSC " Institute of Economics LCA", As well as in the programs of the integrated development of housing and communal services of the Kirov and Yaroslavl regions.

The logic and structure of the work are determined by the goal and objectives of the study. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion and bibliographic list of used literature. The total amount of the thesis is 148 pages, 5 drawings, 4 tables.

Conclusion of dissertation on the topic "Economics and management of the national economy (by industry and areas of activity, including: economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; management of innovation; regional economy; logistics; labor economics; economy of population and demography; environmental economics ; Entrepreneurship economics; marketing; management; pricing; economic security; standardization and product quality management; land management; recreation and tourism) ", Mironov, Ivan Olegovich


Creating effective management mechanisms heat supply Organizations and its infrastructure can be achieved by determining the functions of the owner of the main funds and delegate them on a competitive basis of real estate management functions by specialized organizations - managers. The basis for building an effective control system for heat supply should be a rational separation of functions between the owners of heat networks and equipment (or organizations Commissioners to speak on behalf of the owner), managers and business entities.

The distinction of the functions of ownership, management and management is the basis for the formation of contractual relations and the transition to the competitive selection of managers and business organizations.

The effective system of contractual relationship provides both economic interest In the effective management of heat supply organizations, it is also creating conditions for monitoring the volume and quality of services provided and the work performed.

In the process of working out the scheme institutional Construction of the heat supply system of the municipality must be tested and choose the implementation paths in the following areas:

1. Formation and use of municipal order as the main tool for the implementation of power functions of local government regulation monopolized The service market on which the business entities of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership are operating.

2. Formation of the system of interaction between the municipal customer of housing and communal services and organs of heat supply on the basis of an interconnected system of contractual relations in the market of housing and communal services.

3. Development and implementation of property relations, adequate to the conditions of the market and economy, in particular, on the basis of the contract "Rental remaining in: municipal ownership of infrastructure facilities using rent for improvements (equivalent of concession agreements in our legal space).

41 Transformation of municipal unitary enterprises, their incorporation with the leaving of engineering infrastructure facilities in municipal property.

5. Elimination of * direct interference of local government bodies in the operational activities of public organizations, making decisions on planning current manufacturing and financial activities, the use of personnel; Conclusion of contracts with suppliers\u003e, etc.

6. Transformation of utility enterprises in a profitable business, debt elimination, reduce budget requirements for the current functioning (subsidies) in favor of investments, raising resource efficiency and; development. Development of interaction schemes with the management company that takes over the risk of non-payment and return of investments and interested In saving costs.

7. Real participation of the management company in public utilities and increasing responsibility for the formation of a reasonable tariff policy based on estimates solvency consumers and budgets.

8. Creation of a clear system for collecting payments, their "splitting" and settlements with all counterparties, which reduces the growth of receivables and payables and increases the attractiveness heat supply Organizations for investment.

9. Creating a system of real financial guarantees with the participation of municipality, management company, utility joint-stock, societies for investors.

As the mechanism of management changes in heat supply The sphere, the transition from the Dotational ™ to market funding, should occur as a decrease in the share of budget financing and restructuring the areas of its use in favor of investment costs to finance the quality of heat supply services.

Increasing the financial stability of heat supply organizations, along with the liquidation of consumer debt, requires measures to prevent enterprise losses due to poor planning and financial discipline.

The strategic objective is the development and approval of the mechanism to substantiate the minimum permissible level; financing (including budget) heat supply organizations. In the conditions ", economic uncertainty Enterprises cannot independently determine the strategy. Minor experience in the practice of private business entry into the heat supply sector related factors causing low credit heat supply organizations, and as a result, reducing it attractiveness For an investor.

It is necessary to introduce a mechanism for compensation (reduction) of basic risks that restrain the involvement of investments in the heat supply industry.

Regulation of municipal enterprises from local government bodies under current legislation leads to the so-called " rISKS OF REGULATION" These risks, in particular, arise through the contract of the head of the enterprise with the head of the municipality and control over its activities, which allows interference with the economic activities of enterprises and causes the dependence of unitary utilities from the local government in making decisions on planning, financing and organizing investment activities, investment and financial policies.

In addition, the municipal unitary enterprise on the one hand, being a commercial organization, aimed at making a profit, on the other - the property that it owns belongs to him in a limited real law (economic management). This right was introduced into civil law to solve problems providing municipal needs, which assumed complete financial support from the owner - municipality. However, the municipality, as the owner of the property, is not able to bear the burden of responsibility for the property belonging to it.

That is why to accelerate the entry of business in the sphere of heat supply, it is necessary to ensure the transformation of utilities to joint-stock companies, the transfer of property to lease with the right to make improvements, while maintaining the right to form and use the rent corresponding to depreciation, repair fund and profits on capitalization.

Acting system pricingbased on extrapolation of actual costs should be reoriented On motivated planning by finding a compromise between the objective financial needs of heat supply organizations, to provide the required contracts for the provision of quality and reliability of maintenance, real solvency of consumers and the possibilities of the budget of the municipality.

The planning of financial support of heat supply organizations should be based on the assessment of the financial needs of this sector, as well as consumer opportunities, taking into account solvency and budget for payment for the services of the required quality. The reform of the housing and utilities system is aimed at gradual refusal to subscribe to the industry. The trend of reducing the need for subsidies as the population's payments grows is implemented by the federal level by regulatory documents.

As a result of the optimization of the tariff policy, restructuring Costs, transition to rental payments-investments The share of own funds of enterprises in financing heat supply organizations should gradually increase.

The solution to the problem of eliminating receivables and payables is to implement the complex of operational anti-crisis measures and the preparation of radical strategic transformations in the management of the entire system of financing and pricing of heat supply organizations. The assessment of the financial condition of heat supply organizations allows us to draw conclusions that the solution of financial stabilization problems requires:

Conducting continuous monitoring, restructuring and partial write-off of overdue debts (operational anti-crisis measures);

Prevention accumulation debt (strategic improvement of the financing system).

To prepare and conduct measures to eliminate payables and receivables of past years, it is necessary:

Spend on each heat supply Enterprise inventory inventory of accumulated receivables and payables

127 debt, identify specific amounts of current, overdue and hopeless (that is, the one that cannot be claimed) of debt on all counterparties of enterprises. According to the results of the clarifying-inventory, it is necessary to compile acts of reconciliation, negotiate with creditors, agree on debt repayment schedules (technology and sources of repayment are determined by federal legislation). The budget requires covering accumulated hopeless debts of the population, debts of the budget itself and budget-funded organizations;

Determine the sources of repayment of debt obligations of heat supply enterprises:

Recognize budget debts and budget-funded * organizations to make a schedule of their repayment;

Evaluate the hopeless debt of the population, to analyze the possibility of its decline by increasing the collection of payments to 95-97%, as well as liquidation - through the preventive inclusion of losses in the amount of losses in the amount of 2-3% of the failure of the payments of families - "Marginals" (which corresponds to generally accepted international practice ).

It is necessary to widely apply the mechanism of elimination and preventing receivables through the creation of a reserve included in the profit; directed to capitalization.

This should change the accounting system in heat supply organizations in order to conduct separate accounting of current, overdue and hopeless debts. First of all, it should be solved by the debt of the population. To this end, the functional software package of calculations with tenants A block must be included, which ensures the accounting of the population's debt in terms of its education.

Under the incorporation of utilities and the creation of corporate organizations, a prerequisite is the inclusion of the division of debts with obligations budget and enterprises.

To carry out the work on the restructuring "debt, it is advisable to create a commission, the main function of which should be the implementation of control over the control of the heat supply organizations of adopted debt restructuring obligations and the fulfillment of the financial recovery plan.

During control; The Commission must collect, and analyze information on the implementation of the heat supply organizations planned for the relevant period of activities provided for by obligations to creditors, preventing the re-occurrence of debt.

The increase in population collection is also one of the factors "stimulating investment attracting. From this point of view, it should be noted that the level of payments of the population must reach 9598% (regardless of the level of tariffs) - when using modern methods for organizing their collection through the settlement and cash register Centre.

This ensures the social effect, which consists in the fact that centralized Calculations for all types of services allow us to ensure the principle of "one window" for the population. Interest In cooperation with the RCC, economic entities should be facilitated by the technology of operational proportional distribution ("splitting") of collected funds between service providers.

In order to reduce the non-payment, a mechanism for stimulating the increase in the level of payment collection in the framework of the RCC treaty with a heat supply company should be implemented.

The settlement and cash center can perform another feature - to be a guarantor of the stability of financial flows of heat supply organizations. RCCs as an organization that has sufficiently high account revisions is a promising borrower of funds in the framework of short-term loans, and, in turn, can provide funds heat supply Enterprises as advances on consumer payments (as a commercial loan).

Such a financing scheme allows military enterprises to carry out planned repairs in a timely manner (regardless of the payment schedule), which will significantly reduce the need for the liquidation of accidents, as well as in the framework of the implementation of investment projects to obtain additional working capital on current activities. The commercial loan received by enterprises is interest-free, payment of services of the RCC is formed as a percentage of collected payments; Taking into account possible interest payments - on credit banks.

An integral part of finance management is the optimization of tariff policy. Utility tariffs must reflect the cost of services, balanced According to the quality of service quality (with the relevant operational and investment costs) and the financial capabilities of the settlement (solvency and budget potential). This is a fundamental innovation that requires a radical change in pricing technology in accordance with the current regulatory framework.

The main directions of improving pricing in the conditions of reforming housing and communal services are:

Reflection in the tariff of the real cost of the service - objectively necessary current expenses and investment costs corresponding to the real solvency of the territory;

Legal regulation at the level of the municipality and development of enterprises and regulatory bodies of the technology of calculating the maximum permissible for solvency and justified by the quality of tariff services;

Obligidity when: calculating the cost restructuring tariff - reduction? operating costs (based on the assessment of their rationality) and "an increase in investment component of tariffs (for solving, development tasks);

Formation of the investment component of the tariff based on an objective assessment of investment, needs: the necessary scale and the cost of replacing worn fixed assets, their modernization and new construction of heat supply facilities, definitions, budget financing;

Optimization of the tariff policy based on annually refined data for monitoring the real solvency of municipality (budget and population), the ability to pay for services to prevent the growth of non-payment, excessive increase in the number of subsidized families, as well as the burden on the budget for the payment of subsidies;

Correcting cost and. Profit based on the expertise of the validity of the cost of heat supply enterprises.

To make a decision on the establishment of tariffs in a number of regions of Russia, representatives of the legislative power and local governments are influenced by a fairly common view that the level of income of the population does not allow paying housing and communal services at their real value.

Economic interest in preserving the subsidization system of housing and communal services remains the main obstacle to the transition to self-financing, market methods of management. At the same time, serious studies of the real solvency of the population, the budget opportunities for the financing of current activities and development! The systems of the housing and communal complex and the assessment on this basis of the permissible level of tariffs were not carried out.

Optimization of the tariff policy is to develop tariffs corresponding to the tasks of modernization and financial recovery of heat supply organizations and non-violating rational structure consumer The budget of the middle family in various municipalities.

As a result, conditions will be created for! The transformation of heat supply companies in financial and legally self-sufficient business entities, solving objective support-municipalities with the maximum use of the investment potential of enterprises within the regulated market.

Along with this, it is proposed "an effective, mechanism for attracting private business and extrabudgetary investment in the rehabilitation projects, modernization and development of communal infrastructure, as well as the development schemes of" business sites "by incorporating" enterprises, the creation of management companies, organization of property relations based on the lease of infrastructure facilities .

With a change in the financing system of heat supply organizations, the regulatory role of local governments will change. The influence of the authorities of the municipality of the municipality as the owner of enterprises is reduced (they are incorporated), as a direct manager of funds (the main part of them is directly directly from consumers) and managing financial flows. The power functions of the local government in terms of the specificization of the goals of the enterprise, the quality of service, the tasks of development, the regulation of tariff politics, etc. are increasing. At the same time, the independence of heat supply organizations as self-sufficient business entities is increased.

References dissertation research candidate of Economic Sciences Mironov, Ivan Olegovich, 2011

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. "European Charter of Local Self-Government" (committed in Strasbourg 15.10.1985).

3. Housing Code of the Russian Federation from 29: 12.2004 No. 188-ФЗ (adopted by the State Duma of the FZ of the Russian Federation 12/22/2004).

4. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 06.10.2003 N 131-F3 "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation".

5. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2004 No. 210-ФЗ "On the basis of regulation of tariffs of organizations of a communal complex".

6. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ "On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, performance of work," Providing services for state and municipal needs. "

7. Federal, RF Law dated 14.04.1995 N 41-FZ "On the state regulation of tariffs for electrical and thermal energy in the Russian Federation". .

8. Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ, (Ed. Dated 07/18/2011) "On Heat supply"

9. Federal Law of 26.03.2003 N 35-F3 (ed. From 07/18/2011) "On electric power industry"

10. Federal Law of 14.11.2002 N 161-FZ (ed. From 19.07.2011) "On state and municipal unitary enterprises"

11. Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2007 No. 464 (ed. From 16.07 ^ 2009) "On approval of the rules for financing investment programs of organizations of a communal complex of producers of goods and services in the field of heat supply"

12. Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2001 N 675 (Ed. Dated December 31, 2005) "On the Federal Task Force" Residence "on, 2002-2010"

13. Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 23.05.2006 N 306 "On approval of the rules for establishing and determining the regulations for the consumption of utilities", the meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 29.05.2006, N22, Art. 2338.

14. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.05.2006 N 307 (Ed. Ot2107.2008) "O." order of providing utilities to citizens ", meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation; 05.06.2006; N 23, Art. 2501.

15. Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 No. 865 "On additional measures to implement the Federal Task Force" Residence "for 2002-2010." Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation. 2006. N 6. Art. 694.

16. Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of 14.12.2005 N 761 "On the provision of subsidies for the payment of residential premises and utilities".

17. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2005 N 541 "On the federal standards of payment of residential premises and utilities."

18. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.05.2005 No. 315 " On approval of a typical agreement of the social hire of residential premises»

19. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01/21/2006 No. 25 " On approval of rules for use * by residential premises»

20. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2006 No. 47 "On Approval1 of the Regulation on the recognition of premises by residential premises, residential premises unsuitable for living and apartment Houses emergency and subject to demolition "

21. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2006 No. 42 "On approval of the rules for assigning residential premises to a specialized fund and model contracts for hiring specialized residential premises",

22. Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2006 No. 75 "On the procedure for conducting the authority of the local government of an open competition for the selection of a management organization for managing apartment home "and some others.

23. Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09.06.2007 No. 360 "On approval of the rules of concluding and execution1 of public contracts on connecting to the system of communal infrastructure".

24. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28.08.2003 N 1234-P (ed. From 15.06.2009) "On the energy strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020", the meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 08.09.2003, N 36, Art. 3531.

25. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 13, 2009 N 1715-p "On the energy strategy of Russia for the period up to 2030"

26. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.12.2010 N 2446-P (ed. From 18.08.2011)<Об утверждении государственной программы "Energy saving and an increase in energy efficiency for the period up to 2020 "\u003e

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What prevents and what can help make such a transition faster? We asked these questions to answer Vladimir Shelkova, General Director of OJSC "KVADRA", one of the largest Russian territorial-generating companies.

- Vladimir Vitalevich, recently it said a lot about the fact that in heat supply it is necessary to solve three main problems: change the rules for pricing to heat, solve the problem of non-payment in the industry and begin the modernization of the heating equipment. What role in solving these problems is given by a single heat supply organization (ETO) in each system of centralized heat supply? What did your company succeed in this direction? Is it time to replicate your experience in the scale of the country?

- You correctly identified the main problems in heat supply, which interfere with the industry normally develop. Their decision requires the creation of an adequate legislative environment, with understandable rules of the game for all participants in the heat supply process. Today, the reform in heat energy is actively discussed, where one of the main elements of the relationship system is a single heat supply organization (ETO), as well as the introduction of long-term tariff formation on heat according to the "alternative boiler room" method. The new market model will allow private investment in heat energy, to carry out comprehensive industry modernization and solve reliability issues.

A single heat supply organization is a main tool that will solve these problems. In fact, in warm this is an analogue of a guaranteeing supplier in electricity.

But the status of this today does not solve the problem of non-payment. I would even say, on the contrary, exacerbates, because unscrupulous intermediaries in the person of the Criminal Code and HOA remain between the consumer and resource-supplying organization. Their responsibility in the law is incommensurable with the amount of funds they manage. Therefore, it is necessary to make changes to the housing code and other subtitle acts, giving the opportunity to provide resource-supplying organizations to conduct settlements with the population directly in the status of ETO. If you do not solve the problem of non-payment in the industry, that is, the danger that all the pros of innovations will not be available and the population, and unscrupulous intermediary enterprises in the person of management companies and municipal enterprises.

- Your company has moved to direct calculations with the consumer in six areas. Is it enough to exclude intermediaries from the chain to solve the problem of non-payment? What role does a single heat supply organization (ETO) be played in this?

- Understandings of consumers for the released thermal energy are today one of the most pressing problems in heat supply. Debts in front of heat supply organizations are actually growing in geometric progression. In the whole country, the total amount of debt for heat is 273.4 billion rubles, including those generating companies more than 180 billion rubles.

The organization of direct calculations with end users is effective, although it is difficult to solve the event to solve the problem of non-payment for thermal energy. We have already created a system of direct calculations in Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk, Smolensk and Tula regions.

Yes, this is difficult process, and similar solutions are pre-widely discussed at the level of urban and regional authorities, with the participation of representatives of management companies. Our first step is a representation at the municipality level of the organization of settlements directly with the population, with the justification of the benefits of benefits. As part of this work, with the support of the municipality, we are convincing management companies to make such calculation schemes for the restoration of payment discipline. To organize work with the population, we open our own consumer centers, where residents can get the necessary information on calculations, pay for consumed energy resources, etc. Work, repeat, complicated, but necessary.

We managed to stop the growth rates of "debaters" on warmth, but problems remain. We are actively working on the return of accumulated debts. Receipt of status ETO allowed us to remove from the chain of non-payment of one of the intermediaries - mupes, but the problem is not solved to the end - between us and the consumer remained the Criminal Code and the HOA, which mostly are unscrupulous payers and their responsibility for the inappropriate use of the funds that the population pays them For heat, minimal. For consumers, the transition to direct calculations with a resource-supplying organization does not bear any risks - their money reach the company that produces heat, the amount of payment for thermal energy from the implementation of our events does not change. Moreover, direct calculations guarantee them the stability and reliability of heat supply, which is threatened by the debts of the Criminal Code and HOA.

This is a myth that debts save the population. Anyway, warm. Today, the most conscientious payers are socially unprotected segments of the population - pensioners, poor families, etc. Where we organized direct fees for the heat, the level of payment in consumers reaches 97-98 percent and higher. I will give an example. In one of the regions of our work there is an economically depressive city, but even there the population pays heat almost 100 percent.

Nevertheless, we continue to work on obtaining status of this in the regions of our company's presence. Currently, the status of ETO has been assigned to our company in Smolensk and Orel, Kursk, the application for the status is also filed in Lipetsk and Ryazan, Voronezh. As an ETO, the energy company will be responsible for the heat supply of consumers of its heat supply zone, it will be carried out to monitor thermal energy consumption modes, monitoring the implementation of the heat supply scheme, and should also provide payment discipline in calculations for thermal energy. However, as I said, without changing the legislation and expansion of authority, in terms of paying payments, the situation with debts will not change.

- If the population has the collection rate of payments, it means that non-payment does not depend on the incomes of the population and the level of tariffs. How to deal with debtors - UK and HOA?

- The system of calculations for utility payments used today is extremely opaque. In fact, it is impossible to control that the management companies spend the funds transferred to them by consumers as payment for energy resources. It is very difficult to work with debtors in the legal field: there are long terms for obtaining court decisions against debtors, there are problems with the recovery of debt. As a rule, the debtor's thermal energy obtained by the debtor was already somewhere spent. To recover debts through confiscation of property is almost impossible: housing organizations have the organizational form of an enterprise in the form of "LLC" with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles and do not have significant property. The property of the MUU is enshrined on the right of economic management - thus, the debtors are not risking anything.

The legislation in this area varies very slowly, and the debt of consumers is growing steadily. That is why the company adopted a fundamental solution - the transition to calculations with end users. To date, we see this way out of this situation. Without transition to direct calculations with a finite consumer and solving the problem of non-payments, all attempts to increase the investment attractiveness of the industry and the formation of long-term promising plans will be ineffective.

In addition, we believe that it is necessary to tighten the responsibility of management companies for non-payment of resource-supplying organizations, as well as legislatively consolidate the right of the latter to move to direct calculations with the population in the status of ETO without solving common residents of residents.

The decision on direct payment for heat and the transition to the direct form of control is not interrelated. The decision to pay directly heat supply organization owners can take without making a decision on the transition to the direct form of home management. The management companies remain many other duties for the operation and maintenance of residential buildings, except for the collection of funds for the heat that they do not produce.

In all regions of our presence, we provide support to residents of houses that make decisions on the transition to direct calculations with us. Here we help the residents in organizing a meeting on the transition to pay for the payment of a utility resource "Heating" directly by the resource-supplying organization, including providing all the necessary documentation and provide advice on any issues related to the transition to direct heat supply.

Payment discipline must be guaranteed by law, because the thermal energy is the goods for which you have to pay. It is at the expense of this money that the maintenance of power facilities is ensured. And the legislation should very hard to regulate this issue. In Western countries, this is an integral part of life - to pay first of all for utilities, and then for everything else, otherwise you can easily stay without a roof above your head.

In some regions, the amount of debt is comparable with two-three-year-old financing of the company's repair program. And this is a big threat of reliability of the heat supply system.

- The transition to tariff formation according to the "Alternative Boiler room" method is scheduled for 2016. It is expected that all the necessary regulatory documentation will be adopted until mid-2015. In your opinion, is there really the future of heat supply in Russia for the "alternative boiler room"?

- The "alternative boiler room" method implies a transparent mechanism of long-term tariffing in the heat market. The essence of the method is that a settlement minimum rate is established, allowing you to recoup the construction of a new boiler room, alternative to existing heat sources, on the place of old, ineffective.

Where the existing tariff is already higher than the tariff "alternative boiler room", it is planned that it will be frozen until the tariff of the "alternative boiler room" will not reach it. Now, in 35 percent of the regions of Russia, the tariff is lower than the tariff "alternative boiler room", in the remaining 65 percent - above. It is expected that the "alternative boiler room" will give clear price guidelines for the manufacturers of heat, business and the population and will establish an economic barrier for "kotelnization" - after all, the consumer can always buy heat at an optimal market price from existing sources.

After all heat manufacturers receive this calculated tariff, ineffective capacities will go from the market and will be substituted with cogeneration (CHP) or new alternative boilers, that is, effective power will remain. As a result, cogeneration enterprises will be sigh - the problem of "cross-subsidy" between heat and electricity will be solved, it will not be necessary to compensate for the losses from the sale of heat due to the electricity market and, accordingly, to "decide" the "tariffs" to power. The pressure on the power price will decrease, the cost of electricity for consumers will decrease. Electricity and heat markets will be balanced.

- Where does such a huge scatter of tariffs and regions between the regions? What, in your opinion, should be the pricing rules for heat to get rid of this problem? Does the "alternative boiler room" help somehow align the situation?

- Let us turn to the history of the question. In Russia, it was declared that our tariff formation method is economically reasonable costs (the "cost plus" method). In fact, we have existed to this day there is an index model. In those regions where it was originally a high tariff and, among other things, ineffective sources were subsidized from the budget, there historically the tariff continues to be high. For example, at old electric boiler houses, the tariff starts from six thousand rubles per gigacalria. Record - 20 thousand rubles. In such regions, the tariff was indexed and remained still high. Where there was no subsidy and there was no "crossroads", there the situation was further aggravated - the tariff remains significantly lower from the economically reasonable level. As a rule, it is characteristic where there were effective heat sources or centralized heat supply from large CHP: the tariff, respectively, was lower, because combined production is one of the most effective methods in terms of fuel use. This is the reason for the scattering of tariffs.

There is also the problem of tariff deficiency. Let me remind you that the cost of heat consists of four large parts - these are fuel, salary, repairs and "other expenses" (taxes, etc.). Fuel costs can not be cut - we can not pay the supplier. We can't touch the salary too: people should receive for the work performed. Taxes are holy, this is the state budget. Therefore, most often when optimizing the tariff "Cut" costs for repairs. When I say that there should be an economically reasonable tariff, it means that a sufficient amount of funds for repairs should be included in the tariff. Chronic "undersion" - this is where the trouble. We have more than 55 percent of networks with a service life for more than twenty years. This is not the worst situation - others sometimes reaches 75-80 percent.

Energy refers to the category of industrially dangerous, life-supporting objects. Balanced policy is needed in terms of pricing. Energy revenues should be sufficient to ensure safe content and timely reconstruction of these energy facilities where necessary.

- You say that warm is the goods, and not the service. But Russia is the coldest country in the world, the average annual temperature is minus 5.5 degrees. Supply of heat in the population carries, including the social function, in our country this is an unlocked resource. And yet, heat supply to a greater degree of business or social burden? Is it possible to achieve an equilibrium here?

- You are right, today the heat market in Russia is not a business, and not social activities, but something average. The industry lies high social responsibility, but the tariffs are not everywhere allow to cover costs. And even with such status, with undisputed approaches in regulation, heat supply can be an attractive sphere for investors. Perhaps profitability will not be at the level of high-yielding sectors of the economy, but it will be stable. The investor will understand that everything that he has invested in modernization, in improving business efficiency, it will return through a certain number of years.

The reform of heat supply and solutions that are being discussed today give such hope. If the tariff is "alternative boiler room", it will be possible to combine social responsibility, and investment attractiveness. Heat supply in the country with harsh climatic conditions cannot remain in its current state. The industry today is in dire need of change, and while we work, hope for changes to the better remains.

- Some businesses now leave the centralized heat supply system and create their own. Does it somehow interfere with your activities? Or let them go, and will you work more effectively with those who will remain?

- In industrial enterprises, the problem, as a rule, is not warm - they need steam. Legislation made a big step towards heat supply organizations - from January 1, it is planned to cancel the regulation of pairs of tariffs. Today, we have one of them first took advantage of this innovation - in the Lipetsk region, decisions have already been made by the local regulator and canceled from January 1, 2015. Regulation of pairs of pairs from our heat sources for industrial consumers. It remains to negotiate. Contract prices can, on the one hand, stop the departure of industrial consumers to their own heat sources, and on the other hand, return those who have already gone.

In our country, cogeneration historically developed as the most favorable and economically acquitted method of production of electricity and heat. The economic advantages of cogeneration compared with the separation production of heat and electricity are obvious. The most important of them is fuel economy, and therefore, the reduction of costs for its acquisition, which means that the cost of the cost of heat and electricity.

In addition, the feasibility of the development of heat and central heat supply was substantiated by climatic conditions. Of course, there are posses in the development of local heat sources. This can be the basis for the rapid development of newly mastered areas, opening new industries, thanks to block-modular technical solutions, easy installation and many other factors.

In each particular case, the decision on the development of cogeneration or local heat sources should be economically due and depend on the economic, geographical and social conditions of that region, where the object will work.

We also consider the development of low-power generation on their heat sources in terms of improving the efficiency of thermal energy production and reduce the cost of purchasing electricity to their own needs. One option is the ability to install on the heat sources of low-power turbines. We are working on installing turbines that will produce energy for our own needs companies on our energy facilities in Smolensk and Belgorod regions. The cost of electricity produced on these turbines is significantly lower in the market. In Lipetsk, a project is also under study for the installation of own energy sources on boiler rooms. And these are not all examples. We should not just support the functioning of the "as is" systems, but also move forward.

"It so happened that in our country the rules of the game changed all the time - today alone, tomorrow others. In the electric power industry it was already so that investors were actively attracted, and in the end, many of them were forced to leave the market. What are your forecasts and expectations regarding investment in thermal energy?

- All problems in heat supply were laid when the electricity market reformed. At the dawn of that reform, the provision of capacity was a very profitable direction of investment activities for energy companies, and for many DPM companies became a growth driver. But in the process of reforming RAO "UES" completely forgot about heat. Even the founders of the reform said that they were engaged in electricity, and the heat consciously did not consider, planning to return to this topic later. All heat solutions were then frozen and remained a certain compromise for the reform in the electric power industry.

Today, changes are called. We see that the existing state of affairs does not suit anyone - neither the state, nor investors, no consumers or the energy itself.

I am optimistic looking at the arrival of investors in the power engineering. The "alternative boiler room" method will provide clear price guidelines and long-term tariffing. But when solving the problem of non-payment. This will allow to attract the investor to the industry, because he needs clear long-term rules of the game. Investments in energy have long payback period, therefore, the cash flow must be projected. The investor must understand how and when invested funds will be returned.

Today, the "alternative boiler room" is the most transparent way to attract investment in the industry. Thanks to the understandable rules of the game, investors will receive a long-term perspective. The "alternative boiler room" can produce heat in a particular place the most effective method, and investments can pay off within ten years.

The changes occurring today in heat supply, their active discussion and the development of measures to solve existing problems at the highest level give hope to the fundamental change in the situation in the industry. It is important that compromises that will inevitably be accepted during the reform of thermal power engineers did not distort the essence of these transformations.

Organizational control structure of thermal networks

The efficiency of the energy management of an industrial enterprise is largely determined by the organizational structure of the energy service management. The management of any production and economic object is the process of preparing, adopting and implementing a management decision to achieve the goals. When managing energy production, it is necessary to take into account its features: the simultaneity and continuity of production processes, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy; the impossibility of energy storage is due to the dependence of energy generation in accordance with the change in its consumption; the impossibility of determine products and seizure it from consumption, which imposes responsibility for the energy consumption for the constant quality of energy (maintaining under certain limits of energy parameters - pressure and temperature of steam for thermal energy); the impermanence of the mode of operation of the energy production both during the year and during the day (the basis of this impermanence lie, on the one hand, natural climatic factors (temperature fluctuations, change in natural light, etc.), from other

goa side, features of the technological process of various enterprises and industries. These features of energy production determine the relevance of ensuring a sufficient level of reliability of the energy economy for the uninterruptedness of the energy supply of consumers.

Energy enterprises include: power plants, boiler rooms, enterprises of thermal and electrical networks. Transmission and distribution of thermal energy is carried out by thermal networks.

Centralized Heating Systems (SCB) are important links of the energy facilities and engineering equipment of cities and industrial areas. The reliability, quality and efficiency of the heat supply of cities has a significant impact of the organizational structure of operation of the SCR of these cities. The choice of the optimal structure is determined specifically for each city (industrial area), depending on the scope of the SCR, as well as the technical characteristics of this system. The most appropriately unified management of SCT heat sources, trunk and distribution thermal networks. For the operation of urban trunk and distribution thermal networks, specialized enterprises "Heating" are created. One of the main tasks to solve the "Heating Nights" enterprises is to organize the work of the SCR as a whole with the coordination of personnel of the sources of heat, own personnel and consumer personnel. The company "Heating" should ensure the supply of heat carriers with specified (recorded in heat supply contracts) parameters (temperature and pressures) at the borders of the section with heat consumers. In this case, heat sources should provide the controller parameters specified by the controller on output collectors, and the staff is the corresponding coolant parameters at the borders of the section with consumers. This emphasizes the important role of the Personnel of the "Heat Sale" enterprise not only in heat supply attached to the serviced network of consumers, but also an increase in the cost effectiveness of the CHP and SCR as a whole.

The organization of the work of "Heat Salet" personnel is regulated by the rules for the technical operation of electric stations and networks, safety regulations for the maintenance of heat networks, the rules of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Russian State University) and other regulatory and technical documents operating in the country's electric power complex, in communal and Industrial energy.

The organizational structure of the energy enterprise (Fig. 30.1) has five structural blocks. First block - Guide: Director with

deputy, chief engineer with substituents. The second block - personnel under the manual (at the director and deputies) - a personnel inspector, a senior engineer for labor protection and safety, etc. The third block includes functional departments: planned-economic, capital construction department, etc., fourth - production units: workshops, services, sections inside shops, jobs, and fifth - non-industrial units: housing and utilities structures, socialcultum etc.

Energy management is headed by director who leads all its activities. It is fully responsible for performing products and dispatch instructions. The director within the limits provided to him by him is disposed of by all the means and property of the enterprise, monitors and verifying the execution, manages the selection and education of personnel, is responsible for compliance with the financial, industrial and labor discipline in the enterprise, ensures the protection of property, the cost of saving and profitability of production.

The management of production and technical activities director is carried out through his deputy - the chief engineer responsible for the technical issues of exploitation of the enterprise, which organizes and manages the development and implementation of advanced production methods, and also monitors the rational use of equipment, raw materials, materials, and labor. Under the leadership of the chief engineer, equipment repair is repaired, technical studies and the preparation of engineering and technical workers of the energy enterprise.

An important task in the work of the enterprise "Heaglenic" is the analysis of the results of the enterprise's work, including accounting and analysis of damage, the development of measures to improve the operation, the use of new equipment, staff training for effective work techniques, the development of relevant regulatory documents (instructions for the operation of specific types of equipment and t. n.). These tasks solve the production and technical department.

The planning and economic department develops promising and current work plans of the TCP, monitors the progress of the planning indicators, develops measures to improve labor productivity, deals with issues of organization, rationing and wages. The logistics and transportation and transportation department provides energy enterprises with materials, tools and spare parts, amounts to applications, concludes contracts for logistics and implements them, ensures necessary transport. The department for working with frames carries out the selection of personnel,

registrations, translations and dismissal of PTS workers. Accounting is taking into account the economic activity of the power plant, monitors the correct expenditure of funds and compliance with financial discipline, as well as accounting and reporting.

Each workshop is headed by the head of the workshop, which is subordinated by the production and technical issues to the chief engineer, and according to the administrative and economic - director. The head of the workshop organizes the work of the team of the workshop to fulfill the planned tasks, disposes of the funds of the workshop, it has the right to encourage workers of the workshop and impose disciplinary recovery on them within the staff schedule, establishes the tariff discharges of the workers, has the right to hire and dismiss the workshop employees (except IER and Masters) and etc. Separate sections of the workshop are headed by masters. The master is responsible for the implementation of the plan, the arrangement and organization of labor workers, the use and safety of equipment, the expenditure of materials, the wage fund, labor protection and safety equipment, the proper standardization of labor, leads the work of brigadiers and work brigades at the energy enterprise.

The main production unit of the enterprise "Heaglece" is a network district, whose staff usually ensures the operation of heat networks and SCR from one (in rare cases of two) heat sources. Dispatcher services (DS) are created to ensure the agreed work of all SCT links. Depending on the scope of the SCT, this service may have a different structure: in relatively small systems - single-stage, and in large systems - two-stage, consisting of the Central Dispatching Point (TSD) and district dispatching points (RDP). To successfully perform their functions on dispatching points (DP), information on the parameters of the coolant in the characteristic points of the SCC should be continued: on heat sources, in pump substations, node chambers of the network, in large consumers.

For the operation of automation, communications and ACS, the organization of technological control and commercial metering of thermal energy and coolants in network areas and consumers are created by the relevant units: the automation and measurement service, the ASUP service. Their structures depend on the volume of the equipment and the organization of operation of the SCT.

In order to provide the most effective consumer spending modes for consumers, eliminate cases of wasteful use of thermal energy, as well as theft of coolants and heat, network areas can apply to state energy supervision authorities

siya Federation with suggestions and requirements take measures of administrative impact on negligent consumers in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

The operation of vehicles, machines and mechanisms are operating if this function is not centralized in AO-Energo. The company employs a large number of electrical equipment: large and small electric motors in pumping and drainage substations, nodal chambers, on GTR, in transformer and (or) distribution substations that feed pump stations, many lighting and other electrical equipment. Electrotechnical service (workshop) is created for its operation. The company should have a unit in the tasks of which include protection of equipment from corrosion, maintaining normal water-chemical modes SCT, identifying the causes of corrosion damage to heat conduits, development and implementation of jointly with network areas, other services and specialized enterprises of activities that impede corrosion processes (test service and protecting equipment). To coordinate issues related to the development of SCT, a promising development service is being created, which should work closely with AO-Energo SPR and urban services.

For the organization of new construction and reconstruction of thermal networks, the implementation of the control over these types of work in the heating system is created (if necessary) departments (groups) of capital construction (OCS). With small volumes of these works, these functions carry out other units. However, in any case, the function of monitoring the quality of construction and repair work remains very important, since it largely depends on the reliability of heat pipelines and, therefore, the reliability of the heat supply of consumers. These control functions are carried out by network regions and technical supervision groups of the heating network. All units must work consistently in accordance with the provisions on each of them to exclude duplication in work and, on the contrary, do not leave an important part of the work without responsible performers. The tasks of coordination of the work of technical services are carried out by the chief engineer, and enterprises as a whole - director.

The body largely affects the reliability and quality of the heat supply of numerous consumers of the city, so the active work of the heating network with the city services and enterprises that are responsible for the heat supply of the city, as well as with industrial consumers, which are attached to the thermal networks in this SCT, are necessary. No less important is the work of heat seafood with heat sources: CHP, boiler rooms,

points of discharge heat of industrial enterprises to coordinate their work in a technologically united SCR of the city.

Consider a realistic scheme (Fig. 30.2) of the organizational structure of heat network management (Mosgorod-Lo). The enterprise of thermal networks of Mosenergo, regardless of the territorial location of its units (structural units), functions as a single production and economic complex, which provides a combination of the interests of the development of industries and utilities, carrying out its activities on the basis of a single plan. All structural divisions of Mosenergo's TCP act on the basis of intra-producing germination and have subaccounts in Mosenergo PTS accounting.

Heat supply (ferry and hot water) by 85% is carried out by enterprises - Mossenergo PTS (CHP and Primary Magi

Fig. 30.2. Organizational PTS management structure:

PEO - Planned-Economic Department; OX - the capital construction department; Civil defense; CDS - Central Dispatch Service; ODS - operational dispatch service; PTO - production and technical department; SNSEK - service of pumping stations and electrical equipment; Cm - mechanization service; SNTB - service reliability and safety; Pro-1 - equipment repair shop; PRO-2 - mechanical workshop; ABC - emergency restoration service; PCT - the area of \u200b\u200bthermal networks; SRZIS - service for the repair of buildings and structures; OMTS - the department of logistics; Cat - Motor Transport Service

country networks from them); IHP Mosteploenergo (thermal stations and networks, heat engineered repair and production unit for the operation of thermal stations); GUP MOSCHORTREPLO (laying heat pipelines of the secondary heating network from the trunk laying thermal conductors of Mosenergo TCP). Moshitreplo operates the operation of secondary thermal networks, and also serves and is responsible for the operation of the CTP and thermal networks from the CTP to residential buildings. Sources of heat and main heat pipelines are not included in the service sector of MGP MOSGUTPLO. The general leadership of the enterprise GUP MOSGORTREPLO is carried out by the Director General. All deputies are technologically subject to the Director-General of the enterprise and carry out methodological and coordination management.

To fulfill the chief engineer of administrative and economic functions, the following relevant services are in its submission:

ACS is the control system automation department;

ODS - operational dispatch service;

OGE - Department of the main energy;

Otitb is a labor protection department and safety.

The service of pumping stations and electricity (SNSEX) performs the operation and repair of equipment and buildings of all pumping stations, leads supervision of proper operation and repair, and also performs the commissioning and preventive tests of electrical equipment that is in the conduct of the television networks.

Emergency Recovery Service (ABC) is a structural unit created to perform work on emergency elimination of damage on thermal networks. Service for the repair of buildings and structures (SRZIS) is operating and repairing all buildings and structures of the heating system, promptly participates in the elimination of accidents. The mechanization service (cm) provides special machines and mechanisms of areas and divisions of the PTS, promptly participating in the elimination of accidents in the areas of thermal networks. It organizes its activities on the basis of contracts with PTS. The TCP as structural divisions includes areas of operation of heat networks, which administratively obey the director of the Heating network, and in the production and technical - chief engineer. In the conduct of the operational area is: equipment and the construction of heat networks; Equipment and facilities in the territory where the base of the operating area of \u200b\u200bthe heating system is located.

RTS management has the following organizational structure (Fig. 30.3).

1. The administrative and technical leadership of the RTS is carried out by his head and chief engineer with

use to solve the tasks of the RTS team and public organizations based on a combination of centralized leadership and self-government of the labor collective.

2. The staff of the district administratively subordinate to the boss
district. The duty engineer of the district is promptly subordinated to the central dispatcher of the heating network.

3. Quantitative and official composition of the RTS is determined
a staffing schedule consistent with the technical service
District Control and Approved by the Director of the TCP.

4. The RTS includes divisions and sections in accordance
with the attached management structure approved by the head of the RTS.

5. Distribution of responsibilities, rights and responsibilities between
Head of PCT, chief engineer, his deputy, heads of sites, divisions and individual workers
RTS is determined by local job descriptions,
Approved by the Director of the PTS.

6. In the production of switching, elimination of accidents and other works carried out on the equipment of the RTS, his leadership
and brought to work staff promptly obey
RDP on duty engineer is obliged to fulfill all his orders.

7. The Head of the Heating Sequire region also performs functions related to labor protection and safety.

The operational area performs the operation and repair of hot water and steam pipelines, structures, industrial buildings and RDP, electrical equipment of chambers, pavilions, drainage pumping stations and industrial buildings, is responsible for the safety of Kip devices, automation, telemechanics and communications, monitors Behind the subscriber installation mode.

The area has its activities in cooperation with other divisions of the Heating network, as well as urban organizations dealing with centralized heat supply, the construction of new networks, connecting consumers to thermal networks, design and construction and installation organizations.

The main tasks of the RTS are:

uninterrupted supply of consumers with the necessary number and quality of thermal energy;

ensuring the trouble-free and reliable operation of the equipment of thermal networks;

systematic improvement of technical and economic indicators of heat networks by implementing the most effective mode of vacation and heat consumption, taking into account the optimal operation of all parts of the heat supply system;

promoting on scheduled timing of construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of thermal networks and equipment of the district;

systematic improvement in the technical and economic indicators of the maintenance and repair of thermal networks.

Areas of operation of thermal networks perform functions associated with uninterrupted heat supply consumers. The operational area works on monthly and annual plans, taking into account the schedules of repair, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of equipment and facilities of thermal networks. District work plans are coordinated with PTO, PEO and are approved by the leadership of the Heating network.

Kagazbek Yerenchinov

Head of the Laboratory of the Thematic Research Laboratory "ASUTP" NAO AUES

Nigina Toktasynova

PhD PhD student NAO AUES

Diaz Primkulov

Master of NAO AUES

Mikhail Ermolaev

Director of GAB LLP - Group of Outsourcing Companies, Partner Business Studio in Kazakhstan

The article is devoted to the results of the scientific and practical project to automate the calculation of indicators of an integrated management system (ISM) for the enterprise of heat supply by the staff of the NAO "Almaty University of Energy and Communications".

As a rule, an assessment of the efficiency of the enterprise is made on the basis of financial indicators, such as profitability, its market value, or a net profit indicator, but this assessment does not allow to analyze the quality of the work of each unit and assess its contribution to the overall efficiency of the enterprise.

Determining the quality of the divisions is usually considered in terms of the performance of the process efficiency, for the execution of which employees of the divisions are responsible. Thus, 2 tasks are solved: evaluation of the effectiveness of processes and assessment of the work of the actual divisions. This allows you to identify the overall efficiency of the enterprise, based not only on financial indicators, but also indicators of the effectiveness of individual business processes. To carry out such an analysis, the enterprise processes need to decompose.

The system of indicators is based on the processes of the development of the enterprise, changes in the economic situation, tariff policy and legislation, which causes the need to adjust the organizational and production structure, indicators of divisions and the degree of influence of individual processes on the efficiency of the enterprise.

Often collecting data for calculating performance indicators requires a significant abolition of employees, moreover, it does not rule out the presence of errors in the calculations. Solution of these problems is possible when using automated systems that make it possible to simplify the process of collecting indicators in real time and make their calculation.

Accordingly, the results of the projects for the development of automated calculation systems for evaluating performance indicators are presented with the following requirements:

  • ensure the possibility of obtaining accurate and topical data on the processes in a convenient form for analyzing their effectiveness;
  • minimize the cost of collecting indicators from the enterprise;
  • minimize errors and manifestations of the "human factor" when calculating performance indicators.

As a successful experience of the creation and commissioning of such a system, we will present the results of the project performed by the staff of the thematic research laboratory of automated technological process management systems (the "ASUTP") of NAO "Almaty University of Energy and Communication".

The project was implemented on the basis of the enterprise of thermal networks LLP "ALTS" (Almaty) - heat supply organization, which serves residential and industrial facilities of the southern capital of Kazakhstan. The overall length of the main, distribution and intravartial networks is 854.906 km, the zone of heaters covers the territory of the city.

The efficiency of production processes at the enterprise is mediated by a variety of factors. For example, the flow of coolant for hot water supply and for a number of technological processes is changed both by the hour of day and by day of the week. The calculation of these indicators was rather difficult, and over the past years, calculations on them were made on average regulatory indicators, which did not give a clear understanding of the effectiveness at specific sites at certain intervals.

The separation of the processes of the enterprise of thermal networks was carried out taking into account the allocation of the following groups:

  • basic, which, in addition to production, it is necessary to include client components, as well as indicators of development and training;
  • auxiliary processes;
  • financial.

In determining the weight coefficients to calculate the evaluation of the efficiency of the enterprise, the specifics of the activities of ALTS LLP were taken into account:

  • in view of the characteristics of the production processes and their greatest impact on the efficiency of the enterprise, their indicators must have the greatest weight in the integrated efficiency assessment;
  • the main processes include not only production, such as heat transfer and DHW, but also ensuring the integrity of pipelines, i.e. Capital and current repairs, as well as elimination of emergency situations. The qualitative performance of operational processes have a decisive influence on the final result of the enterprise;
  • auxiliary processes are processes that ensure the implementation of the main. These are usually the processes of logistics, AHO, personnel, legal, whose work is important for the enterprise and "tied" on the implementation of the main processes;
  • the heated enterprise under consideration is unprofitable and is located on the subsidy of the state, therefore the weight of the financial component that affects the final performance indicator is very limited.

Taking into account these features, employees of the "ASUTP" was developed a system of automated calculation of the assessment of the ISM for the enterprise of heat supply LLP "ALTS" based on the Business Studio business modeling system, which allows not only to work with indicators, but also support the quality management system as a whole.

Within the framework of the estimate calculation system, automation is carried out:

  • collecting values \u200b\u200bof indicators;
  • calculation of the indicators of the process and division;
  • reporting for manuals.

Collection of values \u200b\u200bof indicators in real time is carried out using Business Studio Portal (Figure 1). The web portal also allows employees to refer to the knowledge base of an enterprise containing all the regulatory documentation necessary for work.

Figure 1. Enter values \u200b\u200bof indicators

Analysis of the functioning of the system by the management of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of processes reports that are generated by the BUSINES STUDIO (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Obtaining a report of indicators in Business Studio Portal

When making a decision on automation of document management in the field of work with indicators during the automation project, it was determined:

Based on an integrated assessment of activities, decisions are made to make corrective actions. If the value of the evaluation goes beyond the regulatory framework, the leadership, along with the quality department, analyzes the indicators for finding inconsistencies. The regulatory value of the assessment is revised depending on external conditions: changes in legislation, the number of consumers and their range, capital repairs and other factors. It is revised no more than 1 time in the quarter and at least 1 time per year.

Thus, an automated system of work was developed for the enterprise of heat networks, which allows us to collect values \u200b\u200bof indicators, the calculation of the process indicators and the subject, automatically receive reports for the manual. An example of the implementation of the calculations is given later in Tables 1 and 2.

Process performance indicator


1 quarter

2 quarters

1 half year


3 quarters

9 months

1. An indicator of the execution of graphs bypass charming networks COBC T / s ZER

2. An indicator of the execution of graphs of bypassing thermal inputs of the KGR T / in SER

3. An indicator of elimination of defects detected during bypass TC Cous / Def

4.1 Indicator of the timeliness of data on damage to 1C KSVOOVER

4.2 Indicator of the correctness of data on damage to 1C KOVD.

5. An indicator of the execution of current planned repairs by ER CTEC / Rem

6. An indication of the elimination of detected violations in consumers Crucus / Per

Integrated process performance assessment

Integrated assessment of the performance of the process: Crop \u003d (K1 + K2 + K3 + K4 + K5 + KN) / N

Table 1. Example of a report "Analysis of the process" Technical support and distribution of thermal energy "(Western operational area) for 9 months of 2016)"

Period Plan Fact K1. Rate
1. January 2016. 2589 2535 97,91% 95-100
2. February 2016. 2590 2550 98,46% 95-100
3. March 2016. 2584 2453 94,93% 95-100
1 quarter 97,1% 95-100
4. April 2016. 2688 2529 94,08% 95-100
5. May 2016. 2688 2638 98,14% 95-100
6. June 2016. 2688 2650 98,59% 95-100
2 quarters 96,94% 95-100
1 half year 97,02% 95-100
7. July 2016. 2687 2643 98,36% 95-100
8. August 2016. 2687 2657 98,88% 95-100
9. September 2016. 2053 2006 97,71% 95-100
3 quarters 98,32% 95-100
9 months 97,45% 95-100

COBC / TC \u003d FACT * 100% / Plan
Plan - planned bypass of thermal networks
Fact - completed bypass of thermal networks

Table 2. Performance calculations on the example of an indicator of the performance of charts of heat networks (COBC T / s SER)

The detailed calculation of each indicator and representation in the form of a table allows you to see the achievement of the norm, as well as the source data for the possibility of analyzing the analysis. Each unit reports once a quarter at a joint meeting on the results of work, where no table data are submitted, and the achievement schedules are also implemented automatically obtaining graphs for each indicator in the form of a histogram (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Histogram Plan / fact indicator

On the basis of the collected statistics on the analyzed performance indicators in an automated form, a report of the overall performance of the ISM is formed. As an example in Table 3, we give a fragment.

No. p / p

Performance indicators of processes

Rating Result. Cross process

Average evaluation of processes

Coef. Welcome

Evaluation of the effectiveness of ISM




"Planning, operational management and analysis of the activities of the organization KP PU 1"

Planning and economic management

Performance of tariff estimate K1

Budget execution K2.

Fulfillment of the investment program K3

Timely delivery of reporting K4

Accounting and Reporting Management (Ubuio)


Timely payment of bills after signing of the Director-General K2

Lack of comments of employees of the enterprise for salary accrual K3

The correctness, timeliness and completeness of the presentation of tax reporting in Tax Management. Minimum number of notifications and recovery K4

Timely billing of invoices K5

Timely presentation of the interim and annual financial statements to users K6

Table 3. Example of a report of the overall performance of the ISM (fragment)


The most important task of the project was not easy to provide the management of the enterprise production indicators for analytics, but also not to burden the production personnel at the same time, which simplifies the procedure for collecting indicators. According to the results of the project, the algorithm and software module of the integration of the SMC and SSP "Automated calculation of an integrated management system" (confirmed by the act of implementation) were introduced into the Alts LLP.

This module allowed:

  • reduce the time for collecting values \u200b\u200bof indicators by departments, obtaining a finished report and eliminating errors in counting indicators by automated receipt of the report after the introduction of plan / fact values;
  • store values \u200b\u200bof indicators in a single database and analyze statistics for past periods;
  • automatically obtain an integrated assessment of the productivity of the enterprise (the time for obtaining the final report is about 1 minute).

In general, the introduction of an automated system for calculating the processes of processes made it possible to quickly identify bottlenecks in the activities of the enterprise and increase its handling.