Disadaptation as a social phenomenon. Causes of maladjustment in children and adolescents

Disadaptation as a social phenomenon.  Causes of maladjustment in children and adolescents
Disadaptation as a social phenomenon. Causes of maladjustment in children and adolescents

"Social maladjustment of adolescents and ways to overcome it"

, MOO "Social Volunteer Center"

At the moment, most of the population of our country lives in conditions of economic and domestic disorder, persistent psychological stress, personal confusion. Changes were made not only to the economic and political state of the state, but also to culture, moral values, attitude towards the family and the younger generation. This is the main reason for such an unattractive picture in the destabilization of society and the family. The instability of the economy led to a sharp impoverishment of the population, stratification of society into rich and poor. The most vulnerable layer was children and adolescents, who reacted more sharply to these changes. In a school environment, it becomes necessary to differentiate the degrees of difficulty and active assistance and rehabilitation.

In society, 3 types of dysfunctional families can be distinguished, where "difficult teenagers" appear more often:

The first is a criminogenic type of family, where relationships are built in such a way that they harm the spiritual and physical development of the child: systematic drunkenness, often a joint father and mother, the criminal lifestyle of parents, sometimes involving children in it, their frequent beating. Such a family often has several children. The educational process in these families is completely absent.

The second type is “outwardly calm” families, where long and hard-to-suppress negative feelings of parents towards each other are hidden behind a “prosperous facade”, often there are long periods of bad mood, melancholy, depression, when the spouses do not talk to each other. The upbringing process is formalized and is limited to an increase in demands on the adolescent and an acute emotional reaction to his behavior.

The third type is families with a low social status. They are characterized by a weakened moral and labor atmosphere, constant conflict, anti-pedagogical attitude towards children, nervousness in relations between other family members, lack of a common culture and spiritual needs. These families have a difficult financial situation, poor care for children, and the absence of a useful organization of life and work. Children from these families strive to compensate for the lack of love and care of their parents on the street through self-affirmation in courtyard and school companies.

These relationships are often accompanied by serious neuropsychiatric disorders of adolescents, complicated by the problems of the age crisis. The concept of "age crisis", introduced, denotes a kind of behavioral reaction of the child himself to the need for change arising in him. The teenager “speaks out” all this in the open text of his behavior. Parents of a teenager are the first to face the manifestations of an age crisis. In the criminogenic type of family, they approve of the child's antisocial forms of behavior. A family with “seemingly calm” relationships meets with an “explosion” of relationships, conflicts and rejection of the teenager’s problems. In families with a low social status, manifestations of an age crisis often go unnoticed.

To mitigate the problems of adolescence, it is necessary, in the opinion of adults, to pay attention in time to the positive content of the adolescent's crisis message. For this it is necessary to consider the experience of other states. Margaret Mead has shown that in some human communities there is no trace of adolescent crisis. For example, in traditional Samoan society, instead of a teenage crisis, there is a smooth transition; adolescents 10-15 years old are gradually included in adult labor. In Western culture, the child begins to prepare for the socialization process very early. The problems of "difficult teenagers" are solved by a deeper differentiation of "difficulty". They are viewed from the perspective of stable emotional states in which ideals, values, lifestyle, social role and behavior are presented. The teenager still tests all these ideas for "strength" in real life conditions, coordinates with the values ​​of his family, which is ready for changes.

Thus, adolescent negativism is viewed as an antisocial or antisocial reaction to a mismatch between personal and socially approved values. “Difficult adolescents” should be considered not in isolation, but as a significant component of the family structure and strive for maximum change in the specifics of family relations. This requires educating parents about the difficulties of adolescence.

Negative reactions of adolescents are manifested not only in the family, but also at school. The school psychologist often has to deal with children who show negativism, unwanted behavioral reactions. In a modern school, a stable order of teachers and parents for individual work with this or that "difficult teenager" has been formed. Therefore, in practice, there is a need to differentiate "difficult teenagers". Such children can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

1. Children with antisocial behavior. This group includes adolescents who are registered within the school or registered with the commission on juvenile affairs, children from disadvantaged families;

2. Children with nervous and mental disorders, manifested at the behavioral and emotional levels.

3. A special group is made up of adolescents who use drugs.

This division into groups of "difficult teenagers" makes the problem of choosing and applying adequate correctional work more purposeful. To prevent manifestations of negativism in adolescence, it is necessary to specially create conditions where the child would have the opportunity to become different: more successful, self-confident, etc.

1. Children with antisocial behavior need, first of all, to organize constructive employment outside school hours (sections, circles, clubs of interest); to conduct trainings for them on personal growth, emotional stability, effective communication, the content of which includes exercises of the type: exercises: "kindness", this exercise contributes to the development of trust, cohesion of the group; the reed in the wind exercise is a great experience of mutual trust.

It is desirable that the mini-training takes place in a group of 10-16 people and lasts 60-90 minutes. The interval between classes is 1-2 days. The training group includes adolescents at will, not only "difficult" ones, but also children with normalized forms of behavior.

2. A group of children with nervous and mental disorders. It is important for a psychologist to constantly monitor the health status of these adolescents. This requires constant contact with parents, who, depending on the state of health of the teenager, undergo medical rehabilitation 1-2 times a year. In a school environment, it is necessary to conduct mini-trainings on the development of stress resistance, the formation of emotional stability, the prevention of neuroses, psychotherapy of psychosomatic diseases, which may include tasks of the following type:

Exercise "Press" neutralizes and suppresses negative emotions of anger, irritation, anxiety, aggressiveness .. Exercise "Mood" removes the sediment from a traumatic situation.

3. A group of adolescents who use drugs. If such children are identified, then the most optimal solution would be to send them to a narcological or social rehabilitation center. And after that, it is necessary to actively include them in constructive employment and work with them as with children of the first group.

Thus, given the growth of social maladjustment of adolescents in society, it became necessary to create a wide network of centers for social and psychological assistance to children and adolescents, with which a school psychologist should actively cooperate.

The practice of a school psychologist shows the need to expand the circle of people who help to overcome the problems of the age crisis, relying on teachers, parents, significant and authoritative adults for a teenager.

In working with such adolescents, it is important to make wider use of group forms of work, in which children are "infected" with positive forms of behavior and stable adequate reactions.

List of used literature:

1. Zakharov Y. "Adolescents of the" risk group "" // Education of schoolchildren №4 "00;

2. Krasnovsiy L. "When it is difficult for" difficult "// Education of schoolchildren №9'02;

3. Lushagina I. "Children at risk need help" // Education of schoolchildren №4'97;

4. , "Training for effective interaction with children" SPb'01;

5. "Games that are played ..." Dubna'00;

6. , "Psychology of self-development" M '95;

This term has become firmly established in the life of a modern person. Surprisingly, with the development of information technology, many people feel lonely and unadapted to the external conditions of reality. Some get lost in completely ordinary situations and do not know how best to act in this or that case. Currently, cases of depression in young people have become more frequent. It would seem that there is a whole life ahead, but not everyone wants to be active in it, to overcome difficulties. It turns out that an adult has to re-learn to enjoy life, because he is rapidly losing this skill. The same applies to those with maladjustment. Today teenagers prefer to realize their communication needs on the Internet. Computer games and social networks are partly replacing normal human interaction.

Social maladjustment is usually understood as a complete or partial inability of the individual to the conditions of the surrounding reality. A person suffering from maladjustment cannot effectively interact with other people. He either constantly avoids all kinds of contact, or demonstrates aggressive behavior. Social maladjustment is characterized by increased irritability, inability to understand the other and accept someone else's point of view.

Social maladjustment occurs when a particular person ceases to notice what is happening in the external world and completely immerses himself in an invented reality, partially replacing it with relationships with people. Agree, you can't completely focus only on yourself. In this case, the opportunity for personal growth is lost, since there will be nowhere to draw inspiration, to share with those around you your joys and sorrows.

Causes of social maladjustment

Any phenomenon always has good reasons. Social maladjustment also has its reasons. When everything is good inside a person, he is unlikely to avoid communicating with his own kind. So maladjustment in one way or another, but always indicates a certain social ill-being of the individual. Among the main causes of social maladjustment, the following are the most common ones.

Pedagogical neglect

Another reason is the demands of society, which a particular individual cannot justify in any way. Social maladjustment in most cases appears where it takes place inattention to the child, lack of proper care and attention. Pedagogical neglect implies that little is done with children, and therefore they can withdraw into themselves, feel unnecessary for adults. Having become older, such a person will surely withdraw into himself, go into his inner world, close the door and will not let anyone in there. Disadaptation, of course, like any phenomenon, is formed gradually, over several years, and not instantly. Children who experience a subjective sense of uselessness at an early age will subsequently suffer from the fact that others do not understand them. Social maladjustment deprives a person of moral strength, takes away faith in himself and his own capabilities. The reason is to be found in the environment. If a child has a place of pedagogical neglect, it is highly likely that, as an adult, he will experience colossal difficulties with self-determination and in order to find his place in life.

Loss of the familiar team

Conflict with the environment

It happens that a particular individual challenges an entire society. In this case, he feels insecure and vulnerable. The reason is that additional experiences fall on the psyche. This condition comes as a result of maladjustment. Conflict with others incredibly exhausting, keeps a person at a distance from everyone. Suspicion and mistrust are formed, in general, character deteriorates, a completely natural feeling of helplessness arises. Social maladjustment is only a consequence of a person's wrong attitude to the world, inability to build trusting and harmonious relationships. Speaking of maladjustment, one should not forget about the personal choice that each of us makes every day.

Types of social maladjustment

Disadaptation, fortunately, does not occur with lightning speed to a person. It takes time for the development of self-doubt, in order for meaningful doubts about the appearance and the performed activity to settle in the head. There are two main stages or types of maladjustment: partial and complete. The first type is characterized by the beginning of the process of falling out of public life. For example, a person, as a result of illness, stops going to work, is not interested in what is happening. However, he keeps in touch with relatives and possibly friends. The second type of maladjustment is characterized by a loss of faith in oneself, a strong distrust of people, a loss of interest in life, in any of its manifestations. Such a person does not know how to behave in society, does not represent its norms and laws. He gets the impression that he is constantly doing something wrong. Often, both types of social maladjustment suffer from people who have some kind of addiction. Any addiction presupposes separation from society, the erasure of familiar boundaries. Deviant behavior is always, to one degree or another, associated with social maladjustment. A person simply cannot remain the same when his inner world is destroyed. This means that long-term built-up ties with people are also destroyed: relatives, friends, closest circle. It is important to prevent the development of maladjustment in any form.

Features of social maladjustment

Speaking about social maladjustment, one should bear in mind the fact that there are some features that are not as easy to defeat as it might seem at first glance.


A person who has undergone social maladjustment cannot quickly re-enter the team, even with a strong desire. He needs time to build his own prospects, accumulate positive impressions, and form a positive picture of the world. The feeling of uselessness and the subjective feeling of being disconnected from society are the main features of maladjustment. They will persecute for a long time, not letting go of themselves. Disadaptation actually causes a lot of pain to the personality, because it does not allow it to grow, move forward, and believe in the available opportunities.


Another feature of social maladjustment is the feeling of isolation and emptiness. A person who has a complete or partial maladjustment is always extremely concentrated on his own experiences. These subjective fears form a sense of uselessness and some detachment from society. A person begins to be afraid to be among people, to make certain plans for the future. Social maladjustment assumes that the personality is gradually destroyed and loses all connections with his immediate environment. Then it becomes difficult to communicate with any people, you want to run away somewhere, hide, dissolve in the crowd.

Signs of social maladjustment

By what signs can one understand that a person has maladjustment? There are characteristic signs indicating that the person is socially isolated, experiencing some trouble.


The most striking sign of maladjustment is the manifestation of negative feelings. Aggressive behavior is characteristic of social maladjustment. Since people are outside of any collective, they eventually lose communication skills. The person ceases to strive for mutual understanding, it becomes much easier for him to get what he wants through manipulation. Aggression is dangerous not only for the people around, but also for the person from whom it comes. The fact is that by constantly showing discontent, we destroy our inner world, impoverish it to such an extent that everything begins to seem tasteless and faded, devoid of meaning.

Withdrawal into oneself

Another sign of a person's maladjustment to external conditions is a pronounced isolation. A person stops communicating, relying on the help of other people. It becomes much easier for him to demand something than to decide to ask for a favor. Social maladjustment is characterized by the absence of well-built connections, relationships and aspirations to make new acquaintances. A person can be alone for a long time, and the longer this continues, the more difficult it becomes for him to return to the team, to be able to restore the interrupted connections. Self-withdrawal allows the individual to avoid unnecessary confrontations that could negatively affect mood. Gradually, a person gets used to hiding from people in a familiar environment and does not want to change anything. Social maladjustment is insidious in that at first the personality is not noticed in any way. When a person himself begins to realize that something is wrong with him, it is already too late.

Social phobia

It is the result of a wrong attitude towards life and almost always characterizes any maladjustment. A person stops building social connections and over time he does not have close people who would be interested in his inner state. Society never forgives the person of dissent, the desire to live only for themselves. The more we tend to lock ourselves into our problem, the more difficult it subsequently becomes to get out of our cozy and familiar world, which is already functioning, it would seem, according to our laws. Sociophobia is a reflection of the internal way of life of a person who has undergone social maladjustment. Fear of people, new acquaintances is due to the need to change the attitude towards the surrounding reality. This is a sign of self-doubt and the fact that a person is experiencing maladjustment.

Unwillingness to obey the demands of society

Social maladjustment gradually turns a person into a slave of himself, who is afraid to go beyond his own world. Such a person has a huge number of restrictions that prevent him from feeling like a full-fledged happy person. Disadaptation forces you to avoid all contact with people, and not just build serious relationships with them. Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity: you need to go somewhere, and a person is afraid to go out and thinks up various excuses for himself so as not to leave a safe place. This also happens because society dictates its requirements to the individual. Disadaptation forces us to avoid such situations. It becomes important for a person only to protect his inner world from possible encroachments from other people. Otherwise, he begins to feel extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Correction of social maladjustment

It is imperative to work on the problem of maladjustment. Otherwise, it will only increase rapidly and more and more hinder human development. The fact is that maladjustment in itself destroys the personality, makes one experience its negative manifestations of certain situations. Correction of social maladjustment consists in the ability to work through internal fears and doubts, to bring out the painful thoughts of a person.

Social contacts

Until maladjustment has gone too far, action should be taken as soon as possible. If you have lost all connections with people, start dating again. You can communicate everywhere, with everyone and about anything. Don't be afraid to seem stupid or weak, just be yourself. Get yourself a hobby, start attending various trainings, courses that interest you. It is highly likely that it is there that you will meet like-minded people and people who are close in spirit. There is nothing to be afraid of, let the events unfold naturally. To constantly be in a team, get a permanent job. It is difficult to live without society, and colleagues will help you solve various work moments.

Working through fears and doubts

Anyone who suffers from maladjustment necessarily has a whole set of unresolved issues. As a rule, they relate to the person himself. In such a delicate matter, a competent specialist - a psychologist will help. Disadaptation should not be allowed to take its course, it is necessary to control its condition. A psychologist will help you deal with your inner fears, see the world around you from a different angle, and make sure of your own safety. You will not even notice how the problem leaves you.

Prevention of social maladjustment

It is better not to take it to the extreme and prevent the development of maladjustment. The sooner active measures are taken, the better and calmer you will begin to feel. Disadaptation is too serious to be joked about. There is always the possibility that a person, having withdrawn into himself, will never return to normal communication. Prevention of social maladjustment consists in the systematic filling of oneself with positive emotions. You should interact with other people as much as possible in order to remain an adequate and harmonious personality.

Thus, social maladjustment is a complex problem that requires close attention. A person who avoids society definitely needs help. Support he needs the more, the more he feels lonely and unnecessary.

Disadaptation is a multifactorial process. We have undertaken an analysis of the leading factors that determine the emergence, development of the form and the depth of maladjustment. At the present time, a significant amount of information has been accumulated about the factors of maladjustment of adolescents, it is required to generalize and systematize it. Disadaptation can be initiated by various factors, which can be grouped into two main groups: social, or objective, and personal, or subjective. The factors are closely interrelated, complementing and conditioning each other, just as the processes of socio- and psychoontogenesis are interconnected.
The family factor is in the first place among the factors that determine the level of maladjustment. The overwhelming majority of researchers consider this factor to be the leading one. One of the leading functions of the family is considered to be upbringing, ensuring the socialization of children. However, the performance of this function is far from always satisfactory, which leads to maladjustment
family members in general and adolescents in particular. Researchers have identified a number of reasons for maladjustment that arise in the family:
incomplete family composition, this often leads to an increase in the complex of inferiority, inferiority, depression, neurotic states, anger, premature fulfillment by adolescents of "adult social roles" - breadwinners of families, protectors, etc .;
a low level of pedagogical culture of parents, leading to hyper-care, or to hypo-care (according to the classification of A.E. Lichko);
negative relationships within the family, which determine the increased anxiety of adolescents; frustration and neurotic states; aggressiveness of behavioral reactions, negativism;
different pedagogical approaches of parents and older relatives;
removal of parents from the upbringing process for various reasons;
low or super-well-off financial situation of the family, which generates negative behavior patterns in terms of their impact on adolescents.
Family relationships are associated with both the occurrence of maladjustment and an increase in maladjustment processes caused by other factors. The effect of increasing maladjustment is usually associated with incorrect reactions of parents to educational failures, individual actions of adolescents, teachers' remarks, etc. As a result of the subsequent punishment of adolescents, they form stable maladaptive processes, the manifestations of which are different:
leaving home, which may be caused by fear of physical punishment, or as a response to it;
joining antisocial groups;
depressive disorders, which in adolescence at the stage of primary socialization can lead to severe forms of maladjustment, which are often almost irreversible;
the acquisition of bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse);
attempted suicide.
In second place in terms of importance we put the factor of the organization of educational activities, the factor of the school. The reasons for school maladjustment are different, as are its forms. Most often, adolescent maladjustment associated with educational activities manifests itself in violations of the rules of behavior, relationships within educational institutions (with teachers, with classmates, etc.), as well as in serious difficulties in assimilating educational material, poor realization of creative and intellectual potential adolescents. According to N.M. Iovchuk and A.A. Severny, "school maladjustment is a complex social and personal phenomenon, which is the result of a disturbed interaction between the student's personality and the environment." Researchers attribute the following to the main reasons for school maladjustment:
inhuman nature of communication at school;
features of the individual style of the teacher;
personal qualities of teachers and administration of an educational institution;
the new paradigm prevailing in the school, in which there are no conditions for the full-fledged personal development of adolescents;
negative attitudes of teachers towards students;
features of interpersonal relationships in classrooms;
low methodological level of teaching;
low level of general culture of teachers, etc.
Any of the listed reasons can lead to the emergence of maladjustment processes, while simultaneously intensifying the action of other reasons. Adolescent maladjustment can manifest itself both spontaneously, abruptly, in the event of a pronounced maladjustment factor, and constantly, revealing itself after a long latency period. The following forms of manifestation of school maladjustment in adolescents can be distinguished:
the student's feeling of his personal inconsistency, rejection from the team;
a change in the motivational side of the activity, the motives of avoidance begin to prevail;
loss of perspective, self-confidence, growing feelings of anxiety and social apathy;
increasing conflicts with others;
educational failure of adolescents. Its reasons are different: these are disorders in the cognitive sphere (insufficient level of mental development, poor memory, poor concentration of attention, undeveloped conceptual thinking, etc.), and negative educational motivation caused by negative personal relationships with the teacher, or general personal attitudes , and long-term illnesses of a teenager, predetermining the backlog of students, etc .;
non-fulfillment of educational duties by the student;
an increase in the number of discipline violations.
The danger of adolescent maladjustment associated with schooling increases due to the transfer of a negative attitude towards school to attitudes towards societies of various ranks, which leads to asocialization of the individual, to difficulty in affiliation. The effect of "overlapping" is often significant.
A special place in the hierarchy of maladjustment factors is occupied by the properties of the adolescent's personality itself. Among the numerous reasons for maladjustment related to this factor, one can single out:
lack of development of the intellectual, emotional, motivational and personal spheres of the personality;
lack of a system of values;
the appearance of internal complexes;
physical and mental overwork;
a period of personal failure;
feeling of injustice, betrayal;
inadequate self-esteem (both overestimated and underestimated);
violation of the cognitive sphere (general low level of intellectual development, impairment
memory, attention, etc.);
excessive introversion that complicates the process of socialization;
protracted infantilism, often turning into apathy;
increased excitability, which is often a prerequisite for deviant behavior;
primary aggressiveness of social behavior, closely interrelated with a predisposition to conflicts;
poor development of volitional qualities, increased conformity in behavior, which leads to the emergence of psychological dependence on the manifestation of the orientation of the reference groups.
The most important reason for maladjustment is character traits. Their importance in domestic science has long been underestimated, however, studies by foreign psychologists, a number of domestic scientists (S.A. Badmaev, L.S.Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, A.E. Lichko, S.L. Rubinstein, etc. ) showed that many cases of maladjustment are caused precisely by disorders in the personal sphere. Character features (his accentuation), according to S.A. Badmaev, can be predisposing factors for the development of neurotic reactions, nerves, etc., determining the manifestations of maladaptive behavior. Accentuation in itself may not be the cause of maladjustment, since, in fact, it is an extreme variant of a normal nature. However, in psycho-traumatic situations, it contributes to the violation of adaptation and leads to the deviant nature of the behavior of adolescents. According to K. Leonhard, accentuations can acquire a pathological character, destroying the structure of the personality. Depending on the accentuation, several types of character are distinguished (S.A. Badmaev, A.E. Lichko, TD Molodtsova, etc.), predisposed to various types of adaptive disorders. In a generalized form of their classification, we presented in table 2.
The relationship between accentuation of character and predisposition to maladjustment № Type of accentuated character Basic 3 characteristic Character of violations 1 Cycloid Differs in rapid mood swings, depression prevails, as a result - low academic performance. Low sociability is replaced by excessive activity. There is a predisposition to specific alcoholism. Periods of depression can be replaced by periods of deviant behavior. They are manifested in subject-personal and intimate-personal complexes. Temporary maladjustment 2 Labile The main feature is extreme instability of mood. They react painfully to comments, quickly move away. They are capable of impulsive violations of discipline. Mainly in intimate-personal and activity complexes. 3 Hypertimate Differs in great mobility, sociability, tendency to discipline violations. They study unevenly due to indiscipline. Claim to be leaders. They often end up in asocial companies. Inflated self-esteem, painfully react to failure In an active complex. Situational maladjustment, develops in a social environment 4 Sensitive Differs in an increased level of anxiety, not very sociable. In educational activities, they are diligent, but often do not answer due to shyness. Self-esteem is underestimated, an inferiority complex often develops. Responsible, but do not strive for leadership. Extremely painful to react to comments Mainly in the subject-personal complex. Psychological disadaptation prevails, rather persistent 5 Psychoasthenic Indecisive, suspicious, prone to introspection. It is difficult to make decisions, adhere to rituals, invented signs. The compensatory mechanism is manifested in the haste and failure of actions. Sports and manual skills are poorly given in the subject-personal and activity complexes. Long latency period of maladjustment with its stable character 6 Schizoid Very closed, uncommunicative, little emotional in external manifestations. Actions are unpredictable. Condemn generally accepted ideals. Hobbies are constant, but bizarre. Often manifestations of social non-conformism. Characterized by autism, introvertism In the worldview, socio-ideological, intrasocial complexes. Violations are often hidden, but persistent 7 Hysteroid Differs in excessive egocentrism, the desire to attract the attention of others. They tend to lie and fantasize. Feelings are superficial and fickle. Infantilism, emancipation, external opposition are often manifested. Often deviant behavior as a way to attract attention. Claims leadership in the team. Demonstrative asocial behavior, alcoholism, drug addiction In the socio-ideological, intimate-personal, intrasocial, activity complexes. Disadaptation is often behavioral, of high intensity 8 Epileptoid Cruelty, emotionality of reactions, aggressiveness are characteristic. Vindictive, inert in thinking. Affective reactions are often observed. Conflicting In the intrasocial, intimate-personal complexes. Behavioral maladjustment, stable, high intensity 9 Unstable Without initiative, easily obey others, do not follow through. Increased craving for pleasure, idleness. They often leave lessons, easily fall into antisocial groups. They acquire bad habits early. They can commit offenses. Learning activity is absolutely not attractive, they are not able to predict the future, the consequences of their actions In the activity, intra-society complexes. Stable maladjustment, mainly in the social sphere 10 Conformal Dependence on the microsocial is characteristic. Do not have their own convictions, accepting the views of the reference group. They quickly adapt, including to asocial groups. The orientation of the personality depends on the environment of communication. If the company is asocial, it starts drinking, smoking, committing offenses In the intrasocial complex, sometimes in the activity one. Amenable to readaptation when transferred to a group with a positive focus
Disturbances in certain complexes of personality-significant relationships are largely determined by the type of character accentuation. Of course, it should be noted that in their pure form, the above types of characters are very rare, more often mixed, or complex, types of characters are observed. Psychological research A.E. Lichko showed that there is a well-pronounced correlation between the peculiarities of character sharpening in adolescents and deviant behavior, indicating the processes of maladjustment. Often maladjustment is associated with mental disorders. The goals of our work do not include the characteristics of pathogenic disorders, however, in schools, as shown by the data of psychological studies, children are taught whose violations have not reached critical values, but are in borderline states. Studies of maladjustment caused by a predisposition to mental illness were carried out by N.P. Vaisman, A.L. Groisman, V.A. Khudik and other psychologists. Their studies have shown that there is a close relationship between the processes of mental development and personality development, their mutual influence. However, deviations in mental development often go unnoticed, and behavioral disorders come to the fore, which are only external manifestations of mental collisions, the reaction of adolescents to maladaptive situations. These secondary disorders often have more striking external manifestations and social consequences. So, according to A.O. Drobinskaya, manifestations of psychophysical infantilism can be aggravated to such an extent by neurasthenic and psychopathic disorders that arise in adolescents with school requirements inadequate to their level of development, that real, physiologically determined learning difficulties go by the wayside, and behavioral disorders come to the fore. In this case, readaptation work is built on the basis of external manifestations of maladjustment, which do not correspond to its deep essence, the root cause. As a result, readaptation measures turn out to be ineffective, since the adolescent's behavior can be corrected only by neutralizing the leading disaptatiogenic factor. In this case, without the formation of the content
It is impossible to achieve sufficient learning motivation and create a stable situation of successful learning.
Mental disorders appear gradually, especially in adolescence. So, according to the testimony of N.M. Iovchuk and A.A. Northern, depressive disorders are manifested in slow thinking, difficulty in remembering, refusal from situations that require mental stress. Gradually, in early adolescence, depressed schoolchildren spend more and more time preparing homework, but not coping with all the volume. Gradually, academic performance begins to decline while maintaining the same level of aspirations, which irritates adolescents. In older adolescence, in the absence of success, along with long preparation, the teenager begins to avoid control tests, skips classes, and develops a stable deep maladjustment. Excessive protection of adolescents with revealed mental disorders of low intensity from the load can also lead to maladjustment, which prevents self-actualization, self-development and socialization of the individual. So, sometimes artificial deprivation of adolescents develops due to unreasonable restrictions on their activities, bans on sports, exemption from school attendance. All this complicates the problems of learning, disrupts the connection of children and adolescents with their peers, deepens the feeling of inferiority, concentration on their own experiences, limits the range of interests and reduces the possibility of realizing their abilities. As a result, there is a manifestation of maladjustment. Thus, the mechanisms of social maladjustment, which are based on mental disorders, are very diverse, which, probably, should be taken into account in readaptation.
The third place in the hierarchy of maladjustment factors belongs to the factor of reference groups. Reference groups can be located both within the classroom, and outside it (informal communication group, sports clubs, teenage clubs, etc.). The reference groups satisfy the adolescents' need for communication, for affiliation. The influence of reference groups can be both positive and negative, it can both be the cause of maladjustment, when
than different types, and be a maladaptive-neutralizing factor.
Thus, the influence of reference groups can be manifested both in social facelit, that is, in a positive stimulating influence of the behavior of group members on the activities of a teenager, performed in their presence or with their direct participation; and in social inhibition, expressed in the inhibition of behavior and mental processes of the subject of communication. If a teenager feels comfortable in the reference group, then his actions become relaxed, he realizes himself, his adaptive potential increases. However, if in the reference group the adolescent is in subordinate roles, then the mechanism of conformity often begins to operate, when he, disagreeing with the members of the reference group, nevertheless, due to opportunistic considerations, agrees with them. As a result, an internal conflict arises associated with the discrepancy between the motive and the real action. This inevitably leads to maladjustment, more often internal than behavioral. Recently, due to the objective expansion of the sphere of communication of children, reference groups are less and less within the classroom, which also reduces the effectiveness of educational work, increases the risk of creating maladaptive situations. This is largely due to the disappearance of organized children's and youth organizations, whose influence, with all the disadvantages, was still generally positive. In this regard, we tried to create an adolescent social organization under the experimental conditions, which will be discussed in Chapter 2. However, one cannot but take into account that, due to age characteristics, adolescents feel the need for informal communication. There is even an assumption that spontaneous group communication is an almost inevitable, naturally conditioned stage in the process of socialization of adolescents, through which at least 80-85% pass. According to T.D. Molodtsova, affiliation becomes a source of maladjustment under the following conditions:
lack of implementation of affiliation in the classroom, if there is no reference group outside the school;
if affiliation is realized, but in a reference group with an asocial orientation.
Our observations and analysis of periodicals show that in recent years the number of informal teenage groups and their social influence have decreased. The reasons for this process are multifactorial and very little investigated. In our opinion, this is due to the general depoliticization of society; the emergence of external sources of information (videotape recorders, computer games) that attract adolescents outside the classroom and contribute to the individualization of adolescents' leisure. Analysis of the influence of informal reference groups is difficult due to the secrecy of adolescents, poor awareness of socio-psychological services. Asocial reference groups can contribute to the emergence of harmful habits in adolescents (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse), which become the cause of maladjustment as the addiction to alcohol and drugs increases.
One of the measures of pedagogical support for adolescents should be considered activities for the development of the classroom, the formation of a positive orientation, personally significant for the adolescent, collective activity. As noted by L.I. Bozhovich, L.I. Novikov and others, such phenomena as traditions, public opinion, mutual assistance, mutual exactingness, intra-group competition, social identification, socio-psychological climate, reflection, etc. develop in the team. The direction of these processes depends on their moral content.
The role of the social factor has noticeably increased. This factor includes the financial situation of the family, the ability to become familiar with cultural values, the ideological attitudes of society, the level of crime, etc.
Over the past decade, there has been a steady dynamics of an increase in the number of socially disadvantaged families, in which there is a danger of the appearance of reasons that impede the successful adaptation of adolescents to both educational activities and social relationships. M. Ratter pointed out the relationship between social conditions and the level of maladjustment: “For children from areas with a low social status,
there is a high level of delinquency, mental disorders and difficulties in mastering school knowledge ”. A special place as a factor of maladjustment is occupied by the age characteristics of adolescents. Although a huge number of works by both domestic and foreign authors have been published on this issue, nevertheless there is no single idea even on the age gradation of adolescents. Most authors refer to adolescents as children from 10-11 to 14-16 years old. In our opinion, it is advisable to distinguish two age groups of adolescents - younger (from 10 to 13 years old) and older (from 14 to 15 years old), which are characterized by specific features in behavior, attitude to learning activity, and relationships. The system of life guidelines is quite different in younger and older adolescents; factors of maladjustment have different significance. Along with this, there are common characteristics of adolescence. So, the activity takes on the character of active cooperation on the basis of the independent setting of the goal of the activity, its planning. Adolescents are able to predict the consequences of their activities, find the reasons for failures, and make certain adjustments in further actions. The range of relationships becomes wider, and their nature becomes more complex. The main, leading motive of activity is the desire to determine one's place in society, as indicated by L.I. Bozovic. A peculiar feature of age is an attempt at self-affirmation, non-recognition of authorities, which sometimes leads to nihilism, negativism in relationships with parents and teachers. As a rule, in younger adolescents, situational motivation prevails, while in older adolescents there is a "outweighing" of personal or diapositive motivation over situational. The presence of one or another motivation is associated with the predominance of certain needs. Well known is the pyramid of human needs, developed by the famous Western psychologist A. Mas-Low. At the base of this pyramid are physiological needs, the upper part of the pyramid is the need for self-actualization, aesthetic and cognitive needs. The results of many years of research show that the overwhelming number of modern adolescents is characterized by
truncated ramid, which in schematized form can be represented as follows (see Fig. 1).
Need for knowledge
The need for approval from peers, parents, teachers, representatives of the reference group
The need for communication, awareness of oneself as a part of a certain society, where one can find recognition of oneself as a "part of the common"
The need for security, a sense of confidence
Physiological needs necessary for the body to function
Fig. 1 The pyramid of needs for adolescents
As you can see, the need for self-actualization and aesthetic expression is not vital for many adolescents; their needs are limited to the lower steps. This picture is the result of the fact that the activities of teachers in traditional teaching are mainly aimed at meeting the needs for knowledge. But adolescents have a very strong desire for self-affirmation and, not finding opportunities for this in their educational activities, many of them satisfy their aspirations in various kinds and levels of asocial activity. The contradictions of adolescence also lie in the fact that a teenager may have a need for knowledge, but not for learning, a need for communication, but not for submission. Thus, the traditional approach to education, which considers the adolescent as an object of learning, often does not lead to the desired results due to ignorance of the age characteristics of the students. As a result, there is a growing level of maladjustment, mental disorders in children, and a high level of conflict.
Another feature of adolescence is the frequent discrepancy between the phases of maturational maturation (sexual, organic and social), which he pointed out in his writings.
L.S. Vygotsky. This is due to both biological processes (acceleration, which accelerates organic and sexual maturation), and social conditions and subjective factors. The alienation of adolescents from real social and everyday problems, a decrease in the educational function of educational institutions often lead to a slowdown in social maturation, and sometimes to social infantilism and dependency. This also creates the prerequisites for the development of maladjustment.
One of the most important, and at the same time painful problems for a teenager is the problem of self-identification, awareness of his place in society, self-knowledge of himself as a person. First of all, here it is necessary to highlight the fact that adolescents are characterized by an inadequate sense of independence, self-sufficiency, along with self-doubt. The discrepancy between the desires of "adulthood" and real awareness of the actual state often leads in some cases to effective actions, in others - to depressive and frustrating states. A sense of adulthood, as noted by T.D. Molodtsov, can manifest itself in three ways: positive (striving for independence, increased responsibility), neutral (imitation of adults in dress, manners) and negative (rudeness, drunkenness, smoking, etc.). Quite often the desire to “show oneself to an adult”, to assert oneself and to increase one's rating among peers takes undesirable maladaptive forms (aggressive behavior, the emergence of bad habits, leaving home, etc.). Therefore, it is very important to use this feature of adolescents in practical pedagogical activity, creating conditions where adolescents could express themselves, feel responsible and independent. A.S. understood this very well and used it in his practical activities. Makarenko, many of whose provisions are still relevant today. The essence of the mechanism of growing up was disclosed in detail by the German scientist H. Remschmidt, who pointed out the following stages in the development of adolescents:
revision of value concepts, the emergence of the very idea of ​​the possibility of disagreement with generally accepted and declared beliefs;
rejection of old patterns of behavior, greater independence from the opinion of the family, school;
maturation of one's own "I", the formation of self-esteem, a frequent change in its direction;
along with an increase in external independence, there is an orientation in tastes, standards of behavior towards the reference group. As a consequence, there is an increase in conformity in relation to the reference group with a simultaneous conformism in relation to official structures.
Changes in adolescence and the nature of leading relationships, and they differ in younger and older adolescents - if younger adolescents are leading personal-social relations, then for older ones - personal-intimate. The importance of personal relationships in older adolescence is emphasized by R.I. Shevandrin, who believes that "emotional connections in peer groups are so significant that their violations are accompanied by persistent states of anxiety and mental discomfort and can be the cause of neuroses." It can be concluded that the level of development of interpersonal relations determines the specifics of individualization processes. Naturally, the significance of relationships is determined by their functions. These include the following:
informative (receiving information, the message of which is not available in any other way);
affiliate (satisfying the natural need for communication);
orientational (value orientations are formed in the results of relations);
emotional unloading (the development of the emotional-sensual sphere of the personality occurs);
compensatory (in the process of relationships, there is an unconscious compensation of negative emotions, troubles previously received, self-respect of adolescents is restored).
In the school life of adolescents, a contradiction often arises, the consequence of which is the emergence of maladaptive prerequisites. The essence of the contradiction lies in the bright
a pronounced, personally significant need for communication, on the one hand, and a sharp increase in educational material, the study of which is taken at home and requires a large amount of time to complete it. As a result, the adolescent's need for affiliation is either not satisfied, or problems arise in educational activities, academic performance declines, which entails conflicts at school and in the family. A feature of older adolescents is an increased interest in determining the level of development of their abilities. This is manifested in the enthusiasm for tests, participation in Olympiads, competitions. This interest also determines the relationship between educational and professional interests, the desire for self-improvement, the study of the peculiarities of interpersonal interaction in the official and unofficial spheres. As a result of the manifestation of this age characteristic of adolescents, especially older ones, the motivation of educational activity often changes, which becomes a "place of self-affirmation", as indicated by Yu.M. Orlov. I.S. Kohn, who noted that striving for leadership and prestige as a means of self-affirmation can cause serious damage to self-awareness, generate ambition, inadequacy of personal qualities, and contradiction in relations with the people around him. The realization of the need for communication, the importance of which was emphasized earlier, leads to an increase in adolescents' level of social perception (perception) and self-regulation of behavior, since “the general pattern of character formation is the formation of reflexive personality traits on the basis of communicative ones.
In connection with this feature of adolescence, there is a danger that in the absence of success in communication, the teenager will begin to look for an example to follow, which can become a pop idol, a famous actor, etc. This is associated with the effect of "fanaticism" when a teenager loses connection with reality, interest in his peers around him, begins to experience serious problems in real communication, the process of self-identification is disrupted. Often this is used for their own purposes by asocial elements, representing
leaders of various sects. Therefore, the creation of a system of reference points that are personally important for adolescents is one of the individual conditions for overcoming the adolescent crisis in relation to their “I” and to those around them.
In general, the question of whether adolescent crises leading to degradation are mandatory in adolescence, or whether they can be avoided, is open. Representatives of the Western psychological school (S. Hall, E. Spanger, neo-Freudians, etc.) more often conclude that adolescent maladjustment is inevitable, explaining it by the need to resolve programmed internal contradictions. So, J. Piaget explains the reason for adolescent maladjustment by overestimating their own capabilities when changing themselves and the world around them with the help of ideas. Z. Freud, E. Spanger attach the main importance to the unrealization of the sexual aspirations of adolescents. E. Erickson explains the reasons for maladjustment by the loss of self-identity. In his opinion, if this search fails, the adolescent begins to diffusion of identity, the loss of his “I”, confusion and unpredictability.
In Soviet and Russian pedagogy and psychology, the opinion is more widespread that adolescent maladjustment is not inevitable, that its emergence and development is due to specific factors, the influence of which can be neutralized with appropriate work. Along with this, most works emphasize that it is precisely adolescence that should be given increased attention, as the most maladaptively dangerous period. Adolescent maladjustment can manifest itself in various forms. One of the most common is the form of a depressed mental state. Teenagers, often without external grounds, begin to experience an inferiority complex, a feeling of isolation from the team, they lose joy in their activities, they lose a sense of perspective, and a feeling of anxiety and self-doubt arises. Along with the deterioration of the mental state, there is also a decrease in the level of physical fitness. In adolescents, a previously unusual slowness, awkwardness appears, which enhances the development of maladjustment. Due to a decrease in the impulse for activity
adolescents watch all TV shows, are able to sit around for hours, scolding themselves for lack of willpower. The situation is aggravated by the lack of spontaneous psychological compensation due to depression throughout the day.
In connection with the development of obsessive ideas about their own inferiority, adolescents keep estranged from their parents and peers, they have a deepening of isolation, silence, detachment from collective activity, that is, “depressive autism” is growing, which leads to the further development of maladjustment.
The opposite picture is often observed, leading, however, to a similar result. Adolescents of this type have increased excitability; they react to all comments addressed to them with rudeness, sometimes turning into a hostile attitude. They become conflicted, pugnacious, arrogant, intolerant of other people's opinions. Increased opposition and negativism are characteristic of adolescents. N.M. Iovchuk and A. A. Severny indicate that adolescents "may have various kinds of hysteriform states, demonstrative attempts at suicide, leaving home and vagrancy." The reference group in such adolescents most often has an antisocial orientation, often adolescents, trying to relieve stress, use alcohol, narcotic and toxic substances, which aggravates the maladaptive state.
When characterizing the age characteristics of adolescents, one cannot but dwell on the problem of suicide attempts, since according to statistics, the largest number of suicides occurs in the older adolescent and early youth age groups, and over the past 5 years in Russia, the number of suicides among adolescents has increased by 60%. The same authors believe that the number of suicidal attempts in early adolescence is increasing. Most often, suicide attempts are caused by violations of relationships in the family, educational failures, violation of intimate-personal relationships. The actions of adolescents are usually impulsive, a "short circuit" reaction is triggered. A feature of this age can be considered the fact that suicidal attempts are often caused by the desire to restore the impaired
social ties as a result of conflicts, and not a conscious need for self-destruction. Suicidal attempts are always based on maladaptive states of varying severity. Here are the statistical data of A.L. Groisman, who, as a result of observation of 500 maladapted adolescents, found that the sources of maladaptive situations were: educational activity (35% of cases), family relations (24% of cases), sexual dissatisfaction (14%), dissatisfaction with oneself (5%), etc. ... We will try to summarize the internal causes of adolescent maladjustment:
Insufficient realization of the need for personally meaningful relationships, or an unmet need for communication in general.
Loss of personally significant landmarks in future development or the formation of a system of false landmarks.
The discrepancy between the "felt I" and the "ideal I", the development of an inferiority complex, the formation of inadequate self-esteem.
The gap between the capabilities of adolescents and their claim to social status, the loss of self-identity. Increased conflict as a result of the desire to assert itself.
The discrepancy in the goal-setting system of adolescents and social institutions, especially schools. For the school, the main goal is still to "arm" the student with the ZUN system, for a teenager - self-affirmation, self-actualization in the system of interpersonal relations.
Insufficient realization of feelings of "adulthood" in adolescents, inertia of the system of relations on the part of parents and teachers.
Age-related increased nervous irritability, mental instability of adolescents, often leading to neurotic or depressive states.
Based on the analysis of the essence of factors, causes and forms of maladjustment of adolescents, we introduce the concept of the adaptive potential of a personality, reflecting adolescents' resistance to maladjustment factors. It is a collection of all subjective qualities and abilities of a person
that allow her to successfully adapt to her environment. The adaptive potential of a person is an integral phenomenon that includes those characteristics and personality traits (personality traits, physical and mental health, character, worldview, etc.) that increase his ability to establish harmonious relations with the world around him and himself. Therefore, one of the main directions of preventive work to prevent maladjustment processes is to increase the adaptive potential of adolescents by creating conditions for personal self-development. Adaptive potential is a variable value and depends on age characteristics, personal experience of a teenager, external conditions. So, when a student moves to another collective, where he may not initially be accepted as a beginner in the existing social structure, many personal qualities that determine the adaptive potential may undergo essential changes, change their orientation (optimism can be replaced by pessimism, sociability - by isolation, etc.). etc.). The resulting potential will make it difficult to adapt in the future, in new situations. Therefore, when diagnosing personal qualities that determine the adaptive potential, we took into account their dynamics.
Disadaptation, like any process that has factors of origin and development, parameters of a qualitative state, direction of development, lends itself to classification. The classification characteristic is necessary for choosing the optimal ways of readaptation and prevention of maladjustment. Currently, there are several types of classification of maladjustment (SA Belicheva, TD Molodtsova, etc.) according to various criteria. The most complete version of the classification belongs to T.D. Molodtsova. Based on long-term observations of students, we offer our own version of the classification:
by the source of occurrence;
by the nature of the manifestation;
by the area of ​​manifestation;
by intensity;
- by coverage. As indicated above, the process of maladjustment consists in the mismatch of the relationship of the individual with the outside world or with himself, that is, it is always an internally personal process, but the driving force that provokes intrapersonal disorders can be both external factors in relation to the personality, and changes qualities of the subject himself. Therefore, according to the source of occurrence, maladjustment is subdivided into exogenous, where the cause of maladjustment is mainly external factors, factors of the social environment; endogenous, with predominant participation in the process of maladjustment of internal factors (psychogenic diseases, individual characteristics of psychological development, etc.) and complex, the causes of which are multifactorial.
This classification, in our opinion, complements the classification of T.D. Molodtsova, who, depending on the manifestation of maladjustment, selects a pathogenic, manifested in neuroses, hysterics, psychopathies, somatic disorders, etc.; psychological, expressed in character acceptance, frustration, inadequacy of self-esteem, deprivations, etc .; psychosocial, defined by conflict, deviant behavior, academic failure, relationship disorders; social, when a teenager openly contradicts generally accepted social requirements. Complex use of the classification T.D. Molodtsova and the classification proposed by us, allows you to compose a more complete picture of the essence of maladjustment, its root causes and manifestations.
By the nature of the manifestation, we subdivide maladjustment into behavioral, which is manifested in the activity responses of adolescents to maladaptive-conditioning factors, and latent, deep, outwardly not expressed, but under certain conditions it can turn into behavioral maladjustment. The behavioral reactions of adolescents experiencing the process of maladjustment can manifest themselves in conflicts, indiscipline, delinquency, bad habits, refusal to comply with the orders of parents, teachers, school administration. In the most severe forms of maladjustment
Leaving the house, vagrancy, attempted suicide, etc. are possible.
Behavioral maladjustment is easier to detect, which often facilitates the readaptation process.
Latent maladjustment is mainly associated with disorders in the intrapersonal environment, is determined by the individual characteristics of the personality, and can also reach significant intensity. During the transition to behavioral maladjustment, it can manifest itself in the form of depression, affective reactions, etc.
According to the area of ​​manifestation, in our opinion, maladjustment can be divided into worldview, when the main violations occur in the worldview or socio-ideological complexes of personally significant relationships; maladjustment by activities in which violations of relations are observed in the process of participation of a teenager in a particular activity; maladjustment of communication that occurs when there is a violation in the intrasocial and intimate-personal complexes of relations, that is, violations occur in the process of interaction of a teenager in a family, school, with peers, teachers; subjective-personal, in which maladjustment occurs due to the student's dissatisfaction with himself, that is, there is a violation of the attitude towards himself. Although outwardly, as a rule, the maladjustment of communication is manifested more clearly, however, in terms of the consequences, which are not always the nearest in time and predictable, it seems to us that the maladjustment is more dangerous in terms of worldview. This type of maladjustment is typical just for adolescence, when a teenager develops a system of his own beliefs, forms a "personal core". If the process of worldview maladjustment proceeds intensively, social nonconformism arises, asocial behavioral reactions are observed. These four types of maladjustment are very closely interconnected - ideological maladjustment inevitably entails subjective-personal maladjustment and, as a consequence, maladjustment of communication occurs, which causes activity maladjustment. It can also be the other way around: activity maladjustment entails all other types of maladjustment.
In terms of the depth of coverage, we single out general maladjustment, when the overwhelming number of complexes of personally significant relationships are disturbed, and a particular one, affecting certain types of complexes. Most often, the intimate-personal complex undergoes private disadaptation. Some subspecies of maladjustment are highlighted by T.D. Molodtsova. So, it subdivides primary and secondary maladjustment according to the nature of its occurrence. Primary maladjustment is a source of secondary, and often of a different type. In the event of a conflict in the family (primary maladjustment), a teenager can withdraw into himself (secondary maladjustment), reduce academic performance, which causes a conflict at school (secondary maladjustment), compensating for the psychological problems that have arisen, the adolescent is "irritated" at younger students, can commit an offense. Therefore, it is very important to determine what was the root cause of maladjustment, otherwise the process of readaptation will be very difficult, if at all possible. We agree with A.S. Belicheva, and later - with changes by T.D. Molodtsova, such subspecies of maladjustment as stable, temporary, situational, differentiated by the time of its course. In the case of a short-term maladjustment associated with any conflict situation and terminating at the end of the conflict, we will talk about situational maladjustment. If maladjustment periodically manifests itself in similar situations, but has not yet acquired a stable character, this subtype of maladjustment refers to temporary. Stable maladjustment is characterized by a regular, long-term effect, poorly readaptable and, as a rule, captures a significant number of relationship complexes. Of course, the above classifications are rather arbitrary, in reality, maladjustment is most often a complex formation due to various factors.

The problem of maladjustment is that the impossibility of adapting to a new situation not only worsens the social and mental development of a person, but also leads to recursive pathology. This means that a maladapted person, while ignoring this mental state, will not be able to show activity in any society in the future.


Maladjustment is a mental state of a person (more often of a child than of an adult), in which the psychosocial status of a person does not correspond to a new social environment, which makes it difficult or completely eliminates the possibility of adaptation.

There are three types:

  • Pathogenic maladjustment is a condition that occurs as a result of disruption of the human psyche, with neuropsychiatric diseases and deviations. Such maladjustment is treated depending on the possibility of curing the disease-cause.
  • Psychosocial maladjustment is the inability to adapt to a new environment due to individual social characteristics, gender and age changes, and personality formation. This type of maladjustment is usually temporary, but in some cases the problem may worsen, and then psychosocial maladjustment will develop into pathogenic.
  • Social maladjustment is a phenomenon characterized by asocial behavior and disruption of the socialization process. It also includes educational maladjustment. The boundaries between social and psychosocial maladjustment are very blurred and lie in the particular manifestation of each of them.

Disadaptation of schoolchildren as a type of social inability to adapt to the environment

Dwelling on social maladjustment, it is worth mentioning that this problem is especially acute in the early school years. In this regard, another term appears, such as "school maladjustment". This is a situation in which a child, for various reasons, becomes incapable of both building a “personality-society” relationship and learning in principle.

Psychologists interpret this situation in different ways: as a subspecies of social maladjustment or as an independent phenomenon in which social maladjustment is only a school cause. However, excluding this relationship, there are three more main reasons why a child will feel uncomfortable in an educational institution:

  • insufficient preschool preparation;
  • lack of behavioral control skills in a child;
  • inability to adapt to the pace of learning at school.

All three of them boil down to the fact that school maladjustment is a common phenomenon among first graders, but sometimes it also manifests itself in older children, for example, in adolescence due to personality restructuring or simply when moving to a new educational institution. In this case, maladjustment from social develops into psychosocial.

The consequences of school maladjustment

Among the manifestations of school maladjustment, the following are distinguished:

  • complex academic failure in subjects;
  • skipping classes for disrespectful reasons;
  • disregard for norms and school rules;
  • disrespect for classmates and teachers, conflicts;
  • isolation, unwillingness to make contact.

Psychosocial maladjustment - the problem of the Internet generation

Consider school maladjustment from the point of view of the school age period, and not the academic one in principle. This maladjustment manifests itself in the form of conflicts with peers and teachers, sometimes - immoral behavior that violates the rules of conduct in an educational institution or in society as a whole.

A little more than half a century ago, the Internet was not among the causes of this kind of maladjustment. Now he is the main reason.

Hikkikomori (hikki, hikkovat, from Japanese. "To break away, to be imprisoned") is a modern term for describing social adjustment disorder in young people. It is interpreted as a complete avoidance of any contact with society.

In Japan, the definition of "hikkikomori" is a disease, but at the same time in social circles it can even be used as an insult. In short, it can be said that being a "hikka" is bad. But this is the case in the East. In the countries of the post-Soviet space (including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, etc.), with the spread of the phenomenon of social networks, the image of hikkikomori was elevated to a cult. This also includes the popularization of imaginary misanthropy and / or nihilism.

This led to an increase in the level of psychosocial maladjustment among adolescents. The Internet generation, going through puberty, taking as an example "hickey" and imitating it, runs the risk of actually undermining mental health and beginning to show pathogenic maladjustment. This is the essence of the problem of open access to information. The task of the parents is to teach the child from an early age to filter the acquired knowledge and separate the useful and the harmful in order to prevent undue influence from the latter.

Factors of psychosocial maladjustment

The Internet factor, although considered the basis of psychosocial maladjustment in the modern world, is not the only one.

Other causes of maladjustment:

  • Emotional disorders in adolescent schoolchildren. This is a personality problem that manifests itself in aggressive behavior, or, conversely, in depression, lethargy and apathy. Briefly, this situation can be described by the expression "from one extreme to another."
  • Emotional self-regulation disorder. This means that a teenager is often unable to control himself, which leads to numerous conflicts and clashes. The next step after that is adolescent maladjustment.
  • Lack of understanding in the family. Constant tension in the family circle does not affect the teenager in the best way, and besides the fact that this cause causes the previous two, family conflicts are not the best example for a child of how to behave in society.

The last factor touches upon the perennial father-child problem; this proves once again that parents are responsible for preventing problems of social and psychosocial adaptation.

Classification. Subtypes of psychosocial maladjustment

Depending on the causes and factors, the following classification of psychosocial maladjustment can be conventionally drawn up:

  • Social and household. A person may not be satisfied with the new living conditions.
  • Legal. A person is not satisfied with his place in the social hierarchy and / or in society in general.
  • Situational role-playing. Short-term maladjustment associated with an inappropriate social role in a particular situation.
  • Sociocultural. Failure to accept the mentality and culture of the surrounding society. More often it manifests itself when moving to another city / country.

Socio-psychological maladjustment, or maladjustment in personal relationships

Disadaptation in a pair is a very interesting and little-studied concept. Little studied in the sense of just classification, since the problems of maladjustment often worry parents in relation to their children and are almost always ignored in relation to themselves.

Nevertheless, although rarely, this situation can arise, because personality maladjustment is responsible for this - a generalized term for fitness disorders, which is the best suited for use here.

Disharmony in a couple is one of the reasons for parting and divorce. It includes the incompatibility of characters and outlook on life, the lack of mutual feelings, respect and understanding. As a result, conflicts, selfish attitude, cruelty, rudeness appear. Relationships become "sick", especially if, due to the habit, none of the couple is going to give up.

Psychologists also noticed that in large families such maladjustment is rare, but its cases are more frequent if the couple lives with their parents or other relatives.

Pathogenic maladjustment: when a disease interferes with adaptation in society

This type, as already mentioned above, occurs with nervous and mental disorders. The manifestation of maladjustment due to illness sometimes becomes chronic, amenable only to temporary relief.

So, for example, oligophrenia is characterized by the absence of psychopathic inclinations and dispositions for crimes, however, the mental retardation of such a patient undoubtedly interferes with his social fitness. That is why this category of children has been taken out by psychologists into a separate program, according to which the prevention of maladjustment should be carried out:

  • Diagnosis of the disease until its complete progression.
  • Correspondence of the curriculum to the capabilities of the child.
  • The focus of the program on work activity is to bring work skills to automatism.
  • Social training.
  • The pedagogical organization of the system of collective ties and relations of oligophrenic children in the process of any of their activities.

The problem of raising "uncomfortable" students

Among exceptional children, gifted children also occupy a special stage. The problem in educating such guys is that talent and a sharp mind are not a disease, so they do not look for a special approach to them. Often, teachers only exacerbate the situation, provoking conflicts in the collective and exacerbating the relationship between the “clever people” and their peers.

Prevention of maladjustment of children who are ahead of others in intellectual and spiritual development consists in proper family and school education, aimed not only at developing existing abilities, but also in such character traits as ethics, politeness and humanity. It is they, more precisely, their absence, who are responsible for the possible “conceit” and selfishness of little “geniuses”.

Autism. Disadaptation of autistic children

Autism is a violation of social development, which is characterized by the desire to withdraw "into oneself" from the world. This disease has no beginning or end, it is a life sentence. Autistic patients may have both developed intellectual abilities and, conversely, a small degree of developmental retardation. An early sign of autism is the inability of a child to accept and understand other people, to “read” information from them. Avoidance of eye-to-eye gaze is a characteristic symptom.

In order to help an autistic child adapt to the world, parents need to be patient and tolerant, because they often have to face misunderstanding and aggression from the outside world. It is important to understand that their little son / daughter is even harder, and he / she needs help and care.

Scientists suggest that social maladjustment of autistic children occurs due to impairments in the work of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the emotional perception of the personality.

There are basic rules for communicating with a child with autism:

  • Do not make high demands.
  • Accept him as he is. In any circumstance.
  • Have patience while teaching it. It is futile to expect quick results; one must rejoice in small victories as well.
  • Do not condemn or blame the child for his illness. Actually, no one is to blame.
  • Set a good example for your child. Having no communication skills, he will try to follow his parents, and therefore one should carefully choose a circle of communication.
  • Accept that you have to sacrifice something.
  • Do not hide the child from society, but also do not torment him with it.
  • To devote more time to his upbringing and personality formation, rather than intellectual training. Although, of course, both sides are important.
  • Love him no matter what.

Inability to adapt to society due to nervous and mental disorders of personality

Among the most common personality disorders, one of the symptoms of which is maladjustment, there are the following:

  • OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). It is described as an obsession, sometimes contrary to even the moral principles of the patient and therefore interfering with the growth of his personality and, consequently, socialization. People with OCD tend to be too clean and orderly. In advanced cases, the patient is able to "cleanse" his body to the bone. Psychiatrists are involved in treating OCD, there is no psychological indication for it.
  • Schizophrenia. Another personality disorder in which the patient is unable to control himself, which leads to his inability to interact normally in society.
  • Bipolar personality disorder. Previously associated with manic-depressive psychosis. A person with BDD occasionally experiences either anxiety mixed with depression, or agitation and a rise in energy, as a result of which he exhibits exalted behavior. It also prevents him from adapting in society.

Deviant and delinquent behavior as one of the forms of maladjustment

Deviant is the behavior that deviates from the norm, is contrary to the norms or completely denies them. The manifestation of deviant behavior in psychology is called an "act".

The action is aimed at:

  • Testing your own strengths, abilities, skills and abilities.
  • Testing methods for achieving specific goals. So, aggression, with the help of which you can achieve what you want, with a successful result will be repeated again and again. Also a vivid example are whims, tears and tantrums.

Deviation doesn't always mean doing bad things. The positive phenomenon of deviation is the manifestation of oneself in a creative sense, the disclosure of one's character.

Disadaptation is characterized by negative deviation. It includes bad habits, unacceptable actions or inaction, lies, rudeness, etc.

The next stage of deviation is delinquent behavior.

Delicate behavior is a protest, a deliberate choice of path against a system of established norms. It is aimed at the destruction and complete destruction of established traditions and rules.

Deeds related to delinquent behavior are often very cruel, antisocial, up to criminal offenses.

Professional adaptation and maladjustment

Finally, it is important to consider maladjustment in adulthood, associated with a collision of a personality with a team, and not a specific incongruous character.

For the most part, professional stress is responsible for the violation of adaptation in the work collective.

In turn, it (stress) can cause the following moments:

  • Invalid working hours. Even paid overtime hours are not able to restore a person to the health of his nervous system.
  • Competition. Healthy competition gives motivation, unhealthy - damage to this very health, causes aggression, depression, insomnia, reduces work efficiency.
  • Very fast promotion. No matter how pleasant a person is to a promotion, a constant change of environment, social role, responsibilities rarely benefits him.
  • Negative interpersonal relationships with the administration. It’s not even worth explaining how constant stress affects the workflow.
  • Conflict between work and personal life. When a person has to make a choice between areas of life, it has a negative impact on each of them.
  • Unstable position at work. In small doses, this allows the superiors to keep subordinates "on a short leash." However, after some time, this begins to affect the relationship in the team. Constant mistrust degrades the performance and performance of the entire organization.

Also interesting are the concepts of "readaptation" and "readaptation", both differing in personality restructuring due to extreme working conditions. Readaptation is aimed at changing oneself and one's actions to more suitable ones in the given conditions. Readaptation helps a person return to his usual rhythm of life.

In a situation of professional maladjustment, it is recommended to listen to the popular definition of rest - to change the type of activity. Active pastime in the air, creative self-realization in art or handicraft - all this allows the personality to switch, and the nervous system - to make a kind of reboot. In acute forms of violation of work adaptation, long rest should be combined with psychological counseling.


Maladjustment is often perceived as a problem that does not require attention. But she demands it, and at any age: from the smallest in kindergarten to adults at work and in personal relationships. The sooner you start preventing maladjustment, the easier it will be to avoid similar problems in the future. Correction of maladjustment is carried out with the help of work on oneself and sincere mutual assistance of others.