Heat supply contract. Regulatory and legal aspects of the relationship between thermal energy consumers and energy supply organizations

Heat supply contract.  Regulatory and legal aspects of the relationship between thermal energy consumers and energy supply organizations
Heat supply contract. Regulatory and legal aspects of the relationship between thermal energy consumers and energy supply organizations

The calculation of heat consumption is the basis for determining the capacity of heat supply systems during their design, as well as for optimizing heat loads during their operation. The maximum heat consumption is determined at full load of technological consumers and hot water supply, taking into account the heat consumption for heating and ventilation in the coldest period of the year. According to the maximum heat consumption, the capacity of the production and heating boiler plant or the consumption of heat carriers from centralized heat sources is selected.

Heat consumption for technological needs is given in the project documentation of the enterprise or workshop. Detailed calculations of heat consumption for individual technological processes are carried out according to special methods and regulatory materials. In the absence of design data to determine the capacity of the boiler house and the entire heat supply system, the costs of heat and heat carriers are calculated according to aggregated specific indicators and standards or by analogy with other enterprises. Approximate rates of heat consumption by various consumers, taking into account losses to the environment, are presented in Table. 19.2.

Table 19.2

Approximate rates of heat consumption for technological needs per one dense m 3 (pl. m 3) of products

Notes :

  • 1. The difference in heat consumption for drying lumber and veneer is explained by the amount of heat loss in dryers of various types.
  • 2. The heat consumption for pressing depends on the density of the finished boards. Larger values ​​should be taken for slabs of higher density.
  • 3. Heat for heating the pool is consumed during half of the heating season. Large values ​​of heat consumption should be taken for regions with low winter temperatures.

These standards are not permanent. They are gradually decreasing as a result of the use of energy-saving technologies.

The calculation of the maximum thermal power, MW, of technological consumers, with the exception of pool heating, can be carried out according to the following relationship:

Thermal power, MW, for water heating in the sawmill pool can be calculated using the formula

In formulas (19.1) and (19.2): q npi , q 6 - norms of heat consumption by technological consumers and the pool of the sawmill shop per unit of production, MJ/pl. m 3 (see table. 19.2); P™- - annual production of products by the heat consumer, sq. m 3; - the annual volume of logs processed in the basin, MJ/m, sweat - duration of the heating season, determined by climatological data for a given region, days; znp- operating time of the heat consumer per year, h/year.

Heat consumption for heating and ventilation buildings depend on the outdoor temperature and other climatic conditions (solar radiation, wind speed, air humidity), as well as on the design, production purpose and volume of the building. Consumers of thermal energy for heating and ventilation, for which heat consumption is necessary only at relatively low outdoor temperatures, are called seasonal.

The maximum (calculated) thermal heating power of an individual building, kW, for each building is determined as

thermal output of ventilation with air heating

where q 0T j and q B i - specific heating and ventilation characteristics of buildings, depending on the purpose of the building and its volume, W / (m 3 K); V t - the volume of the building according to the external measurement, m 3; t p o - outdoor air temperature for heating calculation, °С, ; Г r in - outdoor air temperature for calculating ventilation, ° С,; Гin - the temperature inside the premises according to the Sanitary Norms and Rules (SNiP 41-01-2003, updated edition, valid since 2013) is accepted: for industrial premises - 16 ° С, administrative and residential - 18 ° С.

The total maximum thermal power is determined by:

For heating system

For ventilation system

Average heat consumption for heating and ventilation, and (2 in r, kW, for the heating period are determined by the formulas:

where t c p o - average outdoor temperature for the heating period, ° С.

Average heat consumption for hot water supply during the heating period Q B P B , kW, is determined by the formula

where from to\u003d 4.19 - specific heat capacity of water, kJDkg-K); t - the number of residents or employees in the enterprise; a = 100 - hot water consumption rate for residential buildings per inhabitant, kgDchel-day); b\u003d 20 - water consumption rate for public buildings, kgD person-day); / r \u003d 65 ° С - hot water temperature; t x = 5 °С - temperature of cold water.

The value (9 g sr, kW, can be approximately estimated by the formula

Estimated heat consumption for hot water supply of residential and public buildings Q rB , kW, is calculated by the formula

where to - coefficient of hourly non-uniformity of heat consumption during the day (to = 2,04-2,4).

In summer, the heat load of hot water supply is reduced due to an increase in the temperature of cold water, the average heat consumption (? g c in l, kW, is determined by the formula

where / x l is the temperature of tap water in summer (15 ° C); (3 - coefficient taking into account the reduction in hot water consumption in summer compared to winter (taken equal to 0.8 for residential and public buildings, for industrial enterprises (3 = 1).

Question 1. Classification of heat consumers. Thermal load charts.

BASICS OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY (theory and test materials)

Editor Asylbekova B.A.

Signed for printing 24. 01.2002 Format 60x90/16 Negotiated price

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Question 1. Classification of heat consumers. Thermal load charts.

Classification of heat consumers. (8, p.51..55)

Thermal consumption is the use of thermal energy for a variety of domestic and industrial purposes (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, showers, baths, laundries, various technological heat-using installations, etc.).

When designing and operating heat supply systems, it is necessary to take into account:

Type of heat carrier (water or steam);

Heat carrier parameters (temperature and pressure);

Maximum hourly heat consumption;

Change in heat consumption during the day (daily schedule);

Annual heat consumption;

Change in heat consumption during the year (annual schedule);

The nature of the use of the coolant by consumers (direct intake from the heating network or only heat extraction).

Heat consumers place different demands on the heating system. Despite this, heat supply must be reliable, economical and satisfy all heat consumers in a quality manner.

The mode of operation of technological systems is subject to changes that can be both regular and random, long-term or short-term, but they should occur with minimal energy consumption, without compromising the reliability of the operation of the equipment and related systems.

Neglect of this factor usually leads to miscalculations when choosing equipment for power supply sources and unreasonable excessive fuel consumption to ensure the required load.

In order to assess the actual need of an enterprise or its divisions for thermal energy resources, it is necessary to analyze the heat consumption graphs during certain periods of work - within a day, week, month, year.

Characteristics of the uniformity of heat loads throughout the year are the number of hours of use of the maximum heat load, h / year, and the coefficient K, which is the ratio of the average daily load to the maximum daily load for the year.

According to these characteristics, industrial enterprises are divided into three groups: the first t\u003d 4000 - 5000 h / year, K \u003d 0.57 - 0.68; second t\u003d 5000 - 6000 h / year, K \u003d 0.6 - 0.76; third t 6000 h/year, K 0.76.

The first group includes enterprises, for example, light industry and mechanical engineering, in the structure of thermal energy costs of which more than 40% have loads of heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems. Accordingly, the cost of heat for the technology is less than 60%. The third group includes enterprises with a prevailing share of heat load costs for technological needs - more than 90%. Heat consumption by consumers of other categories is very small - less than 10% (Table 8).

Table 8

Heat consumers can be divided into two groups:

1) seasonal heat consumers;

2) year-round heat consumers.

Seasonal heat consumers are:


Ventilation (with air heating in heaters);

Air conditioning (obtaining air of a certain quality: purity, temperature and humidity).

Year-round consumers use heat throughout the year. This group includes:

Technological consumers of heat;

Hot water supply for household consumers.

Seasonal load changes depend mainly on climatic conditions (outside air temperature, wind speed and direction, solar radiation, air humidity, etc.). The seasonal load has a relatively constant daily schedule and a variable annual load schedule (Fig. 11).

The schedule of the technological load depends on the profile and mode of operation of industrial enterprises, and the schedule of the load of hot water supply depends on the improvement of buildings, the composition and daily routine of the main population groups, the mode of operation of public utilities - baths, laundries. It has an almost constant annual and sharply variable daily schedule. Daily schedules on Saturdays and Sundays are usually different from daily schedules on other days of the week.

Most heat supply systems have a diverse heat load (heating, ventilation, hot water supply, process consumers). Its value and nature depend on many factors, including climatic and, mainly, on the temperature of the outside air.

The graph (Fig. 12) shows the dependence of heat consumption for heating, ventilation, hot water supply and technological needs on the outside air temperature, i.e. heat costs.

The relative values ​​of heat consumption are plotted along the ordinate axis in fractions of a unit (the maximum total heat consumption is taken as a unit, i.e. , where , , , are the maximum estimated heat consumption for heating, ventilation, hot water supply and technological needs, respectively).

The abscissa is the outside air temperature.

Let's build four graphs of different thermal loads. Heat consumption for technological needs and hot water supply is not a function of the outside temperature. The schedule will have an uneven character during the day and during the week, but it is smoothed out during the year and acquires a uniform character.

is usually around the clock. At a constant outside temperature, the heating load of residential buildings is practically constant. For industrial enterprises, it has a non-permanent daily and weekly schedule, i.e. in order to save money, they artificially reduce the supply of heat at night and on weekends. The maximum heating flow corresponds to the calculated outdoor temperature for heating and is the calculated heating load. The minimum heat consumption for heating corresponds to the calculated outdoor temperature at the beginning and end of the heating season

Characteristic temperatures for the graph ventilation load the following:

The calculated outdoor air temperature for ventilation corresponds to the calculated ventilation load (recirculation heating is used). When the heat consumption for ventilation is constant and the ventilation units operate with recirculation, i.e. with the admixture of air taken from their premises to the outside air. Air recirculation is acceptable for premises where the air does not contain pathogens, toxic gases, vapors and dust. Air is mixed in front of the calorific unit and in an amount that ensures its constant temperature. As the outside temperature drops, the mixing increases and the outside air supply decreases. The temperature of the water entering the heaters remains constant. Thus, when the outdoor air temperature is lower, the heat consumption for ventilation remains equal to the calculated one due to the reduction in the air exchange rate. To regulate the air exchange rate in the interval ventilation units must be equipped with autoregulators.

Ventilation activation temperature. The minimum heat consumption for ventilation corresponds to the calculated outdoor temperature at the beginning and end of the heating period of industrial buildings.

The total heat consumption for heating, ventilation, hot water supply and technological needs in the district is the sum of the costs of individual subscribers. The heating load is dominant. The graph of the total heat consumption has the form shown in Fig.12. It has three break points:

a) the moment of turning on the heating;

b) the moment of turning on the ventilation;

c) the moment of change in the ventilation load.

The nature of the total load schedule depends on the ratio of loads of individual consumer groups.

Main heating task is to maintain conditions of thermal comfort (conditions favorable for life and activity).

According to SNiP, permissible (optimal) meteorological conditions in the area of ​​​​residential and public buildings:

Air temperature 18-22 o C (22-24 o C)

Relative humidity 65% ​​(45-30)

Air speed no more than 0.3 m/s (0.1-0.15)

To do this, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the heat losses of the building and the heat gain, which can be expressed as the following equation ( heat balance):


where - total heat losses, - heat inflow through the heating system, - internal heat sources.


Losses due to heat transfer through external enclosures;

Loss of infiltration due to cold air entering the premises through leaky external fences,

Heat for heating cold objects (materials), ()


From solar radiation (lanterns, windows);

From communications and technological equipment;

From electrical equipment and electrical lighting fixtures;

From heated material and products;

In technological processes (condensation);

From combustion products, furnace surfaces;

From people.

There are two calculation methods .

1) For small buildings(premises):


where is the heat transfer coefficient, is the surface area of ​​individual external fences, is the difference in air temperatures from the inside and outside of these fences.

Existing legislation on heat consumers

  • The Civil Code does not give definitions of a heat supply organization and a consumer, but from the meaning of paragraph 1 of Art. 539 it follows that a subscriber (consumer) can be a person (legal or natural) who buys thermal energy from a heat supply organization through an attached heat network. Moreover, the concepts of “subscriber” and “consumer” located together are considered as equally valid and, even, as synonyms, because hereinafter only the word "subscriber" is used. In accordance with this article, heat supply contracts were previously concluded between heat supply and housing maintenance organizations serving multi-apartment residential buildings.

As a rule, housing and communal services were municipal enterprises authorized by the owner to act as a renter of residential premises. According to Art. 676 of the Civil Code, the landlord is obliged to carry out the proper operation of a residential building, to provide or ensure the provision of the necessary utilities to the tenant for a fee. The list of utilities is defined by the all-Russian classifier, and these include, in particular, heating services, hot water supply services, ventilation and air conditioning services. Thus, housing maintenance organizations were obliged to perform the above services for residents, purchasing thermal energy for their performance from heat supply organizations under a heat supply agreement.

  • The situation changed dramatically in 1995, both due to the beginning of the privatization of the housing stock, and as a result of the adoption of Federal Law 41 "On State Regulation of Tariffs for Electricity and Heat". In this law, the consumer was defined as an individual or legal entity that uses thermal energy (capacity).

The concept of "use" refers to one of the basic powers of the owner and is the right to consume their property. Since housing and utility companies do not consume heat energy themselves, the consumer in many cases began to be understood as residents of individual apartments.

Most likely, the authors did not mean such far-reaching consequences and used this term in relation to the regulation of tariffs, but the reservation was not made and Article 548 of the Civil Code began to work, which determines that Articles 539-547 of the Civil Code regulating energy supply apply to relations related to the supply of thermal energy, unless otherwise determined by law or other legal acts. Thus, this article gives priority in the regulation of heat supply to other legislative acts over the Civil Code.

In the conditions of massive non-payments, many heat supply companies took advantage of the opportunity and went for direct payments from the population. The further introduction of all kinds of cash settlement centers did not change the situation in principle, but only streamlined financial flows.

  • The recognition of a resident as a consumer of thermal energy was finally fixed by the adoption in 2003 of Federal Law 35 “On the Electric Power Industry”, which determined the consumer of thermal energy to be a person who purchases thermal energy for own domestic or industrial needs.

It is clear that such a definition was adopted in order to legitimize the established practice of direct collection by energy supply companies of payments from the population for electricity. But the paradox is that for electricity in the Civil Code there is no rule that gives priority in regulating contractual relations to other laws and, accordingly, in relation to consumers of electrical energy, their definition in the law on electric power industry is legally incorrect. In relation to consumers of thermal energy, on the contrary, it has priority, clarifying the definition in 41 FZ.

Contradictions in the legislation

Arbitration and judicial practice on the heat supply of multi-apartment residential buildings is so contradictory that one can definitely say about the imperfection of the current legislation.

  • Out of habit, everyone refers contractual relations between heat supply organizations and residents to energy supply contracts that are considered concluded in accordance with clause 1. Art. 540 of the Civil Code from the moment of the first actual connection of a resident to the connected network. But the residents are not directly connected to the networks of the heat supply organization, therefore, an energy supply agreement cannot be concluded. An ordinary contract of sale and purchase of heat supply organizations on the terms of Art. 540 of the Civil Code cannot conclude, i.е. personal agreements with the residents of each apartment are required.
  • According to Art. 539 of the Civil Code, the consumer, under an energy supply agreement, is obliged to ensure the safety of operation and the serviceability of the instruments and equipment used by him, related to the consumption of thermal energy, but according to Art. 50.51 of the Housing Code and 676 of the Civil Code, the housing maintenance organization is responsible for this.

According to Art. 539 of the Civil Code, the consumer is obliged to agree on the mode of consumption of thermal energy provided for by the contract, but according to clause 3. Art. 541 of the Civil Code, when a citizen acts as a consumer under an energy supply agreement, he is exempt from restrictions on the amount of energy used.

  • When concluding sales and purchase agreements between TSOs and citizens, it becomes necessary to conclude an agreement between TSOs and ZhEOs for the provision of services for the transfer of heat energy through intra-house networks to the consumer. The provision of such services implies licensing activities (according to 17 Federal Laws, the reception, transmission and distribution of thermal energy is licensed) and state regulation of tariffs for the provision of this service (according to 41 Federal Laws and 226 Government Decrees, the system of regulated tariffs applicable for payments for thermal energy includes payment for services for heat transfer).
  • Changing the concept of a consumer did not cancel the effect of other requirements of the head of the Energosnabzhenie Group of Companies:
    • paragraph 2 of Art. 539 requires to organize accounting of energy consumption by the subscriber (consumer), i.e. by the level of consumption of a particular apartment, and not by the average consumption in the entire house per 1 m2 or per 1 resident, even if the average consumption is calculated using house meters.
    • the same paragraph determines that an energy supply agreement is concluded if the subscriber (consumer) has an energy receiving device that meets the established technical requirements, but, according to the law "On the Fundamentals of the Federal Housing Policy", plumbing and other equipment intended to service more than one premises is the common property of the condominium and is under common ownership.
    • in paragraph 2 of Art. 543, it is determined that when a citizen acts as a subscriber under an energy supply agreement, the obligation to ensure the proper technical condition and safety of networks, as well as the serviceability of metering devices, rests with the heat supply organization, i.e. in this case, it is obliged to service the in-house systems.
  • In fact, there are no agreements between TSOs and residents. The volume of payments is determined by various schemes of agreement with administrations, and responsibility is prescribed in energy supply contracts between TSOs and ZhEOs, which, in the absence of a real sale and purchase, are actually insignificant.
  • A resident in such a situation is practically without rights. He has no contract with anyone. Who is responsible for what is unclear. It may be possible to sue, but the economic consequences are scanty. Complaints in heat supply organizations are answered that everything is in order and there are problems in the house, and the dispatcher of the housing and economic department, having found out that nothing is flowing, explains that heat supply modes are regulated by TCO, etc. The payments include the payment for heating m2, although in fact it is a payment for the supply of an undeciphered amount of Gigacalories without guarantees of thermal comfort. The payment for hot water is actually also a payment for an obscure amount of Gigacalories spent on heating hot water. Hot water itself is paid as cold water.
  • According to the "Rules for the use of public water supply systems in the Russian Federation", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 167, dated February 12, 1999, legal entities were defined as subscribers, i.e. for apartment buildings - ZHEO. Art. 11 of these rules determines that the supply of drinking water is carried out on the basis of an energy supply agreement concluded by the subscriber with the water supply and sewerage organization.
  • It turns out that housing and utility companies do not provide hot water services, but only distribute cold water among residents, thermal energy, for which residents buy heating on their own, receiving it with heated cold water as a heat carrier. The absurdity of the situation lies in the fact that the volume of cold water used to produce hot water must be determined by the metering devices installed at the inputs to the house or the central heating station, and the amount of thermal energy used to heat this water, according to the standards or according to the thermal energy metering devices, installed in apartments. Even if it is possible to coordinate water meters as these devices, it is not clear what to do with the difference formed in the house due to network losses or, more simply, theft? Who will compensate her?
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2003 No. 522 “On Federal Standards for Payment for Housing and Utilities for 2004” defines the standards for the marginal cost of housing and communal services per 1 m2 of total housing area, including water supply, hot water supply, and heating services. The methodology for determining federal standards provides for taking into account, as part of the services provided by housing and utility companies, the costs of purchasing drinking water and heat energy.

Eventually, in such an economic system there is neither a market buyer of thermal energy, nor an organization responsible for thermal comfort in apartments.

Consequences of the absence of a market buyer of thermal energy (capacity) and heat carrier

  • The main driving force of any market is missing - the buyer's control and economic responsibility to him.
  • There are no economic incentives to comply with the quality parameters of heat supply (temperature regime; physical, chemical, sanitary and hygienic characteristics of the heat carrier). The result is a widespread failure to maintain the standard temperature of the coolant, corrosion and scale in the internal systems of buildings.
  • There is no real energy saving.
  • There are practically no heat energy metering devices in municipal residential buildings, although they have long been installed in exactly the same, but cooperative houses.
  • The economic responsibility for shutting down heat supply is, at best, reduced to the exclusion of payment for the duration of the shutdown. To a large extent, this justifies the low reliability, although the unit costs for heat transport in Russia are the highest in the world, and the heating networks (according to the year of pipe replacement) are the newest.
  • The percentage of collection of payments from the population is very low, since there is no organization that is close to the residents of a particular building and is economically interested in collections, and the heat supply organization cannot technically turn off a particular apartment.
As a result, anything is justified by non-payments, everyone forgets about quality forever and everyone suffers equally - both those who pay and those who do not pay. That. a resident of an apartment building who regularly pays all invoices for goods and services that he does not understand does not receive the theoretically expected and gradually learns to be glad that the heating has not been completely turned off.

Consequences of the absence of an organization responsible to the resident for thermal comfort in apartments

  • A resident with his problems has no one to turn to. According to Art. 542 he can theoretically apply to a court of general jurisdiction with a claim against the TSO on the quality of thermal energy, but he will not be able to provide evidence in the absence of recording devices.
  • Even the incomplete requirements of the "Rules for the operation of the housing stock" prescribing the need to adjust ventilation when the wind speed and outside temperature change are not met; periodic control of apartments; permanent and floor-by-floor adjustment; control and permanent insulation of entrances, attics, basements, etc. It makes no sense to even talk about such subtle matters as accounting and analysis of thermal energy consumption; determination of the causes of increased costs and their elimination; energy saving in all possible manifestations, including through payback loans; public education, etc.
  • Energy-saving equipment, heat energy meters require additional costs for their maintenance. The absence of an economic mechanism to compensate for these costs by reducing the consumption of thermal energy leads to the fact that this equipment is operated at an extremely low technical level, and when it finally breaks down, it only becomes easier for everyone. Such examples are countless. At the same time, everyone is talking about energy saving, reducing it to the need to allocate additional budgetary funds.

Really existing housing maintenance organizations are only interested in the absence of complaints, and this is achieved by providing comfortable conditions in the coldest apartments while increasing the circulation of the coolant throughout the building, i.e. with massive overheating in warm weather and the corresponding loss of energy and funds.

Comparison of thermal and electrical energy

For many years, the norms developed for the electric power industry have been automatically transferred to heat supply. It is necessary to realize that thermal and electrical energy are goods that have fundamental differences, especially when used in multi-apartment residential buildings.

  • In the power supply there is no product similar in properties to the coolant.
  • The concept of power consumption in the electric power industry allows you to directly measure this power at any time. In heat supply, it is necessary to maintain huge reserve capacities at heat sources to pass the winter maximum, therefore, to assess it, the current heat consumption capacity has to be recalculated to the estimated outdoor air temperature.
  • The volume of electricity consumption depends only on the wishes of the residents, and the consumption of thermal energy also depends on the location of the apartment, the quality of the insulation of the house, and the regulation of ventilation.
  • The quality of electrical energy is rarely regulated at the level of the house. Often only voltage regulators are used in apartments. The quality of thermal energy, determined through the quality of the heat carrier, must be regulated at the level of the house. In the absence of such regulation, residents begin to destroy the unified heat supply system of the building, increasing the area of ​​heating devices, or draining water from them.
  • Lack of control of the chemical and bacteriological characteristics of the coolant leads to scale and corrosion of pipes, etc.
  • The possibilities of instrumental accounting are fundamentally different.
Electric energy meters are installed almost everywhere. Because of their cheapness, they are the simplest types, which do not allow residents to exercise quality control and, accordingly, make claims. The main thing is that they are recognized as commercial.
The installation of commercial heat energy meters in each apartment is practically unrealistic due to the high cost. In addition, maintenance access issues are added; control of theft of energy and coolant; distribution of costs for heating non-apartment premises; passive heating at the expense of neighbors, etc.
Different types of distributors are cheaper, but their use in Russian conditions of non-elite houses does not allow even the declared error of 15%, and they are not commercial devices.

It is somewhat easier with water meters, they are relatively cheap, they can be used in commercial calculations, but they are also not without drawbacks. First of all, this is the ease of changing (falsifying) readings (with a fishing line, magnet, vacuum cleaner, selection through a filter, replacing hot water with water from batteries). There is no possibility of accounting for heat consumption for heated towel rails.

Water meters do not allow to control the temperature of hot water and exclude from payment the discharge of water if its temperature is insufficient.

In commercial calculations for the thermal energy used to heat hot water, it is necessary to use the temperature of cold water measured at the input of the house, central heating or even at the heat source, depending on the type of heat supply system.

We have to admit that the mass organization of apartment-by-apartment commercial accounting in Russian multi-apartment residential buildings with predominantly single-pipe wiring is not realistic in the foreseeable future. The use of the simplest devices does not allow residents to be full-fledged market buyers with the ability to control the quality of the purchased goods and the rights to penalties for increased hardness of network water, non-compliance with the temperature schedule, poor-quality conservation of the system in the summer, non-compliance with sanitary standards for hot water, etc.

And the last. Although the expression “pay for light” remains, residents do not buy light, but electrical energy. This product is clear to them and they independently use it in various devices and devices. When electricity is used for heating with electric radiators, it would never occur to anyone to call an electrician with a complaint about insufficient air temperature.

In the absence of metering devices in apartments, residents do not perceive thermal energy as a commodity. They are interested in the result of using this energy, what they can measure - thermal comfort, measured by a thermometer, and the cost of this comfort, measured in rubles.

Thermal energy is used in apartment buildings only for air heating and hot water supply.

Thermal comfort is no longer thermal energy, it is not a product that can be sold somewhere further, it is a service that has competition only from hardening and warm clothes.

Residents of individual apartments are not able to provide themselves with this quality service. The quality of thermal comfort, which includes, in addition to air temperature, many more parameters, is affected not only by the quality of work of heat supply enterprises, but also by the quality of the maintenance of structural elements of the building, ventilation adjustment, adjustment of drains and floors, etc. The implementation of this service in the presence of an individual heat point involves the purchase of tap water, electricity and heat from a centralized heat supply system. At the same time, when using ventilation exhaust recuperators, it is possible to ensure thermal comfort without purchasing thermal energy at all up to an outdoor air temperature of +8 °C.

Thermal comfort services

The main difference between a thermal comfort service and a heating service is the presence of a specific result that is understandable to every resident. The heating system of a building can work very well, but the apartments will be cold. On the other hand, can the heating system work well if the apartments are warm, but this is ensured by excessive heat consumption?

Normative documents do not contain the concept of a service to ensure thermal comfort. There is no practice of providing such services, and accordingly there are no organizations economically responsible to residents for the quality of the air environment in apartments.
The introduction of such services into practice will not require any additional funds, because. this is the only service from the entire list of housing and communal services that allows the contractor to obtain a significant additional output not by increasing payments from the population, but by saving energy resources. The real return on investment through savings in multi-apartment residential buildings is possible only for projects to reduce heat consumption.

The market for these services for Russian conditions is practically eternal, it does not depend on the type of energy consumed (gas, electricity, thermal energy) and the type of heat source (DH, rooftop boilers, apartment boilers, heat pumps, etc.). It is only necessary to create an economic mechanism that allows enterprises providing these services to earn in an intricate system of subsidies, subsidies and benefits. This organizational decision will make it possible to obtain an economic effect greater than from all existing energy saving programs combined.

Can a heat supply organization provide services to ensure thermal comfort and hot water supply?

Maybe, but participating in the competition on a par with other organizations and offering the best conditions. In reality, this is possible where there is no competition, i.e. in small remote villages, under a separate agreement with homeowners associations or with administrations.

In large settlements, heat supply organizations are not competitive:

  • the best conditions can be offered by organizations operating a house in a complex, having a real opportunity to provide thermal comfort not by increasing consumption, but by reducing losses.
  • it is clear that TSOs cannot objectively control themselves and will hide information, and energy saving is not beneficial for TSOs, because reduces sales.
  • absurd are the situations when the seller sells the goods to himself.

Even in today's conditions of unsettled economic relations, the most difficult situation is observed where heat supply is carried out by complex housing and communal services enterprises that include boiler houses.

Foreign experience and opportunities in Russia

Almost everywhere, except for a few CIS countries, buyers of thermal energy in multi-apartment residential buildings are legal entities. most often these are cooperatives, partnerships, condominiums or building owners. For municipal buildings, the management company is appointed by the municipality.

In some former socialist countries, the start of heat at the beginning of the heating season is carried out only if there is a legal entity authorized to sign the contract.

Active administrative work made it possible in 1-2 years to create organizations everywhere representing the collective interests of residents and automatically solve the problems of completeness of payments, accounting for heat energy, distributing the difference between the readings of house water meters and the sum of readings of apartment meters, and stimulating energy saving.

Residents of each house through the procedure adopted by them for determining the collective opinion, solve their own problems.

For example, in many HOAs in Tallinn, the procedure and amount of financing for energy saving projects is determined by the general meeting of responsible representatives from each apartment. The meeting must be attended by at least 50% of the representatives, otherwise the next meeting is scheduled, the decisions of which are binding in the presence of more than 3 representatives from the apartment owners. Failure to comply with the decisions of the meeting allows you to include a judicial procedure for the sale of an apartment with the payment of debt and the issuance of the remaining amount to the former owner. The system of budgetary assistance is maximally personalized.

The overall result is the stabilization of tariffs for thermal energy and a decrease in the volume of its consumption.

One often hears: “The West has a different people, different traditions,” but after all, in Russian cooperative houses, without any state programs, metering devices have also been installed for a long time.

It is not necessary to postpone the implementation of effective economic schemes until the full privatization of apartments and the creation of partnerships. It is necessary to ensure the implementation of Article 5 of the Law "On the Fundamentals of Federal Housing Policy": “Citizens, non-governmental, public organizations and other voluntary associations of tenants, tenants and owners of residential premises in houses of all forms of ownership have the right to participate in the management of the housing stock at the place of residence in order to protect their economic and social rights and interests, to participate in the selection of operational and repair organizations". That. residents can unite to resolve any specific issue without creating a legal entity, for example, at a general meeting and decide on an organization representing their collective interests under an energy saving agreement.

V.G. Semenov, Editor-in-Chief, Heat Supply News
"News of heat supply", No. 2 (42), February, 2004,www.ntsn.ru


The federal law

"On heat supply in the Russian Federation"


Article 1. Scope of application and subject of legal regulation of the Federal Law

This Federal Law establishes the legal basis for the organization, operation and development of heat supply in the Russian Federation. This law applies to all types of relationships in the production, transmission, distribution and sale of thermal energy and heat carrier, except for cases when the production of thermal energy is carried out exclusively for the purposes of own consumption. Heat consumption in this law is considered only in terms of mutual influence and interaction of heat supply and heat consumption.

The subject of legal regulation of the Law is civil law relations that develop in heat supply, relations related to the regulation of activities for the organization and operation of heat supply, as well as the responsibility of executive authorities at all levels for the reliability, quality, efficiency and availability of heat supply.

Article 2. Purpose of the Federal Law

The purpose of this law is to ensure that consumers have access to high-quality, reliable heat supply, with minimal environmental impact, while observing the principles of energy and economic efficiency.

Article 3. Basic concepts

In application to this law, the concepts mean:

Heat supply- activities for the production, transmission, distribution, sale to consumers of thermal energy (capacity) and coolant.

Heating system- a set of technical devices providing heat supply to the settlement

District heating– heat supply to consumers from a heat source through a common heat network

Decentralized heat supply- heat supply to consumers from heat sources that are not connected to the general heat network

Heat supply– heat supply in the production of electricity and heat in a single technological cycle

Heat consumption– use of thermal energy and coolant.

Thermal energy- a term used to define the amount of energy supplied by a heat source to the network or received from the network

Heat supply development plan- a set of specific organizational, technical, management measures for the development of heat supply systems and ensuring the availability of high-quality, reliable heat supply to consumers, with minimal impact on the environment, observing the principles of energy and economic efficiency

Scheme of prospective development of heat supply systems - technical and economic electronic model of the heat supply system of the municipality

Quality of thermal energy and heat carrier- in heat supply it is characterized through a set of thermodynamic and chemical characteristics of the coolant, ensuring the suitability of thermal energy and coolant to meet the needs of the consumer.

Coolant - substance used to transfer heat energy

Hot water - tap water heated to a temperature prescribed by hygienic standards

Thermal energy source- a set of technical devices through which the production of thermal energy or the use of thermal waste for the purposes of heat supply is carried out.

Alternative energy sources– energy sources that are not based on the combustion of fossil fuels in the process of obtaining energy.

Renewable energy sources- sources that use non-stored solar energy in various forms (wind energy, biomass, solar radiation in solar panels, geothermal energy).

Heating network- a system of pipelines and devices located outside buildings or passing through buildings, designed to transfer heat energy and coolant

Thermal point- a set of technical devices by means of which the coolant parameters are reduced to those necessary for the consumer.

Central heating point- a heating point connected to the connected buildings by heating networks.

Individual heating point- a heating point that does not have heating networks after it.

Metering devices- meters certified accordingly, the readings of which are used in mutual settlements of the parties in the process of heat supply

Heat supply organization- an organization that performs any of the functions of production, transmission, distribution of thermal energy, sale of produced or purchased thermal energy (capacity) to consumers

Network heat supply organization- a heat supply organization that performs the functions of transferring heat energy and coolant

Heat transfer- a service for the transport of thermal energy and coolant over a distance through heating networks.

Heat distribution- dosing, changing the parameters of the heat carrier and preparing hot water in central heating points.

Consumer- a legal or natural person, a buyer of thermal energy (capacity) and heat carrier.

End-user- a consumer directly connected to district heating networks, buying thermal energy and heat carriers for their own needs, the needs of subconsumers or for the provision of paid services to ensure thermal comfort in the premises. There can't be more than one end user in one building. The distribution of thermal energy within a building between different owners and tenants does not apply to heat supply.

Subconsumer- an individual or legal entity whose thermal installations are connected to the thermal installations of the end user.

Regulatory body- a state body that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carries out state regulation in the field of heat supply.

Tariff for thermal energy (capacity) – rate system established by the regulatory body for settlements in the process of heat supply

Article 4 Basic principles of organizing relations in the field of heat supply

The main principles of organizing relations in the field of heat supply are:

ensuring reliable and high-quality heat supply

incentives to reduce costs and increase efficiency

providing opportunities and conditions for reasonable competition

providing the necessary conditions for attracting investments

development planning

development of district heating

minimization of state intervention in economic activity

ensuring the coordination of the activities of state authorities

delimitation of functions, powers and responsibilities of executive authorities of different levels

restriction of monopoly activities

technical regulation and supervision

development of an effective system of contractual relations

protection of the rights of consumers and heat supply organizations

protection of socially significant categories of consumers and the poor

minimization of negative impact on the environment


The state executive authorities, within the powers established by this Federal Law, are responsible for the implementation of the purpose of the Law set forth in Article 2.

Article 5 Powers of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies

1. Government of the Russian Federation:

approves the state policy in the field of heat supply

approves the national heat supply development plan

determines the structure, functions and responsibilities of the federal executive authorities that carry out state regulation in heat supply

approves the rules for tariff setting in heat supply in accordance with the principles established by this law

approves the basic requirements for heat supply contracts and standard heat supply contracts

approves the system of mandatory technical regulations and rules, determines the federal authorities responsible for their development, the frequency of updating

approves other generally binding legal documents regulating economic, legal and technical relations between participants in the heat supply process

approves the procedure for introducing external management in heat supply organizations that are unable to provide reliable, high-quality heat supply, as well as in crisis situations

takes measures of social protection of certain categories of citizens in accordance with the current legislation

creates a public collegial body "Council for Heat Supply", which has the right to give advice and proposals on important issues of state policy and strategy in heat supply

annually reports to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly on the work of the government to improve the heat supply market and its state regulation

2. Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation:

develops and implements the state policy in the field of heat supply

develops and implements a national heat supply development plan

coordinates state policy and the national plan for the development of heat supply with federal programs to increase energy efficiency in the consumption of thermal energy, programs for the use of atomic energy for heat supply and environmental programs

compiles the country's fuel and energy balances, including the "Heat supply" section

develops and approves the methodology for the development and approval of regional and municipal plans for the development of heat supply

develops and approves quality standards for thermal energy, heat carrier, heat supply and heat consumption

develops heat supply reliability standards that take into account the state of equipment of heat supply and heat consumption systems, the degree of redundancy by fuel, heat sources, heat networks and approves generally binding levels of reliability for different climatic zones.

through the state energy supervision authorities, controls the implementation of heat supply reliability standards in the regions, twice a year reports to the Government on regions with inadequate heat supply reliability with an analysis of the causes and proposals for improving the reliability of heat supply

develops and approves generally binding regulatory documents regulating the technical and organizational requirements for technological processes and equipment used in heat supply

develops and approves the rules and procedures for conducting a comprehensive feasibility study of heat supply systems of municipalities and heat supply enterprises

develops and approves uniform certification and qualification requirements for persons engaged in professional activities in the field of heat supply

performs the functions of state energy supervision

3. State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services:

develops and implements state policy and federal plans in the field of reducing the heat consumption of buildings

develops and approves generally binding regulatory documents for the design, construction, reconstruction, installation of equipment for heat supply and heat consumption facilities

develops and approves generally binding regulatory documents regulating the technical and organizational requirements for the operation of heat consumption systems in buildings, a methodology for assessing damage from non-design changes in heating systems

develops normative documents regulating the procedure for attracting funds from developers for energy saving purposes, instead of increasing the capacity of heat supply systems.

organizes explanatory work through the media about energy saving methods, the rights and obligations of heat supply, heat service organizations, municipal governments, consumers and citizens

4. Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation:

develops state policy in the field of heat supply and heat consumption in industry

develops and approves generally binding normative documents regulating the technical and organizational requirements for the operation of heat consumption systems in industry.

develops the state scientific and technical policy in the field of heat supply and heat consumption, finances priority scientific and technical projects

develops, together with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the State Committee for Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, balances of needs and forecasts of demand for energy-efficient equipment

Article 6 Powers of the Executive Authorities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation

Executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation:

ensure the organization of a regular comprehensive survey of heat supply systems of municipalities

develop and ensure the implementation of regional Heat Supply Development Plans

develop and ensure the implementation of investment programs for the development of heat supply, within their powers, provide guarantees for investment projects in heat supply and heat consumption

control the implementation of heat supply reliability standards, in case of non-compliance with the standards, take measures to restore the level of reliability

contribute to the organization of tenders for the conclusion of contracts with fuel suppliers for the needs of local heat supply systems

develop and implement a system of measures to prevent or promptly eliminate emergency situations in heat supply systems

Article 7 Powers of local governments

Local governments:

organize the development of municipal plans for the development of heat supply and ensure their implementation

have the right to demand from heat supply companies and consumers all the information necessary for the development of plans for the development of heat supply

organize investment competitions and provide, within their powers, guarantees for investment projects in heat supply and heat consumption

exercise control over the implementation of standards for the reliability of heat supply, the quality of thermal energy, heat carrier, heat supply and heat consumption

provide equal conditions for all participants in relations in the heat supply system

ensure the openness of information of an economic and technical nature regarding the functioning of heat supply systems and heat supply organizations

control the preparation of heat supply and heat consumption systems for the heating season, including the quality of installation and repair of heat networks

develop plans for the elimination of possible accidents of heat supply systems


Article 8 Participants in relationships in district heating systems

1. Participants of relations in the district heating system are:

heat supply organizations


end users

2. A heat supply organization may simultaneously be a consumer, but may not be the final consumer of the thermal energy supplied by it.

3. End consumers may be legal entities and individuals who dispose of buildings and structures on the basis of ownership or other legal grounds, as well as organizations authorized by them, including heat service ones.

4. In the absence of an organization representing the collective interests of residents of apartment buildings and dormitories, local governments must appoint an organization acting as the end consumer.

5. The boundary between the heat supply organization and the consumer is the place where the heat consuming installations of the consumer are connected to the heat source or heat networks of the heat supply organization

Article 9 Heat supply organizations.

1. Heat supply organizations can be of any legal form.

2. Consolidation of part or all of the property of heat supply organizations of different organizational legal forms should take place through the creation of joint-stock companies.

3. Municipal heat supply companies that operate heat networks must be adapted to the market by transforming them into joint-stock companies, including with the possibility of creating inter-municipal joint-stock companies.

4. In order to create equal conditions for the competition of heat supply organizations in the heat supply market, budget financing of heat supply organizations on a non-refundable basis is unacceptable.

5. The termination of heat supply activities by the organization or the reduction in the volume of heat energy production is possible only upon agreement with local authorities. If the termination of the activity of the heat supply organization will lead to a decrease in the reliability of the heat supply system, the local authorities have the right to postpone the termination of the activity of the heat supply organization for the period necessary to create replacement capacities.

6. The network heat supply organization is obliged to ensure the accounting of heat losses in the networks and the publicity of this information.

Article 10 Procedure for technological connection to district heating systems

1. A network heat supply organization, which, in accordance with the current legislation, is a subject of natural monopoly, cannot refuse to connect heat sources and heat consumption facilities to heat networks, except in cases where such connection is impossible for technical reasons, is not economically feasible, or endangers the reliability of supply previously joined consumers. A justified refusal to join must be submitted in writing within 30 days from the date of application.

2. Connection to heat networks is carried out on the basis of technical specifications issued by the network heat supply organization. The network heat supply organization must agree on the technical conditions for connection with an organization authorized by local governments to amend municipal plans for the development of heat supply to change the planned volume of heat consumption and determine the possibility of providing it in the most economical way.

3. The period of validity of the Specifications is 3 years, unless the developer justifies the need for a longer period. The technical conditions can be canceled by the network heat supply organization unilaterally in the absence of the start of the practical implementation of the technical conditions within a year from the date of issue.

4. All relations related to connection to heating networks are regulated by the connection agreement. Mandatory sections of the accession agreement are:

connection point

location of metering devices

rights and obligations of the parties

responsibility of the parties

conditions of accession and mutual settlements

term of accession conditions

5. The connection agreement must also define the conditions for the transfer of objects that ensure connection and are built at the expense of the consumer to the ownership or management of the network heat supply organization. Reimbursement of consumer connection costs must be implemented in one of the following ways:

granting the consumer an option to purchase shares of the grid heat supply organization in the amount of costs incurred at the price of shares of the grid heat supply organization at the time of conclusion of the connection agreement. The rules and procedure for granting an option for shares of a network heat supply organization are determined by the current legislation.

reimbursement of costs in the manner of inter-farm settlements between the consumer and the network heat supply organization, while the period for reimbursement of full costs, taking into account inflation, should not exceed 10 years

6. If the consumer is connected at the expense or with the participation of a network heat supply organization, the consumer must assume obligations to refuse to switch to decentralized heat supply for a period of 10 years. In the event of a subsequent transition to decentralized heat supply, the consumer is obliged to compensate the connection costs incurred by the network heat supply organization in proportion to the whole number of years remaining until the termination of the consumer's obligations to refuse to switch to decentralized heat supply.

7. The costs of connecting heat sources to the heat network shall be borne by the owner of the heat source.

8. In the event that the network heat supply organization fails to fulfill its obligations to connect within the period established by the contract, the network heat supply organization is obliged at its own expense to provide temporary decentralized heat supply to the consumer in accordance with the established heat supply quality standards from the moment of the period indicated by the contract, at tariffs not exceeding those accepted in the centralized system.

9. The network heat supply organization is responsible for maintaining in good condition the heat networks owned or legally disposed of by it. It is obliged to develop heat networks in such a way as to ensure the possibility of connecting to the network of consumers located in the district heating coverage area and reasonable competition between sources of heat energy.

Article 11 The order of organization of relations in district heating systems

1. The goods that are the subject of sale and purchase in the district heating market are thermal energy (capacity) and heat carrier

2. Relations arising between the participants of the district heating system and related to the sale and purchase of thermal energy (capacity) and heat carrier are carried out on the basis of the Heat Supply Agreement. The heat supply agreement does not apply to the relationship between the consumer and the subconsumer.

3. The heat supply contract is concluded upon fulfillment of the connection contract. The heat supply agreement concluded on the basis of the accession agreement must comply with all the technical parameters of the accession agreement. If the technical parameters are changed due to the fault of the heat supply organization that required changes in the technical installations of the consumer, the heat supply organization must compensate for the costs of these changes.

4. Extension of the term of heat supply contracts is mandatory for the heat supply organization. Refusal to extend the heat supply contract is possible only by mutual agreement of the parties or on the conditions specified in Chapter 4 of this Law.

5. Reliability and quality of heat supply cannot be below the level of standards, as well as contradict the requirements of standard heat supply contracts approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Mandatory sections of the heat supply agreement are:

graph of the dependence of the supply of thermal energy on the outdoor temperature

heat supply reliability

quality of supplied thermal energy and heat carrier

quality of heat consumption

metering of thermal energy and coolant

responsibility of the heat supply organization

consumer responsibility

conditions for terminating the contract

Other terms of the heat supply agreement are established by the parties on a contractual basis in accordance with applicable law.

7. The network heat supply organization is obliged, within the limits of its technical feasibility, to purchase thermal energy that meets all the requirements for quality and reliability from thermal energy sources that have offered the lowest cost, taking into account the costs of its transmission to the consumer.

8. The consumer has the right to independently set the start and end times for heating buildings, with the exception of the period of summer scheduled preventive maintenance agreed with local authorities.

9. The volumes and conditions for the production of thermal energy are established by the producer enterprise independently on the basis of concluded agreements with consumers. The price under the contract is set according to the agreements of the parties, but not higher than the level of the marginal tariff.

Article 12 Disconnection of consumers from the district heating system

1. The heat supply organization has the right to limit the supply of thermal energy by reducing the flow of the heat carrier (without reducing the temperature of the heat carrier in the supply pipeline) up to a complete shutdown in case of non-payment or incomplete payment by the consumer of the consumed energy and heat carrier for a period of more than three months, on the terms established by the heat supply agreement.

2. The heat supply organization has the right to interrupt heat supply by notifying the consumer at least 10 days in advance when:

the consumer has exceeded the rights given to him by the conditions of accession, or has not fulfilled the obligations assumed by these conditions

the access of the heat supply organization to metering devices for their verification, replacement or other network work on the territory of the end consumer is prevented

3. The heat supply organization is obliged, before the termination of heat supply in the cases specified in paragraph 2 of this article, to provide the consumer with a reasonable time to eliminate the shortcomings

4. Consumers entitled to uninterrupted heat supply are provided with a continuous supply of thermal energy through connection to various sections of the heating network, which can operate autonomously in the event of technical failures, or by installing reserve sources of thermal energy. In the event that consumers entitled to uninterrupted heat supply use the district heating system as a reserve, they must pay a tariff for the capacity of the heat consumption system connected to the heating network.

5. Switching off the consumer does not release him from the obligation to pay the tariff for the capacity of heat consumption systems.

Article 13 Operational dispatch control in heat supply

1. For cities with a population of less than 200,000 people, it is not recommended, and for cities with a population of more than 200,000 people, it is not allowed to combine in one heat supply organization activities for the production and transmission of thermal energy, except in cases where the sources of thermal energy that are part of network heat supply organizations operate in peak load mode, or the installed thermal power of the source does not exceed 20 Gcal/hour.

2. Heating networks belonging to different owners and having common hydraulic connections must be united under one operational dispatch control.

3. Operational dispatch control consists in managing the hydraulic and temperature modes of heat energy transfer.

4. Operational and dispatching control is carried out by that network heat supply organization, to the networks of which sources of thermal energy with the maximum total installed capacity are connected.

5. The owners of heat network assets transferred to operational management are limited in exercising their rights in terms of:

the right to conclude an agreement for the provision of services for the transmission of thermal energy and heat carrier through networks transferred to operational dispatch control, and determine the terms of these agreements

the right to use (decommission) the said facilities without agreement with the organization exercising operational dispatch control

The introduction of other restrictions on the rights of owners or other legal owners of heating network facilities is not allowed

6. The network heat supply company, which carries out operational dispatch control, concludes agreements with the owners of heat network assets transferred under operational dispatch control, which determine the procedure for using these assets. The conclusion of such contracts is obligatory for the owners or other legal owners of heat grid facilities, and the price determined by the contract is the amount that ensures the return to the owners or other legal owners of heat grid facilities of the income received as a result of exercising their rights and reduced by the amount of the costs of implementation operational dispatch control

7. The cost of services of operational dispatch control in heat supply is determined by the regulatory body.

8. For CHPPs operating in the combined generation mode and of systemic importance in the generation of electricity, operational dispatch control is carried out in accordance with the legislation on the electric power industry.

Article 14 Planning in heat supply

1. Regional plans for the development of heat supply should not contradict the national plan for the development of heat supply. Municipal plans for the development of heat supply should not contradict regional plans for the development of heat supply.

2. The main objective of the Municipal Heat Supply Development Plans is to ensure such functioning and such development of the heat supply system in the medium and long term, when meeting the needs of consumers in heat energy and heat carrier will be carried out at the lowest price without exceeding the limits of the negative impact on the environment.

3. Municipal plans for the development of heat supply must be developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

4. All heat supply organizations operating in the territory of the municipality, other legal entities associated with heat supply, organizations representing the interests of consumers should take part in the preparation of the Municipal Heat Supply Development Plan.

5. Municipal plans for the development of heat supply must be reviewed at least once every 5 years, taking into account the development of technologies for the production and transmission of heat, changes in environmental pollution and other factors that can have a significant impact on the development of heat supply in the municipality.

6. The main sections of the Municipal Heat Supply Development Plan are:

analysis of the current situation in the heat supply system of the municipality

analysis of the main problems and directions for their solutions

forecast of changes in demand for thermal energy

the possibility of using excess heat energy and energy from alternative and renewable heat sources

long-term planning scheme for the development of heat supply

7. The long-term planning scheme for the development of heat supply is a technical and economic electronic model of the heat supply system of the municipality, which allows simulating changes in the parameters of the heat supply system during the implementation of investment projects, decisions in the field of energy saving and other measures to improve the quality of the heat supply system. The long-term planning scheme for the development of heat supply should be updated every time the characteristics of the heat supply system change.

8. Municipal plan for the development of heat supply, the results of modeling investment projects on the long-term planning scheme are public documents.

Article 15. Technical regulation and control (supervision) in the field of heat supply

Note: This article is under development

1. The peculiarities of technical and energy supervision in heat supply are the unconditional fulfillment by all participants in relations in heat supply of the goals of this law, and control over the completeness of its implementation.

2. To determine the possibility of financing the implementation of new or expanding existing mandatory state requirements in the field of technical control (supervision) and regulation, the state bodies prescribing these norms must coordinate them with the federal body regulating tariffs.

Article 16 Requirements for the accounting of thermal energy and the procedure for payments for thermal energy

1. All calculations between heat supply participants, with a heat consumption capacity above 0.1 Gcal / h, are carried out based on the readings of heat energy meters.

2. The heat supply organization is obliged to ensure accounting at the end consumer. Obligations for the installation of metering devices and their verification are assigned to heat supply organizations.

3. The consumer is obliged to provide representatives of the heat supply organization with access to metering devices

4. The consumer is responsible for the safety of metering devices located at the consumer's.

5. When the consumer changes the power of heat consumption, the network heat supply company replaces or reconfigures metering devices and equipment that limits the power of consumption, and the consumer compensates for these costs.

6. The conditions for accounting for thermal energy and the conditions for mutual settlements based on accounting data are determined by the parties to the Heat Supply Agreement. Accounting for heat energy can be carried out both by one of the parties to the contract, and by a third-party organization.

7. The parties that have entered into an agreement may require an unscheduled verification of metering devices. If the claims are not confirmed, the verification costs are borne by the party that initiated it. If the claim is confirmed, the volume of heat consumption presented for payment must be changed in accordance with the data of the previous verification and the results of the verification carried out.

8. The methodology for distributing payment for consumed heat energy by a multi-apartment residential building between owners, tenants of individual apartments, as well as end-users and sub-consumers is established by the State Committee for Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

9. The purchase of metering devices should be carried out on the basis of tenders organized by the heat supply organization together with local authorities.

Article 17 Liability of legal and natural persons

1. The boundaries and measures of responsibility of the participants in relations in heat supply are regulated by the Heat Supply Agreement.

2. Legal entities and individuals guilty of damaging or stealing equipment of heat supply systems, violating the security zones of heat supply facilities, unauthorized connection to heat networks and theft of heat energy and coolant, as well as other actions that can lead to damage in heat supply, to a decrease in safety objects of heat supply and reliability of heat supply to consumers, bear material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Federal, regional and local executive authorities are not entitled to interfere in the technological and economic activities of heat supply organizations, except as otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Article 18 Rights of legal entities and individuals to decentralized heat supply

1. For any legal or natural person who is a developer or owner, there are no restrictions on the right to choose decentralized heat supply, subject to the conditions established in this article.

2. Individuals who are owners of residential premises in an apartment building can exercise their right to decentralized heat supply, provided that such a decision is made by the majority of the residents of the building.

3. Legal entities or individuals connected to the district heating system without fixing the disconnection conditions at the request of the consumer in the connection agreement can be disconnected from the district heating system without compensating the heat supply organization for any kind of financial loss.

4. Legal entities or individuals connected to district heating at the expense of a heat supply organization may be disconnected from the district heating system subject to reimbursement of the costs of the heat supply organization on the terms specified in the connection agreement.

5. The costs of disconnection from the centralized heat supply shall be borne by a legal or natural person who has expressed a desire to disconnect from the centralized heat supply.

6. Disconnecting a legal or natural person from the district heating system does not exempt from paying the tariff for the capacity of heat consumption systems.

7. The consequences of disconnecting the consumer from the district heating system should be analyzed on the scheme for the prospective development of heat supply. In the event that the disconnection of a consumer will lead to an increase in the average cost of heat supply for other consumers, the local authorities have the right to postpone the disconnection, but not more than 2 years.

7. Requirements for the design and construction of infrastructure for district heating systems are regulated by regulatory and technical documentation developed and approved by the relevant organizations and departments.


Article 19 Stimulation of investments and provision of state guarantees

1. Investment projects in the development of heat networks are stimulated by the inclusion of an investment component in the tariff for heat networks.

2. State guarantees for investment projects in the development of the capacities of thermal energy sources are provided only if there are no alternative economically justified projects to achieve the same effect through energy saving. Providing such guarantees falls within the competence of local and regional authorities. Investment projects related to alternative and renewable sources of thermal energy and district heating have priority for providing guarantees.

3. The investment policy of federal, regional and municipal authorities is established and specified in the Heat Supply Development Plans.


Article 20 Principles of regulation of tariffs in heat supply

1. In order to create an efficient heat energy market, improve the quality and reliability of heat supply, encourage heat supply organizations and consumers to improve energy efficiency, minimize consumer costs, state regulation of tariffs in heat supply should be based on the following principles:

ensuring the unity of tariff regulation with the transfer of all issues of tariff setting to one regulatory body in the region

reasonable policy in the field of tariff setting for natural gas, which does not give unreasonable advantages to systems of centralized or decentralized heat supply

covering the justified costs of heat supply organizations

protecting consumers from unjustified price increases

freedom of entrepreneurial activity in the production of thermal energy within the marginal tariff for the production of thermal energy and heat carrier

restriction of natural monopoly activities for the transmission of thermal energy in district heating systems

the use of profit calculation models that encourage cost reduction, the rejection of the method of calculating profit as a percentage of the amount of costs

exclusion from the calculation base of regulated tariffs of unreasonable costs for repair work, including the relocation of heating networks, caused by poor-quality operation or poor quality of work

use of fuel prices determined by the results of open tenders

separate regulation of tariffs for heat carrier, production, transmission, distribution and accounting of heat energy

application of tariffs for transmission, distribution and metering of thermal energy in the form of single-rate tariffs for heat consumption capacity

determination of an economically justified level of energy efficiency of heat supply systems in each region

setting base prices and tariffs. Calculation of basic prices and tariffs according to standard methods, regardless of the actual state of heat supply systems. Determination of multiplying coefficients to base prices and tariffs, taking into account the actual state of heat supply systems

exclusion of the use of fees for inefficiently invested capital as part of the tariffs, when the payment for investments exceeds the cost savings

exclusion of the use in the composition of tariffs of expenses associated with excess losses of thermal energy and heat carrier and other unreasonable expenses

economic incentives for the consumer to comply with heat consumption quality standards, including lowering the temperature of the return network water

economic incentives for heat supply organizations to reduce the period of shutdown of heat supply during the period of summer preventive maintenance

economic incentives for heat supply organizations to comply with the standards of reliability and quality of heat supply of thermal energy and heat carrier

2. The tariff authority may, at the request of the heat supply organization, establish a formula for determining the marginal tariff for a period of up to three years. The formula for determining the marginal tariff is used when the costs of the heat supply organization increase for reasons beyond its control.

3. The following are subject to state regulation in heat supply:

for sources of thermal energy - one-part marginal tariffs for supplied thermal energy and coolant

for heating networks - one-part tariffs for the capacity of heat consumption systems connected to the heating network

for organizations carrying out accounting - the tariff for the organization of metering of thermal energy and heat carrier at the end consumer

4. The tariff for the end consumer consists of the average purchase price of thermal energy and heat carrier from the source and the tariff of the network heat supply organization.

5. When introducing new, or expanding existing mandatory state requirements in the field of technical control and regulation, the costs of their implementation should be taken into account in the tariff.


Article 21 Entry into force of this Federal Law and its individual articles

Article 22 On bringing regulatory legal acts in line with this law

There are two main types of thermal energy sources (heat carriers - steam and hot water): boiler houses and thermal power plants.

If the CHP is a source of both thermal and electrical energy, then the boiler house produces only heat.

Boiler room is a set of devices, consisting of boilers, auxiliary equipment and fuel storage, preparation and transport systems; preparation, storage and transport of water; ash and slag removal, as well as facilities for cleaning flue gases and water.

The main element of any source of thermal energy is a boiler plant that produces steam or hot water. A boiler plant is a combination of a boiler and auxiliary equipment. A boiler is a complex of devices structurally integrated into a single unit for producing steam or heating water under pressure due to thermal energy from fuel combustion. Boilers are divided into steam, hot water and steam - hot water.

Steam boilers are divided into power and industrial heat power boilers.

Power boilers are part of thermal power plants and are used to produce superheated water vapor of various pressures and temperatures. Industrial heat power boilers are used to generate saturated or superheated steam of low and medium parameters. This steam is used either as technological in the production processes of the enterprise, or for the preparation of hot water for the needs of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water supply (DHW).

Hot water boilers can be installed both at thermal power plants and in boiler houses. The water heated in them is used for the same needs.

Steam boilers are classified according to a number of features: design, layout of the heating surface, performance, steam parameters, type of fuel used, method of fuel supply and combustion, flue gas pressure.

Widespread steam boilers are vertical water tube boilers of the DKVR type, designed to produce saturated steam at a pressure of 1.4 MPa. Their steam capacity is 4; 6.5; ten; 20 t / h when working on solid fuel and increases by 1.3 ... 1.5 times when working on fuel oil and gas. At present, instead of DKVR, a new series of boilers is being produced with a capacity of 2.5 to 25 tons of saturated or superheated steam per hour of types KE (for layered combustion of solid fuel) and DE (for operation on fuel oil and gas).

In industrial heat power engineering, steam boilers of the U-shaped layout of the types GM50-14/250, GM50-1, BK375-39/440 are also used. GM type boilers can run on gas or fuel oil, and BKZ can also run on solid fuel.

Steam boilers differ in design, type, performance, steam parameters and type of fuel used.

Boilers of small (up to 25 t/h) and medium (160...220 t/h) productivity with steam pressure up to 4 MPa are used in industrial and heating boiler houses to generate thermal energy in the form of steam for technological and heating domestic needs. .

Boilers with a capacity of up to 220 t/h have natural circulation without intermediate overheating of steam and are used in industrial heat and power plants and thermal power plants.

Hot water boilers are designed to prepare a heat carrier in the form of hot water for technological and household use (heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water supply).

Hot water boilers can be cast iron sectional and steel water tube.

Cast iron sectional hot water boilers, for example, types KCh-1, "Universal", "Bratsk", "Energia", etc. differ in size and configuration of cast iron sections; the power of these types of boilers is 0.12 ... 1 MW.

Steel hot water boilers are marked TVG, PTVM and KV. These boilers release water with a temperature of up to 150°C and a pressure of 1.1 ... 1.5 MPa, thermal conductivity from 30 to 180 Gcal / h (35 ... 209 MW).

PTVM type boilers run on gas and fuel oil. Boilers type KB are unified, designed to operate on solid, gaseous and liquid fuels. Depending on the type and method of fuel combustion, KB boilers are divided into KVTS (layer mechanized furnaces), KVTK (chamber furnace for burning pulverized fuel), KVGM (for burning gas and fuel oil).

Combined heat and power plants (CHP) are stations for the combined generation of electrical and thermal energy. Superheated steam from the boiler is supplied to the steam turbine blades mounted on the rotor. Under the influence of steam energy, the turbine rotor rotates. This rotor is rigidly connected by means of a coupling to the rotor of the electric generator, during the rotation of which electricity is generated. The steam, which has partially given up its energy in the turbine, is supplied to consumers either for technological use or for heating water supplied to consumers.

CHPPs use heat-and-power turbines with intermediate heat-and-power extractions of steam and backpressure turbines.

The thermal diagram of a CHP plant with turbine backpressure is shown in fig. 5, where: 1 - steam boiler, 2 - steam turbine, 3. electric generator, 4 - heat consumer, 5 - condensate pump, 6 - deaerator, 7 - feed pump.

The thermal scheme of CHPP with heat-extraction turbines is shown in fig. 6, where 1, 2, 3, 4 correspond to the designations of Fig. 5, 5 - network pump, 6-condenser, 7 - condensate pump, 8 - deaerator, 9 - feed pump.

Figure 5. Figure 6.

CHP with backpressure turbines is characterized by the fact that the production of electricity here is strictly connected with the release of thermal energy, the operation of such a station is advisable only if there are large consumers of heat with a constant consumption of it throughout the year, for example, enterprises of the chemical or oil refining industry.

CHP plants with cogeneration turbines do not have this disadvantage and can operate equally efficiently in a wide range of thermal loads. The thermal circuit has a condenser, and steam for heating water is released from the intermediate stages of the turbine. The amount of steam and its parameters are adjustable; such extractions are called cogeneration extractions, in contrast to the extractions used for regenerative heating of feed water.

For the heat supply of cities and towns, heating boilers are used. They are:

a) individual (house) or group for individual buildings or a group of buildings. The heat output of such boiler houses is 0.5 ... 4 MW, the type of boilers is hot-water cast-iron sectional boilers, the coolant temperature is 95 ... 115 ° C, the efficiency on coal is 60-70%, on gas and fuel oil - 80-85%;

b) quarterly for heat supply of a quarter or microdistrict. Heat output - 5 ... 50 MW, type of boilers - steel steam type DKVR or DE and hot water types KVTS, KVGM, TVG, coolant temperature 13O ... 15O ° C, efficiency on coal - 80-85%, on gas and fuel oil - 85-92%;

c) district for heat supply of one or more residential areas. Heat output - 70 ... 500 MW, type of boilers - steel hot water types PTVM, KVTK, KVGM, coolant temperature 150 ... 200 ° C, efficiency on coal - 80-88%, on gas and fuel oil - 88-94% ; or steam type DKVR, DE, GM-50.

If a boiler room, in addition to the needs of heating and hot water supply (DHW) I, releases steam, then such a boiler room is called an industrial heating boiler. If the boiler house provides thermal energy in the form of steam and hot water only for the needs of the enterprise, then such a boiler house is called industrial. Boiler rooms can also be with only hot water boilers (hot water boiler house), only with steam boilers (steam boiler house) and with steam and hot water boilers (steam and hot water boiler house). An example of a heating boiler house with steam boilers is shown in a simplified diagram of fig. 7.

Figure 7

Here 1 is a feed pump, 2 is a steam boiler, 3 is a steam reduction unit (RU), 4 is steam transport for the technological needs of the enterprise, 5 is a pipeline for feeding a heating network, 6 is a network pump, 7 is heat exchangers for heating network water, 8 - heating network, 9 - deaerator.

A heat network is a system of firmly and tightly interconnected sections of steel pipes (heat pipeline), through which heat is transported from sources (CHP or boiler houses) to heat consumers using a coolant (steam or, more often, hot water).

Heating mains are underground and aboveground. Above-ground laying of heat networks is used at a high level of groundwater, dense development of areas for laying heating mains, highly rugged terrain, the presence of multi-track railways, on the territories of industrial enterprises in the presence of already existing energy or technological pipelines on overpasses or high supports.

Diameters of pipelines of heat networks range from 50 mm (distribution networks) to 1400 mm (main networks).

About 10% of heating networks are laid above ground. The remaining 90% of heating networks are laid underground. About 4% are laid in through channels and tunnels (semi-through channels). About 80% of heating networks are laid in impassable channels. About 6% of heating networks are laid channelless. This is the cheapest laying, but, firstly, it is the most susceptible to damage and, secondly, it requires high repair costs, especially when laying in acidic wet soils of the Northwest.

Thermal energy is used in the process of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water supply, steam supply.

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning are used to create comfortable living and working conditions for people. The volume of heat energy consumption for these purposes is determined by the season and depends primarily on the outdoor temperature. Seasonal consumers are characterized by a relatively constant daily heat consumption and its significant fluctuations by season.

Hot water supply - household and technological - year-round. It is characterized by a relatively constant flow throughout the year and is independent of the outside temperature.

Steam supply is used in technological processes of blowing, steaming, steam drying.

Heating can be local or centralized. The simplest type of local heating is a wood-burning stove, which is a brickwork with a firebox and a flue system to remove combustion products. The heat released during the combustion process heats the masonry, which in turn gives off heat to the room.

Local heating can be carried out using gas-fired heaters, which are small in size and weight and have high efficiency.

Apartment heating systems are also used. The source of heat is a water heater on solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. Water is heated in the apparatus, supplied to the heating devices and, having cooled, returns to the source.

In local heating systems, air can be used as a heat carrier. Air heating devices are called fire-air or gas-air units. In the premises, air is supplied by fans through a duct system.

Local heating with electrical appliances produced in the form of portable devices of various designs has become widespread. In some cases, stationary electric heaters with secondary heat carriers (air, water) are used.

At enterprises, local heating is practically not used in industrial premises, but it can be used in administrative and amenity premises (mainly electrical appliances).

Centralized is a heating system with one common (central) source of heat. This is a heating system for an individual building, a group of buildings, one or several quarters, and even a small city (for example, one heat source is used for heating and hot water supply in the city of Sosnovy Bor in the Leningrad Region - the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant).

The systems also differ in the type of heat transfer to the room air: convective, radiant; type of heating devices: radiator, converter, panel.

On fig. 8 shows a two-pipe central water heating system in which water enters the heating devices through hot risers and is discharged through cold ones. In this case, the water temperature is the same in all devices, regardless of their location.

Designations fig. 8: 1 - boiler room, 2 - main riser, 3 - heaters, 4 - expansion tank, 5 - hot main, 6 - hot riser, 7 - cold riser, 8 - return line.

Figure 8

A single-pipe central heating system (Fig. 9) differs from a two-pipe one in that water enters the heating devices and is discharged from them through the same riser. The scheme of a single-pipe system can be flow-through (Fig. 9, a), with axial closing sections (Fig. 9, b), with mixed closing sections (Fig. 9, c). The designations are the same as in Fig. eight.

Figure 9

In flow systems, water sequentially passes through all devices of the riser, in systems with axial closing sections, water partially passes through the devices, partly through the closing sections common to two devices on the same floor, in systems with mixed closing sections, the water branches off through two closing sections.

In single-pipe systems, the temperature of the water decreases in the direction of its movement, that is, the devices on the upper floors are hotter than the devices on the lower floors. In these systems, the consumption of metal for risers is somewhat less, but the installation of closing sections is required.

Heating devices installed in heated rooms are made of cast iron and steel and have various structural forms from smooth pipes, bent or welded into blocks (registers), to radiators, finned pipes and heating panels.

Hot water must be of the same quality as drinking water, as it is used for hygienic purposes. The water temperature should be within 55.. .60°С.

Distinguish between local and central hot water supply. Local hot water supply is carried out with the help of autonomous and intermittent water heaters with a device for distributing and analyzing hot water. Water heaters run on solid fuel (coal, wood), gas and can be electric. According to the principle of operation, water heaters are divided into capacitive and flowing.

The central hot water supply system is used for objects with a thermal power of over 60 kW. The system is part of the internal water supply and is a network of pipelines that distribute hot water between consumers.

Figure 10.

On fig. 10 shows a central hot water supply system with recirculation, where 1 is the first stage water heater, 2 is the second stage water heater, 3 is the supply line, 4 is the water risers, 5 is the circulation risers, 6 is the shut-off valves, 7 is the circulation line, 8 is the pump .

Circulation risers prevent cooling of water in risers in the absence of water intake. The source of heat is water heaters (boilers) located in the thermal input of the building or in a group heating point.

Ventilation is used to introduce clean air into the room and remove polluted air in order to ensure the required sanitary and hygienic conditions. The air supplied to the room is called supply air, and the air removed is called exhaust air.

Ventilation can be natural or forced. Natural ventilation occurs under the influence of the density difference between cold and warm air, its circulation occurs either through special channels or through open vents, transoms and windows. With natural ventilation, the pressure is small and, accordingly, air exchange is small.

Forced ventilation is carried out with the help of fans that supply air and remove it from the room with high efficiency.

According to the type of air flow organization, ventilation can be general and local. General exchange provides air exchange in the entire volume of the room, and local - in certain parts of the room (at workplaces).

The ventilation system that only removes air from the room is called exhaust, the ventilation system that only supplies air to the room is called supply air.

In residential buildings, as a rule, a general exchange natural exhaust ventilation system is used. Outdoor air enters the premises by infiltration (through leaks in the fences), and polluted indoor air is removed through the exhaust ducts of the building. Losses of thermal energy from cold outside air are replenished by the heating system and amount to 5.. .10% of the heating load in winter.

In public and industrial buildings, supply and exhaust forced ventilation is usually arranged, and the consumption of thermal energy is taken into account separately.

Air conditioning is giving it the desired properties, regardless of the external meteorological conditions. This is ensured by special devices - air conditioners, which purify the air from dust, heat it, humidify or dehumidify it, cool it, move it, distribute it and automatically adjust the air parameters.

Air conditioning systems for industrial premises at instrument-making, radio-electronic, food, textile enterprises, the air environment of which is subject to high requirements, are widely used.

The main task of the air conditioner is the thermal and moisture treatment of air: in winter the air should be heated and humidified, in summer it should be cooled and dried.

The air is heated in heaters, cooled in surface or contact coolers, similar in design to heaters, but cold water or a refrigerant (ammonia, freon) circulates in the cooling pipes.

Dehumidification of air is obtained as a result of contact with the surface of the cooler, the temperature of which is below the dew point of the air - condensation forms on this surface.

For air irrigation, water supply nozzles or wetted surfaces with labyrinth passages are used.